IAQ Guide (Sept 2003)
IAQ Guide (Sept 2003)
IAQ Guide (Sept 2003)
September 2003
Table of Content
PURPOSE ................................................................................................................................. 1
BACKGROUND......................................................................................................................... 1
APPLICABILITY ........................................................................................................................ 2
CERTIFICATION STEPS ........................................................................................................... 2
STEP 1 – ENGAGE A COMPETENT EXAMINER ...........................................................................................3
STEP 2 – CONDUCT WALKTHROUGH INSPECTION.....................................................................................4
STEP 3 – RECTIFY ANY IAQ PROBLEMS...................................................................................................4
STEP 4 – CONDUCT IAQ MEASUREMENT.................................................................................................4
IAQ Parameters.....................................................................................................................5
Sampling Criteria...................................................................................................................5
Sampling Period ....................................................................................................................5
Number of Sampling Points...................................................................................................5
Siting Indoor Monitoring Locations........................................................................................6
Measurement Methods..........................................................................................................7
Sample Management ............................................................................................................7
Quality Control.......................................................................................................................7
Compliance Requirements ....................................................................................................8
Non-compliance Areas ..........................................................................................................9
STEP 5 – SIGN OFF IAQ CERTIFICATE .....................................................................................................9
STEP 6 – APPLY FOR REGISTRATION .....................................................................................................10
STEP 7 – COMPLETE REGISTRATION .....................................................................................................10
STEP 8 – MANAGE POST-CERTIFICATION IAQ........................................................................................11
STEP 9 – INITIATE CERTIFICATE RENEWAL .............................................................................................12
FEES ....................................................................................................................................... 13
ENQUIRIES ............................................................................................................................. 13
List of Annexes
Annex 1 ................................................................................................................................... 16
Annex 2 ................................................................................................................................... 17
Annex 3 ................................................................................................................................... 20
Annex 4 ................................................................................................................................... 23
Annex 5 ................................................................................................................................... 25
Appendix to Annex 5.............................................................................................................. 26
Annex 6 ................................................................................................................................... 30
Annex 7 ................................................................................................................................... 31
List of Tables
Table 1: IAQ Objectives for Offices & Public Places........................................................... 14
Table 2: IAQ Objectives for Individual VOCs (For Good Class TVOC Objective Only) ..... 15
This guide sets out the procedures to participate in the Indoor Air Quality Certification
Scheme for Offices and Public Places.
2. To improve the indoor air quality (IAQ) and promote public awareness of the
importance of IAQ, we have implemented an IAQ Management Programme. One of the core
tasks of the Programme is to launch a voluntary IAQ Certification Scheme for Offices and Public
Places (hereafter refers as “Certification Scheme”).
(a) a 2-level IAQ objectives (Excellent Class and Good Class) is used as the
benchmark to assess IAQ of premises/buildings;
(b) a voluntary and self-regulatory approach is adopted for annual certification;
(c) participation is free but premises/building owners or management are
responsible for all expenses, including but not limited to, employing competent
examiners to assess IAQ of their premises/buildings against the IAQ objectives;
(d) competent examiners will issue an IAQ certificate for premises/building owners
or management to register with the IAQ Information Centre if the IAQ objectives
are complied with. The certificate should be put up at a prominent location for
the public information;
(e) the certificate is valid for 12 months. For certificate renewal, a full set of
parameters on IAQ objectives be measured once every 5 years, and for the 4
years in between, only carbon dioxide and respirable suspended particulates
need to be measured annually if certain conditions are met;
(f) certification is generally made on the basis of a building as a unit.
Nevertheless, premises/building owners or management can choose to certify
certain parts or certain floors of a building; and
(g) premises/building owners or management have to manage post-certification
IAQ to ensure IAQ is maintained at the certified level.
