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The report of basic Biology with the tittle “Nerve Tissue” which made by :

Name : Nia Anriyani

ID : 1714440005
Class : ICP of Biology Education
Group : VI (Six)
It has been examined and approved by an assistant and assistant coordinator.

Makassar, 15th April 2021

Assistant Coordinator Assistant

Suhardi Aldi, S.Pd Suhardi Aldi, S.Pd

Lecture of Responsibility

Dr. Adnan, M.S


A. Background
In multiselluler organisms, cells compose themselves to form an
organization complex. A collection of cells that normally have a form and
function that form a network. Several networks gathered together to perform a
certain function of forming organs. Multiple organs form organ systems, and in
the end a number of organ systems form one individual functional ones.
Organizing cells to form one individual named individual-level organizations.
All the cells that make up a group are present in communication with
each other via electrical signals and messages chemicals that help maintain the
unity of the cell groups as whole. These signals drive growth, repair and relative
position of the cells. However, the neural network has a function primarily as a
chemical messenger (conductor of nerves and hormones) and the development of
communication channels for the coordination of functions. The central nervous
system is part of the endric nerves that regulates the function of organs and limbs
and the human character is located. The central nervous system consists of the
brain or endrites and spinal cord or endritspinalis.
Neurons are often referred to as afferents, or sensory, efferent, or
motor, and interneurons, which are neither sensory nor motor but connect neurons
to other neurons. Afferent and efferent neurons are located mostly outside the
central nervous system (brain and nerve cords) in the peripheral nervous system,
while interneurons, are located entirely within the central nervous system.
Afferent neurons that are connected to receptors. The receptors function to
convert external and internal environmental stimuli into neural signals, which are
carried by afferent neurons into the central nervous system.
The Animal Structure Practicum this time is about the muscle tissue
that makes up the animal body. The muscle tissue itself has various forms and
locations, as well as functions for the body. Students can distinguish the
characteristics possessed by each type of muscle tissue, know the location of the
muscle tissue in the body, and understand the function of each muscle tissue.
Knowledge of the tissues that make up the animal body, especially muscle tissue,
is basic knowledge which will certainly help students themselves for the future
B. Purpose
1. Identify and describe the structural features of striated nerve tissue which
contain nerve cells, oligodendrocyte cells, Schwan cells through direct
observation activities
2. Comparing and contrasting the structural features of striated nerve tissue,
which contain nerve cells, oligodendrocyte cells, Schwan cells through direct
observation activities
3. Comparing the microscopic image of striated nerve tissue, with the
photomicrograph of the tissue image.
C. Benefit
1. To know the identification and describe the structural features of striated
nerve tissue which contain nerve cells, oligodendrocyte cells, Schwan cells
through direct observation activities
2. To know the comparison and contrasting the structural features of striated
nerve tissue, which contain nerve cells, oligodendrocyte cells, Schwan cells
through direct observation activities
3. To know the comparison the microscopic image of striated nerve tissue, with
the photomicrograph of the tissue image.

