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APT Attachs

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Nguyen Hong Son

 The term Advanced Persistent Threat was created by analysts in the

United States Air Force in 2006. It describes three aspects of attackers

that represent their profile, intent, and structure:
 Advanced: The attacker is fluent with cyber-intrusion methods and
administrative techniques and is capable of crafting custom exploits and

 Persistent: The attacker has a long-term objective and works to achieve

his or her goals without detection.

 Threat: The attacker is organized, funded, motivated, and has ubiquitous

Features (1/2)
 Attackers seek to remove obstacles

 Do not usually include sabotage

 Clean traces of their actions from system logs

 APT tools utilize normal everyday functions native within the operating system
and hide in the file system “in plain sight.”

 Do not want to impede or interrupt the normal system operations of the hosts
they compromise

 Practice low-profile attack, penetration, reconnaissance, lateral movement,

administration, and data exfiltration techniques

 The most popular technique used by APT groups to gain access to target
networks is spear-phishing

 Spear-phishing relies upon e-mail, may include malware that deliberately

attempts to exploit software on the user’s computer
Features (2/2)
 Attackers generally utilize previously compromised networks of
computers as “cutouts” to hide behind for proxied command and
control communications
 Popular and common techniques observed in APT campaigns
include SQL injection of target websites, “meta”-exploits of web
server software, phishing, and exploits of social networking
 Common social engineering techniques such as impersonating
users to help desk personnel, infected USB “drops,” infected
hardware or software
Metasploit is a computer security tool that offers information
about software vulnerabilities, IDS signature development,
and improves penetration testing.
Phases of APT
 Lateral movement
 Data collection and exfiltration
 Administration and maintenance
Targeting phase
 Attackers collect information about the target from
public or private sources
 Testing methods that may help permit access.This
may include vulnerability scanning, social
engineering, and spear-phishing.
 The target may be specific or may be an
affiliate/partner that can provide collateral access
through business networks.
Access phase
 Attackers gain access and determine the most efficient or
effective methods of exploiting the information systems
and security posture of the target organization.
 The compromised host’s identifying data (IP address,
DNS, enumerated NetBIOS shares, DNS/DHCP server
addresses, OS, etc.) as well as collecting credentials or
profile information where possible to facilitate additional
 Attackers may attempt to obfuscate their intentions by
installing rogueware or other malware.
Reconnaissance phase
 Attackers enumerate network shares, discover the
network architecture, name services, domain
controllers, and test service and administrative rights
to access other systems and applications.
 They may attempt to compromise Active Directory
accounts or local administrative accounts with shared
domain privileges.
 Attackers often attempt to hide activities by turning off
antivirus and system logging
Lateral movement phase
 Once attackers have determined methods of traversing

systems with suitable credentials and have identified

targets, they will conduct lateral movement through the
network to other hosts.

 Activities often do not involve the use of malware or tools

other than those already supplied by the compromised

host operating systems such as command shells, NetBIOS
commands, Windows Terminal Services, VNC, or other
similar tools utilized by network administrators.
Data collection and exfiltration phase
 Attackers often establish collection points and exfiltrate the data

via proxied network cut-outs, or utilize custom encryption

techniques (and malware) to obfuscate the data files and related
exfiltration communications.

 In many cases, attackers have utilized existing backup software

or other administrative tools used by the compromised

organization’s own network and systems administrators.

 The exfiltration of data may be “drip fed” or “fire hosed” out, the

technique depending on the attackers’ perception of the

organization’s ability to recognize the data loss or the attackers’
need to exfiltrate the data quickly.
Administration and maintenance phase
 Another goal of an APT is to maintain access over time. This

requires administration and maintenance of tools and


 Attackers will establish multiple methods of accessing the

network of compromised hosts remotely and build flags or

triggers to alert them of changes to their compromised
architecture, so they can perform maintenance actions

 Attackers usually attempt to advance their access methods to

most closely reflect standard user profiles, rather than

continuing to rely upon select tools or malware.
Typical APT campaigns
 Several APT attacks, code-named by investigators :

Aurora, Nitro, ShadyRAT, Lurid, Night Dragon,

Stuxnet, DuQu

 Each involved operational activities, including

access, reconnaissance, lateral movement,
manipulation of information systems, and exfiltration
of private or protected information
Example: Aurora
 The attackers gained access to victims’ networks by using targeted
spear-phishing e-mails sent to company employees.
 The e-mail contained a link to a Taiwanese website that hosted a
malicious JavaScript.
 When the e-mail recipient clicked the link and accessed the website,
the JavaScript exploited an Internet Explorer vulnerability that
allowed remote code execution.
 The malicious JavaScript was undetected by antivirus signatures. It
functioned by injecting shell code with the following code:
 In the JavaScript exploit, a simple cyclic redundancy

checking (CRC) routine of 16 constants was used. The

following code demonstrates the CRC method:
Popular APT Tools: Gh0st Attack
 It is a Remote Administration Tool (RAT)
 It is used in the “Gh0stnet” attacks in 2008–2010, as the example of
malware used for APT attacks
Other APT Tools
 DarkComet RAT
 Marble codes
Example: Malicious E-mail
From: Jessica Long
[mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, 19 December 2011 09:36
Subject: Bank Transaction fault

