356 - 7259 Techical Manual (FGW) V2

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This manual has been designed as a technical guide to operating, servicing and maintaining the generating set. It should be
used in conjunction with the Engine and Alternator Manuals and is intended for use by an authorised technician
Issue Number: 10/10
Part Number: 356-7259
2 356-7259 (Eng)
1. Introduction 8
2.1 General . .............................................................................................................................................................................9
2.2 Personal Protective Equipment..................................................................................................................................9
2.3 Installation, Handling and Towing . ........................................................................................................................10
2.4 Fire and Explosion ........................................................................................................................................................10
2.5 Mechanical.......................................................................................................................................................................11
2.6 Chemical . ........................................................................................................................................................................11
2.7 Noise .................................................................................................................................................................................11
2.8 Electrical ..........................................................................................................................................................................11
2.9 First Aid For Electric Shock ........................................................................................................................................12
3.1 Generating Set Description and Identification....................................................................................................14
3.2 Rating Plate......................................................................................................................................................................14
3.3 Diesel Engine...................................................................................................................................................................14
3.4 Engine Electrical System.............................................................................................................................................14
3.5 Cooling System...............................................................................................................................................................15
3.6 Alternator.........................................................................................................................................................................15
3.7 Fuel Tank and Baseframe............................................................................................................................................15
3.8 Vibration Isolation ........................................................................................................................................................15
3.9 Silencer and Exhaust System.....................................................................................................................................15
3.10 Control System (Identification).................................................................................................................................15
3.11 Output Circuit Breaker.................................................................................................................................................15
3.12 Generating Set Description........................................................................................................................................16
3.13 Generating Set Description (26 – 200 kVA Range)...............................................................................................17
4.1 General..............................................................................................................................................................................18
4.2 Foundations.....................................................................................................................................................................19
4.2.1 Foundation............................................................................................................................................................... 19
4.2.2 Floor Loading........................................................................................................................................................... 19
4.2.3 Concrete Plinth .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................20
4.3 Vibration Isolation ........................................................................................................................................................21
4.4 Enclosures........................................................................................................................................................................21
4.4.1 Mounting of Walk-in Containers....................................................................................................................... 22
4.5 Moving the Generating Set....................................................................................................................................... 23
4.5.1 Approved Lifting Methods for ISO Walk-in Containers............................................................................. 25
4.5.2 Approved Lifting Methods for Non-ISO Walk-in Containers . ................................................................ 25
4.6 Cooling and Ventilation.............................................................................................................................................. 26
4.6.1 Ventilation................................................................................................................................................................. 26
4.6.2 Inlet / Exit Ventilator Size..................................................................................................................................... 26
4.6.3 Engine Cooling........................................................................................................................................................ 26
4.6.4 Generating Set Mounted Radiator................................................................................................................... 27
4.6.5 Remote Radiator..................................................................................................................................................... 28
4.6.6 Remote Radiator / Heat Exchanger System.................................................................................................. 28
4.6.7 Heat Exchanger Cooling...................................................................................................................................... 28
4.6.8 Antifreeze / Corrosion Protection..................................................................................................................... 29
4.6.9 Water Conditioning................................................................................................................................................ 29

3 356-7259 (Eng)
4.7 Exhaust............................................................................................................................................................................. 29
4.7.1 Exhaust Piping......................................................................................................................................................... 30
4.8 Exhaust Pipe Flexible Section....................................................................................................................................31
4.8.1 Exhaust Pipe Insulation........................................................................................................................................ 31
4.8.2 Minimising Exhaust Flow Restriction.............................................................................................................. 31
4.8.3 Exhaust Silencing................................................................................................................................................... 33
4.8.4 Exhaust Silencer Selection.................................................................................................................................. 33
4.9 Sound Attenuation....................................................................................................................................................... 34
4.10 Fuel System..................................................................................................................................................................... 34
4.10.1 Day Tank.................................................................................................................................................................. 34
4.10.2 Bulk Storage Tanks............................................................................................................................................... 35
4.10.3 Fuel Lines................................................................................................................................................................ 35
4.10.4 Remote Fuel Systems.......................................................................................................................................... 35
4.11 Fire Precautions............................................................................................................................................................. 37
4.12 Starting Batteries.......................................................................................................................................................... 37
4.13 Electrical Connection.................................................................................................................................................. 37
4.13.1 Cabling..................................................................................................................................................................... 38
4.13.2 Protection............................................................................................................................................................... 38
4.13.3 Loading.................................................................................................................................................................... 38
4.13.4 Power Factor.......................................................................................................................................................... 38
4.13.5 Grounding Requirements................................................................................................................................. 38
4.13.6 Alternator Reconnection................................................................................................................................... 38
4.13.7 Parallel Running.................................................................................................................................................... 39
4.13.8 Insulation Test....................................................................................................................................................... 39
4.14 Acoustic Silencing........................................................................................................................................................ 39
4.14.1 Exhaust Silencers.................................................................................................................................................. 39
4.14.2 Enclosures............................................................................................................................................................... 39
4.14.3 Other Sound Attenuation................................................................................................................................. 39
4.15 Towing (Portable Generating Sets)......................................................................................................................... 39
4.15.1 Preparing to Tow.................................................................................................................................................. 39
4.15.2 Towing...................................................................................................................................................................... 40
4.15.3 Parking: ................................................................................................................................................................... 40
4.16 Storage............................................................................................................................................................................. 40
4.16.1 Engine Storage...................................................................................................................................................... 40
4.16.2 Alternator Storage............................................................................................................................................... 40
4.16.3 Battery Storage..................................................................................................................................................... 40
5.1 Control System Description.......................................................................................................................................41
5.2 1002T and LCP1..............................................................................................................................................................41
5.2.1 Control Panel Instrumentation.......................................................................................................................... 41
5.2.2 General Information1002T / LCP1 Control Systems................................................................................... 43
5.2.3 Pre-Start Checks...................................................................................................................................................... 43
5.2.4 Normal Startup / Shutdown – Key Start Panel (1002T / LCP1)............................................................... 44
5.2.5 Control System Fault Finding / Trouble Shooting Guide 1002T / LCP1............................................... 45
5.3 PowerWizard (PW1.0 & 2.0)........................................................................................................................................ 46
5.3.1 General Information.............................................................................................................................................. 46
5.3.2 PowerWizard Control Module Description.................................................................................................... 46
5.3.3 Pre-Start Checks (applicable to all control systems).................................................................................. 47
5.3.4 Basic Operation....................................................................................................................................................... 48

4 356-7259 (Eng)
5.3.5 Fault / Alarm Reset Process................................................................................................................................. 49
5.3.6 User Interface Overview....................................................................................................................................... 49
5.3.7 Alarm Log and Resetting..................................................................................................................................... 51
5.3.8 Security...................................................................................................................................................................... 52
5.3.9 Real Time Clock Programming (PowerWizard 2.0)..................................................................................... 53
5.3.10 Fuel Priming – Engines with Electric Fuel Lift Pump............................................................................... 53
5.3.11 Additional Features Available.......................................................................................................................... 53
5.3.12 Trouble Shooting Guide for PowerWizard................................................................................................... 54
5.4 PowerWizard (PW 1.1, 1.1+ and 2.1)......................................................................................................................... 55
5.4.1 General Information.............................................................................................................................................. 55
5.4.2 PowerWizard Control Module Description.................................................................................................... 55
5.4.3 Pre-Start Checks (applicable to all control systems).................................................................................. 56
5.4.4 Basic Operation....................................................................................................................................................... 57
5.4.5 Fault / Alarm Reset Process................................................................................................................................. 58
5.4.6 User Interface Overview....................................................................................................................................... 58
5.4.7 Alarm Log and Resetting..................................................................................................................................... 60
5.4.8 Security...................................................................................................................................................................... 61
5.4.9 Real Time Clock Programming (PowerWizard 2.1)..................................................................................... 62
5.4.10 Fuel Transfer (PowerWizard 2.1)...................................................................................................................... 62
5.4.11 Additional Features Available.......................................................................................................................... 62
5.4.12 Trouble Shooting Guide for PowerWizard................................................................................................... 62
5.4.13 Programmable Cycle Timer (PCT) (PowerWizard 2.1).............................................................................. 63
5.5 Control System Options and Upgrades................................................................................................................ 64
5.5.1 Battery Trickle / Switch-Mode Chargers......................................................................................................... 64
5.5.2 Heaters ...................................................................................................................................................................... 64
5.5.3 Electric Fuel Transfer Pumps............................................................................................................................... 64
5.5.4 Meters / Gauges...................................................................................................................................................... 65
5.5.5 Speed / Voltage Control ...................................................................................................................................... 65
5.5.6 Alarm Signalling .................................................................................................................................................... 65
5.5.7 Automatic Preheat Control................................................................................................................................. 65
5.5.8 Remote Annunciator Panels . ............................................................................................................................ 65
6. Operation 66
6.1 Priming Procedure for 1100 Series.......................................................................................................................... 66
6.1.1 Products fitted with the small Perkins pre-filter / water separator...................................................... 66
6.1.2 Products fitted with the Racor Pre-Filter / Water Separator (Option).................................................. 67
6.1.3 Troubleshooting...................................................................................................................................................... 68
7.1 General............................................................................................................................................................................. 69
7.2 Preventative Maintenance......................................................................................................................................... 69
7.2.1 Daily or at Each Startup........................................................................................................................................ 69
7.2.2 Every Two Weeks..................................................................................................................................................... 69
7.2.3 Every Month............................................................................................................................................................. 69
7.2.4 Every Twelve Months or 500 Hours.................................................................................................................. 69
7.2.5 Alternator Preventative Maintenance............................................................................................................. 69
7.2.6 Engine Preventative Maintenance................................................................................................................... 69
7.3 Removal of Engine and/or Alternator.................................................................................................................... 70
7.3.1 Engine Removal Only............................................................................................................................................ 70
7.3.2 Alternator Removal Only..................................................................................................................................... 70

5 356-7259 (Eng)
8.1 Engine Description....................................................................................................................................................... 71
8.1.1 General....................................................................................................................................................................... 71
8.1.2 Cooling System....................................................................................................................................................... 71
8.1.3 Engine Governing................................................................................................................................................... 71
8.1.4 Fuel System............................................................................................................................................................... 71
8.1.5 Exhaust System....................................................................................................................................................... 71
8.1.6 Air Flap Valve............................................................................................................................................................ 71
8.1.7 Starting Aids............................................................................................................................................................. 72
8.2 Engine Maintenance.................................................................................................................................................... 72
8.3 Radiator Maintenance................................................................................................................................................. 72
8.3.1 General Notes.......................................................................................................................................................... 72
8.3.2 Safe removal of Fan Guards................................................................................................................................ 72
8.3.3 External Cleaning................................................................................................................................................... 73
8.3.4 Internal Cleaning.................................................................................................................................................... 73
9.1 Alternator Description.................................................................................................................................................74
9.1.1 General....................................................................................................................................................................... 74
9.1.2 Construction/Major Components ......................................................................................................................................................................74
9.1.3 Alternator Method of Operation....................................................................................................................... 74
9.1.4 Automatic Voltage Regulator .................................................................................................................................................................................74
9.2 Alternator Maintenance..............................................................................................................................................74
9.2.1 Function (1001 Series)........................................................................................................................................... 75
9.2.2 Protective Circuits (1002 Series): . ..................................................................................................................... 76
10. 1300 (HeuI) Electronic Engine Fault Detection Flash Codes 77
10.1 1300 Series Flash Codes.............................................................................................................................................. 78
11.1 Battery Theory............................................................................................................................................................... 83
11.1.1 General..................................................................................................................................................................... 83
11.1.2 Electrolyte............................................................................................................................................................... 83
11.1.3 Specific Gravity ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................83
11.1.4 Hydrometer............................................................................................................................................................ 83
11.1.5 High or Low Temperatures............................................................................................................................... 83
11.1.6 Temperature Correction.................................................................................................................................... 83
11.2 Battery Maintenance................................................................................................................................................... 83
11.2.1 Dry Charge Activation........................................................................................................................................ 84
11.2.2 Safe Installation ................................................................................................................................................... 84
11.2.3 In Machine Service.............................................................................................................................................. 84
11.3 Battery Charging........................................................................................................................................................... 84
11.4 Battery Storage.............................................................................................................................................................. 85
11.5 Battery Charging System Fault Finding/Trouble Shooting Chart................................................................ 85
11.6 Jump Starting Procedures......................................................................................................................................... 86

6 356-7259 (Eng)
12. Appendices 87
Appendix 1 – Voltages of the world table....................................................................................................................... 87
Appendix 2 - Tables And Formulas For Engineering Standby Generating Sets................................................. 92
Table 1. Length Equivalents........................................................................................................................................... 92
Table 2. Area Equivalents................................................................................................................................................ 92
Table 3. Mass Equivalents................................................................................................................................................ 92
Table 4. Volume and Capacity Equivalents............................................................................................................... 92
Table 5. Conversions for Units of Speed.................................................................................................................... 93
Table 6. Conversions for Units of Power..................................................................................................................... 93
Table 7. Conversions for Measurements of Water.................................................................................................. 93
Table 8. Barometric Pressures and Boiling Points of Water at Various Altitudes......................................... 94
Table 9. Conversions of Units of Flow......................................................................................................................... 94
Table 10. Conversions of Units of Pressure and Head........................................................................................... 94
Table 11. Approximate Weights of Various Liquids................................................................................................ 95
Table 12. Electrical formulae.......................................................................................................................................... 95
Table 13. kVA/kW Amperage At Various Voltages (0.8 Power Factor)............................................................. 96
Appendix 3 - Conversions..................................................................................................................................................... 97

7 356-7259 (Eng)
1. Introduction
Thank you for choosing us to supply your electrical power needs. In line with our policy of continuous product improvement,
we reserve the right to change the information contained within this manual without notice.
This generating set is one of a family of heavy duty industrial generating sets designed to be ready to run when it arrives,
requiring only the addition of coolant, fuel and battery acid. Years of diesel generating set experience has gone into the
design to produce a quality source of electrical power that is efficient and reliable.
This Technical Instruction Manual has been prepared to assist in maintenance and operation of the generating set. Using
this manual in conjunction with the Engine Manual, Alternator Manual and the Generating Set Operator’s Manual, will help
to ensure that the generating set keeps operating at maximum performance and efficiency for a long life. Please note that in
dirty or dusty environments more attention must be paid to frequent servicing to keep the set running properly.
Always ensure that adjustments and repairs are done by personnel who are authorised to do the work and have been
properly trained. Maintenance and repairs should also be carried out at regular intervals using genuine parts. We are not
liable for any defects or claims due to the user’s improper installation, maintenance or use, or for any products which have
been modified in any way from the state in which they were sold.
Total liability for any claim of any kind shall in no case exceed the price allocable to the product or part thereof which gives
rise to the claim. We shall under no circumstances be held liable for any special, direct, indirect, incidental or consequential
damages arising from the use of the product, save that nothing herein shall have the effect of excluding or limiting our
liability for death or personal injury resulting from our negligence.
Every generating set is uniquely defined by a model number and serial number indicated on a rating plate generally affixed to
the alternator housing. This information is required when ordering spare parts or when service or warranty work is required.
See Section 3.1 for further information.

8 356-7259 (Eng)
2.1 General
The generating set is designed to be safe when used in the correct manner. Responsibility for safety, however, rests with the
personnel who install, use and maintain the set. Before performing any procedure or operating technique, it is the user’s
responsibility to ensure that it is safe to do so. The generating set should only be operated by personnel who are authorised
and trained.
II Read and understand all safety precautions and warnings before operating or performing maintenance on the
generating set.
II Failure to follow the instructions, procedures and safety precautions in this manual may increase the possibility
of accidents and injuries.
II Never start the generating set unless it is safe to do so.
II Do not attempt to operate the generating set with a known unsafe condition.
II If the generating set is unsafe, fit danger notices and disconnect the battery negative (-) lead so that it cannot be
started until the condition is corrected.
II Disconnect the battery negative (-) lead prior to attempting any repairs, installations or cleaning on the
generating set.
II Install and operate this generating set only in full compliance with relevant National, Local or Federal Codes,
Standards or other requirements.

2.2 Personal Protective Equipment

Figure 2a – Typical PPE to be worn by an Operator

• Wear a hard hat, protective glasses and other protective equipment, as required.
• When work is performed around an engine that is operating, wear protective devices for ears in order to help prevent
damage to hearing.
• Do not wear loose clothing or jewellery that can snag on controls or on other parts of the engine.
• Ensure that all protective guards and all covers are secured in place on the engine.
• Never put maintenance fluids into glass containers. Glass containers can break.
• Use all cleaning solutions with care.
• Report all necessary repairs.
Unless other instructions are provided, perform the maintenance under the following conditions:
• The engine is stopped. Ensure that the engine cannot be started.
• Disconnect the batteries when maintenance is performed or when the electrical system is serviced. Disconnect the
battery ground leads. Tape the leads in order to help prevent sparks.
• Do not attempt any repairs that are not understood. Use the proper tools. Replace any equipment that is damaged or
repair the equipment.
9 356-7259 (Eng)
2.3 Installation, Handling and Towing
Chapter 4 of this manual covers procedures for installation, handling and towing of generating sets. That chapter should be
read before installing, moving/lifting the generating set or towing a mobile set. The following safety precautions should be
II Make electrical connections in compliance with relevant Electrical Codes, Standards or other requirements. This
includes requirements for grounding and ground/earth faults.
II For stationary generating sets with remote fuel storage systems, make sure such systems are installed in
compliance with relevant Codes, Standards or other requirements.
II Engine exhaust emissions are hazardous to personnel. The exhaust for all indoor generating sets must be piped
outdoors via leak-free piping in compliance with relevant Codes, Standards and other requirements. Ensure
hot exhaust silencers, piping and turbochargers, if equipped, are clear of combustible material and are guarded
for personnel protection as per safety requirements. Ensure that fumes from the exhaust outlet will not be a
II Never lift the generating set by attaching to the engine or alternator lifting lugs. Use a sling with a “spreader
bar” connected to the baseframe.
II Ensure the lifting rigging and supporting structure is in good condition and has a capacity suitable for the load.
II Keep all personnel away from the generating set when it is suspended.
II Make sure all personnel are out of the generating set canopy or container, if equipped, before closing and
latching enclosure doors.
II When towing a mobile generating set, observe all Codes, Standards or other regulations and traffic laws. These
include those regulations specifying required equipment and maximum and minimum speeds. Ensure brakes, if
fitted, are in good order.
II Do not permit personnel to ride in or on the mobile generating set. Do not permit personnel to stand or ride on
the drawbar or to stand or walk between the generating set and the towing vehicle.
II Do not install or use the generating set in any classification of hazardous environment unless it has been
specifically designed for that environment.

2.4 Fire and Explosion

Fuels and fumes associated with generating sets can be flammable and potentially explosive.
Proper care in handling these materials can dramatically limit the risk of fire or explosion.
However, safety dictates that fully charged BC and ABC fire extinguishers are kept on hand.
Personnel must know how to operate them.
II Ensure the generating set room is properly ventilated.
II Keep the room, the floor and the generating set clean. When spills of fuel, oil,
battery electrolyte or coolant occur, they should be cleaned up immediately.
II Never store flammable liquids near the engine.
II Store oily rags in covered metal containers.
II Do not smoke or allow sparks, flames or other sources of ignition around fuel or batteries. Fuel vapours are
explosive. Hydrogen gas generated by charging batteries is also explosive.
II Turn off or disconnect the power to the battery charger before making or breaking connections with the battery.
II Keep grounded conductive objects, such as tools, away from exposed live electrical parts, such as terminals, to
avoid arcing. Sparks and arcing might ignite fuel or vapours.
II Avoid refilling the fuel tank while the engine is running.
II Do not attempt to operate the generating set with any known leaks in the fuel system.
II The excessive build-up of unburned fuel gases in the exhaust system can create a potentially explosive
condition. This build-up can occur after repeated failed start attempts, air flap valve testing or hot engine
shutdown. Open exhaust system purge plugs, if equipped, allowing the gases to dissipate before attempting to
restart the generating set.

10 356-7259 (Eng)
2.5 Mechanical
The generating set is designed with guards for protection from moving parts. Care must still be taken to protect personnel
and equipment from other mechanical hazards when working around the generating set.
II Do not attempt to operate the generating set with safety guards removed. While the generating set is running
do not attempt to reach under or around the guards to do maintenance or for any other reason.
II Keep hands, arms, long hair, loose clothing and jewelry away from pulleys, belts and other moving parts.
• Some moving parts can not be seen clearly when the set is running.
II Keep access doors on enclosures, if equipped, closed and locked when not required to be open.
II Avoid contact with hot oil, hot coolant, hot exhaust gases, hot surfaces and sharp edges and corners.
II Wear protective clothing including gloves and hat when working around the generating set.
II Do not remove the radiator filler cap until the coolant has cooled. Then loosen the cap slowly to relieve any
excess pressure before removing the cap completely.
II Ethyl Ether starting aids are not recommended. They will reduce the efficient working life of the engine.

2.6 Chemical
Fuels, oils, coolants, lubricants and battery electrolyte used in this generating set are typical of the industry. However, they
can be hazardous to personnel if not treated properly. The disposal of fuels, oils, coolants, lubricants, battery electrolyte and
batteries should be carried out in accordance with local government’s laws and regulations
II Do not swallow or have skin contact with fuel, oil, coolant, lubricants or battery electrolyte. If swallowed, seek
medical treatment immediately. Do not induce vomiting if fuel is swallowed. For skin contact, wash with soap
and water.
II Do not wear clothing that has been contaminated by fuel or lube oil.
II Wear an acid resistant apron and face shield or goggles when servicing the battery. If electrolyte is spilled on
skin or clothing, flush immediately with large quantities of water.

2.7 Noise
Generating sets that are not equipped with sound attenuating enclosures can produce noise levels in excess of 105 dBA.
Prolonged exposure to noise levels above 85 dBA is hazardous to hearing.
II Ear protection must be worn when operating or working around an operating generating set.

2.8 Electrical
Safe and efficient operation of electrical equipment can be achieved only if the equipment is correctly installed, operated and
II The generating set must be connected to the load only by trained and qualified electricians who are authorised
to do so and in compliance with relevant Electrical Codes, Standards and other regulations. Where required,
their work should be inspected and accepted by the inspection agency prior to operating the generating set.
II Ensure the generating set, including a mobile set, is effectively grounded/earthed in accordance with all relevant
regulations prior to operation.
II The generating set should be shutdown with the battery negative (-) terminal disconnected prior to attempting
to connect or disconnect load connections.
II Do not attempt to connect or disconnect load connections while standing in water or on wet or soggy ground.
II Do not touch electrically energised parts of the generating set and/or interconnecting cables or conductors with
any part of the body or with any non insulated conductive object.
II Replace the generating set terminal box cover as soon as connection or disconnection of the load cables is
complete. Do not operate the generating set without the cover securely in place.

11 356-7259 (Eng)
II Connect the generating set only to loads and/or electrical systems that are compatible with its electrical
characteristics and that are within its rated capacity.
II Be sure all electrical power is disconnected from electrical equipment being serviced.
II Keep all electrical equipment clean and dry. Replace any wiring where the insulation is cracked, cut, abraded or
otherwise degraded. Replace terminals that are worn, discoloured or corroded. Keep terminals clean and tight.
II Insulate all connections and disconnected wires.
II Use only Class BC or Class ABC extinguishers on electrical fires.

2.9 First Aid For Electric Shock

II Do not touch the victim’s skin with bare hands until the source of electricity has been turned off.
II Switch off the power, if possible.
II Otherwise pull the plug or pull the cable away from the victim.
II If this is not possible, stand on dry insulating material and pull the victim clear of the conductor, preferably using
insulated material such as dry wood.
II If victim is breathing, turn the victim into the recovery position.
II If victim is unconscious, perform resuscitation as required:


1. Tilt the victim’s head back and lift the chin upwards.
2. Remove objects from the mouth or throat (including false teeth, tobacco or chewing gum).

1. Check that the victim is breathing by looking, listening and feeling for the breath.

1. Check for pulse in the victim’s neck.


1. Pinch the victim’s nose firmly.
2. Take a deep breath and seal your lips around the victim’s lips.
3. Blow slowly into the mouth watching for the chest to rise. Let the chest fall completely.
Give breaths at a rate of 10 per minute.
4. If the victim must be left to get help, give 10 breaths first and then return quickly and
5. Check for pulse after every 10 breaths.
6. When breathing restarts, place the victim into the recovery position described later in this

12 356-7259 (Eng)
1. Call or telephone for medical help.
2. Give two breaths and start chest compression as follows:
3. Place heel of hand 2 fingers breadth above ribcage/breastbone junction.
4. Place other hand on top and interlock fingers.
5. Keeping arms straight, press down 4–5 cm (1.5–2 inch) 30 times at a rate of 100 per
minute. There should be equal timing between chest compression and release.
6. Repeat cycle (2 breaths, 15 compressions) until medical help takes over.
7. If condition improves, confirm pulse and continue with breaths. Check for pulse after
every 10 breaths.
8. When breathing restarts, place the victim into the recovery position.
II Do not apply pressure over the ribs, lower tip of the victim’s breastbone or the abdomen.

1. Turn the victim onto their side.
2. Keep the head tilted with the jaw forward to maintain the open airway.
3. Make sure the victim cannot roll forwards or backwards.
4. Check for breathing and pulse regularly. If either stops, proceed as above.

II Do not give liquids until victim is conscious.

