Solid State Fermentation
Solid State Fermentation
Solid State Fermentation
Susanne Steudler
Anett Werner
Jay J. Cheng Editors
Solid State
Research and Industrial Applications
Advances in Biochemical
Series Editor
T. Scheper, Hannover, Germany
Editorial Board
S. Belkin, Jerusalem, Israel
T. Bley, Dresden, Germany
J. Bohlmann, Vancouver, Canada
M.B. Gu, Seoul, Korea (Republic of)
W.-S. Hu, Minneapolis, USA
B. Mattiasson, Lund, Sweden
J. Nielsen, Gothenburg, Sweden
H. Seitz, Potsdam, Germany
R. Ulber, Kaiserslautern, Germany
A.-P. Zeng, Hamburg, Germany
J.-J. Zhong, Shanghai, China
W. Zhou, Shanghai, China
Aims and Scope
This book series reviews current trends in modern biotechnology and biochemical
engineering. Its aim is to cover all aspects of these interdisciplinary disciplines,
where knowledge, methods and expertise are required from chemistry, biochemistry,
microbiology, molecular biology, chemical engineering and computer science.
In general, volumes are edited by well-known guest editors. The series editor and
publisher will, however, always be pleased to receive suggestions and supplemen-
tary information. Manuscripts are accepted in English.
With contributions by
R. C. Alnoch M. Berovic A. Biz L. F. de Lima Luz Jr.
G. S. Dias A. T. J. Finkler M. A. Fraatz N. Krieger
D. A. Mitchell A. Orban L. O. Pitol S. C. Robinson
M. Rühl S. Steudler R. C. Van Court T. Walther
Z. Wen A. Werner H. Zhou
Susanne Steudler Anett Werner
Institut für Naturstofftechnik Institut für Naturstofftechnik
Technische Universität Dresden Technische Universität Dresden
Dresden, Sachsen, Germany Dresden, Sachsen, Germany
Jay J. Cheng
Department of Biological and Agricultural
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC, USA
This Springer imprint is published by the registered company Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
The registered company address is: Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland
vi Preface
and research needs of the SSF technology are also discussed in the book. The book is
designed as a reference book for scientists and engineers who are interested in solid-
state fermentation.
viii Contents
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
Part I
Cultivation of Microbes Under Solid-State
Adv Biochem Eng Biotechnol (2019) 169: 3–26
DOI: 10.1007/10_2019_89
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019
Published online: 4 March 2019
Marin Berovic
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2 Solid-State Cultivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3 Differences Between Submerged and Solid-State Bioprocessing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4 Bioreactor Types Used in SSC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
4.1 Tray Bioreactors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
4.2 Packed-Bed Bioreactors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
4.3 Rotating Drum Bioreactors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4.4 Stirred Aerated Beds Bioreactors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
5 Substrates for Medicinal Mushrooms Cultivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
6 Cultivation of Medicinal Mushroom in Solid-State Bioreactors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
6.1 Cultivation of Ganoderma lucidum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
6.2 Cultivation of Grifola frondosa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
6.3 Cultivation of Trametes versicolor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
6.4 Cultivation of Hericium erinaceus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
6.5 Cultivation of Cordyceps militaris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
7 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
M. Berovic (*)
Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia
e-mail: [email protected]
4 M. Berovic
Graphical Abstract
ψ Water potential
aw Water activity
EPS Exopolysaccharide
M Water molecular mass
NGF Nerve growth factor
Cultivation of Medicinal Mushroom Biomass by Solid-State Bioprocessing. . . 5
1 Introduction
Mushroom polysaccharides do not attack cancer cells directly but produce their
antitumor effects by activating different immune responses in the host. Their mecha-
nisms of action involve them being recognized by several immune cell receptors as
nonself molecules, so the immune system is stimulated by their presence. Structurally
different β-glucans have different affinities toward receptors and thus generate differ-
ent host responses [11]. Immunomodulating and antitumor activities of these metab-
olites are related to immune cells such as hematopoietic stem cells, lymphocytes,
macrophages, T cells, dendritic cells, and natural killer cells, involved in the innate and
adaptive immunity, resulting in the production of biologic response modifiers [12].
Clinical evidence for antitumor and other medicinal activities come primarily
from some commercialized purified polysaccharides that have undergone extensive
anticancer clinical trials, such as lentinan from shiitake – Lentinula edodes, krestin
(PSK polysaccharide-K) and PSP (polysaccharopeptide) from Trametes versicolor,
grifolan and grifron-D from Grifola frondosa, and schizophyllan from
Schizophyllum commune [1, 11], but polysaccharide preparations of some other
medicinal mushrooms also show promising results [13].
2 Solid-State Cultivation
aw ¼ P=P0 ð1Þ
where R is the gas constant (8.31 J/mol K), T is the absolute temperature, M is the
molecular mass of water, and P/P0 is the water activity.
Water activity has its most useful application in predicting the growth of fungi. It
has been established that most fungi cease to grow at water activities below 0.60.
This means that the water activity of the substrate determines the lower limit of
available water for fungal growth [18].
A major difference between submerged cultivation and solid-state cultivations is
therefore the amount of free liquid in the substrate. In the case of submerged
cultivation, the amount of dissolved solids rarely exceeds 5–10% by weight (approx.
50–100 g/l), whereas in solid-state cultivation, the solids typically represent between
60 and 80% of the total substrate mass.
The upper limit of moisture content for solid-state cultivations is determined by
the absorbency of the solid, which varies between substrates, although for most
substrates, a free water becomes apparent before 80% moisture level is reached.
The main mechanism of hyphal growth on surface of solid matrix joins the
following steps (Fig. 1):
• Production of fungal polysaccharides on the apical tip of hyphae
• Gluing the apical tip of hyphae on the surface of the lignocellulosic matrix with
polysaccharide gel material
• Transferring lignocellulosic enzymes through gel anchorage to the lignocellulosic
8 M. Berovic
Fig. 1 The main mechanism of hyphal growth on surface of solid matrix. (a) Fungal polysaccha-
rides on the apical tip of hyphae, (b) cross section of glued apical tip of hyphae on the surface of the
lignocellulosic matrix, (c, d) cross section of fungal growth, (e) the void space in overgrown solid
matrix, (f) fungal mycelia on solid surface [14]
Benefits and the main differences between solid-state and submerged cultivations are
summarized in Table 1.
Cultivation of Medicinal Mushroom Biomass by Solid-State Bioprocessing. . . 9
SSC bioreactors could be categorized on the basis of the aeration and agitation
strategies used. They can be classified as bioreactors without mixing and bioreactors
with periodically or continuous mixing. These groups may appear quite different
physically but that operate in similar manners. The most applied bioreactors in solid-
state cultivation are presented in Fig. 2.
No mixing (or very infrequent) Continuous mixing, or frequent intermittent mixing
No forced
(air passes
around bed)
(air blown
the bed)
Fig. 2 Classification of SSC bioreactors according to the agitation and used aeration strategies [14]
Cultivation of Medicinal Mushroom Biomass by Solid-State Bioprocessing. . . 11
Air out
Gaps between trays
Air in
Fig. 3 Tray bioreactor and schematic diagram of inside tray layer and indidual tray [17]
parameters are maintained for obtaining higher yield. The tray chamber is humidified
by humidifiers or by forcing in humid air, and provisions are made for the ventilation
and control of humidity as well as temperature (Fig. 3).
Heat removal in tray bioreactors is by conduction through the substrate mass to
the substrate surface or to the tray itself and then convection from these surfaces to
the circulating air. Due to the fact that the air is only circulated around the tray
surfaces and not forcefully blown through the bed, mass transfer within the tray is
limited to diffusion and heat transfer to conduction. Heat and mass transfer consid-
erations can limit the depth of substrate to as little as 5 cm. With larger depths the
inner regions of the substrate may overheat or be deprived of oxygen.
Pleurotus djamor was grown on sunflower seed shell, grape wastes, or potato
peels as renewable cheap substrates producing lipases in solid-state cultivation
carried out in a tray bioreactor [20, 21].
The characteristics of packed-bed bioreactors are a static substrate mass packed into
a column resting on a perforated plate and a forced aeration with controlled temper-
ature and humidity air through the substrate bed, usually coming from below the bed
but sometimes from above. Many variations of this basic design are possible,
including perforated trays [22, 23]. Very often the design of a packed-bed bioreactor
consists of a glass or plastic column with entries at both top and bottom for aeration,
while the temperature is controlled either by putting the column in a temperature-
controlled room or by passing water through double jackets, fitted around the
column. The dominant heat removal mechanism in packed-bed bioreactors depends
12 M. Berovic
on the design and operation of the reactor. Tall thin beds increase the contribution of
radial heat conduction. However, for most packed-bed bioreactors, convection is the
dominant heat transfer mechanism. During active growth, the air temperature can be
lowered to below the optimum temperature for growth, to increase the rate of
convective heat transfer, although this only effectively cools the bottom of the
bed. If the air has low humidity, then the evaporative cooling becomes significant,
although the bottom of the bed tends to dry out. Humidity in the bioreactor can be
controlled by using moist air, which can be additionally manipulated to aid in the
regulation of the incubation temperature. Several researchers have been successfully
using packed-bed bioreactors for a variety of applications [23, 24].
Stirred aerated beds bioreactors fall into the categories of horizontal or vertical
stirred bioreactors, depending on the orientation (Fig. 4). Horizontal stirred tank
Cultivation of Medicinal Mushroom Biomass by Solid-State Bioprocessing. . . 13
T = 35°
bioreactors are similar to rotating drum bioreactors, except that mixing is provided
by the internal scalpers or paddles attached to a central shaft, rather than by the
rotation of the whole body of the bioreactor. Agitation may be continuous or
intermittent. Low-pressure air is introduced into the bioreactor headspace [27, 28].
The horizontal stirred tank reactor, presented in Fig. 5, is filled to two-thirds
volume with a substrate. Air is introduced through a perforated central shaft embed-
ded in the substrate bed, upon which mixer blades are mounted. Principles of process
optimization, such as inoculation, sterilization, mixing, aeration, temperature, and
humidity, were studied and optimized in the production of pectinolytic enzymes by
Aspergillus niger [27]. This type of bioreactor has been later used for solid-state
14 M. Berovic
cultivations of medicinal mushrooms Ganoderma sp. [28, 39, 48] and Grifola
frondosa [29, 42], Trametes versicolor [46], and Hericium erinaceus [49].
Vertical stirred bioreactors often have similarities with packed beds, since they
are usually forcefully aerated. They differ from packed-bed bioreactors by the fact
that they are agitated, which may be continuous or intermittent. The advantage of
being well mixed helps in avoiding the temperature and moisture gradients, which
often occur in packed beds. In the design described by Mitchell et al. [24], three
screw agitators are mounted across the breadth of the reactor on a trolley above the
substrate bed, with the screws extending down into the substrate bed. The trolley
moves backwards and forwards along the length of the bioreactor, such that each
location in the bed is intermittently mixed.
Fig. 6 Lignocellulosic
substrates for artificial
cultivation of edible and
medicinal mushrooms
Fig. 7 Technological possibilities of cultivating medicinal fungi fruit bodies or fungal biomass on
a commercial scale
undefined medium, such as sawdust, might make the product purification more
difficult. For this reason, solid-state cultivation seems to be most appropriate for
the production of medicinal mushroom, for which the whole bioprocessed substrate
can be used as the product.
Most of medicinal mushroom biomass is still produced using long-term farming
technology (e.g., 4 months for Ganoderma lucidum fruit bodies and 6 months for
G. frondosa), compared to 14 days of solid-state cultivation in the first and 18 days in
the second case for fungal mycelium type of fungal biomass production that is
sufficient for further product isolation. The most important and investigated medic-
inal mushrooms used in comprehensive cultivation in solid-state bioreactors are
Ganoderma lucidum, Grifola frondosa, Trametes versicolor, Hericium erinaceus,
and Cordyceps militaris. SSC of some other species in bioreactors is more in
development [1–3].
Cultivation of Medicinal Mushroom Biomass by Solid-State Bioprocessing. . . 17
In a rare report available by Habijanic et al. [28], the cultivation was carried out in
a horizontal stirred tank reactor with a total working volume of 30 l. The conditions
were controlled as follows: temperature of 30 C, an airflow of 2 l/min, agitation rate
of 80 rpm for 2 min every second day during the first 7 days, and every day during
the latter stages of the cultivation. The effect of initial moisture content was
evaluated. At least aw 0.85 was necessary to give satisfactory rates of cell growth
and exopolysaccharide production. The control mechanisms of the fungal
exopolysaccharide production and consumption were not known; however, the
authors suggested that exopolysaccharides served to fasten the hyphae to the surface
of the solid particles and to protect the hyphae both from mechanical damage during
the agitation and from desiccation at low moisture contents.
Habjanic and Berovic [39] patented a process of growing G. lucidum on a
solid cultivation substrate using the solid-state cultivation in a horizontal stirred
bioreactor. The process enabled a precise leading and monitoring of the fungal
growth at sterile conditions. Periodically mixing of 80 rpm for 2 min/day was
applied. Production of fungal polysaccharides and fungal biomass on solid substrate
based on beech sawdust, olive oil, and mineral salts was studied. Optimal moisture
of the solid matrix in the range of 80 to 74% was found. When the moisture content
dropped below 57%, the growth of the mycelium and polysaccharide production
stopped, but it revived when wet air was applied in further process. Final concen-
tration of the intracellular was 4.5 mg/g and extracellular polysaccharides 1.05 mg/g
at biomass concentration of 0.68 mg/g solid substrate. Produced biomass could also
be used as a solid inoculum for further cultivation of G. lucidum [39].
As the great demand for G. frondosa fruit bodies and/or mycelium biomass is in
constant increase, cultivation of fruit bodies in bags and biotechnological production
of biomass in bioreactors, especially for the production of polysaccharides with
medicinal properties, have become the fastest and most efficient ways to respond to
the increasing demands. However, several authors report that the quality and quan-
tity of physiologically active substances vary from strain to strain and also depend on
location, culture conditions, extraction, and processing procedures [37, 40].
Cheap substrates composed of secondary raw materials, such as agricultural,
food, and wood industry residues with little pretreatment or enrichment with mineral
salts (MgSO47H2O, K2HPO4, and MnSO45H2O), can be used for G. frondosa
cultivation. For example, Xing et al. [40] used the substrate consisting of (dry weight
basis) 75% of oak sawdust (25% humidity), 23% of corn bran (15% humidity), 1%
sucrose (2% humidity), and 1% of calcium carbonate. The moisture content was then
adjusted to 62%. Montoya-Barreto et al. [36, 37] assayed two different substrate
formulations. The first one consisted of (dry weight basis) 75% oak sawdust (25%
humidity), 23% corn bran (15% humidity), 1% sucrose (2% humidity), and 1%
calcium carbonate. In the second formulation, 75% oak sawdust was replaced by
50% oak sawdust and 25% coffee spent ground (70% humidity). The humidity was
calculated in relation to the components dry weight. It was found that the use of corn
Cultivation of Medicinal Mushroom Biomass by Solid-State Bioprocessing. . . 19
grains as substrate for spawn production results an important factor for reducing crop
cycle time. A cold shock to 10 C was requisite for basidiome formation. Coffee
spent ground was a good substrate for mycelial growth, but not for mushroom
production. When using oak sawdust plus corn bran as substrate, consistent yields
with combined high biological efficiency (BE) (35.3%) were obtained in crop cycle
of 12–14 weeks.
Cultivation of G. frondosa mycelium by solid-state cultivation in a bioreactor is
still rare. Examples of cultivation parameters are given in Table 2.
To cultivate Trametes versicolor, Knežević et al. [42] were using wheat straw and
oak sawdust as carbon sources and 10 ml of modified synthetic medium without
glucose, with NH4NO3 and pH 6.5, while Stoilova et al. [43] were using wheat bran
and oat straw carbon sources. The SSC was carried out using a medium consisted of
4.0 g wheat bran, 2.5 g oat straw, and 2.5 g beetroot press in 300 ml flasks. The moist
20 M. Berovic
of the substrate was adjusted to 60% by mineral salt solution containing 0.14%
(NH4)2SO4; 0.2% KH2PO4; 0.03% MgSO47H2O, 0.03% CaCl2, FeSO47H2O,
ZnSO47H2O, and MnSO47H2O; and 0.002% CoCl2 at pH 4.5.
In T. versicolor solid-state cultivation, the modified wheat straw was used by
Dinis et al. [44], while de Souza et al. [45] demonstrated that it was possible to
produce high laccase levels using the wheat bran as a substrate without any supple-
mentation in the fluidized bed reactor [44, 45].
Rakuš et al. [46] cultivated T. versicolor mycelia in solid-state cultivation on a
corn straw in 15 l horizontal stirred tank bioreactor. The moisture content of the
substrate before inoculation was 2.33 (w/w dry biomass). The inoculum consisted of
twenty-five 1 cm2 cuts mixed in a sterile grinder together with 700 ml of sterilized
distilled water. Both inoculation and cultivation were carried out at 24 C and the
airflow of 5 l/min. Periodical mixing of 80 rpm, per 2 min (in the first 7 days every
second day, and 2 min every day in the last part of cultivation) was used. 5.95 g/l
intracellular polysaccharides were isolated.
For the cultivation of Cordyceps militaris, substrates from rye seeds and spent
brewery grains were mixed in different proportions (9:1, 8:2, 7:3, 6:4, 5:5, 4:6).
Water was added to the mixture to achieve 65% moisture content and 100 g of
substrate weight. Spent brewery grains represent a readily available, low-price
substrate for cordycepin solid-state production. So far the highest reported concen-
trations (10.42 mg/g) obtained on solid-state substrates were reported [51].
7 Conclusions
pharmaceutical legislation and regulations, this might be one of the main obstacles
hindering the introduction of G. frondosa products as registered pharmaceuticals. In
any case, further research is needed to fully understand all mechanisms of pharma-
ceutical effects and to identify potential side effects of G. frondosa medicinal
preparations [52].
Convincing reports on in vitro and in vivo pharmacological activity of extracts,
partly purified preparations and isolated compounds from SSC medicinal mushroom
biomass as terpenoids and polysaccharide krestin (PSK) and polysaccharide-peptide
(PSP) of Trametes versicolor [43, 46] also with immunomodulation, antibody
production activities. In vitro and in vivo studies PSK and PSP shown as pure
substances and also as PS mixture shown of both highly affecting immune cell
proliferation and highly express antitumor activities [46, 53–58].
Among the compounds isolated from H. erinaceus fruit bodies and cultured
mycelia are polysaccharides and diterpenoids where the most interesting are the
low-molecular-weight compounds belonging to a group of cyathin diterpenoids
(erinacines A–K, P, and Q) [59–61]. Several of them, i.e., erinacines A–H, are
known to have a potent stimulating effect on nerve growth factor (NGF) synthesis
in vitro [59–65].
Great potential of pharmaceutical active compounds and Cordyceps militaris extract
contains many biological bioactive materials, such as the terpenoids cordycepin and
cordycepic acid, polysaccharides, sterols, and other compounds [66]. Cordyceps
militaris main active component is terpenoid cordycepin that inhibit the development
of cancer cells including antitumor, anti-metastatic, insecticidal, antiproliferative,
antibacterial, antileukemia, and antimalarial activities. The second main active com-
ponents are polysaccharides, which research have shown to be effective in regulating
blood sugar and also have anti-metastatic and antitumor properties [66–68].
Although solid-state cultivation of fungal biomass in bioreactors does not pro-
duce fungal fruit bodies, its products also represent great potential of delignified and
in proteins enriched biomass with various highly valuable pharmaceutically active
compounds that could be extracted and isolated or simply pulverized and applied in
veterinary use. In this respect, modern biotechnological cultivation methods in
bioreactors enable fast, efficient, and economical production of medicinal fungi
biomass in sufficient quantities that could be applied in pharmaceutical large-scale
industrial production.
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Cultivation of Medicinal Mushroom Biomass by Solid-State Bioprocessing. . . 25
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2 Choice of Bioreactor Type and Design Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.1 Available Bioreactor Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.2 Choice of a Packed-Bed Bioreactor with Intermittent Agitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.3 Bioreactor Designs that Were Considered but Discarded . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.4 Aspects of the Final Design of the Bioreactor that Was Built . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.5 Design of the Air Preparation System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
2.6 Monitoring Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
2.7 Sampling from the Bed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
D. A. Mitchell (*)
Departamento de Bioquímica e Biologia Molecular, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba,
Paraná, Brazil
e-mail: [email protected]
L. O. Pitol and A. T. J. Finkler
Departamento de Engenharia Química, Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Maringá, Paraná,
A. Biz
Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, Toronto, ON, Canada
L. F. de Lima Luz Jr.
Departamento de Engenharia Química, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil
N. Krieger
Departamento de Química, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil
28 D. A. Mitchell et al.
Graphical Abstract
saturated air
1 Introduction
This review describes our experiences with building and operating a pilot-scale
packed-bed bioreactor for solid-state fermentation (SSF). It describes why we
chose this particular bioreactor design and our most recent results. Our aim is to
provide some insight into the thinking behind the design and operation of the
bioreactor and some of the key challenges that we faced; this type of information
is often not given in scientific papers. We hope that this description of our experi-
ences will be useful to other researchers intending to scale up their laboratory-scale
SSF bioreactors to pilot scale.
When we decided to build a bioreactor with a capacity for several kilograms of solid
substrate, the first decision was which type of bioreactor to build. Bioreactor types
for SSF can be classified into four groups based on how the bed is agitated and how
the bed is aerated [1]:
1. Tray-type bioreactors – the bed remains static or is mixed infrequently (e.g., once
or twice per day) while air is circulated around the bed, not being forced to flow
through it.
2. Packed-bed bioreactors – the bed remains static or is mixed infrequently (e.g.,
once or twice per day), with air being blown forcefully into the bed, having to
flow through the bed in order to leave it.
3. Rotating- or stirred-drum bioreactors – the bed is agitated continuously or
frequently in a horizontal drum, with air being circulated through the headspace
above the bed, not being forced to flow through the bed itself.
4. Forcefully aerated agitated bioreactors – the bed is agitated continuously or
frequently, with air being blown forcefully into the bed, having to flow through
the bed in order to leave it.
agitated bioreactor. The choice between these two bioreactor types was based on
considerations as to the frequency with which the bed should be mixed.
Two thoughts guided our decision to provide for intermittent agitation. Since
most of our work involved the cultivation of filamentous fungi, we wanted to leave
the bed static most of the time. Although some filamentous fungi can tolerate
continuous agitation, agitation significantly affects the growth morphology, with
aerial hyphae being squashed into a moist biofilm at the particle surface. A static
bed allows aerial hyphae to grow into the inter-particle spaces, where they are
surrounded by an air phase [2]. However, we were also aware that it might be
necessary to mix the bed several times during the fermentation. Mixing might be
necessary to enable the addition of water to the bed or to prevent the formation of
agglomerates and the related phenomenon of channeling.
Addition of water is often necessary because the forced aeration in a packed bed
tends to dry the bed out, even if saturated air is supplied at the air inlet. This occurs
because the air removes metabolic heat from the solid particles as it passes through
the bed: the resulting increase in the air temperature increases its water holding
capacity, creating a driving force for evaporation [3]. This evaporation can cause the
water activity of the solids in the bed to fall to values that cause a significant decrease
in the rate of growth and product formation, meaning that it becomes necessary to
replenish the water. It is not feasible to add water uniformly to a static bed; rather, the
water should be sprayed as a fine mist onto the surface of the bed as it is agitated.
Channeling occurs if cracks appear in the bed or the bed pulls away from the
walls, allowing the air to flow preferentially though the gaps, rather than through the
bed itself. The appearance of cracks or gaps is common in SSF processes with
filamentous fungi, resulting not only from a decrease in particle size as the bed dries
and as the solid particle shrinks as it is consumed by the fungus but also from the fact
that the fungus tends to bind the particles together into agglomerates, promoting
shrinking of the bed as a whole [3]. When channeling occurs, it is necessary to
agitate the bed, with the intention of breaking agglomerates and allowing the bed to
be “reseated,” with a layer of substrate particles of uniform height across the whole
bed. It should be noted that agitation is not always effective at breaking agglomer-
ates, such that it can be appropriate to undertake “preemptive” mixing events, with
the intention of preventing channeling from occurring in the first place [4].
We considered several designs before settling on the packed-bed design. Two key
designs that were carefully considered, but later discarded, were a horizontal stirred
drum with a perforated bottom and a horizontal cylinder with air provided through
perforated walls and removed through a perforated pipe at the central axis (Fig. 1).
Design and Operation of a Pilot-Scale Packed-Bed Bioreactor for SSF 31
air in
air in
Fig. 1 Bioreactor designs that were considered but were discarded. (a) A horizontal stirred drum
with a perforated bottom. In the diagram on the right, the air chamber has been removed in order to
make the perforated bottom of the cylinder visible. (b) A horizontal cylinder with air provided
through a perforated outer wall and removed through a perforated pipe at the central axis. In both
cases, substrate bed is indicated in gray. Part (a) is reprinted from Mitchell et al. [3] with the kind
permission of Springer
The horizontal stirred drum with a perforated bottom was discarded because the
bed is not of a uniform height, due to the circular cross section of the drum (Fig. 1a).
During static periods of operation, the air would tend to flow preferentially through
the shallower parts of the bed; there would be little or no flow through the deeper
parts of the bed. In such a bioreactor, the whole bed would only be aerated
effectively if the bed were mixed continuously.
