Health, Safety and Environment Specification Aqueous Effluent

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Aqueous Effluent

DATE - 15/07/2002
Setting Clear Requirements

Authorised for Issue by the HSE IC 15/07/2002

Document Authorisation
Document Authority Document Custodian Document Author
‘dapo Oguntoyinbo G.T. Tan G.T. Tan
Ref. Ind: CSM Ref. Ind: CSM/2 Ref. Ind: CSM/2
Date: 15/07/2002 Date: 15/07/2002 Date: 15/07/2002

The following is a brief summary of the four most recent revisions to this document. Details of all revisions prior
to these are held on file by the Document Custodian.

Version No. Date Author Scope / Remarks

Version 2.0 Jun 2002 G.T. Tan Editorial changes. New format.
Ref. Ind: CSM/2
Version 1.0 Sep 1998 G.T. Tan Original spec.
Ref. Ind: CSM/2

User Notes:

The requirements of this document are mandatory. Non-compliance shall only be authorised by CSM through
STEP-OUT approval.

A controlled copy of the current version of this document is on PDO's EDMS. Before making reference to this
document, it is the user's responsibility to ensure that any hard copy, or electronic copy, is current. For
assistance, contact the Document Custodian.

This document is the property of Petroleum Development Oman, LLC. Neither the whole nor any part of this
document may be disclosed to others or reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by
any means (electronic, mechanical, reprographic recording or otherwise) without prior written consent of the

Users are encouraged to participate in the ongoing improvement of this document by providing constructive

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1.0 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Purpose.............................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Changes to the Specification............................................................................................................1
1.3 Scope................................................................................................................................................1
1.4 Deliverables......................................................................................................................................1
1.4.1 Records.........................................................................................................................................1
1.4.2 Reports.........................................................................................................................................1
1.5 Responsibility...................................................................................................................................2
1.6 Performance Monitoring..................................................................................................................2
1.7 Review and Improvement.................................................................................................................2
1.8 Reporting Format..............................................................................................................................3
2.0 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS.....................................................................................................5
2.1 Aqueous Effluent Discharge Standards (AEDS)..............................................................................5
2.2 Effluent Discharges..........................................................................................................................5
2.2.1 Surface Disposal......................................................................................................................5
2.2.2 Production Water.....................................................................................................................5
2.2.3 Marine Disposal.......................................................................................................................6
2.2.4 Sewage Treatment Systems......................................................................................................7
2.2.5 Effluent Discharges – Storm Water Runoff..................................................................................9
2.2.6 Effluent Discharges – Ballast Water............................................................................................9
2.2.7 Effluent Discharges – Others.......................................................................................................9
2.3 Water Quality Standards (WQS)......................................................................................................9


ENVIRONMENT AS PER MD 7/84.............................................................................................................13

APPENDIX C: WATER QUALITY STANDARDS...................................................................................14

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1.0 Introduction

1.1 Purpose
This Specification describes PDO's minimum requirements for managing surface
discharges of aqueous effluents (which result from PDO's activities, products or services).
These have the potential to either be a hazard to human health or to harm the

1.2 Changes to the Specification

This Specification replaces the requirements in the Waste Management Manual
(TSE/ENV/95/004 Revision 2).

1.3 Scope
This Specification addresses aqueous effluent discharges listed below:

 Production water (discharges of formation water that is co-produced with oil and
 Sewage effluent
 Process water and drainage water (discharges of any water used that has to be
disposed of, and any other drainage water, including water resulting from
maintenance and cleaning activities)
 Reverse osmosis plant discharges
 Ballast water (discharges to the marine environment of water that is pumped out of
ballast tanks before loading marine tankers)
 Hydrotest water (discharges of water used to pressure test flowlines and pipelines).

1.4 Deliverables

1.4.1 Records
Records shall be maintained to document the implementation of the aqueous effluent
monitoring programme (refer to CP 122 HSE Management System Manual, Part 2
Chapter 6).

1.4.2 Reports
Effluent discharge data shall be submitted to the CSM Department monthly as specified
in Section 1.8 of this specification.

Any non-compliances with this Specification shall be notified, investigated and reported
(refer to CP 122 HSE Management System Manual, Part 2, Chapter 6).

