Ground-Breaking Solutions For Power Transmissions Engineering

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Industry Sector Information

Power Transmission Engineering

Ground-breaking Solutions for

Power Transmissions Engineering
Simrit®, Your Global Technology Specialist
for Seals and Vibration Control

Simrit, Your Global We can guarantee you a com- Make the most of Simrit’s service
Technology Specialist petitive edge based on experi- package and give yourself a
for Seals and Vibration ence all around the world: real competitive edge:
Control offers you a Simrit has a presence through-
complete service pack- out Europe, America and Asia, The technological edge due
age. A unique range either directly or through its to constant innovations
of products and services affiliated companies NOK
guarantees you numer- (Japan) or Freudenberg-NOK Savings in cost and time
ous advantages over the (USA). The transfer of know- by using a single source for
competition. ledge between these markets is a uniquely wide range of
incorporated directly into the products
Simrit service package.
Simrit acts as a partner to Increased efficiency, using
general industry. Its position as With our many Simrit Service Simrit's material expertise
a market leader is achieved Centres and Simrit distribution to extend the service life of
through continuous research, Partners, we serve and supply your components
development and manufacture. more than 100,000 customers
We have the world’s widest ran- worldwide. Our Simrit Partners The competitive edge due
ge of seals and vibration con- ensure rapid availability from to our wide range of value
trol products, and can offer you stock. This means spare parts added services
solutions based on the demands quickly arrive when and where
of state-of-the-art-technology, they are needed. There is a
solutions which set standards. Simrit Partner near you as well.

Simrit offers a complete package of

products and services, including leading
brands such as Simmerring®, Merkel,
Integral Accumulator, Meillor and
ISC O-Ring.

Vibration Control

Special Sealing Products: Bellows, Diaphragms,

Elastomer Composite Parts and Precision Mouldings
ISC O-Ring

Meillor Flat and Frame Seals

Integral Accumulator

Merkel Hydraulics / Pneumatics / Packings


Simrit® – the branded Range for Power Transmission Engineering

With Simmerrings, sealing

caps, ISC O-Rings, Usit-rings,
Meillor flat and frame seals
and vibration control
Innovative solutions for components, suitable seals
individual applications and vibration control solutions
in power transmission are available for any drive
engineering assembly.
Simrit develops, produces and
supplies all seals and vibration The power of innovation to pro- Comprehensive
control components for the vide new solutions, consultation lubrication Expertise
drive train. These components as early as the design phase Simrit’s range of services is
are found in engines, couplings, and global availability of all complemented by a compre-
gears, brakes and drive shafts. standard components work hensive lubrication know-how
More than 16,000 standard together to allow Simrit to offer within the Freudenberg Group.
products form the basis of our competitive and complete soluti- With help from the specialists
specially designed sealing ons in power transmissions at Klüber Lubrication, lubri-
solutions. engineering. cation and seal are designed
to work perfectly together from
the outset. A synergy which
can only benefit our customers.

Vibration Control

Noise and vibrations within a drive train should be reliably reduced. This is the
function of vibration control components from Simrit, a function they perform
with quality based on many years of experience. Our uniquely wide standard
range means that economical solutions are available to our customers, wherever
they are in the world.

Vibration control V-Mount for the

components play various isolation of vibrations
important roles within and structure-borne
power transmission noise
engineering: V-Mounts from Simrit are
■ load transmission in Ultra Bush and suitable for a wide range of
couplings spherical bearing applications. Their benefits are
■ damping effect on rotary are elements which transfer most apparent when it comes to
vibration of the drive train load and control torsional the mounting of electric motors,
■ vibration-related isolation of vibration. They are generally combustion engines and
complete drives used to transmit drive train pumps. The durable natural
■ elastic and damping load loads – both in couplings and rubber is specially protected by
absorption on torque brackets in torque reaction linkages. a metal housing and base
on slip-on gear mechanisms They use natural rubber to plate. They can also be fitted
damp radial and torsional with a lift stop, which protects
motion and to allow cardanic the mount against separation,
movement. Pre compression of particulary in mobile appli-
the rubber section gives Simrit cations.
Ultra Bushes and spherical
bearings an impressively long
service life.

Ultra Bush


The Simmerring is the original radial shaft seal. Today, Simmerrings are
regarded as highly durable, robust machine components. The extreme reliabi-
lity Simmerrings is based on years of product research and development.

