Trick3 Aces in Their Places
Trick3 Aces in Their Places
Trick3 Aces in Their Places
by Peter Duffie
The two black Kings find two selected cards, then the selections find the four
Phase one is a standard sandwich effect, both in effect and method, but is essential to
set the scene for the main event.
1. You can pre-set this, or do the following: Run through the deck and remove the two
black Kings. While you are doing this cull the four Aces to the rear. The middle two Aces
should be of the same colour. We'll assume the reds are between the blacks. Finally
turn the deck face down and Double Cut the top Ace to the bottom. This puts the Aces
into their starting positions - reading from the top: red Ace, red Ace, black Ace with
remaining black Ace on the bottom of the deck.
2. Spread the deck and have two spectators each select a card. After the second card
has been drawn, casually break the spread and place the upper section below the
bottom section and retain a break between the sections.
Have the first selection replaced on top of the deck, then give the deck a complete cut
at the break and retain a new break above the selection. Have the second selection
replaced on top of the deck and give the deck another cut, bringing the first selection to
the top while you retain a break above the other selection at the middle. Give the deck
one final cut as follows: With your left thumb resting on top of the deck, your right hand
cuts off the section above the break and slaps it onto the table, however, your left thumb
retains the top card which finishes on top of the lower half. Right hand picks up this half
and slaps it on top of the tabled portion. Both selections are now on top while the rest of
the deck remains unchanged.
3. Ask a spectator to pick up the Kings, examine them, then hand them to you. Take this
opportunity to secure a break below the top two cards. Place the Kings face up on to of
the deck and lift off all four cards above the break in a Biddle grip. Peel the upper King
onto the deck as you name the suit, them place the remaining three cards (as one) on
Say, "If I shake the deck the Kings will vanish from the top and reappear
elsewhere in the deck." Execute Jiggle Pass anywhere near the middle. The Kings
visibly vanish. Spread the cards and stop when you reach the face up Kings, which you
cut to the top. Push off the top four cards and lay them in a spread on the table - two
face up Kings with two face down cards between them. Ask both spectators to name
their cards then turn over the two face down cards to reveal both selections.
4. Act as if the trick's over, and obtain a break below the top two cards. Then. pick up
the Kings and flip them face down on the deck, then lift off all four cards in a right hand
Biddle grip, saying, "Now that we've successfully found your cards we don't need
the Kings any more."
Openly pull down the lower two-thirds of the deck with your left little finger and insert the
packet into the deck. As you push the cards in, the lower card hits your left little finger
tip which causes this card to sidejog. Immediately take a break above this card and
square the deck. You should pay little attention to this as you don't want the audience
wondering why you're fiddling about with two cards you no longer need!
5. Now for the finish. Say, "Now, we'll use your two chosen cards to take us into the
next part of my routine."
Pick up the two selections and place them face up on the deck. Say, "And, once again
I'll shake the deck to make the magic happen." As you say this, you appear to
merely demonstrate the action to match your words, but in reality you execute a Top
Card Cover Pass under a Jiggle action. Nothing appears to have changed.
Now, say, "Watch!" As you speak, break the deck (pull down with left little finger) about
one third from the top and execute a straight Jiggle Pass. In effect, both selections
Finally spread the deck across the table revealing that the two selections are face up at
different places. Push out each face up card along with the two cards on either side of it.
Build up the finish, saying, "We started with you both choosing cards......then two
Kings found your your two cards have found...." As you finish the
sentence, turn over the four face down cards, revealing these to be, "....the four
Originally I had the selections finding the four Kings. This is marginally easier to do and
set up because in step 4, you only insert the two black Kings with no extra cards, and
establishing a break between them is easy. However, I don't think it's nearly as effective,
as you're finding two cards that you only a moment ago pushed into the deck.
If you want to try the four King finish, as you remove the two black Kings, cull the red
Kings to the rear. Turn the deck face down and Double cut the top card to the bottom.
Now proceed exactly as explained above, handling step 4 in the way just mentioned.