CRA - Business Continuity Plan Template 1
CRA - Business Continuity Plan Template 1
CRA - Business Continuity Plan Template 1
B. Objectives ................................................................................................................ 7
C. Scope ....................................................................................................................... 8
D. Assumptions ........................................................................................................... 8
A. Introduction ........................................................................................................... 12
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B. Recovery Team Descriptions ............................................................................... 16
F. Team Responsibilities........................................................................................... 17
Business Continuity Coordinator – <Insert Name> .............................................................. 19
EOC Communications Team –............................................................................................ 19
EOC Human Resources Team – ......................................................................................... 20
EOC Administration Team –................................................................................................ 20
Emergency Response Team – ............................................................................................ 21
Information Technology Recovery Team (See also Disaster Recovery Plan) – .................... 21
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Appendix M - Severity Impact Assessments ............................................................. 52
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<Department Name> Department
<ORGANIZATION NAME> Business Continuity Plan
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<Department Name> Department
<ORGANIZATION NAME> Business Continuity Plan
Section I: Introduction
B. Objectives
The objective of the Business Continuity Plan is to coordinate recovery of critical
business functions in managing and supporting the business recovery in the event of a
facilities (office building) disruption or disaster. This can include short or long-term
disasters or other disruptions, such as fires, floods, earthquakes, explosions, terrorism,
tornadoes, extended power interruptions, hazardous chemical spills, and other natural or
man-made disasters.
A disaster is defined as any event that renders a business facility inoperable or
unusable so that it interferes with the organization’s ability to deliver essential
business services.
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<Department Name> Department
<ORGANIZATION NAME> Business Continuity Plan
C. Scope
The Business Continuity Plan is limited in scope to recovery and business continuance
from a serious disruption in activities due to non-availability of <ORGANIZATION
NAME>’s facilities. The Business Continuity Plan includes procedures for all phases of
recovery as defined in the Business Continuity Strategy of this document. This plan is
separate from <ORGANIZATION NAME>’s Disaster Recovery Plan, which focuses on
the recovery of technology facilities and platforms, such as critical applications,
databases, servers or other required technology infrastructure (see Assumption #1
below). Unless otherwise modified, this plan does not address temporary interruptions
of duration less than the time frames determined to be critical to business operations.
The scope of this plan is focused on localized disasters such as fires, floods, and other
localized natural or man-made disasters. This plan is not intended to cover major
regional or national disasters such as regional earthquakes, war, or nuclear holocaust.
However, it can provide some guidance in the event of such a large scale disaster.
D. Assumptions
The viability of this Business Continuity Plan is based on the following assumptions:
1. That a viable and tested IT Disaster Recovery Plan exists and will be put into
operation to restore data center service at a backup site within five to seven
2. That the Organization’s facilities management department has identified
available space for relocation of departments which can be occupied and used
normally within two to five days of a facilities emergency.
3. That this plan has been properly maintained and updated as required.
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<Department Name> Department
<ORGANIZATION NAME> Business Continuity Plan
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<Department Name> Department
<ORGANIZATION NAME> Business Continuity Plan
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<Department Name> Department
<ORGANIZATION NAME> Business Continuity Plan
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<Department Name> Department
< ORGANIZATION NAME> Business Continuity Plan
Business Continuity Strategy
A. Introduction
This section of the <Department Name> Business Continuity Plan describes the strategy
devised to maintain business continuity in the event of a facilities disruption. This
strategy would be invoked should the <ORGANIZATION NAME> <Department
Name> primary facility somehow be damaged or inaccessible.
It is assumed that each critical business function at your location also has their own
group/department Business Continuity Plan, which is similar to this plan except the
recovery procedures and appendices have been customized for each respective
group/department based on size, and complexity.
For all locations, if a long-term disruption occurs (i.e. major building destruction, etc.);
the above strategies will be used in the short-term (less than two weeks). The long-term
strategies will be to acquire/lease and equip new office space in another building in the
same metropolitan area.
