Dme Fuel Properties
Dme Fuel Properties
Dme Fuel Properties
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Within the context of achieving low carbon shipping by 2050, high hopes are placed on alternative
Received 12 December 2020 marine fuels in addition to a large number of technological and operational measures. A technological
Received in revised form review has been carried out in this paper to determine the most promising alternative marine fuels
4 February 2021
considering the simultaneous reduction of sulphur oxides, nitrogen oxides and carbon dioxide emissions
Accepted 5 March 2021
Available online 9 March 2021
as well as sustainability. Firstly, potential alternative marine fuel options have been summarized based
on a review of published literature. Then, key physicochemical properties, feedstocks, production pro-
Handling editor: M.T. Moreira cesses, transportation and storage factors, and end uses of zero carbon or carbon-neutral fuels have been
analyzed. Finally, a qualitative ranking of the potential of different marine fuel options is presented based
Keywords: on a multi-dimensional decision-making framework. It was found that zero carbon synthetic fuels
Maritime transportation including hydrogen and ammonia accompanied by clean production could play a vital role in domestic
Low carbon shipping and short sea shipping, though current costs and infrastructure are not commercially feasible. Methanol
Ship emissions (fossil/renewable) appears likely to be the most promising alternative fuel for global shipping instead of
Alternative marine fuels
other carbon-neutral biofuels such as renewable natural gas, bioethanol, biogenic dimethyl ether and
biodiesels, which may be feasible for domestic and short sea shipping depending on local practices. It
should be highlighted that marine fuel substitution is a prolonged process. Accordingly, consensus-
building and action-adopting in the maritime community as early as possible is important to anchor
expectations and achieve the goals of clean maritime transportation.
Crown Copyright © 2021 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0959-6526/Crown Copyright © 2021 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H. Xing, C. Stuart, S. Spence et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 297 (2021) 126651
(LSHFO), marine diesel oil (MDO), marine gas oil (MGO) or equiv- were reviewed (Balcombe et al., 2019). Significant barriers were
alent exhaust gas cleaning systems (EGCS) are widely employed to identified regarding their economics, resource potentials and
control SOx emissions. Furthermore, liquefied natural gas (LNG, public acceptability. The combustion characteristics and air pollu-
predominantly methane), liquefied petroleum gas (LPG, predomi- tion performances of compression-ignition engines using alterna-
nantly propane and butane) and methanol have become the main tive fuels, which include alcohols, natural gas (NG), biodiesel and
options for meeting IMO NOx emissions standards owing to the dimethyl ether (DME), have been reviewed (Geng et al., 2017a), but
limitations of further improvements in engine technology and the performance on CO2 emissions were not covered. A life-cycle
immature status of EGCS for ship NOx emissions. In addition, two analysis methodology was employed to determine the well-to-
mandatory mechanisms under MARPOL Annex VI, the Energy Ef- wake emissions of methanol (Corbett and Winebrake, 2018). The
ficiency Design Index for new ships and the Ship Energy Efficiency results indicated that life cycle CO2 performance of methanol may
Management Plan for all ships, have been introduced to improve be similar to LNG, LSHFO, and heavy fuel oil (HFO). However, in
ship energy efficiency and mitigate CO2 emissions (Balcombe et al., terms of air pollution, methanol performs similarly to LNG and
2019; Walsh et al., 2017). However, the existing technological and better than conventional petroleum fuels. It is worth noting that
operational measures are not enough to achieve the levels of more types of feedstocks, comparative fuels and pollutants need to
ambition set in the Initial IMO Strategy (CE Delft and UMAS, 2019). be covered in further studies. Electrofuels, which are carbon-
Therefore, by systematically considering the abatement of SOx, NOx neutral synthetic fuels produced from CO2 and water by storing
and CO2 emissions, alternative marine fuels have been identified as electricity from renewable energy sources, could be used in com-
a promising solution for mid-term and long-term objectives (Eide bustion engines and may not require significant investments in
et al., 2013; Brynolf et al., 2014a). new infrastructure. However, the production costs of electrofuels
Recent studies have reviewed the possible decarbonization were found to be higher than fossil fuels and biogenic fuels.
pathways, and the CO2 abatement potential of alternative marine Consequently, electrofuels do not seem to be commercially viable
fuels, such as LNG, methanol, biofuels, hydrogen and ammonia, are without strong and sustained policy support (Brynolf et al., 2018).
regarded as 20e100% (Balcombe et al., 2019; Gilbert et al., 2014), Several studies have assessed potential alternative marine fuel
with the exact value being dependent upon the fuel type. LNG has options based on certain decision-making approaches. Qualitative
been widely discussed as an alternative fuel in shipping sector assessment based on literature data and industrial experience was
under the regulations of MARPOL. The life-cycle emission in- the commonly used method. The life-cycle environmental impact
ventories of LNG and HFO for two ships operating in the Taiwan of HFO, MGO, biomass-to-liquid (BtL) fuel, rapeseed methyl ester,
Strait were conducted and the promising future of LNG as an LNG and LBG for short sea shipping were compared based on four
alternative fuel on board was confirmed (Hua et al., 2017). A Global criteria, i.e., local and regional environmental impact, overall
Energy Model was used to study the use of marine fuels, including environmental impact, infrastructure, and fuel cost (Bengtsson
HFO/MGO, LNG, fossil methanol, biofuels and liquefied hydrogen et al., 2014). LNG was found to have the lowest local and regional
(LH2) in a carbon-constrained world (Taljegard et al., 2014). The environmental impact but LBG had the lowest overall impact. A
results showed that the cost-effective choice was to phase out fuel life-cycle assessment on LNG, methanol, LH2, biodiesel and straight
oil and make the transition to LNG and methanol as early as vegetable oil (SVO) was presented, whilst possible biomass sources
possible, and the application of biofuels in the shipping sector is not of some fuels and CCS technology were considered (Gilbert et al.,
advisable due to limited supply and being less competitive 2018). The results showed that there is no readily available fuel
compared to other energy sectors. However, it has gradually been option for the mitigation of ship emissions at present and viable
realized that the CO2 abatement capabilities of LNG are not suffi- alternative fuel options are constrained by distinct barriers, such as
cient to deliver the necessary climate impact. Three alternative feedstock supply and fuel production. A comparison of alternative
measures complying with the SECA regulations and IMO NOx Tier marine fuels including hydrogen, ammonia, methanol, LPG,
III standards based on life-cycle assessment were evaluated, where hydrotreated vegetable oils (HVO) and electricity in batteries was
HFO combined with an EGCS and an selective catalytic reduction delivered (DNV GL, 2019). No clear selection of alternative marine
(SCR), MGO combined with SCR, and LNG were investigated fuels was given for future shipping but the comparison and analysis
(Brynolf et al., 2014b). The results showed that none of them had provided references for further study by other professionals in the
significant advantages on climate impact compared to HFO. sector. In addition, the quantitative evaluation methods including
Meanwhile, the life-cycle environmental performances of LNG, the multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) approach and the an-
liquefied biogas (LBG), methanol and biomethanol were assessed alytic hierarchy process (AHP) method were also employed. The
(Brynolf et al., 2014a). The use of LNG or methanol yielded signif- sustainability of three alternative marine fuels including LNG,
icant environmental improvements compared to HFO, but only the methanol and hydrogen were assessed using the MCDA approach,
use of LBG or biomethanol has the potential to significantly with eleven criteria being considered (Ren and Liang, 2017). The
improve climate impact. Overall, LNG tends to be considered as a sustainability was ranked in the order of hydrogen, LNG and then
transition fuel; methanol, biofuels, hydrogen and ammonia are methanol. With the aim of technological comparison of alternative
future targets, but more studies are required. The pathways to marine fuels, methanol, ethanol, LNG and hydrogen were evaluated
climate-neutral Danish shipping by 2050 were presented in refer- based on the AHP method and eleven comparison criteria (Deniz
ence (Brahim et al., 2019). LNG is an alternative intermediate so- and Zincir, 2016). The results showed that LNG was the most suit-
lution with a short period of opportunity; hydrogen, methanol and able alternative marine fuel, and methanol and ethanol had the
ammonia are the most suitable options from a socio-economic cost lowest ranking due to a lack of availability, whilst the future po-
perspective, but there is no clear winner due to the high cost un- tential of hydrogen was highlighted. Seven alternative marine fuels,
certainties. It was also recognized that battery storage is only an i.e., LNG, LBG, fossil methanol, biomethanol, fossil H2, electrolysis
option for short ranges. The physicochemical properties of H2 (from renewable energy) and HVO, were investigated and their
methanol-biodiesel-diesel blends were analyzed and it was prospects were assessed and ranked based on ten criteria (Hansson
concluded that a blend with 10% biomethanol and 20% biodiesel et al., 2019). In addition, different weightings of stakeholders were
was the most suitable alternative marine fuel (Paulauskiene et al., considered when the AHP method was employed. Different con-
2019). The potential for decarbonization through the use of LNG, clusions were reached about alternative marine fuel options
biofuels, hydrogen, nuclear, and carbon capture and storage (CCS) depending upon the preferences of stakeholders.