13 356-7259 (Eng)
3.1 Generating Set Description and Identification
This generating set has been designed as a complete package to provide superior performance and reliability. Figure 3b
identifies the major components. This figure is of a typical generating set. However, every set will be slightly different due to
the size and configuration of the major components. This section briefly describes the parts of the generating set. Further
information is provided in later sections of this manual.
Each generating set is provided with a Rating Label (item 1) generally affixed to the alternator housing. This label contains
the information needed to identify the generating set and its operating characteristics. This information includes, but is not
limited to, the model number, serial number, output characteristics such as voltage, phase and frequency, output rating in kVA
and kW and rating type (basis of the rating). For reference, this information is repeated on the Technical Data Sheet provided
with this manual. The model and serial numbers uniquely identify the generating set and are needed when ordering spare
parts or obtaining service or warranty work for the set.

3.2 Rating Plate



MODEL Unique Generating Set Number
YEAR OF MANUFACTURE 2010 Rated Ambient Temperaturet
70.4 kW Voltage Output of Generating Set
PRIME 80.0 kVA
64.0 kW
RATED RPM 1500 rpm Rated Altitude above Sea Level
ALTITUDE 152.4 m
ISO8528 - 3 RATING PR 500H TL0.875
Relates to AC Alternator
MASS 1463 kg

This generator set is designed to operate in ambient temperatures up to 50 deg C and at higher altitudes

Please consult Dealer / Helpdesk for outputs available

Figure 3a – Description of Typical Rating Plate

3.3 Diesel Engine

The diesel engine powering the generating set has been chosen for its reliability and the fact that it has been specifically
designed for powering generating sets. The engine is of the heavy duty industrial type with 4 stroke compression ignition
and is fitted with all accessories to provide a reliable power supply. These accessories include, among others, a cartridge type
dry air filter, a turbocharger fitted on some engines and a mechanical or electronic controled engine speed governor.

3.4 Engine Electrical System

The engine electrical system is negative ground/earth and either 12 or 24 volts DC depending on the size of the set. This
system includes an electric engine starter (item 6), battery and battery rack which may also be located on the floor next to the
set for some of the larger generating sets and a battery charging alternator. Most sets are provided with lead-acid batteries
which are discussed more fully in Section 10, however other types of batteries may be fitted if they had been specified.

14 356-7259 (Eng)
3.5 Cooling System
The engine cooling system comprises of a radiator, a high capacity pusher fan (air is ‘blown’ through the radiator) and a
thermostat. The alternator has its own internal fan to cool the alternator components. Note that the air is “pushed” through
the radiator so that the cooling air is drawn past the alternator, then past the engine and finally through the radiator.

3.6 Alternator
The output electrical power is normally produced by a screen protected and drip-proof, self-exciting, self-regulating, brushless
alternator fine tuned to the output of this generating set. Mounted on top of the alternator is a sheet steel terminal box.
Excluding 3 Cylinder generating sets, the alternator terminal box is fitted on the back of the control panel.

3.7 Fuel Tank and Baseframe

The engine and alternator are coupled together and mounted on a heavy duty steel baseframe. Except for the largest sets,
this base frame includes a fuel tank with a capacity of approximately 8 hours operation at full load. An extended capacity fuel
tank of approximately 24 hours operation may be fitted. Where a fuel tank is not provided with the baseframe, a separate fuel
tank must be provided.

3.8 Vibration Isolation

The generating set is fitted with vibration isolators which are designed to reduce engine vibration being transmitted to
the foundation on which the generating set is mounted. These isolators are fitted between the engine/alternator feet and
the base frame. Alternately, on larger models the engine/alternator is rigidly mounted on the base frame and the vibration
isolators are supplied loose to be fitted between the baseframe and the foundation.

3.9 Silencer and Exhaust System

An exhaust silencer is provided loose for installation with the generating set. The silencer and exhaust systems reduce the
noise emission from the engine and can direct exhaust gases to safe outlets.

3.10 Control System (Identification)

One of several types of control systems and panels (item 9) may be fitted to control the operation and output of the
generating set and to protect the generating set from possible malfunctions. Section 9 of this manual provides detailed
information on these systems and will aid in identification of the control system fitted on the generating set.

3.11 Output Circuit Breaker

To protect the alternator, a suitably rated circuit breaker (item 10) selected for the generating set model and output rating
is supplied mounted in a steel enclosure. In some cases the output circuit breaker may be incorporated in the automatic
transfer system or control panel.

15 356-7259 (Eng)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 - Radiator
2 - Radiator Fill
3 - Engine Breather
4 - Battery Charging Alternator (Opposite side)
5 - Diesel Engine
6 - ECM
7 - Air Filter (Inside Housing)
3.12 Generating Set Description

8 - Main AC Alternator Terminal Box

9 - Control Panel
10 - Circuit Breaker
11 - Main AC Alternator
12 - Battery Rack

Figure 3b – Typical Generating Set Description
13 - Batteries
14 - Starter Motor
15 - Turbo Charger (Opposite side) if equipped
16 - Vibration Isolators
17 - Baseframe / Fuel Tank
18 - Fuel Filters

17 16 15 14 13 12 11
* Diagram shown is of typical generating set, this may differ from the generating set you have received

356-7259 (Eng)
6 4 3


9 7 1

1 - Radiator
2 - Radiator Fill
3 - Battery Charging Alternator
4 - Exhaust
5 - Turbo
6 - Oil Filter*
7 - Air Filter
8 - Alternator
9 - Emergency Stop Pushbutton
10 - Control Panel
10 11 - Circuit Breaker

12 - Base Frame
13 - Cable Entry
14 - Starter Motor
15 -Battery
16 - Fuel Fill*
11 17 - Lifting Points
18 - Jacket Water Heater
3.13 Generating Set Description (26 – 200 kVA Range)

Figure 3c – Typical Generating Set Description (26 – 200 kVA)

19 - Anti Vibration Mounts*
20 - Drag Points
21 - Fan Guards

* = Opposite side



15 21

14 17 19


356-7259 (Eng)
4.1 General
This section discusses factors important in the effective and safe installation of the generating set.
Selecting a location for the generating set can be the most important part of any installation procedure. The following factors
are important in determining the location:
• Adequate ventilation.

1. Air Inlet Opening

2. Air Exit Opening

Figure 4a – Typical Installation showing Generating Set Ventilation
• Protection from the elements such as rain, snow, sleet, wind driven precipitation, flood water, direct sunlight, freezing
temperatures or excessive heat.
• Protection from exposure to airborne contaminants such as abrasive or conductive dust, lint, smoke, oil mist, vapours,
engine exhaust fumes or other contaminants.
• Protection from impact from falling objects such as trees or poles, or from motor vehicles or lift trucks.
• Clearance around the generating set for cooling and access for service: at least 1 metre (3.3 feet) around the set and at
least 2 metres (6.6 feet) headroom above the set. (See Figure 4b)
• Access to move the entire generating set into the room. Air inlet and outlet vents can often be made removable to
provide an access point.
• Limited access to unauthorised personnel.
If it is necessary to locate the generating set outside of the building, the generating set should be enclosed in a weatherproof
canopy or container-type housing which is available for all generating sets.




Figure 4b – Typical Installation showing Generating Set Access & Operator Workstation

18 356-7259 (Eng)
4.2 Foundations
The generating set is shipped assembled on a rigid baseframe that precisely aligns the alternator and engine and needs only
to be bolted down on to a suitably prepared surface (see Figure 4c).

1. Vibration Isolators
2. Flexible Exhaust Coupling
3. Flexible Air Discharge Duct

Figure 4c – Typical Installation Highlighting Vibration Reduction Techniques

4.2.1 Foundation
A reinforced concrete pad makes the best foundation for the generating set. It provides a rigid support to prevent deflection
and vibration. Typically the foundation should be 150 mm to 200 mm (6 to 8 inches) deep and at least as wide and long as
the generating set. The ground or floor below the foundation should be properly prepared and should be structurally suited
to carry the weight of the foundation pad and the generating set. (If the generating set is to be installed above the ground
floor the building structure must be able to support the weight of the generating set, fuel storage and accessories.) Relevant
building codes should be consulted and complied with. If the floor may be wet from time to time, such as in a boiler room,
the pad should be raised above the floor. This will provide a dry footing for the generating set and for those who connect,
service or operate it. It will also minimise corrosive action on the baseframe.

4.2.2 Floor Loading

Floor loading depends on the total generating set weight (including fuel and water) and the number and size of isolator pads.
With the baseframe mounted directly on the floor, the floor loading is:
Floor Loading = Total Generating Set Weight
Area of Skids
With vibration isolation between the baseframe and the floor, if the load is equally distributed over all isolators, the floor
loading is:
Floor Loading = Total Generating Set Weight
Pad Area x Number of Pads
Thus, floor loading can be reduced by increasing the number of isolation pads.
If load is not equally distributed, the maximum floor pressure occurs under the pad supporting the greatest proportion of
load (assuming all pads are the same size):
Max Floor Pressure = Load on Heaviest Loaded Pad
Pad Area

19 356-7259 (Eng)
4.2.3 Concrete Plinth
Setting the container on a concrete plinth is the preferred method for permanent installation for both ISO and Design to
Order (DTO) containers. The concrete plinth should have been designed to withstand the weight of the container. Please
consult the installer for further details.
At the installation site, a concrete plinth must be prepared that will have no more than a 10 mm (0.4”) drop over the length of
the container to be set on it.
For ISO containers, this plinth must also have four depressions to accommodate the four corner blocks of the container. These
four corner blocks must extend approximately 12 mm (0.5”) minimum below the bottom of the container’s channel rail. Each
depression must be 250 mm (10”) long, 250 mm (10”) wide and 25 mm (1”) deep (see Figure 4d).

9197 30’ ISO


20’ ISO


40’ ISO

Figure 4d
These depressions will allow the channel rails to rest on the concrete plinth, evenly distributing the weight on the rails.
Without the depressions, the corner blocks would support the container weight and the rails would sag in the centre (see
Figure 4e). This subjects the container and generator set to unnecessary stress.


Figure 4e

20 356-7259 (Eng)
Another means to support the container, without the depressions in the concrete plinth, is to use an arrangement of flat,
steel bars, 100 mm (4”) long x 100 mm (4”) wide x 12 mm (1/2”) thick that will support the container rails. The flat bars can
be placed every 600 mm (2 feet) along the length of the channel rail thereby preventing the container from sagging in the
middle (see Figure 4f ).

100 mm (4”) x 100 mm (4”) x 12 mm (0.5”)

Figure 4f
For all containers, irrespective of the method used to support the side rails, hardwood planks or suitable machine mounting/
anti-vibration pads, 100 mm (4”) wide by 20 mm (0.75”) thick, must be located centrally along the length of the container to
support the container floor stringers in that area (see Figure 4g).


Figure 4g

4.3 Vibration Isolation

To minimise engine vibrations being transmitted to the building, the generating set is fitted with vibration isolators. On small
and medium sized sets these isolators are fitted between the engine/alternator feet and the baseframe. This allows the frame
to be rigidly bolted to the foundation. On larger sets the coupled engine/alternator is rigidly attached to the baseframe and
the vibration isolators are supplied loose for fitting between the baseframe and the foundation. In all cases the generating
sets should be securely bolted to the ground (either through the baseframe or through the vibration isolators) to prevent
Vibration isolation is also required between the generating set and its external connections. This is achieved by the use of
flexible connections in the fuel lines, exhaust system, radiator air discharge duct, electrical conduit for control and power
cables and other externally connected support systems.

4.4 Enclosures
Installation and handling is greatly simplified when the generating set has been equipped with an enclosure. Two basic
types may be fitted. The first type is a close fitting canopy enclosure. This may be a weatherproof version designed for sound
attenuation. The other is a walk-in type container, similar to a shipping container. It may also be weatherproof and sound
These enclosures provide a self contained generating set system that is easily transportable and requires minimal installation.
They also automatically give protection from the elements and protection from unauthorised access.

21 356-7259 (Eng)
II Make sure all personnel are out of the canopy or container, if equipped, before closing and latching the
enclosure doors.
II Before closing canopy or enclosure doors, ensure all obstructions (especially hands and fingers) are clear to
prevent damage or injury.
II For transport purposes, some silencer outlets on generating sets housed in walk-in type enclosures will be fitted
with cover plates. These are to be replaced with the supplied stub pipes complete with fitted rain hood.
II Ensure there is no debris on the baseframe prior to starting, as loose items will cause radiator damage.
Because enclosed generating sets are easily transportable and may be installed and operated in a temporary location, many
of the fixed installation details given in this chapter may not apply. The following considerations must be still given when
temporarily installing the generating set:

• Locate the generating set where it will be protected from damage and away from the
exhaust fumes of other engines or other airborne contaminants such as dust, lint,
smoke, oil mist or vapours.

• Ensure the generating set is not positioned in such a way that it will obstruct the entrance or
exit to the area where it is situated.

• Locate the generating set on firm, level ground that will support its weight, avoiding movement
due to the vibration when the generating set is operating.

• Ensuring that fumes from the exhaust outlet will not be a hazard, especially when wind
is taken into account.

• Ensure there is enough area around the generating set for access and serviceability.

• Ensure electrical grounding of the generating set at all times, in accordance with local regulations.

• Ensure adequate access to refill the fuel tank when required.

• If Protecting electrical cables are laid on the ground ensure they are boxed in or covered to
prevent damage or injury to personnel.

II Enclosed generating sets should be installed outside. In the event that the enclosed
generating set is installed inside, adequate fresh cooling air must be provided and that
both engine and hot coolant air exhausts must be ducted outside the building. The ducting
and exhaust pipework must be designed to minimise back pressure which would have a
detrimental effect on generating set performance.

4.4.1 Mounting of Walk-in Containers

Proper installation of the container is required if successful generation of power is to be achieved. The following information
must be considered in the selection of the operating site for the container:
• The containerised generating set must be placed on a flat surface in order to maintain proper alignment.
• Containers can be successfully installed on a concrete plinth or level, natural surface. The foundation must bear the
static weight of the module plus any dynamic forces from engine operation.
II For generating sets housed in walk-in type containers, crankcase breather outlets terminated at the external
face of the enclosure will be plugged. These are to be removed prior to operation.

22 356-7259 (Eng)
4.5 Moving the Generating Set
The generating set baseframe is specifically designed for ease of moving the set. Improper handling can seriously damage

Figure 4i – Open and Closed Generating Sets on Wooden Skids

Using a forklift, the generating set can be lifted or carefully pushed/pulled by the baseframe. If pushing, do not push the
baseframe directly with fork. Always use wood between forks and the baseframe to spread the load and also between the
forklift carriage and the side of the canpoy to prevent damage. If the generating set will be regularly moved, it should be
fitted with the optional “Oil Field Skid” which provides forklift pockets in the baseframe along with eyes for pulling. Smaller
generating sets have fork lift pockets in the baseframe as standard. (see Figure 4K)

Figure 4j – Transporting a Generating Set using a Forklift Truck and Forklift Trolley

23 356-7259 (Eng)
Forklift Pockets
Oil FIeld Skid

Figure 4k – Typical Generating Set with Oil Field Skid base option
II Never lift the generating set by attaching to the engine or alternator lifting lugs.
II Ensure the lifting rigging and supporting structure is in good condition and is suitably rated.
II Keep all personnel away from the generating set when it is suspended.
For ease of lifting, canopied sets have a single point lifting facility as standard.

Single Point Lift

26 - 200 kVA Range Only

Figure 4l – Single Point lift
For a single lift, as in lifting the generating set for installation, the lift points provided on the baseframe may be used. Points of
attachment should be checked for cracked welds or loose nuts and bolts before lifting. A spreader bar is required to prevent
damaging the set (see Figure 4m). It should be positioned over the centre of gravity (nearer the engine), not the centre of the
set, to allow a vertical lift. Guide ropes should be used to prevent twisting or swinging of the generating set once it has been
lifted clear of the ground – do not attempt to lift in high winds. Place the generating set down on a level surface capable of
supporting its weight. This manner of lifting should only be used as a single lift for installation.

Spreader Bar

Figure 4m – Proper Lifting Arrangement for Installing the Generating Set

24 356-7259 (Eng)
4.5.1 Approved Lifting Methods for ISO Walk-in Containers
Containers are manufactured to ISO dimensions, ISO 1496-4:1994(E) and ISO 668:1995(E). To ensure the safety of all personnel
involved with the handling of containers, it is important that the correct lifting and handling procedures are employed. The
procedures detailed below are derived from ISO 3874:1997(E) and must be followed at all times.

ISO Series 1 Freight Containers

Lift Loaded/
Description Unloaded Method Diagram

A single point
Top Lift lift with
rated shackles

A vertical lift by
means of a spreader
Top Lift Loaded bar and rated

Lifting from bottom

four corner
castings using
Bottom Lift Loaded
lugs and rated
spreader beam

Lifting from bottom

four corner
castings using
Bottom Lift and
lugs and nylon

4.5.2 Approved Lifting Methods for Non-ISO Walk-in Containers

Containers are manufactured to non-ISO dimensions. To ensure the safety of all personnel involved with the handling of
containers, it is important that the correct lifting and handling procedures are employed. The procedures for handling non-
ISO containers are detailed below and must be followed at all times.

Design To Order Containers

Lift Loaded/
Description Unloaded Method Diagram

Lifting from bottom

Bottom Lift four lifting lugs
using rated shackles

25 356-7259 (Eng)
4.6 Cooling and Ventilation

4.6.1 Ventilation
The engine, alternator and exhaust piping radiate heat which can result in a temperature high enough to adversely effect the
performance of the generating set. It is therefore important that adequate ventilation is provided to keep the engine and
alternator cool. Proper air flow, as shown in Figure 4a, requires that the air comes in at the alternator end of the generating
set, passes over the engine, through the radiator and out of the room via a flexible duct. Which should fully seal the full area
of the radiator core. Without the ducting of the hot air outside the room, the fan will tend to draw that hot air around and
back through the radiator, reducing the cooling effectiveness.
The air inlet and exit openings should be large enough to ensure free flow of air into and out of the room. As a rough guide
the openings should each be at least 1.5 times the area of the radiator core.
Both the inlet and exit openings should have louvres for weather protection. These may be fixed but preferably should be
movable in cold climates so that while the generating set is not operating the louvres can be closed. This will allow the room
to be kept warm which will assist starting and load acceptance. For automatic starting generating sets, if the louvres are
movable they must be automatically operated. They should be programmed to open immediately upon starting the engine.
The force of radiator air should not be depended upon to open the louvre vanes unless the system has been specifically
designed for this.
When a remote radiator or heat exchanger cooling system is used, the radiated heat from the generating set must still be
removed from the room.

4.6.2 Inlet / Exit Ventilator Size

Before calculating the inlet ventilator size, it is necessary to take into account the radiator cooling air flow requirements and
the fan static pressure available when the generating set is operating at its rated load. In standard room installations, the
radiated heat is already taken into account in the radiator air flow.
For generator room installation with remote radiators, the room cooling airflow is calculated using the total heat radiation to
the ambient air of the engine and alternator and any part of the exhaust system.
Engine and alternator cooling air requirements for our generating sets when operating at rated power are shown on
specification sheets. Exhaust system radiation depends on the length of pipe within the room, the type of insulation used
and whether the silencer is located within the room or outside. It is usual to insulate the exhaust piping and silencer so
that heat radiation from this source may be neglected in calculating air flow required for room cooling. After determining
the required air flow into the room, calculate the size of inlet ventilator opening to be installed in the outside wall. The inlet
ventilator must be large enough so that the negative flow restriction will not exceed a maximum of 12 mm (0.5 in) H2O.
Restriction values of air filters, screens and louvres should be obtained from manufacturers of these items.
Where the engine and room are cooled by a set mounted radiator, the exit ventilator must be large enough to exhaust all of
the air flowing through the room, except the relatively small amount that enters the engine intake.

4.6.3 Engine Cooling

Cooling devices are commonly coolant-to-air (radiator) or coolant-to-raw water (heat exchanger) types.
In the most common generating set installation, the engine coolant is cooled in a generating set-mounted radiator with air
blown through the radiator core by an engine driven fan. Some installations use a remotely mounted radiator, cooled by an
electric motor driven fan. Where there is a continuously available supply of clean, cool raw water, a heat exchanger may be
used instead of a radiator; the engine coolant circulates through the heat exchanger and is cooled by the raw water supply.
An important advantage of a radiator cooling system is that it is self-contained. If a storm or accident disrupted the utility
power source, it might also disrupt the water supply and disable any generating set whose supply of raw water depended
upon a utility. Whether the radiator is mounted on the generating set or mounted remotely, accessibility for servicing the
cooling system is important. For proper maintenance, the radiator fill cap, the cooling system drain valves, the fan belt
tension adjustment must all be accessible to the operator.

26 356-7259 (Eng)
4.6.4 Generating Set Mounted Radiator
A generating set mounted radiator is mounted on the base in front of the engine. (see figure 4o). An engine-driven fan blows
air through the radiator core, cooling the liquid engine coolant flowing through the radiator.
1. Air Inlet Attenuator
2. Bund Tank
3. Fuel Tank
4. Air Outlet Attenuator


Figure 4n – Typical Sound Attenuated Installation
1. Flexible Duct
2. Radiator Discharge

Figure 4o – Generating Set Mounted Radiator Discharging Through An Outside Wall

Generating set mounted radiators are of two types. One type is used with the cooling fan mounted on the engine. The fan is
belt-driven by the crankshaft pulley in a two-point drive. The fan support bracket, fan spindle and drive pulley are adjustable
with respect to the crankshaft pulley in order to maintain proper belt tension. The fan blades project into the radiator shroud,
which has sufficient tip clearance for belt tension adjustment.
The other type of generating set mounted radiator consists of an assembly of radiator, fan, drive pulley and adjustable idler
pulley to maintain belt tension. The fan is mounted with its centre fixed in a venturi shroud with very close tip clearance
for high efficiency performance. The fan drive pulley, idler pulley and engine crankshaft pulley are precisely aligned and
connected in a three-point drive by the belts. This second type of set-mounted radiator usually uses an airfoil-bladed fan with
the close fitting shroud.
The proper radiator and fan combinations will be provided and furnished with the generating set. Air requirements for
cooling a particular generating set are given in the specification sheet. The radiator cooling air must be relatively clean to
avoid clogging the radiator core. Adequate filtration of air flowing into the room should assure relatively clean air.
However, if the air at the site normally contains a high concentration of dirt, lint, sawdust or other matter, the use of a remote
radiator, located in a cleaner environment, may alleviate a core clogging problem.

27 356-7259 (Eng)
It is recommended that a generating set mounted radiator’s discharged air should flow directly outdoors through a duct that
connects the radiator to an opening in an outside wall. The engine should be located as close to the outside wall as possible
to keep the ducting short. If the ducting is too long, it may be more economical to use a remote radiator. The air flow
restriction of the discharge and the inlets duct should not exceed the allowable fan static pressure.
When the generating set mounted radiator is to be connected to a discharge duct, a duct adapter should be specified for the
radiator. A length of flexible duct material (rubber or other suitable fabric) between the radiator and the fixed discharge duct
is required to isolate vibration and provide freedom of motion between the generating set and the fixed duct.

4.6.5 Remote Radiator

A remote radiator with electric driven motor can be installed HORIZONATALLY MOUNTED RADIATOR
in any convenient location away from the generating set
(see Figure 4p). A well-designed remote radiator has many 3 1. Water From Radiator
2. Roof Or Deck
useful features and advantages that provide greater flexibility 3. Air Flow
4. Water To Radiator
of generating set installations in buildings. 5. Shut Off Valve

More efficient venturi shroud and fan provide a substantial

reduction in horsepower required for engine cooling. The
fan may be driven by a thermostatically controlled motor,
which will only draw power from the generating set when 2
required to cool the engine. A remote radiator can be 1
located outdoors where there is less air flow restriction and 5
air is usually cooler than engine room air, resulting in higher
efficiency and smaller size radiator; and fan noise is removed
from the building. 5
Remote radiators must be connected to the engine cooling
system by coolant piping, including flexible sections
between engine and piping.
Figure 4p - Remote Radiator Connected directly to Engine Cooling System

4.6.6 Remote Radiator / Heat Exchanger System VERTICALLY MOUNTED RADIATOR

1. Waterfrom Radiator
Another type of remote radiator system employs a heat exchanger 8 2. Roof or Deck
3. Air Flow
at the engine . See figure 4q. In this application, the heat exchanger 4. Water To Radiator
5. Shut Off Valve
functions as an intermediate heat exchanger to isolate the engine 6. Heat Exchanger
7. Auxilary Water Pump
coolant system from the high static head of the remote radiator 8. Vent

coolant. 3
The engine pump circulates engine coolant through the engine
and the element of the heat exchanger. A separate pump circulates
radiator coolant between the remote radiator and the heat 1
exchanger tank.
5 5
Heat exchangers also are used for cooling the engine without a 7
radiator, as described in the following section.

Figure 4q - Remote Radiator Isolated From Engine Cooling System By Heat Exchanger

4.6.7 Heat Exchanger Cooling

A heat exchanger may be used where there is a continuously available supply of clean, cool raw water. Areas where excessive
foreign material in the air might cause constant radiator clogging – such as in saw mill installations – may be logical sites for
heat exchanger cooling. A heat exchanger cools the engine by transferring engine coolant heat through passages in the
elements to cool raw water. Engine coolant and raw cooling water flows are separated completely in closed systems, each
with its own pump and never intermix.
A heat exchanger totally replaces the radiator and fan. It usually is furnished as part of the generating set assembly, mounted
on the engine, although it can be located remotely. Since the engine does not have to drive a radiator fan, there is more
reserve power available.
The raw water side of the heat exchanger requires a dependable and economical supply of cool water. Soft water is desired
to keep the heat exchanger in good operating condition. For standby service, a well, lake or cooling tower is preferred over
city water since the latter may fail at the same time that normal electric power fails, making the generating set useless.

