Technical Requirements For Power Generating Plants Connected To MV and HV Grid

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February 2019

Technical requirements for

connection of power-
generating plants to the medi-
um and high-voltage grid
(>1 kV)
Type B, C and D

Version 1.2

Version Change Date

1.0 17-05-2018
1.1 RfG requirements are 09-07-2018
marked in ‘yellow’
1.2 Revised according to deci- 25-02-2019
sions made by the Danish
Utility Regulator on both
TSO and DSO requirements.



This document is a direct translation of the original Danish document “Tekniske betingel-
ser for nettilslutning af produktionsanlæg til lavspændingsnettet (> 1 kV), Version 1.2”. It
is provided for convenience; only the Danish version of the document has legal authority.

These technical requirements for connection of plants to the medium and high-voltage
grid (>1 kV) are provided by the distribution system operators in pursuance of
‘COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) 2016/631 of 14 April 2016 establishing a network
code on requirements for grid connection of generators’ (the RfG) and of the Danish
Electricity Supply Act (Elforsyningsloven).

The requirements apply to all new power-generating plants connected to the grid after 27
April 2019 and to plants in types C and D which are substantially modified after this date.

Table of contents


Version log ................................................................................................................................. 2

Preface ....................................................................................................................................... 3

Table of contents ........................................................................................................................ 4

1. Introduction............................................................................................................................ 6

2. Purpose and administrative provisions ................................................................................... 7

2.1. Purpose ................................................................................................................................. 7

2.2. Scope ..................................................................................................................................... 8
2.3. Complaints about grid connection of power-generating plants ............................................ 8
2.4. Sanctions in case of noncompliance ...................................................................................... 8
2.5. Exemption from grid connection requirements ..................................................................... 8
2.6. Determination of voltage level and Point of Connection ...................................................... 9
2.7. References ............................................................................................................................. 9

3. Definitions/Terms ................................................................................................................. 11

3.1. Abbreviations ...................................................................................................................... 11

3.2. Definitions ........................................................................................................................... 13

4. Requirements for type B power-generating plants ............................................................... 25

4.1. Tolerance of frequency and voltage deviations ................................................................... 25

4.2. Start-up and reconnection of a power-generating plant ..................................................... 30
4.3. Active power control ........................................................................................................... 30
4.4. Reactive power control ........................................................................................................ 33
4.5. Protection ............................................................................................................................ 38
4.6. Power quality ...................................................................................................................... 41
4.7. Exchange of information ..................................................................................................... 46
4.8. Verification and documentation .......................................................................................... 47

5. Requirements for type C power-generating plants ............................................................... 50

5.1. Tolerance of frequency and voltage deviations ................................................................... 50

5.2. Start-up and reconnection of a power-generating plant ..................................................... 50
5.3. Active power control ........................................................................................................... 50
5.4. Reactive power control ........................................................................................................ 56
5.5. Protection ............................................................................................................................ 60
5.6. Power quality ...................................................................................................................... 61
5.7. Exchange of information ..................................................................................................... 64
5.8. Simulation model ................................................................................................................. 66
5.9. Verification and documentation .......................................................................................... 67

Table of contents

6. Requirements for type D power-generating plants ................................................................72

6.1. Tolerance of frequency and voltage deviations ................................................................... 72

6.2. Start-up and reconnection of a power-generating plant ...................................................... 72
6.3. Active power control ............................................................................................................ 73
6.4. Reactive power control ........................................................................................................ 73
6.5. Protection ............................................................................................................................ 77
6.6. Power quality....................................................................................................................... 78
6.7. Exchange of information...................................................................................................... 79
6.8. Simulation model ................................................................................................................. 80
6.9. Verification and documentation........................................................................................... 80

Annex 1 Documentation for type B power-generating plants ....................................................86

Documentation for type B power-generating plants (part 1) ............................................ 86

Documentation for type B power-generating plants (part 2) ............................................ 96

Annex 2 Documentation for type C and D power-generating plants ........................................100

Documentation for type C and D power-generating plants (part 1) ............................... 100

Documentation for type C synchronous power-generating plants (part 2) ..................... 115



This document describes the requirements for power-generating plants connected to the
medium and high-voltage grid. The requirements for power-generating plants are divided
into four main types based on the plant’s active power capacity:

A. Plants up to and including 125 kW

B. Plants above 125 kW up to and including 3 MW
C. Plants above 3 MW up to and including 25 MW
D. Plants above 25 MW

This document only contain requirements for power-generating plants in types B, C and
D as only plants in these types can be connected to the medium and high-voltage grid.
Smaller plants are connected to the low-voltage grid.

Requirements for type B power-generating plants are also available in ‘Technical re-
quirements for connection of power-generating plants to the low-voltage grid (≤1 kV)’.

Chapter 2 contains the administrative provisions. This chapter describes, among other
things, the purpose, statutory authority, appeal procedures and exceptions. The chapter
also contains a list of normative and informative references.

Definitions and abbreviations used in these requirements are included in Chapter 3.

Chapters 4, 5 and 6 contain requirements for power-generating plants in types B, C and

D, respectively. All requirements specified in these requirements apply at the Point of
Connection (POC) unless otherwise specified.

If you are to connect a type B power-generating plant to the grid, you only need to read
Chapters 2 and 3 and the chapter on type B plants, including the relevant annex. This also
applies to power-generating plants in types C and D which have their own chapters and

The term ‘power-generating plant’ is used to cover common requirements for power park
modules and synchronous power-generating plants. Where specific requirements apply to
‘power park modules’ or ‘synchronous power-generating plants’, they are designated as

For clarity purposes, supplementary or additional requirements for synchronous power-

generating plants are marked with (a) and for power park modules with (b).

The sections are structured so that general requirements are stated first followed by spe-
cific requirements for synchronous power-generating plants and power park modules,

Purpose and administrative provisions


The purpose of these requirements is to describe the applicable technical and functional
requirements for a power-generating plant connected – or planned to be connected – to
the public medium and high-voltage distribution grid.

If these requirements are complied with, the power-generating plant is deemed to be in

compliance with applicable rules and regulations for connection to the public electricity
supply grid.

2.1.1. Legal framework and terms and conditions

These requirements are based on rules laid down in ‘COMMISSION REGULATION
(EU) 2016/631 of 14 April 2016 establishing a network code on requirements for grid
connection of generators’ and in section 26 of the Danish Electricity Supply Act as well
as conditions laid down in sections 73 a and 73 b of the Danish Electricity Supply Act.

In case of doubt, the Danish version of the registered requirements will prevail.

2.1.2. New power-generating plants

New power-generating plants connected to the grid after 27 April 2019 must comply with
the requirements set out in these requirements. Existing power-generating plants connect-
ed to the grid after this date are exempt from the requirements, see section 2.1.3.

2.1.3. Existing power-generating plants

A power-generating plant is considered existing if it was connected to the grid before 27
April 2019 or if the plant owner entered into a final and binding purchase agreement re-
garding the main generating plant before 17 Maj 2018.

An existing power-generating plant must comply with the requirements applicable at the
time of connection to the grid, or at the time when the plant owner entered into a final and
binding purchase agreement regarding the main generating plant.

2.1.4. Modification of existing power-generating plants

An existing power-generating plant, or parts thereof, to which substantial technical modi-
fications are made must comply with the technical and functional requirements provided
in these requirements.

A substantial modification of a power-generating plant changes the electrical properties

of the plant at the Point of Connection (POC) and may, for example, include replacement
of vital components.

Before any modification is made, the power-generating plant owner is obliged to notify
the DSO about the modification.

Purpose and administrative provisions

2.2. S COPE
The requirements for power-generating plants are divided into four types based on the
plant’s active power capacity.

A. Plants up to and including 125 kW*

B. Plants above 125kW up to and including 3 MW(*)
C. Plants above 3MW up to and including 25 MW
D. Plants above 25MW

*These power-generating plant types are covered in ‘Technical requirements for connec-
tion of power-generating plants to the low-voltage grid (≤1 kV)’. Type A plants connected
to medium voltage must comply with the requirements for type A plants in the ‘Technical
requirements for connection of power-generating plants to the low-voltage grid (≤1 kV)’.

(*) Type B power-generating plants can be connected to both the low and medium-
voltage grid depending on the size of the plant. This type is therefore included in both
requirements documents.

Back-up power generating units operated in parallel with the public electricity supply grid
for less than five minutes per month, excluding unit maintenance and commissioning
testing, are not required to comply with the requirements in this document. If the Back-up
power generating unit is operated for more than five minutes per month at normal opera-
tion, the unit must comply with the requirements for power quality and protection as pro-
vided in these requirements.

These requirements do not include the financial aspects related to grid connection and
settlement metering of power-generating plants.

If a power-generating plant comprises both consumption and generation, these will be

evaluated separately.


Complaints about the DSO in relation to grid connection of power-generating plants can
be lodged with the Danish Utility Regulator.


If a power-generating plant does not comply with applicable rules and conditions, the
DSO may ultimately withdraw the operational notification and disconnect the plant until
the requirements are met.


It is possible to apply for an exemption from the requirements in this document under
special circumstances.

Purpose and administrative provisions

The power-generating plant owner must send an exemption application to the DSO. De-
pending on the nature of the application, it will be forwarded to the Danish Utility Regu-
lator, which will make a decision.

An exemption application must contain a detailed description, which at least includes:

• Identification of the power-generating plant owner, as well as a contact person.

• A description of the power-generating plant(s) which the requested exemption
• A reference to the provisions which the requested exemption concerns as well as
a description of the requested exemption.
• A detailed description of the reasons for the requested exemption supported by
relevant documentation and a cost-benefit analysis.
• Documentation showing that the requested exemption does not have an adverse
effect on open power trading.


The DSO determines the Point of Connection (POC) and associated voltage level in ac-
cordance with the provisions of the Danish Electricity Supply Act.

All requirements apply to the Point of Connection (POC), unless otherwise specified.


2.7.1. Normative
EU Regulation 2016/631
Joint Regulation 2017 (Fællesregulativet 2017)
The Danish Electricity Supply Act (Elforsyningsloven)
Requirements for Generators (RfG) – requirements for simulation models, Energinet
DS/EN 50160: Voltage characteristics of electricity supplied by public distribution net-
prEN 50549-2: Requirements for generating plants to be connected in parallel with dis-
tribution networks – Part 2: Connection to a MV distribution network.
DS/EN 61000-4-30: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 4-30: Testing and
measurement techniques – Power quality measurement methods.
DS/EN 61400-21:2008: Wind turbines – Part 21: Measurement and assessment of power
quality characteristics of grid connected wind turbines.
DS/EN 60034-16-1:2011: ‘Rotating electrical machines – Part 16: Excitation systems for
synchronous machines – Chapter 1: Definitions’.
DS/CLC/TR 60034-16-3:2004: ‘Rotating electrical machines – Part 16: Excitation sys-
tems for synchronous machines – Section 3: Dynamic performance’.

2.7.2. Informative
IEC/TR 61000-3-6: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 3-6: Limits – Assess-
ment of emission limits for the connection of distorting installations to MV, HV and EHV
power systems.
Purpose and administrative provisions

IEC/TR 61000-3-7: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 3-7: Limits – Assess-

ment of emission limits for the connection of fluctuating installations to MV, HV and
EHV power systems.
DS/EN 61000-3-11: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 3-11: Limits – Limita-
tion of voltage changes, voltage fluctuations and flicker in public low-voltage supply
systems – Equipment with rated current ≤75A and subject to conditional connection.
DS/EN 61000-3-12: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 3-12: Limits – Limits
for harmonic currents produced by equipment connected to public low-voltage systems
with input current >16A and ≤75A per phase.
IEC/TR 61000-3-13: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 3-13: Limits – As-
sessment of emission limits for the connection of unbalanced installations to MV, HV and
EHV power systems.
IEC/TR 61000-3-15: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 3-15: Limits – As-
sessment of low frequency electromagnetic immunity and emission requirements for dis-
persed generation systems in LV network.
Research Association of the Danish Electric Utilities (DEFU) report RA 557: ‘Maxi-
mum emission of voltage disturbances from wind power plants >11 kW’, June 2010.
DS/CLC/TS 50549-2: Requirements for generating plants to be connected in parallel
with distribution networks – Part 2: Connection to a MV distribution network.
IEEE C37.111-24:2013: Measuring relays and protection equipment – Part 24: Common
format for transient data exchange (COMTRADE) for power systems.




3.1.1. ψ k
ψk denotes the short-circuit angle at the Point of Connection (POC).

3.1.2. C f
Cf denotes the flicker co-efficient. For a more detailed description, see DS/EN 61400-21.

COMTRADE (Common Format for Transient Data) is a standardised file format speci-
fied in IEEE C37.111-2013.

3.1.4. d(%)
d(%) denotes rapid voltage changes. For a more detailed description, see 3.2.29.

3.1.5. DK1
Western Denmark. For a more detailed description, see 3.2.67.

3.1.6. DK2
Eastern Denmark. For a more detailed description, see 3.2.70.

3.1.7. df/dt
df/dt denotes frequency change. For a more detailed description, see 3.2.23.

3.1.8. DSO
Distribution system operator, see 3.2.10.

3.1.9. f <
f< denotes the operational setting for underfrequency in the relay protection.
For a more detailed description, see sections 4.5, 5.5 and 6.5.

3.1.10. f >
f> denotes the operational setting for overfrequency in the relay protection.
For a more detailed description, see sections 4.5, 5.5 and 6.5.

3.1.11. f R O
fRO denotes the frequency at which a power-generating plant is to begin downward regu-
lation with the agreed droop. For a more detailed description, see sections 4.3.1, 5.3.1 and

3.1.12. f R U
fRO denotes the frequency at which a power-generating plant is to begin upward regula-
tion with the agreed droop. For a more detailed description, see sections 5.3.2 and 6.3.2.

3.1.13. I h
Ih denotes individual harmonic currents, where h denotes the harmonic order.

3.1.14. I n
In denotes nominal current. For a more detailed description, see 3.2.44.


3.1.15. I Q
IQ denotes fast fault current. For a more detailed description, see 3.2.53.

3.1.16. k u
ku denotes voltage change factor. The voltage change factor is calculated as a function of
ψ k.

3.1.17. P pos s ib le
Ppossible denotes the maximum active power, which it is possible to produce under given

3.1.18. P mi n
Pmin denotes the minimum possible active power generation from a power-generating

3.1.19. P n
Pn denotes nominal active power. For a more detailed description, see 3.2.41.

3.1.20. P l t
Plt denotes long-term flicker emissions from a power-generating plant. Plt stands for ‘long
term’ and is evaluated over a period of two hours. For a more detailed description, see
IEC 61000-3-7.

3.1.21. P s t
Pst denotes short-term flicker emissions from a power-generating plant. Pst stands for
‘short term’ and is evaluated over a period of ten minutes. For a more detailed descrip-
tion, see IEC 61000-3-7.

3.1.22. PCC
Abbreviation for Point of Common Coupling. For a more detailed description, see 3.2.38.

3.1.23. PCI
Abbreviation for Point of Connection in Installation. For a more detailed description, see

3.1.24. PCOM
Abbreviation for Point of Communication. PCOM is defined in section 3.2.34.

3.1.25. PF
Abbreviation for Power Factor. For a more detailed description, see 3.2.8.

3.1.26. PGC
Abbreviation for Point of Generator Connection. For a more detailed description, see

3.1.27. POC
Abbreviation for Point of Connection. POC is defined in section 3.2.40.

3.1.28. PWHD
Abbreviation for Partial Weighted Harmonic Distortion. For a more detailed description,
see 3.2.49.


3.1.29. Q n
Qn denotes nominal reactive power. For a more detailed description, see 3.2.42.

3.1.30. S i
Si denotes apparent power of power-generating unit no. i.

3.1.31. S k
Sk denotes short-circuit power. For a more detailed description, see 3.2.35.

3.1.32. S n
Sn denotes nominal apparent power. For a more detailed description, 3.2.45.

3.1.33. SCR
Abbreviation for Short-Circuit Ratio. For a more detailed description, see 3.2.37.

3.1.34. THD
Abbreviation for Total Harmonic Distortion. For a more detailed description, see 3.2.65.

3.1.35. U c
Uc denotes normal operating voltage. For a more detailed description, see 3.2.46.

3.1.36. U h
Uh denotes individual harmonic voltages, where h denotes the harmonic order.

3.1.37. U n
Un denotes nominal voltage. For a more detailed description, see 3.2.43.

3.1.38. UTC
Abbreviation for Universal Time, Coordinated.

3.1.39. Z ne t, h
Znet,h denotes grid impedance of the harmonic order h.


3.2.1. Absolute power limit

A control function which limits a power-generating plant’s supply of active power into
the public electricity supply grid. This limit can be specified with a set point. The control
function is described in detail in sections, and

3.2.2. Power-generating plant owner

The legal owner of a power-generating plant. In some contexts, the term ‘company’ is
used instead of ‘power-generating plant owner’. The plant owner can transfer the opera-
tional responsibility to a plant operator.

3.2.3. Power-generating plant types

In this document, the requirements are divided into different power-generating plant types
based on the total size of the plant at the Point of Connection (POC). An overview of the
types in relation to their total active power capacity is included in table 3.1 below.


Type A Type B Type C Type D

≤125 kW >125 kW and ≤3 MW >3 MW and ≤25 MW >25 MW

Table 3.1 – Power-generating plant types.