The horizontal cylinder with perforated walls and a perforated pipe at the central
axis had the potential to ensure uniform airflow through the bed (Fig. 1b) but was
discarded due to potential complications in design and operation. The first compli-
cation is that, in order to avoid preferential flow through some parts of the bed, such a
bioreactor would need to be always full, to ensure that the flow paths through the
bed, from the wall to the center, were of equal length. We considered that it might be
possible to divide the “air jacket” between the outer wall and the substrate bed into
compartments. It would then be possible to close off some compartments if the
bioreactor were used when only partially full, ensuring that air were only introduced
into the bed itself. However, it soon became clear that the engineering would be
32 D. A. Mitchell et al.
unnecessarily complex. The second complication is that, with the cylinder being
operated completely full of substrate, it would be difficult to mix the bed if it were
necessary to add water or to reseat the bed after the appearance of cracks or gaps.
Having decided on a traditional packed bed, with the solid bed resting on a
perforated base plate, the next decision was whether or not to have internal heat
transfer plates, such as those used in the Zymotis bioreactor [5]. Simulations with a
mathematical model of this type of bioreactor had shown that, for the heat transfer
plates to be effective in removing the metabolic heat generated by a fast-growing
fungus, it would be necessary for the plates to be about 6 cm apart [6, 7]. Such a close
spacing would make it difficult to mix the bed if it were necessary to add water or to
reseat the bed after the appearance of cracks or gaps.
The final design (Fig. 2) was a traditional packed bed, constructed in stainless steel
(AISI 306). The bed height can be varied as desired, up to a maximum of 50 cm, by
loading more or less substrate into the bed chamber. Since this bed chamber is
rectangular, the bed height is uniform, even if the bioreactor is not used at its full
capacity of 210 L (corresponding to a base of 70 cm by 60 cm and a bed height of
50 cm, Fig. 2b).
The question then arose as to how the intermittent agitation of the bed should be
done. Two potential designs were considered but discarded. First, a rotating agitator
could be inserted into the bed. Such a design has been used in the bioreactors of
INRA Dijon, with the use of traveling screw augers (which mix by lifting the
substrate and allowing it to fall) (Fig. 3a) or a non-traveling planetary-type mixer
(Fig. 3b) [8]. Second, either rotating agitators or static blades could remain in the
same position, with the whole bed being rotated, such as done by the group of PUC
in Chile (Fig. 3c) [9]. However, for these designs involving mechanical agitators in
the bed, it would be desirable to remove the agitator from the bed after the agitation
events, in order to avoid preferential air paths next to the stopped agitator during
static operation. This would have required careful mechanical design and signifi-
cantly increased the cost of our bioreactor. In our final design, the bed was mixed by
rotating the whole bioreactor around its central axis, enabling mixing without the
insertion of moving mechanical parts within the bioreactor itself. The bioreactor
rotation was achieved with an electric motor placed outside of the bioreactor. The
V-shaped wedge protruding into the headspace (Fig. 2a) was intended to help break
up any agglomerates of substrate particles during the rotation. It should be noted that
the bed height is not necessarily uniform after an agitation event, but it is an easy
matter to open the lid at the top of the bioreactor and then flatten the top of the bed
Design and Operation of a Pilot-Scale Packed-Bed Bioreactor for SSF 33
(a) (b)
60 cm
intermittently rotated
out rectangular
chamber 50 cm
for the bed
70 cm
wire mesh
air perforated
in base plate
(holes are 1 cm in diameter)
(c) (d)
lid open
h= 45
h= 33
height (cm)
h= 18
0 5 35 43 56 70
position (cm)
Fig. 2 Details of the pilot bioreactor. (a) Perspective of the bioreactor, with the lid closed. The
circular front face has been removed so that the bed chamber is visible (in darker gray). The bed is
agitated by rotating the whole bioreactor around its central axis. (b) Exploded view of the substrate
bed chamber. The wire mesh prevents small particles from falling through the 1 cm diameter holes
in the base plate. (c) Perspective of the bioreactor, as in (a) but with the lid open, allowing not only
loading and unloading of the bioreactor but also the removal of samples from the top of the bed
during the fermentation. (d) Positions of the thermocouple sleeves in the bed chamber. In this
diagram, the front face of the bed chamber is the same face that is visible at the left in (c) (i.e., the
bed chamber has been rotated slightly counterclockwise). Each sleeve contains four thermocouples
at different horizontal positions. Part (a) is adapted from Mitchell et al. [3] with the kind permission
of Springer
34 D. A. Mitchell et al.
flexible water air
hoses and power out
nozzle headspace
screw mixer
auger bed
for water
stationary blades
basket with
seal perforated bottom
air in
air box
Fig. 3 Potential ways of providing intermittent mixing in a packed-bed bioreactor that were
considered but discarded. (a) A system of traveling screw augers [8]. (b) A planetary mixer
[8]. (c) A bed that moves past mixers that remain in place [9]. Parts (a), (b), and (c) are adapted
from Mitchell et al. [3] with the kind permission of Springer
Design and Operation of a Pilot-Scale Packed-Bed Bioreactor for SSF 35
Cost considerations also affected the design of the aeration system. We consid-
ered passing the inlet air pipe through the central axis of the bioreactor. This would
have allowed for the possibility of aeration during mixing, such that the bioreactor
could operate somewhere between a rotating drum (the third bioreactor group listed
in Sect. 2.1) and a forcefully aerated agitated bioreactor (the fourth bioreactor group
listed in Sect. 2.1). However, introducing air through the central axis would have
significantly increased costs.
Given the importance of the forced aeration in removing the metabolic heat from the
bed in a packed-bed bioreactor, the temperature, humidity, and flow rate at which the
air will be supplied are key considerations [3, 10]. Our air preparation system is
shown in Fig. 4.
The airflow rate is not difficult to control: if the compressor or blower is designed
to supply a high flow rate, then a butterfly valve can be used to regulate the flow.
Although such a valve could be controlled automatically, for example, in response to
temperatures measured in the bed, we manipulated our butterfly valve manually.
We used a blower that was already available to us. It was capable of giving
volumetric airflows of the order of 150 m3 h1. Based on our bioreactor design, this
saturated air
to bioreactor
Butterfly Electronic
containing a bed
valve flowmeter
of Raschig rings
Fig. 4 Air preparation system for the pilot bioreactor. The humidification column can be fed from
either the cool reservoir or the warm reservoir. When one reservoir is being used, the pump of the
other reservoir is turned off, and the return valve of the other reservoir is closed. The temperatures of
the water in the reservoirs are maintained using heating coils controlled by thermostats
36 D. A. Mitchell et al.
would give a nominal superficial velocity (volumetric flow rate divided by the total
cross-sectional area of the bed) of:
m3 106 cm3 1h
150 =ð60 cm 70 cmÞ 10 cm s1
h 1 m3 3;600 s
The air was passed through a HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filter;
however, no attempt was made to maintain the air line after the filter sterile, such
that the main role of the HEPA filter was to remove dust from the inlet air.
Theoretically, it would be possible to supply air of any desired combination of
temperature and humidity. This could be done by using electrical resistances to heat
the air and injecting steam into it or, alternatively, by mixing dry and saturated air at
the desired temperature [3]. However, these strategies are not simple to implement,
with both requiring equipment for measurement and control.
In the end, we decided to use a much simpler design for the air preparation
system, namely, a system with a humidification column, with this column being
supplied from one of two water reservoirs (Fig. 4), each of which has a volume of
1,200 L. One reservoir, the “warm reservoir,” was maintained at the optimal
temperature for growth, and the other reservoir, the “cool reservoir,” was maintained
at a temperature several degrees lower. The humidification column contained a
dispersion nozzle that showered water over a 70-cm-high bed of Raschig rings.
The water was then returned to the reservoir from which it came. The bed of Raschig
rings was oversized: it was designed by using a heat and mass balance model that
suggested that saturation of the air would be achieved with a 35-cm-high bed.
The idea was that, at the beginning of the fermentation, it would be necessary to
warm the bed to the optimal temperature for growth but that, once growth had
started, it would be necessary to pass cooler air through the bed, approximately 5 C
below the optimal temperature for growth, following the strategy suggested by
Mitchell et al. [3]. Since the optimal temperatures for growth of the fungi that we
were using (strains of Aspergillus and Rhizopus) were over 30 C and the room
temperature typically did not exceed 25 C, it was not necessary to refrigerate the
cool reservoir. In fact, during winter, it was typically necessary to heat the cool
reservoir to around 25 C.
The disadvantage of our air preparation system is that we are limited to using
saturated air at one of two temperatures and, therefore, we cannot promote evapo-
ration by using partially saturated air. However, we considered that it is not partic-
ularly desirable to use unsaturated air in a packed-bed bioreactor, especially if the
aim is to minimize the number of agitation events. Supplying unsaturated air to a
packed-bed reactor can lead to the bed drying out significantly.
Thermocouples are placed at the air inlet and air outlet. Originally, combined
temperature and relative humidity sensors were placed at these positions; however,
they were not able to cope with the saturated air and lost their function. Four
Design and Operation of a Pilot-Scale Packed-Bed Bioreactor for SSF 37
thermocouple sleeves cross the bed horizontally, at different vertical and horizontal
positions (Fig. 2d). Each sleeve contains four thermocouples. A piezoelectric dif-
ferential pressure sensor is connected at the air inlet and air outlet. The readings of
these sensors are logged every 18 s by LabVIEW. In some fermentations, we
measured the O2 and CO2 concentrations in the outlet air, using an equipment that
combines an electrochemical O2 sensor with an infrared CO2 sensor, with these
readings also being logged by LabVIEW.
There is also an electronic flowmeter in the inlet air line. It measures the pressure
drop across an orifice plate, but the reading is not logged by LabVIEW.
Although data is logged on the computer, due to cost considerations, the biore-
actor does not have any computer-controlled systems. The temperatures in the water
reservoirs for the humidification column are controlled automatically by thermostats
that control electrical resistances. Each reservoir works at a fixed setpoint; the
setpoint temperatures of the reservoirs are not manipulated during the process.
The control of other aspects of bioreactor operation is operator-dependent. Although
it would be possible to use an automated system to measure bed temperatures and
control the pumps feeding the humidification column and the valves in the pipes
returning the water from the humidification column to the reservoirs, in our case, this
switching is done manually by the operator (Fig. 4). Likewise, if it is decided that it is
necessary to rotate the bioreactor to mix the bed, the operator must disconnect the
inlet and outlet air hoses and the cables attached to the thermocouples and then turn
on the electric motor manually.
A perforated tube was placed in the headspace of the bioreactor, with the intention
of allowing water to be sprayed onto the bioreactor surface when the bioreactor was
in the upright position during a mixing event. The idea was that the water would be
added in several aliquots, with rotation of the bioreactor between additions. How-
ever, this tube did not give a sufficiently uniform water distribution. Water addition
was therefore done by opening the lid of the bioreactor and using a spray bottle to
mist water onto the top of the bed. Once again, the water was added in several
aliquots, with rotation of the bioreactor between additions.
i ii
iii iv
substrate bed
exploded view
Fig. 5 Sampling from the bed of the pilot bioreactor. (a) Attempts to remove a core from the bed
during the fermentation. Key: (i) Use of a screw auger to remove a core from the bed; (ii) vertical
hole in the bed after removal of the core; (iii) vertical hole packed with uninoculated substrate;
(iv) by the next sampling time, the uninoculated substrate had been blown out of the hole by the
forced aeration. (b) Mapping of the bed at the end of the fermentation. Three horizontal planes were
sampled, at the top, middle, and bottom of the bed. Five samples were removed from each plane, at
the locations marked
the hole was on top of the bed, and the hole was fully open, with the air flowing
preferentially through this hole, rather than through the bed. After this, we decided
not to try to remove samples from within the bed during unmixed fermentations. In
unmixed fermentations, we limited ourselves to removing samples from the top of
the bed. Of course, in a fermentation with intermittent agitation, it is possible to
remove samples from within the bed without disturbing the bed, if this is done
immediately prior to the mixing event.
At the end of the fermentation, it is possible to sample the bed destructively in
order to “map” gradients of moisture content and product levels (e.g., enzyme
activities) in three dimensions. Layers of substrate can be carefully removed, with
samples being removed from as many horizontal and vertical positions as is desired
(Fig. 5b).
Design and Operation of a Pilot-Scale Packed-Bed Bioreactor for SSF 39
7.3 kg of sugarcane bagasse, 7.7 kg of citrus pulp, and about 50 kg of water, again in
a 40-cm-high bed [15]. For the production of lipases by Rhizopus microsporus, we
used 7.5 kg of wheat bran and 7.5 kg of sugarcane bagasse (dry mass) and 25 kg of
water, which, once again, gave an initial bed height of 40 cm [16]. Obtaining and
processing such masses of substrate raise challenges that are usually not faced when
performing laboratory-scale SSF processes, which typically require the preparation
less than 2 kg of substrate.
Often, one would like to run several fermentations with the same lot of substrate,
in an attempt to avoid variation in bioreactor performance due to lot-to-lot variations
of substrate properties. In order to do this for fermentations in a pilot bioreactor, it
might be necessary to obtain a hundred or even several hundred kilograms of
substrate. Even if the substrate is a residue and available free of charge, this is still
problematic. A company will typically supply the residue free of charge at the
location where it is generated and in the particular physicochemical state in which
it is generated. It is then necessary to transport the substrate to the laboratory,
incurring transportation costs. The substrate may be moist or wet when generated
and, therefore, prone to natural fermentations that consume nutrients and generate
inhibitory metabolites. It is, therefore, essential to obtain the residue as soon as
possible after it has been generated, transport it immediately, and dry it without
delay. For many research laboratories, suitable equipment for drying hundreds of
kilograms of moist solids may not be easily available.
It may be necessary to process the substrate, for example, by chopping or
grinding. For laboratory-scale fermentations, it is common to sieve the substrate
by hand to ensure a uniform particle size (or range of particle sizes). To sieve many
kilograms of substrate for a pilot fermentation, a vibratory sieve with sufficient
capacity would be necessary. However, even if such equipment is available, one
needs to consider carefully whether sieving is appropriate; if the substrate is sieved, a
significant part of it may be wasted. The necessity of any other operations should
also be carefully considered. For example, when we use sugarcane bagasse as a bed
porosity modifier at laboratory scale, we normally wash the bagasse to remove
residual sugars, with the intention of preventing these sugars from causing catabolic
repression of enzyme production. However, this generates a large amount of residual
wash water. The necessity of washing must be evaluated. In other words, the gain in
fermentation performance due to removal of the residual sugars needs to be balanced
against the costs of treating the wash water.
Also, at laboratory scale, it is common to add nutrients to the solid substrate. For
some substrates, it is necessary to add a nitrogen source. Various inorganic salts may
also be added because they lead to better growth and product formation. However, the
real necessity for such additives needs to be evaluated. Pitol et al. [16] did this for
lipase production by R. microsporus in SSF. At laboratory scale, we had been using
washed sugarcane bagasse, impregnated with a medium containing soybean oil, urea,
lactose, K2HPO4, MgSO47H2O, and oligoelements (ethylenediaminetetraacetic
acid, MnCl24H2O, CoSO47H2O, CaCl22H2O, CuCl22H2O, and ZnSO47H2O)
[17]. Before undertaking pilot-scale studies, we investigated the possibility of using
a simpler medium. A medium composed of sugarcane bagasse, wheat bran, and urea
Design and Operation of a Pilot-Scale Packed-Bed Bioreactor for SSF 41
gave a price, per kg, that was a third of that of the medium that we had been using.
Lipase production was not adversely affected. Pitol et al. [16] also reduced the costs
of preparing the sugarcane bagasse, by eliminating the steps of washing, drying, and
sieving of the sugarcane bagasse that we had been using previously [17].
Of course, the substrate needs to be autoclaved before the process, and the
bioreactor also needs to be sterilized. Since our bioreactor was not designed as a
pressure vessel, the substrate is autoclaved in a 300 L autoclave. Between fermen-
tations, the bioreactor is cleaned by washing with neutral detergent. This is rinsed
off, and then the bioreactor surfaces are sprayed with a food-grade sanitizing product
containing peracetic acid and hydrogen peroxide. This is left for 30 min and then
rinsed off.
stainless-steel trays (each with a base of 19 cm 26 cm and a height of 3.5 cm), each
containing 183 g (dry mass) of a mixture of 86% parboiled rice and 14% rice husk.
The wetting solution, prepared by boiling diced potatoes (300 g per liter of water),
was added to give a low initial water content of 37.5% (w/w, wet basis), which
favors sporulation of this fungus. After autoclaving, a spore suspension was added
(1.7 107 spores per gram of dry solid substrate), and the inoculated substrate was
placed in the trays, with a 30 mm bed depth. After 7 days of incubation at 30 C, a
spore suspension was obtained by adding 5 mL of sterile Tween 80 solution (0.01%
w/v) per gram of dry substrate. The spore suspension was filtered through sterile
gauze to remove residual substrate.
Spreading the inoculum uniformly is essential to ensure that all particles are
inoculated, avoiding extra lag time due to the need for the fungus to colonize
uninoculated particles. However, adding the inoculum uniformly to a large mass
of solids can be challenging. One needs to be careful with the addition of wet
inoculum. If the liquid is added to the top of a mass of substrate and is given time
to absorb into the substrate before the bed is mixed, then the transfer of spores from
these top particles to the other particles during mixing may not be particularly
effective. Ideally, the inoculum should be applied as a fine spray onto the substrate
as it is being mixed. Potentially, this could be done within the bioreactor itself. In our
pilot bioreactor, one possibility would be to add the inoculum in various aliquots.
There would be repeated cycles in which a small volume would be sprayed onto the
top of the bed (either through a well-designed nozzle or manually with a spray bottle)
and then the bed would be mixed thoroughly. The addition of the inoculum could
also be done in a dedicated mixing vessel. In this case, the mixer would turn the
substrate bed continuously, with the addition of the inoculum as a continuous spray.
In our case, we added the inoculum manually. The substrate was autoclaved in
several bags, each containing a few kilograms of substrate. Appropriate aliquots of
the spore suspension were added directly to each bag, and then the contents were
immediately mixed, thoroughly, within the bag. The contents were then added to the
bioreactor. Once the bioreactor was fully loaded, it was rotated for several minutes to
mix the contents thoroughly. A manual procedure like this is feasible at pilot scale
but would soon become impractical as the scale is increased further, making it
essential to develop an automated system.
This section describes our studies of the production of pectinases and lipases in the
pilot bioreactor. The focus is not on comparing our results with other reports of the
production of pectinases and lipases in SSF (for this, the reader should refer to
the original articles). Rather, we focus on operational issues, such as the formation of
gradients of temperature and moisture content within the bed, and how this is
affected by agitating the bed and by using an inert material, such as sugarcane
bagasse, to ensure a high porosity.
Design and Operation of a Pilot-Scale Packed-Bed Bioreactor for SSF 43
In this section, various different pectinase activities and lipase activities are given.
The definition of the units (U) of activity can be found in the original papers. These
definitions are not of key importance in the current context, but it is important to note
that the activity units can only be used to compare the different fermentations
undertaken by our group. Since other authors have used many different conditions
for their activity assays, especially in the area of pectinases, it is not possible to
compare our activity units with activity units given in the literature [18].
high a bed height as possible: for a given mass of substrate, a higher bed height
would give a smaller bioreactor footprint. However, with the increased bed height,
compaction problems returned. At 16 h, the bed shrank away from the bioreactor
wall, and temperatures as high as 43 C were measured in the upper regions of the
bed. With this high temperature, the pectinase activity of samples removed from the
top of the bed decreased, from a value of 23 U g1 at 14 h to 13 U g1 at 20 h. When
the bed was mapped at 26 h, the pectinase activities varied significantly: from 16 to
28 U g1 at the bottom of the bed, from 11 to 19 U g1 in the middle of the bed, and
from 13 to 20 U g1 at the top of the bed [14].
In a following study, we maintained the same substrate, microorganism, and
fermentation conditions but investigated whether agitation of the bed could prevent
the bed from pulling away from walls, thereby promoting uniformity of pectinase
levels [11].
Four mixing regimes were compared: (1) a completely static bed, (2) one mixing
event (at 10 h), (3) three mixing events (at 8, 10, and 12 h), and (4) five mixing
events (at 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16 h). Agitation of the bed enabled the bed temperature
to be controlled well: over a period of at least 3 h after a mixing event, the bed
temperature did not exceed 35 C [11], whereas in the absence of mixing, bed
temperatures over 40 C had been measured [14]. However, if the bed was left static
for longer periods (about 8 h) after an agitation event, evidence of the formation of
preferential flow paths appeared (i.e., bed temperatures that were higher than the
headspace temperature). Mixing promoted uniformity of temperatures across the
bed: in the mixed fermentations, the thermocouples within the same horizontal
sleeves gave readings that typically varied less than 2 or 3 C from one another.
On the other hand, after 15 h of fermentation in a static bed, thermocouples within
the same horizontal sleeve sometimes gave readings that were 5–17 C different [11].
As a result of the poor temperature control in the static fermentations, the
pectinase activities of samples removed from the top of the bed varied by up to
10 U g1 toward the end of the fermentation (from 13 to 23 U g1 after 14 h). On the
contrary, the pectinase activities of samples removed from the top of the bed for
fermentations with three or more mixing events were very close to each other up to
16 h. After 16 h, they varied more but still by less than 5 U g1 for samples removed
at the same fermentation time [11].
When the bed was mapped at the end of the 26-h fermentation, the fermentation
with five mixing events had the most uniform distribution of pectinase activities,
with the average pectinase activities at the bottom, middle, and top of the bed all
falling in the range of 22–23 U g1. This fermentation also gave the best uniformity
within horizontal planes, with sample standard errors (calculated for the five samples
collected at the same bed height) being below 2 U g1. However, the use of five
mixing events was slightly deleterious. The highest overall pectinase production at
26 h was obtained in the fermentation with three mixing events, although the
activities were less uniform within the bed. In this case, the average pectinase
activities ranged from 29 U g1 at the bottom of the bed to 22 U g1 at the top of
the bed, and the sample standard errors calculated for five samples removed from the
same horizontal plane ranged from 2 to 4 U g1 [11].
Design and Operation of a Pilot-Scale Packed-Bed Bioreactor for SSF 45
An important conclusion from the study of the effect of mixing is that, if the bed is
heterogenous, then removing samples only from the top of the bed (in order not to
disturb the bed structure) can lead to erroneous decisions about the best agitation
strategy and the best harvesting time. Based on samples removed from the top of the
bed, it would appear that the static fermentation might be best, since an activity of
23 U g1 was obtained at 14 h. However, due to the relatively poor uniformity within
the static bed, there is no guarantee that this value applies to the whole bed. In fact,
based on mapping of the whole bed at 20 h, the fermentation with three mixing
events had an average pectinase activity of 22 U g1, which was significantly higher
than the average pectinase activity of 18 U g1 for the static fermentation [11].
We also did fermentations with high contents of sugarcane bagasse: the production
of pectinases by A. oryzae [15] and the production of lipases by R. microsporus
[16]. In both cases, the initial bed height was 40 cm. In the case of the production of
pectinases by A. oryzae, we used 7.3 kg of sugarcane bagasse and 7.7 kg of citrus
pulp (dry masses), with about 50 kg of water [15]. For the production of lipases by
R. microsporus, we used 7.5 kg of wheat bran and 7.5 kg of sugarcane bagasse (dry
masses), with about 28 kg of water [16].
With the high content of sugarcane bagasse in these two systems, we managed to
avoid the problems that Pitol et al. [14] encountered, namely, the formation of
compact agglomerates of substrate and bed shrinkage. As a consequence, we
avoided the formation of preferential flow paths and overheating of the bed. In
both cases, the temperatures throughout the substrate bed remained very close to the
inlet air temperature [15, 16]. It was, therefore, not necessary to use the cooler
reservoir to provide cool air to the bed, a strategy that Pitol et al. [14] had tried during
a static fermentation, unsuccessfully. The good temperature control of the bed had an
added benefit: saturated air was supplied to the bed and, in the absence of axial
temperature gradients, the water carrying capacity of the air did not increase as it
flowed through the bed. Consequently, the moisture content of the bed remained
close to the initial water content throughout the fermentation. In various fermenta-
tions reported by Pitol et al. [14] and Finkler et al. [11], the moisture content
decreased by over 10 percentage points during the fermentation. Of course, the
advantage of using inert materials that do not shrink during the fermentation in
packed-bed bioreactors has been known for many years [19].
In the production of pectinases by A. oryzae, the sugarcane bagasse was added
simply as a bed porosity modifier; it was not impregnated with nutrients. This inert
material represented half of the mass of the substrate bed, and the bulk density of the
bed was only about 90 kg of dry substrate per m3 [15], a half of the value of 180 kg of
dry substrate per m3 for the wheat bran medium used by Pitol et al. [14]. Potentially,
46 D. A. Mitchell et al.
the use of a medium with a much lower bulk density would lead to a much lower
overall production of pectinases in the bioreactor. However, the pectinase activity
per gram of dry substrate obtained by Biz et al. [15], 37 U g1, was much higher than
the best value of 20 U g1 obtained by Pitol et al. [14]. As a result, Biz et al. [15]
obtained a total of 555 103 U in the bioreactor, which is more than 90% of the
value of 600 103 U obtained by Pitol et al. [14].
Studies within a pilot bioreactor are not an end in themselves. Rather, these studies
should provide a basis that guides the design and operation of a full-scale, commer-
cial bioreactor that contains hundreds of kilograms, or even several tonnes, of
Our pilot bioreactor allows for the use of substrate beds of heights up to 50 cm, a
bed height that has been used in some large-scale packed beds [20]. If the fermen-
tation in the pilot bioreactor is successful, then one possible scale-up strategy is to
maintain the same bed height and simply increase the width of the bioreactor. In this
case, phenomena that depend on the bed height, such as axial temperature gradients
and pressure drops across the bed, can be studied at pilot scale using the same bed
height that will be used at commercial scale.