H. Xing, C. Stuart, S. Spence et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 297 (2021) 126651
(1) Existing studies lack objective constraints and targets for CO2
emissions abatement, especially the levels of ambition set in
the Initial IMO Strategy and the overall objective of zero
carbon maritime transportation.
(2) Existing studies lack consideration of a broader range of
alternative fuel options. More types of alternative fuels have
been developed and applied in transport sectors and exten-
sive assessment and comparison of their viability in the
shipping sector is necessary.
(3) Existing studies mainly focus on the effects of alternative
marine fuels on NOx and SOx emissions. Synergistic re-
ductions of CO2 emissions along with NOx, SOx, and other air
pollutants should be an important focus of future studies.
(4) Very few studies were conducted based on life-cycle
assessment. More studies are needed that consider the
well-to-wake carbon footprint of alternative marine fuels.
(5) The best choice among multiple alternative marine fuels
involves multiple complex criteria. However, the multi-
Fig. 1. Possible power sources for ship propulsion.
criteria decision-making approach does not seem to solve
this problem effectively owing to uncertainties around the assistance (Balcombe et al., 2019; Halim et al., 2018) and 0.2e12%
weightings of criteria and the preferences of the different energy substitution for photovoltaic systems (Bouman et al., 2017)
stakeholders involved. are claimed to be achievable. However, low substitution levels,
(6) More robust research conclusions require more detailed data limited availability of ship types and restricted distributions of
from the shipping sector combined with a broader view of wind and solar resources dictate that wind energy and solar energy
other sectors, including the feedstock, production, trans- could only constitute an auxiliary power source. In addition, the
portation and consumption sectors of energy and fuels, and applications of battery-electric systems for deep sea shipping are
even the sustainability issues of human society. restricted due to the low energy densities and short range, which
means other power sources, e.g., internal combustion engines (ICE)
Therefore, this paper aims to present a review of alternative or fuel cells (FC), might still be required as auxiliary power units
marine fuels, including their physicochemical properties, combus- and on board fuels would still be needed. Therefore, the main po-
tion and emissions performance, as well as feedstock, production, wer source options are still conventional fuel-consuming plants.
transportation, storage and end uses. This study has attempted to But innovative propulsion systems, novel engine technologies and
determine the most likely alternative fuel for low carbon maritime emerging prime movers are inevitable. Dual fuel engines, FC power
transportation towards 2050 based on a review of current literature systems, hybrid power systems and electric propulsion are the
and a multi-dimensional decision-making framework. Identifying main research and development directions for ship propulsion.
the viable alternative marine fuel options and locating the crucial Currently, seven types of hydrogen fuel cells, including alkaline fuel
barriers are the main purposes of this study, which could clarify the cell, proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC), high tempera-
research direction and expedite the adoption of alternative marine ture PEMFC, phosphoric acid fuel cell, direct methanol fuel cell,
fuels. Cooperative efforts and sharing experiences on key chal- molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC), and solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC),
lenges in this field are steps that are expected to accelerate low have been under development and demonstration for maritime
carbon maritime transportation in a cost-effective manner for applications (Xing et al., 2021). However, PEMFC including high
global benefit. temperature PEMFC, MCFC and SOFC are deemed as the most
promising options for the maritime sector (Inal and Deniz, 2020;
2. Technological contexts Tronstad et al., 2017). Any kinds of transport fuels, from hydrogen,
ammonia to carbon-containing fuels, could be used by hydrogen FC,
2.1. Power source solutions for maritime transportation once the necessary pre-processing units are incorporated.
other transport fuels, e.g., SVO, bioethanol, synthetic natural gas 3. Well-to-wake analysis for zero carbon or carbon-neutral
(SNG) and DME, have been discussed in some references. The fuels
typical physicochemical properties and emissions performance of
different marine fuels are shown in Table 1. Eight kinds of exhaust There is a wide range of alternative marine fuel options. So far, it
gas emissions from ships are considered in IMO GHG studies, but is not clear which of them is the most competitive and available
exhaust gas emissions other than CO2, SOx, NOx and particulate option for future shipping due to various uncertainties. Before
matters (PM) are neglected in this paper due to their small quan- selecting the target fuels, some assumptions were employed in this
tities. Under the context of current shipping practice, SOx and PM study. Firstly, based on the discussion in Section 2.1, only ICE and FC
emissions could be neglected as well due to low sulphur in fuels or were selected as prime movers for ship propulsion and fuel-
application of EGCS. Therefore, CO2 and NOx emissions are the consuming equipment, but GTs, steam turbines, nuclear-powered
primary considerations for the emissions performance of alterna- systems, wind-assistance systems, photovoltaic systems and
tive marine fuels. battery-electric systems were excluded due to their respective
limitations. Secondly, considering the IMO sulphur limit from 1
2.3. Overview of energy chains of potential marine fuels January 2020, low sulphur content is the mandatory requirement
for alternative marine fuels investigated in this section; on board
The energy chains for ship power sources connected to con- EGCS was assumed to be not acceptable. In addition, CCS technol-
ventional fuel-consuming prime movers from a well-to-wake ogies were assumed to be not available on board ships due to space
perspective are shown in Fig. 2. There are three groups of feed- limitations for carbon capture and conditioning systems and for the
stocks for energy vectors: fossil raw materials, including crude oil, temporary storage of captured CO2. Although the HyMethShip
NG and coal; biomass, including first-generation biomass such as project in the European Union’s Horizon 2020 program declared
edible crops, second-generation biomass such as agricultural resi- that the closing CO2 loop concept is technically available and
dues and wastes, forest residues, municipal wastes and energy economically feasible (Malmgren et al., 2020), the assumption of no
crops, and third-generation biomass such as algae crops; and water. on board EGCS and CCS was made in this paper because simplified
The production processes of energy carriers require the input of systems and operations on board would mean fewer equipment
heat or electricity from primary energy sources including conven- failures, fewer human errors, less on board investment and oper-
tional fossil energy, nuclear energy and renewable energy such as ational costs, increased ship safety, increased payload, and more
bioenergy, wind energy, solar energy, hydro energy, ocean energy straightforward integration in terms of ship autonomy considering
and waste energy. With the gradually reduced dependence on fossil the trend towards autonomous vessels. Based on the above as-
energy by more and more countries, the increased proportion of sumptions, fossil fuels including mineral oils, NG and coal could not
renewable energy in the world energy mix improves the compet- be used on board directly. In addition, other carbon-containing
itiveness of renewable fuels such as hydrogen, ammonia, renewable fuels produced from fossil fuels, such as LPG, fossil-based alcohols
natural gas (RNG) and renewable methanol, the sustainability of and F-T fuels, etc., were excluded in this section. Therefore, the only
which is also ensured by the diversity of feedstock. The primary carbon-free fuels from fossil feedstock or renewable energy under
production processes include: thermochemical processes, such as consideration are hydrogen and ammonia, assuming that land CCS
refining, reforming, gasification, transesterification, hydrotreat- systems were in place for production. Other carbon-neutral fuels
ment and the F-T process, with additional pre-treatment and after- including biomethane, biomethanol, bioethanol, bioDME and bio-
treatment processes; biochemical processes, such as fermentation diesel are discussed in this section as well. Except for biodiesels and
and anaerobic digestion; and electrolytic processes. The conditions fossil diesel, the typical physicochemical properties of other fuels
for distribution, storage and bunkering cover ambient, cryogenic from biomass or renewable energy and from fossil feedstock, e.g.,
and pressurized conditions, which means that extra equipment, RNG and methane, renewable methanol and methanol, bioethanol
energy consumption, costs and a high standard of operations may and ethanol, bioDME and DME, etc., are regarded to be the same
be required. The plants to use these fuels could be mono-fuel ICE, since they have the same chemical formulas.
dual-fuel ICE or FC.
Table 1
Typical physicochemical properties and emissions performance of marine fuels. Data: Chemical formula (Douvartzides et al., 2019); density (Noor et al., 2018; Ashraful et al.,
2014; Zamfirescu and Dincer, 2008); cetane number (Noor et al., 2018; Yusri et al., 2017); auto-ignition temperature (Dimitriou and Tsujimura, 2017; Yusri et al., 2017);
flammability limits in air (Dimitriou and Tsujimura, 2017; White et al., 2006); DME (Liu et al., 2010); combustion emissions in ICE (Gilbert et al., 2018).
