9 Hrasnica-Ademovic-et Al. Mechanical Te
9 Hrasnica-Ademovic-et Al. Mechanical Te
9 Hrasnica-Ademovic-et Al. Mechanical Te
Abstract — The paper presents experimental study of behavior of unreinforced masonry walls.
Different tests were performed. Wallets were tested in order to obtain compressive strength and modulus
of elasticity of masonry. Cyclic shear tests were done on reduced scale and full scale unconfined walls.
Quasi dynamic horizontal loading combined with vertical precompression was applied on both
unreinforced and strengthened shear walls.
Key-words — unconfined masonry walls, compressive strength, modulus of elasticity, cyclic shear.
1 Introduction
Structural assessment of existing buildings is an important task for civil engineers especially in
densely populated urban areas and older cities. The existing buildings in Bosnia and Herzegovina are
traditionally built as masonry. Depending on the historical period and the art of building in specific
regions, brick or stone masonry was applied [8]. Despite the fact that reinforced concrete structures
prevail in the newly erected buildings, masonry structures are still built, with application of new
construction materials. The analysis results of existing masonry structures lead very often to the
conclusion that some art of rehabilitation is necessary [1].
Buildings were traditionally built as unreinforced masonry (URM) with wooden floors. The
buildings erected after World War II generally have reinforced concrete floors. Both groups of buildings
are relatively stiff and show generally limited ductile behaviour. Regarding seismic vulnerability
classification (EMS) they belong to the classes B and C respectively [9]. It means that already for
moderate earthquake intensities some important damages could occur. In the case of stronger earthquake
motions heavy and very heavy damages, including partial collapse could be expected. These statements
were unfortunately proven by strong earthquakes in the Western Balkan Region in the last 50 years;
Skopje 1963, Banjaluka 1969, Montenegro Coast 1979 [7].
The first phase of the project to be implemented at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Sarajevo
envisages material tests of masonry components. Also, it will include construction of URM walls made
of solid clay bricks and lime-cement mortar. Two full-scale wall models have been prepared. It is
important to state that the walls have no vertical confinement, which became typical way of construction
in the Western Balkan Region after Skopje Earthquake in 1963. The full-scale wall models without
vertical confinement are tested under constant vertical load and cyclic horizontal loads.
In the second phase of the project it is planned to apply several strengthening methods and to
compare the wall behaviour with the unreinforced one. The main goal of the research project is to
investigate the influence of the different strengthening methods on the structural behaviour of masonry
walls under cyclic horizontal loading. Reinforced concrete coating will be applied having different types
of reinforcement meshes, and then the strengthening with FRP and plastic meshes will be analyzed. The
third phase of the project consists of numerical verification of experimental results which will be used
to suggest practical guidelines for analysis of existing URM structures and implementation of
strengthening procedures.
2 Component properties
Compression tests on specimens 250/120/65 mm (length/width/height) were done according to
the national standards and European Norms. This type of brick was typically used in masonry structures
erected in the second half of the 20th century during massive reconstruction after World War II. Firstly,
testing of brick compressive strength according to national standards was performed. The particularity
of this code is the fact that compression tests are carried out on a series of 5 brick sandwich specimens
made of 2 bricks having a thin layer of cement mortar in the middle, as shown in Fig. 1a. The obtained
mean value of the compressive strength was 29.9 N/mm2. On the basis of these regulations the brick can
be classified as M20, having a characteristic compressive strength of 20 N/mm2.
Compressive strength of solid bricks was additionally tested according to the EN 772-1:2011
which comprised 4 series of 6 bricks prepared by grinding (the mean value of compressive strength was
53.9 N/mm2, Fig.1b) and 2 series of 6 bricks capped by mortar (the mean value was 47.1 N/mm2, Fig.
(a) (b)
FIG. 2 – Determination of tensile strength by (a) 3 point bending test (b) splitting test
Handmade lime-cement mortar samples were tested with the following ratio of the ingredients:
lime: cement: sand=1:0.5:4 (grades by volume), in order to obtain the compressive strength for mortar
of roughly 2.5 N/mm2, typical for most of the existing masonry buildings. The tests were done according
to EN 1015-11 as shown in Fig. 3. The specimens with dimensions 40x40x160 mm were cured for 28
days. The compressive strength amounts 2.3 N/mm2 with the c.o.v. equal to 14%. The average tensile
strength is 1.3 N/mm2 and the c.o.v. reaches 20%.
