Apr Test - 2017 - With Answers
Apr Test - 2017 - With Answers
Apr Test - 2017 - With Answers
Examination Test* to be
held during month(s) of Test, 05th April 2017
(*delete as applicable)
Year of Study
(Arts & Science leave blank) 1st Year
Faculty/ies presenting
candidates Science; Commerce, Law and Management
Internal examiner(s)
and telephone extension Dr H Hove (Ext. 76293)
number(s) Mrs A Kaduma Gumbie (Ext. 72685)
External examiner(s)
Section A (Descriptive Statistics)
Question 1 (8 marks)
1 𝑁 1 2 2𝑁 1 𝑁2
[∑𝑖=1 ( ) − ∑𝑁
𝑖=1 𝑥 + ∑𝑁
𝑖=1 2 ],
𝑁 𝑥 𝑖 1 𝑖 1
( 𝑁 ) ( 𝑁 )
∑𝑖=1 𝑥𝑖 ∑𝑖=1 𝑥𝑖
show that the mean is given as 1 .
𝑖=1 𝑥𝑖
(8 marks)
Answer: (please see Anna)
Question 2 (6 marks)
a. ∑4𝑗=1 ∑𝑖=1 6𝑖 𝑗 (3marks)
Answer: 7080
b. ∑2𝑖=1 ∑5𝑐=1 (3 marks)
Answer: 𝟑 ≈ 𝟑. 𝟕𝟒𝟔𝟗𝟒
𝒚𝒊 25 16 9 64 36 4 1
𝒛𝒊 76 77 76 75 80 65 70
(8 marks)
Question 4 (5 marks)
Letters in the word TREES are to be used to form words, with or without meaning.
a) In how many ways can all the letters in the word TREES be arranged such
that the consonants must be in alphabetical order. (2 marks)
Answer: 10
b) How many 3 letter words can be formed from the letters of the word TREES?
(3 marks)
Answer: 33
Question 5 (3 marks)
Ten people walk into a small downtown restaurant that serves 6 types of drinks.
a) If each person orders a drink, how many different drink orders are there from
the waiter’s point of view? (1 mark)
Answer: 60466176
b) Assume each person places an order that is a nonnegative integer. That is, it
is possible that some did not order, and others may order more than one type
of drink. Each person does not order more than one drink of each type. In
how many ways can the ten people place drink orders from the kitchen’s point
of view? (2 marks)
Answer: 3003
Question 6 (3 marks)
Joe stays 5 blocks north and eight blocks west of Ruth as shown in the grid
West East
Each time Joe visits Ruth, he walks only eastward and southward. How many
different routes can Joe walk to visit Ruth if he does NOT want to pass through
the circled point?
(3 marks)
Answer: 727
Question 7 (9 marks)
a) How many different teams are possible if 1 man and 1 woman refuse to work
in the same team? (4 mark)
Answer: 550
b) The 7 employees who did not make the team have the consolation of electing a
team leader. The 7 voting employees agree that the team leader must have
leadership experience. Tom, Ann, Jane, Pete, Eve and Adam made the team
but only Ann, Tom and Eve have leadership experience. For a candidate to be
declared team leader, s/he must receive at least 4 votes. In how many ways
may the team leader be elected? (5 marks)
Answer: 1137