Ground-Motion Prediction Equation For The Chilean Subduction Zone
Ground-Motion Prediction Equation For The Chilean Subduction Zone
Ground-Motion Prediction Equation For The Chilean Subduction Zone
Chile is a country with high seismic activity, and most of 2006, for Japan; Lin and Lee, 2008, for Taiwan). A few
this activity is associated with the subduction of the Nazca GMPEs are available for the Chile subduction zone (Ruiz
plate beneath the South American plate. Subduction earth- and Saragoni, 2005; Boroscheck and Contreras, 2012), but
quakes have a strong impact on civil infrastructure and his- these models have theoretical shortcomings. For example,
torically caused economic and social losses. Two principal Boroschek and Contreras (2012) consider only 13 events in
types of seismicity can be associated with the subduction the dataset, and site information only differentiates rock from
mechanism: earthquakes occurring at the contact between soil, whereas Ruiz and Saragoni (2005) use epicentral dis-
the Nazca and South America plates (interface) and earth- tance as the distance measure and M s (surface-wave magni-
quakes occurring within the subducted oceanic plate and tude) as the magnitude measure. In fact, these two equations
related to tensional stresses within the plate (intraplate or would not be acceptable for modern PSHA studies, accord-
in-slab). Large-magnitude interface earthquakes that struck ing to the exclusion criteria proposed by Bommer et al.
Chile in recent years (e.g., 2010 M w 8.8 Maule, 2014 M w 8.1 (2010). The proposed GMPE for the Chilean subduction
Iquique, and 2015 Mw 8.3 Illapel) caused economic and life zone contributes to a better assessment of the seismic haz-
losses but have also allowed the scientific community to ard in the region and possibly to other subduction zones in
learn about these rarely recorded events. Among these lessons the world.
is the fact that the lack of a well-constrained model for these This article presents a GMPE for the Chilean subduction
types of events in this region hinders our ability to quantify zone based on data from events that occurred between 1985
and mitigate earthquake hazards. and 2015. Ground-motion records are selected and processed
Ground-motion prediction equations (GMPEs) are one with a uniform scheme and include interface and in-slab
of the essential components of probabilistic seismic-hazard events. The ground-motion parameters predicted by this
model are the peak ground acceleration (PGA, in g) and 5%
analysis (PSHA). A number of GMPEs have been proposed
damped pseudoacceleration response spectra (in g) up to a
for subduction environments based on worldwide data (e.g.,
period of 10 s.
Youngs et al., 1997; Atkinson and Boore, 2003, 2008;
Abrahamson et al., 2016) and regional data (e.g., Zhao et al.,
Strong Ground Motion Database
*Also at Camino a Chiguayante 5615, Department 404, Chiguayante The available strong-motion data in Chile has grown in
4100145, Chile; [email protected]. parallel with the growth of seismic networks, such as the
multinational effort Integrated Plate boundary Observatory study (see Bastías and Montalva, 2016), whereas at other
Chile (hereafter, IPOC) and networks funded by the Chilean stations, published V S30 values are used. The number of
government only (e.g., Red Nacional de Acelerografos strong-motion stations with measured V S30 is limited (57
[RENADIC] and the Seismometer Network; both available stations, with 744 records); to obtain an inferred V S30 value,
by Centro Sismológico Nacional [CSN], see Data and Re- two methodologies are jointly applied (Bastías and Mon-
sources). The data used to fit the model presented herein are talva, 2016): the topographic slope of Wald and Allen
based on processed records from the flatfile published by (2007) and the use of the site’s predominant period as a
Bastías and Montalva (2015, 2016). The database includes proxy for V S30 (Zhao et al., 2006). A weighted average of
earthquake-related parameters (i.e., moment and local mag- these two methodologies is used. The numbers of stations
nitudes, epicentral coordinates, focal depth, and focal mecha- characterized following the approach stated above is 178.
