Wrapping Around The Handle of The Racket Is Called - ?

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Norzagaray Municipal Compound

Norzagaray, Bulacan


Name: _____________________________________ Score: ___________

Instructor: __________________________________ Date: ____________

WRITTEN EXAM b. Forehand net brush shot

I. Multiple Choice. Read each question carefully. Write c. Forehand drop shot
the letter of the correct answer before the number. d. Forehand shot
1. The wrapping around the handle of the racket is 10. It is an offensive shot and has a flat or downwards
called __________? trajectory.
a. grip a. Forehand net brush shot
b. hold b. Forehand service shot
c. stance c. Forehand drop shot
d. serve d. Forehand drive shot
2. A type of grip where the thumb is on the middle line 11. It is seen as very defensive, the easiest to master,
of the handle. and the quick solution that ends up being bad long
a. Backhand grip term.
b. Forehand grip a. Forehand net lift shot
c. Panhandle grip b. Forehand drop shot
d. Universal grip c. Forehand drive shot
3. Which grip serves as a reference point to learn other d. Forehand shot
and more complex grips? 12. An attacking shot that is usually played from the
a. Backhand grip sides of the court when the shuttlecock has fallen
b. Forehand grip too low for it to be returned with a smash.
c. Panhandle grip a. Forehand drive shot
d. Universal grip b. Forehand drop shot
4. This grip is mainly used for forehand shots in c. Forehand service shot
front of your body where the thumb and the d. Forehand brush shot
finger pinch the top of the racket. 13. This badminton serve during singles play to move
a. Bevel grip your opponent as far back in court as possible, thus
opening up his court.
b. Forehand grip
a. High serve
c. Panhandle grip b. Low serve
d. Universal grip c. Middle Low Serve
5. This grip is used to return a shot coming towards you d. Middle high serve
on the opposite side of your master hand. 14. To hit the bird to the opponent’s side in order to
a. Backhand grip start a play.
b. Forehand grip a. Rally
c. Panhandle grip b. Smash
d. Universal grip c. Stance
6. A return made with the back of the hand facing the d. Serve
direction of the stroke. 15. Which serve will you use if you want your opponent
a. Forehand shot to lift the shuttlecock?
b. Backhand shot a. High serve
c. Forehand drop shot b. Middle high serve
d. Backhand drop shot c. Low serve
7. Any shot that is done on the racket side of the body d. Middle Low Serve
or on top of head and it is performed with a 16. A shot hit softly to fall rapidly and close to the net in
forehand grip. the opponent’s court.
a. Backhand shot a. Drop shot
b. Forehand shot b. Clear shot
c. Forehand service shot c. Drive shot
d. Backhand brush shot d. Smash
8. A shot that enables players to move their opponent 17. A shot deep into the opponent’s court.
to the front court. This will either win a point or a. Clear shot
create space in the mid and back court to exploit. b. Drive shot
a. Forehand drop shot c. Drop shot
b. Forehand service shot d. Smash
c. Forehand shot 18. A forceful horizontal stroke that is straight and close
d. Forehand net lift shot to the net is called _____________?
9. A type of service that requires a forehand grip is a. Clear shot
called _______________ ? b. Drive shot
a. Forehand service shot c. Drop shot
d. Smash
19. What shot is also being called “kill”? c. Shadow formation
a. Clear shot d. Vertical formation
b. Drive shot
c. Drop shot
d. Smash
20. What stance allows a badminton player to return a
short or high lift from your opponent.
a. Attacking stance
b. Defensive stance
c. Receiving stance
d. Net stance
21. Which of the following skills allows a badminton
player to defend and attack effectively?
a. Grip
b. Footwork
c. Shot
d. Stance
22. Which stance allows the player to cover wider
angles of the court?
a. Attacking stance
b. Defensive stance
c. Net stance
d. Receiving stance
23. Which of the following stance requires no
movement prior to service?
a. Attacking stance
b. Defensive stance
c. Net stance
d. Receiving stance
24. Which of the following stance enables you to take
the shuttle at the highest point when you’re at the
a. Attacking stance
b. Defensive stance
c. Net stance
d. Receiving stance
25. A skill in badminton that allows the player to move
and cover the badminton court.
a. Grip
b. Footwork
c. Shot
d. Stance
26. Who among these types of players uses the strategy
of wearing down their opponent?
a. Attacking player
b. Defensive player
c. Controlling player
d. Advance player
27. This type of player aims to prevent the opponent
from being in a good attacking position.
a. Advance player
b. Attacking player
c. Controlling player
d. Defensive player
28. A player who prefers to play fast-paced game and
tend to be very aggressive is called ____________?
a. Advance player
b. Attacking player
c. Controlling player
d. Defensive player
29. A formation where one player stands behind his
partner is called _________________?
a. Attacking formation
b. Defensive formation
c. Vertical formation
d. Shadow formation
30. Which badminton formation requires the players to
stand side by side to cover their respective areas?
a. Attacking formation
b. Defensive formation

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