Fuels Chemical Density at 15 C, Cetane Boiling point, Auto-ignition temperature in Flammability limits in air, Combustion emissions in ICE
formula kg/m3 number C air, C vol%
LSHFO C8eC25 975e1010 >20 >180 230 0.6e7.5 high medium high medium
MDO C10eC15 796e841 >35 >180 210 0.6e7.5 high low high low
NG CH4 0.78 130 * 162 540 5.0e15.0 medium low medium low
PG C3H8&C4H10 1.90 94-112* 42 450 2.1e9.5 medium low medium low
Methanol CH3OH 792 <5 65 464 6.7e36.0 medium low medium low
Ethanol C2H5OH 789 5e15 78 365 3.3e19.0 medium low medium low
DME CH3OCH3 665 55e65 25 350 3.4e27.0 medium low medium low
Hydrogen H2 0.09 >130 * 253 585 4.0e75.0 low low high low
Ammonia NH3 0.73 120 * 33 651 15.0e28.0 low low high low
SVO C14eC22 900e960 30e45 >180 424 0.6e7.5 high low high low
FAME C16eC18 860e900 45e55 >180 261 0.6e7.5 high low high low
HVO C15eC18 770e790 >70 >180 204 0.6e7.5 high low high low
F-T diesel C15eC18 774e782 74e80 >180 204 0.6e7.5 high low high low
H. Xing, C. Stuart, S. Spence et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 297 (2021) 126651
Fig. 2. Simplified illustration of the energy chains for internal combustion engines and fuel cells.
3.1. Hydrogen Production processes suitable for small capacity distributed pro-
duction include NG reforming, electrolysis with proton exchange
Hydrogen, the simplest and most abundant element on earth, membrane, alkaline or solid oxide electrolyser, biomass-derived
offers the best energy-to-weight storage ratio of all fuels. But it liquid reforming and microbial biomass conversion (Mazloomi
usually exists in compound forms, which means that energy con- and Gomes, 2012; Wang et al., 2018). Currently, the majority of
sumption is required for its extraction. The feedstock for hydrogen hydrogen production depends on NG reforming, which is a CO2
production includes fossil fuels, such as NG, mineral oil and coal, intensive process. Photoelectrochemical, photobiological and mi-
biomass and water. There are a number of different processes for crobial biomass conversion are still at an early stage of research and
hydrogen production (Balat, 2008; Chaubey et al., 2013; Holladay development but offer long-term potential for carbon-neutral
et al., 2009), as shown in Fig. 3. hydrogen production. The intermediate product of hydrogen pro-
Production processes suitable for large capacity plants include duction from fossil raw materials and biomass is syngas, namely a
NG reforming, coal gasification with CCS and electrolysis with an gaseous mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide, which is also
alkaline electrolyser. Production processes suitable for medium used for the production of SNG and methanol.
capacity plants include biomass gasification, electrolysis with Transportation and storage of hydrogen is highly affected by its
renewable energy (known as ‘Power-to-Gas’), high temperature volumetric energy density. Due to its low volumetric energy den-
thermochemical hydrogen, photolysis (photoelectrochemical) and sity, more volume for transportation and storage is required. Hence,
photobiological conversion (Mazloomi and Gomes, 2012). compressed hydrogen and LH2 are necessary for practical applica-
tions. Even so, 10e20 times more storage space, depending on the
pressure (250e700 bar), is required for compressed hydrogen than
for marine fuel oils. LH2 with cryogenic storage at very low tem-
peratures (253 C) requires 4e5 times more storage space than
that for marine fuel oils, and more additional space for the equip-
ment and insulation is required to maintain the low temperatures.
High pressure and ultra-low storage temperature mean demanding
requirements for transport vehicles and fuel tanks, as well as high
operational costs. Reduced space for payload and frequent refuel-
ling further reduce the economic competitiveness of hydrogen.
As for the energy producing plants, hydrogen can be used in
both ICE and FC systems. Its carbon-free attributes and unique
combustion characteristics make hydrogen an excellent fuel for the
clean and efficient operation of ICE, with the only harmful emis-
sions being NOx (White et al., 2006). Due to the high auto-ignition
temperature, pure hydrogen engines work most effectively in spark
ignition mode, and use port-fuel-injection or direct-injection of
gaseous hydrogen, similar to gasoline engines. The low flamma-
bility limit of hydrogen makes it ideal for lean combustion, which
leads to low NOx emissions and stable operation under low load
conditions. But the low ignition energy and wide flammability
limits increase the possibility of abnormal combustion, such as pre-
ignition and knock (Dimitriou and Tsujimura, 2017). Regardless of
Fig. 3. Processes schematic for hydrogen production.
the benefits, hydrogen-fuelled spark ignition engines have less
H. Xing, C. Stuart, S. Spence et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 297 (2021) 126651
priority for heavy-duty applications than compression ignition Ammonia is stored on a large scale at 33 C and ambient
engines (Boretti, 2011). However, pure hydrogen compression pressure in insulated tanks. Small quantities of ammonia are stored
ignition engines are constrained by limited operating range due to in the same manner as LPG and in stainless steel spheres, at
the high auto-ignition temperature. Surface ignition by a glow plug ambient temperature and 8 bar vapour pressure. Due to the risk of
or pre-injection with pilot hydrogen or diesel into a pre-chamber explosion and high toxicity of liquid ammonia, safety in trans-
preceding the main hydrogen injection are employed. Smooth portation and end uses are very important considerations (Klerke
operation is difficult to achieve and significant efforts need to be et al., 2008). Ammonia as an energy carrier has been promoted
made to achieve performance improvements and a feasible pro- by its safe storage in solid form such as metal amine salts, e.g.,
duction design for the commercial market (White et al., 2006; Mg(NH3)6Cl2 and Ca(NH3)8Cl8, ammonium carbonates or urea,
Boretti, 2011). Currently, hydrogen engines working in dual-fuel which solves the safety issues arising from liquid ammonia with
mode seem to have better overall performance in terms of effi- slightly increased volumetric density and storage mass (Lan et al.,
ciencies, power output and emissions, etc., where the hydrogen 2012). Ammonia stored in solid form can be released by heating,
fraction of the energy release might be 0e100% (Yan et al., 2018). reaction or hydrolysis. However, recycling of metal salts or CO2
However, pilot demonstration of a hydrogen engine on board a ship emissions produced during ammonia regeneration would result in
has not been reported so far. Due to the demands for high power new challenges and additional costs.
densities and low CO2 and NOx emissions for future shipping, The power producing systems utilizing ammonia include
hydrogen-enriched fuels engines for maritime applications may be directly fuelled ICE, directly fuelled FC systems and indirect
a focus of research and development, especially engines using high hydrogen storage materials. Using pure ammonia as a fuel for ICE
energy density and low carbon fuels, such as LNG, biodiesels and has been tried and investigated by several researchers (Rehbein
biogenic alcohols. Another pathway for the utilization of hydrogen et al., 2019). However, glow plugs or pilot fuels have to be used to
is the FC system. FC power systems for maritime applications have initiate the combustion process in both spark ignition and
been demonstrated by several projects. PEMFCs are directly fuelled compression ignition engines due to the high auto-ignition tem-
by hydrogen and the technologies and applications are mature. perature, low flame velocity and narrow flammability limit (Giddey
Notable fuel cell projects in the maritime sector include ZemShip- et al., 2017). To improve combustion performance, mixtures of
Alsterwasser, Nemo H2, Class 212A/214 Submarines, SF-BREEZE, ammonia and other fuels in direct fuel or dual-fuel engines may be
etc. (Tronstad et al., 2017). However, hydrogen-fuelled PEMFCs a better choice. Of course, the challenges of possible NOx, ammonia
could only be used for auxiliary power or propulsion power of small and CO2 emissions still exist, and continuing effort is required to
ferries and commercial yachts due to low output power per mod- maximize efficiency and minimize emissions. Ammonia could be
ule, whilst MCFC and SOFC power systems combined fuels with used as direct fuel for FC systems, where ammonia-fuelled SOFC
higher energy densities are considered to be more applicable for attract more research interest due to the decomposition of
long-distance shipping (Xing et al., 2021). ammonia under high operating temperature and over catalysts (Ni
Currently hydrogen as an energy carrier has a high carbon et al., 2009; Cinti et al., 2016). Direct ammonia alkaline/alkaline
footprint from a life-cycle perspective. Hydrogen-using energy membrane FC and direct hydrazine/ammonia borane FC systems
technologies face several challenges and hydrogen is costly to are also possible options (Lan et al., 2012; Afif et al., 2016), but are
produce, transport and store. However, the diversity of potential probably not suitable for ship propulsion due to low power den-
feedstocks and high proportion of renewable electricity make sities. Ammonia is easier and less expensive to transport and store
hydrogen a promising energy carrier in the future. The growth and than hydrogen, and has higher volumetric energy density, well-
success of the hydrogen economy depends on technical maturity, established infrastructure and relatively mature operational expe-
infrastructure investment, stringent legislation and policy support rience. Therefore, there is an increasing interest in using ammonia
in coastal states. as an indirect hydrogen carrier (Amar et al., 2011). As a hydrogen
carrier, ammonia can be decomposed or cracked with the support
3.2. Ammonia of a heat source and catalyst to produce hydrogen and nitrogen.
Hydrogen separation and purification technologies may also be
Out of the synthetic chemicals produced globally, ammonia has required for scrubbing nitrogen and residual ammonia depending
one of the largest production capacities. It is mainly used for the on the intended use of the hydrogen and the supporting heat
production of fertilizers. However, ammonia is also used as a source and catalyst purity level.
