Sensors: Practical Guide To Discrete Sensors For Industrial Applications

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Practical Guide to
Discrete Sensors for Industrial Applications

SENSORS Practical Guide

Chapter 1
Introduction to Different Types of Discrete, Object Detection Sensors.........................................3

Chapter 2
Common Terms Used For Discrete Sensors..............................................................................................5

Chapter 3 Jump to
What Type of Sensor Do I Need?...................................................................................................................8 Chapter
Chapter 1
Introduction to
Chapter 4 Different Types of
Limit Switches................................................................................................................................................... 13 Chapter 2
Common Terms
Chapter 5 Used For
Discrete Sensors
Inductive Proximity Sensors........................................................................................................................ 17 Chapter 3
What Type of
Sensor Do I Need?
Chapter 6
Chapter 4
Magnetic Proximity Sensors........................................................................................................................ 20 Limit
Chapter 7
Chapter 5
Capacitive Proximity Sensors...................................................................................................................... 22 Inductive
Proximity Sensors

Chapter 8 Chapter 6
Ultrasonic Proximity Sensors....................................................................................................................... 24 Proximity Sensor

Chapter 9 Chapter 7
Photoelectric Sensors.................................................................................................................................... 26 Proximity Sensor

Chapter 10 Chapter 8
Proximity Sensor
Specialty Sensors: Laser Sensors, Fiber Optic Sensors, Fork Sensors, Area Sensors................ 30
Chapter 9
Chapter 11 Photoelectric
Sensors with Analog Output...................................................................................................................... 34
Chapter 10
Chapter 12 Specialty
Conclusion........................................................................................................................................................ 36
Chapter 11
Sensors with
Analog Output

Chapter 12

Table of Contents

SENSORS Introduction to Different Types of Discrete,
Object Detection Sensors

There are many types of object detection sensors available on the market. Some of them, such as limit switches, require direct contact with
the object. Others, such as proximity sensors, need to be in close physical range but do not make contact with the object. Still others can detect
objects from much further distances; examples include photoelectric, laser and ultrasonic sensors.

Limit Switches
Limit switches are one of the most common object detection sensors used in industrial controls. They
are energized when an object makes physical contact with the actuator. They normally provide an
electromechanical contact closure, but some also move a pneumatic valve. There are many different
form factors and actuator styles to choose from.

Inductive Proximity Sensors Jump to

Inductive proximity sensors detect the presence of metallic objects at close range (under 1.5 inches Chapter 1
Introduction to
typically). Ferrous metals allow the greatest distances to the sensor; other metals may reduce Different Types of
detection range. Sensors
Chapter 2
Common Terms
Used For
Magnetic Proximity Sensors Discrete Sensors
Magnetic proximity sensors are used for non-contact object detection beyond the normal limits of Chapter 3
What Type of
inductive sensors. Used with a separate damping magnet, they offer very long sensing ranges in a Sensor Do I Need?

small package and can detect magnets through walls of non-ferrous metal, stainless steel, aluminum, Chapter 4
plastic or wood. Limit

Chapter 5
Capacitive Proximity Sensors Inductive
Proximity Sensors
Capacitive proximity sensors use a dielectric plate generating an electrostatic field to detect both metal
and non-metal objects and can sense through insulating materials such as wood or plastic. They are often Chapter 6
used to detect fill levels of liquids, pellets, and powders through container walls. Capacitive sensors are Proximity Sensor
available in cylindrical or rectangular shapes, with sensing distances typically up to 40mm.
Chapter 7
Proximity Sensor
Photoelectric Sensors
Photoelectric sensors use reflected or detected light waves to detect object presence or distance in a wide Chapter 8
range of industrial applications. They typically contain all required optics and electronics in a single unit, Proximity Sensor

requiring only power to provide an output based on their specifications and object detection criteria. Chapter 9
Photoelectric sensors can detect a wide variety of materials and have extended sensing ranges. Photoelectric

Chapter 10
Specialty Sensors Specialty
Other object detection sensors are available for specialized applications. Some specialty sensors available
that work similarly to a photoelectric sensor are laser sensors, fiber optic sensors, fork sensors, and area Chapter 11
Sensors with
sensors. Although not seen as often as other types of sensors in the automation industry, they can Analog Output
be vital to an application with unique needs.
Chapter 12

Chapter 1

Introduction to Different Types of Discrete, Object Detection Sensors

Jump to
Chapter 1
Introduction to
Different Types of
Chapter 2
Common Terms
Used For
Discrete Sensors
Chapter 3
What Type of
Sensor Do I Need?

Chapter 4

Chapter 5
Proximity Sensors

Chapter 6
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 7
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 8
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11
Sensors with
Analog Output

Chapter 12

Chapter 1

SENSORS Common Terms Used For
Discrete Sensors

Sensors have many different options when it comes to the output signal. The output can be an electromechanical relay contact or it can be
solid state. If it is a solid state output, then the logic can be NPN or PNP. Either type of output can be Normally Open or Normally Closed.

Electromechanical Relay Contact vs. Solid State Output

An electromechanical relay output uses a physical set of contacts that open or close to switch a signal. This works very similarly to a light
switch in your house. It is either fully open or fully closed. The advantages of a relay contact output are that the signal is either fully ON
or fully OFF and this type of output circuit usually can handle much higher current draw through it. A drawback of a relay contact is that
since it is mechanical, it will eventually wear out after extended use and either weld closed or be stuck open. Most limit switches offer this
as their output circuit type, although some other sensors may have this as an option as well.

A solid-state output uses a purely electrical device to switch the output signal. An example of a solid state device would be a transistor, Jump to
MOSFET, SCR, or Triac. Solid state devices use no moving or mechanical parts and essentially have an infinite lifespan if they are not Chapter
Chapter 1
overloaded. They are smaller than relay contacts and make no noise when switching the output signal. Some drawbacks to solid state devices Introduction to
Different Types of
are that they usually do not handle as much current as a relay contact, and they are never truly completely OFF or completely ON so they will Sensors
have some leakage current in their OFF or open state. Chapter 2
Common Terms
Used For
NPN vs. PNP or Sink vs. Source Discrete Sensors
Chapter 3
For DC solid state outputs, an important consideration to take into account is whether the logic of the sensor output needs to be NPN or PNP What Type of
Sensor Do I Need?
(other terms to describe the same logic is sinking versus sourcing). To properly wire your control device, you need to first know whether the
Chapter 4
sensor you are using is switching the positive or negative connection. For AC (alternating current) sensors, this is not an issue since AC power Limit
alternates its polarity 120 times per second with 60-hertz current and AC sensors are designed for that. On the other hand, DC (direct current)
sensors only allow current flow in one direction and therefore have a constant polarity that must be considered. Chapter 5
Proximity Sensors
With DC sensors, NPN and PNP may be terms you hear quite often. These terms define the Collector, Base and Emitter polarities of the
Chapter 6
transistor itself. In these transistors, the ON and OFF switching is accomplished between the Collector and Emitter legs, and the Base Magnetic
(controlled by the sensor) will determine when that happens. How the transistor closes the control circuit will determine if Proximity Sensor

it’s a sinking or sourcing output. Chapter 7

Proximity Sensor

1 Chapter 8
Proximity Sensor

sensor 4
Load Chapter 9
PNP 3 Chapter 10
3-wire Specialty

Chapter 11
Sensors with
Analog Output
Chapter 12
sensor 4
Chapter 2

Common Terms Used For Discrete Sensors


For an NPN transistor, when a positive polarity of sufficient voltage is applied to the Base, a small current will flow across the Base-to-Emitter
junction. This small current opens the path for a larger positive current from the Collector to flow to the negative Emitter. In this case, when
the transistor’s Collector-to-Emitter junction closes, it is effectively a switch completing the circuit on the negative side of the load. In other

words, the transistor is sinking the supplied current flowing through the control device.