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<Department Name> Department
< ORGANIZATION NAME> Business Continuity Plan
Business Continuity Strategy
1. Disaster Occurrence
This phase begins with the occurrence of the disaster event and continues until a
decision is made to activate the recovery plans. The major activities that take
place in this phase includes: emergency response measures, notification of
management, damage assessment activities, and declaration of the
2. Plan Activation
In this phase, the Business Continuity Plans are put into effect. This phase
continues until the alternate facility is occupied, critical business functions
reestablished, and computer system service restored to <ORGANIZATION
NAME>’s Departments. The major activities in this phase include: notification
and assembly of the recovery teams, implementation of interim
procedures, and relocation to the secondary facility/backup site, and re-
establishment of data communications.
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<Department Name> Department
< ORGANIZATION NAME> Business Continuity Plan
Business Continuity Strategy
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<Department Name> Department
< ORGANIZATION NAME> Business Continuity Plan
Business Continuity Strategy
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<Department Name> Department
< ORGANIZATION NAME> Business Continuity Plan
Recovery Teams
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<Department Name> Department
< ORGANIZATION NAME> Business Continuity Plan
Recovery Teams
D. Personnel Notification
This section specifies how the team members are to be notified if the plan is to be put
into effect by identifying who calls whom, and in what order. Notification can also be
made by using tools such reverse 911 or other notification systems.
References: Appendix A - Employee Telephone Lists
E. Team Contacts
This section identifies other people or organizations outside of the <Department Name>
Team who might need to be contacted during the recovery process. Their names and
telephone numbers are provided.
Reference: Appendix A – Employee Telephone Lists
F. Team Responsibilities
<Insert Name>
Incident Commander
<Insert Name(s)>
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< ORGANIZATION NAME> Business Continuity Plan
Recovery Teams
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<Department Name> Department
< ORGANIZATION NAME> Business Continuity Plan
Recovery Teams
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<Department Name> Department
< ORGANIZATION NAME> Business Continuity Plan
Recovery Teams
Regulatory Agencies
Other Stakeholders
Coordinating, submitting, and tracking any and all claims for insurance.
EOC Human Resources Team –
This team is responsible for:
Providing information regarding the disaster and recovery efforts to employees
and families.
Assisting in arranging cash advances if out of area travel is required.
Notifying employee’s emergency contact of employee injury or fatality.
Ensuring the processing of all life, health, and accident insurance claims as
Coordinates temporary organization employee requests.
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< ORGANIZATION NAME> Business Continuity Plan
Recovery Teams
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<Department Name> Department
< ORGANIZATION NAME> Business Continuity Plan
Recovery Teams
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<Department Name> Department
< ORGANIZATION NAME > Business Continuity Plan
Recovery Procedures
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<Department Name> Department
< ORGANIZATION NAME > Business Continuity Plan
Recovery Procedures
1. After a disaster occurs, quickly assess the situation to determine whether to immediately
evacuate the building or not, depending upon the nature of the disaster, the extent of
damage, and the potential for additional danger.
Note: If the main office is total loss, not accessible or suitable for occupancy, the
remaining activities can be performed from the Emergency Operations Center (EOC),
after ensuring that all remaining tasks in each activity have been addressed. This
applies to all activities where the Main Office is the location impacted by the disaster.
The location(s) of the EOC are designated in Appendix D - Emergency Operations
Center (EOC) Locations. The EOC may be temporarily setup at any one of several
optional locations, depending on the situation and accessibility of each one. Once the
Alternate site is ready for occupancy the EOC can be moved to that location.
2. Quickly assess whether any personnel in your surrounding area are injured and need
medical attention. If you are able to assist them without causing further injury to them or
without putting yourself in further danger, then provide what assistance you can and also
call for help. If further danger is imminent, then immediately evacuate the building.
3. If appropriate, evacuate the building in accordance with your building’s emergency
evacuation procedures. Use the nearest stairwells. Do not use elevators.
4. Outside of the building meet at (XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX). Do not wander
around or leave the area until instructed to do so.
