Management of Pain Associated With The Insertion of Intrauterine Contraceptives
Management of Pain Associated With The Insertion of Intrauterine Contraceptives
Management of Pain Associated With The Insertion of Intrauterine Contraceptives
419–427, 2013
Advanced Access publication on May 12, 2013 doi:10.1093/humupd/dmt022
table of contents
† Introduction
† Methods
† Pain Management Strategies: Critical Review of the Evidence and Expert Consensus
† Data Gaps and Areas for Further Research
† Summary and Conclusions
background: Most intrauterine contraception (IUC) placements do not require pain relief. However, small proportions of nulliparous
(17%) and parous (11%) women experience substantial pain that needs to be proactively managed. This review critically evaluates the evi-
dence for pain management strategies, formulates evidence-based recommendations and identifies data gaps and areas for further research.
methods: A PubMed literature search was undertaken. Relevant articles on management of pain associated with IUC insertion, published in
English between 1980 and November 2012, were identified using the following search terms: ‘intrauterine contraception’, ‘insertion’ and ‘pain’.
RCTs were included; further relevant articles were also identified and included as appropriate.
results: Seventeen studies were identified and included: 12 RCTs and one non-randomized study of pre-insertion oral analgesia, cervical
priming and local anaesthesia; one systematic review and one RCT on post-insertion analgesia and two non-randomized studies on non-pharma-
cological interventions. There was no conclusive evidence that any prophylactic pharmacological intervention reduces pain associated with IUC
insertion. However, most of the regimens studied were adopted from hysteroscopy or abortion and effectiveness in specific subsets of women has
not been studied adequately. A systematic review found non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents (NSAID) to be effective in reactively treating post-
insertion pain, but no benefit was found with prophylactic use.
conclusions: No prophylactic pharmacological intervention has been adequately evaluated to support routine use for pain reduction
during or after IUC insertion. Women’s anxiety about the procedure may contribute to higher levels of perceived pain, which highlights the im-
portance of counselling, and creating a trustworthy, unhurried and professional atmosphere in which the experience of the provider also has a
major role; a situation frequently referred to as ‘verbal anaesthesia’.
Key words: intrauterine contraception / pain / analgesia / local anaesthesia / cervical priming
& The Author 2013. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited. For commercial re-use, please contact
420 Gemzell-Danielsson et al.
was .20-fold higher than among women in the general population (As- 1980 and November 2012, were identified using the following search terms:
sociation of Reproductive Health Professionals, 2004). Similarly, a high ‘intrauterine contraception’, ‘insertion’ and ‘pain’. We reviewed and
prevalence of IUC use has been reported among midwives (Gemzell- included primary RCTs; further relevant supporting articles were identified
Danielsson et al., 2012). Our anecdotal observations also suggest a and included as appropriate. Relevant references from the bibliographies
of included articles were also reviewed and included when appropriate.
similar high prevalence of IUC use among various women’s healthcare
Seventeen studies were identified and included: 12 RCTs and one non-
professionals (HCP), including physicians, nurse practitioners and nurse-
randomized study of pre-insertion oral analgesia, cervical priming and local
anaesthesia; one systematic review and one RCT on post-insertion analgesia
The Contraceptive CHOICE Project showed that when women and two non-randomized studies on non-pharmacological interventions.
requesting contraception were given unbiased information on LARC
methods and then given a free choice of any contraceptive method pro-
vided free of charge, the majority (56%) chose IUC (Secura et al., 2010; Pain management strategies:
Peipert et al., 2011).
Fear of pain during insertion, however, might prevent some women
critical review of the evidence and
from choosing IUC (Hubacher et al., 2006; Allen et al., 2009) and expert consensus
HCPs’ fears of painful and/or difficult placements may lead them to rec-
No comprehensive strategy has been developed for managing pain asso-
ommend or counsel women on other, less effective contraceptive
ciated with the insertion of IUC and no standard has been established.
methods (Heikinheimo et al., 2010).
