Ej 2021 q1 Issue
Ej 2021 q1 Issue
Ej 2021 q1 Issue
First Quarter 2021 | Volume 58, No. 1
1 Investigation on the Performance of
a Mathematical Model to Analyze
Concentrically Braced Frame Beams
with V-Type Bracing Configurations
Charles W. Roeder, Dawn E. Lehman, Qiyang
Tan, Jeffrey W. Berman, and Andrew D. Sen
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The paper “Investigation on the Performance of a Mathematical Model to Analyze Concentrically Braced Frame Beams with V-Type Bracing
Configurations” (Hadad and Fortney, 2020) addresses a difficult problem that is not well understood by engineers. While that paper does not
specifically limit its application to seismic design, the work was based upon the AISC Seismic Provisions and chevron-braced frame seismic
behavior experiments. The authors of this discussion, hereafter referred to as the responders for clarity, have also studied chevron-configured
concentrically braced frames. That research forms the basis of this discussion. In particular, this discussion aims to clarify the AISC Seismic
Provisions and prior research results, which the responders believe is misinterpreted in the paper in question. Further, in the series of contin-
uum finite element analyses on a beam with a plate discussed in the paper, it is of note that the model’s boundary conditions, loading regime,
and results are simplifications of those for beams in chevron-configured or multistory X-braced frames under seismic loading. This discussion
addresses applicability of the paper to seismic design and does not apply to any other application.
Fig. 4(a). Nonlinear analyses of chevron-braced frames. Fig. 4(b). Nonlinear analyses of chevron-braced frames.
The relevant limit states for local compression loading on the webs of a rectangular HSS member are reviewed, and the 2016 AISC Specifi-
cation Chapter J provisions are adapted from their normal application to the single web of a W-shape or I-section to this case. Two recent
laboratory tests on matched-width, rectangular HSS-to-HSS cross-connections are described to illustrate the behavior of such connections
under branch axial compression. The data from these tests are supplemented by experimental results from a further 76 cross-connection
tests, with the branches being either welded plates or welded HSS. From this 78-test database, the existing provisions for local yielding of
the chord sidewalls, local crippling of the chord sidewalls, and buckling of the chord sidewalls are evaluated. Recommendations are made for
handling transverse compression loading on HSS webs in the AISC Specification, and a design example is given to illustrate the approach.
KEYWORDS: hollow structural sections, cross-connections, web yielding, web crippling, web buckling, design procedures.
Web local /
for lend ≥ d 2 for lend ≥ H 2 /
crippling, ⎡ ⎛ 3Hb ⎞
⎛ l ⎞ ⎛ tw ⎞ ⎤ EFyw tf
2 0.75
interior 0.80tw2 ⎢1+ 3 b ⎥ Qf (J10-4) 1.6t ⎜ sinθ ⎟ (3)
⎝ d ⎠ ⎝ tf ⎠ ⎦ tw 1+ EFy Qf (2.00)
⎣ sinθ ⎜ H ⎟
⎝ ⎠
Web local /
for lend < d 2 / /
for lend < H 2 and Hb Hsinθ ≤ 0.2
crippling, ⎡ ⎛ 4Hb ⎞
⎛ l ⎞ ⎛ tw ⎞ ⎤ EFyw tf
2 0.75
end, and 0.40tw2 ⎢1+ 3 b ⎥ Qf (J10-5a) 0.8t ⎜
1+ sinθ⎟ EFy Qf
lb d ≤ 0.2 ⎣ ⎝ d ⎠ ⎝ tf ⎠ ⎦ tw
sinθ ⎜
H ⎟
(4) (2.00)
Web local /
for lend < d 2
for lend < H 2 and Hb Hsinθ > 0.2
4Hb ⎞
/ /
crippling, ⎡ ⎛ l ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ tw ⎞ ⎤ EFyw t f
end, and 0.8t 2 ⎜
0.40tw2 ⎢1+ 4 b − 0.2 0.75
0.8 + sinθ⎟ EFy Qf Qf
lb d > 0.2 ⎣ ⎝ d
sinθ ⎜ ⎠ ⎝ tf ⎠ ⎦
H ⎟ tw (2.00)
⎝ ⎠
Web /
for lend ≥ d 2 / /
for lend ≥ H 2 and Hb Hsinθ ≤ 1.0
compression 24tw3 EFyw 1 ⎛ 48t 3 ⎞ 0.90
buckling, Qf (J10-8) sinθ ⎝ H − 3t⎠ EFy Qf (6)
h (1.67)
interior, and
lb ≤ d
Web /
for lend < d 2 / /
for lend < H 2 and Hb Hsinθ ≤ 1.0
compression 12tw3 EFyw 1 ⎛ 24t 3 ⎞
EFy Qf (7) 0.90
buckling, Qf
h sinθ ⎝ H − 3t⎠ (1.67)
end, and
lb ≤ d
Note: lend = distance from the near side of the connecting branch or plate to end of member
flexural buckling strength of the two HSS sidewalls can be 7 in Table 1, the factor Q f (from AISC Specification Table
calculated from AISC Specification Section E3, with an K3.2) should also be included if chord compression stress
allowance for an inclined branch producing a longer web is present.
