2437 The Complex Path To Simple Elegance The Story of 432 Park Avenue
2437 The Complex Path To Simple Elegance The Story of 432 Park Avenue
2437 The Complex Path To Simple Elegance The Story of 432 Park Avenue
Title: The Complex Path to Simple Elegance: The Story of 432 Park Avenue
Subjects: Architectural/Design
Building Case Study
Interior Design
Structural Engineering
Harry Macklowe
Chairman This paper chronicles the development and design of 432 Park Avenue, New York, which,
Macklowe Properties, Inc., is the tallest residential building in the Western Hemisphere, and one of the world’s most
New York City, USA
luxurious. The extraordinary building is deceptively simple in appearance, when in fact it is
the culmination of years of intensive optimization under challenging financial, engineering,
and regulatory constraints.
Macklowe Properties was founded by Harry Macklowe nearly
50 years ago. Mr. Macklowe’s contributions to Manhattan’s
skyline have totaled over 13 million square feet and range
from 432 Park Avenue, to the Metropolitan Tower on Keywords: 432 Park Avenue; New York; Real Estate; Residential; Skyscraper
West 57th Street, to the General Motors Building and the
flagship Apple Store on the building’s Fifth Avenue Plaza
known for its signature 32’ glass cube that is included on
the American Institute of Architect’s list of America’s favorite
architectural structures. He is presently developing residential
condominiums and retail at the landmarked One Wall
Street, and 200 East 59th Street, and recently completed the
residential condominium conversions of 737 Park Avenue and Introduction
150 East 72nd Street.
The opportunity to develop a project like 432 Park Avenue (see Figure 1) comes but once in a
lifetime, if at all. This is a project that single-handedly redefines the luxury market in New York and
the skyline at the same time. While some of its neighbors broadcast through their architecture the
extreme contortions of property rights, engineering and development acumen that went into
creating them, 432 Park Avenue is an essay in logic and cool reserve, even as it offers the most
jaw-dropping views and interior spaces available on the market. This paper describes some of the
incredible achievements that took place in order to achieve a design that is so timeless, elegant and
deceptively simple.
The site of 432 Park Avenue is in a prime area of Midtown along Park Avenue between 56th and
57th streets, just a few blocks southeast of Central Park. The bulk of the site was occupied by the
former Drake Hotel, which dated from 1926. In order to develop a viable property on this site, it was
necessary to consider how the zoning of the site, and the positioning of the site among a forest of
other tall buildings, would permit the ceiling heights and the views that would be necessary to make
the project financially viable.
The site is located in two zoning districts –C5-2.5 and C5-3, which dictated that, if the building
were built to the street edge, it would need a series of setbacks as it progressed upwards. Left to
a conventional interpretation, this would have dictated a building that started with a low, wide
base and a large footprint that would have made a difficult layout for residential apartments
(and essentially eliminated the ability to provide a view), then quickly tapered to a point as it
rose above its neighbors. This also meant floor plates near the top that would be too thin to
support marketable units.
In order to develop the shape, a very experienced and adept architect’s office was needed. The
developers went through proposals from many talented architects, but only one was able to
solve the essential problem of form – Rafael Viñoly Architects. In addition to great and visionary
leadership, the firm had also invested well in young people with an aptitude for complex
computer programs. So it was that the team was able to build design software based on a
concept called “Waldrum Points.”
In essence, the software imposes parabolic lines from every conceivable view point of the site, which
allow a much more creative interpretation of the setback requirements, preserving the intent of the
code – to provide a reasonable amount of sky exposure against a reasonable building mass – while
diverging from a typically clumsy, and financially unviable interpretation of the “letter of the law.”
It surprises many that the form resulting from a sophisticated application of 21st-century parabolic
modeling software is the purest form in geometry – the square. But this was the conclusion that
allowed the project to go forward.
accelerations. One major design move Although there is a great deal of science chandelier), and substituting the drone-
brought the building well into the zone involved, judging the real-life implications of photographed images of Manhattan for
of safety and comfort, while a subsequent wind forces in tall buildings actually requires the roiling ocean, the design team was
investigation provided additional more than just calculations. In the case of 432 able to provide a real sense of what an
assurances. Park Avenue, the team went to extra lengths 8- or 10-milli-g force actually feels like in
to determine how wind would affect the a building with large square windows.
As much as this building is about squares, building. A scale model of the building was The feedback from the “passengers” of
in one critical area curves play a vital role – subjected to numerous tests in a wind tunnel, the simulator actually resulted in several
though these will not be obvious to most which afforded an excess of comfort about adjustments to the interior design that
tenants or observers. If a continuously extruded safety. But the perception of movement is would compensate for the sensation of
square building was impractical, the architects almost entirely subjective, and it would clearly movement experienced as part of the
determined that stacking six independent be very important to occupiers of higher building’s sway, including the details of floor
buildings on top of each other, with two-story floors that the commanding views did not slabs as they met the window frames.
air gaps between, would not only allow wind to come with movements that would make
pass through and reduce loads on the building, them uncomfortable.
but would subtly break up the monotony of Feedback
the grid with interruptions at pleasing intervals. To simulate this experience, the team
The core remains solid from top to bottom, but turned to a different kind of virtual-reality 432 Park Avenue has won praise from highly
its walls are curved in plan, within the open-air laboratory, one that was built to train pilots esteemed colleagues, even before it is
grid made by the continuation of the facade. of large, ocean-going ships. The full-scale finished. Paul Goldberger wrote a wonderful
The viewer can discern that these interstitial “bridge” of the ship is placed on hydraulic article for Vanity Fair extolling the influences
floors, which contain mechanical equipment pistons that simulate the pitch and roll of this building. Charles Gwathmey, Richard
and little else, are somehow different, but not of the sea, while a 360-degree projection Meier, and other leading lights contributed
to the point that it distracts from the overall screen surrounds the enclosure. Replacing valuable commentary on the development
purity and discipline of the design. conventional ship instrumentation with team’s design decisions.
a furnished dining room (including a
Figure 10. View from Central Park Figure 11. Restaurant dining Room
Figure 12. Bathroom
Figure 13. View South towards One World Trade Center and The Empire State Building