4. In general, buildings or totally enclosed areas for the use as offices or public places
which are served by mechanical ventilation and air conditioning (MVAC) system may join the
Certification Scheme. MVAC system means the equipment, distribution network and terminal
that provide, either collectively or individually, the processes of heating, cooling, humidification,
dehumidification, ventilation or air-purification or any other associated processes to a conditioned
space. It does not cover window-type air-conditioners or split-type air-conditioners. Public
places is defined as “any theatre, place of public entertainment of any kind, or other place of
general resort, admission to which is obtained by payment or to which the public have or are
permitted to have access”. Examples of eligible buildings are office buildings, shopping malls,
hotels, restaurants, theatres, cinemas and funeral parlours, etc.
As at August 2003, the scheduled premises listed are restaurants, dancing establishment, theatres,
cinemas, funeral parlours and factory canteens.
(g) Indoor Air Quality Information Centre to return the certificate to
owner/management of the premises/building with a registration number for
display in a prominent location for the public information;
(h) owner/management of the premises/building to manage post certification IAQ;
(i) owner/management of the premises/building to initiate annual re-certification.
9. Since IAQ is a complex subject requiring expertise from various disciplines, specialists
may be required at different stages of the certification process. During the IAQ certification, the
competent examiner will lead a team of relevant personnel and is responsible for the following
(a) carry out a walkthrough inspection of premises/building to check if there are any
IAQ problems;
(b) provide recommendations, general advice or relevant information on practices
commonly adopted to address the IAQ problems, if any;
(c) conduct IAQ measurement;
(d) certify the premises/building if the measurement results are in compliance with
the IAQ objectives; and
(e) advise owner/management of the premises/building to manage post-certification
IAQ as set out in paragraph 41 of this guide.
10. To strive for a higher certification quality, we are developing a quality assurance
programme under which only parties accredited by an independent and defined accreditation
body will be qualified for conducting IAQ certification. We will consult stakeholders concerned in
due course. This quality assurance programme will be for the longer term as the pool of IAQ
professionals takes time to build up.
11. The competent examiner will gain first-hand visual appreciation for the building's
hygienic and maintenance condition through a walkthrough inspection. It is recommended that
the competent examiner should conduct the walkthrough inspection together with the owner/
management of the premises/building. A non-exhaustive checklist is provided in Annex 2 to
facilitate the inspection. Competent examiners should exercise their professional judgment to
modify the checklist according to different premises/building uses and previous inspection
experience as well as to develop tailor-made checklists for specific situations. Reference could
also be made to Chapter 7 of Guidance Notes for the Management of Indoor Air Quality in Offices
and Public Places.
12. If any IAQ problems are identified, the owner/management of the premises/building
should rectify them with the assistance of the competent examiner. Reference could be made to
Chapters 7 and 8 of the Guidance Notes for the Management of Indoor Air Quality in Offices and
Public Places.
13. The competent examiner may proceed to carrying out IAQ measurement after the
walkthrough inspection if he/she considers that there are no obvious irregularities or the
irregularities have been rectified.
IAQ Parameters
14. A total of 12 IAQ parameters as listed in Table 1 shall be measured. These include 3
physical parameters (room temperature, relative humidity, and air movement), 8 chemical
parameters (carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), respirable suspended particulates
(PM10), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ozone (O3), formaldehyde (HCHO), total volatile organic
compounds (TVOC), and radon (Rn)), and 1 biological parameter (airborne bacteria). We will
also include an additional parameter, airborne fungi with an indicative level of 500 cfu/m 3, for both
“Good” and “Excellent” Classes in the next review for the Certification Scheme.
Sampling Criteria
15. Measurement should not be made in any part of the premises/building where it is
totally enclosed but not served by MVAC system, such as store rooms, plant rooms, switch rooms,
or kitchens (in the case of restaurants), etc.
Sampling Period
17. The guidelines for the minimum number of sampling points required are:
However, competent examiners should exercise their professional judgment to take additional
samples if necessary.
18. As outdoor air measurement data may provide hints on whether outdoor pollutants
contribute to poor IAQ, all the IAQ parameters (except air movement) should, in parallel, be
monitored outdoors in close proximity to the fresh air intakes of the study areas. At least one
sample should be taken. Where accessible, samplers/monitor inlets should be located
approximately 1 m off the edge of the fresh air duct inlets and enclosed in appropriate shelters to
avoid direct sunlight and moisture. Other representative locations should be considered if the
fresh air intake is not accessible.