If the same bed height is maintained, one possibility would be to use the same
design as we used and simply increase the length of the central axis of the cylinder.
In this case, a larger-scale bioreactor would be intermittently mixed using the same
tumbling action that we used for mixing in our pilot bioreactor. Of course, other
designs could be used, such as the circular beds used in the production of soy sauce
koji [20]. Such designs use mechanical agitators to mix the bed (Fig. 3).
However, it is also useful to consider using bed heights higher than 50 cm at
commercial scale, since for the same amount of substrate, a higher bed height will
give a smaller bioreactor footprint. The possibility of using higher bed heights than
those studied at pilot scale can be investigated using mathematical models of heat
and mass transfer. These models predict axial temperature and moisture gradients,
identifying the potential of high bed temperatures or low water activities occurring in
particular regions of the bed.
Various models have been proposed that can be used as tools for guiding the
scale-up of packed-bed bioreactors. The first models assumed that, as the air passes
through the bed, it remains in thermal and moisture equilibrium with the solids.
Effectively, this is equivalent to the assumption that, as the air heats up due to the
removal of metabolic heat from the solids, water evaporates from the solids to the air
to maintain the air saturated. When our research group first proposed scale-up
strategies for packed-bed SSF bioreactors, for both the traditional design and the
Zymotis design, we used models based on this assumption [6, 10]. However, Weber
Design and Operation of a Pilot-Scale Packed-Bed Bioreactor for SSF 47
et al. [21] showed that the air and solids are not necessarily in equilibrium in a
packed-bed bioreactor, especially during the periods of most rapid microbial growth:
in their studies, the relative humidity of the outlet air fell to values below 90%. When
we developed a model to be used as a tool in guiding the design and operation of our
forcefully aerated, intermittently agitated, pilot bioreactor, we recognized that the
solid phase and gas phase are not necessarily in equilibrium [22]. As such, we called
it a “two-phase model.”
Our “two-phase model” describes heat transfer only along the direction of the
airflow [22]. Casciatori et al. [23] extended the two-phase modeling approach by
including the radial coordinate. In other words, in addition to describing heat and
mass transfer by conduction, convection, and evaporation along the central axis of
the bioreactor (i.e., in the axial direction, parallel to the airflow), they also described
heat transfer by conduction from the central axis to the bioreactor wall (i.e., in the
radial direction, normal to the airflow). However, although it may be appropriate to
describe radial heat transfer in order to model the performance of a thin, water-
jacketed, laboratory-scale packed bed, when the aim is to use the model to guide the
scale-up of a traditional packed-bed bioreactor, there is no advantage in describing
heat transfer in the radial direction. At large-scale, traditional packed beds are
typically several meters wide, and conductive heat transfer radially to the bioreactor
wall influences only a few centimeters near the bioreactor wall, making a negligible
contribution to bed cooling. In fact, this consideration means that when one is using
a thin packed bed in studies aimed at guiding the design and operation of a traditional
large-scale packed-bed bioreactor, one should insulate the sides of the thin packed
bed rather than using a water jacket. On the other hand, describing heat transfer
normal to the airflow is useful in guiding the scale-up of Zymotis-type packed-bed
SSF bioreactors. A model of this type of bioreactor was developed by Mitchell and
von Meien [6] and used to show that the internal heat transfer plates need to be less
than 10 cm apart in order for the bed temperature to be well controlled [7]. This
model assumed thermal and moisture equilibrium between the air and solid phases.
Such a model could benefit from incorporating the two-phase approach.
The two-phase model of von Meien and Mitchell [22] was a useful tool for
investigating control strategies [24]. Two control strategies were investigated, PID
(proportional-integral-derivative) and DMC (dynamic matrix control). The aim was to
maintain the average bed temperature as close as possible to the optimal temperature for
growth. Two aeration strategies were compared: (1) maintaining the air essentially
saturated (relative humidity of 99%) while varying its temperature and (2) maintaining
the air at the optimal temperature for growth while varying its humidity. The former
strategy was predicted to give better control of the average bed temperature and,
therefore, a better predicted growth profile (representing the average biomass content
of the bed). DMC was predicted to give better growth than PID. A key conclusion of the
work was that the availability of the two-phase model allowed a relatively inexpensive
investigation of different control strategies for the pilot bioreactor. The costs in terms of
both material and time would be much greater if it were necessary to undertake this
work solely experimentally. Of course, it is essential to confirm that the most promising
control strategy identified in the simulation work does indeed lead to a high level of
48 D. A. Mitchell et al.
performance of the bioreactor, but this confirmation can be done with a relatively small
number of experiments.
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) can be used to model SSF processes in
bioreactors. It has been applied to describe the initial phase of heating of the
substrate bed during the lag phase in our pilot bioreactor [25] and the initial stages
of a fermentation itself [26]. Given the long simulation times, which can be of the
order of several weeks, CFD has most to offer in situations that cannot easily be
modeled with classical continuous differential equations. Continuous differential
equations (either ordinary or partial) can be used to model simple geometries, such as
cylinders, and smooth gradients in space (in axial or radial directions). CFD is useful
for complicated geometries, of the bioreactor itself, or of the air supply. It is also
useful when the bed contains obstacles and when the bed has irregular properties,
which might occur through nonuniform packing or the opening up of preferential
flow paths (in the form of cracks or gaps). Since CFD programs were not originally
designed for describing fermentations, it is necessary to use user-defined functions to
simulate many of the phenomena that occur during SSF, such as microbial growth
and particle shrinkage.
Mathematical models will only represent fermentations well if the correlations
and values used in them are correct, so it is important to characterize the properties of
the beds used in packed-bed bioreactors. The two-phase model of von Meien and
Mitchell [22] relies heavily on data obtained in studies of the drying of grains that are
different from the substrates that we have used for the production of pectinases and
lipases. Recently, hygroscopic properties have been published for substrates that we
used in our fermentations, including properties of orange pulp [27], sugarcane
bagasse, and wheat bran [28]. It is important to note that studies of the hygroscopic
properties of substrates used in SSF processes usually focus on characterizing the
original substrate, as prepared for a fermentation. However, the isotherms obtained
for the original substrate might not apply during the fermentation, since the biomass
can have hygroscopic properties that are significantly different from those of the
substrate [29]. Data have also been published for key structural properties of beds
packed with sugarcane bagasse, wheat bran, and orange pulp and peel and with
mixtures of these substrates [12]. These properties include the bulk packing density
and the bed porosity; they were characterized as functions of the bed moisture
content and the packing technique [12].
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
2 Enzyme Production Through Solid-State Fermentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
3 Important Extracellular Enzymes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
3.1 Selected Industrially Relevant Enzymes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
3.2 Lignocellulolytic Enzymes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
4 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
the desired target enzyme. Substrates with proven effectiveness include wheat bran
and straw, but unusual agricultural residues such as forage cactus pears and orange
peels have surprisingly positive effects on enzyme formation as well.
This review gives an overview of various technically relevant enzymes produced
by filamentous fungi and suitable substrates for the production of the enzymes
by SSF.
Graphical Abstract
1 Introduction
Nature fascinates us with its incredible diversity and wide array of possibilities.
A variety of organisms has arisen through millions of years of evolution, generating
metabolic pathways and resulting products which are highly interesting for industry.
This review focuses on extracellular enzymes, predominantly those formed by
bacteria and fungi and used in different industries where the breakdown of complex
macromolecules or the improvement of digestibility, solubility, or viscosity is
desired. In nature, these enzymes are mainly used for substrate degradation and
nutrient extraction. Organisms are able to form special enzyme cocktails for each
specific substrate.
In order to obtain these specialized enzymes, it is sometimes necessary to
simulate the natural habitat of the organisms. One possibility for the implementation
of preferred terrestrial systems in industry is solid-state fermentation (SSF).
The term solid-state fermentation applies to all forms of fermentation involving
solid particles in the absence of a free liquid phase. This means the organism is
grown on a bed of solid particles, with the space between the particles consisting of a
continuous gas phase and liquid being retained by the solid particles, which fulfil the
following three important functions: carrier material, nutrient source, and moisture
reservoir. In addition to classical solid-state fermentation, various mixed forms have
also become established, such as solid-substrate fermentation. Solid-substrate fer-
mentation is a form of liquid cultivation (submerged fermentation, SmF) used
predominantly for industrial purposes, with the addition of solid particles as complex
In addition to the cultivation method, various parameters have a significant
influence on enzyme formation. These include, among others, culture time, culture
temperature, inoculation level, humidity, initial pH, aeration, agitation (mixing
speed, mixing duration, and mixing rate), and particle size. However, the choice of
substrate remains an important factor, as different enzymes are specifically induced
by various complex solid substrates.
To provide an overview of the main enzymes produced by filamentous fungi,
along with their relevant substrates, this review evaluates the substrate-specific
formation properties of most studied extracellular enzymes. Various enzymes and
enzyme groups relevant for industry are compared and analyzed along with their
preferred substrate for fermentation, and results from our own work are presented.
of the studies were still carried out in static shake flasks (usually 250 mL) with
5–10 g of substrate filling [1–10], but investigations on a larger scale were also
conducted. In this case, the substrate bed either remained static (e.g., tray reactors)
[11–17] or was occasionally circulated (e.g., drum reactors) [18]. Also, oxygen
supply to the organisms used and heat dissipation were supported by partially
enhanced ventilation [19, 20].
The extracellularly formed enzymes were finally obtained as a crude solution
through enzyme extraction. To achieve this, the overgrown substrate was mixed with
water or buffer (e.g., phosphate buffer or acetate buffer) [2, 3, 6, 9, 21–24]. The
mixing was carried out on a laboratory scale by shaking or stirring, usually for
30 min to 2 h (time periods of 5 min to 4 h were also used), at 100–250 rpm [2, 9, 14,
15, 25–30]. Subsequently, the solid particles were separated by filtration or centri-
fugation. In some cases, additional centrifugation of the retentate was carried out
[5, 10, 31–33]. A crude enzyme solution was recovered which could be used for
further investigation or purification or used directly in the application. Additional
purification steps included precipitation with ammonium sulfate and chromato-
graphic purification steps [34, 35].
In recent years, a variety of different enzymes and their environmentally friendly
production by solid-state fermentation have been investigated. The relevant enzymes
can be roughly categorized into two major groups: (1) hydrolytic enzymes, such as
amylases, pectinases, and proteases, and (2) lignocellulolytic enzymes, such
as cellulases, xylanases, laccases, and various peroxidases. Other enzymes, such as
phytases or tannases, have also been investigated by some research groups [36–39].
The formation rate and amount varied depending on the substrate and organism
used. Preferred organisms were representatives of ascomycetes (e.g., Aspergillus sp.,
Trichoderma sp., Penicillium sp.) and bacteria (e.g., Bacillus sp.), as well as
basidiomycetes (e.g., Pleurotus sp., Trametes sp., Phanerochaete sp.) [1, 17, 21,
34, 40–46].
The substrates consisted mostly of residues from the agriculture, food, and
forestry industries, such as crop residues, wood chips, fruit and vegetable peels,
and other renewable raw materials. These substrates have high availability and are
inexpensive, meaning production costs and negative environmental effects (due to,
e.g., disposal) are reduced. In general, they can be divided into six categories:
(1) sugary, such as sorghum and sugarcane bagasse, for the production of cellulases
and xylanases [3, 4, 43]; (2) starchy, such as wheat bran, suitable for amylases
[2, 47]; (3) lignocellulosic, such as fruit peels, straw, and sawdust, suitable for
cellulases, xylanases, laccases, and peroxidases [5, 8, 46, 48]; (4) protein rich,
such as soya residues, suitable for proteases [29, 49, 50]; (5) oily, such as olive
pomace, for the production of lipases [19]; and (6) inert carriers, such as polyure-
thane foam [51, 52], used rarely or in combination with liquid fermentation.
In the following, some selected enzymes and their substrate-specific production
are discussed in more detail.
It Is the Mix that Matters: Substrate-Specific Enzyme Production from. . . 55
3.1.1 Amylases
Amylases belong to the group of hydrolases and cleave the glycoside bonds of
polysaccharides (primarily starch), which is why they are also classified as glycosi-
dases. Amylases are subdivided into α-, β-, γ-, and iso-amylases and are produced by
various organisms such as bacteria, fungi, plants, and animals. In particular, mainly
the amylases of bacteria and fungi, especially α-amylase (EC, are used in
industry and technology [53, 54].
Amylase makes up approximately 25% of the world enzyme market [55]. The
main area of application is in the food industry. Here, amylases are used in the
mashing process in breweries and for the pretreatment and modification of flour (for
airier dough or a greater degree of browning) and starch, as well as in the production
of glucose/maltose syrup and maltodextrin. They are also used in pharmacy or in
dishwashing and laundry detergents for the removal of starchy stains and dirt, as well
as in the production of animal feed and biofuels [53–55].
Amylases are produced both by submerged fermentation and by solid-state
fermentation. Here, bacteria such as Bacillus sp. or fungi, especially ascomycetes,
are preferably used [54]. However, alongside the introduction of new production
strains, production has also been improved by the use of genetically modified or
engineered strains [54]. Basidiomycetes were not in focus for the production of
Submerged fermentation usually uses expensive media. Costs can be reduced by
the use of residues in solid-state fermentation. Wheat bran has been a popular and
well-suited substrate for amylase production since the 1980s [47]. Recent studies
have shown that other substrates are also suitable for the production of amylases (see
Table 1). Substrates on which high enzyme yields were obtained were mostly those
which still contained starch residues. For example, different types of bran (residues
after the sieving of flour) have between 8% and 45% of starch (wheat 13–18%, oats
18–45%, rice 18–30%) [56]. However, in comparison to studies on wheat bran
(63.25 U/g [57] and 14.5 U/min/mL [47]), investigations on laboratory scale (sub-
strate use 5 g to 1.2 kg) showed that even substrates with small amounts of starch,
such as wheat straw (6,900 U/gds (gram dry substrate)) [58], banana peels (42 U/mg)
[59], mixtures of orange peels and cheese whey (220 U/mL) [1], and a mixture of soy
56 S. Steudler et al.
Table 1 Review of recent studies on amylase production on solid substrates (bold: best substrate)
including achieved amylase activity, used production strain, and cultivation size [1, 2, 18, 25, 47,
50, 57–59, 61]
Substrate Activity Microorganism Reactor Ref.
Orange peels and cheese 220 U/mL Bacillus Erlenmeyer [1]
whey amyloliquefaciens flasks
(250 mL)
Wheat straw, sugarcane 6,900 U/gds Bacillus [58]
bagasse, rice straw, and sp. BBXS-2
rice husk
Corn bran, barley bran, 2.8 U/mg protein Rhizoctonia Erlenmeyer 5g [2]
wheat bran solani AG-4 flasks
strain ZB-34 (250 mL)
Sago hampas 1.055 0.03 U/mL Aspergillus flavus Flasks 5g [25]
Raw banana peel, sugar- 42 U/mg Microbacterium Flasks 5g [59]
cane bagasse, sawdust, foliorum GA2
potato peel, wheat bran,
rice bran, cassava peel,
orange peel
Wheat bran, corn straw, 63.25 U/g (6.32 U/mL) Gongronella Erlenmeyer 5g [57]
corn cob, rice peel, soy butleri flasks
bran (250 mL)
Maize pericarp, soybean 50.75 IU/g Bacillus sp. Erlenmeyer 5g [50]
meal, sunflower meal, TMF-1 flasks
maize bran, olive oil cake, (150 mL)
and wheat bran
Wheat bran, banana 14.5 0.1 U/mL/min Bacterial Erlenmeyer 10 g [47]
peels, rice bran and husk, co-culture: flasks
gram husk, mineral salt Bacillus cereus (250 mL)
solution and Bacillus
Soy and bread waste 39.9103 U/gds Thermomyces Cylindrical 1.2 kg [61]
mixture (90:10) sp. ATCC- reactors
200065 and (4.5 L)
sp. ATCC-31198
Corn bran 20.68 1.03 U/mL Bacillus Rotating 2.8– [18]
amyloliquefaciens drum biore- 5.6 L
NRRL B-645 actor (7 L)
and bread wastes (90:10) (39,900 U/gds) [14] are suitable for amylase production.
The substrates used have a low starch content (less than 3%) and a high non-starch
carbohydrate content (e.g., hemicellulose, cellulose, pectin, etc.) of up to 60%
(in banana peels) [60], which could also promote enzyme formation.
3.1.2 Proteases
3.1.3 Lipases
Table 2 Review of recent studies on protease production on solid substrates (bold: best substrate)
including achieved protease activity, used production strain, and cultivation size [7, 24, 29, 49, 50,
58, 62, 66–68]
Substrate Activity Microorganism Reactor Ref.
Wheat straw, sugarcane 12,200 U/gds Bacillus [58]
bagasse, rice straw, and sp. BBXS-2
rice husk
Corn pericarp, soybean 50.5 IU/g Bacillus Erlenmeyer 5g [50]
meal, sunflower meal, sp. TMF-1 flasks
maize bran, maize peri- (150 mL)
carp, olive oil cake,
wheat bran
Wheat bran and rice 4,143 + 12.31 U/g Bacillus Erlenmeyer 5g [62]
bran, green gram husk, sp. IND12 flasks
tapioca peel, banana peel
Cuttlefish waste and 1,218 27 U/g Bacillus cereus Erlenmeyer 5g [29]
cow dung + C-source IND5 flasks
(100 mL)
Wheat bran (WB) and 1193.77 U/g Brevibacterium Erlenmeyer 10 g WB [67]
rice flour (RF) luteolum flasks 0.5 g RF
MTCC 5982 (250 mL)
Cotton cake 728 U/mL Bacillus subtilis Erlenmeyer 10 g [49]
Gram husk 714 U/mL K-1 flasks
Mustard cake 680 U/mL (500 mL)
Soybean meal 653 U/mL
Wheat bran, chicken
feather maize bran, rice
husk, cane bagasse, corn
Soybean bran, wheat 115.6 U/mL Aspergillus Erlenmeyer 10 g [7]
bran oryzae INCQS flasks
40068 and (250 mL)
Soy fiber mixed with 800 U/gds Thermus Bioreactor 115 g [68]
wood chopsticks and sp. ATCC® (500 mL)
wood chips 670 U/gds 3,174 Bioreactor 2.3 kg
(10 L)
Cupuaçu exocarp + rice 463.55 U/mL Lentinus Polythene 3 kg [24]
bran, cupuaçu citrinus bags
exocarp + litter (fruiting bodies)
Agro-industrial wastes: 33,374 U/gds (SF) n.n. Adiabatic 3.8 kg [66]
Soy fiber, cow hair 23,541 U/gds (HS) packet bed SF + 2.8 kg
mixed with dehydrated reactor HS
sludge from wastewater (10 L)
treatment plant Adiabatic 20 kg
packet bed SF + 17.5 kg
reactor HS
(50 L)
lipase production (see Table 3). Basidiomycetes play only a minor role as lipase
As expected, lipid-rich substrates were used as preferred substrates, such as
coconut meal, olive pomace, and palm kernel cake. These were used separately or
in combination with nutrient-rich substrates, such as wheat bran. Wheat bran has a
fat content of only 4–5%, but it contains a lot of carbohydrates (13–18% starch,
It Is the Mix that Matters: Substrate-Specific Enzyme Production from. . . 59
Table 3 Review of recent studies on lipase production on solid substrates (bold: best substrate)
including achieved lipase activity, used production strain, and cultivation size [16, 19, 27, 33, 40,
Substrate Activity Microorganism Reactor Ref.
Lipid-rich agro- 41.1 0.4 U/mL/min Aspergillus niger, [40]
wastes: 169.5 U/mg mesophilic fungi
Coconut meal with
supplements, almond
meal, brassica meal,
sesame meal, rice,
wheat bran
Oil palm empty fruit 0.195 U/g Trichoderma sp.1 Erlenmeyer 3g [33]
bunch 0.211 U/g Hypocrea flasks
neorufa.1 (250 mL)
Soybean meal 72.6 2.4 U/g Yarrowia lipolytica Cylindrical 10 g [69]
Canola cake 93.9 2.9 U/g IMUFRJ50682 polypropylene
Wheat bran and 265 U/g Rhizopus Laboratory 10 g [73]
sugarcane bagasse microsporus column
CPQBA 312–07 bioreactor
113 U/g DRM Pilot packed- 15 kg
bed bioreactor
Rice bran, rice husk 38.67 U/g Aspergillus niger Erlenmeyer 20 g [27]
with olive oil flasks
(250 mL)
Olive pomace and 90.5 1.5 U/g Aspergillus ibericus Erlenmeyer 30 g [70]
wheat bran MUM 03.49, flasks
A. niger MUM (500 mL)
A. tubingensis
MUM 06.152
Olive pomace and 223 5 U/gds Aspergillus ibericus Erlenmeyer 30 g [19]
wheat bran MUM 03.49 flasks
(500 mL)
Packed-bed 25 g
Palm kernel cake – Trichoderma viride Erlenmeyer 30 g [71]
SDTC EDF 002 flasks
44.43 U/g Aspergillus niger (500 mL)
42.05 U/g Aspergillus niger
DSMZ 2466
Rice bran with 19.844 U/g Aspergillus niger Cylindrical 40 g [72]
glycerol flasks
Rice bran 13.267 U/g (500 mL)
Rice husk, soybean
meal, wheat bran
Palm kernel cake 34.20 U/gds Rhizopus sp. Erlenmeyer 50 g [74]
(250 mL)
Olive pomace with 120 U/g Aspergillus ibericus Tray-type 300– [16]
wheat bran MUM 03.49 bioreactors 500 g
45–50% non-starch carbohydrates) for rapid growth [56, 64], so that high lipase
activities are possible (e.g., 223 U/gds by Aspergillus ibericus on olive pomace and
wheat bran [19]).
60 S. Steudler et al.
3.1.4 Pectinase
Table 4 Review of recent studies on pectinase production on solid substrates (bold: best substrate)
including achieved pectinase activity, used production strain, and cultivation size [10, 15, 17, 20,
50, 76, 80–85]
Substrate Activity Microorganism Reactor Ref.
Jojoba mill solid waste 656.6 U/gds Aspergillus [80]
oryzae FK-923
Tomato processing 53.57 U/mL Fusarium Erlenmeyer 2g [81]
by-products solani pisi flasks
(50 mL)
Soybean meal, sunflower 64.90 IU/g Bacillus Erlenmeyer 5g [50]
meal, maize bran, maize sp. TMF-1 flasks
pericarp, olive oil cake, (150 mL)
wheat bran
Orange peel and coconut 3,315 U/gds Bacillus Erlenmeyer 5g [10]
fiber agro-residues: wheat (pectinase) subtilis flasks
bran, rice bran, paddy 10.5 U/gds (pectin SAV-21 (250 mL)
straw, corn cob, sugarcane lyase)
bagasse, mustard oil cake,
sawdust, mustard straw,
cotton straw, groundnut
peel, wheat straw, cotton-
seed oil cake Fruit peel
wastes: lemon peel,
mosambi peel, pineapple
peel, papaya peel, banana
peel, mango peel, coconut
fiber, pomegranate peel,
orange peel, cheeku peel,
kinnow peel
Wheat bran, orange and 73 kU/gds (endo-PG) A. giganteus Erlenmeyer 5g [17]
lemon peel mix, citrus 197 U/gds (PG) NRRL 10, and flasks
peel, lemon peel, apple 101 U/gds (PGM) 11 others (100 mL)
pomace Aspergillus sp. Static tray- 100 g
Green algae (Ulva lactuca 1,432 1.46 U/mg Bacillus Flask 10 g [82]
and Codium tomentosum), licheniformis
brown algae (Dictyopteris KIBGE-IB2
polypodioides, Sargassum bis B4
wightii, and Dictyopteris Aspergillus
divaricata) flavus KIBGE-
Wheat bran, rice bran, 1828.13 U/gds (pectin Bacillus Erlenmeyer 10 g [76]
cotton seed cake, corn cob, lyase) tequilensis flasks
coconut cake, ground nut 105.55 U/gds (PG) SV11-UV37 (250 mL)
Sugarcane bagasse and 33–41 U/g A. oryzae Glass col- 8g [83]
citrus pulp CPQBA 394– umns
12 DRM 01 (4 21 cm)
Pilot-scale 15 kg
Orange peels 8.0 U/g Penicillium Columns 20 g (+ 7 g [84]
minioluteum (25 4 cm) plastic
N3C2, pieces)
and other
Wheat bran 298 U/gds Aspergillus Tray-type 50–100 g [85]
sojae ATCC solid-state
2023 reactor
62 S. Steudler et al.
Table 4 (continued)
Substrate Activity Microorganism Reactor Ref.
Wheat bran and sugar- 1,840 U/kgds/h Aspergillus Pilot-scale 12–30 kg [15]
cane bagasse niger CH4 packed-bed
Wheat bran and sugar- 22 U/g Aspergillus Pilot-scale 27 kg [20]
cane bagasse niger CH4 packed-bed WB + 3 kg
bioreactor SCB
(200 L)
The use of these enzymes in industry is diverse and is set to continue expanding.
To ensure cost-effective enzyme production, continuous development is necessary.
This includes research into new enzyme producers as well as suitable substrates.