Current pharmacological strategies include: pre-insertion therapy (oral
Women’s perception of pain is multifactorial and likely to be influ-
analgesia, cervical ripening/priming and local anaesthesia); therapy
enced by cultural differences and personal experiences; insertion-related
given during the procedure (local anaesthesia administered reactively)
pain is therefore difficult to predict. Nevertheless, factors associated with
and post-procedure therapy (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
greater pain include nulliparity, not currently breastfeeding and longer
[NSAIDs] and opioid analgesia). Non-pharmacological pain manage-
time since last pregnancy; of these factors, nulliparity is the strongest pre-
ment strategies include psychological preparation and counselling
dictor of pain (Chi et al., 1986, 1989; Lassner et al., 1995; Hubacher et al.,
before insertion and ‘verbal anaesthesia’ and distraction during the pro-
2006). The proportion of sexually active women of reproductive age who
cedure. The evidence for each of these strategies is reviewed below.
are nulliparous is increasing, with women delaying childbirth and having
fewer children or choosing to remain childless (Anon, 2011). The pro-
portion of Caesarean section births has also increased (Bailit et al., Pre-insertion pharmacological therapy
2004; Villar et al., 2006; Barber et al., 2011; Stavrou et al., 2011), and Oral analgesia
women who have only ever had a Caesarean section are often viewed Prophylactic administration of ibuprofen or another NSAID is wide-
as nulliparous with respect to IUC placement. spread despite a lack of supporting evidence, possibly because providers
Anticipated pain is often greater than the actual pain experienced and/or women believe that, as an effective analgesic, it might reduce pain
(Murty, 2003), and the majority of nulliparous women experience no caused by IUC insertion.
more than moderate pain during IUC insertion (Suhonen et al., 2004; Three RCTs have evaluated the prophylactic use of oral analgesia
Brockmeyer et al., 2008; Marions et al., 2011). In a prospective study versus placebo for reducing pain associated with IUC insertion (Huba-
in 117 nulliparous women, the majority (62%) reported that the pain cher et al., 2006; Chor et al., 2012; Karabayirli et al., 2012) (Table I).
associated with the procedure was similar in intensity to that of menstru- In the first RCT, 2019 nulliparous or parous ‘first-time’ users of the
ation (Brockmeyer et al., 2008), although for some women, menstrual copper intrauterine device (IUD) received either 400 mg ibuprofen or
pain can be severe enough to require pain relief. In a non-interventional placebo at least 45 min before the procedure (Hubacher et al., 2006).
study in 224 nulliparous women, 9% reported no pain and 72% reported Ibuprofen had no significant effect on patient-reported pain compared
moderate pain during insertion of a levonorgestrel intrauterine system with placebo. Certain subgroups (e.g. nulliparous women) experienced
(LNG-IUS) (Marions et al., 2011). more pain than others, but ibuprofen had no clinically relevant impact on
However, among nulliparous women there is a subset (about 17%) for the level of pain compared with placebo.
whom the insertion of IUC is associated with severe pain (Marions et al., In the second RCT, 81 women received either 800 mg ibuprofen or
2011) and among parous women (mean of two prior births; n ¼ 46) placebo 45 min before the insertion of an LNG-IUS (Chor et al.,
11% report severe pain (Heikinheimo et al., 2010). These women 2012). Prophylactic use of ibuprofen had no significant impact on mean
need effective pain relief. scores for anticipated pain, pain associated with tenaculum application
The aim of this review is to critically evaluate the evidence for various or pain associated with the actual insertion.
pain management strategies and formulate evidence-based recommen- In the third RCT, 103 women received 50 mg tramadol (n ¼ 35),
dations. In the absence of conclusive evidence, a group consensus is pre- 550 mg naproxen sodium (n ¼ 34) or placebo (n ¼ 34) 1 h before
sented. Data gaps and areas for further research are also discussed. It is IUC insertion (Karabayirli et al., 2012). Women reported the pain they
not within the scope of this article to review the evidence for the manage- experienced on insertion using a 0 –10 visual analogue scale (VAS). Tra-
ment of other side effects, such as vasovagal reactions. madol was associated with a significant reduction in pain compared with
naproxen sodium (P ¼ 0.003), and naproxen sodium was associated
with a significant reduction in pain compared with placebo (P ¼ 0.001).
