A Reversible Water Electrolyser With Porous PTFE Based OH Conductive Membrane As Energy Storage Cells
A Reversible Water Electrolyser With Porous PTFE Based OH Conductive Membrane As Energy Storage Cells
A Reversible Water Electrolyser With Porous PTFE Based OH Conductive Membrane As Energy Storage Cells
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h i g h l i g h t s
A reversible water electrolyser was prepared with porous PTFE based OH membrane.
Current density was improved by adopting the PFTE composite OH membrane.
The peak power density in fuel cell mode achieved 0.163 W cm2 at 45 C.
In the water electrolyser mode, degradation rate was only 0.0379 mV h1.
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: An OH conductive anion exchange membrane was prepared by a pore-filling method with porous
Received 13 December 2012 polytetrafluoroethylene and a quaternary ammonium polymethacrylate ionomer. The composite mem-
Received in revised form brane exhibited less swelling ratios of thickness and area variation and stronger tensile strength than the
11 July 2013
pristine polymethacrylate membrane. The ionic conductivity of the composite membrane was not as
Accepted 18 July 2013
good as the pristine polymethacrylate ionomer membrane. However, the composite membrane was
Available online 2 August 2013
ultra-thin therefore it leaded to a smaller ionic resistance of the MEA and improved current densities. In
fuel cell mode, the peak power densities were respectively 0.114 and 0.163 W cm2 at 20 and 45 C. In
Anion exchange membrane
water electrolyser mode, at a current density of 100 mA cm2 the cell voltages were about 1.61 V and
Alkaline membrane 1.52 V respectively at 22 C and 50 C. In the water electrolyser mode, the degradation rate was only
Alkaline fuel cells 0.0379 mV h1 after 120 h at a current density of 100 mA cm2 at 22 C.
Water electrolyser Ó 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Regenerative fuel cells
0378-7753/$ e see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
226 X. Wu et al. / Journal of Power Sources 246 (2014) 225e231
non-precious-metal catalysts can be adopted in the electrodes [11]. composite membrane were compared in terms of conductivity, tensile
The configuration of the RWE in our study is schematically illustrated strength, and the swelling effect. This membrane was applied in a
in Fig. 1. The OH conductive membrane is the core component of practical single-cell reversible water electrolyser and the current
RWE, as shown in Fig. 1. A significant advantage of using OH density performances were evaluated in both fuel cell mode and water
conductive polymer electrolyte instead of KOH electrolyte is that only electrolyser mode. The stability of the MEA with this composite
deionised water is required for the water RWE system [11]. The membrane was evaluated by continuous operation for several days.
catalyst layers for hydrogen and oxygen electrodes are respectively
attached to opposite sides of the membrane as close as possible to 2. Experimental methods
reduce electrolytic resistances. Usually, the porous current collectors
are attached to the catalyst layers to form the membrane electrode 2.1. Membrane preparation
assembly (MEA). The current density performances as well as sta-
bility of the RWE system would often mainly depend on the pa- The porous PTFE membrane adopted in this work was obtained
rameters and methods of MEA preparation. As shown in Fig. 1, the from Membrane Solution Ltd (United States of America). The thick-
oxygen side often exhibits highly corrosive environment especially ness of this porous PTFE was 25 mm and had a porosity of 82% and
when anodic oxygen evolution reaction happens. Therefore in our pore size of 0.3e0.6 mm. The qPDTB-OH ionomer was prepared
design a gold coated titanium mesh was employed as the current according to a published method [12]. The hydrophobic PTFE sheet
collector for the oxygen electrode. It can be seen from our previous was pre-treated for better impregnation of qPDTB, using the method
report [11] that the current densities of RWE are several times smaller developed by Scott and Li [13]. Firstly, the porous PTFE was treated
than that of typical URFC. Therefore to improve the current densities, with seven parts H2SO4 (98 wt% aqueous solution, Aldrich) and three
we have been working on improving the electrochemical activity of parts H2O2 (30 wt% aqueous solution, Aldrich) at 80 C for 1 h.
electrodes and reducing the total resistance of the electrolytic cell. Following this, the porous PTFE was rinsed with copious amounts of
Previously, we developed a quaternary ammonium Poly(DMAEMA- de-ionised (DI) water and further treated by immersion in a solution
co-TFEMA-co-BMA) ionomer (qPDTB-OH) for the alkaline membrane containing one part aqueous NaOH (1.0 mol dm3) solution, one part
cells [12]. However, the qPDTB-OH ionomer was only utilized as the H2O2 (30 wt% aqueous solution), and five parts DI water at 70 C for
binder for catalyst layers in the previous study, the qPDTB-OH 30 min, followed by rinsing with copious amounts of DI water. Then
membrane exhibited remarkable swelling effects when immersed in PTFE sheet was pre-treated in boiling ethanol for 30 min. Then it was
water for a long time. Then in this study, an ultra-thin composite immersed in 5 wt% qPDTB alcohol solution for 20 min with ultra-
membrane of qPDTB-OH ionomer was prepared by filling the pores of sonication, and then casted and dried at room temperature for
a porous polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) with qPDTB-OH. The prep- 40 min to complete impregnation. The impregnation process was
aration method of composite membranes with polymer electrolyte repeated several times to achieve expected weight. This composite
and porous PTFE was developed earlier for high temperature proton membrane was changed from halide form to OH form by immersing
exchange membranes fuel cells [13]. Yamaguchi [18] originally pro- in a 0.5 mol dm3 KOH solution for several hours and then rinsed
posed the concept of pore-filling membranes for polymer electrolyte with deionised water several times until rinsing water pH z 7.
fuel cells. Porous or expanded PTFE were adopted in some pore-filling
composite membranes of PFSA ionomers [19e21]. Composite mem- 2.2. Membrane characterization
branes of porous PTFE and quaternary ammonium polymer were re-
ported recently for alkaline anion exchange membrane fuel cells Morphology of the membrane samples was studied by scanning
[14,26]. In this study, the pristine qPDTB-OH membrane and the electron microscopy (SEM, JEOL JSM5300LV). Ionic conductivity of
Fig. 1. Schematic figure of reversible water electrolysers with OH conductive membranes.
X. Wu et al. / Journal of Power Sources 246 (2014) 225e231 227
ðWh Wd Þ=Wd
l ¼
where IEC is the ion exchange capacity (i.e. OH ion content per
gram of membrane), Wh and Wd are respectively the weight of the
membrane in dry form and after hydration, Mw is the molecular
weight of water, 18 g mol1. The swelling ratio of thickness (HT, %)
was defined by the following equation:
HT ¼ 100
Fig. 3. Water content vs. immersing time and swelling ratio vs. water content of qPDTB-OH and PTFE þ qPDTB-OH membranes.
X. Wu et al. / Journal of Power Sources 246 (2014) 225e231 229
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