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Csec Past Paper Questions BB

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1. Which of the following determine

the texture of a fabric
a. Luster
b. Colour
c. Fibre content
d. Fabric construction
i. Iii and iv only
ii. I,ii and iii only 5. The style shown in the above
iii. Ii iii and iv only garment is MOST suitable for the
iv. I,ii,iii and iv only person who is
2. Tie-dye designs are most suitable a. Tall and angular
for b. Heavy busted and narrow hip
a. Poly cotton c. Tall with wide hips
b. Muslin d. Short and slim
c. Nylon jersey 6. Fabrics for underclothing should
d. Crepe be soft and pliable so that it will,
3. Which of the following contribute a. Not crease or roll up
MOST to good grooming. b. Not chafe or irritate the skin
a. Having enough money to c. Be easy to launder
spend on one self d. Be easy to hand wash
b. Having a nice appearance 7. To improve their appearance,
c. Wearing clothes to suit the short, plump girls should choose
occasion dresses with
d. Wearing fashionable clothes a. Cross-way stripes, and close
i. I and ii only fitting
ii. I and iv only b. Long vertical lines and small
iii. Ii and iii only patterns
iv. Iii and iv only c. Full bodices and flaring skirts
4. When deciding on colours for your d. Round necks and wide belts.
clothes you should consider those 8. Which of the following guidelines
which should be followed when choosing
a. Enhance your complexion colours for a new outfits?
b. Are most popular for evening i. Select colours that are bold
wear and bright
c. Appeal to your friends ii. Consider colours that will
d. Are neutral in tone mix and match
Item 5 refers to the following iii. Select colours that are
diagram fashionable
iv. Consider the figure type
a. I only
b. I and iii only
c. Ii and iii only d. A comfortable pair of jeans and
d. Ii and iv only a silk blouse
9. In the Caribbean which of the 13. Which of the following is NOT a
following fabric would be MOST necessary quality for upholstery
suitable choice for a hair dresser’s fabric?
uniform a. Resistance to abrasion
a. Polyester cotton b. Soil repellence
b. Rayon acetate c. Easy care
c. Linen suiting d. Bright colours with bold
d. Nylon jersey designs
10. Which of the following BEST 14. Which of the following should
describe fabrics used in making appear on an information label
sports clothes? attached to a garment?
i. Absorbent and good conductor i. Fabric and fibre content
of heat ii. Name of manufacturer
ii. Hard wearing with stretch iii. Instruction for care
properties iv. Size of garment
iii. Made of white cotton material a. I and iv only
iv. Easy to launder b. Ii and iv only
a. Ii and iii only c. I, ii, and iii only
b. Ii and iv only d. I, ii, iii and iv
c. I,ii and iv only 15. Which of the following is an
d. I, iii,iv only example of recycling?
11. Which of the following would be a. Lengthening a dress
the best buy if you needed a b. Making an apron from a worn
school blouse and you could sew? bed sheet
a. A $15.00 haircord blouse on a c. Removing sleeves from a dress
10% discount sale d. Replacing old buttons with new
b. A ready- made polyester ones
cotton blouse for $18.00 16. Which of the following is MOST
c. 92cm(1yd) of 115cm(45’’)wide suitable for concealing a patch on
polyester cotton at $9.00 per the centre front of a cotton blouse
yard for sportswear?
d. 92cm(1yd) of 115cm (45’’) a. Beading
wide hair cord at $8.00 per b. Print applique
yard c. Gulpure motifs
12. Which of the following is the d. Silk screen printing
MOST appropriate outfit to be 17. Which of the following are the
worn to an interview for the post MOST important considerations
of a Clerk/Typist when patching?
a. A fashionable dress i. Shrinking the fabric before
b. A floral dress with accessories use
c. A well- tailored two-piece ii. Matching lengthwise and
outfit crosswise thread
iii. Cutting the patch to match 23. Which of the following should be
the design or weave of the considered when determining the
garment requirements for window
iv. Using adhesive mending curtains?
