The Decline and Fall of Pax Ame - Desert
The Decline and Fall of Pax Ame - Desert
The Decline and Fall of Pax Ame - Desert
Chapters 1 - 21
by Desert Doc and AgrayMan
Chapter-1 Sniper
Their Ghillie suits consisted of frayed strips of burlap of earth-tone colors tied to
netting that was in turn secured to the BDU top. This turned them, to even the
closest observer, into piles of very non-human looking forest debris. Human eyes
and brain looked for man-shapes, straight lines, stand-out colors and movement,
and the Ghillie suit camouflaged a man by breaking up the outline and coloring
him the same as the forest floor. Even the M-24 sniper rifle had strips of burlap
tied around it in various places to break up the outline.
It was a beautiful summer day, and aside from the stinging in his eyes, the
insects in his drawers, and the hot Missouri sun filtering through the trees, Mark
The Decline and Fall of Pax Americana, by Desert Doc and AGrayMan Page 2
was glad he was here. It sure beat the hell out of working as the Produce
Manager at Piggly-Wiggly. He had gotten out of the Marines six months earlier,
disillusioned by the massive cutbacks in the military's budget. His unit didn't even
have live ammunition for training, nor fuel for the vehicles. The final straw came
when he talked to his buddy in an armored unit which actually was made to "walk
through" a tank attack exercise in groups of five (an M-1 Abrams tank crew ),
calling out commands as if they were actually in the tank. It would have been
funny if it had not been so sad. His enlistment was up soon thereafter, and he
mustered out. He had been a squad leader in the Marines, but he had the
opportunity to attend sniper school through his National Guard unit, and jumped
at the chance. All in all, the Guard was a little better than the active military. The
money came from the state rather than federal government, so there was at least
some ammunition and fuel for training. There were still a few crusty Viet Nam era
vets who had their sh*t together, and Mark bought a beer for them when the
opportunity arose to listen to the stories. On the other hand he had to deal with
fresh out of high school punks who didn't realize what they were training for. It
was a big camp out with guns for them, and most of them took it as a wonderful
opportunity to screw off and get paid for it.
Finally what he had been waiting for happened. A soldier in BDUs the same as
the rest strode purposefully up the draw. A soldier with a radio walked beside
him, then stopped suddenly. The soldier who had been striding along stopped
and turned to the radioman, then said something to the soldiers in front of him.
They stopped, turned, and then said something to the soldiers in front of them,
who also stopped. The word was passed up the line and soon everyone was
stopped. The soldiers who were alert crouched down, weapons pointing outward,
in a pattern that was supposed to ensure that a 360 degree area around them
was covered in overlapping arcs by everyone facing outward. The problem was
some of the soldiers down there had neither the intelligence nor the patience it
took. He almost heard the more squared-away members of the unit below trying
to get the other sh*t heels to do what they were supposed to. The purposeful
soldier, whom Mark had already pinpointed as the lieutenant or squad leader, was
on the radio and was gesturing wildly to the sh*t heel soldiers at the same time.
About half of them complied with his pantomime to face outward and pay
attention to the forest, while the other half edged closer to one another to whisper
apparent witticisms between them. These men ignored the stern looks from the
older veterans and giggled between themselves. Mark resisted the momentary
temptation to punish them with the M-24 for their foolishness, and instead shifted
his position ever so slightly to center the lieutenant in the crosshairs. The
lieutenant was still talking on the radio, gesturing in an agitated fashion, and
Mark decided now was as good a time as any. He tapped his left boot, which was
in contact with Dave's and felt, rather than saw him tense ever so slightly. Mark
closed his eyes and took three steady, deep breaths. He opened his eyes on the
last breath, and only let half of it out. He gently and slowly squeezed the
Remington's trigger until the round went off.
Working quickly, he manipulated the bolt with his right hand thumb, catching the
brass cartridge casing between his ring and middle finger, while at the same time
centering the scope's crosshairs on the radioman who was just by now hearing
the sound of the first round being fired. Mark quickly but smoothly squeezed the
trigger as the radioman looked dumbfounded by the noise. Mark worked the
action, again catching the spent brass casing. He safed the M-24, and slowly
inched his way backward over the crest of the ridge. He heard the distant
beeping of the MILES gear, and even without optics, could pick out the lieutenant
jumping up and down, and could only imagine what cursing was taking place. He
flashed a grin at Dave as they both continued to inch backward, and Dave
returned it in kind. Once over the crest of the hill, they got to their feet and began
to dogtrot back to the Blue base. "Damn, I love playing Opfor!" he thought with an
outward smile.
Back at work on Monday, Mark stretched his tired muscles as he lifted box after box
of celery from the semi-trailer which in turn had carried it all of the way from
California. Out of the Ghillie suit, Mark's six-foot height was apparent, along with
a muscularly lean build. He had close-cropped reddish blonde hair and brown
eyes. As he worked, he reflected on how his life had taken a few twists and turns
in his twenty-six short years. His father had left his mom when he was quite
young, and he had never really gotten to know him. Although this was hard on
Mark, it was by no means a crushing, life-crippling event. Mark's mom had found
another husband, a good man who loved Mark a great deal, and treated him as
his own son. Mark had grown up in the country, enjoying hunting, fishing, and a
little bit of trapping. These activities, combined with a chronic lack of money
taught him self-reliance and humility. His stepfather, Jim, introduced Mark to
hunting, and spent many hours in the woods, quietly explaining the way of the
forest, combining woodsman's lore with American Indian teachings. Jim taught
him not to kill unless it was necessary, to take only what he needed from nature,
and above all, that there was a balance: The squirrel took of the tree, Mark took
of the squirrel, and someday in the far future, a tree would take of him. It was the
way of things, and has been since the beginning of time. Jim also taught him
marksmanship, which gave him a leg up on most of the other students in the
Army's Sniper School, most of whom had been city kids, not even getting to hold
a real rifle until they joined the service. Marksmanship was only a small part of
the Sniper School, much of the rest being woodcraft, of which he also had plenty.
He had joined the Marines shortly after dropping out of college. He had not really
known what he wanted to achieve in college, and rather than continue throwing
money into his slowly slipping grades, he decided to join the Marine Corps.
All Marines are riflemen first, but Mark joined the Infantry to really see the world.
Besides, he enjoyed the dangerous aspect of the work. The thrill of the possibility
of death made him feel excruciatingly alive. He had seen a little action in
Somalia, not enough to consider himself a veteran, but enough to have actually
pulled a trigger with the righteous intent of killing someone who was trying to kill
him. Sometimes the memory of the black face, eyes half-lidded with the effects of
the khat as the teen ambled up to his patrol, carelessly holding his AK-47 assault
rifle by it's wooden pistol grip would come to him. He could sometimes hear the
distant memory-echoes of his own shouts and those of his patrol as the yelled at
the teen to stop, and put the rifle down. The question of whether the kid was just
too stoned to care, or didn't understand the pantomime of dropping his rifle was
forgotten in the blink of an eye as the teen pulled the AK into a firing position at
his hip. Mark had already shouldered his M-16A2 when they first noticed the kid
and his rifle, and as the kid had approached, Mark had clicked off the safety to
the single- shot position. As the kid had raised the rifle, Mark had pulled the
trigger, simultaneously it seemed with two or three other members of his patrol.
At the range of ten meters, it seemed that the world exploded in his ears as the
kid stumbled and fell backwards, a seeming sudden wind plucking furiously at the
front of his shirt. Mark shook his head to clear the past away, and set his mind
back to unloading the semi trailer.
Max Jeager sat in the squad room, listening to the briefing and taking notes. Max
was a serious cop, who cared a lot about doing his job and doing it right. In fact,
just about the only thing that he loved more than his job was his family. The
briefing was regarding the rapid increase in gang related activity they had seen in
the past few months. At first everyone had assumed it was the "wannabees" that
were tagging the local high school, and getting into petty fistfights. Things had
escalated, he was learning. Last week there had been an honest-to-God
shooting, and the investigators, in snapping up the usual suspects, were noticing
the rising level of belligerence, disrespect and violence among these wannabees.
As was inevitable, somebody started talking. The gangs from Minneapolis,
Detroit, and Chicago were making their presence felt by organizing the
wannabees into sort of a Hitler Youth for the gangs. Making them "lieutenants" in
the fledgling branches of the organization, and rewarding criminal behaviors such
as assault and possession with intent to deliver with praise, drugs, prestige, and
money had begun to show results for the gangs. Crimes such as simple battery
were up, mostly from the Hitler Youth of one organization battling another. That's
what the murder had been about. Not content with pool cues and knives,
someone had brought a gun to a knife fight. Drug related crimes such as
burglary, robbery and prostitution were up as well. Max thought briefly of the
fifteen year old runaway he had turned over to Social Services last night. Christ,
fifteen and turning tricks to pay for a methamphetemine habit. She'd also been
associated with one of the gangs, though more as chattel -a whore- than a
member. He had heard the gal from Social Services talking to this kid in the
interview room about the initiation: All the gang members got a turn or two
between her legs. Max shook his head absently in disgust. Another life effectively
ruined. This kid, provided everything else went exactly right in her life, might have
a chance of appearing normal on the surface, but she would, no matter the
amount of psychotherapy, live the rest of her life as a deeply scarred person.
Though most of the community members were white, there had been a sizable
and relatively well-integrated number of blacks as well. As the mostly black gang
members from the cities had moved into the area, racial tensions began to rise.
Television news from the cities showed an endless parade of black faces
charged with murder, arson, beatings, robbery, carjacking, drug crimes and even
check forgery. Although there were certainly white criminals, they never seemed
to attract the notoriety that the blacks had. For that reason, the acceptance that
the long time black residents had enjoyed was becoming more and more fragile.
Local news rightly blamed gang members from the cities for the increase in
problems with the youth, and everyone knew they were mostly black. While no
one had yet attacked a long time black resident, there were folks on his "beat"
that told him of increasing hostilities. It came down to be a big effin' mess. White
kids trying to act black, blacks trying to sell drugs, and other blacks just trying to live
in peace, and he couldn't see into the heart of anybody to see the right from
the wrong. He suspected it wouldn't be long before the next shooting. If this
followed the pattern seen in a number of other medium sized communities, these
Hitler Youth would soon turn from high school kid to gang leader in a short while.
Drug trade would be expanded, and the new crop would send out feelers into
other communities, where the problem would begin all over again, but in the
mean time there would be turf battles between the various gang affiliations, and
sometimes between factions in the same gang. The new, disturbing development
was in the way these gangs were now organized, both on the drug-and-money
side, as well as the security and enforcement side. It was sort of a wicked cross
between Amway and the Mongol Horde. The gang experts had warned of this for
years, and now they were finally beginning to see it firsthand: Gang members
who were former military.
It used to be that a judge would give a lad his choice between jail or the military,
and the military would straighten him out. It was now not he case. Max's brother told
him that while he was in the Navy, there were some parts of the ship that no
one went to, for fear of the gangs. He found that incredible, but his brother just
shrugged and mumbled something about the "new Navy." But the gang members
he was concerned about weren't ex-Navy, they were the ex-airborne, ex-infantry,
and ex-Marines. They would have knowledge of weapons, not just the stupid
bravado that a thug with a gun has, but for real and for true knowledge about
sights, fire control, ambushes, immediate action drills, and the like. Their
preferred weapons would not be common, ineffective 9mm pistols, but the short
barreled assault rifles like the CAR-15, or the AK-74 "Krinkov," both of which had
the range and velocity to stand off and safely penetrate Max's standard threat
level IIA body armor from a distance. Hell, even the entry team's threat level IIIA
could only stop one or two rounds, and that was only because of the ceramic
trauma plates. These hombres would also have some discipline. They would not
lose cool and run like their non-military compatriots, they would choose targets and
engage. These gangstas were a new and dangerous breed. He hoped that they
didn't take the next logical step and start training the Hitler Youth. It would
make his job infinitely harder to have an army of trained, armed, sociopaths
intent on criminal behavior. They have already become more sophisticated in
their use of cellular phones and pagers, and having lookouts, etc. for their drug
operations. He prayed history wouldn't repeat itself, and that trouble would pass
his little county by.
After the briefing, Max arranged his squad car as he liked it. He replaced the
Remington 870 shotgun in the overhead rack with the AR-15 carbine. The
shotgun was a good close in weapon, but Max preferred the AR-15 for his work
out in the county. The range was greater, and the magazine held far more than
the old reliable shotgun. He placed his black nylon carry bag on the seat next to
him, and checked his watch. He had patrol for two hours alone before Andy
would join him. His department was pretty good about allowing ride alongs. Of
course, it didn't hurt that Andy was a paramedic and worked closely with the
There was a lot of new and urgent information to discuss with Andy. One of his
buddies from the service who had since become an officer in Army Intelligence
had sent him a PGP encrypted message, mentioning some of the developments
in the middle east that were not being reported on the broadcast media. George
was a friend from high school, who went to college with the help of Uncle Sam,
and received his degree in Arabian culture and Arabic language. George used to
joke that he got his degree just in time to have it be obsolete. In the late '80s,
after the collapse of the Soviet Union, there were no longer the rubles to support
renegade organizations like the PLO or Hezbollah or a myriad of others. The
focus of conflict had shifted from the Middle East to Somalia, the Baltic, and
Africa. Low intensity, mostly managed by diplomacy and air strikes, especially
after the quagmire in Somalia. George's E-mail mentioned a dark purpose to the
new Pan-Arab Coalition, that Hussein and Khaddafy had put aside their
differences in the interpretation of the Koran, and had decided to do something
about the last remaining superpower, the great Satan, the USA. With oil
revenues and a totalitarian regime, both countries had amassed enough wealth
to create a formidable enemy to the United States. Not in the sense of army vs.
army, as the US military was indisputably the most capable and deadly in the
world, but in the sense of state-sponsored terror. The collapse of the Soviet
Union had been a blessing in disguise: Free of their Soviet "advisors" they began
to think for themselves and formulate real, damaging options for destroying the
United States. Additionally, the cash-starved former Soviet scientists were lured
away from research facilities and weapons labs where they had not been paid in
some cases for months with kept promises of new, state-of-the art European-
equipped labs, luxurious apartments, high salaries and prestigious automobiles.
Soviet military officers of the Strategic Rocket Corps were not immune. Several
became willing guests of Libya, bringing with them some twenty "suitcase
nukes." There had been an uproar in the world community regarding the
"misplacement" of thirty-one of these devices, but the Libyans had paid well and
promised much, and without a paper trail or evidence, the incident quickly faded
from view. To be fair, Libya only had twenty, and no one seemed to know where
the other eleven or so were. Iraq had suffered a few setbacks in their assigned
aspect of the destruction of the Great Satan, the chemical weapons. Saddam
had been convinced by some over-optimistic advisers that the US would not
object with anything more than UN resolutions if Iraq annexed Kuwait. This very
nearly was the end of Iraq's chemical warfare program. UN air strikes by all
manner of aircraft and Tomahawk cruise missiles nearly crippled the program,
and only the fact that Saddam had multiple, redundant facilities kept the effort on
schedule. George went on to mention the increasing alert status of the Iraqi and
Libyan armies, the construction of multiple bunker-like facilities in the desert, and
the interesting tidbit of ex-Soviet and European advisers increasing both
countries combat troop's ability to fight. In the end of the E-mail, George gave his
analysis: There would be a nuclear and/or chemical attack in the US. The Pan-
Arab Coalition wasn't stupid: They knew they may possibly suffer nuclear
retaliation for this act. Therefore, expect a massive, coordinated attack, with the
intent of knocking out as much of the US command and control system as
possible, and/or the maximum number of civilian casualties. With the civilian
population out of their minds with fear, economic production would slow or cease,
violence would erupt, and it would produce nearly the same effect, but be a damn
sight cheaper for the Arabs, than nuking every major US city.
"Yeah," Max thought as he wheeled the cruiser out of the department parking lot
and onto the county road, "we got a lot to talk about. It's raining **** and we don't
have an umbrella."
―Hey, how‘s it going so far?‖ Andy asked, as he tossed his bag into the back seat
of the patrol car, then plopped down into the passenger‘s seat.
―Nothing much going on tonight. A nice, slow Tuesday. All the good citizens are
snug in their beds. We ought to have plenty of time to discuss our next moves.‖
Max replied, as he watched Andy fasten his seatbelt, then put the squad in
―drive,‖ and rolled out of the EMS parking lot.
Andy unconsciously looked over at the radio console to make sure that the
―transmit‖ light was off. He had not made the mistake himself, but had heard
plenty of other medics and cops on the radio complaining about management,
their sex lives, etc. Not only was this a huge source of embarrassment, there
were also more serious repercussions if any of the folks out in ―scannerland‖
heard the conversation between partners, and called or wrote in complaints.
―Well, I think we are fairly well set. We have pretty much every thing we need,
just not enough of it. I have a couple month‘s food, and I think you have about
that much. We could use some more, I guess. I‘d like to have about a year‘s
worth on hand. But that‘ll come when we can afford it, I guess. You‘ve got the
propane heater, and I‘ve got the kerosene, and about three weeks fuel for it. I‘d
like to double that, or put in a wood stove, or maybe both. Lights we have, in oil
lamps, battery powered fluorescents, and propane lanterns. We‘ve got about a
month‘s worth of water, more if we‘re stingy....‖
―Oh, no I hadn‘t! Lessee, say thirty gallons, figure four gallons per day between
Becky and me, that‘s about another weeks‘ worth! Good thinking. As long as
we‘re on the subject, I think we should plan on using the water in the heater first.‖
Andy said
―Well, it‘s not treated, unless you count the municipal treatment. It‘ll probably start
to grow bugs sooner than the stuff we have in storage. Plus, if this ‗disaster‘ is
only short term, it‘s not going to be as much of a problem to refill it as it might for
the storage barrels.‖ Andy replied.
―Good thought.‖ said Max, ―I‘m not looking forward to pumping four gallons per
day of water out of those barrels. It doesn‘t seem like a big deal, but when we did
a practice a couple weeks ago at home, I got real tired, real fast of pumping
water. As long as we‘re on this subject, how are you set for ammunition?‖
―Nothing! I just want to make sure that you have enough. It isn‘t getting any
cheaper, you know. Plus, well, there has been a lot of serious gang activity
recently. If something big happens, that‘s gonna be a factor. Gangstas gotta eat
too, you know. They show no hesitation for shooting people for money or just for
fun. Imagine what‘s gonna happen when they‘re hungry.‖ Max answered.
―Well, I think I have about twelve hundred rounds of .308 for the FN and the H&K,
plus about five hundred for the .45, then a whole mess of .22. Probably three or
four thousand rounds. That‘s the long-term storage stuff in the ammo cans. I
have probably two to three hundred rounds of everyday practice stuff.‖
―Man,‖ Max said, ―That‘s pretty good. I know I should pick up some more of the
.223 stuff for Lisa‘s CAR-15 and for mine, but it never seems like I can get
around to it.‖
―What the hell are you talking about?‖ Andy asked in amazement. ― The
department gives you .223 for you to practice with! Just grab a few extra boxes
every time we go shooting. It won‘t take you long to get a pretty good stash of
ammo. Hell, you have the key to the range house on that ring if you are Senior
Officer tonight: We could swing by at, say, 0330, load up a few hundred rounds
and drop it off at your place at ‗lunch‘!‖
Khalid Atwa looked at the Edmunds Scientific Catalog, staring at the pages and
mentally calculated all of the factors involved. Lift capacity, altitude at rupture,
cost, volume…Ten apiece should do it. He lifted the receiver of the phone, dialed
the order desk, tapping the gold, pre-approved MasterCard that had come in the
mail just that day. After he placed his order, Atwa stood, put his keys in his
pocket, and left the small, unassuming rented apartment. The payphone was
several blocks away, and the ―cyber café‖ was several blocks further than that.
The weather was still warm –as it was late August- and he had no need for even
a light jacket. As he walked, he stared steadfastly ahead. Internally, he recoiled
in disgust at the bloated, fish belly-white people who passed and jostled him on
the sidewalks. He longed for his family and his homeland, but knew that, short of
a miracle, he would never see them again.
Khalid spoke in English with a cheerfulness he did not feel: ―This is Ahmed. Big
Stan‘s gift is nearly ready for the party. I just need the secret ingredient, and his
surprise will be ready. You can tell my cousins that the decorations will do just
fine, but they will need to buy ten each to make the party a success.‖
The voice at the other end said, ― That‘s wonderful news! Your father will be so
happy with you. You should prepare yourself for guests.‖
He then resumed his walk to the ―cyber café.‖ His spirits lifted slightly as he
walked: Soon enough. Soon enough.
Eli Yoder leaned back against the railing of the hay wagon, stretching his aching
back. Maybe the English had the right idea after all: He sure wouldn‘t mind sitting
in an air-conditioned cab, sipping lemonade while the machines did all the work!
A brief flicker of a smile crossed his lips as he thought of what the elders would
say if they say him in a massive 8-wheeled green John Deere tractor. No need to
worry about that, though. Besides it must be sacrilege to think thus. He removed
his straw hat and wiped his brow. The plain, dark clothes intensified the heat, and
the dry flecks of hay stalk clung tenaciously to his skin, causing a fierce itch. His
son, Jacob, was 14 and already adept at working the team of horses. Eli watched
as Jacob guided the horses and the hay rake they pulled to the end of the field
and began to guide them back. Jacob worked as hard as Eli, but always seemed
to have more energy at the end of the day. That was the difference between 14
and 38, he supposed. With a sigh, he turned back to the pitchfork and the pile of
hay yet to be pitched onto the wagon. It would be dusk soon. Time to go take a
bath, then on to the prayer meeting. He had to keep an eye on Jacob: He spent
far too much time looking at young Rachel and not enough time listening to
Bishop Hochstadter.
Chapter-3 Warning
It was well past midnight before David finally shut down the computer, completed
his nightly rounds to check the security of the house and then quietly crawled
beneath the covers. Denise rolled to face him as the cold air whooshed under the
warm covers.
―Honey you‘ve really got to get to bed earlier.‖ She murmured half asleep.
―I know dear.‖ He affirmed. ―Just needed to finish imputing the grades and then
checked Jeff‘s latest update.‖
―Anything new?‖
―Nothing really…but the Sergeant Major‘s not happy with some of the message
traffic he‘s been catching bits and pieces of lately. Says we should be sure our
tanks are topped off and we‘re standing by locked and loaded.‖
―Well I suppose that means we should be sure our tanks ARE topped off.‖ David
replied as he settled down for the night.
―I‘ve known Sergeant Major for too many years not to listen when he says
something, no matter how subtle.‖
―You call that subtle? Locked and loaded is hardly subtle. You don‘t actually think
he‘s serious do you?‖ Denise was now wide-awake.
―The one thing I can say for sure about the Sergeant Major is that he‘s never
NOT serious.‖
Denise had met the Sergeant Major only one time before David hung up his
anchor and traded navy blue for civilian ―whatever‖. A leathery faced, hard lined,
sinewy coot with Marine Corps flowing through his veins, the Sergeant Major was
an enigma of contradictions. None-the-less she had taken an immediate liking to
him. Always polite and an absolute southern gentleman, there was an
undercurrent of rage just below the surface. She knew they had served together
in a grunt unit during the Gulf War, something her husband had never really
talked about. But through all the years since the war, and the five years it took
David to finish a college degree and land a teaching job after he had retired.
David and Sergeant Major had kept a tight friendship going as well as a frequent
stream of correspondence between them. The Sergeant Major, or Jeff as Denise
liked to call him, was due to finally call it quits after almost thirty years of service.
Now a crusty Sergeant Major, Dave first met him back when he was the
Company Gunny. Dave was always just ―Doc‖ to the Sergeant Major and
together they were a pair, of what, Denise was never quite sure. But they
certainly were a pair.
―Men?‖ She muttered under her breath as she rolled over to sleep. ―Still playing
games after all these years.‖
Little did she know that the games were about to begin. David knew full and well
the meaning behind the latest message. He laid awake going over a mental
readiness list in his head.
―That old Gunny doesn‘t sweat the small stuff…I better get ready…for…?‖
Meanwhile on the other side of the continent Sergeant Major Jeffery Lee
Strothers, United States Marine Corps active duty, was just finishing up the last
personal message of the evening. In thirty-nine days and a wake up he would be
a member of the First Civ. Div. After twenty-eight years of honorable service, two
marriages, two wars (not related) and several major conflicts he was finally
hanging up his eagle globe and anchor. He hoped that his ol‘buddy Doc would
heed the message he had sent. Things were breaking loose even if no one else
would believe him. He only hoped that every thing would hang tight until he was
a free agent and able to choose his battlefield, rather than let some chickenshet
democratic congressman chose it for him.
―Only thirty-nine more muther-friggin days!‖ The old battle weary Marine muttered
to himself.
―Just hope the pencil necked jerks inside the beltway can keep it in their pants
until then.‖
The last light in his Staff NCO Bachelors Quarters blinked out and the cool
Northern Virginia night engulfed the quiet. The Sergeant Major listened to the
evening noise cataloging each one. He slid his hand beneath the pillow till he felt
the cold blued steel of one of Colonel Colt‘s best offspring, born back in 1911.
Reassured he quickly drifted off to sleep.
Desert Doc
Receiver held to his ear, Mark wrote himself a note as he half-listened to his
mother. ―Yeah…OK, Ma. I‘ll see what I can do, but I really don‘t have a lot of say
in it.‖
His mother didn‘t seem to understand the working world. Mark would love to visit
on both Thanksgiving and Christmas, but the reality was he would be lucky if he
got to visit her for either. It‘s not that his boss was a hard case, but it was a
business and businesses these days needed to be open all the time. In addition,
it was at least a ten-hour drive from Missouri to Wisconsin. That meant it wasn‘t
just a quick trip. He needed a few days in a row off to even make it worth the
―Well, maybe if you told him how much it would mean to me. Honestly, are you
so vital they can‘t do without you for a few days? I‘m not getting any younger, you
know. Tell him that.‖ His mom complained into the phone.
He sighed inwardly. ―I‘ll do that Ma. Let me see what I can figure out. If I have to
choose, though, which would you rather have me home for? Thanksgiving or
―Oh honey, it‘s so hard to choose…I guess Christmas. Your sister will be home
then too.‖
―OK Ma. Like I said, I‘ll see what I can do. I gotta go, or I‘ll be late.‖
―Love you too. Bye, Ma.‖ Mark said, then hung up the telephone receiver.
On the note, he wrote ―Get Christmas off,‖ then stuffed it into his shirt pocket. He
turned to the task at hand, which was not, as he had told his mother, going to
work. Actually, he had the day off. No, today was to be spent getting his tiny
apartment in order. There always was the possibility that he could find a date and
bring her home, and he‘d like to have a relatively clean place to bring this as-yet-
unnamed date. Plus, the place was looking like a pigsty. He was already mostly
finished with the domestic stuff. Dishes and laundry were done, and clean sheets
were on the bed. He turned his attention to the closet. Half of it was taken up with
Mark‘s Guard stuff, plus some miscellaneous camping equipment. He looked at
the pile with distaste. That stupid sleeping bag was such a space-waster. A
surplus extreme cold weather bag took up about the same space as a medium
suitcase, and that was when rolled up! Well, the weather was going to get colder
soon. ―Even in Missouri, there can be ice storms.‖ He thought. Mark set to rolling
up the sleeping bag as tight as he could make it, then set to stuffing it into an
empty, clean 5 gallon plastic bucket, then snapped the sealing lid in place. With
much sweating and cursing, the task took about 30 minutes, all told. He set the
bucketed sleeping bag next to the door, to take to his car on the next trip. In
another bucket he placed other items selected from the closet. Snow boots,
winter coat, and a change of clothes barely fit into the bucket, but again, after
much work and re-arranging, he finally snapped the lid in place. Lastly, into a
ratty old ALICE pack with a frame, he put other essentials, such as a canteen
with cup and cover, a bottle of Polar Pure, a small toiletries kit, fire starting kit,
Buck knife, and small kit with 2 Connibear 110 traps and some assorted snares.
A few ―Datrex‖ ration packs and a canteen-sized bottle of food tabs rounded out
the pack, plus some other odds and ends. This ―Emergency kit‖ usually sat in
Mark‘s trunk, but he had used much of it on the last camping trip, and never got
around to repacking the kit and putting it back in the car. With the cleaning
frenzy, plus the prospect of a road trip on the horizon, Mark was glad he finally
got around to putting it back in the beat-up AMC Eagle station wagon that he
drove. The kit was his security blanket, and he was vaguely uneasy without it in
the trunk. Frankly, though, the tool kit he carried in the car saw more use than his
personal emergency kit. When the Eagle worked well, it was great, but 200,000
miles plus was asking a lot from an AMC. Still, it was old enough so he could do
most of the repairs himself. It did have a ―black box‖ albeit a primitive one, but he
could still see the engine through the hoses, belts, and plastic covers, which was
more than can be said about Dave‘s new Camero!
With the car loaded and the apartment cleaned it was nearly dark. Mark closed
the curtains, went to the nightstand and withdrew his Glock 17. He had owned it
for nearly ten years, and absolutely loved it. He had had the foresight to
purchase two extra magazines when he had purchased the pistol, and thus had
three high capacity pre-ban magazines for the pistol. Many people disregarded
the 9mm, calling it a ―Mouse gun‖ round, and a favorite of the gangs, but Mark
lived by the old saw that you ought to ―Shoot what you‘re good with,‖ and he was
pretty good with the Glock 17.
He spread an oil-stained towel on the coffee table and quickly stripped the Glock
to its subassemblies. Peering at them, he lightly wiped the parts down with a
clean cloth. He then went to the sink, reached into the cabinet underneath, and
withdrew a can of automobile brake cleaner. Taking a few deep breaths and
holding the last one, he liberally sprayed the action of the Glock, until he was
certain that he had removed almost all traces of oil from the slide and frame. He
shook the parts vigorously over the sink, then tossed them into the dish rack
before scooting to the living room and drawing a deep breath. ―Damn!‖ he said.
The brake cleaner worked great, but sure stunk up the place! Minutes later, after
the brake cleaner had dissipated from the parts (but not the smell), he took the
components back into the living room. Mark opened his ―gun bag‖ withdrew a
small tube of powdered graphite, and lightly directed the extremely fine black
powder into the areas of the pistol where friction occurred. He knew he was
probably being overcautious: This was Missouri after all, not Alaska! But still, it
wouldn‘t hurt anything to have the graphite lubricant in place. Mark started using
graphite after listening to his uncle tell stories about the effect of cold on his
sidearm in Korea, and after talking to a guy in the Corps who had spent a few
miserable months at Ft. Wainwright. Finished, he reassembled the pistol, racked
the slide a few times and wiped the outside down to remove any stray graphite.
Picking up the loaded magazine, he looked at the bottom. A small ―2‖ was
painted there. Mark unloaded the magazine, placing the 12 rounds of Federal
hollow-point in the magazine with the ―3‖ on the floor plate. Before returning the
pistol to the holster, he re-checked the chamber, dry-fired it, then placed the
loaded magazine in the well.
Walking to the bedroom, he placed the Glock back in his nightstand, then went to
the kitchen to prepare his evening meal.
Andy glanced guiltily at the straining UPS man as he staggered onto the porch
for the fifth time.
―Damnit Andy, you‘re going to have get a broomstick to put my hernia back in,‖
he wheezed as he dropped the large box as gently as possible.
―My wife and that damn e-Bay!‖ said Andy as he reached for the electronic
clipboard and signed his name. ―Well, I hope the rest of your deliveries are
―I wouldn‘t bet on it.‖ Groaned the man in brown as he swayed, took his clipboard
back and started down the sidewalk. ―See ya!‖
He already knew what was in most of it: Freeze-dried meat. In preparation for
hard times, Andy had tried TVP.
―Tastes just like beef!!‖ the advertisement had proclaimed. Tasted more like beef
manure, Andy thought.
The only other alternatives were to keep canned beef, or freeze-dried. He loved
beef, like any other Wisconsinite, and despite the canned venison in the pantry
the freeze-dried beef was a welcome addition to the other storage food. In the
basement prophylacticly surrounded by mousetraps, were many 5-gallon pails
lined with Mylar bags, full of storage food. His wife Becky had slowly come to
realize the wisdom of such preparations. He cautioned her not to speak of them
with anyone, and after he extracted her promise, she did not. She felt calming
effect of Andy‘s preparations during the Y2K scare several years before,
although most of his preparations had been in place long before the media circus
that surrounded the calendar rollover.
the well. The property already had a well in place before Andy and Becky bought
the place, but the Department of Natural Resources had ruled that it was fit only
for watering the lawn, despite a clean well test. It was suspected by many
residents who had wells suffering a similar fate that the city somehow
encouraged this, as it extended it‘s municipal lines into the half-rural, half
outskirts areas surrounding the town.
Andy had not dug up the well as many neighbors had done. Instead, he installed
a 110V well pump, and ran the plumbing underground to the house. For drinking
and cooking initially, they used water stored in plastic barrels in the basement.
When that ran low, or they needed to take a shower (a hot shower, thanks to the
LP water heater), Andy opened the valves that put the well water into the
household plumbing. They had no concerns about the toilets backing up, as the
city had not quite got around to extending the sewer out as far as their home, and
thus, still had a perfectly functional septic tank and leech field.
―Well, to work!‖ said Andy as he hefted the boxes for the trip to the basement.
David McMillan stood fuming outside the Senior Educational Director‘s office.
Directors were not referred to by the antiquated and Politically Incorrect term of
Principal. Such elitist terminology was no longer accepted in the secondary
education system in the ―Republik of Kalifornia‖! David thought to himself.
David could hear the muffled conversation going on behind the Director‘s door and
could well imagine the PC bowing, curtsying, and genuflecting taking place
at this very moment.
Suddenly the door opened and the Director, Ms. Janice ―Torquemada‖
Torgelson, emerged leading an obviously distressed pair of aging yuppie
―Yes Ms. Daniels, I fully agree with your concerns and we will take the
appropriate actions necessary.‖ Torgelson said as she led the Daniels‘ into the
outer office, giving David a critical look as she passed him.
More genuflecting and hand wringing was conducted in the outer office before
Director Torgelson stiffly marched back to her office and motioned David inside.
David felt like he was back in the service standing before his CO‘s desk about to
get royally @ss chewed for something. The Director moved around her large
executive walnut desk, sat down and began shuffling papers and arranged her
desk ignoring David standing right in front of her.
―Isn‘t this charming.‖ David thought. ―Shall we pull another page from the
Executive Leaders Guide Book?‖ He continued. ―Hmmm that would be under
Chapter 3, Intimidation of Subordinates and other arrogant procedures.‖
Ms. Director now looked up at David.
―You do know why you‘re in my office Mr. McMillan, do you not?‖ She began.
―Frankly, no.‖
―Oh you‘ve met them? I‘d say you more than met them. They are quite upset and
justifiably so, I should say.‖
David could see the expression on her face-harden, as well as hear the vinegar
begin to enter her voice.
―They are very disturbed by your conduct in the classroom the other day and the
propaganda you are attempting to espouse to your students!‖
―Propaganda?‖ David could feel the hackles on the back of his neck raise. ―Just
how is teaching the Constitution and the Bill of Rights propaganda Ms.
―It is not what you are teaching, IT is the WAY you are teaching that is upsetting
the students and the parents of those students.‖ Torgelson was starting to build
up steam.
―It is the way you go on and on about individual rights and responsibilities.
Bantering over and over again how it is each and every citizens right, no their
duty to criticize their government. You are teaching anarchy in this very school!
―How is it anarchy when it is clearly stated in the Bill of Rights…‖ She cut him off.
―I don‘t need one of YOUR lectures Mr. McMillan. You are constantly degrading
the present administration, finding fault with all its policies. You rant on and on
about the unconstitutionality of decisions being made at the highest levels in our
government and how Americans are losing their rights and becoming subjugated
by the very organizations that are meant to protect those rights. You, Mr.
McMillan are teaching a warped and twisted view of our political system and are
quite frankly scaring the kids in your class, and upsetting their parents at home!‖
Herr Director was just starting to warm up.
―You have twisted those documents to serve your own agenda and I will not have
it in my classrooms!‖
―I have done no such thing. I have merely taught the information as required from
the states approved educational material list, when it was correct. I have only
added supplemental material when it was necessary to clarify or correct gross
oversights and/or outright errs in those approved materials.‖
―Your own materials!‖ She was standing up now. ―Right-wing propaganda is more
like it.‖
―I hardly consider the Federalist Papers, Poor Richards Almanac, and the
correspondence of our first presidents right-wing propaganda, would you?‖ Dave
was struggling to maintain a calm profile.
―No longer applicable!‖ Now David was now starting to get steamed. ―It is more
applicable now, and has greater need than ever before in our nations history!‖
―Oh is that so! Just like your little tirade the other day on the Second Amendment.
That antiquated so called right! You openly compared the current program of
restrictions on gun owners as ―Neo-Nazi Jackbooted politics‖…right in class! You
then so far as to make a direct comparison between our current governor and
Adolph Hitler!‖ Torgelson slammed her fist on a stack of paper. ―And called the
Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms a group of SS Thugs!‖
―I have about had enough of your warped right wing politics.‖ She stammered
out. ―I should have known better than to hire a…a…a…‖
―That‘s right!‖ The color was now rising in her face. ―You‘re nothing but a bunch
of brainwashed killing machines! We should never allow your type out in public
among civilized citizens!‖
Dave just stared back in disbelief. He was seeing Torquemada in full colors for
the first time.
―Let me remind you Mr. McMillan, that you are a ‗probationary‘ teacher and as
such your position can be terminated at my leisure.‖ She moved out from behind
the desk. ―From this point forward all lesson plans will be screened by me and
will contain only material I personally approve of. There will be no deviation from
accepted themes and outlines. Is that understood?‖
―You Mr. McMillan‖ She shook her finger at him. ―are officially warned, any
deviation, any deviation at all, however slight will result in your immediate
dismissal. Your propaganda will not be tolerated here, do you understand? NOT
David looked down at this weasel of an administrator. ―I will speak the truth Ms.
Torgelson, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.‖
And with that David spun on one heel in military fashion and walked squared
shouldered out of her office.
―You get back here Mister!‖ She yelled after him. ―I am not through with you yet!
Do you hear me, GET BACK HERE!‖
The secretaries and students in the outer office just stared in disbelief as David
walked quickly past leaving the Director fuming and spitting curses in his wake.
―Well I guess school is out a little early today.‖ David muttered to himself as he
rounded the corner and headed towards his office. ―So much for my teaching
Desert Doc
Sergeant Major Strothers swing the last duffle bag into the back of his tan
Suburban. His last checkout was finally completed. He had been thoroughly
poked, probed and prodded by the Doc‘s and handed a clean bill of health, and
last but not least received his final debriefs by the various ―S‖-shops on his way
out the door. He knew that they where not sad to see him go. He was the last of
the ―Old Breed‖ and no longer politically correct in the modern Marine Corps. It
was now about ―Image‖ and not effectiveness. Not whether they got the job done,
- but whether they looked good before the camera‘s doing it. As his last and final
CO had phrased it during an Officers and Senior Staff Call a few months back.
―I would have to disagree with you there Sergeant Major. If your troops look good
then they will perform equally as well, it‘s the impression that counts.‖
―Iraq had an impressive army on paper at the beginning of the war back in ‗90. It
was rated as the third or forth largest standing army in the world. Didn‘t last squat
when it came down to putting the metal where the mouth was. They rolled up like
yesterdays newspaper.‖ Strothers sipped his drink. ―The Somali‘s on the other
hand looked like punks, not impressive at all - but handed us our @ss and
backed us out of that hole because we couldn‘t take off the kid gloves.‖
―We need warriors, Colonel, not bookends. That is what wins wars, hard, cool
headed, warriors.‖
―Your days are long gone Sergeant Major. The days of Chesty Puller are over
and will never come again. The world is a different place now, no more big wars,
and no more pitched battles, no more heroes. We‘re the policepersons of the
world now and that requires finesse, something that you and your old breed
totally lack.‖
―Amen to that Sir, Amen to that.‖ Strothers muttered under his breath.
―Sergeant Major?‖
―Oh nothing sir, just reminding myself of something. With your permission, Sir.‖
Strothers lifted his glass to the Colonel, thereby excusing himself and he quickly
began looking for the bar. He need a fresh stiff drink, his was feeling watered
As he drove out beneath the main gate of Quantico and headed for highway 95,
he felt a bit of remorse. We‘d had a good Corps back when he‘d joined. It was
right at the end of the Viet Nam war. They had trained hard for real combat. The
DI‘s back then were some of the toughest Marines he had known. They were
hard tempered steel, quenched by cold reality in the heat of battle. To a young
blue-eyed seventeen year old kid from the back woods of South Carolina they
WERE the God‘s of war and ―the Private‖ Strothers hung on every word they
spoke. This was a time when Honor, Courage, and Integrity actually meant
something. They lived and breathed it daily under the constant tutelage of Staff
Sergeant Minde, survivor of the Walking Dead, and Staff Sergeant AuAu, the
biggest Samoan (the only Samoan) young Private Strothers had ever seen.
―Hell of a life so far.‖ He said to himself as he reached over and patted the broad
head of his Rotty. ―Well Ruger, it‘s just you and me now.‖ He checked the map
on the dashboard.
The ol‘ Sergeant Major, now retired, shifted his backside a little in an attempt to find
a more comfortable position for the long drive ahead. He had a few stops on
the way to check in on some old warhorses like himself - now, put out to pasture.
But he knew that he had more than a few races left in him. He just hoped that he
would be up for the task a head. He hoped that they all would be up for the tasks
ahead. Strothers shook his head at the thought of all those soft Americans that
wouldn‘t be ready.
Desert Doc
Chapter 7 Checkpoint
Sgt Maj. Strothers (now retired…as of 37 minutes ago) crept slowly along in his
Suburban with the rest of the southbound traffic on 95 just north of
Fredericksburg, Virginia. The travel checkpoints had become a routine pain in the
behind for commuters. But as usual, people eventually got used to them and the
loudest complaints had by now quieted down to mere background grumbling.
The Home Security checkpoints started showing up shortly after the second
terrorist attacks that followed a little over a year after the World Trade Center
disaster. Established primarily on the main highways between major cities their
initial purpose (as reported) had been to track and inspect the millions of big rigs
that crisscrossed the nation to preclude their use in another terrorist strike. It
didn‘t take long before the checks were extended to all vehicles regardless of size.
Before the smoke from the Third wave of attacks had begun to clear, the
Checkpoints and National ID requirements were established facts and all travel
was restricted without the proper paperwork. If it moved on the American
highways big brother knew about it. This was all in the name of National Security,
and these restrictions were for the common good…of course. The fact that these
restrictions not only came about so quickly but also were manned up and
enforced with such efficiency was amazing. It was almost as if this entire
scenario had been preplanned.
The bored Homeland Security guard quickly waved Strothers‘s big ‘72 Suburban,
the ―Blue Moose‖, through the checkpoint once he noticed the military decal
sticker in his front window. The Moose rumbled away from the choked traffic flow
and a few minutes later cruised on into Fredericksburg. He had to make one last
stop at Carl‘s before leaving the area for good. Carl‘s Ice Cream shop, off of
Princess Anne St., was one of the last independent mom and pop ice cream
shops in existence. It didn‘t look like much as you drove up to it, but sure had
some of the creamiest, sweetest ice cream ever, made right there on the spot.
Ruger popped his head up as they rolled to a stop around the corner from the
little white building. Carl‘s ice cream was one of Ruger‘s favorite haunts as well.
―Seems kind of silly I suppose.‖ The ol‘ Sgt. Maj. said to the dog as they both
headed over to stand in line. ―But this may well be the last time we‘re out this way
for a while, eh Ruger?‖ The big Rottie just squirmed in anticipation. ―How about a
little treat for the road? Hey fella!‖
There was always a line around Carl‘s when they were open. Ruger sat
obediently right beside his master and watched the scene, waiting as patiently as
he could. After they each had finished their treat they climbed back up into the
―Moose‖ and headed for the self-storage lot at the south end of town.
The Sgt. Maj. backed up to the trailer he had prepacked and stored there inside
one of the larger rental storage garages. Its contents safely secured within the
trailer and locked within the storage garage, which resulted in a form of double
protection. He had picked up the old 15 foot ex-Ryder trailer several years back
at an auction. It had been pretty rough to start with, not too different shape than
the way he had found the ―Moose‖, but after a little work, a beefed up frame, new
suspension, a few replacement panels, fresh tires and a new coat of paint, the
trailer looked almost brand new. The Moose on the other hand had required
considerably more work and had taken several years of patient painstaking effort
before the Sgt. Maj. was satisfied with the final product.
It began as a complete off the frame restoration for the ‘73 _ ton 4x4 Suburban.
The 350 V8 had been totally rebuilt, blueprinted and balanced. The ―Blue Moose‖
as she was finally dubbed had been rebuilt for absolute rugged reliability.
Expeditionary reliability Strothers liked to think. From the Huge ―Roo‖ bar on the
front, through the beefed up bullet proof suspension, extra long range gas tanks
to the heavy-duty roof rack on top. Even the tires on this behemoth were the
toughest tread going and run flat designed. This blue monster could go just about
anywhere or through anything. The trailer was like wise reinforced and heavy
duty. Rather than a conventional towing ball connection, Strothers had installed a
heavy-duty pintal hook connection taken from a 5-ton military truck and trailer to
hold the Moose and her caboose together. Whether on or off the road the Sgt.
Maj. could take this rig just about anywhere and had.
Strothers made fairly good time down 95 through the Richmond checkpoints over
to the 64 highway and out 81 into Knoxville and finally onto the 40. Just before
Knoxville one of the more prudent Home Security guards started to get a little too
The upstart NCO started ordering him to get down out of his rig and to bring all
his travel papers as he walked around the rig poking his nose everywhere. Ruger
must have made him nervous, and for good reason. The skinny twerp would
hardly have been a much more than a quick chew toy for Ruger once he got
Strothers complied quietly with the order and started to lay out his travel permit,
discharge papers, moving orders etc. The weasel looked through the papers like
he knew what he was doing.
―Quite a rig you drive there Citizen.‖ The Corporal began. ―Mind telling me what
it‘s for and where you are going?‖
―Oh the Moose?‖ Strothers smiled his best – I could snap your weenie little neck
smile. ―Yeah it‘s sort of a toy of mine. Built her between missions over the last
dozen years or so. Figured when I retired that I‘d do a little exploring, sort of see
the country before I decide on where I‘d finally settle down.‖
The Corporal slid the Sgt Maj‘s National ID/drivers license through the scanner.
Then checked the information against the papers spread out before him.
―Personal and Household effects is all. You can check the packing manifest
there.‖ Strothers pointed to the stapled multicolored forms. ―All inspected and
sealed at Quantico before I left this morning.‖
The Corporal harrumphed as he scanned over the list of personal effects. Just
then an older senior NCO walked back into the inspection shed coffee mug in
hand to check on things, looked over the Sgt. Maj.‘s shoulder and began reading
the official military papers spread out on the counter.
―Tompkins, just what the hell are you doing? Are you trying to loose those new
strips already? For crying out load, quit fussing with this Marine!‖
―Hell Tompkins, can‘t you see the date on those discharge papers! The Sergeant
Major just retired and on his first day out you‘re going to hassle him. Get a clue
Son, and stamp the damn papers and let him get on his way!‖
―Sgt Maj I‘ve got a fresh pot over here, care for a nip?‖ The Top motioned him
aside and lowered his voice. ―Sorry for the hassle, he‘s a good kid just a little too
energetic with his new stripe.‖ The Top said as he poured a Styrofoam cup full of
steaming hot java.
―No sweat Top.‖ Strothers said as he accepted the cup. ―We were all greenies
once.‖ The pair chuckled.
―Not really sure to tell you the truth Top. I‘ve got a one year free travel permit,
thought I‘d visit a few old war horses like myself that have already been put out to
pasture, drink a few beers, tell a few worn out war stories, and then…who knows.
Perhaps I‘ll find a nice place where someone can still fish and hunt without too
much hassle.‖
The Corporal was now standing beside them with Strothers papers in hand.
―Yeah, that sounds like the ticket there Sgt. Maj., Hmmm looking forward to that
day too in a few years.‖
Strothers took the papers from the Corporal, who was now more obliging and
subdued. Raised his cup to the Top Sergeant and thanked him for the help.
As Strothers drove off into the night the pair of Homeland Security guards
watched him from the guard shack.
―Son there are times to follow the rules and times to use common sense. Did you
see list of medals on his Discharge papers, almost 30 years in the Marine Corps! Hell
boy, he had a unlimited one year Free Travel Permit! When was the last time you
saw one of those? They don‘t just give those out to anyone anymore…Nope,
not these days. That is someone you don‘t need to mess with Tompkins. That
there is a Real American Patriot, they don‘t come any tougher.‖
Truer words were never spoken, but if the Top Sergeant had known just what
kind of Real American Patriot he had given coffee to and sent on his way, he
probably would have wet his pants.
Desert Doc
It was a little after midnight when Strothers finally rolled up to the outer gate of the
―End of the Road Hollow‖ of Lyndon ―Lin‖ Ashley deep in the sticks of Arkansas.
They had served together at various duty stations through out their careers. Lin
had retired five years earlier with 24 years under his belt and disappeared into the
back woods of northern Arkansas. They had competed
together on various Marine Corps shooting teams and when Strothers stepped
down by retiring, the Marines had finally lost their Old Man of the High Power
Circuit. Lin was one of the few shooters that could give the ol‘ Sergeant Major a
run for his money and often did. They had become fast friends after their first
shooting match back as Sergeants and Jeff (as Strothers was called by his old
pal) had stood up as best man at Lin‘s marriage to tiny Maria.
She was probably the cutest Philippina he had ever seen, long dark hair, perfect
olive skin, petite, almost doll like in everyway. While Lin was more easily
described as a shaved gorilla that had been house broken and trained to behave
in doors. Strothers chuckled to himself just thinking about it. When Lin wrapped
his paws around any long rifle, which is what it usually looked like, it seemed as if
the rounds didn‘t dare strike anywhere else but in the black. Lin had a rare gift
with weapons and there was no one that could truly tune a piece better than Lin,
ex Master Gunnery Sergeant and Master Gunsmith to the Marine Corps, now
retired. And as tiny and frail as Maria seemed there was no question that she
ruled the roost in her house. Strothers‘ never thought he would ever see any one,
let alone this tiny gal, bring Lin into line. That had been difficult enough for the
Marine Corps to do, but there was no doubt that Lin‘s boss was a little 98 pound,
dripping wet, fire ant from the Jungles of Mindanao.
Strothers dimmed his headlights and waited. He heard the crackle of someone
keying the mike twice on his CB speaker. He keyed his mike twice back, paused,
and then twice again. Suddenly the chain link gate opened and started to slide to
one side. He still had a mile or more to drive up the winding rutted dirt road. It
was dark and foreboding and he was glad he was a friend and not a foe. It would
not be easy to storm this place judging by the thick underbrush and heavy forest.
Suddenly the forest opened up into pasture and sky filled with stars. He never got
tired of looking at the night sky when he was away from the lights of civilization.
He could still remember lying out at night in Saudi Arabia desert before the
ground war started and just gazing up into the full glory of the Milky Way. What a
sight! The dirt road suddenly turned to gravel and the ruts smoothed out, as the
Blue Moose got closer to the house. Strothers could see a big bear of a man
wearing coveralls sitting out on the porch waiting for him as he drove up and
―Let Ruger out Jeff. I‘ve got the dogs in the house, give him a chance to stretch a
bit.‖ Lin came off the porch and in just a few large steps reached him and gave
the smaller man a great bear hug. Not that Strothers was a small man, at five
foot ten inches he was about average, however next to Lin‘s six four Paul
Bunyan frame almost anyone appeared small. Ruger bounded out of the truck
and sniffed the ground earnestly, chasing the strange new scents off into the
―Well Hoss I guess you‘re one of us now.‖ He growled as he let Strothers down
and handed him a cool one.
―Not if I have to wear those hillbilly trousers like you‘ve got on.‖ He welcomed the
cold beer and let the first taste slide down his throat.
―Wheeew that was good.‖ He said catching his breath. ―Looks to me like you‘ve
gone native on us there cowboy.‖ Strothers motioned to Lin‘s coveralls. They
turned and headed off towards the porch.
―I‘m just a good ol‘ boy now, Jeff.‖ He chuckled. ―And like you taught me in jungle
training, doesn‘t pay to stick out in a crowd. Just blend in with the vegetation,
Hee, hee, hee.‖
The two old warhorses seemed to shed the years away as they walked up the
steps on the porch. They were two young cocky Marines out on liberty once
again. Just looking for a good time for a little while before they had to go back on
―Maria‘s got Lumpia and Pansit waiting for you and there‘s plenty of cold beer in
the frig.‖
Maria was waiting for them when they came into the house. ―Wipe your feet
Marines, I keep a clean house here.‖ She said with a hint of her Philippino
accent. The pair looked at each other and roared with laughter, but they did wipe
their feet. The next several hours were filled with old jokes, old stories and old
times. It was getting close to three in the morning before they finally called it quits
and Lin showed Jeff to his room.
―Best bunk this side of the Mississippi there buddy.‖ Lin pointed to the full sized
feather bed covered with one of Maria‘s country quilts.
―Whoa, you do run a hotel here Hoss. You‘ve really gone soft of me haven‘t
―Well you just wait until you spread out on that there cloud. You‘ll be sleeping like
a baby in minutes. Of course there‘s the cold, damp ground outside if that‘s more
to your taste.‖
Strothers stretched his back in anticipation of a good nights sleep; it had been a
long 18 hours of driving. ―No thanks, been there and done that.‖
―I thought so…you‘re going soft already, and you not even a silly-villy-ian for
twenty-four hours yet.‖ Lin chuckled. ―It‘s a sad, sad thing to see a Marine go soft
so quickly after all those good years of training.‖
Strothers slapped the ol‘ gorilla on the shoulder. ―Just following your lead there
Master Guns, just following your lead.‖
Lin had been right, when Jeff finally plopped down on that feather bed he felt like
he was floating. He didn‘t even last minutes before he was sound asleep.
The following morning found the pair up at the crack of dawn. Strothers could
smell the fresh java brewing as he descended the stairs. ―Lin had built himself a
nice little home back here in the hollow.‖ He thought. The house was solid oak
timber frame construction with river rock and brick infill. It was a basic saltbox
design that was infinitely adaptable and Lin and Maria had done a beautiful job of
building and furnishing their home. Lin already had a cup of hot steaming Joe
waiting for him when he walked into the kitchen.
―So how long until I can sleep in like normal folks till noon?‖ Jeff asked.
―Well first off you have to be normal, and folks like us just don‘t fit that mold
Bubba!‖ Lin handed Strothers his cup. ―It‘s been five years for me and I still don‘t
need an alarm clock.‖ He took a sip. ―Doesn‘t matter how late I stay up
working…come oh five hundred hours and my eyes pop open like a damn robot.
I‘m awake and might as well get up.‖
―But I do take some real nice nooners.‖ Lin chuckled. Referring to the military
habit of an afternoon nap after the noon work out. If you could work it right, you
took off early for lunch, worked out hard for an hour, showered up and still had
time to get in a forty-five minute to an hour nap before you had to be back on
―So what presents did you bring me Sergeant Major?‖ Lin motioned to the trailer
behind the Blue Moose parked out front.
Strothers turned to look out the window. ―Everything you had on your list Bud.‖
―Yep…well almost everything. I didn‘t bring the dancing bears you asked for.‖
Referring to the dancing strippers that used to entertain GI‘s back in the P.I. early
in their careers. ―I didn‘t figure Maria would go for that and I don‘t think you could
out run her Butterfly knife there sport in your bubba utilities.‖ They both chuckled.
―But aside from that I think I picked up everything you‘ve been asking me to look
into for you.‖
―Well that took some doing to find one worth the effort, but yes even the CNC.‖
Now Lin had that look you see in a five year olds face first thing Christmas
morning when they first lay eyes on all the toys under the tree.
―I think so. Had a hell of a time getting everything crammed into the trailer along
with my stuff. You don‘t mind me bringing some of my stuff along do you? But
yes, I think it‘s all there.‖
―The tools and tool metal weren‘t too much of a problem, some of the electronic stuff
took some doing. After all we didn‘t want to leave a paper trail and I couldn‘t
purchase too much at one time. But you‘ll find everything and then some.
Thought I‘d pad the list a little if I got some good deals. The parts kits on the
other hand…well let‘s just say I managed to pick up everything and then some
but I was skating on pretty thin ice there with all the new restrictions.‖
Lin just stared in disbelief when they started to unload the trailer into the storage
room next to his shop. Forty minutes later they were inventorying the treasure
now stacked on the concrete floor.
―The large crates are spent 50 cal brass. Those cans are the AP you wanted. I‘m
keeping a couple of cans for myself. Most of it is linked so you‘ll have to deal with
―Those two crates are the Browning 50 cal barrels you wanted. You should check
out those suckers Lin, they are still packed in the cosmolene. Talk about cherry.‖
They walked on. ―Those boxes are all your tooling and the tool metal is back over
there. These here are the FN part kits. They look pretty good, you‗ve got some nice
chrome lined barrels and three of them are heavy duty. Every things Metric
as you requested,‖ He said as he kicked the wooden crates.
―The CNC is broken down and still in up there in the front of the trailer. The rest
of these boxes are the little odds and ends that you and I‘ve have talked about
over the last year or so.‖
Lin just stood there flabbergasted. ―I still can‘t believe you managed to pick all
this up.‖
The two looked at each other and broke out laughing. Lin couldn‘t believe his
luck and Strothers was tickled pink at his friend‘s reaction.
―Ok buddy, well I‘ve got a few prezes of my own now that its show and tell time.
Follow the master blaster.‖ Lin said as he led the way.
Lin‘s shop was made up of four specialty shops in one. Much like a large box
with internal dividers each area was a craftsman‘s dream. They had unloaded the
trailer on the auto shop side. Complete with a walk down pit and air tools, there
was just about every tool and device one would need to rebuild a vehicle from
the ground up. The double doors in the middle of the north wall brought them into
the metal shop. Setup with a foundry, a blacksmiths forge, a complete welding
shop and a metal mill and lathe, Lin could manufacture just about anything out of
metal that you could need on a homestead, or an armory for that matter. Through
the door on the east wall of the metal shop they entered into the gun shop. From
simple trigger work to boring barrels Lin had both the tools and the knowledge to
build it. It was here that Lin brought Strothers. Lin walked over to the main
workbenches that sat in the middle of the room and stood beside something
draped with a canvas cover.
―OK smart @ss, do you want to hazard a guess as to what‘s under curtain
number Uno?‖
Strothers could tell that Lin was just waiting to show off his new baby, whatever it
was. ―Naw, not particularly…isn‘t there somewhere we could go fishing right
about now?‖ He smiled at his old buddy.
Lin‘s hand was on the cover. ―Now don‘t start playing mean on me you ol‘ fart.
Come on and guess!‖
―Lin you‘ve had five years out here to come up with something, how the hell
should I know what you‘ve got under there. Come on…share nice now.‖
Lin gave him a big frown but still lifted the cover. The fact that Strothers‘s eyes
got as big as dinner plates gave Lin all the satisfaction he needed.
―What in the hell is that?‖ Strothers said in amazement as he leaned forward and
reached out his hand.
The shape and style looked very familiar but the sheer beauty of the machine
work and finishing was beyond expectations. Strothers looked at Lin in
―That my scrawny little friend is a Lin Ashley version of the Barrett Simi-automatic
50 caliber BMG sniping rifle.‖
Strothers hefted the big gun easily. ―It‘s a lot lighter than any Barrett I‘ve handled
before.‖ He said in amazement.
―Well, now you know what I‘ve been doing with all that high-speed, low-drag
metal I‘ve been asking you about. Without the magazine she‘s about the same
weight as our old M60‘s, but will a hell of a lot more punch, I can tell you.‖ Lin
showed his buddy how to check for safe on this custom rifle.
―I‘ve solved the accuracy problem with the recoiling barrel system, as well as
tweaked a few other things myself. She‘s as accurate as any 50 BMG ever made
and I would probably put hard money on her that in the right hands, yours and
mine, she couldn‘t be beat in any competition.‖
Strothers noticed the different sized magazines on the table. ―I recognize the five
and ten rounders there but that isn‘t…‖
―A twenty round magazine…hmmm sure looks like that to me. I‘ve even played
with a thirty round mag but it was just too heavy to feed properly. Twenty is the
limit and it really works best with the Ten.‖
Strothers couldn‘t take his eyes off the Ashley/Barrett 50BMG. He set it down
carefully. ―It‘s a beautiful work of art Lin…I‘m impressed.‖
―You know it‘s not often that I get to see your jaw hit the ground, but this was
worth it!‖ He slapped Strothers on the shoulder. ―Not only that, it‘s got a twin also
with your name on it.‖
―No way!‖
―Well I figured that that nephew in-law of yours, that corpsman could probably
use one if he was going to go out shooting with you. Besides I‘m not hurting for
big toys, don‘t worry about me in that department.‖ He chuckled.
―I know, I know, you‘ll be grateful mush mush mush. Come on we‘re not done
yet. Now lets go and check out some serious toys.‖
Lin walked over to one of the steel cabinets against the wall and reached up and
triggered something. It opened up and swung out like a door reveling a dark
staircase leading down.
Desert Doc
Khalid Atwa looked at his watch again. The sun was just now breaking through
and chasing the last gray night vapors away. Allah would be pleased with this
new attack upon the infidel. Now they would hear the cries of their starving
children as he had in the refuge camps. Now they would feel the gut burning
prangs of hunger. Their vast seas of golden grain would in just a few days
become brown wilting and rotting cesspools of starvation. Now they would know
fear! He chuckled to himself.
He waved his arm and watched as ten large helium balloons lifted silently into the
dawn sky. Stationed a mile apart on this back road in Colorado these ten
balloons along with over fifty more would blanket the great grain belt of the
American Midwest with the deadliest combinations of plant diseases known to
man. Khalid‘s colleagues had spent the last three and a half years brewing and
mutating plant viruses, fungi, and bacteria for just this moment.
While the Americans foolishly focused on the remnants of the Afghan Al-Qaida
and chased Muslim guerillas through the Mindanao Jungles, he and many
groups like his had quietly gone about their work. The Americans even funded
many of the elements of this operation, they were so naive. They paid for their
own downfall. It was as his uncle had said.
―These are a people with vast weakness. Money being the greatest of them all!
