High-Precision Sampling For Brillouin-Zone Integration in Metals
High-Precision Sampling For Brillouin-Zone Integration in Metals
High-Precision Sampling For Brillouin-Zone Integration in Metals
S~(x) =1 — f D~(t)dt,
and making use of the identity (d/dx)[H„(x)e "X ]
H—„+i(x)e and the definition of the error func-
tion, ' we obtain the central result of the present paper:
Sp(x) = —,'(1 —erfx)
in which the zero-order approximation So corresponds to
EF} simple Fermi-Dirac-like smearing, and higher-order
terms serve to correct the errors inherent in such a pro-
Sz has a similar property as Dz of integrating polyno-
mials exactly, since by partial integration of
FIG. 1. A schematic density of states g (c) and the same func-
tion multiplied by a Fermi-Dirac-like smoothing. An error 0= f [Dx(x) —5(x)]P(x)dx,
arises when the charge below FF is calculated as
Jg(s}S&(E F~}— ds since the two hatched areas are not equal, one has
unless the density is constant near EF. dI'
0= f [S~(x) —S(x)] dx dx .
analysis. The figure shows that for practical purposes, simulated with zero-order functions.
D&(x)=0 and S~(x) =S(x) if jx~ is greater than 2 —3. Consider the simplest case for which S, could give
We remark that the method is trivially easy to include better results than So: as above, we want to integrate
in a standard BZ sampling or special points program.
The approximants S~(x) may be obtained using the re-
f (k) over the occupied part of the band, and we suppose
that F(e) is linear in E near the Fermi energy EF. The er-
currence for the Hermite polynomials: ror in the integral obtained at k convergence can be cal-
culated by a standard integration, giving
Ho(x) =1, H, (x) =2x,
H„+,(x) =2xH„(x) —2nH„, (x) . S(c—
, E~—
) F(e)de
Substituting Sz(x) for S (x) in our original integral I, and
sampling over a uniform mesh which is reduced by sym- 'F'(EF) W for N =0
metry to a set of points [k; J with weight factors a; in the
irreducible wedge of the BZ, we obtain the quadrature 0 for X&0 .
f f F
F(s)S~ de= F(e}dE, ia
F(e)= f F(t) D~
the DOS deviates from linearity and near the singularity. J3
In the regions where the DOS is almost linear, all orders
work equally well. The smoothing near the singularity is
reduced if a smaller broadening is used; then Sz(x) varies
more strongly in k space and a finer k mesh is needed. 10 20 30 40 10 20 30 40 10 20 30 40
Thus the choice of broadening is determined by the dis- Nk Ng Nk
tance of EF from the Van Hove singularities and by the
amount of variation of the DOS near EF. The order X is FICi. 4. The k convergence of the charge within the Fermi
surface for the simple-cubic tight-binding band for three choices
determined by the required precision: small X requires
of E+ as indicated. Nz is the number of divisions along each re-
fewer k points at the expense of cog.vergence to a less-
ciprocal lattice vector. %&=10 and 40 correspond to 56 and
precise result, higher orders guarantee convergence to the 1771 irreducible k points, respectively; LTM denotes linear
correct result but require more k points. tetrahedron method; other curves result from successive ap-
For three choices of EF, Fig. 4 illustrates the k conver- proximations SN. Each division on the ordinate represents
gence of the charge within the Fermi surface using the 0.001 electrons (the band is normalized to one electron). The
present method and the linear tetrahedron method. energy broadening is 0. 10.
