CDMA AT Commands
CDMA AT Commands
CDMA AT Commands
Reference Guide
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Chapter 1 – Introduction ...........................................................................................................................9
Document Scope ...................................................................................................................................................... 9
Related References .................................................................................................................................................. 9
Chapter 2 – AT Commands Overview ................................................................................................... 10
Serial Interface Settings ........................................................................................................................................ 10
Overview .................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Terminology............................................................................................................................................................. 11
Command Types ....................................................................................................................................................... 11
AT Commands Types .............................................................................................................................................. 11
Command Format and Syntax .............................................................................................................................. 11
Alphabet ..................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Command-Line Editing ............................................................................................................................................ 12
Input Command Syntax ........................................................................................................................................... 12
Other Syntax .............................................................................................................................................................. 12
Output Response Syntax ......................................................................................................................................... 12
Parameter Defaults ................................................................................................................................................... 13
Unsolicited Message Syntax ................................................................................................................................... 13
Chapter 3 - General Commands ............................................................................................................. 14
Attention AT .......................................................................................................................................................... 14
Repeat Last Command A/ ................................................................................................................................... 14
Echo E .................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Enable/Disable Individual Unsolicited Message Mask Bits +WUSLMSK ................................................... 15
Request PRI Version information +WPRI ......................................................................................................... 16
Chapter 4 – Identification Commands ................................................................................................... 17
Request Revision Identification +CGMR .......................................................................................................... 17
Hardware Version +WHWV ................................................................................................................................. 17
Electronic Serial Number +CGSN ...................................................................................................................... 17
Manufacturer Identification +CGMI ................................................................................................................... 18
Request Model Identification (Frequency Bands) +CGMM ........................................................................... 18
Request Product Serial Number +WMSN ......................................................................................................... 18
Chapter 5 – Query Commands ............................................................................................................... 19
Capabilities List +GCAP ...................................................................................................................................... 19
Subscriber Number +CNUM ............................................................................................................................... 19
Chapter 6 – Global Configuration Commands ..................................................................................... 20
Set Phone Functionality +CFUN ........................................................................................................................ 20
Chapter 1 – Introduction
This CDMA AT command set is designed to cover the following:
● IS707.3 AT commands
● GSM 07.07 when applicable
● GSM 07.05 when applicable
● ITU-T v25 when applicable
● Proprietary AT set
● Customer specific AT commands
● Qualcomm defined AT commands
Note that the GSM 7.07 and 7.05 specifications could not be followed in some instances because of differences
between CDMA and GSM call processing behaviors. In these cases, minimal changes were made to GSM-related
Document Scope
This document describes CDMA AT commands, their syntax, responses, and result codes. It serves as the
reference for wireless application development based on the CDMA modem and for its integration and testing.
The intended audience is expected to be familiar with CDMA data services protocol and AT modem commands.
Related References
This interface specification is based on the following recommendations or standards:
● ETSI GSM 07.05: Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2): Use of DTE-DCE interface for Short
Message Service (SMS) and Cell Broadcast Service (CBS)
● ETSI GSM 07.07: Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2): AT command set for GSM Mobile
Equipment (ME)
● ITU-T Recommendation V.25 ter: Serial asynchronous automatic dialing and control
● ETSI GSM 03.40: Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2): Technical implementation of the
Short Message Service (SMS) Point-to-Point (PP)
● ETSI GSM 03.38: Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2): Alphabets and language-specific
● ETSI GSM 04.80: Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2): Mobile radio interface layer 3,
Supplementary service specification, Formats and coding
● AT Commands Interface Guide version 001/9.1
● TIA/EIA/IS-707.3: Data Service Options for Wideband Spread Spectrum Systems: AT Command Processing
and the Rm Interface
● Qualcomm Application Note (CL93-V0327-1 X10): AT COMMANDS FOR DMSS
● IS-131: Data Transmissions Systems and Equipment – Extensions to Asynchronous Dialing and Control.
● WISMO-CDMA Q24x8 Product Technical Specification; WI_HWD_Q24X8_PTS_001.
● TIA/EIA-592: Asynchronous Facsimile DCE Control Standard - Service Class 2
● WM_CCD_Q24x8_CTI_009: TCP App Application note
Use AT commands to communicate with modem equipment. The modem provides an AT command interface
over the serial link between the modem and a host application. The AT command format is an ASCII string that
always starts with “AT” and ends with a defined set of characters. The format is defined in detail later in this
AT command communication between the host application and the modem is blocking: the host application
must wait for the completion of one command before issuing the next command. The behavior of the modem is
undefined if a new command is issued before the previous command’s result code is returned.
While AT command communication is generally host-driven, unsolicited responses may also be sent to the host
application when a certain events occur. Host applications should be prepared to receive unsolicited responses
from the modem at any time except during AT command entry.
AT+CREG=0<CR> Unsolicited response cannot occur between the ‘A’ and <CR>
<CR><LF> Unsolicited response will not occur here unless otherwise documented
OK<CR><LF> Unsolicited response can occur here
Multi-Tech supports only the AT commands listed in this document. Other AT commands may be functional as a
result of the baseline code, but they will not be supported by Multi-Tech. The status of undocumented
commands should not be assumed. We recommend that only the listed AT commands be used in a host
Note: The test command option associated with AT commands may also be present for a large percentage of
the AT commands.
Command Types
Terminology used to describe AT command communication
Term Definition
AT Command This is referred to as a command from the host application to modem with a
request to perform a service.
Result Code This is an immediate response to a command, informing the host application
whether the execution of the command succeeded or failed. The strings “OK” or
“ERROR” are the only two Result Codes available. A result code is always returned
after an AT command has been sent to the modem.