28 356-7259 (Eng)
4.6.8 Antifreeze / Corrosion Protection
If the engine is to be exposed to low temperatures, the cooling water in the engine must be protected from freezing. In
radiator-cooled installations, antifreeze may be added to the water to prevent freezing. Ethylene glycol permanent antifreeze
is recommended for diesel engines. It includes its own corrosion inhibitor, which eventually may have to be replenished.
Only a non-chromate inhibitor should be used with ethylene glycol.
The proportion of ethylene glycol required is dictated primarily by the need for protection against freezing in the lowest
ambient air temperature that will be encountered. The concentration of ethylene glycol must be at least 30% to afford
adequate corrosion protection. The concentration must not exceed 50% to maintain adequate heat transfer capability.
All sets leaving the factory are pre-filled with extended life coolant (ELC).
For heat exchanger cooling, antifreeze does only half the job since it can only be used in the engine water side of the heat
exchanger. There must be assurance that the raw water source will not freeze.

4.6.9 Water Conditioning

Soft water should always be used in the engine whether cooling is by radiator or by heat exchanger. Adding a commercial
softener is the easiest and most economical method of water softening. Your Distributor can recommend suitable softeners.
Manufacturers instructions should be carefully followed.
NOTE: The pH level should be regularly checked.
The pH value of the coolant must not be less than pH7 or more than pH9.5. The pH value can be found by the use of a
pH meter or test papers, which are available from pharmaceutical manufacturers. If these limits are exceeded the pH value
may be adjusted by the addition of a corrosion inhibitor to the same specification as that already in use. If this is not possible,
the system may be drained, flushed and filled with a new coolant

4.7 Exhaust
The purpose of the engine exhaust system is to direct the exhaust outside to a location and height where the fumes and
odours will not become an annoyance or hazard and also to reduce noise.
Engine exhaust must be directed to the outside through a properly designed exhaust system that does not create excessive
back pressure on the engine. A suitable exhaust silencer should be connected into the exhaust piping. Exhaust system
components located within the engine room should be insulated to reduce heat radiation. The outer end of the pipe should
be equipped with a rain cap or cut at 60° to the horizontal to prevent rain or snow from entering the exhaust system. If the
building is equipped with a smoke detection system, the exhaust outlet should be positioned so it cannot set off the smoke
detection alarm.
Open generating sets will generally be supplied with a loose industrial class silencer, a stub pipe and a bellows (if required).
An optional “Overhead Mounting Kit” includes a bend, silencer support brackets and a bellows (if not standard). An optional
“Silencer Installation Kit” includes the wall sleeve, bend and rain cap for directing the exhaust outside (see Figure 4s). In all
cases, the straight sections of pipe and screw rods for the support brackets are supplied by the customer.
II Engine exhaust emissions are hazardous to personnel.
II The engine exhaust for all indoor generating sets must be piped outdoors via leak-free piping in compliance
with relevant Codes, Standards and other requirements.
II Ensure hot exhaust silencers, piping and turbochargers, if fitted, are clear of combustible material and are
guarded for personnel protection per safety requirements.
II Ensure that fumes from the exhaust outlet will not be a hazard.
In designing an exhaust system, the primary consideration is to not exceed the allowable back pressure permitted by the
engine manufacturer. Excessive back pressure seriously affects engine output, durability and fuel consumption. To limit the
back pressure the exhaust piping should be as short and straight as possible. Any required bends should have a curve radius
of at least 1.5 times the inside diameter of the pipe. Any designed exhaust extensions over 3 metres should be approved by
the factory.
Other exhaust design criteria are as follows:
• Exhaust components including turbochargers can be very hot and must be guarded where they could be accidentally
• A flexible connection between the exhaust manifold and the piping system should be used to prevent transmission of
engine vibration to the piping and the building and to allow for thermal expansion and any slight misalignment of the
piping (see Figure 4v).

29 356-7259 (Eng)
• Ensure that the silencer and all pipes are well supported to limit strain on the connectors which could result in cracks
or leaks.
• Exhaust system components located within the generator room should be insulated to reduce heat radiation and
noise levels. Pipes and the silencer, whether located inside or outside the building, should be located well clear of any
combustible material.
• Any long horizontal or vertical piping should slope away from the engine and include drain traps at their lowest points
to prevent water from reaching the engine or silencer.
• On generating sets above 150 kVA the silencer installation must include a purge plug for venting of the exhaust system
in the event of difficult starting. The plug should be located adjacent to the exhaust flange and positioned to allow
• Where the pipe goes through a wall there should be a sleeve in the opening to absorb vibration and isolate
combustible material from the hot pipes (see Figure 4t). There may also be an expansion joint in the pipe to
compensate for lengthwise thermal expansion or contraction.
• The outer end of the exhaust pipe, if horizontal, should be cut at 60° to the horizontal or should be fitted with a rain
hood or cap, if vertical, to prevent rain or snow from entering the exhaust system.
• The exhaust pipe must not be connected to exhausts from other generating sets or other equipment, such as a
furnace or boiler.

4.7.1 Exhaust Piping

For both installation economy and operating efficiency, engine location should make the exhaust piping as short as possible
with minimum bends and restrictions. Usually the exhaust pipe extends through an outside wall of the building and
continues up the outside of the wall to the roof.
There should be a sleeve in the wall opening to absorb vibration and an expansion joint in the pipe to compensate for
lengthways thermal expansion or contraction (see Figure 4s).
It is not normally recommended that the engine exhaust share a flue with a furnace or other equipment since there is
danger that back pressure caused by one will adversely affect operation of the others. Such multiple use of a flue should be
attempted only if it is not detrimental to performance of the engine or any other equipment sharing the common flue.
The exhaust can be directed into a special stack that also serves as the outlet for radiator discharge air and may be sound-
insulated. The radiator discharge air enters below the exhaust gas inlet so that the rising radiator air mixes with the exhaust
gas (see Figures 4t and 4u). The silencer may be located within the stack or in the room with its tail pipe extending through
the stack and then outward.
Air guide vanes should be installed in the stack to turn radiator discharge air flow upward and to reduce radiator fan air flow
restriction, or the sound insulation lining may have a curved contour to direct air flow upward. For a generating set enclosed
on the roof or in a separate outdoor enclosure or trailer, the exhaust and radiator discharges can flow together above the
enclosure without a stack. Sometimes for this purpose the radiator is mounted horizontally and air vertically.
II Do not use a common exhaust with multiple sets.
1. Exhaust Silencer
3 2. Wall Sleeve and Expansion Joint
3. Rain Cap
4. Silencer/Pipework Supports


Figure 4s – Typical Exhaust System Installation

• The stub pipe is not designed to support the weight of the exhaust. Excessive weight on the stub pipe may lead to
cracking / damage to the turbocharger
30 356-7259 (Eng)
4.8 Exhaust Pipe Flexible Section
A flexible connection between the manifold and the exhaust piping system should be used to prevent transmitting engine
vibration to the piping and the building and to isolate the engine and piping from forces due to thermal expansion, motion
or weight of piping. A well designed flex section will permit operation with ± 13 mm (0.5 in) permanent displacement in any
direction of either end of the section without damage. Not only must the section have the flexibility to compensate for a
nominal amount of permanent mismatch between piping and manifold, but it must also yield readily to intermittent motion
of the generating set on its vibration isolators in response to load changes. The flexible connector should be specified with
the generating set.

4.8.1 Exhaust Pipe Insulation

No exposed parts of the exhaust system should be near wood or other inflammable material. Exhaust piping inside the
building (and the silencer if mounted inside) should be covered with suitable insulation materials to protect personnel and to
reduce room temperature. A sufficient layer of suitable insulating material surrounding the piping and silencer and retained
by a stainless steel or aluminium sheath may substantially reduce heat radiation to the room from the exhaust system.
An additional benefit of the insulation is that it provides sound attenuation to reduce noise in the room.

4.8.2 Minimising Exhaust Flow Restriction

Free flow of exhaust gases through the pipe is essential to minimise exhaust back pressure. Excessive exhaust back pressure
seriously affects engine horsepower output, durability and fuel consumption. Restricting the discharge of gases from the
cylinder causes poor combustion and higher operating temperatures. The major design factors that may cause high back
pressure are:
• Exhaust pipe diameter too small
• Exhaust pipe too long
• Too many sharp bends in exhaust system
• Exhaust silencer restriction too high
• At certain critical lengths, standing pressure waves may cause high back pressure

1. Exhaust Silencer
2. Optional Cover
3. Air Inlet Lourves
4. Access Door
5. Air Guide Vanes
6. Optional Sound Reducing Material
7. Sleeve & Expansion Point
8. Air Chimney


Figure 4t – Horizontally Mounted Exhaust Silencer

31 356-7259 (Eng)

1. Exhaust Silencer
2. Optional Cover
3. Air Inlet Louvres
4. Access Door
5. Air Guide Vanes
6. Sound Reducing Material
1 7. Air Chimney


Figure 4u – Radiator Air Discharging into with Exhaust Pipe and Radiator Air Sound-Insulated Stack Containing Utilising
Common Stack Exhaust Silencer
Excessive restriction in the exhaust system can be avoided by proper design and construction. To make sure you will avoid
problems related to excessive restriction, ask the distributor to review your design.
The effect of pipe diameter, length and the restriction of any bends in the system 1. Exhaust Outlet
2. Silencer
can be calculated to make sure your exhaust system is adequate without 3. Flexible Section
excessive back pressure. The longer the pipe and the more bends it contains, 4. Engine Exhaust Manifold

the larger the diameter required to avoid excessive flow restriction and back
pressure. The back pressure should be calculated during the installation
stage to make certain it will be within the recommended limits for the 2
Measure the exhaust pipe length from your installation layout
(see Figure 4v). Take exhaust flow data and back pressure
limits from the generating set engine specification sheet.
Allowing for restrictions of the exhaust silencer and
any elbows in the pipe, calculate the minimum pipe
diameter so that the total system restriction will
not exceed the recommended exhaust back
pressure limit. Allowance should be made for
deterioration and scale accumulation that may 3
increase restriction over a period of time.

Figure 4v – Measuring Exhaust pipe length to determine exhaust back pressue

Elbow restriction is most conveniently handled by calculating an equivalent length of straight pipe for each elbow and
adding it to the total length of pipe. For elbows and flexible sections, the equivalent length of a straight pipe is calculated as
45° Elbow:
Length (ft) = 0.75 x Diameter (inches)
90° Elbow:
Length (ft) = 1.33 x Diameter (inches)
Flexible Sections:
Length (ft): 0.167 x Diameter (inches)

32 356-7259 (Eng)
The following formula is used to calculate the back pressure of an exhaust system:
P = back pressure in inches of mercury
C = .00059 for engine combustion airflow of 100 to 400 cfm
= .00056 for engine combustion airflow of 400 to 700 cfm
= .00049 for engine combustion airflow of 700 to 2000 cfm
= .00044 for engine combustion airflow of 2000 to 5400 cfm
L = length of exhaust pipe in feet
R = exhaust density in pounds per cubic foot
R = 41.1
Exhaust temperature ºF* + 460º F
Q = exhaust gas flow in cubic feet per minute*
D = inside diameter of exhaust pipe in inches
* Available from engine specification sheet These formulae assume that the exhaust pipe is clean commercial steel or
wrought iron. The back pressure is dependent on the surface finish of the piping and an increase in the pipe roughness will
increase the back pressure. The constant 41.1 is based on the weight of combustion air and fuel burned at rated load and
SAE conditions. See engine specification sheet for exhaust gas temperature and air flow. Conversion tables to other units are
provided in the appendix at the back of this manual.

4.8.3 Exhaust Silencing

Excessive noise is objectionable in most locations. Since a large part of the generating set noise is produced in the engine’s
pulsating exhaust, this noise can be reduced to an acceptable level by using an exhaust silencer. The required degree of
silencing depends on the location and may be regulated by law. For example, the noise of an engine is objectionable in a
hospital area but generally is not as objectionable in an isolated pumping station.

4.8.4 Exhaust Silencer Selection

The silencer reduces noise in the exhaust system by dissipating energy in chambers and baffle tubes and by eliminating
wave reflection that causes resonance. The silencer is selected according to the degree of attenuation required by the
site conditions and regulations. The size of silencer and exhaust piping should hold exhaust back pressure within limits
recommended by the engine manufacturer.
Silencers are rated according to their degree of silencing by such terms as “low degree” or “industrial”, “moderate” or “residential”
and “high degree” or “critical”.
Low-Degree or Industrial Silencing – Suitable for industrial areas where background noise level is relatively high or for remote
areas where partly muffled noise is permissible.
Moderate-Degree or Residential Silencing – Reduces exhaust noise to an acceptable level in localities where moderately
effective silencing is required – such as semiresidential areas where a moderate background noise is always present.
High-Degree or Critical Silencing – Provides maximum silencing for residential, hospital, school, hotel, store, apartment
building and other areas where background noise level is low and generating set noise must be kept to a minimum.
The silencer may be located close to the engine, with exhaust piping leading from the silencer to the outside; or it may be
located outdoors on the wall or roof. Locating the silencer close to the engine affords best overall noise attenuation because
of minimum piping to the silencer. Servicing and draining of the silencer is likely to be more convenient with the silencer
However, mounting the silencer outside has the advantage that the silencer need not be insulated (though it should be
surrounded by a protective screen). The job of insulating piping within the room is simpler when the silencer is outside and
the insulation can then aid noise attenuation. Since silencers are large and heavy, consider their dimensions and weight
when you are planning the exhaust system. The silencer must be adequately supported so that its weight is not applied to
the engine’s exhaust manifold or turbocharger. The silencer must fit into the space available without requiring extra bends in
the exhaust piping, which would cause high exhaust back pressure. A side inlet silencer may be installed horizontally above
the engine without requiring a great amount of headroom.

33 356-7259 (Eng)
Silencers or exhaust piping within reach of personnel should be protected by guards or insulation. Indoors, it is preferable to
insulate the silencer and piping because the insulation not only protects personnel, but it reduces heat radiation to the room
and further reduces exhaust system noise.
Silencers mounted horizontally should be set at a slight angle away from the engine outlet with a drain fitting at the lowest
point to allow the disposal of any accumulated moisture.

4.9 Sound Attenuation

If noise level must be limited, it should be specified in terms of a sound pressure level at a given distance from the generator
enclosure. Then the enclosure must be designed to attenuate the noise generated inside the enclosure to produce the
required level outside. Don’t attempt to make this noise level unnecessarily low, because the means of achieving it may be
Use of resilient mounts for the generating set plus normal techniques for controlling exhaust, intake and radiator fan noise
should reduce generating set noise to an acceptable level for many installations. If the remaining noise level is still too
high, acoustic treatment of either the room or the generating set is necessary. Sound barriers can be erected around the
generating set, or the walls of the generator room can be sound insulated, but must not be placed in any way to impede
airflow or the generating set can be enclosed in a specially developed sound insulated enclosure.
In most cases it is necessary that the air intake and air discharge openings will have to be fitted with sound attenuators. If it is
desired to protect operating personnel from direct exposure to generating set noise, the instruments and control station may
be located in a separate sound insulated control room.

4.10 Fuel System

A dependable fuel supply system must assure instant availability of fuel to facilitate starting and to keep the engine operating.
This requires, at a minimum, a small day tank (usually incorporated into the generating set baseframe – called a basetank)
located close to the generating set. With generally a capacity of 8 hours operation, this day tank can be backed up by an
auxiliary remote fuel system including a bulk storage tank and the associated pumps and plumbing (If required).
II For stationary generating sets with remote fuel storage systems, make sure such systems are installed in
compliance with relevant Codes, Standards or other requirements.
II Do not smoke or allow sparks, flames or other sources of ignition around fuel. Fuel vapours and oil vapours are

4.10.1 Day Tank

Day tanks provide a readily available supply of fuel directly to the generating set and should therefore be located within
the generator room. The steel baseframe of all but the largest generating sets are designed with a steel or polyethylene
day tank built in with the engine fuel lines connected. These “basetanks” provide for at least 8 hours operation at full load or
approximately 24 hours if an extended capacity basetank has been fitted.
II Never connect a remote fuel system to polyethylene fuel tanks incorporated in the baseframe on smaller
generating sets.
In addition, the size of the day tank should be large enough to keep fuel temperatures down, since some engines return hot
fuel used to cool the injectors
Model Extra Capacity
With Fuel Coolers Without Fuel Coolers
910-1100 kVA 1500 Litres 3000 Litres
1250-1650 kVA 2250 Litres 4500 Litres
1700-2200 kVA 3000 Litres 6000 Litres

34 356-7259 (Eng)
4.10.2 Bulk Storage Tanks
For extended operation, a separate bulk fuel storage tank is required. Especially for standby generating sets it is not advisable
to depend on regular delivery of fuel. The emergency that requires use of the standby set may also interrupt the delivery of
The bulk tank should generally be located outside the building where it will be convenient for refilling, cleaning and
inspection. It should not, however, be exposed to freezing weather because fuel flow will be restricted as viscosity increases
with cold temperatures. The tank may be located either above or below ground.
A vent must be installed on the bulk tank to relieve the air pressure created by filling the tank or created by evaporation
and expansion. It will also prevent a vacuum as the fuel is consumed. The tank should be placed on a 2° tilt to assure a
concentrated settling of water and sediment. A sludge drain valve should be installed at the low point to allow removal of
water and sediment on a regular basis. Underground tanks should have this water and sediment pumped out regularly. All
bulk tanks should be fitted with an external filter and be part of the maintenance programme of the generating set.
II For standby generating sets not used, fuel may become stagnant and contaminated with water and algae. Any
fuel over 12 months old should be analysed before use.

4.10.3 Fuel Lines

The fuel lines can be of any fuel compatible material such as steel pipe or flexible hoses that will tolerate environmental
II Do not use galvanised pipe or fittings for the fuel system.
Fuel delivery and return lines should be at least as large as the fitting sizes on the engine and overflow piping should be
one size larger. For longer runs of piping or low ambient temperatures the size of these lines should be increased to ensure
adequate flow. Flexible piping should be used to connect to the engine to avoid damage or leaks caused by engine vibration.
The fuel delivery line should pick up fuel from a point no lower than 50 mm (2”) from the bottom at the high end of the tank
(away from the drain plug).

4.10.4 Remote Fuel Systems

Most sets are supplied equipped with a diesel fuel tank in the baseframe. Certain installations, however, require the addition
of remote fuel supplies. The manufacturer recommends the 5 types of systems detailed below. It must be noted that as
polyethylene fuel tanks are not compatible with remote fuel systems, a metal fuel tank must be fitted.
Fuel System 1 (FK1): For installations where the bulk tank is located below floor level a pumped fuel supply from the bulk
tank to the basetank is required (see Figure 4w).
The basetank must include an overflow, extended vent, sealed gauges and no manual fill. All other connections on top of the
tank must be sealed to prevent leakage.
The position of the fuel tank should take into account that the maximum suction lift of the fuel transfer pump is 3 metres and
that the maximum restriction caused by the friction losses in the return fuel line should not exceed 2 psi. A 1.4m extended
vent pipe will be required on the basetank to prevent overflow.

5 2 1. Below Floor Level Bulk Tank

2. Control Panel
3. AC Fuel Pump
4. Fuel Level Switches
5. Extended Vent

8 6 6. Supply Line
7. Return Line
8. Strainer
9. Level Gauge

9 4 3
Figure 4w – Typical Layout with Fuel System 1 (FK1)

35 356-7259 (Eng)
The manufacturer’s kit for Fuel System 1 includes an AC fuel pump with mounting bracket, fuel strainer, 4 position float
switch and controls for the fuel pump mounted in the generating set control panel. In addition, with this kit the basetank
is modified by the removal of the manual fill facility. All other items including fuel lines, bulk tank, extended vent, etc. are
supplied by the installer.
Fuel System 2 (FK2): Where the location of the bulk tank is higher than the generating set, a gravity fuel supply from the bulk
tank to the basetank is required (see Figure 4x).
The basetank must include an overflow, extended vent, sealed gauges and no manual fill. All other connections on top of the
tank must be sealed to prevent leakage.
“Distance “A” in Figure 4x is limited to 1400mm for all metal basetanks except for models 350 – 900 kVA where this distance
can be increased to 3700mm.
The manufacturer’s kit for Fuel System 2 includes a DC motorised valve with mounting bracket, fuel strainer, 4 position
float switch and controls for the motorised valve mounted in the generating set control panel. In addition, with this kit the
basetank is modified by the removal of the manual fill facility. All other items including fuel lines, bulk tank, etc. are supplied
by the installer.
1. High Level Bulk Tank
5 2.
Control Panel
DC Motorised Valve
1 4. Fuel Level Switch
5. Return Line (Continuous Rise)
2 8 6. Supply Line
7. Strainer
8. Isolating Valve
A 9. Level Gauge

9 4 7 6

Figure 4x – Typical Layout with Fuel System 2 (FK2)

NOTE: 4000 series generating sets only: the fuel level in the day tank must not exceed 1500 mm above the level of the fuel
Fuel System 2b (FK2b): This option provides manual backup for the fuel transfer system where the bulk fuel tank is located
higher than the basetank.
Upon failure of the automatic transfer system, the manual backup can be used to transfer fuel from the main bulk tank to the
generating set basetank. The manual backup system consists of a bypass with a manually operated shutoff valve. When the
fuel level in the generating set basetank is low (as observed by using the mechanical fuel gauge) the manual shut-off valve in
the bypass circuit should be opened until the required fuel level is reached. The maximum allowable head pressure of the oil
at the Engine Fuel Pump is given below.

Figure 4y

36 356-7259 (Eng)
Fuel System 4 (FK4): Some installations may require a system where fuel is pumped from a free standing bulk tank (see
Figure 4z). This pumped system would only be used if gravity feed is not possible from the bulk tank to the basetank.
The basetank must include an overflow, extended vent, sealed gauges and no manual fill. All other connections on top of the
tank must be sealed to prevent leakage.
“Distance “A” in Figure 4z is limited to 1400 mm for all metal basetanks except models 350 kVA – 900 kVA where this distance is
extended to 3700 mm. Note that the maximum restriction caused by friction losses and height of the return line should not
exceed 2 psi.
• 4000 series generating sets only: the fuel level in the day tank must not exceed 1500 mm above the level of the fuel
The manufacturer’s kit for installing this system includes an AC fuel pump with mounting bracket, a DC motorised valve with
mounting bracket, fuel strainer, 4 position float switch and controls for the fuel pump and motorised valve mounted in the
generating set control panel. In addition, with this kit the basetank is modified by the removal of the manual fill facility. All
other items including fuel lines, bulk tank, etc. are supplied by the installer.
1. Above Ground Bulk Tank
2 7 2. Control Panel
3. AC Fuel Pump
4. Motorised Valve
5. Fuel Level Switch
6. Supply Line
A 7. Return Line (Continuous Rise)
3 8 8. Strainer
M 9. Isolating Valve
10. Level Gauge

10 5 4 6 9 1

Figure 4z – Typical Layout with Fuel System 4 (FK4)

4.11 Fire Precautions

When designing the generating set installation the following points should be considered:
• The room should be designed so that there is an easy escape route for operating personnel in the event of fire within
the room.
• Supply a Class BC or Class ABC fire extinguisher and/or fire extinguishing system.
• Gravity operated fire valves released by temperature operated fusible links mounted above the engine can be installed
in the fuel lines.

4.12 Starting Batteries

II Do not smoke or allow sparks, flames or other sources of ignition around batteries. Hydrogen gas generated by
charging batteries is explosive.
The starting batteries should be located as close as possible to the generating set while still being accessible for servicing.
This will prevent electrical losses from long cables that could impact on the engine starting capability of the batteries. See
Section 10.

4.13 Electrical Connection

On-site electrical installation will generally consist only of connecting up the site load to the generating set output terminals.
Only fully qualified and experienced electrical technicians should carry out electrical installation, service and repair work.
II Make electrical connections in compliance with relevant Electrical Codes, Standards or other requirements. This
includes requirements about grounding and ground/earth faults.

37 356-7259 (Eng)
4.13.1 Cabling
Due to movement of generating sets on their vibration mounts, the electrical connection to the set should be made with
flexible cable. This will prevent transmission of vibrations and possible damage to the alternator or circuit breaker terminals. If
flexible cabling can not be used throughout the installation then a link box should be installed close to the set with a flexible
connection to the generating set.
The cable should be protected by laying it in a duct or cable tray. However, the duct or tray should never be rigidly
connected to the generating set. When bending cable, reference must be made to the recommended minimum bending
The cable must be suitable for the output voltage and the rated current of the generating set. In determining the size,
allowances should be made for ambient temperature, method of installation, proximity of other cables, etc. When single core
cables are used the gland plates must be of non-ferrous material such as aluminium, brass or a non-metallic material such as
tufnol. Alternatively slots can be cut between gland holes of cables to prevent circulating (eddy) currents in magnetic gland
All connections should be carefully checked for integrity. Phase rotation must be checked for compatibility with the
installation. This is vitally important when connection is made to an automatic transfer switch, or if the machine is to be

4.13.2 Protection
The cables connecting the generating set with the distribution system are protected by means of a circuit breaker to
automatically disconnect the generating set in case of overload or short circuit.

4.13.3 Loading
When planning the electrical distribution system it is important to ensure that a balanced load is presented to the generating
set. If loading on one phase is substantially higher than the other phases it will cause overheating in the alternator windings,
imbalance in the phase to phase output voltage and possible damage to sensitive 3 phase equipment connected to the
system. Ensure that no individual phase current exceeds the current rating of the generating set. For connection to an
existing distribution system, it may be necessary to reorganise the distribution system to ensure these loading factors are met.