Methods A further UK-based, non-randomized, single-centre study of 109 nul-
A literature search was undertaken using PubMed. Relevant articles on man- liparous and parous women concluded that the pain scores reported by
agement of pain associated with IUC insertion, published in English between women who took pre-insertion analgesia (mainly ibuprofen) were not
Pain management at intrauterine contraception insertion 421
Table I Studies of pre- and post-placement pharmacological interventions for the reduction of pain associated with IUC
CI, confidence interval; NSAID, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug; VAS, visual analogue scale.
For studies in which pain was evaluated at different time points, the time points included one or more of the following: at speculum insertion, at tenaculum placement, during the actual
insertion of the device, shortly after insertion of the device.
Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (2011) levels of evidence: Level 1, systematic review of randomized trials; Level 2, randomized trial or an observational study with dramatic
effect; Level 3, non-randomized controlled cohort/follow-up study; Level 4, case-series, case –control studies or historically controlled studies; Level 5, mechanism-based reasoning.
Study was associated with a number of limitations, e.g. assignment of treatment was not blinded to providers and the treatment groups were not well balanced with regard to parity.
422 Gemzell-Danielsson et al.
significantly different to the pain scores reported by those who did not at the following time points: before insertion, immediately post-insertion
take any pre-insertion analgesia (Murty, 2003). and before clinic discharge (Swenson et al., 2012).
In one of the five trials, the use of misoprostol compared with placebo
Study limitations. The analgesia regimens evaluated in these studies were was shown to significantly increase ease of insertion from the blinded
not optimized for IUC insertion, e.g. type of analgesia, dose and timing investigator’s perspective (Sääv et al., 2007). However, none of the
before the procedure. Instead, the regimens used were extrapolated five RCTs demonstrated a significant reduction in patient-reported
from other gynaecological settings (abortion and hysteroscopy). pain with misoprostol compared with placebo. In the most recent
study (Swenson et al., 2012), which evaluated pain at different time
Group consensus. There is currently no evidence to recommend routine points, no significant difference between the misoprostol and placebo
prophylactic use of ibuprofen; there is no evidence that it reduces groups was observed for pain during the actual insertion (P ¼ 0.74).
insertion-related pain. However, subjects randomized to misoprostol reported significantly
Data from one small study suggest that the prophylactic use of the more pain before insertion (P ¼ 0.003) and a trend towards more pain
atypical opioid analgesic tramadol, or the NSAID naproxen sodium, immediately post-insertion (P ¼ 0.07). This is likely to be related to
may reduce pain on IUC insertion. However, larger follow-up studies misoprostol-induced uterine cramping.
are required to confirm these preliminary findings. Furthermore, in the above studies premedication with misoprostol
was associated with an increase in pre-insertion side effects compared
Cervical priming with placebo. These side effects included nausea, cramps and, particular-
In an online US-based survey of 1905 providers who regularly insert IUC ly with sublingual administration, shivering. These are known side effects
in nulliparous women, 50% reported using misoprostol and 40% of mis- of misoprostol; their severity is dependent on the dose and route of ad-
oprostol users reported that they routinely used it in all nulliparous ministration. Sublingual and buccal administrations are generally asso-
women (Ward et al., 2011). However, wide variation was reported in ciated with increased side effects compared with vaginal administration
the dose used, as well as in the route and timing of administration. This (Caliskan et al., 2007; Jabir and Smeet, 2009).
reflects the current lack of studies defining the optimal misoprostol The authors of four of these RCTs concluded that women should not
regimen and the lack of data on the ‘real-world’ usefulness of cervical be routinely premedicated with misoprostol before IUC insertion
priming in this setting. because the potential harms outweigh the possible benefits (Heikin-
The impact of cervical priming with misoprostol on pain associated heimo et al., 2010; Dijkhuizen et al., 2011; Edelman et al., 2011;
with IUC insertion has been evaluated in five placebo-controlled RCTs Swenson et al., 2012).