This notice is mailed to you with regard to the Bank payment (ID: 012832113749) that
was recently sent from your account.
The current status of the referred transfer is: ‘failed due to the technical fault’.
Please check the report below for more information:
Kind regards,
Jessica Long
TEPA - The Electronic Payments
Association – securing your transactions
Example: Malicious E-mail
 The next step involved analyzing the e-mail headers for any

 Using whois, robtex.com, phishtank.com, the investigator

discovered that the IP address originated from Germany and
was on several blacklists as being used in SPAM campaigns
Mechanisms for malware to survive a
 Using various “Run” Registry keys

 Creating a service

 Hooking into an existing service

 Using a scheduled task

 Disguising communications as valid traffic

 Overwriting the master boot record

 Overwriting the system’s BIOS

RFC 3227: incident response procedures
 The correct way to perform incident response is by using the order of

volatility described in RFC 3227

 The order in which evidence should be collected based upon the

volatility of the data:

• Memory

• Page or swap file

• Running process information

• Network data such as listening ports or existing connections to other systems

• System Registry (if applicable)

• System or application log files

• Forensic image of disk(s)

• Backup media
The toolkit for APT investigation
 Investigators used in this case consisted of a mix of
Sysinternals and forensic tools:
• AccessData FTK Imager
• Sysinternals Autoruns
• Sysinternals Process Explorer
• Sysinternals Process Monitor
• WinMerge
• Currports
• Sysinternals Vmmap
Memory Capture
 First perform a memory dump of the compromised computer

 This dump can be useful for analysis of related malware

within the Volatility Framework Tool, for example FTK
 Several memory analysis tools are available including
HBGary FDPro and Responder Pro, Mandiant Memoryze and
The Volatility Framework
 Memory analysis is a crucial part of APT analysis as many
tools or methods employed by attackers will involve process
injection or other obfuscation techniques.
 The virtual memory used by the Windows operating
systems is stored in a file called Pagefile.sys (Pagefile)
 The Pagefile can contain valuable information about
malware infections or targeted attacks
 The Hyberfil.sys contains in-memory data stored while the
system is in Hibernation mode and can offer additional
data to examiners
Memory Analysis
 For analysis of the memory dump file, use the Volatility
Framework Tool.
 First, start with image identification:

$ python vol.py –f /home/imegaofmemdump.mem imageinfo

 Next, retrieve the processes:

$ python vol.py –f /home/imegaofmemdump.mem pslist

 Next, check the network connections:

$ python vol.py –f /home/imegaofmemdump.mem connscan

 For example: The other active connection to over port 80 is

using PID 1024. That PID is used by one of the svchost.exe processes.
Let’s have a deeper look into the process with PID 1024:

$ python vol.py –f /home/imegaofmemdump.mem dlllist –p 1024

Master File Table
 Each file on an NTFS volume is represented by a record in a
special file called the Master File Table (MFT).
 This table is of great value in investigations. Filenames,
timestamps, and many more “metadata” can be retrieved to
provide insights into the incident through timeline correlations,
filenames, file sizes, and other properties.
 For example, in malicious email as above mentioned, the
MFT indicates that a Trojan Dropper (server.exe) was created
in the %TEMP% directory of the Ch1n00k user profile at 9:43
am on 2/19/2011:
 For attackers in an APT, it is important to have
connectivity to a couple of hosts and move throughout
the network. Therefore, determining if there are any
suspicious connections from the machine toward other
(unknown) addresses is important.
 On the compromised computer, open a command
prompt and enter the following command:
netstat -ano
Hosts File
 A quick check can be made of the system’s hosts

file for changes.

 The original hosts file

(/Windows/System32/drivers/etc) has a size of 734

bytes. Any increase in size is suspicious.
 A useful tool for investigating active network sessions

 This tool graphically represents the sessions

Process Explorer
 In Process Explorer, look up the process with PID

and right-click on the process and then select the

Properties option

 The Strings tab gives detailed information about the

printable strings that are present, both in the image

and memory, regarding this process
Process Monitor
 Process Monitor allows us to view all kernel
interactions that processes make with the file and
operating systems

 This helps with understanding how malware

modifies a compromised system and provides
indicators of compromise that are useful for
developing detection scripts and tools.
 RamMap is used to display system and process memory statistics
and utilization
 VMMap is a process virtual and physical memory analysis utility.