5. Check in with your department manager for roll call. This is important to ensure that all
employees are accounted for.
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<Department Name> Department
< ORGANIZATION NAME > Business Continuity Plan
Recovery Procedures
1. Team leader informs the members of the <Department Name> management team and
notifies the <Department Name> senior management if they have not been informed.
2. <Department Name> personnel are notified of the disaster by following procedures as
included in Section III. D. - Recovery Personnel Notification.
3. Depending upon the time of the disaster, personnel are instructed what to do (i.e. stay at
home and wait to be notified again, etc.)
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<Department Name> Department
< ORGANIZATION NAME > Business Continuity Plan
Recovery Procedures
1. Contact the Organization Emergency Response Team Leader to determine
responsibilities and tasks to be performed by the <Department Name> Management
Team or employees.
2. If the Organization Emergency Response Team requests assistance in performing the
Preliminary Damage Assessment, caution all personnel to avoid safety risks as follows:
Enter only those areas the authorities give permission to enter.
Ensure that all electrical power supplies are cut to any area or equipment that could
posses a threat to personal safety.
Ensure that under no circumstances is power to be restored to computer equipment
until the comprehensive damage assessment has been conducted, reviewed, and
authority to restore power has been expressly given by the Emergency Management
3. Inform all team members that no alteration of facilities or equipment can take place until
the Risk Management representatives (this is a function provided through the
Department of Central Services as a statewide service) have made a thorough
assessment of the damage and given their written agreement that repairs may begin.
4. Instruct the Organization Emergency Response Team Leader to deliver the preliminary
damage assessment status report immediately upon completion.
5. Facilitate retrieval of items (contents of file cabinets -- petty cash box, security codes,
network backup tapes, control books, etc.) needed to conduct the preliminary damage
6. Ensure that administrative support is available, as required.
7. Arrange a meeting with the Emergency Management Team and Management Teams
from other GROUPS/DEPARTMENTS in your facility (location) to review the disaster
declaration recommendation that results from the preliminary damage assessment and
to determine the course of action to be taken. With this group, determine the strategy to
recommend to Senior Management (the Emergency Management Team Leader will be
responsible for communicating this to Senior Management).
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<Department Name> Department
< ORGANIZATION NAME > Business Continuity Plan
Recovery Procedures
1. Actual declaration of a disaster is to be made by the Emergency Management Team,
after consulting with senior management. The <Department Name> Management Team
should wait for notification from the Emergency Management Team that a disaster has
been declared and that groups/departments are to start executing their Business
Continuity Plans and relocate to their Alternate Business Site Location.
2. The person contacted verifies that the caller is someone who is authorized to do the
3. The person contacted notifies the <Department Name> Senior Management, if they
have not yet been contacted.
4. In the event the Emergency Management Team cannot be assembled or reached, the
Team Leaders from each <Department Name> Management Team at the location
should assemble, gather appropriate information, consult with senior management, and
make the decision whether to declare the disaster.
5. Because of the significance, disruption, and cost of declaring a disaster, appropriate
facts should be gathered and considered before making the decision to declare a
disaster. Individual groups/department personnel or the respective <Department Name>
Management Teams should not unilaterally make a decision to declare a disaster. This
is responsibility of the Emergency Management Team.
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<Department Name> Department
< ORGANIZATION NAME > Business Continuity Plan
Recovery Procedures
1. The team leader calls each member of the management team, instructs them of what
time frame to assemble at the <Department Name> Emergency Operations Center (to
be decided at the time), and to bring their copies of the Plan. The location(s) of the EOC
are designated in Appendix D - Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Locations.
The EOC may be temporarily setup at any one of several optional locations, depending
on the situation and accessibility of each one. Once the Alternate site is ready for
occupancy the EOC can move to that location, if preferred.
2. Review the recovery strategy and action plan with the assembled team.
3. If necessary, adjust the management team assignments based on which members are
4. The Management Team contacts critical employees and tells them to assemble at the
alternate site. If the alternate site is a long distance from the primary site (i.e. out-of-
state), then individuals should make their own travel arrangements to the alternate site.