In own studies, 41 basidiomycetes were investigated for their suitability as
enzyme producers (see Fig. 1). The focus was on their ability to produce laccases,
peroxidases, cellulases, and xylanases. The screening was carried out in triplicate on
malt agar plates (malt extract agar, Roth, Karlsruhe, Germany) with various addi-
tives at room temperature (24–26 C). In order to detect the formation of desired
enzymes, for lignolytic enzymes Lev-Blue dye (1 g/L), ABTS (2,20 -azino-bis
(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid; 0.1 g/L) and guaiacol (100 μL/L) and
for cellulolytic enzymes CMC (carboxymethyl cellulose; 5 g/L) and beechwood
xylan (5 g/L), as well as pine sawdust and beech sawdust (10 g/L), were added to the
agar. Lignolytic activity could be observed directly via the development of a colored
halo (ABTS, guaiacol) or by decolorization (Lev-Blue). Cellulolytic activity was
determined indirectly by staining with a 1% Congo red solution and the formation of
a halo. Thus, it was possible to characterize the different basidiomycetes with regard
to their enzymatic performances and their growth rate and to use them for further
3.2.1 Cellulases
Cellulases degrade cellulose, the main component of the plant cell wall. The term
cellulases encompasses several different enzymes, including the three enzymes
endoglucanase (endo), exoglucanase (exo), and ß-glucosidase (ß-glu). The different
enzymes act synergistically and can be secreted into the system as free enzymes or
bound as a multienzyme complex (cellulosome). Endoglucanases preferentially
hydrolyze amorphous regions of the cellulose, thereby resulting in oligosaccharides,
cellobiose, and glucose. Exoglucanases cleave cellobiose from the nonreducing end,
while β-glucosidase predominantly hydrolyzes cellobiose [53, 54].
Cellulases are produced by bacteria, fungi, and plants, and the most important
producers belong to the species of Trichoderma. The most well-known field of
application for cellulases is the fermentation of vegetable waste or other renewable
raw materials for the production of bioethanol. They are also used in the production
of silage. A further application is their use in detergents, where they degrade
superficial lint and thus improve the color intensity and softness of laundry. These
It Is the Mix that Matters: Substrate-Specific Enzyme Production from. . . 63
Fig. 1 Depiction of screening and categorization of basidiomycetes with regard to their ability to
produce lignocellulolytic enzymes as basis for further investigations
effects are also used in the textile industry, where cellulases are used as softeners, for
desizing processes and to produce a stone-wash effect. They are also used in the
paper industry for removal of colors from waste paper [53, 54].
In recent studies on the production of cellulases, ascomycetes, such as Aspergillus
sp. and Trichoderma sp., were used [3, 4, 11, 12, 21, 26, 28, 31, 32, 41–43, 48, 84,
86–91]. However, several basidiomycetes, such as Pleurotus ostreatus and Trametes
versicolor, also achieved good results on solid substrates [41, 86, 92]. Residues from
the agricultural industry have also been shown to be suitable, such as wheat bran,
sugarcane bagasse, or corn straw, which have high levels of cellulose (wheat bran,
15%; sugarcane bagasse, 50%; corn straw, 41%) [93–95] (see Table 5). For example,
64 S. Steudler et al.
Table 5 Review of recent studies on cellulase production on solid substrates (bold: best substrate)
including achieved cellulase activity, used production strain, and cultivation size [3–5, 11–13, 21,
26, 28, 31, 32, 41–43, 48, 50, 81, 84, 86–89, 91, 92, 100–103]
Substrate Activity Microorganism Reactor Ref.
Citrus sinensis 264 U/gds Bacillus subtilis Flask [100]
bagasse, 12 different
agro-industrial wastes
Wheat bran 0.40 IU/g (FPase) Aspergillus oryzae Lab-scale bio- [26]
123.64 IU/g reactor, 16
(Endo) columns
18.32 IU/g (20 2.5 cm)
Carnauba straw, sug- 0.9 U/g (FPase) Trichoderma reesei Flasks [91]
arcane, green coconut, 13 U/g (CMCase) CCT2768
Sugarcane bagasse 11 IU/g (FPase) Aspergillus flavus, Erlenmeyer 2g [41]
Trichoderma viride, flasks (250 mL)
and Pleurotus
Tomato processing 39.50 U/mL Fusarium solani pisi Erlenmeyer 2g [81]
by-products flasks (50 mL)
Rice by-products: 1.31 U/gds Trichoderma reesei Erlenmeyer 5g [21]
Rice bran, rice husk, CECT 2414 flasks (150 mL)
and rice straw
Wheat bran, wheat 26.3 IU/gds Aspergillus niger Conical flasks 5g [3]
straw, rice straw, rice (Endo) NFCCI (250 mL)
husk, sugarcane tops, 2.11 IU/gds
sugarcane bagasse, (FPase) 34.3 IU/
corn cob, carrot grass gds
Wheat bran 8 0.2 IU/g Aspergillus niger Erlenmeyer 5g [32]
(FPase) RCKH-3 flasks (250 mL)
17 0.1 IU/g
90 4.0 IU/g
Biomass sorghum 30.64 U/g (Exo) Aspergillus niger Erlenmeyer 5g [43]
and wheat bran 41.47 U/g (Endo) SCBM1 and Aspergil- flasks (250 mL)
54.90 U/g (ß-Glu) lus fumigatus SCBM6
Maize bran, almond 14.23 IU/gds Bacillus subtilis MS Flasks 5g [101]
shells (5.93 IU/mL) 54
Maize bran, maize 1.19 IU/g Bacillus sp. Erlenmeyer 5g [50]
pericarp, soybean TMF-1 flasks (150 mL)
meal, sunflower meal,
olive oil cake, wheat
Wheat straw and cot- 298.12 U/gds Sporotrichum thermo- Erlenmeyer 5g [5]
ton oil cake (CMCase) phile BJAMDU5 flasks (250 mL)
Wheat bran, rice bran, 280.13 U/gds
mustard oil cake, sug- (FPase)
arcane bagasse, sesame 6.67 U/gds
oil cake, rice straw, (ß-Glu)
kitchen waste, peanut
peel, sawdust
Oil palm frond 2.57 U/g (FPase) Aspergillus niger Erlenmeyer 5g [28]
flasks (250 mL)
Corn cob 33.0 U/mL P. pulmonarius Erlenmeyer 5g [92]
(ß-Glu) DBUI002 flasks (250 mL)
Sawdust 15.0 U/mL Pleurotus ostreatus
(Endo) DBUI 14
Rice bran 13.0 U/mL (Exo)
It Is the Mix that Matters: Substrate-Specific Enzyme Production from. . . 65
Table 5 (continued)
Substrate Activity Microorganism Reactor Ref.
Sweet sorghum 30.32 0.05 U/g Trichoderma Erlenmeyer 10 g [4]
bagasse, sweet sor- harzianum HZN11 flasks (250 mL)
ghum stalks, wheat
bran, sugarcane
bagasse, groundnut
shells, corn cobs, rice
bran, rice husk, saw-
dust, groundnut oil
cakes, coconut oil
cakes, leaf litter
Forage cactus pear 3456.91 U/g Aspergillus niger Erlenmeyer 10 g [89]
1630.07 U/g Rhizopus sp. flasks (250 mL)
Rice husks 17.2 0.7 IU/g Aspergillus oryzae Erlenmeyer 10 g [87]
Peanut shells 42.9 0.7 IU/g ATCC 10124 flasks (125 mL)
Olive pomace 9.99 1.39 U/g Aspergillus Erlenmeyer 10 g [86]
sp. (10 different flasks (500 mL)
46 3 U/g Trametes versicolor
Cassava residue, 34.0 2.8 Penicillium oxalicum Erlenmeyer 10 g [102]
corncob, rice husk, rice FPU/gds EU2106 flasks (500 mL)
straw, sugarcane
bagasse, wheat bran
Prickly palm cactus 4.165 U/mL Aspergillus niger Erlenmeyer 10 g [88]
husk (CMCase) flasks
30.923 U/mL
7.859 U/mL Rhizopus sp.
13.571 U/mL
Sawdust 22.97 U/g (ß-Glu) Aspergillus sp., Erlenmeyer 15 g [48]
138.77 U/g Bacillus sp. flasks (250 mL)
32.16 U/g (Exo)
Brevibacillus sp.
Oil palm fronds 12 IU/g Aspergillus sp. and Steriplan™ 15 g [42]
Trichoderma sp. petri dish
(100 15 mm)
Orange peels 6.5 U/g Penicillium Columns 20 g (+ [84]
minioluteum N3C2, (25 4 cm) 7g
Trichoderma reesei plastic
ATCC 26921, Fusar- pieces)
ium sp. N6C6,
oxysporum N1C1,
Mucor racemosus
Wheat bran 959.53 IU/gds Trichoderma reesei Erlenmeyer 5g [11]
RUT C-30 flasks (250 mL)
457 IU/gds Tray reactor 50 g
Wheat straw 8.583 0.025 IU Trichoderma viride Conical flasks 100 g [31]
(1,000 mL)
Agave atrovirens 12860.8 U/g Trichoderma spp. Tray reactor 200 g [12]
fibers (Endo)
3144.4 U/g (Exo)
384.4 U/g (ß-Glu)
66 S. Steudler et al.
Table 5 (continued)
Substrate Activity Microorganism Reactor Ref.
Wheat bran 375 IU/gds Trichoderma Shallow 500 g [13]
(CMCase) citrinoviride aluminum tray
695 IU/gds AUKAR04
Coffee husk Specialized Erlenmeyer 90 g [14]
Wood chips were consortium (compost) flasks (500 mL)
added as bulking agent 10 FPU/gds Packed-bed 1,2 kg
reactor (4,5 L)
48 4 FPU/gds Packed-bed 15,2 kg
reactors (50 L)
959.5 IU/gds was obtained by Trichoderma reesei RUT C-30 on wheat bran
[11]. However, enzyme activities were usually found to be far lower.
Interestingly, very high levels of enzyme activity were found to occur on special
substrates such as forage cactus pears and agave atrovirens fibers, with 3,457 U/g
(Aspergillus niger on forage cactus pears) [89] and 12,861 U/g (endo) and 3,144 U/g
(exo) (Trichoderma sp. on agave fibers) [12]. Both substrates are succulents and rich
in trace elements, vitamins, and dietary fibers. Agave leaf fibers contain 70–80%
cellulose and have a low hemicellulose content of 3–30% and low lignification
[96]. In comparison, wheat bran has a cellulose content of only 15% and a hemicel-
lulose content of 38% [93]. Competition between the formation of cellulases and
hemicellulases is thus probably shifted in favor of cellulases when using succulent
In our investigations, 14 basidiomycetes were tested on different substrate com-
binations. Round cups (diameter 4 cm, height 11.5 cm, membrane cap) were filled
with 35 g of substrate, made up of one part beech wood chips to one part either hemp
litter, corn cob bedding, cotton seeds, or wheat straw. The highest cellulase activity
of 627 U/L was achieved by Flammulina velutipes, followed by Lentinus tigrinus
with 603 U/L and Gloeophyllum trabeum with almost 500 U/L. The preferred
substrate in this case was the mixture of beech wood chips and corn cob bedding
when cultivating the two brown rot fungi F. velutipes and G. trabeum, while the
white rot fungus L. tigrinus preferred a mixture of beech wood chips and hemp litter
for the production of cellulases. Corn cob bedding, with a cellulose content of
around 35% [97], and beech wood chips with around 47% [98], have a similar
composition to usual suitable substrates, such as wheat bran. In a further experiment
with pure corn cob bedding (25 g in 500 mL Erlenmeyer flask) with F. velutipes and
Trametes hirsuta, cellulase activity was even increased to 1,642 U/L for F. velutipes.
The cellulase activity of T. hirsuta was only 382 U/L.
Unlike corn cob bedding, hemp litter has a high cellulose content of up to 70%
[99], but the use of hemp litter as an additive only produced good cellulase activities
for L. tigrinus. This shows how important it is to not only find a suitable producer but
also its preferred substrate. For example, T. hirsuta was cultivated on 3.5 kg pine
wood chips or corn silage in an SSF reactor (rotating drum, working volume 10 L,
developed by the Research Center for Medical Technology and Biotechnology,
It Is the Mix that Matters: Substrate-Specific Enzyme Production from. . . 67
fzmb GmbH, Bad Langensalza, Germany). Despite the theoretical suitability of corn
silage for the production of cellulases, hardly any cellulase activity (0.33 U/L on pine
wood chips, 1.2 U/L on corn silage) was observed.
3.2.2 Xylanase
Table 6 Review of recent studies on xylanase production on solid substrates (bold: best substrate)
including achieved xylanase activity, used production strain, and cultivation size [5, 6, 13, 23, 28,
41–43, 46, 48, 84, 86, 89, 91, 104, 105, 108–110]
Substrate Activity Microorganism Reactor Ref.
Corn bran mixed 33.4 U/gds (acetyl xylan Aspergillus niger Glass columns [108]
with polyurethane esterase) PCS6
as support (75:25),
wheat bran, coffee
Carnauba straw, 99.5 U/g Trichoderma reesei Flasks [91]
sugarcane, green CCT2768
coconut, cashew
Cocoa meal 72 U/g Aspergillus [109]
awamori IOC-3914
Oil palm empty 3,246 IU/gds Aspergillus niger [106]
bunches USM SD2
Sugarcane bagasse 180 IU/g Aspergillus flavus, Erlenmeyer 2g [41]
Trichoderma viride, flasks (250 mL)
and Pleurotus
Corn cob, agro- 587.6 U/gds Rhizomucor Tray bioreactor 3g [105]
industrial wastes (packed-bed) pusillus and packed-bed
Biomass sorghum 300.07 U/g (Xyl) Aspergillus niger Erlenmeyer 5g [43]
and wheat bran 41.47 U/g (ß-Xyl) SCBM1 and Asper- flasks (250 mL)
gillus fumigatus
Wheat straw and 795.12 U/g Sporotrichum ther- Erlenmeyer 5g [5]
cotton oil cake mophile BJAMDU5 flasks (250 mL)
Wheat bran, rice
bran, mustard oil
cake, sugarcane
bagasse, sesame oil
cake, rice straw,
kitchen waste, pea-
nut peel, sawdust
Wheat straw, grape 1,189 U/gds Botryotinia Petri dishes 5g [46]
pomace, orange fuckeliana CECT
peels, rice husk 20518, Aspergillus
awamori CECT
2907, Trichoderma
reesei CECT 2414,
CECT 2798
Oil palm frond 4.12 U/g Aspergillus niger Erlenmeyer 5g [28]
flasks (250 mL)
Olive pomace 19.44 3.85 U/g Aspergillus sp. (ten Erlenmeyer 10 g [86]
different species) flasks (500 mL)
100 15 U/g Trametes
Wheat bran, rice 24.66 U/mL Streptomyces Erlenmeyer 10 g [110]
bran, sugarcane hygroscopicus flasks (250 mL)
molasses, cellulose
paper powder
Wheat bran, sug- 139 U/mL Aspergillus spp. Erlenmeyer 10 g [6]
arcane bagasse, rice flasks (250 mL)
bran, corn cob,
wheat straw,
Forage cactus pear 355.56 U/g Aspergillus niger Erlenmeyer 10 g [89]
204.57 U/g Rhizopus sp. flasks (250 mL)
It Is the Mix that Matters: Substrate-Specific Enzyme Production from. . . 69
Table 6 (continued)
Substrate Activity Microorganism Reactor Ref.
Oil palm fronds 109 IU/g Aspergillus sp. and Steriplan™ 15 g [42]
Trichoderma sp. petri dish
(100 15 mm)
Sawdust 104.96 U/g Bacillus sp., Asper- Erlenmeyer 15 g [48]
gillus sp., flasks (250 mL)
Brevibacillus sp.
Corn cob, agro- 12.30–48.63 U/g Aspergillus niger, Erlenmeyer 25 g [23]
wastes Aspergillus flasks (250 mL)
fumigatus, Asper-
gillus flavus,
Botryodiplodia sp.
Orange peels 16.5 U/g Penicillium Columns 20 g [84]
minioluteum N3C2, (25 4 cm) (+ 7 g
Trichoderma reesei plastic
ATCC 26921, pieces)
Fusarium sp. N6C6,
oxysporum N1C1,
Mucor racemosus
Wheat bran, sor- 2,919 174 U/g Aspergillus niger Erlenmeyer 5g [104]
ghum stover, corn CCUG33991 flasks (250 mL)
cob, and soybean Tray bioreactor 100 g
Wheat bran 55,000 IU/gds Trichoderma Shallow 500 g [13]
citrinoviride aluminum tray
wheat straw. By far the highest xylanase activities, 23,063 U/L and 7,344 U/L, were
achieved by F. velutipes and by Schizophyllum commune, both brown rot fungi.
Here, the preferred substrate was also a mixture of beech wood chips and corn cob
bedding, a substrate already classified as suitable in the literature [23, 104, 105]. The
good suitability of F. velutipes for the production of xylanases, which was at the
same level of known producer strains [13, 104, 106], was also confirmed in
subsequent experiments with pure corn cob bedding (25 g in 500 mL Erlenmeyer
flask). In this case, xylanase activity of 16,739 U/L was achieved.
Laccases belong to the multicopper oxidases and are mainly formed by filamentous
fungi. These include, in particular, various basidiomycetes, such as Agaricus bisporus,
Cerrena unicolor, and Trametes versicolor. They are used in the pulp and paper
industry (e.g., paper bleaching), the textile industry (e.g., denim bleaching), cosmetics
(e.g., hair bleaching), the wood industry, the food industry, the production of biofuels,
and the pharmaceutical industry (e.g., transformation of antibiotics) [111].
Peroxidases are a diverse group of enzymes that reduce peroxide, usually hydro-
gen peroxide. Manganese and lignin peroxidases as well as non-specific peroxidases,
mainly produced by fungi, are used especially for lignin degradation [75].
As already mentioned above, the main producers of lignolytic enzymes are
filamentous fungi, especially the basidiomycetes. This is also reflected in the organ-
isms studied for the production of these enzymes on various solid substrates in the
literature. Again, various residues from the agricultural industry were used (see
Table 7).
Substrates with a high lignin content were popular, in other words lignified
materials, such as sawdust or vineyard trimmings. However, only moderate enzyme
activities were achieved, for example, 305 U/gds on sawdust by Fusarium equiseti
VKF-2 [35]. The use of fruit peels or leaves proved much more successful. For
example, 1,200 U/g was observed for laccase activity of Phanerochaete
chrysosporium CECT 2798 on orange peel [46] and 1,633 U/ml of Pleurotus
ostreatus strain NCIM 1200 on pineapple leaves [112], as well as 10,800 U/L for
peroxidase activity of Pleurotus eryngii IJFM 169 on banana peels [9]. Also, the use
of pretreated substrates, such as steam-exploded corn stalks (2,600 U/g laccase
activity of T. versicolor [45]), or Parthenium sp., a belligerent noxious herbaceous
wasteland weed (34,444 U/gds laccase activity of Pseudolagarobasidium acaciicola
[30]), showed a considerable increase in laccase activity. This effect may be attrib-
uted to the availability of vegetable ingredients, such as essential oils in orange
peels or parthenolide in the wasteland weed, whose aromatic structures similar to
the degradation products of lignin may promote the formation of laccases and
In addition to known basidiomycetes, such as Pleurotus eryngii [9] and
Marasmius sp. [114], two fungi species, Lentinus tigrinus and Trametes hirsuta,
were also investigated in our studies due to the good suitability of basidiomycetes,
especially white rot fungi, for the production of lignolytic enzymes.
First investigations in round cups (diameter 4 cm, height 11.5 cm, membrane cap)
filled with 35 g of substrate, consisting of cotton seeds, pine wood chips or wheat
straw, showed the investigated fungi (P. eryngii, Marasmius sp., L. tigrinus) to be
suitable for laccase formation in principle. As in the studies on cellulase and
xylanase activity, the activities achieved differed depending on the producer and
substrate used. However, it was found that by far the highest activity of laccases for
all three fungi tested was achieved on wheat straw (P. eryngii, 131 U/L; Marasmius
sp., 117 U/L; L. tigrinus, 70 U/L). The lignin content of wheat straw with max. 25%
It Is the Mix that Matters: Substrate-Specific Enzyme Production from. . . 71
Table 7 Review of recent studies on production of lignolytic enzymes on solid substrates (bold:
best substrate) including achieved activity, used production strain, and cultivation size [8, 9, 30, 35,
41, 42, 44–46, 48, 112–114]
Substrate Activity Microorganism Reactor Ref.
Sawdust, ground- 305 U/gds Fusarium equiseti Flask [35]
nut oil cake, neem VKF-2
oil cake, rice bran
Peanut shell 5 U/g Pycnoporus Flasks (250 mL) [113]
sp. SYBC-L3
Vineyard 0.34 mU/mg Lentinus edodes [44]
trimmings protein
Wheat straw 0.08 mU/mg
Sugarcane 10 IU/g Aspergillus flavus, Erlenmeyer flasks 2g [41]
bagasse Trichoderma (250 mL)
viride, and
Peels of citrus Lysinibacillus sp. Flasks (250 mL) 5g [8]
fruits, soybean
meal, tofu dreg,
lignin monomers,
tea leaves, peels of
onion and kiwi,
paper, dying
industry effluents
Steam-exploded 2600.33 81.89 Trametes Erlenmeyer flasks 5g [45]
corn stalk U/g versicolor (250 mL)
Rice bran, rice 1.4 U/mL Marasmius Conical flasks 5g [114]
straw, sugarcane sp. BBKAV79 (250 mL)
bagasse, sawdust,
pigeon pea waste
Parthenium sp. 34,444 U/gds Pseudolagarobas- Erlenmeyer flasks 5g [30]
(belligerent nox- idium acaciicola (250 mL)
ious herbaceous LA 1
wasteland weed),
rice straw, wheat
straw, sugarcane
Orange peels, 1,200 U/g Phanerochaete Petri dishes 5g [46]
wheat straw, grape chrysosporium
pomace, rice husk CECT 2798,
fuckeliana CECT
awamori CECT
reesei CECT 2414
72 S. Steudler et al.
Table 7 (continued)
Substrate Activity Microorganism Reactor Ref.
Pineapple leaves 1632.63 IU/mL Pleurotus Erlenmeyer flasks 5– [112]
ostreatus strain (250 mL) 25 g
NCIM 1200
Sawdust 71.18 U/g Bacillus sp., Erlenmeyer flasks 15 g [48]
Aspergillus sp., (250 mL)
Brevibacillus sp.
Banana peel 10,800 U/L Pleurotus eryngii Erlenmeyer flasks 6g [9]
36 U/gds IJFM 169 (250 mL)
Sawdust 729.12 U/g Aspergillus sp., Erlenmeyer flasks 15 g [48]
Bacillus sp., (250 mL)
Brevibacillus sp.
Manganese peroxidase
Vineyard 2.21 mU/mg Lentinus edodes [44]
trimmings protein
Wheat straw 0.60 mU/mg
Sawdust 47.73 U/g Bacillus sp., Erlenmeyer flasks 15 g [48]
Aspergillus sp., (250 mL)
Brevibacillus sp.
Lignin peroxidase
Oil palm fronds 222 IU/G Aspergillus Steriplan™ petri 15 g [42]
sp. and dish
Trichoderma sp. (100 15 mm)
and 9% of cotton seeds is lower than that of pinewood chips, which is around 27%
[94, 115, 116]. The lower lignin content and the simplified accessibility might favor
laccase production on wheat straw or cotton seeds, as opposed to the use of untreated
pinewood chips.
In a further study, the versatile white rot fungi T. hirsuta was cultivated on
various substrates in an SSF reactor (rotating drum, working volume 10 L, devel-
oped by the Research Center for Medical Technology and Biotechnology, fzmb
GmbH, Bad Langensalza, Germany) (see Table 8).
Once again, enzyme activity was confirmed to be strongly dependent on the
substrate used. It was shown again that substrates with high lignin content, such as
pinewood chips, do not necessarily result in better enzyme production. In contrast,
substrate mixtures can significantly improve enzyme production. Thus, the positive
effect on enzyme formation when using orange peels, as also described in the
literature [46], was confirmed and amplified by the mixture with pinewood chips,
leading to greater structural integrity and improved air exchange in the substrate bed
(compare laccase activity in Table 8).
It Is the Mix that Matters: Substrate-Specific Enzyme Production from. . . 73
4 Conclusions
aromatic compounds, such as fruit peels (e.g., orange peels) or leaves, and not, as
expected, on substrates with very high lignin contents.
Finally, it was shown that there is not just one ideal substrate for each enzyme but
that the choice of substrate needs to take into account the preferred substrate of the
producer chosen for the enzyme.
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Part II
Application of Solid-State Fermentation
for Product Generation
Adv Biochem Eng Biotechnol (2019) 169: 85–108
DOI: 10.1007/10_2019_87
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019
Published online: 4 March 2019
1 Aroma Profile Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
1.1 Methods for Volatile Organic Compound Extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
1.2 Detection of Volatile Compounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
2 Fungal Volatile Organic Compounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
2.1 Fungal VOC in Food Manufacturing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
2.2 VOC Produced During Non-food SSF of Ascomycetes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
2.3 VOC Produced During SSF of Basidiomycetes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
3 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Abstract Filamentous fungi have been used since centuries in the production of
food by means of solid substrate fermentation (SSF). The most applied SSF
involving fungi is the cultivation of mushrooms, e.g., on tree stumps or sawdust,
for human consumption. However, filamentous fungi are also key players during
manufacturing of several processed foods, like mold cheese, tempeh, soy sauce, and
sake. In addition to their nutritive values, these foods are widely consumed due to
their pleasant flavors. Based on the potentials of filamentous fungi to grow on solid
substrates and to produce valuable aroma compounds, in recent decades, several
studies concentrated on the production of aroma compounds with SSF, turning
cheap agricultural wastes into valuable flavors. In this review, we focus on the
presentation of common analytical methods for volatile substances and highlight
various applications of SSF of filamentous fungi dealing with the production of
aroma compounds.