3.2.4. Plant operator

The company which has the operational responsibility for the power-generating plant
through ownership or contractual obligation.

3.2.5. Automatic Power Factor control

A control function for reactive power, where the Power Factor is adjusted according to a
set point, and where the set point for the Power Factor varies as a function of active pow-
er. The control function is described in detail in section 4.4.3.

3.2.6. DC content
A DC current which results in an AC offset, meaning that the AC current is asymmetric
around zero at the Point of Connection (POC).

3.2.7. Delta power limit

A control function for active power with a set point-determined deviation (delta) between
possible and actual power. The control function is described in detail in sections 5.3.4 and

3.2.8. Power Factor (PF)

The Power Factor, cos φ, for AC systems indicates the relationship between the active
power P and the apparent power S, where 𝑃 = 𝑆 ⋅ cos 𝜑. Similarly, the reactive power is
𝑄 = 𝑆 ⋅ sin 𝜑. The angle between current and voltage is denoted by φ.

3.2.9. Power Factor control

A control function for reactive power, where the Power Factor is adjusted according to a
set point, and the Power Factor set point is fixed. The control function is described in
detail in sections 4.4.2, 5.4.2 and 6.4.2.

3.2.10. Distribution system operator (DSO)

The company who owns the grid a power-generating plant is electrically connected to.
Responsibilities in the public electricity supply grid are distributed among several DSOs
and one transmission system operator.

The DSO is the company licensed to operate the public electricity supply grid up to 100

The transmission system operator is the company licensed to operate the public electricity
supply grid above 100 kV.


3.2.11. Power park module

An power-generating unit or a collection of power-generating units producing electricity
which are not synchronously connected to the public electricity supply grid. Thus, all
power-generating plants which are not synchronous power-generating plants constitute
power park modules.

3.2.12. Power-generating unit

A source of electrical energy which is connected to the public electricity supply grid.

3.2.13. Flicker
A visual perception of light flickering caused by voltage fluctuations. Flicker occurs if the
luminance or the spectral distribution of light fluctuates with time. At a certain intensity,
flicker becomes an irritant to the eye.

3.2.14. Distortions in the 2-9 kHz frequency range

Distortions in the 2-9 kHz frequency range can be found in the public electricity supply
grid. Such frequencies may interfere with other customers. Interference with other cus-
tomers typically occurs when emissions in this frequency range interfere with one or
more resonant frequencies in the public electricity supply grid.

3.2.15. Disconnect
When a power-generating plant breaks the electrical connection to the public electricity
supply grid.

3.2.16. Frequency
Frequency is measured in Hertz (Hz). The grid frequency in the public electricity supply
grid is 50 Hz. There are also other frequencies related to power quality. Such frequencies
are referred to as harmonics, interharmonic overtones and distortions in the 2-9 kHz fre-
quency range. In connection with power quality, grid frequency is referred to as the fun-
damental frequency.

3.2.17. Frequency deviation

When the grid frequency is outside the normal operating range.

3.2.18. Frequency control (FSM)

A control function for active power controlling the active power in order to stabilise the
grid frequency. The control function is described in detail in sections 5.3.3 and 6.3.3.

In the RfG, this type of control is called FSM (frequency-sensitive mode).

3.2.19. Power response to overfrequency (LFSM-O)

A control function for active power which automatically reduces active power as a func-
tion of the grid frequency in order to stabilise the grid frequency. Downward regulation is
initiated when the grid frequency exceeds a certain fRO. The control function is described
in detail in sections 4.3.1, 5.3.1 and 6.3.1.

In the RfG, this type of control is called LFSM-O (limited frequency sensitive mode at


3.2.20. Power response to underfrequency (LFSM-U)

A control function for active power which automatically increases active power as a func-
tion of the grid frequency in order to stabilise the grid frequency. Upward regulation is
initiated when the grid frequency is below a certain fRU. The control function is described
in detail in sections 5.3.2 and 6.3.2.

In the RfG, this type of control is called LFSM-U (limited frequency sensitive mode at

3.2.21. Frequency control droop

The percentage frequency change which will cause an active power change corresponding
to the nominal active power of the power-generating plant.

Formula for frequency control droop:

|Δ𝑓| 𝑃𝑛
𝑑𝑟𝑜𝑜𝑝 [%] = 100 ⋅ ⋅
𝑓𝑛 |Δ𝑃|

3.2.22. Frequency response droop

The percentage frequency change which will cause an active power change corresponding
to the nominal active power of the power-generating plant.

Formula for frequency response droop:

|𝑓 − 𝑓𝑅 | 𝑃𝑛
𝑑𝑟𝑜𝑜𝑝 [%] = 100 ⋅ ⋅
𝑓𝑛 |Δ𝑃|

3.2.23. Frequency change

A change of frequency, ROCOF or df/dt, is a change of the grid frequency in the public
electricity supply grid over a period of time.

3.2.24. Generator convention

These requirements apply the generator convention as shown in figure 3.1.

The sign for active/reactive power indicates the power flow as seen from the generator.
Consumption/import of active/reactive power is stated with a negative sign, while the
generation/export of active/reactive power is stated with a positive sign.

The desired Power Factor control is effected with a Power Factor set point, and the sign
determines if control is to be performed in the first or the fourth quadrant.

Power Factor set points thus combine two pieces of information in a single signal: a set
point value and choice of control quadrant.


P [kW]

4th Quadrant 1st Quadrant

Positive sign for power Negative sign for
factor PF angle φ power factor

Underexcited Overexcited
Inductive Capacitive
Leading Lagging

Q-import Q-export
P-export P-export
270° 90°
Q [kVAr]

Figure 3.1 – Definition of signs for active and reactive power, Power Factor and reference for Power
Factor angle.

3.2.25. Point of Generator Connection (PGC)

The point in the power-generating plant infrastructure where the terminals for the power-
generating unit are located. The power-generating unit’s Point of Generator Connection is
the point which the manufacturer defines as being the power-generating unit’s terminals.
See figure 3.3 and figure 3.4.

3.2.26. Reconnection
Connecting after an event where the power-generating plant has been disconnected from
the public electricity supply grid.

3.2.27. Ramp rate limit

A control function for active power limiting the maximum increase/reduction (gradient)
of the active power. The control function is described in detail in sections,

3.2.28. Harmonics
Electrical disturbances caused by overharmonic currents or voltages. Harmonics are fre-
quencies which are a whole multiple (h) of the fundamental frequency (50 Hz).

3.2.29. Rapid voltage change

A transient isolated change of the RMS voltage. A rapid voltage change is expressed as a
percentage of the normal operating voltage.

3.2.30. Connection
When a power-generating plant is electrically connected to the public electricity supply
grid, thereby becoming energised from the public electricity supply grid.

3.2.31. Point of Connection in Installation (PCI)

The point in the installation where power-generating units are connected or can be con-
nected, see figure 3.3 for typical location.


3.2.32. Interharmonic overtones

Electrical disturbances caused by interharmonic currents or voltages. Interharmonic over-
tones are frequencies that are not a whole multiple of the fundamental frequency (50 Hz).
These frequencies are located between the harmonics.

3.2.33. The public electricity supply grid

Publicly regulated transmission and distribution grids with the purpose of transporting
electricity between suppliers and consumers of electricity.

The distribution grid is defined as the public electricity supply grid with a nominal volt-
age below 100 kV.

The transmission grid is defined as the public electricity supply grid with a nominal volt-
age above 100 kV.

3.2.34. Point of Communication (PCOM)

The point where information is exchanged between the power-generating plant and other
actors. The information exchanged comprises signals, such as measurements, status, set
points and commands.

3.2.35. Short-circuit power (S k )

The magnitude of the three-phase short-circuit power at the Point of Connection (POC).

3.2.36. Short-circuit power quality (S k, p o w e r q ua l i ty )

The magnitude of the three-phase short-circuit power at the Point of Connection (POC),
which is used to calculate power quality.

3.2.37. Short-Circuit Ratio (SCR)

The relationship between the short-circuit power at the Point of Connection (POC)
Sk,powerquality and the power-generating plant’s nominal apparent power Sn.


3.2.38. Point of Common Coupling (PCC)

The point in the public electricity supply grid where consumers are or can be connected.

Electrically speaking, the Point of Common Coupling and the Point of Connection (POC)
may coincide. The Point of Common Coupling (PCC) is always the point deepest inside
the public electricity supply grid, i.e. furthest away from the power-generating plant, see
figure 3.3 and figure 3.4.

The DSO determines the Point of Common Coupling (PCC).

3.2.39. Excitation system

An excitation system is a system in synchronous power-generating plants which delivers
a constant voltage at a selectable reference point at the Point of Connection (POC). See
figure 3.2.


Voltage regulator Excitation system Power System

Excitation control system

Excitation ssystem

Figure 3.2 – Excitation system for synchronous generator

3.2.40. Point of Connection (POC)

The point in the public electricity supply grid where a power-generating plant is or can be
connected, see figure 3.3 and figure 3.4 for typical location.

All requirements specified in this document apply to the Point of Connection (POC),
unless otherwise specified.

Power-generating plants which have the same Point of Common Coupling (PCC) and the
same owner are deemed to be one plant.





Generating unit

PGC Generating unit

Figure 3.3 – Installation-connected generation with indication of the PGC, PCI, POC and PCC.


PCOM PGC Generating unit


PGC Generating unit

Consumption PCC


Generating unit

Figure 3.4 Grid-connected generation with indication of the PGC, POC, PCC and PCOM.

Figure figure 3.3 shows a typical installation connection of one or more power-generating
plants with indication of the typical locations of Point of Generator Connection (PGC),
Point of Connection (POC), Point of Connection in Installation (PCI) and Point of Com-
mon Coupling (PCC). In the illustrated example, the Point of Common Coupling (PCC)
coincides with the Point of Connection (POC).

3.2.41. Nominal active power/rated power (P n )

The highest level of active power that the power-generating plant is designed to continu-
ously supply at the Point of Connection (POC). The rated power or nominal active power
is denoted by Pn.

3.2.42. Nominal reactive power (Q n )

The highest level of reactive power that the power-generating plant is designed to contin-
uously supply at the Point of Connection (POC). Nominal reactive power is denoted by

3.2.43. Nominal voltage (U n )

The voltage of a grid or component. The voltage is stated phase-to-phase for three-wire
systems and phase-to-null for four-wire systems. Nominal voltage is denoted by Un.

3.2.44. Nominal current/rated current (I n )

The maximum continuous current at the Point of Connection (POC) that a power-
generating plant is designed to continuously supply under normal operating conditions,
see DS/CLC/TS 50549-1:2015 and DS/CLC/TS 50549-2:2015. Rated current is denoted
by In.

3.2.45. Nominal apparent power (S n )

The highest level of power consisting of both active and reactive components that a pow-
er-generating plant is designed to continuously supply at the Point of Connection (POC).
Nominal apparent power is denoted by Sn.


3.2.46. Normal operating voltage (U c )

The voltage at which the grid is operated, and therefore the voltage that can be expected
at the Point of Connection (POC). Normal operating voltage is denoted by Uc.

Normal operating voltage is determined by the DSO and is used to determine the normal
operating range and protection.

3.2.47. Normal operation

The voltage and frequency range within which a power-generating plant must be capable
of continuous generation. For further information about normal operation, see sections
4.1.1, 5.1.1 and 6.1.1.

3.2.48. Back-up power generating unit

A system installed to supply emergency power to an installation, and which is not intend-
ed for operation in parallel with the public electricity supply grid.

3.2.49. Partial weighted harmonic distortion (PWHD)

Square sum of the total harmonic distortion from a limited group of the higher harmonic
orders (Yh), weighted according to the individual order of harmonics (h). PWHD is calcu-
lated from and including the 14th harmonic order (h = 14) up to and including the 40th
harmonic order (h = 40), calculated as a percentage of the fundamental frequency (h = 1).

𝑌ℎ 2

𝑃𝑊𝐻𝐷𝑌 = ∑ ℎ ∙ ( )

Where Y is either RMS currents (PWHDI) or RMS voltages (PWHDU).

3.2.50. Power-generating plants

General term covering both synchronous power-generating plants and power park mod-

This designation is used when requirements apply to both synchronous power-generating

plants and power park modules.

3.2.51. Q control
A control function for reactive power which controls the reactive power independently of
the active power generated.

3.2.52. Reactive power

The imaginary component of the apparent power, usually expressed in VAr or kVAr.

3.2.53. Fast fault current (I Q )

Fast fault current used to counteract voltage dips during faults in the public electricity
supply grid.


3.2.54. Tolerance
Tolerance of voltage and frequency deviations to ensure that a power-generating plant
does not disconnect from the public electricity supply grid but instead maintains some
form of operation to support the public electricity supply grid.

3.2.55. Signal
A measurement, status, set point or command which is exchanged between the power-
generating plant and the DSO via the PCOM.

3.2.56. Voltage dip

Transient voltage change resulting in the effective value of the voltage at the Point of
Connection (POC) being between 5% and 90% of normal operating voltage.

3.2.57. Voltage level

For the purpose of these requirements, the voltage levels in the distribution and transmis-
sion grids are defined according to the standard DS/EN/IEC 60038 and are as follows:

Designation of Nominal voltage

System operator
voltage level Un [kV]

Extra high voltage (EHV)
Transmission system operator

High voltage (HV)




Medium voltage (MV) 20 DSO



Low voltage (LV)

Table 3.2 – Definition of voltage levels.


3.2.58. Voltage control

A control function for reactive power regulating the reactive power by means of droop
control for the purpose of obtaining the desired voltage at the voltage reference point.

3.2.59. Voltage droop

The percentage voltage change which will cause a reactive power change corresponding
to the nominal reactive power of the power-generating plant.

Voltage droop formula:

|ΔU| 𝑄𝑛𝑜𝑚
𝑑𝑟𝑜𝑜𝑝 [%] = 100 ⋅ ⋅
𝑈𝑟𝑒𝑓 |Δ𝑄|

3.2.60. Voltage unbalance

Condition in a multiphase system where the effective values of the fundamental frequen-
cy of the outer voltages and/or the angles of the successive outer voltages are not the

3.2.61. Droop
The control parameter change (e.g. frequency) in per cent which will cause a power out-
put change corresponding to the nominal power of the power-generating plant.

See frequency and voltage droop for more information.

3.2.62. Current unbalance

Condition in a multiphase system where the current amplitude and/or the angles of suc-
cessive phases are not the same.

3.2.63. Synchronous power-generating plant

A coherent power-generating unit capable of generating electrical energy in such a way
that the relationship between voltage frequency, alternator speed and grid frequency is
constant and thus synchronous.

3.2.64. Transmission system operator

Company entrusted with the overall responsibility for maintaining security of supply and
ensuring the effective utilisation of an interconnected electricity supply system.

The transmission system operator in Denmark is Energinet.

3.2.65. Total Harmonic Distortion (THD)

Square sum of the total harmonic distortion of the individual harmonics (Yh) from the
second harmonic order (h = 2) up to and including the 40th harmonic order (h = 40), cal-
culated as a percentage of the fundamental frequency (h = 1).

𝑌ℎ 2
𝑇𝐻𝐷𝑌 = √ ∑ ( )

Where Y is either RMS currents (THDI) or RMS voltages (THDU).


3.2.66. Abnormal operation

Operating conditions with frequency or voltage deviations – i.e. operating outside the
normal operating range (see section 3.2.47).

3.2.67. Western Denmark (DK1)

The part of the continental European synchronous area covering Denmark west of the
Great Belt.

3.2.68. Wind power plant

A power-generating plant using wind as its primary energy source.

3.2.69. Islanding
An operating situation which may occur in the distribution system where part of the dis-
tribution grid continues operating without being connected to the public electricity supply

This is an undesirable operating situation, which is typically detected due to frequency

change (df/dt) or large voltage deviations. In such situations, the grid protection must
automatically disconnect the power-generating plant from the grid.

3.2.70. Eastern Denmark (DK2)

The part of the northern European synchronous area covering Denmark east of the Great

Requirements for type B power-generating plants



A power-generating plant must comply with the following requirements for normal op-
eration and abnormal operation.

4.1.1. Normal operation

A power-generating plant must be capable of continuous generation without disconnect-
ing in the 49.0 Hz - 51.0 Hz frequency range.

Uc at the Point of Connection (POC) is provided by the DSO.

A power-generating plant must be capable of continuous generation when the voltage at

the Point of Connection (POC) is within the 90% to 110% range of normal operating

A power-generating plant must maintain operation at different frequencies for the mini-
mum time periods specified in figure 4.1 without disconnecting from the grid.

UC [pu]

Minimum operation time
Minimum operation time

Minimum operation time

Normal operation

30 minutes
30 minutes

30 minutes



Frequency [Hz]
47.5 48.0 48.5 49.0 49.5 50 50.5 51.0 51.5

Figure 4.1 – Minimum time periods during which a power-generating plant must be capable of main-
taining operation at different frequencies without disconnecting from the grid.

A power-generating plant must be designed to withstand transient voltage phase jumps of

up to 20 degrees at the Point of Connection (POC) without any interruption.

Requirements for type B power-generating plants

4.1.2. Tolerance of frequency deviations

The power-generating plant must be capable of maintaining operation in case of frequen-
cy deviations for the time periods specified in figure 4.1 without disconnecting from the
public electricity supply grid. Frequency change

A power-generating plant must be capable of continuous generation at frequency changes
of up to 2.0 Hz/s. Permitted reduction of active power during underfrequency

A power-generating plant is permitted to reduce the active power within the 49 Hz -
47.5 Hz frequency range. In this range, it is permitted to reduce the active power by 6%
of Pn/Hz as shown in figure 4.2.

