Model Question
Model Question
Model Question
Year: II Date: 25.05.2021
Sem.: IV
Marks : 100 marks
Duration: 3hours
Answer all questions
PART A – (10 x 2 = 20 marks)
1. Generalize the factors affecting sag in a transmission line.
2. Define String efficiency.
3. What is arcing horn?
4. Point out any four insulating materials used for underground cables.
5. Compare overhead lines and underground cables.
6. Discuss grading of cables and its types.
7. Explain the purpose of intersheath in cable.
8. What do you understand by distribution system?
9. List out various devices used in FACTS.
10. Generalize any two the existing HVDC system in India.
PART B – (5 x 13 = 65 marks)
11. (a) Derive an expression for sag of a line supported between two supports of the same
height. (13)
(b) (i) Prove that a transmission line conductor between two supports at equal heights
takes the form of a catenary.
(ii) What is sag template? Explain how this is useful for location of towers and
stringing of power conductors. (13)
12. (a) (i) Explain different types of insulators.
(ii) A string of five insulator units has mutual capacitance equal to 10 times the pin
to earth capacitance, find voltage distribution across various units as per cent of the
total voltage across the string and string efficiency. (13)
(b) (i) Derive an expression for the insulation resistance, capacitance and the
electrostatic stress of a single core cable.
(ii) What are the different types of testing of insulators? Explain any one method.
13. (a) With neat diagram explain the various methods of grading of underground cables.
(b) Write short notes on
(i) Properties of insulating materials used for cable.
(ii) The capacitance per kilometre of a three phase bolted core cable 0.2 micro
farad/km between two cores with the third core connected to sheath. Calculate the kVA.
The supply voltage 6.6kV and 30km long. (13)
14. (a) (i) Draw and explain the construction of armoured cable.
(ii) Explain interseath grading of cables. (13)
(b) A 11kV 3 phase underground feeder, 2km long uses 3 single core cables. The
diameter of each conductor is 28mm and an insulation thickness of 4.4mm and the
relative permeability of 4. Determine (a) Capacitance of the cable per phase (b)
Charging current per phase (c) total charging KVAR (d) Dielectric loss per phase if the
power factor of unloaded cable is 0.4. (13)
15. (a) Explain the following
(i) Stepped or trapped distributor
(ii) Rain main distributor
(iii) DC distributor fed at one end
(iv) DC distributor fed at both ends. (13)
(b) (i) Draw and explain a TCSC and STATCOM
(ii) Compare constant current and constant voltage HVDC transmission system.
PART C – (1X15=15 Marks)
16. (a) Discuss the method of voltage control in a transmission line.
(b) A single phase distributor ‘AB’ 300m long supplies a load of 200A at 0.8pf
lagging at its far end B and a total load of 100A at 0.0707pf lagging at 200m long
from sending end point A. Both pf are referred to the voltage at far end. The total
resistance and reactance per km of the distributor is 0.2 ohm and 0.1 ohm. Calculate
the total voltage drop in the distributor.