(Sääv et al., 2007; Heikinheimo et al., 2010; Dijkhuizen et al., 2011;
Edelman et al., 2011; Swenson et al., 2012) (Table I). Study limitations. To date, several aspects of cervical priming regimens for
In the first RCT, 80 nulliparous women received either 400 mg sublin- IUC insertion and removal remain unclear: the minimal dose of miso-
gual misoprostol or placebo 1 h before the procedure. In addition, an prostol and the optimal route, and the timing of administration to
NSAID (to alleviate misoprostol-induced uterine cramping) was admi- achieve the necessary degree of cervical softening before placement.
nistered in both treatment groups. The primary end-point was ease of No trial to date has sought to establish a standard on these variables.
insertion rather than pain (Sääv et al., 2007). In addition, no trial has evaluated the benefits of misoprostol specifically
The second RCT was conducted in 89 women who had already had on among cases where insertion of IUC might be expected to be more dif-
average two births and were having a repeat LNG-IUS inserted: 400 mg ficult, such as when there is stenosis of the internal or external cervical os
sublingual misoprostol or placebo was given 3 h before the procedure or when a previous insertion attempt has failed.
without coadministration of an NSAID. Again, the primary end-point The regimens used in these five RCTs were based on experience from
was ease of insertion rather than pain (Heikinheimo et al., 2010). surgical abortion (Singh et al., 1998, 1999a, b, c). However, markedly less
In the third trial, 40 nulliparous women were randomized to receive dilation is needed for IUC insertion. It is therefore likely that the doses of
400 mg misoprostol or placebo administered buccally 90 min before misoprostol administered in these studies were too high, causing un-
the procedure. Administration of oral analgesia or local anaesthesia necessarily high rates of side effects (mainly pain associated with
was at the discretion of the provider and was reported by treatment uterine cramping). It is also possible that misoprostol induces more
group (Edelman et al., 2011). The primary end-point was pain measured painful uterine contractions in non-pregnant women than pregnant
on a VAS (0– 100 mm) (Howard, 2003) at various time points before, women in whom the myometrium is protected from prostaglandin by
during and after insertion (Edelman et al., 2011). an increased level of progesterone.
The fourth trial was conducted in 199 women, of whom 95 were nul- Although three of the five RCTs were conducted exclusively in nul-
liparous and 104 were parous. Women received 400 mg misoprostol or liparous populations (Sääv et al., 2007; Edelman et al., 2011; Swenson
placebo vaginally 3 h before the procedure. Co-administration of et al., 2012), two studies involved mixed cohorts of multiparous and nul-
NSAIDs was not permitted. The primary end-point was placement liparous women with conclusions drawn from the overall study popula-
failure not pain (Dijkhuizen et al., 2011). tions. In the mixed cohort studies, failing to analyse subsets of nulliparous
In the fifth trial, 108 nulliparous women who requested IUC were ran- women and those who have only ever undergone Caesarean section de-
domized to self-administer either 400 mg misoprostol or placebo vagi- liveries may have led to erroneous conclusions being drawn and benefits
nally or buccally 3–4 h before the insertion procedure. Use of for certain subgroups could have been missed.