Frequency [Hz]
47.5 48.0 48.5 49.0 49.5 50.0

Maximum allowed reduction [ΔP/Pn]






Figure 4.2 – Permitted reduction of active power during underfrequency.

Permitted reduction of active power

Frequency range 49 Hz - 47.5 Hz

Reduction of Pn/Hz 6%

Table 4.1 – Permitted reduction of active power during underfrequency.

A power-generating plant may only reduce the active power if the plant is technically
incapable of continuing to supply of full active power at underfrequency. This applies
during normal operating conditions, which are guaranteed for 90% of the time, and must
occur to the best of its ability in relation to operating point and available primary energy.

4.1.3. Tolerance of voltage deviations

A power-generating plant must comply with the requirements for tolerances of voltage
deviations as specified in this section. Specific requirements apply, depending on plant

Requirements for type B power-generating plants Permitted reduction of active power at undervoltage

When the voltage at the Point of Connection (POC) is less than 95% of nominal value, it
is allowed to reduce the generation of active power to comply with the power-generating
plant’s current limitation. The reduction must be as small as technically possible. Tolerance to voltage swells

A power-generating plant must be capable of remaining connected to the grid during
voltage swells as specified in table 4.2.

Voltage Duration

1.15·Uc 60 s

1.20·Uc 5s

Table 4.2 – Tolerance to voltage swells. Tolerance to voltage dips

(a) Synchronous power-generating plant

A synchronous power-generating plant must be capable of withstanding voltage dips as
shown in figure 4.3. A synchronous power-generating plant must be capable of remaining
connected to the grid during voltage dips above the solid line in figure 4.3. In case of
voltage dips below the solid line, it is allowed to disconnect the plant from the grid. This
applies to both symmetrical and asymmetrical faults.

The synchronous component of voltage is used to assess the tolerance requirement in

figure 4.3. The requirement is assessed at Pn and Power Factor 1.0. The DSO must, at the
power-generating plant owner’s request, state the short-circuit power at the Point of
Connection (POC) before and after possible faults. The short-circuit power may be stated
as generic values based on typical operating situations.

Requirements for type B power-generating plants

1,5; 0,9
0,25; 0,7
Voltge at POC [pu]

0,7; 0,7
0,3 0,25; 0,3
0; 0,3
-0,5 -0,25 0 0,25 0,5 0,75 1 1,25 1,5 1,75 2 2,25 2,5 2,75 3
Time [s]

Figure 4.3 – Tolerance to voltage dips for a synchronous power-generating plant.

A synchronous power-generating plant must be capable of restoring normal generation of

active power after a fault as quickly as possible after voltage and frequency have returned
to the normal range, see section 4.1.1. The power-generating plant’s natural ability to
restore generation of active power must not be artificially or unnecessarily restricted.

(b) Power park modules

A power park module must be capable of withstanding voltage dips as shown in figure
4.4. A power park module must be capable of remaining connected to the grid during
voltage dips above the solid line in figure 4.4. In case of voltage dips below the solid line,
it is allowed to disconnect the plant from the grid. This applies to both symmetrical and
asymmetrical faults.

The synchronous component of voltage is used to assess the tolerance requirement in

figure 4.4. The requirement is assessed at Pn and Power Factor 1.0. The DSO must, at the
plant owner’s request, state the short-circuit power at the Point of Connection (POC)
before and after possible faults. The short-circuit power may be stated as generic values
based on typical operating situations.

A power park module must be capable of restoring normal generation of active power
after a fault as quickly as possible; however, no later than five seconds after voltage and
frequency have returned to the normal operating range, see section 4.1.1. During the re-
covery process, upward regulation of active power must be performed with a gradient of
at least 20% Pn/s.

Requirements for type B power-generating plants

1,5; 0,9
Voltage at POC [pu]
0,2 0; 0,15
0,25; 0,15
-0,5 -0,25 0 0,25 0,5 0,75 1 1,25 1,5 1,75 2 2,25 2,5 2,75 3
Time [s]

Figure 4.4 – Tolerance to voltage dips for a power park module.

Supply of fast fault current

A power park module must be capable of supplying fast fault current, IQ, at the Point of
Generator Connection in case of a symmetrical fault (three-phase fault) to maintain grid
voltage stability during and after a fault.

A power park module must be capable of supplying fast fault current (positive sequence
component) in the area above the solid line in figure 4.4 and up to 90% of normal operat-
ing voltage at the Point of Generator Connection.

Control of fast fault current from a power park module must follow figure 4.5.

It must be possible to supply fast fault current within 100 ms with an accuracy of ±20%
of In.

During a fault sequence, a power park module must prioritise the fast fault current before
supplying the active power in the range from 90% to 15% of Uc, see the hatched area in
figure 4.5.

Requirements for type B power-generating plants

Area where fast fault current is delivered.



Voltage in PGC [% af Uc]








0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Fast fault current [IQ/In]

Figure 4.5 – Supply of fast fault current from a power park module.


Start-up and reconnection of a power-generating plant is only permitted when the fre-
quency and voltage are within the following ranges:

DK 1 DK 2
(Western Denmark) (Eastern Denmark)

Frequency range 47.5 Hz - 50.2 Hz 47.5 Hz - 50.5 Hz

Voltage range 90% - 110% Uc 90% - 110% Uc

Observation time Three minutes Three minutes

Table 4.3 – Criteria for start-up and reconnection of a power-generating plant.

When a power-generating plant has been connected, the active power must not increase
by more than 20% of nominal power per minute.

4.2.1. Synchronisation
A power-generating plant must be capable of automatically synchronising to the public
electricity supply grid. It must not be possible to manually circumvent the automatic syn-
chronisation and allow the plant to connect without synchronisation.


A power-generating plant must be capable of controlling its active power. It must be pos-
sible to indicate set points in steps of 1% of Pn or better.

Requirements for type B power-generating plants

Control must be performed with an accuracy of ±2% of power-generating plant nominal

active power. The control accuracy is measured over a period of one minute.

4.3.1. Power response to overfrequency

A power-generating plant must be capable of downward regulation of its active frequency
at overfrequency. Downward regulation of active power must be initiated within two
seconds at the Point of Connection (POC).

To be able to detect islanding, downward regulation of the active power at the Point of
Connection (POC) must not be commenced until after an intentional delay of 500 ms.

If the plant’s natural delay (recovery time) for commencement of downward regu-
lation is 500 ms or more, the requirement for delay is met.

If the plant’s natural delay (recovery time) for commencement of downward regu-
lation is less than 500 ms, the delay must be extended to 500 ms. The intentional
delay is only imposed when transitioning to frequency response, i.e. when the fre-
quency threshold fRO is crossed.

A plant’s natural delay (recovery time) for commencement of downward regula-
tion is 300 ms. An additional intentional delay (recovery time) of 200 ms is added
to make the total delay (recovery time) for the plant 500 ms.

The downward regulation of active power must be commenced at a frequency threshold

(fRO) and follow a droop as indicated in figure 4.6, regardless of whether the frequency
increases or decreases.

When a power-generating plant’s lower limit for active power is reached in connection
with the downward regulation, the plant must keep this minimum level of active power
until the grid frequency drops again or until the plant is disconnected for other reasons.


fRO f>
(50.x Hz)

47.5 48.0 48.5 49.0 49.5 50.0 50.5 51.0 51.5 52.0 Frequency [Hz]

Requirements for type B power-generating plants

Figure 4.6 – Frequency response droop to overfrequency.

The frequency threshold for commencement of frequency response must be set in the
50.2 Hz - 50.5 Hz frequency range, both values inclusive, with a resolution of 10 mHz or

The droop of the active power reduction must be in the 2-12% range with a resolution of
1% or better.

The settings for frequency response to overfrequency for Western and Eastern Denmark
are as follows:

DK 1 DK 2
(Western Denmark) (Eastern Denmark)

Frequency threshold fRO 50.2 Hz 50.5 Hz

Droop 5% 4%

Intentional delay for is- 500 ms 500 ms

landing detection

Table 4.4 – Default settings for power response to overfrequency for DK1 and DK2.

When the frequency response is enabled, the active power must follow the droop with a
deviation of 5% of nominal active power or better, measured over a period of one minute.

Frequency must be measured with an accuracy of ±10 mHz or better.

4.3.2. Constraint functions Absolute power limit

A power-generating plant must be capable of limiting its maximum active power.

Absolute power limit is used to limit the active power from a power-generating plant to a
set point-defined maximum power limit at the Point of Connection (POC).

Absolute power limit is used to protect the public electricity supply grid against overload
in critical situations.

Control using a new parameter for the absolute power limit must be completed within
five minutes of receiving the parameter change order.

Requirements for type B power-generating plants Ramp rate limit

A power-generating plant must be capable of limiting the gradient of the active power.
Unless another functionality, including market services, requires a higher gradient, e.g.
active power recovery after a fault etc., the gradient must not exceed more than 20% of
Pn/min. This applies to both upward and downward regulation, taking the availability of
the primary energy source into consideration.

Ramp rate limit is used for reasons of system operation to prevent changes in ac-
tive power from adversely impacting the stability of the public electricity supply
grid. System protection scheme

The requirement for system protection applies to power park modules. For synchronous
power-generating plants, the need is assessed when assigning the Point of Connection

A power-generating plant must be equipped with system protection scheme which is an

emergency control function that, following a downward regulation order, is capable of
quickly adjusting the active power supplied from a plant to one or more predefined set
points. Set points are determined by the DSO during commissioning.

The power-generating plant must have at least five different configurable adjustment

The following default set points are:

1. To 70% of rated power
2. To 50% of rated power
3. To 40% of rated power
4. To 25% of rated power
5. To 0% of rated power, i.e. the power-generating plant is stopped.

Control must be initiated within one second and completed within ten seconds of receipt
of a downward regulation order.

If the system protection receives an upward regulation order, e.g. from step 4 (25%) to
step 3 (40%), it is acceptable that completion of the order may take additional time due to
the design limits of power-generating plant generators or other plant units.


A power-generating plant must be capable of supplying reactive power. Only one of the
following required control functions can be active at a time.

The power-generating plant must be capable of controlling its reactive power using the
functions and characteristics described in sections 4.4.2 to 4.4.4. It must be possible to
indicate set points in steps of 1% of Sn or better for power and 0.01 or better for Power

Requirements for type B power-generating plants

Control must be performed with an accuracy of ±2% of power-generating plant nominal

apparent power. The control accuracy is measured over a period of one minute.

The control accuracy may be less than ±2% of Sn when active power generation is below
10% of power-generating plant nominal apparent power. However, the exchange of un-
controlled reactive power must never be greater than 10% of plant nominal apparent

When one or more power-generating units of a power park module are taken out of opera-
tion for scheduled maintenance, the plant’s supply of reactive power may be reduced
proportionate to the number of units taken out of operation.

4.4.1. Reactive power range

At maximum production, a power-generating plant must be capable of supplying active
power at different voltages at the Point of Connection (POC) as specified in figure 4.7.

Required capability
Allowed to reduce active power to deliver
reactive power because of technical limitations.



0.329 0.329


Q-import Q-export
Underexcited Overexcited

Figure 4.7 – Requirements for supply of reactive power at maximum active power generation.

Inside the shaded blue area in figure 4.7, the power-generating plant must supply stable
reactive power in accordance with the selected control mode, which may only be limited
by the technical performance of the plant, e.g. saturation or undercompensation.

When the active power generation is below the maximum capacity, a power-generating
plant must be capable of operating within the area specified in figure 4.8.

Requirements for type B power-generating plants

Required capability
Reduced accuracy allowed during low production


PF = 0.95 PF = -0.95

4th Quadrant 1st Quadrant

Positive sign for Negative sign for
power factor power factor

Inductive/Leading Capacitive/Lagging

Q-import 0.2 Q-export

P-export 0.1 Sn P-export

-0.329 0.329

Figure 4.8 – Requirements for supply of reactive power at different active power levels.

4.4.2. Power Factor control

A power-generating plant must be capable of performing Power Factor control allowing
the reactive power to be controlled by means of a fixed Power Factor, see figure 4.9 .

When a new Power Factor set point is set, the control must be completed within one mi-


4th Quadrant 1st Quadrant

Positive sign for Negative sign for
power factor power factor

Inductive/Leading Capacitive/Lagging

Q-import PF angle φ Q-export

P-export P-export

-0.329 0.329

Requirements for type B power-generating plants

Figure 4.9 – Example of Power Factor control [cos φ fixed].

A power-generating plant may not exchange reactive power with the public electricity
supply grid unless otherwise agreed with the DSO. I.e. the plant will as default produce at
a Power Factor of 1.

If the function is to be enabled, the current setting values for the control function are
agreed with the DSO.

4.4.3. Automatic Power Factor control

A power-generating plant must be capable of performing automatic Power Factor control
as shown in figure 4.10.

Reactive power control must be completed within ten seconds of the active power having
been stabilised.
Point 3

Point 2


Inductive/Leading Capacitive/Lagging

Point 1

0.9 -0.9

Figure 4.10 – Default setting for automatic Power Factor control [cos φ (P)].

Default settings for the characteristics are specified in table 4.5 .

Characteristics points

Point P/Pn Power Factor

1 0.0 1.0

2 0.5 1.0

3 1 0.9 inductive

Table 4.5 – Characteristics points.

The function is normally activated at 105% of Uc, and deactivated at 100% of Uc.

Requirements for type B power-generating plants

A power-generating plant may not exchange reactive power with the public electricity
supply grid unless otherwise agreed with the DSO. I.e. the plant will as default always
produce at a Power Factor of 1.

If the function is to be enabled, the current setting values for the control function are
agreed with the DSO.

4.4.4. Q control
A power-generating plant must be capable of performing Q control as shown in figure


4th Quadrant 1st Quadrant

Positive sign for Negative sign for
power factor power factor

Inductive/Leading Capacitive/Lagging

Q-import Q-export
P-export P-export

-0.329 0.329

Figure 4.11 – Example of Q control [Q set point].

Control from one set point to another must be completed within one minute.

A power-generating plant may not exchange reactive power with the public electricity
supply grid unless otherwise agreed with the DSO. I.e. the plant will as default produce at
a Power Factor of 1.

If the function is to be enabled, the current setting values for the control function are
agreed with the DSO.

4.4.5. (a) Synchronous power-generating plants – additional require-

In addition to the general requirements for reactive power, synchronous power-generating
plants must also be equipped with an automatic excitation system. The excitation system
must be capable of supplying stable and constant voltage at the PGC. It must be possible
to select the voltage set point in the entire voltage range for normal operation.

Requirements for type B power-generating plants


4.5.1. General
Power-generating plant protection must both protect the plant and help ensure stability in
the public electricity supply grid.

Relay settings cannot prevent specified power-generating plant functions from working

The power-generating plant owner is responsible for ensuring that the plant is dimen-
sioned and equipped with the necessary protection functions so that the plant:

• Is protected against damage due to faults and incidents in the public electricity
supply grid

• Protects the public electricity supply grid against unwanted impacts from the
power-generating plant

• Is protected against damage as a result of asynchronous connections

• Is protected against disconnection in non-critical situations for the power-

generating plant

• Is not damaged and does not switch off during voltage dips as specified in section

The DSO or the transmission system operator may demand that the setting values for
protection functions be changed after commissioning if it is deemed to be of importance
to the operation of the public electricity supply grid.

Following disconnection of a power-generating plant due to a fault in the public electrici-

ty supply grid, the plant must not reconnect automatically earlier than specified in section

A power-generating plant which has been disconnected by an external signal prior to a

fault occurring in the public electricity supply grid must not be connected until the exter-
nal signal has been eliminated and the voltage and frequency are once again within the
range specified in section 4.2.

At the power-generating plant owner’s request, the DSO must state the highest and lowest
short-circuit current that can be expected at the Point of Connection (POC) as well as any
other information about the public electricity supply grid as may be necessary to config-
ure the plant’s protection functions.

Voltage and frequency must be measured simultaneously for the phases which the power-
generating plant is connected to at the Point of Connection (POC).

Requirements for type B power-generating plants

4.5.2. Requirements for protection functions and settings

The power-generating plant’s protection functions and associated settings must be as
specified in the following subsections. Settings deviating from the default values, e.g. in
the event of problems with local overvoltages, may only be used with the DSO’s permis-

In connection with internal short circuits in the power-generating plant, the relay protec-
tion must be selective with the grid protection. This means that short circuits in the pow-
er-generating plant must be disconnected within 100 ms.

All settings are stated as RMS values.

The power-generating plant must be disconnected or shut down if a measuring signal

deviates more from its nominal value than the setting.

The trip time stated is the measuring period during which the trip condition must con-
stantly be fulfilled in order for the protection function to release a trip signal.

The accuracy of voltage and frequency measurements must be ±1% of Uc and ±0.05 Hz
or better respectively.

The frequency change is calculated according to the following or equivalent principle.

The frequency measurement used to calculate the frequency change is based on a 200 ms
measuring period where the mean value is calculated.

Frequency measurements must be made continuously, calculating a new value every

20 ms.

ROCOF [Hz/s] must be calculated as the difference between the currently performed
frequency mean value calculation and the calculation performed 20 ms before.