Non-critical employees should be instructed to stay at home, doing what work is possible
from home, until notified otherwise.
5. In the event of a disaster that affects telecommunications service regionally, the
Management Team should instruct critical employees to proceed to the alternate site
even if they have not been contacted directly. Delays in waiting for direct
communications can have a negative impact on <ORGANIZATION NAME>’s ability to
recover vital services.
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<Department Name> Department
< ORGANIZATION NAME > Business Continuity Plan
Recovery Procedures
1. When instructed by the <Department Name> Management Team, make arrangements
to commute or travel to the alternate site. Reference item #5 under Notification and
Assembly Procedures for exception to this step.
2. The <Department Name> Management Team needs to consult with the Emergency
Management Team and the Organization Emergency Response Team to determine if
access can be gained to the primary (damaged) site to retrieve vital records and other
materials. The Organization Emergency Response Team will only allow access to the
primary site if the authorities grant access. This will be dependent upon the nature of
the disaster and the extent of damage.
3. If allowed access to the primary site to retrieve vital records and other materials,
perform some pre-planning to determine what is most important to retrieve. This
may be necessary since the time you may be allowed access to the primary site may be
4. Depending on the amount of vital records and other materials you are able to retrieve
from the primary site, make arrangements to transport this material to the alternate site.
If the material is not too great, this could be accomplished by giving to employees to
carry along with them. If the material is a large amount, then make arrangements for
transport services and/or overnight courier services.
5. Management and critical employees travel to alternate site.
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<Department Name> Department
< ORGANIZATION NAME > Business Continuity Plan
Recovery Procedures
1. After arrival at the alternate site, map out locations that can be used for workspace. This
should include unused offices and cubicles, conference rooms, training rooms,
lunch/break areas, and open space in hallways or in other areas.
2. Obtain additional tables and chairs, either from the office or from outside rental agencies
to provide additional workspace. Place in any available open areas, but be cautious of
not blocking exits for fire evacuation purposes.
3. Determine flexible working schedules for staff to ensure that client and business
needs are met, but also to enable effective use of space. This may require that some
employee’s work staggered shifts or may need to work evening or nightshifts.
4. Gather vital records and other materials that were retrieved from the primary site and
determine appropriate storage locations, keeping in mind effectiveness of workgroups.
5. Determine which vital records, forms, and supplies are missing. Obtain from off-site
storage location or from other sources, as needed, per Appendices E & F.
6. Developed prioritized work activities, especially if all staff members are not available.
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<Department Name> Department
< ORGANIZATION NAME > Business Continuity Plan
Recovery Procedures
1. Contact the Organization Disaster Recovery/IT Team to determine what activities they
are taking to reroute telephone communications to the alternate site. Do not directly
contact the telephone company - this will be handled by the Organization Disaster
Recovery/IT Team.
2. If your alternate site is at another <ORGANIZATION NAME> office, prepare a list of
phone extensions which your staff will be temporarily using and provide this list to the
alternate site switchboard attendant.
3. If your primary office phones will not be switched to the alternate site, let the
Organization Disaster Recovery/IT Team know that the phones need to be transferred to
the phone numbers you will be using at the alternate site.
4. Coordinate with the Organization Communications Team regarding contacting
customers to notify them of the disaster situation, how <ORGANIZATION NAME> is
responding, and how you can be reached. Do not contact customers until the
Organization Communications Team has given you directions.
Organization Communications will provide you with scripts and guidance on how
to discuss the disaster with customers to provide assurance that their confidence
in <ORGANIZATION NAME> will be maintained.
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<Department Name> Department
< ORGANIZATION NAME > Business Continuity Plan
Recovery Procedures
1. Contact the Organization Disaster Recovery/IT Team to determine when the data center
is to be recovered, if affected by the disaster. Also, discuss when data communications
will be established between the primary or secondary backup data center and your
alternate site.
