21st Century Skills

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4C’s of Education Meaning Importance Methods Take-Away

(Why Teach?) (How to Teach?) (What did you

1. CRITICAL THINKING  The ability to  Students will be  To teach critical  I learned that
think logically able to analyse thinking skill, the critical
and rationally information, activities should thinking skill
helps one to search for be introduced to cannot be
effectively possibilities and learners that acquired in just
understand and approaches, and contain one snap. To
solve problems find solutions informative be able to
properly and through reasoning, reading and acquire this
serves as the resourcefulness argumentative skill, learners
foundation of and creativity. writing should have the
effective Hence, it allows exercises which proper
learning. students to cope in offer excellent environment in
the ever-changing opportunities to which they can
world. present rational practice and
argument in execute this
which skill. It also
information helps the critical
being gathered, thinker to make
leads to a decisions that
conclusion and will bring them
how these to the right track
arguments can and to be able
be evaluated for to deal with
truth, today’s
soundness, challenges.
strength and
2. CREATIVITY  It is the ability  Creativity is  To teach  I realized that to
to grasp new important because creative skill, be creative
opportunities, it helps in solving teachers can helps to
to yield original problems by way offer activities organize our
ideas, to adapt of trying to find the that students thoughts by
to changing solution to it; that may express thinking of the
situations, and opens up their creativity in creative ways
to put on one's possibilities appropriate, that will help us
imagination to through thinking insightful and address the
solve creatively, that meaningful way. problem easier.
complicated results in coming Moreover, It also makes
problems. up of unique teaching us confident
ideas. students other knowing that we
skills that will are capable of
require them to doing amazing
be creative is things that
one way of makes the
improving their process
creative skill. engaging and
3. COMMUNICATION  It is the ability  Communication Allow students  I learned that
to convey skill is important to: communication
thoughts because it serves  Articulate is important for
quickly and as the foundation concepts us to connect
clearly and this of learning. efficiently in a with people.
includes Through variety of ways This helps us to
presenting a communication, that will utilize understand and
concept educators and all means of reach out with
explicitly, and students can freely communication. others. Through
evaluating express and  Interact with communication,
other exchange variety of we acquire
participants by thoughts which will audience. essential
making sure result in  Utilize media information
they are worthwhile and and technology through
involved. knowledgeable to interact with exchanging of
discussion that influence. ideas with the
allows students other people
not just to listen that makes life
but also to reflect. meaningful.
4. COLLABORATION  Working  Collaboration is  To teach  I learned that
together to important because collaboration, a collaboration
achieve a it is part of our teacher should offers us a wide
certain goal. lives to work with teach first the range of ideas
This includes other people and students how to to choose with
the willingness this usually starts listen to each by considering
to listen, in classroom. other and the thoughts of
participate and Through prepare for a the people we
contribute. collaboration and group task that are working
teamwork, allows students with to be able
students will be to have a role to to create
able to think of participate with. something
more solutions bigger and
that will best meaningful.
address the
problems and it
also leads them to
achieve a common

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