Extended Reason Code If enabled, (see AT+CMEE), the modem may respond with a result code of either
+CME ERROR: or +CMS ERROR followed by a reason code rather than a result
code of ERROR.
Response A response contains data that has been requested via an AT command. A
response is returned before the result code of the command. A response is
provided only when the result code is OK.
Unsolicited Response An unsolicited response is sent by modem when a specific event occurs. Some
unsolicited responses can be turned on and off via AT commands. Some
unsolicited responses are always enabled or turned on.
AT Commands Types
Command Type Definition
Action Command Action commands are used to perform a function. Typically, action commands are used
to change the value of a setting in modem, send data, or perform advanced queries
that require input data.
Read Command Read commands typically end with a “?”. Most read commands do not have any input
parameters; however, in some cases an input parameter provides options for the
response format. The read commands are used for reading values of certain settings in
the modem.
Test Command Test commands are not supported in the C1 modem.
Command-Line Editing
The character defined by the command ATS5, (default: backspace [IA5 0x08]) is intended to be interpreted as a
request from the host application to the modem to delete the previous character.
Any control characters (IA5 0x00 through 0x1F, inclusive) that remain in the command line after receipt of the
termination character are ignored by the modem.
Before checking for other characters, the modem checks characters from the host application to see if they
match the termination character (S3), then it checks to see if they match the editing character (S5). This ensures
that these characters will be properly recognized even if they are set to values that the modem uses for other
purposes. If S3 and S5 are set to the same value, a matching character will be treated as matching S3 (S3 is
checked before S5).
Other Syntax
Syntax Definition
<> Name enclosed in angle brackets is a syntactical element. Do not use the angle brackets when
entering a command line.
[] Square brackets are used to indicate an optional parameter of a command or an optional part of a
response. Do not use the brackets when entering a command.
Note: Commas separating parameters are usually NOT optional when delimiting a list of “optional”
parameters. The commas are necessary to provide parameter matching with the modem parser.
Parameter Defaults
When applicable, this document identifies default parameter values. Note that within the modem, parameter
values can be either persistent or not persistent. Parameter settings that are NOT persistent are not saved over
a power cycle; therefore, for every power cycle this type of parameter will be reset back to a predefined value.
This predefined value is the listed default.
Values that are persistent are in fact saved over a power cycle. Therefore, the value when the modem is
powered on will be set to the value during the previous power cycle. The default value that is listed for
persistent parameters is the value the modem defaults to when the modem is created at the factory.
Attention AT
Description: This two-character command prefix is used to alert the modem software that a command has
been entered for processing. This prefix must be included in all commands unless otherwise
noted. When entered alone, the modem responds with OK to signify it is ready to process
Syntax: AT
Command Possible Responses
Echo E
Description: This command is used to determine whether or not the modem echoes characters received by
an external application (DTE). This is a standard Hayes modem AT command.
Syntax: ATE
Command Possible Responses
Note: Characters are not echoed Note: Done
Note: Characters are echoed Note: Done
Syntax: AT+WPRI?
Command Possible Responses
AT+WPRI? +WPRI: Version 1
Note: Request current PRI version OK
Note: Request current PRI edition Note: PRI request invalid because there’s no PRI loaded.
Values: The serial number is fifteen digits in length and the breakdown of the string is as follows:
Digits Meaning
AA Wireless modem type
B Year built
CC Week built
DDDDD Unit number
EE Bench number
FFF Part Number
Description: This command is used to restore the factory settings from NV memory. This is a standard Hayes®
modem AT command.
See Appendix "Effects of AT&W, ATZ and AT&F
Note: There is a remote chance of NV memory corruption if a reset or power loss
occurs during the processing of this command. Only use this command during
the initial setup of the operating characteristics.
Syntax: AT&F
Command Possible Responses
Note: Command valid, modem resets
A combination (addition of the values) is used to allow more than one indication
0 ≤ Ind Level ≤ 32767.
For example: 128 (network lost indication) + 64 (network service available
indication) = 192.
The response is OK if the values are in the previous range.
The following table indicates the correspondences between <InLevel> values and “+WIND:
<event> […]” indications that are activated.
<IndLevel> Value Corresponding <event>
1 0 and 1
2 2
4 3
8 4
16 5
32 6
64 7
128 8
256 9
512 10
1024 11
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. CDMA C1 AT Commands Reference Guide 23
Chapter 7 – Status Commands
<err> Meaning
28-29 Reserved
30 No network service
31 Reserved
32 Network not allowed – Emergency Calls only
33-40 Reserved
41 Software resource not available
42 Invalid parameter
43 Non-Volatile Memory failure
45 Invalid WSPC provisioning code
46 OTKSL provisioning code access restricted
47-49 Reserved
50 Session already in progress
51 Invalid PD parameter
52 PD parameter not supported
53 Tracking mode requires +WPDFR setup
54 No active session
55-147 Reserved
148 Unsupported serial port baud rate
149 Socket transmit timeout
150-239 Reserved
240 FDN is active and number is not in FDN
241-299 Reserved
300-399 See CMS Errors
400-499 Reserved
500 unknown error.