19. Since IAQ may be affected by the effectiveness of the MVAC systems, the
susceptibility of the occupants, and the potential sources expected from the occupant density or
activities, sampling points should in general be chosen using the following criteria:
20. During field data collection, monitors should be sited at the selected sampling location
using the following general guidelines:
(m) placing inlets of samplers at a height of about 1.1 m above the floor.
Measurement Methods
21. The detailed methods for measuring the 12 IAQ parameters for the purpose of the
Certification Scheme are set out in Annex 3.
Sample Management
22. The data collected by real-time monitors should be taken every 5 minutes either with
data logging devices or by recording properly in a field data log sheet. The instrument operating
conditions should also be properly recorded in a field log sheet.
23. Before sampling, a unique identification code should be assigned to each sample
collected. The identification code will indicate the type of sample, the sampling location, and
whether the sample is a primary or duplicate sample. Information on the types of sampling
equipment, pump airflow rates, start/stop times, sampling conditions, names of technicians, and
other appropriate sample collection information should also be documented.
24. After sampling, the chemical samples as collected in sampling tubes / filters / bags /
canisters, etc. should be treated, stored and analysed as per manufacturers' recommendations if
available, or otherwise, within a maximum period of 5 days. To ensure sample integrity,
appropriate precautions against damage, deterioration and contamination of samples during
transportation, storage and handling should be taken. For bacterial samples, they should be
delivered to the microbiology laboratory within 24 hours for incubation.
Quality Control
25. Competent examiners should ensure the competence of all who participate in the IAQ
survey and certification process. All measurements should be conducted using calibrated
instrument/equipment and the calibration should be conducted according to manufacturer’s
specifications where available. Also, the calibration standards should have a well-defined
traceability to certified reference materials (CRMs), if available.
26. Real-time monitors should be checked before use. Time must be allowed for the
real-time monitors to reach steady state before taking measurements. Records should be
maintained for each of the real-time monitors, including the following minimum data:
(b) real-time monitors’ compliance with the product specifications;
(c) the manufacturer's instructions;
(d) dates, results and copies of reports and certificates of all calibrations,
adjustments, and the due date of next calibration;
(e) the maintenance plan and maintenance carried out to date; and
(f) any damage, malfunction, modification or repair to the monitors.
27. To ensure the data quality, a quality control (QC) plan including sample preparation
and handling, calibration, data processing, etc. should be prepared. At least one sample or 10%
of the total field samples for each certification job, whichever is larger, should serve as field
blanks and accompany the samples to the field and back to the laboratory, without being used for
sampling. Similarly, at least one sample, or 10% of the total field samples for each certification
job, whichever is greater, should be collected as duplicate samples. To prevent contamination
or deterioration of the integrated samples, the chain-of-custody log detailing the storage and
treatment of samples prior to analysis should be prepared.
Compliance Requirements
28. The 8-hour average IAQ Objectives in Table 1 will be used as the benchmark for
assessing compliance, except for the alternative measurement of TVOC for Good Class objective
as set out in paragraph 29 below. The compliance requirements are –
(a) at least 80% of the sample points of each of the parameters comply with the
relevant IAQ objectives;
(b) for each of the chemical and biological parameters, no sample points should
exceed more than 50% of the relevant IAQ objectives; and
(c) for each of the physical parameters, no sample points should exceed more than
10% of the relevant IAQ objectives, or fall outside 10% of the upper or lower limit
if a range is used.
29. For Good Class IAQ objective, the TVOC objective is also considered met if the
measurements of 10 more commonly found individual VOCs are in compliance with the
requirements set out in Table 2. Details are –
(a) if the level of TVOC measured exceeds the level in Table 1, measurement of
individual VOCs as listed in Table 2 may be carried out in the failed sampling
(b) measurements of individual VOCs should be conducted with analytical methods
based on the USEPA’s organic (TO) compendium procedures;
(c) a TVOC-failed sampling point complying with all the 10 individual VOCs
objectives in Table 2 will be regarded as a passed sampling point in respect of
TVOC; and
(d) the number of passed sampling points of TVOC measurements and of individual
VOC re-measurements will be added together when calculating the 80%
compliance percentage.