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1.5 Responsibility

Asset Managers
Asset Managers are responsible for ensuring that effluent discharges generated in their
area of responsibility (including discharges from contractor activities) are managed in
accordance with the requirements of this Specification. Effluent discharges addressed in
this Specification shall be:

 identified
 sampled and analysed, as appropriate
 quantified (either by direct measurement or using appropriate methods of
 recorded, as appropriate (refer to Section 1.4.1)
 reported, as appropriate (refer to Section 1.4.2)

In the event that circumstances prevent compliance with this Specification, Asset
Managers shall seek the advice and if necessary, a ‘step-out approval’ from the
Document Authority. This approval requires recording subject areas, which do not
conform as a non-compliance (refer to the ‘Non Compliance Report Form’ in CP 122 HSE
Management System Manual, Part 2, Chapter 6).

Corporate Functional Discipline Heads

Corporate Functional Discipline Heads are responsible for ensuring that the requirements
of this Specification are reflected in the documents for which they are responsible.

Contractors are responsible for ensuring that effluent discharges generated in the course
of carrying out their contractual requirements are managed in accordance with the
requirements of this Specification and reported, when applicable, to the Contract Holder.

1.6 Performance Monitoring

An effluent emissions monitoring programme shall be developed, implemented and
maintained to demonstrate compliance with this Specification, compliance with any
additional requirements specified in an Environmental Permit, and to supply the
necessary data to prepare required reports (see Section 1.4.2).

1.7 Review and Improvement

Any user of this document who encounters a mistake or confusing entry is requested to
immediately notify CSM using the form provided in CP 122 HSE Management System
Manual, Part 2 Chapter 3.

This Specification shall be reviewed every 4 years. However changes to the current
version may be made in less than four years as the need arises depending upon the
issue of new and relevant environmental legislation and or major organisational changes
in PDO.

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1.8 Reporting Format

Type Parameter Units

Production Water Monthly average of daily production water 3
000m /day
Monthly average of daily production
disposed with Permit: 3
‘000m /day
 Shallow disposal 3
 Deep Disposal ‘000m /day
 Re-injection (production water) ‘000m /day
 Trials 3
‘000m /day
 Evaporation pond 3
‘000m /day
 Others 3
‘000m /day
Monthly average of daily production
disposed with no Permit: 3
‘000m /day
 Shallow disposal 3
 Deep Disposal ‘000m /day
 Re-injection (production water) ‘000m /day
 Re-injection (water supply well) 3
‘000m /day
 Trials 3
‘000m /day
 Evaporation pond 3
 Others ‘000m /day
‘000m /day
Average monthly oil concentration of mg/l
production water
Monthly total volume of oil disposed with
production water to:
 Shallow disposal Tonnes
 Deep disposal Tonnes
MAF Effluent Monthly average of daily production water 3
‘000m /day
Monthly Average oil concentration mg/l
Tankers Ballast Monthly number of tankers loading at
Water MAF Terminal
Segregated Ballast Tanks (SBT) Number
Non Segregated Ballast Tanks (non SBT) Number
Monthly volume of Ballast Water
discharged to marine environment
 SBT 3
 Non SBT 3

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Parameter Units
Sewage Effluent  Monthly Daily Average sewage 3
m /day
effluent volume
 Maximum daily sewage effluent 3
volume in the month m /day
 Total monthly volume of sewage m /day
effluent reuse:
 Irrigation 3
 Other 3
Treatment Plant Weekly measurements of the following
Effluent Quality parameters:
criteria  BOD mg/l
 COD mg/l
 TSS mg/l
 pH units
 Faecal coliform number per
 Ammonical nitrogen mg/l
Number of occasions standards exceeded Number

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2.0 Performance Standards

The permissible quality of effluent discharges is addressed by a number of Ministerial
Decisions. In the event that there are no local regulations, the principle of best practice
is to be applied to ensure that effluent discharges do not adversely affect the receiving
environment (refer to Section 2.1 for details).

2.1 Aqueous Effluent Discharge Standards (AEDS)

PDO’s AEDS are derived from, among others, environmental regulations in the Sultanate
of Oman (in particular, MD 7/84, MD 5/84 and MD 145/93).

