This Is To Be Read Daily at 5:03

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We shall now give you the unfailing magic formula and it will bring you to that critical certain


Write this formula where your eyes can fall and your hands can touch for you may forget to repeat it, some part of
your working time. If you have a wrist watch with alarm in it, set it every hour and no sooner it rings, set it again
and when it rings again, set it for the next hour without fail. Whenever it rings think of the magic formula.
Napoleon Hill in his book, “think and Grow Rich” describes this state as obsession. You must work yourself into a
magnificent obsession about the formula – the infallible, supreme formula which saints, sages, Gods and God
Himself makes use of.

It is the formula, the supreme “Mantra”, God Himself repeats without ever stopping and which makes God what He
is and makes man look so small because he does not faithfully repeat it, meditate on it of think over it.

All those who have arrived, all those who have been guiding lights to man, have sincerely repeated the same and
meditated over it. It is the unfailing sure guide.

Venerate this formula and with devotion keep it in your heart and mind. It is this, “What is the purpose of Life and
Birth?” Whenever you say something, or hear or read something, practice or think something, do or intend to do
something, whenever you are puzzled or baffled or hesitate or yearn or wish to know what is good or bad, right or
wrong, whenever some one argues or advises, leads or philosophises, ask, “What is the purpose?”

“Does this, whatever I am doing, take me nearer to that purpose, or take me away, whether it creates a wall or
removes a wall, whether it leaves me where I was and as I was or is there some progress?”

We recall those fine words, “If you must slander some, do not say it, write it, write it on the sand, near the water’s
edge.” We say to you dear reader, do not say this formula only, write it, but not anywhere, write it on your heart, in
your mind, on your tongue and on your brow.

So that whenever you want to speak anything it will always be spoken first, and whenever you would think
anything it would be thought first and whenever you yearn for anything it would be sought first and should anyone
approach you with new theories or should you approach anyone, the other person will read it on your brow and
will quickly depart leaving you alone with your purpose.

Nothing matters in this life and in this world. All that matters is a life well lived. A life so well lived in every step, in
every breath, there is the purpose of Life and Birth translated.

Such a life – not a life of mere goodness but a life of real goodness with the purpose of Life and Birth translated
every moment or the flow of life is what Iqbal visualised, when he said, “Oh Man, live your life so well, let your life
be so exemplary that God Himself should come to you and ask, ‘What can I do for you?”

“Spirituality is not something you can buy or be gifted with. For anyone not be spiritual is impossible!! This is so, for
the simple reason that your body is the finest temple, better than any man made temple and in your temple, that is
your body, though you have not installed, but fortunately for all of us resides God, the Divine Fragment of the
Divine Wholeness, that is not personal God. No idol anywhere on earth can compare with this.”

“Yoga practices that I have shown you, will enable you to install in your temple, that is your body, and welcome
consciously that impersonal God and experience this unforgettable situation. My duty is to lead you to that

[to make this body/brain system-Radhe a pure, holy and fitting temple in which the living God, Ishvara the
Gurudeva-Krishna, can reside]

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