nism), classification of earthquakes (i.e., interface, crustal, or The records were processed in a consistent manner,
in-slab), source-to-site measures (i.e., azimuth, epicentral, with each component individually filtered. The purpose of
hypocentral, and closest distances to rupture plane), and site the processing methodology is to identify the range of fre-
characterization at each recording station using average quencies for which the signal dominates over the noise or to
shear-wave velocity in the upper 30 m (V S30 ), topographic identify the time window of a signal in which noise is not
slope, and the site’s natural frequency (f0 ). The event meta- dominant. The procedure uses a band-pass filter in the fre-
data are gathered from public seismic catalogs (e.g., Global quency domain. To select the low-cut frequency, the S-wave
Centroid Moment Tensor [CMT]; International Seismologi- Fourier spectrum is divided by that of the noise window of
cal Centre [ISC]; CSN). Information about the instrument each record component. The ratio is then smoothed using a
type and stations coordinates was obtained from the net- Konno–Ohmachi filter to obtain the signal-to-noise ratio
work operators’ websites (IPOC, RENADIC, and CSN). (SNR). The low cutoff frequency for the filter is chosen at
The strong ground motion dataset uses first the hypocentral an SNR equal (or greater) to three, whereas the high cutoff
location (i.e., latitude, longitude, and depth) reported by the frequency is selected as the minimum value between the
CSN catalog and, if necessary, the location reported by the
Nyquist frequency and the frequency at which the spectrum
ISC catalog. Moment magnitudes and focal mechanisms
becomes flat (Akkar et al., 2011). The usable period range is
were obtained from the CMT catalog when available. How-
determined for each record as 1.25 times the low-cut corner
ever, when M w was unavailable, relationships between Mw
frequency used in the record processing, which is the same
and ML developed by Bastías and Montalva (2016) were
criterion used for processing the Next Generation Attenuation-
West2 database (Ancheta et al., 2014). Within the processing,
Each earthquake was classified according to its location
we ensure that the level of noise present on each of the seismic
with respect to the trench axis (epicentral coordinates and
records is the same.
focal depth) and, when available, its focal mechanism. The
Part of the dataset, the high-quality (HQ) data (i.e., mea-
results of this classification are that, in general, interface
events are associated with reverse-faulting earthquakes and sured V S30 and moment magnitude reported by the Global
are located between the Perú–Chile trench and Chile’s coast CMT catalog) are used to create an alternative model that has
with focal depths up to 50 km, and in-slab events are asso- the potential for a better fit. Figure 1 shows both datasets:
ciated with normal-faulting earthquakes with focal depths entire data and the HQ subset.
greater than 50 km. Crustal events and subduction interface The initial data used to perform the regression include
were differentiated according to the event’s focal mecha- 3774 records from 473 earthquakes. This includes 2461
nism; a reverse faulting was associated with interface events. records from 281 interface events and 1313 records from
Earthquakes located between the Perú–Chile trench and 192 in-slab events. This large database allows an adequate
Chile’s coast, shallower than 50 km and associated with characterization of the attenuation parameters, magnitude
other-than-reverse mechanisms were cataloged as crustal scaling, and site response. The HQ subset includes 520 re-
events. For events without focal mechanism information, we cords from 208 earthquakes, including 411 records from
used a slab subduction model (Hayes et al., 2012) for their 151 interface events and 109 records from 57 in-slab events.
classification. In this case, events for which the hypocenter Figure 1 shows the distributions of moment magnitude
location matched the location of the interface were classified against source-to-site distance and against focal depth, seg-
as interface events. The rupture plane for the most significant regated by type of seismogenesis (i.e., interplate or in-slab).
events is obtained from the scientific literature. For earth- The strong ground motion data were obtained from 235 sta-
quakes without a published rupture plane, the dimensions tions with a V S30 range between 108 and 1951 m=s. The
of the rupture are estimated using the empirical relationships geometric mean of the horizontal components, for the 5%
proposed by Strasser et al. (2010), and finite-fault distances damped spectral acceleration, is computed for PGA, and 22
are computed by assuming that the centroid reported by spectral periods between 0.02 and 10 s, using time-domain
Global CMT is at the center of the rupture plane. The site integration. The spectral accelerations and metadata used
conditions at ground-motion stations were parameterized are freely available from the NEEShub platform (Bastías
using V S30 . For some stations, V S30 is measured within this and Montalva, 2015).