They are unwilling to bow their heads to Allah, but only to money do they give
their allegiance. It will be their downfall.‖
Much of the vast billions of dollars given out in foreign aid by the U.S. every year
was quickly channeled to the freedom fighters of Allah. Khalid‘s own education
and training was the results of grants from the Infidel‘s own purses. He had
trained at the best schools that American money could buy and when he
completed his Masters degree in Viral Botany he was recalled to join the Jihad.
His was only one prong of this attack, like the crescent moon of the faithful the
second prong was rolling through several American cities as Khalid climbed into
the pickup truck and drove away. In a few hours he too would be airborne but
instead of raining down death to the breadbasket of the Great Infidal, he would
be headed home.
Hamid Fakiri bounced through the back streets of Chicago in his worn out
Peterbilt truck. He was not unlike the hundreds of other truckers rushing around
the city in the pre-dawn hours trying to make their deliveries before the rush of
the Windy City‘s traffic choked the blacktop arteries of this midwestern
The diesel beast he drove belched out its black smelly soot as he geared up and
down navigating the vast web of roads over the last several hours. He was not
lost or searching for some hidden location in this maze of canyons. He had been
making his deadly delivery as he worked his way across the vast city and
suburbs of this metropolis along the great lake.
He knew that there were other delivery trucks like his working this city as well as
the other targeted cities. It would be several days before the evidence of this pre-
dawn attack would surface. Days before the doctors in the clinics and hospitals
began to realize that they faced something far more sinister than the common
cold. But by then it would be too late.
Hamid did not know what pestilence he carried aboard his rig. He was not well
educated and had actually been a truck driver for these last fourteen years
before he had received the phone call.
He did not understand the politics involved, or why this was necessary. But they
had promised to protect and safeguard his family. It was not that he particularly
disliked the Americans. There were a few that he actually thought of as friends,
but life had not been easy, especially since the World Trade Towers. His son had
been beaten up several times, once so severely that he ended up in hospital for
weeks. Had it not been for the financial assistance from his Mosque he could
have never hoped to pay for the expensive hospital bills and rehabilitation for his
son. So now he found himself suddenly on the forefront of the Jihad.
He looked down at the gauge they had mounted on the dashboard. He was
almost empty. The sprayers had just about completed their job. Over five
thousand gallons of deadly virus was drifting through the air as Hamid drove
south out of town. It drifted quietly, silently in through windows, across the city
and the suburbs coating everything. It did not discriminate, it did not care…
Eli Yoder and his son Jacob looked out over their fields. Something was wrong,
something was very wrong. Corn that stood tall and proud just yesterday looked
off. The bright green of health was now dull and splotchy. Eli had seen bad years
before, but there was something more with this. All his crops, corn, wheat, rye,
alfalfa were beginning to show bad signs. Even the vegetable garden looked off,
not really ill but not healthy either. He felt it in his bones, this was an evil omen of
some kind.
He and Jacob quickly walked back to the house. He needed to speak with Mary.
They needed to inventory the preserves and the root cellar. He had a feeling this
would be a very lean year.
Dr. Nathan Anders shook his head as he covered the child up. Her parents
weeping beside the bed.
―What the hell is going on here?‖ He thought to himself. This is the second child
today and there are more coming in by the hour. He had called several
colleagues and even the local CDC (Center for Disease Control) representative.
There was an epidemic brewing up, a storm front moving in and he just knew that
they were standing at the leading edge of it. Yet he was getting nothing from the
damn bureaucrats!
He looked up to see Sheila, his lead nurse motioning him leave the room. Once
he stepped out she bent his shoulder down so that she could speak quietly into
his ear.
―Nat we‘ve got another three going south like little Lisa in there, nothing is
working and five more just showed up. I‘ve got two nurses also showing signs of
coming down with this….what do you want me to do?‖
Desert Doc
The well-polished expensive Italian shoes echoed in the near empty corridor. The
gait was swift and purposeful on the tile floor in the long hallway. The young well-
groomed man moved quickly, not running; yet not walking either. This was not
sort of news that a young upcoming and aspiring Young Turk wanted to present
to his Director, but there was no choice and little time. This was serious!
He moved briskly through the outer doors, past the receptionist, down the short
corridor to the security hatch. He placed his palm on the hand scanner that
checked his fingerprints and the chip implant in his right hand against the security
records. He looked into the retinal scanner and spoke his name into the voice
recognition sampler and heard the soft click and buzz, as the door unlocked.
He quickly moved past the armed inner security guard and turned right at the
reception desk. The echo of his steps seemed like an echo of his heart pounding
in his ears as he reached his destination. His feet stopped. He grasped the door
lever and took a deep breath. Paused. And entered the outer office of the
Homeland Security Director for the United States. Janice his secretary tried to
stall him as he moved toward the Directors door.
But he was already opening and moving through the door. Several powerful
looking men were sitting in front of the Director who sat behind his dark polished
walnut desk. The Director looked at him with a slight scowl. He didn‘t like
unannounced visitors, especially when he was deep in discussions with
influential people. The Young Turk moved around the desk.
―Please excuse me gentlemen, but I have vitally important information that needs
the Directors immediate attention. My apologies.‖ He said as he placed the black
folder before the Director and then leaned down to whisper into his ear. ―The
data is confirmed Sir. The situation is critical.‖
The messenger stepped back and stood by awaiting the Directors needs.
―No Sir, you are the first to see this information outside of the surveillance officers
that gathered the data.‖ The messenger answered.
―Is there a problem?‖ One of the gentlemen sitting to the right asked.
―Just a second Senator.‖ The Director swung his chair around to face the
―It‘s gospel Sir, beyond question. I‘ve verified the data three times myself.‖ He
paused. ―In addition Sir, I‘ve already implemented a news quarantine on the
situation pending your review. We have…ah…isolated at least four delivery
devices and we are looking for others as we speak.‖
―Yes Sir, this is not, I repeat, not a random occurrence. We have absolute
confirmation that the cities listed in this report have been targeted. CDC has
verified the species involved and the virulence.‖
―Director, would you like to inform us as to the nature of this shocking news?‖
The Director slowly stood up and walked away from the desk towards the
―Simpson, would you please brief these gentleman as to the contents of that
―It‘s OK lad, I‘m sure the Majority and Minority leaders of the Senate have the
necessary clearance, and will be hearing about this soon enough.‖
―Yes Sir.‖ Simpson picked up the black folder. ―Senators, the United States is
under biological attack and has been so for the past three days. The population
centers of New York, Chicago, Memphis, Atlanta, Houston, New Orleans,
Denver, Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, and Los Angeles are facing disease
outbreaks of Pandemic proportions.‖ He paused. ―In addition…‖
―Yes Sir…in addition to the attack on the population centers there is strong
evidence to suggest that the central agricultural production regions of the U.S.
have been seeded with biological agents designed to destroy our food producing
―Virulent plant plagues are suddenly sprouting up through out the region. We will
have confirmation cultures within the next 48-72 hours that will verify our
suspicions, but the empirical evidence thus far points to widespread multi-layered
biological attack.‖
The Director turned back and strode purposeful to his desk and picked up the
―Janice, get me the President on the phone, this is a Code Red Omega-3
emergency. Then as soon as I‘m on with him, activate all emergency systems, I
want an executive officers meeting in my office in thirty minutes and inform the
appropriate Homeland Security Area Commanders that I want the borders closed
right now, start preparations and I will have Presidential confirmation within the
next fifteen minutes.
Yes dear, I‘m afraid so. Now get on with it and let me know when you have
contacted the Area Commanders.‖
Dr. Anders sat slumped over with his head in his arms in the hospital staff
lounge, more asleep than awake. The last forty some hours had become a
macabre nightmare that surged on without let up. There seemed to be no end of
the patients streaming into his facility, torrents of sick people that he could do
nothing for, nothing except watch them die. And he was not alone. Every hospital
in the city was overwhelmed with the sick and dying. This was a scene too
surrealistic to imagine. A modern Dante‘s Inferno.
His calls to the civil authorities went unanswered. Public Health was aware of the
situation and was ―working on it.‖ Working on it? What was there to work on?
Even his own staff was falling victim to this new plague. Finally when the obvious
became overwhelming Nathan ordered reverse sterility procedures for all his
staff. They absolutely must, protect themselves from this unknown killer. But
before he had initiated this procedure over ten percent of his fellow physicians
and nurses began to show the first signs of the infection.
It was now over forty-eight hours since the first victim had died on his watch.
Forty-eight hours of frustration as he and his colleagues tried every drug at their
disposal, every technique in their kit bags, every means possible to save just one
patient and it was all for naught.
The steady hum of the ventilation system droned on in the background. The
sound of the hum was broken as one of the nurses opened the door and called to
―Dr. Anders…Dr. Anders.‖ He looked up slowly. ―It‘s Sheila, Nat. She‘s calling for
you. I don‘t think she has much time left.‖
Dr. Nathan Anders slowly pulled himself erect. Every fiber of his body screamed
for rest, but this was not the time. He had to go.
The corridors of the hospital were overflowing with patients in the various stages
of the disease. Wet mucoid coughing echoed off the tile and plastered walls while
the constant wheezing filled the background as they walked. There was the
sweaty smell of death in the air that even the surgical masks could not keep out.
―So many patients, so many patients, and they just keep coming.‖ He muttered to
The nurse led Nathan through the throngs of dead and dying patients. To a small
room off the main corridor. Sheila Nordstrom, his head nurse, lay under an
oxygen tent they had rigged up. The cyanotic tint of her lips and pallor skin hinted
at her limited time. Nathan took up her hand under the plastic drape. She smiled
Slowly she moved her lips, but no words came out. She started coughing,
expelling mucoid clots of choking phlegm as she fought for breath. After five
minutes she finally calmed down, sweat dripping off her forehead, eyes
bloodshot and watery. Sheila signaled for some paper and a pen. Nathan handed
her his useless prescription pad, holding it for her to write upon. She wrote just
three words. But those three words spoke volumes and resonated down to his
very bones.
The attending nurse looked over his shoulder and slowly made out the wretched
scrawl on the medical prescription pad. Sheila had written: ―ESCAPE NOW –
GO!‖ Nathan was staring unbelieving at the pad.
Sheila slowly dropped the pen as her eyes glazed over. She was gone. Nathan
just sat there. He sat there and cried. He had tried everything, everything,
everything and had lost every battle in these last few days and now he had lost
more than a medical colleague, he had lost a true friend. All his years of training and
learning were totally useless in the face of this new threat. She was right, he
knew it but couldn‘t bring himself to abandon the patients he was powerless to
He awoke several hours later. He didn‘t remember walking out of that tiny room
with only the husk of a dear friend remaining. He didn‘t recall the walk back to his
ready room and the nurse removing his shoes and covering him with a blanket.
He didn‘t remember if he had dreamed or was dreaming now. Perhaps it was all
a bad, very bad dream.
―Dr. Anders…Dr. Anders, you need to come out here Sir, something strange is
going on outside the hospital.‖ Mickey Davis one of the hospital‘s EMT‘s was
shaking him awake.
Mickey put something into his hand. ―It‘s the last of the coffee Doc, tastes like
cr@p but it‘s hot.‖
Nathan took a sip of the bitter liquid and started to cough. He screwed up his
face at the taste.
―Told you it tasted like cr@p, Doc.‖ Mickey grabbed Nathan‘s shoes and started
to push his feet into them.
―Well, Doc…it looks like the National Guard has been called out and we‘re being
surrounded by barbed wire.‖ Mickey answered, slipping the other shoe on.
―Come Doc, you‘re the senior Doc on duty. Hell you‘re about the only Doc on
―Sick, dead, or run off. Oh, and they‘re not letting anyone in. We‘re cut off now.‖
―Cut off?‖
―Yep, the Guardsmen outside are stringing up barbed wire all around the hospital
and keeping everyone either in or out with guns.‖
The pair quickly walked through the ever-coughing throng of patients, but Nathan
noticed that the intensity of the noise was much lower, and more and more
patients were covered completely by sheets and blankets.
―Why aren‘t these bodies being moved to the morgue?‖ Nathan asked.
―Morgue‘s full, and there is hardly anyone here to move them. There are only a
few of the staff still left.‖
Nathan and Mickey walked out the Emergency entrance of the hospital. The
National Guardsmen had strung coiled concertina wire across the driveway and
parked a 50 caliber Humvee in the center of the ambulance access way.
Together Dr. Anders and his EMT walked up to the camouflaged soldier manning
the outer perimeter of the wire.
The soldier brought his weapon to port arms and turned to face them. ―Back
away from the wire Sir!‖ He ordered with a muffled voice through the gas mask
he was wearing.
The soldier sitting on top of the Humvee suddenly swung the big 50-caliber gun
around and pointed it at the Nathan and Mickey. At the same time the near
Guardsman brought his weapon up and pointed it at the pair also.
―My @ss! We‘re unarmed you stupid sh*t!‖ Mickey answered him.
The pair slowly took one step back from the wire. ―I want to speak to the officer in
charge right now soldier.‖
The near soldier turned to look at the third soldier in the Humvee who was talking
on the radio. The radio talker gave him the thumbs up signal. The near
Guardsman turned back to the Doctor and the EMT.
―He‘s on his way, Sir. Now if you will step back further from the wire and wait a
few minutes he will be here to answer your questions.‖
The pair turned around and walked several paces back towards the hospital.
―Mickey, just what the hell is going on here? When did this start?‖ Nathan asked
in a hushed breath.
―This all just came down less than thirty minutes ago Doc. I heard the commotion
outside and then came looking for you. It seems that most of the staff is either
sick or has split. You‘re the only healthy Doc I could fine.‖ Mickey paused.
―Oh and forget calling out or getting any news. The phones are locked up, busy
signals on both landline and cellular. There‘s no news on cable TV or radio.
Everything is blacked out…I don‘t like it Doc. No sir-ree, I don‘t like this at all!‘
Ten minutes later Humvee arrived, the Guardsman that stepped out was saluted
and talked quickly to the soldiers at the Humvee. Nathan walked forward to the
wire. He noticed that all the Guardsman including the new arrival were wearing
their gas masks. He didn‘t like the implication of this.
―Sir, that is far enough.‖ The original guard yelled through the gas mask.
Nathan stopped several feet shy of the wire. The newly arrived officer stepped
forward to the other side of the wire.
―I‘m Doctor Nathan Anders the senior physician in charge at the moment and I
would like to know what is the meaning of this wire and these gunmen?‖
―Doctor Anders, I‘m Colonel McCray, Section Chief of this military control zone
sir. You are under armed quarantine by order of the Homeland Security Director and
Presidential Executive Orders.‖ He answered, his voice muffled and metallic
through the gas mask.
―Armed quarantine?‖ Nathan said in amazement. ―What the hell is that Colonel?‖
―Simply stated sir, nobody in and nobody out. All centers of infection are under
martial law per Executive Orders as of 1300 hours today. Anyone violating those
orders will be shot without hesitation Doctor Anders.‖
Desert Doc
Chapter 11 – Escape
Mickey could tell by Doc Anders posture and animation that things were not
going well with the National Guard officer. He could hear enough bits and pieces
to figure out that they were locked in and the guardsmen were not going to let
them out. The gears started turning on the problem before him. How to get out
and how to get away.
Dr. Anders suddenly stopped talking and spun about and started walking briskly
back to the hospital.
―We‘re scr*wed Mickey, totally scr*wed. They‘ve slapped down martial law
everywhere. The entire city is under military control. We can‘t leave and no one
can come in.‖
―So what now Doc, do we get out of here or sit around and wait to die?‖
―Oh I heard you loud and clear Doc. Now do you want to get out of here or do
you want to sit here and wait to die?‖
They both stopped just shy of the emergency room doors. ―What the hell are you
talking about, we can‘t leave. The Colonel…‖ Nathan stammered, still p*ssed
from the encounter.
―The Colonel don‘t know squat, Doc.‖ Mickey leaned closer. ―Look Doc, there‘s
nothing we can do for these people in here. Nothing we‘ve tried so far has
worked, and it‘s likely that nothing is going to work. We‘re not the only one‘s in
deep sh*t here. Just before all the communication gear went cold I was talking on
the dispatch radio with a couple of other ambulance crews around town. This sh*t
is happening everywhere. Do you understand…EVERYWHERE! There‘s not a
clinic or hospital in town that isn‘t over run with people just like these in there!‖ He
pointed towards the door. ―This ain‘t no accident or act of God, you can bet on
that Doc, this ain‘t no f*cking accident.‖
―You don‘t mean…‖ Nathan stopped and thought for a moment. He had at first
suspected some sort of Legionnaires Disease type of outbreak, but soon he
became just too busy to consider any other possibilities. ―Sh*t!—Sh*t!—Sh*t!‖
The realization suddenly came over him. ―It‘s a Bio-weapon, that‘s why nothing
has worked…that‘s why it‘s spread so rapidly, and that‘s why the National Guard
is standing outside our hospital!‖ He turned and looked back at the 50 cal
Humvee. ―And now we‘re trapped in here with no way out!‖
―No Doc, we‘re not trapped.‖ Mickey said matter of factly. ―I think I know a way
out of here…if you‘re with me that is.‖
―—Do a damn thing to help them Doc.‖ Mickey finished the sentence for him.
―You know that as well as I do. We haven‘t been able to do sh*t since this began
and now we have to decide if we’re going to survive! Because we sure know
that no one that stays here is going to walk out of here...if they ever let us!‖
―But my oath…‖
―Your oath says to do no harm, well whether you stay or go is not going to
change the outcome for these people. They are dead! Dead regardless of
anything you do. They are DEAD DOC!‖ Mickey grabbed him by both arms. ―But
we‘re not! And just maybe if we clear out now, we‘ll stay alive.‖
Mickey pointed to the armed guardsmen in the distance. ―They‘re right Doc.
They‘ve contained a source of contamination, this hospital is a big source. All the
really sick people are here…think about it! We‘ve got to get out of here NOW or
we‘ll be the next ones on those gurneys in there. We‘ve got to leave right now
while we still can.‖
Mickey still had a hold of Nathan arm. ―Quick follow me.‖ He pulled him along.
They passed through the choked main corridors filled with the dead and dying,
around to a back janitorial passageway. Nathan had never been in this part of the
hospital. Mickey still had him by the arm until they passed through a door marked
engineering and began to descend a metal stairwell. The air was dank and
steamy as they went down the steps into the dimly lit room below.
Mickey led him walking quickly through the basement room filled with steamy
drippy pipes and oily machinery.
―Where is this?‖
―We‘re down in the old sub-basement area. Nothing much here anymore, mostly
junk rooms and stuff.‖
Mickey walked up to a gated passageway that disappeared off into the darkness.
The chain link gate was secured with a large dusty padlock. Mickey looked
―Hang on Doc.‖ Mickey said as he ran back the way they had just come. Nathan
heard something breaking in the distance and a few seconds later the EMT
returned with a fire axe.
―Stand back.‖ He said as he swung the axe down on the padlock. It took several
attempts until he finally nailed the lock and broke it apart. ―Not pretty but
Mickey led the pair into the darkness with his small paramedic maglite swinging
from side to side in the long corridor. ―We‘re under the main street now. Just a
little further and we‘ll be under the old building across the way.‖
They had arrived at the end of the corridor and stood before a poorly finished
brick and mortar wall.
―Here hold this.‖ Mickey said, handing him the flashlight. ―Give me some
swinging room and we‘ll see just how tough this wall is.‖
The big EMT flipped the axe around and using its pick began swinging into the
brick wall. His aimed improved with each stroke and he soon was chipping out
large chunks of mortar between the bricks. After a good dozen or so whacks he
wrenched out the first brick and then the second. There was an empty void
behind the wall!
Nathan leaned into the wall and flashed the light through. ―Looks like a storage
room Mickey, mostly filing boxes and old chairs.‖
―Great! Then we‘re out of here. Step back and let me give is a few more whacks
and I‘ll have a hole big enough for us to get through.‖
―This was the way over to the old morgue and funeral home that used to stand on
that corner across from the hospital. Probably built back in the twenties or
thirties. When the new morgue was built downtown and more central to the other
hospitals, this building we‘re breaking into was sold and later remodeled into
office space.‖ He paused. ―Kind of creepy when you think about it.‖ He continued
swinging the axe.
―Later during the height of the Cold War they turned the rooms off here and this
tunnel into storage rooms and a bomb shelter. Still have some of the supplies
stored down here I think.‖
After another five minutes Mickey had enlarged the hole, pushed back the
garbage on the other side of the wall and was out through the storeroom door.
He called back to Nathan still on the corridor side of the wall.
―OK Doc, we‘ve got a clear shot out of here. This leads to a boiler room and then
up to the first floor. It‘s clear all the way.‖ Mickey‘s voice grew louder as he
crawled back through the opening over of the storage junk he had pushed his
way in through.
―Now we‘ve got to get our gear and the others and get the hell out of here.‖
―Others?‖ Nathan looked at him startled. ―I thought we were the only one‘s left?‖
―Not quite Doc, there are a few of us still on watch that haven‘t gotten sick, not
many, but we can‘t leave them behind if they want to split.‖
The pair quickly retraced their steps back up onto the main floors of the hospital.
Mickey led him to the dispatcher‘s office. There he introduced Nathan to Isaac
the other half of Mickey‘s ambulance team. Isaac had been monitoring all the
radios and was more than frustrated buy the time they arrived. Mickey quickly
explained the plan to his partner and then asked if he had been able to pick up
any new information.
―Everything is being jammed man! All the local stuff is totally weirded out.‖ Both
landline and cellular is nothing but busy signals. All two-way and even the cops freq‘s
are strangely quite. Man we‘re in Chicago…the cop‘s are always busy! TV and radio
are just passing canned cr*p. It‘s like there‘s nothing going on…nobody
sees anything!‖
Isaac was more than animated as he flipped switches and twisted knobs on the
―But hey Mic…check this out.‖ He began as he spun his chair around. ―Just after
all the local stuff went weird I checked out the Short Wave freqs, that is before
they went quiet too. There‘s something big going down dude. New York, Denver,
Seattle, San Fran, New Orleans, and us…all the major cities were screaming
about plague or something and then everything…and I mean everything
everywhere just clammed up! Too weird dude!‖
Nathan and Mickey looked at each other and then back at Isaac. Mickey was the
first to speak.
―Isaac, get on the hospital wide intercom and have every able bodied staff
member meet us…‖ He looked at Nathan.
―Got it Mic…I‘m on the stick.‖ Soon the hospital was echoing the message.
Thirty minutes later only a handful of hospital staff had arrived. Nathan could not
believe that this was all that was left of over a hundred medical and support
personnel that manned this hospital at any one time of the day. He quickly
explained the situation and what he felt was the best course of action for them.
Several were shocked that he advocated the abandonment of the hospital. While
he agreed with them, he pointed out that he also felt that there was no other
survival choice left open to them. That they had managed to avoid the infection
thus far was surely a matter of luck and that could not hold out much longer.
One of the nurses argued that they all might be carriers of the disease that hadn‘t
surfaced yet and by this action could be spreading the infection even further. She
argued that surely government support would soon arrive and they would be
safe. Mickey informed the group about Isaac‘s discoveries and that their situation
was not an isolated event.
It was getting dark outside as the individuals that had decided to follow Dr.
Ander‘s advice gathered in the janitor‘s passageway. Mickey led the eight
escapee‘s down into the bowels of the hospital to the passageway under the
street. About halfway down the dark corridor he paused and opened a side door
and led them in. Above the door was the old faded Civil Defense symbol. They
quickly filled the small room as Mickey found the light switch. It reminded Nathan
of high school shower room with wood benches and clothing hooks on the wall.
―These are the decontamination showers of the old Civil Defense shelter. I
thought it might be best to leave as much of the infection here behind us.‖ Mickey
stepped into the shower area and tossed his gym bag and medical kit across to
the other side of the shower room. There were two shower passages with the
spouts on the central wall. He motioned the females of the group to use the other
side. Everyone hesitated until Dr. Anders spoke up.
―Look we‘ve made it this far, Mickey‘s right, lets decontaminate ourselves and get
on with it.‖ He said as he started to peel off his clothes and stepped into the
Twenty minutes later the group assembled on the other side and dressed in a
mix of civilian clothes and clean medical scrubs, Mickey handed out replacement
surgical masks for the ones they left at the entrance to the shower. The somber
group followed quietly as the EMT and Doctor lead them back out into the
corridor and into the basement of the old morgue building.
The building was quiet as they climbed up the stairs of the old building. Mickey
slowly opened the basement door and moved out into the hallway. There were
no sounds of occupation. He could see through a distant window down the
hallway that the evening was almost upon them. The group moved through the
first floor almost serpentine fashioned. Most of the office lights were out, just one
or two here and there. They found the main hallway and moved quietly towards
the back of the building away from the side facing the hospital.
Mickey whispered to Nathan. ―If we can get to the back of this building there‘s an
alleyway there. Cross that and into one of the buildings behind here and we‘ll be
over on the next street and only a half a block from the parking garage where my
pickup is located.‖
―Forget it Doc. If you left it in the physicians lot at the hospital you‘ll never get
past the weekend warriors to get to it.‖
―You‘re probably right, Damn.‖ They had arrived at the janitor‘s door to the alley.
―Now what?‖
―Now we‘ll see if there‘s anyone keeping an eye on this alley.‖ Mickey said as he
slowly pushed open the door.
The alley was dark and damp as they emerged into the gray dusk. Mickey
crossed the alley and moved stealthfully against the back walls checking each
door as he moved along. He smelled the garbage of the little Chinese restaurant
that he often grabbed take out from on the way home. He listened at their back
door but didn‘t hear the normal clatter of pots and pans and restaurant noise
associated with such an establishment. For the first time he noticed that the
entire town was deadly quiet. Wrapping the fire axe in his coat he used it like a
battering ram to force the door open. The casement shattered with minimal noise
and he motioned the others to follow.
The Chinese restaurant was empty and dark. They crept through the kitchen and
headed towards the front of the restaurant. Mickey motioned them to stay put
and he inched forward. From the corner of the storefront window he glanced up
and down the street. It was empty, save a few scattered cars parked here and
there, nothing was moving. Mickey signaled for everyone to move quietly
In a heavy whisper he called to his EMT partner. ―Isaac, get up here and take
care of the front door alarm.‖
Isaac move quietly forward grabbing a stool on the way and set to work on the
magnetic sensors above the front door. Taking out his leatherman tool he flipped
up the Phillips head screwdriver and began to unfasten the door sensor.
Lisa the nurse from the OB/GYN clinic quickly rummaged around the cash
register and found one in a drawer. With it Isaac banded the two sensors
together and set them on the metal rail above the glass door. After which Mickey
moved to the center of the double doors and pushed the fire axe blade between
them and using it as a lever popped the one side open.
The noise seemed overly loud in the still night air. He dropped down and listened
and watched. A full five minutes went by before he pushed open the door and
crept out on to the sidewalk. From there Mickey quickly lead the group across the
street one at a time. It was agonizing slow, but far safer than the entire group
groping their way across to the other side. He had them spread out and with
Isaac bringing up the rear they moved further away from the main streets and
down back alleyways and finally over to the parking garage.
Two hours and many shattered nerves later Mickey followed by Isaac pulled up
in the parking area behind Mickey‘s flat a the warehouse district not far from the
lake. Twice they had been shot at by National Guardsman who where stationed
at the numerous checkpoints scattered throughout the city. But one thing Nathan
had to say about their two getaway drivers, they knew their city. He had heard of
back street and alley driving, but he had never been a witness to it before and he
hoped that he wouldn‘t have to go through that again too soon.
The weary group slowly climbed out the vehicles and followed Mickey into the
walkup and into his loft apartment where they collapsed on the floor and across
the furniture. The first part of their ordeal was over. Tomorrow they would plan
the next part of their escape.
Desert Doc
Mark glanced down at his gas gauge. Enough for about another hour at this
speed and he figured he could make it to the next big truck stop. Things had
been getting ―curiouser and curiouser‖ to quote Lewis Carroll. There had been a
lot of traffic on the interstate. He figured it had something to do with the reports of
the disease cases in the cities. Most radio stations were obvious in their silence
on the matter. Mark usually listened to unabridged books on tape in the car
anyway, and didn‘t give it much thought. Sounded a lot like the few cases of
anthrax that had been found in ‘02, from what little he did hear. People were
driving, well, crazy. Speeds were faster than usual, as well as taking more
chances. Tensions slowly rose as people began to, cut other drivers off, flash
headlights to pass, and in a couple instances, pass on the shoulder. Crazy.
The miles clicked by, and Mark noticed more and more traffic in the opposite
direction. If he thought things were bad on his side of the interstate, things were
getting really thick on the other side. He tried to pay attention to his driving, as
well as watch the other lanes. Sure enough, suddenly there was very little traffic
from the opposite direction. The cause became obvious a few miles later: A semi
tractor had crunched a Geo Metro into a two foot tall metal pancake, but the
pancake caused the trailer wheels to skid, and the trailer then tried to swap ends
with the front of the rig. The whole mess came to a stop pretty near completely
astride the two interstate lanes.
The scene was chaos. It reminded Mark of the add that ran in one issue of
―American Survival Guide.‖ It was a crude drawing of a stream of cars headed
away from a city with a mushroom cloud looming over it. In the drawing, people
were out of their cars with the hoods up, staring in befuddlement at the now-dead
engines. The advertisement was for a replacement ignition system.
―It‘s going to take a lot more than an ignition system to get that mess going
again.‖ Thought Mark nervously.
Glancing back he could see that things were degenerating seriously. Cars tried to
edge around the wreck. The four-wheel drives had no problem taking to the
median initially to get around the wreck. The trouble was that people in Ford
Tauruses and Chevy Cavaliers tried to do the same thing, and got stuck. The
four-by-fours went around them, too, until the Toyota Corollas tried to emulate
them, and got stuck too, ad infinitum. Soon there was an impenetrable wall of
cars blocking any means around the wreck. One brave soul in a Blazer had
made it through, then backed up to pull a car out of the mud. Mark knew that
such an action, while noble, was ultimately useless: The next vehicle behind the
one being pulled out attempted to go through the hole made by the towed car,
and became stuck. There were no police in sight.
Mark became more than worried. He got scared. Here he was, about as far from
his home as his mom‘s place, and the roads were nuts. He rounded a corner,
and his worst fears were realized: A sea of brake lights shown red in front of him.
He eased to a stop in the right lane, with a little less that a car length of open
space in front of him.
In normal traffic jams, there would be a good 6 inches of movement every few
minutes or so. Not this one. Mark wondered if somebody from the other lane tried
to cut across the median and drive on the shoulder, and maybe got whacked by
somebody trying to pass on the shoulder.
After fifteen or twenty minutes, people up ahead were getting out of their cars
and milling around. Mark decided this was a good time to get out his CB and
FRS radios. He exited the car and walked to the rear. Carefully, as the
occasional idiot roared by on the right shoulder, he opened the Eagle‘s rear
hatch and reached in to grab the hand-held radios. As he reached in, he was
struck by a thought. Pausing for an instant to mull it over, he quickly reached up
to shut off the rear hatch dome light. As surreptitiously as possible, he then
pulled the Glock 17 from it‘s case and tucked it into his pants front, pulling his
flannel shirt over it. He‘d rearrange it into a holster later.
Mark clicked off the FRS radio, and cast about. Things were definitely beyond
normal. He walked to the front of his car and climbed to the hood, then the roof of
the car. He looked in the direction of travel: Nothing but stalled cars as far as the
eye could see. Even the shoulders were beginning to get backed up. He spotted
a two wheel drive small truck with an array of antennas on it, about 100 yards
ahead. He recognized them as the same sorts of antennas his uncle, a ham
MARS operator owned. Mark jumped down, and began walking toward the mini
truck. He passed groups of people, most chatting amiably, but with a note of
worry detectable in their voices. Mark smiled and waved occasionally at some of
the small children who were staring wide-eyed from some cars.
He finally reached the mini truck, and looked in the window from several feet
away. A grizzled elderly man with a big, bushy white beard was speaking into a
microphone. Mark pasted a smile on his face, and waited for the old man to
notice him. After several minutes, the head turned toward him, and the elderly
man rolled down the window.
― I couldn‘t help noticing your Ham antennas, sir.‖ Mark began, ―And I was
wondering if you had any news.‖
―About the traffic? Sorry son, I‘m not monitoring the CB bands.‖ He said as he
started to roll up the window.
―No sir. I mean in general.‖ The man paused in his rolling, and Mark spoke
―People are talking about the military. A plague. Now this traffic. I just want to
know what you have heard.‖
The man paused a moment. He looked at Mark, noting his haircut, his fit
physique, and his consistent use of ―Sir.‖ He took a deep breath and let it out as
a sigh. ―Look son. This is all speculation. Nobody knows for sure what‘s going on.
But I have heard for a couple days from hams saying crops are dying. I have
heard hams talking about rising numbers of really sick folks in the cities. Lots of
reports from all over. And damn it,‖ the man said with a brief instant of
desperation ― I‘m afraid if I don‘t get out of this traffic soon, I am going to end up
Mark thought about what the man had said. He rapidly began to think about what
was the worst that could happen if the reports were correct. He thought about the
worst that could happen if he was wrong. He felt numb for a minute. He glanced
at the sky. It was getting dark.
―Thanks, sir. Good luck to you. I hope we all get out of this soon‖ Mark said,
turning and walking away back to the Eagle.
He began to shiver, but not from the cold. He broke into a jog. At the car, he
again opened his trunk and reached into the pocket of the ALICE pack that
rested there, and withdrew a Garmin GPS. He activated the GPS and got a fix on
his position, then shut the machine off and reached into his car for the ―Atlas and
Gazetteer,‖ turning to the page that had his approximate position. He peered
closely at the map's markings denoting latitude and longitude, then took a pencil
and marked the interstate with a small ―x‖ to remind himself exactly where he
was. His eyes then roved the area beside the interstate on the map. It showed a
gravel country road about a quarter mile to the east. Mark lifted his eyes from the
map and looked east. Beyond the somewhat steep swathe of land that bordered
the interstate, there was the standard interstate fence, and most discouraging, a
single line of 20‘ pine trees, spaced about 4‘ apart. Beyond that, a gentle ridge.
The trees ran as far as the he could see in both directions parallel to the
Mark thought for a moment. He glanced at the row of cars becoming backed up
on the shoulder.
―Well,‖ he thought, ―If I‘m gonna do this, I‘d better get to it before I‘m blocked in.‖
He climbed in to the driver‘s seat, and started the engine. Many heads turned his
way. Most all car owners had shut the engines off to conserve fuel, and the Eagle
turning over startled some. It was dark enough to make the headlights a good
idea. He looked back over his right shoulder, and eased the Eagle onto the
shoulder, then down the embankment, parking parallel with the interstate fence.
He then shut the car back off and sat in the dark for a few moments. Many
people had some form of camping gear out, and were ―tailgating‖ in the largest
parking lot Mark had ever seen. Mark sat quietly until he figured most people‘s
curiosity about him had faded. He reached up to make sure the dome light was
off , then exited the car. Once again, He opened the rear hatch and dug in the
ALICE pack. He pulled out a small can, roughly the size of a tuna can. He then
reached in the tool kit of a pair of 36‖ bolt cutters. ―A little overkill, but they‘ll do
the trick.‖ Mark thought as he walked to the front of the car, and began to cut the
strands of wire that constituted the interstate fence. Five minutes later, he pulled
the entire 20 foot section between wooden posts away. Leaning the bolt cutters
against the fence, he reached into his pocket and unscrewed the top on his
―Short Kutt‖ brand pocket chain saw. Mark had found the little gem after
becoming gravely disappointed with the so-called ―wire saws‖ that lasted about
10 minutes in real life. He bent and began sawing at the base of the first pine
tree, as low as he could get. Pausing only to shuck his flannel shirt and briefly
look around to see if anyone noticed his activity, he was through the first tree in
about 15 minutes. If anyone heard it fall, no one came to investigate. Most
people had returned to their cars and were intermittently running the engines. The
second tree took longer. He grunted, heaved, and finally got the two trees
out of the way. He collected the bolt cutters and re-stowed them along with the
pocket saw in the car. He paused long enough to let his breathing return to
normal from his exertions, as well as taking several gulps from his water bottle.
He then took a small Photon LED flashlight, and started walking due east. He hid
the beam of light with a hand, holding it close to his body to hide it from the cars
stalled on the interstate behind him. The ground was relatively firm. There was
knee-high hay, brown in large patches, in the field. It again sloped down for a
distance, but then took a dramatic turn uphill. Mark crested the hill, then began to
walk down the other side. After a short walk, he found himself across the ditch
from a gravel road. It took another 20 minutes to find the culvert spanning the
Mark walked back to the car. Doing his best to memorize the distances,
especially at the end. He figured he‘d be safe to turn on the headlights after he
was on the far side of the crest of the hill. Mark cautiously approached the car,
but it seemed no one had become curious and wandered down to check on him.
He climbed into the driver‘s seat, fastened the seatbelt, rolled down the window,
put the car in four-wheel drive and began to drive. As he started, he cursed
himself as he remembered that the brake lights would tell everyone where he
was if he stepped on the pedal. Instead, he reached for the handbrake. After
some slow maneuvering, Mark felt himself crest the hill. Another 50 feet and he
turned on his parking lights. His eyes had adjusted to the dark well enough that
they were pretty much all he needed.
Mark breathed a sigh of relief as he crossed the culvert and turned north onto the
gravel road.
―Well,‖ he thought, ―I‘m not sure what comes next, but at least I‘m mobile again.‖
The Undersecretary for Transportation was late for the meeting. Security was
getting so tight and the delays so time consuming that any movement around the
capital was all but impossible. As soon as the computer and communication
geeks could get everything rigged up and hard secured they would be able to
conduct these meetings remotely. Davis couldn‘t wait until that happened, but
until the kinks could be worked out and it actually happened, he would be forced
to jump through the gauntlet of ever increasing security hoops now in place. He
passed his hand through the Biochip scanner and was cleared by the armed
Marine guard at the last checkpoint just outside the conference room.
―You‘re cleared Mr. Undersecretary, the meetings already commenced Sir, but
there‘s plenty of seats left.‖ The Marine politely said as he opened the door for
The Director for Home Security was at the podium speaking as Davis slinked into
the first empty seat in the back. ―Chicago five point three, Los Angeles two point
six, and Houston one point two. Cities with loses under one million are: San
Francisco four hundred sixteen thousand, Atlanta three hundred sixty-eight
thousand, Denver two hundred forty-nine thousand, Memphis two hundred…‖
―Sir…?‖ The Director cleared his throat. ―Sir, ah by our best estimates…we
The air suddenly rushed out of every lung in the room. Not even one‘s own
heartbeat could be heard in the stillness that followed. Time seemed to have
stopped as they sat there in total shock. The air was thick and electric and
seemed to suddenly close in and suffocate everyone sitting in the room. Davis
felt like he was going to lose his hastily eaten lunch. The mere thought of that
many people suddenly dead in less than two weeks…was beyond
The room started to spin as Davis suddenly burst from his seat and ran for the
exit. He pushed through the double doors and spewed this lunch across the
Pentagon‘s tiled floor before collapsing to his knees and dry heaving. His heart
pounded in his ears and he could suddenly feel the strong hand of the Marine
guard on his shoulder just before he passed out.
Dr. Nathan Anders slowly drifted awake. The floor was hard beneath him but
someone had covered him with a blanket and placed a small pillow beneath his
head. An odd smell filled the air, oily, machine like. He slowly sat up against his
complaining cramped muscles and joints. He remembered now; the hospital, all
the death, their escape through the old tunnel under the street and that insane
run through the back streets and alleyways of old Chicago. The Guardsmen
shooting at them and they ended up finally at the EMT‘s place down near the
warehouse district…Mickey…ah…Mickey Davis, yeah that‘s right.
Nathan looked around and could make out several other still sleeping lumps
scattered across the carpeted floor. The loft was large and roomy, somehow
fitting a bachelor‘s life style.
―Coffee‘s on the counter Doc.‖ Mickey called to him from the other side of the
―Well you don‘t kill a couple of million people and simply walk away without a
―Well apparently, from what I can gather from the BBC Short Wave and the
Emergency Civil Defense broadcasts…the US was hit with a biological attack last
week. We‘ve been smack dab in the middle of it Doc, and somehow managed to
survive. But several million of our fellow Chicagoans didn‘t make it.‖ He paused
as he snapped the weapon back together and rubbed it lightly with a silicon rag.
―They hit a bunch of other cities as well. New York got really nailed, L. A. is toast,
we got banged pretty bad here and a bunch of other cities got smacked hard;
Memphis, Atlanta, New Orleans, San Fran, Portland, Seattle, and Denver plus
one or two others but I don‘t remember which ones. Needless to say,
Washington is not very happy right now and the sh*t has seriously hit the fan!‖
―Nope, strange that. You‘d think that they‘d have gone for the nation‘s capital too.
But so far they‘ve walked away clean. Scared sh*tless though I‘m sure.‖
―Well…for right now we‘re sitting fat in the middle of one of the major ground
zero‘s. Total, and I mean TOTAL martial law has clamped down across the
country. Oh and just be glad you‘re not Arabic or Muslim right now. Remember
what they did to the Japanese American‘s during World War Two?‖
―Yeah that‘s it. Well right now the army is out in force rounding up anyone that
looks the least bit like an Arab and forget it if your name is Mohammad or
anything that even sounds like it. That‘s a sure ticket straight to the camps!‖
―I can‘t believe it, they‘re using internment camps? But isn‘t there some kind of
protest or resistance?‖
―Are you kidding? We‘re talking MILLIONS of Americans dead Doc! They‘re lucky
that they aren‘t being shot on sight. The country is pretty p*ssed off right now.‖
He locked open the bipod support legs and set the rifle on the table. ―Besides
which, ATF is having a field day kicking in doors and confiscating guns all over
the place. It‘s total martial law, no private ownership of arms, no travel, no
hording, no nothing!‖
―The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, the candy @sses of the federal
bureaus, real wanna-bees. Only now they‘ve really got a mission. They‘ve closed
all the gun shops across the country; any registered owner has twenty-four hours
to turn in all firearms and reloading equipment when they arrive in your area.
THEN they start going from house to house. If you‘re found with any contraband
they haul your @ss off to one of the camps.‖
―HELLO DOC, did I fail to mention the ENTIRE COUNTRY is under MARTIAL
LAW? They can do what ever they want. And right now they want vengeance
and an entirely disarmed population.‖
―So where does that put us…here.‖ Nathan pointed to the rifles and such against
the wall. ―How long until they come for these?‖
―Well first they have to know about them. You don‘t think I‘d be stupid enough to
register any of this?‖
―Oh you can bet on it, but this isn‘t a normal rent district you‘d be expecting to
find people living in, is it? ―We‘re gonna be OK for now, but I don‘t think any
where in Chicago is going to be a good place to stay for quite a while. And right
now we‘re still inside the ‗Red Zone‘, too much bio contamination to start
scr*wing around near us.‖
―So now what?‖ Nathan asked and took another sip from the mug.
―Well Doc…Isaac and a couple of others are going to try to get back home. He‘s
out scouting a route right now. As for the rest of our little clan. Well you‘re
welcome to hang out here for a while, but I wouldn‘t stick around too long. I‘ve
already heard shooting off in the distance. No telling what it‘s from. Could be
more Guardsmen, could be gangs, could be anything now. There‘s not enough
National Guard to totally lock down the city and the cops are still nowhere in
sight, hell they could all be dead for all we know. Do the math…it‘s not a good
―And you, looks like you‘re preparing for a war. What‘s with all this hardware?‖
―Oh me. Well Doc…I‘m one of those Survivalist-Patriot-Militia types that the
media is always warning you about.‖
―But…you don‘t seem the type. Why you even work with a…ah…‖
―A Blackman, you can say it Doc…yeah Isaac is black. Say I wonder if I should
remind him sometime about that?‖
―Look Doc, don‘t believe all the hype that gets spewed out by the media. They
have their agenda and we have ours. Yeah there are some total jerks running
around professing to be righteous militiamen and patriots etc., but don‘t you
believe ‗em for a second! Bunch of whinny @ss wannabee‘s if you ask me.
Isaac‘s agenda and mine are one in the same. ‗You works hard you gets paid a
fair wage.‘ Nobody gets cut a husk ahead of anyone else. That‘s why we get
along so well. He jerks my chain when I get out of line and I jerk his. I don‘t cut
him any slack and he don‘t cut me any.‖
―Beside which he‘s the best damn EMT I‘ve ever worked with! Did you know that
he was in the Gulf War? Got wounded dragging Marines out of hell-ova hot
firefight. He was one tough Corpsman I heard. He never talks about it, but I got it
on good authority from some of the other EMT‘s.‖
―Well I can‘t get in touch with anyone right now. Phones are still down,
emergency use only. But I‘ve got a couple of hunting buddies that have some
land up across the lake in Northern Michigan. Figure I‘ll load as much of my gear
as I can, and borrow a boat down in the basin and skedadle out across the pond
and hole up there until things get back to normal. Which may not be for a long
He got up and added the lethal looking rifle to the others leaning up against the
wall. ―You‘re welcome to join us if you like Doc.‘‘ He paused. ―Your family as
―There‘s just me Mickey. Well and my ex-wife, she‘ll miss the alimony.‖ He
―I won‘t! We didn‘t‘ have any kids.‖ Nathan looked up from his cup. ―There‘s my
brother, he‘s out in L.A. and a sister down in Arizona, but we haven‘t been very
close for years and they‘re too far away now I suppose.‖
―Yeah, right now they might as well be on the moon. Nobody but federally
authorized vehicles are allowed on the roads. There‘s no way you could get to
them now Doc and probably not for some time…so what do you think…are you
up for some rugged living? A full on Doc would be welcomed.‖
Nathan sat there for a bit ruminating over the idea. He took another sip of the
coffee and could feel the warmth ease down his throat. He really didn‘t have any
other options. His work had been his life and that was pretty well shot now. He
certainly didn‘t relish the idea of walking back into another hospital for a while. He
had seen enough death in the past several days to last a lifetime.
―Hmmm perhaps a little vacation is in order Mickey. But I‘ll warn you, I‘m pretty
much a city boy and not much good in the woods.‖
―That‘s not a problem Doc. Hang with me for a while and I‘ll be happy to teach
you everything you‘ll need to know.‖ He paused. ―And perhaps you can teach me
what I need to know to be a PA.‖
―Physicians Assistant?‖
―Yeah, I‘ve been taking night classes to get my AA degree with the idea of going
on and applying to one of the local PA programs.‖
Just then the downstairs main access door‘s buzzer sounded several times.
Someone was pressing it frantically and Mickey ran across the room and
cautiously looked out the window. He could see Isaac being supported by two
people, one he recognized at Isaac‘s sister.
―Sh*t !‖ Mickey slammed his hand on the door release, grabbed one of the rifles
against the wall and raced down the stairwell. Dr. Anders followed close on his
When they arrived at the bottom of the stairs they could both see the blood
soaked clothing on Isaac and the pale gray color of his dark skin. He was going
into shock.
―He‘s been shot! He‘s been shot! Oh it‘s all my fault.‖ Salina blubbered.
Isaac raised his head. ―Got ambushed Mic, they‘re not far behind us. Sorry
man…no where else to go!‖
Nathan and Mic helped him to the ground and Nathan took over. He had been
shot on the left side just below the breast.
―We‘ve got a s*cking chest wound Mickey. Through and through. Damn I didn‘t
bring any equipment to deal with this!‖
―I‘ve got some stuff upstairs Doc. Here help me get him up.‖
The Pair picked him up in a two man chair carry and carefully crabbed up the
stairway to the loft. Everyone was up by the time they reached the top landing.
Mickey motioned for one of the nurses to take his place and he quickly moved to
prepare a operating table for Isaac. He bundled up the gun cleaning supplies and
the weapons and moved them over to the corner. Then raced off to a back room and
came out with a duffle bag that had a heavy-duty zipper down one side. After
clearing off the counter he tossed the bag up on it and opened it up. By then they
had positioned Isaac on the table.
―Here‘s two bags of Ringer‘s Doc, Heimlich valve, Dressings, Surgical Kit., I‘ve
got a big Kelly‘s here for the chest tube.‖ Mickey was rifling through the contents
tossing medical and surgical equipment at Nathan and the two nurses.
The action was fast and furious. For the next forty odd minutes Nathan was
clamping, tying off, and sewing up bleeders as quickly as he could. This was
meatball surgery, he didn‘t even know if the equipment he was using was sterile
or not. At this point it didn‘t matter. If he didn‘t stop the bleeding and control the
shock it would all over well before any infection could set in. Then suddenly he
was done. That was all he could do. The rest was up to Isaac. Nathan walked
over to the easy chair and collapsed. Mickey came up and put his hand on his
―Don‘t know if it will do any good. I just plugged him up as well as I could. Thank
God it was a clean shot through.‖
They stood there quietly for a few minutes and watched the two nurses clean up
the patient and then they helped them move him in to Mickey‘s bedroom. Salina
grabbed the doctor‘s arm and cried softly, thanking him for saving her brother.
―He‘s not out of danger yet dear, but he‘s got a fighting chance.‖
―Sh*t ! I forgot about them…damn, damn, damn!‖ Mickey ran over to the window
and peeked out. ―Where are they?‖
Sheila, the 17-year-old Candy Striper that had survived the nightmare in the
hospital with them pointed off beyond the immediate buildings. ―I saw some
movement back there behind that short building.‖
Mickey raised his bino‘s and scanned the distance. ―Nothing, nothing, oh
oh…yep, I see ‗em, Salina were those street punks that ambushed you?‖
―Yeah it was gang-bangers. They shot up the car and was acting all crazy like,
blocked the street with wrecks and Isaac had to drive clear up on the curb and
through a yard to get by them.‖
Mickey handed the binoculars to Sheila ―Keep and eye on them for me.‖ He said
as he walked across the room to a wall locker. He quickly started dressing out for
combat. Over the camo‘s he was wearing he pulled on a military looking flak
vest. A vest had pockets that he started filling up with magazines, and gear. He
walked back to the Doctor and handed him a small radio.
―This is so you‘ll know what‘s going on and you can let me know if you‘re in
trouble. Do you know anything at all about guns?‖
―Well there‘s no time like the present.‖ Mickey quickly gave the group a brief
overly simplified course on the AR 15 and the 12-gauge pump shotgun before
handing them out.
―Now remember you‘re not to get involved UNLESS I call for help. Just sit here
and pray these punks are as stupid as they look. At the most all you‘ll have to do
is make noise with them. BUT STAY HERE! After I leave this loft anything I run
into out there is gonna get shot. SO DON‘T BE STUPID…UNDERSTOOD!‖
―Mickey are you sure that there‘s not something more I can do.‖ Nathan pleaded.
―Doc, you stay here and keep Isaac alive…he owes me ten bucks on a bet. And I
intend to collect.‖
Wallace Danfort stepped forward. He had been a custodian at the hospital. ―Look
here son, I may just be a janitor but I do know how to use one of these civilian M-
16‘s. I was in the Army back during Nam. Wasn‘t in combat unless you count bar
fights while stationed over in Germany. But you ain‘t going out there alone…that
is plan stupid!‖
―You just lead sonny and I‘ll be there to cover your six…can I keep up, damn boy
I ain‘t that old!‖
Mickey pulled out another vest and handed him one of the AR‘s. ―Grab the
bandoleer‘s and that gun case and we‘re out of here.‖
The pair, heavily loaded down with gear, moved out quietly from the warehouse.
They circled back behind and moved as fast as they could away from the loft as
possible. There was no sense to draw these punks to his retreat. Better to draw
them off and catch them well out of the line of fire from Doc and the others.
―What he hell is in this case Mic? Fricken thing weighs a ton.‖ Wallace puffed.
―Yeah, well just be glad you‘re not carrying the ammo for that thing.‖ They
continued to maneuver for position and arrived ten minutes later where Mickey
wanted to set up.
―Ok Wally, you set here and make real quiet. You‘re my back up. This is my line
of retreat and our redoubt. I‘ll try to pick them off up ahead of here. But if not, this
is where I‘ll be coming…so don‘t shoot the first thing you see, it will probably be
me. OK?‖
―Gotcha Mic.‖
With that Mickey moved out. He quickly covered the ground between the redoubt
and where he figured the gang-bangers would be by now. He checked his
weapon, his AR-15A2. He would have rather carried the FN or the M1A but he
was looking at multiple targets, close to medium range and needed the massive
firepower that sheer numbers of rounds headed down range would provide. Not
that the 62 grain .223 round is anything to laugh at. Inside two hundred meters
the round is devastating against human flesh. Added to that he was carrying ten
thirty round magazines in his chest pack, another six mags on his web gear and
counting the one in the weapon, was packing over 500 rounds of close up and
nasty. A couple of hand grenades would have been nice. But as his old Gunnery
Sergeant had said. ―Sh*t in one hand and wish in the other…see which one gets
full first.‖
He could hear noise up ahead; some was idiot beating in a metal door. He
lowered him self to the ground and looked quickly around the corner of the
―Yep. Those idiots are trying to break into the storage garages.‖ Whispered to
He could see several gang-bangers outside and hear several more inside one of the
units they had managed to break into. Boxes and household goods were
being tossed out into the driveway between the row of storage units. While they
were half in and half out of the storage garage he couldn‘t hope to ambush
enough at one time to finish the job. He looked around for options. ―Hmmmm just
Suddenly Mickey heard several voices coming around the corner behind him. He
was momentarily hidden by several fifty-five gallon drums and a low stack of
crates, but now he was caught between two different groups and his only escape
was in the open between them. ―Sh*t !‖
Three bangers walked around the corner. All were armed. Mickey clicked the
safety over to full auto and began tapping the trigger sending two round groups
rapidly into the unsuspecting hard @sses at point blank range. The first two
bangers were caught completely by surprise and never had a chance, but their
off balanced descent to the ground partially blocked and protected the third
member and he did manage to return fire, ineffective, but far too close for
comfort. Mickey tagged him several more times to make sure he wouldn‘t get off
another round. Mickey was now exposed.
Spinning around he could hear shouts and gunfire coming from the invaded
storage garage less than thirty yards away. Clicking back to Simi-auto and
feeding in a fresh magazine into the AR he inched up to the edge of the building.
He needed a distraction. The drum beside him was partially empty and not too
heavy. Mickey pushed it over and kicked it to get it rolling. He waited until it was
six or eight feet away before he quickly whipped his rifle around the corner.
Tap-tap, one down! Tap-tap, second down. The third and forth bangers are
running for cover of the storage unit firing back blindly. Tap-tap…Tap-tap…Tap-
tap, another down. ―Sh*t !‖ the forth dove into the garage. Mickey let fly a rapid-
fire barrage into the opening of the storage garage. When the AR locked open on
empty he retreated quickly back, reloaded, picked up the earlier emptied mag
and took off running.
Twenty yards…fifteen…ten…five…Crack-crack-crack. They were out of their hole
and hot on his trail. CORNER! He switched to a left hand hold and poked
out around the corner of the new building. There were seven more of them! They
had just reached the position he had vacated and discovered their dead partners.
―Sh*t ! Now they‘re p*ssed for sure!‖ He could see that most of the second group
he tagged were still on the ground.
―How many of these b*astards were there to begin with.‖ He tried to steady his
breath. ―Make a note to self…Self, must radically improve recon methods. Best to
have an idea of how big a bucket of sh*t you‘re jumping into BEFORE
He poked back around the corner, sighted in on the baddest looking banger and
proceeded to empty the third magazine into the group. Two more dropped but
the rest quickly ducked for cover and started to return fire. Mickey disappeared
back around the corner, reloaded and took off again.
―I wonder how long before they wise up to this tactic.‖ He thought to himself.
Then he heard the squeal of tires in the distance and got his answer. He was at
least one hundred yards away from Wally through a maze of factory and
warehouse buildings. One hundred yards too far he was sure. ―Screw it!‖ He took
off running at full tilt.
He had covered nearly half the distance when he heard the car slam on the
brakes behind him and shots rang out. He dove behind a ramp, rolled and came
up shooting. The carload of bangers was less than forty yards away and several
of them had what looked like AK‘s and MAC Submachine guns. Sh*t was
whizzing past fast and hitting all over the building walls behind him.
―I got him! I got him!‖ He could hear coming from the bangers in the car. Mickey‘s
head was pounding but he was alive. They couldn‘t see him from where he was,
but he couldn‘t leave without exposing himself right in front of them. ―This really
s*cks!‖ He thought. He rolled over and tried to clear his head.
―Yeah man I totally capped him in the head! He‘s wasted man, totally wasted!‖
Mickey blinked his eyes but everything still seemed watery. ―This is not cool.‖ He
muttered. He could hear car doors slam, they would be moving in now to check
their kill. Mickey fumbled around and pulled out a fresh mag, ejected the near
spent one and prepared for a last stand. His vision was starting to clear and it
was now or never. He popped up suddenly and two bangers were less than a
dozen feet away. He flipped to full auto, sprayed and prayed.
But something strange happened to the banger to his right. He suddenly jumped
over thirty feet through the air sideways back towards the car. Mickey blinked,
and blinked again. Something suddenly burned his left thigh and he came back
to focus.
pounding, his ears ringing and his leg burning, but he stood there alive, dazed
but alive.
Wally had come up to provide him cover and with him he had brought the Barrett
50 caliber BMG that he had been hauling around in the gun case. Somehow he had
managed to quickly figure out how it worked and set it up at the end of the factory
lane only a little over a hundred yards away. The firepower of that gun at that range
quickly turned the tide of the firefight. Wally turned the car into Swiss
cheese and every one it as well.
When they got back to the loft, Nathan quickly patched the leg wound, just
muscle…‖ouch Doc!‖ and Mickey admired the now ruined Kevlar helmet.
―Man that must of hurt!‖ Wally said. ―I thought you were a goner for sure when I
saw your head snap back.‖
―Would have been if it hadn‘t been for this helmet. My head is still pounding, but
that is better than the alternative.‖
―Thanks for disobeying my orders and coming up and saving my @ss.‖ Mickey
said to him.
―Youth and enthusiasm…‖Wally said pointing at Mickey. ―Age and deceit.‖ His
thumb now pointed at himself. ―A tough combination to beat wouldn‘t you say.‖
―Yeah Wally, Yeah I‘d say it was…do you suppose you could teach me some of
that age and deceit sh*t…cause that youth and enthusiasm cr*p just about got
me killed out there.‖
―Sure we can work a deal Mic…say…do I get to keep the big gun?‖
Desert Doc
Max Jeager walked slowly to the patrol car head down, and deep in thought.
Things were going bad, and going bad fast. The Chief had given them a pep talk,
all about how this was a great and powerful country, that the top people in the
nation were working on the problems of the disease, and the crop failure. There
were strategic reserves of fuel, and we were having a surplus of grain, for
Christ‘s sake, besides all the government cheese!
―Don‘t worry about this.‖ The Chief had said. ―It‘ll be back to normal in a few
weeks. Count on it.‖
Max was less than reassured. So far the grocery stores were still full of food to
buy. He thought that would last a few days at the most, several hours at the
least. The news was still talking only vaguely about the problems of the disease
and crop damage. There were an inordinate number of ―happy stories‖ on the
network news. Stories about kids who won spelling bees or bicycling grandmas.
But the guard had been called up to go into the cities, and their family members
weren‘t stupid. They knew something was up. The state patrol was having their
hands full with the interstate corridors. They were scheduled to close the
interstates nationwide at 1800 tonight. Three hours from now. It was being kept
pretty hush-hush, but even several counties away from the ―I‖ the State Patrol
was informing Max‘s department that they may be requesting personnel, and
were willing to pay overtime costs to the department. The reasoning given was a
―precaution‖ to prevent the spread of the disease.
Max figured that tonight was the night. When they closed the interstate, people
would no longer be able to ignore what was going on. The happy talk from the
news would suddenly be seen to be lies. The panic would begin, and panic –like
fire- had a way of feeding on itself to grow and spread. People would rush out to
get gas for their cars and groceries for their stomachs. A couple million lemmings
all with the same idea. Tempers would flare, punches would be thrown, triggers
would be pulled, windows would be broken, and the dark ages wouldn‘t be far
―I should have called in sick.‖ He thought with a sigh as he sat down into the
driver‘s seat of the patrol car. Three of the others on his shift did. He wondered
how long the department would function. If there were a sufficient level of
anarchy and lawlessness, he knew that most officers would bag it, and go take
care of the people that really mattered to them.
Like many officers, Max was growing a tiny seed of the ―Us vs. Them‖ attitude
that law enforcement personnel seemed to develop over time. There were three
classes of people: The Good Guys. Cops. There was the general public. Stupid,
idiotic, thought-free. The bad guys: Thugs, punks, perps, scrotes, etc. The public
was to be tolerated, but that was pretty close to all that could be done.
Intellectually, Max knew this was wrong. But the simple fact of the matter was
that the majority of smart, well-adjusted normal people rarely had the occasion to
call a cop. They took care of problems before they were problems. Therefore,
most of the public that cops were exposed to –while not actually criminals- were
not exactly the cream of humanity‘s crop. Max figured he and his fellow officer‘s
loyalty to this public would last only so long after the paychecks started coming
Max wheeled the cruiser into the gates at the city shops. The place was like a
ghost town: Deserted except for a few mechanics working on a street sweeper,
and one attaching a snowplow blade to the front of a bright orange dump truck.
He spotted one of the mechanics that he sometimes shot the breeze with while
filling the patrol car or having it serviced.
―Hiya Max.‖ Tommy replied, wiping his hands on a shop rag. ―Some called in
sick, some are up at the ―I‖ getting ready to put up Jersey Barriers. There‘s a
coupla guys round here someplace. Then there‘s me. Something weird‘s going
on. This just ain‘t right.‖
―Tell me about it. That‘s why I‘m here. I have a feeling it‘s going to be a hell of a
night. I came to see if you had any 5 gallon gas cans. It might be a while before I
can refuel tonight, and I don‘t want to be stuck out in BFE without gas.‖
―Well…‖ Tommy started, ―It seems you aren‘t the only one with that idea. We had
a bunch of them for refueling the mowers and the like, but a lot of ‗em seemed to
grow legs lately and walk away. I think I can scare you up a couple. Gotta sign
for ‗em, though.‖
―Plus the city says you aren‘t supposed to carry them in the trunk.‖
This was Tommy‘s fun. He pretended to be a by-the-book city shops employee,
but it was just that: Pretend. He‘d bent the rules plenty of times if the reason to
do so made sense, or if the person requesting the bending was ―a decent guy.‖
Today Max had both on his side.
―Well Tommy, I won‘t tell if you don‘t. Plus if it‘ll ease your conscience, you can
just hand ‗em to me and go do something else. I‘ll do the rest.‖ Max said with a
―Aw hell. There aren‘t any supervisors for miles anyway. Pull the car up to the
pumps. I‘ll meet you there.‖
Max drove the squad around the huge shop building to the fuel pumps out back.