Non-compliance Areas
31. If the IAQ objectives are met, the competent examiner may sign off the "Certificate of
Indoor Air Quality for Offices and Public Places" (a sample each of the Excellent Class and Good
Class Certificates are at Annex 4). The competent examiner should download the electronic
copy of the certificate from the IAQ Information Centre at http://www.iaq.gov.hk/, and colour print
the certificate on "vellum laid" paper of 100 gram per square meter (GSM). All entries in the
certificate should be type printed. Paper sample can be obtained from the IAQ Information
Centre. The competent examiner should then issue the certificate together with a certification
report (Annex 5) to the owner/management of the premises/building.
32. Except for measurement of PM10 and CO2 for the purpose of certificate renewal (see
paragraphs 42 to 43 below), competent examiners are required to complete the certification
process 12 months after the first IAQ parameter is measured. If a set of IAQ compliant data is
only available one year beyond the first IAQ parameter is measured, competent examiners would
need to re-measure the full set of the 12 IAQ parameters.
34. A number of buildings have already measured IAQ in accordance with the
requirements set out in the previous draft consultation documents. Since some of the
certification preparatory work and measurements may have been completed in accordance with
the standards and methods suggested in the draft documents, there will be a one-off
arrangement for first time applications possessing a full set of IAQ compliant data within 12
months after the launch of the Certification Scheme. For this one-off arrangement, the data will
be considered compliant if the measurement methodologies and other certification details can
comply with this Certification Guide, or any previous editions of the IAQ Guidance Notes or IAQ
Certification Guide. The one-off arrangement is:
(a) if the commencement date of the IAQ measurement is within 12 months before
the launching date of the Scheme, the competent examiner may sign off the
certificate with a starting date set at the date on which the competent examiner
signs it; or
(b) if the commencement date of the IAQ measurement is beyond 12 months before
the launching date of the Scheme, CO2 and PM10 will have to be re-measured.
Provided that the re-measurement data of CO2 and PM10 comply with the
requirement, the competent examiner may sign off a certificate with a starting
date set at the date the competent examiner signs the certificate.
The above arrangements are applicable provided that there are no major alternations or changes
to operation and management of the MVAC system after measurements have been taken; and
that there is no change to the usage of the premises/buildings which may adversely affect the
35. Upon receipt of the certificate and the certification report from the competent examiner,
the owner/management of the premises/building should submit the following documents to the
IAQ Information Centre (see paragraph 48 for its address):
36. The IAQ Information Centre is responsible for inserting a registration number on the
certificate and upload the information contained in the certificate to the Centre web page for
public inspection. The Centre will keep a copy of the certification report for record only.
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37. Upon receipt of the application form and the certificate, the Centre will endeavour to –
38. Upon receipt of the certificate returned from the Centre, the owner / management of
the premises/building should display the certificate at a prominent location of the
premises/building for the public information.
39. A certificate is valid for a period of 12 months, starting on the date the competent
examiner signs off the certificate.
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Step 9 – Initiate Certificate Renewal
42. Within three months before the expiry of the current certificate, the owner/
management of the premises/building may engage a competent examiner to start the
re-certification measurements. A renewed certificate could be prepared for certification purpose
if the compliance requirements as stipulated in paragraphs 28 to 30 are met. The validity period
of the renewed certificate will be counted from the first day after the expiry date of the last
43. For the first to the fourth annual re-certification (i.e. the second to the fifth year), only
CO2 and PM10 are required to be measured in accordance with the respective IAQ objectives in
Table 1 and certified by competent examiners. Competent examiners must also confirm that
there is no change to the usage of the premises/buildings which may adversely affect the IAQ
and that there is no major alteration, or change to the operation or maintenance, of the MVAC
system. For the fifth annual re-certification (i.e. the sixth year), competent examiners will need
to measure and certify the full list of IAQ parameters in Table 1 to start another 5-year cycle.