(df/dt = (mean value 2 – mean value 1)/0.020 [Hz/s])

If a power-generating plant is isolated with part of the public electricity supply grid, the
plant must not cause temporary overvoltages that can damage the plant or the public elec-
tricity supply grid.

4.5.3. Requirements for grid protection

A power-generating plant must have protection functions as specified in table 4.6. Unless
otherwise agreed with the DSO, the default values in the table are to be used. The ranges
and resolutions are indicative, not required.

Protection function Symbol Setting Trip time

(Range/Resolution) (Range/Resolution)

Requirements for type B power-generating plants

Protection function Symbol Setting Trip time

(Range/Resolution) (Range/Resolution)

Overvoltage U>> 1.0-1.3/0.01 Uc 0.1-5/0.05 s

(step 2) Default: 1.15 Default: 0.2

Overvoltage U> 1.0-1.2/0.01 Uc 0.1-100/0.1 s

(step 1) Default: 1.10 Default: 60

Undervoltage U< 0.2 - 1.0/0.01 Uc 0.1 - 100/0.1 s

(step 1) Default: 0.90 Default: 60

Overfrequency f> 50.0 - 52.0/0.1 Hz 0.1 - 5/0.05 s

Default: 51.5 Default: 0.2

Underfrequency f< 47.0 - 50.0/0.1 Hz 0.1 - 5/0.05 s

Default: 47.5 Default: 0.2

Table 4.6 – Requirements for protection of all type B power-generating plants. (a) Additional requirements for grid protection of synchronous

power-generating plants
In addition to the general protection functions and settings, synchronous power-
generating plants must also have the protection functions and settings specified in table

A synchronous undervoltage relay is only required when asynchronous connection at

automatic reconnection may occur. The DSO determines the setting values for the syn-
chronous undervoltage relay.

The DSO to whose grid the plant is connected calculates the setting values for the
synchronous undervoltage relay using the principles in the Research Association
of the Danish Electric Utilities (DEFU) technical report no. 293, 3rd edition on
‘Relay protection at local production with synchronous generators’, March 2018.

It is allowed to use a fuse instead of overcurrent (step 1). In this case, the fuse size and
characteristics must be approved by the DSO.

Protection function Setting Trip time

Synchronous un- Determined by the

- V ≤50 ms
dervoltage* DSO

Overcurrent (step I>> Determined by the A 50 ms

Requirements for type B power-generating plants

2)** DSO

Overcurrent (step 1) I> 1.2 In 2 s

* If synchronous undervoltage relay is used.

Synchronous undervoltage relay: The setting is dependent on local generator and
grid data. The current setting is calculated by the DSO.
** If synchronous undervoltage relay is not used, the generator manufacturer’s set-
tings for overcurrent protection are used.

Table 4.7 – Additional protection settings for synchronous power-generating plants.

4.5.4. Requirements for islanding detection

A power-generating plant must be capable of detecting unintentional islanding and must
disconnect from the public electricity supply grid if unintentional islanding is detected.

In Denmark, only passive islanding detection methods are used. The use of vector jump
relays (ANSI 78) or active islanding detection is not allowed on power-generating plants
connected to the Danish public electricity supply grid.

A power-generating plant must have the functions for islanding detection specified in
table 4.8. Unless otherwise agreed with the DSO, the default value in the table is used.
The ranges and resolutions are indicative, not required.

Protection function Symbol Setting Trip time

(Range/Resolution) (Range/Resolution)

Frequency change df/dt 2 - 3.5/0.1 Hz/s 0.02 - 5/0.01 s

Default: ±2.5 Default: 0.08

Table 4.8 – Requirements for islanding detection.

4.5.5. Earthing
Conditions related to earthing of the power-generating plant must be agreed with the


A power-generating plant must not cause unacceptable power quality in the electricity
grid. To avoid this, the power-generating plant must comply with the requirements speci-
fied in the following sections.

4.6.1. Emission limits

A power-generating plant must comply with the requirements described in the following

Requirements for type B power-generating plants DC content
A power-generating plant must not inject DC currents into the grid. This requirement is
met if the DC content of the current injected by the plant into the grid is below 0.5% of
the nominal current of the plant.

If the power-generating plant is connected to the grid by means of a plant transformer, it

is assumed that this requirement is met.

The reason for having a limit value for DC content is that DC currents are unde-
sirable in the public electricity supply grid and may have an adverse effect on
grid operation and protection. The limit value is set based on IEC/TR 61000-3-15,
which provides recommendations for requirements for local production connected
to the public electricity supply grid at low-voltage level. Voltage unbalance

A power-generating plant must have balanced three-phase load so as not to cause voltage

Requirements for unbalance are made because unbalance in phase voltages be-
tween phases is undesirable in the public electricity supply grid as it may have an
adverse effect on grid operation and the units connected to the public electricity
supply grid.

According to the international standard DS/EN 50160, the limit for the total volt-
age unbalance in the public electricity supply grid is 2%. Voltage unbalance can
be distributed in accordance with the method described in IEC/TR 61000-3-13,
but this will yield impractically low limit values for the individual plant, which
are lower than the measurement uncertainty for measurement of unbalance.

When the plant has a balanced three-phase load, it will generally not add to the
voltage unbalance already present in the public electricity supply grid. Documen-
tation showing that the plant has balanced three-phase production will often be
sufficient to establish that the plant will not give rise to voltage unbalance in the
public electricity supply grid.

To ascertain that the plant does not give rise to voltage unbalance, the voltage
unbalance can be measured at the Point of Connection (POC) before and after
commissioning of the plant. If there is no significantly increased voltage unbal-
ance after commissioning of the plant compared to the measurements made before
commissioning, the voltage unbalance requirement is met.

Voltage unbalance is measured according to DS/EN 61000-4-30 as the negative

sequence component divided by the positive sequence component.

Requirements for type B power-generating plants Rapid voltage changes

A power-generating plant must not cause rapid voltage changes exceeding the limit val-
ues specified in table 4.9.

Voltage level Limit value

Medium voltage d(%) = 4%

High voltage d(%) = 3%

Table 4.9 – Limit value for rapid voltage changes.

Requirements for rapid voltage changes are based on DS/EN 61000-3-11 and the
Research Association of the Danish Electric Utilities (DEFU) report RA 557 as
well as the methods for determining limit values described in IEC/TR 61000-3-7. Flicker
A power-generating plant must not cause flicker contributions exceeding the limit values
for short-term and long-term flicker as specified in table 4.10.

Short-term flicker (Pst) Long-term flicker (Plt)

Limit value 0.3 0.2

Table 4.10 – Limit value for short-term and long-term flicker.

Flicker limit values are based on DS/EN 61000-3-11 and the Research Associa-
tion of the Danish Electric Utilities (DEFU) report RA 557 as well as the methods
for determining limit values described in IEC/TR 61000-3-7. Harmonics
A power-generating plant may not emit harmonic currents exceeding the limit values in
table 4.11 for the individual harmonics, which are expressed as a percentage of the nomi-
nal current of the plant (Ih/In (%)).

Odd-order harmonics h Even-order harmonics h

3 5 7 9 11 13 15 2 4 6 8 10 12

3.4 3.8 2.5 0.5 1.2 0.7 0.35 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.5

Table 4.11 – Limit values for harmonic currents Ih/In (% of In).

In addition to the limit values for the individual harmonics, there are also limit values for
total harmonics. Limit values for THDI and PWHDI are specified in table 4.12.

Requirements for type B power-generating plants


4.4 4.4

Table 4.12 – Limit values for THDI and PWHDI in current (% In).

The requirements for individual harmonics, THDI and PWHDI, are based on
DS/EN 61000-3-12 Table 3 and the Research Association of the Danish Electric
Utilities (DEFU) report RA 557 as well as the methods for determining limit val-
ues described in IEC/TR 61000-3-6.

The 2nd and 4th harmonic order are reduced compared to the method in RA 557,
because they may indicate DC content in the current supplied to the public elec-
tricity supply grid. Any exceeding of the limit values for the 2nd or 4th harmonic
orders may indicate that the plant does not meet the requirement for DC content.

Triplen harmonics are added based on their ratio of the limit values in DS/EN
50160. Triplen harmonics should not occur at all in balanced three-phase equip-
ment. However, three-phase inverters have been observed to produce these har-
monics at times due to the inverter control. Therefore, it has been decided to add
a limit value for them. In practice, the limit values for triplen harmonics in these
instructions have been set so high that they should never constitute a problem in a
balanced three-phase plant. If a plant exceeds these limits, this will indicate that
the plant cannot be categorised as being balanced, and it can therefore not be
connected, because it does not comply with the unbalance requirements. Interharmonic overtones

A power-generating plant must comply with the limit values for interharmonic overtones
specified in table 4.13.

Frequency (Hz)

75 Hz 125 Hz >175 Hz

0.44 0.66 83 *)

However, not less than the measurement uncertainty.

Table 4.13 – Limit values for interharmonic overtones in current (% of In).

Limit values for interharmonic overtones are based on DS/EN 61000-3-12 and the
Research Association of the Danish Electric Utilities (DEFU) report RA 557 as
well as the methods for determining limit values described in IEC/TR 61000-3-6.

Requirements for type B power-generating plants Distortions in the 2-9 kHz frequency range

A power-generating plant must comply with the limit value in table 4.14 for all 200 Hz
frequency groups between 2 kHz and 9 kHz.

Limit value


Table 4.14 – Limit value for harmonic currents for all frequencies between 2 kHz and 9 kHz stated in
per cent of In.

Limit value for distortions in the 2-9 kHz frequency range is based on the Re-
search Association of the Danish Electric Utilities (DEFU) report RA 557.

4.6.2. Division of responsibilities The power-generating plant owner’s obligations

As a rule, the power-generating plant owner must ensure that the plant is designed, con-
structed and configured to comply with all limit values.

The power-generating plant owner must verify that emission limits at the Point of Con-
nection (POC) are complied with.

For calculation of power quality, the power-generating plant owner uses the typical three-
phase short-circuit power, Sk,powerquality at the Point of Connection (POC).

Subject to agreement, the plant owner can buy additional services (higher short-
circuit power or scope) from the DSO in order to comply with the specified limit
values. The DSO’s obligations

The DSO is responsible for setting emission limits at the Point of Connection (POC).

The DSO must specify the short-circuit level Sk,powerquality with associated impedance angle
ψk at the Point of Connection (POC).

4.6.3. Measuring method

Measurements of various power quality parameters must be carried out in accordance
with the European standard DS/EN 61000-4-30 (class A).

Measurement of harmonic distortion of voltage and current must be carried out as defined
in IEC 61000-4-7 in accordance with the principles (harmonic subgroup) and with the
accuracies specified for class I.

Measurement of interharmonic distortion up to 2 kHz must be carried out as defined in

IEC 61000-4-7 Annex A and must be measured as interharmonic subgroups.

Requirements for type B power-generating plants

Alternatively, it is allowed to measure harmonic distortion up to 2 kHz with grouping

enabled (harmonic groups) as specified in IEC 61000-4-7 and with the accuracies speci-
fied for class I. If harmonic distortion up to 2 kHz is measured with grouping enabled, it
is not required to measure interharmonic distortion up to 2 kHz separately.

Measurement of distortions in the 2-9 kHz frequency range must be carried out as defined
in IEC 61000-4-7 Annex B and must be measured in 200 Hz windows with centre fre-
quencies from 2100 Hz to 8900 Hz.


A power-generating plant must be equipped with an interface at the PCOM enabling real-
time exchange of signals.

If a power-generating plant consists of more units, a plant controller must be installed to

allow control of the plant as a complete plant at the PCOM, see figure 3.3 and figure 3.4.

A power-generating plant must be capable of ceasing its active power generation. Genera-
tion must be stopped no later than five seconds after the command to this effect has been
received. Furthermore, a power-generating plant must be capable of reducing active pow-
er upon receiving a command.

4.7.1. Requirements for time stamping and update speed

The information must be time stamped. The time stamps must have the following update

• Maximum time to update functional status (enabled/disabled) is 10 ms.

• Maximum time to update parameter value is one second.
• Maximum time to update metering values is one second.

4.7.2. Information exchange requirements for power-generating plants

below 1 MW
A power-generating plant below 1 MW must at a minimum be capable of exchanging the
following information:

Signal description Signal type

Stop signal Command

Hold signal – ‘Released for start’ Command

Figure 4.12 – Requirements for information which a power-generating plant below 1MW must be
capable of exchanging.

Remote control of these signals is assessed by the DSO at the time of grid connection.

A power-generating plant may start production after the requirements for reconnection
are fulfilled (see sect.4.2), and “Released for start” is received.

Requirements for type B power-generating plants

4.7.3. Requirements for information exchange for power-generating

plants of 1 MW and above.
Power-generating plants of 1 MW and above must at a minimum be capable of exchang-
ing the following information in real time:

Signal description Signal type

Stop signal Command

Hold signal – ‘Released for start’ Command

Absolute power limit Set point

Absolute power limit Enabled/disabled

Main circuit breaker indicator Status

Generator circuit breaker indicator Status

Active power Measurement

Reactive power Measurement

Current Measurement

Voltage Measurement

Power Factor (PF) Measurement (may also be computed


Q control Set point

Q control Enabled/disabled

Power Factor control Set point

Power Factor control Enabled/disabled

Table 4.15– Requirements for information which a power-generating plant of 1 MW or more must be
capable of exchanging in real time in the PCOM interface.

A power-generating plant may start production after the requirements for reconnection
are fulfilled (see sect. 4.2), and “Released for start” is received.


This section describes the documentation to be provided by the power-generating plant
owner or a third party to the DSO in order to obtain operational notification.

Requirements for type B power-generating plants

The power-generating plant owner is responsible for complying with the requirements
described in this document and for documenting such compliance.

The DSO may at any time request verification and documentation showing that the pow-
er-generating plant meets the requirements described in this document.

4.8.1. Documentation requirements

• CE Declaration of Conformity
• Protection functions
• Single-line diagram
• Power quality
• Tolerance of voltage dips
• Annex B1.1 complete with technical documentation in support of the answers
• Annex B1.2 completed.

Product certificates issued by an approved certification body may also be used. The prod-
uct certificates may cover some of the documentation requirements.

In connection with documentation of the power-generating plant’s technical properties,

testing and simulations must be performed as described in sections 4.8.2 and 4.8.3.

4.8.2. Tests
As part of the documentation of the power-generating plant’s technical properties, testing
must be performed to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of this document.
The tests to be carried out include:

• Power response to overfrequency (LFSM-O)

Results must be presented in a report.
Product certificates issued by an approved certification body may be used instead of sim-

4.8.3. Simulations
As part of the documentation of the power-generating plant’s technical properties, simu-
lations must be performed to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of this doc-
ument. The simulations to be carried out include:
• Power response to overfrequency (LFSM-O)
o Must be carried out for frequency changes in both steps and ramps.
o Must show how the power-generating plant reacts when reaching the
lower active power limit.
• Tolerance to voltage dips
• Active power recovery

Requirements for type B power-generating plants

• Supply of fast fault current (only power park modules)

Simulation results and simulation model must be validated against the tests carried out to
demonstrate that model and simulations are accurate.

Product certificates issued by an approved certification body may be used instead of sim-

CE Declaration of Conformity
CE Declarations of Conformity must be submitted for each of the main compo-
nents. The CE Declaration of Conformity must contain a list of relevant stand-
ards, codes of practice and directives which the component or plant complies

Protection functions
Documentation of protection settings is a list of all relay configurations at the
time of commissioning.

Single-line diagram
A single-line diagram is a drawing that shows the plant’s main components and
how they are electrically interconnected. In addition, the location of the protec-
tion and measuring points are included in the diagram.

Power quality
Power quality is a collection of parameters characterising the electricity supplied.
A certificate or report demonstrating that the requirements are complied with
must be presented.

Tolerance of voltage dips

Tolerance of voltage dips is the plant’s ability to stay connected to the public
electricity supply grid during a voltage dip as well as power park modules’ ability
to supply fast fault current. The plant’s ability to stay connected to the grid and
supply fast fault current may be documented in two ways: simulation or testing.

Completion of annexes
A completed Annex B1.1 means that the annex in these instructions must be com-
pleted, and that technical documentation verifying the correctness of the answers
given in the annex must be attached. Technical documentation may include a test
report, product certificate, user manual, simulations, etc.

Requirements for type C power-generating plants



Same as for type B.

5.1.1. Normal operation

Same as for type B.

5.1.2. Tolerance of frequency deviations

Same as for type B. Frequency change

Same as for type B. Permitted reduction of active power during underfrequency

Same as for type B.

5.1.3. Tolerance of voltage deviations

Same as for type B. Tolerance to voltage swells

Same as for type B. Tolerance to voltage dips

(a) Synchronous power-generating plant

Same as for type B.

(b) Power park modules

Same as for type B.

Supply of fast fault current

Same as for type B.


Same as for type B.

5.2.1. Synchronisation
Same as for type B.


A power-generating plant must be capable of controlling its active power. It must be pos-
sible to indicate set points in steps of 1% of Pn or better.

Active power control must be performed with a gradient of at least 1% P n/min for syn-
chronous power-generating plants and at least 20% Pn/min for power park modules. For
synchronous generators, there is also a 10 minutes reaction time, if required.

Control must be performed with an accuracy of ±2% of power-generating plant nominal

active power. The control accuracy is measured over a period of one minute.