the considerations of Secs. II and III, the value to which resolve it properly. The DOS of hcp Zr is very steep at
the Nth curve converges should depend on the shape of EF; correspondingly, a much smaller broadening of 15
the DOS near the Fermi energy. In the first panel, EF mRy was found suitable. Use of S& with N=2, 3, or 4
lies in the free-electron part of the band where the DOS then gives quite good convergence for a reasonably small
has a large variation. Consequently, there is a marked number of k points. The improvement over the zero-
improvement using S~ with N larger than zero. The order function is pronounced. The comparison to the
DOS is very fIat near EI; for the third panel, so that here linear method shows that the two schemes work about
So is already adequate. Finally, the second panel shows equally we11 here. Similar conclusions apply to the case
the result when EF is chosen exactly on a Van Hove of Nb. The band structure at the Fermi energy is still
singularity. While convergence with increasing N is now more complicated. Therefore neither method is com-
slower, the advantage of using a higher-order Sz is obvi- pletely converged for the largest number of k points we
ous and the present approach still compares favorably have used. However, in applications such as calculations
with the linear method. of frozen-phonon energies it is probably more important
to work on a fIat part of the curve than to have reached
absolute convergence. Then the result is insensitive to
the position of the mesh points relative to the Fermi sur-
To test the scheme for realistic band structures, we face apd consequently no artificial discontinuities are in-
have applied it to a number of the metallic elements. The troduced when the Fermi surface passes over mesh points
aim was also to give rules for choosing 8'and N in prac- as the crystal is perturbed. Use of higher step-function
tical applications. Our examples are fcc Al, hcp Zr, and approximants makes it possible to reach this Aat part and
bcc Nb. The energy bands were generated using the stan- obtain results which are substantially better than with the
dard self-consistent I.MTO method. For each case, we zero-order function. For the linear method, this kind of
have calculated the charge within the Fermi surface and convergence cannot be achieved in practive. We have
the band energy as a function of the fineness of the uni-
form k mesh. The potential and the Fermi energy were
kept fixed at the values given by the standard program.
Again, the linear tetrahedron method was used for com- Al (W=65 re Ry ) Zr(V/=15mRy) Nb (W=35rnRy)
parison. For each metal, various choices of broadening N= 0..
done similar tests for bcc Mo and paramagnetic bcc Fe. zone precisely, using straightforward sampling tech-
The DOS for Mo has a wide smooth valley near the Fer- niques such as the special-points method. Comparison to
mi energy and a choice of 8'=65 mRy gives good con- results obtained using standard Gaussian smearing show
vergence similar to the Zr results. The case of Fe is simi- the superiority of the present approach. Tests for realis-
lar to Nb and 8' near 20 mRy is suitable; both the tic metal band structures indicate that the scheme is
present approach and the linear tetrahedron method need better suited than the linear tetrahedron method for
a very fine mesh to attain absolute convergence here. free-electron metals and about equally successful for tran-
The preceding results indicate that two kinds of appli- sition metals. Our method has advantages common to all
cation are conceivable. For high-precision calculations, sampling schemes, namely (a) all k points are treated in-
it is necessary first to optimize the values of 8' and X, dependently so that it is extremely easy to implement and
once, for a typical band structure. For this purpose we no large disk files with eigenvalues and eigenvectors are
have found it instructive to make plots of the integrals needed, and (b) no errors are introduced by band cross-
against the order 1V for diA'erent finenesses of the mesh ings. The scheme is equally appropriate for k-dependent
and with various fixed broadenings O'. On the other matrix elements as for densities of states and single-
hand, it suKces to be aware in many instances that particle sums.
without any exhaustive testing, an extension of the zero- It is envisaged that the method may be employed on
order smearing method by employing the first- or two levels of complexity. (i) An immediate improvement
second-order approximant to 5(x) or S(x) will give a over standard smearing methods may be obtained, simply
significant enhancement in precision at the expense of by use of the first- or second-order approximants to the
minimal extra e6'ort. step or 5 function. (2) By careful choice of the parame-
ters W and X very high precision in BZ integrations may
VI. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS be achieved which was hitherto unobtainable.
We have introduced a systematic set of smooth approx- ACKNO%'LEDGMKNTS
imants to the step and 5 functions. When convoluted
with a given function, these approximants give no error if We thank O. K. Andersen for helpful discussions.
the function satisfies a well-defined smoothness property. A. T.P. acknowledges the financial support of the Science
This makes it possible to evaluate Fermi-surface integrals and Engineering Research Council of the United King-
as well as integrals over the occupied part of the Brillouin dom.
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