Graphical Abstract
6-PP 6-Pentyl-α-pyrone
AAO Aryl alcohol oxidase(s)
ADA Aroma dilution analysis
AEDA Aroma extract dilution analysis
CAR Carboxen
DHS Dynamic headspace
DM Dry matter
DVB Divinylbenzene
FD Flavor dilution factor
FID Flame ionization detector
GC Gas chromatography
HS Headspace
LLE Liquid-liquid extraction
MS Mass spectrometer
O Olfactometry
OAV Odor activity value
ODP Olfactory detection port
PA Polyacrylate
PDMS Polydimethylsiloxane
PEG Polyethylene glycol
SAFE Solvent-assisted flavor evaporation
SBSE Stir bar sorptive extraction
SmF Submerged fermentation
SPME Solid-phase microextraction
SSF Solid substrate fermentation
TD Thermal desorption
VOC Volatile organic compound(s)
The analysis of aroma active compounds in food started in the 1960s with
the possibility to separate complex aroma mixtures by means of capillary gas
chromatography (GC) (reviewed in [1]). With this analytical method, new
possibilities arose to determine the volatile composition of a sample. Nevertheless,
the impact of each volatile organic compound (VOC) on the human nose still
remained unknown until GC-olfactometry (GC-O) entered the aroma research.
GC-O enables the correlation between a VOC and its perception using the human
nose as a detector [1–3]. In most cases, the outlet of the GC capillary column is
installed into a column flow splitter. The column flow splitter possesses two outlets
directing the gas flow into a destructive detector (e.g., flame ionization detector
88 A. Orban et al.
(FID) or mass spectrometer (MS)) and into a nondestructive olfactory detection port
(ODP) (Fig. 1). With this equipment, it is possible to directly assign an odor
impression to an MS spectrum or FID peak, respectively [3, 4].
Prior to the GC analysis, VOC have to be extracted from the analyte’s matrix.
Among others, this can be food, a plant, or a microbial culture, and the method of
extraction depends on the matrix as well as on the VOC to be analyzed.
Several extraction methods for aroma analysis exist, each having different pros
and cons. This makes the decision for an optimal analytical method difficult.
Continuous extraction of volatile organic compounds from a solid matrix using a
Soxhlet extractor followed by a concentration of the extract is a basic method for
Aroma Profile Analyses of Filamentous Fungi Cultivated on Solid Substrates 89
gaining an aroma extract. In 1964, Likens and Nickerson improved this method by
inventing an apparatus for simultaneous solvent extraction and distillation, reducing
the thermal load on the sample [5]. Nevertheless, elevated temperatures during
distillation and extraction may lead to artefact formation. Thermal stress during
extraction can be overcome by using a liquid-liquid extraction (LLE). Generally, the
solid matrix is dispersed in an aqueous phase and extracted exhaustively using
an organic solvent. For an efficient extraction and the subsequent analysis, different
properties of the solvent including polarity, density, solubility, and potential
reactivity regarding the analytes have to be taken into account [5]. The disadvantage
of LLE is the often occurring concurrent extraction of nonvolatile compounds
resulting in difficulties during GC analysis. This disadvantage as well as thermal
stress can be reduced to a minimum by applying the solvent-assisted flavor
evaporation (SAFE) method. The core part of this procedure is the SAFE distillation
unit [6], which is evacuated by a high vacuum pump. The distillation starts by
dropping the sample extract into the evaporation flask. The immediately formed
vapor is transported into the distillation head, where nonvolatile compounds are
trapped. Volatile compounds condense in a sample collection flask, which is cooled
in a Dewar using liquid nitrogen [6]. Nonetheless, the demand for environment-
friendly as well as more easy and fast extraction methods led to the development of
solvent-free procedures.
One of the first dynamic headspace (DHS) systems was developed in the 1970s to
establish a routine procedure for volatile extraction and analysis by means of
GC [7]. DHS involves passing a defined flow of (inert) gas through a container
holding the sample. The VOC inside the container are carried by the steady gas flow
into a sorbent, a cryogenic container, or a solvent, where they are trapped
[8]. When the gas flow is led through a liquid sample, the method is also referred
to as “purge and trap” [9]. DHS can be conducted in a circular system by using a
closed-looped stripping apparatus, where the extraction gas flows in a closed
circuit [10, 11]. The sample might be heated, stirred, or supplemented with salts to
increase the volatility of the analytes [9, 12]. With DHS, exhaustive extraction of the
sample is possible, since the analytes are permanently removed from the headspace
(HS), and therefore no equilibrium between the matrix and the gas phase is
established [13]. In addition to the necessity to elicit the right gas flowrate, the
extraction time and temperature as well as the type of sorbent in the trap are crucial
parameters. Various trapping materials are commercially available, including acti-
vated charcoal, poly(2,6-diphenyl-p-phenylene oxide) (Tenax®), silica-based mate-
rials (Chromosorb®), carbon molecular sieves (Carboxen®), and graphitized carbon
(Carbotrap®). Traps containing different types of sorbents are used frequently in
order to achieve the extraction of a wider range of substances [14]. Depending on the
sorbent applied, desorption of the VOC can be performed with a solvent or thermally
in the GC [15]. For thermal desorption (TD) applications, Tenax® is often used due
90 A. Orban et al.
Fig. 2 Scheme of a laboratory installation for DHS during SSF of a fungus. MFC mass flow
to its high thermostability, its low water adsorption capacity, and its low bleed
characteristic [8, 15, 16]. Nonetheless, Tenax® has some disadvantages: e.g., it has
only a small surface area, resulting in a low adsorption capacity, and it is limited to
the extraction of more nonpolar analytes because of its low affinity for polar
compounds [17].
Generally, DHS is an important extraction method for volatile compounds since it
reduces or even eliminates the need of solvents. It offers the possibility of multiple
trapping approaches as well as the usage of various sorbent materials [18]. During
solid substrate fermentation (SSF), DHS is applied in our laboratory to extract VOC
produced during the cultivation of filamentous fungi (Fig. 2).
Fig. 4 Automatically
performed SPME GC-MS
analysis of SSF with
filamentous fungi in 20 mL
vials (height 7.5 cm; width
2 cm)
preparing an extract due to the usage of SPME or SBSE. The stepwise dilution is
achieved by adjusting the split ratio of the carrier gas flow [47, 48].
Generally, the FD factor of a VOC is meaningless concerning the impact of this
compound on the overall olfaction. For this purpose, the odor activity value (OAV)
can be determined [43]. Besides the concentration of a specific compound, the odor
threshold of a standard substance of this volatile compound has to be determined by
several panelists. The OAV is then calculated by dividing the concentration of the
volatile compound in the sample with the determined threshold of the specific
substance. Only VOC with an OAV >1 are taken into account.
Ascomycetes such as Aspergillus oryzae and Aspergillus sojae have been applied to
ferment soy bean, rice, and wheat to hydrolyze starch and proteins. The product of
this SSF is called koji and is used as a starter culture for subsequent fermentation of
the material into soy sauce, miso, or sake [49]. Ito et al. investigated the volatile
compounds during the production of koji for the sake manufacturing process, which
is rice fermented with A. oryzae [50]. Husked rice grains were soaked in water for
2 h, steamed for 30 min, cooled, and drained. The rice was inoculated with conidia
(asexual spores), and incubation was performed at 36 C with a relative humidity of
95%. Volatiles were extracted using a DHS system equipped with a Tenax® trap,
desorbed via TD, and analyzed by means of GC-FID and GC-MS. In total,
17 compounds were identified, including alcohols (e.g., ethanol, 3-methyl-1-buta-
nol, butanol, oct-1-en-3-ol, and octan-1-ol), aldehydes (e.g., acetaldehyde), ketones
(e.g., acetone, butanone, and octan-3-one), and the ester ethyl acetate. Their presence
within the headspace of the active koji culture varied during cultivation. After 22 h in
the mid-log phase of the SSF, a grassy impression was dominant, whereas after 38 h,
the grassy fragrances decreased, and oct-1-en-3-ol increased resulting in the
mushroom-like odor in the stationary phase of koji making. The dependence of
94 A. Orban et al.
Fig. 5 Surface of a 3-day-old Rhizopus oligosporus culture on soy beans (left) and cross section of
the tempeh (right); photos kindly provided by Andrea Sabbatini
VOC on the stage of koji production enables process control of SSF on the basis of
VOC analysis. This is depicted in the work of Kum et al. [51], where a soybean-
based koji paste named doenjang is produced by means of SSF over a period of
8 weeks. The authors conducted a principal component analysis of the analyzed
VOC, which revealed a distinct clustering of the calculated VOC components in
relation to the cultivation period. Another soybean-based food is the traditional East
Asian tempeh. Generally, for tempeh production, soybeans are soaked in water,
cooked, and used as solid substrate for fungal colonization by the filamentous
zygomycete Rhizopus oligosporus. After fermentation a structured matrix is formed,
known as tempeh (Fig. 5). The aroma of fresh tempeh is specified by mainly
moldy, mushroom-like, earthy, and boiled potato-like aroma compounds, such as
2-methylpropanal, oct-1-en-3-one, and 3-methylsulfanylpropanal (methional)
[52, 53]. LLE of VOC from tempeh with subsequent SAFE and GC-MS
analysis, followed by the determination of the corresponding OAV, revealed
2-methylpropanal and oct-1-en-3-one as main aroma compounds after 1 day of
fermentation. After 5 days of fermentation, the boiled potato odor methional ensued
[53]. In a HS analysis of tempeh with Tenax® as adsorbent [54], it was not possible
to detect methional nor the typical mushroom odor oct-1-en-3-one found in liquid
extracts, but other C8 volatiles were present. Interestingly, the key aroma compound
2-methlypropanal was detected in the fermented soybeans as well as in the
non-fermented control, although in the latter only in small concentrations [54].
An SSF for food manufacturing with filamentous fungi adapted in Europe is the
production of soft cheese including camembert and blue cheese, e.g., Roquefort and
Gorgonzola. Filamentous fungi play an important role in the maturation of these
cheeses, contributing to the unique flavor, texture, and product composition
[55]. Camembert, a mold-ripened cheese originating from France, is traditionally
manufactured from raw cow milk [56]. During production, the curd is molded with
Penicillium camemberti on the surface, imparting the cheese its pronounced flavor.
Analysis of the camembert aroma was performed using solvent and static HS
extraction by means of GC-MS followed by AEDA and calculation of FD values
[57] or OAV [58]. In both works, 42 VOC were identified of which dimethyl sulfide,
methional, and especially methanethiol were key odorants of the sulfurous, garlic
note. The C8 volatiles oct-1-en-3-one and oct-1-en-3-ol contributed to the
Aroma Profile Analyses of Filamentous Fungi Cultivated on Solid Substrates 95
T. harzianum on green coir powder was performed by Souza Ramos et al. [78] by
altering the culture conditions regarding the composition of the supplements, the
moisture content, the amount of spores for inoculation, and the temperature. After
7 days of fermentation, the HS was analyzed with SPME (PDMS) and GC-FID. The
highest amount of 6-PP was achieved at 28 C by using per 100 g coir: 3 g sucrose,
0.24 g NaNO3, 0.18 g (NH4)2SO4, 0.1 g KH2PO4, an inoculum of 2.2 106 spores,
and water to reach a final moisture level of 55%. The fermentation under the selected
conditions led to a six times higher 6-PP production (5.0 mg g 1 DM) than the initial
one (0.8 mg g 1 DM).
Another interesting fruity flavor is the pineapple odor ethyl hexanoate. Yamauchi
et al. compared the production of ethyl hexanoate in SSF of Neurospora sp. on
pregelatinized rice, wheat bran ( fusuma), corn grits, and spent grain, supplemented
with different additives [79]. Cultivation on pregelatinized rice with 5% malt broth
resulted after 2 weeks in 180 mg kg 1 ethyl hexanoate, whereas cultures with
fusuma, corn grits, and spent grain only reached 10 mg kg 1 or less. This SSF of
pregelatinized rice with Neurospora sp. led to a koji used for the sake production and
resulted in a fruity perception of the sake. Ethyl hexanoate is also a substantial flavor
compound in traditional Chinese liquor, obtained by distilling SSF of grains
fermented with daqu, which is a starter culture consisting of a diverse microbiome,
including inter alia Lactobacillus, Bacillus, Aspergillus, and Saccharomycopsis.
Zhang et al. [80] analyzed volatiles appearing during the fermentation process of
daqu on a mixture of sorghum, corn, wheat, and rice. Cultivation was conducted at
30 C, and samples were harvested on days 1, 10, 23, 34, 48, 59, and 70. Aromatic
esters were extracted with ethanol and quantified by GC-FID. Ethyl hexanoate firstly
appeared on day 59 (93.3 μg g 1) and only slightly increased until day
70 (96.1 μg g 1). Such combinations of microorganisms can result in a diverse
pattern of VOC. A mixture of orange pulp molasses, potato pulp, whey, brewer’s
spent grain, and malt spent rootlets was fermented by a kefir community consisting
of symbiotic consortia of fungi and bacteria [81]. Volatiles in the HS of these
cultures were extracted with SPME and identified using GC-MS. In the HS of
kefir cultures, the highest total VOC concentrations have been determined with
ε-pinene being the most abundant aroma compound (4,208 mg kg 1).
In addition, side streams of the food-producing industry, like wheat straw, citrus
peels, and cocoa shells, can be a valuable substrate source [85]. Worldwide, 950 dif-
ferent mushrooms are consumed and 50 different species are cultivated. China is the
biggest commercial producer with an annual production of 7 million tons in 2013,
which accounts for more than 70% of the worldwide production [86]. Several
articles already reviewed the variety of aroma compounds present in fruiting bodies
of fungi of the phylum Basidiomycota [87–89]. In the following, the focus is on the
aroma compounds produced by the vegetative mycelium. The influence of different
cultivation parameters, including substrate preparation, inoculation, and incubation
time on the production of different aroma compounds, is highlighted. Moreover, also
the genotype of the cultivated mushroom can have an impact on the production
process and yield [90]. In addition, recent results on VOC production during the
process of fructification are presented.
The fruiting bodies of the oyster mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus are known as a
delicate food with a pleasant aroma and derive from SSF on lignocellulosic residues.
When cultivated in liquid media or on an artificial solid substrate, the aroma
composition of P. ostreatus cultures alters [91]. Kabbaj et al. compared VOC derived
from P. ostreatus liquid cultures, agar plate cultures, and SSF on sugarcane
bagasse with its fruiting bodies produced on wheat straw [91]. VOC were extracted
with a DHS system equipped with a Tenax® trap. Afterward, volatiles were
thermally desorbed, cryofocused, and analyzed via GC-MS. The volatile profile of
the mycelium varied significantly between the different cultivation conditions. In
fruiting bodies, octan-3-one contributed to 80% of the integrated peak areas, followed
by octan-3-ol with about 14%. During SSF with sugarcane bagasse or on agar surface
cultures, mainly octan-3-one (72.5% and 67.4%, respectively) was detected, with
similar concentrations as in the fruiting bodies, whereas in liquid culture, it only
contributed with 36.2% to the detected volatiles. In liquid cultures, oct-1-en-3-ol
(38.5%) was the dominant compound but only found in small amounts in the SSF
with sugarcane bagasse (0.3%) and agar medium (1%). It is worth mentioning that the
approach with liquid medium contained relatively high quantities (16.2%) of
2-methylbutanol, resulting in a spicy and repellent note of the culture. This illustrates
the impact of the culture conditions on the volatile composition. In addition to the
culture conditions, the substrate itself has an effect on the VOC produced. When
P. ostreatus was cultivated on spent leaves of Eucalyptus cinerea derived from the
production of essential oils, the spectrum of VOC was influenced by the substrates
[92]. Cultivation of P. ostreatus on spent E. cinerea leaves was carried out in
propylene bags in darkness at 25 C for 30 days to completely colonize the substrate.
Afterward, the bags were removed, and the substrate block was further cultivated for
approximately 1 month at 20 2 C and 86–90% relative humidity as well as day and
night shifts to induce fructification. The volatiles of the substrate blocks after
colonization and after fructification were extracted by hydrodistillation in a
Aroma Profile Analyses of Filamentous Fungi Cultivated on Solid Substrates 99
acid [97, 98]. When SmF cultures of B. adusta were supplemented with
polyurethane foam cubes, the benzaldehyde concentration increased significantly
(8.3-fold) as did the AAO activity (4.3-fold). On the other hand, the maximum
benzyl alcohol concentration was higher in non-immobilized SmF cultures (1.5-
fold). This emphasizes the possible usage of lignocellulolytic enzymes for the aroma
biosynthesis. In a similar study, the effect of different solid supports was investigated
concerning the production of aryl metabolites. In comparison to the inert carrier
perlite, the utilization of lignocellulosic wheat bran for SSF of B. adusta resulted in a
remarkable production increase of benzyl alcohol and benzaldehyde (up to tenfold).
Similar to the SmF, the AAO activity was only detected in SSF on wheat bran and
not in cultures where perlite was used [97].
Although the substrate can have an influence on the aroma compounds produced
during SSF, the aroma profile of fruiting bodies derived from different substrates
remained unchanged for the delicious black poplar mushroom Agrocybe aegerita
[99]. A. aegerita was cultivated on 100% wheat straw, 100% cocoa shells, as well as
wheat straw supplemented with either cocoa shells (17%), citrus pellets (17%),
carrot mesh (17%), or black tea pomace (17 and 45%). Straw-based substrates
showed comparable growth of A. aegerita, whereas on 100% cocoa shells, only
marginal mycelium growth and no fruiting bodies were observed. Fruiting bodies
grown on 100% wheat straw and on wheat straw supplemented with black tea
pomace (45%) were compared in regard to their aroma profile. After addition of
methanol and water, homogenized fruiting bodies were extracted by means of LLE.
The concentrated extracts were analyzed via GC-MS/MS-O. Eleven VOC were
identified in the fruiting bodies, and the volatile composition of the two different
SSF cultivations did not exhibit considerable differences. C8 compounds, including
oct-1-en-3-ol, oct-1-en-3-one, and octan-3-one, contributed to the typical mushroom
odor, whereas 2-phenylethanol added a rose-like note to the aroma profile.
Fig. 6 Extraction of VOC with SPME during fructification of A. aegerita in SSF on malt extract
agar using modified crystallizing dishes; photos kindly provided by Sabrina Herold
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Adv Biochem Eng Biotechnol (2019) 169: 109–124
DOI: 10.1007/10_2019_93
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019
Published online: 20 March 2019
1 Part I. Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
1.1 Fungal Pigments: Useful Secondary Metabolites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
1.2 Spalting Fungi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
1.3 Soft Rotting Fungi and Their Pigments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
1.4 Inducing Pigment Production: Wood Species . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
1.5 Inducing Pigment Production: Incubation Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
1.6 The Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
2 Part II. Batch Culture: Amended Malt Agar Plates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
3 Part III. Batch Culture: Liquid Stationary Culture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
4 Part IV. Batch Culture: Liquid Shake Culture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
5 Part V. Applications and Future Developments of Spalting Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Abstract A small group of soft rotting wood decay fungi produce extracellular
pigments as secondary metabolites in response to stress and as a means of resource
capture. These fungi are collectively known as “spalting fungi” and have been used
in wood art for centuries. The pigments produced by these fungi are finding
increasing usage in industrial dye applications and green energy but remain prob-
lematic to grow in batch culture. Additionally problematic is that the pigments,
especially the blue-green pigment known as xylindein, produced by Chlorociboria
species, have yet to be fully synthesized. In order to further research development of
these pigments and find success in areas such as textile and paint dyeing, wood UV
Graphical Abstract
1 Part I. Background
Fungal species produce a range of pigments, with colors spanning the full spectrum
of the rainbow. These organic compounds include carotenoids, melanins, flavins,
phenazines, quinones, monascins, violacein, and indigo [1]. Production of pigments
is widespread across fungal species and lifestyles, ranging from a red produced by
insect-pathogenic Cordyceps variety [2] to blues from terrestrial Crocinoboletus spp.
[3, 4].
Fungal pigments (always referred to as “pigments,” even if they act more like
dyes) are considered secondary metabolites – low molecular weight compounds not
directly necessary for growth and development. Secondary metabolites are generally
Stimulating Production of Pigment-Type Secondary Metabolites from Soft. . . 111
Spalting is the colorization of wood by fungi, produced as a part of the normal life
cycle of certain species of decay fungi [18]. This can be due to either the breakdown
112 R. C. Van Court and S. C. Robinson
of colored compounds in the wood or through their production. There are three main
kinds of spalting: bleaching, zone line formation, and pigmentation.
Bleaching is caused by the breakdown of colored lignin from the wood cell wall,
generally by fungi classified as white-rotting, which results in a lightening of the
natural wood color [19, 20]. Heavy colonization by these fungi has a profound effect
on the structural integrity of the wood, making it softer and weaker. A lightening in
color can also be due to a buildup of white mycelium [21].
Zone line formation is characterized by production of darkly pigmented winding
lines in wood that are made up of melanized hyphae [22]. Zone lines are formed in
response to changes of moisture content in wood [23] and atmospheric conditions
such as presence of increased CO2 [24] and as a barrage reaction caused by
antagonism between dikaryons [25, 26]. Most fungi that produce zone lines are
basidiomycetes, though ascomycetes such as Xylaria polymorpha (Pers.) Grev. are
also known to do so [27]. Microscopic investigation of zone line formation across
selected species and wood types has shown two main forms of pigment deposition: a
melanin granule dense layer formed on the lumen of wood cell walls and a dense
packing of sclerotial hyphae fully obstructing the lumina [28, 29]. The sealing off of
lumina by fungi is considered a protective response to stress, be it from competition
or environmental change.
Pigmenting fungi are the final form of spalting fungi and produce internal
coloration of wood. Most pigmenting fungi are ascomycetes, from which basidio-
mycetes are considered to have evolved. The most common wood pigmentation is
“blue stain,” caused by exposure to airborne, soilborne, or beetle-borne fungi, and is
considered a defect in the lumber industry [30]. However, blue stain is not the only
form of pigmentation of wood; other vibrant colors such as red produced by
Scytalidium cuboideum (Sacc. & Ellis) Sigler & Kang, yellow produced by
Scytalidium ganodermophthorum Kang, Sigler, Lee & Yun, and blue-green pro-
duced by Chlorociboria spp. can also be seen.
Spalted wood has a history of use in fine wood artwork [18]. Chlorociboria spp.
blue-green stained wood has been used since the fifteenth century in intarsia, a form
of inlay, where the blue-green color was used for natural scenery to replicate the
color of leaves, for simulation of fabric, and to represent stone [31]. More recently,
zone line spalted wood was introduced to the woodturning community in the 1970s
by the Lindquist [32] and has become an exceptionally popular material to work
with. An example of a contemporary piece of wood turning showing both zone lines
and pigmentation can be seen in Fig. 1. The popularity and the rarity of pieces on the
market drive the high economic value placed upon spalted wood, making its
production not only an exercise in engendering natural beauty but also increasing
financial profit.
Stimulating Production of Pigment-Type Secondary Metabolites from Soft. . . 113
Fig. 1 Contemporary spalted wood art. Turned bowl with induced spalting by Dr. Seri Robinson,
with forms of spalting including blue, orange, pink, purple, and yellow pigmentation in addition to
white rot and zone lines. Image copyright
[50]. These suggest bioactivity. Interestingly, this use was described as more effec-
tive after exposure to strong UV light, which turned the pigment purple.
It is hypothesized that the production of these pigments is a form of resource
capture by the fungi based on variations in fungal growth as exemplified by
Chlorociboria spp. Chlorociboria species are found on heavily decayed wood
though do not cause significant decay suggesting they are late-stage colonizers.
With other fungi already in the wood, use of pigment to demarcate territory, similar
to the more focused deposition of melanin in zone lines, may be an effective
competitive strategy. Production of xylindein as a competitive response is suggested
by the loss of pigment production in nutrient-rich media over time that has been seen
in multiple publications [51, 52].
Pigment production as a response to competition is also hinted at by variable
responses to growth on white-rotted and sound wood. Chlorociboria sp. growth on
wood pre-treated with a white-rotting fungus showed a possible, but nonsignifi-
cant, stimulatory growth effect for some species when compared to untreated wood
[53–55]. Spalted aspen also showed somewhat faster Chlorociboria growth com-
pared to unspalted aspen when added to malt agar plates, though with time this
effect was no longer seen [56–58]. The increased sugars available in decayed
wood likely influence the increase in growth rate; however it is also possible that
the evidence of other fungi in the wood may stimulate xylindein production.
If the pigment is produced as a competitive or stress response, it is speculated that
antagonizing the fungi results in more pigment production, as the stressed fungi
attempt to “control” their environment. Working with this theory, addition of spalted
wood chips to solid media, variations in moisture and growth substrate, and agitation
of liquid media have been explored as methods to increase pigment yield. Increase in
yield is critical because of the relative rarity and slow growth of these fungi,
especially Chlorociboria spp., which makes garnering enough pigment to study a
time-consuming and laborious process. In order for there to be a chance for industrial
adoption, identification of a growth method that stimulates industrial-scale pigment
production is necessary.