502-512 Reserved
513 Lower layer failure (for SMS)
514 Reserved
515 Please wait. Initialization or command processing in progress.
516-518 Reserved
519 Reset the product to activate or change a new echo cancellation.
520-530 Reserved
531 Only FDN phonebook entries can be sent when the FD facility is enabled.
532-599 Reserved
601 PRL request invalid (no PRL)
800 WIP: Invalid option
801 WIP: Invalid option value
803 WIP: Operation not allowed in current stack state
804 WIP: Device already open
805 WIP: Network interface not established
806 WIP: Operation not allowed on bearer
808 WIP: Bearer connection failed
830 WIP: Bad index
832 WIP: Bad port number
834 WIP: Not implemented
835 WIP: Option not supported
837 WIP: Bad protocol
838 WIP: No sockets available
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. CDMA C1 AT Commands Reference Guide 25
Chapter 7 – Status Commands
<err> Meaning
840 WIP: Socket in use
842 WIP: Destination Unreachable
844 WIP: Stack Already Started
850 WIP: Unknown error
860 WIP: Undefined protocol, Internal error
863 WIP: Protocol delete error
864 WIP: Protocol list error
Error Codes:
<err> Meaning
300-301 Reserved
302 Operation not allowed
303 Operation not supported
304 Invalid mode parameter
305 Invalid text mode parameter
306-320 Reserved
321 Invalid memory index
322-339 Reserved
340 No +CNMA acknowledgement expected
341 Non Volatile Memory failure
342-399 Reserved
Values: <Tx>
0 None Transmit data flow control disabled.
1 XON/XOFF Not Supported. Remove Xon (0x19) and Xoff (0x17) characters
from data stream.
2 Hardware Use RTS (Request To Send) signal (default)
3 XON/XOFF Not Supported. Leave Xon (0x19) and Xoff (0x17) characters in
data stream.
0 None Receive data flow control disabled.
1 XON/XOFF Not Supported. Remove Xon (0x19) and Xoff (0x17) characters
from data stream.
2 Hardware Use CTS (Clear To Send) signal (default)
Values: <n>
0 The DTR signal is ignored.
1 Enter online command state following ON-to-OFF transition of circuit 108/2. Data call
remains active.
2 Enter AT command state following ON-to-OFF transition of circuit 108/2. Data call is
terminated. (Default)
Note: All open sockets are automatically closed prior to terminating the data call.
512-2048 Specifies the maximum number of dictionary entries that should be negotiated.
Default is 2048.
6 Specifies the maximum string length to be negotiated. Default is 6.
Automatic Answer S0
Description: This S0 (zero) S-register parameter determines and controls the product automatic answering
mode. The setting is not persistent.
Use AT&W to save this value to the NVRAM. To restore the default value, use AT&F.
Syntax: ATS0=<value>
Command Possible Responses
Note: Automatic answer after 2 rings
ATS0? 002
Note: Current value Note: always 3 characters padded with
Note: No automatic answer
Values: <value> (0-255)
0 No automatic answer. (Default)
1-255 Answers after the specified number of rings
Description: This command defines the DTMF pulse width for both burst and continuous DTMF. The value is
not persistent.
Syntax: ATS11=<value>
Command Possible Responses
ATS11=150 OK
Values: <value> Value range
50 – 149 Burst DTMF time of 95ms digit time with 60ms inter-digit time (Default)
150 – 199 Burst DTMF time of 150ms digit time with 100ms inter-digit time
200 – 249 Burst DTMF time of 200ms digit time with 150ms inter-digit time
250 Burst DTMF time of 250ms digit time with 200ms inter-digit time
251 – 255 Continue DTMF in ms – Equation: (value-250) x 1000
Dial Command D
Description: The ATD command is used to originate a voice or data call. For a data call, the application sends
the following ASCII string to the product:
where <nb> is the destination phone number.
Note: ATD<nb> is followed by PPP session startup and negotiation. Standard PPP
packets are HDLC formatted. A packet data call is terminated by de-assertion of
the DTR signal to the modem. See the AT&D command.
Command is not valid for Multi-Tech UIP devices when in a AT+WOPEN=1 state.
For a voice call, the application sends the following ASCII string to the product:
where <nb> is the dialing string or destination phone number, followed by a
“;”. The dialing string may contain characters “0-9”,”#”,”*” only.
Note that some countries may have specific numbering rules for their CDMA handset
If a call, voice or data, is already in progress, initiating a dial will return an ERROR.
The dial sequence is responsible for handling emergency calls. It is the host application's
responsibility to tear down a data call if an outgoing emergency call has been initiated.
The response to the ATD command is one of the following:
Verbose Result Numeric Code Description
Code (with ATV0 set)
OK 0 Command executed (voice)
ERROR Call already in progress
CONNECT 10,11,12,13,14,1 If the call succeeds, for data calls only, <speed> takes
<speed> 5 the value negotiated by the product
BUSY 7 If the called party is already in communication
NO ANSWER 8 If no hang up is detected after a fixed network time-out
NO CARRIER 3 Call setup failed or remote user release
NO DIALTONE 6 Voice call with missing “;”
Direct Dial
Syntax: ATD<nb>[;]
Command Possible Responses
ATD18005551212; OK
Note: Attempt a Note: Command executed
voice call. +WORG:18005551212
Note: Voice call origination sent to Base Station with dial string
+WCNT: 9
Note: Call Connected, CDMA traffic channel established with service
option 9. You can now hear audio of the calling party’s phone ringing.
However, this event does not mean the other calling party has
ATD5551212; OK
Note: Example of Note: Command executed
a failed voice call +WORG:5551212
attempt. Note: Voice call origination sent to Base Station with dialing string
+WEND: 3
Note: Call Attempt failed/ended. Reason 22, signal faded.
To receive +WCNT, +WORG, and +WEND unsolicited responses, set AT+WUSLMSK to enable
Hang-Up Command H
Description: The ATH (or ATH0) command is used by the application to disconnect the remote user. In the
case of multiple calls, all calls are released (active, on-hold and waiting calls).
Syntax: ATH
Command Possible Responses
Note: Ask for disconnection +WEND: 29
Note: Every call, if any, is released
To receive +WEND unsolicited responses, use the AT+WUSLMSK command to enable them.
Answer a Call A
Description: When the product receives a call, it sets the RingInd signal and sends the ASCII RING or +CRING:
<type> string to the application (+CRING if the cellular result code +CRC is enabled). Then it
waits for the application to accept the call with the ATA command.