44. However, the full list of IAQ parameters must be measured for the purpose of
re-certification under the following circumstances:
(a) when there is a change to the usage of the premises/buildings which may
adversely affect the IAQ (e.g. from office to gymnasium, shopping mall, or
karaoke establishment, etc.); or
(b) when there is a major alteration, or change to the operation or maintenance, of
the MVAC system; or
(c) when the application for registration renewal is submitted to the IAQ Information
Centre three months after the previous certificate has expired.
45. Where a full set of 12 parameters are required to be measured because of the
circumstances set out in paragraph 44 above, competent examiners are required to complete the
certification process within 12 months after the first IAQ parameter is measured. The starting
date of the certificate will be the date the competent examiner signs the certificate. This will be
regarded as starting a new 5-year cycle.
46. The registration procedures for certificate renewal and post IAQ management
requirement are the same as the first time application as set out in Steps 6 and 8 above
(paragraphs 35 to 41) and the contents of the re-certification report are set out in Annex 5.
- 12 -
48. For any enquiries related to the Certification Scheme, please contact the IAQ
Information Centre at:
- 13 -
8-hour average a
Parameter Unit
Excellent Class Good Class
Room Temperature °C 20 to < 25.5 b < 25.5 b
Relative Humidity % 40 to < 70 c < 70
Air movement m/s < 0.2 < 0.3
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) ppmv < 800 < 1,000 e
µg/m3 < 2,000 f < 10,000 g
Carbon Monoxide (CO)
ppmv < 1.7 < 8.7
Respirable Suspended Particulates (PM10) µg/m 3
< 20 f
< 180 h
µg/m3 < 40 g < 150 h
Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)
ppbv < 21 < 80
µg/m 3
< 50 f
< 120 g
Ozone (O3)
ppbv < 25 < 61
µg/m3 < 30 f < 100 f, g
Formaldehyde (HCHO)
ppbv < 24 < 81
µg/m 3
< 200 f
< 600 f
Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC)
ppbv < 87 < 261
3 i
Radon (Rn) Bq/m < 150 < 200 f
Airborne Bacteria cfu/m3 < 500 j, k < 1,000 j, k
a. In some cases, it may not be practicable to take 8-hour continuous measurement. In these circumstances, surrogate
measurement (i.e. an intermittent measurement strategy based on the average of half-an-hour measurements conducted
at four time-slots) is also accepted.
b. EMSD (1998), Guidelines on Energy Efficiency of Air Conditioning Installations
c. Indoor Air Quality guideline value for Japan (Law of Maintenance of Sanitation in Building) and South Korea (Public
Sanitary Law).
d. US EPA (1996), Facilities Manual: Architecture, Engineering, and Planning Guidelines. Maximum Indoor Air Concentration
e. Indoor Air Quality guideline value for Australia (Interim National Indoor Air Quality Goals), Canada (Indoor Air Quality in
Buildings: A Technical Guide), Japan (Law of Maintenance of Sanitation in Building), South Korea (Public Sanitary Law),
Singapore (Guidelines for Good Indoor Air Quality in Office Premises/building), Sweden (Ventilation Code of Practice) and
Norway (Recommended Guidelines for Indoor Air Quality).
f. Finnish Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (2001), Classification of Indoor Climate 2000: Target Values, Design
Guidance and Product Requirements.
g. WHO (2000), Guidelines for Air Quality
h. EPD (1987), Hong Kong Air Quality Objectives under the Air Pollution Control Ordinance (Cap. 311)
i. US EPA(1987): US EPA Guideline for Radon in Homes due to Natural Radiation Sources (Note: 4 pCi/L or 150 Bq/m3 is
EPA Action Level)
j. ACGIH (1986), ACGIH committee activities and reports “Bioaerosols: Airborne viable microorganisms in office
environments: sampling protocol and analytical procedures”, Applied Industrial Hygiene.
k. The exceedance of bacterial count does not necessarily imply health risk but serve as an indicator for further investigation.
- 14 -
a. WHO (1995), Updating & Revision of the Indoor Air Quality Guidelines for Europe
b. 1/300 of ACGIH TLV-TWA, ACGIH (1996), ACGIH Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances in the Work
c. A continuous exposure guideline value as recommended by WHO
d. The Royal Society, London (1983) “Risk level where very few would consider action necessary, unless clear causal risk
with consumer products”
e. Labour Department (2002), Code of Practice on Control of Air Impurities (Chemical Substances) in the Workplace
Note: All conversion calculations are based on data from NIST Standard Reference Database 69 – March 2003 Release: NIST
Chemistry Webbook.