4.13.4 Power Factor

The power factor (cos Φ) of the connected load should be determined. Power factors below 0.8 lagging (inductive) can
overload the generator. The set will provide its kilowatt rating and operate satisfactorily from 0.8 lagging to unity power
factor (1.0).
Particular attention must be given to installations with automatic or manual power factor correction equipment such
as capacitors to ensure that a leading power factor is never present. This will lead to voltage instability and may result
in damaging overvoltages. Generally, whenever the generating set is supplying the load any power factor correction
equipment should be switched off.

4.13.5 Grounding Requirements

Regulations vary for different locations. The frame of the generating set must be connected to an earth ground. Since the
generating set is mounted on vibration isolators, the ground connection must be flexible to avoid possible breakage due to
vibration. On the majority of self contained generating sets the ground connection is located inside the circuit breaker box.
Ground connection cables or straps should have at least full load current carrying capacity and meet applicable regulations.
II Do not remove the earth bonding strap between the engine/alternator and the baseframe.

4.13.6 Alternator Reconnection

Most alternators can be reconnected (Restrapped) to suit different output voltages. The reconnection procedures are given in
the Alternator Manual. Ensure that all other components such as circuit breakers, current transformers, cables and ammeters
are suitable before operating at a different voltage.
II If restrapping to a lower voltage the breaker, power cables and CT’s will be underrated and require appropriate
rated items to be fitted.

38 356-7259 (Eng)
4.13.7 Parallel Running
Extra equipment must be fitted for the standard generating sets to be operated in parallel with other generating sets or with
mains power.

4.13.8 Insulation Test

Before starting the generating set after installation, test the insulation resistance of the windings. The Automatic Voltage
Regulator (AVR) should be disconnected and the rotating diodes either shorted out with temporary links or disconnected.
Any control wiring must also be disconnected.
A 500V Megger or similar instrument should be used. Disconnect any earthing conductor connected between neutral and
earth and megger an output terminal to earth. The insulation resistance should be in excess of 5MΩ to earth. Should the
insulation resistance be less than 5MΩ the winding must be dried out. See the Alternator Manual for procedures.

4.14 Acoustic Silencing

Control of generating set noise is becoming very important in most installations. There is a range of options available to
control the noise level.
II Ear protection must be worn when operating or working around an operating generating set.

4.14.1 Exhaust Silencers

As discussed in Section 4.8 the exhaust silencer will decrease sound levels from the engine. Varying degrees of sound
attenuation are available from different types of silencers. These levels are often described by terms such as industrial,
residential, critical or supercritical.

4.14.2 Enclosures
Section 4.2 discusses enclosures that are available in either weatherproof or sound attenuating versions. These enclosures can
be designed to meet a specific sound level requirement.

4.14.3 Other Sound Attenuation

For installations in buildings there are other types of equipment such as acoustic louvres, splitter vents and fan silencers, as
well as sound absorbing wall coverings, that can be used to reduce the noise levels of generating sets.

4.15 Towing (Portable Generating Sets)

4.15.1 Preparing to Tow

Inspect all components of the coupling equipment on the towing vehicle and the generating set for defects such as
excessive wear, corrosion, cracks, bent metal or loose bolts. Ensure that the towing vehicle is rated for towing a load of at least
the weight of the mobile generating set plus a 10% safety factor.
Couple the towing vehicle to the trailer and ensure the coupling device is engaged, closed and locked. Attach electrical
connector for indicator lights, etc. Attach chains, if provided, by crossing them under the drawbar and attaching to the
towing vehicle. Attach any “break away” safety wire, if fitted.
II On mobile generating sets the generating set should be mounted using “captivation mounts”. These mounts
minimise vibration and include a captivation feature that prevents the generating set breaking away in case of a
road accident.
Fully retract the front screw jack, if equipped and secure with the pin or locking device. Lock the front jockey wheel, if
equipped, in the full up position. Ensure that the rear stabiliser jacks, if equipped, are raised and locked.
Inspect tyres for condition and proper inflation. Check all tail lights, if equipped, are operating properly and that all reflectors
are clean and functional.
Ensure load and grounding/earthing cables are disconnected and that all windows, access doors and tool box covers are
closed, latched and locked. Ensure any external fuel pipes are disconnected.
Release trailer parking brakes, if equipped and remove any blocks or chocks under the wheels.

39 356-7259 (Eng)
1 - Front jockey wheel
2 - Rear stabiliser legs

Figure 4bb – Generating Set on Trailer

4.15.2 Towing
Whenever towing a mobile generating set, remember the generating set may approach or exceed the weight of the towing
vehicle so manoeuvrability and stopping distance will be affected.
II When towing a mobile generating set, observe all Codes, Standards or other regulations and traffic laws. These
include those regulations specifying required equipment and maximum and minimum speeds.
II Ensure brakes, if fitted, are in good order.
II All fuel should be removed before towing to enhance stability.
II Do not permit personnel to ride in or on the mobile generating set. Do not permit personnel to stand or ride on
the drawbar or to stand or walk between the generating set and the towing vehicle.
Avoid gradients in excess of 15° (27%) and avoid potholes, rocks or other obstructions and soft or unstable terrain.
Ensure the area behind and under the mobile generating set is clear before reversing.

4.15.3 Parking:
Park the generating set on a dry level area that can support its weight. If it must be located on a slope, park it across the
grade preventing it from rolling downhill. Do not park the generating set on grades exceeding 15° (27%).
Set the parking brake and block or chock both sides of all wheels. Lower front screw jack, castor wheel and/or rear stabiliser
jacks, as fitted.
Unhook chains, if equipped, from the towing vehicle, disconnect electrical connection, disconnect the coupling device and
move the towing vehicle clear of the mobile generating set.

4.16 Storage
Long term storage can have detrimental effects on both the engine and alternator. These effects can be minimised by
properly preparing and storing the generating set.

4.16.1 Engine Storage

The engine should be put through an engine “preservation” procedure that includes cleaning the engine and replacing all the
fluids with new or preserving fluids. See the Engine Manual for the proper procedure.

4.16.2 Alternator Storage

When an alternator is in storage, moisture tends to condense in the windings. To minimise condensation, store the
generating set in a dry storage area. If possible use space heaters to keep the windings dry.
After removing the generating set from storage, perform an insulation check as discussed in Section 4.12.8. If the readings are
lower than prior to storage, it may be necessary to dry out the windings. See the Alternator Manual for procedures.
If the megger reading is below 1MΩ after drying, the insulation has deteriorated and should be reconditioned.

4.16.3 Battery Storage

While the battery is stored, it should receive a refreshing charge every 12 weeks (8 weeks in a tropical climate) up to a fully
charged condition.
40 356-7259 (Eng)
5.1 Control System Description
An electronic control system has been designed and installed to control and monitor the generating set. Depending on the
requirements of the generating set, one of several different standard control systems may be fitted. Other more specialised
systems may be fitted for specific installations in which case separate documentation is provided.
These control systems consist of three major components working together:
Control Panel – provides a means of starting and stopping the generating set, monitoring its operation and output and
automatically shutting down the generating set in the event of a critical condition arising such as low oil pressure or high
engine coolant temperature to prevent major damage to the engine / alternator.
Engine Interface Module (where fitted) - provides switching relays for the Starter Motor Solenoid, Glow Plug and Fuel
Solenoid. Each of these circuits is protected with individual fuses mounted in the module. Individual LED’s illuminate when
each circuit is energised.
Power Output Circuit Breaker - serves to protect the alternator by automatically disconnecting the load in the event of
overload or short circuit. It also provides a means of switching the generating set output.
• Products within the 26 – 200 kVA range are not equipped with an EIM but are provided with the switching relays for
Starter Motor Solenoid, glow plug and fuel solenoid in the control panel. Each of these products is now protected
with individual Miniature Circuit Breakers (MCBs) mounted inside the control panel.

5.2 1002T and LCP1

The 1002T Series / LCP1 Control System provides for manual starting and stopping of the generating set and provides
protection for the engine against both high engine coolant temperature and low oil pressure.
Before starting or running the generating set, the operator should become fully acquainted with the instruments and
controls. The instruments should be observed from time to time while the generating set is running so that any abnormal
readings can be detected before problems arise.

5.2.1 Control Panel Instrumentation

Figure 5a shows typical diagrams of each of the control panels. The addition of optional equipment will add items to
the panel so the panel fitted on the generating set may be slightly different from the typical ones shown. The following
descriptions explain the function of each item on the panels:

1 7 2 9 8 12
3 5






11 10

1002T Control Panel LCP1 Control Panel

Figure 5a – Layout of 1002T Series and LCP1 Control Panel

41 356-7259 (Eng)
1. AC Voltmeter – indicates the AC voltage generated at the alternator output terminals. The reading indicated on the
voltmeter will vary depending on the position of the voltmeter selector switch (item 2). It should not, however, vary while
the generating set is operating. If the meter gives no reading while the generating set is running, ensure that the AC
voltmeter selector switch is not in the OFF position.
2. AC Voltmeter Selector Switch – allows the operator to select voltage reading between phases or between a phase
and neutral. The OFF position allows the voltmeter “zero” position to be checked while the generating set is running.
3. AC Ammeter – indicates the AC electrical current being delivered which is dependant on the connected load. A separate
reading from each of the phases is possible using the ammeter selection switch (item 4). If the meter gives no reading
while the generating set is running, ensure that the AC ammeter selector switch is not in the OFF position.
4. AC AMMETER SELECTOR SWITCH – allows the operator to select a current reading from each of the phases. The OFF
position allows the ammeter “zero” position to be checked while the generating set is running.
5. FREQUENCY METER – Indicates the output frequency of the generating set. At partial load the frequency will be slightly
higher than normal, depending on the droop of the governor. In practice, no load frequencies of approximately 52 and 62
Hz for
50 Hz and 60 Hz respectively, are considered normal. The frequencies will fall, as the generating set is loaded, to 50 Hz and
60 Hz at full load.
6. HOURS RUN METER – indicates the total number of hours of generating set operation. This meter assists with
7. DC BATTERY VOLTMETER (where fitted) – indicates the state of charge of the battery. When the engine is at standstill the
normal battery voltage will be 12 to 14 volts on a 12 volt system and 24 to 28 volts on a 24 volt system. During starting,
the needle will drop to about 70% of normal and oscillate as the engine cranks. Once the engine has started, the needle
should return to its normal value. If the battery charging alternator is charging correctly, the voltage reading will always be
higher with the generating set running than when it is stopped.
8. FAULT INDICATOR LAMPS (where fitted) – illuminate to indicate that the protective circuitry has sensed the indicated
condition. The lamp should be red on conditions for which the system will initiate a shutdown of the generating set. For
alarms, the lamp can be red or amber.
Low Oil Pressure
Pre-Heat/Glow Plugs
Charging Alt Fail
Low Oil Pressure
High Engine Temp
Low Coolant Level (option) High Engine Temp
Emergency Stop

1002T LCP1
Figure 5b – 1002T / LCP1 Fault Lamps
9. LAMP TEST Push button (where fitted) – tests the fault lamps and resets an alarm warning lamp and circuitry after an alarm
has been initiated.
10. KEY SWITCH – A four position switch that provides a means of starting and operating the generating set.
Position “0” – Off / Reset
Power is turned off and protection circuitry is reset in this position.
Position “1” – On
DC power is supplied to the control system and the fault protection timer relay is initiated.
Position “ ” – Thermostart
DC power is supplied to the thermostart circuit, if fitted.
Position “ ” – Start
DC power is supplied to the starter motor to crank the engine. The thermostart circuit is also powered, if fitted.
11. EMERGENCY STOP Push button – A red lock–down push button that immediately shuts down the generating set and will
inhibit start until the push button has been released by turning it clockwise. Prior to restarting the generating set, this fault
lamp must be reset by turning the key switch to position “O” (off ) (1002T Panel Only).
12. FUSES – A fuse interrupts excessive current so that the circuit(s) it supplies are protected.
13. OUTPUT CIRCUIT BREAKERS – To protect the alternator, a suitably rated circuit breaker selected for the generating set
model output rating, is supplied.
42 356-7259 (Eng)
5.2.2 General Information1002T / LCP1 Control Systems

Figure 5c – 1002T & LCP1 Control Systems

Controller version is dictated by product configuration, a 1002T or LCP1 panel may be fitted. Both control systems provide for
manual starting and stopping of the generating set and provide protection for the engine against critical failures.

5.2.3 Pre-Start Checks

The following checks should be performed prior to starting the generating set:
1. Ensure the Control Switch / Key Switch is Off on the 1002T/LCP1.
A visual inspection should take only a few minutes and can prevent costly repairs and accidents – For maximum generating
set life, visually inspect the generating set before starting. Look for items such as:
• Loose fastenings / fixings, worn belts or loose connections. Repair as necessary.
• The fan and exhaust guards must be at the correct positions and securely fixed. Repair damaged / loose guards or
renew missing guards.
• Wipe clean all filler caps before the engine is serviced or fluids are topped up to reduce the chance of any system
• For any type of leak (coolant, lubricating oil or fuel), clean away the fluid. If a leak is observed, find the source and
correct the leak. If a leak is suspected, check the fluid levels frequently until the leak is found and repaired.
• Accumulated grease and/or oil on an engine is a fire hazard. Remove it by steam cleaning or by the use of a high
pressure water jet. Avoid high–pressure water on the electronic / electrical components, provide suitable protection
were possible.
• Ensure that the coolant pipes are fitted correctly and that they are secure. Check for leaks. Check the condition of all
pipes for splits or signs of rubbing.
Fluid levels
2. Check the engine oil and coolant levels – replenish as necessary (see engine handbook for locations).
Ensure fluids used are as recommended within the engine handbook.
II Do not remove the radiator cap or any component of the cooling system while the engine is running and while
the coolant is under pressure, because dangerous hot coolant can be discharged, posing a risk of personal
Do not add large amounts of cold coolant to a hot system as serious engine damage could result.
• Diesel engines normally consume lube oil at a rate of 0.25% to 1% of the fuel consumption at full load.
• When adding coolant to the radiator system, always pour slowly to help prevent air from becoming trapped in the
engine. Always top up when engine is cold.
II When filling the fuel tank, do not smoke or use an open flame in the vicinity.
3. Check the fuel level – fill as necessary.

43 356-7259 (Eng)
II Before tightening the fan belts, disconnect the battery negative (–) lead to ensure the engine cannot be
accidentally started.
4. Check the condition and tension of the fan and engine alternator belts – tighten as necessary.
5. Check all hoses for loose connections or deterioration – tighten or replace as necessary.
6. Check the battery terminals for corrosion – clean as necessary.
II When working with the batteries, do not smoke or use an open flame in the vicinity. Hydrogen gas from
batteries is explosive.
II Do not short the positive and negative terminals together.
7. Check the battery electrolyte level – fill with distilled water as necessary.
8. Check the control panel and the generating set for heavy accumulation of dust and dirt – clean as necessary. These can
pose an electrical hazard or give rise to cooling problems.
9. Check the air filter restriction indicator, if fitted – replace the filter as necessary.
10. Clear the area around the generating set of any insecure items that could inhibit operation or cause injury. Ensure cooling
air ventilation screens are clear.
11. Visually check the entire generating set for signs of leaks from the fuel system, cooling system or lubrication seals.
12. Periodically drain exhaust system condensate traps, if equipped.
13. Ensure the alternator output circuit breaker is in the “OFF” (handle down) position.

5.2.4 Normal Startup / Shutdown – Key Start Panel (1002T / LCP1)

The following procedure should be used for normal starts on a generating set equipped with a 1002T Series Key Start Control
• The generating set may be stopped at any time by turning the Key Switch to Position “0” (Off ).
1. Complete Pre-Start checks as per Section 5.2.
2. Check the battery voltage by turning the Key Switch from Position “0” (Off ) to Position “1” (On) and reading the battery
voltmeter. A fully charged battery will indicate 12 to 14 volts on a 12 volt system or 24 to 28 volts on a 24 volt system.
Return the Key Switch to Position “0” (Off ).
• In the event of low battery voltage the LED will indicate on the 1002T PCB (see Figure 5a – 8). There is no battery
voltmeter on 1002T panel.
• The engine will not start if any fault indicators are illuminated. Reset the control system by turning the Key Switch to
Position “0” (Off ). Ensure the faults have been corrected prior to attempting to start the generating set.
3. Check for any abnormal noise or vibration.
4. Carry out visual checks for system leaks.
5. Check the control panel for indications of engine temperature and oil pressure
6. Switch the alternator output circuit breaker to “ON” (handle up).
II The Key Switch must not be turned to position “ ” or position “ ”, while the engine is running.
7. Start: Turn the Key Switch from Position “0” (Off ) through Position “1” (On) to Position “ ” (Thermo) to activate the
thermostart, if fitted. Hold for 7 seconds to preheat the induction air. After this time, the Key Switch should be further
turned to Position “ ” (Start) to crank the engine. When the engine starts, release the Key Switch immediately allowing it
to return to Position “1” (On).
Do not crank the engine for more than 5 to 7 seconds should the engine fail to start. Allow an interval of 10 seconds and
always turn the Key Switch to Position “0” (Off ) between cranking attempts. If, after 4 cranking attempts, the engine still has
not started, refer to a qualified generating set technician to determine the cause of failure to start.

44 356-7259 (Eng)
• Load can now be applied to the generating set. However, the maximum step load that can be accepted in any one
step is dependent on the operating temperature of the generating set.
8. To shut the generating set down, turn off the load by switching the Alternator Output Circuit Breaker to “OFF” (handle
down). Allow the generating set to run without load for a few minutes to cool. Then turn the Key Switch to Position “0”
(Off ). The generating set will shutdown.
In case of an emergency where immediate shutdown is necessary, the Key Switch should be turned to Position “0” (Off )
immediately without disconnecting the load.
• Turning the Key Switch to Position “0” (Off ) will also reset the protective circuits after a fault has been detected. Ensure
that the fault has been rectified prior to restarting the generating set.
When high engine temperature is sensed, the red coloured fault lamp labelled “HIGH ENGINE TEMPERATURE” illuminates
(see Figure 5b) and the generating set is automatically shut down. The fault lamp will remain illuminated and the engine
locked out until the fault has been acknowledged and reset by turning the Key Switch to Position “0” (Off ). On some larger
models a low coolant level sensor will also cause the generating set to shutdown and will also illuminate the “HIGH ENGINE
TEMPERATURE” fault lamp even though the temperature may be in the normal range.
When low lube oil pressure is sensed the “LOW OIL PRESSURE” fault lamp illuminates and the generating set is automatically
shut down. Reset is effected by turning the Key Switch to Position “0” (Off ).
II If at any time the generating set stops because of a fault, the fault should be rectified before trying to restart the
generating set

5.2.5 Control System Fault Finding / Trouble Shooting Guide 1002T / LCP1

Fault Symptom Remedy

1. Check Operation Of Key Switch.
Engine Does Not Crank When Key 2. Check No Fault Lamps Illuminated. Reset, If Required,
Engine Fails To Start
Switch Turned To Position “ “ (Start) After Remedying Indicated Fault.
3. Refer To Your Local Dealer.
Engine Stops Due To
“LOW OIL PRESSURE” Fault Lamp 1. Check Oil Level
Low Oil Pressure (All
Illuminates 2. Refer To Your Local Dealer.
Control Systems)
1. Check Coolant Level. (Be Sure To Allow The generating
Engine Stops Due To set To Cool First As Hot Water/Steam Can Be Present
Fault Lamp Illuminates
High Coolant Temp When You Remove The Radiator Cap).
2. Refer To Your Local Dealer.
Other Faults – Refer To Your Local Dealer.

45 356-7259 (Eng)
5.3 PowerWizard (PW1.0 & 2.0)

5.3.1 General Information

Figure 5d – PowerWizard Control System Panel

The controller is available in two versions, PowerWizard 1.0 and PowerWizard 2.0. These two versions are based on different
This guide is intended to cover the PowerWizard generating set control and its application in generating set systems.

5.3.2 PowerWizard Control Module Description

Display screen Auto

AC overview hot-key Stop

DC overview hot-key Up cursor

Warning lamp Escape

Shutdown lamp Right cursor

Alarm acknowledge Enter

Lamp test Down cursor

Run Left cursor

Figure 5e – PowerWizard Control Module Description

46 356-7259 (Eng)
5.3.3 Pre-Start Checks (applicable to all control systems)
The following checks should be performed prior to starting the generating set:
1. A visual inspection should take only a few minutes and can prevent costly repairs and accidents – For maximum
generating set life, visually inspect the generating set before starting. Look for items such as:
• Loose fastenings / fixings, worn belts or loose connections. Repair as necessary.
• The fan and exhaust guards must be at the correct positions and securely fixed. Repair damaged / loose guards or
renew missing guards.
• Wipe clean all filler caps before the engine is serviced or fluids are topped up to reduce the chance of any system
• For any type of leak (coolant, lubricating oil or fuel), clean away the fluid. If a leak is observed, find the source and
correct the leak. If a leak is suspected, check the fluid levels frequently until the leak is found and repaired.
• Accumulated grease and / or oil on an engine is a fire hazard. Remove it by steam cleaning or by the use of a high
pressure water jet. Avoid high-pressure water on the electronic / electrical components provide suitable protection
were possible.
• Ensure that the coolant pipes are fitted correctly and that they are secure. Check for leaks. Check the condition of all
pipes for splits or signs of rubbing.
Fluid levels
2. Check the engine oil and coolant levels – replenish as necessary (see engine handbook for locations). Ensure fluids used
are as recommended within the engine handbook.
II Do not remove the radiator cap or any component of the cooling system while the engine is running and while
the coolant is under pressure, because dangerous hot coolant can be discharged, posing a risk of personal
injury. Do not add large amounts of cold coolant to a hot system as serious engine damage could result.
3. Check the engine oil and coolant levels – replenish as necessary.
• Diesel engines normally consume lube oil at a rate of 0.25% to 1% of the fuel consumption.
• When adding coolant to the radiator system, always pour slowly to help prevent air from becoming trapped in the
engine. Always top up when engine is cold.
II When filling the fuel tank, do not smoke or use an open flame in the vicinity.
4. Check the fuel level – fill as necessary.
II Before tightening the fan belts, disconnect the battery negative (–) lead to ensure the engine cannot be
accidentally started.
5. Check the condition and tension of the fan and engine alternator belts – tighten as necessary.
6. Check all hoses for loose connections or deterioration – tighten or replace as necessary.
7. Check the battery terminals for corrosion – clean as necessary.
II When working with the batteries, do not smoke or use an open flame in the vicinity. Hydrogen gas from
batteries is explosive.
II Do not short the positive and negative terminals together.
8. Check the battery electrolyte level – fill with distilled water as necessary.
9. Check the control panel and the generating set for heavy accumulation of dust and dirt – clean as necessary. These can
pose an electrical hazard or give rise to cooling problems.
10. Check the air filter restriction indicator, if fitted – replace the filter as necessary.
11. Clear the area around the generating set of any insecure items that could inhibit operation or cause injury. Ensure cooling
air ventilation screens are clear.
12. Visually check the entire generating set for signs of leaks from the fuel system, cooling system or lubrication seals.

47 356-7259 (Eng)
13. Periodically drain exhaust system condensate traps, if equipped.
14. Ensure the Alternator Output Circuit Breaker is in the “OFF” (handle down) position.

5.3.4 Basic Operation


Figure 5f – Basic Operation Start Key


Press STOP Key

Figure 5g – Basic Operation Stop Key


Press AUTO Key

Figure 5h – Basic Operation Auto Key

• When not using PowerWizard in AUTO mode, a “Not in Auto Mode“ activate alarm will sound (where enabled).
48 356-7259 (Eng)
5.3.5 Fault / Alarm Reset Process
1. Fault / Alarm Reset Process 2. Fault / Alarm Reset

3. Fault / Alarm Reset 4. Fault / Alarm Reset Process. The display will show

Figure 5i – Basic Operation Fault Alarm Reset Process

5.3.6 User Interface Overview

Before starting or running the generating set, the operator should become fully acquainted with the control module’s
display and push buttons. The display should be observed from time to time while the generating set is running so that any
abnormal readings can be detected before problems arise. Figure 5c shows a typical layout of the PowerWizard control panel.
Addition of optional equipment may add items to the panel so that the panel fitted on the generating set may be slightly
different from the typical one shown. The following descriptions explain the function of each standard item on the panels:
Function Keys:
AC Overview key – The AC Overview key will navigate the display to the first screen of AC information. The AC Overview
information contains various AC parameters that summarise the electrical operation of the generating set. (Use the up/
down keys to navigate within the AC parameters).

Engine Overview key – The Engine Overview key will navigate the display to the first screen of engine information. The
Engine Overview information contains various engine parameters that summarise the operation of the generating set. (Use
the up/down keys to navigate within the Engine parameters).

Lamp Test – Pressing and holding the Lamp Test key will cause all of the LED’s and the display screen pixels to turn on.

49 356-7259 (Eng)
RUN – Pressing the Run key will cause the engine to enter the run mode.

AUTO – Pressing the Auto key will cause the engine to enter the auto mode.

STOP – Pressing the Stop key will cause the engine to enter stop mode.
Menu Navigators:
Scroll Up – The Scroll Up key is used to navigate up through the various menus or monitoring screens. The Scroll Up key
is also used during setpoint entry. During numeric data entry the Scroll Up key is used to increment the digits (0–9). If the
setpoint requires selection from a list, the Scroll Up key is used to navigate through the list.