BSSA Early Edition
Ground-Motion Prediction Equation for the Chilean Subduction Zone 3
> θ12 ln V linS − b lnPGA1000 c
< n
b ln PGA1000 c V linS ; if V S30 < V lin
: V V
θ12 ln V linS b ln V linS ; if V S30 < V lin
1000; if V S30 > 1000
V S 7
V S30 ; if V S30 ≤ 1000
< θ7 θ8 ln ×FFABA ; ifFevent 1
fpath θ2 θ14 Fevent θ3 Mw − 7:8 fects regression. Stafford (2014) demonstrated that this meth-
odology has advantages over methods that split the residuals
× lnR C4 expθ9 M w − 6 θ6 R 4 in a multistage scheme, because failure to include all random
BSSA Early Edition
4 G. A. Montalva, N. Bastías, and A. Rodriguez-Marek
0.00 3657 5.87504 0.80277 −0.33487 −1.75360 0.13125 −0.00039 −0.73080 4.53143 0.00567 1.01495 0.47462 0.56436 0.39903
0.02 3657 5.97631 0.84132 −0.28055 −1.77011 0.12246 −0.00039 −0.73869 4.57416 0.00565 1.03738 0.47632 0.57188 0.40261
0.05 3658 7.45297 1.03131 −0.03954 −2.03336 0.08332 0.00000 −0.69849 4.56071 0.00848 1.31034 0.53776 0.57850 0.39720
0.075 3656 8.04760 1.03437 −0.01295 −2.10610 0.08013 −0.00010 −0.65336 4.36639 0.00922 1.48158 0.56188 0.59937 0.38824
0.1 3652 7.76085 1.07565 0.00758 −1.99371 0.07303 −0.00079 −0.55051 3.90923 0.00630 1.65619 0.52707 0.63410 0.38365
0.15 3654 6.17192 1.17061 0.10491 −1.58654 0.05482 −0.00268 −0.42997 3.06236 0.00559 1.93944 0.50642 0.63022 0.39930
0.2 3657 4.83403 1.20531 0.17968 −1.29711 0.05250 −0.00338 −0.53088 3.50113 0.00320 2.08901 0.44619 0.61699 0.41782
0.25 3682 4.42688 1.37607 0.22912 −1.18774 0.02995 −0.00355 −0.58086 3.62816 0.00182 2.25003 0.45040 0.58609 0.43277
0.3 3673 4.57009 1.34991 0.15593 −1.24896 0.03866 −0.00245 −0.66281 3.87634 0.00213 2.28339 0.42549 0.57014 0.44123
0.4 3643 3.98311 1.37954 0.11671 −1.13377 0.04683 −0.00208 −0.72244 4.03388 0.00069 2.31409 0.42945 0.54796 0.45157
0.5 3591 4.86034 1.51950 0.18348 −1.38020 0.03822 −0.00002 −0.79644 4.31418 0.00065 2.33333 0.43334 0.49113 0.45476
0.6 3634 4.67510 1.66663 0.21968 −1.35362 0.02524 0.00000 −0.90120 4.75197 0.00087 2.23422 0.44599 0.49078 0.45219
0.75 3614 4.30862 1.85625 0.29783 −1.30800 0.00995 0.00000 −0.89829 4.70452 −0.00031 2.05217 0.46723 0.48213 0.45553
1 3685 3.57339 1.81217 0.24372 −1.23082 0.03605 0.00000 −0.87331 4.56020 −0.00101 1.63506 0.50143 0.45955 0.43828
1.5 3717 2.92216 2.03469 0.22521 −1.18750 0.02769 −0.00010 −0.94686 4.83343 0.00010 0.69338 0.51633 0.42573 0.42297
2 3648 2.39780 2.04340 0.27383 −1.16319 0.04011 −0.00033 −0.90845 4.59029 0.00109 −0.09762 0.50688 0.40179 0.40377
2.5 3583 1.64148 1.88987 0.18740 −1.06544 0.08310 −0.00121 −0.80518 4.13415 0.00035 −0.34932 0.51465 0.39825 0.38489
3 3525 1.66483 1.90504 0.13268 −1.12678 0.09404 −0.00088 −0.81689 4.18978 0.00073 −0.33270 0.50365 0.38493 0.37384
