Cable Splicing Procedure 005

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Product Installation Instructions

5kV Class
Splice for 3/C Non-Shielded
(Poly/EPR) Power Cable
With and Without Armor

Raychem Corporation PII-53025, Rev AB

Electrical Products Group DCR C24712
300 Constitution Drive PCN 963386-000
Menlo Park, CA 94025-1164 Effective Date: March 1992
General Instructions
Suggested Installation Equipment (not supplied with kit)

• Cable preparation tools • Clean, lint-free cloths • Connector(s) and installation

• Raychem P42 cable preparation • Non-conducting abrasive cloth, tools
kit or cable manufacturer approved 120 grit or finer
solvent • Electrical tape
Recommended Raychem Torches

Install heat-shrinkable cable Clean burning torches include the

accessories with a "clean burning" Raychem FH-2609, FH-2629 (uses
torch, i.e., a propane torch that does refillable propane cylinders) and
not deposit conductive FH-2616A1 (uses disposable
contaminants on the product. cylinder).

Safety lnstructions

Warning: When installing electrical To avoid risk of accidental fire or To minimize any effect of fumes
power system accessories, failure to explosion when using gas torches, produced during installation, always
follow applicable personal safety always check all connections for provide good ventilation of confined
requirements and written installation leaks before igniting the torch and work spaces.
instructions could result in fire or follow the torch manufacturer's
explosion and serious or fatal safety instructions.
Adjusting the Torch

Warning: When using gas torches, Adjust regulator and torch as Regulator Pressure
follow the safety precautions from required to provide an overall 12-
the torch manufacturer or standard, inch bushy flame. The FH-2629 will FH-2616A1 Full pressure
safe work practices. Provide be all blue, the other torches will FH-2609 5 psig
adequate ventilation during have a 3- to 4-inch yellow tip. Use FH-2629 15 psig
installation. the yellow tip for shrinking.
General Shrinking Instructions
• To determine if a tube has Note: When installing multiple
• Apply outer 3- to 4-inch tip of the completely recovered, look for the tubes, make sure that the surface of
flame to heat-shrinkable material following, especially on the back the last tube is still warm before
with a rapid brushing motion. and underside of the tube: positioning and shrinking the next
• Keep flame moving to avoid tube. If installed tube has cooled,
scorching. 1. Uniform wall thickness. re-heat the entire surface.
• Unless otherwise instructed, start 2. Conformance to substrate.
shrinking tube at center, working 3. No flat spots or chill marks.
flame around all sides of the tube to 4. Visible sealant flow, if the tube is
apply uniform heat. coated.

Installation Instructions
1. Product selection.

Check kit selection with cable

diameter dimensions in Table 1.

Table 1 Maximum Insulation Maximum Connector

Nominal Jacket Diameter Dimensions
Kit Cable Range Diameter Range Length Diameter
HVS(A)-3-501 #6 - 1 AWG 3.00" (75mm) 0.40-0.70" (10-20mm) 3.0" (75mm) 0.65" (15mm)
HVS(A)-3-502 1/0-300 kcmil 3.00" (75mm) 0.65-1.05" (15-25mm) 4.0" (100mm) 1.00" (25mm)
HVS(A)-3-503 350-1000 kcmil 3.95" (100mm) 0.95-1.65" (25-40mm) 6.0" (150mm) 1.85" (45mm)

PII-53025, Rev AB 2 PCN 963386-000

DCR C24712 Effective Date: March 1992
Installation Instructions
Table 2
Jacket/Armor Cutbacks Maximum Connector Dimensions Gap
Kit A B Length Diameter X
HVS(A)-3-501 16" (405mm) 7" (180mm) 3.0" (75mm) 0.65" (15mm) 1/4" (5mm)
HVS(A)-3-502 18" (455mm) 7" (180mm) 4.0" (100mm) 1.00" (25mm) 1/4" (5mm)
HVS(A)-3-503 24" (610mm) 11" (280mm) 6.0" (150mm) 1.85" (45mm) 1/2" (10mm)

2. Prepare cable. Remove for

CL armored cables
Refer to Table 2 and prepare the
cables as shown. Remove any fillers A B 4"
to the armor cutback. Bend back the 4"
grounding conductors(s) over the
jacket as shown.

Grounding Conductor(s)
Conductor(s) Insulation

3. Remove insulation. Figure 1

Refer to Table 2 and Figure 1; cut
back insulation as shown. "Z" "X" "Y"
X Insulation = Expansion + 1/2 Length
Cutback Gap of Connector


4. Clean cables.

Using an oil-free solvent, clean the

cables as shown.