Nervous system unit, that is A neuron receives nerve impulses from
other neurons through it cell body and multiple extensions called dendrites.
According to Urry, et al. (2017) says that neurons send signals impulses to
neurons, muscle, or other cells through axons, which are single long projections
connected to a frequent cell body shrouded by a myelin sheath. Based on Cahyono
et al. (2015) said that the autonomic nervous system consists of two subsystems,
namely the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system
which work opposite each other. Understanding the anatomy and physiology of
the autonomic nervous system is useful for estimating the pharmacological effects
of drugs on both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.
thoracolumbar segment. The nerves of the parasympathetic nervous system leave
the central nervous system via the cranial nerves III, VII, IX and X as well as the
second and third spinal sacral nerves; sometimes the first and fourth sacral nerves.
According to Urry, et al. (2017) the nervous system has a signal called
nerve impulses traveling to specific target cells along the communication line it
mainly consists of axons. Nerve impulses can act on other neurons, in muscle
cells, and on cells and glands that produce secretions. Unlike the Endocrine
system, the nervous system conveys information by the specific path the signal
takes. For example, someone can distinguish different musical notes because it is
deep ear each tone frequency activates neurons connected to the brain. Its relate
with Reece, et al. (2009) says that in the nervous system, the implus is not
directed as a whole whole body. Instead, every nerve impulse travels to the
specific target cells along specific communication lines mostly composed of
axons. Four of a kind cells can receive nerve impulses: other neurons, muscles
cells, endocrine cells, and exocrine cells. Unlike the endocrine system, the
nervous system conveys information with the path the signal takes. For example,
one can tell the difference musical notes differ due to the frequency of each note
activate different neurons connecting the ears brain.
On the one hand, the history of neuroscience is the history of the
method, its according to Yuste (2015) that the evident on the case of the neuron
doctrine, which states that structural and functional unit the nervous system is a
neuron. In contrast to the neuron doctrine, nerves network model assumes it's
neural circuitry function appears from group activation or a collection of multiple
nerves. According to this model, this collection of several nerves produces a unity
functional that, by definition, cannot be identified by studying a single neuron in
certain time. In fact, it is thought that the brain, unlike other organs of the body, it
can be specially constructed to produce the functions that arise States. The fact
that neurons are specifically activated by certain inputs may not be it must be
interpreted that this is their role in circuit. It may be too narrow or simplistic to
equate nerve function with that fact a neuron fires in response to a stimulus: that
the function can be related to its firing, to exact time when it was shooting,
whether or not it fires synchronously with or establishes dynamic patterns with
other neurons, or even to lack of shooting.
According to Crossman and Neary in Rimbun and Kalajanti (2012)
that the primary functional unit of a neural network isnerve cells (neurons), which
funct ion to form and transmits information in the form of electrical impulses. Cell
supports (neuroglia) are located all around neurons and there are a lot more than
neurons. Neuroglia of the central nervous system consist of astrocytes,
oligodendrocytes and microglia, whereas in the peripheral nervous system there
are Schwann cells and cells satellite. In addition to neurons and neuroglia, in
networks nerves also have other cells that are not typical, like the endothelial cells
that make up the wall blood vessel. Its relate on Ji, et al. (2016) says that The
main functional unit of a neural network is nerve cells (neurons) which function to
form and transmits information in the form of electrical impulses. Cell support
(neuroglia) is around neurons and there's more than just neurons. The neuroglia of
the central nervous system consist of astrocytes, oligodendrocytes and microglia,
whereas in the peripheral nervous system there are cells and Schwann cells
satellite. In addition to neurons and neuroglia, in networks nerves also have other
cells that are not typical, like the endothelial cells that make up the wall blood

A. Tools and Materials
1. Tools
a) Microscope 1 piece
b) Preparation glass 1 piece
c) Stationary
2. Materials
a) Nerve cell preparation
B. Work Procedure
1. Observe the tissue preparations from Activity Units 1 to 10.
2. Observe the photomicroscope results in each activity unit. The
photomicroscope shows the areas that you should observe.
3. Give a description of the photomicroscope results by choosing the answers
provided. Use this description to name the section in your observation.
4. Each activity unit is equipped with a question / object description. Answer the
question / description of the object to practice your ability to report