C+ NPN/Sinking
switching negative side of transistor

B Jump to
Chapter 1
Introduction to
Different Types of

Chapter 2
Common Terms
Used For
Discrete Sensors
Chapter 3
What Type of
PNP Sensor Do I Need?

With a PNP transistor, once a negative polarity of sufficient voltage is applied to the Base, a small current flows across the Emitter-to- Chapter 4
Base junction. This small current opens the path for the Emitter’s positive current to flow to the negative Collector. In this case, when the Switches
transistor’s Emitter-to-Collector junction closes, it is effectively a switch completing the circuit on the positive side of the load. In other
Chapter 5
words, the transistor is sourcing the supplied current flowing to the control device. Inductive
Proximity Sensors

C PNP/Sourcing Chapter 6
Proximity Sensor
switching positive side of transistor
Chapter 7
Proximity Sensor
B Chapter 8
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 9


Chapter 10
It is important to select the correct logic for your sensor depending on the device to which it is sending its signal. Many DC sensors today include
Chapter 11
both types of transistors, so you can easily match them to the control device you are using. Sensors with
Analog Output

AC (Alternating Current) Solid State Outputs Chapter 12

Some sensors support an AC solid state output. The solid-state device used for an AC solid state output is usually a triac. As mentioned above,
you do not need to worry about NPN/PNP or sinking/sourcing with an AC solid state output since the direction of current is changing anyway.
Triacs are fast responding, make no noise when switching and never wear out. Drawbacks are that they have lower current switching ratings
than electromechanical relays and they tend to have higher leakage currents than DC transistors.

Chapter 2

Common Terms Used For Discrete Sensors

Normally Open vs. Normally Closed (NO/NC)


Normally open versus normally closed are terms used to describe whether the output is ON or OFF based on the sensor’s normal state. This is a
throwback term from when the only output option was a relay contact and solid state switches didn’t exist. However, today we use the same
terms to describe solid-state or relay outputs.

If the output is described as being closed, then the output is ON, just like when a relay contact or light switch is closed the output will be ON.
When an output is described as being open then the output is OFF, exactly the opposite of being closed.

The “normal” state of a sensor means that the sensor is not detecting an object.

So for example, if any type of sensor has a normally open output and it does not detect an object, then the output will be OFF and will
turn ON when it detects an object.
Jump to
Likewise, if a sensor has a normally closed output, the output will be ON when it does NOT detect an object and the output will then turn OFF Chapter
when an object is detected. Chapter 1
Introduction to
Different Types of
Environmental Ratings Chapter 2
Common Terms
All sensors offer some degree of protection from environmental factors such as moisture and debris. Ingress Protection (IP) ratings are Used For
established by the IEC and define the protection offered by electrical devices and their enclosures. It is similar to the NEMA rating system. Discrete Sensors
Chapter 3
IP ratings of IP65 or higher are very common for most sensors. Harsh duty models are also available and can have ratings as high as IP69K. What Type of
IP69K is often required in the food and beverage industry where the sensors must withstand “washdown” cleaning procedures, often with Sensor Do I Need?

harsh chemicals. Chapter 4


Connection options Chapter 5

Sensors may offer a threaded conduit fitting, an attached (embedded) cable or a quick-disconnect (Q/D) fitting to which a mating cable can Inductive
Proximity Sensors
be attached.
Chapter 6
Threaded conduit connection Proximity Sensor

On many limit switches, the connection is a threaded conduit connection opening in which individual wires can be terminated. Chapter 7
Usually, this is either a female NPT or female PG threaded connection. Proximity Sensor

Chapter 8
Attached cables Ultrasonic
Proximity Sensor
Attached cables (embedded) are typically 6 feet (2m) in length and are molded into the body of the sensor at the attachment point.
They are typically the less-expensive option. The cable can be cut to length, or may not be long enough to reach all the way to the Chapter 9
termination point controller. Field junction boxes may be required, and numerous sensor signals are often combined into Sensor

multi-conductor cables at such junction points. Lastly, a cable exiting from the end of the sensor body may not fit (physically) Chapter 10
in all applications. Specialty

Chapter 11
Quick-disconnects Sensors with
Analog Output
Sensors with quick disconnect fittings require the use of a separate cable to complete the installation. These cables typically include
industry-standard M8, M12, or micro-AC (for some AC powered sensors) style connections on one end and offer a pigtail (flying leads) Chapter 12
on the other end for completing the connection. These quick-disconnects offer several advantages: it’s very easy to replace a damaged
sensor without any rewiring, and the cables are available in longer lengths with axial or 90-degree connections at the sensor.
Field-wireable quick-disconnect connectors are also available for constructing custom cables.

Chapter 2

SENSORS What Type of Sensor Do I Need?

There are many factors that will determine the “best” sensor to use for a given application. Experience is the best teacher when it comes to
selecting sensors. However, there are a few questions that can be asked to help narrow down your selection to a sensor type.

Keep in mind that this chapter will help you narrow down your choice to a particular family. There is no ironclad guarantee that this will be the

absolute correct solution. A lot of this comes down to good old fashioned common-sense and experience. So keep that in mind when going
through this chapter and of course if you have any questions feel free to call our FREE technical support service between the hours of 9 AM and
6 PM Eastern Time at 800-633-0405.

What Are You Trying to Detect?

Are you trying to detect a solid object or a liquid/powder/palletized product/grain
❑ I am trying to detect a liquid, powder, palletized product or a grain
❑ I am trying to detect a solid object
Jump to
Would you like to detect a magnet from up to 70mm away? (Can be through non-magnetizable materials)? Chapter 1
❑ Magnetic Proximity Sensors Introduction to
Different Types of
Chapter 2
Common Terms
Used For
Discrete Sensors
Chapter 3
What Type of
Sensor Do I Need?

Chapter 4

Chapter 5
Proximity Sensors

Chapter 6
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 7
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 8
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11
Sensors with
Analog Output

Chapter 12

Chapter 3

What Type of Sensor Do I Need?

Are the materials you are trying to detect very close, possibly touching or within 40mm?
(even through something non-conductive like plexiglass)
❑ Capacitive Proximity Sensors

Are the materials you are trying to detect farther away, say in a bin or tank, and you want to measure distance or detect a fill or empty point?
❑ Ultrasonic Proximity Sensors

Jump to
Chapter 1
Introduction to
Different Types of
Chapter 2
Common Terms
Used For
Discrete Sensors
Chapter 3
What Type of
Sensor Do I Need?

Chapter 4

Chapter 5
Proximity Sensors

Chapter 6
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 7
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 8
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11
Sensors with
Analog Output

Chapter 12

Chapter 3

What Type of Sensor Do I Need?

If the object will be touching the sensor actuator or sensing face, then most likely a limit switch will be the solution to your sensor selection.
❑ limit switches.
If your object is metal you may also want to look at
❑ capacitive proximity sensors

❑ inductive proximity sensors

If the object is not touching, then we need to continue with narrowing your selection:
Is your object closer or farther away than 40mm?
❑ The object I wish to detect is closer than 40mm
❑ The object I wish to detect is farther away than 40mm

Jump to
Chapter 1
Introduction to
Different Types of
Chapter 2
Common Terms
Used For
Discrete Sensors
Chapter 3
What Type of
Sensor Do I Need?