carbon-free fuel and the life-cycle CO2 emissions depend on the
energy sources for ammonia production. Ammonia production is 3.3. Renewable natural gas (RNG)
typically based on the Haber-Bosch process, where ammonia is
synthesised from nitrogen and hydrogen on Fe-based catalyst at NG, in either liquefied or compressed gas states, has been used
high temperature (300e500 C) and high pressure (200e350 bar) as a substitute for marine fuel oils to meet the regulations on ship
(Giddey et al., 2017). Nitrogen is normally separated from the air SOx and NOx emissions. NG as a marine fuel has the maximum
through pressure swing absorption or the membrane filtration energy density by mass and minimum carbon emissions per unit of
method. The feedstock and production of hydrogen are the same as energy release among hydrocarbon fuels. Theoretically it is capable
the discussion in Section 3.1, i.e., NG reforming, coal gasification of reducing 20e25% carbon footprint compared to conventional
and biomass gasification or reforming are all used for ammonia ndez et al., 2017), although practically it is
marine fuel oils (Ferna
production. Other approaches for synthesising ammonia include: supposed to achieve 12e20% carbon emissions reduction consid-
electrochemical processes using either solid-state electrolytes or ering possible methane slip with a global warming potential (GWP)
molten salts, where the feedstock is nitrogen and hydrogen or ni- of 25 (Ushakov et al., 2019; Hwang et al., 2019). However, using
trogen and water; photosynthetic processes, where ammonia is fossil NG, improving ship energy efficiency and using alternative
synthesised from nitrogen and water but that process is currently energy sources are not enough to attain the levels of ambition in
economically unfeasible (Lan et al., 2012; Amar et al., 2011). 2050 set in the Initial IMO Strategy (CE Delft and UMAS, 2019).
Therefore, green ammonia production, similar to hydrogen pro- Therefore, fossil NG would inevitably need to be substituted by zero
duction, depends on simultaneous CO2 sequestration and utiliza- carbon or carbon-neutral fuels, or carbon-neutral feedstock and
tion of renewable electricity. synthesis approaches would need to be used to produce RNG.
H. Xing, C. Stuart, S. Spence et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 297 (2021) 126651
NG could be synthesised from fossil fuels, biomass or power-to- feedstocks include coal, oil, biomass, wastes and even CO2 (Riaz
gas systems. Considering the limited long-term potential of fossil et al., 2013). Renewable methanol, chemically identical to con-
NG, RNG produced from biomass or power-to-gas systems is ventional methanol, is mainly produced from second generation
investigated in this section. The feedstocks for RNG from biomass biomass, such as forest residues, agriculture residues, municipal
include all kinds of biomass containing proteins, lipids, carbohy- solid waste and black liquor produced from the pulp and paper
drates, cellulose and hemicelluloses as main components, such as industry (Santasalo-Aarnio et al., 2020). It has the same production
agricultural wastes, municipal wastes, crop residues and energy process as conventional methanol and is regarded to be carbon-
crops (Weiland, 2010). Anaerobic digestion is the predominant neutral if renewable energy is used for the production processes
technology for methane production compared to other biochemical (Svanberg et al., 2018). Methanol is an important electrofuel which
and thermochemical processes, e.g., thermal gasification of organic can be produced by catalytic synthesis of CO2 captured from in-
biomass or the Sabatier reaction. Four stages are involved in the dustrial processes and hydrogen electrolysed by renewable elec-
biomethane (known as ‘biogas’) fermentation process, i.e., hydro- tricity, known as Power-to-Liquid (PtL) (Ganesh, 2014; Varone and
lysis, acidogenesis, acetogenesis and methanogenesis (Appels et al., Ferrari, 2015). In addition, glycerol, a by-product from biodiesel
2008; Zheng et al., 2014). RNG from power-to-gas systems is similar production, can be used as feedstock for renewable methanol
to the production of other electrofuels, e.g., hydrogen and meth- production. Large-scale methanol production based on PtL systems
anol, and excess power or off-peak power from renewable energy or glycerol have both been operated at scale by some commercial
sources can be used. Hydrogen produced by water electrolysis from projects (Andersson and Salazar, 2015). Currently, annual produc-
renewable energy is combined with CO2 captured, e.g., from in- tion of methanol is estimated to be more than 100 million tonnes,
dustrial processes, to produce methane through a catalytic or bio- though most of that is not renewable and is derived from NG and
logical methanation reaction (Go € tz et al., 2016; Bailera et al., 2017). coal (Andersson and Salazar, 2015). By comparison, the production
NG can be stored below 163 C in the liquefied state or above costs of renewable methanol are estimated to be 1.5 to 4 times
200 bar in the compressed gas state. RNG has similar physico- higher than fossil-based methanol production. However, the
chemical, combustion and emissions properties and infrastructure methanol industry is global and methanol could be made available
requirements to fossil NG. Therefore, the transportation and stor- in major port terminals globally. Considering the sustainable supply
age of RNG in the cryogenic or pressurized state are costly and have and wide distribution, both the mid-term and long-term potential
low energy-efficiency. Construction of infrastructure, global dis- of methanol as marine fuel are worth investigating.
tribution and bunkering of RNG have many technical challenges. Methanol can remain liquid at ambient temperature and pres-
The end use power plants for RNG include ICE and high tem- sure. So, there are no major barriers for transportation, storage and
perature FC systems. Currently, NG-fuelled dual fuel ICE, using bunkering, compared with conventional fuels apart from minor
either compression ignition or ignited by pilot fuel, is the primary modifications to accommodate the low flashpoint. No massive in-
option. NG-fuelled compression ignition engines have comparable vestments are required for new infrastructure. However, some
economics with conventional diesel engines, but aftertreatment disadvantages exist. Primarily, around double the storage space is
technologies are required to reduce NOx emissions. NG-fuelled ICE required due to the energy density of methanol being approxi-
with pilot fuel can meet IMO NOx Tier III standards at the cost of mately half that of conventional marine fuels. Secondly, although
slightly reduced overall fuel economy. Compared to other petro- still involving storage, there is the potential for corrosion issues due
leum fuels, NG has the best emissions performance for low carbon to the incompatibility of methanol with some materials (Ellis and
shipping in the near future. So far, several hundred NG-fuelled Tanneberger, 2015). In addition, methanol is defined as having
ships are in operation or on order, since no other options are acute toxicity for humans, necessary protective measures and
technically mature or economically viable. NG-fuelled FC power contingency plans in case of a spill are required to be prepared in
systems used for ships have been demonstrated by some research advance to avoid potential internal ingestion, skin contact and
projects including FellowSHIP and FELICITAS, where MCFC and respiratory inhalation.
SOFC were used as the testing platform (Tronstad et al., 2017). The end use power plants for methanol are ICE and FC systems.
Fossil-based LNG or compressed natural gas (CNG) would Methanol has already been used in ICE in road transport due to its
inevitably be a transition fuel on the path to carbon-neutral fuels. better combustion and wide availability. Methanol-gasoline blends
Fossil NG is relatively competitive with conventional marine fuels used for spark-ignition engines typically have methanol fractions of
in terms of cost, operational safety and emissions performance, and 10%, 20% and 85% by volume (namely M10, M20, and M85
the potential for better life-cycle carbon footprint using RNG has respectively), and have been successfully commercialized since the
been verified. However, higher price for RNG, limited production 1980s. Due to the low cetane number and long ignition delay of
volume, and strict requirements for transportation and storage alcohol fuels, it is not viable to use pure methanol in compression
mean that its prospects for maritime applications are not so opti- ignition engines. Methanol-diesel blends have a typical methanol
mistic. In addition, considering the minimum 20-year lifespan of a proportion of 5e30% and additives are required to prevent phase
ship and uncertain future regulations, the current time window for separation (Sayin, 2010; Jamrozik, 2017). Methanol-biodiesel-
new-building and retrofit of NG-fuelled ships is short and large- diesel blends have received considerable attention as well
scale investment in infrastructure is not recommended because of (Paulauskiene et al., 2019; Yilmaz, 2012; Qi et al., 2010b). However,
this. the low content of methanol in methanol-diesel blends limits the
potential for reducing carbon emissions. For maritime applications,
3.4. Renewable methanol compression ignition engines fuelled by methanol and diesel have
worked in dual-fuel mode. In recent years, a number of research
Methanol is a low flashpoint and sulphur-free liquid alcohol projects have been undertaken using methanol as an alternative
fuel, with lower exhaust emissions and carbon footprint than fuel in marine diesel engines, e.g., Effship, SPIRETH, Pilot Methanol,
conventional marine fuels, but easier to transport and store than MethaShip and LeanShips (Ellis and Tanneberger, 2015). The engine
NG, DME, hydrogen and ammonia. manufacturers Wa €rtsila
€ and MAN have developed methanol dual-
Methanol is traditionally produced in three steps, i.e., syngas fuel medium speed four-stroke and slow speed two-stroke ma-
production, methanol synthesis and processing of crude methanol. rine engines with pilot ignition. Their initial practical applications
The majority of feedstock for methanol production is NG and other included the world’s first methanol-fuelled Ro-Pax ferry Stena
H. Xing, C. Stuart, S. Spence et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 297 (2021) 126651
Germanica in 2015 and Waterfront Shipping 50,000 DWT chemical The end use power system for ethanol is primarily the ICE.