- 15 -
management of premises/building Initiate annual certificate
- 16 -
Check whether there is any -
y Odour
y Dirty or unsanitary conditions (e.g. excessive dust)
y Visible fungal growth or mouldy odour (often associated with problem of excessive moisture)
y Staining or discolouration of building materials
y Sanitary conditions in equipment such as drain pans and cooling towers
y Inadequate ventilation
y Inadequate exhaust air flow
y Blocked vents
y Uneven temperature
y Overcrowding
y Poorly-maintained filters
y Personal air cleaners (e.g. ozone generators)
y Presence of hazardous substances
y Unsanitary mechanical room, or trash or stored chemicals in mechanical room
Thermal comfort
y Check for any evidence of high or low temperature. Are these due to occupant interference,
such as installation of new equipment?
y Check for evidence of thermal gradients. The floor-to-ceiling differential should not exceed
y Check for any obstruction of air circulation, such as partitions, taped diffusers, or blocked by
files, papers, books, or cabinets.
y Ensure that thermostats are functioning, calibrated, correctly located, and not obstructed or
y Is there any system intervention, such as blockage of the ventilation grilles?
- 17 -
y Inspect the loading dock and car parks connected with the premises/building:
− Are they properly ventilated?
− Are stairways, elevator shafts, and ducts acting as pathways for automobile exhaust
and diesel fumes?
− Are carbon monoxide sensors (for ventilation control) and alarms installed in the garage
calibrated and operating properly?
y Are stoves and other sources fitted with exhaust system?
y Is the building less than a year old, or has any area been renovated, redecorated or newly
furnished within the past month?
y Are suitable cleaning products being employed? Is time of use optimum, so as to reduce
exposure of occupants?
y Do any activities involve the use of large amounts of chemicals, especially highly volatile
solvents? Is solvent odour present? Are soaked materials and solvents being disposed of
y Have pesticides been improperly applied?
y Is the trash properly disposed of daily?
y Is extra ventilation or a separate ventilation system being used where there are localised
sources? Is the ventilation system recirculating volatile organic compounds from a source
throughout the building?
y Any there any mouldy, damp odour or evidence of a previous flood or water leak?
y Records should be examined for evidence of recent renovation, painting, installation of
plywood or particleboard, replacement of carpets, and installation of new furniture.
y Are there dirt marks or white dust on diffusers, indicating particulates entering from the
ventilation system?
y Is smoking only restricted to designated areas with independent ventilation system?
y Are carpets cleaned regularly?
MVAC system
y Is the amount of fresh air provided to the premises/building in line with the latest version of
ASHRAE Standard 62?
y Are the electrostatic precipitators the approved type from Fire Services Department?
y Where is the fresh air intake duct located? Is it blocked up? Is it near the cooling tower? Is it
at street level or near a car park (air intakes located below third-floor level can conduct fumes
from vehicular traffic and parking garages)? Are heavy industries located nearby? Is there
any construction work going on nearby?
y Are the fresh air controls and dampers functioning properly?
y Is the minimum fresh air damper opening set at approximately 15%?
y Are all air distribution dampers functioning properly and cleared of obstruction?
y Are filters installed and maintained properly (e.g. no bypassing, not overloading with dust)?
y Is the filtering system designed for primary filters rated between 10% and 30% dust-spot
- 18 -
efficiency, and for secondary filters rated between 40% and 85% dust-spot efficiency?
y Are the drain pans clean, properly drained, and without visible mould growth?
y Are the fan motors and belts working properly?
y Are diffusers and exhaust outlets close together, causing short-circuiting?
y Is the air-conditioning system turned off any time during the day?
y Is there a regular schedule for cleaning and maintenance of the MVAC system?
y Are all the components of the MVAC system regularly inspected for leaks or breaches, etc.?
y Do the cooling towers treated according to the "Code of Practice for Prevention of
Legionnaires' Disease" published by Electrical and Mechanical Services Department?
y Are the mechanical rooms clean and free of contaminants (e.g. refuse or chemicals)?
y Are the exhaust fans operating properly?
y Are all air distribution paths unobstructed?