Chapter 4

Chapter 5
Proximity Sensors

Chapter 6
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 7
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 8
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11
Sensors with
Analog Output

Chapter 12

Chapter 3

What Type of Sensor Do I Need?

For objects 40mm or closer to the sensor, you most likely want a proximity sensor.

If the object is within 40mm and is also metallic

❑ inductive proximity sensor

If the object is non-metallic

❑ capacitive proximity sensors
In some cases there are a few models of diffuse photoelectric sensors that might work for applications in this sensing distance.
❑ photoelectric sensors

As mentioned above, this selection is simply a guide, so even if your object is metal, you might still take into consideration that a capacitive
proximity sensor or diffuse photoelectric sensor might be the better choice for your specific application.

Jump to
Chapter 1
Introduction to
Different Types of
Chapter 2
Common Terms
Used For
Discrete Sensors
Chapter 3
What Type of
Sensor Do I Need?

Chapter 4

Chapter 5
Proximity Sensors

Chapter 6
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 7
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 8
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11
Sensors with
Analog Output

Chapter 12

Chapter 3

What Type of Sensor Do I Need?

So if your object is farther away than 40mm from the sensor, then a proximity sensor is out of the question. To narrow things down farther, it
will help you to know more about your application, most importantly the size of the object, the exact distance from the object to the sensing
face, and the color of the object to be detected (Is it a light, reflective color or is it darker, like black, dark gray or brown?). Knowing if the
application allows you to put components on either side of the sensing area (i.e. a reflector or emitter for photoelectric sensors) is helpful.

If your item is larger and application requires less accuracy (think detecting a fork truck near a machine as opposed to a small box on a specific
location on a conveyor)
❑ ultrasonic sensor.

Now, keep in mind that ultrasonic sensors can detect up to 6,000mm and have a deadband close to the sensor. They are also not as accurate
as photoelectric sensors and do not do as great of a job detecting smaller objects.

If your item is on the smaller side, is farther than 6,000mm away or you need higher accuracy
Jump to
❑ photoelectric sensors Chapter
❑ laser sensors Chapter 1
Introduction to
Different Types of
Can you mount components on both sides of your sensing application? If so, you have many more options available. If not, then you will be Sensors
forced into a diffuse photoelectric sensor or diffuse laser sensor. Keep in mind that with diffuse photoelectric sensors, your sensing distance Chapter 2
Common Terms
will be much shorter and you might get false negative reads from darker objects and false positive reads from ambient light pollution. Diffuse Used For
Discrete Sensors
laser sensors are exempt from these limitations but will prove to be more costly than photoelectric sensors. Chapter 3
What Type of
If you do have the ability to mount components on both sides of the sensing application, this opens up more possibilities to use retroreflective Sensor Do I Need?

or through-beam photoelectric sensors. Again, for the longest distance sensing applications, laser sensors will prove to be the best bet. Chapter 4
Whichever way you go, photoelectric sensor or laser sensor, it will be helpful to read through both chapters to learn more.
Chapter 5
Proximity Sensors

Chapter 6
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 7
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 8
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11
Sensors with
Analog Output

Chapter 12

Chapter 3

SENSORS Limit Switches

Mechanical limit switches are a common presence or position sensing device used in industrial automation systems. Typically, these switches
are electromechanically operated, so they activate when an object makes physical contact with the actuator, which is often adjustable.

There are many forms of actuators, each mechanically linked, from those using an adjustable head and plunger, to others with an electrical

switch block inside the housing. As the actuator is rotated or pressed, it provides the mechanical action required to operate the switch’s elec-
trical contacts, changing their state, typically using normally open and normally closed configurations of various types (Figure 4a).
Electrical connections are made to terminals inside the housing through a threaded opening suitable for a cord grip or conduit installation.

Jump to
Chapter 1
Introduction to
Different Types of
Chapter 2
Common Terms
Used For
Discrete Sensors
Chapter 3
What Type of
Sensor Do I Need?

Chapter 4

Chapter 5
Proximity Sensors

Chapter 6
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 7
Proximity Sensor
Figure 4a: A cross-sectional view of this Eaton limit switch highlights the main components
Chapter 8
of this well established and time-tested presence and position sensing device. Ultrasonic
Proximity Sensor

A removable cover affords access to the connections and provides environmental protection. Most limit switches are purely mechanical in Chapter 9
operation, using various linkages and forced movement of the object to drive the contacts. Because these contacts are heavy duty, they can Sensor
switch higher currents than other presence and position detection technologies.
Chapter 10
Some benefits of limit switches are reliable detection of an object regardless of its color, shape or size, along with position accuracy and Sensors

precise repeatability. Limit switches are available from coarse to precise repeatability down to 0.0005 mm, are not affected by ambient Chapter 11
lighting, and can withstand harsh environments due to their rugged construction. They can also switch multiple loads and/or inductive loads, Sensors with
Analog Output
while using very little energy.
Chapter 12
Limit switches must touch an object to detect it, which is a limitation and not desirable in food applications or areas where repeated touching Conclusion

can damage the object. Also, because they use moving mechanical parts, they can wear out, and actuation speeds are relatively low. On the
plus side, limit switches are low cost, easy to understand and troubleshoot, and often easy to repair.

Chapter 4

Limit Switches

Selection Considerations

It is important to study the specifications and understand limit switch terminology such as maximum switching frequency, travel to operate,
total travel, repeatability, force to operate, etc. With the specifications considered, the limit switch selected should be first based on environ-

mental factors and available space, then chosen by actuator style based on the mechanical setup of an application.

For typical industrial applications, oil tight limit switches are a common and good choice. A variety of environmental NEMA and IEC enclosures
and ratings are available, from light to harsh duty, offering protection from oil, grease, debris, dirt and high-pressure washdown (Figure 4b).
Degree of protection includes NEMA 3, 3S, 4, 4X, 6, 6P, 12, 13 and IP40, IP67, and others. Shock and vibration should also be considered.

Jump to
Chapter 1
Introduction to
Different Types of
Chapter 2
Common Terms
Used For
Discrete Sensors
Chapter 3
What Type of
Sensor Do I Need?

Chapter 4

Chapter 5
Proximity Sensors

Chapter 6
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 7
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 8
Figure 4b: These robust Eaton limit switches are suitable for harsh environments and Ultrasonic
offer a variety of actuation arm types including loop, spring lever and rotary lever with roller. Proximity Sensor

Chapter 9
Many styles of limit switches are available in a variety of configurations. The style of actuator, type of movement and object travel orientation Photoelectric
must be chosen. Rotary levers and plunger type actuators are the most common.
Chapter 10

Chapter 11
Sensors with
Analog Output

Chapter 12

Chapter 4

Limit Switches

Rotary levers use a variety of lever actuator arms that, when actuated by the tooling, rotate a shaft to operate the switch contacts. This
rotation is usually spring returned but maintained rotation is available as well. Rotary lever arms often include roller levers (Figure 4c), in
a variety of configurations, and many offer adjustable length and mounting angle (Figure 4d). Other typical levers include rods (Figure 4e),
loops (wobble head/wobble stick), spring rods and whiskers (Figure 4f).

Figure 4c: Examples of rotary lever with roller actuator.

Jump to
Chapter 1
Introduction to
Different Types of
Chapter 2
Common Terms
Used For
Discrete Sensors
Chapter 3
What Type of
Sensor Do I Need?
Figure 4d: Examples of adjustable rotary lever with roller actuator.
Chapter 4

Chapter 5
Proximity Sensors

Chapter 6
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 7
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 8
Figure 4e: Examples of adjustable rod actuator. Proximity Sensor

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11
Sensors with
Analog Output

Chapter 12

Figure 4f: Examples of 360-degree spring, also known as wobble stick actuator.