 It shows a breakdown of a process’s committed virtual memory

types as well as the amount of physical memory (working set)
assigned by the operating system to those types.
 Besides graphical representations of memory usage, VMMap also
shows summary information and a detailed process memory map.
DNS Cache
 To determine the infection vector, it can be useful to

dump the cached DNS requests that the suspicious

host has made

 Execute the following

ipconfig /displaydns > [evidencegatheringdrive]\displaydnsoutput.txt

 Network communications utilizing SSL or private encryption methods, or

sending and receiving base64-encoded strings

 Services registered to Windows NETSVCS keys and corresponding to files

in the %SYSTEM% folder with DLL or EXE extensions and similar

filenames as valid Windows files

 Copies of CMD.EXE as SVCHOST.EXE or other filenames in the %TEMP%


 LNK files referencing executable files that no longer exist

 RDP files referencing external IP addresses

 Windows Security Event Log entries of Types 3, 8, and 10 logons with

external IP addresses or computer names that do not match organizational

naming conventions
 Windows Application Event Log entries of antivirus and firewall stop and


 Web server error and HTTP log entries of services starting/stopping,

administrative or local host logons, file transfers, and connection patterns

with select addresses

 Antivirus/system logs of C:\, C:\TEMP, or other protected areas of attempted

file creations

 Generic Downloader, or Generic Dropper antivirus detections

 Anomalous .bash_history,/var/logs, and service configuration entries

 Inconsistent file system timestamps for operating system binaries

The most common method of attack:
step 1,2 and 3
 A spear-phishing e-mail is delivered to address(es) in the
 A user opens the e-mail and clicks a link that opens the web
browser or another application, such as Adobe Reader, Microsoft
Word, Microsoft Excel, or Outlook Calendar. The link is redirected to
a hidden address, with a base64-encoding key.
 The hidden address refers to a “dropsite,” which assesses the
browser agent type for known vulnerabilities and returns a Trojan
downloader. The Trojan downloader is usually temporarily located in
c:\documents and settings\<user>\local settings\temp and
automatically executes.
Step 4
 Upon execution, the downloader conveys a base64-encoded
instruction to a different dropsite from which a Trojan dropper is
delivered. The Trojan dropper is used to install a Trojan backdoor
that is either:
 a. Packaged into the dropper and then deletes itself, and the
Trojan backdoor begins beaconing out to the C&C server
programmed into its binary or
 b. Requested from a dropsite (can be the same), according to
system configuration details that the dropper communicates to
the dropsite. Then the dropper deletes itself and the Trojan
backdoor begins beaconing out to the C&C server programmed
into its binary.
Step 5, 6
 The Trojan dropper usually installs the Trojan
backdoor to c:\windows\system32 and registers the
DLL or EXE in the
HKLM\System\<Controlset>\Services portion of the
registry,– usually as a svchost.exe netsvcs -k enabled
service key (to run as a service and survive reboot).
 The Trojan backdoor typically uses a filename that is
similar to, but slightly different from, Windows
Step 7, 8
 The Trojan backdoor uses SSL encryption for communications with

its C&C server via a “cutout” or proxy server. Often several proxies
are used in transit to mask the path to the actual C&C server. The
beacon is usually periodic, such as every five minutes or hours.

 The attacker interacts with the Trojan backdoor via the proxy

network, or occasionally directly from a C&C server.

Communications are usually SSL encrypted, even if using
nonstandard ports.
Step 9, 10
 The attacker typically begins with Computer name and User accounts listings

to gain an understanding of the naming conventions used and then uses a

pass-the-hash or security dump tool (often HOOKMSGINA tools or
GSECDUMP) to harvest local and active directory account information.

 The attacker often uses service privilege escalation for initial reconnaissance

to gain lateral movement in the network. For example, if an attacker exploits

a vulnerable application (IE etc.) to gain local privileges, he or she often uses
Scheduled Tasks to instantiate a command shell with administrative or
service permissions. This is a known vulnerability in all Windows versions
except Win 7 and commonly used; therefore, Scheduled Tasks are also
important to review.
Step 11, 12
 The attacker cracks the passwords offline and uses the credentials to

perform reconnaissance of the compromised network via the Trojan

backdoor, including network scans, shares, and services enumerations

using DOS. This helps the attacker determine lateral access


 Once the lateral access across the network is determined, the attacker

reverts to Windows administrative utilities such as MSTSC (RDP), SC,

NET commands, and so on. If lateralaccess is impeded by network

segmentation, the attacker often employs NAT proxy utilities

Step 13, 14
 When network lateral movement and reconnaissance activities have

been completed, the attacker moves to a second stage and installs

additional backdoor Trojans and reverse proxy utilities (such as
HTRAN) to enable more direct access and establish egress points.

 The egress points are used to collect and steal targeted proprietary

information, usually in encrypted ZIP or RAR packages, often

renamed as GIF files
APTs Detection
 The easiest method is a simple administrative procedure.For example, a
logon script that creates a file system index
(c:\dir/a/s/TC>\index\%computername%_%date%.txt) can be used for
auditing changes made to the file system

 SMS rules that alert administrative logons (local and domain) to

workstations and servers can help to define a pattern of activity or reveal
useful information for investigating these incidents

 Firewall or IDS rules that monitor for inbound RDP/VNC/CMD.EXE or

administrative and key IT accounts can also be indicators of suspicious

 Key detection technologies: Endpoint security products, including antivirus,

HIPS, and file system integrity checking
The End

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