Communication Skills
Communication Skills
Communication Skills
Roll: 149
1.1 Question
Intercultural Communication
Communication means exchange of information between two individuals and intercultural
communication is basically a communication between two people whose cultural background
is different OR Intercultural communication is the way toward sending and accepting
messages between individuals whose cultural background could lead them to decipher non
verbal ques and verbal messages in an unexpected way
Every endeavor or plan to send and get messages is affected by culture so to convey message
or information effectively you may be required a basic grasp of the cultural variations you will
experience and how you deal with them.
Acceptable dress
Decision making
Time has a very much important role when we are discussing about communication.
For example
In Asian mostly restaurants are closed after midnight and in Europe restaurants are
open till morning.
Space is the term that how close may stranger stand to you
In America people fell in rude or intrusive in the concept of office space differ but in
the third-world countries Many people use same cabin for office same chairs and
sometimes same table
Food is a good concept while hosting or visiting different places and it has also cultural
differences like Some people eat meat and some are vegetarians Also Eating food with
a Pork is prohibited in Middle Eastern countries But On the other hand Pork is a path of
the Asian diet
Acceptable Dress
The Dress that we wear has importance when it comes to communication. While you
are in Presentaion you always try to wear best dress to have a good impression
In different countries dress code is different like in tribal areas of wearing pants shirts
are avoided and considered bad dress code but in Europe it is a common dress that
everyone wears
Manners also have a important role in communication so a person should be aware of
manners of cultural to whom he is communicating.
In many cultures they observe children behavior and learn the behavioral habits of
In Asia and middle east junior becomes silent when senior enters. Like Children hugs
you in japan while in Germany they shake hands
Decision Making
People of united states are known as are typecast as moving too quickly in asking for a
In the world some cultures emphasize solving the problems on the other hand other
countries focus on accepting situations as they actually are The United States falls in
to the former category Thailand and Indonesia fall into the latter category
After visiting the companies in other countries it is observed that Many managers in foreign factories
are not very well educated or they are very much educated. While you are interacting with someone
you must have to be aware of the fact about the education level of the other person because
communication a lot depends on education.
Accessibility of capital and transportation and the way of life per capita differ from one country to
another. The chance to acquire cash the pace of swelling and the trade rates impact business and a
country's capacity to convey that business.
Politics also effect our communication when we are doing business with our company can result
even in personal harm. Concepts of democracy will vary as interpreted in Korea, the Philippines, or
Great Britain The sweeping political changes in Eastern Europe and its altered concepts of
government will effect future business WORLD WIDE For the measurement of potential political
instability, there are classic indices and research studies that monitor the events such as
antigovernment demonstrations, arrests, assassinations, elections, exile, general strikes, guerrilla
warfare, government crises, purges, revolutions and riots, which, determines the stability of a
In various ways any national environment constraints-education law and regulations economics,
Politics, religion- affect a nation’s social Norms. • In many countries a male line of the family
profoundly influences some business decisions. Then the family and how its members relate to one
another-decisions, buying patterns, pooling of resources, special interests- affect behavior and
business communication.
Every body knows that knowing the language of a country is the most significant contribute to
improved communication, on personal and business level. • Your communication is good when both
sender and receiver have same language. An important constraint that under girds all the preceding
is language.