Ideal conditions for stimulating pigment production from spalting fungi differ from
those required to stimulate fungal growth. Replacing vermiculate for soil in standard
growth chambers was shown to improve pigmentation for tested fungal species on
sugar maple [64], and that placement of the wood block above rather than below the
level of vermiculite increased pigmentation for some fungi [61–63]. Further research
has also shown that copper compounds such as copper sulfate can be used to produce
exclusion areas [53–55] and stimulate spalting [61–63].
Ideal moisture content has also been investigated, with results variable by species.
Zone line-forming species such as Trametes versicolor and Xylaria polymorpha
were found to have increasing pigmentation at low initial moisture contents
(29–33% in sugar maple and 29–32% in beech (Fagus grandifolia L.), though
other zone line species such as Polyporus brumalis (Pers.) Fr. showed increased
pigmentation at high moisture contents (59–96% in sugar maple and 26–41% in
beech) [65].
While spalting fungi can be reliably grown on wood for decorative purposes, it is
much more difficult to grow them in culture specifically to collect and extract their
pigment. Chlorociboria spp. have been especially challenging. In addition to being
extremely slow growers, this genus often ceases production of xylindein when in
laboratory storage [51, 52], and its complexity has made it difficult to synthesize.
Work on xylindein synthesis through dimerization of lactone produced a
7,9-dideoxy analogue, though did not progress further [66, 67]. Later work by
Donner et al. [68] took a different approach and described a methodology to produce
a pyranonaphthoquinone corresponding to half of the xylindein framework. The
difficulty of synthesis has led to research specifically focused on generating pigment
production (not fungal growth) in batch culture specifically for spalting fungi
and investigations into the unique environments required to stimulate pigment
Malt agar plates amended with wood chips have been found to be the superior
growing media for pigmenting spalting fungi. Chlorociboria spp. have historically
been particularly difficult to grow in culture, with 2 percent malt agar plate colonies
failing to fully pigment or colonize plates even after 8 months of growth [53–55]. In
order to improve growth in plate cultures, wood chips of different species were
Stimulating Production of Pigment-Type Secondary Metabolites from Soft. . . 117
added to malt media. The addition of Acer saccharum yielded increased growth and
pigmentation across multiple Chlorociboria aeruginascens isolates [56–58]. This
result was supported by Tudor et al. [28, 29], who additionally found that cultures
from apothecia and stroma resulted in similar growth responses across a variety of
solid media.
Wood chip-amended plates have also been found to be effective growing media
for S. cuboideum and S. ganodermophthorum. These fungi are much faster growing
than the Chlorociboria cultures and can fairly quickly produce a large amount of
pigment. However, due to the unique color changes of their pigments, cultures must
be closely monitored and harvested when at the desired color. It has been seen in
multiple publications that the red pigment produced by Scytalidium cuboideum
becomes blue under certain conditions. This was noted when first isolated by
Chidester [69] and was in wood block cultures older than 8 weeks [61–63]. This
was partially explained by Golinski et al. [70], who showed that when the pigment
was dissolved in basic or high polarity solvents, it turned blue. Research into the
effects of the pH of media found that the highest intensity blue coloration was seen on
wood samples with a pH of 8 and a superior red color at a pH of 6 [71]. Scytalidium
ganodermophthorum also demonstrates changes in pigmentation, with plates starting
a bright yellow color after inoculation and then becoming a deep red-brown color
with age. When extracted, the color of the pigment in solution can range from yellow
to olive green to deep red to purple. Investigations into exactly why this occurs are
ongoing, though the effect is likely polarity or pH driven as for S. cuboideum and may
also be related to concentration.
The use of wood chip-amended plates has also allowed for a new method of
extraction. After complete pigmentation of plates by fungal growth, the media can be
dried and blended to a powder from which pigments can be extracted using a
selected solvent [43–46]. The blending followed by extraction method cannot be
used on traditional malt agar plates, as the media will partially dissolve along with
the pigment. DCM has been identified as the most effective solvent fungal pigments,
giving a fast extraction from growth media and good solubilization of dried extracted
pigment [43–46].
Spalting pigmenting fungi under investigation have been found to grow effectively
in liquid 2 percent malt media, although exhibit varying growth characteristics as
described by [72]. Chlorociboria spp. were found to be slow growing, with myce-
lium forming discreet fluffy clumps and the minimal xylindein production aggre-
gating and adhering to the glass of culture flasks. Recent investigations have since
not seen any evidence of extracellular pigment production by Chlorociboria sp. in
liquid cultures. However, it was noted other strains of Chlorociboria have been
observed to grow as mycelial mats near the top of liquid culture media. Both
118 R. C. Van Court and S. C. Robinson
Shaking has been used as a method to stimulate pigment development, working under
the assumption that this stresses the fungi and invokes pigment production. Shake
culture was identified as the most effective form of liquid media growth by [72], citing
faster media pigmentation when compared to static cultures. Chlorociboria spp. in
shake culture at 110 rpm were shown to grow in clumps similar to static cultures,
though there was less adherence of xylindein to the culture glassware and hyphal mats
took longer to form. Scytalidium cuboideum and S. ganodermophthorum in the same
conditions grew dispersed throughout the volume of the flasks and showed good
production of pigment. Scytalidium cuboideum showed fast pigmentation of media in
2 to 3 days, with an initial pink-red coloration that became deep red with time.
Interestingly, pigmentation declined after day 3, not increasing again until between
16 and 48 days. Scytalidium ganodermophthorum cultures showed pigmentation of
media in 2 to 3 days like S. cuboideum, with coloration quickly increasing until day
8 and then slowing. The color of the culture changed with time, starting at light yellow
and moving to a yellow/red/brown coloration with increased pigment concentration
similar to that seen in solid media.
These results suggest that shake culture is the most effective liquid media
technique for the tested Scytalidiums, especially S. cuboideum, as extracellular
pigment is produced and can be harvested directly. This allows for relative ease of
maintaining culture and the possibility of continuous fermentation, though shake
cultures do seem more prone to contamination and sterility of glassware is critical.
Chlorociboria spp. in liquid culture do pigment the media with time; however this
seems to be a result of hyphae breaking causing pigment release instead of pigment
secretion. When liquid cultures are filtered, collected hyphae are highly pigmented
and liquid only faintly so.
Stimulating Production of Pigment-Type Secondary Metabolites from Soft. . . 119
Spalted wood, especially zone line spalted wood, is a highly priced wood product.
Spalting underutilized or low-value woods therefore increases their market value and
generates profit for the producer. Application of fungal pigments has been found to
mitigate the visual effects of blue stain in pine, normally a product associated with
economic loss [73], and effective coloration of bamboo has been demonstrated
[74]. On a commercial scale, large non-sterile logs have also been found to be an
effective spalting substrate, producing good zone lines and stain [75].
Direct use of pigment carried in DCM as a colorant has been compared to fungal-
induced spalting, and for most of the 16 species of wood tested, the use of pigments
from C. aeruginosa, S. cuboideum, and S. ganodermophthorum carried in DCM
yielded higher pigmentation than direct inoculation [43–46]. These extracted pigments
in DCM and liquid media have also been favorably compared to aniline dyes as wood
colorants [43–46].
DCM is the most effective solvent for solubilization of the pigments, due to their
limited solubility, but is a harsh chemical which makes applications more difficult.
This limited solubility complicates methods of application, in addition to making
characterization of the pigments and investigations into their purity more difficult.
Because of this solvents and carriers beyond DCM have also been investigated.
Acetonitrile worked moderately well at solubilizing pigments from C. aeruginosa
and S. cuboideum [76], and natural oils, like linseed oil, have also proven effective
[77]. Investigations into making artist paints using linseed oil are also ongoing, but
results indicate that the pigments react to the oil over time and decolor [78]. The
extracted red pigment when used as a stain on wood has also been found to be stable
in response to natural and artificial UV lights [56–58] and is under investigation as a
coating for decking.
The use of extracted fungal pigment has opened up a variety of applications
beyond colorizing wood, and one of the most promising is the dying of textiles. The
current textile dying industry is associated with significant environmental impacts,
and interest is growing in more sustainable and less toxic natural pigments. Extracted
pigments from Scytalidium cuboideum, Scytalidium ganodermophthorum, and
Chlorociboria aeruginosa have been found to have strong potential as fabric dyes
[79], with xylindein and dramada showing good colorfastness without mordants
[80, 81] and in some cases outperforming commercial dyes [82].
In addition to use as coloring agents, one of the most exciting potential applica-
tions of spalting fungal pigments is their use in organic photovoltaic cells and other
(opto)electronics. Photovoltaic technology based on organic semiconductors has
great potential as a low-cost, highly flexible, and renewable technology, though at
present has low efficiency [83] making development of new materials important.
While pigments from Scytalidium cuboideum and Scytalidium ganodermophthorum
were found to have poor semiconductive capability, the blue-green pigment from
Chlorociboria has been found to have promising optoelectronic properties and
120 R. C. Van Court and S. C. Robinson
Fig. 2 Variety of colors produced by increasing concentrations of red pigment from S. cuboideum
in acetone, ranging from 0.024 mM (left) to 19 mM (right). Image copyright R. C. Van Court
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Adv Biochem Eng Biotechnol (2019) 169: 125–146
DOI: 10.1007/10_2019_88
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019
Published online: 19 February 2019
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
2 Use of Dry Fermented Solids in Biodiesel Synthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
2.1 Fermented Solids as a Cheaper Source of Lipases for Enzymatic Biodiesel . . . . . . . . 127
2.2 Proof of Concept: Production of Biodiesel Esters Using Dry Fermented Solids . . . . 131
2.3 Production of Biodiesel by Transesterification Using Bacterial Fermented Solids . . 131
2.4 Production of Biodiesel Esters by Esterification Using Bacterial Fermented Solids 133
2.5 Production of Biodiesel Using Rhizopus microsporus Fermented Solids . . . . . . . . . . . 137
2.6 Production of Biodiesel Using Rhizomucor miehei Fermented Solids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
3 Miscellaneous Applications of Dry Fermented Solids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
3.1 Use of Fermented Solids in the Resolution of Racemic Mixtures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
3.2 Use of Fermented Solids in Interesterification Reaction to Produce Modified Fats . 141
3.3 Use of Fermented Solids for the Production of High-Value Sugar Esters . . . . . . . . . . . 141
3.4 Use of Fermented Solids in the Production of D-Galacturonic Acid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
4 General Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
N. Krieger (*)
Departamento de Química, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil
e-mail: [email protected]
G. S. Dias, R. C. Alnoch, and D. A. Mitchell
Departamento de Bioquímica e Biologia Molecular, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba,
Paraná, Brazil
126 N. Krieger et al.
pectinases to liberate D-galacturonic acid from pectin and the production of high-
value compounds by DFS containing lipases, such as the synthesis of sugar esters
and the production of pure enantiomers by resolution of racemic mixtures. To date,
studies are limited to proof of concept, and there are still many challenges to be
faced in the development of industrial-scale processes using DFS as catalysts.
A key challenge is the relatively low activity of DFS compared to commercial
enzyme preparations. Attention needs to be given to scale up, not only of the
bioreactor for the application of the DFS but also for the production of the
fermented solids. There is also a need for economic feasibility studies to determine
whether the production of DFS and their use as catalysts can be competitive at
industrial scale.
Graphical Abstract
Dried fermented
Solid-state Biocatalytic
fermentation application
1 Introduction
extracted and then purified, if a purified enzyme is necessary. In the final application
of the enzymes, they are often immobilized. The advantage of using enzymes in
immobilized form is that, in batch reactors, they can easily be removed from the
reaction medium and reused in a subsequent batch; in continuous bioreactors, they
can be confined within the bioreactor, allowing catalysis of the reaction over long
periods. Since an immobilized enzyme can catalyze the conversion of a large amount
of substrate, the contribution of the enzyme to the overall process costs is potentially
lower than if a free enzyme were used: a free enzyme would be limited to catalyzing
the reaction in a single batch, since it is not feasible to recover it after the reaction.
However, the potential cost savings gained by using immobilized enzymes must be
balanced against the costs of the immobilization procedure.
Faced with the costs of the classical route for producing immobilized enzymes for
biocatalytic processes, we had the idea of producing the enzyme by solid-state
fermentation, but not extracting it. Rather, the fermented solids would be dried
and would act as a natural immobilization support for the enzyme. It should be
noted that this is only feasible in those applications in which it is possible to use
crude enzyme preparations, as all enzymes produced by the microorganism are
present. Also, for this idea to be practical, the enzymatic activity contained within
the DFS must be sufficiently stable over repeated batches and typically should not
leach out into the reaction medium.
In our initial studies, we used lipases produced on corn bran to catalyze esterifi-
cation and transesterification reactions in organic media [1]. While these studies
were in progress, the paper of Nagy et al. [2] appeared; these authors used fermented
solids containing lipases to catalyze the resolution of racemic mixtures of secondary
alcohols. In this review, we describe the applications that have been developed since
then, by our group and by other groups, involving the use of dry fermented solids as
biocatalysts in processes for the production of organic compounds. We will start
with the application of dry fermented solids in biodiesel synthesis, given that this is
the most studied application.
In this review, we will refer to “dry fermented solids containing enzymes” simply
as “fermented solids” and use the acronym DFS. Also, enzyme activities of the DFS
are presented in U g1 (units per gram of DFS).
route for biodiesel synthesis uses a strong base as catalyst, such as KOH or NaOH. It
gives a high productivity, with the conversion being complete in less than 1 h.
However, the chemical route has several drawbacks. First, it is necessary to use
relatively high-quality vegetable oils, with free fatty acid contents below 3%;
otherwise the free fatty acids form soaps with the catalyst, with these soaps making
purification of the biodiesel more difficult and leading to a more impure glycerol
by-product, decreasing its value. Second, even with high-quality feedstocks, it is
necessary to remove the catalyst after the process, and this requires relatively large
volumes of wash water [3, 4].
The enzymatic route using lipases (EC is a more environmentally
friendly alternative for biodiesel synthesis. The biodiesel and the glycerol are
produced in purer forms, and the generation of waste wash water is avoided
[5]. However, the enzymatic process also has significant disadvantages in relation
to the chemical process: it has a lower productivity, and the costs of the enzyme are
quite high. It is, therefore, essential to decrease the costs of the enzyme. Enzyme
costs can be decreased by finding new enzymes that have high activity and stability
in organic media, allowing their reuse over repeated cycles. In order to be reused, the
enzymes must be immobilized. As mentioned above, traditional processes for
immobilizing enzymes involve the steps of extraction, concentration, and immobi-
lization. The use of fermented solids potentially allows a cheaper way of producing
lipases for use as biocatalysts for biodiesel synthesis.
Motivated by the potential to reduce costs of biodiesel production, our group and
other groups have studied the use of DFS containing lipases for the production of
biodiesel in transesterification and esterification reactions (Table 1) [1, 6–20].
Although studies were initially undertaken in the presence of cosolvents, such as
n-hexane or n-heptane, more recent efforts have focused on the use of solvent-free
systems, in which the initial reaction medium contains only the substrates (short-
chain alcohols and either oils or fatty acid mixtures). Solvent-free systems have the
potential to reduce costs further by allowing higher volumetric productivities to be
obtained and by eliminating the need to separate solvents from the final reaction
mixture and recycle them. The major challenge with solvent-free systems is to
overcome the deleterious effect of short-chain alcohols on the enzyme. In solvent-
free media, these alcohols can strip the water molecules from the aqueous shell
around the lipase, leading to denaturation. Additionally, the high alcohol concentra-
tions can lead to a significant degree of competitive inhibition of the lipase. Further
details are discussed in the following subsections.
Table 1 Studies of the direct application of dry fermented solids for biodiesel production
Substrate used to produce Alcohol and acid/oil Conversion
Type of reaction the dry fermented solid Microorganism (molar ratio) Solvent Bioreactor in time taken Reference
Esterification Corn bran and corn oil Burkholderia Ethanol and oleic acid (5:1) n-heptane Shake 94% in 18 h [1]
contaminans flasks
Perlite and nutrient Rhizopus sp. Ethanol and oleic acid (5:1) n-hexane 10-mL 98% in 1 h [6]
solution stirred
Sugarcane bagasse and Burkholderia Ethanol and fatty acids from Solvent- Packed 92% in 31 h [7]
sunflower seed meal contaminans soybean soapstock acid oil (3:1) free bed
Babassu cake Rhizomucor Ethanol and Acrocomia Solvent- Shake 91% in 8 h [8]
miehei aculeata acid oil (1:1) free flasks
Wheat bran, sugarcane Rhizopus Ethanol and oleic acid (1.5:1) Solvent- Shake 69% in 48 h [9]
bagasse, and urea microsporus free flasks
Sugarcane bagasse and Burkholderia Ethanol and olein (1.5:1) Solvent- Packed 88% in 24 h [10]
sunflower seed meal contaminans free bed
Babassu cake Rhizomucor Ethanol and palm and soybean Solvent- Shake 67–74% in [11]
miehei fatty acid distillates (1:1) free flasks 6h
Babassu cake Rhizomucor Ethanol and Acrocomia Solvent- Shake 85% in 96 h [12]
miehei aculeata acid oil (6:1) free flasks
Sugarcane bagasse and Rhizopus Ethanol and oleic acid (10:1) Solvent- Shake 98% in 48 h [13]
nutrient solution microsporus free flasks
Fermented Solids and Their Application in the Production of Organic. . .
Cottonseed meal Rhizomucor Ethanol or methanol and oleic Solvent- Shake 85% in 4 h [14]
miehei acid (2:1) free flasks
Transesterification Corn bran and corn oil Burkholderia Ethanol and corn oil (5:1) n-heptane Shake 95% in [1]
contaminans flasks 120 h
Sugarcane bagasse and Burkholderia Ethanol and soybean oil (3:1) Solvent- Packed 95% in 46 h [15]
sunflower seed meal contaminans free bed
Sugarcane bagasse and Burkholderia Ethanol and soybean oil (4:1) tert- Shake 86% in 96 h [16]
sunflower seed meal cenocepacia butanol flasks
Table 1 (continued)
In the early studies of our group about the use of fermented solids, we used a
bacterial strain (LTEB11) that was originally identified as Burkholderia cepacia
but which was recently reclassified as B. contaminans, based on genomic analysis
(unpublished data). Hereafter, it will be referred to as B. contaminans LTEB11, even
in those cases in which the original work referred to it as B. cepacia LTEB11. This
strain produces a lipase when cultivated in submerged fermentation. After immobi-
lization on Accurel (a commercial preparation of microscopic polypropylene beads
which are hydrophobic and have a high specific surface area), this lipase is quite
active and stable in organic media, catalyzing ester synthesis with yields comparable
to those that have been reported using commercial enzymes, such as the lipase from
Pseudomonas cepacia from Amano [21, 22].
In 2007, we published a proof of concept, showing that the DFS produced by
cultivating B. contaminans LTEB11 on a mixture of corn bran and corn oil (5% v/m)
could be used to catalyze the synthesis of biodiesel esters by esterification or
transesterification [1]. The reactions were done in a reaction medium containing n-
heptane as a cosolvent, with the intention of minimizing denaturation of the lipase.
This work made two key contributions. First, we described the use of a bacterium
that produces relatively high amounts of lipase in SSF (108 U of pNPP-hydrolyzing
activity per gram of dry solids after 72 h). At that time, most papers dealing with the
production of lipases by SSF had involved filamentous fungi. Second, we demon-
strated that it was possible to use lyophilized fermented solids containing lipases to
catalyze ester synthesis reactions.
Soon afterward, the paper of Martínez-Ruiz et al. [6] appeared. These authors
cultivated Rhizopus sp. on perlite impregnated with a nutrient solution containing
olive oil, lactose, and urea, as major components, and polyvinyl alcohol and various
mineral salts, as minor components. After the fermentation, the solids were either
lyophilized or air dried, with both methods giving DFS with similar olive-oil-
hydrolyzing activities. These DFS were used to catalyze the esterification of oleic
acid with ethanol using n-hexane as a solvent. With an ethanol to oleic acid molar
ratio of 5:1 (250 mmol L1 ethanol and 50 mmol L1 oleic acid), a conversion of
98% was obtained after 60 min at 45 C.
Fernandes et al. [1] used the DFS produced by B. contaminans LTEB11 to catalyze
ester synthesis by transesterification of corn oil with ethanol, in a medium containing
n-heptane as a cosolvent. The reactions were done with 15 mL of reaction medium
initially containing 70 mmol L1 of corn oil. The best conversion after 120 h of
132 N. Krieger et al.
reaction at 37 C was 94.7%, obtained with an ethanol to oil molar ratio of 4.5:1 and
the addition of DFS containing 43.9 U of pNPP-hydrolyzing activity. Since the corn
oil concentration in n-heptane was relatively low, it limited productivity of the
system. Salum et al. [15] therefore investigated the possibility of carrying out the
transesterification in a solvent-free medium.
The transesterification reactor of Salum et al. [15] was a column packed with 3 g
of DFS that was produced by cultivating B. contaminans LTEB11 on a mixture of
sugarcane bagasse and sunflower seed meal. This substrate mixture gave a pNPP-
hydrolyzing activity of 234 U g1 after 96 h of cultivation, this being more than
twice the activity of the DFS used by Fernandes et al. [1]. The column reactor was
operated in batch mode, with closed-loop recirculation of a solvent-free reaction
medium initially consisting of ethanol and soybean oil. A conversion of 95% after
46 h of reaction was obtained, at 50 C, using a molar ratio of ethanol to oil of 3:1 (the
ethanol was added in two steps, at 0 and 7 h), with the addition of 1% (m/m) of water
to the reaction medium. This stepwise addition of ethanol helps to avoid high
ethanol concentrations in solvent-free media, thereby minimizing inhibition and
denaturation [23, 24].
The conversion of 95% in 46 h obtained by Salum et al. [15] corresponds to an
ester productivity of 152 mg g1 h1 (mass of esters produced per mass of DFS used
per hour). This was a significant improvement over the process of Fernandes et al.
[1], with the same conversion being achieved in less than half the time and with a
more concentrated medium (i.e., a solvent-free medium). When Salum et al. [15]
reused the DFS in successive 47-h transesterification cycles, conversions of over
95% were maintained for three cycles, but in the seventh cycle, the conversion was
less than 60%.
Other groups have used DFS as biocatalysts to produce biodiesel by trans-
esterification, but they have not obtained results as good as those of Salum et al.
[15]. Liu et al. [16] produced DFS by cultivating Burkholderia cenocepacia on a
mixture of sugarcane bagasse and sunflower cake (5:3 m/m). Their DFS had an
olive-oil-hydrolyzing activity of 72 U g1. They used their DFS to catalyze the
transesterification of soybean oil with ethanol in a reaction medium containing tert-
butanol (at a level of 40% (v/v) in relation to the oil content) (Table 1). Their best
conversion was 86% after 96 h. They reused the DFS in three 96-h reaction cycles
(giving a total of 288 h), obtaining a conversion of 67% in the last reaction cycle.
They later optimized this reaction using a Box-Behnken factorial design. The best
result was a conversion of 91% after 96 h, achieved at 44 C using a molar ratio of
ethanol to oil of 3:1, a DFS concentration of 1.63 g mL1, with the addition of 4.6%
(m/m) water and 20% (v/v) tert-butanol [17]. This result corresponds to an ester
productivity of 87 mg g1 h1.
Recently, our group investigated the transesterification of palm oil with ethanol
in a solvent-free medium [20]. The production of the fermented solid by
B. contaminans LTEB11 was optimized, giving 160 U g1 of triolein-hydrolyzing
activity. In shake flasks, a conversion of 90% in 48 h was obtained, using a molar
ratio of ethanol to palm oil of 4.5:1 and 8% (m/m) of DFS in relation to the palm oil,
with the ethanol being added in three steps in equal aliquots. In a packed-bed
Fermented Solids and Their Application in the Production of Organic. . . 133
bioreactor containing 12 g of DFS (12%, m/m, in relation to the palm oil mass), with
recirculation of the reaction medium, we obtained a conversion of 89% in 30 h, this
being achieved using a molar ratio of ethanol to palm oil of 5.5:1, with the addition
of ethanol in four steps. The DFS was reused in successive 30-h cycles, with
washing of the DFS between the cycles with n-hexane and tert-butanol. A conver-
sion of 66% was obtained in the fifth cycle.
Most studies of the production of biodiesel by the enzymatic route have involved
transesterification of oils. However, recently, there has been interest in lipase-
catalyzed esterification of fatty acids, within the context of the so-called
hydroesterification processes [7, 8, 25–28] (Scheme 2). The hydroesterification
route for biodiesel production includes two steps. In the first step, triacylglycerols
are hydrolyzed, either enzymatically or chemically, with subsequent recovery of
fatty acids by distillation. In the second step, the fatty acids are esterified with a
short-chain alcohol; likewise, this step can be catalyzed either chemically or enzy-
matically. Hydroesterification has several potential advantages over the traditional
transesterification route for biodiesel production. First, lower-quality raw materials
can be used, containing significant amounts of free fatty acids or water. These raw
materials are significantly cheaper than the high purity vegetable oils typically used
in transesterification processes [26, 27]. Second, glycerol is removed after the first
step of the hydroesterification process, thereby avoiding the sorption of glycerol onto
solid catalysts, which can lead to decreased reaction rates due to mass transfer
limitations [29, 30].
In our initial esterification studies with fermented solids, Fernandes et al. [1] used
the DFS produced by B. contaminans LTEB11 to catalyze the esterification of oleic
acid with ethanol in 5 mL of reaction medium containing 70 mmol L1 of oleic acid
dissolved in n-heptane as a cosolvent. After optimization, a conversion of 94% was
obtained in 18 h at 37 C, using a molar ratio of ethanol to acid of 5:1 and with the
addition of DFS containing 60 U of pNPP-hydrolyzing activity (corresponding to
0.55 g of DFS, which represented 2.8% m/m in relation to the oleic acid). Since the
oleic acid concentration was relatively low, although high conversions were obtained,
the productivity of this system was relatively low, only 22 mg g1 h1. Subsequent
esterification studies were done using solvent-free media.