4 3283 0.90565 1.71178 0.01380 −1.07620 0.13838 −0.00062 −0.87331 4.50907 0.00084 −0.41321 0.45311 0.35579 0.37020
5 3102 0.61234 1.59359 0.06465 −1.13080 0.15259 0.00000 −0.87800 4.56386 0.00068 −0.42395 0.43900 0.34991 0.37674
6 2921 0.32672 1.69184 0.32368 −1.15734 0.12421 0.00000 −0.88436 4.55837 0.00137 −0.38760 0.42084 0.32048 0.37173
7.5 2780 −0.24140 1.71126 0.60252 −1.14070 0.10951 0.00000 −0.98803 5.08282 0.00167 −0.32638 0.41701 0.29895 0.36349
10 2473 −0.96314 1.67160 0.77621 −1.09295 0.11344 0.00000 −1.05008 5.49692 −0.00070 −0.25811 0.38872 0.28454 0.36173
Ground-Motion Prediction Equation for the Chilean Subduction Zone
Table 1 (Continued)
Period (s) σ θ7 θ8 θ15 θ16 θ9 ΔC1;interface ΔC1;in-slab V lin b n c C4 C1
0.00 0.83845 1.0988 −1.420 0.9969 −1.000 0.4 0.200 −0.300 865.1 −1.186 1.18 1.88 10 7.2
0.02 0.84618 1.0988 −1.420 0.9969 −1.000 0.4 0.200 −0.300 865.1 −1.186 1.18 1.88 10 7.2
0.05 0.88409 1.2536 −1.650 1.1030 −1.180 0.4 0.200 −0.300 1053.5 −1.346 1.18 1.88 10 7.2
0.075 0.90867 1.4175 −1.800 1.2732 −1.360 0.4 0.200 −0.300 1085.7 −1.471 1.18 1.88 10 7.2
0.1 0.90944 1.3997 −1.800 1.3042 −1.360 0.4 0.200 −0.300 1032.5 −1.624 1.18 1.88 10 7.2
0.15 0.90171 1.3582 −1.690 1.2600 −1.300 0.4 0.200 −0.300 877.6 −1.931 1.18 1.88 10 7.2
0.2 0.86853 1.1648 −1.490 1.2230 −1.250 0.4 0.200 −0.300 748.2 −2.188 1.18 1.88 10 7.2
0.25 0.85654 0.9940 −1.300 1.1600 −1.170 0.4 0.200 −0.300 654.3 −2.381 1.18 1.88 10 7.2
0.3 0.83713 0.8821 −1.180 1.0500 −1.060 0.4 0.200 −0.300 587.1 −2.518 1.18 1.88 10 7.2
0.4 0.82982 0.7046 −0.980 0.8000 −0.780 0.4 0.144 −0.300 503 −2.657 1.18 1.88 10 7.2
0.5 0.79737 0.5799 −0.820 0.6620 −0.620 0.4 0.100 −0.300 456.6 −2.669 1.18 1.88 10 7.2
0.6 0.80265 0.5021 −0.700 0.5800 −0.500 0.4 0.074 −0.300 430.3 −2.599 1.18 1.88 10 7.2
0.75 0.81134 0.3687 −0.540 0.4800 −0.340 0.4 0.042 −0.300 410.5 −2.401 1.18 1.88 10 7.2
1 0.80914 0.1746 −0.340 0.3300 −0.140 0.4 0.000 −0.300 400 −1.955 1.18 1.88 10 7.2
1.5 0.79168 −0.0820 −0.050 0.3100 0.000 0.4 −0.058 −0.300 400 −1.025 1.18 1.88 10 7.2
2 0.76249 −0.2821 0.120 0.3000 0.000 0.4 −0.100 −0.300 400 −0.299 1.18 1.88 10 7.2
2.5 0.75605 −0.4108 0.250 0.3000 0.000 0.4 −0.155 −0.300 400 0 1.18 1.88 10 7.2
3 0.73593 −0.4466 0.300 0.3000 0.000 0.4 −0.200 −0.300 400 0 1.18 1.88 10 7.2
4 0.68480 −0.4344 0.300 0.3000 0.000 0.4 −0.200 −0.300 400 0 1.18 1.88 10 7.2
5 0.67609 −0.4368 0.300 0.3000 0.000 0.4 −0.200 −0.300 400 0 1.18 1.88 10 7.2
6 0.64653 −0.4586 0.300 0.3000 0.000 0.4 −0.200 −0.300 400 0 1.18 1.88 10 7.2
7.5 0.62881 −0.4433 0.300 0.3000 0.000 0.4 −0.200 −0.300 400 0 1.18 1.88 10 7.2
10 0.60243 −0.4828 0.300 0.3000 0.000 0.4 −0.200 −0.300 400 0 1.18 1.88 10 7.2