Escape – The Escape key is used during menu navigation in order to navigate up through the menu/sub-menu structure.
Each key press causes the user to move backwards/upwards through the navigation menus. The Escape key is also
used to exit/cancel out of data entry screens during setpoint programming. If the Escape key is pressed during setpoint
programming, none of the changes made on screen will be saved to memory.

Scroll Right – The Scroll Right key is used during setpoint adjustment. During numeric data entry, the Scroll Right key
is used to choose which digit is being edited. The Scroll Right key is also used during certain setpoint adjustments to
select or deselect a check box. If a box has a check mark inside, pressing the Scroll Right key will cause the check mark to
disappear, disabling the function. If the box does not have a check mark inside, pressing the Scroll Right key will cause a
check mark to appear, enabling the function.

Enter – The Enter key is used during menu navigation to select menu items in order to navigate forward/downward in the
menu/sub–menu structure. The Enter key is also used during setpoint programming in order to save setpoint changes.
Pressing the Enter key during setpoint programming causes setpoint changes to be saved to memory.

Scroll Down – The Scroll Down key is used to navigate down through the various menus or monitoring screens. The Scroll
Down key is also used during setpoint entry. During numeric data entry the Scroll Down key is used in order to decrement
the digits (0–9). If the setpoint requires selection from a list, the Scroll Down key is used to navigate down through the list.

Scroll Left – The Scroll Left key is used during setpoint adjustment. During numeric data entry, the Scroll Left key is used to
choose which digit is being edited. The Scroll Left key is also used during certain setpoint adjustments to select or deselect
a check box. If a box has a check mark inside, pressing the Scroll Left key will cause the check mark to disappear, disabling
the function. If the box does not have a check mark inside, pressing the Scroll Left key will cause a check mark to appear,
enabling the function.
Alarm Indicators:
Yellow Warning Light – A flashing yellow light indicates that there are unacknowledged active warnings. A solid yellow
light indicates that there are acknowledged warnings active. If there are any active warnings, the yellow light will change
from flashing yellow to solid yellow after the Alarm Acknowledge key is pressed. If there are no longer any active warnings,
the yellow light will turn off after the Alarm Acknowledge key is pressed.

Red Shutdown Light – A flashing red light indicates that there are unacknowledged active shutdown events. A solid red
light indicates that there are acknowledged shutdown events active. If there are any active shutdown events the red light
will change from flashing red to solid red after the Alarm Acknowledge key is pressed. Any condition that has caused a
shutdown event must be manually reset. If there are no longer any active shutdown events, the red light will turn off.

Alarm Acknowledge – Pressing the Alarm Acknowledge will cause the horn relay output to turn off and silence the horn
(if installed). Pressing the key will also cause any yellow or red flashing lights to turn off or to become solid depending on
the active status of the alarms. The Alarm Acknowledge may also be configured to send out a global alarm silence on the
J1939 Data Link, which will silence horns on annunciators. Pressing and holding the Alarm Acknowledge key can be used
to reset all active warnings or shutdowns.

50 356-7259 (Eng)
EMERGENCY STOP Push button – A red lock-down push button that immediately shuts down the generating set and will
inhibit start until the push button has been released by turning it clockwise. Prior to restarting the set, this fault must be
reset by pressing the “stop” button on the module and resetting the fault in the “event log menu”.

Display Preferences for PowerWizard Panels:

To change the display preferences, from the main menu scroll down to the “Preferences” item (last in the menu). Press the
“Enter” Key. Scroll down through the preferences menu until the desired display preference is highlighted. Press “Enter” to
adjust this preference.
CONTRAST: The display contrast may require adjustment from the factory default depending on viewing angle and ambient
temperature. The contrast is adjusted between 0% and 100% by pressing the “Left” and “Right” keys. Pressing “Enter” accepts
the changes and “Escape” aborts the changes.
BACKLIGHT: The backlight is usually left at 100%, however on occasions the user may wish to reduce the backlight intensity.
The backlight can be adjusted between 0 to 100% by pressing the “Left” and “Right” keys. Pressing “Enter” accepts the changes
and “Escape” aborts the changes.
PRESSURE UNITS: The pressure units can be adjusted between kPa/psi/bar. Use the “Left” and “Right” keys to select the
preferred pressure units. Pressing “Enter” accepts the new pressure units; pressing “Escape” aborts the change in pressure
TEMPERATURE UNITS: The temperature units can be adjusted between ºC and °F. Use the “Left” and “Right” keys to select the
preferred temperature units. Pressing “Enter” accepts the change; pressing escape aborts the change.

5.3.7 Alarm Log and Resetting

• To reset the menu back to the start, press the “Escape” key three times.
Alarm Log
1. From the main menu, highlight “EVENT LOGS” and press the “Enter” key.
2. In order to scroll through the events use the ”Up” and ”Down” keys. Events are ordered with present events first, active
events next and inactive events last. Within these classifications they are ordered by engine run hours (or real time clock
on PowerWizard 2.0).
3. Press “Enter” after highlighting an event to see additional information such as SPN, FMI, time and date of first occurrence,
time and date of last occurrence (PowerWizard 2.0 only), engine hours at first occurrence, and engine hours at last
Shutdown Resetting
A flashing red shutdown light indicates there is an unacknowledged shutdown event. The red shutdown light will change
from flashing red to solid red when the “Alarm Acknowledged” key is pressed. Once a fault has been checked and the cause
rectified, use the following procedure in order to reset the event:
1. Press the “Stop” key.
2. Enter the “EVENT LOGS” option from the main menu.
3. Select an ECM from the list.
4. Scroll through the events in order to highlight the event to be reset.
5. Make sure the event status is active (not present).
6. Press the ”Enter” key.
7. “RESET” will be highlighted if the condition is no longer present and the control is in stop.
8. Press the ”Enter” key again. The fault will clear.
9. Press the ”Escape” key 3 times in order to get back to the main menu.

51 356-7259 (Eng)
Quick Alarm Resetting (see section 5.3.5)
In addition to the above procedure there is also a simplified process for resetting all events. To reset all events:
1. Press the “Stop” key.
2. Press and hold the “Alarm Acknowledge” key for three seconds.
3. Press Enter to reset all events, press Escape to cancel.
• The PowerWizard must be in stop mode to reset events.
• Active faults cannot be reset.

5.3.8 Security
There are three levels of password protection on the PowerWizard control panel. All of the adjustable setpoints are associated
with a specific level of security required to make an adjustment to the parameter. The passwords only affect changing
setpoints within the control panel.
The level of password protection that is required for each setpoint is identified on the parameter setpoint entry screen. A
security level identification number “1”, “2” or “3” next to a padlock symbol is displayed on the parameter setpoint entry screen.
A Level 3 security is used for the most secure setpoints and Level 1 security is used for the least secure setpoints. If the
PowerWizard is currently at the required level of protection when viewing a parameter, the padlock will not appear.
If a parameter is displayed with a padlock but no security level identification number next to it, the parameter cannot be
changed from the PowerWizard display and the Dealer must be contacted. Level 1 and 2 passwords are disabled when
installed. Level 1 and 2 passwords are user level passwords and can be used if desired.
The PowerWizard 2.0 also has a SCADA password, which can be used to secure remote communications.
To view the security menu:
At the top of the security menu the current security level is displayed. Within the security menu are the following options:
DROP TO MINIMUM LEVEL – used to return the current security level to the lowest level set-up. Highlight and press Enter to
drop to minimum security level. If no Level 1 or 2 passwords are set-up the minimum level will be 2. If a Level 2 password is
set-up, the minimum level will be 1 and if a Level 1 password is set-up the minimum level will be 0.
ENTER LEVEL 1 OR 2 – used to enter Level 1 or 2 passwords. Highlight and press Enter to proceed to the password entry
screen. Passwords can be entered using the cursor keys. In PowerWizard, Level 1 and 2 passwords must be different. An
entered password is compared against the stored Level 1 and 2 passwords, if the password is correct the PowerWizard will go
to the corresponding security level.
ENTER LEVEL 3 – used to obtain Level 3 access. The Level 3 security password is reserved for critical setpoints that should only
be changed by a skilled operative. As such you must contact your Dealer if you require a change associated with a Level 3
CHANGING LEVEL 1 PASSWORD – used to set-up, change or disable a Level 1 password. In order to use this feature the control
must be at current security Level 1 or higher. Highlight and press Enter to proceed to the password entry screen. To set-up or
change the password, enter the new password using the cursor keys. Passwords may be 16 digits long. To disable the Level 1
security password, set the password to ‘0’. Press the Enter key to save.
CHANGING LEVEL 2 PASSWORD – used to set-up, change or disable a Level 2 password. In order to use this feature the control
must be at current security Level 2 or higher. Highlight and press Enter to proceed to the password entry screen. To set-up or
change the password, enter the new password using the cursor keys. Passwords may be 16 digits long. To disable the Level 2
security password, set the password to ‘0’. Press the Enter key to save.
CHANGING SCADA PASSWORD (PowerWizard 2.0 only) – used to set-up, change or disable a SCADA password. Highlight and
press enter to proceed to the password entry screen. To set-up or change the password, enter the new password using the
cursor keys. Passwords may be 16 digits long. To disable the SCADA security password, set the password to ‘0’. Press the Enter
key to save.

52 356-7259 (Eng)
5.3.9 Real Time Clock Programming (PowerWizard 2.0)
The real time clock provides information for the time and date of an automatic time based start/stop control. It also provides
a mechanism for time stamps in the event log. The real time clock is not calibrated and is for information only. The date and
time are set by the user.
1. In order to set the time or date format:
2. To set the time, highlight the time then press the “Enter” key twice.
3. Use the cursor keys to set the time and press the “Enter” key to save. Press the “Escape” key to return.
4. To set the date, highlight the date then press the “Enter” key twice.
5. Use the cursor keys to set the date and press the “Enter” key to save. Press the “Escape” key to return.
6. To set the date format, highlight either the FORMAT DD/MM/YY or FORMAT MM/DD/YY and press the “Enter” key.
7. Use the cursor keys to select the required date format and press the “Enter” key to save.

5.3.10 Fuel Priming – Engines with Electric Fuel Lift Pump

Certain engines fitted with an electric fuel pump do not have a manual priming feature on the engine. In these
circumstances the PowerWizard can be used to energise the fuel lift pump in order to prime the engine.
1. In order to prime the generating set:
2. To prime the generating set press the right cursor key, this will initiate a 2 minute priming cycle.
3. To exit the priming cycle press the left cursor key.
• The generating set may only be primed when the generating set is stopped and there are no active or present
shutdown conditions.

5.3.11 Additional Features Available

Reduced Power Mode
In reduced power mode the screen will go blank and LED’s will flash intermitently. Pressing any key will bring the panel out of
reduced power mode. Reduced power mode can be disabled (Refer to your local Dealer).
Remote Annunciation of Faults
The PowerWizard Annunciator is used in remote applications, mounted separately from the generating set to provide remote
indication of system operating and alarm conditions.
For further information on these features, please contact your Dealer.

53 356-7259 (Eng)
5.3.12 Trouble Shooting Guide for PowerWizard

Fault Symptom Remedy

1. Check All Emergency Stop Push Buttons Are
Engine Does Not Crank When Start Released
Signal Is Given, Either Manually Via Run 2. Check The Stop Button Light Is Not On
Engine Fails To Start
Key Or Automatically Via A Remote 3. Check There Are No Shutdown Events Active. Reset,
Signal If Required, After Remedying The Indicated Fault
4. Refer To Your Local Dealer
Engine Stops Due To Low “Low Oil Pressure“ In Event Log. Red 1. Check Oil Level
Oil Pressure Shutdown Led Illuminates 2. Refer To Your LocaL Dealer
1. Check Coolant Level In The Radiator. Refer To Safety
Engine Stops Due To High “High Coolant Temp” In Event Log.
Section Before Removing The Radiator Cap
Coolant Temp Red Shutdown Led Illuminates
2. Refer To Your Local Dealer
Engine Stops Due To “Overspeed“ In Event Log. Red 1. Verify The Actual Engine Speed
Overspeed Shutdown Led Illuminates 2. Refer To Your Local Dealer
Engine Stops Due
“Under-Voltage“ In Event Log, Red
To Under-Voltage 1. Refer To Your Local Dealer
Shutdown Led Illuminates
(Powerwizard 2.0 Only)
Engine Stops Due To
Over-Voltage (Standard On “Over-Voltage“ In Event Log, Red
1. Refer To Your Local Dealer
Powerwizard 2.0, Optional Shutdown Led Illuminates
On Powerwizard 1.0)
Generating Set Does Not Generating Set Is Running But The Load
1. Refer To Your Local Dealer
Go On Load Is Not Being Powered
1.  Check That The Generating Set Stops When The
Generating Set Does Not Generating Set Keeps Running After
Emergency Stop Push button Is Depressed
Stop Manually Being Switched Off
2. Refer To Your Local Dealer
1. Check That The Generating Set Stops When The
Generating Set Does Not Generating Set Does Not Stop After Emergency Stop Push button Is Depressed Or The Stop
Stop When In Auto Mode Remote Start Signal Is Removed Key Is Held Down For 5 Seconds And The Cooldown
Time Is Skipped
1. Check The Module Is In “Auto“ Mode
Alarm For Not In Auto “Not In Auto Mode” Alarm In Event Log, 2. Check Emergency Stop Push buttons Are Not
Mode (Standby Sets Only) Amber Led Illuminates Pressed
3. Refer To Your Local Dealer

54 356-7259 (Eng)
5.4 PowerWizard (PW 1.1, 1.1+ and 2.1)

5.4.1 General Information

Figure 5j – PowerWizard Control System Panel

The controller is available in three versions, PowerWizard 1.1, 1.1+ and 2.1. These three versions are based on different features.
This guide is intended to cover the PowerWizard generating set Control and its application in generating set systems.

5.4.2 PowerWizard Control Module Description


4 15


1. Display screen
2. AC overview key
3. Engine overview key
4. Main menu or home key
5. Alarm acknowledge key
6. Event reset key
7. Event log key
8. Auto key
9. Stop key
10. Run key
11. Escape key
12. Up key
13. Right key
14. OK or Enter key
15. Down key
16. Left key

Figure 5k – PowerWizard Control Module Description

55 356-7259 (Eng)
5.4.3 Pre-Start Checks (applicable to all control systems)
The following checks should be performed prior to starting the generating set:
1. A visual inspection should take only a few minutes and can prevent costly repairs and accidents – For maximum
generating set life, visually inspect the generating set before starting. Look for items such as:
• Loose fastenings / fixings, worn belts or loose connections. Repair as necessary.
• The fan and exhaust guards must be at the correct positions and securely fixed. Repair damaged / loose guards or
renew missing guards.
• Wipe clean all filler caps before the engine is serviced or fluids are topped up to reduce the chance of any system
• For any type of leak (coolant, lubricating oil or fuel), clean away the fluid. If a leak is observed, find the source and
correct the leak. If a leak is suspected, check the fluid levels frequently until the leak is found and repaired.
• Accumulated grease and / or oil on an engine is a fire hazard. Remove it by steam cleaning or by the use of a high
pressure water jet. Avoid high-pressure water on the electronic/electrical components provide suitable protection
were possible.
• Ensure that the coolant pipes are fitted correctly and that they are secure. Check for leaks. Check the condition of all
pipes for splits or signs of rubbing.
Fluid levels
2. Check the engine oil and coolant levels – replenish as necessary (see engine handbook for locations). Ensure fluids used
are as recommended within the engine handbook.
II Do not remove the radiator cap or any component of the cooling system while the engine is running and while
the coolant is under pressure, because dangerous hot coolant can be discharged, posing a risk of personal
injury. Do not add large amounts of cold coolant to a hot system as serious engine damage could result.
3. Check the engine oil and coolant levels – replenish as necessary.
• Diesel engines normally consume lube oil at a rate of 0.25% to 1% of the fuel consumption.
• When adding coolant to the radiator system, always pour slowly to help prevent air from becoming trapped in the
engine. Always top up when engine is cold.
II When filling the fuel tank, do not smoke or use an open flame in the vicinity.
4. Check the fuel level – fill as necessary.
II Before tightening the fan belts, disconnect the battery negative (–) lead to ensure the engine cannot be
accidentally started.
5. Check the condition and tension of the fan and engine alternator belts – tighten as necessary.
6. Check all hoses for loose connections or deterioration – tighten or replace as necessary.
7. Check the battery terminals for corrosion – clean as necessary.
II When working with the batteries, do not smoke or use an open flame in the vicinity. Hydrogen gas from
batteries is explosive.
II Do not short the positive and negative terminals together.
8. Check the battery electrolyte level – fill with distilled water as necessary.
9. Check the control panel and the generating set for heavy accumulation of dust and dirt – clean as necessary. These can
pose an electrical hazard or give rise to cooling problems.
10. Check the air filter restriction indicator, if fitted – replace the filter as necessary.
11. Clear the area around the generating set of any insecure items that could inhibit operation or cause injury. Ensure cooling
air ventilation screens are clear.
12. Visually check the entire generating set for signs of leaks from the fuel system, cooling system or lubrication seals.

56 356-7259 (Eng)
13. Periodically drain exhaust system condensate traps, if equipped.
14. Ensure the Alternator Output Circuit Breaker is in the “OFF” (handle down) position.

5.4.4 Basic Operation


Press START Key

Figure 5l – Basic Operation Start Key


Press STOP Key

Figure 5m – Basic Operation Stop Key


Press AUTO Key

Figure 5n – Basic Operation Auto Key

• When not using PowerWizard in AUTO mode a “Not in Auto Mode“ activate alarm will sound (where enabled).
57 356-7259 (Eng)
5.4.5 Fault / Alarm Reset Process
1. Fault / Alarm Reset Process 2. Fault / Alarm Reset

3. Fault / Alarm Reset 4. Fault / Alarm Reset Process. The display will show

Press “Event Reset” key OK

Figure 5o – Basic Operation Fault Alarm Reset Process

5.4.6 User Interface Overview

Before starting or running the generating set, the operator should become fully acquainted with the control module’s
display and push buttons. The display should be observed from time to time while the generating set is running so that any
abnormal readings can be detected before problems arise. Figure 5c shows a typical layout of the PowerWizard control panel.
Addition of optional equipment may add items to the panel so that the panel fitted on the generating set may be slightly
different from the typical one shown. The following descriptions explain the function of each standard item on the panels:
Function Keys:
AC Overview key – The AC Overview key will navigate the display to the first screen of AC information. The AC Overview
information contains various AC parameters that summarise the electrical operation of the generating set. (Use the up/
down keys to navigate within the AC parameters).

Engine Overview key – The Engine Overview key will navigate the display to the first screen of engine information. The
Engine Overview information contains various engine parameters that summarise the operation of the generating set.
(Use the up / down keys to navigate within the Engine parameters).

Main Menu key – The Main Menu key will navigate the display to the main menu screen. Pressing the navigation keys will
allow access to menus at all levels.

58 356-7259 (Eng)
Control Keys:

RUN – Pressing the Run key will cause the engine to enter the run mode.

AUTO – Pressing the Auto key will cause the engine to enter the auto mode.

STOP – Pressing the Stop key will cause the engine to enter stop mode.
Navigation Keys:
Scroll Up – The Scroll Up key is used to navigate up through the various menus or monitoring screens. The Scroll Up key
is also used during setpoint entry. During numeric data entry the Scroll Up key is used to increment the digits (0–9). If the
setpoint requires selection from a list, the Scroll Up key is used to navigate through the list.

Escape – The Escape key is used during menu navigation in order to navigate up through the menu/sub-menu structure.
Each key press causes the user to move backwards/upwards through the navigation menus. The Escape key is also
used to exit/cancel out of data entry screens during setpoint programming. If the Escape key is pressed during setpoint
programming, none of the changes made on screen will be saved to memory.

Scroll Right – The Scroll Right key is used during setpoint adjustment. During numeric data entry, the Scroll Right key
is used to choose which digit is being edited. The Scroll Right key is also used during certain setpoint adjustments to
select or deselect a check box. If a box has a check mark inside, pressing the Scroll Right key will cause the check mark to
disappear, disabling the function. If the box does not have a check mark inside, pressing the Scroll Right key will cause a
check mark to appear, enabling the function.

Enter / OK – The Enter key is used during menu navigation to select menu items in order to navigate forward/downward in
OK the menu/sub–menu structure. The Enter key is also used during setpoint programming in order to save setpoint changes.
Pressing the Enter key during setpoint programming causes setpoint changes to be saved to memory.

Scroll Down – The Scroll Down key is used to navigate down through the various menus or monitoring screens. The Scroll
Down key is also used during setpoint entry. During numeric data entry the Scroll Down key is used in order to decrement
the digits (0–9). If the setpoint requires selection from a list, the Scroll Down key is used to navigate down through the list.
Scroll Left – The Scroll Left key is used during setpoint adjustment. During numeric data entry, the Scroll Left key is used to
choose which digit is being edited. The Scroll Left key is also used during certain setpoint adjustments to select or deselect
a check box. If a box has a check mark inside, pressing the Scroll Left key will cause the check mark to disappear, disabling
the function. If the box does not have a check mark inside, pressing the Scroll Left key will cause a check mark to appear,
enabling the function.
Event Keys and Indicators:
Yellow Warning Light – A flashing yellow light indicates that there are unacknowledged active warnings. A solid yellow
light indicates that there are acknowledged warnings active. If there are any active warnings, the yellow light will change
from flashing yellow to solid yellow after the Alarm Acknowledge key is pressed. If there are no longer any active warnings,
the yellow light will turn off after the Alarm Acknowledge key is pressed.

Red Shutdown Light – A flashing red light indicates that there are unacknowledged active shutdown events. A solid red
light indicates that there are acknowledged shutdown events active. If there are any active shutdown events the red light
will change from flashing red to solid red after the Alarm Acknowledge key is pressed. Any condition that has caused a
shutdown event must be manually reset. If there are no longer any active shutdown events, the red light will turn off.

Alarm Acknowledge – Pressing the Alarm Acknowledge will cause the horn relay output to turn off and silence the horn.
Pressing the key will also cause any yellow or red flashing lights to turn off or to become solid depending on the active
status of the alarms.

Event Reset Key – Pressing the Event Reset key will reset all events when the control is in the stopped position. However,
“Reset All Events” will not reset “Active” events.

59 356-7259 (Eng)
Event Log Key – Pressing the Event Log key will navigate to the “Active Events” menu. In order to scroll through the events,
use the up and down keys. After highlighting an event, press the “OK” key to see information about the event such as the
SPN and the FMI.

EMERGENCY STOP Push button – A red lock-down push button that immediately shuts down the generating set and will
inhibit start until the push button has been released by turning it clockwise. Prior to restarting the set, this fault must be
reset by pressing the “stop” button on the module and resetting the fault in the “event log menu”.

Display Preferences for PowerWizard Panels:

To change the display preferences, from the main menu scroll down to the “Preferences” item (last in the menu). Press the
“Enter” Key. Scroll down through the preferences menu until the desired display preference is highlighted. Press “Enter” to
adjust this preference.
CONTRAST: The display contrast may require adjustment from the factory default depending on viewing angle and ambient
temperature. The contrast is adjusted between 0% and 100% by pressing the “Left” and “Right” keys. Pressing “Enter” accepts
the changes and “Escape” aborts the changes.
BACKLIGHT: The backlight is usually left at 100%, however on occasions the user may wish to reduce the backlight intensity.
The backlight can be adjusted between 0 to 100% by pressing the “Left” and “Right” keys. Pressing “Enter” accepts the changes
and “Escape” aborts the changes.
PRESSURE UNITS: The pressure units can be adjusted between kPa/psi/bar. Use the “Left” and “Right” keys to select the
preferred pressure units. Pressing “Enter” accepts the new pressure units; pressing “Escape” aborts the change in pressure
TEMPERATURE UNITS: The temperature units can be adjusted between ºC and °F. Use the “Left” and “Right” keys to select the
preferred temperature units. Pressing “Enter” accepts the change; pressing escape aborts the change.
VOLUME: Volume is used on some optional parameters (such as fuel consumption rate). It can be selected between Litres, US
Gallons and Imperial Gallons using the “Left” and “Right” keys. Pressing “Enter” accepts the new volume units; pressing “Escape”
aborts the change to the volume units.
LAMP TEST: This is used to test the LEDs and display. When LAMP TEST is highlighted, pressing OK will turn on all LEDs and
display screen.

5.4.7 Alarm Log and Resetting

• To reset the menu back to the start, please press the “Escape” key three times.
Event Viewing
There are two ways to view events. Pressing the “EVENT LOG” key navigates directly to the “ACTIVE EVENTS” menu. The other
way is to use the Main Menu:
1. From the MAIN MENU/VIEW, highlight “EVENT LOGS” and press the “Enter” key. The “ACTIVE EVENTS” menu will be displayed
in this menu.
2. In order to scroll through the events use the up and down keys. Events are ordered with present events first, active events
next and inactive events last. Within these classifications they are ordered by engine run hours (or real time clock on
PowerWizard 2.1).
3. Press “Enter” after highlighting an event to see additional information such as SPN, FMI, time and date of first occurrence,
time and date of last occurrence (PowerWizard 2.1 only), engine hours at first occurrence and engine hours at last
Quick Shut Down Resetting
In addition to the above procedure there is also a simplified process for resetting all events. To reset all events:
1. Ensure that the control is in the stopped position.
2. Press the “Reset Event” key from any screen.
3. A confirmation prompt will appear.
4. Press the “OK” key to reset all events on all modules. Press the ‘ESCAPE” key to cancel the reset operation.
• The PowerWizard must be in stop mode to reset events.
Present events cannot be reset.