Individual licenses and permits may establish AEDS, which are more stringent than those
required by this Specification. In these situations, the more stringent requirements shall

2.2 Effluent Discharges

2.2.1 Surface Disposal

MD 145/93: Regulations for Wastewater Re-Use and Discharge, requires a permit to be

obtained from the MRMEWR for discharge to the environment of any wastewater or
Wastewater discharged to the environment must comply with specified quality criteria,
expressed as discharge limits. The discharge quality limits is provided in Appendix A of
this Specification.

In addition to the discharge water quality limits set in the MD 145/93, the following
requirements should also be met:

 Discharge points shall be designed and located to maximise the rate of mixing.
 Discharges shall have no adverse effects on the general visible amenity of an area
 Efforts shall be made to eliminate the effect of acute toxic effects on organisms in
the mixing zone
 Discharge shall not impinge on any shoreline where there is unrestricted access by
the public
 Discharge shall not impinge upon ecologically sensitive habitats
 Drainage exceeding the limits (Appendix A) shall not be discharged directly to the
environment .

2.2.2 Production Water

An exemption from MD 145/93 (under Article 5) has been agreed in relation to the
discharge of production water. In it’s place, the PDO Production Water Management
Plan has been agreed with the government.

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This Plan consists of 5 principles, which detail the strategy to be used for disposal of
production water, in the order of preference listed below:
1. Minimise the volumes of water produced during oil extraction
2. Maximise reuse of such produced waters
3. Phase out the use of shallow disposal wells and prevent disposal into useable or
exploitable aquifers.
4. Return production water to the producing reservoir .
5. Dispose surplus waters to formations which have a salinity > 35,000 mg/l, in
conjunction with case-specific monitoring programmes.

In resolving the best technical solution for production water disposal at each site, each of
the 5 principles shall be fully evaluated. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) shall
be developed for each production water disposal centre, detailing the selected technical
solution for production water disposal. Each EIS shall be submitted to the MRMEWR for
technical review and to obtain a Permit to Discharge.

2.2.3 Marine Disposal

Environmental regulations in the Sultanate of Oman (Ministerial Decision MD 7/84:
Regulations for the Disposal of Liquid Substances into the Marine Environment) requires
that a licence be obtained from the MRMEWR to discharge effluent into the sea. The
effluent must conform with specified quality criteria, expressed as discharge limits (listed
in Appendix B).
In addition, the Ministerial Decision requires that effluent discharges shall not result in:
 Visible oil or grease on the surface of receiving waters
 A change in colour of receiving waters
 Emission of foul smells
 Any harmful effect, or change which may lead to a harmful effect, on marine life or
the marine environment.

The discharge point is to be located at least one metre below the water surface at the
lowest ebb. The primary area for dilution shall be a radius of 300 metres from the
discharge point, so that the following will not arise outside this area:
 An increase in temperature of one degree Centigrade in the surrounding water
 A decrease in the dissolved oxygen content by more than 10% of the background
 Any change in the concentration of hydrogen ions by more than 0.2 units
 An increase or decrease in the ratio of salt in the receiving water by more than two
parts per thousand.

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Additional information on the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of the

environment surrounding the discharge point shall be provided, if requested by the

2.2.4 Sewage Treatment Systems

The management of sewage effluent, as for other aqueous effluents, is controlled by
Ministerial Decrees MD 7/84: Regulations and Criteria for the Disposal of Liquid
Substances to the Marine Environment, and MD 145/93: Regulations for Wastewater Re-
use and Discharge, detailed above.
Ministerial Decree 5/86: Regulations for Septic Tanks and Holding Tanks, defines the
requirements for septic tanks and holding tanks together with stipulation when different
methods of sewage treatment shall be used.

Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs)