Syntax: ATA
Command Possible Responses
Note: Incoming call
Note: Answer to this incoming call +WCNT: 10
Note: Call accepted
Note: Disconnect call +WEND: 29
Note: Call disconnected
To receive +WCNT and +WEND unsolicited responses, use the AT+WUSLMSK command to
enable them.
To receive +CLIP unsolicited response, set the AT+WUSLMSK command to enable the response.
Result Example
+CCWA: 18005551212,129
Note: Incoming call from 1-800-555-1212, type always equals 129.
Values: <caller_id> Calling Line Identification Presentation
<type> Always 129 for this response
ATD18005551212;132- OK
+WORG: 18005551212
+WPRV: 1
+WCNT: 3
Note: Voice Privacy is now ON
AT+WPRV? +WPRV: <voice privacy level>
Note: Request current privacy setting OK
Note: <voice privacy level> defined below
Values: <voice privacy level>
0 normal privacy
1 enhanced privacy (Default)
To receive +WPRV, +WORG, &+WCNT unsolicited responses, set the AT+WUSLMSK command to
enable the responses.
0 CPHS feature disabled
1 CPHS feature enabled
To receive +WVMI unsolicited response, set the AT+WUSLMSK command to enable the
Values: <number> The phone number to which all calls are forwarded.
To receive unsolicited responses, set the AT+WUSLMSK command to enable the responses.
For 3-way calls, initiate the first call to party # 1 (see ATD). Then send a flash with information
(AT+WFSH=18005551212) to initiate a call to party # 2; party # 1 will automatically be placed on
hold. The “information” is the phone number of party # 2. Once a conversation with party # 2 is
established, send a regular flash (AT+WFSH) to connect all 3 parties. Send another flash
(AT+WFSH) to disconnect party # 2, or End call (see ATH) to end the call with all parties.
Syntax: AT+WFSH
AT+WFSH= < phone_number > (for a flash with information)
result Syntax: +WFSH (confirms a flash was sent to the base station)
Command Possible Responses
ATD8585551212; OK
Note: Make a voice call +WORG:8585551212
+WCNT:3 Note: Conversation…
Note: Indication of another incoming call
Note: Send a flash to the Base Station (toggle to +WFSH
the second call).
Note: Flash sent to the Base Station. Call
Note: Conversation with second call. to the second call. However, this is not
100% guaranteed because there is no
confirmation from the Base Station.
Note: Send a flash to the Base Station (toggle to +WFSH
the first call). Note: Flash sent to the Base Station. Call
switches to the first call. However, this is
not 100% guaranteed because there is no
confirmation from the Base Station.
Note: Release all calls Note: All Calls End
AT+WFSH=6195552121 OK
Note: Place first call on hold, connect to second +WFSH
party. Note Modem now places first call on hold
and attempts connection to second call.
Note: Connect all 3 parties. Note: All 3 parties now connected.
Note: Disconnect second party,
connected to first party only.
Note: Indication of another incoming
Note: Send DTMF tone associated with the value of
Note: Release all calls +WEND: 29
Note: All calls end
Values: <tone> 0-9, *, #
To receive unsolicited responses, set the AT+WUSLMSK command to enable the responses.
Syntax: +CREG: <mode>, <stat>
Command Possible Responses
AT+CREG=0 +CREG: 0,1
Note: Disable network registration OK
unsolicited result code. Note: Command valid
AT+CREG=1 +CREG: 1,1
Note: Enable network registration OK
unsolicited result code Note: Command valid
Note: Unsolicited enabled, MS currently roaming.
AT+CREG=? +CREG: (0-1)
Note: 0,1 <mode> values are supported
Note: Example of the unsolicited result +CREG: 2
code. MS is searching for a base station.
Values: <mode>
0 Disable network registration unsolicited result code (default)
1 Enable network registration unsolicited code result code +CREG: <stat>
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. CDMA C1 AT Commands Reference Guide 51
Chapter 10 – Network Service Commands
To receive +CREG unsolicited responses, set the AT+WUSLMSK command to enable the
Values: <indicator>
3-255 Index number identifying the roaming indicator entry.
<icon image>
0 Standard Roam Icon On
1 Roam Icon Off
2 Standard Roam Icon Flashing
3-15 Verizon defined custom icon image. Refer to <icon mode> to determine the
display state of the icon.
<icon mode> Verizon defined value that specifies how a custom icon image is displayed. This
value is only applicable when <icon image> is greater than 2.
0 Custom Icon On
1 Custom Icon Flashing
<call prompt>
0-3 Verizon defined value that identifies the Call Prompt displayed for each roaming
indicator. This field is set to a value of 0 when no call prompt is used. Note that
this field is currently not implemented in the Verizon user interface specs, but it
may be used in the future.
<alert/call id>
0-7 Verizon defined value that identifies the Alert Sound that is used for the
indicator. This value reflects the Alert Sound ID that the mobile annunciates to
the end user.
<chari type>
0-31 Character Encoding Type identifies the character code table used for the <text>
field. (Usually set to 2.)
<text> Verizon defined variable length field that contains the text data used for the
banner. The text is in the format specified in the Character Encoding Type. The
text field is limited to a 32 character maximum length.
<band_class> values are 0 for cellular band (800 MHz) or 1 for PCS band (1900 MHz).
The value displayed for <Ec/Io> is the index of the Active set in 0.5dB steps from 0 (0dB) to 63 (-
31.5dB). For example: 0 = 0dB, 1 = 0.5dB, 2 = 1dB, … 62 = 31dB, 63 = 31.5dB. The value displayed
for <Rx power>, <Tx power>, and <Tx Adj> is in units of dBm.