tankers in 2016 (Ellis and Tanneberger, 2015). In addition, a number Ethanol has been blended with gasoline to meet the requirements
of research projects have demonstrated methanol-fuelled FC power of road transport for many years. Ethanol-gasoline blends, with
systems for maritime applications, such as METHAPU Undine, typical ethanol contents of 10%, 15% and 85% by volume (namely
E4Ships Pa-X-ell MS Mariella and RiverCell. The types of FC tested E10, E15, and E85 respectively), could be used in gasoline engines
mainly include direct methanol fuel cells, SOFC and high temper- directly, but minor engine modifications might be required for the
ature PEMFC (Tronstad et al., 2017). use of high ethanol content blends (Balat and Balat, 2009). Ethanol
is not commonly used as the only fuel in compression ignition
engines due to the low cetane number. Ethanol-diesel blends with
3.5. Bioethanol an ethanol content of up to 15% could be used in compression
ignition engines without modifications. Significant reductions of
Ethanol is also a low flashpoint and sulphur-free liquid alcohol NOx and PM emissions and slightly increased specific fuel con-
fuel, with lower exhaust emissions and carbon footprint than sumption compared to diesel oil have been reported by several
conventional marine fuels but with easier transportation and researchers (Sayin, 2010; Jamrozik, 2017). However, there is a phase
storage than NG, DME, hydrogen and ammonia. Ethanol has similar separation problem similar to that of methanol-diesel blends, and
combustion properties and emissions reduction potential to the limit for being premixed with diesel is less than 30% ethanol
methanol. content by volume (Torres-Jimenez et al., 2011; Rakopoulos et al.,
Ethanol can be produced through hydration of ethylene or 2008). Therefore, dual-fuel mode is the most promising option
fermentation of sugars. Nowadays, almost all ethanol is derived for maritime applications, and more demonstrations on bioethanol
from biomass, especially in the United States, Brazil and Europe. and its blends are required. So far, no projects have been identified
The three important groups of feedstocks are (1) starchy and sugar for ethanol applications on marine diesel engines or FC.
feedstock such as corn, beets and sugarcane (Balat and Balat, 2009;
Mojovic et al., 2009), (2) cellulosic feedstock such as agricultural
residues, grass and wood (Alonso et al., 2010; Haq et al., 2016), and 3.6. BioDME
(3) recently algae feedstock including microalgae and macroalgae
(Ramachandra and Hebbale, 2020). The area harvested globally, DME is a gaseous fuel under ambient conditions physically
yields and the main producing countries for bioethanol feedstock similar to LPG and can be combined with propane in cooking gas
are shown in Table 2. Currently, bioethanol is the most abundant and electricity generation. In recent years, DME has developed as a
biofuel produced in the world. The global bioethanol production transport fuel and DME-fuelled heavy duty vehicles have been
was about 87 million tonnes in 2019, when the top two bioethanol developed by several vehicle makers (Semelsberger et al., 2006).
producers, USA and Brazil, accounted for around 85% of total pro- There are two pathways for DME production: the indirect
duction. Therefore, the geographical distribution is extremely un- method by catalytic dehydration of methanol, which is currently
even and the production potential of the rest of the world is limited the primary method; and the direct method by synthesis from
due to food demands and growth conditions for crops (RFA, 2019; syngas over a catalyst, which is under development since methanol
Popp et al., 2014). itself is synthesised from syngas (Peral and Martín, 2015). There-
Bioethanol can remain liquid at ambient temperature and fore, the feedstocks are similar to that of methanol and syngas, and
pressure, therefore there are no serious barriers for transportation, include NG, coal, oil, biomass, wastes and even CO2. As the name
storage and bunkering, so it does not require the large infrastruc- implies, bioDME is produced from renewable methanol or syngas
ture investment associated with hydrogen or NG. Similar to from biomass.
methanol, it requires more storage space than conventional marine DME can be liquefied at below 25 C or above 5 bar. The re-
fuel oils due to its lower energy density and there are some quirements for transportation and storage of DME are less chal-
compatibility issues due to the corrosion of some materials (Ellis lenging than for LNG and hydrogen; they are similar to LPG and
and Tanneberger, 2015). ammonia, and greater than for MDO, methanol and bioethanol.
Table 2
Crops/bioethanol yields and main harvesting country. Data: Area harvested globally in 2017, averaged crop yields and main harvesting country (FAOSTAT, 2019; WBA, 2019);
ethanol yields (Ramachandra and Hebbale, 2020; Haq et al., 2016).
Crops Area harvested globally in 2017 (million Averaged crop yields (tonnes/ha/ Ethanol yields (tonnes/ha/ Main harvesting country
ha) year) year)
H. Xing, C. Stuart, S. Spence et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 297 (2021) 126651
Moderate handling properties make infrastructure and bunkering with methanol and the final products are FAME and glycerol. Cat-
relatively simple and inexpensive compared to LNG and hydrogen. alysts play an important role in the transesterification process and
But double sized fuel storage tanks are required compared to diesel sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide are generally used
due to the lower volumetric energy density. (Shahid and Jamal, 2011).
DME has been widely tested and applied as an alternative fuel in Aside from ester-based biodiesel produced by the trans-
road transportation. Currently, DME is used as a direct substitute esterification process, there are two other types of biodiesel derived
for diesel. The higher cetane number and lower auto-ignition from biomass, i.e., HDRD and biogenic F-T diesel, which are often
temperature than that of diesel result in better combustion and discussed when alternative marine fuels are investigated. HDRD
higher efficiency. In addition, diesel engines operating on DME have such as HVO, can be produced from the same feedstock as FAME,
reduced emissions, especially NOx and PM emissions (Zhu et al., e.g., vegetable oils and animal fats, through a hydrotreating process.
2012; Arcoumanis et al., 2008). Minor modifications to auxiliary However, HDRD can be produced from a wider range of feedstock
engine systems may be required, but no modification to the core than FAME, and lignocellulosic feedstock, such as agricultural res-
engine should be needed. The notable demonstration case for idues, forest residues, pulp and paper waste/by-product, are
shipping is the SPIRETH project, where DME produced by the available with additional processing prior to hydrotreatment
conversion of methanol on board is used as fuel in an adapted (Wong et al., 2016). The product of the process is paraffinic diesel
auxiliary diesel engine (Ellis and Tanneberger, 2015). Direct DME FC and the plant capital costs are higher than that of trans-
are under development (Serov and Kwak, 2009; Vassiliev et al., esterification process. HDRD has better NOx emission, storage sta-
2019), but these are not currently significant for maritime appli- bility and cold flow properties than FAME. Another advantage of
cations due to immature technology and a lack of competitiveness the hydrotreating process is that existing refining technology and
compared to other alternative fuels. High thermal efficiency, low equipment used for the production of diesel oil can be applied to
exhaust emissions, reduced noise levels, no toxicity and biode- produce HDRD. The F-T process, which is traditionally used for the
gradability are the primary advantages of DME-fuelled ICE. How- production of liquid fuels from coal or NG, could be used as liquid or
ever, as a methanol derivative, bioDME has higher production costs gaseous biofuel conversions. Based on a BtL system, the production
and life-cycle carbon emissions, lower annual production, more process of biogenic F-T diesel includes gasification of biomass,
challenging transportation and storage, and no better combustion conditioning of the produced syngas, and subsequent synthesis of
characteristics than methanol and ethanol. Therefore, bioDME as biodiesel. The chemical reactions occur typically at temperatures of
alternative marine fuel is less competitive than renewable meth- 150e300 C and pressures of one to several tens of atmospheres in
anol and bioethanol. In addition, the current global annual pro- the presence of metal catalysts. The F-T process is suitable for all
duction capacity of DME is approximately 10 million tons (Fleisch kinds of biomass and the product is paraffin. But the plant capital
et al., 2012). Hence, DME would need to progress significantly in costs are dramatically higher than that of the transesterification
order to be used extensively in the maritime application. process (Kim et al., 2016; van Vliet et al., 2009). HDRD and F-T diesel
might have the same feedstock as biodiesel, yet their chemical
3.7. Biodiesels composition and physical properties are different to some extent
due to different processing pathways. At present, HDRD and F-T
There are different types of biogenic diesel, such as FAME, fatty diesel are at the early stage of commercial application and more
acid ethyl esters, hydrogenation-derived renewable diesel (HDRD) research and testing are required (Noor et al., 2018). However, it
including HVO and F-T diesel, depending on the production may be of interest to mention that HVO, one type of HDRD, is now a
processes. commercial product and produced in large quantities by some oil
Traditionally, FAME (namely the first-generation of biodiesel) is companies, such as Neste in Finland and Preem in Sweden.
