SIMOPS Plan Rev.2

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Unit-10 SIMOPS

Activites Name Dept Unit duraion 8:00 AM 2:00 PM 1PM

plant dry out Mode process 10/3/1940 30h

Insulation and cladding removal U-10 for cold box spools PMT 10 30h
hot bolting for cold box E-02 spools Halibortun 10 24h
hot bolting for cold box E-01 spools Halibortun 10 24h
plant depressurizing process 10/3/1940 6h
Unit -10 N2 Purge ( cold box , line modification and absorber ) Halibortun 10 72h
Unit 10 G/L cold box outlet line purging and positive isolation Halibortun 10 42h
E-2 outlet line N2 purge + G/G hot side N2 purge Halibortun 10 18h
E-2 outlet line spools removal Halibortun 10 8h
E-2 purge liquid lines Halibortun 10 10h
E-2 remaining spool removal Halibortun 10 6h
G/G cold box cold side to absorber + E-03 N2 Purge Halibortun 10 24h
G/G cold box inlet / outlet spool removal Halibortun 10 12h
hand over the E-02 outlet line to PMT for cutting PMT 10 4.5D
E-02 Swapping PMT 10 12h
E-01/03 swapping PMT 10 12h
New E-02 outlet line welding PMT 10 9D
flare line of smart layer PMT 10 3D
E-02 / E-01/03 spools assembly Halibortun 10 3D
Perlite filling for Cold box ( night shift activities ) PMT 10 5D
CPC pump manual valves suction / discharge maint. 10 8h
support for new lines welding ( opportunity ) PMT 10 18h
1/2" N2 line to CPC cutting and welding PMT 10 8h
manula valve of PSV-36 maint. 10 6h
JTV repair maint. 10 24h
Compressor 10-X-01A discharge line modification PMT 10 PMT PMT PMT PMT
Expander "A" MCS Replacment maint. 10
Compressor 10-X-0/B discharge line modification maint. 10
Expander "B" MCS Replacement PMT 10

U40 check valves A/B replacement maint. 40 4D

Bundle replacement for unit A. maint. 40 12D

plant boundary isolation modification PMT 40 9D

SIMOPS Register Percuations and Mitigations

Action By
insulation works to start for E-02 before mechanical work then moved to E-01/03 , while insulation works at E-01/03 , mechanical works start at E-02 , No interference between two activities in the same
SIMOPS-1 Insulation removal and cladding activities X hot bolting activities

spool removal and +ve isolation for E-02 to start first then move to E-01/03 , cutting of outlet line to start after spool removal of E-02 and at E-02 side , No interference between two activities in the
SIMOPS-2 E-02 outlet line cutting X spool removal and +ve isolation
same skid

swapping of E-02 will cross the crane utilized for E-02 outlet line cutting , So during the E-02 swapping agreed with PMT to stop the lifting activities for outlet line cutting and to be resumed after
SIMOPS-3 E-02 outlet line cutting X cold box swapping
completing the E-02 swapping

two activities in the same area using two cranes , E-01/03 spools assembly lifting activities to be conducted at E-01/03 side while the lifting activities for E-02 outlet line welding conducted at E-02 side , So two
SIMOPS-4 E-02 , E01/03 spools assembly X E-02 outlet line welding
cranes can be utilizied separately , in case welding lifting activities for E-02 oulet line will cross spools assembly , the periorty for E-02 outlet line welding lifting activities

two activities in the same area using two cranes , samrt layer flare line lifting activities to be conducted at E-01/03 side while the lifting activities for E-02 outlet line conducted at E-02 side , So two
SIMOPS-5 Smart layer flare line X E-02 outlet line welding
cranes can be utilizied separately , in case lifting activities for E-02 oulet line will cross flare line lifting activities , the periorty for E-02 outlet line welding lifting activities

Perlite filling before cold box swapping opportunity if done

SIMOPS-6 perlit filling X mechanical activities perlite filling activvities to foucsed on night shift and during the day shift to be in other side of mechnical activities (i.e. filling for E-01/03 while mechanical activies on E-02 and Vis versa
this SIMOPS will be cleared

the comp. discharge line cold cut will be prior to expander removal so the lifting operation for Comp. modification doesn’t cross the expander lifting , the only interferance during expander instllation and
SIMOPS-7 Comp. discharge line modification X expander MCS replacement
one flange welding of removed elbow , Maint. To complet expa. lifting and placed in its location then both team working for elbow alignment and welding