prophylactic analgesia and local anaesthesia was permitted at the discre- The second study (Heikinheimo et al., 2010) included women who
tion of the investigator. Again, the primary end-point was ease of inser- had already had on average two deliveries and nulliparous women repre-
tion rather than pain. However, subjects reported pain on a 0 –100 VAS sented only 6% of the study population. This study was conducted in a
Pain management at intrauterine contraception insertion 423
highly selected cohort of women who had previously had IUC success- For most nulliparous, nulligravid or parous women, IUC insertion can
fully inserted. be performed successfully without cervical priming and with a minimum
The main limitation in four of the studies was that ease of insertion or amount of discomfort (Bahamondes et al., 2011). Whether selective use
insertion failure was the primary outcome; pain was not the primary end- of misoprostol has a role in management of pain in certain subsets of
point in these trials and therefore overall pain was evaluated rather than women (e.g. nulliparous women and those in whom the insertion is non-
differentiating between pain associated with misoprostol-induced routine/difficult) has yet to be adequately studied.
uterine contractions and cervical pain caused by dilation. In addition, There is currently some evidence that misoprostol eases insertion
the different time points when pain occurred were recorded in only from the provider’s perspective. If misoprostol is to be used for cervical
two studies. Painful uterine cramping and other unpleasant side effects priming/ripening to improve technical ease in certain groups of women,
associated with misoprostol are dose-dependent. It is possible that we recommend that an NSAID (e.g. diclofenac or ibuprofen) is
when misoprostol was given without an NSAID, for example, in the co-administered to manage the prostaglandin-mediated side effects
study by Heikinheimo and colleagues (Heikinheimo et al., 2010), the (e.g. uterine cramping).
pain experienced in the placebo group was mostly related to IUC inser-
tion and cervical in origin, whereas the pain experienced in the misopros- Pre-insertion local anaesthesia
tol group may have been associated with uterine cramping caused by the The term ‘local anaesthesia’ has a different meaning to different provi-
prostaglandin. ders and includes a number of formulations (e.g. gel, injections and
The time taken for misoprostol to exert its effect on the cervical tissue spray) and techniques for administration (intracervical and paracervical).
(and on uterine contractility) may vary according to the route of admin- Lignocaine gel: The application of local anaesthetic lignocaine gel
istration, e.g. sublingual administration has a more rapid effect than before IUC insertion has been evaluated in three RCTs (Oloto et al.,
vaginal or buccal administration (Aronsson et al., 2004; Meckstroth 1996; Maguire et al., 2012; McNicholas et al., 2012) (Table I).
et al., 2006; Tang et al., 2007). In the study by Edelman et al. (2011), mis- The first trial was a single-centre UK-based study, which evaluated the
oprostol was administered buccally 90 min before the procedure. This efficacy of 2% lignocaine gel, inactive placebo gel or ‘no treatment’
timeframe might be sufficient to cause uterine cramping but might not applied to the cervical canal for reduction in pain in 102 nulliparous or
be long enough to soften the cervical tissue (Meckstroth et al., 2006). parous women (Oloto et al., 1996). Intracervical application of 2% ligno-
Based on studies on cervical priming prior to surgical abortion, misopros- caine gel resulted in a significant reduction in pain compared with no
tol should be administered at least 3 h in advance if administered buccally active treatment (placebo gel or no treatment; P , 0.025). Using a
or vaginally. This is in contrast to sublingual administration, which results scale of 1–7, pain scores of 1 –2, 3–4 and 5 –7 were reported by 34
in a rapid onset of action, based on pharmacokinetics in pregnant women versus 10%, 48 versus 60% and 18 versus 29% of women in the lignocaine
(Tang et al., 2007). gel versus no active treatment groups, respectively. However, the trial
In addition, the results of the study by Edelman et al. (2011) are difficult was associated with several limitations; assignment of treatment was
to interpret because additional oral analgesia and local anaesthesia (by not blinded to providers, which may have influenced the results (e.g.
various techniques) were given at the discretion of the investigator in knowing that active gel was being used may have allowed the provider
both treatment arms but not reported in the publication, and only 40 to proceed with greater confidence). In addition, the treatment groups
women were evaluated. were not well balanced; a higher proportion of nulliparous women
Studies on the prophylactic use of mifepristone or spasmolytics for were allocated to the ‘no treatment’ group.