On the night shift, the officers were supposed to pump their own fuel, and thus
knew where the switches for the pumps were located and had keys to the gates.
There were two pumps, one for diesel and one for gasoline. Most of the city‘s
larger equipment ran on diesel, but the squad cars, city pick-ups, lawn mowers,
sidewalk plows and a myriad of other equipment ran on gasoline. Thus, the city
bought thousands of gallons every month to feed the vehicles it owned. Max
began to fill the cruiser, and soon Tommy rounded the corner of the shop
carrying three red ―jerry cans.‖
Tommy set them down next to the pump, and said, ―Say, are you OK here? I
have to get some stuff done around here. We really are short handed.‖
―No problem. Thanks for the help. Oh, where do I sign for these?‖ Max replied.
Tommy tapped the side of his head with a finger, ―You already signed right up
here. Just bring ‗em back when you‘re done with ‗em, will you?‖
―Will do. Thanks again.‖ Said Max as he turned to fuel the gas cans.
The next few hours were the worst of Max‘ life. It started with a call to a fight at a
bar next to the grocery store. Max pulled up and there were two men rolling
around in the parking lot. Like most fights, this one had degenerated from
throwing punches to a kind of wrestling. Bystanders were watching, trying to
separate the combatants, trying to stop those who were trying to separate the
combatants, and the usual drunken cheerleaders. At three thirty in the afternoon,
no less. Max got out of the car and walked over. Most of the bystanders had
backed a little away, but many were now shouting at Max. He shoved a couple of
people back, then grabbed one of the combatants by the shirt and yanked him a
couple feet away from the other guy. Max‘s backup wasn‘t too far away, but there
were only two other cars on duty, due to the sick calls. Dispatch was having no
luck getting anybody to come in, either. One of the heroes made a drunken lunge
for the other, which Max stopped with a boot on the shoulder, and a gruff ―Sit
down.‖ This riled the drunken crowd who began shouting at Max even louder.
Max chose the most non-compliant of the two and began to cuff him and hustle
him to the back of his squad car. It was best to get done what needed to be
done, and get the hell out of there. When he went for the other one, a drunken
woman in a tube top staggered between Max and the other fighter.
―He din‘t start it. You leave him alone.‖ She screeched
―Ma‘am, step back.‖ Max said. He learned you can‘t argue with drunks: Their
logic knew no bounds.
―You keep yer f*kin‘ hans of him. He din‘t do nuthin‘, you stupid cop!‖ She replied.
The crowd sensed a good show, and their volume level rose considerably. Max
was uncomfortable, but not scared. He did wish backup would show the hell up,
―Ma‘am,‖ Said Max, unsnapping the pouch on his belt and withdrawing the
pepper spray, unconsciously giving it a shake, ―I‘m not gonna tell you again: Step
back away from him. He‘s going to jail, and unless you step back, you are too.‖
Max let fly with a stream of pepper spray at her face. For all of three seconds, it
seemed as though she was immune. Then she dropped to her knees.
As mucus ran in long, stringy strands from her nose, her eyes were pinched
tightly shut. Her face became as reddened as one of those baboons he had seen
once on PBS.
The crowd grew even louder. To them, a great injustice was done to the Drunken
Nation. How best to avenge this terrible tragedy?
Max was cuffing the second fighter, who had become quite compliant, and was
walking him to the squad -past Xena the Warrior Princess, who was rolling
around on the gravel parking lot- when the first beer bottle flew. The first missed,
but a subsequent bottle hit Max squarely in the back of the head. White lights
burst brightly before his eyes, and he stumbled briefly, bumping into the cuffed
drunk in front of him, bringing them both to the ground. Max reached to the radio
hanging at his belt and hit the ―panic button‖ that sent a tone to dispatch, letting
them know he was in trouble. More beer bottles flew, another striking Max in the
chest. Another hit the squad car, shattered, and a shard cut Max‘ cheek. The
crowd was coming closer, sensing a victory, when Max, from a kneeling position
hosed the crowd with his pepper spray. His vision has not completely cleared, so
the aim was not what it had been with Xena, but it was enough. He emptied the
entire can in the crowd‘s general direction. They backed off, and dispersed, most
looking for water to try to wash off the pepper spray.
Max‘ back up rolled up about then. Max stood and shoved the last fighter in the
back of his squad.
―Jesus, Max‖ said Kass, the first back up to arrive. ―You look like sh*t . You all
―I think so.‖ Max reached up to feel the blood running from the cut on his cheek,
and from the great and growing welt on the back of his head. ―Listen, I think I‘m
gonna need some stitches. Will you take these guys to the station and start on
‗em? I‘m gonna head to Mercy.‖
―Sure, Max. What about her?‖ Kass said, gesturing to the moaning, swearing
form with the tube top around her hips.
―Her too. Obstruction for now. Until my bell quits ringing and I can think of
something better.‖ Max said, climbing into the squad.
Things were going to get a lot worse for Max in the next few hours.
She could hear the laughing on the other side of the door. She could still smell
their fetid breath, the stench of their filthy bodies sweating all over her. She could
barely see out of one eye and the other was swollen shut…THOSE B*STARDS!
Thankfully she had passed out, earlier, but now she had to find a way out…any
way out! Her one hand was still tied to the bedpost. Somehow, somehow she
must get free.
The old green ‗53 Willys Overland Station Wagon cruised slowly but steadily
down the dirt gravel road. It had been well over month before Betty had ventured
out the first time, ―just too much silly stuff going on.‖ her Murray would have said.
She wished Murray was with her now. All those years of preparation, all those
plans they had worked on to be ready for just such a day and now, well…he had
fought the cancer like the old soldier he was. Just like that day back on the
Normandy beaches he would tell her about when the Scotch got to him a little too
much, but this final battle he couldn‘t win. Still he had prepared her for this day.
She just wished she wasn‘t alone…‖Well‖, she thought patting the dark rump of
the Rottie looking out the passenger window, ―Maybe not quite all alone.‖
She could hear footsteps coming closer to the door, then the knob turned and the
door suddenly opened and filled the room with loud music and the smell of stale
beer, urine and cigarettes. She froze, as if she was still unconscious and prayed.
―Naw…the b*tch is still out! Geez Ben did you have to hit her that hard?‖ The
door slammed shut and the footsteps moved away.
Through her one good eye Samantha looked about the shabby room. Early
welfare trash. She was laying in the middle of a bed, naked, battered and
bruised. Her right hand was free but she could hardly feel her fingers, her left
was still tied to the poster of the bed by some sort of heavy cord. She tired to
move and every inch of her body screamed at her in pain. But she had to move,
it was the only way out of this nightmare. She knew that if she didn‘t get out there
soon, there would be no later. It was move or die.
Betty finally reached the black top road and turned the Willys left on to it. Just
another ten miles and she‘d be in the small community of Monte Vista in the
mountains north-northeast of San Diego. It wasn‘t much of a town as far as
towns went; a bedroom community of perhaps twenty thousand give or take
before the Bio attack. She had lost a good many of her friends in those first days.
According to the short wave radio she monitored religiously things had been
really bad in the major cities where millions were said to have perished. She still
found it hard to believe, so many people so quickly. Betty believed that only her
isolation out in the sticks where she and Murray had built their home had
probably saved her. Even the little community of Monte Vista had not escaped
the plague and had suffered the loss of almost a thousand of its citizens. Of the
remaining survivors less than half still remained, most had gone off elsewhere to
wait out the storm or moved into better-policed suburbs. Things had been getting
pretty rough since the out-break. Murray‘s old police scanner seemed to be
getting busier and busier lately and level of violence was steadily increasing.
Samantha worked at the knot on her left wrist with her teeth; her right hand was
still almost useless from the lack of circulation caused by the ropes still dangling
from it. At last the final bit came loose and she was free from the bed, now she
had to get out of the room and out of the house. She slowly eased off the bed
and looked for something to cover herself with. The remains of her clothing was
piled across the room in the corner, but she remembered that most of that had
ripped and cut off.
―Prioritize, prioritize.‖ She kept thinking. ―Focus - focus on the problem. My god
what a nightmare!‖
She limped over to the window. It was partially open. All she had to do was slide
it the rest of the way open and climb out through the torn screen, the ground was
just feet below. It seemed like it took hours for her to move a rickety chair over
below the window, slide the window quietly open and then finally she managed to
push/fall through the screen to the ground five feet below. She landed with a
muffled thud in a lump on the cold wet grass knocking the wind out of her, but
she was outside that room. Pitifully, painfully she pushed herself to her knees
and then leaning against the stucco side of the house its course grit like sand
paper finish tearing at her already traumatized skin. Slowly she clawed her way
up until she was standing, then step by agonizing step she limped forward, out
the side gate, across the front of the neighbors yard and slowly down the street.
Naked, bloody, and filthy she looked more dead than alive, a hideous creature of
the walking dead loping down the side street and alley.
She hadn‘t managed to get very far away when the animals that had spent the
last twelve hours raping and beating her discovered her absence. Off in the
distance she could hear the hollering, cussing and shouting suddenly drowned
out by engines starting up.
―Oh my God…Oh my God!‖ She felt the sudden surge of panic flood through her
and she drew from that deep well of desperation in her very soul and started
running, running, running anywhere but here.
Betty arrived at the edge of town. It appeared unseemly quiet and strangely
vacant, especially for the middle of the week. Granted it was getting close to the
end of the day, in about an hour or two she figured it would start getting on
towards dusk. She didn‘t want to be out after dark. Just a quick run into town for
some fresh supplies and such, and then back to the ranch. She pulled up in the
alleyway of the local Carniceria. She had been getting her meat and spices there
over the last forty years from the Sanchez family. Manny always gave her more
than a fair price and usually a little something extra was always thrown in,
especially some nice juicy bones for Patton. Betty‘s husband Murray had built
Manny‘s home, and three of his daughter‘s houses as well. Maria, Manny‘s wife
had taught Betty the secret to making good tortillas and tamale‘s as well as many
other traditional Mexican dishes. It was a small community and the roots ran
deep. While the rest of the world seemed to have increasing problems between
the different races and religions getting along, Monte Vista had somehow been
spared that ordeal.
Samantha ran in sheer panic down the sidewalk towards the boulevard. There
was no one about, no one to help her or hear her cries for help. The sound of the
motorcycles and trucks were still way off in the distance, but it was only a matter
of time she knew before she would be fighting for her life. Her feet were bloody
from the blacktop and concrete tearing at them. She had fallen too many times to
remember, her skin covered more with weeping and bleeding abrasions than the
manicured tan that she usually sported. Her custom nails that she had preened
every two weeks were broken or ripped off. God what a bloody mess she had
become in less than twenty-four short hours. From a cultured well-dressed
college coed studying journalism at one of the top western universities to a naked
and bleeding panicked creature looking for any kind of shelter from the rabid
animals stalking her now.
Betty arrived at the Carniceria and pulled around behind into the alley as was her
habit. She parked near the back door to ease loading her purchases in the
wagon and shut the Willys off.
―Patton you stay here and guard the wagon.‖ She said as she climbed out of the
Willys. She hesitated for a second, remembered what Murray always said then
adjusted the fit of her shoulder holster under her Levi jacket. The Browning High
power was locked and loaded and ready if she would need it. Not that Manny‘s
was a difficult place to shop or anything, but as Murray had always reminded her:
―When in doubt, be ready.‖ With that done she grabbed her shopping list and
entered the rear door. She loved Manny's shop, so full of the aroma of herbs and
―Seniora Betty, how nice of you to visit my shop today.‖ Manny greeted her as
she came in through the back door.
Maria was getting over the Influenza plague when a secondary infection of
pneumonia jumped in and that nearly did her in. Betty had been bringing her
fresh herbal treatments from her garden as well as strong antibiotics from her
cache. It had been touch and go, but over the last week or so Maria seemed to
slow getting better day-by-day.
―Oh, she is getting much better I think. The new medicine seems to be helping. We
are so grateful for your help.‖ Manny walked over and gave her a hug. Then
stepped back and looked had her strangely.
―Oh don‘t worry Manny, it‘s just insurance in case things got a little strange
coming into town today.‖ She said opening up the left side of her jean jacket to
show him the holstered auto.
―Si, I understand Seniora, since the plague things are not going so good these
―Are you having any problems Manuel?‖ She asked concerned.
―Oh, no, not me. But there are more gangs, more criminals and problems now
since the plague. More empty houses are being broken into everyday. The
Sheriff can not stop them, there are just too many and he is too few.‖ He walked
behind the counter. Bent over and brought up an old double barreled shotgun
laying it on the counter top.
―Maria does not like me to have this in the store, but I think it is a good idea.‖
―I would have to agree with you on that Manny.‖ She answered as she picked up
spices and chilies and added them to her cart.
―Well I‘ll take about a half order today Manny and throw in some of your special
spicy sausages if you have any.‖
―Oh Si, I have a fresh batch that will send your taste buds straight to heaven they
are so good.‖ He smacked his lips and got busy with his task.
Samantha looked up and down the street. There was no one in sight. She was
on the edge of the business district, surely there would be something open,
someone that could help her, but everything looked dead. Nothing was moving,
no cars, no kids, nothing. And dead was where she would be if she didn‘t find
help soon. She could hear the motorcycles off in the distance getting closer. So
far she had managed to hide twice when they had come close before, but she
was quickly becoming too tired to fight, too tired to run. She looked
again…then…there, a sign. OPEN. At the end of the street the Mexican butcher
was open. She started to move in that direction almost unconsciously, as if
drawn by the light of that sign. Her bloody feet screamed with each step, she
started crying and laughing and crying again. She was on the edge of madness
and the only light at the end of her tunnel, her only salvation was fifty yards away
in a neon red sign. The sound grew louder behind her and she started to run.
―Oh Seniora Betty, take this as a gift. For you help with Maria.‖ He held out his
―No Manny, I couldn‘t do that and you know it. I only did what a good friend would
do. Now how much is all that Manny, Please.‖
They haggled for a few minutes, it was the ritual, before Betty put the money in
Manny‘s hand and made him take it. She gave him a hug and walked out the
back door. She had just opened the door and was about to get in the Willy‘s
when she heard a horrific crash from inside the store and Manny‘s voice loudly
calling on the saints in Spanish. Without a thought she reached up above the
visor and grabbed Murray‘s old carbine from the spring-loaded rack. She quickly
snapped in a thirty round magazine and racked the slide back and let it go.
Popping the slide with her palm to insure it was locked forward she grabbed two
more thirty round magazines and stuffed them in her jacket pocket. There were
two fifteen round magazines located in a pouch on the rifles stock, she looked
down and checked those quickly…this would have to do.
She entered the back of the store cautiously in the combat crouch that Murray had
taught her. She flipped the safety off. Up in the front of the store she could see
Manny with his double barrel shotgun pointing towards the door. There was
something, no someone sprawled on the ground just inside the door. They had
knocked over the potato chip display and were partially buried underneath the
bags of chips. There were small arms and legs sticking out from under the pile.
But that was not what had Manny‘s attention, it was what was now coming in the
Betty moved to the right sliding along the wall aisle trying get a clear view of the
situation. ―I‘m too old for this sh*t Murray!‖ She mumbled to herself.
The roar of more motorcycles could be heard through the open door. It was a
Mexican Stand-Off, literally. Manny with is shotgun and two large filthy goons just
inside the shop‘s door with their pistols. Betty stepped up on the base of the store
fixture to poke the carbine across the top.
―You better back off wet back! This here b*tch is our property and we‘re takin her
back!‖ The closer animal bellowed.
―Better put it down Muther F*cker or we‘ll rip out your F*cken Heart!‖ The second
one yelled.
Manny stood his ground waving the double barrel back and forth between the
―You geet out of my store and leave the senorita alone! YOU GO!‖ He yelled.
Betty could see the two bikers make eye contact, without thinking she knew this
standoff was going to end in a few seconds and not well. Then suddenly she
heard Patton‘s deep bark and someone‘s blood curdling scream echoing from
the ally. The two thugs snapped their heads towards the back door and then one
saw Betty. As the two made eye contact Betty‘s trigger finger instinctively
squeezed. The one-hundred and ten grain soft point bullet crossed the distance
between them before the bikers iris could fully expand to focus on the image of
the silver gray head just barely above the display rack‘s top. Entering just above
his eyebrow the force of the expanding lead round snapped his head back like a
doll‘s head in a wind tunnel. The second biker looked at his partner as blood
sprayed out the back of his head against the door jamb and never saw the twin
flashes from Manny‘s twelve gauge. The twin loads of double-ought buckshot
caught him square in the center of his chest and propelled the biker out through
the storefront window in a hail of flying glass.
Betty squeezed off three more rounds through the now empty doorway and
dropped off the display base and dashed as quickly as someone her age could
up to the front of the store.
―Manny its me!‖ She yelled over and over. All she could hear was his rapid
Spanish, either praying or swearing both were equally effective and appropriate
at the moment. From the front of the isle she could see the gang bangers
gathering outside trying now to put their bikes and two trucks between them and
the store.
―In for a penny, in for a pound.‖ Betty mumbled to herself as she took up a firing
position behind the stack of fifty pound flour bags staked on the endcap of the
aisle. The bikers-thugs were just starting to look up when she opened up again.
Two dirty skumbags went down rapidly as she traversed the carbine across the
front of the store. One more tried to make for the protection of the pickup truck
across the street before she clipped him in the leg and he spilled face first onto
the hard blacktop. Two more rounds plowed into his side before he stopped
moving. The magazine was empty.
She pulled out the empty mag and plucked one from her pocket and snapped it
into place. She was amazed at just how calm she was, how focused her vision
was, how quiet it was in the midst of all the carnage. She quickly jacked the slide
and popped the carbine over the top of the flour bags and sighted in on one of
the gas tanks of the three bikes parked out front of the store. Pop – Pop – Pop
Thwack…WHUMP! The first bike‘s tank ripped open and went up spewing
burning gasoline across the other bikes.
KABLAM! – KABLAM! Manny was back in the fight and shoveling hot buckshot
across the counter into the street as quickly as he could. Several rounds struck
the flour bags in front of Betty sending up puffs of white powder. The shots were
coming from behind the pickup truck across the street that the dead biker had
tried to reach. More rounds were coming in quicker and several more tacked the
bags in front of Betty…‖Not good!‖ She thought. She could hear sirens off in the
distance. ―I hope that‘s the Calvary.‖ She mumbled to herself as she took aim
under the truck across the street and let fly a half a dozen rounds.
Her rounds ricocheted up off the black top and rained jagged shards of lead
under the truck and into the exposed lower legs of several bikers behind the
truck. She could hear the screams and the fire coming from that source stopped.
Betty then concentrated her fire on the side of the truck where the gas tank was
located. Her slide locked back and she reached into her pocket for the next full
magazine and came up empty handed. ―Sh*t!‖ Retreating behind the cover of the
flour bags she searched for another magazine. Without realizing it she had gone
through her all three large mags, ninety rounds and now had only the two fifteen
rounders on the stock left!
She couldn‘t leave Manny here alone to hold them off while she went to get more
ammo. The double barrel was just too slow to hold off a rush of any kind. She
pulled out the empty mag and popped in the smaller fifteen rounder. She could
hear the siren getting louder and louder and realized suddenly that it was quiet
save for the increasing warble approaching. Slowly she peeked up over the top.
It looked like hell out front. The bikes were down and burning as was the truck
across the street. One truck was missing. ―I wonder when that one left?‖ She
thought to herself. There was only the crackle and pop of burning paint, tires and
gasoline to be heard.
Samantha could feel soft clean sheets against her skin. The smell of lavender
and wisteria lightly scented the air. It had only been a dream she thought to
herself…a very, very bad dream. There was something else in the air. She took a
deep sniff, it was the unmistakable aroma of chocolate chip cookies fresh from
the oven. ―Mmmmmmm.‖ Her mouth began to water. Then she moved and a
wave of pain shocked her awake! She tried to open her eyes and could only see
out of one, her right eye. There were bandages covering her head and wrapped
around her many different wounds. Her first sight was of a man in a uniform, a
young man with his arm around a small frail looking woman in the old photograph
beside the bed. She slowly, painfully moved her head and looked around the
room. It was light and cheery…and clean. She could hear humming from the
other room, a soft and friendly voice in the distance.
When next she woke there was someone in the room. A soft hand felt the side of
her face.
―Hello, my dear. Don‘t worry you‘re safe now. Just relax and get well. If you‘re
hungry I have some fresh treats just out of the oven.‖ The sweet grandmotherly
looking lady said to her. She smelled of Lavender and fresh chocolate chip
Samantha relaxed and drifted off to sleep with a smile on her broken lips. She
was safe now, finally safe.
Desert Doc
Max rolled into Mercy‘s parking lot a few minutes after the breaking up the fight. The
lot was more full than he‘d ever seen. There were cars partially blocking the street,
as well as parked haphazard in the lot. Several ambulances sat idle in the
ambulance bays, as people milled around near them.
―This is all wrong.‖ Thought Max, as he wheeled the cruiser up closer to the ER
doors. Not only was the situation wrong, but the fact that Max knew nothing of it
until this very moment was wrong. The chief should have mentioned a
disturbance at the hospital in the morning briefing. There wasn‘t exactly any kind
of violence or mayhem, but there was a lot of people and confusion. As he drove
closer he could see some people laying prone on the sidewalk, with others
attending to them. He saw few uniforms, and that made him jittery. Paramedic
uniforms, cop uniforms, the scrubs of docs or nurses… They all meant that
somebody was doing something about this mess. No uniforms meant that the
crowd was on it‘s own. It had been said that an individual person was smart, but
a group of people are dumb and panicky and he firmly believed that. Max got as
close as he could, then braked, and slid the gear selector to ―Park.‖
―Christ,‖ he thought. ―We better get somebody up here to start clearing this place
He reached down and picked up the mic on the radio ―36, Dispatch.‖
Dispatch replied quickly. ―Go ahead, 36.‖
―There‘s a disturbance here at Mercy. We‘re going to need a couple officers, and
whole bunch of tow trucks.‖ Max spoke, as he pressed the bloody pack of 4‖X4‖
gauze squares to the back of his head. Man, that throbbed.
There was an inordinately long pause on the radio. Max was about to pick up the mic
and repeat his request when dispatch came over the radio. ―36, that situation
is being taken care of.‖
Max heard voices in the background behind the dispatcher‘s words. Strident
voices. Worried voices. Screw it. He was in no mood or shape to argue. ―10-04.‖
He swung the squad door open slowly, and made to get out. A man dashed
across the distance between the ER doors and Max‘s squad, did a double take
and skidded to a halt ten feet from the car. It was one of the ER docs that Max
had occasion to become acquainted with while bringing drunks into the ER.
―Max, get back in your car and get the hell out of here.‖ The doc said, as he
looked around almost wildly.
―What?‖ Asked Max, with slight confusion, gripping the car door. His headache
was growing by the moment, and so far, this conversation wasn‘t helping it a bit.
―Doc, I need stitches, and I think I have a concussion.‖
―Damn it Max, listen to me!‖ Words tumbled from the docs‘ mouth in a panicked
stream. ―You can‘t go in there! It‘s the disease, Max. It‘s getting worse by the
minute. The bodies are stacked like cordwood in there, and if you go in there,
you‘ll end up like them. You maybe will already. Ahh, damn it. Look, all I know is that
this thing is spreading. I don‘t know how, or how to tell if you have it or not. It
came on like a freight train. Started to get a couple cases in yesterday afternoon.
Couple of folks who were on a shopping trip to Chicago. Since then, the numbers
have increased exponentially. The staff that hasn‘t run off or come down with it
have their hands full. You aren‘t going to get any help with your concussion or
cuts in there.‖
The doc paused, looked around again took a deep breath, then began in a more
steady voice. ―Nothing we tried touched it. The CDC knows it‘s here Max. They‘re
sending in troops. What do you think they are going to do to stop it from
spreading, Max? Huh? They can‘t risk any more infected people running around
than there already are. The nicest thing they‘ll do is lock us all up. The
worst…Well, I don‘t want to think about it. And listen to this:‖ The doc pulled a
portable radio out of his pocket, and rapidly tuned it to a local radio station. The
tinny voice came over the speaker at once.
― S…is a repeat announcement: Anyone with the some or all of the following
symptoms should report immediately to Mercy Hospital. Fever, chills, cough with
blood, bleeding from rectum, mouth, and nose. Muscle twitching and or
weakness. Twitching eyes. Blurred or darkened vision…‖ The doc clicked off the
―Look back there, Max. Do you see any help? Why are they telling them to show
up here? I‘ll tell you why. The military is going to roll up here any second. There‘s
a Blackhawk on the roof landing pad, landed about 15 minutes ago. There is a
colonel and his some of his boys in MOPP gear. They said help was on the way,
and would be here within the hour. Max, I don‘t need the kind of help they are
bringing, and I don‘t think you do either. You gotta go, Max. I would sew you up,
but I am probably infected. I have to get home to…‖
Just then they heard diesel engines in the distance. The doc resumed his
running. Max looked around. Could it be true? Was doc into his own meds? He
squinted up to the roof. There was indeed a black tail rotor visible from where he
was. He looked around at the parking lot. More and more people were pulling up
and exiting their cars, walking toward the hospital proper. Some were being
carried by friends or family. It was decision time. The lot was filling up, and the
engines could be the military. Max got back into the squad, and drove through
the maze of cars toward the exit. His path was blocked as he attempted to turn
onto the street by a darkly camouflaged HMMWV. The passenger got out, and Max
could instantly see he was in CBW garb. He walked calmly to Max‘s squad
window. Max fought the cop urge to get out and meet the soldier halfway.
―Hello, officer. Looks like you‘ve been in a scrape. The docs fix you up in there?‖
Came the slightly muffled voice of the soldier.
Max smiled nervously and licked his lips. ―No, actually, I haven‘t even gotten out
of the car. I can‘t find a damn parking spot. Say, what‘s all this about?‖ He
noticed several more HMMVs entering through other entrances to the parking lot,
followed by several large military trucks. More soldiers in CBW outfits began
disembarking from the trucks.
The soldier looked at the bloodied gauze on the front seat of the car. Max
watched his eyes through the small windows, and thought ― Oh Sh*t. He thinks I
went inside.‖
―Why don‘t you come along with us, then, and we‘ll get you looked at?‖ The
muffled voice came again.
It was decision time for Max. Most of his life, he had been a good citizen. He
followed rules, and although it wasn‘t perfect, he believed the government meant
more good than evil. But here he was: this soldier wasn‘t going to let him go. The
soldier thought he was infected from the others in the hospital. Max thought of all
the things that needed to be done for his wife. This thing wasn‘t going to be
resolved easily. Dead people didn‘t work. People scared of becoming dead
people didn‘t work either. With no one working, there would be no food deliveries,
second ring.
―Baby, signal 5, and I‗m not kidding.‖ He hung up before she could answer.
He slowed the cruiser somewhat. Without thinking, he had driven close to Andy‘s
place. It was only a couple blocks away. He had to ditch the squad, just in case.
He remembered that the Wilson‘s had requested extra police patrols, as they had
left for vacation in Vegas. They were only a block away.
He pulled the door shut on the Wilson‘s garage, plunging the shot-up squad into
darkness. This wasn‘t a good day.
It was just a few minutes before dawn. That special time of pristine silence and
serenity that unveils the new day in shades of blue-gray, just that moment before
the brilliance of the first rays of sunshine slice through the remaining night. This
was a time for David that always held a special magic. No matter what was going
on in the world or in his life, these last still moments before the day started had a way
of refreshing and revitalizing the energies of mind and spirit. It had become a ritual
for him to greet the new day, with a hot cup of fresh ground coffee steaming
into the cool still morning air. David leaned against one of the front posts that
supported the veranda as he took in the first golden rays of morning. The air was
cool and clear with just a hint of morning mist floating in it. Today was going to be
a good day.
He was thinking about the conversation last night with is wife as they ate dinner.
He was pleasantly surprised by Denise‘s response to the Torquemada incident.
In a way she said that she was surprised that he had not left sooner when his
boss‘s attitude first came to light.
―I never liked the b*tch from the first moment I met her.‖
David was a little taken back by her direct response. Denise had been prior
service, that‘s where they met, but she was always very much the lady. A tough
lady, but a lady none-the-less! When she did on very rare occasions swear like a
bos‘n it meant that she really, really didn‘t like someone or something. This was
one of those occasions.
David began the morning rounds of the McMillan compound, or their Hacienda as
Denise liked to refer to it. It was their new little piece of heaven. There had been
another piece of land he had scouted out and purchased about midway through
his military career with an eye towards building on it after he retired. But that had
been well before he had met Denise, and well before what had once been a
small community had suddenly sprouted up to become a moderately sized city
with all the rules, regulations, noise and hassles that goes with sudden growth
that one could imagine. That small piece of country property had been consumed
by suburban sprawl and David wanted nothing at all to do with it any more. They
made a fair amount from the sale, but taxes, fees and the like had chewed up an
equally fair amount of the profit they expected. Still it was enough for them to pay
off the twenty acres they now lived on and had provided a small nest egg,
enough to cover the initial costs of building their dream home.
Rather than one of the current Nuevo middle class custom designed stick-framed
ranch houses found popping up in suburbs over most of the West, David and
Denise opted for the older style design that mimicked a Spanish courtyard adobe
home. The compound appeared as nothing more than a large old world
enclosure of rock and adobe architecture. To the average person it looked like an
Old Spanish mission style building; to the trained eye looking for means of
ingress it was a formidable fortress! With the additional assistance from
neighbors and friends, and using simple slip-form construction methods for the
walls with timber frame support the structure was easy to erect and secure,
strong, and cozy.
The slip-form method of construction was made popular by Helen and Scott
Nearing, who were often thought of as the grandparents of the back-to-the-land
movement of the ‗70s. Using this simple method they built two homesteads pretty
much by themselves. David followed the guidelines of more recent builders such
as Karl and Sue Schwenke‘s in their book ―Build Your Own Stone House‖ and
Charles Mc Raven‘s Building with Stone. Most of the rock used in the walls and
house David had gathered after work each day. He stopped for an hour along the
riverbed and filled the bed of his pick up with river rock and then spent another
half hour or so of sorting the rock out when he got home. After a year of this he
had more than enough material to begin building.
He spent the first summer off building the main house. Weather permitting
through the next winter he spent most weekends working on the courtyard walls.
By the end of his third summer he had completed his main shop, the garage, a
small barn, the greenhouse and walled kitchen garden, all in stone. The main
structures where complete and the entire homestead mortgage free after just five
years of hard sweat equity.
Instead of the politically incorrect barbed or concertina wire around the perimeter
of the property they had planted a mixture of Thorny Pyracantha (also known as
Fire Thorn Bush), Catclaw Acacia, Jumping Chollas and Prickly Pears along an
old barbed wire fence that outlined the original twenty-acre site. Hedgerows of
these plants were enticed to grow thick and interlaced and had over a short time
created an all but impassable barrier that kept their few livestock critters in and
any four legged and two legged would be intruders out.
Their kitchen garden was surrounded by a six-foot stonewall that was more than
adequate protection against the wild creatures and cold winter winds of the
region. The lean-to greenhouse was situated against the southern wall of the
enclosure and protected as it was, insured healthy green veggies through out the
winter. The small solid barn provided safe and comfortable housing for their
livestock that consisted of a pair of milk goats, and a hand full of chickens. David
had begun construction of a raised concrete deck hog pen that would provide a
home to several feeder pigs and was working on improving the small pastures on
their limited acreage in the hopes that some day in the future they will be able to
keep a head or two of beef cattle.
He could hear her behind him as she readied for work. David gave his wife a hug
and walked her out to the pickup. She would be out on rounds for the better part
of the day. Denise had completed her nursing degree shortly after they had been
married. Here in the sticks she worked for the country health office providing an
extended care health program to the rural folks of this rough region. Trained as
an EMT while in the service she also doubled as a Paramedic for the local
volunteer fire department. Their involvement with the local emergency services
and the high school where he had briefly taught, had helped them become an
integral part of the community in the very short time that they had lived there.
―How‘s your day looking?‖ David asked, as he handed her the medical bag.
―Oh, not too bad I suppose.‖ She answered as she stepped up into the cab. ―I‘ve
got to swing out over by the old man Johnson‘s place and check his blood
pressure again. Plus a couple of wound checks, giving school shots out near
Cedars Crossing, and then I need to drop by Mrs. Appletree‘s and make sure
she‘s watching her blood sugar like the doctor wanted. Plus a few other side trips
and then I‘ll be in the clinic for the rest of the day.‖
―Sounds like that IS your day, out just running around the back hills.‖
―Oh, and then there‘s the new paperwork the state wants completed to justify our
clinic‘s existence…I hate bureaucrats!‖
―I wish! I‘m hardly unemployed, I‘ve just been demoted in pay.‖ He leaned
through the window and gave her a peck on her cheek. ―Got classes today out at
the community school. Have to muck out the barn first. Then it‘s off to educate
young minds.‖
When word got around about his leaving the high school and in a small town
such things get around rather quickly, David sudden found many doors opening
up for him. In this rural region at the extreme Northern end of the Republik of
Kalifornia a good many people had pulled their children from the ever-increasing
liberal school system. There were now more students being home schooled and
community schooled (home-schoolers that had banded together) than were in
the public school system. As much as the state education administrators and
political bureaucrats had tried to stop this trend from spreading and regardless of
the new public school attendance requirements passed at the state level, they
were just too far out in the sticks to force the issue. It also helped to have the
sheriff‘s own kids being home schooled; such was the growing hatred for the
P.C. brigades requirements in the school system.
David had another hour yet to finish up his morning chores and get ready to
teach his new students. He chuckled as he worked his rounds, feeding the
chickens, gathering up the morning eggs, and checking on the other creatures
that now inhabited their growing homestead. Here he was living in the twenty first
century mucking out the stalls of barn animals before breakfast and teaching in a
one-room schoolhouse almost like Little House on the Prairie.
Shortly after leaving the public school system David had been invited to teach the
History and Government classes at a little known rural private school. Several
parents had banded together to form the small school and took turns covering
the various topics their children needed. David didn‘t mind the fact that he didn‘t
receive a salary for his work. The assistance he and Denise had received in
building their own home and out buildings, along with the starter pigs he would
be housing soon, the small flock of Rhode Island Reds, and the pair of milch
goats that now supplied them with fresh milk and cheese were all in lieu of
regular pay and considerably more valuable in his eye. For the first time in as
long as David could remember they were actually part of a community, a real
community in every sense of the word.
The final straw for most of the locals came when the high school‘s Senior
Educational Director Ms. Torgelson announced, the formation of the student Gay,
Lesbian, and Transgender Club starting on campus. David had missed the brew-
ha-ha directly as he was no longer staff at the school, but still received calls from
many parents concerned over the insanity of this new development and sought
his opinion as to how they should handle this situation. While he hadn‘t directly
instructed the worried parents to boycott the school, he had pointed out that
generally money talked and bull-sh*t walked. David did inform the parents that
schools received a large portion of their operating expenses based on the
―DAILY‖ attendance records. No students, no pay. It didn‘t take long for the
school attendance personnel to notice a significant epidemic in the making.
Every time Torgelson heard a reference to David the veins in her neck grew
bigger and redder. When she had discovered that David was teaching in a now
illegal and unauthorized school she had managed to have his teaching credential
invalidated. She had even gone to the trouble of having him served with a cease
and desist order. Of course David and the other families totally ignored the order and
continued on with what they viewed as their personal business alone. As the
issue heated up more students dropped out of the local public school system
thus increasing the conflict between the parents and the state educational
system. Funding of public schools began to seriously dry up as a result of the
boycott. With fewer and fewer students using the public system some local
schools were facing closure due to lack of operating funds. It was only a matter
of time until events reached a confrontational level and it was the state that
blinked first.
David had just started his lecture on the Middle Ages describing the fall of the
Imperial Roman system and the gradual growth of the feudal system of
government when he noticed the several official looking vehicles driving up the
dirt road. His attention was drawn to the school bus that followed the two sedans
in the lead. This looked like trouble he thought to himself.
―Lisa, be a good girl and run up to the house and have your mother call up the
neighbors will you?‖
Little Lisa Bordan, a bright freckle faced eighth grader in the front row, glanced
up from her book and looked out the window.
―Could be, run along and let your mother know…quickly now.‖
Lisa put her work away and slipped out the back door and headed on a run
towards the house a hundred or so yards up on the nearest hill. David knew for
sure that it was trouble brewing when he recognized Senior Educational Director
Ms. Torgelson getting out of the first sedan and leading several men in suits
towards the front door of the schoolhouse.
―Tell Miss Thornton next door to get her students out of here. Take them into the
woods and up to your dad‘s place…quickly now, I‘ll stall them as long as I can.‖
Jacob nodded and disappeared out the door. Meanwhile David headed towards
the front door. As he emerged from the schoolhouse Ms. Torgelson was leading
the official looking men towards him.
―Detective Larson that,‖ She said pointing at David. ―is David McMillan. He is in
direct violation of a previous court order and this is an illegal school. All the
children in there are to be removed and held by the Child Protective Services
pending a court hearing as per the order issued this morning!‖
The one of two lead suits now standing just ten feet away from him said. ―I‘m
sorry Mr. McMillan but I have a court order for your arrest in violation of the State
Educational Code for teaching without a license, sedition and for Child
Endangerment.‖ The agent stepped forward. ―Now if you‘ll just come quietly we
don‘t want to upset the children.‖
―Did you hear me Detective Larson? ― Her strained voice rising as she repeated her
orders again. ‖I want him arrested and the children in that classroom placed
in protective custody…NOW!‖
―I heard you Miss, er, Ms. Torgelson…now if you‘ll let me do my job please.‖ The
Detective said as he started towards David.
―Mr. McMillan, you are under arrest, please turn around and place your hands on
the wall.‖
―What?‖ The Detective hesitated, not expecting that sort of answer from the
―I believe the response was quite clear…NO, I will not turn around. NO, I will not
place my hands on the wall, and NO, I will not submit to your invasion of my
David knew it would only take a few minutes for Jacob and Miss Thornton to
reach the tree line less than fifty yards away behind the school. If he could only
keep them busy out in front of the building, by the time they did enter the
classrooms the children would be long gone. Once in the woods Jacob and Miss
Thornton would get them all away safely before the goons that Torgelson had
brought with her could do anything about it. He just needed to keep them focused
on him for a few minutes more.
―Mr. McMillan it would be in your best interest to cooperate with us.‖ The
Detective said as he slowly moved forward.
―No.‖ David answered as he started to move to the side away from the detective.
―I don‘t think so.‖
―Are you going to go quietly or are we going to have to do this the hard way?‖
The other detective asked in a tense voice has he moved to cut off his retreat.
David faked right and suddenly stepped back inside the door to the school.
Slamming the door quickly he flipped the latch and set the heavy bolt, securely
locking it against any intruders.
―Well that should hold them for a few minutes.‖ He thought. He could hear
Torgelson pounding on the door and screaming at the officers. David crossed the
room quickly and looked out the back door.
―Good, no sign of the kids, thank you Jacob!‖ He said to himself as he closed the
door, not locking it. There was no need to now. David went over to his desk and
began to square things away. It took them several more minutes to circle the
building and figure out that there were indeed back doors to the two rooms that
made up the school. Several very irritated detectives and one absolutely irate
Senior Educational Director finally found the door and confronted David seated at his
―Good morning gentlemen, how may I help you.‖ David said smugly.
David sat quietly in the back seat of the first sedan handcuffed and seat-belted
in. Torgelson had nearly blown a gasket when he locked the door in her face and
after the detectives had him hand cuffed and were leading him out of the school
house she severely slapped him across the mouth. David just smiled at her
defiantly as a small trickle of blood dribbled from the corner of his mouth.
―That will be enough of that Ms. Torgleson!‖ The detective growled at her.
―What the hell!‖ The senior detective riding shotgun yelled out. He had just
emerged from the car when he was suddenly confronted.
―That‘s quite far enough there buddy.‖ Shouted a deep voice from the side of the
―Just keep your hands where I can see them detective and do exactly as I say
and everyone will go home to supper tonight…understood?‖
The detective froze and slowly nodded his head. The driver, his hand on his
revolver, suddenly felt cold steel nudge against the back of his neck and a soft
voice whispering through the open window.
David‘s door quickly opened and several more camouflaged shadows released
him from his restraints and helped him out of the car. He could see Ms.
Torgleson in the second car just furious with rage.
―Where had these saviors suddenly come from?‖ David wondered as the
blocking truck suddenly fired up and began to pull out of the way.
―Officer‘s you had best be on your way now and don‘t bother Mr. McMillan again.
This issue is over, drop it! And just for added consideration on this matter. I
would like to emphasize that we know where your families are‖ He paused for
effect. ―all the time.‖
―I don‘t know who you gents are, but I really appreciate you getting me out of that
mess.‖ David walked over with his hand out to the first forest shadow that had
stepped out to confront the detectives hauling him off to jail.
He pulled off the camo hood and David suddenly recognized his face!
Eckhart took David‘s offered hand. ―How did you think we pulled this together so
quickly?‖ He motioned at the other figures emerging from the foliage. David was
Desert Doc
Eli Yoder climbed into the boxy black wagon, taking the reins into his callused
hands and seating himself on the hard wooden seat. The meeting with the elders
had not gone well. His farm was not the only one showing signs of this
horrible…Eli hesitated. He hated to think it: Plague. That was what the elders
thought it might be. A Plague. Mary‘s inventory had not been that good of news.
They had enough for the five of them for another few months, but it would difficult
times. The garden was supposed to supply much of their food, as well as provide
As the wagon clattered down the back road, Eli thought of what he could do. The
elders, while concerned with the spiritual implications had not been helpful in the
here and now. It was no use having Jacob squirrel hunt to put up meat: Already
he could see that there would not be enough hay to feed the cattle through the
―Perhaps,‖ Eli thought, ― I should put one or two down now. It would be a great
amount for Mary to put up, but it would be better than wasting it.‖
The trip home was not a long one, and mostly Eli thought about how to feed his
family. It was true that his people did without electricity, automobiles and tractors,
but they weren‘t completely removed from society in the United States. He
himself had been to Wal-Mart several times, the horse and black buggy looking
anachronistic tied to a light pole in the parking lot. Some things were just more
inexpensive to purchase than to make. As long as the elders approved it, there
was no prohibition from buying food, hardware, or the like. The most significant
problem was money. Farmer‘s -especially Amish farmers- didn‘t make that much
money. Somewhere along the way, Eli decided a trip into the town was
necessary. He would have to have Jacob do his best alone with chores, and he‘d
have to hurry to be able to make it back for prayer meeting. He would spend
some of his meager savings to buy some food for wintering over. His bad feeling
about the crops continued to grow as he drove past the fields, much of which
belonged to the English farmers. It was mostly brown as well. Often the English
did better with crops because they could afford to irrigate and fertilize and spray
pesticides. Eli just planted what he could extra to make up for what the bugs ate,
and what didn‘t grow so well.
As he rounded the final corner closest to home, he noticed many cars at the
home of his neighbor, Mr. Thompson. Mr. Thompson was an English farmer, but
got out of the dairy end of things to cash crop. He grew hay and soybeans,
neither of which looked very good. The Brown had gotten Mr. Thompson‘s crops
just like everyone else. Their house was a large farmhouse, with a tumbledown
barn and a large pole shed housing a large combine and tractor. Mr. Thompson
Andy didn‘t hear the knock the first time, as he was intent on the voices and
static emanating from the radio. An Icom IC-706MKII ham radio, it was a radio
capable of receiving a broad portion of the electromagnetic spectrum: From the
local AM/FM radio stations to the ―short-wave‖ broadcasts from overseas, as well
as it‘s primary function as a ham radio transceiver. He had a wire antenna strung
through the tall pine trees on his property, which was ―trapped‖, meaning it would
work fairly well on several frequency bands. The wire and the traps in the
antenna were painted a pale green, gray and black. When he initially put it up, he
He was listening to a conversation between two hams in Elgin, Illinois and Key
Biscayne, Florida. Andy had come in on the middle, but what he heard was
enough. The Navy was preventing ships and boats from entering or leaving US
territorial waters off Florida. The ham in Florida was a MARS/CAP radio operator,
meaning he could and would relay messages for the military to civilian family
members. He said he hadn‘t received any traffic in that capacity. None. ―Like
them ships was holes in the water,‖ the guy had said. The ham in Elgin said the
power was out there. Scanner traffic the ham had monitored said that the power
station didn‘t have enough staff to run the place because of the people who had
died. He painted a horrific picture: In many places the dead were left on the
streets and sidewalks, placed there by people trying to get the diseased people
out of the area of the living. There had been no one to pick up the dead. Andy
wondered how long it would be before the power went out for him.
The second knock was louder, more insistent. Andy jumped up from the seat and
took the stairs up two at a time to the ground floor. He felt his CZ-75 pistol
through his shirt for comfort. As he reached the top of the stairs, the knock
sounded again, and he could tell that it came from the back door, not the front.
He placed his hand on the butt of the CZ and moved to the back door, obliquely
peeking out the small window in the door. It was Max, and he looked like hell.
Andy quickly worked the locks on the door and flung the door open. ―Jeezus,
Max! What the hell happened?‖
Max walked in, quickly looking around outside before he did so. ―I‘ll tell you all
about it in a minute. Is Lisa here yet?‖
―What? No, Lisa‘s not here. What‘s going on?‖ Andy looked confused. His best
friend showed up at his back door in uniform pants and tee shirt, with his body
armor vest hidden –albeit poorly- beneath a white tee shirt. Trails of mostly dried
blood ran from a visible swelling on the back of Max‘s head. Staining the collar of
the shirt. Small scratches abounded on his face, and tiny squares of tempered
safety glass were lodged in his hair and clothes. ―Were you in an accident?‖
―Yeah. A big, big accident.‖ Max sneered, remembering the voice of dispatch and
―Ever since this started getting hairy this morning. I have been getting some
scary info on the radio.‖ Andy said as he re-locked the door and followed his
friend down the stairs.
―I got some real scary info in person.‖ Max said as he reached up to pick a piece
of glass from his close cropped hair. He stopped at the bottom of the stairs ―All
right, what‘s the best way to go about this?‖
After Max had turned next to one of the overhead lights, Andy remarked ―Looks
like you need some stitches to close that. Any chance the hospital‘s taking non-
emergent injuries?‖
―OK. Why don‘t you just jump in the shower and clean up with regular soap and
water. The big lac on the back of your head will probably open up again a little,
but just put some pressure on it as soon as you get out of the shower. I‘ll give
you some 4X4s to put on there. I‘ll go to your emergency box and get you a
change of clothes. I‘ll leave ‗em on the sink.‖
Andy referred to the box of equipment that Max had stored at Andy‘s place for
contingencies like this. It contained a small amount of food, ammunition, a couple
changes of clothing, copies of insurance papers/birth
certificates/passports/vehicle titles, two hundred dollars in cash, boots, sleeping
bags and two Smith and Wesson Model 66 .357 revolvers. This was not intended
to be a long-term survival kit. It was an insurance policy in case of a house fire, a
flood, a tornado or any other calamity that could befall a single home. There was
a near identical box in Max‘s house, belonging to Andy and Darcy. The notable
difference being that Darcy had undergone thyroid surgery in her teens to
remove a malfunctioning thyroid gland, and thus required synthetic thyroid
hormone to function normally. Skipping a day or two, or even a week was not a
large problem, but much more than that and she would become more and more
Andy put Max‘s clothes and the 4X4s in the bathroom, then went out into the
family room to set up his equipment. Since Andy and Darcy didn't yet have a
family, the room was used mostly for hobbies. Andy‘s Icom 706 MKII was on a
small desk in a corner, with some other electronic devices, such as an old laptop
computer, a 24-hour clock, a small digital ham encoder called a TNC or Terminal
Node Controller, and a notebook. A dusty television sat in the corner. There was
a sofa sleeper and two comfortable chairs and an apartment-sized refrigerator
rounding out the furnishings. There were several shelving units in a small room
off the main family room. One of these was filled with Andy‘s recent purchases of
freeze-dried beef, but also contained staples such as 5-gallon pails filled with
rice, wheat, potatoes and dehydrated vegetables. Another shelf contained
various gravy mixes and other spices and flavorings. Andy went to the shelf
containing his medical supplies. Some were items wrapped in intact sterile
packaging that nonetheless had expiration dates, causing the ERs or EMS
stockers to set them out for disposal. Andy didn‘t feel too bad about pocketing a
couple items such as this. Some other items weighed a little more heavily on his
conscience. Some items he was able to order right through the mail. He had
ordered IV fluids, IV tubing and IV needles through ―Dixie EMS Supply‖ with no
questions asked.
Andy located the supplies that he needed: A 10cc syringe, and 18gauge and a
27 gauge needle, a small bottle of ―Shur-Cleanse‖ surgical soap, a 60cc syringe,
a small bottle of ―Betadine,‖ and a small disposable skin stapler, and a pair of
forceps. Back in the family room, he retrieved a small bottle of 1% Lidocaine from
the ‗fridge. It really didn‘t need to be kept cool, but like most medications, if kept
cool, it was effective longer before getting ―old.‖ From the desk with his radio and
laptop, and removed a flashlight with a headband. By this time Max had come
out of the shower, holding the pack of 4X4s to the now reopened wound.
―Just sit here in the chair. I‘ll pull up a chair behind you.‖ said Andy.
Max sat in the chair and Andy put the supplies on a TV tray covered with a clean
Andy said ―Why don‘t you tell me what the hell is going on while I do this?‖
Max complied and began telling the story of how the day had progressed. As he
listened, and set to his task. He donned a pair of gloves out of habit, then
removed the sterile cap from the 10cc syringe, affixing the large 18gauge needle
to it. Holding the syringe between his fingers, he then removed the sterile cap
from the Lidocaine bottle, exposing the rubber stopper beneath. He used an
alcohol swab to wipe the stopper, then inverted the bottle with one hand and
pierced the stopper with the needle and syringe in the other. He pulled back on
the plunger, filling the syringe then removing the needle from the bottle. After
tapping the air to the top of the needle and expelling it, he removed the 18gauge
needle and attached the 27gauge. The 27gauge was referred to by some as a
―dental needle‖ as it was what many dentists used to instill the numbing agent
into the mouth. Andy needed the same qualities the dentists did: A thin, long and
tough needle to go into the tissues and instill dollops of the numbing agent. He
warned Max, then began to inject into the edges of the wound. When he could,
he placed the needle nearly parallel to the surface of the skin, and slid the needle
all the way in, parallel to the wound edges, then instilled the Lidocaine as he
slowly withdrew the needle. In other places, such as in the walls of the wound
itself, he merely punctured the wall of the wound every _ inch or so and instilled a
_ cc. When he was satisfied that the area was quite numb, he probed gently with
a gloved finger. No glass that he could feel, and no skull fracture that he could
tell, either. He wished he had a sterile glove to go poking around his best friend‘s
scalp, but he didn‘t. Andy then poured the Shur-Cleanse into one of his wife‘s
Pyrex glass 2 cup measuring cups, along with some water he ran through the
drinking water filter attached to his tap. He filled the 60cc syringe with the soap
and water solution, held Max‘s bath towel wadded up near the wound, and
blasted the soapy water into the wound. A doc Andy had worked with always
used the mantra: ―The solution to pollution is dilution.‖ After he was certain he
―Jesus, Max! You think they might look for you here?‖ Asked Andy with an
unconscious glance, as if seeing through the wall and soil into the driveway.
―I doubt it, now that I‘ve calmed down a little. I bet they can‘t afford the manpower
to chase down everybody who slipped away. Not yet, at least. Once they secure
Mercy and get their ducks in a row, they‘ll be able to spare people to go after
people. With any luck, they‘ll have their hands full with the others first. I plan to
be off their radar screen.‖ Replied Max
―Well, what we really need to do is figure out what to do about the plague. Lisa is
already on her way over here, and Darcy should be home any second. Darcy‘s
and I have been off for a few days, and I don‘t think we have been in real close
contact with anybody…except now you.‖ His voice trailed off as he looked at his
―I haven‘t exactly been isolated.‖ Max said, with a nagging feeling of guilt. He
prayed to God that he hadn‘t just killed his friend. ―But nobody that I was close to
showed any signs of being sick.‖
―We‘ll just have to see. Too late to do anything new about it now. You took a
shower. Maybe that helped. I‘ll go spray down the bathroom with a 10:1 water to
bleach solution. Maybe that‘ll do some good, too. I‘ll feel better when the girls get
here.‖ Andy looked thoughtful and worried at the same time. ―Listen, why don‘t
you take a nap and I‘ll go upstairs to wait for Lisa and Darcy.‖
―Buddy,‖ Andy said, ―Here‘s what I think. I think we won‘t be able to keep the girls
out of this house. IF you are infected, and IF you gave it to me, it‘s already in the
air. It‘s already upstairs, so having them stay upstairs until we are sure we don‘t
have it won‘t even work. With those two options out, there‘s not much left. Hell,
we don‘t even know for sure HOW it‘s transmitted. Just before you got here, the
scanner was saying something about a mob at the Foodmart. Things will get
worse when somebody sees what‘s happening at Mercy.‖
The girls can‘t be out in that alone. They won‘t go, and I won‘t make them. So
you see, my friend…‖ he said as he rose and walked to the stairs, ―We‘ll all hang
together, or we‘ll surely hang separately. Get some sleep. I‘ll wake you if
anything you can help with happens.‖
Mark was really concerned about the fuel gauge now. It was as low as he had
ever seen it. After his nocturnal escape from the grid locked interstate, he had
followed the gravel country road for miles, roughly paralleling the interstate. The
more he considered this course of action, the less sense it made. If things were
indeed getting worse, the closer he was to large populations of displaced people,
the worse things could be expected to be. There would be spillover from the
interstate, most on foot, but some in vehicles.
Like the locusts of the biblical plagues, they would descend on the small farming,
vacation and rural communities and drain them dry. Even without force of arms,
the sheer numbers of humans would overwhelm the residents of the
communities. The farm families were mostly the ―Christian‖ sorts, and most
would do their best to help their unfortunate visitors, not realizing the sheer
numbers of hungry, greedy mouths until it was too late to do anything about it.
Gasoline would be the first item to go, then diesel and food. Water would
probably not be a problem initially as most small communities and homes had
Mark‘s greatest advantage was that he was –as far as he knew- ahead of the
pack. He may still be able to purchase some gasoline. Still far from home, he
would need at least another tank full before he made it to his Mom‘s place. With
the winding county highways and back roads that he intended to stick to, it was
quite possible he would need more than that. He had considered the problem of
fuel early on. He considered caching fuel along his route, but several problems
arose. First, the relative instability of gasoline, even with the special chemicals
added, it was unlikely it would be much good after a couple years. Second, the
problem of where to stash it. Although he looked carefully along his route to his
Mom‘s, he could think of no place that was safe to dig a hole unobserved, drop in
two or three 5 gallon cans, and cover them back up. Much less be able to
recover them and fuel his vehicle without interruption. Thirdly, his present
situation made the possibility of caching fuel a moot point. What if his cache had
been another five miles up the interstate? Fat chance he could have gotten to it with
the conditions back there on the concrete slab. He had considered having a welding
shop mount a spare tire carrier/gas can carrier on the back, just like the ―safari
SUVs‖ but it would stick out like a sore thumb, plus be pretty expensive as
well. Another option had been to find a fuel tank that was larger to replace the
present tank on the Eagle, but it wasn‘t really a hot aftermarket-type vehicle, and
he came up dry. The best he could think to do was to purchase three of the one-
gallon ―Spare Tank‖ gasoline substitutes. Supposedly derived from gasoline and
non-volatile, these one-gallon plastic jugs were marketed to be able to sit in your
trunk until you ran out of gasoline, be poured in the fuel tank, and then drive to
the nearest gas station. A drawback was that in order to make the stuff safe
enough to ride around in the trunk, they had removed a lot of the ―light ends‖ of the
fuel, and thus, it had to be quickly poured into the tank after the car had sputtered
to a halt. The hot cylinders helped to raise the fuel to a combustible temperature.
The label said it wouldn‘t work in cold engines. Another drawback
The morning sun was still low in the sky; it‘s golden rays peeking over the
horizon, holding the promise of a beautiful morning. Mark felt as if this might all
be a bad dream: The interstate blockage, his subsequent escape…how could
this be the end of the American Empire? So it was a little traffic jam. Big deal.
What was so bad about that? The reality of the situation began to intrude on his
sleep-deprived wishful thinking. The Plague. The Brown. Napalm. Troops. The
dead. Oh, God.
He tiredly unscrewed the cap on the ―spare tank‖ jug and began to pour. After the
third and final gallon was sent down the filler neck into the tank, Mark put the
empty jugs in the trunk. As he turned, he noticed a dust cloud rapidly
approaching from behind his car. Mark kept an eye on the approaching vehicle
as it roared closer. He stepped around the Eagle to keep it between himself and
the oncoming vehicle, now recognized as a truck. The brown, battered Ford F-
150 driver slammed on the brakes and fishtailed wildly in the gravel of the road.
A cloud of dust rose, obscuring the truck for a few moments. The driver had
pulled in front of the Eagle, blocking its path directly forward. Mark‘s tiredness
evaporated as he felt the grip of the Glock under his shirt. His heart hammered in
his chest as he heard a loud yell from the truck, with the sound of at least one
door creaking open. A young man in a tank-top tee shirt strode out of the dust
cloud, holding a large revolver. In brief instant Mark took in numerous tattoos on
the man‘s chest, and a cruel set to his face. As soon as he saw Mark, he raised
the revolver quickly and touched off a shot. Mark turned his flinch into a dive to
the ground behind the Eagle.
―It‘s the end of the world motherf*cker, and your gonna miss it!‖ The man yelled.
Another loud yell erupted from his throat, echoed a second later by another
voice. Some small part of Mark guessed that this was the driver, second out of
the vehicle because he had to take the time to put the truck into ―park.‖ Mark
pulled the Glock 17 from his waistband. The man with the revolver had not
slowed his advance, and rounded the corner of the Eagle in a moment and
loosed another round from a distance of nearly ten feet. Mark lay on the gravel
and was slow to bring up the Glock. He was dog-tired, and had just underwent a
semi-controlled fall to a gravel road, but within an instant he had lined the Glock‘s
He heard the crunch of the other man‘s footsteps on the gravel, coming around
the other side of the car. Mark spun around to be in a position to face the other
man as he rounded the car‘s back end. From his position semi-laying on the
ground alongside the car, he could see a sliver of the man‘s chest through the
side and rear windows of the car. He lined up the sights exactly where he
expected the man‘s chest to appear. It was not actually that hard: Mark saw the
barrel of a shotgun first, still pointed at an angle away from him. The man‘s
position beside the car wouldn‘t allow him to bring the shotgun parallel to the side
of the car until he himself was completely exposed. Additionally, he was pointing
the shotgun parallel to the ground at waist-high level. He would have to depress
the muzzle nearly a foot to be able to aim directly at Mark. Mark didn‘t give him
the chance. Once again, he squeezed the trigger repeatedly while attempting to
keep the sights on the man‘s center of mass. One of the rounds must have struck
the shotgun, as it leaped from the man‘s hands as if by magic, dropping pieces of
metal and wood along its path. The man turned and half ran/half staggered to the
truck. Mark did not follow; content to be out of harm‘s way for the moment. He
heard the truck‘s door creak slowly open, then the sound of something soft falling
to the ground.
Mark listened to the relative quiet for a moment. The first man he had shot had
stopped screaming, and was instead making wet, fast breathing noises. Mark
turned to look at him; suddenly remembering the man may still have a revolver in
his hand. Listening for the man by the truck, he trained the Glock on the
crumpled form several feet away. He got to his knees and began to walk on them
in a hunched posture, head below the line of sight from the pickup, keeping the
front of his still-idling car as much as possible between him and the truck. The
closer her went toward the front of the car, the more difficult this became. He
risked taking his eyes from the form in front of him and glanced toward the pickup
truck. No further sound issued from the truck. At least as far as he could tell: He
was very nearly alongside the idling engine. The man on the ground in front of
him hadn‘t moved. He could see the revolver some 12 inches from the man‘s
hand. He lay down on his belly and looked under the Eagle‘s engine to where the
truck was parked. He could see the other man sprawled on the ground on the far
Mark lay on the ground, gun trained on the man closest to him, roughly eighteen
inches from the muzzle of Mark‘s Glock to the man‘s shoe. His orange, plastic
shoe. Mark looked at the man more closely. He could see a crude tattoo in gothic
script on the man‘s muscular forearm. ―AWB‖ it read. There was a tattoo of a
spider web around the point of his elbow.
―Christ,‖ thought Mark. ―That explains part of this: That guy looks like a con.‖
He waited fifteen long minutes. Time was on his side. He knew he had got some hits
on these guys. He also knew that a bullet kills four ways. One was disruption
of the central nervous system. That meant a brain or high neck hit: The second
way a bullet killed was blood loss. Quickly as in a heart or aorta hit, or slow as in
an arm or leg artery. The third way was to cause a collapse of the lung, or filling
of the lung with blood. Suffocation, in effect. Lastly there was infection, like a gut
shot. He was willing to wait for the first three bullet effects, but not the last.
After the end of fifteen minutes, the shakes had set in. Fifteen minutes of re-living
what had just happened. Fifteen minutes of knowing he had probably killed two
people. Fifteen minutes of hoping their buddies wouldn‘t come along. Fifteen
minutes of wishing he hadn‘t left his spare magazine in the car. Fifteen minutes
of wondering what the cops would do to him. Fifteen minutes of fearing there
were no more cops. Fifteen minutes of wondering what to do next.
Finally, he could stand it no longer. He stretched out with the Glock and struck
the man in front of him hard on the ankle with the barrel. There was no response.
He glanced again at the form beside the truck that had not moved a great deal in
the past fifteen minutes, and then stood, the Glock trained on the man in front of
him. He stepped quickly to the revolver and kicked it away. He then kicked the
man hard in the ribs. There was still no response. From above, he could tell that
he had struck the man several times in the chest and abdomen. Several nine-
millimeter Winchester Silvertip bullets had penetrated through the man‘s body
and exited the tee shirt‘s back. He counted four bloodstained holes. With a foot,
he rolled the man over. His eyes were open, but nearly opaque: They had not
been kept moist by blinking so the corneas were already drying out.
Mark advanced toward the truck, trying to keep the bulk of the engine between
him and the last place he saw the form on the ground. He began to ―slice the
There was no response from the man. He was wearing a brown county jailer‘s
uniform, though it was extremely ill fitting, dirty and bloodstained. Mark moved
closer so he could see the man‘s face. It was white, except for the red froth that
coated his lips and drooled down his chin. His eyes were closed, and he seemed
to be moving his entire body in the act of drawing in air. Mark could see several
bubbling holes in the man‘s chest. With great effort, the man opened his eyes,
and after a few seconds forced his eyes to focus on Mark.