2. If your alternate site is another <ORGANIZATION NAME> office, determine if that site
has access to the computer systems that <Department Name> uses. If so, work with
local office management to determine how workstations can be shared between
personnel from their groups/departments and <Department Name>. This may involve
using flexible hours or multiple shifts for your personnel.
3. Discuss with the Organization Disaster Recovery/IT Team when and how replacement
PC’s and/or terminals will be provided to you at the alternate site and when they will be
4. Discuss with the Organization Disaster Recovery/IT Team when the files from your
normal PC/LAN servers and applications will be restored and how you can access those
files. Also, work with other <ORGANIZATION NAME> management at your alternate
site to discuss using their LAN servers.
5. Discuss with the Organization Disaster Recovery/IT Team your normal application report
distributions, such as when you can expect to receive standard computer reports and
how they will be distributed to your alternate site.
6. Communicate the IT recovery status to all <Department Name> personnel who regularly
use the systems.
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<Department Name> Department
< ORGANIZATION NAME > Business Continuity Plan
Recovery Procedures
1. Communicate with customers regarding the disaster and re-solicit phone contacts (in
conjunction with the Organization Communications Team)
2. Acquire needed vital documents
3. Access missing documents and files and reconstruct, if necessary
4. Set up operation
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<Department Name> Department
< ORGANIZATION NAME > Business Continuity Plan
Recovery Procedures
1. Determine priorities for work backlogs to ensure the most important backlogged tasks
are resolved first.
2. Set an overtime schedule, if required, based on staff and system availability.
3. Set backlog priorities, establish a backlog status reports if necessary, and communicate
this to the <Department Name> supervisor.
4. Report the backlog status to <Department Name> management on a regular basis.
5. If backlogs appear to be very large or will take a significant time to recover, determine if
temporaries could be used for certain tasks to help eliminate the backlogs. If justified,
arrange for temporaries to come in.
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<Department Name> Department
< ORGANIZATION NAME > Business Continuity Plan
Recovery Procedures
1. Coordinate with the Organization Disaster Recovery/IT Team to determine when
<Department Name> will be relocating back to the primary site. Verify that they have a
schedule to ensure that telephone and data communications are rerouted accordingly.
2. Discuss when and how PC’s, terminals, and printers, if brought into the alternate site,
will be de-installed, moved back to the primary site and re-installed.
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<Department Name> Department
< ORGANIZATION NAME > Business Continuity Plan
Recovery Procedures
1. Determine which alternate site operating procedures will be suspended or discontinued
and when.
2. Communicate the changes in procedures to all affected staff.
3. Determine if additional procedures are needed upon return to the primary site, such as
to continue resolving work backlogs.
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<Department Name> Department
< ORGANIZATION NAME > Business Continuity Plan
Recovery Procedures
ACTIVITY: Relocating Personnel, Records, and Equipment Back to Primary (Original) Site
ACTIVITY IS PERFORMED AT LOCATION: Alternate Site and Primary Site
ACTIVITY IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF: <Department Name> Management Team
1. In conjunctions with the Emergency Management Team and the Organization
Emergency Response Team, determine when <Department Name> will be scheduled
for relocating back to the primary site.
2. Communicate this schedule to all <Department Name> personnel.
3. Inventory vital records, equipment, supplies, and other materials, which need to be
transported from the alternate site to the primary site.
4. Pack, box, and identify all materials to be transported back to the primary site.
5. In conjunction with the Organization Administration Team, make arrangement for a
moving company or courier service to transport the boxes back to the primary site.