IUC placement have not been reported. The effect of cervical priming The second study was a randomized, double-blind trial of 197 women
with mifepristone has been investigated in two RCTs conducted in treated with intracervical 2% lignocaine gel or placebo gel prior to uterine
other gynaecological settings; the first in 30 women undergoing surgical sounding and insertion of IUC (Maguire et al., 2012). There was no de-
abortion, the second in non-pregnant premenopausal women about to crease in pain in the lignocaine group compared with the placebo
undergo either cervical dilatation and diagnostic curettage or laparo- group. Pain (measured by 100 mm VAS) was greatest during sounding
scopic sterilization. In both the pregnant and non-pregnant controls, and was similar between groups (51.6 mm in the placebo group versus
600 mg of mifepristone given orally 48 h prior to surgery increased the 55.5 mm in the lignocaine group; P ¼ 0.33). No treatment effect was
mean pre-operative cervical dilation and reduced the force required to seen in a stratified analysis accounting for parity.
dilate the cervix (Gupta and Johnson, 1990). The third study was a double-blind RCT in which women received 2%
lignocaine or placebo gel applied at the planned tenaculum site and into
the endocervical canal 3 min before IUC insertion (McNicholas et al.,
Group consensus. A small group of women experience severe pain during 2012). Women rated their pain on a 10-point VAS immediately after ten-
IUC insertion and need special attention. Currently there is no accepted aculum placement and immediately after IUC insertion. No significant
standard for prevention or treatment of these symptoms. Although difference was observed between the treatment groups at either of
there were limitations in the design and conduct of the above studies, the time points studied for the overall cohort of 199 nulliparous and
and therefore in the conclusions that could be drawn, there is currently parous women, nor in the individual subgroups of nulliparous and
no clear evidence to support the routine use of misoprostol at the 400 mg parous women.
dose in all women for pain control. There is no clear evidence that pain is Injectable local anaesthesia: This involves a series of injections of a local
reduced from the woman’s perspective and potential harms may out- anaesthetic into the vaginal fornices around the cervix (paracervical
weigh the possible benefits of the misoprostol regimens used in RCTs block) or into the cervical stroma (intracervical block). Pain reduction
to date. In addition, in the absence of studies, there is no evidence to is achieved by blocking nerve fibres. Various techniques and provider
support routine use of mifepristone in the context of IUC placement. experiences have been discussed in the literature (Hepburn, 1980;
424 Gemzell-Danielsson et al.
Kurz and Meier-oehlke, 1983; Thiery, 1985; Bacon, 2011; Eady, 2011; Group consensus. There is currently no evidence to recommend the
Gray, 2011; Jones, 2011; Hutt, 2011a, b). routine prophylactic use of an NSAID immediately after IUC insertion
Only one RCT has evaluated the impact of injectable local anaesthesia because there is no clear evidence of benefit. However, if a woman
on pain associated with insertion of IUC. This study evaluated a 1% ligno- does develop pain after the procedure, NSAIDs can be taken.
caine paracervical block compared with no local anaesthesia on patient- Despite a lack of conclusive supporting evidence, prophylactic use of
reported pain in 50 nulliparous and parous women undergoing IUD in- NSAIDs after insertion of IUC is widespread, possibly because they are
sertion (Mody et al., 2012). The women rated pain on a 100 mm VAS inexpensive, available over the counter and associated with relatively few
at the following time points during the procedure: speculum insertion, side effects. They may also reduce anxiety through a possible placebo
tenaculum placement, paracervical block administration, IUC insertion effect.
and 5 min after completion of the procedure. After adjustment for differ-
ences in BMI, no significant difference in pain was observed between the
treatment groups at any of the time points studied.