A STP shall be used if the waste from more than 150 people is received, as required by
Ministerial Decree 5/86: Regulations for Septic Tanks and Holding Tanks.
The management of sewage effluent for STPs is controlled by MD 7/84: Regulations and
Criteria for the Disposal of Liquid Substances to the Marine Environment, and MD
145/93: Regulations for Wastewater Re-use and Discharge. The water quality
requirements for the discharges is detailed in Section 2.3.
In addition to accepting raw sewage from domestic activities, STPs may (within certain
limits) accept industrial waste streams. The following shall not be discharged to STPs:
 Petroleum hydrocarbon products (gasoline, naphtha, fuel oil, or mineral oil or other
flammable or explosive liquid, solid or gas).
 Garbage.
 Waters or waste which contain grease, oil, or other substances that will solidify or
become viscous (prevent or block sewage flow) at temperatures between 32 and
150° F (65 ° C).
 Any waters or wastes containing emulsified oils and grease, exceeding 100 ppm at
any one time with only waste water from hand washing containing residual
hydrocarbon and detergent shall be allowed.
 Aqueous wastes containing heavy metals (copper, chromium, cadmium, cyanide,
lead, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, selenium and zinc) in excess of 2 ppm by weight
as these will suppress the biological action in the STP.
 Any ashes, cinders, sand, mud, glass, rags, feathers, plastics, wood, entrails,
chemical residues, paint residues, or any other solid or viscous substance capable of
causing obstruction to the flow in sewers, or other interference with the proper
operation of the STP.
 Any liquid or solid hazardous waste described in SP1009 HSE Specification - Waste
 Overall total influent to the STP which will exceed the STP design influent and
organic load in kg BOD/day as specified in the EIS approved by the MRMEWR.

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 Acidic and alkaline waters outside the range pH 6.5 - 8.5.

 Any aqueous waste having a temperature higher than 150° F (65° C).
 For combined drainage (sewage and industrial waste) an oil water separator must be
installed upstream from the PDO STP which must be capable of maintaining an
effluent with not more than 100 ppm total oil and grease at any one time.
Where toxic substances and/or biological inhibitors are present in the industrial waste
stream, pre-treatment or isolation shall be carried out.

Septic Tanks and Holding Tanks

MD 5/86: Regulations for Septic Tanks and Holding Tanks, established the specific
requirements for the use and discharges from septic tanks and holding tanks. The
Ministerial Decision requires an approval to be obtained from the Municipality for the
Area to install a septic tank. Additional requirements of MD 5/86 are:

 Septic tanks shall be allowed only for discharge of domestic wastewater from an
equivalent population of not more than 150 people. For larger installations, domestic
wastewater shall be discharged to a sewage treatment plant.
 Effluent from the septic tank shall be discharged to a soak-away pit, or any other
underground percolation system, approved by the Municipality.
 If ground permeability conditions do not allow installation of an approved soak-away
pit, effluent shall either be discharged to the public sewer system, or holding tanks
 Effluent from holding tanks shall be removed by tanker to a disposal location
approved by the Municipality.
 Septic tanks and holding tanks shall only be installed with the prior approval and
consent of the Municipality for the area.
 Sludge and scum accumulations within septic tanks shall be removed when
necessary and disposed in an approved manner (refer to SP 1009 HSE Specification -
Waste Management).
 Be located at least 50 meters away from any public water source, well or falaj or at
least 15 meters from any private well
 Not be constructed nearer than 3 meters from the wall of an occupied building.
 Be sited in a position where they can be served by sludge tanker vehicles and at a
distance not more than 20 meters from the nearest tanker access.
 Effluent from the holding tanks shall be carried away by tankers to a place approved
by the Municipality of the area at such intervals as will ensure that there is no
overflow of sewage from the holding tank at any time.

Mobile/Portable STPs
In remote locations unsuitable for soak-aways, mobile STPs should be used. The mobile
STPs shall meet the effluent standards MD 145/93 and MD7/84.

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Portable Chemical Toilets

In areas where the generation of sewage is low, portable chemical toilets shall be used.
The portable chemical toilet shall be regularly emptied via a vacuum tanker or the
portable containers of the chemical toilets transported to the nearest sewage treatment
facility for treatment.

2.2.5 Effluent Discharges – Storm Water Runoff

There are no legal requirements with respect to the discharge storm water runoff
uncontaminated by hydrocarbons. Potentially hydrocarbon contaminated storm water
runoff shall be segregated and treated to meet the discharge limits as per MD 145/93
and MD 7/84.

2.2.6 Effluent Discharges – Ballast Water

Ballast water shall be discharged to the marine environment in accordance with the
regulations stipulated in MARPOL 73/78 - Annex 1

2.2.7 Effluent Discharges – Others

The disposal of other aqueous effluent discharges is dependant on the location and
degree of the contamination. If the effluent is to be discharged to land then the quality
of the water shall satisfy the water quality standards as identified in MD 145/93. Where
the water is to be disposed of to the marine environment the effluent shall meet the
water quality standards as per MD 7/84.
In the event that the water quality standards are not met then the effluent discharge
should be segregated and undergo treatment so as not to impact on the receiving
environment. This applies, but is not exclusive to the following effluent discharges:
 Reverse Osmosis Plants
 Process Water
 Maintenance Operations
 Hydrotest Water.