60 356-7259 (Eng)
Shut Down Resetting
A flashing red shutdown light indicates there is an unacknowledged shutdown event. The red shutdown light will change
from flashing red to solid red when the Alarm Acknowledged key is pressed. Once a fault has been checked and the cause
rectified, use the following procedure in order to reset the event:
1. Press the “Stop” key.
2. Enter the “EVENT LOGS” option from the main menu.
3. Select a “Module” from the list.
4. Scroll through the events in order to highlight the event to be reset.
5. Make sure the event status is active (not present).
6. Press the “Enter” key.
7. “RESET” will be highlighted if the condition is no longer present and the control is in stop.
8. Press the “Enter” key again. The fault will clear.
9. Press the “Escape” or “Main Menu” key in order to get back to the main menu.

5.4.8 Security
There are 3 levels of password protection on the PowerWizard control panel. All of the adjustable setpoints are associated
with a specific level of security required to make an adjustment to the parameter. The passwords only affect changing
setpoints within the control panel.
The level of password protection that is required for each setpoint is identified on the parameter setpoint entry screen.
A security level identification number “1”, “2” or “3” next to a padlock symbol is displayed on the parameter setpoint entry
screen. A Level 3 security is used for the most secure setpoints and Level 1 security is used for the least secure setpoints. If the
PowerWizard is currently at the required level of protection when viewing a parameter, the padlock will not appear.
If a parameter is displayed with a padlock but no security level identification number next to it, the parameter cannot be
changed from the PowerWizard display and the Dealer must be contacted. Level 1 and 2 passwords are disabled when
installed. Level 1 and 2 passwords are user level passwords and can be used if desired.
The PowerWizard 2.1 also has a SCADA password, which can be used to secure remote communications.
To view the security menu:
At the top of the security menu the current security level is displayed. Within the security menu are the following options:
DROP TO MINIMUM LEVEL – used to return the current security level to the lowest level set-up. Highlight and press Enter to
drop to minimum security level. If no Level 1 or 2 passwords are set-up the minimum level will be 2. If a Level 2 password is
set-up, the minimum level will be 1 and if a Level 1 password is set-up the minimum level will be 0.
ENTER LEVEL 1 OR 2 – used to enter Level 1 or 2 passwords. Highlight and press Enter to proceed to the password entry
screen. Passwords can be entered using the cursor keys. In PowerWizard, Level 1 and 2 passwords must be different. An
entered password is compared against the stored Level 1 and 2 passwords, if the password is correct the PowerWizard will go
to the corresponding security level.
ENTER LEVEL 3 – used to obtain Level 3 access. The Level 3 security password is reserved for critical setpoints that should only
be changed by a skilled operative. As such you must contact your Dealer if you require a change associated with a Level 3
CHANGING LEVEL 1 PASSWORD – used to set-up, change or disable a Level 1 password. In order to use this feature the control
must be at current security Level 1 or higher. Highlight and press Enter to proceed to the password entry screen. To set-up or
change the password, enter the new password using the cursor keys. Passwords may be 16 digits long. To disable the Level 1
security password, set the password to ‘0’. Press the Enter key to save.
CHANGING LEVEL 2 PASSWORD – used to set-up, change or disable a Level 2 password. In order to use this feature the control
must be at current security Level 2 or higher. Highlight and press Enter to proceed to the password entry screen. To set-up or
change the password, enter the new password using the cursor keys. Passwords may be 16 digits long. To disable the Level 2
security password, set the password to ‘0’. Press the Enter key to save.
CHANGING SCADA PASSWORD (PowerWizard 2.1 only) – used to set-up, change or disable a SCADA password. Highlight and
press enter to proceed to the password entry screen. To set-up or change the password, enter the new password using the
cursor keys. Passwords may be 16 digits long. To disable the SCADA security password, set the password to ‘0’. Press the Enter
key to save.

61 356-7259 (Eng)
5.4.9 Real Time Clock Programming (PowerWizard 2.1)
The real time clock provides information for the time and date of an automatic time based start/stop control. It also provides
a mechanism for time stamps in the event log. The real time clock is not calibrated and is for information only. The date and
time are set by the user.
1. In order to set the time or date format:
2. To set the time, highlight the time then press the “Enter” key twice.
3. Use the cursor keys to set the time and press the “Enter” key to save. Press the “Escape” key to return.
4. To set the date, highlight the date then press the “Enter” key twice.
5. Use the cursor keys to set the date and press the “Enter” key to save. Press the “Escape” key to return.
6. To set the date format, highlight either the FORMAT DD/MM/YY or FORMAT MM/DD/YY and press the “Enter” key.
7. Use the cursor keys to select the required date format and press the “Enter” key to save.

5.4.10 Fuel Transfer (PowerWizard 2.1)

Fuel pump in connection with fuel level measurement can be controlled to transfer diesel to the fuel tank.
1. In order to set the Fuel Transfer operation:
2. To start or stop the fuel pump, highlight the PUMP CONTROL then press the “OK” key.
3. Use the cursor key to select START FUEL PUMP or STOP FUEL PUMP and press the “OK” key.
4. Auto Fuel Load Pump On and Off thresholds are set at 25% and 75% respectively.

5.4.11 Additional Features Available

Reduced Power Mode
In reduced power mode the screen will go blank and LED’s will flash intermitently. Pressing any key will bring the panel out of
reduced power mode. Reduced power mode can be disabled (Refer to your local dealer).
Remote Annunciation of Faults
The PowerWizard Annunciator is used in remote applications, mounted separately from the generating set to provide remote
indication of system operating and alarm conditions.
For further information on these features, please contact your Dealer.

5.4.12 Trouble Shooting Guide for PowerWizard

Fault Symptom Remedy

1. Check All Emergency Stop Push Buttons Are Released
Engine Does Not Crank When Start
2. Check The Stop Button Light Is Not On
Signal Is Given, Either Manually Via Run
Engine Fails To Start 3. Check There Are No Shutdown Events Active. Reset, If
Key Or Automatically Via A Remote
Required, After Remedying The Indicated Fault
4. Refer To Your Local Dealer
Engine Stops Due To “Low Oil Pressure“ In Event Log. Red 1. Check Oil Level
Low Oil Pressure Shutdown Led Illuminates 2. Refer To Your LocaL Dealer
1.  Check Coolant Level In The Radiator. Refer To Safety
Engine Stops Due To “High Coolant Temp” In Event Log.
Section Before Removing The Radiator Cap
High Coolant Temp Red Shutdown Led Illuminates
2. Refer To Your Local Dealer
Engine Stops Due To “Overspeed“ In Event Log. Red 1. Verify The Actual Engine Speed
Overspeed Shutdown Led Illuminates 2. Refer To Your Local Dealer
Engine Stops Due
“Under-Voltage“ In Event Log, Red
To Under-Voltage 1. Refer To Your Local Dealer
Shutdown Led Illuminates
(Powerwizard 2.1 Only)

62 356-7259 (Eng)
Fault Symptom Remedy
Engine Stops Due To
Over-Voltage (Standard
“Over-Voltage“ In Event Log, Red
On Powerwizard 1. Refer To Your Local Dealer
Shutdown Led Illuminates
2.1, Optional On
Powerwizard 1.1+)
Generating Set Does Generating Set Is Running But The Load
1. Refer To Your Local Dealer
Not Go On Load Is Not Being Powered
1.  Check That The Generating Set Stops When The
Generating Set Does Generating Set Keeps Running After
Emergency Stop Push button Is DepRessed
Not Stop Manually Being Switched Off
2. Refer To Your Local Dealer
1. Check That The Generating Set Stops When The
Generating Set Does
Generating Set Does Not Stop After Emergency Stop Push button Is Depressed Or The Stop
Not Stop When In Auto
Remote Start Signal Is Removed Key Is Held Down For 5 Seconds And The Cooldown Time
Is Skipped
Alarm For Not In Auto 1. Check The Module Is In “Auto“ Mode
“Not In Auto Mode” Alarm In Event Log,
Mode (Standby Sets 2. Check Emergency Stop Push buttons Are Not PreSsed
Amber Led Illuminates
Only) 3. Refer To Your Local Dealer

5.4.13 Programmable Cycle Timer (PCT) (PowerWizard 2.1)

The Programmable Cycle Timer (PCT) feature allows the operator to program times when two independent tasks, called PCT
outputs, will be activated or deactivated automatically during the week.
This is useful for cases where two or more generating sets are required to automatically share the duty of supplying a load
throughout the week. Using programmable cycle timer, each generating set can be programmed to start and stop at pre-set
times. The cooperation of a transfer switch is required to ensure that the generating sets are not stopped on load.
Programmable Cycle Timer can also be used in cases where a standby set does not have access to a utility supply to power a
trickle charger. Programmable Cycle Timer can be used to run the set for an hour a week to keep the battery well charged.
The PCT feature consists of seven independent timers. Each timer has the following setpoints (setpoints shown are for PCT
• Day of the Week - This permits independent selection of each day (0 = Sun, 6 = Sat) that the timer will activate
• Start Time - The time of day (in hours and minutes) that the timer will activate
• Run For - The duration (in hours and minutes) for which the timer will be active (up to 24 hours)
• Output #1 Active (or Inactive) - Determines the first output will be activated (or not) when this timer is active
• Output #2 Active (or Inactive) - Determines the second output will be activated (or not) when this timer is active.
Output #1 is used to run the genset. Output #2 can be used to drive relay output 8. Please see the Relay Outputs section for
more information.
PCT Example:
• PCT #1 is enabled - Output 1 is not selected. Output 2 is selected but is currently inactive.
• PCT #7 is enabled – Output 1 is selected but currently is inactive. Output 2 is not selected.
• PCT #2, to PCT#6 are disabled. They will not activate Output 1 or Output 2.

PCT : 1234567
PCT OUTPUT 1 : - - - - - - 0
PCT OUTPUT 2 : 0 - - - - - -
Figure 9i - PCT

63 356-7259 (Eng)
5.5 Control System Options and Upgrades
A large variety of options may be fitted to customise the control system to a specific installation. The following sections cover
the use and operation of some of these options.

5.5.1 Battery Trickle / Switch-Mode Chargers

Both battery chargers are designed to ensure that the starter batteries maintain
their charge even if the generating set is not operated for long periods.
Control switches for the chargers are not normally fitted to prevent inadvertent
switching off of the charger. However, as additional options, an “ON”/”OFF”
switch and a Battery Charger Boost Control may be fitted. The Boost Control
overrides the automatic control mechanism of the charger that would normally
reduce charging level as the battery becomes charged. This can allow faster
charging of the battery. However, care must be taken to only use the boost
control for a short time to avoid overcharging the battery and/or boiling the
battery dry.

Figure 5p – Battery Trickle Charger

The switch-mode charger is an automatic battery charger, when the voltage drops below a preset voltage level it will
automatically enter an increased charging voltage state (Boost). Once the batteries have reached this level, the charger will
switch back to its normal ‘float’ voltage. This prevents the battery from over charging, which in turn prevents over gassing and
subsequently maximises battery life.

5.5.2 Heaters
Immersion type heaters (engine heaters) may be fitted in the engine coolant system to ensure that the engine is easy to start
and able to take load more quickly.
Alternator anti-condensation heaters (alternator heaters) may be fitted to the alternator stator winding to keep them dry in
humid conditions.
Panel anti-condensation heaters (panel heaters) may be fitted in the control panel to keep moisture levels down.
Control switches are not normally fitted but may be fitted as an additional option. With or without control switches, the
heaters are automatically disconnected on engine start up for all non 26 – 200 kVA generating sets, 26 – 200 kVA heaters are
temperature controlled

5.5.3 Electric Fuel Transfer Pumps

Fuel transfer pumps are required when fuel must be transferred from a bulk storage tank to the generating set day tank.
• Manual control of the electric fuel transfer pump
or pumps (customer provides their own) is not
provided with the 26 – 200 kVA product.
The controls consist of two illuminated push buttons on
the control panel door or separate box under the panel.
The red button is a combined trip lamp and stop button.
The green button is a run lamp and manual start push
To operate the pump manually, ensure the red push
button is in the “ON” position (pulled out). Press and hold
the green push button to manually run the pump. The
pump will only run in the manual mode while the green
button is held in.

Figure 5q – Electric Fuel Pump

64 356-7259 (Eng)
To operate the pump in automatic mode, ensure that the red push button is in the “ON” position (pulled out). The pump will
start running automatically when the fuel level is low and will illuminate the green run lamp. When the tank is full, the pump
is turned off and the green lamp is extinguished.
The red lamp will illuminate if there has been an electrical overload.
Care must be taken to ensure that the pump is primed with fuel prior to operation to lubricate the seals. Also, the pump
should never be run when the bulk tanks are empty or when valves on the fuel fill lines are closed.

5.5.4 Meters / Gauges

The following additional meters or gauges may be fitted to the control panel:
• Three ammeters mounted on the panel instead of one ammeter and a selector switch. This allows a continuous
indication of the current flowing in each phase, not applicable for PowerWizard as this module will display all phase
currents. (Not applicable to 26 – 200 kVA product).
• Kilowatt (kW) Meter to provide accurate readings of the load being supplied by the generating set, not applicable for
PowerWizard as the PowerWizard 2.1 can display kilowatts (Not applicable to 26 – 200 kVA product).
• Lube Oil Temperature Gauge to monitor the lubricating oil temperature when the engine is operating. The normal
operating temperature should be approximately 90° – 110°C (195° – 230°F), not applicable for PowerWizard 1.1 and
2.1+ as the modules will display this.
• Ammeter for Battery Trickle Charger to monitor the current flow to the battery. It is used to observe the charging
current being supplied by the battery trickle charger. When the batteries are fully charged this current will be small
(less than 5 Amps) but with a partially discharged battery this current may be as high as 40 Amps (Not applicable to
26 – 200 kVA product).

5.5.5 Speed / Voltage Control

Three controls may be fitted to adjust the speed or voltage of the generating set: Speed Adjust Potentiometer, a Raise/Lower
Switch and a Voltage Adjust Potentiometer. These should only be adjusted by a qualified generating set technician according
to instructions in the Technical Manual. For some electronic engines, speed can be adjusted on the PowerWizard 1.1 and 2.1+

5.5.6 Alarm Signalling

Three options may be fitted to the control panel to supplement the standard alarm indications of the alarm lamps:
• A panel mounted alarm siren will sound when an alarm condition is indicated. An Alarm Mute push button is fitted on
the panel to silence the siren.
• An audible alarm siren supplied loose will sound when an alarm condition is indicated. It can be fitted at a convenient
location. An Alarm Mute push button is fitted on the panel to silence the siren.
• A set of volt free contacts for common alarm change over in the event of an alarm condition. These are for connection
to an existing alarm system. These contacts remain in the “alarm” state until the control system is reset.

5.5.7 Automatic Preheat Control

Glow plugs operate automatically prior to and during engine cranking. The automatic cranking sequence will be delayed by
the preheating period.

5.5.8 Remote Annunciator Panels

Available on PowerWizard.
Remote Annunciator may be fitted to PowerWizard Panels (16 channel) .

65 356-7259 (Eng)
6. Operation
6.1 Priming Procedure for 1100 Series
II Please wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (Section 2.2) before carrying out any of the following
procedures as the operator will be in direct contact with diesel fuel. There will also be a risk of spillage.
• Please see engine manual to ascertain engine model. If unsure please consult your local Dealer.
• Please see section 3.2 / 3.3 on where the fuel fill can be found on generating set
Following fuel filter servicing or draining (B) of the low pressure fuel system for any reason, re-prime the fuel system as follows

6.1.1 Products fitted with the small Perkins pre-filter / water separator

Figure 6a – Example of Pre-Filter / Water Seperator
• Ensure that the air is removed from the primary filter vent screws (a), before you prime the fuel filters.
• Do not open the vent screws (a) when the fuel system is being primed, as diesel fuel will be discharged.

With Fuel Supply from the Base Tank

• Operate the priming switch for the standard pre-set 2 minute priming cycle (See section 5.3.10).
• Start engine.
• In the event of a failure to start the engine within 3 crank cycles, see the “Troubleshooting” section of this procedure for
the repeat prime procedure.

With Fuel Supply from a Remote Tank

• Ensure fuel lines from the remote tank are full of fuel, the pump should never be run when bulk tanks are empty or
when valves on the fuel fill lines are closed.
• With the fuel supply switched to remote tank, carry out the priming procedure.
The PowerWizard control panel can be used to energise the fuel lift pump in order to prime the engine as follows:
1. In order to prime the generating set:
2. To prime the set press the right cursor key, this will initiate a 2 minute priming cycle.
3. To exit the priming cycle press the left cursor key.

66 356-7259 (Eng)
• The generating set may only be primed when the generating set is stopped and there are no active or present
shutdown conditions.

6.1.2 Products fitted with the Racor Pre-Filter / Water Separator (Option)
1 - T Handle
2 - Racor Lid
3 - Racor Filter

Figure 6b – Example of a Racor

With Fuel Supply from the Base Tank
Following Racor element change or if the Racor unit is drained for any reason, then repriming of the unit, as specified by
Racor, will be required:
• Remove T-handle (1) and lid from the top of the unit.
• Screw T-handle into centre tube finger tight.
• Fill the assembly with clean fuel to just above the top of the element. This ensures the “dirty” side of the unit is
completely filled with fuel.
• Lubricate the lid gasket (2) and T-handle (1) o-ring with clean fuel.
• Replace the lid (2) taking care to seat the gasket correctly and tighten the T-handle (1) – do not use tools.
• Operate the priming switch (if fitted) to give the system a 2 minute prime.
• Start engine.
• In the event of a failure to start the engine within 3 crank cycles, see the “troubleshooting” section of this procedure for
the repeat prime procedure.
With Fuel Supply from a Remote Tank
If the fuel lines from the remote tank are empty:
• Carry out the manual filling procedure of the Racor unit as detailed above.
• Operate the priming switch for 2 minutes.
• Re-fill the Racor unit as detailed above.
• Re-prime for a further 2 minutes.
• Start engine.
• In the event of a failure to start the engine after 3 crank cycles, see the ‘troubleshooting ‘ section of this procedure for
the repeat prime procedure.
If the fuel lines from the remote tank are full:
• Carry out the priming procedure as detailed in fuel supply from base tank.

67 356-7259 (Eng)
6.1.3 Troubleshooting
Having completed the designated priming procedure, if the engine does not start, there may be air in the Pressure Regulator
Valve (PRV) return loop hose.

Figure 6c – Tooling (Not supplied) & Pressure Regulator Valve (PRV) return loop hose
1. Close the PRV return loop hose (B). Use Tooling (A) in order to close the PRV return loop hose (B). A typical example of
Tooling (A) is shown in the illustration.
2. Repeat the priming procedure that is applicable to the configuration of the fuel system.
3. Release Tooling (A).
4. Start engine. Allow engine to run until smooth operation has been ensured and the pump is free from air.

68 356-7259 (Eng)
7.1 General
A good maintenance programme is the key to long generating set life. Maintenance and service should only be carried out
by qualified technicians. Records of this work should be kept to aid in developing an efficient maintenance programme.
In general, the generating set should be kept clean. Do not permit liquids such as fuel or oil film to accumulate on any
internal or external surfaces or on, under or around any acoustic material, if fitted. Wipe down surfaces using an aqueous
industrial cleaner. Do not use flammable solvents for cleaning purposes.
Any acoustic material with a protective covering that has been torn or punctured should be replaced immediately to prevent
accumulation of liquids or oil film within the material.

7.2 Preventative Maintenance

Depending on the application of the generating set, requirement for preventative maintenance will vary. The preventative
maintenance requirements associated with the engine are detailed in the Engine Manual which should be reviewed in
conjunction with this section. Maintenance intervals for the engine may be more frequent than those shown in this section.

7.2.1 Daily or at Each Startup

(For standby generating sets these procedures may be performed weekly.) A walk around inspection should be performed
on a daily basis prior to starting the engine. The pre-start checks contained in Section 5.2 should be performed during this
walk around. Procedures for performing the checks on the engine can be found in the Engine Manual which may contain
additional requirements to those in Section 5.2.

7.2.2 Every Two Weeks

(For standby generating sets that have not been run.) Perform an operational check on the generating set by starting and
running the engine for only 5 minutes.
II Do not run diesel engines at low loads for long periods.

7.2.3 Every Month

(For standby generating sets that have not been run on load.) Perform an operational and load check on the generating set
by starting and running the engine at least 50% load for 1 to 2 hours.

7.2.4 Every Twelve Months or 500 Hours

Repeat the daily procedures plus the following:
1. Check all control system safety devices by electrically simulating faults.
2. Clean all battery cap vents.
3. Tighten all exhaust connections.
4. Tighten all electrical connections.
5. Perform other engine maintenance as specified in the Engine Manual.
6. Start the engine and observe the instrument panel to ensure that all gauges and meters are operating properly.
7. If a spark arrestor has been fitted, this should be removed and thoroughly cleaned to remove any carbon build-up.

7.2.5 Alternator Preventative Maintenance

There is no routine maintenance required on the alternator, however periodic inspection of the alternator winding condition
and periodic cleaning is recommended. See Section 8.2, Alternator Maintenance and the Alternator Manual.

7.2.6 Engine Preventative Maintenance

See the Engine Manual provided with this manual for information on regular maintenance required to keep the engine
operating efficiently.

69 356-7259 (Eng)
7.3 Removal of Engine and/or Alternator
The following procedures should be used for removal of the engine and/or alternator.
1. Isolate and disconnect electrical power supply to auxiliary equipment such as a water heater.
2. Isolate the battery charger supply. Disconnect the battery (negative lead first) and remove if necessary.
3. If the generating set is equipped with a canopy, remove the fixing bolts on each side, disconnect the exhaust system and
then remove the canopy.
4. Isolate and disconnect the control panel and remove together with stand from the generating set, ensuring that all cables
have been adequately identified to facilitate reconnection.
5. If the engine and alternator are both to be removed, they may be lifted out as one unit using the lifting eyes provided on
both the engine and alternator. First the bolts holding the engine/alternator to the baseframe have to be removed.

7.3.1 Engine Removal Only

1. If only the engine is to be removed, the wiring loom should first be removed from the engine.
2. If the alternator is fitted with only one set of feet then the front end of the alternator will have to be firmly supported
before removing the engine.
3. Remove the bolts holding the engine to the base. It may also be advantageous to loosen the alternator mounting bolts.
4. Remove the alternator fan guards.
5. Support the rotor assembly using a sling or wooden supports taking care not to damage the fan.
6. Remove the bolts between the flexible coupling and the engine flywheel.
7. Support the rear of the engine using an overhead crane or similar device.
8. Remove the coupling housing bolts.
9. The engine is now moved forward until it is clear of the alternator and may be lifted away from the base.

7.3.2 Alternator Removal Only

1. If the alternator only is to be removed, the rear of the engine must be firmly supported.
2. Remove the AC wiring loom.
3. Remove the bolts holding the alternator to the baseframe. Loosen the engine bolts as well.
4. Remove the alternator fan covers and support the rotor and the front of the alternator. Ensure that the rotor is positioned
with a pole at the bottom centre line. This is to avoid any damage to the bearing or exciter by limiting the rotor movement
to that of the air gap.
5. Uncouple the alternator from the engine as per Section 6.3.1.
6. Support the alternator using a sling or similar device and slide the complete alternator back on the base before lifting.

70 356-7259 (Eng)
8.1 Engine Description

8.1.1 General
The engine that powers the generating set is an industrial, heavy duty diesel engine that has been selected for its reliability
and efficiency in operation. It is specifically designed and optimised to power generating sets. The engine is a 4 stroke
compression ignition type with all the accessories necessary to provide a reliable power supply. Full details of the engine and
associated equipment is provided in the Engine Manual. This section gives a brief discussion of the major systems and how
they are integrated into the generating set.
If regular preventative maintenance is performed as per the Engine Manual, the diesel engine will continue to provide reliable
power for many years.

8.1.2 Cooling System

The engine cooling system is comprised of a radiator, high capacity pusher fan, a mechanically driven water pump and a
thermostat. The fan is a pusher type that pushes the air through the radiator. This system provides for cooling of the surface
heat of the engine and alternator and internal cooling of the engine by the water circulating in the radiator. The alternator
also has an integral fan that circulates cool air inside the housing. The thermostat maintains coolant temperature at a level
for efficient operation of the engine.
It is important to pay careful attention to air flow around the generating set to ensure proper cooling. Following the
installation instructions in Section 4.7 should ensure satisfactory performance.

8.1.3 Engine Governing

The engine governor is either a mechanical or electronic device designed to maintain a constant engine speed in relation to
load requirements. The engine speed is directly related to the frequency of the alternator output, so any variation in engine
speed will effect the frequency of the power output.
The governor senses engine speed and controls the fuel rate. As load increases on the alternator the governor will increase
fuel flow to the engine. As load is reduced the governor reduces fuel flow.

8.1.4 Fuel System

On most generating sets, the engine fuel system is connected directly to a fuel tank that is built into the baseframe. This tank
is designed to provide sufficient fuel for approximately 8 hours operation at full load unless an extended capacity tank has
been fitted. In this case approximately 24 hours operation is possible.
The basetank is provided with fittings to facilitate either manual or automatic filling from a larger bulk storage tank. See
Section 4.9 for a discussion of the entire fuel system.
On larger sets, the baseframe does not include a fuel tank so the engine fuel system must be connected to a separate tank
located next to the generating set.

8.1.5 Exhaust System

Exhaust systems are provided to reduce the noise level of the engine and to direct the exhaust gases to where they will not
be a hazard.
On smaller generating sets the exhaust silencer and piping are mounted directly on the engine. On larger engines the
exhaust system is supplied loose for installation on-site.