If the <requested dump> parameter is not specified, the <requested dump> value from the most
recent invocation of the +CCED command with an explicit <requested dump> value will be used.
If no previous +CCED <requested dump> value is available, a value of 9 (8 and 1) will be used.
For <requested dump> 8, the information is output using the unsolicited +CSQ response. The
07.07 format of the +CSQ response is respected. Automatic snapshots are supported in idle
mode and during communication.
Either or both the +CCED and +CSQ responses are used for automatic snapshot output
depending upon the <requested dump> value at the time the snapshot activation was
AT+WSPC=1,000000 OK
Note: Enter service programming code. The
SPC code for your modem may be different
Updating the first entry in the SID/NID list will update the A/B side setting with odd SID for A
side and even SID for B side.
AT$WEMER=[<num1>],[<num2>],[<num3>] OK
Note: Sets the emergency numbers
Values: <num1> – <num3> 1 to 32 numerical digits. Numbers not being changed can be omitted and
delimited with commas.
Example: AT$WEMER=,,1234567‖ changes only <num3> and leaves <num1> and <num2> as previously
AT$WEMER=1234567‖changes only <num1> and leave <num2> and <num3+> as previously set.
Possible Responses
+WOT3: “Programming Unsuccessful”
Possible Responses
+WOTC: “Commit Successful”
Possible Responses
+WOTI: “IMSI Download OK”
100 Continue
101 Switching Protocols
200 OK
201 Created
202 Accepted
203 Non-Authoritative Information
204 No Content
205 Reset Content
206 Partial Content
300 Multiple Choices
301 Moved Permanently
302 Found
303 See Other
304 Not Modified
305 Use Proxy
307 Temporary Redirect
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
402 Payment Required
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
405 Method Not Allowed
406 Not Acceptable
407 Proxy Authentication Required
408 Request Time-out
409 Conflict
410 Gone
411 Length Required
412 Precondition Failed
413 Request Entity Too Large
414 Request-URI Too Large
415 Unsupported Media Type
416 Requested range not correct
417 Expectation Failed
500 Internal Server Error
501 Not Implemented
502 Bad Gateway
503 Service Unavailable
504 Gateway Time-out
505 HTTP Version not supported
Note: If no session was made with the server, AT+WDSE only returns OK response,
without any +WDSE: <HTTP Status> response.
Syntax: AT+WDSR=<Reply>[,<Timer>]
Command Possible Responses
AT+WDSR=? +WDSR: (0-5),(0-1440)
Note: A delay (10 minutes) is requested to a Note: the WDSI request for package installation
firmware installation request. will be re-issued 10 minutes later.
Note: Refuse the package download.
Values: <Reply> Reply to a user agreement request from the modem. (Refer to the +WDSI
command description.)
0 Delay or refuse the connection to the server
1 Accept the connection to the server
2 Delay or refuse the download
3 Accept the download (download now)
4 Accept the install (Install now)
5 Delay the install (Install later)
<Timer> Timer until a new User agreement request is returned by the modem. This
parameter is only available for <Reply>=0, 2 and 5.
Units: minutes (0-1440). When this value is not filled, a default value is set to 30
minutes later. Value 0 indicates that the application refuses the user agreement (impossible for
Storage: No parameter storage.
Availability: This command is not available when the modem is provisioned for Sprint.
Results: OK when the command is proceed correctly.
+CME ERROR: 3 when the parameter is out of range.
Syntax: AT+WDSW=<Operation>,<Action>
Command Possible Responses
Note: Clear auto-registration complete
Note: Mark auto-registration complete
AT+WDSW? +WDSW: 12,1
Note: Display auto-registration state Note: Auto-registration is complete
AT+WDSW? +WDSW: 12,0
Note: Display auto-registration state Note: Auto-registration is
Values: <Operation>
12 Auto-registration. This operation allows auto-registration status to be set or
cleared. The Service Provisioning Code must be entered using the +WSPC
command prior to attempting to set or clear auto-registration.
0 Clear auto-registration. Auto-registration will be attempted after the next
power cycle.
1 Mark auto-registration complete. No further auto-registration attempts will be
Storage: Parameters are stored in flash without using the AT&W command. AT&F has no effect on these
The <length> parameter is optional, it is used to set the length of the text string. When <length>
is specified, the CMGS command will only process the number of bytes specified by <length>
regardless of whether it contains <ctrl-Z>, <ESC>, or <backspace> characters.
The <priority>, <privacy>, <reply option>, and <cbn> parameters are optional. Defaults are used
when not specified.
The +CMGS: <mr> unsolicited message and OK response indicate that the +CMGS command has
been accepted without errors and an attempt to deliver the SMS to the network is being made.
We recommend that +CDS: unsolicited messages are enabled using the AT+CNMI command.
+CDS: indicates that the message has been received by the network and the network is
delivering the SMS or there is an error in attempting to send the SMS. Attempting to send a
second SMS prior to the +CDS: unsolicited message will result in an error.
AT+CMGL=”READ” +CMGL: 2,”REC READ”,”8585551212”,1,2,9<CR><LF>
Note: List read messages in Keep cool
text mode OK
AT+CMGL=”ALL” +CMGL: 1,”REC UNREAD”,”8585551212”,
1,2,15<CR><LF>Unread message!
Values: <mem1> Memory area to be used to list, read and delete messages. It can be:
“MT” SMS Mobile Terminated message storage in NV (default)
Each reported memory area includes information about current used & total
storage locations. When <mem1> is selected, all following +CMGL, +CMGR and
+CMGD commands are related to the type of SMS stored in this memory.
<used> The number of used storage locations in the reported area.
<total> The total number of available storage locations.
<bfr> Since <mode> cannot be changed, this parameter is no longer used, but these
values are still accepted for legacy purposes.