Chapter 4

Limit Switches

Plunger-type actuators (Figure 4g) work well to detect minuscule machine motion, and they offer a smaller form factor than rotary lever type
actuators. A variety of actuation methods are available including roller plunger (Figure 4h), metal plunger (side or top push) and lever plung-
er. Care must be taken on how the tooling operates the roller or plunger, or else damage may occur.

Figure 4g: Examples of plunger actuator. Figure 4h: Examples of plunger with roller actuator.

Applications Jump to
With lever arm actuators, a good design practice is to actuate the lever arm with a force, from a cam action, for example, perpendicular to the Chapter 1
Introduction to
arm. Also, depending on cam travel speed, the cam face that contacts the lever arm may need to have a cam angle. For example, low-speed Different Types of
actuation of the lever can tolerate a cam face perpendicular to the arm, in the direction of travel. For higher speed actuation a cam angle of 45 Sensors
Chapter 2
degrees, a ramp, can help improve the life of the actuator arm and rotary mechanism. Common Terms
Used For
Discrete Sensors
Guards to protect from accidental operator actuation of the switch should be considered, along with mounting orientation to keep water
Chapter 3
or debris from accumulating around the seals, bearings and actuator arm. A standard switch should never act as a hard stop, so protection What Type of
Sensor Do I Need?
from overtravel of the rotary lever or plunger should also be considered. Installation instructions from the manufacturer will help define best
practices. Some switches, like stopper bolts, combine both, a hard-stop surface and a switch in one housing, providing a good solution in certain Chapter 4
applications. Switches

Chapter 5
Some typical uses of limit switches are to detect flags, carriers, trollies or travelers on a machine or automated process (Figure 4i). For example, Inductive
limit switches can be used to detect a car chassis moving on a conveyor, a position of an elevator in a shaft, a roller coaster as it comes into the Proximity Sensors

loading zone, and in many other applications. Chapter 6

Proximity Sensor

Chapter 7
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 8
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11
Sensors with
Analog Output

Chapter 12

Figure 4i: A very common application of a limit switch is to detect the closed position of a conveyor lift gate.

Chapter 4

What is an Inductive Proximity Sensor?
Inductive Proximity Sensors

Proximity sensors allow non-contact detection of metallic objects up to close range (up to 1.5 inches typically) using an inductive field. In
particular, the presence of parts and/or machine elements can be detected for the purpose of counting, indexing, verification, end-of-stroke
or travel, determining orientation, and many other common automation tasks.

Selection Criteria
Some common selection criteria for inductive proximity sensors include sensing distance, size/shape, switching frequency, ingress rating,
flush vs non-flush, housing material, correction factor of 1, and weld slag resistance.

Sensing Distance
The size of the sensor body and the shielding type greatly impact the sensing distance. (Figure 5a) In many applications, it might not be Jump to
possible to mount a sensor close to the sensed object. In those cases, longer sensing distances are needed or preferable. For instance Chapter
Chapter 1
longer sensing distances may eliminate the need to buy more expensive high-temperature sensors. If a sensor is placed too close to a hot Introduction to
Different Types of
temperature source, the sensor will require more maintenance, or fail more quickly. Mounting the sensor further from the detection area Sensors
may reduce thermal exposure of the sensor, which may extend the life of the sensor. Chapter 2
Common Terms
Used For
Discrete Sensors
Chapter 3
What Type of
Sensor Do I Need?

Chapter 4

Chapter 5
Proximity Sensors

Chapter 6
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 7
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 8
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11
Sensors with
Analog Output

Chapter 12
Figure 5a: Sensing distances of AutomationDirect inductive proximity sensors

shielded = flush or semi-flush and unshielded = non-flush

Chapter 5

Inductive Proximity Sensors

Size and Shape


Inductive proximity sensors are available in a vast assortment of sizes and shapes, from tiny 3mm barrels to 30mm cylindrical bodies, and
in many rectangular form factors.

Flush vs. Non-flush

Flush, semi-flush and non-flush sensors are also referred to as embeddable and non-embeddable. The term refers to the exposure of the
sensing face. Non-flush sensors allow longer sensing distances but the sensor face must protrude from the mounting substrate. Flush sensors
can be flush mounted. (Figure 5b).

Jump to
Chapter 1
Introduction to
Different Types of
Chapter 2
Common Terms
Used For
Discrete Sensors
Chapter 3
What Type of
Sensor Do I Need?

Chapter 4

Chapter 5
Proximity Sensors

Chapter 6
Figure 5b: Flush vs Non-flush inductive proximity sensors Magnetic
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 7
Switching Frequency Capacitive
Proximity Sensor
The internal circuitry of an inductive proximity sensor always has a switching frequency; this can loosely be interpreted to mean how often
the sensor is checking the target area for an object. If you need to detect moving objects at very high speed, you may have to pay attention Chapter 8
to the switching frequency. Most sensors are fast enough for routine operations. Proximity Sensor

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11
Sensors with
Analog Output

Chapter 12

Chapter 5

Inductive Proximity Sensors

Output Type

As mentioned in chapter 2 of this eBook, the type of output required must be determined (i.e., NPN, PNP, or analog). Most PLC inputs will
accept either NPN or PNP output types. If connecting to a solid state relay, a PNP output is needed. The need for an analog output is
determined by the application. Sensors with analog outputs produce a signal approximately proportional to the target distance.

Do you need 2, 3, or 4-wire discrete outputs? This may be dictated by the device to which the sensor will be connected, or it may be a
personal preference.

Some simple guidelines to use are:

• Will work with sinking or sourcing devices
• Only 2 wires to terminate Jump to
• Higher leakage current Chapter
Chapter 1
Introduction to
3-wire Different Types of
• Most popular variety – familiar to most users
Chapter 2
• Must select between NPN and PNP outputs Common Terms
Used For
Discrete Sensors
4-wire Chapter 3
• Allows flexibility of configuration in one device What Type of
Sensor Do I Need?
• May have both NPN/PNP selection or NO/NC selection
• Allows the user to stock one part for numerous applications Chapter 4

Correction Factor Chapter 5

Most Inductive proximity sensors require a correction factor to be factored in when detecting non-ferrous metals such as aluminum or Proximity Sensors
stainless steel. The correction factor reduces the overall sensing distance when detecting non-ferrous metals. Inductive proximity sensors are
Chapter 6
available that have a correction factor (K-factor) of 1 for all metals so that this adjustment does not have to be made for non-ferrous metals. Magnetic
Proximity Sensor

Other Selection Considerations Chapter 7

Of course, the environmental ratings may have an impact on your selection of a sensor. Inductive proximity sensors usually have, at Proximity Sensor

minimum, IP65 environmental ratings but are available up to an IP69K rating as well. If an inductive proximity sensor is going to be used in Chapter 8
or near a welding application, then an inductive proximity sensor with weld slag resistance is a good choice to keep weld slag from building Ultrasonic
Proximity Sensor
up on the sensor.
Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11
Sensors with
Analog Output

Chapter 12

Chapter 5

SENSORS Magnetic Proximity Sensors

How Do Magnetic Proximity Sensors Work?


Magnetic proximity sensors are used for non-contact position detection beyond the normal limits of inductive sensors. In conjunction with
a separate “damping” magnet, magnetic sensors offer very long sensing ranges in a small package size and can detect magnets through
walls of non-ferrous metal, stainless steel, aluminum, plastic or wood. Depending on the orientation of the magnetic field, the sensor can

be damped from the front or from the side. In the food industry, the magnetic sensor is often used in connection with a “pig” (Figure 6a)
(cleaning devices which pass through the inside of pipes). Magnetic proximity sensors can detect the exact position of the pig from outside
the wall of the stainless steel pipe. Magnetic proximity sensors are also used in ‘clean in place’ (CIP) systems at “diverter panels” to detect the
position of the diverter pipe through the panel faceplates (typically made of stainless steel).