Note: An armored cable is used as

an example. All instructions apply to
both armored and unarmored cable Clean Clean
unless otherwise stated.

5. Place tubes over phases. Black Sealing Tube

Nest the red insulating tube into the Red Insulating Tube
black sealing tube and place one set
over each phase as shown (on long

Protect tubes from end of conductor

as they are placed over cable end.

6. Install connector.

After installation, deburr connector.


PII-53025, Rev AB 3 PCN 963386-000

DCR C24712 Effective Date: March 1992
Installation Instructions
7. Apply SRM over connector.
Complete Steps 7 & 8 working on
one phase at a time.

Clean connector area and insulation,

as shown, using an oil-free solvent.

Remove backing from one side of the

strip of Stress Relief Material (SRM). Stretch SRM to
Roll the SRM and remaining backing 1/2 Original Width
strip into a convenient size. Remove
the remaining backing strip and
tightly wrap the SRM around the
connector and exposed conductor.
Be sure to fill the gaps and low spots
around the connector.

Fill Gaps

Continue to wrap SRM onto the

solvent cleaned insulation as shown. 1/4" (5mm) 1/4" (5mm)
Insulation Overlap Insulation Overlap
Note: If connector diameter is larger
than insulation diameter, apply two
tightly wrapped half-lapped layers of
SRM over the entire connector.
Discard any excess SRM.

8. Position tube over connection.

Red Insulating Tube
Center the red insulating tube over
completed connector area. Do not
shrink yet.

Repeat Steps 7 & 8 on the

remaining phases. 2012

9. Check position of red insulating

tubes; shrink in place.

Make sure each tube is centered over

the connection area. Shrink all three
2 1 3
tubes in place at the same time.

Begin shrinking at center of tubes (1),

working torch with a smooth, brushing
motion around the tubes. After center
portion shrinks, work torch as before
toward one end (2), then to the
opposite end (3). Apply sufficient heat
to ensure softening of the SRM,
indicated by a smooth surface profile.

Note: Do not point the flame directly

at the cable insulation. 2013

PII-53025, Rev AB 4 PCN 963386-000

DCR C24712 Effective Date: March 1992
Installation Instructions
10. Position black sealing tubes;
shrink in place.

Make sure each tube is centered over

the connection area. Shrink all three
tubes in place at the same time. 2 1 3

Begin shrinking at center of tubes (1),

working torch with a smooth, brushing
motion around the tubes. After center
portion shrinks, work torch as before
toward one end (2), then to the Black Sealing Tubes
opposite end (3).

Note: Do not point the flame directly

at the cable insulation.

11. Connect grounding conductor.

Bend the grounding conductor(s)

back over the tubes and splice with a
suitable connector. Grounding
Conductor Connector

Note: Step 12 applies to armored

cables only. If using unarmored
cable, go to Step 13.
Clean Jacket
12. Install armorwrap. Clean Jacket
8" (200mm)
8" (200mm)
Center armorwrap over splice, equally
overlapping the exposed armor on
both sides. Wrap armorwrap around
the splice and secure in the center
with several wraps of electrical tape. Tape Tape Tape

Starting approx. 10" (255mm) from

one end of the armorwrap, bind the
wrap with electrical tape. Tape
toward the cable armor, progressively
tightening the wrap onto the splice
and armor with each wrap of tape.
Tape over the sharp ends of the
armorwrap. Repeat on other side.

Solvent clean and abrade the cable

jackets as shown. 1143

13. Position wraparound sleeve.

Metal Channel
Remove or tape over all sharp points
to prevent puncture of wraparound
Black Wraparound Sleeve
Remove backing from the wraparound
sealing sleeve and center sleeve over
splice. Slide metal channel(s) onto
the butted rails.

PII-53025, Rev AB 5 PCN 963386-000

DCR C24712 Effective Date: March 1992
Installation Instructions
14. Install channel clip.
If two channels are used, connect the Clip
channels with the short channel 1/4" min. 1/4" min.
retention clip. Use pliers to install (5mm) (5mm)

Note: Channel(s) must overlap

sleeve edge by 1/4" (5mm) minimum.


15. Shrink the wraparound sleeve.

Begin shrinking at the center and

work toward each end. Post heat the
entire sleeve (concentrating on metal
channel area) for 30 seconds after
completely shrunk.

This completes the splice.

Note: Allow to cool before moving or

placing in service. Adhesive Flow
(both ends)


PII-53025, Rev AB 6 ã1992 Raychem Corporation

DCR C24712, PCN 963386-000 Printed USA 3/92 (E9570)
Effective Date: March 1992

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