Requirements for type C power-generating plants

5.3.1. Power response to overfrequency

Same as for type B.

5.3.2. Power response to underfrequency

A power-generating plant must be capable of upward regulation of active power during
underfrequency if the plant does not already produce at its nominal power. Upward regu-
lation of active power must be initiated within two seconds at the Point of Connection

To be able to detect islanding, upward regulation of the active power at the Point of
Connection (POC) must not be initiated until after an intentional delay of 500 ms.

If the plant’s natural delay (recovery time) for commencement of upward regula-
tion is 500 ms or more, the requirement for minimum delay is met.

If the plant’s natural delay (recovery time) for commencement of upward regula-
tion is less than 500 ms, the delay must be extended to 500 ms. The intentional de-
lay is only imposed when transitioning to frequency response, i.e. when the fre-
quency threshold fRU is crossed.

A plant’s natural delay (recovery time) for commencement of upward regulation
is 300 ms. An additional intentional delay (recovery time) of 200 ms is added to
make the total delay/recovery time for the plant 500 ms.

Upward regulation of active power must be initiated at a frequency threshold (fRU) and
follow a droop as indicated in figure 5.1.

Requirements for type C power-generating plants


f< fRU

(49.x Hz)

47.5 48.0 48.5 49.0 49.5 50.0 Frequency [Hz]

Figure 5.1 – Frequency response droop at underfrequency.

The frequency threshold for commencement of frequency response (fRU) must be set in
the 49.5 Hz - 49.8 Hz frequency range, both values inclusive, with a resolution of 10 mHz
or better.

The droop of the active power increase must be in the 2-12% range with a resolution of
1% or better.

The settings for frequency response during underfrequency for Western and Eastern
Denmark are as follows:

DK 1 DK 2
(Western (Eastern
Denmark) Denmark)

Start frequency fRU 49.8 Hz 49.5 Hz

Droop (of Pn) 5% 4%

Intentional delay for 500 ms 500 ms

islanding detection

Table 5.1 – Default settings for frequency response – underfrequency.

When the frequency response is enabled, the active power must follow the droop with an
accuracy of 5% of nominal active power or better, measured over a period of one minute.

Frequency must be measured with an accuracy of ±10 mHz or better.

Supply of frequency response in case of underfrequency must take the availability of the
primary energy source into consideration as well as the permitted reduction of active
power at underfrequency, see section

Requirements for type C power-generating plants

Consumption which is not part of power-generating plant operation must be disconnected

in case of underfrequency. In DK1, consumption must be disconnected at 49.0 Hz, and in
DK2 at 48.5 Hz.

5.3.3. Frequency control

A power-generating plant must be capable of supplying frequency control and contrib-
uting to stabilising the grid frequency.

Frequency control must be set in the 47.5 Hz - 51.5 Hz frequency range, both values in-
clusive. This frequency range includes frequency response for both underfrequency and
overfrequency as well as frequency control with deadband as shown in figure 5.2.


Frequency Frequency
response Frequency control response
(Underfrequency) (Overfrequency)

47.5 fRU 50.0 fR0 51.5 Frequency [Hz]

Figure 5.2 – Frequency control and frequency response.

The actual frequency control is between fRU and fRO, which are the activation frequencies
for frequency response for underfrequency and overfrequency.

Control of power-generating plant active power with respect to frequency must be initiat-
ed within two seconds of a grid frequency change.

The measurement accuracy for the grid frequency must be ±10 mHz or better.

Frequency control must follow a droop as shown in figure 5.2. It must be possible to set a
negative slope droop in the 2-12% range with a resolution of 1% or better.

Requirements for type C power-generating plants

The active power ΔP/Pn, which is used for frequency control, must be set in the 1.5%-
10% range of power-generating plant maximum power capacity.

It must be possible to set a deadband around the nominal frequency in the 49.5 - 50.5 Hz
frequency range with a width of 0 - 500 mHz.

It must also be possible to set an insensitivity to frequency changes so that frequency

changes below the set threshold value do not result in active power changes. The control
insensitivity must be set to 10 mHz.

A power-generating plant must be capable of supplying full frequency control for 15

minutes. Full frequency control means that the plant must be capable of delivering the
power ΔP/Pn continuously throughout the required period.

A synchronous power-generating plant must be capable of activating full frequency con-

trol within the parameters in table 5.2 within 30 seconds.

Setting intervals for frequency control are stated in table 5.2.

DK 1 DK 2
(Western (Eastern
Denmark) Denmark)

Frequency control range 49.8 - 50.2 Hz 49.5 - 50.5 Hz

Active power in proportion to the nominal

1.5 - 10% 1.5 - 10%
output ΔP/Pn

Control insensitivity |∆𝒇𝒊 | ±10 mHz ±10 mHz

Deadband 0 - 200 mHz 0 - 500 mHz

Droop slope 2 - 12% 2 - 12%

Table 5.2 – Setting intervals for frequency control.

5.3.4. Constraint functions

A power-generating plant must be equipped with a number of active power constraint
functions. The requirements depend on plant type. Absolute power limit

Same as for type B. Ramp rate limit

A power-generating plant must be capable of limiting the gradient of the active power.
Unless another functionality, including ancillary services, requires a higher gradient, e.g.
active power recovery after fault, the gradient must be within maximum and minimum
gradients in connection with upward and downward regulation.

Requirements for type C power-generating plants

Upward regulation Max. 20% of Pn/min; however, max. 60 MW/min.

Min. 1% of Pn/min.

Downward regulation Max. 20% of Pn/min; however, max. 60 MW/min.

Min. 1% of Pn/min.

Table 5.3 – Maximum and minimum gradients in connection with upward and downward regulation. System protection scheme

Same as for type B. (b) Power park modules – additional requirements

Delta power limit

The delta power limit is used to limit the active power from a power-generating plant to a
required constant value relative to available active power Ppossible.

Control to a new parameter value for the delta power limit must be initiated within two
seconds and completed within five minutes of receipt of a parameter change.

Delta power constraint is typically used to obtain a control reserve for upward
regulation in connection with frequency control of plants with varying availability
of the primary energy source, e.g. solar and wind power.

Reduction of active power during high winds

For wind power plants, the requirements for ramp rate limit for reduction of active power
during high winds.

To ensure system stability, a wind power plant must be capable of gradually reducing
active power at high wind speeds to prevent sudden loss of active power when the wind
speed exceeds the wind power plant’s overspeed limitation.

The active power reduction must be within the shaded blue band as shown in figure 5.3.
Reduction can be continuous or in discrete steps. If the reduction is performed in discrete
steps, the step size must not exceed 25% of Pn. The settings for reduction of active power
at high winds must be agreed with the DSO prior to commissioning the wind power plant.

Automatic downward regulation is specified at minimum three points:

• Wind speed – activation of downward regulation [m/s]
• Wind speed – 10% of Pn [m/s]
• Wind speed – cut-out [m/s]

Requirements for type C power-generating plants


Wind speed [m/s]

Figure 5.3 – Downward regulation at high winds.


A power-generating plant must be capable of delivering reactive power. Only one of the
following required control functions can be active at a time.

The power-generating plant must be capable of controlling its reactive power using the
functions and characteristics described in sections 5.4.2 to 5.4.4. It must be possible to
indicate set points in steps of 100 kVAr or better for reactive power and 0.01 or better for
Power Factor.

Control accuracy must be ±3% of Qn or better. The control accuracy is measured over a
period of one minute.

When one or more units of a power park module are taken out of operation for scheduled
maintenance, the plant’s supply of reactive power may be reduced proportionate to the
number of units taken out of operation.

The power-generating plant owner must compensate for the plant infrastructure’s reactive
power in situations where the plant is disconnected or not generating active power.

5.4.1. Reactive power range

The requirements concerning the ability to supply reactive power (the operating range)
depend on the type of power-generating plant. (a) A synchronous power-generating plant

At maximum production, a synchronous power-generating plant must be capable of sup-
plying reactive power at different voltages at the Point of Connection (POC) as specified
in figure 5.4.

Requirements for type C power-generating plants

Required capability
Allowed to reduce active power to deliver
reactive power because of technical limitations.



0.2 0.4




Q-import Q-eksport
Underexcited Overexcited

Figure 5.4 – Requirements for supply of reactive power at maximum active power generation.

Inside the hatched grey region in figure 5.4, the synchronous power-generating plant must
supply stable reactive power in accordance with the selected control mode, which may
only be limited by the technical performance of the plant, e.g. saturation or undercompen-

When generating active power under maximum capacity, a synchronous power-

generating plant must be capable of operating at every point inside the synchronous pow-
er-generating plant’s P-Q capability curve. (b) A power park module

At maximum production, a power park module must be capable of supplying reactive
power at different voltages at the Point of Connection (POC) as specified in figure 5.5.

Requirements for type C power-generating plants

Required capability
Allowed to reduce active power to deliver
reactive power because of technical limitations.



0.329 0.329


Q-import Q-export
Underexcited Overexcited

Figure 5.5 – Requirements for supply of reactive power at maximum active power generation.

Inside the hatched grey region in figure 5.5, the power park module must supply stable
reactive power in accordance with the selected control mode, which may only be limited
by the technical performance of the plant, e.g. saturation or undercompensation.

When active power generation is below the maximum capacity, a power park module
must be capable of operating within the area specified in figure 5.6.

In the solid blue area on figure 5.6, it is accepted that the ability to supply reactive power
may be limited by a reduced number of units in operation due to start-up and shutdown of
power park modules as a result of lacking primary power.

Requirements for type C power-generating plants

Required capability
Reduced accuracy allowed during low production

PF = 0.95 PF = -0.95

4th Quadrant 1st Quadrant

Positive sign for Negative sign for
power factor power factor

Inductive/Leading Capacitive/Lagging

Q-import 0.2 Q-export

P-export P-export

-0.329 0.329

Figure 5.6 – Requirements for supply of reactive power at different active power levels.

5.4.2. Power Factor control

Same text as for type B. However, with requirements for faster control. Control from one
set point to another must be initiated within two seconds and completed within 30 sec-

5.4.3. Voltage control

A power-generating plant must be capable of performing voltage control with a droop and
deadband as shown in figure 5.7.

The voltage control droop slope must be set within the 2% - 7% range in steps no greater
than 0.5%.

The deadband must be set within ±5% of Uref with a step size of not more than 0.5% of
Uref and must be symmetric around the voltage control set point.

Requirements for type C power-generating plants



PF = 0.95 PF = -0.95


- Qn Qn

Figure 5.7 – Voltage control droop [Q(U)].

The power-generating plant must be capable of achieving 90% of the reactive power
change within one second, and control must be completed within five seconds.

Unless otherwise agreed, this control function must be disabled. If the function is to be
enabled, the parameter values for the control function are agreed with the DSO.

5.4.4. Q control
Same text as for type B. However, with requirements for faster control.

Control from one set point to another must be initiated within two seconds and completed
within 30 seconds.

5.4.5. (a) Synchronous power-generating plants – additional

Same as for type B.


5.5.1. General
Same as for type B.

5.5.2. Requirements for protection functions and settings

Same as for type B.

5.5.3. Requirements for grid protection

Requirements for protection functions and settings depend on the type of power-
generating plant. (a) Requirements for grid protection of synchronous power-

generating plants
Protection functions and settings of synchronous power-generating plants must be agreed
with the DSO and the transmission system operator.

Requirements for type C power-generating plants (b) Requirements for grid protection of power park modules

A power park module must have protection functions as specified in table 5.4. Unless
otherwise agreed with the DSO, the default values in the table are to be used. The ranges
and resolutions are indicative, not required.

Protection function Symbol Setting Trip time

(Range/Resolution) (Range/Resolution)

Overvoltage U>>> 1.0 - 1.3/0.01 Uc 0.1 - 5/0.05 s

(step 3) Default: 1.20 Default: 0.1

Overvoltage U>> 1.0 - 1.3/0.01 Uc 0.1 - 5/0.05 s

(step 2) Default: 1.15 Default: 0.2

Overvoltage U> 1.0 - 1.2/0.01 Uc 0.1 - 100/0.1 s

(step 1) Default: 1.10 Default: 60

Undervoltage U< 0.2 - 1.0/0.01 Uc 0.1 - 100/0.1 s

(step 1) Default: 0.90 Default: 60

Overfrequency f> 50.0 - 52.0/0.1 Hz 0.1 - 5/0.05 s

Default: 51.5 Default: 0.2

Underfrequency f< 47.0 - 50.0/0.1 Hz 0.1 - 5/0.05 s

Default: 47.5 Default: 0.2

Table 5.4 – Protection settings for power park modules in type C.

5.5.4. Requirements for islanding detection

Same as for type B.

5.5.5. Earthing
Same as for type B.


A power-generating plant must not cause unacceptable power quality in the grid. To
avoid this, the plant must comply with the requirements specified in the following sec-

In cases when a power-generating plant may have a significant impact on the public elec-
tricity supply grid (the distribution system and/or the transmission system), additional
requirements may apply, see section 5.6.2.

Requirements for type C power-generating plants

A three-step procedure for power quality assessment is applied, which in brief

1. Checking if the Short-Circuit Ratio (SCR) ≥500.
2. Assessing power quality by calculation.
3. Measuring noise in the grid before and after connection of the plant and
agreeing on a solution to the problem.

5.6.1. Emission limits

A power-generating plant must comply with the requirements described in the following
sections. DC content
Same as for type B. Voltage unbalance

Same as for type B. Rapid voltage changes

Same as for type B. Flicker
The power-generating plant must comply with the flicker limit defined by the DSO.
When defining the requirements, the DSO uses the method described in IEC/TR
61000-3-7. Harmonics
The power-generating plant must comply with the voltage limit values for harmonics
emissions defined by the DSO.
When defining the requirements, the DSO uses the method described in IEC/TR
61000-3-6. Interharmonic overtones

The power-generating plant must comply with the voltage limit values for interharmonic
overtones defined by the DSO.
When defining the requirements, the DSO uses the method described in IEC/TR
61000-3-6. Distortions in the 2-9 kHz frequency range

The power-generating plant must comply with the voltage limit values for distortions in
the 2-9 kHz frequency range defined by the DSO.

When defining the requirements, the DSO uses the method described in IEC/TR

Requirements for type C power-generating plants

5.6.2. Division of responsibilities The power-generating plant owner’s obligations

As a rule, the power-generating plant owner must ensure that the plant is designed, con-
structed and configured to comply with all emission limits.

The power-generating plant owner must verify that emission limits at the Point of Con-
nection (POC) are complied with.

For calculation of power quality, the power-generating plant owner uses the typical three-
phase short-circuit power, Sk,powerquality at the Point of Connection (POC).

The DSO and the transmission system operator will perform a joint assessment of wheth-
er or not a power-generating plant may have significant impact on the public electricity
supply grid.

For power-generating plants with a significant impact on the public electricity supply
grid, the plant owner must also:
• Use frequency-dependent impedance loci to calculate power quality
• Verify that emission limits are also complied with towards the transmission sys-
• Be capable of supplying an impedance model for the power-generating plant, see
section 5.8.

Compliance with emission limits for plants with a significant impact on the elec-
tricity supply grid is typically verified by performing calculations on a model
model given by the DSO, where one or two points in the model will contain emis-
sion limits to be complied with.

Subject to agreement, the plant owner can buy additional services (higher short-
circuit power or subscribed capacity) from the DSO in order to comply with the
specified limit values. The DSO’s obligations

The DSO is responsible for setting emission limits at the Point of Connection (POC).

The DSO must specify the short-circuit level Sk,powerquality with associated short-circuit
angle ψk at the Point of Connection (POC).

When it is impossible to calculate Sk,powerquality for a connection point, Sk,powerquality is

estimated as (Sk,min + Sk,max)/2.

Requirements for type C power-generating plants

The DSO must also state the frequency-dependent grid impedance at the Point of Connec-
tion (POC) Znet,h. The DSO may choose to state the grid impedance as a measured value
or as an approximate model. Using impedance loci, the grid company passes on the im-
pedance loci from the transmission system operation, adjusted to account for any inter-
mediate systems.

Znet,h is generally stated as an approximate model using the approximation method

described below. When it is deemed necessary with respect to the impact on the
public electricity supply grid, frequency-dependent impedance loci are stated in-

For frequencies up to and including 2 kHz:

|𝑍𝑛𝑒𝑡,ℎ | = √𝑅50
+ (ℎ ⋅ 𝑋50 ) , 𝑓𝑜𝑟 ℎ = [1; 40]

For frequencies above 2 kHz:

|𝑍𝑛𝑒𝑡,ℎ | = √𝑅50
+ (40 ⋅ 𝑋50 ) , 𝑓𝑜𝑟 ℎ > 40

R50 and X50 are resistance and reactance at 50 Hz. They are calculated from
Sk,powerquality and the matching short-circuit angle ψk.

5.6.3. Measuring method

Same as for type B.


A power-generating plant must be equipped with a PCOM enabling real-time exchange of

If a power-generating plant consists of more than one unit, a plant controller must be
installed to allow control of the whole plant at the PCOM, see figure 3.3 and figure 3.4.

5.7.1. Requirements for time stamps and update speed

The information must have time stamps. The time stamps shall have the following update

• Maximum time to update functional status (enabled/disabled) is 10 ms.

• Maximum time to update parameter value is one second.
• Maximum time to update measured values is one second.