Later, Soares et al. [7] used DFS of B. contaminans LTEB11, produced as
described by Salum et al. [15], to catalyze the esterification of fatty acids with
ethanol in a solvent-free medium. The fatty acids had been obtained through the
hydrolysis of soybean soapstock acid oil in subcritical water. The reaction medium
was circulated, in a closed-loop batch system, from a reservoir through a packed-bed
bioreactor containing 12 g of DFS. The best conversion was 92% in 31 h, obtained at
50 C.
The work of Soares et al. [7] brought several advantages over the results for
transesterification of soybean oil reported by Salum et al. [15]. First, a lower-grade
starting material was used, namely, soybean soapstock acid oil. Second, the esteri-
fication process was 15 h shorter than the 46 h required for the transesterification
process. Third, the DFS were obtained through a simple air drying, whereas Salum
et al. [15] had lyophilized the fermented solids.
Soares et al. [7] reused the DFS in 48-h esterification cycles, maintaining
conversions of over 80% during seven cycles. This performance is better than that
which Salum et al. [15] obtained for repeated 47-h transesterification cycles with the
same DFS, with less than 60% conversion in the seventh cycle.
Two important phenomena occurred in the studies of Soares et al. [7]: First,
although the reaction medium was originally monophasic, a second liquid phase
formed during the reaction, presumably due to the production of water by the
esterification reaction and, second, part of the reaction medium remained sorbed
by the fermented solid when the bioreactor was drained at the end of the experiment.
These phenomena were then studied in greater depth by Soares et al. [31], who
determined the compositions of the aqueous and organic phases of the bulk reaction
medium and also of the phase sorbed onto the DFS, this being done for three
experiments with different initial overall molar ratios of ethanol to fatty acid, 1:1,
1.5:1, and 3:1, designated as MR1:1, MR1.5:1, and MR3:1, respectively.
In the bulk reaction medium, the time required for the aqueous phase to appear
increased as the initial molar ratio of ethanol to fatty acid increased. This is not
surprising, as a higher concentration of ethanol in the initial organic reaction medium
increases the miscibility of water in this medium. Once it formed, this aqueous phase
contained almost no fatty acids (for which the mole fraction remained below
0.035%) and esters (for which the mole fraction remained below 1.2%). Although
Fermented Solids and Their Application in the Production of Organic. . . 135
this is the first time that the formation of an aqueous phase was observed for a system
involving DFS, this phenomenon has been previously observed in other solvent-free
systems in which immobilized lipases have been used to catalyze esterification of
fatty acids [32–35].
An even more interesting result was that the phase sorbed onto the DFS
represented up to 30% of the overall reaction medium and was predominantly
polar: the water contents of the sorbed phase for MR1:1 and MR1.5:1 remained
above 50%, while the ethanol content of the sorbed phase for MR3:1 remained
above 65% [31]. On the other hand, at all times in all three experiments, the sorbed
phase had a fatty acid content of less than 8 mol% of fatty acids. As a result of these
sorption phenomena, the sorbed phase had molar ratios of ethanol to fatty acid that
were significantly higher than those found in the bulk reaction medium: For MR1:1,
the molar ratio in the sorbed phase remained above 2:1; for MR1.5:1, the molar ratio
in the sorbed phase remained above 4:1; finally, for MR3:1, the molar ratio in the
sorbed phase remained above 27:1. The formation of a sorbed phase on immobili-
zation supports had been observed previously. For example, nonpolar organic
components sorb onto the poly-(methyl methacrylate) beads used in Novozym
435 [36], while water sorbs onto the macroporous anionic resin (Duolite A568)
used in Lipozyme [32]. However, the sorption of medium components on DFS had
not previously been studied.
The high ethanol contents found by Soares et al. [31] for the phase sorbed on the
DFS may explain the results obtained by Dias [37], who used a single-pass
continuous system, comprising three packed-bed bioreactors in series, each
containing 40 g of DFS, produced using B. contaminans LTEB11. The solvent-
free reaction medium fed to the system had a molar ratio of ethanol to fatty acid of
3:1, in an attempt to maximize conversion. However, although the first reaction
medium to pass completely through the system had a conversion of 46% (after a total
residence time of about 4 h), 14 h later, the conversion of the medium exiting the
system had fallen to around 10%. The most likely explanation is that, as the medium
passed through the columns, a significant amount of ethanol sorbed onto the DFS,
favoring denaturation of the lipase.
Given the poor performance of the single-pass continuous system, Dias et al. [10]
scaled up the process for the production of biodiesel by using a closed-loop batch
system with recirculation, as Soares et al. [7] had done. The packed-bed bioreactor
contained 120 g of DFS produced by B. contaminans LTEB11, while the initial
reaction medium contained 245 g of ethanol and 1,000 g of olein, which contains
60% oleic acid and 22% linoleic acid. This reaction medium had an initial molar
ratio of ethanol to fatty acid of 1.5:1. A conversion of 88% in 24 h was achieved,
with the use of a decanting reservoir with two compartments. In this reservoir, the
reaction medium returns to the first compartment and then overflows into a second
compartment from which the medium is recirculated back to the packed-bed biore-
actor. When the system becomes biphasic, the denser aqueous phase is retained at
the bottom of the first compartment, thereby decreasing the water content of the
medium fed back to the bioreactor. This system was used in six successive 48-h
batches with the same DFS, in which a total of 4.6 kg of ester was produced [10]. To
136 N. Krieger et al.
date, this is the largest scale at which biodiesel has been produced using DFS, via
either esterification or transesterification.
Serres et al. [38] developed a mathematical model to describe the reaction profiles
obtained by Soares et al. [31]. This model recognized that the reaction involves both
adsorption and reaction steps. Adsorption was described by Langmuir isotherms in
multicomponent systems. In this case, the number of moles of component i sorbed
onto the DFS (denoted Si) is given by
ai Bi
Si ¼ Pn
1þ j¼1 b jB j
where Bi is the number of moles of component i in the bulk phase, a and b are
sorption parameters, and n is the number of medium components, including both
substrates and products. A sensitivity analysis showed that the sorption of the
products was not important in the denominator, such that the equation describing
sorption simplified to:
ai Bi
Si ¼
1 þ bFA BFA þ bEt BEt
There were four such equations, one each for the fatty acid (FA), ethanol (Et),
water (W), and Ester (Es).
The rate of reaction (r) was expressed in terms of the concentrations of the
components in the sorbed phase. After the sensitivity analysis, the “Ping Pong bi
bi” equation was simplified to
In this equation, kcat is the turnover number of the enzyme, and the constants α,
D1, and D2 are fitting parameters that represent combinations of fundamental kinetic
constants. E is the fraction of active enzyme (relative to the initial amount of active
enzyme). It denatures according to first-order decay kinetics:
¼ k d E
The first-order denaturation constant, kd, was assumed to depend on the sorbed
ethanol according to a sigmoidal relationship:
kdmax ðSEt Þm
kd ¼
K D þ ðSEt Þm
With a single set of parameters, this model was able to fit well to the experimental
data profiles of Soares et al. [31]. It not only described the profile for overall
percentage conversion, but it also described the profiles for the compositions of
the bulk phase and sorbed phases. This opens up the possibility of using the model as
a tool to guide the scale-up and optimization of operation of the closed-loop
bioreactor system. However, in order to describe the separation of phases in the
two-compartment decanting reservoir, it is necessary to characterize the phase
behavior of the system components. The necessary phase diagrams were obtained
for the system FA-SSAO (fatty acids from soybean soapstock acid oil), ethanol,
water, and esters by Serres et al. [39]. However a complete model of the system has
not yet been developed.
Dry fermented solids produced using fungal strains have also been used to produce
biodiesel. Our investigations into the use of fungal strains were motivated by the fact
that B. contaminans belongs to the Burkholderia cepacia complex, which is a group
of species of Burkholderia that are opportunistic pathogens of humans. Although the
fermented solids produced by B. contaminans showed good potential in biodiesel
synthesis, as described in the previous section, the production and application of
fermented solids containing B. contaminans would require special containment
procedures and equipment in order to protect the process workers. This would
significantly increase process costs. Our reasoning was that the need for special
containment could be avoided by using a nonpathogenic lipase-producing fungus,
thereby reducing costs.
In our initial studies, we grew a strain of Rhizopus microsporus (CPQBA 312-07
DRM) on the same 1:1 mixture (on a dry mass basis) of sugarcane bagasse and
sunflower seed meal that Salum et al. [15] had used to produce fermented solids with
B. contaminans [18]. The tricaprylin-hydrolyzing activity of these DFS was
91 U g1. However, a much higher tricaprylin-hydrolyzing activity of 183 U g1
was obtained with an improved medium comprised of sugarcane bagasse impreg-
nated with an emulsion. This emulsion was prepared using soybean oil and a nutrient
solution containing urea, lactose, and various mineral salts. The improved DFS gave
a conversion of 68% in 72 h for the transesterification of corn oil with ethanol in a
solvent-free medium, with stepwise addition of the ethanol (three equal aliquots at
0, 24, and 48 h). This performance is significantly lower than the 95% conversion
after 46 h that we obtained previously for the transesterification of soybean oil in
solvent-free medium using the DFS of B. contaminans [15]. The lipase activity in the
R. microsporus DFS was highly sensitive to denaturation by the ethanol in the
transesterification reaction medium, with final conversions below 10% being
obtained when the ethanol was added in a single step at the beginning of the reaction.
138 N. Krieger et al.
The same improved R. microsporus DFS gave better conversions for biodiesel
synthesis via esterification [13]. With an overall molar ratio of ethanol to fatty acid
of 10:1 (equal aliquots added at 0 and 24 h), the conversions at 48 h were 98% for
oleic acid and 86% for fatty acids obtained through the hydrolysis of soybean
soapstock acid oil in subcritical water.
The good results that we obtained for the esterification motivated us to scale up
the production of the DFS [9]. We used a pilot-scale SSF bioreactor [40] containing
15 kg of a 1:1 mixture (on a dry mass basis) of wheat bran and sugarcane bagasse,
with the addition of urea as an additional nitrogen source. The peak olive-oil-
hydrolyzing activity of the DFS produced in the pilot bioreactor was 113 U g1
(at 20 h), which is much lower than the value of 265 U g1 obtained (at 18 h) in a
laboratory-scale packed-bed bioreactor containing only 10 g (dry mass) of the same
substrate. Despite this difference in hydrolytic activities, both fermented solids gave
a conversion of 69% in 48 h for the esterification of oleic acid with ethanol in a
solvent-free system [9]. This conversion is lower than the value of 98% in 48 h
obtained by Botton et al. [13] for the improved DFS produced at laboratory-scale
(see the previous paragraph); however, we have not yet used the improved solid
medium in the pilot bioreactor.
A group at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro has investigated the production
of biodiesel esters using DFS produced by cultivating the fungus Rhizomucor miehei
on babassu cake. These DFS will hereafter be referred to as DFSRM-BC. Initially, they
developed a hydroesterification process in which acid oil from macaúba (Acrocomia
aculeata) pulp was hydrolyzed using a lipase from dormant seeds of the castor bean
(Ricinus communis), with the liberated fatty acids being esterified with ethanol in a
solvent-free system using DFSRM-BC [8]. In the esterification step, a conversion of
91% was obtained in 8 h, using stepwise addition of ethanol (at 0, 1 and 2 h).
DFSRM-BC gave conversions of over 60% when it was reused in eight successive 6-h
esterification reactions.
DFSRM-BC was also used to catalyze the esterification of palm fatty acid distillate
and soybean fatty acid distillate, these raw materials being by-products of the
refining of palm oil and soybean oil, respectively. For both raw materials, conver-
sions around 70% were obtained in 6 h in solvent-free medium, with either ethanol
or methanol as the alcohol [11]. In the studies of the reutilization of DFSRM-BC in
successive 6-h cycles, Aguieiras et al. [11] washed the DFSRM-BC between cycles
with a solvent. The idea was to remove the residual reaction medium from the
DFSRM-BC, since sorbed free fatty acids might cause mass transfer limitations,
decreasing the performance of the biocatalyst. For both raw materials, when
DFSRM-BC was washed with n-hexane, conversions around 70% were maintained
Fermented Solids and Their Application in the Production of Organic. . . 139
over five cycles. On the other hand, when DFSRM-BC was washed with ethanol
between cycles, conversions around 70% were maintained over five cycles only for
the esterification of soybean fatty acid distillate; for palm fatty acid distillate, the
conversion in the fifth cycle was around 35%. Aguieiras et al. [11] explained these
results by pointing out that ethanol can remove unsaturated free fatty acids, which
represent 75% of the fatty acids in the soybean fatty acid distillate, but not palmitic
acid, which represents 47% of the fatty acids in the palm fatty acid distillate.
DFSRM-BC have also been used to catalyze the transesterification of fatty acid
esters from macaúba acid oil with several alcohols (methanol, ethanol, isopropanol,
and n-butanol) in a solvent-free system, with ultrasound irradiation [19]. The best
result was obtained for butyl ester, with 79% conversion after 72 h. The DFS kept
55% of their initial activity after four cycles of reuse.
Finally, DFSRM-BC have been used to catalyze the simultaneous esterification and
transesterification of macaúba acid oil with anhydrous ethanol in a solvent-free
system [12]. After 96 h, the conversion was 79%, with the free fatty acids having
decreased from an initial value of 29% to 3%. The used DFSRM-BC were removed,
and a new batch of DFSRM-BC was added to the reaction medium. After a further 96 h
reaction cycle, the conversion had increased to 91%. Better conversions might be
possible if this system were optimized, or the product could be purified to remove
residual mono- and diglycerides. Simultaneous transesterification and esterification
of macaúba acid oil in a solvent-free system was also achieved with a fermented
solid produced by cultivating R. miehei on cottonseed meal [14]. Conversions of
about 76% were achieved in 24 h with either methanol or ethanol as the alcohol.
Although most studies of the application of DFS have focused on the synthesis of
biodiesel, there have been some studies into other applications aimed at producing
organic compounds (Table 2) [2, 41–44]. These other applications include synthesis
reactions, such as the kinetic resolution of racemic alcohols [2, 42], the synthesis of
modified lipids [41], and the synthesis of sugar esters [44], and hydrolytic reactions,
such as the hydrolysis of pectin to produce D-galacturonic acid [43]. DFS have
also been used to hydrolyze lipids in high-fat wastewaters [45–50]; however, this
application is beyond the scope of this review.
Nagy et al. [2] screened DFS produced with 38 strains of filamentous fungi for lipase
activity and enantioselectivity against secondary racemic alcohols. The fermented
solids were produced using a mixture of wheat bran and olive oil (9:1 m/m), wetted
Table 2 Studies of the direct application of dry fermented solids to obtain different products
Substrate used to
produce the
fermented solid Microorganism Application Substrates of the reaction Solvent Bioreactor Conversion in time taken Reference
Wheat bran Various fila- Kinetic resolu- rac-enylethanol or rac-1- n-hexane Shake Conversions as high as 50% [2]
mentous fungi tions of racemic cyclohexylethanol or rac-1-(naphth-2- flasks obtained, with enantioselectivity
secondary yl)ethanol and vinyl aa for the R-isomer (ER) over 100
alcohols rac-1-phenylethanol or rac-1-
cyclohexylethanol or rac-1-(naphth-2-
yl)ethanol and vinyl acetate
Sugarcane Rhizopus Interesterification Palm stearin, palm kernel oil and a Solvent-free Shake Solid fat content (at 35 C) as [41]
bagasse and sun- oryzae concentrate of triacylglycerols flasks low as 2.3% obtained in 24 h
flower seed meal enriched with ω-3 polyunsaturated
fatty acids
Sugarcane Rhizopus Kinetic resolu- rac-1-phenylethanol and isopropenyl n-heptane Shake 23% in 96 h with [42]
bagasse and nutri- microsporus tion of rac-1- acetate flasks enantioselectivity for the
ent solution phenylethanol S-isomer (ES) of 26
Sugarcane Aspergillus Hydrolysis of Concentrated pectin solution Solvent-free Shake 60% of the D-galacturonic acid [43]
bagasse and oryzae pectin to liberate (10% m/v) flasks present in the pectin liberated in
orange peels D-galacturonic 48 h
Sugarcane Burkholderia Regioselective Methyl-α-D-glucopyranoside and Solvent-free Shake 76% in 72 h [44]
bagasse, nutrient contaminans modification of vinyl acetate flasks
solution, and soy- carbohydrates
bean oil
N. Krieger et al.
Fermented Solids and Their Application in the Production of Organic. . . 141
with a salt solution to a moisture content of 60% or 70% (m/m). All strains produced
DFS that were enantioselective, most for the R isomer, following the Kazlauskas rule
for secondary alcohols [51]. For these strains, conversions of the secondary alcohol
(R,S)-1-phenyl-1-ethanol were near 50%, with enantiomeric ratios (ER ¼ (kcatR/
KMR)/(kcatS/KMS)) above 200. The exception was the DFS produced with Mucor
hiemalis, which was enantioselective for the S isomer. In this case, the conversion of
(R,S)-1-phenyl-1-ethanol was 14%, with an ES value ((kcatS/KMS)/(kcatR/KMR)) of 15.
Recently, our group also produced a DFS that has preference for the S isomer of
secondary alcohols [42]. This DFS was produced by cultivating R. microsporus on
sugarcane bagasse impregnated with olive oil and urea, with an initial moisture
content of 80% (wet basis). Through optimization of the resolution reaction, we
increased the conversion of (R,S)-1-phenyl-1-ethanol from 3% to 23%, achieving an
ES value of 26. This result is better that the results obtained with (R,S)-1-phenyl-1-
ethanol by Nagy et al. [2] using the DFS of M. hiemalis (conversion of 14%,
ES ¼ 15).
Taking advantage of the fact that the lipases produced by the genus Rhizopus are sn-
1,3 specific and that species of this genus are considered GRAS, Rasera et al. [41]
used DFS produced by R. oryzae to catalyze the interesterification of palm stearin,
palm kernel oil, and a concentrate of triacyclglycerols enriched with omega-3
polyunsaturated fatty acids (ω-3 PUFAs) (EPAX 4510TG), in a solvent-free
medium. The aim was to incorporate ω-3 PUFAs into the palm stearin and palm
kernel oil, thereby reducing the solid fat content at 35 C (SFC35 C) of the blend. For
table margarines, this value must be as low as possible, to ensure that the margarine
melts in the mouth, avoiding a coarse and sandy texture [52]. The initial blend had an
SFC35 C value of 12.3%. The best conditions for interesterification were 65 C, a
palm stearin content of 38% and an EPAX content of 15%. Under these conditions,
after 24 h, the product had an SFC35 C of 2.3%, making it suitable for the
production of margarines and shortenings [41]. Despite this success, a key challenge
is to reduce the reaction time, since similar reductions can be obtained in as little as
30 min using commercial lipases such as Lipozyme TL IM [53].
Recently, Villalobos et al. [44] showed that the DFS produced by B. contaminans
LTEB11 can be used to produce high-value sugar esters. The DFS were produced on
sugarcane bagasse impregnated with a solution containing urea, lactose, and a
micronutrient solution and 20% of soybean oil (w/w, on a dry basis). They had an
142 N. Krieger et al.
olive-oil-hydrolyzing activity of 160 U g1, which is 1.5-fold higher than the activity
of the DFS produced by Soares et al. [7] with the same bacterium cultivated on a
mixture of sugarcane bagasse and sunflower seed meal. The DFS were used to
catalyze the transesterification of methyl-α-D-glucopyranoside (α-MetGlc) with
vinyl acetate in a solvent-free medium. In initial studies done with 4 mL of a reaction
medium containing 200 mg of DFS, 4.5 mg of α-MetGlc, and vinyl acetate, the main
product obtained was methyl 6-O-acetyl-α-D-glucopyranoside (6-OAc-α-MetGlc),
with a conversion of α-MetGlc to 6-OAc-α-MetGlc of 65% at 72 h. This system was
scaled up to 1 L of reaction medium. A conversion of 76% was obtained at 72 h, with
a calculated yield of 1.0 g (4.43 mmol) of 6-OAc-α-MetGlc. This is the largest scale
reported to date for production of sugar esters by enzymatic catalysis, in terms of
moles of sugar ester formed, indicating that the use of DFS has good potential in this
Leh et al. [43] produced DFS containing pectinase activity by cultivating Aspergillus
oryzae on a mixture of ground sugarcane bagasse and orange peels (30:70 m/m).
The DFS were added to a 10% m v1 pectin solution, giving a concentration of
247 mmol L1 of D-galacturonic acid at 35 h. This is the highest D-galacturonic acid
concentration reported for enzymatic pectin hydrolysis to date and represents a
conversion of 60%, based on the D-galacturonic acid content of the original pectin.
This opens the possibility of a cheap route for producing D-galacturonic acid from
pectin in a citrus waste biorefinery. The D-galacturonic acid can then serve as the
basis for the production of several useful organic chemicals [54].
4 General Considerations
As our review has shown, DFS containing naturally immobilized enzymes (lipases
and pectinases) have been produced using both bacteria and fungi and then used in
synthesis and hydrolysis reactions to produce organic compounds of biotechnolog-
ical interest. To date, the main application of DFS has been in the production of
biodiesel, by transesterification and esterification, in solvent-free media. Although
many of the results reported in this review are promising, there are several hurdles to
overcome before the processes can be scaled up successfully to industrial scale.
We discuss the main hurdles below.
In general, processes involving DFS require longer reaction times than do
processes that use commercial enzyme preparations. Although DFS are cheaper,
the resulting low volumetric productivities will diminish the competitivity of pro-
cesses using DFS as the biocatalyst. One key challenge is to decrease reaction times
by increasing the enzymatic activity produced in the solids. Another key challenge is
to improve the stability of the DFS so that they can be reutilized over many cycles.
Fermented Solids and Their Application in the Production of Organic. . . 143
To date, most processes have shown a significant drop-off in performance over ten or
fewer reaction cycles.
The drying of the fermented solids should be done by air-drying, as lyophilization
will increase the costs of producing DFS significantly. Air-drying protocols need to
be optimized to minimize activity losses during this step. To reduce process costs,
one possibility is to dry the solids directly in the bioreactor used for the synthesis or
hydrolysis process. The stability of the DFS during storage also needs to be studied.
In hydrolytic reactions performed in aqueous media, the enzymes can leach from
the DFS into the reaction medium. This is acceptable if simultaneous extraction and
hydrolysis is desired. However, if one desires to maintain the enzyme in the DFS, an
in situ immobilization procedure will be necessary. To date, there are no reports of
such a procedure having been used with DFS.
To date, processes involving DFS have been applied at relatively small scales,
involving, at most, little more than 100 g of DFS. Processes need to be developed not
only to produce several kilograms of DFS but also to apply kilogram quantities in the
biocatalytic process. However, one should carry out an economic feasibility study
before one decides to scale up a process based on DFS. Only with such studies will it
be possible to confirm whether the low costs of producing DFS offset their relatively
low activities when compared to commercial enzymes. Such studies should also take
into account the need to dispose of the DFS adequately after they have been used.
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Adv Biochem Eng Biotechnol (2019) 169: 147–168
DOI: 10.1007/10_2019_86
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019
Published online: 23 February 2019
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
2 Feedstocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
3 Inoculum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
4 Factors Affecting Solid-State AD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
4.1 Nutrients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
4.2 Feedstock-to-Inoculum Ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
4.3 pH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
4.4 Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
4.5 Inhibitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
4.6 Mixing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
5 Process Operations of SS-AD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
5.1 Batch vs. Continuous Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
5.2 Single-Stage vs. Multistage Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
6 Enhancement of Digestion Performance in SS-AD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
6.1 Feedstock Pretreatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
6.2 Co-digestion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
6.3 Additives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
7 Conclusion and Perspectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Graphical Abstract
1 Introduction
With the growth of world population and economics, the production of solid wastes
is increasing tremendously. A large quantity of these waste materials is biodegrad-
able agricultural residues and municipal solid wastes (MSW). It is estimated that the
annual production of MSW will reach 2.2 billion tons by 2025 [1]. These abundant
Solid-State Anaerobic Digestion for Waste Management and Biogas Production 149
materials can be used as a feedstock for anaerobic digestion (AD) to produce energy
while solving waste disposal problems.
AD is a process in which microorganisms decompose organic matters to produce
biogas in the absence of oxygen. An AD process typically consists of four stages:
hydrolysis, acidogenesis, acetogenesis, and methanogenesis. In the hydrolysis stage,
macromolecules such as cellulose, starch, proteins, and lipids are decomposed into
monomers such as sugars, amino acids, and fatty acids. Those monomers are then
converted into C2–C5-based volatile fatty acids (VFAs) and alcohols, as well as H2
and CO2 in the acidogenesis stage. In the acetogenesis stage, VFAs and alcohols are
converted into acetate. In the methanogenesis stage, methane (CH4) is produced
through the conversion of acetate to CH4 and CO2 (acetoclastic methanogenesis) or
the reduction of formate or CO2 to CH4 (hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis). Among
these four steps, hydrolysis is commonly the rate-limiting step particularly when the
feedstock is the complex organic substrates. When easily digestible organic matters
are used as a feedstock, methanogenesis becomes the limiting step [2]. The biogas
produced from an AD process usually contains 60–70% CH4 and 20–30% CO2 with
trace amounts of ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, and hydrogen. The biogas can be
combusted to generate heat and/or electricity or upgraded and refined into
transportation fuels. Meanwhile, the digestate rich in nutrients, such as nitrogen
and phosphorus, can be recycled as fertilizers or processed into biochar that can be
used as soil amendment [3].
