Resonances of A Violin Body Studied by Hologram Interferometry and Acoustical Methods
Resonances of A Violin Body Studied by Hologram Interferometry and Acoustical Methods
Resonances of A Violin Body Studied by Hologram Interferometry and Acoustical Methods
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The Institute of Optical Research and The Department of Speech Communication, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
Receiced Nocember 12, 1970: wcised aersiori receiued November 30, 1970
3. Hologram interferometry
proved holographic equipment. We studied the shapes and the
frequencies of the lowest five to seven vibration modes and how In two papers, in 1965, Powell and Stetson presented the prin-
they were changed by the f-holes, by the bass bar etc. The opti- ciples of hologram interferometry [23, 241. Since then, hologram
cal measurements were supplemented by acoustical measure- interferometry has grown into one of the most important fields
ments. of holography [25, 26, 271. By means of hologram interferometry,
In the following a short description is given of the violin. There- it is possible to measure with interferometric accuracy, deforma-
after the hologram interferometry technique is described. Finally tions of an object of any shape and surface roughness, even of
the experiments are presented and discussed. objects such as wood. The deformation of the whole surface is
obtained in one record without disturbing it by polishing or by
a probe.
2. The violin We will start with a description of the equipment and the holo-
graphic technique used. The reader interested in more detailed
A violin mainly consists of a sounding box, neck with finger general information is referred to [25, 26, 271, in combination of
board and four strings (Fig. 1). The strings are stretched from modes to [28], in the use of the normal mode theory [20] and in
the upper end of the finger board to the tailpiece and are held a method to measure bending moments to [29].
A schematic diagram of the system used is shown in Fig. 3.
The thin light beam from a laser, L, is reflected by a mirror, M,
through a shutter, S, to a beamsplitter, BS, where the beam is
split up into two beams. The transmitted beam, the object beam,
Fig. 3. The holographic system used. Abbreviations: laser (L), first surface
Fig. 2. Photographs in translucent light of (0) thc top plate, (b) the back mirrors ( M ) , glass wedge beamsplitter (BS), beam expander lens-pinhole
plate. The density in the pictures gives an estimate of the thickness distribu- system ( L P ) , shutter (S), liquid-gate hologram plate holder and holder for
tion in the plates. The left dark line is the bass bar and the central one the holograms o n 35 mm film ( H ) and object violin (0)clamped to heavy wooden
glue-joint. Some driving points also show up. jig ( J ) .
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Resonances of a violin body studied by hologram interferometry 245
In Fig. 6 a diagram is given relating frequency to the equally (6) Top plate with f-holes but without bass bar
tempered scale. The strings of the violin are tuned (starting from Interferograms from series b are shown in Fig. Sa-g. NOWthe
the left one in Fig. 1) at G 196 Hz, D 294 Hz, A 440 Hz, and second and third modes have exchanged their appearances. The
E 659 Hz. mode with one vertical nodal line is obtained at lower frequency
than the one with a horizontal. A new mode is found (Fig. S f ) ,
( a ) Top plate without f-holes and bass bar one vertical and two horizontal nodal lines, at lower frequency
In Fig. 7a-f interferograms from series a are shown. The dark than the mode with three vibrating areas in the lower part of
fringes (rings) can be regarded as equal vibration amplitude the plate. The plate seems not to be firmly glued to the lower
lines. The amplitude difference between neighboring fringes is end block, which only seems to influence on the seventh mode
approximately 2 x lO-5 cm. The interferograms give the ampli- (Fig. Sg). The amplitude is maximum in most cases at the f-
tude distribution over the whole plate with high resolution. holes, which implies that the place and shape of the f-holes may
The first three modes are simple; the first mode consists of be crucial. The amplitude and area of vibration tend to increase
one vibrating area, the second, and third modes of two vibrating in the lower parts of the plate. The fourth mode, for instance,
areas divided by a horizontal and a vertical nodal line, respectively. is now clearly divided by a cross node.
