Norhayani Pratiwi F-Bahasa Inggris PIK
Norhayani Pratiwi F-Bahasa Inggris PIK
Norhayani Pratiwi F-Bahasa Inggris PIK
Southeast Sulawesi is one of the mostpretentious raw material for the canning
industry small crab crab which is a commodity important export bags from the
fisheries sector.This commodity is produced from the peri-businessright small
scale with a fishing gear bu-single bu and gill nets. Second toolthis catch is not
environmentally friendly because captures many non-tar speciesget, only reaching
depths <10m so catch the crab starting from very small size and can't bereleased
again because it was damaged evenand experience death, the consequences can be
put great pressure on the police swimming crab. The use of prototype bu-bu chain
(long line pots) with conmouth truss struction on the top side, able overcome these
problems [1]. Pro-This totipe has more range deep, improve the quality of the
catch,and minimize non-taget species. Allhe continued through catcher settings
based on the characteristics of the populationit is also hoped that this fishing gear
is capableensure the sustainability of the rajung-population economical and
efficient. Small crab-has a very long spreadas and can live in various types of
habi-tat starting from ponds, coastal waters (in-shore) to offshore waters (off-
shore) [2]; [3]; and [4]. Small life craband sea water depth to 40 m (131ft), in
areas of sand, mud or pan-muddy tai. Swimming crab is he-carnivorous wan, the
food is fish,and invertebrate animals. The small crabis an active swimmer, but
when nottif they buried them selves in sedimentsonly the eyes, the antenna
atseabed surface and gill space openka [5]. [6] revealed in general shrimp and
crabs roaming around in time last night to find food. Organic-this me out of
persem- placesit goes and moves to the place -a place that contains a lot of food-
an. Behavior (behavior) is important from Crab is also a developmental cyclehis
life that happened in several places.In the larval phase and the spawning phase,
small crab is in the open sea (off-shore)and the juvenile phase until adulthood is
incoastal waters (in-shore) namely estuary and estuary [4]. The life cycle of the
small crab causing the spread of the small crab population dynamic in coastal
waters. Ka-This population characteristic can arrest arrangement foroptimal small
crab fishery. Come inlist population behavior and characteristics The small crab is
carried out a study ofdap small crab catches bubu rang-to find a regulatory
strategy good catch so you can enhance the environmentally friendly nature of the
toolcatch this. Besides that, an efficiency study economic efficiency of businesses
that usethe fishing gear. For our purposesso this is a trial operation string trap to
catch crabs for a year to fishermen in Soropia District Konawe Propin-Southeast
Some facts that have been identified fromseals catching crab withusing string
traps (long line po-ts) for one year on rajung fishermen-in Konawe District
showsan increase in the quality of technologycatch compared to capture
technology-used before. Improve-These qualities include convenienceoperation,
independent technical efficiencyThe factor is an increase in production,Increased
environmentally-friendly properties of hand-toolsthe hood especially in
eliminating terthe capture of the female crab mature gonadsand small size, as well
as economic efficiencyeg business. Therefore the design of the bu-Bu chain can
be recommended forused instead of using networkgill ring or trawl crab.
Areacatch crab at the location of researchers-only limited to a depth of 5 topie 20
m and after that is the edge of the riververy deep rang. Centering Center catches at
depths> 15 m allowmink and represent the size of the small swimming crabut in.
According to [11] and [4] states -an that the crab that comes from thedeep water
can have a wide widthat 12-15 cm. Increased in size andindividual weights in the
initial moon phaselight and light can be utilized forincrease production without
worries -and will catch mature female gonads.Beside mature female gonads are
rarefound caught with bubu rang-if the design is tested, what if there iscaught can
also be released againto nature safely. Relinquishmentli can be recommended
menginganthat crab is caught withThis chain of string is not deformed.Temporary
shelter in a cagestep on for the benefit of marketing thatsupported by feeding
alsobecause the quality of the crab caughtvery good and not deformed so that it
canheld longer. According to [12] P. Pe-lagicus also eat fish so we can-pat by
catch or discardsfrom various fishing gear for feed-his. This is possible because
whencaught in a trawl bag he-wan is actively eating. Also explained thatwa P.
pelagicus can fill the stomachin 8 minutes and clear it againbali in 6 hours except
fish bonetakes about 24 hours. However de-thus, further assessment needs to be
done-Specific about the effect of shelterin confinement to changethe weights and
survival of the rajung-an. Because it is based on the results of the
analysischaracteristics of catch trapsduring the study can be
recommendedcatching crab crab in perair-the coast of Konawe Regency every
phasemonth by paying attention to things aslike the following:
1. Arrests carried out in-15 meters to getlarger individual size.
2. Arrest can be focused on fa-se the beginning of the moon bright and bright
togain more individual weightbig.
3. For sized catchessmall (carapace width <10 cm) or ifcaught mature female
gonad canreleased back to nature.
4. The catch can be accommodated aswhile in confinementsupported by the
provision of ik-feedan argument.