―What…you…want?‖ he gurgled.
―Why the f*ck did you shoot at me?‖ Mark screamed. The pent-up adrenaline,
fear and rage burst forth.
Mark could think of nothing to say, but kept his pistol trained on the man. In
moments, Mark noticed longer and longer pauses between breaths. Within a
minute, he had stopped breathing. Mark shakily walked back to his Eagle and sat
heavily on the hood.
The shakes really began. He could barely hold the Glock, and tears began to
stream down his face. Great heaving sobs wracked his body. Not for sorrow over
the men he killed, but out of the incredible stress that was there and gone in the
space of 20 minutes. He was a decent human, and decent humans in American
society are not wired to kill. The Army had done it‘s best to change that
programming, while still maintaining control. It did not want an army of
sociopaths, after all, but it‘s a hard thing to erase. Mark began to retch from the
adrenaline and other hormones that had been pumped into his body by the life or
death struggle that had just ensued.
Another twenty minutes elapsed while Mark was gripped in the after-effects of his
encounter. He had gone through this before in Somalia. He had waited until he
got back to the barracks before succumbing to the emotional turmoil inside him.
A lot had happened since that day Sheriff Eckert had pulled David‘s ash out of
the frying pan and informed him that he had been drafted into the Home Guard- a
local Patriot Militia group. Things would probably have heated up greatly over
David‘s rescue if it had not been for everyone‘s attention suddenly being diverted
by the nationwide plague outbreak. There was hardly a region of the country that
was not affected in one way or another by either the sudden enormous loss of
life, from a disease that no antibiotic could touch, or later by the even greater loss
of personal liberty with a coast-to-coast as the blanket of martial law was
dropped on the country via Presidential decree.
It had only been a matter of weeks after the shock of the plague had worn off that
the food riots began. Transportation, manufacturing, and the retail infrastructure
of the entire country slowly but inevitably ground to a halt from the huge
vacancies left in the wake of the plague. Supermarkets that were normally
stocked to overflowing with food and produce couldn‘t keep up with the demand
when the stores stopped receiving shipments with the previous on-demand, just-
in-time regularity. Shelves quickly became bare and finally empty as the surviving
consumers raced to stock up on anything they could find. Even pet food quickly
disappeared as all available food items became scarce.
The major municipalities hardest hit in the plague had lost, in many cases, over fifty
percent of their maintenance staff and were struggling to keep the water running
and lights on. Police protection in the cities and suburbs was practically
non-existent and finally the President was forced to order up the National Guard
and even Federal Military units were called up to maintain law and order. The
inevitable clashes between hungry rioters and military finally lead to a
suspension of civil rights.
But the undertone was ominous as it echoed through the Democratic halls across
the nation. Suddenly the Homeland Security Directors for each state began to
assume more and more authority via the various Presidential decrees. Governors
found their position usurped by these appointed lackeys from Washington and
were helpless to reassert their proper elected authority under the new stream of
laws. To say that this did not sit well with these professional politicians would be
the understatement of the century. The in fighting at the state level only the
situation worse and the power of the federal government greater.
BATF Agent McNeely was on a crusade. They had finally been given the
authority to clean up his region once and for all. No newspapers, no ACLU, no
media, the cuffs were finally off. He was now operating under direct orders of the
President of the United States and the Senior Homeland Security Director. After the
last several weeks of violent food riots in the big cities a strict curfew had
been imposed across the nation. Movement was severely restricted, Civil Rights
were suspended, and best of all…all gun owners had seventy-two hours to turn
in their arsenals over to police authorities…without exceptions.
The seventy-two hours deadline had passed two days ago and now Agent
McNeely had carte blanche to insure that the Presidents mandates would be fully
complied with.
―And of course,‖ McNeely smiled to himself, ―there was only one way to ensure
SSgt Daniels stood ready with his squad listening to Agent McNeely from the
Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms. He couldn‘t believe the orders they
had just received. This was not what his last twelve years of military service had
been working towards. It was bad enough when the unit he was assigned to was
under the command of the UN during the mess over in the Balkans. But to be
under control of a civilian federal agent here at home…was intolerable.
―Anyone resisting a search will be arrested, anyone resisting arrest will be shot!
This is Martial Law soldiers, you are operating under direct orders from the
President of the United States, your Commander in Chief.‖ He continued. ―Our
nation is under attack and we will root out ALL TRAITORS! Remember your oath
soldiers, ALL ENEMIES FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC!‖ He paused to let that set
Daniels could feel the bile rising in his gut. ―This guy is Fricken nuts.‖ He
mumbled to himself.
Twenty minutes later the platoon under Agent McNeely‘s command had mounted
up and was headed out to their first mission, to disarm a small town that was, ―A
hot bed of domestic terrorism.‖ As the BATF man had explained.
SSgt Daniels‘ squad as the others followed their orders as did the rest of the
company of rangers as they hit the community like Nazi Storm Troopers. Years
of MOUT (Military Operations in Urban Terrain) training paid off, in just minutes
they completely surrounded and neutralized the town. Then with loud speakers
all the citizens were ordered to stand to on the sidewalks in front of their houses
as four-man search teams cleared and searched every home and business.
Special assault teams, of which Daniels‘ squad was one, were assigned specific
residences on the Agent‘s list. These ―special cases‖ were documented
individuals that had at some time in the past lawfully purchased firearms. It didn‘t
matter if they said that they had complied with the current directives and turned in
all their weapons, they were arrested anyway, their homes searched, and then
they were loaded up to be taken away for further processing. This was not part of
the orders as issued, but instead the orders given by the agents on the scene.
Daniels was now becoming very, very concerned.
Twelve hours later the sweep was completed. In a community of over 15,000
American citizens they had arrested nearly a thousand. Yet had confiscated very
few firearms. But the brutality of the agents and the soldiers in handling these
scared civilians really bothered the SSgt. This was un-American, and uncalled
for. These weren‘t domestic terrorists, these were just average people that went
hunting as their fathers and their fathers-fathers before them had. This was a
small community like he had grown up in: Hard working, God fearing and honest
people. There was no reason for the insanity of the day. Daniels sat in the dark
―You know Staff‖ Began Corporal Tennyson ―There is something just not right
about this sh*t today.‖ He said softly, keeping his voice low.
The rest of the squad nodded in agreement. ―Not right at all.‖ Came mumbled
back in nearly a dozen different voices.
―Be careful there soldier.‖ Daniels cautioned. ―Keep that sh*t to yourself, if one of
those agents hears you, you‘ll find yourself on the back of one of those trucks.‖
―Is it true then Staff,‖ Private Myers asked. ―That they arrested some of our own?‖
―Yeah I heard…‖
―Can the talk and finish cleaning your weapons!‖ Daniels answered through
gritted teeth. His squad knew the conversation was over and they went back to
diligently cleaning their rifles.
It was around midnight as SSgt Daniels made the rounds of the LP/OP‘s
(Listening Posts/Observation Posts) on his perimeter. He didn‘t really expect any
trouble, but he wasn‘t going to take any chances. He knew there had been a lot
of people missing from the town today, unaccounted for, especially older boys
and young men. He had watched the various Agents in charge of the Ranger
Company run roughshod over those that had stayed behind especially the wives
whose husband ―were out of town on business‖. It was all he could do not to cap
one of those government stooges right then and there. But he had no desire to
end up in Leavenworth for the rest of his life, yet he was not going to take much
more of this cr*p and that was for sure.
―Totally sucks Danny boy…who‘d have ever thought we‘d be pulling this sh*t on
our own…this totally sucks!‖
―Not good…not good at all. You heard about Sousa‘s squad didn‘t you?‖
―Relieved hell, they damn near got shot and were arrested.‖
―What for?‖
―Seems they refused to arrest this pregnant women. Her husband was on the list
and she wouldn‘t cooperate…refused to answer questions or say a thing…a
tough gal. Well that jack*ss Agent McNeely about had a kitty right there on the
spot and pistol-whipped her! You know Sousa Man…he don‘t take to that kind of
stuff with women!‖
―Must be…cause Sousa warned him not to do it again. When he did, Sousa
dropped him with a butt-stroke right from infantry school. Laid the suit flat out!‖
―You can say that! The suits ordered Sousa‘s own squad to arrest him, they
refused. The next thing they know Third Platoon has locked and loaded on them
and they are being marched off to the stockade.‖
―Oh get this, after Sousa‘s squad gets marched off under guard. That b*stard
kicks her while she‘s still on the ground and then walks off laughing…F*CKER
―So what!?‖
―Danny…I‘ve got a wife and kid back on post…I can‘t…just. Man you know what I
mean! I don‘t like this at all, but what will happen to them?‖ he paused looking
around, in a hushed whisper he continued. ―You know Danny you‘re talking
mutiny dude! That‘s not a small bust! They hang you for that sh*t man.‖
―I know, I know.‖ The two soldiers stood in the dark, wrapping it around them like
a cloak. ―I took an oath Jack, same as you. To protect and defend the
Constitution…that doesn‘t include this cr*p today.‖
―But you have to follow the orders of the officers Danny, if you don‘t they‘ll fry
Jeeze man you‘ve forgotten it already!‖ Daniels leaned closer. "I DO SOLEMNLY
ALLEGIANCE TO THE SAME; and that I will obey the orders of the President of
the United States and the orders of the officer appointed over me, according to
the regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. SO HELP ME GOD.‖
they ask for that on every promotion board!‖
‖Jack you are so wrong man, so wrong. It‘s why we‘re in this outfit, it what we do
and why. It‘s all right there in the oath man, our first obligation is to DEFEND
THE CONSTITUTION and that includes the Bill of RIGHTS. It is not to defend
an individual, or a party, or a group, but to defend the Constitution itself and we
sure didn‘t do that today.‖
―Neely don‘t know d*ck! Did you see one shred of evidence of that today…huh?
F*ck the only terrorism going on in that f*cking town today was from us!‖
‖But we‘ve got to follow orders, man. You can‘t refuse to follow orders!‖ Jack
―If they are illegal orders you can and it‘s right in the UCMJ (Uniform Code of
Military Justice)! Listen to the oath Jack. THAT I WILL BEAR TRUE FAITH AND
ALLEGIANCE TO THE SAME Our allegiance and true faith as soldiers is not
directed towards a person or a place but to an ideal, a cause, a higher order, it‘s
to the Constitution, man.‖
‖The second half puts is all into perspective: ―AND {sort of – by the way – oh…as
an after thought} I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and
the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to the regulations and the
Uniform Code of Military Justice. So as long as the President and the officers
appointed over me operate in accordance with the first part of the oath and within
the regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice I will obey them….if they
don‘t…refer to the first sentence in the paragraph. EVERYTHING is balanced
against our first duty Jack, it‘s balanced against the Constitution itself.‖
‖To follow and serve a person is risky. They are fallible, they will fail to stay the
course, they will f*ck up. It‘s that absolute power breeding absolute corruption
garbage. But a dream, an ideal will and has stood the test of time. I will serve my
God and the Constitution of the United States. All others….beware!‖
There was a long pause as both soldiers thought about what had been said.
Jack I‘m not some fricken barracks lawyer, but I know right from wrong! And this
sh*t is wrong…it f*cking wrong! Why do you think they replaced all our officers
with these wanna be Agent jerk wads? Cause our officers would know this was
wrong and we‘d back them. Now we‘re out here f*cking over these people, OUR
PEOPLE…Americans and doing these goons dirty work for them. F*cking
government REMF‘s (Rear Echelon Mother F*uckers).
―Yeah well, my first duty is to the Constitution, not the President. And if he gives
me an illegal order…well…then I don‘t have to obey it. Jack there is no way that
what happened here today was legal. You know that and I know that.‖
―We‘re here to defend it against ALL ENEMIES, both those on foreign shores
and here at home. Where ever they are! Whether those enemies wear foreign
uniforms, towels wrapped around their heads or three piece suits and serve in
Congress, or even sit in the White House. No one is allowed to violate the
Constitution…no one. If you do, well then… you become my ENEMY!
Period…it‘s very simple.
Agent McNeely woke from a restful sleep just as the dawn was starting to fully
light up the morning. He started to sit up but it felt as if his sleeping bag was
caught on the military cot he was sleeping on. He pushed harder and heard a
loud click and a strange ―sprong‖ sound off to the left side of his cot. He quickly
looked and saw something metallic spinning through the air away from him.
―Strange, what broke off the bed?‖ He thought, just before the reality of the
spinning object flashed through his mind…‖HAND GRENADE!‖
The explosion echoed through the surrounding valleys reverberating against the
heavy mists. The first explosion was quickly followed by several others in rapid
succession. SSgt Daniels turned and looked back down the ridge to the bivouac
area far off in the distance. Heavily laden combat troops humped past him
intermixed with civilians from the town. The Civies knew the surrounding
mountains and woods and where to live in them, the Rangers knew how to fight
in them. Together they would become a team…an American team. SSgt Daniels
gently and firmly grabbed a struggling older lady by the arm and helped her up
the path as an entire town and nearly a full company of Rangers disappeared
into the mountain mists.
Desert Doc
It had only been a matter of weeks after the shock of the plague had worn off that
the food riots began. Transportation, manufacturing, and the retail infrastructure
of the entire country slowly but inevitably ground to a halt from the huge
vacancies left in the wake of the plague. Supermarkets that were normally
stocked to overflowing with food and produce couldn‘t keep up with the demand
when the stores stopped receiving shipments with the previous on-demand, just-
in-time regularity. Shelves quickly became bare and finally empty as the surviving
consumers raced to stock up on anything they could find. Even pet food quickly
disappeared as all available food items became scarce.
The major municipalities hardest hit in the plague had lost, in many cases, over
fifty percent of their maintenance staff and were struggling to keep the water
running and lights on. Police protection in the cities and suburbs was practically
non-existent and finally the President was forced to order up the National Guard
and even Federal Military units were called up to maintain law and order. The
inevitable clashes between hungry rioters and military finally lead to a
suspension of civil rights.
That brought in the numerous alphabet agencies that had previously been
restrained by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights not to mention numerous
watchdog agencies. They suddenly found their shackles removed and under a
plethora of Executive Orders that literally flew across the Presidents desk, they
set out on their fervent mission to pacify the citizens of this stricken country, by
any and all means necessary, and oh by the way, to find the perpetrators of the
this heinous assault on the American people.
But the undertone was ominous as it echoed through the Democratic halls across
the nation. Suddenly the Homeland Security Directors for each state began to
assume more and more authority via the various Presidential decrees. Governors
found their position usurped by these appointed lackeys from Washington and
were helpless to reassert their proper elected authority under the new stream of
laws. To say that this did not sit well with these professional politicians would be
the understatement of the century. The in fighting at the state level only made the
situation worse and the power of the federal government greater.
BATF Agent McNeely was on a crusade. They had finally been given the
authority to clean up his region once and for all. No newspapers, no ACLU, no
media, the cuffs were finally off. He was now operating under direct orders of the
President of the United States and the Senior Homeland Security Director. After
the last several weeks of violent food riots in the big cities a strict curfew had
been imposed across the nation. Movement was severely restricted, Civil Rights
were suspended, and best of all…all gun owners had seventy-two hours to turn
in their arsenals over to police authorities…without exceptions.
The seventy-two hours deadline had passed two days ago and now Agent
McNeely had carte blanche to insure that the Presidents mandates would be fully
complied with.
―And of course,‖ McNeely smiled to himself, ―there was only one way to ensure
SSgt Daniels stood ready with his squad listening to Agent McNeely from the
Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms. He couldn‘t believe the orders they
had just received. This was not what his last twelve years of military service had
been working towards. It was bad enough when the unit he was assigned to was
under the command of the UN during the mess over in the Balkans. But to be
under control of a civilian federal agent here at home…was intolerable.
―Anyone resisting a search will be arrested, anyone resisting arrest will be shot!
This is Martial Law soldiers, you are operating under direct orders from the
President of the United States, your Commander in Chief.‖ He continued. ―Our
nation is under attack and we will root out ALL TRAITORS! Remember your oath
soldiers, ALL ENEMIES FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC!‖ He paused to let that set
Daniels could feel the bile rising in his gut. ―This guy is Fricken nuts.‖ He
mumbled to himself.
Twenty minutes later the platoon under Agent McNeely‘s command had mounted
up and was headed out to their first mission, to disarm a small town that was, ―A
hot bed of domestic terrorism.‖ As the BATF man had explained.
SSgt Daniels‘ squad as the others followed their orders as did the rest of the
company of rangers as they hit the community like Nazi Storm Troopers. Years
of MOUT (Military Operations in Urban Terrain) training paid off, in just minutes
they completely surrounded and neutralized the town. Then with loud speakers
all the citizens were ordered to stand to on the sidewalks in front of their houses
as four-man search teams cleared and searched every home and business.
Special assault teams, of which Daniels‘ squad was one, were assigned specific
residences on the Agent‘s list. These ―special cases‖ were documented
individuals that had at some time in the past lawfully purchased firearms. It didn‘t
matter if they said that they had complied with the current directives and turned in
all their weapons, they were arrested anyway, their homes searched, and then
they were loaded up to be taken away for further processing. This was not part of
the orders as issued, but instead the orders given by the agents on the scene.
Daniels was now becoming very, very concerned.
Twelve hours later the sweep was completed. In a community of over 15,000
American citizens they had arrested nearly a thousand. Yet had confiscated very
few firearms. But the brutality of the agents and the soldiers in handling these
scared civilians really bothered the SSgt. This was un-American, and uncalled
for. These weren‘t domestic terrorists, these were just average people that went
hunting as their fathers and their fathers-fathers before them had. This was a
small community like he had grown up in: Hard working, God fearing and honest
people. There was no reason for the insanity of the day. Daniels sat in the dark
as the last light of the day faded over the far ridge with his squad as they cleaned
their weapons.
―You know Staff‖ Began Corporal Tennyson ―There is something just not right
about this sh*t today.‖ He said softly, keeping his voice low.
The rest of the squad nodded in agreement. ―Not right at all.‖ Came mumbled
back in nearly a dozen different voices.
―Be careful there soldier.‖ Daniels cautioned. ―Keep that sh*t to yourself, if one of
those agents hears you, you‘ll find yourself on the back of one of those trucks.‖
―Is it true then Staff,‖ Private Myers asked. ―That they arrested some of our own?‖
―Yeah I heard…‖
―Can the talk and finish cleaning your weapons!‖ Daniels answered through
gritted teeth. His squad knew the conversation was over and they went back to
diligently cleaning their rifles.
It was around midnight as SSgt Daniels made the rounds of the LP/OP‘s
(Listening Posts/Observation Posts) on his perimeter. He didn‘t really expect any
trouble, but he wasn‘t going to take any chances. He knew there had been a lot
of people missing from the town today, unaccounted for, especially older boys
and young men. He had watched the various Agents in charge of the Ranger
Company run roughshod over those that had stayed behind especially the wives
whose husband ―were out of town on business‖. It was all he could do not to cap
one of those government stooges right then and there. But he had no desire to
end up in Leavenworth for the rest of his life, yet he was not going to take much
more of this cr*p and that was for sure.
―Totally sucks Danny boy…who‘d have ever thought we‘d be pulling this sh*t on
our own…this totally sucks!‖
―Not good…not good at all. You heard about Sousa‘s squad didn‘t you?‖
―Relieved hell, they damn near got shot and were arrested.‖
―What for?‖
―Seems they refused to arrest this pregnant women. Her husband was on the list
and she wouldn‘t cooperate…refused to answer questions or say a thing…a
tough gal. Well that jack*ss Agent McNeely about had a kitty right there on the
spot and pistol-whipped her! You know Sousa Man…he don‘t take to that kind of
stuff with women!‖
―Must be…cause Sousa warned him not to do it again. When he did, Sousa
dropped him with a butt-stroke right from infantry school. Laid the suit flat out!‖
―You can say that! The suits ordered Sousa‘s own squad to arrest him, they
refused. The next thing they know Third Platoon has locked and loaded on them
and they are being marched off to the stockade.‖
―Oh get this, after Sousa‘s squad gets marched off under guard. That b*stard
kicks her while she‘s still on the ground and then walks off laughing…F*CKER
―So what!?‖
―Danny…I‘ve got a wife and kid back on post…I can‘t…just. Man you know what I
mean! I don‘t like this at all, but what will happen to them?‖ he paused looking
around, in a hushed whisper he continued. ―You know Danny you‘re talking
mutiny dude! That‘s not a small bust! They hang you for that sh*t man.‖
―I know, I know.‖ The two soldiers stood in the dark, wrapping it around them like
a cloak. ―I took an oath Jack, same as you. To protect and defend the
Constitution…that doesn‘t include this cr*p today.‖
―But you have to follow the orders of the officers Danny, if you don‘t they‘ll fry
Jeeze man you‘ve forgotten it already!‖ Daniels leaned closer. "I DO SOLEMNLY
ALLEGIANCE TO THE SAME; and that I will obey the orders of the President of
the United States and the orders of the officer appointed over me, according to
the regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. SO HELP ME GOD.‖
they ask for that on every promotion board!‖
‖Jack you are so wrong man, so wrong. It‘s why we‘re in this outfit, it what we do
and why. It‘s all right there in the oath man, our first obligation is to DEFEND
THE CONSTITUTION and that includes the Bill of RIGHTS. It is not to defend an
individual, or a party, or a group, but to defend the Constitution itself and we sure
didn‘t do that today.‖
―Neely don‘t know d*ck! Did you see one shred of evidence of that today…huh?
F*ck the only terrorism going on in that f*cking town today was from us!‖
‖But we‘ve got to follow orders, man. You can‘t refuse to follow orders!‖ Jack
―If they are illegal orders you can and it‘s right in the UCMJ (Uniform Code of
Military Justice)! Listen to the oath Jack. THAT I WILL BEAR TRUE FAITH AND
ALLEGIANCE TO THE SAME Our allegiance and true faith as soldiers is not
directed towards a person or a place but to an ideal, a cause, a higher order, it‘s
to the Constitution, man.‖
‖The second half puts is all into perspective: ―AND {sort of – by the way – oh…as
an after thought} I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and
the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to the regulations and the
Uniform Code of Military Justice. So as long as the President and the officers
appointed over me operate in accordance with the first part of the oath and within
the regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice I will obey them….if they
don‘t…refer to the first sentence in the paragraph. EVERYTHING is balanced
against our first duty Jack, it‘s balanced against the Constitution itself.‖
‖To follow and serve a person is risky. They are fallible, they will fail to stay the
course, they will f*ck up. It‘s that absolute power breeding absolute corruption
garbage. But a dream, an ideal will and has stood the test of time. I will serve my
God and the Constitution of the United States. All others….beware!‖
There was a long pause as both soldiers thought about what had been said.
Jack I‘m not some fricken barracks lawyer, but I know right from wrong! And this
sh*t is wrong…it f*cking wrong! Why do you think they replaced all our officers
with these wanna be Agent jerk wads? Cause our officers would know this was
wrong and we‘d back them. Now we‘re out here f*cking over these people, OUR
PEOPLE…Americans and doing these goons dirty work for them. F*cking
government REMF‘s (Rear Echelon Mother F*uckers).
―But our orders come from the President himself, Danny, he‘s THE commander
in chief.‖
―Yeah well, my first duty is to the Constitution, not the President. And if he gives
me an illegal order…well…then I don‘t have to obey it. Jack there is no way that
what happened here today was legal. You know that and I know that.‖
―We‘re here to defend it against ALL ENEMIES, both those on foreign shores and
here at home. Where ever they are! Whether those enemies wear foreign
uniforms, towels wrapped around their heads or three piece suits and serve in
Congress, or even sit in the White House. No one is allowed to violate the
Constitution…no one. If you do, well then… you become my ENEMY!
Period…it‘s very simple.
Agent McNeely woke from a restful sleep just as the dawn was starting to fully
light up the morning. He started to sit up but it felt as if his sleeping bag was
caught on the military cot he was sleeping on. He pushed harder and heard a
loud click and a strange ―sprong‖ sound off to the left side of his cot. He quickly
looked and saw something metallic spinning through the air away from him.
―Strange, what broke off the bed?‖ He thought, just before the reality of the
spinning object flashed through his mind…‖Hand Grenade!‖
The explosion echoed through the surrounding valleys. The first explosion was
quickly followed by several others in rapid succession. SSgt Daniels turned and
looked back down the ridge to the bivouac area far off in the distance. The
heavily laden combat troops humped past him intermixed with civilians from the
town. They knew the surrounding mountains and woods and where to live in
them, the Rangers knew how to fight in them. Together they would become a
team…an American team. SSgt Daniels gently and firmly grabbed a struggling
older lady by the arm and helped her up the path as an entire town and nearly a
full company of Rangers disappeared into the mountain mists.
Desert Doc
Eli paused in his work to watch the setting sun. Many days‘ work had been done
in all to few hours. Mary and Jacob were exhausted, as was he. All that could be
done in such a short period had been done. Jacob had worked incredibly hard
harvesting the cattails. He was very proud of his son, not just for the past few
days, but for the sheer nature of the boy. Smart, hard working, quiet and
contemplative, but with a ready smile he was always ready to lend a hand with
the chores of others as well as his own. Eli‘s heart swelled with pride (which was
discouraged by his religion, but Eli couldn‘t suppress it all) when he looked
across the fields and saw Jacob working. A fine boy, he was. Eli shook his head
in sadness. He hoped Jacob would live to grow to be a fine man.
He turned to Jacob standing beside him. ―You have done well, my son. Your hard
work will help us to make it through these difficult times.‖
―Thank you, Papa. What is going to happen? When will the crops become green
They were silent for a while, and Eli looked back out over the brown fields.
Jacob, however, continued to stare at his father.
―Papa, why did you have that man put the hay in the middle of the road?‖
Eli sighed and looked back down at him. ―Jacob, if what Mr. Thompson told me is
true, there will be many hungry people. Not only our own people, but hungry
English as well. Our God teaches us that violence is wrong and the English know
this. If they become hungry enough, they will come here and take what we have.‖
Jacob furrowed his brow in thought. ―But Papa, that might be like killing us, to
take all our food. Why does God say we must let them do this?‖
―God says that we may not harm another person. Our Justice is not in this world,
but the next. The wicked will be punished, and the good rewarded. You want to
be rewarded when you see God, don‘t you?‖ He asked.
―Sometimes he does, Jacob. He gave me your good mother. He gave me you for
a son. I think that is a fine reward.‖
―Oh Papa!‖ Said Jacob, blushing. He was happy that his father saw him as a
reward from God, but was now very worried. His father only spoke of his affection
this openly very rarely, usually after a funeral.
―Let‘s go inside and wash up for supper. Tonight we will see what miracles your
mother can do with a sample of your cattails.‖ Said Eli as he clapped Jacob on
the shoulder and began for the house.
After supper, while preparing for bed, Jacob came to see his father. He had been
thinking of the possible problem of intruders on his family‘s farm. Responsibility
seemed to grow upon him, and he began to think of himself as someone who
could help his father with these troubles. He had carefully eaten his whole share
of the food his mother served, although the cattails weren‘t really that tasty -At
least this recipe wasn‘t- while pondering the ways he could help keep his family
―Papa, why don‘t we use the hunting rifles to scare away the bad men?‖
Eli deliberately lowered the Amish newspaper he was reading (―The Budget‖),
and looked at Jacob. ― Come sit beside me, Jacob.‖
He said. ―If you stood out in front of this house with your rifle, you might scare
away the English.‖ He allowed. ―But what if they weren‘t scared? What if they
guessed you were bluffing? Or what if they were so desperate that they didn‘t
care if you were bluffing or not. Then you would have to stand aside, or you
would have to shoot. If you shot, God would be very angry and disappointed. You
would be banished to hell after your death, and shunned by all of us until you
died. But what if they had rifles of their own? Then you would see God and be
cast into hell much more quickly. No, Jacob. Violence is not the way.
We can make it difficult for the bad men. You yourself have hidden some of our
family‘s food. We have blocked our road with the hay. Tomorrow we will take
paper and cardboard to cover the windows in the parlor, so no one can see our
light. We will spread nails on the road at the end of the driveway. But we will not
use the rifles.
The new dawn brought more bad news. Mr. Thompson had walked from his farm
to Eli‘s, on the pretense of trading for some more preserves. He brought a
cardboard box full of quart Mason jars, and a box of unused lids. Eli was
appreciative of the gesture, but the truth was, there was not that much additional
food of any kind left to trade, save some cows. If Mary‘s calculations were
accurate, they had barely enough to get them through the rest of the year.
Hopefully the next spring would be a normal one. Mr. Thompson had told Eli to
keep the jars on the condition that he trade him some food…any food for them.
Eli found four small ornamental jars of Mary‘s preserves. They had originally
been made for sale at the tourist shop near the interstate, but they had been
inadvertently pushed back in the cupboard and forgotten. Eli reckoned that given
the circumstances, three jars would be a more than generous trade.
―Eli,‖ Mr. Thompson said, ―I don‘t mind telling you that I‘m concerned. I am more
than concerned. I‘m scared. Our power went out two days ago. We have some
oil lamps that we have been using diesel in. Smoky and smelly, but it‘s light.
Anyway, I was out on the front porch when I heard gunshots. Mickey Tollefsen
came by on a horse and said that the Amberson place had been shot up. Both of
‗em shot dead, took everything that wasn‘t nailed down: Kitchen ripped up
somethin‘ terrible.‖
Mr. Thompson paused to collect his thoughts. The worry was visible on his face.
―Me and Roger and Roger‘s oldest boy take shifts stayin‘ awake through the
night: Far as I know, they ain‘t never caught the fellas that killed the Ambersons.‖
―That is indeed terrible news, Mr. Thompson. We shall pray for their souls.‖
―What do you mean?‖ Asked Eli, trying to keep his voice calm.
―Well, what I mean is, well… that most people in these parts know you folks won‘t
shoot nobody. As soon as these fellers figure out that they ain‘t going to get shot
at when they go to Amish places, well…Seems like common sense that they‘d
Thompson had put into a few words what had been haunting Eli since this all
began. He believed completely what the elders taught him and what he read in
the Bible. But he couldn‘t silence a tiny part of himself that cried for overt acts of
Later that evening, Eli awoke to a strange popping noise. As he became more fully
awake, he realized that the sounds he was hearing were gunshots. He sat
upright in bed, and shook Mary awake.‖ Mary, quickly! Get the little ones and go
into the
woods! Take blankets Mary, but hurry!‖ He whispered to her. ―And no lights!‖
Eli ran to Jacob‘s room. He shook Jacob‘s shoulder roughly, saying ―Jacob, get
dressed and meet me down on the porch. Something‘s happening at the
Thompson‘s house, I think!‖
When Jacob arrived on the steps of the porch a few minutes later, his father was
already there, holding a bag with some bandages and ointments in it. There were
still gunshots from the Thompson‘s farm. Eli and Jacob began running across the
fields, tripping and falling occasionally in the darkness, but continuing the
distance. Presently, they could smell smoke and see an orange glow through the
trees and coming over a gentle rise. They could also hear the screams. Eli had
angled their approach so they would come up from behind the house, in a mostly
wooded area. As they got closer, a horrible, devilish sight appeared before them.
There were roughly eight men that he could see. Some were directly in front of
him, between himself and the rear of the house. Others were around the front of
the house. They were all hooting, screaming and laughing and some acted
drunk. The terrible scene was lit by the machine shed and the tractor inside that
burned with a dull, smoky flames. Occasionally, one of the men outside would
fire a shot into a window then the lot of them would erupt with renewed laughter
and cursing. But the Thompsons were not going down without a fight. Jacob
could see at least one crumpled form on the ground. For a brief, irrational second
he grieved for Mr. Thompson‘s soul for having killed another person. Just then
another shot rang out from the Thompson‘s house. A man had foolishly (or
drunkenly) silhouetted himself to the Thompsons inside, and had paid the
ultimate price.
Two dark figures walked closer in the darkness close to where Eli and Jacob lay
on the forest floor.
―Sheeit, man! We got all the time in the world. Ain‘t no cops gonna come and
save these a$$holes.‖ Replied the other.
―That‘s not what I mean. We‘ve already lost Drippy and Kent, and I think Tunks
just went down. We stay here much longer, we gonna loose more men. We loose
men we
can‘t take places. We can‘t take places, we can‘t eat.‖
The second man turned to the other men in general and screamed ―That‘s ‗cause
these motherf*ckers can‘t shoot.‖
―Listen, we‘re in a no-win. Let‘s just fire the place and move on. These farms
never have as much as we think anyway.‖
The first man sighed heavily. ―F*ck it, man. We really needed this place.
Nobody‘s eaten since we got that couple two days ago.‖ His dark shape was still
for a moment. Then he turned and shouted ―Yo, Jamal! Light it up!‖
Whoops of joy pierced the night, as the order was passed and dark shadows
bent to their task. Small, bright flames appeared in the darkness several places
around the house, then one by one arced through the air to crash and blossom
with a gout of flame against the side of the century-old farmhouse. Screams once
again emanated from the structure as it became engulfed in flames. Jacob
looked in horror at the tableau unfolding before him. He was fourteen years old.
He had never seen a television. He had been raised in a culture where violence
was abhorred and forbidden. His mind reeled from the wanton murder and
destruction taking place yards in front of him. He felt his father shake beside him.
From fear, from sadness, from loathing or disgust, he knew not. Jacob himself
felt numb. It seemed all a horrible nightmare, from which he was certain to awake
at any moment. Feeling detached, Jacob slowly turned his gaze back to the
fiercely raging fire. Eli and Jacob were trapped: The men would surely hear them
if they attempted to flee.
The men on the outside had apparently done this before: From cover, they began
to fall silent, waiting for the occupants of the house. They did not have long to
wait: The choking smoke and blistering heat quickly drove the Thompsons to
desperation. The front door erupted and two men ran forth coughing and firing
their hunting rifles in the general direction of the marauders, who in turn opened
fire. Another man fired slow shots from the window of the house. Several
seconds later, the ground-level cellar doors in the rear of the house flew open
and several women and children ran directly toward Eli and Jacob. Unfortunately,
the men who ordered the Molotov Cocktails thrown were standing in their way.
One or two shots were fired at the fleeing forms, but it seemed as if once the
marauders saw that those fleeing were not armed men, they ceased their firing,
and instead began to chase after them, screaming in their gleeful rapine intent.
The marauders quickly cut down the men in front. Even the man in the window
had ceased firing. The marauders in the rear of the house quickly closed in on
the women and children. One of the older women opened fire with a pistol,
apparently hitting nothing, but drawing the fire of several marauders. The woman
who fired and three others -including the two children- went down in the shooting.
Two women remained, and were quickly set upon by the marauders. They were
mere feet away from the horrified eyes of Eli and Jacob, who now had to remain
absolutely still lest they be discovered. Rough grunts and course laughter
mingled with screams of despair and pain that continued throughout the night.
Jacob and Eli lay with their face in the forest duff praying for the pain of the
others and praying that they were not discovered.
As dawn grew near, the men had mostly tired of their spoils, and the women‘s
screams had died to the occasional whimper. The men had produced bedrolls
and lay down on the ground some distance away, occasionally waking and
walking close to assault the women who had been tied to a stump. Eli‘s fear grew
as the sky lightened. The women were only tied fifteen feet from where they lay.
In the dark, the black, plain Amish clothes had hidden them quite well. As it
became lighter, the dark black of their clothes would stand out against the
browns of the forest floor. Jacob had experienced the same thoughts. What he
did about them was not expected. Jacob‘s world had been shaken, nay
destroyed by what he had witnessed. He silently cried all night, tears streaming
down his cheeks beseeching God for answers, asking ―Why, why, why?‖ He
could not be certain that God answered, but his panic and fear were suddenly
swept away. His mind had a sudden clarity that surprised and disturbed him.
Without a word to his father, Jacob suddenly stood and strode as quickly through
the last few feet of the forest and leaves toward the stump where the women
were tied. He stooped for only a moment to pick up a thick portion of tree branch
from the forest floor.
Eli was slow to respond. ―Jacob!‖ He hissed. Jacob did not respond. ―Jacob!‖
Jacob stooped briefly at the women, opened his pocketknife, and cut their bonds.
They were nearly unconscious, but Jacob did not tarry. He began walking toward
the sleeping men. Without trepidation, he walked through them to the man
sleeping the farthest away from the women.
Surprisingly, the men had not awakened during Jacob‘s walk, though he made
no effort at silence. Eli stood in time to see Jacob stop at the farthest man, raise
the branch over his head, and bring it down on the sleeping man‘s head with all
the force that his fourteen-year-old wiry body could muster. A soft, wet thud was
all that Eli heard.
He was mortified by Jacob‘s actions. Jacob very probably had just delivered a
killing blow. His son‘s soul may be in jeopardy yet Eli stood in indecision. Jacob
had made a choice. He was old enough to know what he was doing. He looked
at the two women, who were slowly realizing that they were free. He looked
again at Jacob who had moved to the second man, and again swung the branch.
His aim was not true this time, and gave a glancing blow that though it cracked
the man‘s skull; he began to scream without cease. Jacob turned and ran away
from the women and Eli. The marauders awakening from their drunken dozing
and began to give chase, some firing after him.
Eli suddenly realized what Jacob had done. He had drawn the attention of the
attackers so his father and the women could escape. His heart heavy with
Jacob‘s burden but at the same time light with pride for his son, he moved
forward to get the women.
―Quickly!‖ He whispered to them when he was near. ―They will not be distracted
by my Jacob for long. We must hurry!‖
The women -he presumed they were Mr. Thompson‘s granddaughters- struggled
to their feet, supporting one another as Eli pulled them staggering into the woods.
He led them deeper into he forest. Before he went too deeply into the trees, he
looked back. The marauders were still occupied with Jacob, and Jacob was still
running in an erratic pattern. He saw Jacob stumble and fall, then get back up
and resume running away with a pronounced limp. He couldn‘t watch any longer.
He quickly caught up with his charges and led them on through the woods.
From the hilltop overlooking the town three teenagers watched the procession of
military vehicles that roared into their town taking up commanding positions in all
the intersections. Not that there were all that many intersections to command in
the first place, just Main St. running east and west and Harding Ave. crossing
north and south. Off in the distance beyond the town proper and past the first few
remaining farms you could just about make out the interstate overpass. Their
little town had only recently become a bedroom community for the metropolis an
hour away, off to the north. What with the escalating cost of homes in the
metropolitan area and the runaway crime rates the city dwellers began their
exodus to greener pastures over the last few years.
At first they just bought up fallow nearby land and built their country estates,
however soon small exclusive housing tracts started popping up around their little
community like Scottish Thistles. Next, slowly, incrementally they started moving
in the city comforts that this shady agriculturally based community lacked. At first
the locals didn‘t seem to mind these transplants from the big city. They added
color and were at times quite entertaining to watch as they played at being
country folks and genteel weekend farmers. It wasn‘t until they started showing
up at Town Counsel, Planning Boards and PTA meetings and began to
restructure the nature of their rural village that friction began to develop.
Soon the adults were behaving worse than children…and the children. Well
Tobias J. Wellington III, or Toby to his new friends, had taken to rural living like a
hog to a mud wallow. For the first time in his life he could actually escape the
confines of the privileged life that he had been born into. Not that he didn‘t mind
the privileges that his folks money could buy – but it was the cost of that privilege
he rejected. He was a typical teenage boy full of muck and mire and enthusiasm
for this new world. The world of his parents was too restraining and ordered. He
was not interested in their politics, high finance deals and lavish cocktail parties.
The upper crust of politicians, lawyers, doctors and bureaucratic elites held no
appeal. Toby liked nothing better than to take to the woods and step back
through time. Here he was the explorer or the 'cours de bois' (runner of the
woods), an all around Mountain Man trekking across vast unmapped territories.
Here he was in command of his life and not commanded over.
Now with his two closest friends, Victor ―Vic‖ Covington and Douglas ―Doc‖
Holliday the three lads sat on the edge of the tree line hidden by in the tall brown
November grass and watched quietly.
―LAV‘s, Light Armored Vehicles. Those things with the little turrets on the top and
four big wheels on each side.‖ Toby explained. ―Those are Marine
―Hmmm don‘t know Vic.‖ Toby handed the binoculars to him. ―There ain‘t no
Marine camps any where near here. Maybe it‘s like your grand-dad said.‖
―I don‘t know about that Toby…he‘s like really old and says some pretty strange
stuff sometimes. Mom says he should be in a home but he won‘t budge from his
cabin. Dad says he‘s just an old coot and we should just leave him be.‖ Vic
paused as he looked through the Bino‘s. ―But I sort of like him. He‘s got a lot of
cool stuff up there to mess around with.‖
Doc reached over and to grab the glasses from Vic. ―Come on man, don‘t totally
hog the glasses.‖
―Hang on Doc…just a second…hold on…HEY what the hell are they doing?‖
The boys continued to watch over the next hour or two before they quietly slipped
back from the tree line and swiftly made their way deeper into the woods and
safety. It took another hour by deer trails and rabbit runs to cross the two ridges,
three streams and avoid all the main trails and logging roads that ran through the
forest. Old Man Covington had been very explicit when he sent the trio off to
check on the town.
―You‘ve got to be like the ancient Indians born in these old mountains and the old
Long Hunters that first crossed into these parts. You‘ve got to be like ghosts in
the mists boys.‖ The old man looked the three of them straight in the eye.
―There‘s a heap of evil coming down on the land boys, pure e-v-i-l.‖ He said
drawing out the words. ―Now you boys got to be my eyes, I‘m too old to run the
woods these days. But you got the wild wind in you and you know these woods
better than most. So get over to Jackson ridge and stay out of sight. Don‘t use
the main trails or the roads. Stay together and watch carefully. When you‘ve seen
enough to give me an idea of what is going on, report back to me. Stay together
and make sure there is no one following you!‖
The boys made it back to Old man Covington‘s cabin just after dark. Tired and
wet they waited on the perimeter and checked out the entire area before moving
silently down to the back door. Standing on the back porch they waited. The old
Man‘s voice startled them coming out of the darkness behind them.
Corporal Daniel Ortega-Mendez wondered just what the hell they were doing
here in the middle of nowhere locking down this town. He had heard of all sorts
of off the wall cr@p since the Plague had struck and none of it was good. If they
were searching for ragheads he wouldn‘t object, but this was the third town in as
many weeks that his Company had swept through. The President had ordered all
guns to be turned in and now it was up to the military and police to ensure that
his orders had been complied with. Though what this had to do with Biological
attack on the U.S. Daniel couldn‘t figure out. Sure the food riots in the major
cities required strong muscle to put down, but there hadn‘t been hardly any
trouble in the outlying regions. Just more bureaucratic crap was all it amounted to
as far as he was concerned.
―We should be bustin a bunch of A-rab skulls over in the sand instead of hassling
these folks here…just plan stupid.‖ He thought to himself as he shivered against
the cold. ―Damn guard duty.‖
Inside the warm and well-lit home of the local bigwig, the officers in charge of the
Marine Company and their handler‘s, several BATF and FBI agents were sitting
down to dinner with Congressman Bernard Steffler, two other suits and their
host, Mr. Tobias J. Wellington II.
Congressman Steffler lifted his glass to their host. ―I must say Tobias you are a
most gracious host and have set a very fine table in these poor times.‖
Several cries of ―Here – Here‖ erupted from the agents at the table while the
Marines acknowledged stiffly with curt nods in the direction of the host.
―How fortunate of you to have relocated your family to these pastoral vistas
before the problems arose in the more urban climates.‖ Steffler continued.
Laughter broke out across the table, again with the exception of the three Marine
officers sitting at the opposite end of the long table.
―They‘re called MRE‘s Sir, and they are real food, Sir.‖
―Yes of course they are Captain, thank you.‖ He immediately turned to his
premier guest. ―I overheard some of the troops referring to them as ‗Meals
Rejected by Ethiopians‘.‖ The table erupted again in laughter, again with the
exception of the three Marine officers sitting at the far end.
Two hours later after several five star courses that looked more like modern art
than actual food and were served along with the appropriate libations for each
course the group finally adjourned to Wellington‘s spacious office for a brace of
fine Cuban cigars and a healthy sniffer of equally fine well-aged brandy. The two
junior officers excused themselves to attend to ‗duties of command‘ and left their
Caption to entertain the civilians and be the butt of their humor.
As they emerged for the overly lit house the Lieutenants noted the changing of
the guard-taking place around the perimeter of the property.
In hushed tones ―Could you believe those pompous @sses in there Cliff?‖
Cliff shook his head in disbelief. ―You know I‘ve thought this whole screaming
affair had a strange stink from the very beginning…now I don‘t have a doubt
―You know, Melton can be a total @sshole sometimes but I‘m sure glad he got us
out of there. Too much more of the elitist crap and I‘d be popping a couple of
frags across the table and diving for cover!‖
―I know what you mean. If I didn‘t know any better I‘d say those bastards knew
this sh*t was going down. Did you catch that bit about ‗listening to the wires‘?‖
―Yeah I caught that, but just as I opened my mouth, the Captain whacked me in
the shin with his combat boots.‖
―Me too!‖
―Well they sure didn‘t cover this kind of cr@p at TBS (The Basic School) in
Quantico, that‘s for sure.‖
The aroma of fine Cuban cigars wafted through the evening air as the group
lounged in the plush leather chairs and discussed the affairs of state.
―And how is it you have lights whilst the surrounding community seems to be…in
the dark?‖
―We fully self-contained here.‖ Wellington paused to take a sip of brandy. ―Liquid
propane, a good three years supply worth, plus a more than ample supply of the
other commodities of civilization.‖
‖Well you don‘t imply that we should be dinning on MRE‘s now do you.‖ He
turned to the Marine Captain off to his side. ―How do you feel about the current
situation Captain?‘
―Hadn‘t given it much thought Sir. My Marines and I are here to complete the
mission as ordered by the President.‖
―But of course Captain, of course and you‘re doing an exceptional job…so far.‖
Chimed in the Congressman. ―Don‘t you think so Brent?‖
Brentwood Davis, Under Secretary for Transportation was caught mid sip of his
brandy. ―Yes, oh yes the Captain has done a, ah, ah, a very professional job.
Much better than other units that I‘ve visited on my fact finding tour.‖
―You see that Captain, Mr. Davis admires your professionalism.‖ Steffler
continued. ―As do the rest of the gentleman here, none of the rouge mentality
that we‘ve heard about with some other organizations.‖
―Ah yes, and much appreciated I can assure you.‖ Turning to the evening‘s host.
―Now Tobias to the business at hand…‖
Corporal Ortega-Mendez was returning back from guard duty. His relief had been
late and as a result Ortega was walking back to the bivouac site alone. His post
on watch had placed him just outside the windows of the dinner party. He wasn‘t
supposed to be paying attention to the conversations inside but it was difficult to
ignore what was taking place, and he didn‘t like the sound of what he had
Walking back alone in the dark misty cold he scanned quickly about using his
peripheral vision to find his way as he muttered under his breath.
―Rich gringo bendejo‘s. We‘re out here in the frickin freezing @ss cold guarding
their punk @sses and doing their frickin dirty laundry…‖ Suddenly the night cold
stabbed against his exposed neck and sent shivers down his spine. He heard the
faint sound of a whisper in the distance and the cold hit him again. Ortega went
in to combat mode and crouched weapon ready as he scanned the area around
him. His ears strained to hear any sound, any movement. The hair on the back of
his neck tensed as if trying to leap from his skin.
―Man this is not cool f*ckin wit me.‖ He barely spoke through is teeth.
―Hee-to…‖ The voice was now next to him and Ortega spun around expecting
who ever it was to be nearly upon him. The emptiness of the darkness engulfed
him. He continued to scan from left to right and back again concentrating on his
peripheral vision…but nothing…nothing.
―Man you better knock this sh*t off panocha or I‘m gonna light up the night on
your @ss!‖ Ortega hissed.
―Hee-to, is that any way to talk to your Abuelo?‖ The voice answered, just feet
away from him.
Suddenly Ortega began to focus on a form that seemed to step out of the
darkness of the night. The form was a shade shorter and dressed in a strange
sort of battle dress. The helmet was old style, like in the movies.
―Hito you are troubled my little one.‖ His accent was heavy and almost foreign.
―Just who the f*ck are you man?‖ Ortega held his M4A1 steady on the figure
before him.
―Such language from one so young.‖ The stranger whispered. ―You certainly
never learned such talk from me.‖
Ortega slowly lowered his weapon. ―Abuelo…how can this be?‖ He looked
around nervously. ―I know I‘m not dreaming. This can not be…‖
The pair stood in the dark silence for what seemed like eons. Ortega felt like he
had fallen into a twilight zone movie. He was standing just a few feet away from
his grandfather, but his grandfather had died when he was just a small boy. He
remembered his hearty laugh and the way he smelled, old and leathery, full of
the rich loamy smell of the earth that he worked in his nursery. He also
remembered the special way he always felt around his Abuelo. But the vision
before him was younger and dressed very strange. Something caught his eye.
On the left shoulder was a patch or something with the head of an eagle in white
on it.
―What is that uniform you‘re wearing Abuelo? I‘ve seen that patch somewhere
―This is strange my Hito. I haven‘t worn this uniform for a very long time…and
this IS my M1.‖ He said hefting the long gun. ―Right down to the serial numbers.‖
―Why are you here Grandfather? How is it that I can see you? Am I dead?‖
The aberration laughed his grandfathers hearty laugh. ―No, No, my little one. You
are very much alive. I on the other hand…well…I don‘t know.‖
The pair squat down in the middle of the road and were engulfed in the darkness.
―Go on in and get out of those wet things.‖ Grandpa Covington said as he began
to appear out of the night.
The three boys quickly mustered through the door and were greeted by the
warmth of the fire and safety of the cabin. As they began changing out of their
wet cloths Victor‘s grandfather questioned them on what they had witnessed.
Toby described the vehicles and the way they had cordoned off the town and set
up roadblocks. Vic told about the soldiers forcing citizens out of their homes and
kept them standing out in the street as small groups of other soldiers went
through each house. And Doc described the singling out and marching off of
many of the men of the town to a special area on the square that was fenced off with
rolls of some type of barbed wire. He had seen guns taken from some of the
houses thrown into the backs of one of the big trucks. He also saw them take
what looked like food from some of the houses and was given out to the
neighbors a few parcels at a time.
―Hmmm well that fits the pattern.‖ Grandpa Covington muttered to himself.
―I‘ve been listening to that old short-wave out in the workshop. Seems once the
government troops get the cities locked down they start to spread out to the
suburbs and small town surrounding them. Disarm and redistribute the food and
then leave behind a small garrison to maintain control.‖
―Who‘s scared?‖
―That is the ten-thousand dollar question my lads, that is the question indeed.‖
The first problem started just outside of the town. Corporal Ortega-Mendez was
in charge of a fire-team in a squad that was pacifying the outlying farms. The
morning had begun rather uneventful with only angry stares and verbal
undertones of the residents as they searched and confiscated outlawed
weapons as ordered. Up till now there had only been a few angry mutterings of
threats, but at the third farmstead things were not going well from the outset.
―Mr. Sullivan you are required by the orders of the President of the United States
and the declaration of martial law to exit your home and cooperate fully with the
appropriate authorities.‖ The agent called to the house over the bullhorn.
―This is your last chance Mr. Sullivan. If you do not immediately cooperate we will
be forced to drag you out of there. You are placing yourself and your family at
grave risk. Do you hear me Mr. Sullivan?‖
Suddenly a shot rang out and hit the fence post to the right of the black cammied
―SH*T!‖ He yelled as both he and the Marines quickly ducked back behind the
The Staff Sergeant beside him chuckled. ―That Mr. Agent man, was a warning.
He hit square on that fence post. He‘s telling you that if we don‘t drop this issue
he‘s fully capable of tagging any one of us from this distance.‖
―I want that b*stard taken out of there Sergeant, and taken out now!‖
―Well SIR, considering that he‘s got a clear field of fire around his house, he‘s on
the high ground and he‘s made sure that we‘re not just driving up to the house
due to the ditches and barricades, just how do you propose that we do that?‖
―Lead on.‖
―Don‘t get me wrong here SIR, but just because we‘re referred to as ‗Jar Heads‘
doesn‘t mean that we lack any kind of intelligence. I‘ve got a squad of Marines to
P.O.L.I.C.E. this action…not to storm a farmer protecting his property.‖
Grandpa Covington was fixing breakfast when the radio crackled to life.
The static returned. ―Breaker Break…breaker break. Any VFW out there with
their ears on? Over.‖
―Go Breaker…you got Airborne. Over.‖ Grandpa Covington replied. The boys
began to sit up in their sleeping bags.
―Red here…Hey Sarge they got Sully holed up and they‘ve traded shots. As far
as we can tell his whole family‘s in there. Over.‖
―Damn!‖ Covington muttered. He picked up the mike again. ―Light up the recall
and muster at…‖ He thought for a second. ―Penbroke barn. Over.‖
―SHIT! Sarge they‘ve just started shooting with those cannons on the APC‘s. It‘s
punching holes through the house like Swiss cheese!‖
Covington laid the mike down and looked up at the three faces staring at him.
―Boys we‘ve got work to do.‖
―Victor go grab your Realtree cammies upstairs, bring down a set for Doc. Toby
I‘ve got an extra pair that should fit you. COME ON BOYS…SHAKE A LEG!
We‘ve got neighbors in trouble!‖
Pandemonium broke out as the three teenage boys ran around the house getting
dressed as quickly as possible. Grandpa Covington disappeared into the
basement and emerged after a few minutes with two rifles slung over his
shoulder and one in each hand. The laid them against the wall and disappeared
back into the basement.
―Vic give me a hand down here.‖
In fifteen minutes the fire team under the command of Grandpa Covington was
headed out to the barn. They quickly loaded up the pickup and headed out the
back of the property on an old abandoned logging road.
‖No it isn‘t. We‘re headed over to the beaver dam at Nelson Creek crossing. It‘s
called a code Vic, you never know who might be listening.‖
The truck bounced down the old rutted and overgrown trail throwing the
occupants about inside the cab.
At the command center in the Mayors office Captain Melton had just received
word that there appeared to be a sudden burst of civilian communication across
the Citizen Band radio frequencies. That in addition to stand off at the Sullivan
farm, the previously quiet situation suddenly began to trouble the Marine Captain.
―Lt. Sievers, I want you to get out to the Sullivan farm and find out just what the
hell is going on out there.‖
―F*CK THAT AGENT! You‘re a Marine Officer in command of Marine troops. Get
that situation under control and get it under control now!‖
―Eye-Eye SIR!‖ The young Lieutenant spun about and hastily left the office.
A chubby red-faced man in a bad suit walked over to the map of the township
that was spread across the conference table. He pointed to an area on the
southeast edge of the map with his stubby fingers.
―That would be about here Captain. It‘s an old abandoned barn about ready to
fall down near these crossroads. Back up a driveway here and partially hidden in
the trees.‖
―And Ed, don‘t let this blow up into a firefight, just Recon the position and report
back to me. Don‘t be seen and don‘t engage…understood?‖
―Eye-eye skipper! Don‘t be seen and don‘t engage. I‘ll call in as soon as I have
something to report.‖
―Good, now get going.‖ The remaining Lieutenant bet feet out of the office and
disappeared out the front door.
―Now Mr. Mayor, just who are these people with the VFW?‖
―Nothing Captain, I can assure you, just some ol‘ drunk coots that tell war stories
over beer and pretzels. It‘s not a very big post here, maybe twenty or thirty vets
at the most. Too old to do much of anything else but tell stories.‖
Lt. Sievers had arrived on the scene and despite the temper tantrums of the
BATF Agent had taken charge of the situation. He had backed the armored
vehicles off and now held a vigil at a relatively safe distance from the house.
Dusk was a few hours away and Sievers did not like the idea of spending the
evening exposed watching over this house. Hell he didn‘t like the idea of the
mission they had been given, but until he could find a way out he was stuck in
the situation as it had come down.
The vigil was being maintained on several sides of the Sullivan‘s farm along the
front road. Up in the woods forming an outer ring to the Marine encirclment there
now lay a second group watching the now quite farm. Back just inside the tree
line they watched, men that had waited like this once before in a wooded
landscape on another continent from another time. They had formed the thin line
of defiance against an overwhelming force. Ill equipped, short of ammo, and
small in numbers they had held the line against a sweeping evil that threatened the
world of their youth. Now over fifty years later they once again found themselves
on the line, outnumbered, and defiant. Except this time they where
not quite alone. They had brought with them the legacy of their generation, their
sons, and grandsons. They had brought their American heritage to the line in the
sand, to fight the good fight one more time. This generation of builders and
shapers would not ―go quietly in to this good night.‖
Dawn broke to the roar of trucks and armored cars streaming into town. Black
trucks and vehicles that sweep through and raced out of town towards the
embattled homestead. Several command vehicles broke away and headed to the
Marine command center in the Mayors office on the main square. A little less
than one hundred civilians held in the concertina stockade watched as black
cammied soldiers with the letters ―BATF‖ on their coats jumped out of the
vehicles and mounted the steps two at a time entered the Mayors office. Shortly
there after a Limousine arrived and an entourage of well dressed men entered
the office as well.
―Thank you for your efforts Captain, however, you stand relieved and will order
your men to stand-down. My people will take over from here.‖ The lead black suit
ordered as he entered the office.
―Senior Field Agent Smith, Captain. You‘ve done a fine job, however we‘ll take it
from here.‖
―Razorback two to Razor one over.‖ Interrupted the awkward silence. ―This is
Razorback two to Razor one over.‖
―Tell him to standby.‖ The radio operator nodded and turned back to his radio
and relayed the message.
―I have the situation here under control Agent Smith, where are your orders?‖
―Orders Captain.‖ He chuckled. ―I am the senior field agent in this sector and am
assuming command of this operation.‖ He paused. ―That is unless you‘ve
resolved the Sullivan issue and rounded up the remaining dissidents in this
―We are currently negotiating with Mr. Sullivan and as for any dissidents, other
than the individuals that we had arrest orders for there have been no further
―Well that may be the case, but negotiations are over. He will surrender as
ordered or we will bring his place down around him. Those are my orders
Captain. If you will excuse me, I have a sector to run. You will receive new orders
sometime this morning. Now if you and your men would mind I believe you have
packing to do. Good day.‖
The Marine looked at the Federal Agent with more than disgust and quietly stood
his ground. Just then the Congressman walked in.
―Oh good that you‘re here Smith. I see you two have met. The Captain has done
a fine job with the pacification. Well except for that retched farmer, what was his
―Oh yes, Sullivan. Hardly the Captain‘s fault, the man is probably deranged or
something. His holding his family hostage as well I understand. Took several
shots at one of your agents. Dirty business that.‖
―Yes Congressman, well I‘ve already sent agents and special Home Security
troops out to relieve the Marines who will be receiving new orders at any time.‖
The senior agent turned to the Captain. ―Isn‘t that right Captain.‖
The Marine grabbed his web gear and prepared to leave. ―DeNally, get your gear
broken down and packed up most skosh.‖ He said as he exited the office.
Covington edged forward and raised his bino‘s. New vehicles seemed to be
relieving the Marines and uniformed soldiers he didn‘t recognized were taking
over the Marine positions. There seemed to be a conference behind one of the
LAV‘s with what was probably the officers. One of the new players ran up to the
group and saluted one of the new officers.
―Idiot! Chester check out that tall one there that just returned the salute…see
―He‘s a zero, keep an eye on him. He seems to be in charge of this new group.‖
―What do you make of it Covington?‖ Another old soldier beside him asked. They
both shared the same shoulder patch of their unit from a long ago war. The white
emblem of a screaming eagle faded and worn but still proud.
―Looks like the Marines are packin up, being relieved…and I don‘t like the look of
this new group. I think…‖ He paused. ―The stand off is about to end.‖
―Captain just what the F*CK is going on here? First we‘re in charge and then all
hell breaks loose when those Federal Goons show up! I just about had Mr.
Sullivan out of his house peacefully!‖
―I don‘t know Lieutenant.‖ The Captain turned to his two junior officers. ―This
whole thing has stunk from the beginning and now this…‖
The three professional soldiers compared notes going over the events of the
preceding days. None of them liked what had been going down recently and liked
even less the round up they had been apart of. But this new situation looked
really bad.
―Williams and McCrone are damn good in the bush sir, throw in Staff Sergeant
Talford and you‘d have about as strong a team as we could put together.‖
―Good, I concur, get them up and ready in ten mikes. I need eyes in the field.
We‘re not tuckin tail just yet gentlemen. I want the entire company ready to roll
hot in twenty minutes, full combat loads and I want this done quietly!‖
Corporal Ortega was on point. The fire team moved silently through the woods.
Every sense alert, like wraiths they slid through the undergrowth leaving no sign
of their passing.
Toby, Victor and Doc had crawled to within fifty yards of the Home Security
outpost on the right flank of the Sullivan‘s farm. Their RealTree camouflage
blending perfectly into the background of the forest. They could hear the soldiers
as they clinked about getting into position, oblivious to the fact that they were
being watched, smoking, joking and sucking down sodas in the process of setting
up their position.
Approaching from the northwest Ortega and his team could also hear the noise and
clatter of the their Federal replacements. They caught the whiffs of cigarette smoke
coming from them over a hundred yards away. Slowly they maneuvered through the
bush in absolute silence. They were now approaching within almost visual range
when the first shot was fired. Yelling and screaming sudden erupted
from the direction of the OP (observation post). The recon team froze and
disappeared into the background.
Three teenagers raced through the forest towards the Marines. Shots rang out
from behind them and ripped through the trees above the fleeing trio. Ortega and
his team became part of the forest.
A whisper suddenly drifted past his ear. ―Be ready Heto…protect the children!‖
The three teenagers broke into the clearing just in front of the Marines. Another
series of shots rang out from behind and the sickening ―Thwak‖ of a round
meeting flesh preceded the scream of pain as one of the boys dropped to the
ground. The other two quickly turned and attempted to pick up him up to continue
their escape. But the pause was just long enough for the pursuing Homeland
guards to catch up to them. The unarmed trio suddenly found themselves facing
seven armed soldiers. They had dropped their rifles when the first shots range
out and they took off running, now they were caught empty handed.
Victor lay on the ground trying to stem the bleeding from the twin holes in his
thigh. Toby and Doc slowly raised their shaking hands as the armed men
―So you little b*stards thought you‘d get away did you?‖
Ortega placed the recital of his sight in the center of the soldiers face. They were
no more than thirty yards away from his position back in the underbrush. He was
now trapped too. To escape would be impossible without detection.
