English: Quarter 4, Wk.1 - Module 1

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Quarter 4, Wk.1 - Module 1
(Determine the Relevance and Truthfulness of the
Ideas Presented in the Material Viewed)

What This Module is About
In this changing world, life becomes tougher. There are limited chances of
attaining your goals in life nowadays. Yet, if you dream nothing is impossible, for it is one
of the things that will motivate you to continue and move forward.
In realizing your dreams, you should start building it with your heart and soul so
that it would be so meaningful. You should continue dreaming and pick out only those
relevant and attainable things in your life. You need to scrutinize and be wise in making
decisions to avoid several failures.  
This module will make your dreams and goals in life attainable and measurable. It
will help you to determine the most relevant and genuine things in taking your path to
success through several presented ideas. 
Determining the relevance and truthfulness of the ideas presented in the material
viewed should be taught, practiced, and learned. Identifying a genuine idea and its
relevance in your life is very important in order for you to avoid uncertainties.

What I Need to Know

Determining the relevance and truthfulness of the ideas presented in the material
viewed will help any student develop their skills in checking the veracity and authenticity
of a certain thing.  If you will try to determine and examine the relevance and truthfulness
of the ideas presented in any form of literature, you need to analyze, evaluate, assess,
and review. 
Through this module, your ability to examine things that are very relevant and
genuine will be developed. You will also learn how to fulfill your dreams and discard
those unnecessary things that might be the hindrance of your plans and dreams in life.

After dealing with this module, you should be able to obtain the following: 
a. identify fact and opinion;
b. evaluate the relevance and truthfulness of the ideas presented in any
form of literature;
c. note details from the literary work presented;
d. give comprehensive details from the data or object presented; and
e. understand the ideas presented in any form of literary work.

How to Learn from this Module

To achieve the objectives cited above, you are to do the following:
• Take your time reading the lessons carefully.
• Follow the directions and/or instructions in the activities and exercises diligently.
• Answer all the given tests and exercises.

Icons of this Module
What I Need to This part contains learning objectives that
Know are set for you to learn as you go along the

What I know This is an assessment as to your level of

knowledge to the subject matter at hand,
meant specifically to gauge prior related
What’s In This part connects previous lesson with that
of the current one.

What’s New An introduction of the new lesson through

various activities, before it will be presented
to you

What is It These are discussions of the activities as a

way to deepen your discovery and under-
standing of the concept.

What’s More These are follow-up activities that are in-

tended for you to practice further in order to
master the competencies.

What I Have Activities designed to process what you

Learned have learned from the lesson

What I can do These are tasks that are designed to show-

case your skills and knowledge gained, and
applied into real-life concerns and situations.

Fulfilling Dreams in the midst
Lesson of this Changing World
What’s In
 Pig Rescues Goat

Do the 2 pictures express reality or not?  Why? (Write your answer inside the box.)

What I Need to Know

This lesson will take you to the other dimension of your life where confusions
exist as you move forward and fulfill your dreams in life.  As you journey and
continue to seek those necessary and relevant things in your life in this changing
world, you may encounter several challenges. Yet, these challenges will not pull you
down nor make your life miserable for you already know how to face those. These
challenges will serve as the yardstick of your personality. Using the skills that you will
be learning in this module, you will be able to grasp more about what life could offer. 
Through several processes, you are expected to:
a. determine the relevance and truthfulness of the ideas presented from the
materials presented or viewed;
b. determine the aspects of identifying the relevance and truthfulness of the ideas
presented from the materials presented or viewed;
c. process the basic aspects of determining relevance and truthfulness of the ideas
presented from the materials viewed;
d. show appreciation of the literary works presented;
e. give personal insights from the material viewed or presented;
f. present a personal idea or output from the materials viewed or presented using the
basic aspects in determining relevance and truthfulness.

What’s New
Activity 1

 In a short bond paper, copy the statement below.  

 Tell your thoughts of the statement inside the box.
 Justify your stand by pointing out some examples.

“All politicians came from an elite family”

Activity 2

Read the lyrics of the song entitled Ebony and Ivory inside the box. Be ready
to answer the following questions below. 

“Ebony and Ivory, live together in perfect harmony

Side by side on my piano, keyboard, Oh Lord, why don’t we?”

1. Why did the author use these kinds of names? 

2. What issue about life is presented in the song?
3. In what way does the speaker value the issue? Why do you say so?
4. If you were the speaker, in what way would you resolve the issue?
5. What is the underlying meaning of the meaning of the lyrics of the song? 