tape i. Width of windows
a. I and ii only ii. Amount of fullness desired
b. Ii and iii only iii. Width of fabric
c. Ii and iv only iv. Weight of fabric
d. I iii and iv only a. I and ii only
18. Which of the following chemical b. Ii and iii only
should be used to remove fruit c. I, ii and iv only
stain from a white poplin apron? d. I, ii, iii and iv
a. Benzene Item 24 refer to the following
b. Borax diagram
c. Paraffin Machine Hand
d. Acetic acid
Very hot Hand
19. Cotton clothes if store damp will Max wash hot
MOST likely to be affected by? 85*C to 48*C
a. Mildew boil to
b. Mots boil
c. Shrinkage Spin or Wring
d. Stretching
20. Which of the following fabrics
should normally be dry cleaned? 24. For which of the following articles
a. Flannelette or garments is the above care label
b. Glazed cotton BEST suited
c. Damask a. Cream nylon dashiki
d. Velvet b. Green polyester knit blouse
21. Which of the following will result if c. White cotton bed sheet
clothes are aired? d. Black corduroy skirt
i. Removal of moisture 25. Which of the following actions
ii. Freshening for use occurs during the cotton ginning
iii. Removal of spots process?
iv. Removal of perspiration a. Fibres are straightened
a. I and ii only b. Dust is beaten from the cotton
b. Iii and iv only fibre
c. I, ii and iii only c. Fibres are twisted into various
d. Ii iii and iv only lengths
22. the dashiki is part of the cultural d. Seeds are separated from the
dress of the? cotton fibres
a. Chinese 26. Which of the following fabric
b. Africans washes well?
c. Portuguese a. Dacron
d. East Indians b. Challis
c. Muslin 33. A particular style of clothing that is
d. Shantung popular at a given time best
27. Which of the follow properties describes which of the
applies to cotton fibres following terms below?
a. It is weak when wet a. Fashion Cycle
b. It absorbs moisture readily b. Style
c. It does not absorb dye readily c. Fad
d. It retains heat when heat set d. Fashion
28. Which of the following groups 34. The centre-of-interest, which
represents the MOST suitable might be the largest, brightest, or
fabric qualities for an auto- lightest subject is the:
mechanic’s uniform? a. Emphasis
a. Non-flammable and elastic b. B. Repetition
b. Soil repellent and durable c. C. Unity
c. Light weight and water d. D. Contrast
resistant 35. All the following are rights of a
d. Crease resistant and water consumer except?
repellent a. The right to safety
29. The FIRST manmade fibre b. The right to redress
produced from plant material was c. The right to basic needs
a. Rayon d. The right to speak out
b. Arnel 36. Which of the following window
c. Acetate treatments does NOT control light
d. Fibreglass and privacy at windows?
30. Under a microscope a pure wool a. Pelmets
appears to have? b. Lace curtains
a. Cross markings c. Venetian blinds
b. Flat uneven twist d. Fibre glass drapes
c. Overlapping scales 37. Which of the following items is
d. Streaks along the length NOT classified as ‘soft furnishings’?
31. Which of the following groups a. Curtains
contain methods of fabric b. Cushions
constructions? c. Bedspreads
a. Weaving, spinning, knitting d. Wall hangings
b. Felting, weaving, spinning 38. A difference in a hue or neutral
c. Weaving, knitting, felting ranging from the lightest to the
d. Knitting, felting, carding. darkest is known as:
32. The outline of a figure or garment a. Space
is called the b. Shape
a. Illusion c. Texture
b. Silhouette d. Value
c. C. Style Feature 39. Variations of one hue is known as:
d. D. Design Feature a. Neutral accented
b. Analogous colours
c. Complementary colours d. Rise, Peak, Introduction,
d. Monochromatic colours Obsolescence, Decline
40. Red, yellow and orange are known 45. Which of the following are BEST
as: suited for transferring pattern
a. Warm colours markings from pattern pieces
b. Primary colours to fabric?