Figure 3. Response spectra obtained for a fore-arc site with V S30 300 m=s for an interplate earthquake. PGA, peak ground accel-
eration. The color version of this figure is available only in the electronic edition.
Figure 4. Response spectrum obtained for a fore-arc site with V S30 300 m=s for an in-slab earthquake. The color version of this figure
is available only in the electronic edition.
Figure 5. Resampling analysis to evaluate the sensitivity of coefficients θ1 and θ2 for PGA and 0.1 s. Dashed horizontal lines are the
confidence intervals for each coefficient from the bootstrap analysis. (a) and (c) correspond to PGA, and (b) and (d) correspond to spectral
acceleration (SA) (T 0:1 s). The color version of this figure is available only in the electronic edition.
convergence of each coefficient occurs at subsets with at V S30 values. The probability of exceeding any specific inten-
least 1000 records, but the mean for even the smallest sample sity value decreases with a decrease in sigma, so another ad-
(500 records) is within the 95% confidence interval from the vantage of this alternative model is its lower variability; this
full dataset (i.e., from the bootstrap analysis). Figure 5 shows comes at the cost of better input data (i.e., measured V S30 ), and
this exercise for coefficients θ1 and θ2 , for which the box- a restricted usable distance range (Rrup < 300 km).
plots show the mean ± one standard deviation for each sam- The best-characterized event in the dataset is the 2010
ple size. With larger sample sizes, the standard deviation for Mw 8.8 Maule earthquake, because many of the recording
each coefficient decreases, and in fact it would eventually sites have a measured V S30 value (e.g., Kayen et al., 2014;
reach zero with the coefficient taking the model’s value. The Bastías and Montalva, 2016). Figure 7 overlays the records
same behavior occurs for the remaining coefficients. from this event with the distance attenuation for both models
for an M w 8.8 earthquake and a V S30 value close to the
Residual and Uncertainty Analysis median of those stations that recorded the Maule event (the
median is 515 m=s). The standard deviations for the HQ
The accuracy of the model with respect to the empirical model are listed in Table 2.
data is examined by plotting the independent variables against To assess the difference in goodness of fit between the
the residuals. Figure 6 shows the between-event residual Abrahamson et al. (2016) and the models developed in this
against moment magnitude, the single-station residual against study, we compare the performance of each model using the
source-to-site distance, and the site-to-site residual versus LLH methodology proposed by Scherbaum et al. (2009).