a mix of mono-alkyl esters of long chain fatty acids with similar Currently, global biodiesel production is approximately 35e45
chemical composition to mineral diesel (Ahmad et al., 2011; Shahid million tonnes annually. Meanwhile, the markets and investment in
and Jamal, 2011; Janaun and Ellis, 2010). FAME is typically produced biofuels are growing slowly owing to a number of factors including
by a chemical reaction between vegetable oils or animal fats and policy uncertainty, increased competition for feedstock, adverse
short chain alcohol with or without a catalyst. More than 350 oil- conditions for crop productivity, and concerns about the sustain-
bearing crops are identified to be potential feedstock of biodiesel, ability of production. The production capacity influences the future
which can generally be classified into four groups: edible vegetable prospects of biodiesels (Popp et al., 2014).
oil; non-edible vegetable oil; waste oil; and animal fats (Atabani Biodiesel and its blends have been widely used in diesel engines
et al., 2012). The current area harvested globally, yields and main directly, especially in Europe. Currently, primary marine engine
producing countries of biodiesel feedstock are shown in Table 3. makers, such as MAN, Wa €rtsila
€, Yanmar, Cummins, Caterpillar, etc.,
Vegetable oils and animal fats mainly consist of triglycerides, di- have claimed that their engines can use 5e30% and even up to 100%
glycerides and a small fraction of monoglyceride with long chains biodiesel blends with or without engine modifications (Noor et al.,
and large size molecules, which results in large molecular weight, 2018). Biodiesel has good combustion characteristics (dos Santos
high viscosity, low volatility, poor stability and combustion per- Prucole et al., 2014) and emissions performance (Xue et al., 2011;
formance (Sakthivel et al., 2018). Therefore, vegetable oils and an- Kumar et al., 2013). Reduced carbon emissions on a lifecycle basis
imal fats need to be processed for better application in make it a promising alternative fuel for future shipping, if envi-
conventional diesel engines (Shahid and Jamal, 2011). Four types of ronmentally friendly production processes and renewable energy
process, i.e., transesterification, micro-emulsion, pyrolysis and are adopted. Disadvantages of biodiesel compared to diesel include
dilution, could be used to overcome the existing problems of crude lower volatilities, excessive gum polymerization in engines, lower
vegetable oils and animal fats. However, transesterification is the oxidation stability, relatively higher NOx emissions (Atabani et al.,
most commonly used, which is an easy and cheap way for pro- 2012), some material compatibility issues (Sorate and Bhale,
duction of high-quality biodiesel (Singh and Singh, 2010; Demirbas, 2015; Fazal et al., 2011), engine durability problems (Fazal et al.,
2009). Types of alcohol used for the transesterification process 2011), higher production costs (Sadeghinezhad et al., 2013), and
could be methanol, ethanol, isopropanol or butanol. Methanol is growing demand for land and water resources for feedstock supply
the most commonly used alcohol because of its lower price. (Atabani et al., 2012). Therefore, a promising pathway is to use
Chemically, triglycerides, diglycerides and monoglycerides react mixtures of biodiesels or dual-fuel systems, with the secondary fuel
H. Xing, C. Stuart, S. Spence et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 297 (2021) 126651
Table 3
Crops/biodiesel yields and main harvesting country. Data: Area harvested globally in 2017 and averaged crop yields (FAOSTAT, 2019a; FACTFISH, 2019); oil yields (Atabani et al.,
2012, 2013; Ashraful et al., 2014; Mahmudul et al., 2017; Singh and Singh, 2010); main harvesting country (Noor et al., 2018; Atabani et al., 2012; Mofijur et al., 2013; Mahmudul
et al., 2017).
Crops Area harvested globally in 2017 (million ha) Averaged crop yields (tonnes/ha/year) Oil yields (tonnes/ha/year) Main harvesting country
Table 4
Possible evaluation criteria for alternative marine fuel options.
Sources DNV GL (2019) Hansson et al. (2019) Ren and Liang (2017) Deniz and Zincir (2016)
Table 5
Decision making framework for alternative marine fuel options based on a life-cycle pathway.
Feedstock Transportation Production Distribution, storage and bunkering On board storage End use
Technical availability ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Safety ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Available infrastructure e ✓ ✓ ✓ e e e
Reliable supply of fuel ✓ e e e e e e
Investment cost for infrastructure ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ e e e
Investment cost for plants e e e e ✓ ✓ ✓
Operational cost ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Climate change ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ - ** ✓ ✓
Air pollution * e e e e - ** ✓ ✓
Notes: √ applicable; - not applicable; * well-to-tank air pollution is neglected supposing effective land-based abatement measures available; ** environmental impact has
been covered in end uses.
questions: Is the global supply of the fuel guaranteed? Can the fuel energy will be needed annually for the shipping sector in 2050
go on board a ship? Can the fuel achieve the goal of emissions based on the estimated annual fuel consumption in 2012 and
reduction? Simplifying a complex issue is believed to help reach a projections based on business-as-usual scenarios (IMO, 2015). The
consensus among stakeholders, which is especially important for transport sector represents nearly 30% of world energy consump-
the international maritime industry that uses multilateral negoti- tion, and was equivalent to about 2.8 billion tonnes of oil con-
ations as a working mechanism. Technical availability covers sumption in 2017 (IEA, 2018). With the expansion of the world
several indicators. However, owing to the unique requirements of population and the economic growth of developing countries, the
transport applications, i.e., payload and restricted storage space, fuel demands of the transport sector are expected to increase
energy density is an important parameter when the applicability of continually. However, only 13 billion hectares (ha) of land area is
alternative fuels on board a ship is considered. available globally, and agricultural land accounts for 37% and forest
land accounts for 31% currently. For agricultural land, almost 70% is
4.3.1. Feedstock permanent pastures and meadows, and about 30% is arable land.
To reduce carbon emissions in the shipping industry, conven- Based on the yields of agricultural crops and the derived biofuels,
tional fossil fuels including LSHFO, MDO, NG and LPG would all existing arable land in the world could not meet the fuel re-
eventually need to be excluded, even though NG has the minimum quirements of the transport sector (WBA, 2019; FAOSTAT, 2019b).
amount of carbon emissions per unit of energy release out of this Secondly, even if the second and third generation biofuel technol-
group. However, fossil raw materials are still important feedstock to ogies are well-developed, and non-edible crops, algae, forestry
produce low carbon or zero carbon fuels such as hydrogen, residues, municipal wastes, and agricultural wastes and residues
ammonia, RNG and renewable methanol, once carbon sequestra- are utilized, the demands for land, water and forest resources still
tion is available during fuel processing. However, extensive appli- constrain the sustainability of biofuels. The theoretically sustain-
cations of these fuels are limited by technical and economic aspects able potential of global bioenergy is estimated to be 200e500 EJ/
at present. Biomass is an important kind of feedstock to produce year, considering the various constraints (Popp et al., 2014). But
carbon-neutral fuels such as RNG, biomethanol, bioethanol, bio- most bioenergy is used for cooking, heating and electricity gener-
DME and biodiesels, once renewable energy is used for the well-to- ation, while only a very small share is used to produce transport
tank process. fuels due to low conversion efficiency and high costs. For example,
Admittedly, it appears unrealistic to substitute marine fuels the share of biofuels was only 4.98 EJ in the total 55.6 EJ of biomass
completely with biofuels because of several constraints. Firstly, supply in 2017, and the contribution of biofuels to the transport
regardless of technical and economic aspects, at least 450 million sector was about 3.5 EJ (WBA, 2019). Finally, the uncertainty of fuel
tonnes of oil equivalent marine fuels, about 20 EJ (1 EJ ¼ 1018 J) of supply is a big challenge because almost all energy-consuming
H. Xing, C. Stuart, S. Spence et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 297 (2021) 126651
sectors need to reduce carbon emissions and especially the growth identified. GWP for some typical alternative marine fuel options is
of crops is dramatically influenced by geographical location, season, shown in Fig. 5. There are no significant differences for tank-to-
climate and other natural conditions outside of human control wake emissions of carbon-containing fuels from fossil raw mate-
(Taljegard et al., 2014). Therefore, alternative marine fuels using rials, while the tank-to-wake emissions of carbon-neutral fuels are
biomass as the only feedstock are not reliable for fuel supply. zero due to the carbon fixation of biomass growth or the uses of
Carbon-free fuels from fossil raw materials that employ carbon renewable energy. However, the well-to-tank emissions of alter-
sequestration during the production process, or carbon-free and native fuels depend strongly on the types of feedstock and the
carbon-containing fuels from a wide range of renewable feedstock primary energy sources of heat and electricity for fuel production.
