Design of A Motorcycle Frame at An Automotive Company in Indonesia
Design of A Motorcycle Frame at An Automotive Company in Indonesia
Design of A Motorcycle Frame at An Automotive Company in Indonesia
© International Research Publication House.
Djoko Setyanto1*, Arka Dwinanda Soewono2, Andi Wibowo3 and Rugerri Toni Liong4
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia, Indonesia.
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia, Indonesia.
Senior Manager Technical Administrative Department, PQE Division, PT Astra Honda Motor, Indonesia.
Associate Professor, Department of Institute of Engineering Mechanics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany.
Experimental tests used in the automotive industry in The development of new products in the motorcycle industry
Indonesia to evaluate the effectiveness of a new motorcycle must respond quickly to market demand [1]. Frame is one of
frame design are costly and time-consuming. A valid Finite- the most important components of a motorcycle and hence,
Element (FE) model can be employed to replace the new motorcycle models always require new frames. The
experimental testing. This paper describes how to create a FE process of designing a new motorcycle frame begins with
model of a new design of a motorcycle frame at an automotive making a 3D technical drawing. Based on the 3D technical
company in Indonesia. The first step is to develop a 3D solid drawing, the actual frame prototype is then realized and tested
model of the frame by using Catia V5R25 software. Based on using the designed forces or loads for analysing the frame
this model, the actual frame prototype was built from STAM strength. The previous 3D model was then updated based on
390 pipe material and welded together by DR4000 welding the feedback from those test results. After that, the improved
robot using MIG welding process. The next step is to revise prototype is made and the cycle continues until the final
the 3D solid model based on the geometries of the actual prototype is considered to meet safety standards. This iterative
prototype obtained from the 3D Scan GOM Atos Triple Scan process not only requires a long time but also significant cost
II. In addition, the 3D model of the frame is assumed to have [2].
bead welding on all welded joints. Meshing of the FE model
This problem can be reduced by using a virtual model as an
is generated using Sim-Designer 2017 software. Finite
alternative to the iterative process on the prototype updating
element analysis (FEA) is done using Nastran 2014 SOL 103
and testing [3]. Rashid et al [4] successfully employed virtual
in order to obtain the dynamic characteristic of the FE model.
method based on Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and
To validate the FE model, the experimental modal analysis
Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) model generated by
(EMA) of the actual frame prototype is performed. The frame
CATIA V5R18 software to design a superbike paddock stand
prototype is hanged under free-free condition on a fixed jig
which was subsequently verified by experimental testing.
and subjected to the impact hammer test. Frequency response
Experimental results are also used to verify motorcycle frame
function (FRF) was then obtained from the ratio of a response
models as performed by Cali and Oliveri [5] and Doria and
and a force that is acquisition in a dynamic signal analyser.
Taraborrelli [6]. Correspondingly, Katdare and Shilwant [7]
The eigenvalue from the EMA is used to validate the
have used CATIA V5 to optimize the design and reduce the
eigenvalue of the FEA. The frame model is then subjected to
weight of a vehicle chassis frame. Optimization of frame
corresponding constraints to simulate the actual driving
modeling to get weight reduction with sufficient stiffness
condition of the motorcycle. The frequency response from the
from the frame are also done by Scappaticci et al [8], Bala
simulation shows that the dominant response occurs at the
Manikandan et al [9] and Li and Feng [10]. The all studies
first natural frequency of 3 Hz. Safety analysis of the frame
demonstrated that the use of the software shorten the time in
structure can be carried out based on these resonance
the product development process.
conditions. The proposed method provides a useful tool for
the analysis and design of a new motorcycle framework. The commonly used virtual method in automotive industry is
based on a Finite Element (FE) model. In the previous study
Keywords: Finite element, modal analysis, eigenvalue,
by Jelani et al [11], a valid FE model of a motorcycle chassis
motorcycle frame
was successfully generated using CAD software. They
suggested that the three sensitive parameters for updating FE
model are Young’s Modulus, Density, and Poisson’s ratio;
while also recommended that the FE model should be
equipped with a welding model. Similar attempt was made by
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology. ISSN 0974-3154 Vol.13, No.4 (2020), pp. 738-743
© International Research Publication House.
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology. ISSN 0974-3154 Vol.13, No.4 (2020), pp. 738-743
© International Research Publication House.
structure [19, 20]. In this study, the parameter used to validate model so that they are similar to the actual condition of the
the FE model is eigenvalue. prototype [11]. The dimensions between the revised model
and the actual prototype are relatively the same. The
deviations of dimension that occur are relatively small,
III. FE MODEL OF A NEW MOTORCYCLE FRAME maximum only 0.6-mm at the main section of the frame body.
The initial 3D model of a new motorcycle frame done on The revised 3D solid model and deviations of the model with
Catia V5R25 software is shown in Figure 4. This model is respect to the actual prototype are described in Figure 6.
used as the basis for the actual prototype that will be subjected
to the vibration analysis.