What Is It

         To determine the relevance and truthfulness of an idea presented especially
from the media, we assume that everything is true. In this lesson, determining the
relevance and truthfulness needs to  be scrutinized and examined. Here are some of
the basic aspects to consider in identifying relevance and truth of the ideas
presented from the material viewed; (a) fallacy, (b) fact, (c) opinion, and (bias)
a. Fallacy - it is an idea which is believed to be true but it is really false
due to incorrect information or reasoning.
b. Fact - is an idea which is true and can be verified factually or proven.
c. Opinion - is an idea or statement which only comes from someone’s
feelings and cannot be proven. 
d. Bias – it is an idea that leads to poor judgement and poor decision
making towards a certain thing for it could be positive one in favor of a
certain person and negative for the other one. 

Activity 1

Look at the pictures below and give your personal insights for each picture.
Tell if what makes each picture an example of an aspect in identifying the relevance
and truthfulness. 

1. Fallacy

2. Fact and Opinion

3. Bias

Guide questions

1. What idea is presented by each picture above? For fallacy? For fact and
opinion? For bias?
2. Why did you consider that each of the pictures is fallacy, fact and opinion,
and bias?
3. What are your bases for telling each picture’s aspects?”
4. If you are to check the relevance and truthfulness of the picture, how will
you assess these pictures? 

5. Does knowing the relevance and truthfulness of an image or idea
necessary? Why?

Activity 2

At this point, you have developed strategies to help you understand the
literary piece with unfamiliar words.  Context clues are one way of understanding
unfamiliar words. When words are unfamiliar to you just read the words that
surround it. It will help you understand more about those unfamiliar words. 
At this point, you need to go over your poem entitled Dreams Deferred by
Langston Hughes and find out which of the words are clearly described by the
following meanings or definitions.

___________1. It means to generate pus because of an irritated wound. 

___________2. It is defined as a sticky solution of sugar.
___________3. Other definition for “decay”.
___________4. Other term for “sinks” or “subsides”.
___________5. It is same as “postponed” or adjourned.
___________6. They called it as “a dried grape”.
___________7. It is the other term for “ambition or “aspiration”.
___________8. It means a “heavy” or “bulky” thing. 
___________9. It is defined as “painful”.
___________10. It means a strong unpleasant smell.

Activity 3

 Go over with the poem again.

 Read the poem once more to find its meaning.
 Take down notes all the catchy lines and answer the following questions:

Dreams Deferred
by Langston Hughes

What happens to a dream deferred?

Does it dry up
Like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore--
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over--
like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.

Or does it explode?

1. In your own point of view, how does a certain dream should be attained?
2. Does a certain dream need to be postponed?
3. If you will answer the questions of the author, what will be your responses?
4. How will you attain your dreams in this world full of changes?
5. How relevant are your dreams in your life?

What’s More

Activity 1

 Read the following scenarios inside the box below that are clearly pointed out
in the poem.
 Pick out three of the scenarios that struck you most. Associate those chosen
scenarios in your life. Make an assessment if a certain scenario is true or
related in your life. 
 Discuss the chosen scenarios. 
 Give your insights with the chosen scenarios. 

1. Chasing your dreams can make you a successful one . 

2.  Setting your dreams and goals aside is the best thing to do to become

more successful.

3. Make your dreams come true by just relying on your fate..

4. Just enjoy your life and set aside your goals while you are still young.

5. Do not waste your time on following your dreams because it will not help

you in the future.

6. Your dreams are your guides in reaching your goals in life. .

7. Whatever may lie ahead, keep on dreaming. 

8. Make your dreams a big deal. . 

9. Inspire other people by telling them how to achieve their dreams.

10. People who dream big are usually successful people .

What I Have Learned

At this point, you will be going to look over what you have learned from this
lesson. The following concepts will serve as your guide in accomplishing this tasks:

Activity 1 
Look at the pictures. Determine the aspects of the relevance and truthfulness
from the pictures below. Choose one picture and make at least five paragraphs for
this activity. For your preliminary paragraphs, tell and describe the picture that you
chose. For the remaining paragraphs, give your insights of the pictures. Use the
guide questions for your paragraphs.





Guide questions:

1. Why did you choose that certain picture? 

2. What issues about life that the picture shows?
3. From the picture you chose, what do you think is the relevance of it in life?
4. What value does the certain picture project?
5. Why do we need to determine the relevance and truthfulness of the ideas
presented from any form of literary works? 