0 TA buffer of unsolicited result codes defined within this command is flushed to
the TE when <mode> 1…3 is entered (OK response shall be given before flushing
the codes)
1 TA buffer of unsolicited result codes defined within this command is cleared
when <mode> 1…3 is entered.
1 – Interactive
2 – Urgent
3 – Emergency
Code Description
96 Unexpected parameter size
97 SMS Origination denied
98 SMS Termination denied
99 Supplementary service not supported
100 SMS not supported
101 Reserved
102 Missing expected parameters
103 Missing mandatory parameters
104 Unrecognized parameter value
105 Unexpected parameter value
106 User data size error
107-255 No acknowledgement / Unknown error
General Codes
32768 SMS OK. Message successfully transmitted/received
32770 Out of resources
32771 Message too large for access channel
32772 Message too large for dedicated channel
32773 Network not ready
32774 Phone not ready
32775 Not allowed in AMPS
32776 Cannot send broadcast
To receive +WMGF unsolicited response, set the AT+WUSLMSK command to enable the
Tuning Audio
Audio parameters need to be set for each device connected to the audio sub-system. The audio parameters are
saved independently for the audio path: Analog 2. Tune the audio parameters using the procedures detailed
1. Select the relevant audio path, and issue the AT+VIP command the set the audio parameters to their default
2. Set +MGE so that the microphone output plus MGE gain is 23dB to 25dB below 2.828Vpp.
3. Make a voice call.
4. Adjust +VGT to appropriate levels.
5. Adjust +VGR to appropriate levels.
Values: <Gain>
0 -84db
1 -80dB
2 -76dB
3 -72dB
4 -68dB
5 -64dB
6 -60dB
7 -56dB
8 -52dB
9 -48dB
10 -44dB
11 -40dB
12 -36dB
13 -32dB
14 -28dB
15 -24dB
16 -20dB
17 -16dB
18 -12dB
19 -8dB
20 -4dB
21 0dB
22 +4dB default
23 +8dB
24 +12dB
If no argument is supplied to the command, the default value is assumed. The configuration is
saved immediately. See the Audio Overview section for more information.
Values: <Gain>
0 -84db
1 -80dB
2 -76dB
3 -72dB
4 -68dB
5 -64dB
6 -60dB
7 -56dB
8 -52dB
9 -48dB
10 -44dB
11 -40dB
12 -36dB
13 -32dB
14 -28dB
15 -24dB
16 -20dB
17 -16dB
18 -12dB
19 -8dB
20 -4dB
21 0dB
22 +4dB default
23 +8dB
24 +12dB
If no argument is supplied to the command, the default value is assumed. The configuration is
saved immediately. See the Audio Overview section for more information.
Values: <Level>
0 -84dB (no output)
1 -32dB
2 -28dB
3 -24dB
4 -20dB
5 -16dB
6 -12dB
7 -8dB
8 -4dB
9 0dB (default)
10 4dB
11 8dB
12 12dB
If no argument is supplied to the command, the default value is assumed. The configuration is
saved immediately. See the Audio Overview section for more information.
The +CLVL gain value is added onto the +WDGR gain. Depending on the gain setting of +WDGR,
the full range of the +CLVL command may not be realized.
Example: If +WDGR is set to +12dB gain, the +CLVL command cannot add any more positive gain. Setting
the +CLVL command to +12dB gain would not yield a total of +24dB gain, since the gain stage
can only supply a maximum of +12dB gain.
The following formulas govern the total digital receive gain:
Total Gain = (WDGR Gain + CLVL Gain)
-84dB <= Total Gain <= +12dB
Values: <protocol>
2 TCP client
1-8 Socket or session identifier
+WIPERROR error codes and their descriptions are shown below.
<error> Meaning
100 Invalid socket descriptor
103 Address family not supported
107 No more sockets available for opening
108 Operation not supported
109 Address already in use
110 Destination address required
113 IP address changed, causing TCP reset
114 Socket not connected
115 Connection attempt refused
116 Connection attempt timed out
117 Connection reset
118 Connection aborted
119 Broken pipe
120 Network subsystem unavailable
124 Invalid operation
125 Domain Name Error or Host not found
126 Domain Name not found
127 Network is not opened
129 The DNS resolve system is already in use or Temporary error
133 No address for the domain name
201 Network subsystem establishment in progress
202 Network subsystem unavailable
203 PPP is closing
Syntax: AT+WIPPEERCLOSE=<protocol>,<index>
Possible Responses
Note: TCP socket index 3 is closed
Values: <protocol>
2 TCP Client
1-8 Socket or session identifier
This chapter described how to use many of the features supported by CDMA C1 devices. Earlier chapters
focused on AT command syntax and function. This chapter focuses on using the commands and how they relate
to each other.
Each scenario lists the AT commands that are used in the examples. You should be familiar with the command
descriptions before studying examples. The user scenarios are a supplement to the AT command references and
do not include all necessary details.
Note: Whether or not the unsolicited responses indicated in these scenarios appear on your device depends
on the setting of the +WUSLMSK mask.
Call Processing
Call Origination
Use the ATD command to originate calls.
Hang Up Call
To terminate calls either use the ATH command or negate the modem signal DTR on UART1. See the AT&D
command for more information.
116 Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. CDMA C1 AT Commands Reference Guide
Chapter 19 – Host Application Scenarios
+WCNT: 6
+WEND: 29
on-line data mode, allowing the single serial channel to carry both AT commands and application data. The
device allows both TCP and UDP connections.
IS-95A IS-95A is a CDMA standard with improved voice quality. IS-95A defines what generally is
known as cdmaOne, which supports voice and 14.4 Kbps data rates. This standard is widely
used throughout the world.