other than fossil raw materials, have stronger potential. Hence, the life-cycle emissions of zero carbon fuels could possibly
be higher than that of conventional marine fuels (Bhandari et al.,
2014). Overall, the life-cycle GWP of biomass-based fuels is better
4.3.2. Energy densities
than that of conventional marine fuels, but their limited application
As is the case with most forms of transport vehicles, ships
is a consequence of their small production quantities and high
require fuels that deliver high energy release per unit volume and
costs. However, it is hard to say that biofuels are clearly carbon-
per unit mass in order to maximize the space and weight capacity
neutral, even though carbon fixation is happening during the
available for carrying payload. Therefore, the energy density of fuels
processes of crop growth. Moreover, there are notable GWP dif-
must be a primary consideration and should not significantly
ferences for biofuels according to the type and origin of the feed-
reduce the original range and payload of the vessel. The energy
stock. The pathways to low carbon maritime transportation depend
density of different marine fuels is compared in Fig. 4. Hydrogen
strongly on the renewable feedstock as well as the renewable en-
has a high energy density by mass, but a low energy density by
ergy and carbon sequestration for fuel production.
volume, however, its potential for CO2 saving is dramatic. There-
fore, compressed or liquefied hydrogen is only suitable for some
ships that are not sensitive to reduced space, e.g., ships for high-
5. Discussion and perspectives
density cargo, Ro-Pax, ferries, non-cargo ships and short sea ship-
ping. As a substitute for hydrogen, ammonia is a carbon-free fuel
Diversification and decentralization are perceived to be the
with a more balanced compromise of energy density between mass
inevitable choice of future maritime power and fuels. However, for
and volume. 2e3 times more mass and storage space than that for
international maritime transportation, a unified fuel is suggested to
marine fuel oils could be relatively acceptable in the industry.
be determined as early as possible due to the characteristics of
Technical maturity for on board equipment for using ammonia and
global shipping and the pressure of climate impact. In this paper,
the upstream availability are the key challenges. From the
the authors focused on finding the promising pathways for future
perspective of energy density, LNG, CNG, LPG, methanol, ethanol,
low-carbon maritime transportation based on their understanding
biodiesel and DME are all acceptable.
of the lifecycle characteristics of alternative fuels and their pro-
fessional knowledge and experience. Some possible pathways are
4.3.3. Global warming potential recommended for global shipping and local or regional shipping,
GWP indicates the climate impact of greenhouse gas emissions where the emissions performance, volumetric energy densities and
and the total impact of CO2, nitrous oxide and methane is usually global availability of fuel supply are the key evaluation criteria.
expressed by CO2 equivalent. The decarbonization potential of an However, in recognition of the innumerable possible combinations
alternative marine fuel depends on its overall life-cycle emissions of issues experienced by individual operators, the recommenda-
rather than just the operational emissions. However, upstream or tions are presented as a general profile which cannot possibly cover
out-of-sector emissions are not typically considered in the mari- all specific cases. The authors realize that there are remarkable
time sector. Through evaluation and comparison of both well-to- differences about ship types and trading areas and there are also
tank and tank-to-wake emissions, the advantages, disadvantages significant differences about feedstock production and fuel supply
and potential opportunities of alternative marine fuels could be in different countries and regions. Consequently, the purpose of the
Fig. 4. The comparison of energy densities for different marine fuel options. Data: NG, LPG, methanol, hydrogen and ammonia (Zamfirescu and Dincer, 2008; Reiter and Kong,
2011); MDO, ethanol (Yusri et al., 2017); biodiesel (Noor et al., 2018); DME (Zhu et al., 2012).
H. Xing, C. Stuart, S. Spence et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 297 (2021) 126651
Fig. 5. GWP for different marine fuel options. Data: LSHFO, MDO, LNG, LPG, RNG, methanol, bioethanol, hydrogen (Moirangthem, 2016; DNV GL, 2014; DNV GL, 2015; European
Commission, 2009); LNG (Arteconi et al., 2010); hydrogen (Cetinkaya et al., 2012); ammonia (Giddey et al., 2017; IFA, 2009); methanol and biomethanol (Brynolf et al., 2014a). (a)-
from crude oil; (b)-from fossil NG; (c)-from municipal solid wastes; (d)-from coal; (e)-from forest residues; (f)-from sugar beets; (g)-from agricultural residues; (h)-from rapeseed;
(i)-from water electrolysis via wind energy.
following discussion is to provide the necessary information to or few commercial demonstrations, and not fully mature technolo-
facilitate the maritime community to enter into urgent dialogue gies are graded as IV, III, II and I respectively. As for safety, flashpoint,
with the goal of reaching a consensus as quickly as possible. flammability and toxicity are considered. Regarding available
infrastructure, fully mature infrastructure, relatively mature or no
5.1. Qualitative ranking of potential marine fuels significant modifications required, relatively immature or large
modifications required, and negligible infrastructure are graded as
Comparison and ranking of distinct energy carriers combined IV, III, II and I respectively. Looking towards the reliable supply of
with their energy converters were carried out based on the fuel, the feedstocks including fossil fuels (with CCS technologies),
decision-making framework determined in Section 4.2 and the biomass and renewable energy are graded as IV; the feedstocks
understanding of the characteristics of different alternative marine excluding fossil raw materials are graded as III; the feedstocks
fuels. The results of the qualitative evaluation are shown in Table 6. including biomass only are graded as I. As for investment cost for
The combination of LSHFO/MDO and ICE is taken as a basic refer- infrastructure, the existing infrastructure, fuel states, storage, dis-
ence. The best performance is defined as IV; the worst performance tribution and bunkering requirements are considered and the
is defined as I; then the relative performances of other combina- grades for available infrastructure are referred. In terms of invest-
tions are designated as I to IV based on pairwise comparisons with ment cost for propulsion, the same grading system has been applied
the chosen reference. as for technical availability. As for operational cost, the lifespan and
Considering technical availability first of all, fully commercial complexity of power systems as well as the fuel storage, distribution
applications, a small number of commercial applications (whether and bunkering requirements are considered. Regarding climate
the applications are on board ships or not.), prototype development change, all alternative fuels theoretically have no CO2 emissions
Table 6
Qualitative evaluation on different potential marine fuels based on selected decision-making framework.
Criteria LSHFO/ Hydrogen þ Hydrogen þ Ammonia þ Ammonia þ RNG þ Renewable Renewable Bioethanol þ BioDME þ Biodiesel þ
MDO þ ICE ICE FC ICE FC ICE Methanol þ ICE methanol þ FC ICE ICE ICE
Notes: I to IV-ranking from the worst to the best; * supposing the world energy mix in 2050 is hybrid fossil energy and non-fossil energy; ** mean value and standard
deviation, supposing the scores 1e4 are assigned to the ranking levels I-IV and equal weightings are assigned to each criterion.
H. Xing, C. Stuart, S. Spence et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 297 (2021) 126651
supposing renewable feedstocks, renewable energy and CCS tech- 5.2. Development priority and potential applications
nologies are employed for fuel production; however, only hydrogen
is graded as IV; other fuels production is based on hydrogen or non- Once multi-dimensional criteria including technical, economic,
fossil feedstocks and more energy consumption is required. The environmental and sustainable feedstock are considered, there is
designations of the grades are regarded as being reasonable because no clearly ideal alternative fuel for future shipping, even though a
they take into account the expected world energy mix by 2050, wide range of marine fuels have been proposed. Although com-
which is impossibly composed of 100% renewable energy (IRENA, promises are often made between benefits and disadvantages of
2019; DNV GL, 2020); even though the production of alternative various marine fuel options, some key performance indicators
marine fuels is all from renewable energy, it will inevitably squeeze should play a much more significant role. In this paper, the priority
the uses of renewable energy in other sectors. Looking towards air levels of the various criteria were ranked in the order of environ-
pollution, NOx emissions are taken as the only evaluation indicator. mental impact, reliability of feedstock, technical viability and then
MDO or biodiesel engines have the highest NOx emissions (and economic factors, which mean these criteria have decreasing
hence are graded as I), followed by hydrogen and ammonia ICE weighting factors and further strengthening the ranking orders
(ranked II), then RNG, renewable methanol, bioethanol and bioDME inferred in Section 5.1. Considering physicochemical properties, low
ICE (ranked III), finally reaching hydrogen and renewable methanol carbon potential, reliability of fuel supply, ease of handling, infra-
FC which has no NOx emissions (ranked IV). It is worth noting that an structure and costs, the priority levels for development and
ammonia-fuelled SOFC is the primary option, which is often com- possible applications of different marine fuels are shown in Fig. 6.
bined with a GT to increase power. While not considered in this Firstly, considering climate impact and the assumption of on
analysis, in such circumstances NOx emissions are possible due to board CCS not being available, the continued long-term use of
after combustion of SOFC-GT systems. conventional fossil-based marine fuels is not an acceptable option.