5.7.2. Requirements for information exchange

A power-generating plant must as a minimum be capable of exchanging the following
information in real time:

Signal description Signal type

Requirements for type C power-generating plants

Absolute power limit Set point

Absolute power limit Enabled/disabled

Circuit breaker status at the POC Status

Circuit breaker status at the PGC Status

Active power Measurement

Reactive power Measurement

Current Measurement

Voltage Measurement

Scheduled active power Set point

Power Factor (PF) Measurement (may also be a computed


Q control Set point

Q control Enabled/disabled

Power Factor control Set point

Power Factor control Enabled/disabled

Voltage control Enabled/disabled

Voltage control – requested voltage Set point

Voltage control – droop Set point

Downward regulation during high winds* Enabled/disabled

System protection scheme** Enabled/disabled

System protection scheme** Set points for steps

* Only applicable to wind power plants

** Only applicable if a power park module is required to have a system protection

Table 5.5 – Requirements for information which a power-generating plant must be capable of exchang-
ing in real time in the PCOM interface.

Requirements for type C power-generating plants

5.7.3. Fault recording

For a type C power-generating plant, logging must be performed by means of electronic
equipment capable, as a minimum, of logging relevant events for the signals mentioned
below at the Point of Connection (POC) in case of faults in the public electricity supply

The power-generating plant owner must install logging equipment (a digital fault record-
er) at the Point of Connection (POC), which at least records:

• Voltage for each phase of the plant

• Current for each phase of the plant
• Active power for the plant (may be computed values)
• Reactive power for the plant (may be computed values)
• Frequency for the plant
• Frequency deviations
• Speed deviations (only applies to synchronous power-generating plants)
• Activation of internal protection functions

Specific requirements for measurements are described in the grid connection agreement.

Logging must be performed as correlated time series of measuring values from ten sec-
onds before an event until 60 seconds after the event.

The minimum sampling frequency of all fault logs must be 1 kHz.

The specific settings for event-based logging must be agreed with the DSO and the
transmission system operator during plant commissioning.

All measurements and data exchanged at the PCOM must be logged with a time stamp
and an accuracy ensuring that they can be correlated with each other and with similar
records in the public electricity supply grid.

Logs must be kept on file for a minimum of three months after a fault event; up to a max-
imum 100 event logs.

The DSO and the transmission system operator must, upon request, be given access to log
data and other relevant information.


For power-generating plants with a nominal active power above 10 MW, the plant owner
must deliver a simulation model. The requirements for the simulation model have been
coordinated with Energinet, therefore reference is made to Energinet’s memorandum on
requirements for simulation models: [Requirements for Generators (RfG) – krav til sim-

Requirements for type C power-generating plants

For power-generating plants with a capacity under 10 MW, the DSO can, in exceptional
circumstances, require that the plant owner delivers a simulation model. In this case, the
requirements are the same as for plants above 10 MW.


This section describes the documentation to be provided by the power-generating plant
owner, or a third party, to the DSO in order to obtain operational notification.

The power-generating plant owner is responsible for complying with the requirements
described in this document and for documenting such compliance.

The DSO may at any time request verification and documentation showing that the pow-
er-generating plant meets the requirements described in this document.

The documentation must be submitted to the DSO as part of the process for obtaining
operational notification. During the process, several types of permits must be obtained
before the final operational notification is issued. The permit stages are as follows:

1. Energisation operational notification (EON)

2. Interim operational notification (ION)
3. Final operational notification (FON)

To obtain an interim operational notification, the power-generating plant owner must

submit Annex B2.1. The annex must be accompanied by technical documentation in sup-
port of the answers given. Once the documentation is approved, the interim operational
notification is issued.

To obtain final operational notification, the plant owner must submit Annex B2.2. Once
the DSO approves the documentation, the final operational notification is issued.

If the DSO does not receive Annex B2.2 before expiry of the interim operational
notification, the DSO is entitled to electrically disconnect the plant, as a valid op-
erational notification no longer exists after expiry of the interim operational noti-

If, based on Annex B2.2, the DSO deems that the plant does not comply with the
requirements of these instructions, a plan must be prepared for remedying the
outstanding items identified. The plan can be used to apply for an extension of the
interim operational notification.

Product certificates may be used as part of the documentation for compliance with the
requirements of this document.

Requirements for type C power-generating plants

5.9.1. Documentation requirements

• CE Declaration of Conformity
• Protection functions
• Single-line diagram
• Power quality
• Tolerance of voltage dips
• P-Q capability curve
• Signal list
• Simulation model
• Conformance testing plan
• Verification report
• Annex B2.1 complete with technical documentation in support of the answers
• Annex B2.2 complete with technical documentation in support of the answers

Product certificates issued by an approved certification body may also be used. The prod-
uct certificates may cover some of the documentation requirements.

In connection with documentation of the power-generating plant’s technical properties,

testing and simulations must be performed as described in sections 5.9.2 and 5.9.3.

5.9.2. Tests
As part of the documentation of the power-generating plant’s technical properties, testing
must be performed to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of this document.
The tests to be carried out include:

• Power response to overfrequency

• Power response to underfrequency
• Frequency control
• Frequency recovery test (only synchronous power-generating plants)
• Reactive power operating range
• Voltage control (only power park modules)
• Power Factor control (only power park modules)
• Q control (only power park modules)
Results must be presented in a report.

5.9.3. Simulations
As part of the documentation of the power-generating plant’s technical properties, simu-
lations must be performed to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of this doc-
ument. The simulations to be carried out include:
• Power response to overfrequency (LFSM-O)
o Must be carried out for frequency changes in both steps and ramps.
o Must show how the plant reacts when reaching the lower active power
• Tolerance to voltage dips

Requirements for type C power-generating plants

• Active power recovery

• Supply of fast fault current (only power park modules)
• Power response to underfrequency (LFSM-U)
o Must be carried out for frequency changes in both steps and ramps.
o Must show how the plant reacts when reaching the upper active power
• Frequency control (FSM)
o Must be carried out for frequency changes in both steps and ramps.
o Must be carried out for frequency changes large enough to cause maxi-
mum change of active power.
• Islanding (same characteristics with a weaker grid)
• Reactive power operating range

Simulation results and simulation model must be validated against the tests carried out to
demonstrate that model and simulations are accurate.

Product certificates issued by an approved certification body may be used instead of sim-

Requirements for type C power-generating plants

Energisation operational notification (EON)

The energisation operational notification entitles the plant owner to energise the
plant’s internal network and auxiliaries. The plant may, however, not be put into
operation or generate electricity for the grid.

Interim operational notification (ION)

The interim operational notification gives the right to operate the plant to the ex-
tent necessary to perform conformance testing in accordance with the conform-
ance testing plan submitted.

The maximum period of validity of an interim operational notification is 24


Final operational notification (FON)

The final operational notification entitles the plant owner to operate the plant
with a grid connection.

CE Declaration of Conformity
CE Declarations of Conformity must be submitted for each of the main compo-
nents. The CE Declaration of Conformity must contain a list of relevant stand-
ards, codes of practice and directives which the component or plant complies

Protection functions
Documentation of protection settings is a list of all current relay configurations at
the time of commissioning.

Single-line diagram
A single-line diagram is a drawing that shows the plant main components and
how they are electrically interconnected. In addition, the location of the protec-
tion and measuring points are included in the representation.

Power quality
Power quality is a collection of parameters characterising the electricity supplied.
A certificate or report demonstrating that the requirements are complied with
must be presented.

Tolerance of voltage dips

Tolerance of voltage dips is the plant’s ability to stay connected to the public
electricity supply grid during a voltage dip as well as power park modules’ ability
to supply fast fault current. The plant’s ability to stay connected to the grid and
supply fast fault current may be documented in two ways: simulation or testing.

Requirements for type C power-generating plants

P-Q capability curve

A diagram showing the plant’s operating range for active and reactive power.

Signal list
A list of signals which the plant can exchange with the DSO in accordance with
section 5.7.

Simulation model
A simulation model complying with the requirements in section 5.8.

Conformance testing plan

A detailed plan for performance of conformance testing to demonstrate that the
plant complies with the requirements of this document.

Verification report
A report which uses the conformance testing to demonstrate that the plant com-
plies with the requirements of this document.

Completion of annexes
Completed annexes B2.1 and B2.2 means that the annexes in these instructions
must be completed, and that technical documentation verifying the correctness of
the answers given in the annexes must be attached. Technical documentation may
include a test report, product certificate, user manual, simulations, etc.

Requirements for type D power-generating plants



Same as for types B and C.

6.1.1. Normal operation

Same as for types B and C.

6.1.2. Tolerance of frequency deviations

Same as for types B and C. Frequency change

Same as for types B and C. Permitted reduction of active power during underfrequency

Same as for types B and C.

6.1.3. Tolerance of voltage deviations

Same as for types B and C. Tolerance to voltage swells

Same as for types B and C. Tolerance to voltage dips

Recurring faults
The power-generating plant owner must ensure that the plant is protected against the me-
chanical and electrical consequences of a potential reconnection after symmetric, as well
as asymmetric faults, in the transmission system.

Any measures taken in this respect must not compromise any other specified power-
generating plant properties.

(a) Synchronous power-generating plant

Same as for types B and C. However, compliance with the requirement is assessed at Pn
and Q = Qmin.

(b) Power park modules

Same as for types B and C. However, compliance with the requirement is assessed at Pn
and Q = Qn.

Supply of fast fault current

Same as for types B and C.


A type D power-generating plant must not connect to or synchronise with the grid until it
has received permission to do so from the DSO.

Requirements for type D power-generating plants

A type D power-generating plant must, after having received synchronisation permission,

be capable of automatically synchronising with the public electricity supply grid. It must
not be possible to manually circumvent the automatic synchronisation and allow the plant
to connect without synchronisation.

Synchronisation must be possible when the frequency is within the 47.5 Hz - 51.5 Hz
frequency range, both values inclusive.

The specific requirements for the synchronisation devices and their settings must be
agreed between the DSO and the plant owner prior to plant commissioning.


Same as for types B and C.

6.3.1. Power response to overfrequency

Same as for types B and C.

6.3.2. Power response to underfrequency

Same as for type C.

6.3.3. Frequency control

Same as for type C.

6.3.4. Constraint functions

Same as for type C. Absolute power limit

Same as for types B and C. Ramp rate limit

Same as for types B and C. System protection scheme

Same as for types B and C. (b) Power park modules – additional requirements

Delta power limit

Same as for type C.

Reduction of active power during high winds

Same as for type C.


Same as for type C.

6.4.1. Reactive power range

The requirements concerning the ability to supply reactive power (the operating range)
depends on the type of power-generating plant.

Requirements for type D power-generating plants (a) A synchronous power-generating plant

At maximum production, a synchronous power-generating plant must be capable of sup-
plying reactive power at different voltages at the Point of Connection (POC) as specified
in figure 6.1.

Inside the grey hatched region in figure 6.1, the synchronous power-generating plant must
supply stable reactive power in accordance with the selected control mode, which may
only be limited by the technical performance of the plant, e.g. saturation or undercompen-
Required capability
Allowed to reduce active power to deliver
reactive power because of technical limitations.



0.2 0.4




Q-import Q-export
Underexcited 0.85 Overexcited

Figure 6.1 – Requirements for supply of reactive power at maximum active power generation.

When generating active power at maximum capacity, a synchronous power-generating

plant must be capable of operating at every point inside the plant’s P-Q capability curve. (b) A power park module

Same text as for type C. However, with a different figure showing the Q-U range.

Requirements for type D power-generating plants

Required capability
Allowed to reduce active power to deliver
reactive power because of technical limitations.



0.329 0.329


Q-import Q-export
Underexcited Overexcited

6.4.2. Power Factor control

Same as for type C.

6.4.3. Voltage control

Same as for type C.

6.4.4. Q control
Same as for type C.

6.4.5. (a) Synchronous generators – additional requirements Generator
For type D power-generating plants, requirements for SCR and transient reactance are
defined in cooperation with the DSO and the transmission system operator based on the
plant design and stability analyses. The permissible values must appear in the grid con-
nection agreement for the power-generating plant. Generator or plant transformer

For synchronous power-generating plants, the maximum permissible size of the generator
transformer or plant transformer short-circuit reactance is defined in cooperation with the
DSO and the transmission system operator based on the plant design and stability anal-
yses. The permitted value must appear in the grid connection agreement for the plant.

Requirements for type D power-generating plants

If an on-load tap changer is installed on the transformer, the on-load tap changer may be
used to comply with the requirements for reactive control properties, subject to agreement
with the DSO. It must appear in the grid connection agreement for the power-generating
plant if such an agreement is made.

If an on-load tap changer is used on the transformer, the power-generating plant owner is
responsible for proper coordination between the plant’s reactive power control functions
and the load tap changer control. Requirements for the excitation system

The specific requirements for functionality and settings of the excitation system and PSS
are given by the DSO and the system operator.

Excitation system
A synchronous power-generating plant must be equipped with an automatic excitation
system. The purpose is to ensure stable plant operation and to provide the opportunity to
contribute to voltage control and/or the reactive power balance in the public electricity
supply grid.

The excitation system must be designed in accordance with the European standard
DS/EN 60034-16-1:2011 ‘Rotating electrical machines – Part 16: Excitation systems for
synchronous machines – Chapter 1: Definitions’ and DS/CLC/TR 60034-16-3:2004 ‘Ro-
tating electrical machines – Part 16: Excitation systems for synchronous machines – Sec-
tion 3: Dynamic performance’.

In case of system faults resulting in voltage reduction, the generator must be capable of
over-excitation for at least ten seconds with 1.6 times excitation current and voltage at
nominal power and tan φ = 0.4 at the POC and normal operating voltage. If the over-
excitation property is dependent on the voltage at the POC, the mentioned property must
be available at reduced grid voltage at the POC down to 0.6 pu.

The generator’s over-excitation protection and other protection must be designed and
adjusted to allow the generator’s capacity for temporary overload to be utilised without
exceeding the generator’s thermal limits.

The excitation system’s limit functions must be selective with the power-generating
plant’s protection functions, enabling short-term utilisation of overload properties without
disconnecting the plant.

The excitation system’s dynamic response (measured at the generator terminals) during
idling (when the generator is disconnected from the grid and operated at nominal rpm) in
case of a temporary 10% change of the reference voltage must be non-oscillatory and
have a rise time, as defined in DS/EN 60034-16-3, of maximum 0.3 seconds for a static
excitation system. For excitation systems with rotating exciters, the maximum allowed
time response is 0.5 seconds in case of a positive 10% change of the reference voltage
and 0.8 seconds in case of a negative 10% change of the reference voltage.

Requirements for type D power-generating plants

The excitation system’s overshoot measured at the generator terminals, as defined in

DS/EN 60034-16-3, in case of a temporary 10% change of the reference voltage, must not
exceed 15% of the change.

Power system stabiliser (PSS)

The PSS function must apply input from both the rotor speed/grid frequency and active
power (dual input) to derive the stability signal, where a PSS of the IEEE PSS2B type is
normative, see IEEE 421.5.

Control of the PSS function must be performed so that significant damping is achieved in
the 0.2 - 0.7 Hz frequency range.

In the 0.2 - 2 Hz frequency range, the phase of the added damping signal, produced by the
PSS function, must be in phase with the change of the generator rotor speed. Deviations
of up to -30 degrees (under-compensated) are acceptable.

At all operating points and during any fault while the PSS function is enabled, damping
of plant power oscillations (an exponentially decreasing function) must be performed
within one second.

The power-generating plant’s natural damping of ‘local mode’ power oscillations must
not be adversely affected by the PSS function.

Control of the PSS function must be performed so that changes to the plant operating
point (active power) during normal operation or in case of a fault in for example the tur-
bine controller, boiler plant, feedwater plant or other auxiliary power systems, do not
cause voltage changes on the high-voltage side of the plant generator transformer of more
than 1%.

The PSS output signal must be limited to prevent that activation of the PSS function re-
sults in a change of generator voltage of more than ±5% of nominal generator voltage. It
is allowed for the voltage control to reduce the limits automatically and dynamically, e.g.
by activating the excitation system’s limit functions.

The PSS function must be automatically deactivated when the active power generated is
less than 20% of nominal power. It must be possible to connect and disconnect the PSS
function. Disconnection of the PSS function must trigger an alarm.


6.5.1. General requirements

Same as for types B and C.

Furthermore, the power-generating plant owner must ensure that the plant is protected
against the mechanical and electrical consequences of a potential reconnection after
symmetric as well as asymmetric faults in the transmission system.

Requirements for type D power-generating plants

Any measures taken in this respect must not compromise any other specified plant prop-

6.5.2. Requirements for protection functions and settings

Same as for types B and C.

6.5.3. Requirements for grid protection (a) Requirements for grid protection of synchronous power-

generating plants
Protection functions and settings of synchronous power-generating plants must be agreed
with the DSO and the transmission system operator. (b) Requirements for grid protection of power park modules

Same as for type C.

6.5.4. Requirements for islanding detection

Same as for types B and C.

6.5.5. Earthing
Same as for types B and C.


Same as for type C.

6.6.1. Emission limits DC content
Same as for type C. Voltage unbalance

Same as for type C. Rapid voltage changes

Same as for type C. Flicker
Same as for type C. Harmonics
Same as for type C. Interharmonic overtones

Same as for type C. Distortions in the 2 - 9 kHz frequency range

Same as for type C.