―Well we got one of the rats Murphy!‖ The dark suited soldier menacingly stood
over the fallen teenager.
―Might as well finish the job.‖ He lowered his weapon and shot the helpless boy
point blank in the chest.
Just at that instant three rounds from Ortega‘s M4A1 crossed the distance to
their target in less than a millisecond. Hitting the facial bones of the burly soldier
they tore through the solid shell viciously before slamming out the back of the
man‘s brain case sending a shower of pink mist into the air. The two standing
teenagers stood in shocked terror as the supersonic scream of angry hornets
ripped about the air next to them and slashed through the weak flesh of their
pursuers. The firefight lasted less than three seconds and seven men met their
makers in that instant.
Cpl Ortega sprang forward instantly taking point and placing himself between the
three boys and their combined enemy. The rest if the recon team was mere
seconds behind him. LCpl McCrone took up his position to the right of Ortega
while PFC Williams and SSgt Talford checked over the teenagers and made sure
their enemy was dead. Victor was alive, but just barely. The round had gone
through and through his right lung. Talford quickly slapped a tourniquet on the his
leg and started dressing the sucking chest wound when more shoots rang out
from the direction of the OP.
―Give me a second then we didi mow!‖ Talford worked feverishly to dress the
wounds then pulling the wounded teenager into a sitting position scooped him up
and across one shoulder.
―Give us cover Corporal!‖ Talford shouted as he ran heavy with his burden out of
the clearing.
Ortega moved forward to met the enemy. A blur he disappeared into the
underbrush trying to put as much distance between his team and himself. He
would bring this war to the enemy. His feet pounding like a machine, he cut the
distance quickly and exploded into the midst of the approaching squads. Like a
pop up target the first figure sprang up before him. No time to shoot he viciously
whipped the butt of his rifle across the surprised face and crushed the soldier‘s
temple dropping him like a rock. His momentum carried him forward and he spun
firing in the amazed group. The first three bursts found targets, he hit the ground
rolled and came up shooting, picking off first one, then two, three more and he
was up and running again. Slamming in to a tree for cover nearly knocking the
wind out of himself, he fired first left then right before letting fly with two hand
grenades into the now retreating soldiers. He dropped to one knee and lowered
the rifle to cut loose a 40mm grenade at head level. The effect was devastating
and cut another three soldiers down. Loading in a fresh mag and jacking a new
40mm in he continued to press his advantage.
SSgt Talford gently laid Victor onto the poncho keeping him as much as possible
on his injured side.
―Get him out of here McCrone. I‘m going back for Danny!‖
The four, two Marines and the two teenagers picked up the corners of the
poncho and started off through the forest. Talford could hear the fury of battle
before him and moved quickly to relieve his fellow grunt.
― your left!‖ Ortega spun and let loose a burst dropping two more. Now
wounded, bleeding, low on ammunition and heavily out numbered, he continued
to rip out sections of Government lackeys who still had no idea of just what the
hell they were facing. He was still mad with rage, mad with murder for these
b*stards that would shoot an unarmed civilian, a child in cold blood. ―Not on my
watch!‖ he gritted his teeth as he tried to tighten the battle dressing on his
forearm. It was almost useless, he couldn‘t feel his fingers any longer, his hand
was like a club but he could still hold his rifle and with that he could still fight. It
was just starting to dawn on him that he had better get out of this sh*t here
quickly if he was going to get out at all. He started to stand up when he felt a
solid ―THUD‖ like he had been hit with a baseball bat in the back. His knees
folded up under him in that instant and he dropped like a rock into the soft loamy
forest floor.
The earth smelled sweet and inviting as he laid there trying to catch his breath.
He tried to wiggle his toes, but couldn‘t feel them in his boots. He was tired, so
He struggled to push himself up. Pain screamed from every sinew as he pulled
himself into a position to see down the slope at the advancing line of dark
soldiers. His breath was now quick and shallow; he could feel the pounding of his
pulse in his ears. Training took over and Corporal Ortega-Mendez as if on
automatic began preparing his position for a last stand. Three magazines left,
two hand grenades, one 40mm. He was in sh*t city that was for sure. He pulled
one of the blousing bands off his now useless legs. Pulling some suckers from
the forest floor he cammied the end of his rifle.
He sat there no longer afraid and took a long difficult breath. He was back on
Edson Range in basic. He let his breath out and slowly squeezed the trigger the
rifle bucked. Again…and again…and again.
In the History of the world many last stands have been recorded. Acts of defiance
against enormous odds. Yet act they did and they held their honor to the very
The forest was suddenly quiet and peaceful. Daniel Ortega-Mendez, Corporal,
United States Marine Corps, stood looking down on a tattered shell of a Marine,
worn and bleeding now resting quietly as if asleep. His blood slowly nurturing the
earthy loam of the forest floor. The blood of a patriot once more mingling with the
clay from which he sprung.
His arm slowly rested on his grandson‘s shoulders. ―You can rest now my little
one.‖ And the pair slowly turned and walked toward the shimmering light that lay
just beyond the green shroud of the forest.
Semper Fi :marine:
Desert Doc
―Sarge‖ Covington watched the dark cammied Government agents and Home
Guards troops retreat from the forest across the field on the other side of the
Sullivan farmhouse. Whatever they had run into had fought viciously for less than
a third of the soldiers that entered the tree line twenty minutes earlier were now
retreating from it. He could make out many of the able bodied men helping
wounded comrades drag themselves back to the safety of the armored vehicles
that they had arrived in earlier this morning.
―What do you make of it Sarge?‖ One of the Korean War vets beside him asked.
―Don‘t rightly know Jeb, looks like they grabbed a p*ssed off badger by the tail
and got whumped on pretty good.‖ The older Covington answered.
―I didn‘t know that we had any of our boys over there yet.‖
―We don‘t.‖
Two platoons of Marines advanced through the forest. Spread out and operating
in small fire teams they covered the ground quickly using a technique known as
bounding overwatch. Lt. Sievers the officer in charge of the advancing ground
element had received a quick situation report from LCpl McCrone after he linked
up and turned over the seriously wounded civilian teenager to the Company
Corpsman. The Lieutenant was now determined to extract his two remaining
Marines that were somewhere out in the forest before them and if necessary
punish the perpetrators of this heinous act.
SSgt Talford had arrived too late. But the defiant Corporal had not gone down
easily. Talford advanced slowly through the wake of enemy dead. Ever cautious
and ready he carefully moved through the carnage until he finally found the now
peaceful Ortega. His ammunition expended he had held off the last assault with
his nine millimeter before he finally succumbed to the multitude of wounds that
had pierced his flesh. Talford stood above him and slowly brought his right arm
up to a stiff salute.
―I‘m sorry I couldn‘t get here in time brother.‖ He whispered. ―But you shall not
have died in vain. That I promise.‖
The Staff Sergeant dropped his pack and trimmed out his kit for serious fighting.
Keeping a warriors eye on the forest in front of him he quickly gathered up the
Corporal‘s empty mags and began loading them up from the reserve ammo in his
ruck. He could hear someone moving towards his position off in the distance
behind him and he prepared for immediate battle.
He let out his breath when he recognized several of his own men cautiously but
quickly advancing towards him.
The quiet of the forest was suddenly broken by the loud call imminently familiar
to every Marine.
The advancing Marines froze and instantly fixed on the Staff Sergeant‘s position
and answered with several guttural barks. He quickly gave them the signal to
advance on his position and in just a few seconds he was no longer a lone
Marine guarding a down comrade. The rest of the platoon formed a hasty
Across on the other side Covington and his men heard the strange animal like
call as it echoed across the valley.
―There is only one thing that I know of that makes that call…‖ Covington
He strained to look past the tree line on the opposite side of the field. ―Marines
hold those woods.‖ He said flatly.
―Well I would guess by the looks of what we‘ve just seen leave the forest…not
any longer.‖
A young runner, Stan McMurtrey‘s oldest boy Rick, came peeling through the
brush and slid into Covington‘s fighting hole.
―Mr. Covington…‖ He puffed, nearly out of breath. ―You got to come quick!‖ Puff-
puff. ―Vic‘s been hurt bad and there‘s,‖ Puff-puff. ―a Marine officer that wants to
talk to…‖ Puff-puff. ―who ever is in charge.‖Puff-puff. ―Dad said to get you…‖ The
boy blurted out as quickly as he could.
―I DON‘T KNOW WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED!‖ He yelled into the radio.
Suddenly an eerie wail emanated from the forest area his men had just retreated
―What the hell was that?‖ One of the radio operators asked. Everyone looked
back in the direction of the sound.
Richardson put his hand over the radio mike. ―ADDISON GET A DAMN
angry panic.
The old sergeant slung his M1 up on his shoulder and stepped forward towards
the Marine officer standing in front of his own men with the two teenagers Toby
and Doc beside him.
Captain Melton recognized the old warriors airborne style uniform, it was right out
of the movie ―The Longest Day‖, the Screaming Eagle patch on his shoulder
confirmed its origin. The old man had to be over seventy years old, but still
carried himself, albeit slower, with the pride of being a member of one of the
finest fighting units to have ever existed. The Captain nodded in respect towards
the senior soldier.
Covington returned his nod. ―Platoon Sergeant Clayton Covington, United States
Army Airborne, Retired, Sir. At least you‘ve got the good sense not to salute in
the field young man. ‖
They stood in silence for a few seconds. ―What is this I hear about my
grandson?‖ Covington asked looking at the two teenagers.
Melton looked down at the ground for a second and then looked the old soldier
straight in the eye. ―I regret to inform you Sir that your grandson has died of his
―My Corpsman tried desperately to save his life, but his wounds were too great.
He was murdered by members of the unit that replaced ours. I have four Marines
that witnessed the execution of your…‖
―ENOUGH!‖ The old man yelled, as tears began to well up in his eyes. He visibly
trembled and looked to be unsteady on his feet. Captain Melton reached across
to steady the old man, but his hands were brushed away.
Covington now pulled himself together and faced the Marine. ―Captain…whose
side are you on Sir?‖
―I believe the question was quite simple and straight forward…whose side are
you on?‖
An odd silence filled the air. ―Sir…‖ Melton paused and sought the right words.
He knew his actions here put him precariously on the razors edge. It was not only
his fate but the fate of his Marines that hung here in the balance.
―That would depend upon your view of this matter Airborne.‖ The Marine replied.
The old warrior unslung his M1 and steadied himself resting both hands on it
before him. He slowly looked up at the young officer standing before him.
―Young Captain, I fought in a great war a long time ago to preserve the freedoms
and aspirations of this noble country. Somehow over the years we have lost our
way and forgotten the debt owed to the many good men we left behind in that
war.‖ He paused briefly. ―So here I stand too damn old to be of much good, but
here I stand just the same.‖
―Young Captain, I stand here, to support and defend the Constitution. I stand
here, to support and defend the Bill of Rights. I stand here, to support and defend
the dream of our founding fathers.‖ He paused again. ―Now, just where do you
―Sir…‖ The Captain began as he stepped forward and stuck out his right hand. ―I
stand with you!‖
The old warrior and the young warrior clasped hands as warriors should, in true
faith and allegiance to the common cause. Perhaps this was how it all began
over two hundred years ago when tyranny rained across the land perpetuated by
a faraway king. Today that tyranny came from the same side of the ocean, but it
was tyranny just the same. It had cost the old soldier his only grandson and it
would cost a lot more before it was over, that was for sure. But the fight had to
start somewhere.
‗Now young man, how do you propose we get ourselves out of this, if you will
pardon an old Platoon Sergeant, this f*cking mess?‖
Another horde of Federal Bureau vehicles streamed into town as well as Home
Guard troops. Well if you could call them troops, he had his doubts about their
professionalism and they certainly didn‘t act like well disciplined soldiers. There
was something here… that he couldn‘t quite put his finger on.
He didn‘t realize how serious the situation was until several heavily armed black
helicopters landed in the High School‘s football field. He was accompanying
Congressman Steffler and Senior Field Agent Smith when they entered the
Gymnasium that had been converted to a hasty field hospital. The image was
right out of an old ―B‖ movie with wounded, dead and dying men strewn about.
There was only a small medical clinic in this out of the way town. Serious medical
cases were usually run by ambulance to the next town over where a small
twenty-five-bed hospital was located. This was a mess.
―Yes Sir, I have reinforcements on the way and two attack helo‘s have just
arrived.‖ The group picked up the pace of their walk.
―I don‘t care what you have to do! Burn that b*stard out of that damn house and I
want the perpetrators of this butchery‘s head on a pike…DO I MAKE MYSELF
The field agent quickly departed and shortly there after Davis heard the
increasing whine and thumping beat of the helo‘s blades as they passed
overhead and headed west out of town towards the Sullivan farm.
―I will not tolerate this blatant defiance to the law.‖ He turned now to Davis. ―Can
you believe the audacity of these people?‖
Davis nodded his head in affirmation then quickly realized his mistake and
switched to shaking his head with a negative response and added his own
words. ―It‘s just unimaginable Congressman where they get the idea that we‘re
not here to help them. Simply unimaginable.‖
Melton followed Covington back to his OP position as they tried to work out a
tactical solution to the growing problem. The Black cammied troops were growing
in number and had added several armored personnel carriers to their perimeter.
So far the heaviest weapon they had we‘re fifty caliber machine guns, that was
until the two black birds raced overhead.
―It was only a matter of time.‖ The Marine focused his attention on the increased
action down below. ―It looks like they gathered up a least a company strength of
troops down there, with more coming in.‖
―Not long I‘m afraid…and time is in their favor. Right now they don‘t know you‘re
here, or what exactly is up in those woods.‖ He shifted position to get a better
look. ―Our greatest challenge is going to be getting out of here. You can bet that
all transportation routes out of this region are being sealed off as we speak.‖
―That would stand to reason. But we can‘t leave Sullivan and his family trapped
down there.‖
―I know…I know.‖
―Yes, spread out in two‘s and threes all across that back tree line over there.
Wrapping around to our position and just about to there near your side of the
ridge, he pointed.
―Hmmm and I‘ve got two platoons in the woods across the way. I can hold one in
reserve to plug any gaps and that leaves me with one platoon to increase your
fire power over here…pretty thin – pretty thin.‖
―Don‘t worry about us over here Captain, you keep your boys and use them to
cut off any reinforcements moving up along that road there. We‘ve got a few
surprises of our own over here.‖
The old warrior pointed down the line. ―See that big pine tree…well look just this
side of it and back in a bit.‖
―Damn it old man if you don‘t have artillery. Now where in the hell did you come
up with that!‖ The amazed Marine asked.
―It‘s been sitting right out in front of our VFW Hall for better than forty years.
Couple of the boys slapped on some new rubber and there it is.‖
―Will it work?‖
―For a short while. We‘ve only got a little over a dozen shells, and we‘re not
exactly sure they are fully functional. But my gunner down there tells me they can
still stir up some dust…just hope he‘s right.‖
―Well I‘ll be…! From there he‘ll be able to just about march right up the line of
their vehicles.‖
The pair continued to work out the details until they were sure that they had a
chance to extract the Sullivan‘s and hopefully extract themselves as well.
The afternoon was cooling off with a sharpness that hinted of pending snow in
the air. The plan was for Captain Melton would initiate the action and try to draw
the Federal Goons back into the forest. That would negate the effectiveness of
the helo‘s for a little while and in the seesaw battle that would follow they would
try to extract Sullivan and his family and cover their retreat with the pack
howitzer. But as with all plans it became a game of fifty-two-card pick up the
second the first round with off, and it went off on the wrong side of the farm. A
large squad had attempted to circle through Covington‘s side of the perimeter to
come up on the back of the Marine position. They ran smack into the field piece
and the group of about a dozen locals defending it. Although M16‘s can deliver a
tremendous about of firepower in a short period of time the Federal troops
suddenly found themselves up against in-trenched seasoned hunters with high-
powered scoped rifles. The 30.06‘s, 300 Winchester magnums and 7mm
magnums ripped through the sparse cover the Federal troops tried to hide behind
and most of them were caught flat footed out in the open. The firefight was brief,
fierce and decisively in favor of Covington‘s men, but it was a shallow victory as
they had now lost the element of surprise and given away their position.
The men at the howitzer realizing that they were now exposed decided to use
rather than loose the gun and began shelling the line of vehicles in the distance.
The first round exploded harmlessly to the right of the road, the second was a
dud that spit up blacktop with its impact, but the third round found its mark and
sent one of the troop trucks up in flames. Quickly adjusting the range the gunnery
crew laid it on heavy. In rapid secession the line of vehicles was filled with sheer
pandemonium, smoke and flame, but all too quickly the gun fell silent as they ran
out of ammunition.
Now it was the militia‘s turn to take a pounding and the two black birds began
pounding the howitzer‘s position with mini-gun and rockets. There was nothing
for the patriots there to do but hug the bottom of their fighting holes and take the
punishment being dished out by the attack helo‘s. The view of the guns position
was obscured by smoke, flame and flying debris as the birds made pass after
pass across the front of the tree line.
The burly bearded Vietnam Vet trudged past Covington‘s fighting hole and setup
his shooting position forty yards to the south. He snapped open the bipods,
locked in the magazine and squared himself away. The four hundred yard shot was
practically point blank for his BFG-50A rifle. It took him a few seconds to fix
on the moving helo, now all he needed was for it to sit still for just a few
seconds…just a few seconds.
The big gun rocked him back as he sent the first round down range; it was
quickly followed by a second and a third. The third round was a tracer and
Patriots on the ridge watched as it bee lined to the second attack bird and
slammed into the exhaust housing of the starboard engine. The round began to
yaw slightly after it punched through the outer housing and struck the hot
spinning turbine blades like a meteor sending supersonic shards exploding out of
the engine housing. The starboard engine began to disintegrate as the
transmission locked up, seizing so suddenly that it snapped off the main rotor
blades sending them in every direction. Its wings clipped the dark bird dropped
like a smoking rock and slammed into the ground.
The lead bird quickly jinked and spun wildly in its attempt to escape the fate of its
wingmate. Chester emptied the first mag and quickly locked in a fresh one and
continued to pound away at the lead bird.
―It‘s a little bit different when someone is shooting back at you – ain‘t it you son-
of-a-b*tch!‖ Chester growled as the big gun rocked him back with each
Corporal Roy Truitt burst from the tree line and snapped open the sight assembly
and the IFF (Identification Friend or Foe) antenna on his Stinger. He spun up the
missile as he quickly sighted in on the jinking helo on the opposite side of the
valley. Two other Marines quickly spread out in front of him ready to lay down
covering fire. Truitt could hear the whine of the system and launched the missile
as soon as he had tone lock. Immediately after the launch the ground around him
was filled with the supersonic zip of rounds coming up the valley at him as the
Federal troops targeted the back blast area of his missile.
The Stinger arched down the valley in a headlong sprint towards the gyrating
black bird, but at the last second the missile locked onto the viciously burning
wreck of the first helo and blasted into the downed hulk further spreading flame
The trees above the Militia forces exploded in wicked splinters and shrapnel that
rained death and agony down upon them. Covington was suddenly back in
Bastone under the fire of German Eighty-eights during the battle of the bulge.
The screams of wounded men and boys filled his ears and ripped open the
mental wounds of that long ago battle. He pushed his M1 over the top edge of his
fighting hole and caught a glimpse of the black bird ripping across the fields
towards the Stinger team.
The pilot could see the retreating Marines near the top of the field running like
panicked insects for the tree line and bore down on them for the kill, tapping the
firing trigger he sent a stream of deadly metal down range kicking up ribbons of
dirt and dust. One down! He swing the bird‘s tail to rake fire across the other two
when suddenly the metallic ―THWACK‖ of rounds hammered against the skin of
the bird sounded like a hail storm had cut loose on him. His side windscreen
cracked then shattered. Sending Plexiglas pellets raining about the cockpit. He
started to spin his guns towards the new threat when he felt a vicious mule kick
to his left thigh and his goggles were suddenly covered with blood...his. The
aircraft flipped over as the pilot in panic pushed off his goggles and looked down
at his lap to realize that something horrific had just about ripped off his leg. The
tail rotor kicked the bird around drove into the field curling the dying helo around
itself before exploding in a fireball of destruction. The blast slammed the Corporal
into the ground and he felt the hot licks of its dying breath, but he was still alive!
Captain Melton watched the Federal line as they closed the open ground towards
the Militia‘s position. He had no idea what condition Covington‘s people remained
in after the pounding they had just received but he hoped that they could hold on
long enough for him to flip the rescue over to his side and close the trap door on
their enemy. He quickly snatched up his two Lieutenants and improvised an Op
―Lt. Sievers you take Forth Platoon and get down this ridge line behind us and
seal off that road. Make sure whatever you ambush stays ambushed…you‘re
covering our backdoor. Ski you‘re on Third Platoon, get to the Sullivan house and
get those people out of there, use one squad to escort them out of harms way
back towards Sievers and with the other three squads to anchor valley floor. If
they have a CP down there…take it out.‖
―First and Second platoons are on me and we‘re going to hit them from this
He looked sternly into the eyes of his young officer. ―SEMPER FI!‖
Covington didn‘t know how many of his people were still alive. He didn‘t know if
the Marines were still across the way, but by this time it didn‘t really matter. He
was too old to change, too old to run, too old and too damn p*ssed off to care
anymore. He opened up the ammo cans at his feet and pushed them up to the
side of the firing position. The muzzle of the old battle hardened M1 pushed out
onto the other side of his reinforced firing position. At three hundred yards he
opened fire and saw the first troop drop. Suddenly the woods around him were
filled with the comforting and familiar bark of the famous M1 30.06 round and the
equally famous metallic ping of M1 clips being ejected.
On the other side of the valley Captain Melton spread his men out just inside the
tree line. The Federal troops were closing on the Militia line even through the
wickedly accurate hail of gunfire. Their numbers were simply too much and it was
now time to join the battle. He looked left and right and received the ready
signals from his Staff NCO‘s and fire team leaders.
―FIX!‖ Melton paused and received the reply from his troops ―FIX!‖
―BAY—O—NETS!‖……… ―BAYONETS!‖ echoed through the woods.
The Militia fire was dwindling in intensity as the Federal troops continued to press
forward. They were less than fifty yards away when the Marines hit the back side
of their lines and ripped through their backsides like, well, like sh*t though a
goose. The fighting was evil, wicked, mean and nasty. Hardly a man walked out
of the valley that day without having left some of his blood on the field of battle.
The old warrior and the young warrior stood on the burnt ground and shared in
the fleeting moment of victory.
They looked out over the battleground littered with the detritus of war.
―You know, that no one will ever really know what took place here today,
―No Captain, that is not entirely too. We know, and others will learn.‖
They sat there in silence until one of Melton‘s Gunnery Sergeant‘s called out to
The pair walked back into the carnage of the battle. Gunny Ross was kneeling
over one of the dead Federal troops and had partially pulled his blouse off.
―Skipper what do you make of this?‖ The Gunny had his hand hooked into the
dog tag around the dead soldiers neck. It wasn‘t American. It wasn‘t even in
―What the hell does this man Captain?‖ Covington asked in amazement.
―We‘ve just started checking now Sir, but it looks like a good number of this men
are not American.‖
Desert Doc
Max, Andy, and Darcy sat around the kitchen table. Lisa occasionally looked out
small slits in the cardboard that covered the windows, and an AK-47 was slung
from her shoulder. A small rechargeable florescent light sat on top of the now-
silent refrigerator, dimly illuminating the room.
―The patrols are becoming more frequent.‖ Said Max, ―They are also starting to
go house-to-house. It‘s only a matter of time before they get to us. We have to
―Damn it. Damn it, Damn it Damn it. I was hoping it wouldn‘t come to this. We
had so much invested in this place. The solar panels, the well….‖ Andy trailed
―So how are we going to get out of here? The CB said they have got roadblocks
set up on every road out of town. For all we know, those helos have FLIR. They‘d
spot us before we got far through the woods.‖ Asked Max. ―Any ideas?‖
―Maybe we can do that,‖ said Andy. ― I think I have an idea. How far does their
perimeter extend?‖
―Well,‖ said Max. ―From the scanner and the CB reports, it looks like they are
patrolling pretty heavy around Highway B to the north, County H to the West, and
crossways on 21. They don‘t seem to bother too much with people inside that
triangle. Some deliveries still get made, a little traffic. If they catch them, they
search them of course, but mostly let them go. Aside from the 'troublemakers' of
course. They seem to be content to confiscate guns, radios and most of the food.
We‘re closest to the north and west point of the triangle. If we can get through
there, and get a ways away, then we should be out of the out of the woods, so to
―That‘s the beginning of the problems, though. The cabin is seventy miles away.
Are we going to walk all that way?‖ Asked Lisa, ―Those packs are gonna be
damned heavy by the end of seventy miles!‖
―It beats the hell out of this refugee camp.‖ Said Max.
―Darcy, will you and Lisa keep watch for a while? I need to go downstairs and get
to work on our diversions.‖ asked Andy
―Sure. We‘ll holler if we need anything. Get the light, will you?‖ She replied.
Max followed Andy down the stairs. There was more light in the basement, as
there were only two windows, and those were heavily masked. Max and Andy
blinked several times in the harsh glare of the several small fluorescent lights.
They were wired into Andy‘s battery bank, as well as some other 12V devices,
like the radios and the blower to the propane furnace. Andy led Max to a small
back room that contained several industrial type-shelving units containing
Rubbermaid totes. He selected one and pulled it from the shelf, then indicated
another with his foot.
They carried the totes to a table in the corner of the room. Andy set his on top of
the table, then indicated to Max to set his on the floor. Andy sat in a chair and
looked at Max for a moment.
―Max…‖ He spoke, ―There are some preparations I have made that I haven‘t told
you about. They aren‘t exactly legal, and I didn‘t want to put you in a moral
quandary. I know you‘re a good cop, and…I just didn‘t want to make you have to
―As far as the diversion, I have these.‖ Said any as he pulled several two-inch
pipe nipples from the tote. Next he removed several inexpensive grocery store
kitchen timers, a bag containing model rocket engine igniters, and some cans of
―FFFF‖ black powder.
―Hmmmm.‖ said Max ―Playing the mad bomber, are we? These will surely attract
their attention.‖
―Wait!‖ said Andy with a grin ―There‘s more!‖ He pulled a Rube Goldberg-looking
contraption consisting of hose clamps, wires, a solenoid and a few other items
out of the box.
―This is so great, I surprise myself. Look, this doohickey gets hose clamped onto
a spare AK I have. We put a 100 round drum in it, and a bipod. The solenoid can
be triggered by a timer, or by remote control. The solenoid can activate the
trigger one shot at a time, or in bursts. The b.astards will go nuts looking for the
attackers using their fancy thermal imaging gear, because there isn‘t anybody!
This thing works great, I tested it‖
Max stood silently for a moment, looking at his friend‘s grinning visage, then at
the wire and metal contraption he held aloft triumphantly. With a sudden grin, he
said, ―Andy, you are without a doubt, one of the most clever people I have ever
―Yeah, I know. Tell your friends. Listen, the hard part is going to be getting all of
this stuff to the other side of town.‖
―That will be the b.itch. We‘ll work on that later. What do we do here?‖ Max asked
sitting down on the folding chair.
―Ok,‖ replied Andy, warming to the task at hand ―What we‘re gonna do is make a
―Uncle Ragnar is Ragnar Benson. He‘s a guy who writes books about all sorts of
things self-reliant people should know about. He wrote a couple of explosives
books, about how to make some pretty decent improvised stuff. I am a big fan of
his ‗Improved Homemade C-4‘and ‗Detonators: How to make ‗em.‘‖
―Bullseye is a double-base powder. If you put a blasting cap in it, it gives great
detonation velocity. It is an explosive, rather than just a propellant.‖
―When you were a kid, did you ever pull the bullets out of a .22 shell and touch a
match to it?‖
―Right. All gunpowder does that. Explosives are a different story. They really,
well, explode, but they need a detonator: A small initial charge to get the
detonation going. For instance, with military C-4, we are talking about detonation
velocities of about 22,500 meters per second. Dynamite is slower than that. The
speed with which an explosive detonates is it‘s ‗brisance‘ or it‘s shattering ability.
Dynamite has low brisance. It‘s good at ‗pushing.‘ C-4 has high brisance, so it‘s
good at cutting steel, etc. C-4 is also used in grenade filler. Really flings those
shards out. Remember that dopey kid who planted those mailbox bombs in the
shape of a smiley face? Well, on many levels the kid was a low-wattage bulb, but
he was really dumb when it came to pipe bombs. Nobody got killed because he
as a crappy bomb-maker. Black powder like we‘re using, and gunpowder have
really low brisance. They just plain burn too slow to send fragments of metal at
really fast velocities. We are going to be using black powder, because we don‘t
care about good shrapnel. It would be a waste of time, material and a risk to
brew up some detonators, just so we could have a really great series of
explosions. They won‘t be able to tell the difference, and it doesn‘t matter if they
Andy directed Max to drill holes in the end caps, feed a few inches of wire
through, then seal the holes around the wired with silicone sealant. Meanwhile,
Andy carefully unscrewed the backs of the kitchen timers. He carefully snipped
the wires going to the tiny speakers, and spliced in a length of wire, that he then
wired to a relay. He connected the wires from the battery to the other poles of the
relay, then to a model rocket engine igniter. He set the timer for 10 seconds, then
started it. The timer counted down to zero, then the relay clicked, and a moment later
a small flash and puff of smoke marked the ignition of the rocket igniter. He
glanced through the acrid wisp of smoke at Max and grinned. ―That‘ll do.‖ He
―All right. We‘ll put the powder in at the last minute to minimize the risk of while
we‘re handling it. We still nee…‖
A thump came from above them. Max and Andy both unslung their AKs, and ran
for the stairs. As soon as they reached the steps, they turned off the lights and
ascended as quietly as possible. Switching off the safeties with a quiet metallic
click, they rose on cat‘s feet to the top of the stairs. The door swung silently
open, and they crossed to the kitchen. Darcy met them in the middle of the room,
and pulled both men close. Her AK was slung over her shoulder, pistol grip in her
right hand, finger outside the trigger guard.
She whispered, ―A humvee just pulled into the driveway. It‘s still there, with its
lights off. I can‘t tell what they are doing.‖
Both men nodded and walked to the windows, bending down to look out the
small, quarter-sized hole near the bottom of the lowest pane. The humvee
remained still, then the doors opened and four soldiers got out. They stood and
stretched glancing around with mild curiosity. One of them jumped up on the
hood of the jeep, then doffed his MOPP mask and hood.
―Ah, geez man! It‘s good to be out of that crap. Hey, gimme one of them beers
we got from that house.‖
Another soldier, also out of his MOPP gear reached through the rear window of
the humvee and emerged with four beers, and proceeded to hand them out. Four
soft ―Pssst‖ noises could faintly be heard as the tops were popped.
―Jesus, man. What are we doing here?‖ said one of the men, who were only
faintly visible in the dark.
― I mean what are we doin‘ here, to these people? These poor b.astards don‘t
need us f.uckin‘ with ‗em. Hell, they‘re lucky to be alive at all.‖
―Top says were here to stop ‗em from spreading the Plague.‖
Silence followed.
―We shouldn‘t be goin‘ into peoples houses, neither. Even if they‘re prob‘ly dead.‖
―We oughta check this place out. Don‘t look burned. Might be some smokes or
more beer.‖
―Listen, man. The Guard don‘t pay too well. my kid's got to eat. The script and
rations they give us is shit. This is just a little retirement fund I got goin‘. Looky
here at this watch. This‘s a Rolex man. Where did I get it? Same place I got that
beer: Some guy‘s house who was way too dead to give a shit.‖
The four dark shapes tipped their beers back tossed the empties at Andy‘s
garage, donned their gas masks and climbed back in their humvee. The engine
rattled to life in the still night, and the large vehicle backed out the driveway and
rolled off.
A collective sigh of relief washed across the kitchen as the four watchers
slumped onto the floor. They all sat quietly in the darkness for a few moments.
The conversation echoed in their minds. The soldiers didn‘t seem that bad. They
seemed like they weren‘t too crazy about enforcing the orders they had been
―Well, let‘s be careful and see that it doesn‘t happen. I hope I never have to aim
this thing at somebody and pull the trigger.‖ Andy said, hefting the AK. ―Darcy,
you still have that patch collection?‖
―You mean the insignia? Yes, I think I can find it.‖ She said.
―Good. I‘m gonna grab my BDUs. I want you to make me a lieutenant. With a
little luck and all MOPPed up, I can plant the diversions and the 'attacking
militiaman', and get the hell out of here without getting into a firefight.‖
Andy stood, then retreated down the stairs to finish the pipe bombs. Max
followed while Lisa resumed her watch out the masked windows. A long night
was ahead.
Everyone had been able to sleep five hours or so, with finishing the work and
rotating through watch. Darcy had finished the BDUs by morning. With the M17
gas mask and hood on, Andy was nearly unrecognizable as Andy.
―So what‘s the plan?‖ asked Max, when they were alone in the basement. ―Are
you just going to carry them things in a duffel bag and leave them under
―I thought about that, but Darcy couldn‘t find my Santa suit.‖ Andy grinned
―Actually, the CB said they are doing a sweep down at the strip mall. You know,
‗commandeering‘ goods and food. Also, they‘ll be looking through Jerry‘s files
down at the sporting goods store. I hope to God he had the sense to burn all
those forms. The name of every person who bought a firearm, and what they
bought is on those files. Anyway, I suspect there‘ll be a lot of confusion. The
mall‘s about a half-mile from here. I am hoping that if anybody spots me, they‘ll
think I am just a lone lieutenant out looking for the next target. With the pack I
may have some explaining to do. With any luck I can slip into a CUCV or a
humvee, get to the other side of town, plant the goodies, then come back here.
I‘ll be on comms the whole time, so you‘ll know how it‘s going. It‘ll work one of
two ways. I‘ll either do this thing according to plan, or they‘ll start shooting at me,
and I‘ll start shooting back. Either way, you‘ll have your diversion. When I say
‗go‘, light out of here in the Toyota. Head for Johnson‘s stables. If I make it, I‘ll
meet up with you there. If everything goes well, I‘ll drive the humvee here, we‘ll
load up and head for the stables.‖
―Are you nuts? Does Darcy know about this plan?‖ Max hissed. ―You weren‘t
even in the service! Christ, let me do this part!‖
― I thought about that. I really did. But if I fail, the girls will need you to get them
out of here. You are stronger and faster than I am, and quite frankly, you‘re better
with a gun. They‘ll need that. My part has nothing to do with strength or speed.
Just bluffing and sneakiness. And don‘t you dare let on to Darcy that this
ridiculous plan is as half-assed as it is.‖
―This is stupid, Andy. Plain, old stupid. There‘s got to be a better way.‖
―Fine. What? What‘s your plan? Huh? Let‘s hear it. You don‘t have one, do you?‖
―Listen, I‘m not happy about this plan either. But what‘s the alternative? We can‘t
blast our way out. You can‘t dig a tunnel fast enough. I don‘t have a helicopter
hiding up my This is it. This is all I can think of. And we gotta get out of
Max sat heavily on the couch, mind racing through options. He couldn‘t think of
any. This was his best friend, and he didn‘t like him putting himself at risk. But the
fact was, someone had to take the risk. As a cop, Max was used to a certain
amount of risk. It was part of the job: Every traffic stop or domestic dispute was
another chance to die. Andy was a paramedic. Some risk, yes. But not with the
frequency that Max was used to. It seemed to Max like sending a lamb to the
slaughter to allow Andy to do this. But his logic was coherent.
He looked at Andy. ―You‘d better make it out of there. I will be one p.issed of unit
if you go and get killed. I‘m not kidding.‖
―Hey, I was in Drama club, remember?‖ Said Andy with a gulp and nervous
smile. ―Let‘s get stuff ready to go. We‘ll go tonight.‖
Late afternoon arrived. Sober silence reigned as Andy donned the lieutenant‘s
outfit. Darcy helped him with the uniform, adjusting the collar with needless
She looked up suddenly into Andy‘s eyes, her own eyes brimming. ―You be
careful. I don‘t know if it‘ll be worth going on if you don‘t make it.‖
―Aw Hon,‖ Andy whispered with a forced smile ‖It‘ll be a cakewalk. You‘ll see.‖
―I see that this is a dumb-assed plan, and you‘re about an idiot or more
desperate than you let on for doing it.‖ She replied, her face deadly serious.
Andy held his tongue for a moment and gazed into his wife‘s eyes. ―I‘m glad I
married you. You‘re smarter than I give you credit for. Way smarter than me.‖
―I will.‖ He said, hefting the packs containing the distractions. He turned to Max
and Lisa. ―I‘m gonna keep pretty quiet on the comms. Listen close, cause I might
be in a hurry when I come back. Take off in the Toyota if you hear a lot of
shooting and I don‘t call. If there‘s no shooting and no call…well, use your
Andy pulled the M17 gas mask on, secured the hood, gave a thumbs-up and
walked into the waning sunlight.
―So how long until I can expect a knock at the door?‖ David McMillan asked.
Sheriff Eric Eckhart leaned his chair back and took another sip of coffee. ―Well
with everything else going on in the country right now…I would guess it will be
quite some time.‖ He paused. ―But I wouldn‘t go about making it easy for them to
nab your @ss. You‘ve sure p*ssed off that Torgelson gal and I don‘t think she‘s
gonna let the matter drop any time soon.‖
―So what do we do now?‖ Denise looked at the two of them questioningly; she
was very concerned about the current turn of events.
Eckhart blew out his breath and leaned forward. ―First off we need to get you two
into the system here.‖
―David it‘s a little too late for you to be worrying about legalities don‘t you think.‖
The burly Sheriff replied. ―But as a matter of fact…No.‖
Eckhart gave the pair a brief outline of militia history, its roots, rights and
responsibilities. David and Denise listened intently. When the sheriff finally came
up for air almost an hour later they had only about a hundred questions between
the two of them to ask.
―Erick, all we‘re ever heard about militia‘s was that they are full of war mongering,
bigoted rednecks just looking for a fight with someone, what makes you‘re group
so different?‖ Denise asked seriously.
―She doesn‘t beat around the bush does she?‖ Eckhart said matter of factly to
―Denise, the vast vast majority of that is pure propaganda. Government spin and
media hype. True the few bad eggs out there get all the press and there are a
tremendous number of ‗wanna be‘s‘ just looking to strut their stuff and play
‗weekend Rambo‘, but we won‘t have anything to do with those.‖
He took another sip of coffee and continued. ―Many of the large ‗official‘ state
militias across the country are full of those types of people. Now that is not to say
that they don‘t also have some very dedicated and serious members also, but the
one negates the other. That‘s what happens when you go out and openly recruit
without being able to truly screen your applicants. The FBI and BATF and now
the Homeland Security folks have heavily infiltrated most of these militia groups
over the years. Hell, some of their top people are working for or with the Feds.
It‘s a sad thing to say but they are loaded with termites in the woodwork That‘s
why we don‘t and never have openly recruited for members. Just like you two
here, we‘ve been watching you since you first came in here. When you were
seriously looking for property and a job here we checked out.‖
―No not really, not at first anyways.‖ He looked out through the window. ―We‘re
always on the look out for good solid citizens to join our little community here.
You both looked like first-class prospects, a pair of solid hardworking citizens.
We like that around here. Then…when you turned out to be heavily leaning
toward the patriot side of the fence…well…we were very encouraged to say the
―So you‘re saying…that we‘ve been under the microscope for these past…‖
David stammered at Sheriff Eckhart in shocked disbelief.
Field Agent Henry H. Hinton Jr. couldn‘t believe the report that his boss had just
dropped in the middle of his desk. He flipped the pages back and forth several
times to make sure that he grasped what he was reading. According to this report
two detectives and a state educational director had been stopped at gunpoint
and their detainee abducted by several camouflaged and heavily armed men…in
his district! A one David McMillan, whose teaching credential had been recently
revoked, had been placed under arrest by the detectives for operating an
unlicensed school and secondarily charged with resisting arrest and child
It was the part about the five to seven heavily armed men in camouflage that
really grabbed the agent‘s attention. The arresting detectives stated in their
report that the ambushers carried AR15‘s with high capacity magazines and
appeared to be wearing full battle dress: ammo pouches, canteens, shoulder
harnesses, pistols, the WHOLE NINE YARDS!‖
They were entirely too professional in their actions and appearance as well as
disciplined in their conduct. Only two of them spoke and then only minimally, just
enough to get the job done and secure Mr. McMillan from the arresting
detectives. An overwhelming display of firepower to be sure: mostly AR‘s and
maybe several heavier weapons, possibly FN‘s or something along those lines
and all recently outlawed in this state!
―Hmmmm.‖ Agent Hinten spun about in his chair and banged on the keyboard of
his computer. He scanned down the screen. Nothing added up. The militia
elements in California had been pretty much run to ground a long time ago.
Those that weren‘t entirely eliminated were heavily infiltrated and kept on a short
leash. Even open training by militia members was forbidden here. This new
element was totally unexpected and worried the field agent.
―We‘ve never had even a hint of trouble from that area before, never. Hmmmm
Sheriff Eric K. Eckhart is the law around there.‖ A few more key strokes. ―He‘s
got a solid record, been on the job for a while, good arrest record. Runs a clean
shop…hmmmm and now this? Doesn‘t make any sense.‖
He quickly dialed up the number and was put through to the sheriff in short order.
―Hello Sheriff Eckhart. This is Henry Hinten with the FBI. I‘m calling in regards to
this McMillan incident.‖
Meanwhile a copy of that same report was making the rounds through another
federal agency, but there it was causing a considerable stir. In San Francisco at
the Field Division office of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, the
Division Director/Special Agent in Charge Mike Hernandez stood stoically before
his management staff. Hernandez was known for his long fuse and rarely did
anything ever upset his apple cart. He was proud of the great strides achieved in
this state towards eventually removing all guns from the general population. His
state was known for having some of the strictest gun regulations in the nation.
He knew that at the present rate he could very well see a gun free California
before he retired from the Bureau and where California went so did the nation.
Progress was slow but sure and he knew it was just a matter of time, especially
since the Executive Order to disarm the population had come out due to the
current situation. But this most recent event did not bode well, not well at all.
Dickerson shook his head. ―Most of the citizen militias have either been
eliminated here or the few remaining groups are totally compromised by either
our agents or the FBI‘s boys. Usually both. This is the first we‘ve heard of
anything up in that part of the state.‖
―That has me worried as well. I talked to Ben over at the FBI and they‘re just as
in the dark as we are.‖ Hernandez shook his head as well. ―Ben‘s sent over the
file on this McMillan character and there is essentially nothing there. He was a
medic in the military, a Gulf War vet, retired from the service, sparkling record, a
few medals, nothing exceptional to speak of. This guys record is too clean…not
even a moving violation to his credit. He completed his degree after he retired
and took up teaching, that is until he ran into this…‖ He looked at the file
questioningly. ―Senior Educational Director Torgelson…is that name right? What
kind of a name is Torgelson?‖
The Division Director turned his back to the agents and looked out the window of
their office fifteen floors above the street below. ―If this McMillan is important
enough for a militia unit to rescue him, then he is important for us to get a hold of
and see just what we can squeeze out of him and find out what he knows about
―Ok David, you‘re wired in now.‖ The tall gangly telephone repairman began.
―This here is your panic button, there‘s one in the bedroom and out in your shop
as well. The lines are buried out to the sender and totally safe from tampering.
This phone in here is isolated from your other phone lines and will link you to the
rest of your cell and HQ. Everything is scrambled and encrypted so you should
be pretty safe from eavesdropping. Still the best thing to do is keep it brief, to the
point and vague.‖ Paul Beck the Home Guard‘s communications wizard gave him
a wink and then continued to brief David and Denise on their new communication
and security setups he had rigged throughout their house.
These precautions were especially necessary after Sheriff Eckhart had received
calls from both the FBI and the BATF offices. He wanted to make sure that his
latest recruits would not suddenly turn up missing and in custody of any one of
several alphabet agencies. Eckhart was somewhat surprised that things were
starting to develop so soon in light of the current plague epidemic and the unrest
that seemed centered around the much larger population centers across the
country. Things were pretty hairy just about everywhere and it appeared that he
might have underestimated the impact of his rescue attempt. Still David and
Denise were valuable additions to the Guard and he was going to insure that it
stayed that way.
The instigator of this current situation, Madam Torgelson, had been persuaded to
take a vacation out of the immediate area until things cooled down. Especially
after the tires on both of her cars were slashed, their windows knocked out and
threats were spray painted on the sides of the vehicles. While Eckhart had not
worked any overtime to apprehend the culprits of the automobile vandalism,
when someone set fire to her home after she left and it had almost spread to the
rest of the neighborhood he came down hard. Enough was enough and such
vigilante actions were not going to be tolerated, at least not while he was in
Over the course of the next few months several odd chaps had cruised into town
and were cautiously asking questions about recent events. The locals were more
than happy to direct them to the best stretches along trout streams in the region,
which lure or fly worked best and when, but when questions began to point too
close to home.
―… well nothing really much ever happens around here?‖ or ―Oh those fires a few
weeks back…well we‘ve got some pretty old gas lines around, or could have
been lightening, bad wiring, you know those squirrels are always building nests
around water heaters and such and every so often…‖
Beside Torgelson‘s place, recently Purdy‘s Gun Shop, the only fulltime dedicated
gunsmith and shop in town had experienced a sudden fire that almost got away
from the local volunteer fire department. As it was the fire consumed most of his
store. While they did manage to save some of the stock in the front of the store,
his Gunsmithing equipment, the recent shipment of surplus cammies and hunting
clothing he had stored in the back stockroom for Christmas and all of his records
were now either ashes or lumps of melted metal. The fire department blamed it
on faulty wiring that should have been replaced several decades past but never
was and the stacks of old cammies piled up against a faulty outlet.
As it happened, old man Purdy had been planning for years to retire and take up
fishing full time, and this seemed as good a time as any to start off on his new
career. It was too bad about all those records going up in flames as well and his
sizable inventory in firearms, ammunition and hunting equipment.
During this lull in the storm the McMillan‘s felt like they had been dropped into the
middle of the storm. They suddenly found themselves part of an organization that
they didn‘t even know existed just a few months before. And the Sheriff had been
right about the seriousness of the business they fallen into. Outside of Eckhart
and their immediate Fire Team and Section they didn‘t even know who the other
members of the Home Guard were. This was a ‗cell‘ configuration as Eckhart
described it. This was to minimize any damage done should a cell‘s security be
blown. This way they couldn‘t possibly expose anyone else in the organization.
Something that had time and time again and spelled the death knoll for other
much larger and far better known organizations that the ‗powers that be‘ had
corrupted or taken apart piece by piece over the years.
David and Denise made up a Battle Team of two riflemen, together with another
Battle Team they formed a Fire Team. Normally husbands and wives were not
assigned to the same Fire Team, but as their kids were all up and out they did
not need to worry about tending any little ones. As light riflemen they carried the
standard arm agreed upon by the members of the Home Guard, which was the
AR15A2. It provided a high rate of fire, reliability (if properly maintained),
moderate weight and low recoil. When a Fire Team was operating together one
of the members would often carry a heavy rifle that was designated to provide
hard-hitting suppressive fire for the Team. This niche was filled by the STG-58 or
a similar variant of the famous battle proven FN FAL. While many members also
maintained and impressive array of M1A‘s, Garands, G-1‘s, and a fair mixing of
AK variants as well as a multitude of bolt and lever-action rifles, these two
weapons, the AR and the FN were the bread and butter of the Guard.
The next level of organization, the Section, was made up of two Fire Teams, a
Section Leader and a Sniper, this 10 ‗man‘ team made up the primary mission
unit of the Guard. In dire situations two sections could be combined to form a
Platoon or Two Platoons could be combined to field a Company. In all the Home
Guard could field three Companies of dedicated and trained militiamen and Big
Brother never even had a passing thought that they existed at all. As Sheriff
Eckhart had explained to the McMillans, ―The key to success in these
questionable times is invisibility.‖
Jed Stewart was headed out to his favorite fishing hole to pick off a few
breakfast-sized trout. As was his habit he picked up a thermos full of fresh coffee
and a box of small sugar coated donuts at the Circle K on the edge of town. He
was mentally already on the stream flipping flies out across the moving water in the
still crisp predawn light. Then just as he was just about to pull out on the highway
the convoy hit town. A handful of government Suburbans with blacked
out windows was followed by an equal number of large military trucks, bigger that
the deuce and a half‘s he remembered from days in the military during the
Korean War, rumbled into town. Jed turned the aging ‘64 Ford pickup away from
his fishing hole and began to follow at a distance the convoy of trucks as they
rolled menacingly through the sleeping village.
David awoke to the sound of someone franticly pounding on his front door and
his dogs barking defensively.
―What the hell?‖ He looked at the alarm clock and his eyes finally focused on the
numbers. ―Who the hell is busting down my door at ten minutes to five in the
Then the reality of the situation hit him! He shook his wife awake. ―Denise get up
we‘ve got problems…NOW DENISE!‖ David sprang to life and quickly threw on
his jeans and a sweatshirt, grabbed his shotgun and headed for the front door.
As he exited the bedroom he could see that the front perimeter alarms had been
activated and he almost tripped over one of their Shepherds trying to run down
the hallway. The beating on the door continued and he could just make out
voices on the other side of the heavy oak door. The voices sounded familiar and
when he looked out the peephole he quickly recognized his closest neighbors
and the two other members of his Fire Team. It took David a few seconds to slide
back the blocking beams and release the reinforced dead bolts. The heavy door
slowly swung open and both militiamen quickly dove inside.
HEAVY!‖ Larry O‘Connor belted out as he dumped his war gear inside against
the wall and dashed back to his truck just outside.
Joseph Stanowski the second man threw his gear beside Larry‘s and quickly
followed his partner back out to the truck. ―Ol‘ Jed spotted them rolling into town
and hit the panic button. We‘re just minutes ahead of them right now! QUICK
The trio raced to move the gear into the safety of the McMillan home and finished
just in time to hear the big five-ton diesel military trucks in the convoy decelerate
less than a mile away as they dropped into the valley. By the time the first
Suburban hit the McMillan driveway, a quarter mile from the house, the four-
militia members were locking down the last defensive window shutters and
starting to dig through and reposition the gear Larry and Joseph had brought.
David and Denise had been members of the Home Guard Militia for less than two
months and now they suddenly found themselves barricaded in their own home
with two other militiamen as they were quickly being surrounded by black and
cammie clad, heavily armed federal agents and Home Security troops. Things
did not look good for the home team.
Special Agent Jordan Kenner halted the convoy at the entrance of the McMillan
driveway. He quickly spread out the group into the special assault teams that
they had a brought for this mission. They planned a total envelopment before
they hit the front door and went in heavy. The Division Director had demanded a
quick and effective job without any loose strings. He felt that this McMillan
character was the key to gaining valuable information on the heretofore-unknown
militia element in this area. Kenner‘s job was to get his hands on McMillan and
get him back in one piece. They would worry about justification of their actions
later as well as filling in the blank spaces on the search warrant. Who knows,
they could actually find something that they could use against this McMillan guy,
if not…well headquarters would take care of such little details.
So far as he could tell their arrival had gone undetected and Agent Kenner felt
that they would be in and out before anyone in this backwater mountain
community had any clue as to what had just happened. He smiled to himself as
his driver accelerated up the driveway, he would have the paperwork finished
and be home well before dinner. He of course couldn‘t have been more wrong.
The first indication of trouble came as they rounded the bend in the driveway and
encountered the cattle guard grating, or rather, where the cattle guard grating
should have been. Larry and Joseph had thrown a logging chain around the
heavy gratings and dragged them off and down the gravel road leaving a five foot
wide three foot deep ditch that had to be crossed to continue up the driveway.
―WHAT THE HELL!‖ The driver slammed on the brakes and the big dark
Suburban skid to a stop on the gravel just shy of dropping the front wheels into
the hole. ―SHIT!‖
From the McMillan house the Fire Team peeked through the fighting slots of the
second story windows. Larry and Joseph started to giggle. They could see that
the big Suburban had suddenly slid to a stop just before the first gate‘s stone
―Larry got the bright idea of pulling out the cattle guards and dragging them up to
the house.‖ Joseph replied. ―Figured that anyone rushing the house in a vehicle
would drop off their front axle in that ditch of yours and slow down the whole
parade!‖ He continued to chuckle.
They could see faint movement in the advancing light of that gray dawn beyond
the perimeter of their property as troops in black and camouflaged uniforms
began to maneuver into their positions. As they neared the property lines the
intruders ran into the second major obstacle of the morning, an encircling wall of
biological concertina wire that David had first planted over four years ago. This
natural fence was made up of a nasty mixture of Thorny Pyracantha (aka Fire
Thorn Bush), Catclaw Acacia, Jumping Chollas and Prickly Pears, presenting a
wicked hedgerow of spikes and thorns that made regular military razor wire look
like harmless baling twine. The invaders were stopped cold in their tracks!
Kenner was fit to be tied. They had abandoned their vehicle and began to
approach the house on foot when the radio reports began coming in about the
impassable wall of razor sharp plants that completely surrounded the McMillan
property. None of his special agents and Home Security troops could get into
their planned positions without making an incredible amount of noise necessary
to cut their way through the thick hedges and even then they were not sure how
long it would take to break through the entangled mess. Kenner and his front
door force was on their own for now.
Just under a hundred yards out the frontal force got their first good look at the
McMillan ―Cabin‖.
―Holy Keeerist!‖ One of the lead agents exclaimed under his breath. ―It‘s a fricken
fortress boss!‖
The ten men team spread out and surveyed the situation. There was still no
alarm from the house, so they still had the element of surprise on their side. They
hadn‘t heard any dogs barking, though they had a strong reason to believe that
the McMillan‘s did in fact have at least one German Shepherd, probably two. The
perimeter containment teams were stuck outside the property lines, but if they
couldn‘t get in, then anyone inside couldn‘t get out. They could still perform their
function where they were. Kenner continued to advance his team towards the
front gate.
The McMillan compound began to look more daunting the closer they got.
Special Agent Kenner was reminded of a Spanish Hacienda or old Spanish
Mission by the blocky massive walls that surrounded the home and the heavy
arch that the main gate was set into. It wasn‘t until they were almost upon the
compound just fifty yards out that he realized that all the window shutters were
closed. Something wasn‘t right. It was at that moment realization that all hell
started to break loose. A tree full of Guinea hens that roosted in the old scrub oak
just off the gravel driveway were spooked by the early morning approach of strangers
and went ballistic. Caught by the unexpected ruckus of a dozen birds launching from
the tree screaming suddenly into their faces, one of the black clad agents panicked
and let rip an burst of automatic fire from his MP5 shredding
several of the birds and shattering the bark off the old gnarled oak.
Figuring that the element of surprise was now blown the Special Agent took off
toward the main gate in an effort to get reach and bash in through the front door
before any one in the house could respond. It went from bad to worst as Kenner
hit the front gate and found that it was solidly locked against intrusion. The heavy
Spanish styled wrought iron gate had been reinforced in the last few weeks with
three-quarter inch steel plate that David had acquired at a metal salvage yard. It
was the type used in road construction to cover excavations so that cars could
pass over the ditches until they could complete the job. There was simply no way
to get at the lock, the hinges were not exposed and nothing short of a tank was
going to budge that iron wall. Kenner was blocked and effectively dead in the
water. Suddenly a gaggle of geese started up, hissing, spitting and honking
―Holy Sh*t!‖ Kenner shook his head in frustration. ―What next?‖ Just then the
dogs started to bark.
Larry hefted his FN, adjusted his combat vest and turned to leave the group
observing from the second floor windows. ―Guess I‘ll go see who is at the door.‖
Static erupted from the speaker mounted in the wall at the corner the front gate.
Kenner turned towards the noise.
―Milford, stop harassing the critters you‘ll wake everyone in the whole damn
valley. I told you yesterday we weren‘t going fishing with you this morning!‖
―Milford.‖ Larry continued, suppressing his giggles. ―I told you we‘re not going
fishing today.‖
―No, I said this is Special Agent Jordan Kenner of the Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco and Firearms. I want to speak with David McMillan…now!‖
―Oh so now you‘re getting pushy…‖ Larry covered his mouth with both hands to
contain his laughter, it took him a few seconds to compose himself. ―I don‘t care if
you‘re Special Agent Edgar J. Fricken Hoover today - - MILFORD, WE AIN‖T
intercom in his best mimic of a hillbilly accent.
By this time Joseph, David and Denise were standing in the hallway staring at
Larry who seemed about to wet his pants over the intercom conversation.
Meanwhile outside the gate Special Agent Kenner was at a total loss of what to
do next.
Seven hours later, noon was approaching and the stalemate was firmly
entrenched. Other that a few machine gunned Guinea hens there had been no
injuries sustained on either side beyond wounded pride and of course a multitude
of pricks and scratches inflicted on anyone attempting to work their way through
the biological concertina hedge rows surrounding the McMillan property. Finally
with chainsaws and bush axes the federal forces had managed to knock a couple
of access holes through the intimidating wall of thorns and ―gotchas‖ only to find
that the inner pastures between the hedgerows were designed in such a way that
anyone entering there was totally exposed to direct fire from the house. The
situation was considerably unnerving at best to the men that would have to cross
those open fields during the final assault.
Federal Jack Boots left with nothing else to do began to firm up the immediate
perimeter around the hacienda and then started in by expanding their influence
though out the valley. Kenner sent armed agents to question McMillan‘s
immediate neighbors to try to gather more information on just what he was
dealing with. This too met with failure.
―We‘ve got problems boss.‖ Special Agent Erin Gabriel began as he entered the
command center set up at the side of the road next to the McMillan driveway.
―Almost no one is answering the door or if they do the first thing out of their
mouths is ‗get a warrant‘.‖ He shook his head. ―We‘re getting no cooperation at
all and then to top that off I‘ve had two agents shot at when they attempted to
climb over locked gates!‖
―No they seemed to be warning shots but we weren‘t going to push it at this
time.‖ Agent Gabriel moved forward to the map table. ―Let‘s see,‖ He looked over
the map. ―The two houses that fired on us are up at this end of the valley and
hmmmm, there and there.‖ He pointed.
Agent Kenner turned to the local law enforcement officer. ―Sheriff you better get
your people under control or we‘ll be forced to sweep this entire area!‖
―Just hold your horses Hoss!‖ Sheriff Eckhart rose up to his full height of six feet
three and one-half inches. ―I had THIS SITUATION under control until you busted
in here trying to start World War THREE!‖
―You haven‘t seen attitude MISTER!‖ His color was rising and his ―back forty
voice‖ was starting to take over. ―These are Proud God fearing people out here
and they don‘t take to kindly to your heavy handed lame @ss tactics. You come
busting in here like you own the place and are about to capture Osama bin
Lauden himself. Flashing machine guns all over the place, shooting up livestock
and all. Hell McMillan‘s A SCHOOL TEACHER FOR CHRIST‘S SAKE! And the
people around here happen to like him very much.‖
―So why doesn‘t he come out and clear his name?‖ Kenner said snidely.
―So why in the hell did you shoot up his place at five o‘clock in the morning? Why
are you surrounding him with machine guns and assault troops! And what the
hell are you doing here in the first place? All this man is accused of is running a
private school!‖
―Kenner, you‘re an idiot! He was rescued by local parents with bolt action hunting
rifles who were protecting their children‘s teacher from that Bull Dike Bitch that
was sent here by those @ssholes in Sacramento to force their ultra liberal crap
on the people of my county. Those store bought detectives had to cover their
@sses with that made up story because they got caught with their pants down!‖
―Your actions in this incident are already under question my good Sheriff.‖
―You better shut this operation down Mr. Agent Man or you are just likely to find
out how these people around here feel about your heavy handed tactics.‖
―Are you threatening me Sheriff?‖ Kenner tried in vain to stretch his five-eleven
frame to look Eckhart in the eye…it didn‘t work.
―I never threaten anyone Special Agent, I don‘t need to.‖ He let that sink in. ―I‘m just
giving you a friendly warning that you‘ve bit off far more than you can chew.‖
The agents emerged from the command tent and looked in the direction of the
McMillan house. There flying overhead was the Stars and Stripes upside down
and beneath it the Gadsden, Don‘t Tread On Me flag, with a coiled rattlesnake on
a field of bright yellow.
―He‘s got the flag up upside down, that idiot!‖ On of the agents said.
The agents around the Senior Field Agent gave him a puzzled look.
On the borders of the Gadsden flag Kenner could just make out the words written
with a black marker. ―RUBY RIDGE‖ on the leading edge and ―WACO‖ on the
trailing edge.
―SH*T!‖ Kenner muttered under his breath as he looked through the binoculars.
Eckhart quickly marched out of the compound and grabbed the arm of one of his
Deputies standing next to his patrol car. ―Send out the call Jeffery!‖
Desert Doc
[quote] Once we have a war there is only one thing to do. It must be won. For
defeat brings worse things than any that can ever happen in war. Ernest
Hemmingway [/quote]
Sheriff Eckhart surveyed the scene of the government standoff of the McMillan
homestead from his vantage point on the eastern ridgeline above the valley.
―I can‘t believe that idiot Kenner has left the entire section up against this side of
the ridge uncovered!‖ Eckert remarked as he handed the glasses to the large
lump of grass and brush to his right. A gloved hand grasped the binoculars and
they disappeared under the ghillie suit foliage.
―Hell Erick you can‘t expect a rank amateurs to understand combat tactics!
They‘re used to busting into suburban homes, stomping on cats, kicking pregnant
women and running down back streets and alleys…after people that play by
Eckhart nodded in agreement. ―So… do you think you can get in there without
being detected?‖ He asked.
―Kenner‘s given them twenty-four hours to come out or they‘re coming in.‖
―Yeah ain‘t it though. Our problem is that Kenner‘s called in for some serious
back up so we‘ve got less than twelve hours to pull this off.‖
The Squad Leader scrutinized the possible paths leading into the McMillan
compound. Most of the routes down from the ridge required them to cross a large
portion of exposed rock surface or sandstone bluff. The smallest point of
exposure would require he and his team to rappel down over fifty feet of exposed
surface before they would once again be under cover from the foliage.
―Hmmm…Ray what do you think? See that small drop over there to the right?‖
The second foliage covered lump over from the Sheriff rustled. ―Australian rappel
down the face and into the brush below?‖
―That would be nice. Erick can you draw their eyes away for say….ten to fifteen
The Sheriff looked at his Squad Leader in amazement. ―Are you sure that will be
enough time?‖
―To cross that open area with my team…yeah, that‘s enough time. The rest of the
stalk will take a couple of hours.‖ He paused at he reglassed the objective below.