(a) (b)
FIG. 3 – (a) tensile strength of mortar by 3PB (b) mortar compressive strength
The behaviour of masonry walls exposed to horizontal loads strongly depends on the properties
of the brick – mortar interface. The shear failure can be modelled with the classical Coulomb’s law for
pressure dependent materials which employs the cohesion and the angle of internal friction. The ultimate
shear strength is determined for different values of normal stress. Two tests were conducted: the direct
shear test in the typical geotechnical laboratory apparatus (Fig 4a & b, courtesy of GEOlab Sarajevo)
and the standard triplet test with respect to EN 1052-3:2001 (Fig. 4c). The sample for the former
experiment is cylindrical with diameter 100 mm and consists of 30 mm thick brick base and 10 mm
thick mortar layer. At the time of writing this article, the direct shear test with the mortar aged 7 days
was performed.
The measured values are shown in Fig. 5a, where the cohesion amounts c = 92 kPa and the
angle of internal friction is φ = 45°. The sample is sheared along the interface imposing constant
displacement rate of 0.25 mm/min, a method which additionally provides the softening branch in the
stress – displacement diagram (Fig. 5b). The triplet tests were implemented for four levels of
precompression stress: 0.0, 0.2, 0.6 and 1.0 N/mm2, and the mortar age at the time of testing was 28
days. The obtained results matched well with the direct shear test (c = 150 kPa, φ = 37°) and the dilatancy
angle is negligible. All samples fractured along the joint. The mechanical behaviour of the brick and
mortar construction relies on the contrast among the two constituents and the interface bond properties
connecting high strength brittle brick to the low strength and quite ductile mortar joint. Thereby, the
interface transition zone is usually the weakest element of the composite.
Deformation speed: 0.25 mm/min
(a) (b)
FIG. 5 – (a) Mohr-Coulomb failure envelope for interface (b) shear stress – displacement diagram
FIG. 7 – Geometry and failure mode of full-scale wall
Force [kN]
‐20 ‐15 ‐10 ‐5 0 5 10 15 20
Displacement [mm]
FIG. 8 – Hysteretic loop of the full-scale wall
Force [kN]
Displacement [mm]
4 Conclusion
A series of laboratory tests were performed in order to evaluate the mechanical properties of the
masonry and its components. The characteristics of solid brick units and mortar as well as the masonry
wall are susceptible to high variations. Building procedure and skills of the workforce can have
substantial effect on the quality of masonry assembly.
The cyclic shear tests performed under the constant vertical load indicate quite high ductility
of the masonry walls despite significant plastic deformations and damage. The load bearing capacity
was preserved even with very large cracks several centimeters wide. The intended enhancement of
strength and stiffness applying the mortar coating was inefficient since the reduced wall exhibited
rocking i.e. there was no diagonal cracking. This phenomenon occurs due to low vertical
A lot of existing masonry buildings have load-bearing walls mostly in one direction, hence, they
are rather vulnerable to stronger seismic actions. The resistance is usually lower with respect to shear
force which imposes strengthening of the structure. It is planned to investigate different strengthening
techniques for masonry wall upgrading, which includes FRP, reinforcing steel and plastic meshes.
Specific problems arise when confronted with modelling of existing buildings, mostly due to lack of
technical documentation and the unknown mechanical properties of the used materials. Therefore,
seismic analysis and assessment of safety (performance – based earthquake design) of masonry
buildings patrimony represents very complicated, but also interesting and challenging task for structural
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