Jump to
Chapter 1
Introduction to
Different Types of
Chapter 2
Common Terms
Used For
Discrete Sensors
Chapter 3
What Type of
Sensor Do I Need?

Chapter 4

Chapter 5
Proximity Sensors

Chapter 6
Proximity Sensor
Figure 6a: Magnetic proximity sensor detecting a “pig” used in a clean in place application of a pipe.
Chapter 7
Proximity Sensor
• Detection through plastic, wood, and any non-magnetizable metals Chapter 8
• Small housings with very long sensing ranges up to 70 mm Proximity Sensor

• Cylinder and rectangular designs satisfy space-dependent applications Chapter 9

• High mechanical stability in case of shock or vibration Photoelectric
• Flush or non-flush installation in non-magnetizable metals
Chapter 10

Chapter 11
Sensors with
Analog Output

Chapter 12

Chapter 6

Magnetic Proximity Sensors

Operating Principle

Magnetic sensors use GMR (Giant Magneto-Resistive Effect) technology. The measuring cell consists of resistors with several extremely
fine ferromagnetic and non-magnetic layers. Two of these GMR resistors are used to form a conventional wheatstone bridge circuit
which produces a large signal proportional to the magnetic field when a magnetic field is present. A threshold value is defined, and an

output signal is switched via a comparator.

Jump to
Chapter 1
Introduction to
Different Types of
Chapter 2
Common Terms
Used For
Discrete Sensors
Chapter 3
What Type of
Sensor Do I Need?

Chapter 4

Chapter 5
Proximity Sensors

Chapter 6
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 7
Selection Criteria Capacitive
Proximity Sensor
Magnetic proximity sensor selection criteria are similar to other proximity sensors, which include sensing distance, size/shape, connection
Chapter 8
type, and ingress rating. Ultrasonic
Proximity Sensor
Sensing distance is much longer for magnetic proximity sensors and is in the 60-70mm range. All magnetic proximity sensors from
Chapter 9
AutomationDirect come flush, so they can be flush mountable without losing sensing distance. All have the same 5kHz switching Photoelectric
Chapter 10
Magnetic proximity sensors come in 8, 12 and 18mm round as well as rectangular styles. Specialty

Outputs available in NPN and PNP as well as NO/NC. Connection types available are 2M cable, M12 and M8 quick disconnect. Chapter 11
Sensors with
Analog Output
Environmental protection ratings range from IP65 to IP69K.
Chapter 12

Chapter 6

SENSORS Capacitive Proximity Sensors

What are Capacitive Proximity sensors?


Capacitive proximity sensors work similarly to inductive proximity sensors, where they detect objects in close proximity to the sensing face.
However, instead of using an inductive field to detect metallic objects, capacitive proximity sensors use a dielectric plate to generate an
electrostatic field. Because a capacitive field is used, these sensors can detect non-metallic objects as well as metallic objects, such

as plastics, liquids, powders, and pellets. Can also detect these objects through insulating materials such as paper, wood or plastic.
The maximum sensing distance of a capacitive proximity sensor is similar to the maximum sensing distance of an inductive proximity
sensor (40mm).

Selection Criteria
Sensors from AutomationDirect come in 12, 18 and 30mm round sizes as well as rectangular form factors. (figure 7a).

Jump to
Chapter 1
Introduction to
Different Types of
Chapter 2
Common Terms
Used For
Discrete Sensors
Chapter 3
What Type of
Sensor Do I Need?
Figure 7a: Capacitive proximity sensors
Chapter 4

Sensing Distance Chapter 5

Proximity Sensors
Sensing distances of capacitive proximity sensors range from 6mm for a small 12mm round, flush sensor to 40mm distance for a 30mm
round sensor. Chapter 6
Proximity Sensor

Flush vs. Non-flush Chapter 7

Like inductive proximity sensors, capacitive proximity sensors also come in flush, semi-flush or non-flush face styles. Choose flush models Proximity Sensor
when the sensor needs to be flush mounted. Drawbacks to a flush sensor are that the sensing distance is shorter, and since a
Chapter 8
capacitive proximity sensor can detect non-metal objects, this needs to be taken into consideration when mounting the sensor to avoid Ultrasonic
Proximity Sensor
false positive object detection.
Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11
Sensors with
Analog Output

Chapter 12

Chapter 7

Capacitive Proximity Sensors

Other Selection Considerations


Some capacitive proximity sensor outputs are configurable to work as a normally open or normally closed output; NPN or PNP configuration
can sometimes also be determined by wiring arrangement.

Certain capacitive proximity sensors support a teach-in function. A teach-in function will allow the user to configure the sensor to ignore
something in the way of what is being detected. For example, you need to detect the level inside a clear plastic water tank. You want to mount
the sensor up next to the tank and ignore the presence of the plastic tank but detect when the water reaches the sensor. With a
teach-in function, you will be able to do this. (Figure 7b).

Jump to
Chapter 1
Introduction to
Different Types of
Chapter 2
Common Terms
Used For
Discrete Sensors
Chapter 3
What Type of
Sensor Do I Need?

Chapter 4

Chapter 5
Proximity Sensors

Chapter 6
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 7
Figure 7b: Closeup view of the teach buttons that enable the teach-in function. Proximity Sensor

Chapter 8
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11
Sensors with
Analog Output

Chapter 12

Chapter 7

SENSORS Ultrasonic Proximity Sensors

What are Ultrasonic Proximity Sensors?


Ultrasonic proximity sensors (Figure 8a) are not actually “proximity” sensors since they can detect objects from much farther distances than
other “proximity” sensors. The operating principle of ultrasonic sensors is based on the emission of a sound impulse and the measurement
of the time elapsed of the return echo signal reflected by the detected object. The ultrasonic beam is well reflected by almost all materials

(metal, wood, plastic, glass, liquid, etc.) and is not affected by colored, transparent, or shiny objects. This allows the user to standardize on
one sensor for many materials without any extra setup or sensing concerns.

Ultrasonic sensors are ideal for detecting objects in applications where the use of other types of proximity sensors or photoelectric sensors do
not work well, such as:
• Level measurement: for tanks containing solid or liquid
• Diameter or loop detection: for materials such as paper, sheet iron, etc.
• Transparent object detection: for plastic or glass bottles, plastic filters, etc. Jump to
Chapter 1
Introduction to
Different Types of
Chapter 2
Common Terms
Used For
Discrete Sensors
Chapter 3
What Type of
Sensor Do I Need?

Chapter 4

Chapter 5
Proximity Sensors

Chapter 6
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 7
Figure 8a: Ultrasonic Sensors Proximity Sensor

Chapter 8
Selection Criteria Ultrasonic
Proximity Sensor

Much like other sensors, ultrasonic sensor selection criteria can include size/shape, sensing distance, switching frequency, and output Chapter 9
type/connection options. Photoelectric

Size and Shape Chapter 10

Ultrasonic sensors from AutomationDirect come in 18mm and 30mm round sizes as well as rectangular shapes. One thing to consider Sensors

about ultrasonic sensors is the object that is being detected. Since this type of sensor uses sound for presence detection, they excel at Chapter 11
Sensors with
detecting larger objects or applications such as liquid tank fill height, pellet or grain bin fill height. For the aforementioned applications, Analog Output
these sensors perform more consistently when mounted above the container to detect fill height. Smaller objects may be missed and create
Chapter 12
a false negative detection. Conclusion

Chapter 8

Ultrasonic Proximity Sensors

Sensing Distance

Because ultrasonic sensors use sound rather an inductive or capacitive field or light, there is a small deadband close to the sensor where
an object will not be able to be detected. (Figure 8b). However, since ultrasonic sensors have much longer detection ranges than many other
sensors, this can be compensated for by mounting the sensor slightly further away from the application.