―About five and a half or six hours…if you don‘t want us to be detected that is.‖
―Just tell him that we need a SMALL DIVERSION! I don‘t want to be blown off the
rope by the concussion of one of his over enthusiastic efforts!‖
―Oh yeah, that‘s right.‖ Eckhart mumbled. ―I‘d almost forgot about his last
demonstration. I‘ll be sure to remind him.‖
―Hope so Erick, my eyebrows have finally grown back in.‖ The Squad Leader
mentioned sourly.
The interior of the normally bright McMillan home was now enveloped in a
perpetual twilight with all the battle shutters locked down. Scattered around the
house small twelve volt DC lights cast dim cones of brightness against the floor
like those found in darkened movie theaters. The afternoon sun penetrated the
firing slots in the shutters and illuminated dust motes that swirled lazily in the
breeze when someone passed near the slash of light. For now the air was quite
and undisturbed as three shadows sat at the table in what just yesterday had
been a bright and cheery dinning room.
―I just don‘t see any other way out of this Hon.‖ David began.
―But if I go out, maybe they will leave you alone and our place intact. We can
negotiate for that.‖ He leaned forward and put his hands in hers. There was an
obvious deep concern in his voice.
―They will never agree to that and you know it. And I won‘t see you go to jail for
doing what was right in the first place. That BITCH!‖ There was serious vinegar in
Denise‘s voice at the mere thought of the person responsible for this entire
―I married you for better or worse David C. McMillan. I never figured that this
would be the definition of worse, but here we are and now we have to deal with
―Maybe I can get you out of this Dee. Get that Kenner fellow to let you out before
the fireworks start. You can claim…‖
―NO WAY MISTER, I‘m not walking out of here and leaving you behind. We‘ve
come through too much sh*t together in our lives to start running now!‖
―Denise, David‘s right, it‘s going to get a whole lot of nasty in here if they decide
to bust down the door after us.‖ Joseph began. ―And one less…‖
―LIKE HELL!‖ She exclaimed as she jumped up from the table. ―I will not abandon
my husband AND my friends just because I‘m a women….‖ She stormed away
from the table and then suddenly turned back. ―Have either of you ever seen a
‗Cat Fight‘?‖ She asked with a menacing look in her eyes.
The two men looked had her with a sense of sudden realization and nodded their
heads. They knew that she was not referring to the feline variety.
―Well Agent Kenner and all his Jack Booted @ssholes are just about to step into
the biggest cat fight they‘ve ever seen.‖ She turned and stomped off into the
Joseph looked at David with a confused look. ―Does she get this way very often?‖
―No…‖ David muttered as he watched his wife disappear into the shadows. ―But
when she does…it‘s best not to get near her for a while until she cools down.‖ He
turned to Joseph. ―I think Special Agent Kenner just screwed up.‖
―How so.‖
―He pissed off my wife and that is never a smart thing to do!‖
They paused for a few seconds and then both replied a the same time.
―Let‘s see…need some jellied gasoline and then some plastique, I could whip
that up in a few hours, need some Nitric Acid…ummmm…Acetone, yeah there it
is. Now where is that bottle of Pentaerythritol.‖
―Ray and Jeff don‘t want to get knocked off their rope Davy. And Jeff wanted me
to especially mention that his eyebrows have finally grown back.‖
Davy looked at his Militia Commander dumbfounded. ―Now that wasn‘t entirely
my fault Sheriff and…‖
Davy looked disappointed, turned around and resumed rummaging through his
shelves. In just a few seconds he turned back and opened up a metal container
the size of a cigar box, extracted a small metal thirty-five millimeter film canister
from the foam lined box and handed it to the Sheriff.
Eckhart looked at the small film can in the palm of his hand.
Davy placed the larger container back on the shelf and began to explain to the
Sheriff the device in his hand.
―You twist the lid clockwise hard one quarter of a turn. You‘ll feel something pop
inside. When you feel that you‘ve got about thirty seconds to set it on one of
those five ton truck gas tanks and get the hell away from it.‖
―Well what you have in your hand there is a miniature Thermite Grenade.‖
―Takes about thirty seconds to get going and active the Thermite action. After
that it will burn through just about anything for a short while. There‘s enough
there to easily drop through a gas tank. Then you‘ll have a very nice L-I-T-T-L-E
diversion for yourself.‖
Eckhart had little doubt that they would have a diversion, how little was another
question all together. He had to chuckle to himself as he walked away from the
alchemist shop of his units most talented demolitions expert. ―And to think that
the Army was responsible for creating this wizard of explosive destruction.‖
Eckhart couldn‘t help but shake his head.
―I‘m just glad he‘s on our side.‖ The Militia Commander thought to himself, he
knew beyond a shadow of doubt that the main highway bridge leading into town
would be nothing but rubble by tomorrow morning. Even if all Davy had was
baling wire and bubble gum. Somehow Davy would pull something out of his
―bag of devious deeds and dastardly devices‖ slap it together with duct tape, fire
it up with a delayed clock created from a Bic lighter and an egg timer and thus
produce a mind boggling explosion out of nothing. He couldn‘t help himself, he
just had the knack.
Special Agent Jordan Kenner, BATF, was pacing the command tent. His quick
snatch and grab of a high school teacher with possible Militia connections had
flopped into a standoff. The simple country cottage had turned out to be a
formidable bunker of rock and concrete. The neighbors were not only non-
cooperative several had actually taken shots at his agents. The local Sheriff
refused to get involved and basically ignored any requests for information or
support. His superiors were seriously hot under the collar at what was turning
into a media event and to top it off, it would be over twelve hours before his back
up would be released from other duties to road march to this forgotten little valley
to reinforce his position.
Kenner had tried to talk McMillan into walking out unarmed and into custody.
However instead of capitulating and accepting the inevitability of the situation,
that damn History teacher started to quote Winston Churchill at him:
[quote] Never give in--never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large
or petty, never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never
yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.
Kenner was stalemated and he knew it. He wasn‘t equipped to breach the rock
and concrete walls of McMillan‘s house. A frontal assault would be suicide
without overwhelming firepower and while he had over a company of Homeland
Security troops with him, he had a very uneasy feeling using them in this way, in
this situation.
―Special Agent Kenner we‘ve got more than enough men here to storm that
house and you know it!‖ Captain Bill Cochran, Homeland Security Force and
Officer in Charge of the company Kenner had drafted to support this mission,
argued strongly.
―There can‘t be more than a handful of people in that house. Our snipers can
keep those windows covered and if we hit them from all four sides at once there‘s
no way they can stop us!‖ He exclaimed as he drove his right fist into the palm of
his left hand.
Kenner ran the Cochran‘s plan through his mind one more time and still didn‘t
like the idea.
―You‘re men would be out in the open Captain, no cover on the final leg of the
―Their soldiers Sir, that‘s their job! They might get one or two on the final rush to
the house, but no more. That would be acceptable losses.‖
Kenner looked and the Captain in disbelief. ―Acceptable losses? Are you out of
your mind?‖
―The longer we stand around here with our thumbs up our butts, the worse we
look. We need to bring this to a head and then clean out the rest of this nest of
vipers.‖ He was referring to the other residents in the valley that had refused to
cooperate in the current situation and especially those that had fired warning
shots at the agents and troopers.
Suddenly there was shouting and some sort of a commotion going on outside and
the pair rushed to the opening of the tent to see flames erupting on one of
the troop transport trucks.
―It‘s going to get worse Agent Kenner. The time to act is now! PUT OUT THAT
FIRE YOU IDIOTS!‖ The Captain stormed off towards the burning truck. ―GET
Four shapeless shadows slinked down the cliff face, melted into the gray-green
brush at its base and started their painstakingly slow journey towards the
McMillan house. The four had trained in another part of their lives as Marine
Snipers. Their objective was similar to that of their final examination during
Sniper Training. To cross an open field while under direct observation without
being detected. Only this time if they were detected it would mean a bullet
instead of just failing the test. This time was for real.
Larry O‘Connor could see the lead assault team pouring through the gap they had
created in the thick hedgerow wall a hundred yards away. He popped the barrel of
the big FN through the firing slot in the shutters and rested the bipods
on the deep window sill. The running troops were directly in his line of sight and
he quickly took his aim on the lead soldiers. The big .308 boomed its defiant
voice, its resonant report immediately overshadowing the higher pitched bark of
the assaulting troopers M16‘s.
The FN boomed twenty times in rapid succession as O‘Connor lay a wall of hot
brass into the lead troopers. With practiced precision he dropped the empty mag
and slammed a fresh one into the well, cycled the bolt and took up his aim
without missing a beat.
Private Donald Gaude knew his was in deep sh*t as soon as he heard the first
report of the terrorist rifle from the stone building. He was right behind Corporal
―Big Dutch‖ Vanderlinde when something stopped the ex-All State Guard dead in
his tracks. Donald ran smack into the back of the big Corporal and heard the
sickening wet sound of the ―THWACK‖ of the second round that dropped the
Corporal like a sack of rocks. In the mad rush forward Private Gaude became
entangled with Vanderlinde and half tripped half fell with the dying corporal as he
landed face first into the freshly plowed earth. That accident is probably what
saved the panicked young Private from a similar fate of his big friend. Gaude lay
frozen to the dirt somewhere between shock and sheer terror as troopers all
around him were cut down by the deadly conflagration emanating from the stone
O‘Connor pulled the FN out of the firing slot its barrel beginning to smoke and
raced to the next window in the room as he fed another fresh mag in and took up
the second firing position. The rush of invading troopers had slowed down but
there was still movement there in the dark field. He concentrated on the moving
shadows and pealed through two more magazines.
The other members of the militia fire team in the house were doing their own
dance with death as they fired through one window, dashed to the next and let rip
another magazine. They each had one side of the building to protect and though
there had to be some troopers getting though their sector of fire the majority
suddenly found the prospect of serving their country not so inviting as it had been
just a few hours earlier. This was real and the Militiamen were making it clearly
evident that they were not going to go down quietly.
Squad Leader Dennison and his three other ghillie suited militiamen suddenly
found themselves somewhere between a rock and a hard place just under two
hundred yards out from their goal. Rounds from the defenders were screaming
out in their direction as Home Security Forces attempted to storm their side of the
homestead. If they opened fire on the troopers they might be mistaken for more
of the Security Forces by those inside. If they stayed put they could quickly
become casualties from stray friendly fire. Dennison had to do something and do
something soon. He quickly caught onto the shifting fire coming from the various
windows on his side of the building. Knowing that only four defenders were in the
building he realized that only one militiaman was returning fire per side and was
trying to expand the perception of greater numbers by moving swiftly from one
firing position to the next.
―Ryan take down the right flank! Bryon you and Harv clear the middle! I‘ve got the
left! ON MY COMMAND…,‖ He waited for the right moment. ―FIRE!‖
Four precision super match grade M21, M1A‘s barked in rapid succession.
Designed to drive tacks at sub-Minute of Angle accuracy at ranges out to over
600 yards, the four man fire team dropped the reinforced squad of Home
Security Force Troopers with devastating quickness before a single one of them
even realized they were caught in a deadly crossfire.
Denise poked her AR15A2 through the firing slot ready to continue the rapid fire
resistance and suddenly realized that she had no targets where there had been a
horde of on rushing trooper‘s just seconds before. She could just make out the
bodies lying strewn about the field below her in the distance, but the hail of
gunfire rattling against the her side of the house had suddenly stopped just
seconds before she reached her new firing position.
She had no idea where the fire support had come from, but she more than
welcomed the help. Heavy fire was still pounding on the north end of the house.
She looked one more time at the now still field, silently thanked whoever was
watching over her, gathered up her extra bandoleers and ran out of the room to
add her fire power to the battle waging hard on the north side of her home.
O‘Connor was feeling extremely lonely and very hard pressed. The Federal
troops seemed to be pouring into his zone faster than he could drop them. The
pounding of Security Force rounds on the heavy steel window shutters sounded
like a high intensity drum roll. He had abandoned dancing from one window to
the next and concentrated all his effort at keeping the rapidly advancing hordes
at bay. His FN cast aside after digesting and spitting out over twenty-five
magazines of 7.62mm Ball ammo, he had no time to reload and was now
maintaining the pressure with his AR15A2. The gas tube was nearly white hot on
the AR as streams of defiant lead screamed out of its barrel. He suddenly felt the
presence of some else in the room, turning his head quickly he felt Denise slip
two bandoleers of loaded thirty round magazines over his head. Nodding his
head in acknowledgement he yelled at her.
Denise hopped over to the other window on the far side of the room to add her
firepower to his. This move is probably what saved her.
―OH SH*T!!‖ Larry screamed at the top of his lungs. Denise turned just in time to
see Larry‘s side of the room become enveloped in a blast of flame and debris.
The concussion pounded her like a rag doll and she was suddenly slammed into
David and Joseph felt the house rock under the impact of the SMAW bunker
buster rocket. The pair immediately abandoned their positions and raced to the
north end of the house. David ran through the advancing cloud of choking dust
and smoke. A second smaller explosion shook the house just before he reached
the doorway. He popped his head inside the door frame just enough to see two
shadowy figures stepping in through a gapping hole in the wall. The room was lit
by the eerie dancing light from a handful of small fires burning in a room filled
with swirling smoke and a jumbled landscape of smashed furniture.
Less than ten feet away from the door David emptied his magazine at point blank
range into the intruders and the two figures slumped to the ground. Snapping in a
fresh mag he sprayed and prayed through the gaping wound in the side of his
house to dissuade any immediate further penetration attempts and began to
quickly look for his teammates buried in the rubble.
He found Larry, or what was left of Larry. He must have been at the point of
impact of whatever missile they had ripped his home open with. His end had
been thankfully swift and relatively painless. ―As painless as dying can be.‖ He
thought to himself. At that moment Joseph slid to a stop just inside the door.
―Larry‘s gone Joseph.‖ David informed him in a flat monotonic voice devoid of
It was just then that he heard her moan. Lightening couldn‘t have struck David
harder than that simple moan from across the room. He nearly leaped over the
burning and smoldering debris that had once been their home and landed on the
other side of the room. Denise was hurt. Denise was seriously hurt. He couldn‘t
tell the full nature of her wounds as there was blood everywhere. Her hair was
matted with blood, dust and straw. He couldn‘t see the right side of her face from
the soot and blood. Her right arm hung unnaturally from her shoulder and he
knew the meaning of that sort of tone of moaning. His wife, his life, the mother of
their children was really seriously hurt and he was suddenly very alone in the
middle of a hopeless battle with no time.
Suddenly something slapped his right shoulder and the back of his upper right
arm. Burning and sharp it woke him up and jerked him back into the battle. His
right hand instinctively pulled his Colt .45 Combat Commander, the one he had
carried for over twenty years including through The Storm into Kuwait. The
powerful hot loads leapt out of the short barrel at close to twelve hundred feet a
second crossing the distance between David and the breach in the wall with
impunity. The two hundred and thirty grains of brass jacketed hollow point met
human flesh and nearly detonated living tissue and bone with their impact. His
magazine emptied in just seconds, the intruders neutralized, he dropped and
replaced the mag in one fluid movement and returned his full attention to his
wounded wife.
More bursts of fire erupted from outside the house though this sounded different
from the recent attackers. Suddenly he heard his name called from outside the
hole in his wall.
David recognized the key phrase he had only learned just two months ago. ―The
Maquis is here to help‖ Members of the militia were just out side his house.
Joseph called to the voice.
―GET YOUR @SSES IN HERE BOYS! We‘re a little hurtin‘ right now!‖
Four amorphous shadows piled in through the gaping wound in the wall and took
up defensive positions. Squad Leader Dennison could see the mess he had just
leapt into.
―Larry‘s gone, Denise was in here too…‖ His voice trailed off.
Dennison turned to his Fire Team. ―I‘LL COVER THIS POSITION. BRYON TAKE
The room suddenly emptied as the fresh defenders hurried to their assigned
―Joseph, give David a hand and I‘ll watch things here for a while…NOW GO!‖
Joseph softly placed his hand on David‘s shoulder. ―Let‘s get her down stairs
where its safe.‖
David had already applied battle dressings to her head and face wounds. Using
several American Rifleman magazines he devised splints securing them with
cravats to protect and stiffen her damaged arm. He was applying the swath
Desert Doc
[quote] When the need arises -- and it does -- you must be able to shoot
your own dog. Don't farm it out -- that doesn't make it nicer, it makes it
worse. The Notebooks of Lazarus Long, Robert Heinlein[/quote]
The first gray fingers of morning were reaching into the eastern skies above the
ridgeline. In the valley below the battle had begun shortly after midnight and
burned viciously white hot for several hours, the evil embers of a desperate
struggle shredding the darkness with tracers of pain and death. The searing
flames of war were finally smothered under the predawn fog that rolled in and
now clung to the valley floor. The last retched moans of the dying that pierced the
roar of silence following the ferocious fighting had finally withered away to leave
an eerie hush in its wake. As the dawn approached and the faint gray light of the
new day began to slowly illuminate the battlefield surrounding the besieged
fortress, the ghostly outlines of the fallen lay scattered like rag dolls discarded by
a malevolent child. While the walls of the stronghold had been breeched, but they
had not been penetrated, the Militia still held their ground as the second day of
the war arrived.
Agent Jordan Kenner could not believe the nightmare that he had experienced in
the preceding hours. He had never been a soldier, never worn a uniform, and
never fired a shot in anger or self-defense. This was his first baptism under fire
and it had shaken him to his very core. He was a cauldron of emotions and
feelings. He felt elated to have survived the ordeal and at the same time
thoroughly disgusted with the butchery of the entire affair, and for what?
He looked about in the predawn gray and could see the exhaustion on the faces
of the soldiers and agents around him, fewer in number than when this mess had
begun just twenty-four hours earlier. Kenner felt trapped, trapped by his sworn
duty and trapped by his responsibility as the Senior Field Agent. He could see no
way out of this chaos. Three times they had assaulted the McMillan stronghold.
Three times they had been driven back by their deadly accurate fire, each time
paying a higher price in lives, yet in spite of all this blatant failure Captain William
―Wild Bill‖ Cochran had insisted on compounding their mistakes with repeated
assaults against the stone fortress until Kenner had finally called a halt to the
insanity. Even a ―bunker buster‖ square into the side of the building had only
intensified the resistance and cost the Home Security Forces another squad in
that failed assault.
A strange sound was rising with the sun and carried across the still cool morning
air. Kenner looked towards the source of the keening and wailing that increased
with the light. It was coming from up on the rim of the ridgeline. Haunting and
yet…powerful. ‗What the hell was that sound.‘ He wondered.
It was getting louder and now carried its message clear across the valley. To
some it assaulted the ears, grating on nerves and raising a vile distaste from
deep within. To others it was the call to the center of their soul and a reminder of
a time long lost in the mists that fell across the highland moors of a distant land in
a distant time. Piper Ian O‘Connor played as he never had before on that high
mountain ridge. He played to his older brother besieged in the McMillan
stronghold below. His Highland Pipes howled a defiant call to arms that has been
understood by all freedom loving people for over a thousand years. It cried out
for them to gather up their arms and to stand ready for the coming battle. That also
screamed a warning to all invaders that to stay would be to call down their own
deaths. These highlanders and all who were moved by the eerie call would
not yield, now…or ever.
Ian had no way of knowing that his brother had fallen in the course of the battle.
His fingers danced across the chanter as the great drones filled the air with the
howling call to war. His pipes filled the valley with his message loud and clear for
all to hear. The war had begun.
Captain ―Wild Bill‖ Cochran emerged from his tent in a sour mood. ―What the
Sam Hell is that screeching!‖ He demanded to know.
―So what the HELL does that mean. GOOD GOD WHAT AN AWFUL NOISE!‖
Cochran looked around to ascertain the source of the offending racket.
Suddenly the morning was pierced with a banshee wail the likes of which the
Home Guard Soldiers had never heard before. It didn‘t even sound like it was
something that could have come from human throat. The earsplitting scream was
echoing back and forth in the crisp morning air of the valley and was coming from
all around them.
On the other side of the country in a region filled with the ghosts of another
conflict advancing troops were being introduced to a very similar banshee wail.
Major Gunter Neumann, Bundeswehr (Federal Republic of Germany) serving
with the Homeland Security Forces as a foreign military observer had never
heard such an unholy noise in all his life. A veteran of peacekeeping efforts
during the Balkans conflict he had an uneasy feeling about his present
assignment. He remembered reading about a foreign military attaché that had
witnessed the last American internal struggle almost one hundred and fifty years
earlier. He couldn‘t remember the author‘s name or country, but his message
was loud and clear.
The author was a member of a group of foreign officers that had witnessed the
bloody fighting at Gettysburg. Upon writing home one officer warned his
―We must never fight these American’s for they fight without any regard to pain or
death. Honor and victory are their only battle cries. I have seen whole regiments laid
to waste only to see men from both sides readily step up to the battle line. An
outside invader could never stand against such madmen.”
Today Gunter more than believed his counterpart from that long ago struggle.
What had begun this morning as a disarmament patrol had quickly escalated into
a running gun battle. More than a dozen rural homes had been burned to the
ground, most with their occupants fighting until the bitter end even as the flames
consumed them. For those few that had attempted to surrender they were quickly
gunned down by the American security forces for the slightest provocation. That
is when things began to get exceedingly more difficult.
For the last several hours the troops Major Neumann had been assigned to had
raced headlong into the pursuit of the fleeing rebels. They were racing across the
very land that Sherman had decimated on his march to the sea during the
American Civil War. Once again Federal troops were running amok in the South.
Once again out numbered, out gunned and out equipped Southerners were
fighting for their lives in a hopeless struggle. But the struggle had not been all
that one sided.
Gunter noted that while the federal troops did hold the better equipment, heavier
firepower and larger number of troops, the rebels were taking a good account of
themselves with what they had. While the federals seemed bent on spray and
pray tactics and recon by fire, the individual rebel militiamen presented extremely
effective and accurate individual fire. The German Major learned very quickly to
keep a very low profile.
Somehow through out the entire ordeal Gunter felt as if they were reliving an
early segment of American history, that of the battle of Lexington/Concord. He
was unfortunately presently assigned to the forces acting in the guise of the
British troops under Lieutenant Colonel Francis Smith moving along the road
toward Concord after their initial engagement on Lexington Commons. And the
Homeland Security Forces he was with were racing headlong towards that
history bridge that had been located at Concord over two hundred years ago.
Only this bridge was located well south of the Mason-Dixon line.
[quote]Since 1775, Americans have proven their willingness to fight and die
when necessary to defend their way of life. They have endured the
steaming jungles of the South Pacific, the freezing hills of Korea, the
blazing deserts of Kuwait, and the muddy fields of France to liberate
peoples oppressed by tyrannical regimes. The American people have
astonished friend and foe alike by their courage and capacity for sacrifice.
―What the hell where you thinking of Simpson?‖ Senator Brandson began as
soon as the pair were well out of ear shot.
―What? We can‘t go on NOT TELLING the President what the hell is going on!‖
―OH and by the way MR. PRESIDENT, your Homeland Security Forces are
GOOSE STEPPING across the rights of every free American citizen they run
into. Oh and don‘t run off there James, your Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and
OUT LOUD – TAX AGENTS! Have just started World War Three in about every
damn place you‘ve got field agents out trying to disarm the population!‖
Simpson was on a roll. His already elevated blood pressure was probably
pegging out the meter as the color rose up his neck and into his cheeks.
―Are you aware Sir that there has been an on going battle in Northern California
for over twenty-four hours that began yesterday morning and has already cost
the lives of at least fifty Homeland Security troops as well as field agents of both
the FBI and the BATF.‖ He took a breath. THAT BEGAN OVER A TEACHER
BEING ARRESTED FOR TEACHING! ―Oh and a little side note here Sir…the
plague is still spreading.‖ He looked sternly at his fellow senator. ―JUST WHAT
―HOLLY SHIT! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!‖ Cochran grabbed his pistol and
spun around looking for a target. The wailing and keening got even louder. The
soldiers grabbed their rifles and scrambled quickly about looking for something
solid to hide behind. The noise rose in intensity and seemed to be coming from
everywhere and those damn bag pipes kept pace with the onslaught of sound!
―Agent Kenner, Captain Cochran!‖ A deep hard voice came from just beyond the
edge of the ground fog.
―WHAT!?‖ Cochran spun around again, looking wildly about for something to
shoot at.
―Lay down your weapons NOW, and you and your men will live!‖ It came more as
an order than a request.
―LIKE HELL YOU TRAITOUS BASTARDS!‖ Cochran answered and began firing
wildly in to the ground mist. The soldiers around him hit the ground to avoid his
random shots. He emptied his pistol, quickly dropped the spent magazine on the
ground and was fumbling to insert a fresh mag.
―Surrender now and you will be spared, fight and you all will die.‖
Cochran finally locked the mag into place and released the slide. ―COME ON
YOU BASTARDS,‖ He fired off two rounds. ―I‘ll EAT YOUR F*UCKING LIVERS,
A single muffled pop was heard that stopped the Home Security Force Captain‘s
voice in mid sentence. He hung there in the air for a few seconds, then like a
marionette whose strings have been suddenly cut he collapsed into a pile of
spent human flesh. A small red spot in the middle of his forehead slowly oozed
blood across his face.
―Agent Kenner.‖
A feeble voice answered the specter from the fog. ―I‘m here.‖
―No terms Agent Kenner. You surrender now or you and your men WILL DIE.‖
―Agent Kenner you are cutoff and completely surrounded. You must decide now,
there is no time for negotiation. Do you understand that?‖
―Agent Kenner?‖
―I understand.‖
―What the hell am I doing here?‖ Kenner mumbled to himself. ―All I ever wanted
was to be a ‗G-Man‘.‖ He reminded himself.
During the decades of Affirmative Action, he had been too well educated, too
blond, too upwardly mobile, too everything. In other words, he was disqualified
for a position in the governments highest ranking elite investigative organization,
by virtue of the fact that only people of specific disadvantage were considered
eligible by sole benefit of their ‗Political Correctness‘ at the time. So he ended up
as a glorified tax agent for the federal government. The last ten years had been
spent chasing people attempting to skirt the system of government bribes
required to produce or transport alcohol, tobacco, and now firearms. He had
always obeyed the rules and followed the party line…but this action was now so
far out of hand and out of reality that he felt himself wondering about the sanity of
it all for the first time.
He had been separated from the others in his command, from the Homeland
Security Guards and from his own agents. He was exhausted, confused, and
ashamed of his actions. He had surrendered, surrendered out of fear,
surrendered out of desperation and now sat numbly before the victor. He hardly
recognized Sheriff Eric Eckhart. Or was it Commander Eckhart or Colonel,
maybe General Eckhart? It didn‘t matter now. Kenner knew his career was over,
through, kaput. At least no more people would die under his command.
Eckhart handed Kenner a fresh cup of hot coffee, the Agent numbly took the cup
and breathed in its fresh aroma before putting it to his lips. Eckhart sat directly
across from him in full battle dress. Decked out in ‗RealTree‘ camouflage that
blended so well with the natural terrain of the region that he and his militiamen
were virtually invisible from just a short distance away, unlike the black of the
BATF agents and the woodland cammies of the Homeland Security troops.
When Kenner had ordered his men to lay down their arms he had been shocked
by the sight of Eckhart‘s ghillie suited militia rising up through ground fog like
wraiths in a bad dream. Many had penetrated so close to the Homeland/BATF
perimeter that had Kenner defied the order to surrender he had no doubt that he
and this men would have been ground up seconds later in the whirlwind of the
militia firestorm. They would have had no chance of survival…and the reality of
that moment struck deep into his inner core. He had been soundly defeated, with
out question.
―You did the right thing Kenner.‖ Eckhart attempted to consol the fallen agent.
―You would not have survived final assault. You saved a lot of lives this morning.‖
Kenner looked up at the bear of a man sitting across from him. ‘Perhaps he was
right?‘ Kenner thought to himself.
Desert Doc
[quote] Col. O. M. Roberts commanded the 11th Texas Infantry in several battles
in Louisiana, and left this account of Texans and the rebel yell:
The Texas soldiers in line of battle, with their attention intensely alive
to what they were doing and how they should act, were cool enough and
intelligent enough to pass the word along the whole line of battle like an
electric current; and when the command was given, "Forward, charge!"
it, too, would be rapidly passed, and then simultaneously the
Texas "rebel yell" burst out from the whole line, as all together they
dashed at double quick toward the enemy. The effect of that yell was
marvelous....Such yells exploded on the air in one combined sound
have been heard distinctly three miles off across a prairie, above the
din of musketry and artillery. [/quote]
IT WAS A TRAP! Major Gunter Neumann sprang out of his vehicle and
dove behind a small stonewall as a hail of deadly accurate high-powered
David McMillan walked beside his beloved Denise as they carried her out
of their ruined house on a litter. Doc Bell had done the best he could for her
under the present conditions, but insisted that she be removed as quickly
as possible and brought to the clinic in town. Her poor mangled flesh had
taken a beating and the Doc couldn‘t give any reassurance that she would
pull though.
―I know Doc…I know.‖ David felt the air go out of him and his knees wobble
slightly. The Doc‘s grip tightened on his shoulder.
―Dangerous Dave‖ Allison sat perched on the ridgeline watching the road
below. He‘d spent the entire night rigging up his party favors and the
moment of truth was just seconds away. He looked left and right down the
line and could see all was ready, waiting on his signal for the carnage to
begin. They had just received the word that the battle of the McMillan place
was over. Larry O‘Connor was dead, Denise badly wounded, David and Ski
would sport minor scars but were ok.
Davy shook his head. He had always liked the McMillan‘s, especially
Denise. As the county nurse on the go she made house calls far and wide,
helping anyone and everyone. Even if they didn‘t have the money to pay for
her services she would find a way to get them the treatment and medicines
they needed. He said a little silent pray for the Creator to watch over her,
then turned back to his business at hand.
The relief column was just rounding the first bend in the distance. In
another few minutes they would be entering the kill zone. Seconds turned
to minutes and minutes to hours as the convoy moved closer and closer.
Davy flipped the safety cover off the switch and poised this thumb over the
toggle. ―Just a little further…just a little more. Closer…closer…closer…‖
Andrew Creek could feel the adrenaline slamming through his veins. It
pulsed up from his toes, plowed across his gut, blasted through his lungs
until reaching his vocal cords where it emerged as a low-deep guttural
growl that rose in pitch and tempo until it exploded into the air. Burrowed
into the muck and mire of the ditch Gunter heard the hellish wail rising
above the explosions and gunfire. As if all the demons of hell had been
suddenly set free onto the world, the wall of ungodly protest raced around
the perimeter as each militiaman picked up the chorus until they joined as a
single voice.
Sound exploded into motion as Andrew and his fellow rebels were
suddenly compelled to fully engage in the battle lust. Like demonic wraiths
they sprang into action and began racing down the surrounding hillsides
through the trees and brush. Their hearts pounding in their ears, their feet
slamming into the ground angrily as they leapt over branch and bramble
their motion a blur to the eye. Gunter could hear the demon yell getting
closer, he instinctively reached for his pistol and came up empty. Foreign
Observers were, as a rule, unarmed! He looked about for a weapon, any
weapon and spied an M16 abandoned just ten feet from him. He began to
crawl towards it in earnest.
Senator Eli Simpson of Georgia sat stunned at his desk. How the hell could
the President adjourn Congress? IN THIS CRISIS?! As chairman of the
Senate Arms Committee he had felt compelled to brief the President with
the grim news of the renegade military units. Those lackeys that he called a
cabinet were not about to drop such dire news on their boss. Someone had
to do it. These were not little issues to be swept under the rug. They were
facing a full-scale disintegration of the entire federal system and all those
idiots in the White House could yap was all was well, getting better, going
‗Ah…yes. Hmmm…have you heard the rumor that he actually has asked
for foreign military and medical assistance from NATO and the UN?‖ The
southern senator shook his head. Margaret nodded in affirmation .
―Foreign troops on U.S. soil. I never would have thought I‘d live to see such
a day. The American people well nev‘a stand for this Margaret. We shall
see blood in the streets, American blood.‖ He slowly spun his chair around
and looked out his office window. ―Nev‘a stand for this.‖
The militiamen exploded from the tree line like the fabled Mongol Hordes of
Genghis Kahn. Their yell pierced the air and surely woke the Blue and Gray
that had fallen at Manassas, Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg and
Chickamaugua. It echoed off the distant hills and froze the Homeland
Troops in their boots as they watched the on rushing militia. It was the
infamous Rebel Yell, not heard in the South for over a hundred years. Not
Andrew Creek‘s combat boots beat a pounding drum roll as he neared the
line of burning vehicles. He hurdled the low stonewall with the power and
grace he had displayed during his reign as the low and high hurdles state
champion. His rifle held high and horizontal he flew across the impediment,
landing in a full sprint and delivered a horizontal butt stroke to the slack-
jawed Federal troop staring at him wide eyed and full of terror. The well-
oiled American Walnut stock of the Springfield M1A1 met bone and
shattered its way through the troopers jaw. Rifleman First Class Andrew
Jackson Creek of the Georgia Free Militia drove his rifle butt through the
soldier‘s face and never missed a beat. Leaping the ditch he plunged his
bayonet into the chest of the next victim pinning him to the side of the
HUMVEE. Creek shucked the now dying federal trooper from the end of his
pig sticker and went hunting for more enemy invaders to slay.
The Rebel Militia swarmed the security convoy like ravenous army ants the
were all over their prey without mercy. They showed the same lack of
remorse that the federal troops had displayed as they ransacked and
burned their way across the southern landscape earlier this very same day,
that it to say…none at all. No quarter was given and none was received.
Major Gunter Neumann lay in shock horror in the stinking muck at the
brutality of the American militia attack. They seemed consumed with a
raging rabid madness that released itself only with the violent and bloody
end of their enemy. His predecessor from the American War Between the
States was right. ―We must never fight these people!‖ ―For they are surely
mad.‖ He thought to himself. ―Surely mad!‖ He was witnessing that very
horror before him right now!
The battle was over as quickly as it had started. Gunter lay quietly frozen in
the stinking mud afraid to move, afraid to even breath as these demons
from the hills quickly and methodically stripped the dead of any useable
weapons and equipment. The M16 he had sought was just inches from his
fingertips, but he dared not grab it now.
Burly hands roughly grabbed the Major‘s arms and he was suddenly jerked
upright. He found himself surrounded by heavily armed and camouflaged
militia as he now witnessed the carnage that they had left in their wake.
Fifty yards away sat the remains of the Homeland Security Forces that he
had be riding with just minutes earlier. Five Homeland troopers huddled up
against the remains of the stonewall under heavy guard. Only five from the
platoon he had been riding with had survived the ambush. Only five.
―Ah don‘t know Frank…his uniform looks kinda different from the others.‖
Frank looked over the mud soaked officer being held before him. Not Army,
Frank had served eight years in the Army. Not Marine or Air Force and
definitely not Navy. He didn‘t look right somehow.
Just then shots rang out and Gunter saw the remaining federal survivors
slammed against the stonewall before they slide down to the ground, very
The German starred at his captor and quickly decided that keeping silent
was probably not a good idea in this situation.
―You‘re a freaking KRAUT!‖ All the militiamen in the immediate area froze
and turned towards the German Major. ―WHAT THE F*CK ARE YOU
Franks Combat Commander nearly jumped out of his shoulder holster and
buried itself in the German officers neck. Gunter could see the rage literally
explode in the militia leaders eyes. For the first time in his life he was truly
Davy thumbed the second toggle and a deep rumbling explosion shook the
ground beneath their feet. The center support for the main bridge into town
started to lean ever so slowly before it buckled and dropped into the
streambed below. The convoy was now trapped between a missing bridge
and a wall of fire, the proverbial rock and a hard place.
Militia snipers along the ridge top then opened fire. For three minutes they
hammered the convoy six hundred yards away. Every one of the riflemen
were experienced hunters and frequent shooters. Unlike the so called
Homeland Security ―soldiers‖ and federal agents now cowering behind their
vehicles and returning only sporadic fire, these so called good ol‘ boys
practiced almost weekly with their favorite arms, rather than grudgingly
being dragged to the range for their mandatory semi-annual qualification as
their opponents. The training advantage of one over the other was more
than readily apparent.
The militiamen felt the pulsing beat of ther rotor blades almost before they
heard them racing up the mountain valley towards the battle zone. A pair of
black rotary winged death machines now stalked the combatants on the
ridgeline. Two AH-64 Apache gunships opened up on the rebel forces
spraying the ridgeline with 30mm cannon and 2.75 inch rockets. Shattering
rock and splintering trees the pair of attack helo‘s ripped through the militia
ranks. Davy dropped to the bottom of the spider hole he had blasted and
dug for himself the night before and hoped the rest of his comrades had
done likewise.
The Mountain ridge seemed to burst open with belching smoke and flying
debris as the Apache‘s pounded the scattering militiamen. Much like the
carnage they had let loose upon the invaders of their mountain home, they
were now reaping the whirlwind of their enemy‘s vengeance. Davy peaked
his trench periscope up over the lip of his fighting hole and witnessed the
havoc being wreaked upon his fellow patriots. The scope was wickedly
wrenched from his hands and punched him in the face as it rebounded
The Apache‘s marched steadily towards the Patriot trench line pounding
anything that moved. The result of their deadly accuracy was that nearly half
of the militia force had been destroyed in the onslaught. Davy waited
The Security Forces from the ambushed column watched as the back birds
hammered the rebel forces on the ridge above. No longer threatened with
instant death they rose and cheered on the advancing Apache attack. The
birds were midway into their attack when the valley floor exploded with
dozens of small puffs of smoke. At first the watching troops didn‘t see
anything, but the pilots of the Apache‘s could see death rapidly
approaching them in the guise of small spidery lines arching over the top of
them. Dangerous Dave in his devious little mind had taken dozens of
relatively harmless Beer Can mortars, attached several hundred feet of
high strength 600 pound naval test shot line to the cement filled soda and
beer cans used as projectiles. To that line he mated a length of fine
stainless steel cable and finally six feet of steel chain.
The helo‘s jinked and jived madly to avoid the overlapping shots, but there
was no way for them to evade the encircling net. Their blades wrapped up
Less than a week later the first foreign medical and military personnel were
disembarking from their UN transports at JFK international airport and were
just touching American soil for the first time when Senator Eli Simpson
received the call from the congressional mailroom. Several Secret Service
agents met him at the observation window overlooking the room where all
mail was screened and inspected prior to being delivered to the legislators.
―Senator, this package was mailed to you from your district headquarters in
Georgia.‖ The taller of the three agents said to him.
―Why all the precaution? I get mail from my headquarter offices all the
―Looks like dog tags.‖ The worker turned to show the Senator and agents in
the glass booth above him. ―Maybe a hundred or more.‖
―OH MY GOD!‖ The second worker shouted as he pulled the black plastic
garbage bag open that had lain under the dog tags. There with the same
Desert Doc
Mark looked at the two cooling bodies lying in the gravel of the country road. The
blood had begun to dry in the dust, and flies had already begun to feast. As Mark
recovered from the shakes, he reflected at how fast it all had happened; yet as
the incident was occurring, it seemed to take forever. Time seemed to be
simultaneously speeding along at four times the normal speed, and yet creeping
along with agonizing slowness. These were the second and third people he had
killed in his life, and while it wasn‘t easy, it did get easier. He kept glancing
around, waiting for something –anything- to happen. From his experience, you
just can‘t just kill two people without answering to someone, no matter how
justifiable. Could you? This more than anything unsettled him.
He retrieved the revolver from the dead form on the side of the road, and tossed
it in the Eagle‘s open passenger window. He then opened the rear hatch on the
car and retrieved a box of 9mm Winchester Silvertips, and topped off the
magazine for the Glock 17. Both the felon‘s pickup and the Eagle were still idling.
After topping off the magazine of this pistol, he reached into the kit in the back of
the Eagle and withdrew a siphon hose and the empty ―spare tank‖ cans. He
walked over to the battered truck and turned off the engine. The truck appeared
to be a mid-seventies model, and Mark guessed it didn‘t have the anti-siphon
device in the filler neck. A few moments later, he found that it did not. His siphon
hose was a store-bought kind with the squeeze bulb, so the user needn‘t risk a
mouthful of gasoline. It was a time consuming process, but all told he managed
to get nearly six gallons of gasoline from the truck. A cursory examination of the
truck‘s interior revealed some bloodstained cash, watches and a bag with some
potato chips and pretzels, as well as three two-litre bottles of Coca-Cola, and a
six-pack of Budweiser. Mark took the food and left the cash and watches. The
bed of the truck held little of interest: Some bags of aluminum cans, a short
Mark considered burying the bodies, but then thought better of it. He owed these
men nothing, and it would be a waste of his efforts. Plus, there might actually be
an investigation. He was sure a jury would see this as self-defense. Mark put his
newfound items in the Eagle, climbed into the driver‘s seat and drove away at
about 45 miles per hour to maximize fuel efficiency. He had roughly ten gallons
of fuel in the tank, and that would get him about 150 miles, as a conservative
estimate. At least with mostly real gasoline in the tank, he could shut off the
The gravel road continued for miles, and eventually passed through a small
village. ―Brearton: Unincorporated‖ read the small green sign. There was a small
gas station and a tavern, but not much else. Mark pulled into the parking lot of
the gas station. He immediately noticed a plywood sign with ―NO GAS‖ written in
red paint propped against the pumps. Another sheet of plywood looked freshly
nailed in place where he presumed one of the windows should be. Several marks
scarred the wood in what appeared to be bullet holes. As he exited the car, he
checked to see that his Glock was in place on his hip, but covered with his shirt.
He walked slowly to the station door with his head on a swivel. There was no
movement in the little town. No children played in the yards, no dogs barked. As
he drew near to the door of the station, the door quickly opened a crack and a
shotgun barrel protruded. Mark stopped and slowly raised his hands.
―I saw the sign. I don‘t want gas. I need to talk to a cop. There‘s been a
shooting.‖ Mark said, in what he hoped was a loud, clear and strong voice.
―There‘s been a lot of shooting, mister. Some from us, some at us. Now get out
of here. No cops around here.‖ The voice replied.
―Can I use the phone?‖ Said Mark, gesturing vaguely to the blue, egg-shaped
phone station mounted to the wall next to the door.
―Phone don‘t work neither. Now get the hell out of here. Next time I tell you, it‘ll
be with buckshot.‖
―Ok, ok. I‘m going.‖ Mark said, as he backed slowly toward the car. He was
sweating heavily as he realized there was nothing preventing the man behind the
shotgun from shooting him, then taking all of his supplies. If things continued the
way they were going, if this same situation had happened in another month, he
suspected the man would have. As it was, most people didn‘t realize how bad
things were getting.
Mark reached the Eagle wagon, climbed in and pulled away. As he drove slowly
out of the village, he noticed more than one set of curtains drawn back slightly, and
subtle movements behind them as the villagers watched him go. He silently
wished them luck. They were going to need it. And yet, these people had
withstood one attack already, he presumed from the damage to the gas station.
That‘s probably where their extreme caution had originated. He couldn‘t blame
them, really. He was a little paranoid now, himself.
The road lead once again through the rural countryside. Trees were green, but
the crops were mostly withered and brown. He saw not a soul. No farmers in the
fields, no kids on bikes. No rural mailman or UPS driver. No road crews. It was
peaceful in a way, and yet disturbing in another. The sun was already low on the
horizon, and long shadows played upon the ground, and Mark began to consider
stopping for the night. He began to look for little used paths that went into the
woods. He knew from his childhood these were sometimes used by landowners
to collect wood from their forests. Some tracks were used for only two weeks out
of the year during hunting season. He began to look for areas that were the most
sparsely populated. He finally found a faded track in a large section of dense
forest that looked inviting, and he slowed the Eagle to a stop. He exited the car,
looked around, and saw no one. Stretching, he walked closer to inspect the trail.
The dried, brown grass had grown tall in the wheel ruts, and upon examination, had
not been bent or broken. Mark was not a tracker, but he was pretty sure that
no one had been down this track in at least several weeks. He walked slowly up
the path looking for signs of human activity, but saw none. The forest quickly hid
the car, as well as the road, and the track soon curved back behind a knoll,
completely obscuring the road. It seemed to be more than adequate for a night‘s
stay. He walked back to the Eagle, put it in ―drive‖ and slowly eased it down the
lane, driving until the car was hidden behind the knoll.
The weather was pleasantly warm with the sun still up, yet Mark knew the night
would become cold. He drew the sleeping bag from his car, as well as some of
his food and a flashlight. The forest slowly resumed its activity as Mark sat
quietly, lap full of potato chips. He decided to save the Coke, as he might need
the sugar and caffeine that it contained at a later time. The events of the day
played again and again in his mind. He began to consider what he could have
done differently. The shoot-out had left him alive. He couldn‘t think of anything
different that he should have done. The incident at the gas station, well, he
doubted that they were really out of gas, but he didn‘t doubt that without too
much provocation, the shotgun would have been used. He finished the salty
potato chips, and drunk nearly the entire contents of his one-quart canteen. It
was nearly full dark now, and the crickets and frogs were beginning to sing. It
had been an incredibly long day, and despite the thoughts racing through his
mind, Mark was beginning to fall asleep. He stretched out beside the car, letting
sleep take him.
He was awakened later that night by something moving through the forest. The loud
sounds of crunching leaves and breaking branches in the surrounding quiet seemed
to indicate to Mark that it was either an escaped bull or a person. Either way, Mark
eased the Glock from his waist and held very still. Hopefully, whoever
or whatever it was would pass by in the night, none the wiser of Mark‘s presence.
As he waited, the crashing became slower, and began to hear ragged breathing,
and an occasional groan.
There was the sound of something falling to the forest floor, then no more
crashing. The sound of the heavy breathing remained, but began to relax and
become less strident and ragged. Mark lay still, considering his options. The
person was about 25 yards away, near as he could figure, and still breathing.
Who the hell was it? Friend or foe? Why had they stopped? Did they have night
vision? Were they drawing a bead on him even now? Mark figured waiting could
hurt nothing. As far as he knew, whoever it was didn‘t know Mark was there. He
could just sit tight, and wait to see what happened. He glanced at his watch,
noting the luminous dial said time was one in the morning. He lay still, and
couldn‘t help but be curious about whoever it was.
After an hour, Mark couldn‘t take it any more. He took the flashlight in one hand,
and his Glock in the other, and rose as silently as he could. He moved in the
direction that he last heard the noise, walking ever so slowly and placing his feet
with the utmost care. It still sounded to him like he made the noise of a herd of
cattle, and Mark winced with the noise, but continued. He took frequent stops to
listen. He could still faintly hear the ragged breathing, and inched his way closer.
It took him nearly another hour to walk the 25 yards to the person laying on the
forest floor. When Mark felt that he was within 10 feet of the figure, every nerve
tingling, Glock extended toward the sound and flashlight clamped in the
supporting hand, he clicked on the light.
The dazzlingly bright light blinded him for an instant, but revealed the figure on
the forest floor. It looked like a young teenager, dressed in black pants and a
dark blue shirt. His right lower pant leg was sticky with partly dried streamers of
blood. His face was streaked with sweat and dirt, and the light showed his face
deathly pale. His breathing was rough and deep, and though Mark‘s only medical
training was his ―Combat Lifesaver‖ class in the Reserves, he could see this kid
was in trouble. The kind he didn‘t think he could fix by himself.
―Hey kid! Wake up!‖ Mark said, gently shaking the shoulder of the boy.
The only response was an incoherent groan. Mark touched the back of his hand
to the boy‘s forehead. It was cold and sweaty. He found a pulse at the neck and
femur, but not at the wrist. That told him the kid‘s blood pressure was probably
between 70 and 80 systolic. Not good.
―This kid‘s in bad shape.‖ He said to himself, as he holstered the Glock and
tucked the flashlight under his arm. He reached down and gathered up the boy in
his arms, quickly carrying him to the Eagle. While managing to hold the kid in his
arms, he was able to raise the rear hatch and roughly place the boy inside. The
weak dome light provided plenty of illumination for Mark‘s eyes, which were still
mostly adjusted to the darkness. He grabbed his sleeping bag off the ground and
threw it over the boy, then retrieved his first aid kit, withdrew the EMT shears and
began to cut up the seam of the pants to expose the leg. The amount of blood
startled him. It was easy to miss how much there was in the darkness, and
against the black color of the pants. As Mark cut away the pants, he became
aware that they were heavy: Sodden with blood. The boy‘s lower leg was caked and
blackened with dried blood. He went to the front seat and retrieved his other
canteen and soaked some gauze 4X4 pads, then began to scrub the blood from
the leg. Several times he must have contacted the wound itself, as the kid
moaned and thrashed weakly, but soon resumed his lethargic stupor. Several
minutes of scrubbing revealed two wounds, one to the back of the calf, and one
to the front. The wound to the front was larger, with small amounts of tissue
protruding from it. Embedded in the tissue were bits of leaves, dirt and clots.
Fresh bleeding that his scrubbing had created obscured his vision. Mark drew a
The boy needed a hospital. He probably needed surgery and blood, and certainly
needed the wound cleaned out and IV antibiotics. Although he had the
knowledge and equipment to start an IV, but only had a couple litres of Lactated
Ringer‘s solution. Two things were stopping him from doing that. The first reason
was -though Mark hated to admit it- selfish. The medications and other contents
of his aid kit were there to help him through the tough times. He was as generous
as the next guy was. Maybe more. But the way things were going, he would need
that stuff.
The second reason was that he still had hope that there were hospitals still
accepting patients. All sorts of questions would be raised if a boy showed up in
the back of a four wheel drive station wagon with a complete stranger, and had
an IV in place, with what looked for all the world like a gunshot wound to the leg.
Yes sir, lots of questions. A part of him knew that was He had killed two
men not 12 hours ago. How much more trouble could he get into if he started an
IV to save a kid‘s life? He could see it now:
―Yes, we have your Honor. Guilty of two counts of manslaughter. Oh, and one
count of practicing medicine without a license. We recommend he get the chair
for that, your Honor.‖
―Christ‖ said Mark as he reached for his aid bag, ―When you think of it that
Mark fished out one of his wools socks, and slipped a litre bag of IV solution into
it. He fished out an MRE heater and put it in the sock too, then added a little
water to the heater, and set the conglomeration aside as he slowly prepared his
IV equipment.
In the active duty Marines, he had become friends with one of the Corpsmen who
taught him this trick. Mark didn‘t believe it at first, but as he tested it, he found it
was true: A 40 degree litre bag of IV fluids can be brought to about 104-110
degrees with two MRE heaters. Mark figured the fluids from his kit were already
warmer than 40 degrees Fahrenheit, so he used only one heater. To make
certain he didn‘t get the bag too hot, he applied a ―fever strip‖ thermometer found
in the drugstore pediatric section. It wasn‘t calibrated, it was a little hard to read, and
it only went to 106 degrees, but it was easily secured to the bag with a piece
of tape, and was the only thing he had. When (after kneading the bag to evenly
mix the heated fluids) the temperature began to climb off the scale, he removed
the heater from the sock and spiked the IV bag with the administration set.
With some small difficulty, Mark started an IV in the kid‘s arm, and began to
infused the warm fluids. He hung the IV bag, wool sock and all, from the hanger
above the rear door. He made a final check of the connections to ensure that
there was not fluid leaking, crawled out of the back of the wagon.
Stretching, he retrieved his GPS unit and the Atlas and Gazetteer, and began to
look for the nearest hospital. The kid needed to get there fast.
Mark drove with cautious speed down the winding country road. The GPS and
map showed him many miles from the interstate, with many more to go to the
next town that was shown to have a hospital. When going through several small
villages, he hunkered low in the seat and peered forth like a blue-haired matron
in a Cadillac, as the towns seemed to become increasingly hostile with each
passing hour. While driving through the last town, he saw men in the midst of
dragging large trees across the county road with a huge John Deere tractor. Most
of them had leaped behind the downed trees and pointed their deer rifles at him,
but whether they judged him not a threat, or they were still unprepared to open
fire without significant provocation, he drove past without a shot being fired. The
reason for that particular town's attitude became apparent. A small grocery store
was blackened and charred, it's roof gone. The burned wall studs reached like
skeletal fingers from a grave into the sky. Mark could have convinced himself that
the fire was accidental save two scorched cars in the parking lot with bullet holes
in them.
The boy continued to lay in the rear of the car. Mark had braced him into position
with some of his supplies to prevent him from rolling around as the car moved.
His condition seemed to improve slightly with the two litres of fluid that Mark
administered. He could once again feel a pulse in the boy's wrist, and he seemed
less cool and clammy. He did not, however, seem to have regained
consciousness. Occasionally, Mark would stop the car in a deserted stretch of
road and check on him. The Carlisle battle dressing that Mark had placed on the
boy's leg showed some blood, but did not appear to be soaked through. That was
the extent of the good news. The bad news was that the nearest town with any
kind of hospital was still fifty miles away. It was a relatively small town of 5,000
people, but the map legend indicated that it had medical facilities available. He
reflected that it was probably good the town was small. It was less likely to be
overrun with injured or plague least according to his logic. On the
other hand, the small number of patients that may become injured or infected
may easily overwhelm the capacity of a smaller hospital. It was a wash, he
decided. He just hoped that there would be somebody there to help the kid
before gangrene or something set in.
Mark found himself speaking to the kid as he drove. It began when a particularly
rough stretch of road elicited a groan from the boy.
"Hey, are you awake finally?" He had asked, looking for movement in the rear-
view mirror.
"Ah well. You're not missing anything. The only people out there to see look like
they want to kill us, so it's a good thing there aren't too many of 'em. Looks like
they already got a head start on you, though. Can't figure it out; you look like
you're Amish, or Mennonite. Can't imagine why anybody would want to shoot
you. 'Course, the two guys yesterday who tried to ventilate me didn't have a good
reason either. Christ, but that was scary. I bet you were pretty scared too. Nahh:
You're probably too tough to be scared. Not me though! Whew! I'll tell you
something. I was active duty in the Marines, and in the Army Reserves: Nothing's
quite as scary as real bullets comin' at you. I mean, you personally!"
The boy of course said nothing.
"Listen," Mark continued, "I know you're probably pretty tough, and don't need
any advice from me, but my tip for you is to hang in there. We'll get to the
hospital soon, they'll work a little magic on that leg, and then I guess we'll find
your folks. They're probably worried sick.‖
Mark paused in his speech. ―Would ya listen to me? I'm rambling like a drunken
sailor, and believe you me, I've seen a few of those! Anyway, I'll let you sleep. I'll
wake you if anything happens, like a parade or something.‖
The Eagle's wheels ground away the miles. His one-sided banter with the boy
was mainly to mask his nervousness. The world had gone crazy in such a short
span of time. Literally, one day he was on his way to his Mom‘s house for a visit,
and the next day he shot two men who were trying to kill him, and left their
bodies to rot in the middle of a gravel road. A day later he had picked up an
unconscious kid with a gunshot wound and –after starting an IV- was driving him
to the hospital 50 miles away. Despite all that had happened, he still had difficulty
wrapping his head around it all. Though he considered himself a realistic person,
expecting the worst while hoping for the best, the speed of society‘s deterioration
surprised him. He had always believed that the veneer of civilization had become
quite thin in America. Though most of the people were mostly good, riots had
become commonplace on the justification of a sports score or jury verdict.
Looting occurred with any provocation, with the common justification of ―But I
need this!‖ and ―They owe me!‖ People stood by while crimes were committed
against their fellow man, half because they were too apathetic to help, the other
half because they risk imprisonment by the ―authorities‖ by helping. Television
showed footage of accidents, riots and murders while providing humorous voice
over commentary. Children were stolen from their families, raped and murdered.
We had teetered on the brink of collapse for so long that it was hardly a surprise
when we actually fell. The Plague and the Brown had merely been the pebbles
that tripped us.
A small part of Mark had hoped for a cataclysm like this. He had daydreamed of
a time when his problems would be related to the very real difficulties of food,
water and shelter. A time when he could build a shelter without a permit, keep
what he made without taxation, and live his life without fear of being sued. But
the reality was different. He had been shot at, his car was nearly out of fuel,
roads were becoming hostile private property and there was no power. He didn‘t
have a piece of fertile land to grow food, and winter was around the corner. A
gunshot wound in the kid that could have been a just warm-up for a competent
surgical team could likely result in his death. Those details were much more
harsh in this reality than they had been in his daydreams.
The town of Trinkston and its hospital were a mere five miles away when the
window behind Mark exploded. Glass showered the interior of the car and Mark
was so startled he yelled a string of obscenities as he hauled the steering wheel
to one side and stabbed the brakes, then the accelerator with his foot. The car
nearly rolled onto its side as it slid sideways into the shallow ditch. Rooster tails
of dirt and dried grass spewed from the rear tires as Mark kept the accelerator to
the floor, jouncing with increasing speed along the ditch. Another round flew
through the rear window and exited through he roof next to Mark's head. The
wind roared along with the car‘s engine in his ears as he hunched low in the seat
and concentrated on keeping the car on its wheels. The ditch shallowed even
more, and he was able to get the Eagle onto the macadam.
Mark risked a glance at the aging wagon‘s speedometer, which showed 40mph
and climbing. Another glance in the rear view mirror showed the kid had been
tossed into a corner of the car by the vehicle‘s wild maneuvering. A vibrating,
rattling car and an equally vibrating driver had traversed five miles at top speed
when the engine gave first one cough, then another, then stopped all together.
Mark looked down at the dash in the sudden silence of the coasting car. The fuel
gauge was empty, the ―Oil Press.‖ light was lit, and the temperature gauge was
off the scale.
―‖ said Mark into the quiet. He hauled on the steering wheel to get the car
over to the side of the road where it coasted to a heavy stop. There were mostly
fields surrounding the car, but a finger of forest projected toward them several
hundred yards away. He slumped in the driver‘s seat for a moment, head resting
on the steering wheel. He heard the boy stir slightly in the back. The he heard
another faint sound that made his blood run cold: Engines. Several of them, from
back the way he had come.
Mark ran around to the rear of the car, flung open the hatchback and grabbed his
gun case. Working the latches quickly, he reached inside to grab the National
Match M14 that lay there. He cursed as he noticed one of the spare 20 round
magazines had been shattered by a bullet. That left him with just three. A quick
glance revealed no obvious damage to the rifle. He stuffed two magazines into
the pockets of his windbreaker, inserted the third into the well of the M14 and
slung the weapon. He gathered the boy up in his arms and grunted with the
He ran down into the ditch then up and across the open brown field toward the
nearest extension of forest. The engine sounds were louder now and he was sure
that they would spot him. He ran anyway, his arms aching with the boy‘s weight
and the M14 slamming awkwardly into his back, causing a breathtaking
stab of pain every other footfall. The engines grew louder, and Mark made a
rapid pirouette to see behind him. There was a pickup truck with several people
in the bed, and five people on four-wheelers. The four wheelers traversed the
ditch in a few moments then began to race across the field toward him. They
fired wildly inaccurately with pistols while they bounced across the uneven field,
rifles slung across their backs. The pickup stopped by his car, and people exited
and began to poke around in it. The woods loomed ahead of him, and Mark
collapsed with the boy just inside the tree line.
―Well kid, this is it.‖ He said to the young man as the turned to face the oncoming
threat. The boy uttered a groan in reply.
He pulled a round into the chamber of the M14 and fell onto his belly. The Glock
savagely dug into his hip so he rolled to the side, unholstered it, and set it beside
him. The nearest four wheeler was fifty yards away when Mark put the crosshairs
on his chest The rifle was sighted in for much farther, and between that and the
bouncing target looming huge in the Kahles scope, he was not at all certain of
the shot. The M14 barked and pushed Mark‘s shoulder and a quick glance
showed the four-wheeler riderless. As he traversed the muzzle to the next
closest rider, they seemed to realize what happened. All the riders pealed off in
different directions, all bent on flanking his position. Mark picked off another at
about a hundred yards, but the trees obscured the rest as they departed from his
line of sight, riding behind the protrusion of forest. He figured it would take them
some time to come up behind him. He focused his attention on those intent on
pillaging his car. This was more the kind of shooting that he was used to: Long
distance and stationary targets.
From long habit, he drew a deep breath and centered himself, letting all outside
distractions fade away. The sound of the four-wheelers faded and his awareness
focused only on his rifle and the targets. His breathing slowed and all else faded
away. Just like in the training, center the crosshairs on the upper chest,
compensate for the wind. Breathe, relax, aim, slack, squeeze. The figure next to
his car looking for him with binoculars crumpled to the ground. The others
flinched and scrambled for cover, but Mark scored a hit another man before he
could scramble away; the man tumbled to the ground and crawled a short
distance dragging his legs. Mark noted where another man had leaped into the
ditch, and estimated where his head would pop up to look for him. After a few
seconds, Mark took up the slack in the trigger and found his guess of the man‘s
location was only a little off. He centered the sights and squeezed the rigger
quickly and the man‘s head seemed to expel a cloud of reddish mist before
falling out of sight. Some of the others seemed to panic, and Mark scored at least
one more hit as the remaining men jumped wrestled the bodies into the truck and
sped away. He considered disabling their vehicle, but then decided that the
sooner and farther they fled the better.
Another ―Crack-thump‖ sounded and Mark was pelted by bark flying from a tree
close by his head. He looked to see another man standing straddle-legged
holding a rifle to his shoulder, and trying to work the bolt of the rifle.
―Christ kid. Get down!‖ yelled Mark as he centered the crosshairs on the man and
pulled the trigger. Nothing happened. Mark automatically tried to push the safety
forward, then re-pulled the trigger. Again nothing. He then took the rifle from his
shoulder and cursed as he saw the bolt was held open, the magazine empty.
Faintly, he recalled not loading it fully to keep the springs from taking a set. While
he ripped the empty 20 round magazine from the well, he again heard ―Crack-
crack-crack-crack‖ as the boy pointed the pistol in the general direction of the
man who had just taken his rifle from his shoulder to finish working the stubborn
bolt action. Though the man was fifty yards away, the boy made no great effort to
use the sights. All the same, leaves and twigs rained down on the foe, and dirt
from the forest floor sprayed his front. Still the boy pulled the trigger ―crack-crack-
Before Mark could fully seat the magazine, the man screamed and threw his rifle
as he fled pell-mell through the forest. When Mark finally shouldered the rifle, all
he could see in the scope were wildly swaying branches where the man had fled.
He dropped the rifle from his shoulder fractionally and scanned the area in a
rapid 360-degree circle but he saw no immediate danger. He dropped the M14 to
his lap and studied the boy. His eyes were wide with fear and elation, and his
face pale with the same, as well as his leg injury. He continued to clutch the
Glock in his hands as he stared at the man whom he had shot. His breathing was
deep and fast. Mark thought he was on the edge of hyperventilation. The boy‘s
eyes did not waver from the body for several minutes, but soon his breathing
slowed to a normal rate.
