Michelle Whitefield Resume

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Michelle Whitefield


• Currently pursuing M.A. in Literacy Educa7on at Madonna University.
• B.S. ZG Comprehensive Elementary (K-5) and Early Childhood
[email protected]
Educa7on Majors, ZS Endorsement in Early Childhood Educa7on and
Novi, MI Special Educa7on (K-8), Madonna University, May 2015.

sites.google.com/view/ Professional Experience

Substitute Teacher, Birmingham Public Schools and Novi

REFERENCES Community School District, Present
Available upon request. Assumes the teaching responsibili7es of teachers in various grade levels:
• Establishes posi7ve rapport with students and teachers.
• Follows and teaches lesson plans assigned by permanent teacher for
students' in grades Kindergarten through the 5th grade.
• Guide students through planned ac7vi7es and tend to their needs.
• Maintain effec7ve classroom management strategies.
Team planning and teaching
Third Grade Long-Term Substitute, Bingham Farms
Self mo7vated, ini7a7ve
Elementary, Bingham Farms, December 2018 - June 2019
Very flexible to different situa7ons Assumed the teaching responsibili7es of a third-grade classroom teacher:
• Integrated classroom rou7nes designed to increase the predictability
Workshop Model and student independence in the classroom se`ng.
• Prepared students for MSTEP tes7ng by u7lizing lessons aligned with
MLPP / F&P Assessments state standards, (Lucy Calkins Units of Study, Eureka Math).
• Implemented Math Workshop and mixed-ability groups in order to
Differen7ate Instruc7on differen7ate instruc7on effec7vely.
• Followed IRIPs and Progress Monitoring for students.
Inclusive • Held one-on-one conferences with students frequently to discuss
individual academic and personal goals.
Skilled in working with persons • Conducted Spring Conferences
and children from diverse cultural • Par7cipated in professional development mee7ngs, and PLC 7mes.
and economic backgrounds

Analy7cal thinking, planning GSRP Teacher, Bingham Farms Elementary, Bingham

Farms, August 2015 - November 2018
Strong Communica7on Worked collabora7vely in a co-teaching team to develop and maintain a safe,
nurturing and posi7ve environment for all children:
Restora7ve Circles • Followed HighScope curriculum to plan engaging classroom ac7vi7es
that are meaningful to students.
Everyday Math • Used student data to drive instruc7on.
• Formed and conducted parent advisory commi^ee mee7ngs and
Eureka Math parent teacher conferences.
• Established and maintained consistent communica7on with parents
Lucy Calkins and staff regarding child needs, behaviors and concerns.
Michelle Whitefield
Summer Fun for Kids Camp, Director and Lead Teacher, Train Station
ACTIVITIES/HONORS/ Preschool, Novi, Summer 2015 & 2016
AFFI LIAT I O N S Developed and implemented interac7ve lessons for students in grades K-5 in a
summer enrichment program in the content areas of science, math, and
CPR & First Aid Cer7fica7on reading aligned with the Common Core State Standards. Communicated with
families and other staff consistently.
Crisis Preven7on Ins7tute (CPI)
Training (2016-2017) Kindergarten, Student Teaching, Grandview Elementary, Clarenceville, 2015
Developed and taught developmentally appropriate lessons that are differen7ated to
Madonna University’s Society for meet diverse student needs. Implemented Writerʼs Workshop for informa7onal
Future Teachers (2012-2015) wri7ng unit. U7lized the Common Core State Standards using Reading Street
Curriculum, and Envision Math Curriculum.
Kappa Delta Pi, Interna7onal
Second Grade, Student Teaching, Garfield Elementary, Livonia, 2015
Society in Educa7on, (2012-2015)
Developed effec7ve lessons, a unit in the content area of math, classroom wiki for
students to share animal research and informa7onal wri7ng descrip7ve reports.
Madonna University’s Dean List
U7lized the Common Core State Standards to develop lessons to implement the
Livonia Public School Curriculum which included Readerʼs and Writerʼs Workshop and
Everyday Math.
Teacher Assistant, Train Station Preschool, Novi, November 2013-December 2014
Assisted teachers in developing and teaching lessons to students in the area of science
as well as daily ac7vi7es and rou7nes.

Reading Tutor, Garfield Elementary, Livonia, September-November 2014

Designed and implemented personalized and partner tutoring for elementary students
in order to build reading fluency and reading comprehension. Measured student
growth through running record and DRA assessments.

Writing Interventionist, University Preparatory Academy (UPA), Detroit, 2014

Lead a group in an aoer school wri7ng program. Assisted students in the wri7ng
process to complete a piece of wri7ng to feature their school magazine.

First Grade Classroom, Grandview Elementary, Clarenceville, 2014

Developed and taught lessons in the content area of math and reading using Common
Core State Standards. Developed new ideas for differen7ated instruc7on and
classroom management strategies.

Resource Room, Farmington 5-6 School, Garden City, 2013

Designed, adapted, and delivered instruc7on to address each studentʼs diverse
learning strengths. Created opportuni7es for students to demonstrate his or her
learning in different ways. Also received training on how to implement Orton
Gillingamʼs mul7- sensory approach in reading instruc7on.

Kindergarten Classroom, Cass Elementary, Livonia, 2013

Assisted students in reading groups and math sta7ons. Develop skills needed to help
students who were at different levels of learning.

Second Grade Classroom, Franklin Road Christian School, Novi, 2012

Assisted students in need of addi7onal reading support. Furthered understanding of
differen7ated reading instruc7on.

Do not train children to learning by force and harshness, but direct them to what amuses their minds, so that you
may be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each.”
- Plato

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