Ground-Breaking Solutions For Power Transmissions Engineering
Ground-Breaking Solutions For Power Transmissions Engineering
Ground-Breaking Solutions For Power Transmissions Engineering
Simrit, Your Global We can guarantee you a com- Make the most of Simrit’s service
Technology Specialist petitive edge based on experi- package and give yourself a
for Seals and Vibration ence all around the world: real competitive edge:
Control offers you a Simrit has a presence through-
complete service pack- out Europe, America and Asia, The technological edge due
age. A unique range either directly or through its to constant innovations
of products and services affiliated companies NOK
guarantees you numer- (Japan) or Freudenberg-NOK Savings in cost and time
ous advantages over the (USA). The transfer of know- by using a single source for
competition. ledge between these markets is a uniquely wide range of
incorporated directly into the products
Simrit service package.
Simrit acts as a partner to Increased efficiency, using
general industry. Its position as With our many Simrit Service Simrit's material expertise
a market leader is achieved Centres and Simrit distribution to extend the service life of
through continuous research, Partners, we serve and supply your components
development and manufacture. more than 100,000 customers
We have the world’s widest ran- worldwide. Our Simrit Partners The competitive edge due
ge of seals and vibration con- ensure rapid availability from to our wide range of value
trol products, and can offer you stock. This means spare parts added services
solutions based on the demands quickly arrive when and where
of state-of-the-art-technology, they are needed. There is a
solutions which set standards. Simrit Partner near you as well.
Vibration Control
Integral Accumulator
Simrit® – the branded Range for Power Transmission Engineering
Vibration Control
Noise and vibrations within a drive train should be reliably reduced. This is the
function of vibration control components from Simrit, a function they perform
with quality based on many years of experience. Our uniquely wide standard
range means that economical solutions are available to our customers, wherever
they are in the world.
Ultra Bush
The Simmerring is the original radial shaft seal. Today, Simmerrings are
regarded as highly durable, robust machine components. The extreme reliabi-
lity Simmerrings is based on years of product research and development.
Our systems offer a unique economic advantage for you thanks to our wide
range of different sealing systems for power transmission engineering.
ISC O-Ring Meillor Flat and
Frame Seals
When it comes to ISC O-Rings, we offer our customers Meillor Flat and Frame
a wide range of standard products. seals have various uses
and fulfil the exacting
quality demands of all
power transmission
engineering applications.
ISC O-Ring
Meillor Flat and Frame Seals
Industry Sector Information
Power Transmission Engineering
A wide range of value added services Competitive advantages, efficiency and lower costs
Your Benefits
Vibration Control
Integral Accumulator
Simmerring ®
30 GB 012 2.0 1003 Br. Rü.
Freudenberg Simrit KG Phone: +49 (0) 18 05 - S i m r i t
69465 Weinheim, Germany Phone: +49 (0) 18 05 - 74 67 48
Fax: +49 (0) 18 03 - 74 67 48
A company of e-mail: [email protected]
Freudenberg Seals and
Vibration Control