buckling length (Packer et al., 2009; IIW, 2012; ISO, 2013) A recent numerical study of welded, full-width, rectan-
by: gular HSS cross-connections by Kuhn et al. (2019) showed
that 0.25 represented a critical value for the bearing length-
KL Lc ⎛H ⎞ 1
= = 3.46 −3 (8) to-chord height ratio at which the failure mode changed
r r ⎝ t ⎠ sin θ from web yielding to web buckling. Thus, for rectangular
and, for one sidewall, a “column” cross-sectional area HSS-to-HSS cross-connections and plate-to-HSS cross-
given by Ag = (7.5t + Hb/ sinθ)t, from Equation 1 in Table 1 connections with (Hb/ sinθ)/H ≤ 0.25, web local yielding was
for lend > H, or Ag = (3.75t + Hb/ sinθ)t from Equation 2 in deemed to govern and could be predicted by a model such
Table 1 if lend ≤ H. For consistency with Equations 6 and as Equation 1. Hb represents either the HSS branch depth,
Fig. 3. AISC Specification column buckling curve and the linear approximation of Equation 10, for Fy = 50 ksi.
Fig. 4. Testing arrangement for rectangular HSS cross-connections, with failure by web buckling.
limit state (Lu et al., 1994). Thus, the connection ultimate EVALUATION OF HSS WEB
strength was given by Pa, as shown on the load-displacement COMPRESSION LIMIT STATES
curves in Figure 5. To obtain the load-displacement curves
Although early design provisions have been evaluated
in Figure 5, connection displacement was determined from
(Packer, 1984, 1987), it is timely to apply the current
the global vertical displacement of the difference between
2016 AISC Specification rules to an expanded contempo-
light-emitting-diode (LED) targets placed slightly above
rary database of HSS experiments. Thus, aside from the
the chord face and the targets positioned at the centroid of
two laboratory tests described, an additional 76 cross-
the chord, and the branch compression load was provided
connection tests from the literature were collated. This total
by the testing machine’s load cell. Table 5 compares the
database consists of 44 tests performed at the University of
predicted ultimate strength and predicted failure mode, by
Toronto, 29 in the United Kingdom, and 5 in Spain. Perti-
the three limit states, with the observed strength and failure
nent data for all 78 tests is tabulated in Appendix G of Wei
mode. For test X1, the capacity is reasonably predicted for
(2019). The group of 78 tests covers chord sidewall slender-
the correct failure mode. For test X2, the capacity is rea-
ness ratios (H/t) from 12.6 to 56.9; bearing lengths ranging
sonably predicted but for an incorrect failure mode. Both
from 0.07H to 3.72H; chord compressive stress up to 86%
of these connections had a bearing length-to-chord height
of chord yield stress; branch angles of 45°, 60°, and 90°; and
ratio of 0.50, but different H/t ratios (34.7 and 23.6). These
three HSS production processes: cold-formed, cold-formed
results indicate that a wider review of these limit states—as
stress-relieved, and hot-formed. Measured geometric and
applied to HSS connections—is warranted.
Fig. 8. Correlation between 53 welded rectangular HSS to rectangular HSS connection tests and the AISC Specification.
(b) Using Equation 1 but deleting the first sinθ term (below 2Fyt)
Fig. 9. Correlation between 25 welded plate to rectangular HSS connection test and the 2016 AISC Specification.