c. Cool colours a. Tracing wheels and carbon
d. Secondary colours b. Dressmaker’s pencils
41. Which of the following terms c. Pins and needles
describes a one-of-a-kind, custom d. Scissors
made designer dress which is 46. All the following are examples of
constructed using many hand print media used in advertising
processes? except:
a. Fad a. Newspaper Ads
b. In vogue b. Door Hangers & Flyers
c. Fashionable c. Emails
d. Haute couture d. Magazines
42. Soft furnishings are included in 47. A complimentary colour scheme is
the home because they one in which the colours used
I. fill empty space a. are directly opposite each
II. create formal balance other on the colour wheel
III. are aesthetically pleasing b. are adjacent to each other on
a. I and II only the colour wheel
b. I and III only c. belong to a monochromatic
c. II and III only colour scheme
d. I, II and III d. are closely related on the
43. ……………….. is the term used to colour wheel
describe the way a fabric hangs 48. Which of the following are design
under its own weight. It elements?
has an important bearing on how i. line and direction
good a garment looks in use. ii. contrast and harmony
a. Curtain iii. shape and size
b. Drape a. i and ii only
c. Throws b. i and iii only
d. Valance c. ii and iii only
44. Identify the correct order of how d. i, ii and ii
the fashion cycle works. 49. 25. Which of the following pairs of
a. Introduction, Peak, Decline, colours is an example of
Rise, Obsolescence complementary colours?
b. Obsolescence, Introduction, a. blue-violet
Peak, Rise, Decline b. yellow-violet
c. Introduction, Rise, Peak, c. red-orange
Decline, Obsolescence d. blue-green
50. All the following are benefits of c. Run the machine on a scrap of
advertising except: fabric then apply a lubricant
a. Most advertisements are d. Apply a lubricant in the holes
aimed at persuading people to then run the machine for a few
buy products. minutes
b. It promotes demand, making Maria was invited to the Brady’s
mass production possible wedding. She was advised that the
c. Through mass production, colour scheme is orange and
more people are employed brown and that she should wear
d. It encourages the production cheerful or complimentary colours.
of goods of high standards. Maria took out the following
51. Style may best be define as: garments and accessories to be
a. A particular style of clothing worn; red dress, black heels, black
that is popular at a given time. pearls, black earrings and a
b. A type of garment that has black clutch.
specific characteristics that Use the statement above to
make it unique. answer question 56-57
c. A style that is popular for a 55. What is the name of the colour
short period of time. scheme that the Brady’s will be
d. The periodic return of specific using at their wedding?
styles and general shapes a. Monochromatic
52. Balance is the arrangements of b. Accented Neutral
objects in an even, pleasing way c. Split Complimentary
with equal visual weights on d. Triadic
each side. Therefore, balance can 56. What colour dress could Maria
either be ____________________ wear to compliment the orange at
a. Symmetrical and Asymmetrical the Brady’s wedding?
b. Formal and Symmetrical a. Blue
c. Informal and Asymmetrical b. Red
d. Formal and Casual c. Green
53. Which of the following is not a d. Yellow
type of silhouette? 57. All the following are agencies
a. Empire responsible for consumerism in
b. A-Line Jamaica
c. Circular i. Bureau of Standards
d. Mermaid ii. Consumer Affairs
54. Which of the following steps Commission
should be done FIRST when oiling iii. Ministry of Information &
a sewing machine? Services
a. Remove all lint and dust from iv. Office of Utilities
around the bobbin case Regulations
b. Ensure that the needle is in a. i, iii and iv only
the upper-most position b. ii, iii and iv only
c. i, ii and iv only
d. i, and ii only
58. The use of line, colour, or a motif
in more than one place in a
composition is a/an:
a. Contrast
b. Repetition
c. Emphasis
d. Unity
59. Which of the following is of Indian
a. Sari
b. Caftan
c. Kimono
d. Dashiki
60. Rhythm is the feeling of movement
created by line, colour or shape
which causes the eye to move
smoothly from on part of the
design to another. The three types
of rhythm are:
a. Graduation, Repetition &
b. Repetition, Radiation &
c. Proportion, Gradation &
d. Radiation, Graduation &

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