IS-95B CDMA standard contains Medium Data Rate capabilities and bug fixes for system access
failures. It is considered a 2.5G system. It supports data rates up to 115 Kbps.
IS-2000 The first 3G CDMA standard based on IS-95B. It contains a significant increase in voice
capacity and high-speed data rates. It is backward compatible with IS-95B and IS-95A.
IS-707 TIA/EIA/IS-707 describes data services available on wideband spread spectrum systems. It is
organized into a series of related recommendations, some of which address functions
common to all CDMA data services and others that describe a specific data service.
IWF Interworking Function. A process that acts as a gateway or interface between two or more
communication components. For example, an IWF is used to interface wireless CDMA
networks and wire line PSTN or packet-data networks.
LAPM Link Access Procedure for Modems. An error control protocol defined in the ITU-T
recommendations V.42. Like the MNP protocols, LAPM uses cyclic redundancy checking
(CRC) and retransmission of corrupted data (ARQ) to ensure data reliability.
MCC Mobile Country Code is a pre-defined 3-digit number that represents a country in the IMSI.
MDN MDN stands for the 10 digit Mobile Data Number or the mobile phone number.
MIN MIN stands for the 10 digit Mobile Identification Number or mobile user account number.
The first three digits also known as MIN2. Last seven digits also known as MIN1
MNC MNC stands for Mobile Network Code, a pre-defined 2-digital number that represents a sub-
network in the IMSI (usually set to “00”).
MO Mobile Originated, an action (usually a call) that is first started from the phone. An outgoing
call or SMS.
MS Mobile Station. The term MS is commonly used to represent the phone or mobile.
MT MT stands for Mobile Terminated. MT is an action, usually a call that is first started from a
land based network. An incoming call or SMS.
MSM MSM stands for Mobile Station Modem.
NAM NAM stands for Number Assignment Modem. The NAM is collection of internal parameters
that define a working phone for a given network (phone number, access parameters, etc.).
NID NID stands for Network ID. The NID is an identification number that represents geographic
location of a common coverage area; but is a subset of the SID, usually a neighborhood in a
large city. Also see SID.
NVRAM NVRAM stands for Non-Volatile Random Access Memory. NVRAM is a data storage device
that does not lose its data when power is turned off.
OTAPA Over The Air Parameter Administration. It is an automatic update in internal software
parameters (PRL for example) by means of a specially defined CDMA data call that is mobile
terminated (MT).
OTASP Over The Air Service Programming. It is an automatic update in internal software
parameters PRL; for example, PRL by means of a specially defined CDMA data call that is
mobile terminated (MT).
OTKSL One-Time Keypad Subsidy Lock.
PD Position Determination. Process by which the mobile GPS position is obtained.
PDU Protocol Data Unit. It is a GSM SMS standard whereby any type of binary data can be
transported via an SMS message. In the CDMA system, the PDU mode will not be supported;
instead, the Unicode format message is supported.
PN Offset Pseudorandom Noise Offset. In a CDMA network the PN offset is a variable time delay
offset of a repeating random noise generator that is used to distinguish individual sectors of
a base station.
P-REV The CDMA revision of the mobile or base station.
PRI Provisioning Information. Provisioning Information is your cellular network carrier’s profile
of information that must be programmed into your cellular modem in order for it to operate
on the carrier’s cellular network.
PRL Preferred Roaming List. The Roaming List is provided by the cellular network carrier during
the process of provisioning your SocketModem. The PRL is a list of cellular service provider’s
preferred roaming partners.
PSTN Public Switching Telephone Network. It is the traditional telephone network.
RF Radio Frequency.
RSSI Receive Signal Strength Indicator. This parameter represents the total RF received signal
power from the base station(s) the mobile sees.
R-UIM Removable User Identity SocketModem. The R-UIM is similar to a SIM (Subscriber Identity
SocketModem), but it is designed for networks other than GSM (Global System for Mobile
Telecommunications); i.e., networks such as CDMA.
The R-UIM card contains user information and data features on a removable smart card
about the size of a postage stamp. It is a dual-mode solution that can store both GSM
provisioning and CDMA provisioning on a single card. When used with a GSM handset, the
R-UIM operates like a GSM SIM.
SID System ID. The SID is an identification number that represents geographic locations of a
common coverage area, usually a large city. Also see NID.
SIM Subscriber Identity SocketModem. A SIM card is a portable memory chip. The SIM holds
personal identity information, cell phone number, phone book, text messages and other
SMS Short Messaging Service. A supplementary service capable of sending and receiving short
length text messages to/from the mobile.
SREJ Selective Reject. An optional feature of V.42 which enhances data throughput on noisy
connections. As data blocks are sent out, the remote side acknowledges only after an
agreed upon number of blocks are received (window size). If any block is received bad, the
sender is notified of the rejected bad block so it can be retransmitted.
TA/TE Terminal Application/Terminal Equipment. This is the end “device” (combination of
hardware and software) that communicates with a modem via a serial link. In this context, it
is the device (PDA/Computer) connected to the modem. Also see DTE.
TON/NPI Type of Number/Numbering Plan Identification.
V24-V25 A data compression algorithm.
V42 A data compression algorithm.