Fig. 4. The initial 3D solid model of a new motorcycle frame The meshes for the FE analysis of the revised 3D solid model
The next step is to manufacture the actual frame prototype. It vibration are generated using SimDesigner V2017 software.
is made based on the technical drawing of the initial 3D model The chosen mesh type is tetrahedral 10 with meshing sizes of
above. The 3D model is than plotted into a 2D drawing. It 20, 15, 10, 7, and 4 [21]. The resulted numbers of nodes and
used for the MIG welding process by the DR4000 welding elements (meshes) are summarized in Table 1. Smaller the
robot. The chosen material for the actual frame prototype is mesh size (i.e., more nodes) will produce more accurate result
STAM 390 consisting of 2-mm diameter pipes with 1.6-mm at the expense of longer computer processing time.
thickness. In addition, the frame is also reinforced with
Table 1. Type of meshing
smaller pipes (16-mm in diameter and 1-mm wall thickness),
as well as cross plates (2-mm thickness). The welding robot,
the welding process and actual prototype of the new
motorcycle are depicted in Figure 5.
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology. ISSN 0974-3154 Vol.13, No.4 (2020), pp. 738-743
© International Research Publication House.
Dynamic simulations of the FE model by using MSC Nastran of eigenvalues between the FEM (m20, m15, m10, m7, m4)
2014 SOL 103 produced eigenvalue as listed in Table 3. and the results from the EMA. It can be seen that the errors
are below 10% for all meshing types (m20, m15, m10, m7,
Table 3. Eigenvalue of FE model of the revised frame model
and m4) so that the FE model is considered valid. As
for different mesh sizes
expected, relatively smaller errors are found for meshing m10,
m7 and m4 compare to m20 and m15. Thus, smaller meshing
sizes (i.e. m10, m7, or m4) will be employed to get the critical
location of the FE model being simulated against the loads.
Meshing size m7 is the preferred meshing for further analysis
to determine the critical locations on the frame because the
average of the errors is the smallest.
Table 4. Eigenvalue from the experimental modal analysis
(EMA) of the frame prototype
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology. ISSN 0974-3154 Vol.13, No.4 (2020), pp. 738-743
© International Research Publication House.
V. FE MODEL OF THE REAL FRAME than 235 MPa, the yield stress of STAM 390, so it is
The valid frame model is then equipped with constraints that concluded that the frame structure is safe.
describe the conditions of the real frame as a motorcycle. The
constraint given is to illustrate the frame of a motorcycle in a
unity with the engine, steering and suspension system. Front
and rear suspension systems are modelled as 1D spring This paper describes how to develop the FE model of a new
elements. To connect the pivot centre of frame body and frame of a motorcycle at the automotive industry in Indonesia.
centre of load was used 1D beam rigid element. The engine The FE model is validated through a comparison of
load of 27 kg and 75 kg of person loads are considered as eigenvalues generated from experimental modal analysis. The
loads received by the frame FE model. The spring and valid FE model is then given constraints and loads that
damping coefficients for the front and rear suspension are describe a single unit as a motorcycle. Those valid FE model
taken respectively 9.42 N/ mm and 0.05 Ns/ mm for the front then be evaluated for safety and durability through simulated
suspension and 88.1 N/ mm and 4.1 Ns/ mm for the rear loading on the FE model. Corrective actions on the structural
suspension [22]. The FE model to illustrate the real frame is FE model can then be quickly carried out to fulfill the design
shown in Figure 9. The natural frequencies of the frame in the requirements. The valid FE model can replace the iteration
resonant frequency range of the highway 1-100 Hz [23] as a process of making a new prototype and it tests in order to
result of MSC Nastran 2014 SOL 103 occur at 3 Hz, 55.3 Hz eliminate time-consuming, cumbersome, and error-prone
and 91.4 Hz. tasks.
Based on the experimental and simulation study presented, the
following conclusions can be drawn:
1) A valid finite element model of a motorcycle frame is
successfully created by using Catia V5R25. The model is
built using a tetrahedral mesh of size m7, containing
143,616 meshes with a number of nodal of 284,600.
Furthermore, it is validated based on the eigenvalue of the
experimental modal analysis (EMA) from the actual
2) The frequency response show that the dominant response
occurs at the first natural frequency of 3 Hz. There are
four critical areas and the maximum principle stresses are
Fig. 9. FE model of the real frame 193.37 MPa and 151.66 MPa. These stresses are smaller
than 235 MPa, the yield stress of STAM 390, so it is
concluded that the frame structure is safe.
3) The proposed method yields reasonable results for a valid
FE model of a motorcycle frame and provides a valid
relationship between dynamic characteristics, material
properties, and geometry of the frame. The application of
this presented method provides a useful tool for the
analysis and new design of a motorcycle frame in
automotive industry.
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