Munich Film Review

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Historic Film Review (Unit 6 Blog Post #3)


Writing a Historic Film Review

Think of your film review as a series of paragraphs. Each paragraph should

represent a specific theme of your overall review. Begin your film review by
discussing the subject matter of the film
- Introduce the film
o Create a “hook” to draw readers into reading your film review
o Provide a quick overview of the main plot
o Tease your overall thoughts on the film

Your next paragraph should involve reviewing the film making process
- Detail the major players and details involved in making the film
o Review the director/producers’ qualifications and previous works.
o Movie budget, location of filming, year released, delays, etc…

Your third section presents the main points that the director makes in the film
- What is the director saying about the subject and why did the director make this film (besides to make
o Are the reasons for the film explicitly stated, or does the viewer must dig to find the meaning
behind the film?
o Does the film make clear that it’s trying to inform its audience or is it just all spectacle?
o Who was this film made for and how can you tell?

The fourth section should place the film in a historic context

- For this section, you should research outside sources to compare the movie with the “true” events of
the event. Answer questions such as;
o Are there factual or historical errors in the film?
o Does the director omit or ignore important topics?
o Does the film seem biased, and in what ways?
o Do the director’s biases get in the way of telling the story?

- Evaluate the quality of the filmmaking, the performance of the actors, and/or the usefulness of the film
as an educational medium.
o Are the characters believable?
o Does the dialogue seem appropriate for the time and setting of the film?
o You may have enjoyed the film, but you might offer some criticism as to how it could be
improved. Make note of the directing style, camera angles, and other visual aspects of the film,
and briefly discuss some of the technical details of the film.

* End with final thoughts about the film

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