$ +CNMI New Message Indication .................................... 82
$QCMIP R-SCH IP Selection ............................................98 +CNUM Subscriber Number .......................................... 19
$QCMIPEP Current Active Profile ..................................99 +CPAS Phone Activity Status .......................................... 27
$QCMIPGETP Return Profile Information ......................99 +CPHS CPHS Command .................................................. 43
$QCMIPNAI Set NAI for Active Profile .........................100 +CRC Cellular Result Codes ............................................ 26
$QCMIPP MIP Selection .................................................98 +CREG Network Registration & Roaming ...................... 51
$QCQNC Quick Net Connect ..........................................97 +CREG Network Registration & Roaming Unsolicited
Response ..................................................................... 52
$QCSO Set Data Service Option .....................................97
+CRM Set Rm Interface Protocol ................................... 50
+CSQ Signal Quality ........................................................ 50
&C Data Carrier Detect Signal ........................................29
+CSS Serving System ...................................................... 49
&D Data Terminal Ready Signal .....................................29
+DR Data Compression V.42bis Report ......................... 31
&F Restore Factory Settings ...........................................21
+ECHO Echo Cancellation .............................................. 94
&S Set Data Set Ready Signal .........................................30
+GCAP Capabilities List .................................................. 19
&T Audio Loopback ........................................................96
+IFC Local Flow Control.................................................. 28
&V Display Configuration ...............................................20
+IPR Fixed DTE Rate ....................................................... 28
&W Save Configuration ..................................................21
+MGE Microphone Gain Enable .................................... 88
+ +RING Incoming Call ...................................................... 38
+ WSID SID and NID .......................................................64 +SIDET Side Tone Modification ...................................... 93
+CCED Cell Environment & RxLev Indication .................57 +SPEAKER Speaker & Microphone Selection ................. 88
+CCFC Call Forwarding ...................................................45 +VGR Speaker Gain Control ........................................... 90
+CCWA Call Waiting Indication ......................................38 +VGT Microphone Gain .................................................. 89
+CDS SMS Status Report ................................................85 +VTS Send DTMF Tones ................................................. 47
+CFUN Set Phone Functionality .....................................20 +W32K 32kHz Sleep Mode ........................................... 112
+CGMI Manufacturer Identification ..............................18 +WANS Call Answered ................................................... 41
+CGMM Request Model ID (Frequency Bands ..............18 +WBND Band Preference ............................................... 53
+CGMR Request Revision Identification ........................17 +WCHD Hang-Up 1x Data .............................................. 31
+CGSN Electronic Serial Number ...................................17 +WCMT Commit Changes .............................................. 61
+CLCC List Current Call State ..........................................45 +WCNT Call Connected .................................................. 41
+CLIP Caller ID Presentation Unsolicited Response .......38 +WDCB Default Cell Band .............................................. 55
+CLIP Calling Line ID Presentation .................................37 +WDGR Digital Gain Receive .......................................... 92
+CLVL Loudspeaker Volume Level .................................94 +WDGT Digital Gain Transmit ........................................ 91
+CMEE Report Mobile Equipment Errors ......................24 +WDSC Wavecom Device Services Configuration.......... 75
+CMGD Delete Message .................................................80 +WDSE Wavecom Device Services Error ........................ 69
+CMGL List Message ......................................................78 +WDSI Wavecom Device Services Indications ............... 72
+CMGR Read Message ...................................................77 +WDSR Wavecom Device Services Reply ....................... 71
+CMGS Send Message ...................................................76 +WDSS Wavecom Device Services Session .................... 69
+CMT Incoming Message Displayed ...............................83 +WDSW Wavecom Device Services Wavecom .............. 72
+CMTI Location of Stored Message ...............................83 +WEND Call Ended ......................................................... 42
+WFSH Flash Indication for +WFSH ...............................47 +WSCL SMS Language and Encoding ............................. 81
+WFSH Send Flash to Base Station ................................46 +WSOS Emergency Mode .............................................. 40
+WHWV Hardware Version ...........................................17 +WSPC Service Programming Code ............................... 60
+WIND General Indicator ...............................................22 +WSPS Query Scan Sleep State .................................... 113
+WIND General Indicator Unsolicited Message .............23 +WSPS Unsolicited Response Close Service Status ...... 113
+WIPACCEPT Service Status Unsolicited Response 2 ...106 +WSRV Service Indication .............................................. 53
+WIPBR Bearer Configuration ......................................103 +WTBMPRS Set More Preferred Rescans ...................... 52
+WIPCFG Configure TCP/IP ..........................................101 +WUSLMSK Enable/Disable Individual Unsolicited
+WIPCLOSE Closing a Service .......................................110 Message Mask Bits ...................................................... 15
Set Data Service Option $QCSO .....................................97 Subscriber Number +CNUM .......................................... 19
Set Data Set Ready (DSR) Signal &S ...............................30 T
Set More Preferred Rescans +WTBMPRS ......................52 TCP/IP Service Option Handling +WIPOPT ................... 109
Set NAI for Active Profile $QCMIPNAI .........................100 Traffic channel ................................................................ 41
Set Phone Functionality +CFUN .....................................20 U
Set Rm Interface Protocol +CRM ...................................50
Unsolicited Response Close Service Status +WSPS ...... 113
Set Voice Privacy Level +WPRV ......................................39
SID and NID +WSID ........................................................63
Voice Mail Indicator +WVMI .......................................... 44
Side Tone Modification +SIDET ......................................93
Signal Quality +CSQ ........................................................50
Signal Quality Unsolicited Response for +CSQ ................51 Wavecom Device Services Configuration +WDSC.......... 75
Sleep Mode 32kHz +W32K ...........................................112 Wavecom Device Services Error +WDSE ........................ 69
SMS Language and Encoding +WSCL .............................81 Wavecom Device Services Indications +WDSI ............... 72
SMS Message Storage Full +WMGF ...............................86 Wavecom Device Services Reply +WDSR ....................... 71
SMS Status Report +CDS ................................................85 Wavecom Device Services Session +WDSS .................... 69
Socket Data Exchange +WIPDATA ...............................108 Wavecom Device Services Wavecom +WDSW .............. 72
Speaker & Microphone Selection +SPEAKER .................88 Z
Speaker Gain Control +VGR ...........................................90 Z0 Reset Default Configuration ...................................... 21
SPL Unlocked +WOTS .....................................................67