(b) Using Equation 13 but deleting the first sinθ term (below 2Fcr t)
Fig. 10. Correlation between 53 welded rectangular HSS to rectangular HSS connection tests and Equation 13 with K = 0.65.
(b) Using Equation 14 but deleting the first sinθ term (below 2χFyt)
Fig. 11. Correlation between 47 welded rectangular HSS to rectangular HSS connection tests and Equation 14, with H t ≤ 50.
Determine the adequacy of the welded rectangular HSS-to-HSS 90° cross-connection shown in Figure 12 subjected to the
loads indicated. The branch members are oriented such that the chord is loaded across its full width, and the loads shown con-
sist of 50% dead load and 50% live load. Assume the welds are noncritical and that there is zero force in the chord member.
From AISC Manual (AISC, 2017) Table 2-4, the material properties are as follows:
All members
ASTM A500 Grade C
Fy, Fyb = 50 ksi
Fu , Fub = 62 ksi
From AISC Manual Table 1-11 and Table 1-12, the HSS geometric properties are as follows:
HSS 8×8×a
A = 10.4 in.2
B = 8.00 in.
H = 8.00 in.
t = 0.349 in.
HSS 8×4×2
Ab = 9.74 in.2
Bb = 8.00 in.
Hb = 4.00 in.
tb = 0.465 in.
Pu = 1.2 (50.0 kips) + 1.6 (50.0 kips) Pa = 50.0 kips + 50.0 kips
= 140 kips = 100 kips
The strength of a matched-width (β = 1.0), welded, rectangular HSS to rectangular HSS cross-connection, under branch axial
compression, can be determined from the limit states of web local yielding, web local crippling, and web compression buckling.
8.00 in.
β= = 1.00
8.00 in.
ϕPn = 1.0 ( 231 kips ) Pn 231 kips
= 231 kips 1.50
= 154 kips
231 kips > 140 kips o.k.
154 kips > 100 kips o.k.
Q f = 1.0 for a chord with no load, or a tension force, in accordance with AISC Specification Table K3.2.
⎡ 3 ( 4.00 in.) ⎤
2⎢ ⎥
Pn = 1.6 ( 0.349 in.) ⎢1+ sin 90° ⎥ ( 29,000 ksi ) ( 50 ksi ) (1.0 )
⎢ 8.00 in. ⎥
⎢⎣ ⎥⎦
= 587 kips
By applying the resistance factor of ϕ = 0.75, and the safety factor of Ω = 2.00, for this limit state (AISC Specification Section
J10.3), the available strength is:
ϕPn = 0.75 (587 kips) Pn 587 kips
= 440 kips Ω 2.00
= 294 kips
440 kips > 140 kips o.k.
294 kips > 100 kips o.k.
Hence, from Table 6, the member webs will be designed as compression members in accordance with AISC Specification
Chapter E, using K = 0.65.
⎛ 8.00 in. ⎞ 1
= 3.46 ( 0.65) −3
⎝ 0.349 in. ⎠ sin 90°
= 44.8
Because < 4.71 , AISC Specification Equation E3-2 applies:
r Fy
⎛ Fy ⎞
Fcr = ⎜0.658 Fe ⎟ Fy (Spec. Eq. E3-2)
⎝ ⎠
π 2E
Fe = 2
⎛ Lc ⎞
π 2 ( 29,000 ksi )
( 44.8 )2
= 143 ksi
50 ksi
⎛ ⎞
Fcr = ⎜ 0.658143 ksi ⎟ ( 50 ksi)
⎝ ⎠
= 43.2 ksi
⎡ 4.00 in. ⎤
= 2 ⎢7.5 ( 0.349 in.) + ( 0.349 in.)
⎣ sin 90° ⎥⎦
= 4.61 in.
Therefore, the nominal strength of the two sidewalls in flexural buckling is:
Pn = ( 43.2 ksi ) (4.61 in.2 )
= 199 kips
ϕcPn = 0.90 (199 kips) Pn 199 kips
= 179 kips Ωc 1.67
= 119 kips
179 kips > 140 kips o.k.
119 kips > 100 kips o.k.
As expected, because the bearing length is greater than 0.25H, the connection resistance by web compression buckling governs.
The connection shown in Figure 12 has an identical configuration to Specimen X2, which, as indicated in Table 5, failed by
sidewall buckling.
