Natural Fibers Handbook With Cultivation & Uses
Natural Fibers Handbook With Cultivation & Uses
Natural Fibers Handbook With Cultivation & Uses
Natural fibers production, processing and export are vital to the economies of many developing countries and
the livelihoods of millions of small scale farmers and low wage workers. Almost all natural fibers are produced
by agriculture, and the major part is harvested in the developing world. It is convenient to classify natural fiber
in two ways; morphologically, according to the part of plant from which they are obtained and practically
according to the uses to which they are put, which in turn depend on their properties. From the view point of
the uses vegetable fibers may be classified into following groups; textile fibers, cordage fibers, brush and mat
fibers, stuffing and upholstery materials, paper making materials etc. Fibers from the view point of the part
are classified as hair fibers, leaf fibers, woody fibers, bast fibers, etc. The use of fibers for paper making
differs completely from their use in textiles, in that in papermaking it is ultimate fiber cells which are used;
thus in papermaking process consists in breaking down the strands of fiber into the ultimate fibers. Jute, the
most important textile fiber apart from cotton, is obtained from two species of corchorus(white jute) and
C.olitoriusL. (tossa jute). Farmers around the world produce a wide variety of natural fibres, planting crops
and rearing animals. Plant fibres may be from the plant fruit (e.g. cotton), stems (e.g. flax and jute) or leaf
(e.g.sisal). Natural fibres are generally considered more environment friendly than synthetics in their
production and disposal. However, there is great variation depending on the fibre and the growing conditions.
Many chemicals are used to contain pests and weeds. Chemicals are also used in the processing and dyeing
which can lead to water contamination. Processing of some natural fibers can lead to high levels of water
pollutants, but they consist mostly of biodegradable compounds, in contrast to the persistent chemicals,
including heavy metals, released in the effluent from synthetic fiber processing. Farming and production of
natural fibres also plays a significant role in eradicating poverty as an important source of farming income and
contribution to food security in developing countries. Demand for natural fiber composites are largely driven
by increasing environmental awareness. Due to low cost, low density, acceptable specific properties, ease of
separation, enhanced energy recovery, CO2 neutrality, biodegradability and recyclable properties, natural
fiber use in composites is gaining as demand grows for component materials that are durable, reliable, light
weight, with mechanical properties better than those of traditional materials. Total global natural fiber
composite market expected to grow at 11% CAGR.
Some of the fundamentals of the book are the occurrence and nature of vegetable fibres, conditions
necessary for growing flax, mulberry family (moraceae), lime family (titliaceae), experiments on mechanized
production of jute, mallow family (malvaceae), kenaf production in various other countries, the use of unretted
The Occurrence and Nature of Vegetable Fibres
Bast Fibres
Leaf Fibres
Fibre Identification
Testing of Fibres
Chemical Analysis
Fibre Fineness and Commercial Use
Miscellaneous Countries
Sorting and Grading of Jute
Uses of Jute
The Jute Trade
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