2.3 Water Quality Standards (WQS)

In the event that there are no local regulations, the principle of best practice should be
applied to ensure that the effluent discharges do not adversely affect the receiving
environment. For this the water quality standards (WQS) shall be adopted.

The WQS are a measure of the concentration of specific substances in the receiving
water following an initial period of dispersion and dilution. A key feature of WQS for
water is that they are derived in relation to specific water quality objectives (WQO).

WQO objectives include:

 the protection of freshwater and saltwater life
 use for irrigation and livestock watering
 use for drinking water supply.

An assessment of (eco) toxicological test results, including information on persistence in

the aquatic environment and potential for bio-accumulation, are used to derive a WQS
which is intended to protect the identified WQO.

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WQS are based on the premise that aquatic systems can accommodate defined
concentrations of contaminants without causing biological damage or compromising
defined WQOs. The permissible levels are detailed in Appendix C of this Specification.

WQSs in this Specification are expressed as Maximum Acceptable Concentrations (MACs).

The MAC is a concentration which should never be exceeded because, using the WQO
example of protecting freshwater life, it can result in acute lethal effects on aquatic
organisms. Action should be taken to reduce exposure concentrations in the event of a
MAC being exceeded.

The WQSs that shall be used by PDO to assess the significance of effluent discharged
from its activities, products and services are listed in Appendix C. These WQSs have
been sourced from various regulatory agencies and organisations around the world,
reviewed by competent specialists and adopted by SIEP as the recommended WQS for
E&P operating companies.

Monitoring and measurement to assess compliance with WQS shall be carried out in
accordance with Section 1.6. Individual licences and permits may establish WQS which
are more stringent than those required by this Specification. In these cases, the more
stringent requirements shall apply.

The practical application of WQS follows the principles of risk management within the
Hazards and Effects Management Process in CP 122 HSE Management System Manual,
Part 2, Chapter 4.

Effluent discharges with concentrations that are less than the MACs listed in this
Specification may present a risk of environmental harm in environmentally sensitive
receiving waters but would not generally present a significant hazard. It is also possible
that the receiving environment may be sensitive to contaminants not listed above. In
these cases, options for establishing reduced exposure concentrations shall be
considered in order to manage risks such that they are As Low As Reasonably Possible

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Setting Clear Requirements

Appendix A: Water Quality Discharge Limits for Reuse and Discharge as per

Parameter Standard A* *
Standard B
o 15.0 mg/l 20.0 mg/l
BOD (5days @ 20 C)
150.0 mg/l 200.0 mg/l
15.0 mg/l 30.0 mg/l
Suspended solids
1500.0 mg/l 2000.0 mg/l
Total dissolved solids
2000.0 micro S./cm 2700.0 micro S./cm
Electrical conductivity
10.0 10.0
Sodium absorption ratio
6-9 6–9
5.0 mg/l 5.0 mg/l
0.1 mg/l 0.1 mg/l
1.0 mg/l 2.0 mg/l
0.1 mg/l 0.3 mg/l
0.5 mg/l 1.0 mg/l
0.01 mg/l 0.01 mg/l
650.0 mg/l 650.0 mg/l
0.05 mg/l 0.05 mg/l
0.05 mg/l 0.05 mg/l
0.5 mg/l 1.0 mg/l
0.05 mg/l 0.10 mg/l
1.0 mg/l 2.0 mg/l
1.0 mg/l 5.0 mg/l
0.1 mg/l 0.2 mg/l
0.07 mg/l 0.07 mg/l
150.0 mg/l 150.0 mg/l
0.1 mg/l 0.5 mg/l
0.001 mg/l 0.001 mg/l
0.01 mg/l 0.05 mg/l
0.10 mg/l 0.10 mg/l
5.0 mg/l 10.0 mg/l
Nitrogen – ammoniacal
50.0 mg/l 50.0 mg/l
Nitrogen – nitrate
5.0 mg/l 10.0 mg/l
Nitrogen – organic
0.5 mg/l 0.5 mg/l
Oil and grease
0.001 mg/l 0.002 mg/l
30.0 mg/l 30.0 mg/l
0.02 mg/l 0.002 mg/l
0.01 mg/l 0.01 mg/l
200.0 mg/l 300.0 mg/l
400.0 mg/l 400.0 mg/l
0.1 mg/l 0.1 mg/l
0.1 mg/l 0.1 mg/l
5.0 mg/l 5.0 mg/l
200.0 per 100ml 1000.0 per 100ml
Faecal coliform bacteria
< 1.0 per litre < 1.0 per litre
Viable nematode ova