6.6.2. Division of responsibilities

Same as for type C.

Requirements for type D power-generating plants The power-generating plant owner’s obligations

Same as for type C. The DSO’s obligations

Same as for type C.

6.6.3. Measuring method

Same as for type C.


Same as for type C.

6.7.1. Requirements for time stamping and update speed

Same as for type C.

6.7.2. Requirements for data exchange

A plant shall at a minimum be able to exchange the following information in real-time.

Signal description Signal type

Absolute power limit Set point

Absolute power limit Enabled/disabled

Possible active power output Value in proportion to Pn

Possible reactive power output Value in proportion to Qn

Circuit breaker status at the POC Status

Circuit breaker status at the PGC Status

Active power Measurement

Reactive power Measurement

Current Measurement

Voltage Measurement

Scheduled active power Set point

Power Factor (PF) Measurement (may also be computed


Q control Set point

Q control Enabled/disabled

Requirements for type D power-generating plants

Power Factor control Set point

Power Factor control Enabled/disabled

Voltage control Enabled/disabled

Voltage control – requested voltage Set point

Voltage control – droop Set point

Downward regulation during high winds* Enabled/disabled

System protection scheme** Enabled/disabled

System protection scheme** Set points for steps

* Only applicable to wind power plants

** Only applicable if the plant is required to have system protection scheme when con-
Table 6.1 – Requirements for information which a power-generating plant must be capable of exchang-
ing in real time in the PCOM interface.

6.7.3. Fault recording

Same as for type C.


Same as for type C.


Same as for type C.

6.9.1. Requirements for documentation

Same as for type C.

6.9.2. Tests
As part of the documentation of the power-generating plant’s technical properties, testing
must be performed to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of this document.
The tests to be carried out include:

• Power response to overfrequency

• Power response to underfrequency
• Frequency control
• Frequency recovery check (only synchronous power-generating plants)
• Reactive power operating range
• Voltage control (only power park modules)
• Power Factor control (only power park modules)
• Q control (only power park modules)
Results must be presented in a report.

Requirements for type D power-generating plants

6.9.3. Simulations
As part of the documentation of the power-generating plant’s technical properties, simu-
lations must be performed to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of this doc-
ument. The simulations to be carried out include:
• Power response to overfrequency (LFSM-O)
o Must be carried out for frequency changes in both steps and ramps.
o Must show how the plant reacts when reaching the lower active power
• Tolerance to voltage dips
• Active power recovery
• Supply of fast fault current (only power park modules)
• Power response to underfrequency (LFSM-U)
o Must be carried out for frequency changes in both steps and ramps.
o Must show how the plant reacts when reaching the upper active power
• Frequency control (FSM)
• Islanding (same characteristics with a weaker grid)
• Reactive power operating range
• Damping of oscillations (PSS)

Simulation results and the simulation model must be validated against the tests carried out
to demonstrate that model and simulations are accurate.

Product certificates issued by an approved certification body may be used instead of sim-

6.9.4. Excitation system verification requirements

Documentation verifying compliance with the above functional requirements for excita-
tion equipment must be enclosed. Simulations performed, relevant measurements from
commissioning test, functional descriptions and ‘as-built’ setting values must be enclosed
as part of the complete plant documentation.

Coordination between limit functions and protection functions must be documented in a

PQ diagram for static and dynamic characteristics, respectively, containing trip times and
activation levels.

Simulation, analysis and commissioning test must be used to document the satisfactory
dynamic characteristics of the excitation system.

Simulations performed must comprise the following test scenarios:

1. RMS simulation of voltage dips according to the function below, where the ma-
chine operating point before the fault is defined as UPOC = 1 pu, P = 1 pu, QPOC =
0.4 pu:
a. Upoc(t) = {1 𝑝𝑢 where 𝑡 < 0𝑠; 0.6 𝑝𝑢 where 𝑡 > 0𝑠
2. RMS simulation of step response test during a temporary ±10% change of the
reference voltage, where the machine is operated at idling speed and at nominal

Requirements for type D power-generating plants

The commissioning test must include the following tests:

1. Step response test during a temporary ±10% change of the reference voltage,
where the machine is operated at idling speed and at nominal rpm.
2. Test of selectivity between under-excitation protection and under-excitation lim-
iter. This is done by means of:
a. A step response test where it is attempted to force the machine into an
under-excited operating point outside the allowable operating range for
the under-excitation limiter.
b. Ramp-up of active power, from Pmin to Pn, where the machine, before
start of the test, is configured to a fully under-excited operating point.
3. Test of selectivity between over-excitation protection and over-excitation limiter.
This is done by means of:
a. A step response test where it is attempted to force the machine into an
over-excited operating point outside the allowable operating range for the
over-excitation limiter.
b. Ramp-up of active power, from Pmin to Pn, where the machine, before
start of the test, is configured to a fully over-excited operating point.
4. Stator current limiter performance test. This is done by means of:
a. A step response test where it is attempted to force the machine into an
operating point outside the permissible current value of the stator current
limiter. The test is performed at reduced settings.
5. V/Hz limiter performance test. This is done by means of:
a. A step response test where it is attempted to force the machine into an
operating point outside the permissible voltage-to-frequency ratio of the
V/Hz limiter. The test is performed using reduced settings and with the
machine at idling speed and at nominal rpm.
b. Change of rpm where it is attempted to force the machine into an operat-
ing point outside the permissible voltage-to-frequency ratio of the V/Hz-
limiter. The test is performed using reduced settings and with the ma-
chine at idling speed and at nominal rpm before change of rpm.

6.9.5. PSS function verification requirements

Documentation verifying compliance with the above functional requirements for the PSS
function must be enclosed. Simulations performed, relevant measurements from commis-
sioning test, functional descriptions and ‘as-built’ setting values must be enclosed as part
of the complete plant documentation.

Simulation, analysis and commissioning tests must be used to document that the setting
values applied result in the PSS function and the overall excitation system having satis-
factory dynamic characteristics.

The simulations performed must include the test scenarios below. With the exception of
Test 5, they must all be performed with the PSS function activated and deactivated, re-

Requirements for type D power-generating plants

1. Verification of frequency characteristics, including correct phase compensation

of the overall excitation system, in the form of bode plots for gain and phase.
2. Step response at a temporary ±5% change of the reference voltage. Simulations
are performed at various operating points, e.g. 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of
nominal plant capacity.
3. Near-to-generator short circuit, see sect.
4. Disconnection of a line, where the change in the impedance of the public electric-
ity supply grid goes from strongest to weakest grid configuration (short-circuit
power). Simulations are performed at various operating points, e.g. 25%, 50%,
75% and 100% of nominal plant capacity.
5. Change of the mechanical power supplied from the drive machine to the genera-
tor in accordance with the functions below (PSS function must be active):
a. Sine function, p(t) = 𝐴∙𝑆𝑖𝑛(𝜔∙𝑡), 𝐴= 0.1 𝑝𝑢, 𝜔= 2 𝜋 1/60𝑟𝑎𝑑
b. Ramp function, p(t) = {0 𝑝𝑢 where 𝑡 < 0𝑠; 0.25 𝑡 𝑝𝑢 where 0𝑠 < 𝑡 ≤4s;
1 𝑝𝑢 where 𝑡 > 4𝑠
c. Step function, p(t) = {1 𝑝𝑢 where 𝑡 < 0𝑠; 0.6 𝑝𝑢 where 𝑡 > 0𝑠

The commissioning test must include the following tests:

1. Measuring phase and gain (bode plot) for the transfer function Vt(s)/Vref(s) with
the PSS function deactivated and the plant operated ‘off grid’ at nominal rpm and
terminal voltage.
2. Measuring phase and gain (bode plot) for the transfer function Vt(s)/Vref(s) with
the PSS function deactivated and the plant operated ‘on grid’ at an operating
point as close to P = 0 and Q = 0 as possible.
3. Measurement of transfer function for the PSS function.
4. Step response test at a temporary ±5% change of the reference voltage. The test is
performed at various operating points, e.g., 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of nomi-
nal plant capacity with the PSS function activated and deactivated, respectively.
5. Increase PSS gain by a factor 3 of the proposed value.

Requirements for type D power-generating plants

Energisation operational notification (EON)

The energisation operational notification entitles the plant owner to energise the
plant’s internal network and auxiliaries. The plant may, however, not be put into
operation or generate electricity for the grid.

Interim operational notification (ION)

The interim operational notification gives the right to operate the plant to the ex-
tent necessary to perform conformance testing in accordance with the conform-
ance testing plan submitted.

The maximum period of validity of an interim operational notification is 24


Final operational notification (FON)

The final operational notification entitles the plant owner to operate the plant
with a grid connection.

CE Declaration of Conformity
CE Declarations of Conformity must be submitted for each of the main compo-
nents. The CE Declaration of Conformity must contain a list of relevant stand-
ards, codes of practice and directives which the component or plant complies

Protection functions
Documentation of protection settings is a list of all current relay configurations at
the time of commissioning.

Single-line diagram
A single-line diagram is a drawing that shows the plant main components and
how they are electrically interconnected. In addition, the location of the protec-
tion and measuring points are included in the representation.

Power quality
Power quality is a collection of parameters characterising the electricity supplied.
A certificate or report demonstrating that the requirements are complied with
must be presented.

Tolerance of voltage dips

Tolerance of voltage dips is the plant’s ability to stay connected to the public
electricity supply grid during a voltage dip as well as power park modules’ ability
to supply fast fault current. The plant’s ability to stay connected to the grid and
supply fast fault current may be documented in two ways: simulation or testing.

Requirements for type D power-generating plants

P-Q capability curve

A diagram showing the plant’s operating range for active and reactive power.

Signal list
A list of signals which the plant can exchange with the DSO in accordance with
section 6.7.

Simulation model
A simulation model complying with the requirements in section 6.8.

Conformance testing plan

A detailed plan for performance of conformance testing to demonstrate that the
plant complies with the requirements of this document.

Verification report
A report which uses the conformance testing to demonstrate that the plant com-
plies with the requirements of this document.

Completion of annexes
Completed annexes B2.1 and B2.2 means that the annexes in these instructions
must be completed, and that technical documentation verifying the correctness of
the answers given in the annexes must be attached. Technical documentation may
include a test report, product certificate, user manual, simulations, etc.

Documentation for type B power-generating plants



3 Documentation for type B power-generating plants (part 1)

4 Please complete the documentation with power-generating plant data before commission-
5 ing and send it to the DSO.

6 Identification
Power-generating plant name:

Global Service Relation Number

(GSRN number):

Power-generating plant owner

name and address:

Power-generating plant owner

telephone number:

Power-generating plant owner

email address:

7 Description of the power-generating plant

Type: Synchronous power-generating plant
Power park module

Primary energy source: Wind


*Describe type:

Energy conversion technology: Steam turbine

Gas turbine
Combined cycle plant
Internal combustion engine

Fuel type, if applicable:

Documentation for type B power-generating plants


Voltage at the POC (Uc):

Nominal power (Pn):

Minimum power (Pmin):

Rated mechanical shaft power for

drive system (Pmech)
(only synchronous power-
generating plants):

Is a process diagram available for

the plant? Yes

Document reference:

Is a single-line diagram available

showing settlement metering, Yes
online metering, ownership bound- No
aries and operation manager

Document reference:

8 B1.1.2.1. Generator information

9 This section can be omitted for power park modules.


Does the generator comply with relevant

sections of the following European stand- Yes
ards?: No
- DS/EN 60034-1, ‘Rotating elec-
trical machines – Part 1: Rating
and performance’, 2004
- DS/EN 60034-3 ‘Rotating electri-
cal machines – Part 3: Specific

Documentation for type B power-generating plants

requirements for turbine-type

synchronous machines’, 1995

Is detailed generator documentation en- Yes

closed? No

If yes, please provide reference to docu-


10 B1.1.2.2. Excitation system

11 Please complete this section for synchronous power-generating plants.


Does the excitation system comply with relevant parts of the Yes
following European standards?: No

- DS/EN 60034-16-1:2011 ‘Rotating electrical ma-

chines – Part 16: Excitation systems for synchronous
machines – Chapter 1: Definitions’
- DS/CLC/TR 60034-16-3:2004 ‘Rotating electrical
machines – Part 16: Excitation systems for synchro-
nous machines – Section 3: Dynamic performance’.

Is the power-generating plant equipped with excitation sys- Yes

tem as specified in section 4.4.5? No

Is detailed excitation system documentation enclosed? Yes


If yes, please provide reference to documentation:


13 B1.1.2.3. Generator or plant transformer



Is detailed transformer documenta- Yes

Documentation for type B power-generating plants

tion enclosed? No

If yes, please provide reference to



16 Normal operation

Within the normal operating range, see figure 4.1. Is the power- Yes
generating plant capable of starting up and generating continuously, No
limited only by the grid protection settings?

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:

Does the power-generating plant remain connected during voltage

phase jumps of 20 degrees at the POC? Yes

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:


18 Tolerance of frequency deviations

Will the power-generating plant remain connected to the public elec- Yes
tricity supply grid in case of frequency deviations as specified in sec- No
tion 4.1.1?

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:

Will the power-generating plant remain connected in case of frequency Yes

changes of 2.0 Hz/s at the POC? No

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:

Is the active power reduction at underfrequency less than the limit Yes
specified in section No

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:

Documentation for type B power-generating plants


20 Tolerance of voltage deviations

Does the power-generating plant stay connected to the public electrici- Yes
ty supply grid during voltage dips as specified in section No

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:

Does the power-generating plant stay connected to the public electrici- Yes
ty supply grid during voltage swells as specified in section No

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:


22 B1.1.5.1. Fast fault current

23 Please only complete this section for power park modules.

Does the power park module supply fast fault current as specified in Yes
section (b)? No

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:

24 Start-up and reconnection of a power-generating plant

Is connection and synchronisation performed as specified in section Yes
4.2? No

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:

Is it possible to bypass automatic synchronisation? Yes



26 Active power control

27 B1.1.7.1. Power response to overfrequency

Is the power-generating plant equipped with a frequency response Yes

function for overfrequency as specified in section 4.3.1? No

Documentation for type B power-generating plants

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:


29 B1.1.7.2. Absolute power limit function

Is the power-generating plant equipped with an absolute power limit Yes

function as specified in section No

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:


31 B1.1.7.3. Ramp rate limit

Is the power-generating plant equipped with ramp rate limit as speci- Yes
fied in section No

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:


33 Reactive power control

34 B1.1.8.1. Operating range

Is the power-generating plant capable of supplying reactive power at Pn Yes

and varying operating voltages as specified in section 4.4? No

Where can documentation showing that this requirement has been met be

Is the power-generating plant capable of supplying reactive power when Yes

active power varies as specified in section 4.4? No

Where can documentation showing that this requirement has been met be


Documentation for type B power-generating plants

36 B1.1.8.2. Power Factor control

Is the power-generating plant equipped with a Power Factor control Yes

function as specified in section 4.4.2? No

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:


38 B1.1.8.3. Automatic Power Factor control

Is the power-generating plant equipped with an automatic Power Factor Yes

control function as specified in section 4.4.3? No

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:


40 B1.1.8.4. Q control

Is the power-generating plant equipped with Q control function as Yes

specified in section 4.4.4? No

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:


42 Power quality

Are the values in the provided documentation computed values? Yes


Are the values in the provided documentation measured values? Yes


Is a report documenting that the calculations or measurements comply Yes

with the emission requirements included? No

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:


Documentation for type B power-generating plants

45 B1.1.9.1. Rapid voltage changes

Does the power-generating plant comply with the limit value for rapid Yes
voltage changes specified in section No

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:


47 B1.1.9.2. DC content
48 Please only complete this section for power park modules.

Does the DC content during normal operation exceed 0.5% of nominal Yes
current, as specified in section No

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:


50 B1.1.9.3. Voltage unbalance

51 Please only complete this section for power park modules.

Does the plant have balanced three-phase load, as specified in section Yes No

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:


53 B1.1.9.4. Flicker
54 Please only complete this section for power park modules.

Is the flicker contribution for the entire plant below the limit value Yes
specified in section No

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:


56 B1.1.9.5. Harmonics
57 Please only complete this section for power park modules.

Are all the harmonics for the entire plant below the limit values speci- Yes

Documentation for type B power-generating plants

fied in No

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:


59 B1.1.9.6. Interharmonic overtones

60 Please only complete this section for power park modules.

Are all the interharmonic overtones for the entire plant below the limit Yes
values specified in section No

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:


62 B1.1.9.7. Distortions in the 2-9 kHz frequency range

63 Please only complete this section for power park modules.

Are emissions of distortions in the 2-9 kHz frequency range less than Yes
0.2% of In as required in section No

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:


65 Protection

Is the power-generating plant equipped with the protection functions Yes

required in section 4.5.3? No

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:


67 B1.1.10.1. Islanding detection

Is the power-generating plant equipped with the protection functions Yes

required in section 4.5.4? No

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:

Documentation for type B power-generating plants


69 B1.1.10.2. Additional requirements for grid protection of synchronous

70 power-generating plants
71 Please complete this section for synchronous power-generating plants.

