Melegin Angoluan-Correlaing Variables
Melegin Angoluan-Correlaing Variables
Melegin Angoluan-Correlaing Variables
-Results showed that the two variables have a very strong, positive correlation, rs
= .722, n = 30, p < .001. This suggest that if students excel and got a high rank in Math,
the rank in Physics also go high.
The Coefficient of Determination is the explanatory power of college GWA in LET review
scores . It is computed by getting the square of the r value: r 2 = ( .610)2 = 0.3721 or
37.21%. Therefore college GWA helps to explain 37.21% of the variance in the students’
LET review scores. This amount is considerable which means that college GWA is a
moderate predictor of LET review scores.
2. Investigate whether ranked LET Review Scores and ranked LET performance are correlated
Correlation analysis using Kendall’s tau-b was conducted to investigate the relationship
between college GWA and LET review scores. Data were ranked prior to the analysis.
Results showed that the two variables have a moderate, positive correlation, rs = .500, n =
15, p < .001. This suggests that as students’ college GWA improves, LET review scores also
3. After controlling for LET review scores, is there still a significant relationship between LET
performance and academic performance (GWA)?
Partial correlation was used to explore the relationship between college GWA and LET
rating while controlling LET review score.. There was a weak partial correlation between
the variables, r = .047, p = .874, with lower level of LET rating being associated with lower
college GWA. However, an inspection of the zero order correlation (r = 556) suggested that
controlling for Let review score had a large effect on the weakness of the relationship
between these two variabl
4. Can we associate English Proficiency (Proficient or Poor) with LET Performance (Passed or