Instructions For Conducting Online Examination System: Teachers
Instructions For Conducting Online Examination System: Teachers
Instructions For Conducting Online Examination System: Teachers
1. Go to your course and turn editing on
2. Create quiz on LMS (
a. Step-by-step guide to add Quiz on LMS
b. How to Create Quiz on LMS
c. Import Question bank and adding questions into the quiz on LMS
3. In quiz settings,
a. Set quiz timings
i. 60 mins for 60 MCQs is enough time.
ii. When time expires, open attempts are submitted automatically.
b. Set Layout by setting Navigation Method to “Sequential”
c. Select “Deferred Feedback” in Question behavior
d. Turn on “Safe Exam Browser”
i. Select “Yes-Configure manually” in field “Require the use of Safe Exam
e. Change the Extra restrictions on attempts to set password and web camera
must be acknowledged before starting an attempt
1. “Safe Browser” must be installed on the Laptop using link:
2. Do not attempt to edit configuration of Safe Exam Browser. In case of any such
attempt, your exam will be cancelled.
3. Each exam is of 60 minutes duration having 60 MCQs. Students are required to
attempt ‘60’ MCQs in first 60 minutes.
4. Attempt the exam on the time given in the date sheet. No extra time will be given.
5. Students must have stable internet connection preferably with UPS backup.
6. Webcam is mandatory. Without camera examination will not start.
7. Do not hide your identity. Do not use Face Mask / Veil.
8. Do not use helping tools Hand Free / Mobile Phone During Exam. If someone found
using helping tools, his paper will be canceled.
9. Student must have peaceful environment and No one should be around the students
at the time of Examinations.
10. If anyone else found around the student, the examination of the student will not be
considered valid and stand cancelled.
11. If exam application not working properly; do not waste your time, close the Safe Exam
Browser and restart the exam. Exam will resume from last saved point.
12. If computer is shut down during Exam due to any reason, Paper will resume from last
13. Exam can only be resumed in the time slot given in the date sheet.
What if Paper / Exam Remains Incomplete due to any technical reason:
1. If any student gets stuck due to electricity and could not login during the time of
examinations, he will be required to email immediately to the Course
Teacher/Advisor/Head of Department mentioning his inability / hardship. His/her
online examination will be rescheduled at the end of examinations in the second
2. If students’ session / examinations terminates due to any technical reason, he will be
allowed to login again on resumption of his internet / electricity only if it happens with
in examinations allotted time and his examination will resume from where it was
terminated. Otherwise, he will be required to email immediately to the Course
Teacher/Advisor/Head of Department mentioning his inability / hardship and his
online examination will be rescheduled at the end of examinations in the second
• If any student do not have laptop with working webcam, he/she must be allowed to
come on-campus to conduct exam. Labs would be open to facilitate students during
exams timings.
• Hostels may be temporarily provided to students facing hardships during exams.
• In case of transport/accommodation issues, student must inform Head of
Department in advance. University may request a near-by educational institute to use
labs to conduct exam.