When he finally looked up, Mark shivered. There was an edge of madness in the
boy‘s eyes. He stared at Mark for several minutes.
―I know.‖ Said Mark. The next few moments could send the boy cascading into
madness, or prevent that fall. ―You saved my life. Those men were trying to kill
us. Thank you.‖
―You saved my life, too.‖ The boy‘s expression remained flat, but the gleam of
insanity had faded. Mostly.
The boy thought, and for long moments said nothing. Then, ―I used to be called
something else…But you can call me Lazarus.‖
The Director‘s fist slammed down on the dark walnut desktop. He did not react to
the jolt of pain that shot up his arm; his rage cancelled all other sensations from
reaching his fuming brain circuits.
A nervous FEMA Director stood up and with a sheaf of paper in hand quickly
shuffling through them to find the one he wanted.
―Ah…er…Mister Director the good news is that THREE Disaster Relocation and
Sorting Camps ARE ahead of schedule, fully staffed and able to begin receiving
pris-…er…ah detain-…ah…evacuees at this very moment.‖ He patted his sweaty
nervous brow with a white handkerchief and continued detailing the progress of
the other camps and trying to avoid the deadly glare of the Directors cold
predatory gaze.
Sergeant Major Jeffery Lee Strothers, Marine Corps Retired, loved the morning
just before the sun cleared the horizon line and splashed daylight across the
landscape. Ruger, his trusty Rottweiler, panted in the chill morning air, his breath
condensing and making him appear even more foreboding for his breed and size.
There was just something about the stillness of the world at that fleeting moment.
―Damn I love the dawn!‖ He muttered to himself as he glassed the road off in the
From the small bluff the horizon line was over fifteen miles. It was the point just
three miles ahead of where he left the secondary highway that he was most
interested in. Jeff didn‘t like the open expanse of the plains and here on the edge
of Colorado he felt especially exposed and naked. This type of terrain was a
killing field for armor, air power and long-range snipers. Good for defense,
suicidal for the attacker or the guerrilla fighter and damn exposed for a smuggler.
But the battle scarred old veteran also knew that such terrain could be very
illusionary, masking shallow arroyos and cuts that entire armies could march
Strothers had maintained his drive west sticking to the major highways for speed and
trusting in bureaucratic stupidity and his flawless authentic travel papers. But here,
near one of his drops he was forced to leave the main freeway system and
travel the secondary arteries. The last encrypted burst transmission he had
received directed him to these very specific coordinates. If it were not for the fact
that the sender was absolutely trusted by Strothers he would not be there
watching the check point several miles in the distance. He scanned the road
looking for any sign that would foretell of what he was expected to be watching
for, but what ever or whom ever he was intended to witness was well versed in
the fine art of camouflage. This too he knew to be an illusion, so he waited and
scanned the terrain in the distance. Then he caught it…movement.
He had been a junior at Central High when the world that he had known suddenly
went to sh*t one day. First came the Twin Towers and Pentagon attack of 9/11,
then began the war on terrorism with the government hawks rattling sabers
looking everywhere for an enemy that vanished into smoke. Not to be put off of a
good fight the feds then turned their focus to a target that couldn‘t just fad into the
mists of places like Tora Bora or Mindanao. They chose instead to finish some
unresolved business and started looking around for excuses to pick another fight
with Iraq. We still had a huge presence in the region…why not put them to good
use and after all they argued, we‘re going to have to get involved sooner or later
because as everyone knows, THEY ARE SO EVIL!
The second Persian Gulf War started with a whimper. A gradual build up of
hostilities that began with increased air strikes and punishment raids. As if on cue
the US sent in advisors and special operations types to build the Kurds into a
In the mean time back in the States the twin plagues (human and plant) had
kicked the country solidly in both gonads and left it sucking serious wind. Angel
had lost his mother and most of the extended family he had in the first wave of
that deadly virus that sweep through the city. Local officials reeled from the
devastation wrought by the sudden evisceration of their communities. Angel and
thousands of other instant orphans were thrust into a system with too few foster
families to begin with and many that themselves had barely made it through the
initial assault of that deadly disease and then fell victim to the whiplash as the
plague rebounded and slammed back through the wounded communities a
second time.
Due to his age (eight months away from eighteen), several of his surviving
teacher‘s endorsements and the government‘s desperation Angel had managed
to push through his emancipation paperwork. He had never felt so alone in his
life. It had always been just him and his mother, his father long gone from the
picture for various reasons, the greatest was that he was a total flake. Yet
despite the hand he had been dealt Angel was as determined to finish high
school as he was determined to survive the current crisis. He knew of some
distance relatives, uncles he had met once or twice growing up, but he had no
way to get to them after martial law was declared and the cities slowly turned into
death traps. For now it was survival day to day.
Another scream pierced the early dawn air as Angel crept further down the alley.
This one closer and he was sure…female. He inched forward. There was a
struggle going on between the houses up ahead. Someone was desperately
fighting for their life. Angel peered around the corner of the garage through the
cracks in the fence. Three ―Bangers‖ were grappling with someone. He caught a
flash of blonde hair – gringa! More screams pierced the early morning air. Angel
quickly looked for a weapon among the trash and debris piled in the alleyway. A
handle caught his eye.
―BENDEJO B*TCH!!‖ The lead gangster yelled as the struggling girl sunk her
teeth into his arm. He pounded his free fist into the side of her face until she let
go as she faded into unconsciousness.
She was a bit on the chunky side and they were having a difficult time peeling her
designer jeans off due to her struggling. Roberto was now pissed because
his brother had knocked her out, he liked it when they struggled, now he just had
a limp fish. They had finally yanked her pants off and as he grabbed a handful of
her panties and started to pull them away exposing her soft pubic hair there was
a strange hollow echo reverberating within his head, a flash of brilliant light and
then sparks fading out to nothing as he dropped face first into her lap.
Strothers focused in on the guard shack and caught a tiny glimpse of movement
near the porta-potty. He could see the two guards in the lit shack, idiots! They
had probably just finished their thirtieth hand of spades without looking out the
windows of their shack the entire time. These bozo‘s deserved what ever they
were about to receive and the grizzly Sgt. Maj. was sure it was going to be a very
early retirement…without any benefits at all!
One of the guards threw down the last of his cards and began to stretch as he
stood up and looked around. He checked his watch and headed out of the shack
and started to march up to the porta-potty twenty yards behind the building.
About half way there he stopped to light up a cigarette and as he took in that first
puff and looked up his life ended there as the garrote snapped closed around his
throat and he was viciously dragged backwards into the brush beside the path.
The remaining guard was tidying up the table and never heard a thing. He
walked over to the window on the far side of the shack from the direction that
Strothers was observing, unlatched the window and pushed them open to vent
fresh air into the stale smoke filled room. As he leaned forward to push the
windows open Strothers caught a glimpse of his head suddenly jerking down and
he was rapidly pulled out the window. The last image was of his feet clearing the
Within just a few minutes the guard post looked perfectly normal. Several of the
new arrivals got a fire going in a fifty-five barrel drum used for warming the
guards in this isolated outpost. Everything looked perfectly normal…hmmm, so
what where they up to? He heard the trucks before the saw them as their big
diesel engines hauled their heavy cargo up the steady grade. Seven trucks and
two Humvee‘s were approaching the checkpoint. Yeah the post looked very
normal and quiet. It didn‘t take much imagination to know that the early morning
quiet was not going to remain that way for very long.
Angel whipped the number one driver into the side of the first would be rapist‘s
head with a resounding ―THWACK!‖ He caught the second assailant on the back
swing square in the center of his forehead and sent him reeling back into the wall
of the house. The second strike nearly broke the head off the golf club and it flew
off as he whipped the club towards the third rapist. The empty shaft slapped the
remaining gangster across the arm as he tried to block the attack. With his arm
up it blocking not only the strike of the golf club but his vision as well, he didn‘t
see the snap kick that caught him under the jaw crushing his windpipe and
shattering his tracheal cartilage. The leading edge of Angel‘s Doc Martins drove
nearly to the cervical spine as the kick blasted deep into the targets flesh, just
like his sensei had taught him to do.
In a matter of seconds it was over. Two of the would be rapists died almost
instantly, the third would linger on for many hours but never regain
consciousness until he finally succumbed to the loss of blood as the feral dogs
that roamed the shattered city ate a hearty breakfast.
Angel had never used his martial arts training before in anger, his mother had
raised him as a strict pacifist even though it was she that insisted on the lessons.
She knew that reality sometimes demanded action and it was better to have the
training and discipline that went along with it than to be naked before the world.
Sometimes you must take a life to save a life, she had been thinking about her
son at the time and the vicious unfair world that he had been born into. Caught
between two worlds, neither white or brown, he would be alone someday, very
Angel grabbed the remains of the unconscious girls clothing and quickly pulled
her up and onto his shoulder. It would have been bad enough had she been
awake, but out cold she was nothing but dead weight, yet he had to get her away
from here as quickly as possible incase there were others about that wanted in
on the rape or the remains.
Gathering up the top sheet as a wrap she carefully and quietly with head
pounding crept out of bed. She could hear someone further out in the house
moving about. There was a strong smell of cooking in the air and despite her
nausea she found herself hungry. As she slowly inched forward she could feel
every muscle and joint of her body screaming in pain. The last thing she
remembered was the struggle as she was pulled from her car by a group of gang
bangers at an empty gas station. She had fought hard and remembered biting
down on someone‘s arm and tasting blood as they were trying to pull her pants
down and then nothing.
The house was neat and well kept. She passed down the hallway and looked
briefly at the family portraits that lined the wall. They were mostly those of a nice
looking white women and her attractive dark skinned child. She could see the
child grow as she moved closer to the center of the house. She was on the edge
of the living and dining room and the last photos were of a handsome young
man. Nice legs she noted from his soccer pictures, athletic.
The smell of something warm and inviting filled the air, was that bread? Fresh
baked bread? She peeked around the corner and saw the young man in the
picture crouched before an iron pot in the fireplace. He looked up as she moved
around the corner into the room.
―You should not be out of bed, Miss.‖ He said quietly to her. ―You were hit pretty
―How did I get here…and where am I?‖ Cynthia asked as she eased herself into
the nearby chair, her knees shaking and weak, her head pounding.
―You‘re lucky to be alive.‖ He said lifting the lid on the cast iron pot and checking
the contents. ―What were you thinking of, being in this part of town?‖
She put her head in her hands as if that would stop the pounding. ―I was nearly
out of gas, I just wanted to get home.‖
―So your mother is she the one…‖ She looked down, referring to her nakedness
as she pulled the sheet closer around her
―No…my mother died in the first plague.‖ He sighed and paused for a few
seconds. ―I tried to clean you up a little before I put you in her bed…you
were…ah…pretty…ah…dirty and all.‖ He turned back to the pot.
―I didn‘t do anything, honest, just tried to wipe you down with a wash cloth to get
the worst of it off. I…ah..well I‘m sorry if that bothers you.‖
Cynthia could see that he was embarrassed and let it drop. ―Do you mind if I lay
down on the couch?‖ She asked. ―I don‘t feel so good.‖
Angel got up and helped her over to the sofa, then pulled out a soft Mexican wool
blanket and covered her up. She lay there and watched him as he fiddled with
their meal all being baked in several Dutch Oven pots. Cynthia had never seen
anyone cook in this manner before.
He looked at her with a slight glare. ―My mother and I used to go camping a lot. We
always cooked with our Dutch Ovens. There‘s been no power for some time
so the electric stove doesn‘t work too well right now.‖ He answered sarcastically.
―So if you want to eat…‖
―Yes you did.‖ He said flatly. ―Look, you‘re welcome to stay here until you get
better. But remember you are a guest in my house.‖ He could hear his mothers
voice in his last words.
―What happened to the three guys that were trying…ah trying…to rape me?‖ She
asked trying to change the subject.
The trucks pulled up to the checkpoint and the lead co-driver jumped down with
his clipboard in hand. He had just reached the door of the guard shack when the
ditches on both sides of the trucks suddenly came alive. In single motion of slick
well rehearsed military precision the drivers and co-drivers of each vehicle were
quickly dispatched. The pair of guards in the back of each of the seven trucks fell
forward and either onto the floor or the ground below.
The assault team pulled the lifeless bodies from the cabs and backs of the trucks
and dragged them off into the brush behind the camp. The majority took their
place and the drove the vehicles through the now open gate and then down a
side road off towards the mountains in the distance. The few remaining troops
then went about setting up a rather gruesome display. They lined the road to the
checkpoint with stakes then mounted the heads of their victims on them to warn
others of the folly of fighting for the wrong side.
It was what happened next that sent chills down the veteran warriors spine.
Strothers met up with the convoy of vehicles at a prearranged spot well off in the
mountains and far from the checkpoint they were diverted from. There he
Strothers heard a slight commotion behind him and turned to see his old war
buddy, the commander of the Southern Colorado Militia walking towards him.
Desert Doc
Cynthia lapsed in and out of consciousness for the first week after her rescue.
Angel stayed close at hand and did what he could. He nursed her with herbal
broths and fresh fruit juices trying to keep her hydrated when she was awake.
From his mother‘s library he figured out that she was suffering from a severe
concussion. The Merck Manual became his medical bible as well as Barbara
Bates‘ book on Physical Diagnosis. She was a strong girl and as time went on
the odds slowly increased in her favor. He just hoped that she had not suffered
from a skull fracture or something worse, though he could not imagine anything
worse than her current affliction and choose not to dwell on the matter.
Angel was becoming an OJT (on the job trained) nurse for Cynthia as he hovered
over her during this critical period. He followed his mothers nursing manuals to
the ―T‖; keeping her hydrated, keeping her wounds cleaned and dressed, he
changed her sheets daily and became quite adept at giving her sponge baths
while maintaining a level of decency that was appropriate. Day by day Cynthia‘s
strength improved, she was awake more often and for longer periods of time.
They were both grateful that the waves of nausea came less frequently. Angel
even thought that the steady diet of vegetarian broths and soups was doing her
some good besides just keeping fluids in her. Cynthia‘s color was much healthier,
and she appeared to have lost a large amount of unnecessary weight. But it
could just be that he was getting used to presence. By the end of two weeks
Angel was able to spend more and more time away from her bedside and
continue his work around the house and yard. The gardens needed severe
tending and he had several projects had been neglected far too long.
Cynthia awoke to a silent house and felt a wave of panic wash over her. For the
last several weeks, though it was always very quite in Angel‘s house, if she
listened hard she could hear her protector puttering about somewhere nearby.
He always seemed to be doing something, but he would come right in and check
on her when she stirred. This was very comforting to her, she still had the
nightmares of that horrid attack but Angel‘s presence reassured her frazzled
She sat up slowly and while her head did pound with her change in position it
was not as severe as it had been. There was no nausea this time and she was
sure that, that was a good sign. Beside the bed on the small nightstand lay some
clothing folded neatly: a pair of sweats and beneath them a bra, panties and a
pair of socks. Her cheeks grew red as she looked at the tag and saw that they
were her size.
Slipping into them she noticed that while they would have been the right size a
month ago, they were noticeably too large for her now. She slowly got up and
looked in the full-length mirror on the back of the bedroom door and noticed that
she was remarkably thinner.
―Guess I had to get mugged and almost raped to finally drop a couple of dress
sizes.‖ She muttered to herself. ―I‘ll have to ask Angel to see if he can round up
something a little smaller next time he goes shopping.‖
It then dawned on her that she still couldn‘t hear anyone nearby. She slipped into
the baggy clothing and tightened up the drawstrings. She reconned the house
quickly and quietly before she started to check out in the back of the house. She
had seen the gardens from her bedroom window but as yet had not ventured out
side during her stay. She moved slowly and methodically, as she was still very
weak from her ordeal.
It didn‘t take her long until she assured herself that her benefactor was nowhere
to be seen. She did discover that her immediate residence was much more than
met the eye.
The first thing that hit her was the multitude of books. There were books
everywhere, in nearly every room of this strange house. She scanned the titles
as she walked through: Natural Healing, Natural Medicine, Herbal Medicine,
Emergency War Surgery-(that sounded scary), Solar Living Source Book, Wind
Power, Wood Heat, Solar Design, Steam Engine design. There was a large
section of books by someone named Audel: the Machinist‘s Library, Masons And
Builders Library, Electrical, Plumbing, Carpentry and so on. More books greeted her:
Brown‘s Alcohol Motor Fuel Book, Complete Outdoor Building Book, Grow It,
Victory Garden, Ruth Stout No Work Garden – (that was Cynthia‘s kind of book
she thought to herself as she was known as the brown thumb of her family). In
the kitchen: Putting Food By, various canning manuals, Dry It!, and an entire wall
of cooking books, wine and beer making books. And still more books: Organic
Plant Protection, Fur Trapping –(in the city?), Self-Sufficient Gardener, Keeping
Livestock, Bee Keeping (?), Aqua Culture (?) and it went on. Titles on subjects
that she had never heard of, cataloged back issues of CountrySide, Back Home,
Home Power, Backwoods and Mother Earth News magazines.
―This kid sure reads a lot of strange stuff?‖ She thought to herself.
Something else struck her as odd, no lights. She never needed to turn on a
single light switch. Instead all the light needed was supplied through several
bright tubes of light coming down through the ceiling. Very clever she thought.
Also every window in the house except those in her bedroom or facing the
garden in the back of the house was secured with a heavy shutter and locked.
The walls on the outside of the house all appeared to be over two feet think?
Having completed her tour of the inside of the house she looked out back. The
back yard was full of raised garden beds with a greenhouse and several (she
would learn later) cold frames flanking it. There were miniature fruit trees that
were espaliered against the south facing wall of the house. There in the back
grew a virtual supermarket of produce in all stages of growth. Several large
fiberglass looking tanks stood against one wall of the garage. Sucking in the
sunlight through out most of the day they were filled with green algae. As she got
nearer she could hear the bubbler‘s small solar powered pump keeping the water
oxygenated. Upon closer inspection of the containers she noticed movement
within the tank. THERE WHERE FISH IN THEM! Each tank seemed to have
different sized fish but of the same specie. They weren‘t anything she had seen
her dad catch but they were big enough to eat in the tallest tank, of that she was
The door to the garage was unlocked and she slowly peeked her head inside.
Once her eyes adjusted to the shadowy light it appeared as if she had stepped
into a mad mechanic worst nightmare, either that or a junkyard scavengers
delight. Shelves were stacked with all assortments of things; motors, wires,
gears, plumbing, wood and metal of nearly every imaginable shape and size.
She recognized various tools; a table saw, a drill press, some sort of machine for
making metal parts. Sawdust and metal filings covered the floor but the tools and
equipment were clean and while they appeared old they were well maintained. A
large dark shape covered with a heavy tarp filled nearly a third of the area inside
the shop, some sort of large vehicle judging by the huge tires not covered by the
tarp. A thin oily odor filled the air that she recognized as WD-40, something her
father swore by when he was restoring his old sports cars. Dust motes danced in
the still air as she walked carefully around the shop. She recognized welding
tanks and an arc welder. It looked like you could fix or build just about anything if
you wanted to here.
She squinted her eyes as she emerged back into the daylight. Everything
appeared normal but she was still uneasy with Angel gone. Back in the living
room she laid down exhausted from her first adventure outdoors in over two
weeks. Pulling the warm heavy wool blanket across herself she drifted off to
sleep. So tired…so very tired she started to drift off to sleep with thoughts of her
family and home.
Brentwood Davis stared into the toilet and flushed its contents away from him.
Like his breakfast that had just left, he wished that he could flush away the
insane mess that he suddenly found himself in. All he had ever wanted in life was
a good reliable steady job as a bureaucrat with a nice pension attached to the
end. He had long ago given up on fame and fortune. Pencil neck computer geeks
don‘t win such hands in the game of life. He‘d even settle for having a steady girl
friend now and then, but even that escaped him. But this situation was too far
beyond any reality that he could ever had imagined for himself.
He pulled himself up and quickly washed his face and hands and checking
himself in the mirror before he headed back to his office. His thoughts were
spinning like whirlwind inside his head and difficult to focus on. He had survived
the massacre in Pennsylvania where the Marine unit had gone rouge and wiped
out nearly a battalion of secret UN troops. His knees still felt weak as he thought
about spending those two days hidden in that ditch after the column he was
traveling in was ambushed. Trapped and partially submerged in a flipped vehicle
with his dead driver floating nearby Davis was frozen with fear as bullets and
explosions shredded the rest of the column. Then the quiet followed. That loud
and overwhelming quiet. By the time he finally managed to extract himself from
the wreckage of his custom government Suburban the rogue Marines and over
half of the town had vanished by the time the federal relief column arrived.
He was shocked at the carnage he had emerged to, an entire company of heavily
armed troops had been wiped from the face of the earth in under five minutes, if
that long. The Marines had been viciously thorough, of the over two hundred
souls in that column only Brentwood had escaped. The relief troops found him in
a mindless stupor slowly walking through the charred bodies and vehicles. By the
time he returned to his job in Washington he as been proclaimed an official hero
and survivor of the rebel massacre. He finally had his fame.
In his newly elevated position as one of several leading undersecretary‘s for the
Director of Homeland Security he had been suddenly thrust through the veils of
bureaucracy at some of the highest levels. The onion was slowly being peeled
back to the heart before him and the new revelations that were emerging startled
him to his very core. Brentwood had never really given much thought about evil.
Good and evil had always been metaphors with varying shades of gray attached.
What was good for one person could well be bad for another. It all depended
upon where you sat in the matrix. But something was emerging that could not be
reasoned away. Something frightening was approaching the corner up ahead
and there was no place to hide. Brentwood was scared of what lay just up around
the corner. More than scared…he was terrified and he was caught right in the
middle of the storm that was about to hit.
Cynthia awoke to the smell of fresh bread and stew filling the room. It was now
dark outside and Angel was reading by one the many oil lamps scattered
throughout the house.
Cynthia shook her head slowly. ―Angel I don‘t think things will ever be the same
again…ever.‖ She let out a heavy sigh.
―In a way I hope you‘re right.‖ He answered. She looked very puzzled now.
―Think about it, things were pretty f*cked up the way they were going. Sort of like
this Rome book I‘m reading now. At first they had a pretty good thing. Real
civilization, everybody took their duties and responsibilities seriously, they served
with pride and dignity. My mother used to say they were totally on track.‖ He
paused for a moment thinking about his dead mother.
―Look what has been going on now, the same thing as back then. Totally
screwed up man, totally. Nobody is responsible for anything. Nobody is
accountable. Did you know that the Romans had a massive form of welfare, tons
of bread given freely to feed the poor. They moved more gain daily into Rome
than any other civilization until about World War Two. No city could supply as
much water daily as Rome until the 1950‘s. Then there were those huge bloody
gladiatorial games that were used to keep the poor entertained? And in the end it
all went to sh*t. It went to sh*t because no one wanted to be responsible for
anything anymore.‖
This was the most that Cynthia had heard Angel say at one sitting, and he was
on a role.
―Cynthia, we are right now on the edge of another dark ages. My mother said that
everything was so inter-connected that if one strand breaks everything is likely to
pull apart. Did you catch the news before the plague?‖
―So here we are on the edge of the next Dark Ages.‖ He turned around and
slowly waves his arm. ―This is my castle, my monastery against the cold and evil
that has been set loose.‖
―All these books, everything you see in this house was because my mother was
preparing for just this sort of thing. Knowledge. She always said that knowledge
was power.‖
She shrugged her shoulders. ―I‘ve never heard of half of what you‘ve talked
―I am, but it‘s not like I‘m a History major or anything. It‘s my first year and I‘m
totally Liberal Arts and I don‘t remember anyone talking about this kind of stuff
when I was in High School.‖
―That‘s because they don‘t. I was home schooled until just last year. Mom felt
that I needed more social contact with people my own age.‖
―Oh…well I‘ve heard that home schooled kids are pretty smart.‖
―Well I don‘t know if we‘re smarter or not…but we sure have spent more time
studying that those of you that went to public school!‖
―My point is that the world is turning into a total sh*t sandwich and we‘re stuck in
the middle of it. My mother knew that and this…‖ He waved his arms about him.
―Was her answer.‖
―A house?‖
―No…a castle.‖
The convoy of seven trucks and its two-humvee escort vehicles approached the
FEMA camp. A little behind schedule but close enough for government work. Sgt.
Dunlap keyed the electronic gate control and the column barely missed a beat as
it sped through the high security fencing. He never saw the small red laser dot on
his chest or muzzle sticking out of the last vehicle that flashed in near silence
popping a string of explosive nine-millimeter rounds towards him. The first round
caught him just above his shoulder on his neck, the second ripped through his
windpipe. Numbers three though seven arched back up and across his face
before eight burned off the tip of his left ear. He never felt the heat from the rifle
grenade that leveled the guard station, but then neither did a lot of other fellow
Homeland Security Force guards that night.
Strothers lead the first assault team has they hit the central administration
building. The younger troopers raced ahead and slammed into the unsuspecting
Guards. The front doors vaporized under the impact of two rifle grenades. The
lead troopers then fanned out in two man teams and cleared the building.
Strothers monitored the assault and took up his position with the second team in
the building.
They moved rapidly through the building kicking, flash, and spray each room
before moving on to the next. Kick the door in, toss in a flash bang grenade and
then spray anything that moved in the room. This was a total recon by fire
mission. Search and destroy.
Suddenly the old Sgt. Maj., now newly promoted Light Colonel in the Southern
Colorado Militia, felt something wet and warm spray across his face as the
trooper in front of him took a shotgun blast to the face. Strothers was in a combat
crouch and the buckshot passed through the trooper in front of him and
harmlessly over his own head. His combat instincts went into overdrive as he
sidestepped the dead militiaman‘s falling corpse dropping into a full crouch and
targeted the guard rapidly spinning back around the corner ten feet up ahead.
Strothers fingers double tapped in rapid succession the fading image and
followed the imagined track through the wall.
He saw the end of the shotgun barrel jerk and knew he had struck home.
Switching the weapon into his off-hand he sent pounded another double set of
spitzer rounds through the drywall and into the thigh of his assailant trying to hide
behind the corner of the hallway. In one well practiced and smooth motion he
pulled the frag grenade from his right-hand ammo pouch swung it towards his left
ring finger of the hand holding the pistol grip of his M-16A2, caught the safety
ring pulling it out and then backhanded the grenade down the hallway to hit the
far wall and careen into the lap of the wounded shot gunner around the corner.
Strothers turned and managed to get two quick steps away from his forward
position knocking down one of his own people in the attempt before the grenade
detonated. His end of the building suddenly became very quiet.
Lt. Col. Strothers finished with the clean up of the headquarters building without
any further events and was sitting out on the front steps as the overall
commander for the mission and the militia walked up to him.
―Getting a little long in the tooth for this sort of crap aren‘t you Jeff?‖
―Ain‘t that no Sh*t Bear!‖ He answered as he offered a seat beside himself on the
steps. ―Well…was it worth it?‖
―It was to them.‖ He said as he pointed to over a hundred prisoners now being
lead away from their barracks and out the main gate to awaiting buses.
―How the F*CK did it come to this Bear? What the F*CK is going on here?‖
Strothers said shaking his head.
A young Militiaman hustled out of the main building and approached the pair of
weary warhorses. ―Commander, Colonel.‖ He reached out and offered two cold
beers to the pair.
―Er, ah, Yes SIR, Dietrich sends these with his regards to the Colonel for saving
his @ss in there Sir.‖ The commander looked questioningly at Strothers.
―Ooh, the old ‗to ensure friendly reception into unfamiliar places always precede
entry with two hand grenades rule‘.‖
Strothers took a long pull of the cold amber liquid, wiped his mouth on the back
of his hand and answered. ―That‘s the one.‖
Desert Doc
[quote] A good plan, violently executed now, is better than a perfect plan next
week. George S. Patten, General [/quote]
Todd staggered from the wreckage relatively unscathed. His cadet gray military
school uniform was torn and caked with mud and some else‘s blood. His right leg
ached and felt shaky but he was able to walk. It was dark, very dark and he could
just see a few stars overhead peaking through the leaves and branches of the
surrounding forest. Behind him strewn like a child‘s broken toy the train was piled
up on both sides of the track. Well forward up near the engine a small fire had
begun and was gaining in strength. Its smoke drifting off into the still night air and
clung about the wreckage like a hovering wraith collecting souls.
Cadet Second Class Todd Curry had been a passenger on the sleeper train that
now lay dead and crumpled across the landscape. The military academy he had
been attending in North Carolina had finally closed its doors, another victim of
falling enrollments due to the plague, bureaucracy and the general state of the
Todd was among the last group of cadets to leave, reluctantly. Going home was
not something he looked forward to, it was something to dread. His primary
mentor at the academy a Retired Sergeant Major Frederick McKenzie tried to
explain to the young cadet that life is a series of trials and tests and this was one.
The Sgt. Maj. was a follower of the old adage ―That which does not kill us, makes
us stronger.‖ And while Cadet Curry understood and indeed tried and wanted to
believe the grizzly old Marine, leaving the academy was like loosing his home for
the third time. The first time had been when his father died. The second when his
mother remarried and his new stepfather convinced his mother that military
school would be the best thing for a grieving and defiant ten-year-old boy. Now,
five years later the entire world had virtually gone to sh*t in a handcart and he
was once again leaving his latest home and headed off into the unknown.
The reality of the situation was beginning to dawn on him as the fog cleared from
his head. He went into his cadet military mode and immediately began to assess
his situation. There was no immediate outside threat to his life, he had moved
away from the wreckage and was physically safe for the moment. He quickly
checked his own condition running down a mental list from top to bottom. He had
headache and a nice sore goose egg on the side of his head. That would
account for his immediate fuzzy thinking, but that was fading – have to keep an
watch on that. Fingers, hands, arms, shoulders seemed to function fine. Ribs on
the right side sore but his breathing was unimpaired. His right leg burned,
needed to check that. Uniform unsat, torn, dirty, but functional. His kit!
He had somehow walked from the wreckage with his travel backpack in hand!
That meant that his basic emergency kit was with him. He quickly rummaged
through the pack and came up with his LED (light emitting diode) Flashlight. It
had been a gift from the Sgt.Maj. when he won the Obstacle Course competition
during last seasons Cadet Olympics. The Lightwave 2000‘s four super bright
LED bulbs and solid circuitry design were so efficient that its lithium double A
batteries would last fourteen times longer than a standard flashlight. He
immediately flipped on the light and began to reassess his condition. The right
leg of his uniform trousers was slashed open from the calf to nearly the ankle.
What ever had done that when he had been thrown about the sleeper cabin had also
managed to inflict a nasty six-inch slash down the side of his calf; it had bled
but not seriously. Thankfully there was only moderate amount of venous bleeding
From a side pouch of his backpack Todd pulled his personal first aid kit. He
began by spraying the wound with Povidone solution. It smarted but was not
nearly as bad as he had expected. He applied a healthy squirt of Betadine
Ointment to his only battle dressing in the kit and then placed it over the deepest
and worst part of the laceration and secured it by crossing the dressing‘s tails
around the leg snuggly and tying it off with a square knot over the center of the
dressing. That done he opened a small pouch of roller gauze and secured the
dressing further also covering the remaining parts of the laceration that were still
exposed. With that priority addressed and his wound adequately protected he
stood and began to make a further inspection of his situation. It didn‘t look good.
Angel sat on the high balcony taking in the cool night air. He laid down his history
book and looked out over a dark city that was in its final death throws and
wondered if fifteen hundred years prior someone much like himself was thinking
these same thoughts. Wondering how a Roman civilization that had achieved so
much had been brought to its knees by its own greed and arrogance. He
wondered if his world was facing the same end and the beginning of a new dark
Over half of the city was now in ashes. The majority of its citizens were either
dead from the plague, dead from the violence and rioting, dead from starvation,
shipped off to somewhere else by government troops, or if they had been lucky
escaped on their own to somewhere else. From the top of the old turn of the
century wooden water tower that his mother had rebuilt he looked out at the
approaching twilight and wondered where this current insanity would all lead.
Cynthia‘s health had progressed well and she seemed fully recovered from the
severe concussion and beating that she had received in her attack. She was
healthy enough to travel, but to where? It was no longer safe for anyone to be out
alone on the roads. There were rumors that anyone traveling without the
appropriate government permits would be arrested and taken away. Some had
mentioned that the government had relocation camps for the homeless and
unclassified, which was just about everyone not in the government. She was
trapped here until they could get word some how to her kin.
To that end Angel had been spending much of his time trying to gather up and
put together a short wave communication system. Angel was the consummate
scrounger. That was his niche in the new social order that was coming together
from the survivors that remained behind in his community. Cut off from the
outside world they had been forced to form a loose confederation of feudalistic
gangs and local warlords. The city had been divided up between the strongest
groups in to more or less permanent territories. An edgy peace had resulted as
enforcers within each warlord‘s zone of control struggled to keep some form of
Sequoia was running for his life through the grove of giant Redwoods. Pillars of
light stabbed through the evergreen canopy far above like intermittent spotlights
on the dark stage of the thick forest. He was scrambling deeper and deeper into
the old growth forest away from his pursuers, the murders of his clan. Pure
animal fear propelled him on deeper into the womb of his mother the forest. He
could hear the shouts and occasional shots of rifle fire as they attempted to
locate and bring him to ground as they had the others. Tears streamed from his
eyes as the images of the last few minutes flashed across his panicked mind. He
could see in slow motion the bullets rip through the flesh of his friends and of his
lover. She was only eighteen and new to the clan, but that didn‘t matter. The
Homeland Security Troops had been ordered to clear the forest of ―their kind‖.
The clan had been living outside the law and outside society for too long as far
as the government was concerned and that would no longer to be tolerated.
There was no longer any tolerance for independent thinking, absolute and
immediate compliance was the order of the day…with no exceptions. When his
people refused to board the trucks to be taken off to the relocation camps and
began to run, the Troopers opened fire.
Bluebird his love; warm, cuddly and innocent little Bluebird, she was one of the
first to fall victim. Her blood sprayed across his face from the 5.56mm round that
had ripped through her neck and severed her carotid artery. He never saw the
Trooper that butt stroked him across the side of his face as he held her dying in
his arms, and he too would have died there with his love had not Fastwater, his
older clan brother, leapt at the Trooper posed in the middle of raising his rifle to
bayonet him. Sequoia wasn‘t even sure how he escaped the maelstrom that was
ragging around him, he just ran, and ran, and ran, and ran.
The sounds of the government invaders faded from his ears as he fled deeper and
deeper into the forest. He had never been this far in, never intruded to her dark
green depths. But now he was seeking sanctuary from the murderers that
sought to add him to their list. Finally after what seemed like hours of running he
splashed across the last of over a dozen streamlets and fell into the wet sand
and gravel on the far side. Exhausted and spent his chest heaved as he sobbed
openly for the loss of his friends and his love.
His clan lived in the woods to protect them. Every one sworn to non-violence and
passive resistance, thus they were totally helpless against the assassin‘s battle
rifles when they came and were cut down in swaths much like the great ancient
trees that they were trying to protect. His entire family of young idealists now lay
with their life‘s blood at last mingling with the forests they so loved, at last one
with the natural world they had sought so hard to protect from the ravages of
gluttonous excess of the modern industrial complex.
Brentwood Davis drove his custom Range Rover aimlessly through the
Pennsylvania countryside not quite sure of what he was looking for or how to find
it. He had been on the road for five rugged days and looked it. The urgency and
the insanity of his mission was slowly sinking in. He was a dead man if anyone in
the present government fathomed what his was up to, and he was probably very
likely dead if he met the people what he was looking for. But someone had to
know, the word had to get out.
Brentwood wondered what Benedict Arnold felt like when he took the plans and
secrets of West Point to the British and switched sides. Did he ever understand
that he was lining up with the wrong side? Was he, Brentwood Davis making that
same mistake…or worse. He really didn‘t know. But he couldn‘t just sit idly by
knowing what he knew. Knowing what he didn‘t want to know. It seemed that he
was cursed no matter what he did…DAMN! But something had to be done.
People had to know.
When the first shots rang out the implication of danger didn‘t immediately register
in Cadet Curry‘s mind. With the smoke, growing fire and confusion of the
survivors staggering from the wrecked train there was only so much that one
could assimilate at one moment. The numbness of the moment dropped away
with a near miss that sparked against the car wheel near him and then the
sickening thwack of a high velocity round hitting soft flesh. The man that Todd
was helping up the side of the embankment crumpled into a dead ball and fell
away from him. Another round whistled past his head. That was more than
enough hint for this young military cadet to take instantly to ground behind the
nearest cover. For a few seconds his thoughts raced as he looked for options. He
was in some sort of an ambush. He was unarmed. He was in the kill zone. He
had to get out of there and get out of there now!
There was something about this stretch of road that Brentwood now drove over.
He pulled over to the side of the blacktop and got out. His back was cramped
from driving and he stretched in an attempt to relieve the growing ache. There
was something about this place…he searched his memory, why was this so
familiar. Then the shock of realization smacked him in the back of the head. This
was where that rouge Marine unit had ambushed the Homeland Security convoy
he had been riding with!
He spun around and suddenly recognized the area! He ran across the road and
found the ditch he had spent almost two days in, trapped in the flipped Suburban
as a war raged about him. His knees suddenly gave out and he collapsed into
the gravel and starred at the grass growing up over the rusting relic that had
almost been his tomb. Hidden beneath the growing brambles and grass the
detritus of war was suddenly visible.
Sequoia awoke to the scattered beams of filtered light that strained to reach the
forest floor. He began to sit up and suddenly his snug and warm comfortable bed
rolled over and dumped him flat onto his face on the hard packed earth beneath!
It was then that he realized that he was naked with his backside was exposed to
the cool morning air. He rolled over to see that he had been sleeping in a
hammock underneath some sort of camouflaged roof. Military green wooden and
metal crates made up the walls on one side of the shelter and stacked sandbags
for the other three walls that he found himself in. He looked around for something
to wear and noticed folded neatly on a large box beside the hammock a stack of
clothing. Holding it up he recognized the pattern of camouflage that some of the
older forest dwellers wore. They were called Tiger Stripped Cammies.
Fear began to rise again from deep within. His clan had had run ins with some of
the ‗Nam vets that lived in the deep woods off by themselves. They were the
wraiths of the forest. They existed in an in between time, not here and not there
in their minds. They avoided human contact and lived like hermits trapped in a
war that had ended decades ago. At best they were unpredictable. At worst they
were deadly. He scanned the immediate area for any evidence that the hermit
that had brought him here was still about. He had heard that their lairs were often
booby-trapped and to invade their space could be very dangerous. Even the
heavily armed dope growers in the region avoided confronting these rouge
warriors of the deep forest. It simply was not worth the risk.
Sequoia looked about for his familiar clan clothing, but they were nowhere to be
found. Cautiously he pulled on the ripstop trousers and pulled the tabs tight
against his waist. That was when he noticed the bandage on his side that had
wept a small pink-red spot through in the middle. Also on his left upper thigh and
down near his ankle were dressings. He didn‘t remember being wounded in his
flight from the federal troops. With the trousers secured he slowly and cautiously
explored the camp. There was a military feel about it. Everything was neat,
orderly and organized, far different from the controlled chaos of his clan‘s
encampments. He had heard about these old vet camps, strongholds they were
called. It seemed that somehow he had jumped out of the frying pan and into the
Like evil specters they emerged from the tree line and cautiously approached the
sprawling wreck. Todd froze and willed himself to become the dirt beneath him.
Whatever their intent it was not one of rescue. From time to time a shot would
ring out as survivors were located and dispatched. These ambushers were
leaving no witnesses behind. The cadet held his position looking for an
opportunity to escape. Now the line of raiders was behind him and engaged on
pillaging the victims and the twisted wreckage. The smoke from the forward
section of the train was beginning to increase and had started to drift heavily
back along the scattered cars on the tracks. Todd pulled his pocketknife and
flipped out his largest blade a paltry three inches long, not much, but it was better
than being totally unarmed. He took several long and slow breathes filling his
blood with oxygen like a swimmer just before he springs into the water. He had
thirty maybe forty yards to the edge of the tree line and at least several hundred
yards to get into the forest until he could consider himself safe from immediate
attack. Perhaps several miles to go before he would reach a road but he could
take that at a slower pace.
He slowly pulled his feet up into a crouched position and dug the toes of his
combat boots into the soft soil. It wouldn‘t do to slip coming off the blocks. He
looked back and saw only the backs of the raiders as they searched the dead
passengers and the crumpled cars. One last long breath and…he shot out of the
underbrush like a rocket! Forty yards…thirty-five…thirty…twenty-five…shouts
from behind…twenty…shots ring out and one zipped by off to his left – ZIG
RIGHT – fifteen…ZIG LEFT – THEN – RIGHT AGAIN…more shots – POP! POP!
POP! ZIG LEFT- lungs burning…fifteen yards…ten…the sound of popcorn
exploded from behind DIVE – ROLL – POP UP - five yards to the trees, his feet
pounded the ground like a steam locomotive running wild Todd‘s adrenaline
flashed through his veins igniting every muscle fiber in his body! He hit the tree
line still gaining speed and quickly slanted off through the ferns to his right.
The thought of ―…put wood – lots of wood behind me!‖ Raced through mind.
More shouts from behind, more rounds ripping through the evergreens as the
giant trunks whipped past. Todd suddenly saw he was on a trail and just as the
thought flashed through his mind he saw a shadow pop up in front of him. He met
the specter low with his right shoulder at full speed, a perfect midsection tackle that
drove wind from the looming specter with the explosive force of a gale wind
sneeze. At the same instant he flashed up his right hand and drove the small
blade of the folding knife deep into the groin of the windless raider. The contact
drove the two to the ground where Todd landed with his full weight on the mans
chest driving the last ounce of air from them, he allowed his momentum to swing
himself forward and tucked into a tight roll landing just a few feet beyond the now
profusely bleeding and unconscious shadow lay. He could hear his pursuit off in
the distance and suddenly his mentors gravely voice flashed through his mind.
―Always look for a way to take advantage of any situation, adapt, improvise,
Todd crept quickly forward and grabbed the raiders rifle. The feel was a familiar
one, M16A2…with the safety still on? Loser! He then began to strip him of
anything of value, web gear, butt pack, canteens, ammo pouches, bandoleers,
shoulder holster and pistol, machete. The sound of the raiders comrades was
getting louder. It was time to ―Didi Mow‖ as the ol‘ Sgt. Maj. would say. He quickly
slung the gear on, he could adjust it to fit his smaller frame later, now it was time
to put some distance between him and the approaching raiders. Cadet Second
Class Todd Curry silently faded into the dark forest like a mist.
When the raiders found their comrade a short time later he had drained of all his
life fluids onto the moss covered forest floor. It had taken less than four minutes
for his heart to pump out through the severed artery in his groin. It was just like
the ol‘ Sgt. Maj. had said many times ―Be swift, silent and deadly, it is the
quickest road to victory.‖
Desert Doc[/]
Author‘s note: I often name a chapter at the very beginning when I first start
writing. It helps me to keep everything flowing in a particular direction. Most often
the story jibs with that title...somewhat, well that is the idea. However after careful
consideration I felt that this story deserved a different and more appropriate title. I
hope this change has not confused anyone. Oh and by the way...there's an
additional little kicker at the end. Just couldn't keep my hands off, hope you don't
Desert Doc
Cadet Curry felt that he had stepped through a time machine into some fragment
of the primordial past. He had covered at least fifteen miles since his escape
from the ambush at the train wreck last night, through some of the roughest
terrain he had ever crossed. He had never seen trees so large in his life or a
forest so dark. The world he now journeyed through seemed to be forever
shrouded in twilight, yet he knew it was close to mid-day. He had pushed hard for
as long as he could through the night half stumbling along blind.
On a gravel bank beside a small clear stream he rested under the shelter of one
of the fallen forest giants. Thick ferns growing along the stream bank, their
enormous fronds provided instant camouflage and concealment, covering his
position under the roof provide by the fallen redwood. Sitting down for the first
time since the wreck Todd started to dig through his gear to see just what he had
to work with.
He had managed to hang onto his travel backpack during his escape and shed
that to his side. Piece by piece he peeled off the captured raiders gear and laid it
out to inventory. First things first he checked the M16. A quick field inspection
showed that it needed to be properly cleaned but appeared to be in operating
order. The bore was clear and serviceable, the action functional overall. The
number stenciled to the butt stock meant that it probably came from a military
armory. The magazine was about half full, he tapped the mag against his leg to
assure the rounds were seated properly and then reinserted it, chambered a
round and set it beside his right leg. The pistol was also of military issue, one of
the older Berretta 92 SBF’s. It appeared unused and clean with a fully
loaded magazine. At least he was now better armed than his original pocketknife
that he had lost last night, when he collided with one of the raiders attempting to
block his escape.
He continued to sort through the gear: the shoulder harness and attached web
belt contained two canteens and two small bottles of water purification tablets.
He opened and checked the canteens; the second one burned his nose when he
took a sniff – BOOZE!
bar), a small roll of trip wire? A rifle cleaning kit – that even had a few
patches in it and a small bottle of CLP! There was an incomplete first aid pouch
attached to the side of the butt pack. Back on the web belt a knife sheath with the
bayonet for the M16. Up on the harness a compass and compass pouch –
now this was a major find! One of those cheap Mag-Lite copies that didn’t
work. One military shoulder holster with two more full mags for the Berretta, all in
all a pretty good haul.
In his backpack he pulled out his partial first aid kit, a sewing kit, two spiral
binders (homework – he had to chuckle), several pens and mechanical
pencils, his cadet pullover sweater, two complete MRE’s he had stashed
from a field op, and his cadet windbreaker. He didn’t think he would need
the History and Economic books and tossed them to the side - thought again and
put them back in the pile. He upended the pack and out dropped a half empty
pack of gum, two Snickers candy bars, several empty gum wrappers and the
small Swiss Army knife his father had given to him before he died! He held the
knife gently in the palm of his hand and closed his fingers around it.
“Oh Poppa, where are you when I really need you?” he murmured
to himself and felt his eyes begin to water. “Now is not the time for such
things Cadet.” He admonished himself and wiped his eyes dry.
Dressed only in the tiger stripped cammie trousers that he had found beside him
when he woke up, Sequoia slowly and cautiously moved about the small
compound. It was so well camouflaged that someone would have to be right on
top of it and then fall in before they would notice it. As he moved silently through
the tiny encampment every sense was straining. Somewhere, probably nearby,
the grizzly hermit was watching him now. He could feel the hair on the back of his
neck stiffen. Sequoia saw a small opening in the brambles that guarded the
perimeter like barbed wire and started to move towards it. Just as he was about
to step over a large barbed cane a deep voice that resembled the sound of large
boulders rolling across the bottom of a deep river spoke calmly to him.
Sequoia froze in mid stride. Not one muscle moved as he slowly turned his head
towards the warning voice and began to make out the image back in the
shadows. He slowly brought his leg back and placed his foot softly on the hard
packed earth.
The old warhorse popped open a large artillery ammo can and pulled out an old
beat up squad stove. In the blink of an eye he had water on and was beginning to
brew up a hot cup of Joe. Sequoia squatted across from him and starred quietly.
Finally the old man looked up and seem to squint his eyes and stare through the
young long hair.
“I saw you escape from the gooks Private. You moved pretty good for
regular army…how long you been in country?”
Sequoia looked at him searching for the correct answer. He had to play the game
if he was going to survive. “Two years in the…ah…bush,
He poured the boiling water into two waiting canteen cups that he had been
dropping various powders in. Taking an old metal spoon from his pocket he
stirred the contents until most of the powder had dissolved, then offered one cup
to Sequoia. As he brought the steaming liquid to his mouth he could smell the
coffee and chocolate as he blew across the top of it to cool it down a touch.
He felt empathy for the old man. Very sad. And now like the old man before him,
he too had lost his world. Something had turned an already insane world upside
down and inside out. Just yesterday he had been part of a happy family, the clan.
Young idealistic vagabonds out to save the world, one tree at a time. Now, today
he was a fugitive, all of his closest friends were dead, in prison or worse. His
lovely Bluebird was dead. All because they had chosen not to rape the planet,
they had chosen to be different, to be free. And for that they shot his love and all
their friends.
He could feel the rage that boiled just under the surface. He used every ounce of
his Chi to try to calm the pain that screamed out for vengeance. That road he
knew was the way of the dead, not the living, all the same, Sequoia wanted the
SOB’s responsible for the massacre of his people to pay, and to pay
dearly. Perhaps…just perhaps this old man could help him, could teach
him. Sequoia suddenly realized that he would not sit ideally by, passively, non-
violently, and take the hand on the other cheek. If he ever saw that hand rise
towards him again he could cut it free and beat the aggressor with it. Sequoia
wanted blood…he wanted payback! F*CK being passive. He had
witnessed first hand where that got you! It got you dead! He had made up his
Cadet Curry heard the laughter as he moved closer. He froze and slowly worked
his eyes across the twilight landscape in front of him. It was then that he noticed
the movement off to his immediate right and across the way to his left. At least a
squad of cammied soldiers moving in a sweeping formation through the tree
roots and fern leaves. Todd recognized the uniform almost instantly when one of
the troopers stupidly crossed near a beam of light. Homeland Security forces
were out hunting, but what and who he had no idea. It could be the base camp of
the raiders that had ambushed the train, or maybe something else. Once again
Cadet Curry became part of the landscape and faded back into the shadows.
The first pop up startled both the attackers and the attackees. It was followed
quickly by the screams of several Homeland troopers when they tripped several
of the rather painful traps set by the ol’ Sarge to detour uninvited guests. The
old man suddenly sprang into action and out of nowhere grabbed and tossed
an M 16 with ammo pouches to Sequoia and pointed him to the opposite side of
the compound. Sequoia had never held a gun before and suddenly found himself
behind the worlds biggest learn curve. This was beyond sink or swim, this was
shoot or die!
He ran to the firing position that Old Sarge had pointed to and carefully peeked
through the firing slot. Not forty yards away he could see at least a half a dozen
armed troopers that looked just like the ones that had destroyed his forest family.
He pulled a magazine from one of the pouches and tried to figure out how to load
it into the unfamiliar weapon. Panic began to spread throughout him as he tried
vainly to insert part A into part B. Finally he flipped it around and it snapped into
place. His right thumb found the lever on the left side of the receiver and he
flipped it to the “F” position. He hoped that meant fire.
What was it he had seen in the movies, those action adventure films that he had
grown up watching as a kid before swearing off violence? There was something
he had to pull. There was something, a lever, a switch? Something near the
stock he was sure. His hands scrambled over the unfamiliar rifle looking for
something to pull. He noticed that there were projections to both sides sticking
out just above the stock and under the rear sight, low on the carrying handle. He
grasped it awkwardly with two fingers and felt it click, release and pull back along
the top of the stock. He pulled it until wouldn’t go back any more and then
released it. The loud metallic “Shaaa-wick” sound it made filled
the air.
Once more he pointed the weapon through the firing slot and saw the line was
now only thirty yards away. Sequoia tried to peer through the little hole in the rear
sight and see the approaching trooper. He knew the front sight did something,
but what? He lined up the center post with the bottom of the peephole and
positioned it right at the gut of the lead trooper and slowly squeezed the trigger.
He was surprised when the gun went off and even more surprised when the
trooper that had been his target grabbed his groin and fell to the ground
screaming. The rifle bucked against his shoulder six more times as he sent a hail
of fire downrange. Twice more he connected with something, judging from the
strange thwacking sound followed by a scream as another trooper went down.
Curry, from his vantage point, watched the first trooper drop from the group in
screaming agony. For a brief few minutes the entire forest exploded in small
arms fire as the surrounding Homeland troops began to open fire from behind the
great trees. The firefight seemed rather one sided as from Todd’s
perspective it appeared that only two riflemen were defending the well
camouflaged redoubt. While up to two squads of troopers flailed away in that
direction without results.
Todd moved further back into the foliage just in time as more troopers moved
through his position to try and lay another flank under siege. As with the other
night one of the troopers nearly stepped on the young cadet before moving off to
follow his comrades. Two more troopers, perhaps officers stood just feet from
him and lit cigarettes and watched the proceedings.
“Do you suppose that one of them in there is the b*stard that got Jamison
three nights ago?”
“Could be. It doesn’t matter much, I’ll gut them all just for
the fun of it.”
“Yeah! That f*cker three nights ago sure cut him cold. Damn near cut his
balls clean off!’
“Well it probably served him right. The fat f*ck was probably half drunk
again. What p*sses me off is the son-of-a-b*tch that cut him got his rifle and all of
his f*cking gear!”
Todd took in a quick breath. ‘Shit, those are the b*stards that attacked
the train!’ he thought to himself. He checked his weapons condition and
cradling the M16 in his arms he began to low crawl off through the undergrowth
in search of an adequate fighting position.
Sequoia had gone through more than half his magazines and scored no more
hits that he could tell. The fire from the troopers seemed to come from
everywhere at the same time. Half the time he just stuck the rifle into the firing
slot and pulled the trigger without even trying to aim. He could hear the
occasional cackle from the crazy ol’ vet on the other side of the redoubt,
which gave him some reassurance. At least he wasn’t alone.
Cadet Curry pulled himself into a log jamb of fallen giants and realized that they
formed a catacomb of interlaced pockets for well over fifty yards, it was perfect.
From his position he had total over-watch of the ongoing assault. He wished that
he could have taken the time to battle zero this weapon, but didn’t wish to
advertise his presence should someone be nearby. He quickly checked all his
magazines and tapped them against his thigh. Curry realized this would be down
and dirty and if he didn’t make every round count it would be a short
firefight. His hands were shaky as he brought the rifle up to his shoulder and his
eyes refused to focus at first. He drew in a long breath and held it for a few
seconds and then took another slow long pull from the musty morning air. This
was for real, he knew that. He could just walk away and play it safe, but
something in him, his code of honor the Sgt. Maj. would call it. Wouldn’t
let him take the easy way out. Suddenly two of his famous list of quotes flashed
through his mind. The first was from Voltaire:
“I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: ‘O
Lord, made my enemies ridiculous’.”
The second was reputed to have come from General George S. Patton:
“A good plan, violently executed now, is better than a perfect plan next
Cadet Second Class Todd Curry made a quick prayer for the ridiculous and then
began to execute the violence. He pick for his first target a trooper off a hundred
or so yard that was broadside to him with a giant redwood to his back. He took
aim at the center of his chest and took in a breath. For a few seconds his vision
became just that more clear and focused. He didn’t realize that he had
squeezed the trigger until the rifle bucked against his shoulder. The intended
target suddenly jerked as his right shoulder was tacked to the tree behind him.
He made the quick adjustments and raised the rifle again. His next shot was
dead on and dropped a second trooper and thus began his counterattack. Curry
proceeded to take two rapid shots and scoot to a new position along the log
jamb. One by one he picked off the tail end Charlie’s of the assaulting
troopers. He had remembered back to one of his all time favorite movies,
Sergeant York, about a World War One Medal of Honor winner. Though Todd
had never hunted turkey’s as York had, he remembered the strategy
behind the method. Rarely in a firefight does an attacker look to his rear. If Curry
could keep up the sporadic fire in the York mode he would whittle down the
raiders one by one until the attack failed under its own weight.
But time was not on his side. The far flank was pressing hard on the redoubts
unprotected side and was on the verge of reaching the perimeter when Curry
He ducked down and half ran and crawled through the interlocking limbs and
branches to emerge in a different area where he immediate sought the nearest
threatening target. Curry again took up his pattern of firing off several quickly
aimed shots and then moved his position left or right and brought on more fire.
To the attacker it appeared that more than one, probably several different
riflemen were engaging them and this slowed down their advance. He crawled
under another limb and returned fire again. Two more troopers dropped like lead
weights into the moss covered forest floor. He changed position again and
dropped another attacker.
The Troopers were quick to realize that they were outflanked and suddenly
caught between two support groups of shooters. This was not the kind of combat
that they were used to. It didn’t take long or much courage before their
ranks began to slim both from the effective firepower that was now being
delivered from their rear but also from the troops that had decided to slink back
into the forest and fight another day.
Curry recognized one of the two men that had been smoking a cigarette waving
his arms and attempting to rally his troops back into the fight. He took careful aim
and sucked in a long breath. The rifle bucked and he could see the man was still
“Shit…a miss!”
He tried to calm himself and took in another slow deliberate breath and focused
on his target as he called to his men. The rifle bucked a second time and the
target dropped to his knees with a look of surprise on his face. The third round
cracked through his skull at supersonic speed and ended his command
permanently. That was all it took to break the back of the attack. Like rabbits on
the run he saw the troopers beating feet away from the heat of the crossfire.
Curry sent them on their way with a few additionally well-placed shots, less to
worry about later.
As quickly as it had started it was over. A uneasy few minutes passed before he
could see movement from within the redoubt. An old gray haired man in tiger
stripped cammies slowly reconned his way out of the fortress to survey the
damage, strip the dead and finish off the wounded. The young Cadet cautiously
emerged from his timber cover and slowly walked forward to meet the grizzled
old vet.
They eyed each other carefully then the old vet extended his hand.
They grasped hands and men should and met strength with strength.
“Ahh I should have known, Academy man. Getting younger all the
Sequoia watched the stranger cautiously move down towards the old man. His
clothing was strange with an old style high stiff collar originally meant to protect
the wearer from sword slashes and of a dark gray color with streaks of brown
and black splashed across it. He carried similar gear to the troopers that had just
ended their attack, but…he wore it differently, like it was more a part of him -
almost like the crazy old man. Both kept their weapons at the ready but in a
relaxed self assured manner. He saw them stand a few feet apart and then clasp
hands. The young warrior was little bit shorter and a leaner version of the old war
veteran, and had that same hard look about him. Little did the born again pacifist
realize that he was witnessing a changing of the guard. There was no fan faire,
no bugles sounding or waving flags being passed from one to the other. But the
colors of freedom had changed hands, from the old warhorse - to the young colt.
The new guard had arrived.
Desert Doc
The Americans will always do the right thing... After they've exhausted all the
alternatives. – Sir Winston Churchill [/quote]
Cautious eyes followed the stranger, as he pulled up next to the gas pumps in his
brand new British Racing Green Range Rover to refuel. Resembling a tired L.L.
Bean catalog that had been used to swat too many flies with, a haggard
Brentwood Davis looked around at the dusty broken down gas station and tried
to figure out what his next move would be. He had crossed and double-crossed
the countryside surrounding the area that the rogue Marine unit and half of a
town had fought hard to defend before they faded into the surrounding
landscape. He himself had nearly been killed here in an ambush. The Federal
and UN troops he had been with were considerably less fortunate and many of
them did not survive the encounter. Six months later he was back going over the
same ground looking somehow to run into members of that very same resistance
force that had nearly ended his life. He kept thinking how ironic life could be and
what a sick sense of humor fate had.
He finished pumping the gas and walked slowly towards the counter through the
broken screen door. The place was as worn and rough on the inside as it was on
the outside. Most of the shelves in the store were bare and the old man running
the register gave Brentwood a hard once over as he approached. Davis offered
him his government charge card and the old man just stared at it.
Brentwood looked at him in disbelief still holding the card out. ―It‘s good I assure
you Sir.‖
―Don‘t care how good it is. It ain‘t no good around here. You got cash or hard
silver on you, I‘ll take that but no plastic.‖
Brentwood was stunned. He had never had his card refused and traveled with
very little cash as a result. It never occurred to him that someone would actually
refuse his government visa! He rummaged around his L.L. Bean vest and dug up
enough money to pay for the gas and placed it on the counter.
The old man looked at the bills carefully and tested each on with a pen.
―Well Ok, looks fine.‖ He grumbled and handed Brentwood back his change.
―Around here, what happened?‖ Brentwood paused. ―I had driven through this part
of the country a year or two ago on vacation and now it looks like it‘s been through
the ringer. I know the plague and all has taken its toll everywhere, but
―Don‘t follow the news much do you Mister.‖ The gruff old man began. ―Doesn‘t
matter much as they censor so much of it anymore.‖
―Well you think that crap they have on the networks is the real news, SH*T SON,
ain‘t been any real news on the airwaves for years now. Censor, spin doctor or
just plain out and out lie.‖ He paused and looked over Brentwood carefully. ―Say
lad, what part of the government do you work for?‖
The old man let out a whoop. ―WELL SH*T SON! YA DONE F*CKED UP THERE
AIN‘T YA!‖ He slapped his knee and sat back down in the chair behind the
counter chuckling.
―Ever since the war started here the Fed‘s ain‘t allowed sh*t to come through. It‘s
sort of a punishment I guess. You‘re lucky that I just got a partial shipment of gas
yesterday or you‘d be out-ta luck. ―
―War? Started here? What are you talking about old man?‖
―Don‘t you folks in Washington know anything?‖ The old man grunted. ―Well that
explains a lot.‖ He said shaking his head as he leaned back in the chair.
―Ever since those Marines turned Patriot and some of the towns folks nearby
joined them to put down that group of government gangsters and foreign soldiers
that were trying to disarm the entire countryside here, well…we‘ve been placed
on the black list so to speak.‖
―Turned patriot? Oh you mean that rogue outfit that attacked its own leadership
and then attacked the Homeland forces?‖
―Its all a matter of your point of view there government man. Those Marines
upheld the Constitution, that‘s their job. We don‘t like foreigners muscling around
in these parts and we don‘t have no kings here in this country. Threw the last one
out over two hundred years ago. I guess those folks up in D.C. have forgotten
about that.‖
The old man looked at him very closely, his lips were drawn tight as he was
thinking about the question just put to him. The next thing Brentwood knew he
was looking down the wrong end of a sawed off double barrel twelve gauge
The small fire took the chill of the evening air. Todd had joined the old Sergeant and
the young tree hugger called Sequoia as they gathered up the small amount
of equipment and supplies from the redoubt as well as the weapons and
equipment from the dead security troopers. It was a heavy load that Todd and
Sequoia hefted for several miles before the old vet secured the gear and
weapons in several scattered caches along the route.
―We‘ll be back later for this stuff.‖ He explained. ―Right now we need to make
some time so that we can reach my base camp before dark.‖
It was just as the last light was fading from the sky that the three reached the
outer perimeter of Sergeant Mick Jorgenson‘s forest retreat.
―Make sure you step EXACTLY in my foot steps or you‘ll loose a foot…or worse.‖
The three finally arrived through the maze of booby traps and pitfalls to the
security of the inner stronghold just as the last light was fading overhead. Now
gathered around the small fire in the central bunker, weapons cleaned, the three
fed and watered the they began to discuss recent events. Sequoia described the
nightmare that he had survived when his tribe of Earth Firster‘s had been
decimated, as well as his failure to fully participate in the firefight. His honesty
surprised both Todd and the old vet Mick.