Aside from the obvious negative impact upon the climate and As a result, LSHFO, MDO and LPG are given the lowest priority level.
local emissions, the option of combining conventional marine fuels Fossil NG lacks long-term potential and is given the second lowest
and ICE have several positive attributes. However, such systems are priority level, and same level for bioDME due to less competitive
excluded due to the incompliant climate performance. Hydrogen advantages than renewable methanol and bioethanol, as discussed
has the best climate impact and feedstock security, while there in Section 3.6. LNG, CNG and LPG are included in Fig. 6 as com-
needs to be improvements in the areas of technical preparation, parisons because they are regarded as near-term and mid-term fuel
infrastructure and price. Overall, the combination of renewable options. Renewable methanol, hydrogen and ammonia are given
methanol and ICE exhibits the best comprehensive performance the highest priority level due to excellent emissions performance;
across the different priorities. While other pathways have some in addition, the feedstock for hydrogen, ammonia and renewable
indicators with a higher ranking, there are also one or more in- methanol are sufficient, where conventional fossil fuels, biomass
dicators with bad performance. To illustrate the comparison and and renewable energy sources are all available. Bioethanol and
ranking intuitively, the scores 1e4 could be assigned to the levels I- biodiesels are given the second highest priority level due to lacking
IV. Even with equal weighting assigned to each indicator, the of global availability of fuel supply. While the availability of feed-
combination of renewable methanol and ICE has the highest mean stocks for RNG is greater than for biomass, more production pro-
value and the lowest standard deviation, among the evaluated cesses and insignificant technical and cost advantages weaken their
alternative solutions. This clearly demonstrates that this combi- competitiveness compared to hydrogen, ammonia and renewable
nation offers the best overall performance across all indicators, and methanol. Therefore, RNG has relatively good emissions perfor-
is a position that would only be strengthened if the weightings of mance but is given the second highest priority level.
the different indicators were altered to account for the increased Secondly, limited by their volumetric energy densities,
importance of environmental impact and feedstock security. hydrogen, ammonia and compressed NG are recommended for
H. Xing, C. Stuart, S. Spence et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 297 (2021) 126651
domestic and short sea shipping only; liquefied NG is recom- have limited potential for deep-sea applications and they are
mended for long-distance shipping for economic considerations. not recommended due to their low volumetric energy
Considering the security of feedstock, the potential of bioethanol densities.
and biodiesel for international shipping is restricted due to the (3) Biofuels as so-called carbon-neutral fuels, such as RNG,
uncertainties and the imbalance of biomass production as well as biogenic methanol, bioethanol, bioDME and biodiesels, are
the competition from other fuel-consuming sectors. However, they limited by the reliability of fuel supply due to the uneven
are viable for local and regional shipping if local feedstock for geographical distribution of land and water resources and
biofuels production is sufficient. the competition from other energy-consuming sectors.
Finally, considering technical and economic aspects, renewable Hence, the prospects for biofuels in global shipping are not
methanol used in conjunction with an ICE represents the strongest optimistic. But the potentials in local or regional shipping are
opportunity for future global shipping. Aside from this, hydrogen worth investigating further. In particular, increased electri-
and ammonia are promising fuels for short sea shipping. However, fication of road transport may allocate more liquid biofuels to
the technology pathways combining hydrogen with low tempera- shipping and aviation sectors. RNG, methanol and DME could
ture FC and ammonia with ICE are better than the combinations of be derived from biomass, fossil raw materials, renewable
hydrogen and ICE or ammonia and high temperature FC. The energy as well as fossil energy combined with CCS. A broad
development of distinct technology pathways combining fuels with range of suitable feedstocks ensures their global availability,
propulsion systems is inevitable, and ship types and shipping and their short-term and long-term potential should both be
routes are the decisive factors in the most suitable fuel and tech- simultaneously taken into account. Therefore, RNG, meth-
nology combinations. Therefore, the recommendations in Fig. 6 are anol and DME are more competitive than bioethanol and
just general profiles, the best technological solutions are both ship- biogenic diesels. Considering the fuel characteristics, meth-
specific and area-specific. anol (current fossil methanol and future renewable meth-
anol) is the most promising alternative fuel for global
6. Conclusions and implications shipping. Therefore, considering the long timescales associ-
ated with marine fuel substitution, the international mari-
Primary alternative marine fuel options were reviewed and time community needs to build consensus and adopt a
clarified in this paper with the goal of achieving low carbon mari- unified plan of action as soon as possible. The sooner that
time transportation by 2050. Integrated abatements of SOx, NOx specific plans are made to switch to an alternative marine
and CO2 emissions were considered together. Hydrogen, ammonia, fuel and invest in infrastructure, the sooner the goal of low
RNG, renewable methanol, bioethanol, bioDME and biodiesel were carbon maritime transportation can be realized.
analyzed in terms of key physicochemical properties, feedstock, (4) The combination of alternative marine fuel proposed in this
production processes, transportation, storage, end use, combustion study is methanol for global shipping, and hydrogen,
characteristics and emissions performance. A qualitative ranking of ammonia, bioethanol and biodiesels from renewable energy
the potential of different marine fuel options was conducted based sources for domestic and short sea shipping, depending on
on a decision-making framework incorporating the total life-cycle local practices. LSHFO and MDO need to be phased out
stages and the multi-dimensional evaluation criteria. Based on gradually, and it is suggested that the development of ships
the analysis, development priorities and applicable types of ship- fuelled by LNG, LPG and DME should be cautious. Conse-
ping were determined for potential alternative marine fuel options. quently, FC power systems fuelled by hydrogen, ammonia
The following conclusions and implications from the analysis are and methanol could be taken as key priorities for future
intended to inform maritime stakeholders. research and development, which are supposed as the pri-
ority power solutions for domestic and short-sea shipping in
(1) It is difficult to achieve low carbon shipping through tech- this paper. Dual fuel compression ignition engines should be
nological and operational measures. Nuclear-powered ships widely developed to use hydrogen, ammonia, methanol,
are probably unacceptable (Schøyen and Steger-Jensen, bioethanol or biodiesels as secondary and then primary fuel.
2017) and wind or solar assistance could only be used as However, blended fuels may not be the main application
auxiliary power sources. Therefore, the adoption of alterna- modes. NOx emissions control cannot be avoided through the
tive marine fuels is inevitable. Direct fossil fuels as primary use of alternative marine fuels. Therefore, low NOx com-
marine fuels, e.g., LSHFO and MDO, should be changed bustion and exhaust gas aftertreatment technologies need to
gradually and the substitution of marine fuels will inevitably be improved continuously. However, with more use of
be a long process. Choosing the most promising pathway is renewable energy in land-based industries and with the use
especially important prior to entering a new era of alterna- of renewable fuels with relatively low NOx emissions in the
tive marine fuels. The selection of LNG or LPG as future shipping sector, the pressure upon shipping NOx emissions
marine fuel should be treated with caution due to the low might be significantly reduced and the abatement of NOx
potential for carbon saving and the high infrastructure emissions will likely not be the highest priority.
investment. (5) The life-cycle emissions and well-to-wake costs of alterna-
(2) Hydrogen and ammonia as zero carbon fuels, which are ex- tive fuels strongly depends on the type of feedstock, the
pected to have robust prospects in road transportation, are country the feedstock originated from, the production pro-
also ideal fuels for inland and coastal shipping in certain cesses and the primary energy sources employed. Accord-
regions. However, current costs are high and existing infra- ingly, the understanding of alternative marine fuels in this
structure is insufficient. Therefore, the introduction of na- paper is still fragmentary and not all-inclusive. More com-
tional or regional incentives could be encouraged depending plete life-cycle assessments for more alternative fuels need
on local low carbon development strategies. Renewable en- to be undertaken as soon as possible in specific flag states,
ergy and CCS technology need to be employed in parallel for coastal states and fuel producing countries.
clean hydrogen production. Earlier and wider deployment of (6) The construction of infrastructure should take account of the
zero carbon fuels in shipping will reduce the pressure on integral utilization of feedstock and the recycling utilization
future shipping emissions. However, hydrogen and ammonia of intermediate products for the production of alternative
H. Xing, C. Stuart, S. Spence et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 297 (2021) 126651
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