This deadband is anywhere from 40 to 350mm from the sensing face, where the deadband is proportional to the maximum sensing distance.
For example, a 300mm sensing distance would have a 40mm deadband and a 6,000mm sensing distance would have a 350mm deadband.

Jump to
Chapter 1
Introduction to
Different Types of
Chapter 2
Common Terms
Used For
Discrete Sensors
Chapter 3
What Type of
Sensor Do I Need?
Figure 8b: Deadband, minimum, and maximum sensing distance
Chapter 4
Like inductive proximity sensors, the output type must be selected. Outputs for ultrasonic sensors are typically DC solid state, so you will Limit
need to determine if you need NPN or PNP switching logic. Most discrete outputs are configurable for normally open or normally closed,
Chapter 5
or are complementary. Inductive
Proximity Sensors
Analog outputs are preferable on ultrasonic sensors when you need to know the exact distance of the detected object rather than
Chapter 6
simply presence. Magnetic
Proximity Sensor
Another common feature of ultrasonic sensors is a window option, where the output will be true when the object is within a certain Chapter 7
measured area from the sensing face of the sensor. Capacitive
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 8
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11
Sensors with
Analog Output

Chapter 12

Chapter 8

SENSORS Photoelectric Sensors

Photoelectric sensors are by far one of the most popular sensors used in industrial automation. There are many different types and options to
detect the presence of just about any object.

Jump to
Chapter 1
Introduction to
Different Types of
Chapter 2
Common Terms
Used For
Discrete Sensors
What Is a Photoelectric Sensor? Chapter 3
What Type of
A photoelectric sensor uses light to detect the presence of an object or its distance from the sensor, a common requirement in industrial Sensor Do I Need?
applications. The concept is simple and involves a light source, an emitter and a receiver that combine to detect changes in light intensity from
Chapter 4
a light-activated or a dark-activated device (Figure 9a). Limit

Chapter 5
Proximity Sensors

Chapter 6
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 7
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 8
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 9

Chapter 10
Figure 9a: These AutomationDirect photoelectric sensors detect object presence or distance in a wide range of Sensors

industrial applications, and typically contain all required optics and electronics in a single unit. Chapter 11
Sensors with
Analog Output
The light source can be of various frequencies, but is most often visible red or infrared, and is projected from the emitter, also called a sender.
The receiver collects the light and measures its intensity for distance sensing applications. These emitter and receiver elements can be in the Chapter 12
same housing, or in different housings.

Chapter 9

Photoelectric Sensors

Sensing Styles
The three sensing configurations available with the photoelectric emitter and receiver in the same housing are diffuse, diffuse with
background suppression and retroreflective. Diffuse/diffuse with background suppression sensing uses a sensor head with an integrated

emitter and receiver. The emitted light is bounced off an object and back to the receiver. An advantage of this configuration is that there is

just one sensor to mount. Disadvantages are that the sensing distance is shorter than a reflective style or through-beam sensor pair. Also,
dark-colored objects may sometimes provide false negative detections if adequate light is not reflected from the object (remember, darker
objects reflect less light, lighter colored objects reflect more light).

Diffuse with background suppression is a specialized diffuse photoelectric sensor that allows you to “teach” the sensor to ignore objects in the
background. This adds more time to the overall setup and decreases the sensing distance, but provides more accuracy and fewer false positive

The third integrated configuration is retroreflective, often called reflective. This requires mounting a reflector, which can be polarized, Jump to
to bounce light back to the receiver, which detects presence when the object interrupts the reflected light. (Figure 9b). This is a popular Chapter 1
Introduction to
configuration because of the reliability of bouncing the emitted light off a fixed element and not the moving object. Different Types of
Chapter 2
Common Terms
Used For
Discrete Sensors
Chapter 3
What Type of
Sensor Do I Need?

Chapter 4

Chapter 5
Proximity Sensors

Chapter 6
Proximity Sensor
Figure 9b: This polarized, retroreflective, 12-mm round, metal photoelectric sensor from AutomationDirect
detects presence when the object interrupts light rebounding off a fixed reflector. Chapter 7
Proximity Sensor
A configuration where the emitter and receiver are
Chapter 8
in different housings is called a through-beam Ultrasonic
Proximity Sensor
installation. Through-beam photoelectric sensors allow
for the longest operating distances because the receiver Chapter 9
element “sees” the emitted light directly. A benefit Sensor
of this configuration is that the color, shape or angle Chapter 10
of presentation of the object to the light is Specialty
unimportant. However, an individual sender and
receiver must each be mounted and wired. Chapter 11
Sensors with
Analog Output
In general, photoelectric sensors have a longer sensing
Chapter 12
range than other presence sensing device technology Conclusion
such as inductive, magnetic, capacitive and
ultrasonic. Photoelectric sensors are also available in
many housing sizes, with excellent sensing range to
size ratios.

Chapter 9

Photoelectric Sensors

Other Selection Considerations for Photoelectric Sensors


Exactly how the light is sent and received can vary. In most cases, the sender will just transmit light of a certain wavelength using an LED,
and the receiver will sense the light using a photo-transistor, and then energize an output. To avoid interference from ambient lighting, some
sensors will pulse the light, or filter the receiver to only sense a specific wavelength.

When a reflector is used, adding a polarizing filter rotates the light 90 degrees. This phase shift allows only a preconfigured phase angle to be
reflected to the receiver, helping to eliminate false detection of an object similar to the reflector.

Adjusting or programming photoelectric sensors essentially changes the threshold of light required to energize the sensing element. The type
of object being detected can significantly change the threshold for proper operation. For example, a diffuse sensor might be used to detect
a dark colored object one meter away. A powerful light emission source is necessary because when the light bounces off the object, much of
it is absorbed by the dark surface, returning little light. The threshold to detect this dark object would be very different from the threshold
to detect a white object at the same distance. Jump to
Chapter 1
The detection distance can also greatly affect the threshold. When detecting objects at only one centimeter away, whether dark or light, Introduction to
Different Types of
there will be much more light reflected back to the receiver due to the short travel distance as compared to longer distances. Sensors
Chapter 2
To combat the effect of color of dark and light objects, some sensors monitor the angle of the light bouncing back (Figure 9c). This is only Common Terms
Used For
found in diffuse applications and can be used to determine the distance of the object from the sensor. Instead of looking at the intensity of the Discrete Sensors

light reflected as with a conventional distance sensor, an array of receiving elements are used. Depending on which element sees the light, Chapter 3
What Type of
the sensor can “triangulate” the distance to the object. Sensor Do I Need?

Chapter 4

Chapter 5
Proximity Sensors

Chapter 6
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 7
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 8
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11
Figure 9c: A diffuse photoelectric sensor uses a sensor head with integrated emitter and receiver, Sensors with
Analog Output
with emitted light reflecting from the target object back to the sensor.
Chapter 12

Chapter 9

Photoelectric Sensors

What Type of Photoelectric Sensor Should I Choose?

As mentioned previously, there are four basic technologies used with photoelectric sensors: through-beam, reflective, diffuse, and
background suppression. Here are some advantages and disadvantages of each technology.