Activity 2

 Search at least 4 literary pieces that show fallacy, fact, opinion, and bias. It
could be in the magazine, newspaper, internet, books, and etc. 
 Cut those out and paste those in a long bond paper. 
 Write your insights, ideas, and explanations about the pictures that you chose
 Be creative in making this task.
 Consider and be guided by the following criteria: creativity, organization and
idea, diction, and relevance to the theme.

What I Can Do

This is your final task in this module. Imagine yourself as a peace advocate. A
peace advocate is a person who respects and gives pieces of advice to other
people. He or she loves building peace. It might not be a profession that you
dreamed of, yet it is a way of making your ideal life come true. This task will give you
a chance to express your inner feelings and dreams in your life. .
You will be making a letter to the people in 2050 about the life that we have
today (it could be about political situation, social situation, and etc.). A letter that will

show what life should be about.  In your letter, there must be an example of
scenarios that tackle fallacy, fact, opinion, and bias.  Your output should be written in
a long bond paper. 

Rubric for a letter composition

50 points 40 points 30 points 20 points 10 points 0

The Letter clearly The letter clearly The letter’s main The letter’s main The No
states the overall states the overall idea of the text is idea of the text is letter’s main response
main idea of the main idea of the present including present including idea of the text given or
text including text including essential or essential or is not present response
essential or essential or relevant details relevant details which contains given
relevant details relevant details but some might but critical irrelevant details does not
which also but some might be be missing which information is wherein it relate to
demonstrates missing which also missing which demonstrates the story. 
clear and brief also demonstrates demonstrates also little or no
understanding of brief and basic demonstrates understanding
information adequate understanding of basic information. 
in significant understanding of information in  understanding of
details in own information significant details information in 
words. in significant in own words with significant details
details in own some exact in own words with
words with some language from the some exact
exact language story. language from the
from the story.  story.


 In determining the relevance and truthfulness of the ideas presented from the
materials viewed, projected, or presented, you need to assess and check the
veracity of those materials presented or projected. You need to know the
different aspects in order for you to come up with a genuine output or idea. A
genuine idea could not be identified in a single assessment. Your task is to
summarize the lessons you have learned from this module.

 Use the following questions as your guide:

1. What have you learned from this module?

2. What approach to life do you think the literary works presented intended
and share in this module? 
3. What is the relevance of determining relevance and truthfulness of the
ideas presented from the materials viewed, projected, or presented in
fulfilling your dreams in life?
4. How will it help you to fulfill your dreams?
5. Do you think that those aspects discussed in this module have big impacts
in fulfilling your dreams? In what way?

Assessment: (Post-Test)

I. Read each statement below. Choose the letter of the correct answer. 

___________1. It is an idea which is true and can be proven.

a. fact b. fallacy c. bias d. opinion
___________2. It is an idea that leads to poor and unfair judgement for it could be
positive one in favor of a certain person and negative for the other one.
a. fallacy b. opinion c. bias d. fact
___________3. It is an idea which is believed to be true, yet it is really false due to
incorrect information. .
a. bias b. fact c. opinion d. fallacy
___________4. It is an idea or statement which only comes from someone’s
a. fallacy b. opinion c. bias d. fact
___________5. Marsha shared and posted a certain image on facebook which is
against the company she was working before. Some of her friends told
her to delete what she had shared because it was not true. 
a. opinion b. fact c. fallacy d. bias
___________6. Angelo is a radio broadcaster. He received a complaint against a
certain firm in the city. He called the attention of that certain firm by
mocking them without any consultation with regards to the issue. 
a. fact b. bias c. opinion d. fallacy
___________7. The TV reporter reported the real scenario of the society with
complete evidence like data and records. 
a. opinion b. fallacy c. bias d. fact
___________8. Kent took a picture of a policeman who tried to push the
demonstrator. He deleted the picture of a demonstrator who hit the
policeman badly.
a. bias b. opinion c. fact d. fallacy
___________9. A certain citizen gave his idea to the reporter  about the
reconstruction of the newly erected building of the local government
employees. He told the reporter that instead of allocating the budget to
the reconstruction of that building, they should allocate that certain
budget to the poor people.  
a. fact b. fallacy c. opinion d. bias
___________10. Somebody shared a video from the internet about the climate
change in the Philippines. It was shown in the video that some parts of
the Philippines are experiencing snowfall. It was then confirmed by the
PAGASA that there was no such phenomenon happening in the
a. bias b. fallacy c. opinion d. fact


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