This paper presents closed-form equations that were developed to evaluate critical temperatures of structural steel compression and ten-
sion members exposed to fire. The deterministic approach involved a parametric study using finite element simulations in order to iden-
tify influencing factors—for example, mechanical properties of steel, member slenderness, and axial load ratios. Statistical models were
employed to develop closed-form equations representing the best fit of numerical results. A comparison with experimental column test data
indicates that the proposed equation for compression members provides a conservative lower bound (16% lower on average) relative to the
test data at load ratios greater than 0.3. A sensitivity study was also performed to further explore uncertainty in predicted critical tempera-
tures due to variability of axial load ratios. For both compression and tension members, the ambient-temperature yield stress of steel, Fy,
has a great impact on determination of axial load ratios, subsequently influencing the overall accuracy of the critical temperature estimated
by the proposed equations. The applicability of the proposed equations is limited to wide-flange steel members that are simply supported,
concentrically loaded, and exposed to uniform heating.
scaled value was taken as the larger of a web out-of-flatness • Applied load level: The critical temperature is affected
equal to the ratio of the section depth over 150 (Kim and by the magnitude of applied loads. The reduction in
Lee, 2002) or a tilt in the compression flanges taken as the critical temperature can reach nearly 80% between the
ratio of the flange width over 150 (Zhang et al., 2015). No load ratio of 0.1 and 0.9 and 20% on average at each
residual stresses were applied because their influence is increment of 0.1. Larger scatter of the results is observed
limited at elevated temperature (Vila Real et al., 2007). The for the models with the load ratio between 0.5 and 0.8, as
Eurocode 3 (CEN, 2005) temperature-dependent stress- shown by the error bars in Figure 1(a), due to variation
strain relationship was employed, whereas no thermal creep in member slenderness. The critical temperature versus
model was incorporated explicitly. applied load relationship shows a very good linear fit,
In order to estimate critical temperatures of columns similar to an empirical relationship presented in Choe et
using FEM models, an axial load as a fraction of Pna was al. (2011).
applied at ambient temperature, and then the member tem- Figure 2 shows critical temperatures of steel columns
perature was increased monotonically until force equi- relative to load ratio with (1) all five shapes and two dif-
libriums could not be achieved. The maximum value of ferent steel grades and (2) W14×22 and W14×90 columns
temperature achieved from each FEM model was defined with Fy = 50 ksi. Both graphs considered the slenderness
as a critical temperature. ratios of 20, 40, and 100. Some discussions on the effect of
the ambient yield stress, Fy, and the section compactness
Numerical Results are as follows.
Figure 1 shows the critical temperature, Tcr , of steel col- • Ambient yield strength: The variation in critical
umns predicted using the finite element models with Fy = temperatures predicted using two different steel grades
50 ksi (350 MPa), where the dotted lines indicate the lin- (36 ksi versus 50 ksi) is about 1% on average. This is to
ear regression of these predicted results. Figure 1(a) shows be expected as the buckling behavior of columns with the
the average critical temperature of columns as a function slenderness ratio greater than 40 (i.e., medium-length to
of a load ratio. The error bars indicate the standard devia- slender columns) is mainly affected by low strain levels
tion of the results varying with five different shapes and all (less than 0.05% strain) and temperature-dependent
slenderness ratios (L c/ r = 20 to 200) at the same load level. elastic modulus (Choe et al., 2017).
Figure 1(b) shows the relationship of the average critical
temperature of all five columns versus the slenderness ratio • Section geometry: Between two different wide-flange
at four different load ratios (Pu/Pna) of 0.1, 0.3, 0.6, and 0.9. shapes, the variation in critical temperatures is over 10%
As shown, the critical temperature appears to be linearly for short columns subjected to large axial loads (i.e., a
decreasing with both increasing load ratios and increasing slenderness ratio less than 60 and a load ratio greater
slenderness ratios. However, the critical temperature is less than 0.6). The critical temperature variation for slender
sensitive to the member slenderness at the same load level. columns subjected to small axial loads is below 5%.
Some statistical results and discussions on the effect of
member slenderness and applied load levels are as follows.