8.1.6 Air Flap Valve

An air flap valve, if fitted, prevents overspeeds due to ingestion of gas or fumes by cutting off the air supply. Functional
testing of these combustion air intake valves should not be performed on engines on load. A functional test should only be
carried out when the engine is not running. If it is necessary to demonstrate air valves closing when the engine is running
this should be done at no load. The engine should absolutely not be restarted immediately afterwards.
II The closing of the air flap valve while the engine is running can cause oil carry over into the exhaust system
which is highly volatile. The engine should be left for a period of time to allow these gases to dissipate.
II In cases of multiple air flap valves, ensure they have all been reset to the open position before restarting.

71 356-7259 (Eng)
8.1.7 Starting Aids
Ethyl Ether starting aids are not recommended. They will reduce the efficient working life of the engine.

8.2 Engine Maintenance

Please refer to the Engine User’s handbook which is included in the Operators manual.

8.3 Radiator Maintenance

8.3.1 General Notes

Corrosion in the radiator can be a prime cause of failure. This is prompted by air in the water. Always ensure pipe connections
are free of leaks.
Radiators should not be left standing in a partially filled condition. Radiators left partly filled with water will suffer much more
rapidly from the effects of corrosion. For an inoperative generating set, either drain the radiator completely or ensure that
it is maintained full. Wherever possible, radiators should be filled with distilled or naturally soft water, dosed with suitable
corrosion inhibitors. Please refer to section 4.6.9 for pH levels.
II Radiator coolant is normally very hot and under pressure. Do not work on the radiator or disconnect pipework
until it has cooled. Do not work on the radiator or remove any guarding while the fan is in motion.

8.3.2 Safe removal of Fan Guards

Introduction of access plates means that bolts can easily be made captive and therefore are not completely removeable from
the main guarding. (see Figure 7a)
II Please ensure the generating set has been switched off, ensuring the generating set has been safely isolated from starting
By adding key slots in the 6 positions as shown, the access plate can be placed over the top of the flanged bolt heads (which
are already held captive in the main radiator guard), dropped into place and tightened as normal. Access plates can then
easily be removed by loosening the 6 bolts 4 full turns and lifting off the plate

Figure 8a - Illustration of Fan Guard

72 356-7259 (Eng)
8.3.3 External Cleaning
In dusty or dirty conditions the radiator fins can become blocked with loose debris, insects, etc. and this fouling will have an
effect on the performance of the radiator.
For regular removal of light deposits use a low pressure steam jet. More difficult deposits may need a detergent with a low
pressure hot water hose. Spray steam jet or water from the front of the radiator towards the fan. Spraying in the opposite
direction will force debris further into the core. Covering the engine/alternator during this process will keep them clean.
Stubborn deposits, which cannot be removed by the above methods may require removal of the radiator and immersion in a
heated alkali degreasing solution for about 20 minutes and then washing off with a hot water hose.

8.3.4 Internal Cleaning

If, due to leaky joints for instance, indiscriminate topping-up with hard water has been carried out for some time, or if the
generating set has been run without inhibitors the system may become fouled by scale.
To descale the radiator, use the following procedure:
1. Drain the water system and disconnect and blank off the pipe connections to the engine.
2. Prepare a 4% solution of inhibited acid solvent and fresh water. Add the acid to the water, never vice versa.
3. Allow several minutes for mixing, then heat the solution to 49°C (120°F) maximum.
4. Run the solution slowly into the radiator via the filler cap or a branch in the manifold. Effervescence will occur. When it
ceases, fill the radiator completely with the heated solvent.
5. Allow to stand for several minutes; then drain the solvent back into the original container through the bottom manifold or
drain plug.
6. Examine the interior of the headers. If scale remains repeat the process outlined above with the solvent strength increased
to 8%.
7. After descaling the acid solution has to be neutralised as follows:
• Fill the mixing container with fresh water, heat to boiling point then add common washing soda crystals at the
following strength: 0.5 kg of soda to 20 litres water (1 lb. soda to 4 gallons water). Fill the radiator with this solution,
then drain it back into the container.
8. Flush the radiator in this manner several times, finally leaving the radiator full for at least an hour. Drain until empty and
wash out the radiator with hot fresh water.
9. Before putting the radiator into service again, fill with water and apply a test pressure equal to twice that of the working
pressure. Examine carefully for any leaks which may have been revealed by descaling.
10. Prior to recommissioning, the coolant must be dosed with any necessary corrosion inhibitors and/or the correct proportion
of antifreeze.

73 356-7259 (Eng)
9.1 Alternator Description

9.1.1 General
The alternator fitted on the generating set is of the brushless self-excitation type which eliminates the maintenance
associated with slip rings and brushes. The control system consists of an automatic voltage regulator, protective circuits and
the necessary instruments to allow monitoring of the output of the generating set.

9.1.2 Construction/Major Components

The alternator unit is completely self-contained and is designed and constructed to provide trouble free operation, ease of
maintenance and long service life.
The stator core is produced from insulated low loss electrical grade sheet steel laminations. These are built and welded under
a fixed pressure to give an extremely rigid core to withstand vibrations and load impulses. The complete wound stator is, after
impregnation, pressed into the frame and pinned
into position.
A high grade precision machined shaft carries the
rotor assembly which comprises the alternator
rotating field systems, the exciter rotator/rotating
diode system and the cooling fan. The rotor is
mechanically wedged and supported on the
winding end to allow an overspeed of up to 2250
RPM. The complete rotor assembly is dynamically
balanced to ensure vibration-free running.
At the drive end of the rotor assembly a cast-
aluminium centrifugal fan draws cooling air
through screened/louvered covers at the non
drive end and discharges it through similar side
mounted covers at the drive end.
Figure 9a – Simple Alternator Layout

9.1.3 Alternator Method of Operation

The electrical power produced by the generating set is derived from a closed loop system consisting principally of the exciter
rotor, the main revolving field and the automatic voltage regulator (see Figure 8a).
The process begins when the engine starts to rotate the main rotor of the alternator. The residual magnetism in the exciter
stator produces a small alternating voltage in the exciter rotor as it is rotated by the engine.
This alternating voltage is then rectified through the rotating diodes as a DC voltage into the main rotor, which then creates a
magnetic field in the main rotor. This induces an AC voltage in the main stator windings which gives the AC output.
The AVR senses this voltage output and depending on the setting of the voltage adjust potentiometer the AVR will adjust the
voltage going to the exciter stator to maintain the voltage output of the generating set as load levels vary.
This process takes place in a few seconds from the time the engine starts turning.

9.1.4 Automatic Voltage Regulator

The Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) maintains a no load to full load steady state voltage to tight tolerances. The AVR has a
volts/hertz characteristic which proportionally reduces the regulated voltage at reduced speeds. This feature aids the engine
during sudden large additions of load.

9.2 Alternator Maintenance

Periodic inspection and cleaning is recommended.
Perform a winding insulation test according to procedures provided in the Alternator Manual, after the generating set has
been stored for a period of time, (more often in higher humidity). In high humidity areas, installing space heaters to operate
when the generating set is not running will help keep the windings dry.
The alternator air filters, if fitted, should be inspected regularly depending on site conditions. If cleaning is necessary, remove
the filter elements from the filter frames and clean accordingly.

74 356-7259 (Eng)
Additionally the alternator unit should be cleaned on a regular basis. The frequency of such cleanings depends on the
environmental conditions of the operating site. The following procedure should be followed when cleaning is necessary:
Disconnect all power. Wipe dust, dirt, oil, water and any other liquids from the external surfaces of the alternator unit and
from the ventilation screens. These materials can work their way into the windings and may cause overheating or insulation
breakdown. Dust and dirt is best removed using a vacuum cleaner. Do not use compressed air, steam or high pressure water!
The separate Alternator Manual provided with this manual contains more detailed information on alternator maintenance. It
also includes a trouble shooting guide for alternator faults.
• Regular checking of alternator terminal connection lugs should be checked and inspected regularly (each service).
Any connections that are found to be loose should be replaced accordingly.

9.2.1 Function (1001 Series)

Section 5 of this manual provides detailed guidance and checklists for the operation of the generating set. This section
provides a more detailed description of the functions of the control system during operation.
During starting, turning the Key Switch from Position “O” (Off ) to Position “l” (On) powers up the PCB’s internal processor
(Lamp test will illuminate for 3 seconds) which then energises the panel Fuel Control Relay (FCR) which provides power to the
engine Fuel Control Solenoid.
The Key Switch must not be turned to position “ ” (Thermo) or “ ” (Start) while the engine is running.
During start, turning the Key Switch through Position “l” (On) to Position “ ” (Thermo) the processor will energize the panel
Start Aid Relay (SAR) which then activates the engine thermostart(“PRE-HEAT/GLOW PLUGS” LED will illuminate). This preheats
the induction air and should be held for 7 seconds.
Turning the Key Switch further to Position “ ” (Start) the processor will energize the panel Engine Crank Relay (ECR) which
provides power to the starter motor which cranks the engine. The starter motor will be disengaged when the Key Switch is
released so it must be held in this position until the engine starts and then immediately released and allowed to return to
Position “l” (On). To prevent overheating of the starter motor the engine should not be cranked for more than 5 to 7 seconds.
An interval of 10 seconds should be allowed between start attempts. If the engine has not started after 4 attempts, refer to
the trouble shooting guide or Engine Manual to determine the cause of failure to start.
Turning the Key Switch past Position “l” (On) initiates the processor Fault Protection Timer (FPT). This timer is set at 30 seconds.
Until the FPT times out the high engine coolant temperature and low oil pressure protective circuits are inhibited. This
will keep the low oil pressure of a starting engine from causing the protection circuits to initiate a shutdown during start.
Should the oil pressure not have reached the proper specified operating point by the time FPT times out or, when running,
should the pressure drop below this level, the protective circuitry will initiate a shutdown. The “LOW OIL PRESSURE” LED will
illuminate. Start up will be inhibited and no attempt should be made to start the generating set until the cause of the fault
has been traced and remedied. High engine coolant temperature (and/or low coolant level on some larger models) will also
shut down the generating set in the same way and will illuminate the “HIGH ENGINE TEMP” LED.
If at any time the generating set stops because of a fault, the fault should be rectified before trying to restart the
generating set.
These protective circuits will prevent start of the generating set until they are reset. Turning the Key Switch to Position “O”
(Off ) resets the protective circuits of the control system. Once the generating set is running properly, the electrical load is
applied by switching the alternator output circuit breaker to “ON” (handle in the up position).
When shutting down the generating set, the load should be turned off by switching the alternator output circuit breaker to
“OFF” (handle down). The engine should be allowed to cool prior to stopping it. After a few minutes the Key Switch is turned
to Position “O” (Off ) which shuts the generating set down.
In case of emergency where immediate shutdown is necessary, the Key Switch should be turned to Position “O” (Off )
immediately without first disconnecting the load (Alternatively the panel/canopy Emergency-Stop button can be pressed for
immediate shutdown).

75 356-7259 (Eng)
9.2.2 Protective Circuits (1002 Series):
Engine coolant measured from the resistive temperature sender located on the engine. The PCB processor will monitor this
resistance and is preset to shutdown at 107°C (approximatey 20Ω). On reaching the preset shutdown the LED labelled “HIGH
ENGINE TEMPERATURE” will illuminate. The internal processor will de-energize the panel Fuel Control Relay (FCR) which in-
turn switches off the supply to the Engine Fuel Control Solenoid, shutting down the engine. The LED will remain illuminated
and the engine will not start until the fault has been acknowledged and reset by turning the Key Switch to Position “O” (Off ).
Engine lubricating oil pressure is also monitored to check for an excessively low pressure condition. This is monitored by an
active sender located on the engine which sends a voltage signal to the PCB processor. Should the oil pressure fall to or below
about 22 p.s.i. (1.6 bar) the processor will recognize a fault and the internal processor will de-energize the panel Fuel Control
Relay (FCR) which in-turn switches off the supply to the Engine Fuel Control Solenoid, shutting down the engine. On reaching
the preset shutdown the “LOW OIL PRESSURE” fault lamp will be illuminated and the engine will not start until the fault has
been acknowledged and reset by turning the Key Switch to Position “O” (Off ).
Should battery voltage drop below 13.1 Volts “CHARGE ALT FAIL” LED will illuminate and remain so until voltage reaches 13.3
Volts. This will indicate a possible fault with Charging Alternator or Battery.

76 356-7259 (Eng)
10. 1300 (HeuI) Electronic Engine Fault Detection Flash Codes
Perkins 1306-E87 electronic engines automatically record engine faults in the Electronic Control Module (ECM) to assist the
operator or engineer in troubleshooting. The fault codes can be read using the red and amber lamps situated on the top
of the relay box. The relay box can be found mounted on the alternator box below the AVR. The relevant codes can be
identified using the fault-finding table below.
Two types of codes may be observed: “active” and “inactive” codes. Active codes are new faults identified which must be
rectified before the generating set is operated again. Inactive codes are all codes which have been previously logged.
• To operate the fault finding diagnostic codes, press and hold the red pushbutton. The lamps will flash in the following
sequence: amber-red-amber-amber. Once this sequence has finished, while still holding the red button, press and
release the green button. Observe the sequence of the flashing lamps.
• If there are no active codes retained in the memory of the ECM, the red lamp will flash once, then the amber lamp will
flash three times.
• ECM, the red lamp will flash once. The active codes will then flash on the amber lamp. If there is more than one code
there will be a short delay between codes.
• When all of the active codes have been shown, the red lamp will flash twice. Then, if there are any inactive codes
retained, the amber lamp will flash a code. If there is more then one code there will be a short delay between codes.
• When the test is complete, the red lamp will flash three times.
• Make a note of any codes that are shown. Active codes will become inactive if the test is done for a second time.
The fault codes can be read using the red and amber lamps situated on the top of the relay box, as shown in the picture
1. Relay Box – This interfaces between the Electronic Control Module (ECM) and the control panel.
2. Amber Light – If lit indicates an active fault. Please contact your local Dealership for assistance. The generating set may
continue to run but may be on reduced power.
3. Red Light – Used for flash code reading, this will not light in normal operation.
4. Push Buttons – Push buttons 1 & O are used for fault code reading only.
5. Diagnostic Plug – This is used for communication with a laptop / PC. This should only be used by an authorised technician,
who has had the appropriate training.

Figure 10a – 1306-E87 Electronic Engines Relay Box

77 356-7259 (Eng)
10.1 1300 Series Flash Codes

Flash code Condition description Comments Probable causes

111 No errors found – –
Electrical system voltage B+ out ECM voltage is continuously more
112 Charging system fault
of range: high than 18V
Low battery voltage. Loose
Electrical system voltage B+ out ECM voltage is continuously less
113 connections. High resistance in
of range: low than 6.5V. Cause of no start / misfire
Engine coolant temperature Defaults to 180°F (82°C). Signal
114 Short circuit to earth
signal out of range: low voltage less than 0.127V
Engine coolant temperature Defaults to 180°F (82°C). Signal
115 Open circuit. Sensor failure
signal out of range: high voltage greater than 4.6V
Defaults to ECM setting. Low power.
Manifold air pressure signal out
121 Slow acceleration. Signal voltage Sensor failure
of range: high
greater than 4.6V
Defaults to ECM setting. Low power.
Manifold air pressure signal out
122 Slow acceleration. Signal voltage Short circuit to earth. Sensor failure
of range: low
greater than 4.6v
Manifold air pressure fault: in Defaults to ECM setting. Low power. Hose or sensor for manifold air
range Slow acceleration pressure blocked
Defaults to open-loop control.
Injection control pressure signal Short circuit to low. Open circuit.
124 Underrun at low idle. Signal voltage
out of range: low Sensor failure
less than 0.039V
Defaults to open loop control
Injection control pressure signal
125 Underrun at low idle. Signal voltage Short circuit to high. Sensor failure
out of range: high
greater than 4.897V
Speed control signal out of Signal voltage less than 0.152V. Short circuit to earth. Open circuit.
range: low Engine at low idle only Sensor failure.
Speed control signal out of Signal voltage greater than 4.55V. Short circuit to reference voltage or
range: high Engine idle only 12 volts. Sensor failure
Speed control position does not
Speed control signal fault: in
133 match the idle validation switch. Speed control failure.
Kept to 0% of speed control position
Speed control position does
Speed control and idle validation
134* not match the idle validation Kept to 0% of speed control position
switch failure
Speed control position does not
ECM low idle validation switch match the idle validation switch.
135* Idle validation switch failure
faulty. Kept to 50% of speed control
position. Engine speed limited
Speed sensor signal is less than 0.48V
Vehicle speed signal out of Sensor open circuit or short circuit
141* (0 Kmh/mph). Cruise control nor PTO
range: low to earth
not engaged. Engine speed limited
Speed sensor signal is greater than
Vehicle speed signal out of Short circuit to reference voltage or
142* 4.492V (0 Kmh/mph). Cruise control
range: high 12 volts
nor PTO not engaged
Wrong number of pulses per
Poor connection or camshaft
143 revolution from the camshaft Intermittent signal
position sensor failure
position sensor
Interference found at the Interference. Injector unit voltage
144 ECM found excessive external inputs
camshaft position sensor short circuit to earth

78 356-7259 (Eng)
Flash code Condition description Comments Probable causes
No signal from the camshaft
position sensor but the Short circuit to earth. Open circuit.
145 Found by the ECM
injection control pressure has Sensor failure
Signal voltage greater than 4.9V for
Barometric pressure signal out more than 1 second. Short circuit high or open circuit.
of range: high Defaults to 101 kPa (14.7 lbf/in2) (1,0 Sensor failure
Signal voltage less than 1.0V for more
Barometric pressure signal out
152* than 1 second. Defaults to 101 kPa Short circuit to earth low
of range: low
(14.7 lb/in2) 1,0 kgf/cm2
Intake air temperature signal Signal voltage less than 0.127V.
154 Short circuit to earth
out of range: low Defaults to 170°F (77°C)
Intake air temperature signal Signal voltage greater than 4.6V.
155 Open circuit
out of range: high Defaults to 170°F (77°C)
Engine oil pressure signal out of
211 Signal voltage less than 0.039V Short circuit to earth low
range: low
Engine oil pressure signal out of Short circuit to earth high or open
212 Signal voltage greater than 4.9V
range: high circuit
Remote speed control out of Remote speed control signal less
213* Open circuit
range: low than 0.249V
Remote speed control out of Remote speed control signal greater
214* Short circuit to earth
range: high than 4.5V
Cruise / PTO (or remote PTO) Signal voltage incorrect, does not Short circuit or high resistance in
switch fault match the switch position the speed control circuit
Voltage to pins 43 and 44 on the Switch or relay faulty or incorrectly
222* Brake switch circuit fault
ECM are not the same adjusted
Signal greater than 276 kPa (40 lbf/
Sensor for engine oil pressure in2) 2,8 kgf/cm2 with the engine Faulty circuit connection. Sensor
faulty: in range start key in the “ON” position. Engine failure
protection disabled
ATA link open or short circuit. VPM
231 ATA data link fault ATA device earthed or overloaded
Engine coolant level switch
236* – Sort circuit to earth or open circuit
Regulator for injection control
Output circuit test in engine-off test
241 pressure failed the output Open circuit or short circuit to earth
circuit test
Engine data link failed open Output circuit test in engine-off test
244 Open circuit or short circuit to earth
circuit test only
Open circuit test out of range: High voltage during open circuit
254 –
high test
Open circuit test out of range:
255 – Low voltage during open circuit test
Engine oil temperature signal Signal voltage less greater 4.8V
311 Short circuit to earth
out of range: low Defaults to 212°F (100°C) No fast idle
Engine oil temperature signal Signal voltage less than 0.2V Defaults
312 Open circuit
out of range: high to 212°F (100°C) No fast idle

79 356-7259 (Eng)
Flash code Condition description Comments Probable causes
No oil or low oil level. Faulty
Engine oil pressure below regulator. Suction pipe blocked
313 Oil warning light on
warning level or damaged. Worn main bearings.
Worn oil pump.
No oil or low oil level. Fault in
Engine oil pressure below regulator. Suction pipe blocked
314 Engine will stop, if this option is fitted
critical level or damaged. Worn main bearings.
Worn oil pump.
Engine speed exceeded ECM recorded an engine speed Incorrect use of gears in automotive
warning limit greater than 3000 rev/min application
Engine coolant temperature Coolant temperature greater than
321 Cooling system fault
above warning level 224.6°F (107°C)
Engine coolant temperature Coolant temperature greater than
322 Cooling system fault
too high 233.6°F (112.5°C)
Engine coolant level below Coolant level low. Leakage of
323* ECM finds low coolant level
warning level coolant
Power reduced to match High altitude or high ambient
325 Engine power reduced
cooling system performance temperature
Engine goes to idle on start up or
Generating Set speed control Wiring loom fault or out of range
326 no longer responds to a load/speed
faults speed control signal
Injection control pressure above 25
Injection control pressure too Short circuit to earth. Regulator
331 Mpa (3675 lbf/in2)
high valve stuck
2250 kgf/cm2
Injection control pressure
Sensor signal voltage higher than
332 above specification with the Short circuit to voltage. Sensor fault
expected with the engine off
engine off
Incorrect specification lubricating
Injection control pressure Pressure does not match the output oil. Air in the lubricating oil. Leakage
below best value signal for a long period of time at the ‘O’ ring for the injector unit.
Regulator fault.
Incorrect specification lubricating
Injection control pressure does
Pressure does not match the output oil. Air in the lubricating oil. Leakage
334 not reach the correct pressure
signal for a short period of time at the ‘O’ ring for the injector unit.
in the time allowed
Regulator fault.
Injection control pressure does
Less than 5,1 Mpa (725 lbf/in2) 51 Air in the lubricating oil. Fault in the
335 not increase during engine
kgf/cm2 after 10 seconds of cranking high pressure lubricating oil system
A leakage of lubricating oil or fault
Injection control pressure does
336 – in the high pressure lubricating oil
not reach the correct pressure
Number 1 injector unit open Injector unit electrical wiring loom
421 Found by the ECM
circuit: high or low open circuit
Number 2 injector unit open Injector unit electrical wiring loom
422 Found by the ECM
circuit: high or low open circuit
Number 3 injector unit open Injector unit electrical wiring loom
423 Found by the ECM
circuit: high or low open circuit
Number 4 injector unit open Injector unit electrical wiring loom
424 Found by the ECM
circuit: high or low open circuit

80 356-7259 (Eng)
Flash code Condition description Comments Probable causes
Number 5 injector unit open Injector unit electrical wiring loom
425 Found by the ECM
circuit: high or low open circuit
Number 6 injector unit open Injector unit wiring loom open
426 Found by the ECM
circuit: high or low circuit
Number 1 injector unit short Injector unit electrical wiring loom
431 Found by the ECM
circuit: high or low shorted high to low
Number 2 injector unit short Injector unit electrical wiring loom
432 Found by the ECM
circuit: high or low shorted high to low
Number 3 injector unit short Injector unit electrical wiring loom
433 Found by the ECM
circuit: high or low shorted high to low
Number 4 injector unit short Injector unit electrical wiring loom
434 Found by the ECM
circuit: high or low shorted high to low
Number 5 injector unit short Injector unit electrical wiring loom
435 Found by the ECM
circuit: high or low shorted high to low
Number 6 injector unit short Injector unit electrical wiring loom
436 Found by the ECM
circuit: high or low shorted high to low
Number 1 injector unit short Injector unit electrical wiring loom
451 Found by the ECM
circuit to B+ or earth: high shorted to earth: low
Number 2 injector unit short Injector unit electrical wiring loom
452 Found by the ECM
circuit to B+ or earth: high shorted to earth: low
Number 3 injector unit short Injector unit electrical wiring loom
453 Found by the ECM
circuit to B+ or earth: high shorted to earth: low
Number 4 injector unit short Injector unit electrical wiring loom
454 Found by the ECM
circuit to B+ or earth: high shorted to earth: low
Number 5 injector unit short Injector unit electrical wiring loom
455 Found by the ECM
circuit to B+ or earth: high shorted to earth: low
Number 6 injector unit short Injector unit electrical wiring loom
456 Found by the ECM
circuit to B+ or earth: high shorted to earth: low
Number 1 injector unit short
451 Found by the ECM -
circuit to earth
Number 2 injector unit short
452 Found by the ECM -
circuit to earth
Number 3 injector unit short
453 Found by the ECM -
circuit to earth
Number 4 injector unit short
454 Found by the ECM -
circuit to earth
Number 5 injector unit short
455 Found by the ECM -
circuit to earth
Number 6 injector unit short
456 Found by the ECM -
circuit to earth
Number 1 injector unit failed
461 Found by the ECM -
the contribution test
Number 2 injector unit failed
462 Found by the ECM -
the contribution test
Number 3 injector unit failed
463 Found by the ECM -
the contribution test
Number 4 injector unit failed
464 Found by the ECM -
the contribution test
81 356-7259 (Eng)
Flash code Condition description Comments Probable causes
Number 5 injector unit failed
465 Found by the ECM –
the contribution test
Number 6 injector unit failed
466 Found by the ECM –
the contribution test
Injector units for cylinders 1, 2 and
513 Bank 1 open circuit: low 3 have an open circuit in the high Open circuit
voltage supply
Injector units for cylinders 4, 5 and
514 Bank 2 open circuit: low 6 have an open circuit in the high Open circuit
voltage supply
Bank 1 short circuit to earth or Injector units for cylinders 1, 2 and 3
515 Short circuit in wiring loom
B+: low have short circuit to earth or B+
Bank 2 short circuit to earth or Injector units for cylinders 4, 5 and 6
521 Short circuit in wiring loom
B+: low have short circuit to earth or B+
Short circuit between bank 1 Short circuit between bank 1 and
524 Short circuit in wiring loom
and bank 2 bank 2
Injector unit driver circuit fault
Injector unit wiring loom fault. ECM
525 ECM unable to supply sufficient Engine wiring loom fault
voltage to injector units
Incorrect ECM installed for the No match between the ECM and the
612 Incorrect ECM fitted
camshaft timing plate camshaft position sensor
Engine family rating code and
614 ECM programming fault Components not compatible
ECM do not match
621 Engine using default rating Engine operates AL25 HP, default ECM installed but not programmed
Engine limited to 160 HP. Options not
622 Engine using field default rating ECM installed but not programmed
623 Invalid engine rating code – ECM not programmed correctly
624 Field default active Programming problem ECM fault
625 ECM fault ECM software fault Replace ECM
626 Unexpected ECM reset fault Temporary ECM power failure Battery connection fault
631 ROM self test fault ECM failure Internal ECM fault
632 RAM self test fault ECM failure Internal ECM fault
Programmable parameter list Programming problem. ECM
655 Programming fault
level incompatible memory problem
RAM programmable parameter Programming problem ECM memory
661 Programming fault
list corrupt problem
664 Calibration level incompatible Programming problem Programming problem
Programmable parameter
665 ECM failure Internal ECM fault
memory content corrupt
* These codes will not affect the operation of the engine in a generating set application:
• The engine protection systems e.g. low oil pressure, high coolant temperature, are within the control of the generating
set control panel. These sensors will shut the engine down before the ECM sensors.