Advantages: Disadvantages:
• Most accurate • Must install at two points on the system: emitter and receiver
• Longest sensing range • More expensive – must purchase both emitter and receiver
• Very reliable

Advantages: Disadvantages: Jump to
• Cost less than through-beam • Must install at two points on the system: sensor and reflector Chapter
Chapter 1
• Only slightly less accurate than through-beam • Slightly more costly than diffuse Introduction to
Different Types of
• Sensing range better than diffuse • Sensing range less than through-beam Sensors
• Very reliable Chapter 2
Common Terms
Used For
Diffuse Discrete Sensors
Chapter 3
Advantages: Disadvantages: What Type of
• Only install at one point • Less accurate than through-beam and reflective Sensor Do I Need?

• Cost less than through-beam or reflective • More setup time involve Chapter 4
Background Suppression Switches

Advantages: Disadvantages: Chapter 5

• Effective with reflective backgrounds • Cost more than diffuse, reflective or through-beam Proximity Sensors

• Only install at one point • Less accurate than through-beam or reflective Chapter 6
• Most setup time required Magnetic
Proximity Sensor

Other Selection Criteria Chapter 7

Photoelectric sensors come in a variety of sizes and shapes, from 5mm to 18mm round, rectangular and larger, heavy-duty form factors. In Proximity Sensor
addition to the size of the sensor, you will need to determine if you are able to mount at two points or if you are only able to mount at one
Chapter 8
point (which forces you into a diffuse style sensor). Ultrasonic
Proximity Sensor

Various environmental protection ratings are available. Most photoelectric sensors are available in IP67 with some sensors available in IP69K, Chapter 9
harsh duty rating. Photoelectric

Just about every type of output and connection are available in photoelectric sensors as well. DC solid state, AC solid state and even Chapter 10
electromechanical relay outputs are available. Sensors

Chapter 11
Sensors with
Analog Output

Chapter 12

Chapter 9

SENSORS Specialty Sensors: Laser Sensors,
Fiber Optic Sensors, Fork Sensors, and Area Sensors

In addition to traditional photoelectric sensors, there are several other specialty sensors that use technology similar to photoelectric sensors
to detect an object.

Some of the types of specialty sensors mentioned in this chapter are laser sensors, fiber optic sensors, fork sensors, and area sensors.
All of these sensors use photoelectric technology of some type to detect objects.

Laser Sensors
Laser sensors use highly focused laser light to detect objects or measure distances and can return a measured value regardless of ambient
light, or the object’s material, color or brightness. Laser sensors are available in diffuse, background suppression and retroreflective styles for
object presence, or with CMOS or transit time technologies for accurate distance measuring.
Jump to
The reasons you would choose a laser sensor over traditional photoelectric technology are the need for a much farther sensing distance, Chapter
and a requirement for greater accuracy (smaller object is to be detected or the tolerance of the application requires greater accuracy). Chapter 1
Introduction to
Different Types of
There are two types of lasers used in this sensor category. Class 1 lasers are eye-safe Sensors
under all operating conditions. Class 2 lasers are visible lasers safe for quick accidental Chapter 2
Common Terms
viewing of less than 0.25 s but may damage the eye if deliberately stared into. One Used For
Discrete Sensors
reason you would choose the more dangerous class 2 laser would be that the laser is visible Chapter 3
and would aid in focusing/aligning the beam on the object to be detected/measured. What Type of
Sensor Do I Need?

Laser sensors have exceptional resolution over standard photoelectric sensors and are Chapter 4
available in diffuse, background suppression and retroreflective styles. In addition to Switches
better resolution, laser sensors offer much longer sensing distances, from 3 meters for a
Chapter 5
background suppression model, 10 meters for a model, all the way up to 100 meter Inductive
Proximity Sensors
sensing distance for the most advanced retroreflective models.
Chapter 6
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 7
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 8
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11
Sensors with
Analog Output

Chapter 12

Chapter 10

Specialty Sensors: Laser Sensors, Fiber Optic Sensors, Fork Sensors, Area Sensors

Fiber Optic Sensors


Fiber optic sensors are a special type of photoelectric sensor where the light used for object detection (both sending and receiving) passes
from the sensor head through fiber cables. Because the light is separated from the sensor head, fiber optic sensors work well in tight spots
and in applications with a high degree of electrical noise.

Fiber optic sensors, sometimes called fiber photoelectric sensors, consist of two devices which are typically specified separately: the amplifier,
often called the electronics or fiber photoelectric amplifier; and the fiber optic cable, which includes the optic sensor head and the fiber cable
which transmits light to and from the amplifier.

The basic theory behind all photoelectric sensors is quite simple. Every photoelectric sensor has a light emitter producing the source signal
and a receiver which looks for the return of the source signal. There are many technologies for sensing and measuring the light transmitted
to the receiver. For example, background suppression sensors look for the angle at which the light is returned, while diffuse sensors look
for the amount of light, called excess gain, returned to the sensor. Jump to
Chapter 1
Typical photoelectric sensors contain the emitter and receiver in either one optical sensor head such as those in diffuse and reflective Introduction to
Different Types of
units, or two optical sensor heads as used in through-beam units. Fiber optic sensors have all the electronics in a single housing, with Sensors
the optical heads for the emitter and receiver separated from and connected to the electronics housing via a fiber cable. The emitted Chapter 2
Common Terms
and received light travels through these fiber cables, much like high-speed data in fiber optic networks. Used For
Discrete Sensors

A benefit to this segregation is that only the sensor head needs to be mounted on the machine. The integrated fiber optic cable is routed Chapter 3
What Type of
and plugged into the amplifier which can be mounted in a safe place, typically a control enclosure, protecting it from the often harsh Sensor Do I Need?

manufacturing environment. Chapter 4


Chapter 5
Proximity Sensors

Chapter 6
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 7
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 8
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11
Sensors with
Analog Output

Chapter 12

Figure 10a: A diffuse fiber optic sensor uses a sensor head with integrated emitter and receiver,
with emitted light reflecting from the target object back to the sensor.
Chapter 10

Specialty Sensors: Laser Sensors, Fiber Optic Sensors, Fork Sensors, Area Sensors

Fiber optics work well and are commonly used in applications where there is significant electrical noise generated by such sources as
automated welding, variable frequency drives, and motors. Fiber cabling is immune to electrical noise, and the electronics can be mounted
away from the noise in a shielded enclosure.

Another very common application is small part assembly. These operations tend to be fully automated and thus require multiple sensors
to confirm part placement (seated), and assembly verification to confirm an operation was completed. Typically, the parts are moving in and
out of a stage quickly on carriers or an indexing table. There is minimal travel tolerance, so precise measurement of position is essential.

Jump to
Chapter 1
Introduction to
Different Types of
Chapter 2
Common Terms
Used For
Discrete Sensors
Chapter 3
What Type of
Sensor Do I Need?

Chapter 4

Chapter 5
Proximity Sensors

Chapter 6
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 7
Proximity Sensor

Fork (Slot) Sensors Chapter 8

Fork sensors are a highly specialized type of through-beam photoelectric sensors. The emitter and Proximity Sensor
receiver are integrated into the same housing; the two components are set in a fixed fashion on either side of
Chapter 9
a fork-shaped fixture. Photoelectric

The fixed-opening is used to detect small objects passing through the slot in the fork. These types of sensors Chapter 10
are used on machines when a small object, such as a bolt, needs to be detected. The sensing slot on these Specialty
is rather small, ranging from 5 to 220mm. Light sources are typically infrared, or visible red light if there is
Chapter 11
a need to verify the correct position of the sensing light beam. Sensors with
Analog Output

Chapter 12

Chapter 10

Specialty Sensors: Laser Sensors, Fiber Optic Sensors, Fork Sensors, Area Sensors

Area Sensors

Area sensors are a multi-beam array of photoelectric sensors. These sensors provide a simple method to detect different sized and shaped
objects as they drop or pass through the two-dimensional target area.