However, in the third mode the complexity of the plate vibrations The plate divides more easily in vertical than in horizontal
already starts to appear. Only the lower part of the plate is vibrat- nodal lines. All mode frequencies are decreased (Fig. 19). This
ing. In the fourth mode the upper part of the plate is divided by a means that the effective stiffness is decreased, which seems logical,
vertical nodal line into two vibrating areas. But two vibrating as the top plate is partly cut free from the ribs.
areas also show up in the lower part. These may be residual in-
fluence of the third mode or, more probably, the fourth mode has
a cross node. The fifth mode consists of three vibrating areas (c) Top plate with f-holes and bass bar
divided by two horizontal nodal lines. The sixth mode has three Fig. 9a-f show interferograms from series c. The major appear-
vibrating areas divided by two vertical nodal lines in the lower ance of the modes compared with series b is not changed. However,
part and a vibrating area in the upper part, which may be a Fig. 9e may not represent a simple mode, but rather a combina-
residual of the fifth mode. tion of modes. The pattern is easily excited and the influence of
The waist of the plate seems to divide the plate into two parts, the bass bar is pronounced (cf. Figs. S f and 9 4 . The bass bar
the upper and the lower bouts as regards to vibration. increases the amplitude and the area of vibration in the upper
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Resonances of a violin body studied by hologram interferometry 249
Fig. 9. Interferograms of series (c), the top plate with f-holes and bass bar.
(a) 465 Hz, (b) 600 Hz, (c) 820 Hz, ( d ) 910 Hz, (e) 1040,Hz, (f)1090 Hz.
left part of the plate, but shows little influence on the lower parts. frequency differences occur in the first and the third mode, in
All mode frequencies are increased (cf. Fig. 19), which means which the plate is bending most at the place of the bass bar, as
the effective stiffness of the plate is increased more than the seen in series b. The plate is not splitting in horizontal nodal
effective mass by the bass bar. Note that the most pronounced lines as easy as earlier.
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250 E. Jansso:z et al.
Frg. 11. Interferograms of series ( e ) , the back plate. ( a ) 490 H z (lo), (6) F ~ E .12. Interferograms of series (f), the back plate with artificial im-
660 Hz (lo), (c) 840 Hz (35), (d) 910 Hz (30), (e) 1 030 Hz (20), (f)1 120 Hz movable sound post. (a) 740 Hz (15), (6) 820 Hz (15), (c) 960 Hz (30), (d)
(20). 1 110 Hz, (e) 1 200 Hz (ZO), (fl 1 300 Hz.
( d ) Top plate with f-holes, bass bar, and artificial, immovable the shape of the fundamental mode is changed, it has a nodal line
sound post at the sound post. The upper part is vibrating in one additional
I n series d (Fig. loa-e) the appearance of the second and the area in the third mode, which probably is a residue to the second
third mode is changed back to mainly that of series a. However, mode, the Q of the third resonance is considerably higher than
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Resonances of a violin body studied by hologram interferometry 251
(e) Back plate (h) Back plate in the assembled instrument without finger board,
strings, and devices for stringing, and
Interferograms from series e are shown in Fig. 11a-f. Coarsely
the appearance and the frequencies of the modes are the same as ( j ) Back plate in the complete instrument
those of series a, the top plate without f-holes and bass bar. Few normal modes of vibration were found in the back plate.
However, the appearance of the fourth and fifth modes are Nearly independent of driving points the nodal lines were moving,
changed compared with series a, The frequencies tend to be when sweeping through a resonance. Especially at low frequencies,
lower than those of series a. The modes are not perfectly symmetric- the plate is vibrating at its edge, i.e. the resonances are pronounced
al (e.g. Fig. 11a, b, and e). Imperfections in the glueing seem to body resonances. Therefore, only a combined series of interfero-
have caused the vibrating edges in Fig. 1 1 d, e, and f. The mode grams from series h (Fig. 16a andj) and from series j (Fig. 16b,
patterns are, however, about the same as corresponding patterns c, d, e, f,g , h and i ) are shown. All modes are either driven at
of series a. the sound post or the bridge. The sound post is visibly vibrating
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252 E. Jansson et al.
Fig. 16. Interferograms of series (h), the back plate in the assembled
instrument without fingerboard, strings and devices for stringing, and series
( j ) , the back plate in the complete instrument. ( U ) 100 Hz, (b) 340 Hz,(c)
470 Hz, (d) 505 Hz, (e) 580 Hz, (f)770 Hz, (g) 870 Hz, (h) 970 Hz,(i) 1 130 Hz,
0') 1 280 Hz.