Based on the total solid (TS) content, AD can be defined as liquid state AD
(LS-AD) with TS less than 15% or solid-state AD (SS-AD) with TS greater than
15% [4]. LS-AD is used to treat high moisture substrates such as animal manures and
sewage. However, the large amount of water used in LS-AD process leads to a
decreased volumetric CH4 productivity and creates the problem of disposing large
amount of digestate [5]. On the contrary, SS-AD can handle feedstocks with high
organic loading with minimal water demand and results in a high volumetric CH4
productivity. The wastewater generated and heating energy required in SS-AD are
also reduced. However, due to inadequate mass transfer, SS-AD has disadvantages
such as longer retention time, high cost, and a tendency to accumulate inhibitors
[6]. In the past decade, a steady increase of publications in SS-AD indicates a great
interest in this area (Fig. 1). The aim of this chapter is to provide a comprehensive
review of the recent advances of SS-AD including feedstock, inoculum, factors
affecting SS-AD performance, operation mode, and digestion process enhancement.
2 Feedstocks
Feedstocks with high moisture content, such as animal manure or municipal sewage,
have been traditionally treated with LS-AD. Recent development of AD has
expanded to feedstocks with high solid content such as agricultural residues (e.g.,
corn stover, wheat straw, and rice straw), industrial wastes, and municipal solid
wastes; SS-AD has been increasingly used to treat these feedstocks. Corn stover,
150 H. Zhou and Z. Wen
Number of publications
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Fig. 1 Number of publications with keywords, “solid-state anaerobic digestion,” via Google
Scholar. The search included patents but did not include citations. Updated on September 16, 2018
with a 1:1 weight ratio of residue to grain [7], is the most abundant agricultural
residue in the United States, with approximately 80 million dry tons of corn stover
produced each year [8]. It has been reported that SS-AD (18% TS) treatment of corn
stover produced a higher CH4 yield than LS-AD (5% TS) [9, 10]. SS-AD of wheat
straw, another abundant agriculture residue, also resulted in a much higher CH4 yield
than LS-AD [8, 11].
The microstructure of the fibrous feedstock significantly affects SS-AD
performance. Cui et al. [10] examined the fiber structure in wheat straw by scanning
it with an electron microscope (SEM). Compared to the raw wheat straw with long
and smooth intact fibers, the spent wheat straw with rough fiber and serrations at the
edge was more digestible. Similarly, corn stover treated by sodium hydroxide was
more digestible than the raw corn stover [11].
The organic municipal solid wastes (OMSW), such as food and yard wastes, have
also been commonly used as feedstock for SS-AD. It is estimated that 1.3 billion tons
per year of food wastes are produced worldwide [12]. In the United States, food
waste accounts for 12% of total municipal solid waste [13]. Food waste composition
varies widely depending on geographical locations and the eating habits of local
populations. In general, food wastes containing soluble organic matters can be easily
converted into VFAs, which may inhibit the subsequent CH4 formation if VFAs are
overproduced. A two-phase SS-AD can successfully overcome this problem
[14]. Among the 31 million dry tons per year of yard wastes generated in the United
States, more than 60% were treated through composting, during which energy was
wasted as respiration heat [5]. SS-AD as an alternative to composting can recover
energy. However, the types of yard wastes affect the methane yield due to different
TS, VS, and C/N in those materials [15, 16].
Solid-State Anaerobic Digestion for Waste Management and Biogas Production 151
3 Inoculum
Inoculum brings the microbes, nutrients, and water to SS-AD reactors. Typical
inoculum in SS-AD includes sewage sludge, ruminant cultures, and digested manure
[17]. Since most solid feedstock does not naturally contain methanogens,
methanogens-rich inoculum is essential to a SS-AD process [15]. Characterization
of the microbial community in inoculum is important for an insightful understand-
ing, particularly the functional partitioning of a SS-AD process. Shi et al. [16]
studied the microbial community in SS-AD of corn stover using denaturing gradient
gel electrophoresis and found enriched archaeal and bacterial communities in
the system. In SS-AD of rice straw, a high-throughput sequencing analysis
revealed that Methanobacteria, Bacteroidia, Clostridia, Betaproteobacteria,
and Gammaproteobacteria were the primary species [18]. The acetoclastic
Methanosarcina and hydrogenotrophic Methanoculleus coexisted in this system.
For example, in the first 20 days of AD, Methanosarcina accounted around 86.5% of
microbial population, while Methanoculleus accounted 32.1% of microbial popula-
tion from days 7 to 45 [18]. Bacteria producing low temperature-adaptive lipases,
Psychrobacter, was identified in SS-AD of a mixed kitchen waste, pig manure,
and the sludge [19]. In SS-AD of fruit waste, a three-stage system was developed
to accommodate the favorable conditions for hydrolysis, acidogenesis, and
methanogenesis [20]. Lactobacillaceae and Pseudomonadaceae were predominant
in the hydrolysis of carbohydrate into lactate and biomic acids, respectively.
In the acidogenesis stage, the most abundant bacteria were switched to
Porphyromonadaceae and Enterobacteriaceae, while methanogens were the dom-
inant species in the methanogenic stage [20].
4.1 Nutrients
Trace elements such as iron, cobalt, nickel, and sulfur are essential for methane
fermentation [24–27]. Iron is often supplemented in AD systems to activate enzymes
such as ATPase, PEP carboxylase, and serine transhydroxymethylase [28, 29]. Due
to its reduction capacity, iron often reacts with sulfur to form FeS precipitant,
reducing H2S generation and alleviating odor problem [30]. Nickel is an essential
element in coenzyme F430, hydrogenase, and CO dehydrogenase in methanogenic
microbes [31–33]. Cobalt is involved in the activity of methyl transferase and
CO dehydrogenase (CODH) in acidogenesis [31]. The addition of cobalt has
been reported to stimulate CH4 productivity in methanol LS-AD process
[25]. Molybdenum is present in CO2 reductase, a molybdoprotein that is responsible
for reducing CO2 to formate and subsequently reducing to CH4 [34].
Feedstock-to-inoculum ratio (F/I) is another important factor in SS-AD. Too high F/I
ratio could result in overproduction of VFAs due to excess organic loads, which
eventually leads to an acidic pH and inhibition on methanogens. Zhou et al. [35]
reported that the CH4 yield of rice straw SS-AD was inversely proportional to F/I due
to the VFAs accumulation and poor mass transfer. On the contrary, SS-AD of palm
oil mill residues achieved the highest CH4 production rates at the lowest F/I ratio
within the range of 2:1–5:1, while a rapid hydrolysis at F/I ratio of 4:1–5:1 resulted
in a VFAs accumulation and low CH4 yield [36].
4.3 pH
The pH of a SS-AD system also affects the digestion performance. The ideal pH for a
SS-AD process is within a narrow range of 6.8–7.2 [37]. However, different groups
of microbes in SS-AD have different optimal pH requirements. For example, the
optimal pH for acidogens is between 5.5 and 6.5, while methanogens are most active
at pH 6.5–8.2 with an optimum at pH 7.0 [38]. Due to this discrepancy of pH
requirement, two-stage SS-AD, i.e., separating acidogenesis and methanogenesis
into two reactors, is usually used [37].
During an AD process, pH is affected by many parameters. In a SS-AD of
OMSW with liquid digestate recirculation, the pH was low (<6.5) initially due to
high VFAs concentration and then gradually increased to 8 after VFAs decreased
from 12,000 to 1,000 mg/L within 1 week [39]. The buffer capacity of an AD system
to resist pH fluctuation is evaluated through alkalinity. For example, in a corn stover
SS-AD system with a less alkalinity (1,036 mg CaCO3/kg), pH dropped from nine to
below six rapidly with a decreased CH4 yield [16]. When the alkalinity of the system
was increased (>1,700 mg CaCO3/kg) through adjusting the F/I ratio, pH of the
same system was stabilized with only slight a decrease from 9 to 8.4 [16]. In order
Solid-State Anaerobic Digestion for Waste Management and Biogas Production 153
4.4 Temperature
4.5 Inhibitors
VFAs [46]. In SS-AD of wheat straw, high H2 partial pressure also led to a strong
inhibition on the initial hydrolysis step [47]. Since both CO2 and H2 are needed to
produce acetate/CH4, a balanced CO2/H2 pressure in the headspace is essential to
prevent inhibition.
Ammonia is produced from the degradation of nitrogenous compounds (e.g.,
protein and urea) during AD process. A moderate amount of ammonia is essential for
bacterial growth and neutralizing VFAs to maintain a stable pH; however, excessive
ammonia can inhibit methanogenesis. Ammonia exists as an equilibrium between
ammonium ion (NH4+) and free ammonia (NH3) [43]. Free ammonia can permeate
cell membrane and cause proton imbalance and thus is inhibitory to microbial cells.
Animal manure usually contains excessive ammonia, resulting in process inhibition.
For example, in SS-AD of chicken manure, the digester was completely inhibited
when influent total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) (mainly ammonia) was 8.2 g/L
[48]. After ammonia was removed from influent, the digester achieved a much
higher CH4 yield.
4.6 Mixing
Batch and continuous operations are two operation modes commonly used in
SS-AD. Table 1 compares the performance of batch and continuous operation of
SS-AD. Compared to continuous operation, batch operation is easier to maintain
because it needs less capital and operating costs with less process control
requirements. However, the biogas production in batch SS-AD is variable with
time, and the majority of biogas is produced only at peak production time. For
example, it was reported that in a 55-day batch SS-AD of corn stover, more than
80% of biogas was produced only at 36-day period of methanogenic phase
[22]. Another limitation in batch SS-AD is the requirement of a large amount of
inoculum (i.e., low F/I ratio). For example, Capson-Tojo et al. [56] reported that a
batch SS-AD of food waste and cardboard mixture can only produce biogas at a F/I
lower than 0.25; the biogas production had completely ceased when the F/I ratio was
above this ratio due to overproduction of VFAs. Similar results were obtained for a
batch operation of yard trimmings SS-AD process in which the highest CH4 yield
(244 L/kg VS) was obtained at the lowest level of the F/I ratio ranging from 0.2 to
2 [57]. The inoculum sources also significantly affected the batch SS-AD process.
Guendouz et al. [58] studied three successive batches of MSW SS-AD and found
that the second and third batches inoculated with the residue from the previous batch
shortened the lag phase and accelerated reaction, which was due to the adaptation of
the microbes to the digestion system.
Contrary to the batch operation, continuous SS-AD can consistently produce
CH4 at steady state. Organic loading rate (OLR), CH4 production, and solid
retention time (SRT) are the three main parameters in determining the interaction
between microorganisms and substrates and thus are used in designing and
evaluating a continuous SS-AD performance [51]. OLR represents the conversion
capacity of an AD system; a maximum OLR level in SS-AD depends on various
parameters such as reactor design, feedstock characteristics, microbial activity,
temperature, pH, and toxicity level [59]. A high OLR is always preferred as it
means an improved utilization efficiency and reduced digester size. However, high
OLR can also lead to VFAs overproduction, causing an imbalance between
acidogens and methanogens. For example, in a batch SS-AD process of rice
straw, increasing TS loading from 20% to 24% prolonged the lag phase from
15 days to 20 days [35]. Similarly, increasing OLR from 2.3 to 9.2 kg VS/m3 day
in semicontinuous SS-AD of food waste slowed down bacteria acclimatization in
the new environment, resulting in a prolonged adaptation time from 2 days to
31 days [60]. In a co-digestion of chicken manure and poplar leaf, CH4 yield
decreased when OLR increased from 4.0 to 8.0 g VS/L day [61].
One important operational parameter in continuous SS-AD is solid retention
time (SRT); the time organic compounds stay in the digester. Due to slower mass
transfer, the SRT in SS-AD is usually longer than the HRT commonly used in
LS-AD [54]. The retention time needed for a complete degradation of solid
feedstock can be determined through biomethane potential (BMP) assay
[62]. An optimal SRT depends on many factors such as the feedstock, OLR, and
TS. Decreasing SRT leads to washing out of microorganisms and insufficient
substrate utilization. A longer SRT is usually not economical because it would
require larger reactor volumes and higher costs for maintenance. SRT has a
considerable impact on CH4 production. In SS-AD of organic waste containing
vegetable, fruit, and green waste, increasing SRT from 15 days to 35 days
increased methane yield from 360 to 454 mL/kg VS [63].
Table 2 Biogas, methane production, and feedstock degradation of brewery spent grain SS-AD in
single-stage and two-stage processes with raw and acid pretreated feedstock [65]
Feedstock types Single stage Two stage
Biogas production (L/kg) Raw 87.4 89.1
Pretreated 89.1 103.2
Methane production (L/kg) Raw 51.9 58.7
Pretreated 55.3 58.7
Biodegradation % Raw 62.0 63.5
Pretreated 62.2 73.6
As hydrolysis is the rate-limiting step for SS-AD of most solid feedstocks, various
treatment technologies have been developed to accelerate the feedstock hydrolysis
so overall biogas yield can be enhanced. Those pretreatment methods are
summarized in Table 3.
Physical treatment such as milling and grinding reduces the particle size of the
feedstock and thus provides a greater surface area for microorganisms to access. Tian
et al. [66] reported a 29% increase in CH4 yield in SS-AD of rape straw when the
158 H. Zhou and Z. Wen
feedstock size was reduced from 2–2.5 cm to 0.5 mm. However, a too fine particle
size may negatively affect the AD performance. For example, Motte et al. [82]
compared the SS-AD of straw at three particle sizes (0.25, 1, and 10 mm) and found
that the coarse particles (10 mm) resulted in the highest CH4 yield followed with the
medium size particles (1 mm) and the finest size (0.25 mm). The reason for this
phenomenon was due to rapid acidification of the substrate at smaller particle sizes,
which resulted in an overproduction of VFAs and rapid pH drop.
Solid-State Anaerobic Digestion for Waste Management and Biogas Production 159
Chemicals such as acids, alkaline, or oxidants can facilitate the breaking down of
recalcitrant structures of feedstock. The effectiveness of chemical treatment relies
on the feedstock characteristics and the reagents used. Feedstocks with easily
digestible carbohydrates such as starch are typically not suited for chemical
treatment because it accelerates starch degradation leading to VFAs overproduction
and accumulation [86].
Alkaline treatment is usually carried out at ambient temperature with lime,
sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, and ammonium hydroxide as agents. The
mechanism of alkaline treatment is to remove lignin from lignocellulose, improving
the accessibility of hemicellulose and cellulose by the microbes and enzymes
[87]. Additionally, the presence of residue alkali neutralizes carboxylic acids
resulted from lignocellulose degradation in subsequent acidogenesis stage and pre-
vents pH drop [71]. Zhu et al. [71] reported a 37% increase in biogas yield in SS-AD
of corn stover treated with 5.0% NaOH compared to that of untreated corn stover.
Liew et al. [88] achieved a 24-fold higher CH4 yield in SS-AD of fallen leaves
treated with 3.5% NaOH. However, excessive alkali loading may inhibit AD due to
high pH or ion toxicity [89]. For instance, in SS-AD of corn stover, although the
lignin degradation of corn stover increased with NaOH loadings from 1.0% to 7.5%,
the biogas yield was not improved correspondingly; 7.5% NaOH loading actually
inhibited biogas production due to VFAs accumulation and acidification [71].
Compared to alkali treatment, acid treatment is more effective to break down the
recalcitrant lignocellulosic structure and produce reducing sugars [83]. However,
compounds such as furfural and hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) can be produced
during acid treatment which inhibit the AD process [86]. Acid treatment also
160 H. Zhou and Z. Wen
6.2 Co-digestion
and stable pH and higher buffering capacity [61]. Khairuddin et al. [95] reported that
the co-digestion of household organic waste and cow manure, even with a low C/N
ratio of 11.1, still increased CH4 yield by 10.7% compared to digestion of household
organic waste only. Similarly, co-digestion of spent mushroom substrate and yard
trimmings (with a C/N ratio of 74.6) produced 16-fold higher CH4 yield than
digestion of spent mushroom only [99].
The ratio of the co-digested substrates is important for a successful SS-AD.
Li et al. [44] conducted a SS-AD of tomato residues, corn stover, and dairy manure
with eight mixing ratios. The authors reported that a mixing ratio of tomato residues,
corn stover, and dairy manure at 13:33:54 (TS based) achieved the highest CH4
yield, while digestion of tomato residues failed due to ammonia inhibition. Simi-
larly, co-digestion of food waste with distiller’s grains under four ratios (1:4, 1:6,
1:8, 1:10) showed that food waste vs. distiller’s grains ratio at 1:8 resulted in the
highest CH4 yield [98].
6.3 Additives
SS-AD has become a popular approach to digest organic wastes with high solid
content due to its inherent advantages such as high OLR, reduced reactor size, and
minimal amount of digestate generated. A variety of materials, from municipal solid
wastes to agricultural residues, can be used as feedstock for SS-AD. To ensure
a successful SS-AD, operation conditions such as nutrient levels, feedstock-to-
inoculum ratio, pH, temperature, and mixing need to be carefully controlled.
Moreover, reactor systems configured with different operation modes (batch vs.
continuous; one stage vs. multiple stage) have been applied based on diverse
characteristics of the feedstocks. To enhance SS-AD performance, pretreatment is
needed to make lignocellulosic feedstock more amenable for microorganism to
degrade. Co-digestion of different feedstocks and supplement external additives
such as biochar are also effective to improve biogas production.
Further studies on SS-AD should focus on several issues in order to develop an
effective commercial-scale process. First, feedstock pretreatment should be carefully
selected to address the operational costs, treatment effectiveness, and inhibitors.
Second, mass transfer limitation needs to be effectively overcome. Finally,
understanding the microbial consortium and metabolic pathways involved in
SS-AD processes is crucial to provide potential guidance to improve the digestion
performance. Solving these hurdles will facilitate the application of SS-AD as a
promising alternative to the traditional waste disposal process.
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A enzymatic, 127–130
Amended malt agar plates, 116–117 esterification, 133–137
Amylases, 54–56, 60, 73 fermented solids
Aroma extract dilution analysis (AEDA), 92, 94 Rhizomucor miehei, 138–139
Aroma profile analysis Rhizopus microsporus, 137–138
Ceratocystis fimbriata, 95 synthesis, 127
fruiting bodies, 100 transesterification, 131–133
gas chromatography (GC) and volatile Biogas
organic compound (VOC), 87 CH4, 162
Ascomycetes, 54, 55, 57, 58, 60, 63, 67, 93, methanogenic phase, 155
95–97, 112, 113 microbial growth, 151
oxygen absence, 149
recirculation, 154
B solid-state anaerobic digestion (SS-AD),
Basidiomycetes 157, 159
amylases, 55 Bioreactors
and bacteria, 54 air preparation system, 35–36
enzymatic performances, 62 designs, 30–32
lignolytic enzymes, 70 final design, 32–35
mushrooms, 5 medicinal mushrooms (see Medicinal
oxidative process, 69 mushrooms)
pectinases, 60 monitoring equipment, 36–37
screening and categorization, 63 packed-bed bioreactor, 29–30
SSF (see Solid-state fermentation (SSF)) rotating drum, 12
VOC produced sampling, 37–39
fructification, 100–102 stirred aerated beds, 12–14
vegetative growth, 98–100 tray, 10–11
zone lines, 112 types, 29
Batch culture See also Solid-state bioreactors cultivation
liquid shake culture, 118
liquid stationary culture, 117–118
naphthoquinone pigments, 111 C
spalting fungi, 116 Chlorociboria spp., 112, 114–119
Biodiesel Co-digestion, 156, 157, 161–162
dry fermented solids (DFS), 131 Computational fluid dynamics (CFD), 48
170 Index
D challenges, 116
Dry fermented solid (DFS) DCM, 117
biodiesel production (see Biodiesel) incubation conditions, 116
cheaper source, 127–130 inducing production, 115
high-value sugar esters, 141–142 secondary metabolites, 110–111
modified fats, 141 soft rotting fungi, 113–115
proof of concept, 131 spalting, 111–113, 119
racemic mixtures, 139–141
Dynamic headspace (DHS), 89–90, 93, 95, 98
E Hydroesterification processes, 133, 138
Esterification, 128, 129, 131, 133–139, 142
Extracellular enzymes
bacteria and fungi, 53 I
industrially relevant Inoculum preparation
amylases, 55–56 Aspergillus, 41
lipases, 57–59 biomass, 18
pectinases, 60, 61 bioreactor (see Bioreactor)
proteases, 56–57 feedstock-to-inoculum ratio (F/I), 152
lignocellulolytic (see Lignocellulolytic filamentous fungi, 41
enzymes) microbe-containing leachate, 154
solid-state fermentation, 73 repeated cycles, 42
solid-state anaerobic digestion (SS-AD)
reactors, 151
F solid-state fermentation (SSF), 41
Feedstocks wetting solution, 42
co-digestion, 161 Intermittent mixing, 34, 154
high-quality, 128
liquid state anaerobic digestion
(LS-AD), 149
microstructure, 150 L
organic municipal solid wastes Lignocellulolytic enzymes
(OMSW), 150 basidiomycetes, 62
pretreated, 157 cellulases, 60, 62–67
pretreatment laccases, 69–73
biological, 160 peroxidases, 69–73
chemical, 159–160 xylanases, 62–69
physical, 157–159 Lipases, 11, 45–46, 57–59, 95, 127–130, 141,
solid-state anaerobic digestion 142, 151
(SS-AD), 149 Liquid state anaerobic digestion (LS-AD), 149,
Fermented food, 94, 97 150, 152, 153, 160
Filamentous fungi
cultivation, 30
inoculum, 41 M
soft cheese, 94 Mathematical modeling, 46–48, 136
SSF (see Solid-state fermentation (SSF)) Medicinal mushrooms
VOC (see Volatile organic compounds Asian pharmaceutical companies, 5
(VOC)) basidiomycetes, 5
Flavor dilution factor (FD), 92–94 packed-bed, 11–12
Fructification, 98, 100–102 polysaccharides, 6
Fungal biomass, 16, 18, 20, 22 submerged and solid-state bioprocessing,
Fungal dyes, 110, 111, 119 8, 9
Fungal pigments substrates, 14, 17
application, 119 Monitoring and sampling
Index 171
P microorganisms, 149
Packed-bed bioreactors mixing, 154
design and operation, 12 municipal solid wastes (MSW), 148
intermittent agitation, 29–30 nutrients, 151–152
pilot-scale (see Pilot-scale packed-bed pH, 152–153
bioreactor) single-stage vs. multistage operations,
substrate mass, 11 156–157
Pectinases, 39, 42–46, 54, 60, 142 temperature, 153
Pilot-scale packed-bed bioreactor Solid-state bioreactors cultivation
enzymes Cordyceps militaris, 21
pectinases, 43–45 Ganoderma lucidum, 17–18
sugarcane bagasse contents, 45–46 Grifola frondosa, 18–19
inoculation, 41–42 Hericium erinaceus, 20–21
inoculum, 41–42 medicinal mushroom biomass (see
and mathematical models, 46–48 Medicinal mushrooms)
substrate, 39–41 Trametes versicolor, 19–20
See also Bioreactors Solid-state cultivation (SSC)
Pretreatment, 9, 15, 18, 55, 157–160 agricultural residue, 6
Proteases, 54, 56–57, 60, 73 bioreactor types (see Bioreactors)
fungal biomass, 22
Ganoderma lucidum, 17
R Grifola frondosa, 19
Residues hyphal growth, 8
agricultural industry, 63, 67 inoculation density, 17
alkali neutralizes carboxylic acids, 159 medicinal mushroom, 16, 22
CH4 production, 152 SmB, 7
citrus juice-producing industry, 95 vs. submerged, 9
crop, 54 water activity, 7
G. lucidum, 17 Solid-state fermentation (SSF)
industrial/agricultural processes, 99 aroma analysis, 93
pectinases, 60 bioreactors, 46
pretreatment/enrichment, 6, 18 computational fluid dynamics (CFD), 48
protein-rich substrates, 57 DFS (see Dry fermented solids (DFS))
solid-state anaerobic digestion enzyme production, 53–54
(SS-AD), 162 fermented solids, 126
solid-state fermentation (SSF), 55 filamentous fungi, 30
Rotating drum bioreactors, 12, 13, 56 food manufacturing, 94
free liquid phase, 53
immobilized enzymes, 127
S laboratory-scale, 41
Scale-up, 46, 110, 111, 137 lipase, 131
Scytalidium cuboideum, 112–115, 117–120 microbial enzymes, 126
Scytalidium ganodermophthorum, 112, 114, nature fascinates, 53
117–119 packed-bed bioreactor, 29
Secondary metabolites, 110–111 pilot-scale bioreactor, 138
Solid-phase microextraction (SPME), 90–92, pine wood chips, 66
97, 99–101 R. microsporus, 40
Solid-state anaerobic digestion (SS-AD) solid-phase microextraction (SPME), 91
additives, 162 volatile organic compound (VOC)
batch vs. continuous operations, 155–156 produced, 95–102
co-digestion, 161–162 Solid wastes, 61, 148, 150
feedstocks (see Feedstocks) Spalting
feedstock-to-inoculum ratio (F/I), 152 applications, 119–120
inhibitors, 153–154 Chlorociboria spp., 116
inoculum, 151 fungi, 111–113
172 Index
Transesterification Zone lines, 112–116, 119