Opioid analgesia
In a systematic review and meta-analysis of data on the efficacy of local In an RCT (n ¼ 59) comparing meptazinol, a partial m-opioid receptor
anaesthesia for pain control during outpatient hysteroscopy (Cooper agonist, with placebo for the relief of pain after copper IUD insertion,
et al., 2010), intracervical and paracervical injections of a local anaesthet- no significant difference was seen between treatment groups in the
ic significantly reduced patient-reported pain, whereas transcervical and patients’ global assessment of their therapy. Sixty-seven per cent and
topical application of a local anaesthetic did not. A meta-analysis showed 69% of patients randomized to meptazinol and placebo, respectively,
that paracervical injections provided superior pain reduction compared assessed their pain relief treatment as ‘good or excellent’, indicating
with the other techniques. However, the main problem with studying either a strong placebo effect or that the procedure is pain-free or well
local anaesthesia in transcervical procedures is the huge variation in tech- tolerated by most women (Goldstuck and Ward, 1983).
niques, which are often inadequately explained, and the difficulty in
evaluating diverse techniques. In addition, the terms ‘paracervical’ and Group consensus. There is no evidence to support the routine use of nar-
‘intracervical’ are frequently used but clinicians have different under- cotics for the treatment of pain after IUC insertion, and therefore, it is not
standings of what these terms mean. For example, in one study of intra- recommended. There is no clear evidence of clinical benefit, and provi-
cervical anaesthesia that was included in the systematic review and ders should question the cause of such pain that it warrants narcotic pain
meta-analysis, 2 ml of 1% lignocaine was injected at the tenaculum relief (e.g. have complications occurred?). Use of opioids may be appro-
site, which would have had no effect on the internal os. In another priate only in very rare cases.
study of intracervical anaesthesia that was included, women received
100 mg tramadol, which might be expected to be a strong confounding Non-pharmacological pain management
factor. This systematic review is therefore a good example of the difficul-
ties encountered when trying to conduct a meaningful analysis on the
comparative effectiveness of different local anaesthesia techniques. Pre-insertion counselling
However, from a rational standpoint, in a paracervical block local anaes- In a study evaluating the benefits of a psychological preparation interview,
thetic is injected without knowing the exact location of the target nerve, clear benefits in reducing patient-perceived pain at IUD insertion were
and therefore a larger volume is injected compared with an intracervical reported (Newton and Reading, 1977). The authors suggested that psy-
block in which the inner os is targeted directly either via the cervical canal chological preparation may reduce the perception of pain by reducing un-
or via cervical tissue. Importantly, however, hysteroscopy is not compar- certainty, providing information/reassurance on what to expect and
able with IUC insertion (e.g. IUC insertion requires less cervical dilation) increasing motivation leading to higher tolerance of discomfort.
and extrapolation of data between procedures should be viewed with
caution. Management of women’s anxiety
A UK-based study of IUC insertions performed at a single centre (Murty,
Group consensus. There is currently no clear evidence from RCTs to rec- 2003) concluded that women who were more anxious and who antici-
ommend routine prophylactic use of local anaesthesia in any form for pated that the procedure would be painful, even if it was not as bad as
IUC insertions. Furthermore, there is no evidence that local anaesthesia they expected at the time of the procedure, recalled 6 months later
prophylaxis is needed routinely in this setting. However, complications that it was a painful experience. In addition, women who choose to
arising from the procedure, need for dilation and insertion pain are diffi- take oral analgesia before the procedure may be the most anxious,
cult to predict. Injectable local anaesthesia should therefore be at hand and higher anxiety levels may contribute to perceived pain.
for reactive administration, intracervically or paracervically.
Group consensus. Strategies aimed at reducing women’s anxiety before
Post-insertion pharmacological therapy and during the insertion procedure are important and may be effective
NSAIDs in reducing pain associated with IUC insertion. The most anxious
A systematic review of RCTs concluded that NSAIDs were effective in women may be those with mood disorders, a history of sexual trauma,
reactively treating pain after IUC insertion. However, prophylactic admin- a previous negative reaction to vaginal examination or a previous inser-
istration of NSAIDs after the procedure seemed to provide no significant tion that was painful and those who have heard from a peer about a
pain reduction benefit, and caused side effects including stomach upsets painful procedure. These contributory factors have not been studied in
and sleepiness (Grimes et al., 2006). any detail.