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<Department Name> Department
< ORGANIZATION NAME > Business Continuity Plan
Section V: Appendices
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<Department Name> Department
<ORGANIZATION> Business Continuity Plan
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<Department Name> Department
<ORGANIZATION> Business Continuity Plan
<Department Name> 1-2 Days 3-5 days 1-2 weeks > 2 weeks
Contracts Critical X
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<Department Name> Department
<ORGANIZATION> Business Continuity Plan
Current BCP
# Description Comments
Number Number
1. Number of people
5. Telephones
6. Telephone lines
7. Desks
8. Chairs
9. Tables
10. Typewriters
11. Photocopiers
12. Calculators
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<Department Name> Department
<ORGANIZATION> Business Continuity Plan
Technical Requirements
Current BCP
# Description Comments
Number Number
1. Telephone Lines (regular)
6. PC’s
7. LAN/WAN Connections
8. Printers - LAN
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<Department Name> Department
<ORGANIZATION> Business Continuity Plan
Alternate Sites
Critical Function Alternate Site
Desktop and Personnel
EOC Emergency Management Team
NOTE - Provide directions to all alternate sites. Include address and phone number of site. Include Maps
and Floor Plans.
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<Department Name> Department
<ORGANIZATION> Business Continuity Plan
Scanned Images of
Department File Outside
Litigation Files pleadings on Network
Room Counsel/Courts
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<Department Name> Department
<ORGANIZATION> Business Continuity Plan
Alternate Sources
Form/Supply Primary Locations Vendor’s
to Obtain
Name/Description Where Stored Name/Phone
No special form or supplies
other than standard office
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<Department Name> Department
<ORGANIZATION> Business Continuity Plan
Goods/Service Contact
Vendor Name Address Phone #
Provided Name
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<Department Name> Department
<ORGANIZATION> Business Continuity Plan
Special Features, Boards, Memory Size, Etc.: over 20 Gigs HD, over 128MB Memory _____
Proprietary Software required (indicate release number, version and/or level, as applicable:
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<Department Name> Department
<ORGANIZATION> Business Continuity Plan
System Alternate
Produced Sources of
Report Name Report Description
From Report or
No special computer reports
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<Department Name> Department
<ORGANIZATION> Business Continuity Plan
Software Application Publisher or Vendor Platform
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<Department Name> Department
<ORGANIZATION> Business Continuity Plan
Employees will be notified (by team members), if a disaster is declared, as to the location and when to
report. Since recovery site is local, transportation to the work location is up to the employee unless
directed otherwise. Directions will be supplied at the time of notification, if necessary.
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<Department Name> Department
<ORGANIZATION> Business Continuity Plan
Should alternate site accommodations be required team members will be notified. Employees will be
contacted (by team members), if a disaster is declared, as to the location and where to go. Since
accommodations are local, transportation to the work location is up to the employee unless directed
otherwise. Directions will be supplied at the time of notification, if necessary.
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<Department Name> Department
<ORGANIZATION NAME> Business Continuity Plan
Severity of Impact
Least ------> to ------> Greatest Comments
Impact Area 1 2 3 4 5
1 Cash Flow Interruption
2 Inoperative Billing Systems
3 Inoperative Financial Controls
4 Loss of Customers
5 Financial Reporting (Banks, IRS, etc.)
6 Increases in Liability
7 Loss of Public Image
8 <Department Name> and Regulatory Violations
9 Contractual Violations
10 Vendor Liabilities & Relations
11 Customer Liability & Relations
12 Effect on Employee Morale
13 Staff Resignations
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<Department Name> Department
<ORGANIZATION NAME> Business Continuity Plan
Able to work from home if access to e-mail Unable to work remotely if access to records Our department would not be able to perform
and system is available through dial-up and files is restricted. >95% of its work without access to our
access. Will need records and files as well. computers or work areas. It would take time
and effort to recreate the contracts and other
information (to the extent they can be
recreated) before we could work on them.
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<Department Name> Department
<ORGANIZATION Business Continuity Plan
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<Department Name> Department
<ORGANIZATION Business Continuity Plan
Required If Outage
Functions to be
Recovery Recovered Duration is
Timeframe > 2 weeks
Hot or Cold Site Acquire New
Recovery Location Office Space
<Department name>
3-7 days
1-2 weeks
> 2 weeks
Employees’ Homes
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<Department Name> Department
<ORGANIZATION Business Continuity Plan
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