• Member slenderness: The reduction in critical
temperatures with increasing slenderness ratios is Compression Members
influenced by the applied load level. At load ratios
smaller than 0.5, the critical temperature is reduced The numerical results from 900 finite-element models were
by about 10% between the slenderness ratio of 20 and used to develop a closed-form equation that predicts criti-
200. At higher load ratios, the critical temperature can cal temperatures of steel columns as a function of member
reduce by 30% to 60% for the L c/r ratio of 20 to 200. This slenderness and load ratio. The three-dimensional linear
reduction is not proportional to load ratios. polynomial model, as shown in Figure 3, was employed
Tcr (°C)
Tcr (°F)
500 932
400 752 400 752
300 572 300 572
200 392 200 392
100 212 100 212
0 32 0 32
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210
Pu /Pna Lc /ry
(a) (b)
Fig. 1. Average critical temperatures for columns predicted using FEM models of five shapes
with Fy = 50 ksi as a function of (a) load ratio (P u Pna) and (b) member slenderness (Lc r y). /
Tcr (°C)
Tcr (°F)
Tcr (°F)
500 932 500 932
400 752 400 752
300 572 300 572
200 392 200 392
100 212 100 212
0 32 0 32
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Pu / Pna Pu / Pna
(a) All five shapes with Fy = 36 ksi and 50 ksi (b) W14×22 and W14×90 shapes with Fy = 50 ksi
Fig. 2. Predicted critical temperatures of columns with slenderness ratios of 20, 40, and 100.
Fig. 3. A three-dimensional linear curve fit of 900 FEM models of columns.
Tcr (°C)
Tcr (°F)
Pu /Pna Pu /Pna
(a) FEM results and ASTM E119 limiting temperature (b) AISC Specification Appendix 4 equation results
900 1652
800 1472
700 1292
600 1112
Tcr (°C)
Tcr (°F)
500 932
400 752
300 572
Franssen et al. (1996)
200 Ali et al. (1998) 392
Choe et al. (2011)
100 Linear (Proposed eqn) 212
Linear (All test data)
0 32
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Fig. 5. A comparison of critical temperatures of columns calculated using Equation 1 with experimental test data.
in °C and °F, respectively, with the R-square value of 0.99. Although uncertainty in geometric properties are present
For the use of these equations, the load ratio, Tu/ Tna, must in the proposed equation, such as column length, L c, and
be greater than or equal to 0.01. the radius of gyration, r, this effect was neglected with the
assumption that compliance of standard fabrication toler-
⎛ Tu ⎞
Tcr = 435 − 170 ln in °C (3) ances specified in the AISC Code of Standard Practice
⎝ Tna ⎠ for Steel Buildings and Bridges (AISC, 2016a) would not
result in notable critical temperature changes. A compari-
⎛ Tu ⎞
Tcr = 816 − 306ln in °F (4) son of the influence of each parameter (Fy, E, DL, and LL)
⎝ Tna ⎠ on the variation in the critical temperature was calculated
by considering reasonable upper and lower bounds of each
variable. Each parameter was evaluated at the mean ±1
ESTIMATED UNCERTAINTY OF standard deviation (std) that represents 68% confidence
CLOSED-FORM EQUATIONS intervals. The mean ±2 standard deviations (to represent a
95% confidence interval) were also reported. A normal dis-
Compression Members tribution of each variable was assumed.
Because the proposed closed-form solution was developed Statistical properties of the investigated variables are
using a deterministic approach, which does not account for summarized in Table 2, based on work from Takagi and
uncertainty in estimation of applied load ratios, Pu/Pna, sen- Deierlein (2007), who proposed the member strength equa-
sitivity was examined with variability in mechanical prop- tion for gravity columns at elevated temperature in AISC
erties of steel (Fy and elastic modulus, E) and the magnitude Specification Appendix 4. The mean values and coeffi-
of design loads (e.g., dead load, DL, and live load, LL). cients of variation (CV) were determined from statistical
data obtained by Ellingwood et al. (1980). The percentages
1400 2552
1200 Proposed eqn 2192
1000 1832
800 1472
Tcr (°C)
Tcr (°F)
600 1112
400 752
200 392
0 32
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Fig. 6. Critical temperature versus load ratio relationship of tension members.
Tcr (oF)
Tcr (oF)
Fig. 7. Sensitivity of calculated critical temperatures of a W14×211 column due to uncertainty in Fy.
