Activity 1. Research Connection Title Research Methodology: Source/Bibliography

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Activity 1.

Research Connection

Title Research Methodology

The researcher conducted a multi case
“A Case Study of Three High Achieving
approach to the study. Each high school
Urban Fringe High Schools: Factors and
program described in detail as to when, how
Structures That Lead To High Achievement”
and why the program was implemented. The

Research Problem approach allowed for a description of the each

school demographic and achievement profile
What are the factors and structures of the
as well as its overall school culture. Attention
three high schools that lead to high
was paid to the impact on achievement of
identified processes within each school and
Source/Bibliography mathematics classroom.
Terence M. Doran
Findings B.A. in History, Rutgers Conclusions
University, 1968
The researcher observed a wide range
of structural and operational practices (Flexible The researcher concluded that despite
scheduling, groupings, common assessments etc.) differences in program, all three schools
in each school. Most certainly, each school perceived themselves as achieving their goals
possessed a unique approach to student and moving positively towards the future. They
achievement and the development of an were strongly “standards based” and had
instructional environment that fostered high developed either “ideal Lessons” or common
achievement. The researcher believed that the high assessments to monitor continual student
achievement results of these schools indicated that improvement according to the established
these practices were contributing factors towards standards. Clearly, standards and assessment
success in these target schools. Instructional guided instruction in each of the case study
practices observed in each school did not appear to schools. Fullan (1999) stated that “assessment
be unique to the schools, but rather found in is the coherence maker”. This coherence was
schools throughout the nation. Instruction was, for observable and tangible in each of the three
the majority of classes observed, teacher centered schools.
and directed. Curricular materials allowed for the
introduction of higher order thinking skills and
creative problem solving activities.
Activity 2. How are the findings of this research useful to you as a future teacher?

Each school has a unique way in terms of structural and operational practices. Creating,
developing and implementing a positive learning environment are essential things to consider in
education. Teachers were held accountable for the achievement of students. As a future teacher it
is important to not just focus on your subject matter, but also to pay attention to your students on
how to help them to achieve their goals. We must also apply new learning styles in able to get
the attention of the students and find teaching more enjoyable and less stressful.

Activity 3. Reflection

We all grew up in a culture where the teacher talks and the students listen. Students often work
alone but with monitoring and correction from the teacher, wherein after reading these
principles, I found out that it is better that the teacher models, and the students don’t just listen
but also let them interact with teachers and each other. In this process, it helps the students to
learn and work on their own and enables life-long learning and independent problem solving.
Teachers play a big role in a student’s achievement in life. They can motivate the learners and
they can also discourage them in reaching their dreams. I realized that successful teaching isn’t
based on how much knowledge you have on your subject matter but having a positive
relationship to your students, on how you interact with them, teach them life lessons and how
you motivate and encourage your students in reaching their life goals. Learner- centered
approaches begin with the student and relate all other components of the living system to their
impact on the student and their learning. We must also consider several factors like school,
family, culture and community that affect the achievement of a student. Learner-Centered
principle mainly focused on the students and not on the subject matter. By adapting these
principles to a teacher’s instructional plan, the task of teaching will find more satisfying.

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