7. Discussion of experiments
This study of a violin can be divided into three major parts: the
investigation of ( U ) the plates alone, (b) the plates in the assembled
instrument, and (c) the radiation properties.
Fig. 19 summarizes the results regarding resonance frequencies.
The upper six lines represent the top plate experiments and the
lower three those of the back plate. Each circle marks the fre-
quency of a mode and the thin lines connect modes of similar
shape. The plates alone are studied after major steps in making
and with boundary conditions simulating those of the plates in lowest air resonance and a resonance in the neck, and the peak at
the assemble instrument. After the first step, series a and e, 490 Hz to the fundamental resonance of the top plate (Fig,
the plates are bilaterally symmetrical and split up into vibrating 14a and 19 series i). At higher frequencies, the frequency responses
regions divided by vertical and horizontal nodal lines. The upper are harder to interpret, because the excitation of mode combina-
and lower bouts tend to split up into the same vibration patterns tions and the complicated radiation properties of the instrument
but at different frequencies. The cutting of the f-holes lowers the [21]. The two mentioned peaks also show up in the played glis-
resonance frequencies and alters the order of the modes’ ap- sandos and the peaks appear to be important in the playingof
pearance (series b). The bass bar increases the resonance fre- the instrument.
quencies and the vibrations in the upper left part of the plate The difference made between body and plate resonances is in
(series c ) . The frequencies and shapes of the modes are changed a way fictitious. When a plate mode is excited hard enough, the
the most when the bass bar is bent the most. In series d and f, whole instrument is set into vibration, i.e. a body resonance. The
the plate vibrations are studied under conditions, simulating those main vibration, however, is still in the original mode.
of the plate in the assembled instrument by an immovable sound The interferograms presented show the vibration patterns at
post. This sound post introduces an additional point of zero single frequencies, resonance frequencies. When a violin is played,
tranverse motion. Some modes are distorted and the resonance the plates are simultaneously excited at several harmonic fre-
frequencies are increased. quencies, therefore they vibrate in combinations of modes.
The plates in the assembled instrument are studied in two
series, before and after stringing. In the top plate, series g and i,
the modes of series d appear slightly distorted, i.e. the sound post
8. Conclusions
acts as a support to the top plate and the resonances are-or
are at least close to-plate resonances. The resonance frequencies In this study, vibrations of a violin body are investigated by
are lowered in series g compared to series d, however, which hologram interferometry, and acoustical measurements. The
indicates that the sound post is not a perfect immovable support. results provide a first quantitative understanding of these vibra-
The overall influence of the bridge and strings is neither great tions and how they are influenced by the different parts of the
nor simple regarding mode frequencies. All modes recorded can violin body. Hologram interferometry proves to be an excellent
be driven at the bridge at least in combination of modes. tool to study the vibrations and to open ways for a more complete
The back plate behaves differently, series h andj. Its vibrations understanding of the violin.
are visibly coupled to the rest of the instrument. The vibration
modes, body resonances, are effected by the clamping of the
instrument. All modes shown are driven at the bridge.
In series i resonances in other parts of the instrument were
found as bending of the neck and in the tailpiece. Grateful acknowledgement must be gi\en to K. A. Stetson at the National
One possible use of the interferograms should be mentioned. Physical Laboratories, Teddington, England, Klaus Biedermann at the
An interferogram of a mode shows the magnitude of displacement Institute of Optical Research, KTH, Stockholm and J. Sundberg at the
Department of Speech Communication, KTH, Stockholm, for valuable
of the standing wave. Thus the velocity and the bending can be discussions and criticisnl of the manuscript. We thank Profs. E. Ingelstam
obtained in every point of the plate. With these parameters known at the Institute of Optical Research and G. Fant at the Department of
it can be estimated, how changes of the plate will influence its Speech Communication, KTH, Stockholm, for their interest and support.
vibration modes by perturbation theory, such as is used in This work was supported by The Swedish Board for Technical Devel-
calculating the resonance-frequency shifts of the human vocal opment.
tract at small changes in articulation [34]. The distribution of
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