- 19 -
Below are measurement methodologies that should be used for determining the 12
IAQ parameters. To conduct a valid sampling programme, all equipments or methods adopted
should have appropriate detection range and limit of detection to cover the respective IAQ
For air movement measurements, the competent examiner should set up the monitor
in such location as to receive the air current first.
The level of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide should be measured by a real-time
monitor, such as a non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) analysers or electrochemical oxidation device.
(c) Radon
The level of radon should be measured by an electronic radon monitor which complies
with the device performance test described in the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)
National Radon Proficiency Program Handbook (EPA 402-R-95-013, July 1996), or equivalent.
(d) Formaldehyde
i) Active sampling and analysis by HPLC based on the USEPA TO-11A method, or
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ii) Passive sampling and analysis by colorimetry based on the ASTM method
D5014-94, or
iii) Passive sampling and analysis by HPLC based on the method with the following
y Analysis method: desorption of hydrazone and analysis via HPLC; and
y Lower detectable limit of less than 6 µg/m3 (8-hour average).
Real-time measurement of formaldehyde can also be used.
The level of nitrogen dioxide should be quantified by collecting air samples in a Tedlar
bag with subsequent analysis by a chemiluminescence based NO2 analyser that complied with
USEPA designated methods in accordance with Title 40, Part 53 of the Code of Federal
Regulations (40 CFR Part 53), or equivalent.
Alternatively, the level of nitrogen dioxide can be quantified by passive sampling using
absorbent filter containing triethanolamine for nitrogen dioxide absorption and analysed by
spectrophotometry at a wavelength of 545 nm*, or by real time portable analyzers.
* Reference should be made to the method developed by the Yokohama City Research
Institute of Environmental Science, Japan
(f) Ozone
- 21 -
(h) Total Volatile Organic Compounds
For continuous 8-hour sampling, the analytical method with whole air sampling by
passivated canisters or solid sorbents and followed by direct flame ionisation detection based on
the USEPA compendium method TO-12 should be used.
The level of airborne bacteria should be quantified using samplers such as Andersen
multi-hole impactor, Reuter Centrifugal Sampler (RCS), Surface Air System (SAS) bioaerosol
sampler, or cyclone scribbler and reference should be made to the "Field Guide for the
Determination of Biological Contaminants in Environmental Samples" published by the American
Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) in 1996.
For office buildings, 5-minute integrated samples should be collected at four time-slots
evenly distributed within the 8-hour sampling period at each sampling point. For public places,
samples should be collected at four time-slots covering the worst case scenario such as periods
of highest occupancy.
For analysis of airborne bacteria, tryptic soy agar plates (less than 1-month in age)
should be used for culturing bacteria and the plates should be incubated at 30°C (± 1°C or better)
for 48 hours in a microbiology laboratory prior to performing bacterial count. Colony counts
should be done according to the specification of the manufacturer of the samplers. Standard
aseptic techniques should be practiced throughout the whole process.
- 22 -
Certificate No.
Valid period to
有效日期 到
I hereby certify that the indoor air quality of the following location(s) has fully complied
with the Excellent Class of the Indoor Air Quality Objectives.
Name of building
建築物名稱 :
地址 :
Certified location(s)
已檢定地點 :
Competent Examiner
姓名 :
所屬機構 :
簽署 :
Date of issue Organisation Chop
簽發日期 : 機構印鑑
Indoor Air Quality Certification Scheme for Offices and Public Places
- 23 -
Certificate No.
Valid period to
有效日期 到
I hereby certify that the indoor air quality of the following location(s) has fully complied
with the Good Class of the Indoor Air Quality Objectives.