V S30 . Mean and standard deviations of binned data are com- This allows a comparison, under an objective scheme, of the
puted and shown in the figure. The tick marks on the x axis predictive capability of each model for this database. Figure 8
define the bin range values used for analysis. After testing all shows the LLH values for the HQ dataset, the Abrahamson
independent variables, no trends are found. Consequently, the et al. (2016) model, and the ones proposed in this study.
residual plots lead us to conclude that the regression procedure Models developed in this article show better performance
is robust and reliable. (i.e., lower LLH values). Ⓔ Figure S1 shows a comparison
For engineering applications in seismic-hazard analyses, in terms of distance attenuation.
the standard deviations are as important as the median pre-
dictions. The HQ model, fitted only with HQ data, allows the Comparison of Standard Deviations with Other
assessment of the uncertainty in the input variables. The goal Tectonic Regions
of this model is to remove some of the scatter introduced
by the uncertainty associated with the conversion of local Rodriguez-Marek et al. (2013) compared ergodic
magnitudes to moment magnitudes and from the inferred within-event standard deviations (ϕ with ϕ ϕ2SS ϕ2S2S )
BSSA Early Edition
Ground-Motion Prediction Equation for the Chilean Subduction Zone 9
Figure 6. Plots of residual components versus predictive variables. Rows one through four correspond to PGA, SA (T 0:1 s),
SA (T 1 s), and SA (T 10 s). The color version of this figure is available only in the electronic edition.
and event-corrected single-station standard deviations (ϕSS ) earthquake); consequently, it is feasible to extend the appli-
for multiple regions, concluding that in particular ϕSS is a cability of the model up to Mw 9. For V S30, the range of
very stable parameter across different tectonic environments. validity goes from 100 to 1000 m=s. In this article, we also
The same data are used to compare the standard deviations of regress for a GMPE using only a HQ subset of the database
the proposed model. Figure 9a shows remarkable agreement (i.e., the HQ model). The validity of the HQ model is re-
of the proposed model with the parameters obtained from stricted to interface events and distances up to 300 km. Both
other regions and tectonic environments. The HQ model has models predict similar median response over the range of
significantly lower ϕS2S values due to the better-characterized applicability (see Fig. 7), but the HQ model renders signifi-
sites, almost identical τ, and slightly lower ϕSS values. The val- cantly lower values of ϕS2S . This reduction is likely due to
ues for ϕ are also within the parameters obtained worldwide. the better metadata (V S30 ) for the HQ dataset. Other studies
(Rodriguez-Marek et al., 2013) indicated decreasing ϕSS val-
Summary and Conclusions ues for large magnitudes, which may indicate why the HQ
This article presented a GMPE for Chilean earthquakes model, which has a much larger proportion of large M w
based on a comprehensive database compiled by Bastías and events on its dataset, has a slightly lower ϕSS.
Montalva (2016). Using the criteria proposed by Bommer The difference between the total intra-event variability
et al. (2010), the range of validity of the proposed GMPE (ϕ) and the single-station event-corrected variability (ϕSS )
is for distances up to 300 km; however, distances up to is a clear indication that a better constraint on site parameters
1000 km show reasonable behavior. For magnitudes, the reduces the value of ϕS2S , which in turn implies a reduction
range goes from 5.0 to 8.0, in which the bulk of the data lies. in ϕ. These findings are also true for other regions (e.g.,
However, events in the Mw 8.0–9.0 bin are some of the Thompson and Wald, 2016) in which improved site terms
best-characterized events (including the M w 8.8 Maule analysis within the GMPE is needed.
Acknowledgments Lin, P.-S., and C.-T. Lee (2008). Ground-motion attenuation relationships
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This work was partially funded by Fondo de Fomento al Desarrollo mol. Soc. Am. 98, no. 1, 220–240.
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Investigación Científica y Tecnológica/Fondo de Financiamiento de Centros B. Edwards, G. A. Montalva, and H. M. Dawood (2013). A model for
de Investigación en Áreas Prioritarias (CONICYT/FONDAP/15130015), and single-station standard deviation using data from various tectonic
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