―You know son, we all have to start somewhere and the middle of a firefight ain‘t
the easiest of places to start.‖ An old calloused hand patted the young man on
the shoulder. ―But you held in there lad, you didn‘t run and…you got a couple of
those b*stards even if t‘was by accident.‖
Todd nodded his head in agreement. After a few minutes of silence Todd picked
up where Sequoia had finished. He related his coming across country after he
left the military academy and the details of the train wreak. When Todd had
finished the old Vietnam vet got up and fetched a couple of more logs for the fire.
―Well I‘ve got to admit lads.‖ He began as he was sitting down. ―You‘ve both done
a lot of growing up over the last few weeks.‖
He dropped the split on the fire and sent a small flurry of embers up into the air.
―Cadet you sure know how to handle yourself when the sh*t hits the fan and for a
damned tree hugger Sequoia, you‘re a tough little nut there too.‖
―I‘d be pleased if you both would consider signing up for this outfit of mine. It ain‘t
much but there are others here and about that would join in the fight.‖
Sequoia was the first to answer. ―I don‘t know if I‘d be much help.‖ He said
looking at the ground.
The Sergeant gave Todd a stern look. Todd swallowed hard and found his voice.
―Sergeant, I‘ve got family up in Washington that I was headed for and will head
for once things settle down, but for now…I‘m here.‖
―Fair enough there Cadet!‖ He looked at the dower tree hugger across the fire
from him. Todd…I‘m putting you in charge of Sequoia‘s training. You‘ll start first
thing in the morning, during the afternoon we‘ll work together on advanced
training for the both of you.‖
―Now it‘s lights out for everyone. We‘ve had one muther f*ck of a long day and it
ain‘t going to get any easier from here on out.‖
Brentwood raised both hands and started to back up, his eyes locked onto the
receiving end of the big sawed off.
―I‘M SORRY MISTER, I‘M SORRY!‖ He stuttered as he angled towards the door.
―You better get your damn government @ss off my property and the hell out of
this county before I blast you in two!‖ The old man growled.
Brentwood stumbled backwards out the broken front door and landed flat on his
@ss in the dirt and gravel. He continued moving backwards in a half crab, half
skedattle mode when he slammed into the side of his Rover with the back of his
head. Slipping and scrambling around the front of the vehicle he managed to get
into the drivers door and fumbled with the keys all the time with his eyes locked
on the old man, who was now standing in the broken doorway with the 12 gauge
still leveled at him.
As calmly as someone in total panic could, the Transportation Deputy pulled out
of the driveway and rocketed back onto the blacktop keeping his eyes on the
rearview mirror until the gas station and that damned huge shotgun was totally
out of sight. It took another thirty-five minutes or so before the pounding of his
heart in his ears finally stopped. He wasn‘t exactly sure where he was, but it
didn‘t matter, he wasn‘t back there and that was all that was important right at
the moment.
Brentwood backed off the accelerator and slowed the Rover to a more
respectable speed. His breathing finally under control he rolled down the window and
took in several deep breaths. He wondered just what the hell he was thinking
of! Out in the middle of nowhere looking for people that didn‘t want to be found.
That had already tried to kill him once. He must truly be mad, but he knew that he
had no where else to tuen.
Just then something up ahead caught his eye and he started to slow down. It
was midday as he pulled over into the grassy field that was the parking lot for a
strange assortment of motor and horse drawn vehicles. The sign on the side of
the road where he turned off had said ‗Flea Market Today!‘ Down the gravel
road several miles off the main tarmac pitched in a farmer‘s field sat an array of
shelters and tents and the largest accumulation of people that he had seen in this
area to date.
Right from the start he knew that this was not an ordinary flea market. The young
man that directed him into the parking field did so with an AK assault rifle slung
across his back. It was not done in any threatening way; it was more along the
lines that the weapon was a part of his attire and to be expected. Before
Brentwood left his vehicle he reached into the console and removed the Glock
that had been issued to him when he joined the Homeland Security
Transportation Directorate. Having never been a part of the gun culture he was
rather apprehensive around weapons. But after this morning‘s event and on the
road that he was now traveling, perhaps it was time to rethink his lack of
appreciation for weapons.
The new shoulder holster felt uncomfortable and chaffed his armpits. The weight
of the pistol and two extra magazines seemed heavy and odd, but he was not
going to be out walking around naked any more. He had his federal concealed
weapons authorization card, which made him beyond legal where ever he went,
even on board aircraft. He just hoped that he wouldn‘t really need to use it as he
had had only an ounce of training and less than a week of range time. He
couldn‘t believe that he was actually doing this.
As soon as he entered the perimeter of the flea market he realized that he was
definitely over dressed when compared to the rest of the participants. He had
barely a weeks worth of wear on his L.L. Bean outdoor wear while the majority of
buyers and sellers appeared to have been living in the rough for months if not
years. The image was one that reminded him of something somewhere between
the Sherwood Forest scenes of the downtrodden peasants from the various
Robin Hood movies and some apocalyptic vision from the future. Only here it
was in your face in full living color with all the odors of reality attached.
Brentwood could not image an outdoor bazaar of this type within the borders of
this great country. It reminded him of an open market one would find in their
travels throughout the third world, yet here it was in one of the founding states of
the union. If this was what a year and some months of hard times was yielding
what would become of this great nation if things continued. He shuddered when
that thought crossed his mind. He knew fully well what was going to happen,
what the government had planned. After all he had seen the blueprint of future
events and carried the evidence with him locked into a small circular plastic disc.
As poor as these people had it now, the current situation would be shear luxury
compared to what was awaiting them in the very near future.
Sequoia was an eager and quick apprentice under the tutelage of Cadet Todd
Curry. He may have been a pacifist less than two weeks ago, but recent events had
turned him one hundred and eighty degrees around. Like a starving man he
embraced the cult of the gun and devoured every morsel placed before him. He
still maintained the Rastafarian dreadlocks and refrained from wearing combat
boots preferring to go barefoot instead. But he more than made up for his strange
looks with his enthusiasm at his new studies.
As promised Mick kept them busy every afternoon with hard physical
conditioning and advanced studies in tactics, military philosophy, demolition, trips
– traps – and other assorted nasties. The pair of young men were quickly
becoming a matched set of razor sharp killing machines that could react without
thinking to each other‘s needs. In other words they were becoming exceptionally
deadly to any one or anything that would make the mistake of coming up against
them. The old Sergeant held back his proud smile. He knew that he was not
much longer for this world. But his legacy would continue on a little
longer…perhaps with luck, much longer.
Brentwood had wondered around the market for better than an hour and still had
seen only fraction of it. There was heavy trading and bartering in the necessities
of current living: Candles and candle making supplies, oil lamps and wicks for the
same. Herbal tinctures and unguents, older non-electric tools and appliances
were going for top dollar; that is if it were dollars that were being traded. It
seemed that most of trade done was for real commodities that were bartered or
old silver coins, those minted before ‘64, before the government began to
substitute lesser valued metals into the U.S. coinage. He even saw a few various
denominations of gold coins passing quietly between deals for larger
commodities. He recognized solar panels that had previously belonged to the
state used to power highway signs and call boxes. Car batteries were being
charged with human and solar power off in one corner.
He rounded one isle to walk smack dab into an entire row of weapons armorers.
Here were small one and two man shops set up to manufacture and repair
virtually any weapon imaginable. He tried not to stare at the vast array of
weapons knowing full and well that virtually everything here was either restricted
or out right banned from ownership with in the borders of the United States. The
fact that everyone was walking around armed did not seem as strange now, an
hour later, as it had when he first entered the market place. He noted that
everyone, and he meant everyone was extremely well behaved and cordial.
Perhaps an armed society was a polite society as he had read somewhere. Even
the children seemed different, more alive and yet better behaved.
He was half way down armorers row when he spotted the old man. He was
standing up ahead pointing at him next to several extremely rough looking men.
Brentwood froze in his tracks and started to turn back when the lights suddenly
went out.
Desert Doc
"Do not think there are no crocodiles because the water is calm." - Malayan
Proverb [/quote]
Cynthia joined Angel as he was inspecting the gardens. She had been with him
now for over six months, sheltered in the self-sufficient oasis designed and build
by his mother over the course of many years. It was still far too dangerous for her
to consider leaving and she was in no hurry to risk repeating the events that
brought her here in the first place. The disease that had ravished much of his
garden six months back seemed to be well in check. While he had lost over half
of plants when the virus first reared its head and was spreading across the
countryside, Angel had managed to reclaim the heavy losses and bring the
gardens back to life. Now and then a weakened plant did show the first signs of
disease, when that happened Angel immediately pulled and burned the infected
offender. While much of the foundation of America‘s dominance in the
agricultural world community was withering on the vine, he had somehow
managed to stay one step ahead of the creeping rot.
―It would seem so.‖ He flatly answered as he inspected every inch of a climbing
cucumber vine. ―It still pops up every now and then, with weaker seeds…but I
think we‘re ahead of it now.‖
―I keep hearing over the short-wave that everyone‘s crops are dying. How are we
able to keep so much growing?‖ She said as she joined in on the inspection,
checking out a nearby Eggplant.
―It‘s like I said the other day. The strength is in the variety of seeds that we have.‖
―Remember that history book I was reading about the Black Death of the middle
ages. In every plague or epidemic there are a few people or species that are
already immune or quickly gain immunity and survive.‖
―Well my Mom was all about biodiversity when she created the gardens here.
She was very big into collecting Heirloom seeds.‖
―Something like that. Heirlooms are seeds that have fallen out of popularity. Now
a days it‘s usually because they can‘t be farmed with modern equipment or take
being shipped across the country or around the world. Lots of people save their
seeds and use them for their next crop.‖
―You can do that? I thought that they wouldn‘t grow quite right.‖
―That‘s hybrid seeds, HYBRIDS won‘t grow true, but the big seed companies
want you to believe that all seeds are that way. Then you‘ll have to come to them
year after year for new seeds. It‘s a real great gig for them.‖
―Yep. Some of them have been around for over a hundred years, some even
longer.‖ He waved his arm. ―The strength of Heirlooms is their genetic variety.
Some are weak and can‘t compete with modern diseases or diseases that we‘ve
imported. But some, the very special ones, are strong enough to fight off the
disease and survive, that‘s the one‘s we want. My mom showed me how to pick
the strongest seed for our location and climate, so that each season our seeds
are getting better adapted to were we are.‖
―Well it does require a lot of care and organization. See those bush beans in the
back there.‖
―Yeah, you have to pay close attention to separating similar varieties so they
don‘t cross pollinate sometimes, especially if you want to keep a strain pure.‖
―Some, but not a lot of specialty suppliers are left; the big companies have run
most out of business.‖
―And it can come back to bite us in the @ss. Mom said that back in the seventies
there was a huge corn blight that nearly wiped out the entire corn crop in the U.S.
When the scientist‘s got into looking really hard to find out why all the corn was
dying so quickly they found out that all the corn grown in the country was related
to a single hybrid strain. And that strain had a weakness to the fungus that was
killing them. In the entire country only two small commercial strains of open
pollinated corn were immune, but hundreds of seed savers had strains that were
unaffected by the blight.‖
―Well you would have thought so, but no. Instead the big agri-companies tried to
make saving seeds illegal.‖
―Can they do that?‖ Cynthia looked up from the Brussels Sprouts she was
―Well they tried to. Started applying for patents on all kinds of different seeds. It‘s
sort of like when they tried to outlaw the word ―organic‖. The big corporations are
always looking for ways to shut the little guy down.‘
―New World Order, something about corporations becoming the next type of
supreme government, controlling everything. She would go on and on about
corporate corruption and every time some scandal would pop up it was somehow
related to the New World Order. I guess one of our presidents even talked about
He sat down on the side of one of the raised garden beds and let out a long sigh.
―Mom saw a pretty scary future all around us. I guess that‘s why she worked so
hard on this place. She always talked about building an Ark in the middle of all
the madness. That‘s this place.‖
―I just wish…ah…that she could have made it through everything to be here now.
I don‘t know anything compared to her. These were all her plants, this was her
―You would have liked her and I think she would have liked you.‖
She sat down beside him amid the flowing green that overran everything. It was
such a stark contrast to the brown that lived just beyond the walls of Angels
―Angel you did pretty good job on your own, bringing everything back to life here.
A lot of people outside are not doing so well. I‘m sure your Mom would be very
proud of you.‖
―Yeah, she was always saying that.‖ He looked around. ―I just wish she was here
to help.‖
All across the vast oceans of the world, on merchant ships commanded by
graduates of the various American Merchant Marine Academies, skippers were
receiving a confidential notification that their reserve naval status (awarded upon
graduation) was being upgraded to an active status and that they were now
under orders from the Commander In Chief (President of the United States) to
immediately return to U.S. waters and put in at the nearest American port. The
communiqué went on to state that they were not to off load any cargo, especially
any food items or grains, but to return at best speed post haste.
Brentwood felt like he was floating in a gray cloud, drifting slowly down. Voices
faded in and out from far away. He couldn‘t make them out at first, but as they
came closer he could start to discern individual words.
Slowly Brentwood became aware of something cool wrapped around his head
and across his eyes. It was about this time that the pounding in his head came
forward into his consciousness.
―Ooooooh.‖ He moaned and tried to bring his hand to his head, but it was
suddenly stopped.
―Easy there Mr. Davis. You‘ll be alright. Just a little knock on the head.‖
A gruff voice, older and across the room answered. ―He‘ll be groggy for a little
while and should be kept calm for a day or two…but to answer your question –
yes, he‘ll be fine. That is if your gorillas don‘t waylay him again.‖
Someone was helping Brentwood slowly sit up. This did nothing to improve the
pounding in his skull. He pulled the damp towel from around his head and felt a
slight stab of pain as he opened his eyes. The room was dimly lit by two oil
lanterns and several rather robust young warriors stood off in the waving
shadows of the flickering light. An older version of those stoic warriors was sitting
backwards in a chair just a couple of feet from Brentwood, he seemed to be the
man in charge and was talking to him.
―Now that you‘ve found what you were looking for Mr. Davis would you like to
explain why someone of your influence and position would be looking for us in
the first place?‖
Brentwood leaned forward to place his head in his hands, as if that would calm
the pounding in his head. A abrupt wave of nausea passed over him and he
suddenly found himself on his knees dry heaving into the dusty wooden floor.
When he next awoke the surroundings were more pleasant and comfortable. The
soft mattress under him seemed to hold him afloat and the feel of clean sheets
against his skin almost made him think that he was back in his Washington D.C.
apartment. But the smell was not right. He cautiously opened his eyes this time
to a bright room filled with pictures and the signs of life and family. He slowly tried
to scoot himself into a sitting position but the pounding in his head came back.
Instead he just slid back under the covers and tried not to think about the
messages being sent between his head and his stomach as he faded off once
He felt something cool softly being patted across his forehead. The light was not
so bright now and the view had suddenly improved. Her eyes were the greenest
green he had ever seen and shone with a gentle light. Her touch was soft and
tender, at first Brentwood wondered if he had actually died and gone to heaven.
He fell instantly in love and then was viciously reminded of his condition when he
abruptly tried to sit up.
Flight Lieutenant Jonathan Briggs walked briskly across the tarmac and into the
head shed with the film canisters in hand. As soon as the he entered the
intelligence people and photo interpreters took charge of the canisters. Less than
three hours later Air Group Commander Dalton Lovell stood before the Prime
―Its been confirmed Sir. The plant virus has arrived not only on our shores…‖ He
―DAMN!‖ The Prime Minister jumped out of his high backed leather chair and
began to pace the room in an agitated fashion. ―How bad is it Dalton?‖
―Too early to tell sir, I‘ve got my boys going over the new film and going back
through the records to make comparisons. Could only be minor outbreaks but…‖
―But what?‖
―Its too early to tell Sir with the limited information we have.‖
―Then I suggest that you get your lads busy Group Commander Lovell, and get
them busy now!‖
The gangly gray haired Flight Officer gave his Prime Minister a brisk salute,
turned sharply on his heel and strode purposefully out of the plush office.
Meanwhile a phone call was made.
In a French vineyard one of the field hands noticed a spreading brown patch on
the leaves of several vines near the center of one field. He wondered what it
could be this time and went on to check the rest of the field.
carrying officers pulled him from his home with nothing more than his pajama‘s
and a flannel robe hastily grabbed as he was handcuffed and thrown into the
back of the police van. Fifteen minutes later he was joined by one of his
university colleagues Dr. Edward Green, Professor of Early American History and
Constitutional Government, who had faired a little worse in his handling due to
his weak attempt at resistance to the invasion of his home.
The pair would travel together for several days. No charges were given, no
questions asked. At times they were hooded and could tell that there were others
around them but any attempt to communicate brought swift and violent retribution
by the ever-present guards. When the Grey Hound Bus with blacked out
windows finally rolled into its final stop the guards briskly ushered the disheveled
and confused passengers out and onto the cold blacktop. Danielson and Green
in horror recognized immediately the implication of the last several days. The
structure before them was unmistakable, their situation as grim as they could
imagine. The pair found themselves looking through electrified fencing and razor
sharp concertina wire and realized that they were walking into an American
Desert Doc
[quote]‖If once the people become inattentive to the public affairs, you and I, and
Congress and Assemblies, Judges and Governors, shall all become wolves. It
seems to be the law of our general nature, in spite of individual exceptions.‖
Thomas Jefferson.
"War is the remedy that our enemies have chosen, and I say let us give them all
they want." General William T. Sherman [/quote]
Senator Eli Simpson of Georgia sat in his dark office and watched the last light of
the day fade from the Washington D.C. sky. The thought crossed his mind as he
looked down the Mall from his congressional office window past the Washington
Monument to the Lincoln Memorial off at the far end, that perhaps our light, the
American light, that had burned so bright for over two hundred years, was finally
fading. Certainly the events since 9/11 had forever changed the world that
Courtesy of Preparedness Educational Services, Inc. Visit us at
The Decline and Fall of Pax Americana, by Desert Doc and AGrayMan Page 296
Southern Senator had known so well. He slowly shook his head when he thought
about the centralization of power that now emanated from the executive branch
of government. Congress had lost control, given up their authority to represent
the people due to that damned Patriot Act as well as the multitude of Executive
Orders that now spewed forth from the White House. His colleagues had
kowtowed under the banner of security and safety and failed to perform their
vigilant responsibility to the people. Thus the fine balance of power that had
steered a clear course for so many decades had finally been broken and he now
felt the country was now spinning wildly out of control.
Simpson leaned back in his high backed leather chair and wondered if over two
thousand years earlier some senator in Rome had contemplated the same dark
future as he was now when the republican power of the senate was usurped by
the imperial throne. He wondered ‘what would be our Ids of March?‘ Though his
Roman History was more than a bit rusty he felt that he could almost understand
the motivation behind Brutus and the senators that brought down the mighty
Caesar that day. Perhaps Jefferson had spoken more truth than he realized
when he said, ―From time to time, the tree of liberty must be watered with the
blood of tyrants and patriots.‖
Into the twilight that filled office walked a shadowy figure. Simpson had hesitated
setting into motion the cogs of the machine that would culminate in this meeting,
but the escalation of current events gave him no other choice. He was about to
play the biggest gamble of his long life and either way it came out he was
probably going to end up paying for this decision with his life. Well, it had been a
long life, much longer than he could have imagined back when he was a runny
nosed eighteen-year-old PFC at the beginning of a long march out of a frozen
wasteland known as the Chosin Reservoir of Korea. He strangely wished he was
back at the Chosin now, at least there you knew who your enemies were. He
remembered back to that grim time. What he wouldn‘t give for another Chesty
Puller now.
The city was dying, not the slow insipid decay that quietly rotted away the walls
of hope and created desperation, but from the sharp prangs of starvation. The
emergency supplies that had government had trickled in had only barely kept the
community alive following the initial outbreak of plague. Those menial emergency
supplies had stopped a month ago. At first the survivors had managed to stave
off the crushing prangs of hunger by raiding the homes of those killed off by the
plague, but that hadn‘t lasted very long. In this modern age people rarely kept
more than a weeks worth of food on hand. Damian‘s gang had faired better than
most after stumbling upon the homes of several Mormons. Here were a people
that planned for bad times. But that source quickly dried up, as those few
surviving members of the local ward were more than adequately armed to resist
the gang raids and as the price became too high Damian steered his gang away
from them. Besides which, what did they expect to do with hundreds of pounds of
dry wheat seeds? What they needed was food!
Escape from the controlled zones was impossible as well fed and armed
government security forces blocked any flight from the city. They were trapped
and doomed to a slow painful death unless they could somehow mange to find
more food. The Homeland Security Patrols had become more vicious as time
went on. In the beginning they might arrest you and beat you a little before
allowing you to crawl back into the fetid hole that had once been a thriving
metropolis. Now it was down to just shooting on sight anyone caught out in the
open. Well, unless it was a girl that they caught. They still ended up dead, but it
just took longer to die.
Damian‘s gang was a mismatch of plague survivors that for one reason or
another had gravitated to his side. He could find food and they were hungry, it
was almost as simple as that. Yet unlike most of the gangs that cruised through
the ruins searching for scraps his group was made up of a much larger age
range. His was more like a village than a hunting group and that was where his
strength came from. Only the strongest and swiftest patrolled and ranged for
food, while the elders of the group guarded the home front. It was this division
that allowed his gang to maintain some resemblance of civilization. It also
allowed his people the ability to rebuild a small section of the old community.
While the young bloods patrolled and gathered, the elders repaired and
maintained. Their weakness was that they could not produce the means of their
own survival and sooner or later there were be nothing to bring home.
Old Man Washington looked out over the remains of his city. Damian joined him
at the roofs edge.
―Sir…you best get back from da edge. Sixth Street Devils kin tap you from dare
if‘n you skyline yo‘self.‖
The old gray haired stooped octogenarian slowly turned around and glanced at
his great-grandson.
―It would almost be a blessin‘ Boy. It breaks my heart ta see da world done fallen
down like dis.‖
He shook his head slowly and took his characteristic waddling steps back to the
center of the roof.
―Da whole damn honky world kin burn to da ground fer all I care.‖
―Don‘t be so quick to judge dare Boy, we‘z a part of dat dere world.‖
―Oh no, not like it waz, but also not like it iz.‖ He turned and pointed off in the
distance. ―Tings waz getting better, not good young‘in, but better. Dis t‘aint no
good. Now daze just shoot us when ever day pleeze, t‘aint no laws, t‘aint no
rights, just the lawz of the jungle. T‘aint no future now.‖ He walked past Damian
muttering. ―T‘aint no future now.‖
Colonel Melton, late of the United States Marine Corps and now the defacto
commanding officer of the rogue 1st Patriot Marine Force looked up as Meredith
Rasmussen descended the stairs. She was a strong and graceful woman and
had tended the wounds of many of the local militiamen and Marines during the
long struggle, a struggle that began for Captain Melton when he made the critical
decision to follow his oath to the absolute letter of the law.
His company of Marines had fought hard to defend the civilians whose rights as
Americans had been summarily dismissed by a runaway government. When they
discovered foreign U.N. troops masquerading as American soldiers among the
dead and wounded in the aftermath of battle his troops, to the man, crossed over
the line and reaffirmed their oath to protect and defend the law of the land even if
it meant that they must someday cross the Rubicon and march on the corrupted
capital of the nation itself.
Now he had a very strange dilemma to sort out. Meredith had spent the last
several days nursing a pencil necked bureaucratic paper pusher from the very
heart of the deceitful government that Melton was now at war against. Why had
this Davis fellow ventured deep into enemy territory to find them? What kind of
trap were they looking at? He certainly didn‘t look the type to be a spy or an
operative from any one of the many different government agencies. His
credentials checked out. But why would the Transportation Secretary for
Homeland Security venture out into the wilderness looking for what must be to
him contemptible revolutionaries and traitors? They had gone through all his
personal belongs and basically come up with diddily squat. Well except for that
mini DVD disc, but none of his people had been able to hack into it and they had
―I think he‘ll survive provided nobody else tries to rearrange his brain housing ….‖
She looked at Melton for the word.
She blushed. ―Oh yes, that‘s it. You military types, your language is most
Brentwood recognized the officer that entered the room from the pictures he had
seen during a security brief. While it was known that a company of Marines had,
it was believed, mutinied. It was not known if any of the officers had been apart of
that mutiny. It was generally assumed, after looking at the personnel files of the
officers in question, that they had most probably been taken out before the unit
went rogue. The implication of this officer‘s very presence indicated that things
were far worse than the higher ups could have imagined.
The media was being kept completely in the dark about the various seditious
events that were escalating across the country as a result of the powers now
wielded by the President and his Homeland Security Director under martial law.
Yet seemed that the harder the federal government tried to bring things in line
the more they unraveled at the edges. Few knew the whole facts, unfortunately,
Brentwood Davis was one of those few.
Damian watched the Crips in full colors out on patrol. Man what he wouldn‘t give
to have the hardware they were carrying. They were a defacto army and ranged
pretty much were ever they wanted. Packing full auto assault rifles only the
government troops had heavier firepower and they knew it. They were the
undisputed kings of the ghetto.
Damian‘s advantage was his knowledge of every back street and alleyway in his part
of the city. His troops were street kids like himself. They could fade instantly into the
background and watch the hunters parade through their turf without them
ever knowing they were even there.
Tonight‘s raid was a tough one. Most of his young bloods were bitching and
complaining under the weight of bags of steer manure and potting soil they had
raided from a midtown Kmart. They didn‘t understand the reason behind the
night‘s mission. After all there was still plenty of food left for the taken. They were
also not thrilled with busting up empty parking lots to turn into vegetable gardens.
The whole thing was crazy as far as they were concerned. But they still complied
and hauled the plastic bags of smelly manure and potting soil.
It didn‘t matter to them that the old man that Damian listened to was crazy and
talked to himself most of the time. Damian was plenty street smart and must
have something up his sleeve. He‘d done good by them so far and that was good
Damian signaled silently and his group moved out. They had barely covered half
a block when the dark streets suddenly came alive with tracer fire from behind
them. Damn! The Crips had walked into a government ambush! That would
mean… Damian heard the roar of the big diesel engines just before they armored
personnel carriers burst around the corner and out onto the main street! He was
now caught in the vice meant for the Crips patrol that they had watched just
minutes earlier.
Like cockroaches hit by the light his group instantly dropped their heavy loads
and scrambled into the nearest hole. Damian led a small group down the narrow
passage between two brick buildings. When a light suddenly flashed across the
opening the other end he slid to a stop. The windows to either side were boarded
up but that didn‘t matter now. They were in the kill zone and had to find another
way out immediately.
He whipped off the crow bar that he carried strapped across his back and drove
the hooked end through the boards that covered the window. Using every ounce
of leverage he had the old rusty nails finally gave way and their escape route was
now open. The dark void into which he dropped smelled of machine oil and dust.
One, two, three, four and finally a fifth survivor dropped into the dark unknown.
He broke out small red lens penlight and scoped out their hidey-hole.
―Stack dem boxes up against dat hole.‖ Damian ordered. ―Cover it up good!‖
With that done they cautiously moved single file through the basement
storeroom. It was a maze of crates and piles of plastic containers. He cautiously
listened for the sound of the owners that might be nearby but heard only the faint
echo of gunfire from the streets above. He knew the arrangement of basement
meant that they had discovered a Mormon cache, a gold mine of food and
survival supplies. It also meant that their very lives were in immediate danger if
the owners were anywhere near about.
The door out of the basement creaked loud enough to wake the dead and
Damian ducked as the sound pierced the inner silence of the building. He
signaled for his people to wait at the bottom of the stairs and he slowly climbed
each step one at a time, trying to keep his weight to the outside of the stair where
it would be attached to the riser and hopefully less likely to advertise his
presence. It seemed like hours had passed before his head was at floor level to
the first floor. He leaned forward and tried to listen for anything on the other side
of the door. That‘s when it hit him. That sickly sweet smell that he knew too well.
The owners would not be threatening them tonight, or for any time soon. He
slowly opened the door and held his nose. It took him less than twenty minutes to
check out the rest of the house. Breathing though a cloth rag he found the former
occupants, or what was left of them. Back in the basement he quickly located the
emergency sleeping bags and cots. To night they would be sleeping like kings
while the world went to hell all around them.
Meanwhile on the streets above the Homeland Security Forces finished their
sweep of the area. One of the troopers dismounted the APC and checked the
bodies of two of Damian‘s gang that hadn‘t moved quite quick enough.
―As door nails, but check this out.‖ He lifted up a bag of steer manure. ―THEY‘RE
―We‘d better report this to the Captain. He‘s gonna love this!‖
The trooper reached down with his bayonet and removed the right ears from the
dead pair and remounted the APC as they continued on their mop up operation.
While it was near midday, it was still dark in the boarded up basement when
Damian finally awoke. He quickly rousted every one with him and they set out
exploring their find. He quickly realized that it would take them several days to
transfer all this stuff back to the hood. It was truly a sweet find.
Eli, Damian‘s cousin called to him. ―Man Yo, you betta come check dis out Cuz!‖
Damian crossed over to the far side of the basement storeroom to see what had
his cousin‘s attention. Youngblood was a wiz with locks, there was virtually
nothing that he couldn‘t pick and this time he had picked a cherry. Damian‘s eyes
about popped out of his head at their find. The smell of gun oil was heavy in the
air as he ducked his head and stepped into an armory of weapons.
As organized as the rest of the basement was, were stacks of weapons in gun
racks, enough to more than give his people an edge against any gang in the city.
And maybe against the damn government troops that kept them caged like
animals trapped in this dying city. Damian now felt like his people had a fighting
chance. He sat down on one of the many crates in the room and took a deep
―Name?‖ The sergeant droned. He waited a few seconds then asked again.
―NAME?‖ This time he looked up and met the glare of the prisoner across from
―Look buddy, you might as well give me your name. If you don‘t.‖ He nodded his
head towards the gorilla looking guard just a few feet away. ―I‘ll order Corporal
Rivers there to knock the sh*t out of you until you cough up either your name or
your balls.‖
Dr. Danielson just glared at his interrogator, and the young Sergeant signaled to
the huge corporal to begin conveniencing the university scholar to cooperate with
the interview. Dr. Edward Green, Professor of Early American History and
Constitutional Government watched quietly as the burly corporal brought the
stock of his rifle up quickly and smashed the side of it against the side of his
colleagues head sending him flying a good five or six feet off the chair and on to
the concrete floor.
Several prisoners standing at attention against the wall wearing orange jump
suits quickly collected the unconscious professor and dragged him off to the side
and out a small door. The bored sergeant looked up at Dr. Green.
―I don‘t give a sh*t where you worked.‖ He looked up at Green. ―You teach don‘t
―I was pulled out of my house in the middle of the night, it was two…no…maybe
three days ago and you‘re the first person I‘ve been able to talk to.‖
The Sergeant rifled through the paperwork before him. ―Green, Green,
Green…ah here it is.‖ He paused to read through the first couple of pages. ―Says
here you‘ve been convicted of sedition and high treason, hmmmm, that‘s bad
―Convicted?!‖ Dr. Green was visibly shaken. ―I haven‘t even been tried, let alone
notified or arrested until this moment!‖
He made a clicking noise with his tongue. ―Secret tribuneral, found guilty,
sentenced to relocation for…..ummmm an unspecified period of time.‖ The
sergeant looked up with a big grin on his face. ―I guess we‘ll be seeing each
other on a pretty regular basis here on out professor.‖
Dr. Green felt his stomach drop to the floor. ―That‘s impossible! This is against
―You ain‘t got shit anymore professor and I can do whatever I like with you.
Desert Doc
Andy walked down the sidewalk toward the mall, the sounds of diesel engines
and muffled shouts making their way to his ears. He repositioned the heavy
duffel bag with its deadly cargo on his shoulder and assumed what he hoped was
a military gait. His mind reeled at what a half-baked plan he had devised. What
was he thinking? Steal a CUCV? Plant explosives? This wasn‘t some cheap
Golan and Globus movie, this was real life. Real bullets. Real blood. Real death.
But his wife and friends needed this. It was for the greater good. He was aware
of the ear bud speaker/microphone in his ear connecting him to Max, but couldn‘t
think of anything to say.
It was late morning, and if it weren‘t for troops all-too-prepared to shoot him
dead, it would be a fine day. The sun was occasionally peeking from behind
some high clouds, and the trees were mostly all green. Before he knew it, he was
drawing close to the little strip mall. Three 6X6 trucks, several humvees and
CUCVs littered the parking lot. Several civilian vehicles remained there, though
most were missing windows, which were in several thousand pieces on the
ground. There were many soldiers still in MOPP gear going into and out of all of
the stores, but it seemed an equal number were milling about, or clustered in
small knots. Some soldiers were facing him as he walked into the lot, but no one
seemed to pay any attention to him. He reasoned that it would look suspicious
now that people had seen him to walk over behind one of the humvees and start
messing around, so he walk briskly into the crowd and moved through it in a
random pattern, pausing here and there. He even received a few half-as.sed
salutes, returned in an equally half-as.sed manner. Most of the soldiers were
entertaining themselves by trying to tell stories through the gas masks and
generally screwing around in the manner of soldiers since the Roman legions.
After nearly ten minutes of this mingling, he made his way back to one of the
6X6s. He glanced around quickly, then placed one of his pipe bombs behind the
rear bumper of the truck, the timer set for thirty minutes. The cow magnet that
had been taped in place held it securely in place.
He stood and walked over to the rearmost CUVC. It was nearly identical to a
civilian full-sized diesel Chevy Blazer. He tossed the duffel into the passenger‘s
seat, cranked over the engine, and it started with a typical diesel rattle. One or
two heads turned, but then quickly swiveled back to their muffled conversation.
He put the CUCV in reverse and slowly backed out. He dared to think that this
might be easy. He considered screwing this whole diversion thing and driving the
CUCV back to the house, loading it up and getting the he.ll out of there. It was
tempting. If it worked it would be so easy as to be laughable. It also had the
attraction of being quick. But he remembered a book about Carlos Hathcock, the
Marine sniper in Vietnam. Hathcock had said that there was always the
temptation to change the plan to something easier. In the middle of a 1000 yard
crawl to a firing position, the temptation was to get up and walk, or to only crawl
500 yards, convincing yourself that you could easily make up the difference. The
point was, you made a plan and stuck to it. Not to the point of manic inflexibility,
but not abandoning it on a whim. That was good enough for him. He kept driving
to the other side of town.
He spoke aloud, using the VOX function of the radio: ―Step one complete.‖
Across town, Andy pulled in to the parking lot of an empty office building.
Through the copse of trees at the edge of the parking lot he glimpsed the huge
sausage-shaped propane tank. There were two soldiers at the end of the long
driveway to the tank who were supposed to be protecting it, but they appeared
not to be taking their job too seriously. This was in large part due to the fact that
there was not enough propane left in the huge tank to fill a residential propane
tank. However, the regional command in its wisdom decided that it was worthy of
protection. Thus, the sergeant in charge had assigned his two worst troopers to
―guard‖ the nearly empty tank, to get them out of his hair. Their shifts were twelve
hours long, and at this early hour, one was drunk and unconscious while the
other was merely drunk. Someone had to stand guard, after all.
Had Andy been aware of these facts, he probably would not have exercised the
caution that he did while placing his ―surprises.‖ At any rate, before much time
had elapsed, he had positioned several of the pipe bombs near the large tank
and around its flanks. He also set the AK rifle with the solenoid and timer
attached. He aimed it vaguely under the tank and down the driveway at the
guards, then covered it with some branches and leaves. The timers were set so
the explosives would go off in a random manner, over roughly ten minutes.
Keeping an eye on where the guards were supposed to be, he slipped back
through the trees to the CUCV. He was surprised as hell when he stumbled
across a very visibly drunk soldier urinating in the trees. Andy decided the best
defense was a good offense.
―What in God‘s name do you think you‘re doing out here, private?‖ he screamed
through the mask. He hoped the guy really was a private: He couldn‘t tell.
The startled trooper straightened suddenly from peering at his member, arcing
urine onto Andy‘s boots. ― Uh, sir, I was patrolling the perimeter of this here tank,
when I had to relieve myself sir….‖
―Don‘t you know there are criminals with guns just waiting to ambush a sad sack
like you? They‘ll come up in here and slit your stinking throat. They‘re out there.‖
―Yes, God damn it! Now get the back to your post, get your God damned
rifle, and keep your eyes open! And get your MOPP gear back on, you idiot!‖
―Yes sir.‖ The trooper said, and began staggering back the 100 meters to the
post, while Andy turned and walked the remaining 20 meters to the CUCV.
As he did so, a small voice in his ear said, ―You‘d have made a fine lieutenant
Andy, except you‘re supposed to call privates ―dickweeds‖ not ―idiots.‖
Andy grinned despite his pounding heart and regained his seat in the CUCV.
Across town, Captain Mosher was angry. The jewelry store had been a trove.
Diamonds, rubies, emeralds and gold in the strip mall‘s jewelry store safe had
resisted the pry bars of looters, but had fallen to a well-placed portion of C-4 by
an oddly competent combat engineer. All the gems, rings, necklaces and
watches had been placed in a 20mm ammo can, which Mosher then commanded
a lieutenant to place in his CUCV. The lieutenant came back shortly, still carrying
the ammo can.
―Sir,‖ He said.
―What is it, lieutenant? Why haven‘t you put the can in my vehicle.‖
―Sir, your vehicle is gone. It‘s not where we parked it.‖ The lieutenant replied.
―What? Did someone move it to get the 6X6s out?‖ Mosher asked.
―Sir, I asked some men in the area. All they saw was a lieutenant get in it and
drive away. They assumed it was me.‖ The lieutenant said.
―Christ.‖ Said Mosher, shaking his MOPPed head. ―Was the other can still in
there? From yesterday??‖
Andy couldn‘t believe his luck. So far, everything was going better than he had
hoped. The CUCV rolled down the side streets, heading back to the house.
Showtime was about five minutes away. As the road took a turn, he was
suddenly braking hard for a group of soldiers in the middle of the road. They
began to wave him close, and Andy hoped his luck would still hold. He pulled
abreast of the impromptu roadblock, and rolled the window down. A soldier
walked closer holding his rifle not quite in a relaxed manner, but not quite
threatening either.
―Sir, please step out of the vehicle.‖ The man intoned from behind the mask‘s
―Tell me something. Why do you think I am in this thing in the first place? Hmm?‖
― I am driving this vehicle,‖ he said, screaming the next part, ―ON THE DIRECT
―Uh, hold on a second, sir.‖ He said, as he stepped back to confer with his RTO.
―I‘ll contact Captain Mosher and get this cleared up in a jiffy.‖
―Uh-oh‖ thought Andy, ―This is where I get to meet Saint Peter and all the other
saints and apostles.‖
He let the soldier get what he thought was a good distance away before
stomping on the accelerator. In true diesel fashion, more smoke than speed was
produced, but the CUCV began to accelerate away from the roadblock. As he
rolled away, one or two rounds thunked into the body of the vehicle, but the hail
of bullets that Andy expected to perish in did not appear. Before he got more
than three blocks away, however, the ―whump-whump-whump‖ of rotor blades let
him know that his escape was not clean. Strangely, though, no rain of fire
descended from the sky, rending the CUCV in two.
Inside Skybird 2-7, the pilot behind the darkened helmet visor touched a button
on the cyclic. ―Echo 6, Skybird 2-7 we have him in sight. Confirming observation,
not interdiction?‖
The voice of Captain Mosher sounded clear in his ear. ―Skybird 2-7, Echo 6.
That‘s affirmative. Observe and vector in ground units. Uhhh…Samsons 1, 2 and
5 are going to be on this freq soon…wait one…‖
―Goddamn it.‖ Said Mosher as he dropped the mic. ―All right, lieutenant, let‘s
Inside the CUCV, Andy was beginning to piece together what happened. The
sudden disappearance of the helicopter was an unexpected Godsend, but for the
life of him, he couldn‘t figure out why it –and the roadblock men, for that matter-
had not simply riddled the CUCV with bullets, then attempted to deal with the
―attack‖ on the other side of town.
The 20mm ammo can in the rear seat held its secrets.
Andy spoke aloud, drawing out the first word to make sure the VOX circuit had
picked up the sound and keyed the mic. ―Ti-i-i-me to go. See you there.‖
He estimated he had about ten to fifteen minutes before he had to stash the
CUCV someplace. It wouldn‘t take them long to figure out what happened. If it
took them longer, so much the better, but it didn‘t pay to underestimate the
enemy. Max had told him of the ―trick‖ he played, using the empty garage to hide
the shot-up squad car. Andy soon was on the look out for a similar situation. It
had to be somewhere they couldn‘t spot from the air. Once the helicopter was
finished with the diversion at the propane tank, it would be out, and so would the
other troops, and they‘d waste no time in canvassing the area. He shrugged and
pressed down harder on the accelerator. If he only had fifteen minutes, he
intended to be as far away as possible from the center of activity.
Max and the girls were traveling in the same general direction as he was, but
they started out from opposite ends of town. In a short while, the world outside
the window began to become more rural.
Andy glanced at his watch. ―Just a couple minutes,‖ he figured. He had been this
way before on ambulance runs. He remembered there was a tumbledown barn
that stood forlorn in a field not far from there. Time and weather had taken their
toll, and the grey-boarded barn listed so that the roof‘s edge nearly contacted the
ground. An ancient, lonely farmhouse in similar condition was set off to the side. The
owners had long since succumbed to age, and their grown children were not
the least bit interested in farming, and in fact, had built their own house on the
other side of the farmstead and planted a small forest for windbreaks. They were
not likely to notice anything. Andy quickly eased the CUCV off the county road
and down the overgrown embankment and rolled up near the barn. The doors
stood drunkenly on their hinges, one wrenched loose from the top hinge and
laying aside the barn wall. Andy peered through the windshield into the gloom of
the barn. Masses of garbage and broken machinery littered the floor of the barn,
but with some gentle four-wheel-drive shoving, he imagined he could get the
CUCV completely inside. He had only a passing knowledge of FLIR technology.
Could it see through the barn? What if he was lucky enough that they didn‘t look
here until after the engine of the vehicle cooled? Would that make a difference?
His time was up, and he nosed the CUCV into the barn then shut off the ignition.
He was rapidly realizing that his plan was somewhat lacking in details. Should he
set out now for Johnson‘s Stables? In broad daylight? As he thought he pulled
his ―PERK‖ kit out of the duffel, along with it, his AK. The ―PERK‖ was an
acronym he came up with to not scare his wife with the name ―Bug Out Bag‖
when he first broached the subject of self-reliance under…Trying circumstances.
PERK stood for ―Personal Evacuation/Relocation Kit.‖ It had a nice, ―FEMA-
Approved‖ ring to it. During the run-up to the Y2K thing, it was almost fashionable
to have one. The AK presented another problem. Though it was rugged, reliable
and shot a respectable round, the US military did not routinely issue it to his
troops. For a brief encounter with sheeple, it might suffice. To them a machine
gun was a machine gun. But to anyone with any type of military background at
all, it was a huge red flag that he was not really a tentacle of the US government.
He squinted at the waning sunlight through the huge cracks in the barn. It would
be a while until dusk. He needed to make his way to the stables. Go now or wait
until dark? He itched to be moving, and the possibility that the CUCV was a
bigger target than he was foremost in his mind. Along with the knowledge that no
matter how badly it want for him if he were caught, it would go much worse if he
was caught with the CUCV. In the end, his nerves got the better of him. He
couldn‘t stand just sitting. He had to move.
From his PERK he pulled a set of clothes. A pair of jeans and a dark flannel shirt,
along with a baseball cap. It would serve as much better camouflage as he
walked across the field than woodland BDUs. After all, camouflage was all about
blending in, and it was slightly more innocuous to see a man not running and
hiding, merely strolling across the field. He wasn‘t too near the border of the
―triangle‖ of roads that were heavily patrolled, so this was his best camouflage.
He stuffed the uniform, PERK and his AK in the duffel bag, hoisted them on his
shoulder and set out across the field.
―‗Once more, into the breach‘‖ He thought as he tried to affect a troubled but not
guilty walk across the field, heading toward the far treeline.
Denise McMillan awoke from her groggy sleep. She remembered the fighting:
hours upon hours of noise, dust and insanity. The flash of adrenaline pumping
through her veins setting every nerve on fire. Panic, fear, elation and then the
explosion. She saw the room that she had just entered transformed into a slow
motion fireball that engulfed Larry O‘Connor, their neighbor and friend. The
concussion hit her like a violent wall and suddenly her world was slammed full of
stars. In that instant she was pierced with a thunderbolt strike that seemed to
sear through the right side of her face. She remembered the screaming that
echoed through her flesh, then faded off into the distance and was soon replaced
with the still drifting quiet of unconsciousness.
The first face she saw was that of David her husband. His eyes so filled with
warmth and kindness had a different look about them. As if he was looking
through her and off somewhere a million light years away. Oh her David, her silly
Her lips were dry and felt like parchment as she tried to say his name. But her
tongue stick to the roof of her mouth and her voice cracked and screeched.
―Be still my love.‖ His warm deep voice flowed across her like a dark velvet river.
―Doc says you‘re going to be ok…‖ He paused. ―Just lay back Honey and rest.
You took a bit of a beating but we‘re safe now.‖
She could tell by the look in her husband‘s face that Larry had not made it.
―And you?‖
―And me?‖
She saw him swallow before he spoke. ―You got a little banged up…. but Doc
says you‘re going to be all right.‖ He looked up past her at something or
someone and then looked back. ―You just need to rest now Baby and you‘re
going to be fine in a few days.‖
She remembered saying ―BullSh*ter.‖ Just before she drifted off through the
mists once more.
Sheriff Eric Eckhart put his hand on David‘s shoulder. ―She‘s gonna make it
David, she‘s a tough ol‘ bird. Just hang in there buddy.‖
David appreciated the support from his sheriff and militia commander. He knew
that Doc Bell had done everything that was humanly possible under the
circumstances they were in. He had saved his wife‘s life. She would never see
from her right eye again and she would wear the scars of that battle for the rest
of her life…but she would live and that was the most important thing in David‘s
mind…she would live.
The wet chill of the evening‘s air whisked across the back of the neck of the
young Homeland Security Trooper and sent a shiver down his spine. Private
Brian Wilkerson pulled his field jacket collar up to block the errant breeze and
looked out into the darkness beyond the floodlights around the guard post. He
was uncomfortable with his first night on post. The company of his Senior
Corporal in the shack did nothing to calm his nerves. He was a city boy and had
joined the Homeland Security Forces in a moment of patriotic fervor rather than
one of the ―real military‖ services that was scouring the planet chasing the ghosts
of a probably long dead Muslim terrorist. At least that was the scuttlebutt within
the ranks of late. The @sshole that had started this whole mess was probably
buried under tons of rock in some stupid mountain on the other side of the planet
and here he was getting soaked in the constant drizzle in his own country playing
road guard.
For Brian it could have been worse, he had no desire to go off chasing phantoms
in a dozen strange lands around the globe and he didn‘t want to fight in the
deserts of Iraq or Iran, or off in some other ‗Stan‘ in that part of the world. He had
heard all he cared to about ―THE GULF WAR‖ from an uncle that had fought in
that war as a tank gunner aboard a M1 Abrams tank. Brian would have rather
been sitting back in a college classroom somewhere listening to a boring
professor but his high school grades had never been something to take home to
mother. At least not unless you enjoyed being grounded. So here he was in the
Pacific Northwest wet, cold, virtually alone and in the dark. He only hoped that
things wouldn‘t get any worse than they already were and he would probably be
very wrong about that.
His unit had been placed on alert, mustered up and dispatched out to several
dozen remote checkpoints along the major highways spread throughout the
region. They were there to supposedly contain any illegal movement by unknown
domestic terrorists. In layman‘s terms, as his Corporal had informed him, their job
―…to stop anything and everything that moved and to f*ck up anyone that even
slightly smelled of sedition. If they so much as slightly look crossed eyed at you
Private, we nail them to the wall.‖
―But don‘t we have to have probably cause or something like that?‖ Brian had
―F*ck them. We‘ve got the guns and they do what we tell‘em or we cap their @ss
and toss ‗em in the ditch!‖
Brian wondered if maybe he had made a mistake by not joining one of the ―real
services‖. If only he had listened to his parents and applied himself in high school
he thought as he stomped his feet to get their circulation going. If only…then he
wouldn‘t be here in this hole of an assignment watching the drizzle fall though the
flood lights in the middle of the night.
It had taken nearly two weeks for Damian and his Youngblood‘s to transport the
Mormon cache back to his hood through the war zone that his city had become.
Limited to what they could carry in their arms or strapped on their backs they
made the dangerous trek by slinking through the back streets and alleyways that
ran like a maze through this older section of the city. Crossing major streets only
when there was no alternative route available they could move the distance
virtually undetected.
There had been no more intrusions by the Homeland Security Forces into this
section of the city after the ambush of the Crip patrol. They seemed to be rather
systematic with their journeys into the city. Hitting the outskirts periodically as if to
remind the remaining survivors that escape was impossible and that Big Brother
was watching. They would bring their massive firepower to bear on any open
gathering or large movement of civilians within the city. Their dark helo‘s cruised
high overhead as a watchdog on the helpless citizens below and a constant
reminder of their position in the food chain.
From within the stronghold that Damian‘s people had created they went about
the everyday business of surviving as best they could. Damian had never really
valued the knowledge and experience of his older neighbors and relatives before
the collapse. They were just old, their time was past and they would soon to be
forgotten. But it was their collective knowledge that fueled the engine that was
now sustaining the ―hood‖. It was old wrinkled hands that messaged the detritus
of a decaying civilization and gave them a limited about of dignity at a time when
the world around them was taking a nosedive into a new dark age.
His Great-Grandfather with the help of a few like-minded friends had managed to
scrap together a chain of generators that gave the hood a few hours of light each
night. They had managed to plumb up a water system that not only collected and
filtered their questionable water, but also supplied it throughout the stronghold to
designated spigots. Three alcohol stills were in constant operation to provide
―Shine‖ for fuel, medicinal use, and of course – some limited libation. But the
‗Elders‘ carefully rationed this vital fuel to limit its abuse.
Early on when the true reality of unfolding events smacked them hard in the face,
the members of the stronghold had taken a stand to eliminate one of the major
factors in what they considered the agent of their modern slavery, drugs. The
ganja leaf, various white powders and crystalline monsters that had crippled the
weak and the poor among them, were not tolerated within the ―hood‖. Addicts
either left, dried up or died out, such was the hatred of this dragon that had hung
on the backs of so many, for so long.
The ―hood‖ began to evolve into what could best be described as…a village.
Damian rose to fill the position as their war leader. His responsibility was to
protect and hunt for the extended family that he was now apart of. His natural
leadership abilities, quick wit and tenacious attention to detail brought him to the
front where he shined as never before. Damian was a true hunter on the prowl
when he and his peers were outside the ―hood‘s‖ perimeter. He missed nothing,
not the slightest hint of trouble or potential for gain and it was for this reason and
others that he was trusted with this most important position.
His Great Grandfather and several others of his generation gravitated to fill the
role of village elders. The make up of this group would probably be considered
highly unusual by anthropologist‘s off in some dusty ivy league university, in that
that over half of the elders, nearly three-quarters of their numbers were
Grandmothers and Great Grandmothers. In their own way they were taking the
first steps at recreating their world, trying to bring order to the insanity that
whirled around them. They were becoming a true community, something that
many of them had never experienced in their entire lives. They had to if they
were to survive.
Dr. Malcolm Danielson came to on the cold hard floor of the wooden barracks
that he was carried to after the beating in the indoctrination room. His colleague
Dr. Green had covered him with a green wool government blanket from a near by
bunk. His head pounded and he could barely see out of his left eye.
―Easy Malcolm, take it easy. They beat on you pretty bad and you may have
some broken bones.‖
Malcolm slowly, painfully moved the various parts of his body to determine the
damage he had received. He definitely had been pounded on hard, but nothing
seemed broken at this point.
Edward and another prisoner carefully lifted the black and blue professor to the
nearest bunk bed.
―Hmmm early Stalag 17 I see.‖ Malcolm commented, referring to the World War II
POW movie from the early fifties that stared William Holden.
―It would appear that we‘ve been tried in absentia and found guilty of sedition and
high treason.‖
―That I can‘t tell you my friend but here we are and it looks like here we‘ll stay.‖
―Malcolm you better calm down, you‘ve already taken a pretty good beating and
from what I‘ve heard there‘s plenty more where that came from.‖
Later that evening they were introduced to the other prisoners in their barracks. It
seemed that the government was methodically rounding up anyone that openly
had dissented against the reigning status quo. They were especially high handed
against teachers and college professors that tended towards any leftward
leanings or openly questioned the prevailing ultra Republican right. Malcolm had
heard about Lynn Cheney‘s agenda on freethinking educators that didn‘t pander
to the far right view of education. He had even heard that she and her colleagues
had a ―hit list‖ of those educators to be targeted for removal but had ignored such
warnings as intellectual paranoia. He was obviously wrong on his summation of
the situation.
Malcolm walked to the far end of the barracks where several colleagues were
having a discussion on the recent events that had placed them in their current
―So Dr. Andrade if I understand your point here. It is that there does appear to be
a plan or direction that things are leading towards. You‘re not talking conspiracy
theory or anything like that. But humanity does seem to cycle through various
mindsets from Village to City States, Monarchies, Sovereign States, Empire
building and so on.‖
Dr. Andrade nodded in agreement. ―Yes, but also consider the recent trend of
many historians that consider there to have been at least eleven world wars
through out history. Not just the two we commonly refer to in our modern era.‖
―Along with the increasing centralization of authority under the President, are you
aware also that the Federal Government has tripled in size since the early-mid
seventies? Was there a real need for that? Are we receiving better services as a
result? Do you have more money in our pockets? Are we better off? Or are we
paying more (taxes) and getting less for our money?‖
Dr. Green chimed in. ―I believe that Alexander Hamilton was correct in his
concern for the potential of a runaway Federal government. It is like a cancer that
will continue to spread and invade every aspect of your life unless you take
drastic efforts to curtail it. That was the fear of many of our founding fathers and
the reason that so many were against an overtly strong centralized government.
There are many advantages to ―some‖ form of centralized authority, but not an
all-pervasive and controlling entity, which is what it has grown into and what
Hamilton himself warned us against!‖
Another member of the group added. ―It is scary when you really sit down and
think about it. Imagine a Hitler with the kinds of technology that we have
today…THAT IS REALLY SCARY. To that end we must be ever on guard and
zealous in our protection of our individual freedoms.‖
Malcolm had heard enough of the intellectual discussion. These people would
debate the current situation until hell froze over unless someone kicked them in a
place that would get their attention.
―It would be best if we concentrated on how we‘re going to get the hell out of
―We have our minds gentlemen, and that is the most dangerous weapon
available. That is what sets us apart for the b*stards that have imprisoned us
here. They think that we are unarmed and harmless because we are without any
apparent weapons. Well I suggest we get to using the one weapon that we do
have and teach them a f*cking lesson they won‘t soon forget!‖
Jamal watched the Castle‘s patrol cross the open street and disappear through
the heavy outer portcullis gate into the fortress of Fourteenth Street. His stomach
growled angrily as it had not been fed in days and he eyed the full backpacks
that the patrol labored under. He had heard rumors of the Castle from the other
side of town and had come to see it for himself. It was massive. It commanded
the corner of Fourteenth and Elm Streets and linked four of the older four story
walkups into one massive structure. All the lower windows and doorways had
been bricked up and sealed tight. The upper two floors of outward facing
windows were secured with heavy wooden or metal shutters. There was no way
to gain access from the outside. He had heard of one of the other gang‘s
attempts to crash through the gate that he had just seen the patrol disappear
into. That attempt ended badly for the intruder and showed the power of the
―Castle‖ as it came to be known by all the outsiders.
Jamal had been watching the Castle for two days now, from every angle trying to
figure out a way in. He knew that there must be other, secret trails that lead into
the mysterious Castle. Their patrols were known to roam through many parts of
the city on their gathering raids. He wondered what they were doing in there.
While his main concern for his gang was always food and drugs, these strange
brothers seemed to be gathering up the oddest things. They would clear out a
hardware store, or an automotive parts shop. They took things you couldn‘t eat.
He wondered what they did behind those solid brick walls and he was
determined to find out.
Damian stopped at the side of the portcullis and stood guard until the last of his
patrol passed under the heavy steel pipe gate. He knew these last few feet were
among the most dangerous. There were eyes watching of that he was sure. The hair
on the back of his neck always tingled when unfriendlies were near. His eyes
scanned the buildings across the street for any hint of danger, his battle rifle
ready to respond in a millisecond if necessary. The Beretta made BM-59 felt
strange in his hands when he first discovered it in the dead Mormon‘s house. The
hidden armory yielded a treasure chest of weapons and equipment that his
people sorely needed to survive in the ever more violent world they had been
thrust into. Old Man Jacobson, an elder, had served in the Army for twenty-five
years, mostly as a cook, and fought in both Korea and Vietnam, had welcomed
the opportunity to instruct and train the Youngblood‘s of the hood. Damian still
insisted that they maintain a low, near invisible profile on their forages into the
city, but he felt much better knowing that if they were pressed – they could
When the last member of the patrol was under the portcullis Damian backed into
the safety of the entrance tunnel and the Iron Gate was lowered. A series of
heavy inner doors were swung closed behind them as they carried on into the
inner ward, at last they could lower their guard and relax. The welcome aroma of
cooking filled the air as the troop moved through the inner yard.
He walked over towards the large wok that was being tended by Momma Chin.
―Far You, Dam-in, flied kitten. Ever-body else get gung pow chicken.‖ She
He reached his hand in to snatch a piece and Momma Chin caught the back of
his hand with her spatula.
He licked his fingers of the hot spicy sauce and made his way from the lower
levels up to the roof where he often found his Great-Grandfather tending the
garden there. The journey reminded him of one of those PBS specials he had
seen on medieval castles. Over the ensuing months after the Big Death, the
surviving members of the ―Hood‖ had begun to seriously reinforce the structures
that they had laid claim to by default. They cleared the buildings of the dead,
burning any of their diseased belongs and began to seal themselves in from the
wolves that now openly roamed the empty streets. It was the Old Man that first
suggested that they wall up the windows and doors on the lowest levels to keep
out the vermin. Then little by little they extended their control to that of the three
other nearest buildings. By sacrificing one of the other nearby buildings, gutting it
for useable materials: bricks, beams, wiring and plumbing they had been able to
continue their building efforts. It was hard and laborious work as they reinforced
the old tenement walkups, filled the outer rooms with cribs full of rock and rubble
and thus created a solid dense wall between the outer world and their inner living
quarters. Step by step, brick by brick their position slowly improved and with each
improvement the survivors became more of a community and a family.
What had once been parking lot and a small concrete covered playground was
now walled in and broken up to create the gardens that they hoped would one
day feed their entire growing community. It was mostly the older folks of the
―hood‖ that tended the new gardens trying to bring life back to the long covered
dirt. The Chin‘s, who had owned the local Chinese restaurant and the
Rodriguez‘s, a Puerto Rican family brought a wealth of intensive gardening
knowledge to the community. While the Chin‘s idea of using composted human
manure was first met with disgust they proved to the Elders that it could indeed
be done safely and soon their corner of the garden began to flourish.
Damian felt proud of himself and his community for the first time in his life. While
he fully realized the immense danger that constantly circled outside the brick
walls of their little world, he also felt hope for the first time. This group of total
strangers had survived the Great Death and the famine that had followed. They
were building a new world within the confines of a collapsing society. He also felt
the weight of responsibility for protecting his extended family. He was no longer
just some punk kid in the hood who‘s future was that of drugs and welfare. He
was the War Chief of this urban tribe that was trying to build a new future out of the
ashes of the last. His stride was strong and he held his head high as he reached
the roof and walked across it through the raised bed gardens to where
his Great Grandfather was watching the clouds pass overhead. He wondered
what the lesson today would be as he sat down across from the Elder.
Leslie Melton, Colonel of the 1st Patriot Marine Force could not believe his eyes
as he read through the documents on the computer screen that Brentwood had
opened for them. As he digested the highly classified top-secret Presidential
Executive Orders he felt his jaw hit the floor again and again. The several other
pairs of eyes that were looking over Brentwood‘s shoulders likewise could not
believe what they were reading.
The next morning Brentwood Davis was walking through the very same rural flea
market that he had been captured at just a couple of weeks prior. A heavily
armed escort closely watched the pair as they chatted and took in the market.
―I‘m still at a loss to believe the information you‘ve brought us Brentwood.‖ Melton
―Not half as much as I was when I first came across all that.‖ He shook his head.
―What do you do when the entire world that you have believed in is ripped away
from you?‖
―I was sort of hoping that you would have those answers Colonel. I‘m just a paper
pusher. I‘m no soldier.‖
―Well you‘re one hell of a paper pusher there Mr. Davis, and you‘ve pushed some
serious sh*t right into my lap.‖
―You know Brentwood…at first I thought you were some kind of plant, a spy and I
was just about to have you taken out into the woods. Be thankful that Meredith is
a better judge of people than I am.‖
―I‘m still having a hard time believing everything on that disc of yours, but it all
makes sense now in a sick sort of way.‖
―Do we have a choice?‖ The Marine Colonel replied. ―Do we have a choice?‖
The heavy drizzle appeared like streaks of silver gray tinsel in the floodlights
around the guard shack. Private Wilkerson leaned up against the wall of the
shack under the shallow eves as much as possible to avoid the steady rain that
had already soaked him to the bone. He didn‘t see the shadows that were circling
just beyond the ring of lights at the checkpoint. He couldn‘t hear the near silent
movement beyond the veil of rain. By the time his brain recognized the threat of
the silver blur streaking towards him it was too late.
The replacement patrol found the Private the next morning. He was still pinned to
the outer wall of the guard shack by a pair of steel shafts that had pierced his
body and then dug deeply into the wooden shell of the shack, locking him dead
against the wall. They never did find the Corporal.
Several hours later the five-ton truck and Hummer drove off and abandoned the
guard station. That was the third one this week. The Lieutenant knew he would
be in serious hot water for his decision, but he could not risk open mutiny by
sending any more of his men to certain death in these remote stations.
―F*ck the Colonel, if he wants these sh*t holes guarded he can come out here
and do it himself.‖ He thought to himself. Man was he going to catch an @ss
chewing when he got back. But he felt it was better than getting fragged in the
middle of the night by his own troops. The lieutenant was quickly learning about
the full weight of leadership and survival that rested upon his shoulders.
―This job sucks!!‖ he muttered to himself as he leaned back and wished he could
be anywhere else.
Desert Doc