The following discharge limits apply, except in the event that alternatives limits are specified
within individual licenses or permits.
The definitions relating to Standards A and B are detailed below

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Definitions relating to Standards A and B

Standard A Standard B

Crops  Vegetables likely to be  Vegetables to be

eaten raw. cooked or processed.
 Fruit likely to be eaten  Fruit if no irrigation
raw and within 2 weeks within weeks of
of any irrigation. cropping.
 Fodder, cereal and seed
Grasses and  Public parks, hotel  Pastures.
Ornamental Areas lawns, recreational
areas.  Areas with no public
 Areas with public access
 Lakes with public
contact (except places
which may be used for
praying and hand
Aquifer Recharge
All controlled aquifer recharge.

Method of Irrigation
Spray or any other method of aerial irrigation not
permitted in areas with public access unless with timing

Any other Reuse

Subject to the approval of the Ministry.

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Appendix B: Water Quality Discharge limits for Discharges to the Marine

Environment as per MD 7/84

Variables Discharge limit

Arsenic 0.05 mg/l
Cadmium 0.05 mg/l
Chromium 0.50mg/l
Copper 0.50 mg/l
Cyanide 0.10 mg/l
Iron 2.00 mg/l
Lead 0.10 mg/l
Mercury 0.001 mg/l
Nickel 0.10 mg/l
Selenium 0.02 mg/l
Silver 0.005 mg/l
Zinc 0.10 mg/l
Chlorine (salt) 2.50 mg/l (minimum)
Hydrogen ions 6-9 units
Sulfide salts 0.10 mg/l
Sticking solid particles 30.0 mg/l
Sludge 75.0 Jackson sight unit
BOD 30.0 mg/l
Oil & grease 5.0 mg/l
Carbolic acids (phenols) 0.10 mg/l
Ammonium nitrates 40.0 mg/l
Phosphates 0.10 mg/l
Faeces 100 mpn/100 mm (80% samples)
Faeces – samples bacteria floating 100 mkn/100 mm (100% units)
Sal-ammoniac mbn/l (invisible)
Internal viruses pfu 10 litres

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Setting Clear Requirements

Appendix C: Water Quality Standards

Component Receiving Maximum Allowable

Environment /End use Concentration
BOD* Freshwater 3000 g O2/l (T 95)
Saltwater (seawater)
Drinking water
<1500 g O2/l (T)
Irrigation of crops
Watering of livestock
300 g O2/l (T)
COD* Freshwater -
Saltwater (seawater) -
Drinking water 30,000 g O2/l (T 90)
Irrigation of crops -
Watering of livestock -
pH* Freshwater 6.0 - 9.0
Saltwater (seawater) 6.5 - 8.5
Drinking water 6.5 - 8.5
Irrigation of crops 5.5 - 8.5
Watering of livestock -
Free Cl2* Freshwater 860,000 g/l (T)
Saltwater (seawater) -
Drinking water 200,000 g/l (T)
Irrigation of crops 30,000 g/l (T)
Watering of livestock 1,200 g/l (T)
Ammoniacal nitrogen* Freshwater -
Saltwater (seawater) -
Drinking water 50,000 g/l (T)
Irrigation of crops -
Watering of livestock 90,000 g/l (T)
Oil in water** Freshwater -
Saltwater (seawater) -
Drinking water 10 g/l (T)
Irrigation of crops -
Watering of livestock -
Total coliforms* Recreational water use 10000 per 100ml

* Mandatory for sewage effluent only

** Mandatory for production water only
T Total concentration (i.e., without filtration)
90 90-percentile
95 95th -percentile
1 Suitable for the protection of freshwater fish only

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