Tcr (oF)
500 932
Tcr (oC)
Tcr (oF)
500 932
400 752 400 752
300 572 300 572
200 392 200 392
100 212 100 212
0 32
0 32
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.2 0.3 0.4
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Pu / Pna Pu / Pna
Lc r = 40
(a) / /
(b) Lc r = 120
Fig. 8. Sensitivity of calculated critical temperatures of a W14×211 column due to uncertainty in E.
Fig. 9. Sensitivity of the change in critical temperature due to uncertainty. Note: ΔTcr is presented (not Tcr ); ΔTcr (°F) = 9 5[ΔTcr (°C)].
Fig. 10. Sensitivity of the change in critical temperature of tension members due to
uncertainty in parameters. Note: ΔTcr is presented (not Tcr ); ΔTcr (°F) = 9 5[ΔTcr (°C)].
Large local member shear forces develop in beams in chevron-braced frames due to the delivery of brace forces to beam flanges, which
are at a distance from the beam centerline (Fortney and Thornton, 2015, 2017; Hadad and Fortney, 2020). Using the “lower bound theorem”
(Thornton, 1984), Sabelli and Arber (2017) developed design methods to address this local member shear by optimizing the internal stress
distribution and thus maximizing the resistance utilized in design. This paper further develops those design methods for chevron beams and
extends them to gusset connections at columns.
(a) Inverted-V-braced frame (b) V-braced frame (c) Two-story, X-braced frame
Fig. 2. Typical braced frames with gussets. Fig. 3. Truss with gussets.
Fig. 12. Transverse section of beam and gusset showing chevron shear.
Fig. 16. Brace-induced shear in pin-end beam with Concentrated Stress Method.
Shear, such as shown in the three analyses represented in Similar to the Uniform Stress Method, the two equal and
Figure 17, implies moment. The authors do not propose opposing effects of the applied force parallel to the member
evaluation of the member moment within the connection axis, F V1, are included in Equation 48: the transverse stress
region as necessary but present the equations for moment to resulting from MCh , which causes member shear in addi-
facilitate understanding of the Concentrated Stress Method. tion to moment, and the distributed moment corresponding
Hadad and Fortney (2020) show that in finite element anal- to MFV, which does not affect the shear. The shape of the
yses, the beam moments are substantially lower than those shear diagram in the Concentrated Stress Method results in
calculated using the Uniform Stress Method. a somewhat smaller moment within the connection region
than that corresponding to the Uniform Stress Method.
Beam Moment A liberal estimate may be made by computing the
connection-induced moment and combining with the mid-
The beam moment is the combination of the integral of the span moment due to overall beam flexure:
beam shear and the distributed moment MFV (Equation 19).
Fig. 17. Concentrated Stress Method (CSM) and Uniform Stress Method (USM) analysis of beam from Richards et al. (2018).
The gusset moment (for the Uniform Stress Method) is: Note that the terms related to Mf1 and F V1 cancel out in
both Equations 68 and 71. Thus, the gusset moment is only
⎛ 2M f 1 FN1 ⎞ Lg1 ⎛ d g1 ⎞ FV1
Mg1 = ⎜ − ⎟ + Ng1 ⎜ em + ⎟− em due to the unequal brace force components transverse to the
⎝ Lg1 2 ⎠ 4 ⎝ 2 ⎠ 2 member axis (resulting in an unbalanced transverse force
(67) FN1) and to unequal brace force components parallel to the
member axis (resulting in a force transfer Ng1 from one half
which simplifies to:
of the gusset to the other), with those two effects offsetting
⎛ d g1 ⎞ FN1Lg1 each other.
Mg1 = Ng1 ⎜em + ⎟− (68)
The gusset should be evaluated for the interaction of
⎝ 2⎠ 8
these shear, normal, and moment forces. This may be done
using von Mises yield criteria or other methods as discussed
Concentrated Stress Method in the AISC Steel Construction Manual (AISC, 2017).
The gusset shear transverse to member (for the Concen-
Gusset Design: Diagonal Section (Concentrated
trated Stress Method) is:
Stress Method)
Vg1 = F1,1 sin γ 1,1 − Rz1 + (69) Brace-to-gusset connections are typically evaluated for
the limit state of block shear without consideration of the
subsequent load path through the gusset. This may not
The connection shown in Figure 20 will be designed following the recommended procedure, proceeding from the Uniform
Stress Method to the Concentrated Stress Method developed in this study to eliminate reinforcement.