Preferred standard Sealing Caps GA, GSA

designs in power trans- Full and half coated sealing
mission engineering: caps from Simrit for the simple
BAUX2 and standardised sealing of
BAUSLX2 housing bores are specially
BAUM designed to cope with
BAUMSL increased levels of operating
pressure. They are a quick and
There are also a wide range of simple way of sealing housings
World’s leading other tried and tested designs in gear casings.
standard product range which have already proven
For sealing rotary shafts Simrit their worth in power transmis-
offers branded products in a sion engineering. Ask one of
wide range of shapes, sizes our consultants!
and materials. The preferred
standard designs of our Preferred standard
Simmerrings in power trans- materials:
mission engineering meet and 72 NBR 902
surpass the requirements of DIN 75 FKM 585
3760. 3,500 different sizes are
available in the standard mate-
rials of NBR and FKM. Whether
for initial installation or for
maintenance, Simmerrings are
a durable, reliable and there-
fore economical solution.

Simmerring® standard designs

Our systems offer a unique economic advantage for you thanks to our wide
range of different sealing systems for power transmission engineering.

Simmerring MSS 1 Simmerring with

(Modular Sealing leakage detection
Solution) Slightly modified standard
■ in conjunction with BAUSLX2 Simmerrings seal power trans-
■ for buffering a second seal mission engineering compo-
inside the gear nents economically. Once the
■ for retention of contamination Simmerring reaches the end of
and abrasion its standard service life, the
sealing function diminishes. The
Simmerring MSS 7 resulting leakage is taken up by
(Modular Sealing an absorbent fleece disc – the
Solution) leakage store. The sensor in the
■ in conjunction with BAUSLX2 secondary Simmerring detects
■ for buffering an axial seal this immediately and generates
■ and at the same time as a signal. This reliable signal is
a contact surface for the evaluated by a programmed
Simmerring electronics unit and can be
■ no need for shaft hardening detected by a remote diagnosis
or polishing. or remote monitoring system.
Dimensions and designs are
available on request.

Simmerring® with leakage detection

Simmerring® MSS

ISC O-Ring Meillor Flat and
Frame Seals
When it comes to ISC O-Rings, we offer our customers Meillor Flat and Frame
a wide range of standard products. seals have various uses
and fulfil the exacting
quality demands of all
power transmission
engineering applications.

ISC O-Ring Usit-Ring Meillor Flat and Frame

Simrit’s expertise when it comes Usit-rings are metallic flat Seals
to materials is unique through- gaskets. They are used for These sealing elements are
out the world. Nowhere is this removable sealing screw fittings static components that can be
know-how more important than and flanges. The sealing used in a variety of ways.
in the field of ISC O-Rings. element – which can be inside Whether it is in terminal boxes,
Make an appointment to (design U) or outside (design on flanges between engines
discuss with us how you can UA) – is bonded, trapezoidal and gears or for connecting
benefit from our knowledge! and elastomeric. The standard various gear levels, Meillor flat
materials used in Usit-rings – and frame seals are always
Preferred materials for FKM and NBR – guarantee high-quality, reliable products.
ISC O-Rings reliable, durable sealing.
■ Simriz

ISC O-Ring
Meillor Flat and Frame Seals

Industry Sector Information
Power Transmission Engineering

Simrit, Your Global Technology Specialist

for Seals and Vibration Control

Simrit Services Your Benefits

Constant innovations Technological edge

Uniquely wide range of products All from one source

Unique materials expertise Longer unit service life

A wide range of value added services Competitive advantages, efficiency and lower costs

e. g. Ground-breaking Solutions for Power Transmissions Engineering

Your Benefits

Comprehensive standard product range

In-house elastomer development

Extensive application know-how

Vibration Control

Special Sealing Products: Bellows, Diaphragms,

Elastomer Composite Parts and Precision Mouldings
ISC O-Ring

Meillor Flat and Frame Seals

Integral Accumulator

Merkel Hydraulics / Pneumatics / Packings

Simmerring ®
30 GB 012 2.0 1003 Br. Rü.

Freudenberg Simrit KG Phone: +49 (0) 18 05 - S i m r i t
69465 Weinheim, Germany Phone: +49 (0) 18 05 - 74 67 48
Fax: +49 (0) 18 03 - 74 67 48
A company of e-mail: [email protected]
Freudenberg Seals and
Vibration Control

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