Is a synchronous undervoltage relay used? Yes


Is an overcurrent relay used? Yes


If yes, please provide reference to documentation:

72 Requirements for information exchange

Is the power-generating plant capable of exchanging information as Yes

required in section 4.7? No

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:


74 Signature

Installation contractor:

Commissioning manager:

Signature (commissioning
Plant owner:

Signature (plant owner):


Documentation for type B power-generating plants

78 Documentation for type B power-generating plants (part 2)

79 Please complete the documentation with power-generating plant data after commission-
80 ing and send it to the DSO.

81 Identification
Power-generating plant name:

Global Service Relation Number

(GSRN number):

Power-generating plant owner

name and address:

Power-generating plant owner

telephone number:

Power-generating plant owner

email address:


83 Active power control

84 B1.2.2.1. Power reponse to overfrequency

Is the frequency response function for overfrequency enabled? Yes


If yes, what are the set point values?

Frequency threshold (fRO): ________Hz
Droop: ________%
Intentional delay for islanding detection: ________ms


86 B1.2.2.2. Absolute power limit function

Is the absolute power limit function enabled? Yes

If yes, which set point value is used?

Documentation for type B power-generating plants



88 B1.2.2.3. Ramp rate limit

Is the power-generating plant ramp rate limit enabled? Yes


If yes, which set point value is used? _____% Pn/min


90 Reactive power control

91 B1.2.3.1. Q control

Is the Q control function enabled? Yes

If yes, which set point is used?
(Values different from 0 kVAr must be agreed with the DSO) ________kVAr


93 B1.2.3.2. Power Factor control

Is the Power Factor control function enabled? Yes


If yes, which set point is used? ________ cosφ

(Values different from cosφ 1.0 must be agreed with the DSO) Inductive


95 B1.2.3.3. Automatic Power Factor control

Is the automatic Power Factor control function enabled? Yes

(Must only be enabled subject to prior agreement with the No

Documentation for type B power-generating plants

If yes, which set points are used?

Set point 1 – P/Pn ________%
Set point 1 – Power Factor (inductive) ______ cosφ
Set point 2 – P/Pn ________%
Set point 2 – Power Factor (inductive) ______ cosφ
Set point 3 – P/Pn ________%
Set point 3 – Power Factor (inductive) ______ cosφ


97 Protection

98 B1.2.4.1. Relay settings

99 Please state the actual values at the time of commissioning in the table below.
Protection function Symbol Setting Trip time
Overvoltage (step 2) U>> V ms
Overvoltage (step 1) U> V s
Undervoltage (step 1) U< V s
Overfrequency f> Hz ms
Underfrequency f< Hz ms
Frequency change df/dt Hz/s ms

101 B1.2.4.2. Islanding detection

Are vector jump relays or active islanding detection used? Yes



103 B1.2.4.3. Additional relay settings for synchronous power-generating

104 plants
105 Please complete this section for synchronous power-generating plants.
107 Please state the actual relay setting values at the time of commissioning in the table be-
108 low.
Protection function Symbol Setting Trip time
Overcurrent I> A ms
Synchronous undervoltage* V ms
109 *If synchronous undervoltage relay is used.

110 Signature

Documentation for type B power-generating plants

Installation contractor:

Commissioning manager:

Signature (commissioning
Plant owner:

Signature (plant owner):


Documentation for type C and D power-generating plants



116 Documentation for type C and D power-generating plants (part 1)

117 Please complete the documentation with power-generating plant data before commission-
118 ing and send it to the DSO.

120 Identification
Power-generating plant name:

Global Service Relation Number

(GSRN number):

Power-generating plant owner

name and address:

Power-generating plant owner

telephone number:

Power-generating plant owner

email address:


122 Description of the power-generating plant

Type: Synchronous power-generating plant
Power park module

Primary energy source: Wind


*Describe type:

Energy conversion technology Steam turbine

Gas turbine
Combined cycle plant
Internal combustion engine

Documentation for type C and D power-generating plants

Fuel type, if applicable:


Voltage at the POC (Uc):

Nominal power (Pn):

Minimum power (Pmin):

Rated mechanical shaft power for

drive system (Pmech)
(only synchronous power-
generating plants):

Is a process diagram available for

the plant? Yes

Document reference:

Is a single-line diagram available

showing settlement metering, Yes
online metering, voltage reference No
point, ownership boundaries and
operation manager boundaries?

If yes, please provide reference to



124 B2.1.2.1. Generator

125 This section can be omitted for power park modules.


Does the generator comply with relevant

sections of the following European stand- Yes
ards?: No
- DS/EN 60034-1, ‘Rotating elec-

Documentation for type C and D power-generating plants

trical machines – Part 1: Rating

and performance’, 2004
- DS/EN 60034-3 ‘Rotating electri-
cal machines – Part 3: Specific
requirements for turbine-type
synchronous machines’, 1995

Is detailed generator documentation en- Yes

closed? No

If yes, please provide reference to docu-



127 B2.1.2.2. Generator or plant transformer



Is detailed transformer documentation Yes

enclosed? No

If yes, please provide reference to docu-



129 B2.1.2.3. Excitation system

130 Please complete this section for synchronous power-generating plants.


Does the excitation system comply with relevant parts of the Yes
following European standards?: No

- DS/EN 60034-16-1:2011 ‘Rotating electrical ma-

chines – Part 16: Excitation systems for synchronous
machines – Chapter 1: Definitions’
- DS/CLC/TR 60034-16-3:2004 ‘Rotating electrical
machines – Part 16: Excitation systems for synchro-

Documentation for type C and D power-generating plants

nous machines – Section 3: Dynamic performance’.

Is the plant equipped with an excitation system as specified Yes

in sections 5.4.5 and for type C and D plants, respec- No

Is detailed excitation system documentation enclosed? Yes


If yes, please provide reference to documentation:


132 B2.1.2.4. PSS function

133 Please complete this section for type D power-generating plants.

Is the plant equipped with a PSS function as specified in section Yes No

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:


135 Normal operating conditions

Is the power-generating plant capable of starting up and maintaining Yes

continuous generation within the normal operating range, see figure No
4.1, limited only by the grid protection settings?

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:

Does the power-generating plant remain connected during voltage Yes

phase jumps of 20 degrees at the POC? No

Reference to type test/study verifying the above:

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:


138 Tolerance of frequency deviations

Documentation for type C and D power-generating plants

Will the power-generating plant remain connected to the public elec- Yes
tricity supply grid in case of frequency deviations as specified in sec- No
tions and for type C and D plants, respectively?

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:

Will the power-generating plant remain connected in case of frequency Yes

changes of 2.0 Hz/s at the POC? No

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:

Is the active power reduction at underfrequency less than the limit Yes
specified in section No

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:


140 Tolerance of voltage deviations

Will the power-generating plant remain connected to the public elec- Yes
tricity supply grid in case of voltage dips as specified in sections No and for type C and D plants, respectively?

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:

Will the power-generating plant remain connected to the public elec- Yes
tricity supply grid in case of voltage swells as specified in sections No and for type C and D plants, respectively?

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:


142 B2.1.5.1. Fast fault current

143 Please only complete this section for power park modules.

Does the power park modules supply fast fault current as specified in Yes
section or for type C and D plants, respectively? No

Documentation for type C and D power-generating plants

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:

144 B2.1.5.2. Recurring voltage dips in the public elect ricity supply grid
145 Please only complete this section for type D power-generating plants.
Will the power-generating plant remain connected in case of
recurring voltage dips at the POC as specified in section Yes No

Reference to type test/study verifying the above:


148 Connection and synchronisation

Is connection and synchronisation performed as specified in sections Yes

5.2 and 6.2 for type C and D plants, respectively? No

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:

It is possible to bypass automatic synchronisation? Yes

Reference to documentation:


150 Active power control

151 B2.1.7.1. Power response to overfrequency

Is the power-generating plant equipped with a frequency response Yes

function for overfrequency as specified in sections 5.3.1 and 6.3.1 for No
type C and D plants, respectively?

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:


154 B2.1.7.2. Power response to underfrequency

Documentation for type C and D power-generating plants

Is the power-generating plant equipped with a frequency response Yes

function for underfrequency as specified in sections 5.3.2 and 6.3.2 for No
type C and D plants, respectively?

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:


157 B2.1.7.3. Frequency control

Is the power-generating plant equipped with a frequency control func- Yes

tion as specified in sections 5.3.3 and 6.3.3 for type C and D plants, No

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:


160 B2.1.7.4. System protection scheme

Is the power-generating plant equipped with a system protection Yes

scheme function as specified in section and for type C No
and D, respectively?

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:


163 B2.1.7.5. Absolute power limit function

Is the power-generating plant equipped with an absolute power limit Yes

function as specified in sections and for type C and D No
plants, respectively?

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:


Documentation for type C and D power-generating plants

166 B2.1.7.6. Delta power limit function

167 Please only complete this section for power park modules.

Is the plant equipped with a delta power limit function as specified in Yes
sections and for type C and D plants, respectively? No

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:


170 B2.1.7.7. Ramp rate limit function

Is the power-generating plant equipped with a ramp rate limit function Yes
as specified in sections and for type C and D plants, No

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:


173 Reactive power control functions

Is it possible to use the resolution specified in sections 5.4 and 6.4 for Yes
type C and D plants, respectively, for the set point values? No

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:

174 B2.1.8.1. Requirements for reactive power control range

Is the power-generating plant capable of supplying reactive power at Pn Yes

and varying operating voltages as specified in sections 5.4.1 and 6.4.1 No
for type C and D plants, respectively?

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:

Is the power-generating plant capable of supplying reactive power Yes

when active power varies as specified in sections 5.4.1 and 6.4.1 for No
type C and D plants, respectively?

Documentation for type C and D power-generating plants

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:


177 B2.1.8.2. Q control

Is the power-generating plant equipped with a Q control function as Yes

specified in sections 5.4.4 and 6.4.4 for type C and D plants, respec- No

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:


180 B2.1.8.3. Power Factor control

Is the power-generating plant equipped with a Power Factor control Yes

function as specified in sections 5.4.2 and 6.4.2 for type C and D No
plants, respectively?

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:


183 B2.1.8.4. Voltage control

Is the power-generating plant equipped with a voltage control function Yes

as specified in sections 5.4.3 and 6.4.3 for type C and D plants, respec- No

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:

Where is the voltage reference point located?


Documentation for type C and D power-generating plants

185 Power quality


Are the values in the provided documentation computed values? Yes


Are the values in the provided documentation measured values? Yes


Is a report documenting that the calculations or measurements comply Yes

with the emission requirements included? No

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:


188 B2.1.9.1. Rapid voltage changes

Does the power-generating plant comply with the limit value for rapid Yes
voltage changes specified in sections and for type C and No
D plants, respectively?

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:


190 B2.1.9.2. DC content

191 Please only complete this section for power park modules.

Does the DC content during normal operation exceed the limit values Yes
specified in sections and for type C and D plants, re- No

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:


193 B2.1.9.3. Voltage unbalance

194 Please only complete this section for power park modules.

Does the plant have balanced three-phase load, as specified in sections Yes and for type C and D plants, respectively? No

Documentation for type C and D power-generating plants

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:


196 B2.1.9.4. Flicker

197 Please only complete this section for power park modules.

Is the plant’s flicker contribution below the limit values specified in Yes
sections and for type C and D plants, respectively? No

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:


199 B2.1.9.5. Harmonics

200 Please only complete this section for power park modules.

Are all plant harmonic distortions below the limit values specified in Yes
sections and for type C and D plants, respectively? No

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:


202 B2.1.9.6. Interharmonic overtones

203 Please only complete this section for power park modules.

Are all plant interharmonic overtones below the limit values specified Yes
in sections and for type C and D plants, respectively? No

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:


205 B2.1.9.7. Distortions in the 2-9 kHz frequency range

206 Please only complete this section for power park modules.

The requirement for emission of distortions in the 2-9 kHz frequency Yes
range is specified by the DSO. Is the requirement met? No

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:

Documentation for type C and D power-generating plants


208 Protection

Is the plant equipped with the protection functions required in sections Yes
5.5.3 and 6.5.3 for type C and D plants, respectively? No

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:


210 B2.1.10.1. Islanding detection

Is the power-generating plant equipped with the protection functions Yes

required in sections 5.5.4 and 6.5.4 for type C and D plants, respective- No

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:


212 B2.1.10.2. Additional requirements for grid protection of synchronous

213 power-generating plants
214 Please complete this section for synchronous power-generating plants.

Is a synchronous undervoltage relay used? Yes


Is an overcurrent relay used? Yes


Is a study of the type and parameter values of pro-

tection functions available? Yes

If yes, please provide reference to the study:

215 Information exchange

216 B2.1.11.1. Measurement requirements

Has settlement metering been es-

Documentation for type C and D power-generating plants

tablished in accordance with mar- Yes

ket regulations D1 and D2? No

Has online metering been estab- Yes

lished in accordance with TR No

Reference to signal list verifying

the above:

Have signals been established in Yes

accordance with TR No

Reference to signal list verifying

the above:

Have online metering and signals

been established in accordance Yes
with Ancillary services to be deliv- No
ered in Denmark – Tender Condi-
tions (only relevant if the power-
generating plant is to deliver ancil-
lary services)?

Reference to signal list verifying

the above:


219 B2.1.11.2. Data communication

Have data communication protocols and data security re-
quirements been established and configured as specified in Yes
section 5.7? No

Are the signals specified in section 5.7 available in the Yes

PCOM interface? No


Documentation for type C and D power-generating plants

221 B2.1.11.3. Fault recording

Is logging equipment installed at the POC as Yes

specified in sections 5.7.3 and 6.7.3 for type C No
and D plants, respectively?

Has an agreement been made with the transmis- Yes

sion system operator defining which incidents to No

If yes, which incidents are to be logged?


223 Simulation model requirements

Is a simulation model available as specified in sec- Yes

tions 5.8 and 6.8 for type C and D plants, respective- No

If yes, please provide reference to documentation and


224 Conformance testing

Is a plan for conformance testing available as speci- Yes

fied in sections 5.9 and 6.9 for type C and D plants, No

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:


226 Signature

Installation contractor:

Commissioning manager:

Signature (commissioning

Documentation for type C and D power-generating plants

Plant owner:

Signature (plant owner):


Documentation for type C and D power-generating plants

230 Documentation for type C synchronous power-generating plants

231 (part 2)
232 Please complete the documentation with power-generating plant data before final com-
233 missioning and send it to the DSO.

234 Identification
Power-generating plant name:

Global Service Relation Number

(GSRN number):

Power-generating plant owner

name and address:

Power-generating plant owner

telephone number:

Power-generating plant owner

email address:


236 Active power control

237 B2.2.2.1. Power respnonse to overfrequency

Is the frequency response function for overfrequency as speci- Yes

fied in sections 5.3.1 and 6.3.1 for type C and D plants, respec- No
tively, enabled?

If yes, what are the set point values?

Frequency threshold: ________Hz
Droop: ________%
Time for islanding detection (minimum response time): ________ms


239 B2.2.2.2. Power response to underfrequency

Is the frequency response function for underfrequency as spec- Yes

ified in sections 5.3.2 and 6.3.2 for type C and D plants, re- No
spectively, enabled?

Documentation for type C and D power-generating plants

If yes, what are the set point values?

Frequency threshold: ________Hz
Droop: ________%
Intentional delay for islanding detection (minimum response ________ms

240 B2.2.2.3. Frequency control

Is the frequency control function as specified in sections 5.3.3 Yes

and 6.3.3 for type C and D plants, respectively, enabled? No

If yes, what are the set point values?

Frequency threshold – Low (fRU): ________Hz
Frequency threshold – High (fRO): ________Hz
Droop: ________%
Desired frequency: ________Hz
ΔP: ________kW


242 B2.2.2.4. Absolute power limit function

Is the absolute power limit function as specified in sections Yes and for type C and D plants, respectively, ena- No
bled? Controlled

If yes, which set point value is used? ________kW


244 B2.2.2.5. Ramp rate limit function

Is the power-generating plant ramp rate limit function as specified in Yes

sections and for type C and D plants, respectively, ena- No
bled? Controlled

If yes, which set point value is used? _____% Pn/min

Documentation for type C and D power-generating plants


246 Reactive power control

247 B2.2.3.1. Q control

Is the Q control function as specified in sections 5.4.4 and Yes

6.4.4 for type C and D plants, respectively, enabled? No

If yes, which set point is used?

(Values different from 0 kVAr must be agreed with the DSO). ________kVAr


249 B2.2.3.2. Power Factor control

Is the Power Factor control function as specified in sections Yes

5.4.2 and 6.4.2 for type C and D plants, respectively, enabled? No

If yes, which set point is used?

(Values different from cosφ 1.0 must be agreed with the DSO). ________ cosφ


251 B2.2.3.3. Voltage control

Is the voltage control function as specified in sections 5.4.3 Yes

and 6.4.3 for type C and D plants, respectively, enabled? No
(Must only be enabled subject to prior agreement with the Controlled
DSO) online

If yes, which set point is used? ________kV


253 PSS function

254 Please complete this section for type D power-generating plants.

Is the PSS function activated? Yes

Documentation for type C and D power-generating plants



256 Protection

Is a list of protection functions and settings at the time of Yes

commissioning enclosed? No

If yes, please provide reference to documentation:

257 Conformance testing

Is documentation of conformance testing enclosed? Yes


If yes, please provide reference to documentation:


259 Verification of simulation model

Is a simulation model verification report enclosed? Yes


If yes, please provide reference to documentation:


262 Signature

Installation contractor:

Commissioning manager:

Signature (commissioning
Plant owner:

Documentation for type C and D power-generating plants

Signature (plant owner):



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