The brace design forces are presented in Table 1. All brace angles are 50.2° from horizontal. To facilitate subsequent calcula-
tions, the shear and normal components of the brace forces are determined and presented in the table.
Both beam and gusset are Grade 50 material. The beam is a W24×94 (ϕVn = 375 kips; A=27.7 in.2; Z=254 in.4 ), 25 feet long.
The workpoint is at the beam centerline:
em = (8)
= 12.15 in.
The beam moment due to loading other than from braces, MM, is 80 kip-ft.
Based on the brace-to-gusset connection (not shown), the minimum gusset length is 48 in. For the brace-to-gusset connection
design, a w-in.-thick gusset is optimal, and the depth required is 21 in.
Vef (i) VefTOT 51; 52 0.526 0.474 1.0
Design of Gusset 1
For 48-in. gussets both above and below the beam, the Uniform Stress Method requires a web thickness of:
FV1 FV 2
Lg1 + Lg2
tw ≥ (62)
ϕ v 0.6 Fy
F +F
= V1 V 2
ϕ v 0.6 Fy Lg
782 kips + 703 kips
(1.0)0.6 ( 50 ksi )( 48 in.)
= 1.03 in.
This would require a W24×250. (Using the same gusset length, a W21×248 or a W18×211 would also be suitable.) Alterna-
tively, an increase in effective shear strength of 96.1/ 48 = 2.0 could be achieved by a web doubler of w × 18 in.:
Lg ≥ (55)
(ϕ vVnbeam + ϕvVn doubler )
2 (18,000 kip-in.)
[375 kips + 1.0 ( 0.6)( 0.75 in.)(18 in.)(50 ksi )]
= 46.2 in.
The lower gusset will be designed to utilize no more than 52.6% of the available member shear strength per Equation 51.
Mf 1
Vef 1 = VefTot (51)
9,500 kip-in.
= (372 kips)
18,000 kip-in.
= 196 kips
As this length does not include the effect of the shear, a slightly larger value will be used, and the effect of shear addressed in
the determination of the minimum length z1. A 56-in. effective gusset length will be investigated. (The length also results in an
economical weld design, which is presented later in the example.) The detailed length is 58 in., recognizing that the weld will
not extend to the very end of the gusset.
⎡ Vef 1 tw ⎤ ⎛ d m ⎞ ⎛ t f ⎞ 1.5
z1 ≥ ⎢ − 1⎥ (42)
⎢⎣ ϕ n 0.80t w2 EFy t f ⎥⎦ ⎝ 3 ⎠ ⎝ t w ⎠
⎡ 196 kips 0.515 in. ⎤ ⎛ 24.3 in.⎞ ⎛ 0.875 in.⎞ 1.5
=⎢ − 1⎥
⎢⎣ ( 0.75) ( 0.80 ) ( 0.515 in.)2 ( 29,000 ksi ) ( 50 ksi ) ( 0.875 in.) ⎥⎦ ⎝ 3 ⎠ ⎝ 0.515 in.⎠
= −3.87 in.
The low value from Equation 40 and the negative value from Equation 42 indicate that the force being developed, Rz, does not
require a significant bearing length to satisfy the limit states of web local yielding and web crippling.
The minimum length z1 corresponding von Mises yield criterion for stresses in the gusset is obtained from Equation 41:
Mf 1
Lg1 Lg12 ϕt
z1 = − − (41)
2 4 ⎛ FV1 ⎞
(Fytg1) − ⎜ ⎟
⎝ ϕ v 0.6 Lg1 ⎠
9,500 kip-in.
56.0 in. ( 56.0 in.)2 0.9
= − −
2 4 ⎛ 782 kips ⎞
[(50 ksi )( 0.75 in.)]2 − ⎜ (1.0 ) ( 0.6 ) ( 56 in. ) ⎟
⎝ ⎠
= 7.38 in.
The value from Equation 41 will be used. The corresponding transverse force is:
Mf 1
Rz1 = (26)
Lg1 − z1
9,500 kip-in.
56.0 in. − 7.38 in.