Think of a safety light curtain, but instead of detecting someone’s hand going through the light beam array and shutting a machine down,
we are detecting the presence of an object in the light beam array. Keep in mind that area sensors are NOT safety devices and cannot be used
in place of a safety light curtain.

The distance between the light beams in the array is known as the pitch, which determines the minimum object size that can be detected.
The pitch varies from 5 to 10mm which translates to a minimum object detection size range of 1.5 to 10mm in height.

The area sensor array height can range from 70 to nearly 1000mm so any time an object is anywhere inside of this array, the sensor will
detect an object’s presence. Jump to
The output of an area sensor can be discrete or include an analog output. Chapter 1
Introduction to
Different Types of
Some common applications include error-proofing the dropping of a part into a reject bin, where any time an object passes through the array, Sensors
Chapter 2
the discrete output will signal an object has been detected. An application example for an area sensor with an analog output would be using Common Terms
the sensor to detect approximate case height of cases or boxes traveling on a conveyor. Used For
Discrete Sensors
Chapter 3
What Type of
Sensor Do I Need?

Chapter 4

Chapter 5
Proximity Sensors

Chapter 6
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 7
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 8
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11
Sensors with
Analog Output

Chapter 12

Chapter 10

What is an analog output?
Sensors with Analog Output

We have already discussed several types of sensors in reference to discrete outputs. With a discrete sensor, the output is either ON or OFF, True
or False. The object is either present or not present.

However, there are many applications where we would want to know much more than just “is the object there?”. We may want to measure
distance, in other words, “How far away is the object?”, “How big is the diameter of my wire being wound onto a spool (or some other material
that can be wound up onto a spool)”?

Several of the sensors mentioned in the previous chapters also have models available that either include an analog output with a discrete
output or have only an analog output.

Some of the sensors that support an analog output are inductive proximity sensors, ultrasonic proximity sensors, laser sensors, and
area sensors. Jump to
Chapter 1
Types of Analog Output Signals Introduction to
Different Types of
The most common types of analog signals used in industry are either a low voltage DC signal or a milliamp current loop.
Chapter 2
Common Terms
Common analog voltage ranges are 0-10VDC, 0-5VDC, 1-5VDC or +/-10VDC, with the most common being 0-10VDC. For analog milliamp Used For
Discrete Sensors
current loops, they can be 0-20mA, 4-20mA or +/-20mA, with 4-20mA being the most commonly used. Chapter 3
What Type of
Sensor Do I Need?
How Does an Analog Output From a Sensor Relate to Object Detection?
Chapter 4
Regardless of the type of sensor being used, when it has an analog output the output has a linear relationship to the distance to where the Limit
sensor detects the object.
Chapter 5
For example, say we have an ultrasonic sensor that has a sensing range of 200 to 1500mm. This sensor has an analog output with a 4-20mA Inductive
Proximity Sensors
signal. In the factory default configuration, the sensor will work as follows. If it sees an object located 200mm from the sensing face, the
Chapter 6
output will be 4mA. If the sensor sees an object located 1500mm from the sensing face, then the output will be 20mA. Any distance sensed Magnetic
between those limits will result in a current output linear to the distance between the minimum and maximum range limits. Proximity Sensor

Chapter 7
If an object is closer than 200mm or farther away than 1500mm (i.e. out of the sensor’s sensing range) then the output will normally be 4mA Capacitive
Proximity Sensor
or minimum value.
Chapter 8
Sometimes a sensor can be programmed to send a fault or out of range value when this situation occurs. Ultrasonic
Proximity Sensor

Some sensors also allow you to configure your output scale to achieve better resolution from your analog signal specific to your application. Chapter 9
For example, if we were using the above-mentioned ultrasonic sensor but our desired sensing distance was 500 to 1200mm, we could set up Sensor
the sensor to output 4mA at 500mm and 20mA at 1200mm. Another configurable option on some sensors is the ability to invert the signal so,
Chapter 10
we could set this up to output 20mA at 500mm and 4mA at 1200mm if desired. Specialty
For sensors that are configurable, they may either have a teach-in button to perform this task, or the installer will have to touch a teach-in
Chapter 11
wire temporarily to another wire to get into the configuration mode. Sensors with
Analog Output

Chapter 12

Chapter 11

Sensors with Analog Output

Types of Sensors That Support an Analog Output


Some inductive proximity sensors have an analog output in lieu of a discrete output. These sensors still follow the same rules as their
discrete counterparts where they can only detect metallic objects at a very close distance, and output a value from 4-20mA. The analog
signal will provide a more accurate depiction of how close or far away the metallic object is from the face of the sensor as opposed to

“the object is there”.

Ultrasonic sensors that have an analog output provide much longer ranges of distance measurement than inductive proximity
sensors. There is almost always a deadband close to the sensor face. The deadband is larger as the sensing distance increases. Some of
the nicer features of ultrasonic sensors with analog outputs, in addition to their sensing distance, are their configuration options.
The signal can be adjusted to fit the application and can even be inverted. Ultrasonic sensors can be purchased with an analog output only;
there are models available that have an analog and discrete output together in the same sensor.

Laser sensors are primarily used for distance measurement due to their longer sensing distance and accuracy. Laser sensors that Jump to
include an analog output feature excellent configuration flexibility by allowing selection of the output scale based on the application’s Chapter 1
Introduction to
sensing range, signal inversion, and an optional discrete output. Laser sensors allow you to be able to measure the distance of an object Different Types of
all the way up to 100 meters away. Sensors
Chapter 2
Common Terms
Some advanced area sensors include an analog output as well. With area sensors, the analog output signal is proportional to the number of Used For
Discrete Sensors
beams blocked. The higher the output signal, the more beams are blocked. This is useful to be able to get an approximate height or length of
Chapter 3
an object passing through the area sensor beam array. What Type of
Sensor Do I Need?

Chapter 4

Chapter 5
Proximity Sensors

Chapter 6
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 7
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 8
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11
Sensors with
Analog Output

Chapter 12

Chapter 11

SENSORS Conclusion

With careful review of the specifications for the different sensor technologies, it will be clear that there is much overlap in sensor
applications. However, with a closer look you will find that some technologies work better for particular applications. For example, if
your target is metal, such as on a pneumatic or motor driven actuator, start with an inductive proximity sensor. Photoelectric sensors are
a good starting place when detecting pallets and boxes on a conveyor and other part sensing applications. If you need to monitor tank

levels, capacitive proximity sensors or ultrasonic senors are usually your best bet.

Don’t forget to consider things overlooked such as color for a diffuse photoelectric sensor, mounting considerations for a through-beam
photoelectric sensor, if the metal object you are detecting is made of a ferrous metal, etc.

Take the time to analyze the application and check that you are meeting the requirements. It’s not just about specifying sensing distance
as there are many other options to consider, all of which can affect performance and reliability.

Jump to
Chapter 1
Introduction to
Different Types of
Chapter 2
Common Terms
Used For
Discrete Sensors
Chapter 3
What Type of
Sensor Do I Need?

Chapter 4

Chapter 5
Proximity Sensors

Chapter 6
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 7
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 8
Proximity Sensor

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11
Sensors with
Analog Output

Chapter 12

Chapter 12


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