A. ObservationResult

Observation picture Comparison picture Notes

1. Dendrite
1 2. Cell

2 body
3. Axon

B. Discussion
This observation aims to find out and to see the structure of nerve.
Nerve cells, which are also called neuron cells, differ from cells from other basic
tissues, because of the long protrusions of the cell body. Therefore nerve cells
are divided into cell bodies, dendrites and neurites. The cell body of the nerve
cell contains a nucleus, so sometimes this section is also referred to as the
perikaryon. The shape and size can vary, depending on the function and location.
The nucleus is usually located centrally, although it can be eccentric at times.
Usually round and large. Inside there are scattered fine chromatin grains. The
nucleulus is usually large so that it can sometimes be mistaken for its own
nucleus. Nerve cells have a longer size than oligendrocyte cells where
oligendrocyte cells have a short and rounded shape. Neurons are the structural
and functional units of the nervous system whereas neuroglia are the support
cells. Neurons pass nerve pulses in both electrical and chemical form but
neuroglia do not pass these pulses. Neurons contain Nissl granules but not
neuroglia. The structure of this cell is like that of a spider and an octopus, but
there are no axons as in neurons.
Nerve cells consist of: cell bodies, axons, and dendrites. The cell body
is the part with the largest size, also known as the cell head, which resembles an
irregular circle. Axons are long projections covered by myelin sheaths and
function to deliver the implus of neurons. Dendrites are short projections that
branch out to carry the implus from the cell body to other nerve cells. Dendrites
function as carriers for stimulation to the cell body. Axons function to carry
stimuli to leave the cell body. Synapses function to continue stimulation to other
nerve cells. Myelin sheath functions to wrap schwan cells and axons.
Meanwhile, Ranvier's node serves to protect impulses.
In doing so, nerve cells work together. When comes stimulation, the
impulses flow from one nerve cell to the connecting nerve cell, get to the nerve
center or vice versa from the nerve center to the nerve cells continuing to effector.
The connection between two nerve cells is called synapses. Neurite tip branched,
and the ends of the branches associated with other nerve cells enlarged is called a
synaptic knob. On the connection of the two nerve cells called synapse, carried
out by attaching the neurite to dendrites or cell wall. If the impulse reaches the
synaptic knob at the synaptic knob will be synthesized bridging substances or
neurotransmitters, for example acetylcholine substances. With this transmitter
substance an action potential will occur on the dendrite turns into impulses in the
nerve cells it connects to. After that, acetylcholine will immediately be inactive
because it is broken down by the choline esterase enzyme into acetate and choline.
On observations using an electronic microscope, we can see the
appearance of the nerves where the cell bodies can be seen clearly. the location is
most prominent in the middle. The cell body is surrounded by dendrites which
look like roots or look like lightning. as explained, these dendrites serve as a
conveyor of the implus from the cell body to other nerve cells. in observation the
axons are not very visible but we can all know, after the cell body there is an axon
which functions to deliver the implus from the cell body. the number of nerve
cells in the body is very large. they relate to each other in delivering the implant.
nerves are also the main building blocks of the brain and spinal cord. The shape of
the nerves can be different, including unipolar, bipolar, and multipolar. In the
observation image, the visible shape of the nerve is a bipolar form where the head
or cell body is in the middle of the dendrit.

A. Conclussion
1. Nerve cells consist of: cell bodies, axons, and dendrites. The cell body is
the part with the largest size, also known as the cell head, which resembles
an irregular circle. Axons are long projections covered by myelin sheaths
and function to deliver the implus of neurons. Dendrites are short
projections that branch out to carry the implus from the cell body to other
nerve cells.
2. Nerve cells have a longer size than oligendrocyte cells where
oligendrocyte cells have a short and rounded shape. Neurons are the
structural and functional units of the nervous system whereas neuroglia are
the support cells. Neurons pass nerve pulses in both electrical and
chemical form but neuroglia do not pass these pulses. Neurons contain
Nissl granules but not neuroglia.
3. The structure of this cell is like that of a spider and an octopus, but there
are no axons as in neurons.
B. Suggestion
1. Laboratory
The advice I can give for a laboratory or laboratory assistant is that
laboratory staff can better equip all tools and materials that will be used in
2. Asiasten
The assistant should pay more attention to the practitioner in conducting
the experiment so that all practitioners can be serious in conducting the
3. Practitioner
Practitioners in practicing should be serious and not playing so they can
get maximum results.

Cahyono, I. D., Sasongko, H., & Primatika, A. D. (2009). Neurotransmitter Dalam

Fisiologi Saraf Otonom. JAI (Jurnal Anestesiologi Indonesia), 1(1), 42-
Ji, R. R., Chamessian, A., & Zhang, Y. Q. (2016). Pain regulation by non-
neuronal cells and inflammation. Science, 354(6312), 572-577.
Reece, J B., Lisa A U., Michael L C., Steven A W., Peter, V M., Robert B J. 2009.
Campbell Biology Ninth Edition. Pearson: USA.
Rimbun, R., & Kalanjati, V. P. (2012). TEKHNIK PEWARNAAN NEURON
Biomorfologi, 25(2), 33-40.
Urry, L A., Chain, M L., Wasserman, S A., Minorsky, P V., Reece, J B. 2017.
Campbell Biologi Tenth Edition. USA: Pearson Higher Education.
Yuste, R. (2015). From the neuron doctrine to neural networks. Nature reviews
neuroscience, 16(8), 487-497.



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