Name of building
建築物名稱 :
地址 :
Certified location(s)
已檢定地點 :
Competent Examiner
姓名 :
所屬機構 :
簽署 :
Date of issue Organisation Chop
簽發日期 : 機構印鑑
Indoor Air Quality Certification Scheme for Offices and Public Places
- 24 -
1. Competent examiners should include the following in the IAQ certification report for
certification of the 12 parameters:
2. For certificate renewal requiring the measurement of CO2 and PM10 only, the following
information should be included in the certification report:
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(13) Presence of reheat system : □ Yes
□ No
□ Other:
(16) For office buildings, do the following premises form part of the building?
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(18) Individual IAQ parameters measurement results:
(For re-certification application requiring the measurement of CO2 and PM10, please provide
the data on CO2 and PM10 only.)
Room temperature °C %
Relative humidity % %
Air movement m/s %
Carbon dioxide (CO2) ppmv %
Carbon monoxide (CO) ppmv %
Respirable suspended
µg/m3 %
particulates (PM10)
Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) ppbv / µg/m3 g %
Ozone (O3) ppbv / µg/m 3g
Formaldehyde (HCHO) ppbv / µg/m 3g
Total volatile organic
ppbv / µg/m3 g %
compound (TVOC)*
Radon (Rn) Bq/m3 %
Airborne bacteria cfu/m3 %
* For alternative compliance check of the TVOC Objective for Good Class IAQ Certification with individual VOC measurement,
please provide details by completing paragraph (19) below.
Delete as appropriate.
For Excellent Class, please record the lowest and the highest readings observed for “Temperature” and “Relative Humidity” (e.g.
18.9°C /26°C) to demonstrate compliance with the respective IAQ objectives.
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(20) Based on the assessment results, Class of the IAQ Objectives is attained
for the above building/location(s)*.
(21) An IAQ Certificate duly signed by me together with the full IAQ Certification Report are
(22) I, the undersigned, confirm that the information provided above is true and correct to the
best of my knowledge.
Name :
Engineering discipline :
Organisation :
Telephone no. :
Fax no. :
Organisation Chop
Email address (if any) :
Signature :
Date :
* Delete as appropriate.
** Please state “Not Applicable” if the competent examiner is a public officer appointed by Director of Electrical & Mechanical
Services or Director of Architectural Services.
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I, the undersigned, would like to apply for registration of Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)
Certificate under the IAQ Certification Scheme for Offices and Public Places for the following
building/certified location(s) :
Name of building :
Full address :
Certified location(s)# :
Please state “the whole building“ if the whole building is certified; if not, please specify the locations certified.
3. I confirm that I have engaged a competent examiner to carry out IAQ measurement in
the above building/certified location(s), with the original copy of the IAQ Certificate and the
duplicate copy of the Certification Report signed off by the competent examiner as attached.
4. I agree to disclose the information contained in the IAQ Certificate to the public in the
IAQ Information Centre website and related publications.
Name :
Company :
Position :
Telephone No :
Fax No :
Email address (if any) :
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I. Area Usage
y Any changes in the original usage of the places of which the MVAC system was
designed for? For example, office use changed to shops or restaurants?
y Any change of number of occupants?
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(f) Cooling/Heating coils
y regularly cleaned?
y any rust?
(g) Drain pans
y outlet clogged?
y condensate easily drained?
y regularly cleaned?
(h) Automatic controls
y are all fans, AHUs, etc. programmed to start and stop as designed?
y all control relays function properly?
y fire dampers/volume control dampers set as per designed?
y damper actuators function and set properly?
y temperature and humidity sensors functioning properly?
y thermostats, humidistats, limit switches set and function properly?
(i) Fans
y fan blades clean?
y ductwork/inlet/outlet properly and securely connected?
(j) Fancoils
y thermostats properly set?
y filters regularly cleaned?
y drip pans properly installed, insulated and pitched?
y chilled water and condensate pipe work properly insulated?
(k) Ductwork
y properly sealed?
y regularly cleaned?
y access doors properly closed?
y insulation intact?
(l) Air grilles/diffusers
y properly sealed?
y smudge marks on air outlets?
y regularly cleaned?
y air plenums regularly cleaned?
y volume dampers/blades regularly cleaned and properly set as per design?
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Designed by the Information Services Department
Printed by the Government Logistics Department
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government
(Printed on paper made from woodpulp derived from renewable forests)