= 195 kips
The limit states of web local yielding, web crippling, and gusset combined tension and shear yielding are implicitly checked
by the gusset-length selection and this length z1 determined above (Equations 40, 42, and 41). This value may also be used
to check gusset stress using Equation 36; however, gusset stress is implicitly checked by the selection of a dimension z1 that
complies with Equation 41.
This is consistent with the apportionment of available beam shear strength between the two gussets established in Table 2.
For gusset 1:
1 ⎡ z1 ⎛ z1 ⎞
1 ⎡ 7.38 in. ⎛ 7.38 in.⎞ 2⎤
⎢ − ⎥= ⎢ − ⎥
2 ⎢ Lg1 ⎝ Lg1 ⎠ ⎥⎦ 2 ⎢⎣ 56.0 in. ⎝ 56.0 in.⎠ ⎥⎦
= 0.0572
For gusset 2, the dimension z2 has not been determined. In this example (with Mf 2 < Mf1), z2 could reasonably be assumed to
be less than or equal to z1 if Lg2 = Lg1. The general limit is:
1 ⎡ z2 ⎛ z2 ⎞
⎢ − ⎥≤
2 ⎢ Lg2 ⎝ Lg2⎠ ⎥⎦ 8
The axial force is conservatively taken as the maximum at the end of the connection region, assuming a symmetric distribution
of collector forces:
FV1 FV 2
Pu = −
2 2
782 kips 703 kips
= −
2 2
= 39.5 kips
Gusset Selection
A w-in.-thick, 21-in.-deep, and 58-in.-long (56-in. effective length) gusset will be investigated.
t g1 = 0.75 in.
d g1 = 21.0 in.
Lg1 = 56.0 in.
The gusset is evaluated for these forces using the von Mises yield criterion:
2 2
⎛ 4 M crit N crit ⎞ ⎛ Vcrit ⎞
⎜ ϕ F t D 2 + ϕ F t D ⎟ + ⎜ ϕ 0.6F t D ⎟
⎝ t y g1 crit t y g1 crit ⎠ ⎝ v y g1 crit ⎠
2 2
⎡ 4 (1,825 kip-in.) 5 kips ⎤ ⎡ 270 kips ⎤
= ⎢ 2 + ⎥ +⎢ ⎥
⎣ ( 0.9 ) ( 50 ksi ) ( 0.75 in.) (18.1 in.) ( 0.9 ) ( 50 ksi ) ( 0.75 in.) (18.1 in.) ⎦ ⎣1.00 ( 0.60 ) ( 50 ksi ) ( 0.75 in.) (18.1 in.)⎦
= 0.94 ≤ 1.0 o.k.
= 221 kips
The angle θ is tan-1(195/103) = 62° from the weld axis. Using AISC Specification Equation J2-5:
Pu ≤ ϕRn
= ϕ n 0.6FEXX (1.0 + 0.5sin1.5 θ) wL w
ϕn 0.6FEXX (1.0 + 0.5sin1.5 θ ) ( 2z1)
221 kips
( 0.75) 0.6 ( 70 ksi ) ⎡⎣1.0 + 0.5sin1.5 (62.2°)⎤⎦ 2 ( 7.38 in.)
= 0.474 in.
A double-sided 2-in. fillet weld will be used. The weld size need not exceed s of the gusset plate thickness:
w ≤ tg1
= (0.75 in.)
= 0.469 in.
This weld must include the z region; a 14-in. length will be used to extend to the gusset 4 points. Because this weld fully devel-
ops the gusset strength, deformation compatibility is inherently addressed.
Pu = Nweld 2 + Vweld 2
= 579 kips
The angle θ is tan-1(65.5/ 576) = 6.5°. Using AISC Specification Equation J2-5:
ϕn 0.6FEXX (1.0 + 0.5sin1.5 θ ) 2 (Lg1 − 2 z1 )
579 kips
( 0.75) 0.6 ( 70 ksi ) ⎡⎣1.0 + 0.5sin1.5 ( 6.5°)⎦⎤ 2 (41.2 in.)
= 0.310 in.
Design Summary
Figure 21 shows the design based on the calculations above. The 2-in. fillet welds in the z-regions are presented as x-in. fillet
welds over the c-in. full-length fillet welds.
A similar design is required for gusset 2. If the same method is followed, the beam shear resulting from the two gussets (each
designed for a portion of Vef ) combined with the net unbalanced load will not exceed the beam shear capacity.