Pain management at intrauterine contraception insertion 425
Data gaps and areas for further may contribute to higher levels of perceived pain during IUC insertion,
highlighting the importance of pre-insertion counselling, and ‘verbal an-
research aesthesia’ and distraction during the procedure to help minimize
anxiety. Further studies focusing on non-pharmacological interventions
Oral analgesia need to be conducted and reported in the literature to disseminate
There is a general paucity of data on the use of pre-insertion oral anal- best practice advice internationally.
gesia. Furthermore, the regimens currently used in this context have
been extrapolated from gynaecological procedures, such as hystero-
scopy and surgical abortion. Acknowledgements
The authors acknowledge medical writing support provided by Sonya
Cervical priming Haslam, which was funded by Bayer HealthCare.
There are insufficient data on the use of cervical priming for reduction of
pain associated with IUC insertion in non-routine cases and in nulliparous
or nulligravid women. There are also insufficient data to determine the Authors’ roles
optimal dose, route and timing of misoprostol administration. The All authors participated in study design, data analysis, manuscript drafting
current regimens are derived from other gynaecological procedures, and discussion. The authors have given their approval of the final version
such as surgical abortion and hysteroscopy, in which wider cervical dila- of the manuscript.
tion is needed.
Future studies of misoprostol should focus on the evaluation of pain
before, during and after IUC insertion rather than on overall pain, to dif- Funding
ferentiate the possible cause of pain at different time points. A lower mis-
The assistance provided by Sonya Haslam in preparing the manuscript
oprostol dose for IUC insertions could also be explored because less
was funded by Bayer HealthCare. No other funding was provided for
cervical dilation is required in this setting compared with other gynaeco-
the study.
logical procedures. Furthermore, dose reduction has the potential to
induce less pain from prostaglandin-induced uterine cramping. Evalu-
ation of other substances, such as mifepristone or spasmolytic drugs, is Conflicts of interest
also recommended.
The authors were invited and assisted by Bayer HealthCare to write the
Local anaesthesia manuscript. However, no honorarium was received from the sponsor.
K.G.-D. serves on advisory boards and has received financial support
There is a lack of studies evaluating the efficacy of different techniques for
to undertake research studies and to speak at educational meetings
administering local anaesthesia to help reduce pain associated with IUC
and conferences from Bayer HealthCare, Merck/MSD, Exelgyn, HRA-
insertion. The available data on the use of local anaesthesia are mainly
Pharma and Gedeon Richter. D.M. has received financial support to
derived from studies of hysteroscopy. Studies are needed to directly
attend pharmaceutical advisory board meetings, undertake research
compare different formulations (e.g. gel versus spray versus injectables),
studies and to speak at educational meetings and conferences from
different administration techniques (e.g. intracervical versus paracervi-
Astellas, Merck, HRA Pharma, Consilient Healthcare, Vifor Pharma
cal) and different injectable anaesthetic drugs.
and Bayer HealthCare. C.F. has received financial support to attend ad-
visory board meetings from Bayer HealthCare. A.M.K. serves on advis-
Non-pharmacological interventions ory boards for Bayer HealthCare and Merck. The University of Florida
Studies evaluating the impact of non-pharmacological interventions (e.g. College of Medicine receives research funding from Bayer and Teva.
pre-insertion counselling and the effect of an assistant providing reassur- L.B. serves on advisory boards for Bayer HealthCare and Merck. The
ance and distraction during the procedure) are lacking. Data from such University of Campinas receives research funding from Bayer and MSD.
studies are needed to share best practices internationally.
Summary and conclusions
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