About The Authors: Ellis M
About The Authors: Ellis M
About The Authors: Ellis M
Darwin V. Ellis is a scientific advisor at Schlumberger-Doll Joseph M. Chiaramonte is a senior research associate at
Research, Ridgefield CT. He began his career with Schlumberger Schlumberger-Doll Research, which he joined in 1982 after re-
after obtaining a PhD degree in physics and space science from ceiving an MA degree in applied mathematics from Western
Rice University. He has worked in many capacities in Schlum- Connecticut State University. Prior to Schlumberger, he devel-
berger locations in Houston, Paris, and Ridgefield in over three oped software for the Hubble Space Telescope at the Perkin-
decades of well logging research and engineering. Elmer Corporation, and, at Newmont Mining Limited, where he
In addition to engineering a density tool he has worked on was a Group Leader for Network Applications.
Monte Carlo modeling, geochemical logging, neutron and den- At Schlumberger he has primarily worked in numerical simu-
sity log interpretation, signal processing applied to nuclear logs, lation. One focus has been in numerical methods development
environmental logging, and LWD interpretation. A decade ago and application to nuclear tool modeling. He has developed and
he taught well logging classes at Stanford University for two con- employed a variety of modeling codes to help understand and
secutive winter quarters. The fruit of this labor was his well- visualize neutron and density logging tool responses to a variety
known, but difficult to find, textbook Well Loggingfor Earth Sci- of sub-surface environments from formation temperature effects
entists. to the detectability of adjacent beds.
Besides formation evaluation, Darwin has always had a very As alternatives to Monte Carlo techniques, Joseph’s particular
strong interest in applying logging technology to subsurface in- research interest is in obtaining fast forward models for nuclear
vestigation in general, and has attempted to convince the environ- logging tools sufficiently accurate to provide near real-time inter-
mental monitoring sector that logging can actually be used to pretation capability. He is the author or co-author of 28 internal
replace sampling for determining some subsurface properties of company reports and 10 external articles, and is a member of the
interest. In 1996, he was a recipient of the SPWLA Distinguished American Nuclear Society.
Technical Achievement Award. Joseph can be reached at Schlumberger-Doll Research, Old
Darwin Ellis can be reached at Schlumberger-Doll Research, Quarry Road, Ridgefield, CT 06877.
Old Quarry Road, Ridgefield, CT 06877.