SIMOPS-8 CPC manual valves replacment X manual valve of 10-PSV-36 replacement both tasks needed crane and lifting operation , planning to separat the two tasks not to be implemnted in the same time as the crane should mounted in the same position / area

SIMOPS-9 check valve replacement for 40-X-01 unitA/B X Bundle unit B replacement check valve will replace for Turbine A while bundle of unit B replaced , No multiple lifting for the same unit in the same time

SIMOPS-10 plant boundary modification X bundle replacement of Unit B location of modification is far than Bundle replacement and check valve replacement
March SD SIMOPS Plan



Main. Main. Main. Main. Main. Main. Main. Main. Main. Main. Main. Main.
March SD SIMOPS Plan










Maint. Maint. Maint. Maint. Maint. Maint. Maint. Maint. Maint. Maint. Maint. Maint.









SIMOPS Description Unit

Insulation removal and cladding activities X hot bolting activities 10

E-02 outlet line cutting X spool removal and +ve isolation 10

E-02 outlet line cutting X cold box swapping 10

E-02 , E01/03 spools assembly X E-02 outlet line welding 10

Smart layer flare line X E-02 outlet line welding 10

perlit filling X mechanical activities 10

Comp. discharge line modification X expander MCS replacement 10

CPC manual valves replacement X manual valve of 10-PSV-36 replacement 10

check valve replacement for 40-X-01 unitA/B X Bundle unit B replacement 40

plant boundary modification X bundle replacement of Unit B 40

March SD SIMOPS Register
Precautions a

insulation works to start for E-02 before mechanical work then moved to E-01/03 , while insulation works at E-01/03

spool removal and +ve isolation for E-02 to start first then move to E-01/03 , cutting of outlet line to start after spool

swapping of E-02 will cross the crane utilized for E-02 outlet line cutting , So during the E-02 swapping agreed with

two activities in the same area using two cranes , E-01/03 spools assembly lifting activities to be conducted at E-01
separately , in case welding lifting activities for E-02 oulet line will cross spools assembly , the periorty for E-02 outle

tw activities in the same area using two cranes , smart layer flare line lifting activities to be conducted at E-01/03 sid
case lifting activities for E-02 outlet line will cross flare line lifting activities , the priority for E-02 outlet line welding lift

perlite filling activities to focused on night shift and during the day shift to be in other side of mechanical activities (i.e

the comp. discharge line cold cut will be prior to expander removal so the lifting operation for Comp. modification do
elbow , Main. To complete expa. lifting and placed in its location then both team working for elbow alignment and we

both tasks needed crane and lifting operation , planning to separate the two tasks not to be implemented in the sam
check valve will be eplaced for Turbine A while bundle of unit B being replaced , No multiple lifting for the same unit

location of modification is far than Bundle replacement and check valve replacement
Precautions and Mitigations

ation works at E-01/03 , mechanical works start at E-02 , No interference between two activities in the same skid

ne to start after spool removal of E-02 and at E-02 side , No interference between two activities in the same skid

swapping agreed with PMT to stop the lifting activities for outlet line cutting and to be resumed after completing the E-02 swapp

be conducted at E-01/03 side while the lifting activities for E-02 outlet line welding conducted at E-02 side , So two cranes can
e periorty for E-02 outlet line welding lifting activities

nducted at E-01/03 side while the lifting activities for E-02 outlet line conducted at E-02 side , So two cranes can be utilized sep
2 outlet line welding lifting activities

echanical activities (i.e. filling for E-01/03 while mechanical actives on E-02 and Vis versa

Comp. modification doesn’t cross the expander lifting , the only interference during expander installation and one flange welding
bow alignment and welding

plemented in the same time as the crane should mounted in the same position / area
fting for the same unit in the same time , for unit B check valve replacement to be done after Crane 200 ton complet lifting
action By

e same skid PMT / Hallibrtun / process

the same skid PMT / Hallibrtun / process

completing the E-02 swapping PMT / process

02 side , So two cranes can be utilizied PMT / process

o cranes can be utilized separately , in PMT / process

PMT / process

tion and one flange welding of removed PMT / Maintenance / Process

Miantenance / process
200 ton complet lifting Hallibrtun / Maint. / process

PMT / Maintenance / Process

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