82 356-7259 (Eng)
11.1 Battery Theory

11.1.1 General
The battery is an assembly of “cells” containing a number of plates, immersed in an electrically conductive fluid. The electrical
energy from the battery comes from chemical reactions taking place within the cells. These reactions are reversible which
means that the battery can be repeatedly charged and discharged.

11.1.2 Electrolyte
The electrically conductive fluid, called electrolyte, in a lead-acid battery is a diluted sulphuric acid solution. It aids the
chemical reactions occurring at the plates and it acts as the carrier for the electrical current.

11.1.3 Specific Gravity

Specific gravity is a unit of measurement for determining the sulphuric acid content of the electrolyte which compares the
weight of the electrolyte compared to the weight of pure water. At 25° C (77° F) a fully charged battery should have a specific
gravity of 1.270. The lower the concentration of sulphuric acid, the lower the specific gravity.
As the battery is discharged, the chemical reactions lower the specific gravity of the electrolyte. Therefore, this measurement
can be used as a guide to the state of charge of the battery.

11.1.4 Hydrometer
Specific gravity can be measured directly using a hydrometer. This device is a bulb-type syringe which will extract electrolyte
from a cell in the battery. A glass float in the hydrometer barrel is calibrated to indicate the specific gravity.
Hydrometer readings should not be taken immediately after water is added to the cell. The water must be thoroughly mixed
with the underlying electrolyte, by charging, before hydrometer readings are reliable. Also, if the reading is being taken
immediately after the battery has been subjected to prolonged cranking, the reading will be higher than the true value. The
water formed in the plates during the rapid discharge will not have had time to mix with the electrolyte above the plates.

11.1.5 High or Low Temperatures

In tropical climates (frequently above 32°C (90°F)) a fully charged battery with a lower specific gravity of 1.240 is used. This
milder strength electrolyte increases the service life of the battery. If subjected to low temperatures the battery will not have
the same cranking power due to the lower concentration of sulphuric acid, but this situation should not occur in tropical
Batteries prepared for service in extremely cold weather use stronger electrolyte. In some instances specific gravity’s of 1.290
to 1.300 are used. The cold cranking performance increases as the specific gravity increases.

11.1.6 Temperature Correction

The hydrometer is calibrated to indicate properly for a specified electrolyte temperature, often 25° C (77° F). For temperatures
higher or lower than the reference temperature, a correction must be made. For each 5.5° C (10° F) above the reference add
0.004 to the reading. For each 5.5°C (10°F) below the reference, subtract 0.004 from the reading.

11.2 Battery Maintenance

II Follow all safety instructions when handling batteries. Wear an acid resistant apron and face shield or goggles
when servicing the battery.
II Batteries contain corrosive sulphuric acid that can destroy clothing and burn the skin. Neutralise acid spills with
a paste made of baking soda and water or large quantities of water.
II All batteries generate explosive hydrogen gas. Keep sparks, flames and cigarettes away from batteries at all
times. Do not connect or disconnect “live” circuits. To avoid creating sparks, always turn charging and testing
equipment off before attaching or removing clamps.
II Perform all work in a well-ventilated area. Never lean directly over a battery while boosting, testing or charging

83 356-7259 (Eng)
11.2.1 Dry Charge Activation
Fill each cell to proper level with battery-grade sulphuric acid of 1.265 specific gravity. Battery and acid must be at a
temperature of 16°C to 38°C (60°F to 100°F) at time of filling.
Boost charge 12V batteries at 15 amps until specific gravity is 1.250 or higher and the electrolyte temperature is at least 15.5°C
(60°F). BOTH CONDITIONS MUST BE MET. (Boost charge 6V and 12V heavy-duty batteries at 30 amps.) If violent gassing or
spewing occurs, reduce charge rate.
After charging, check electrolyte levels. If required, add additional electrolyte to bring all levels to the bottom of the vent
wells. DO NOT OVERFILL. If the battery requires top off while in service, add distilled water. DO NOT ADD ACID.

11.2.2 Safe Installation

Before removing old battery, mark the positive (+) and negative (–) cables for proper connection to the new battery.
Always disconnect the ground cable first [usually negative (–)] to avoid any sparking around battery. Then disconnect the
positive (+) cable and carefully remove the old battery.
Clean and inspect. If necessary, repaint or replace the tray, hold-down and/or battery cables. Cable ends must be clean and
corrosion free. Cable must not be frayed or bare.
Put corrosion protection washers on battery terminals. Install new battery in same position as old one and tighten hold-
down. Be sure terminals will clear enclosure doors, air inlets, etc. to avoid damage and/or explosion.
Connect positive (+) cable first. Connect ground cable last. Never over tighten or hammer cables onto terminals.

Coat terminals and cable connection with a corrosion protection spray.

11.2.3 In Machine Service

Follow safety precautions:


Prior to any testing, visually inspect the battery. Look for:
• Cracked or broken case or cover
• Loose cable connections
• Leaking case-to-cover seal
• Corrosion

• Damaged or leaking terminals

Neutralise any corrosion with a baking soda/water paste or battery cleaner spray. Scrape or brush off the residue and wash
the area with clean water. Following your visual inspection, check the battery’s state of charge with a voltmeter. You must
boost charge a weak battery before load testing.

11.3 Battery Charging

II Always ensure battery charging is carried out in a well-ventilated area away from sparks and naked flames. If
possible, remove the battery filler caps or vent cover during charging.
II To avoid a battery explosion, never attempt to charge a frozen battery. Allow it to warm up to room temperature
before placing on charge.
II Never operate a battery charger where unprotected from rain or snow. The charger should never be used near
II Always switch the charger off prior to disconnecting the battery.
II Important: Never overcharge batteries. Excessive charging will shorten battery life.
The engine driven alternator and or a static battery charger, if fitted, should maintain the batteries in a charged state.
However, if the battery has recently been filled or recharging is required the battery may be disconnected from the
generating set and connected to an external battery charger.
II If the electrolyte is accessible, verify that plates are covered before beginning to charge. At the end of charge,
add distilled water as needed to bring levels to the proper height. If water is added, charge for an additional 30
minutes to mix. If electrolyte levels are low, but battery is not accessible, remove battery from service.

84 356-7259 (Eng)
The maximum charge rate in amperes should be no more than 1/3 of the battery’s reserve capacity minute rating. If the
terminal voltage exceeds 16.0 volts while charging, reduce the charge rate.
Continue charging and reduce the rate as needed until a two-hour period results in no increase in voltage or decrease in
If violent gassing or spewing of electrolyte occurs, or the battery case feels hot to the touch, temporarily reduce or halt

Battery Approximate battery charging time* to full charge at 27°C / 80°F

State of Charge
Voltage Maximum Rate at:
12 50 AMPS 30 AMPS 20 AMPS 10 AMPS
12.6 100% Full Charge
12.4 75% 20 135 148 190
12.2 50% 45 175 195 180
12 25% 65 115 145 290
11.8 0% 85 150 195 370
*Charging time depends upon battery capacity, condition, age, temperature and efficiency of charger.

11.4 Battery Storage

Batteries should be stored in a cool, dry area in an upright position. Never stack batteries directly on top of each other unless
they’re in cartons. Do not stack more than 3 high (2 high if battery type is heavy commercial).

Test wet batteries every 4 – 6 months and recharge if necessary. Always test and charge if necessary before installation.

11.5 Battery Charging System Fault Finding/Trouble Shooting Chart

II Removal of the battery charger cover will expose dangerously high voltage terminals.
Symptom Possible Fault Remedy
Incorrect or bad battery
No charging current Check connections and clean terminals.
Old or sulphated battery with
Remove battery and charge on specialist equipment.
very low terminal voltage
No mains supply Check mains supply to charger.
Blown mains fuse Replace fuse.
Remove output connections from each rectifier unit and test for
Faulty diode rectifier unit
output current into a known load.
No charging current
Faulty indicator Check charging current with standard ammeter.
shown on indicator
Charging rate too low Low mains voltage Check mains voltage supply.
Incorrect mains supply
Check the mains supply tapping with the supply voltage.
Loose heavy current
Check and tighten connections if necessary.
Charging clamps get Faulty connections to the
Clean terminals and reconnect.
hot battery
Loose screws in clamps Clean and tighten screws in charging clamps.
Mains supply fuse blows
Incorrect fuse rating Replace with correct fuse.
Wiring short Check and remake all connections.
Charging rate does not Charger is not faulty – battery will not rise to full charge voltage.
Old or damaged battery
taper Test battery and replace as necessary.

85 356-7259 (Eng)
11.6 Jump Starting Procedures
II Do not attempt to jump start a battery if the electrolyte is frozen or slushy. Bring the batteries up to at least 5°C
(41°F) before attempting a jumpstart.
II Shield eyes and face at all times. Never lean directly over battery when testing, jump starting or performing
other maintenance.
II Please ensure the generating set is in the off position before completing the instructions below.
If the generating set battery has insufficient charge to start the generating set, a “jump start” from another battery is possible.
Ensure vent caps are tight and level. Place a damp rag over the vent caps of both batteries. Ensure starting vehicle and
generating set do not touch each other.
1. Connect one end of positive (+) booster cable to positive (+) terminal of discharged battery, wired to starter or solenoid.
2. Connect other end of positive (+) booster cable to positive (+) terminal of assisting battery.
3. Connect one end of negative (–) booster cable to negative (–) terminal of assisting battery, wired to ground.
4. Complete hook-up by connecting other end of negative (–) booster cable to engine block of stalled vehicle – as far away
from battery as possible...AWAY FROM MOVING FAN AND FUEL LINES.
5. With the engine of the starting vehicle running, start the generating set in accordance with the normal procedures. Avoid
prolonged cranking.
6. Remove cables in reverse order of connection. Discard the rag.
See diagram below for proper hookup.


1 4 2 3
Important: Connect to ground, away
from battery... Away from moving fan
and fuel lines Booster Battery


II The Following Notice is Intended only for Units Shipped Into The United States Of America, Canada or U.S.
Possessions (Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Guam, American Somoa and the Commonwealth of the Northern
Mariana Islands)
For units marked as being intended for stationary use only, which are used in the United States of America, U.S. Possessions or
Canada, the following restrictions apply.
This generating set may only be used in stationary applications, as defined by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Regulation in Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (40 CFR Part 89.2(2)).
The definition of stationary, per the regulations, is that: (a) the unit will remain at a single site at a building, structure, facility
or installation for more than 12 consecutive months; or (b) will remain at a seasonal source during its full annual operating
period, as defined in 40 CFR 89.2(2)(iii).
The following U.S. possessions must comply with U.S. EPA requirements: Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Guam, American Somoa
and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.

86 356-7259 (Eng)
12. Appendices
Appendix 1 – Voltages of the world table

Three-phase Number of wires

Country Frequency
voltage (not including the ground wire)
afghanistan 380 V 50 Hz 4
Albania 400 V 50 Hz 4
Algeria 400 V 50 Hz 4
American Samoa 208 V 60 Hz 3, 4
Andorra 400 V 50 Hz 3, 4
Angola 380 V 50 Hz 4
Antigua 400 V 60 Hz 3, 4
Argentina 380 V 50 Hz 3, 4
Armenia 380 V 50 Hz 4
Aruba 220 V 60 Hz 3, 4
Australia 415 V 50 Hz 3, 4
Austria 400 V 50 Hz 3, 4
Azerbaijan 380 V 50 Hz 4
Azores 400 V 50 Hz 3, 4
Bahamas 208 V 60 Hz 3, 4
Bahrain 400 V 50 Hz 3, 4
Balearic Islands 400 V 50 Hz 3, 4
Bangladesh 380 V 50 Hz 3, 4
Barbados 200 V 50 Hz 3, 4
Belarus 380 V 50 Hz 4
Belgium 400 V 50 Hz 3, 4
Belize 190 V / 380 V 60 Hz 3, 4
Benin 380 V 50 Hz 4
Bermuda 208 V 60 Hz 3, 4
Bhutan 400 V 50 Hz 4
Bolivia 400 V 50 Hz 4
Bosnia & Herzegovina 400 V 50 Hz 4
Botswana 400 V 50 Hz 4
Brazil 220 V / 380 V / 440 V* 60 Hz 3, 4
Brunei 415 V 50 Hz 4
Bulgaria 400 V 50 Hz 4
Burkina Faso 380 V 50 Hz 4
Burundi 380 V 50 Hz 4
Cambodia 400 V 50 Hz 4
Cameroon 380 V 50 Hz 4
Canada 208 V / 240 V / 600 V 60 Hz 3, 4
Canary Islands 400 V 50 Hz 3, 4
Cape Verde 400 V 50 Hz 3, 4
Cayman Islands 208 V 60 Hz 3
Central African Republic 380 V 50 Hz 4
Chad 380 V 50 Hz 4
Channel Islands
400 V 50 Hz 4
(Guernsey & Jersey)
Chile 380 V 50 Hz 3, 4

87 356-7259 (Eng)
Three-phase Number of wires
Country Frequency
voltage (not including the ground wire)
China, People’s Republic of 380 V 50 Hz 3, 4
Colombia 440 V 60 Hz 3, 4
Comoros 380 V 50 Hz 4
People’s Rep. of Congo 400 V 50 Hz 3, 4
Dem. Rep. of Congo
380 V 50 Hz 3, 4
(formerly Zaire)
Cook Islands 415 V 50 Hz 3, 4
Costa Rica 240 V 60 Hz 3, 4
Côte d’Ivoire  380 V 50 Hz 3, 4
(Ivory Coast)
Croatia 400 V 50 Hz 4
Cuba 190 V 60 Hz 3
Cyprus 400 V 50 Hz 4
Czech Republic 400 V 50 Hz 3, 4
Denmark 400 V 50 Hz 3, 4
Djibouti 380 V 50 Hz 4
Dominica 400 V 50 Hz 4
Dominican Republic 120/208 V / 277/480 V 60 Hz 3, 4
Ecuador 190 V 60 Hz 3, 4
Egypt 380 V 50 Hz 3, 4
El Salvador 200 V 60 Hz 3
Equatorial Guinea [unavailable] [unavailable] [unavailable]
Eritrea 400 V 50 Hz 4
Estonia 400 V 50 Hz 4
Ethiopia 380 V 50 Hz 4
Faeroe Islands 400 V 50 Hz 3, 4
Falkland Islands 415 V 50 Hz 4
Fiji 415 V 50 Hz 3, 4
Finland 400 V 50 Hz 3, 4
France 400 V 50 Hz 4
French Guyana 380 V 50 Hz 3, 4
Gabon 380 V 50 Hz 4
Gambia 400 V 50 Hz 4
Gaza 400 V 50 Hz 4
Georgia 380 V 50 Hz 4
Germany 400 V 50 Hz 4
Ghana 400 V 50 Hz 3, 4
Gibraltar 400 V 50 Hz 4
Greece 400 V 50 Hz 4
Greenland 400 V 50 Hz 3, 4
Grenada (Windward Islands) 400 V 50 Hz 4
Guadeloupe 400 V 50 Hz 3, 4
Guam 190 V 60 Hz 3, 4
Guatemala 208 V 60 Hz 3, 4
Guinea 380 V 50 Hz 3, 4
Guinea-Bissau 380 V 50 Hz 3, 4
Guyana 190 V 60 Hz 3, 4

88 356-7259 (Eng)
Three-phase Number of wires
Country Frequency
voltage (not including the ground wire)
Haiti 190 V 60 Hz 3, 4
Honduras 190 V 60 Hz 3
Hong Kong 380 V 50 Hz 3, 4
Hungary 400 V 50 Hz 3, 4
Iceland 400 V 50 Hz 3, 4
India 400 V 50 Hz 4
Indonesia 400 V 50 Hz 4
Iran 400 V 50 Hz 3, 4
Iraq 400 V 50 Hz 4
Ireland (Eire) 400 V 50 Hz 4
Isle of Man 400 V 50 Hz 4
Israel 400 V 50 Hz 4
Italy 400 V 50 Hz 4
Jamaica 190 V 50 Hz 3, 4
Japan 200 V 50 Hz / 60 Hz** 3
Jordan 400 V 50 Hz 3, 4
Kenya 415 V 50 Hz 4
Kazakhstan 380 V 50 Hz 3, 4
Kiribati [unavailable] [unavailable] [unavailable]
Korea, South 380 V 60 Hz 4
Kuwait 415 V 50 Hz 4
Kyrgyzstan 380 V 50 Hz 3, 4
Laos 400 V 50 Hz 4
Latvia 400 V 50 Hz 4
Lebanon 400 V 50 Hz 4
Lesotho 380 V 50 Hz 4
Liberia 208 V 60 Hz 3, 4
Libya 220 V / 400 V 50 Hz 4
Liechtenstein 400 V 50 Hz 4
Lithuania 400 V 50 Hz 4
Luxembourg 400 V 50 Hz 4
Macau 380 V 50 Hz 3
Macedonia 400 V 50 Hz 4
Madagascar 220 V / 380 V 50 Hz 3, 4
Madeira 400 V 50 Hz 3, 4
Malawi 400 V 50 Hz 3, 4
Malaysia 415 V 50 Hz 4
Maldives 400 V 50 Hz 4
Mali 380 V 50 Hz 3, 4
Malta 400 V 50 Hz 4
Martinique 380 V 50 Hz 3, 4
Mauritania 220 V 50 Hz 3
Mauritius 400 V 50 Hz 4
Mexico 220 V / 480 V 60 Hz 3, 4
Moldova 380 V 50 Hz 4
Monaco 400 V 50 Hz 4
Mongolia 400 V 50 Hz 4

89 356-7259 (Eng)
Three-phase Number of wires
Country Frequency
voltage (not including the ground wire)
Montenegro 400 V 50 Hz 3, 4
Montserrat (Leeward Islands) 400 V 60 Hz 4
Morocco 380 V 50 Hz 4
Mozambique 380 V 50 Hz 4
Myanmar (formerly Burma) 400 V 50 Hz 4
Namibia 380 V 50 Hz 4
Nauru 415 V 50 Hz 4
Nepal 400 V 50 Hz 4
Netherlands 400 V 50 Hz 3
Netherlands Antilles 220 V / 380 V 50 Hz 3, 4
New Caledonia 380 V 50 Hz 3, 4
New Zealand 415 V 50 Hz 3, 4
Nicaragua 208 V 60 Hz 3, 4
Niger 380 V 50 Hz 4
Nigeria 400 V 50 Hz 4
Norway 400 V 50 Hz 3
Oman 415 V 50 Hz 4
Pakistan 400 V 50 Hz 3
Palau 208 V 60 Hz 3
Panama 190 V 60 Hz 3
Papua New Guinea 415 V 50 Hz 4
Paraguay 380 V 50 Hz 4
Peru 220 V 60 Hz 3
Philippines 380 V 60 Hz 3
Poland 400 V 50 Hz 4
Portugal 400 V 50 Hz 3, 4
Puerto Rico 208 V 60 Hz 3, 4
Qatar 415 V 50 Hz 3, 4
Réunion Island 400 V 50 Hz 4
Romania 400 V 50 Hz 3, 4
Russian Federation 400 V 50 Hz 4
Rwanda 400 V 50 Hz 4
St. Kitts and Nevis (Leeward Islands) 400 V 60 Hz 4
St. Lucia (Windward Islands) 400 V 50 Hz 4
St. Vincent (Windward Islands) 400 V 50 Hz 4
San Marino 400 V 50 Hz 4
Saudi Arabia 190 V / 380 V*** 60 Hz*** 4
Senegal 400 V 50 Hz 3, 4
Serbia 400 V 50 Hz 3, 4
Seychelles 240 V 50 Hz 3
Sierra Leone 400 V 50 Hz 4
Singapore 400 V 50 Hz 4
Slovakia 400 V 50 Hz 4
Slovenia 400 V 50 Hz 3, 4
Somalia 380 V 50 Hz 3, 4
South Africa 400 V 50 Hz 3, 4
Spain 400 V 50 Hz 3, 4

90 356-7259 (Eng)
Three-phase Number of wires
Country Frequency
voltage (not including the ground wire)
Sri Lanka 400 V 50 Hz 4
Sudan 400 V 50 Hz 4
Suriname 220 V 60 Hz 3, 4
Swaziland 400 V 50 Hz 4
Sweden 400 V 50 Hz 3, 4
Switzerland 400 V 50 Hz 3, 4
Syria 380 V 50 Hz 3
50 Hz / 60 Hz
Tahiti 380 V 3, 4
Tajikistan 380 V 50 Hz 3
Taiwan 190 V 60 Hz 3, 4
Tanzania 400 V 50 Hz 3, 4
Thailand 380 V 50 Hz 3, 4
Togo 380 V 50 Hz 4
Tonga 415 V 50 Hz 3, 4
Trinidad & Tobago 200 V 60 Hz 3, 4
Tunisia 400 V 50 Hz 4
Turkey 400 V 50 Hz 3, 4
Turkmenistan 380 V 50 Hz 3
Uganda 415 V 50 Hz 4
Ukraine 380 V 50 Hz 4
United Arab Emirates 415 V 50 Hz 3, 4
United Kingdom 400 V 50 Hz 4
United States of America 120/208 V / 277/480 V 60 Hz 3, 4
Uruguay 220 V 50 Hz 3
Uzbekistan 380 V 50 Hz 4
Venezuela 240 V 60 Hz 3, 4
Vietnam 380 V 50 Hz 4
Virgin Islands 190 V 60 Hz 3, 4
Western Samoa 400 V 50 Hz 3
Yemen, Rep. of 400 V 50 Hz 4
Zambia 400 V 50 Hz 4
Zimbabwe 415 V 50 Hz 3, 4
* – In Brazil there is no standard voltage. Most states use 127 V electricity (single-phase) and 220 V (three-phase) (Acre,
Amapá, Amazonas, Espírito Santo, Mato Grosso do Sul, Maranhão, Pará, Paraná, Rondônia, Roraima, Sergipe and Minas
Gerais). Other – mainly northeastern – states are on 220 V (single-phase) and 380 V (three-phase) (Alagoas, Brasília, Ceará,
Mato Grosso, Goiás, Paraíba, Rio Grande do Norte, Santa Catarina and Tocantins). Although in most parts of the states of
Bahia, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Rio Grande do Sul 127 V (single-phase) and 220 V (three-phase) is used, the cities of
Santos, Jequié, Jundiaí, São Bernardo do Campo, Novo Friburgo, Bagé, Caxias do Sul and Pelotas run on 220 V (single-
phase) and 380 V (three-phase). The states of Pernambuco and Piauí use 220 V (single-phase) and 380 V (three-phase),
except for the cities of Paulista and Teresina (127 V single-phase and 220 V three-phase).
** – Although the mains voltage in Japan is the same everywhere, the frequency differs from region to region. Eastern
Japan uses predominantly 50 Hz (Tokyo, Kawasaki, Sapporo, Yokohama, Sendai), whereas Western Japan prefers 60 Hz
(Osaka, Kyoto, Nagoya, Hiroshima).
*** – In most parts of Saudi Arabia - such as the Dammam and al-Khobar area - 190 V three-phase electricity is used (110 V
single-phase). 220 V (single-phase) and 380 V (three-phase) can be found as well.
**** – In Tahiti the frequency is 60 Hz, except for the Marquesas archipelago where it is 50 Hz.

91 356-7259 (Eng)
Appendix 2 - Tables And Formulas For Engineering Standby Generating Sets

Table 1. Length Equivalents

Unit Microns Metres Kilometres Inches Feet Yards Miles

1 Micron 1 0.000001 -- 0.00003937 -- -- --
1 Metre 1,000,000 1 -- 39.37 3.281 1.0936 --
1 Kilometre -- 1,000 1 39,370 3281 1093.6 0.621
1 Inch 25,400 0.0254 -- 1 0.0833 0.0278 --
1 Foot -- 0.3048 -- 12 1 0.3333 --
1 Yard -- 0.9144 -- 36 3 1 --
1 Mile -- 1609 1.609 63,360 5280 1760 1
One unit in the left-hand column equals the value of units under the top heading.

Table 2. Area Equivalents

Unit In2 Ft2 Acre Mile2 M2 Hectare Km2
1 In2 1 0.006944 -- -- 0.00064516 -- --
1 Ft2 144 1 -- -- 0.0929 -- --
1 Acre -- 43,560 1 0.0015625 4,047 0.4047 0.004047
1 Mile2 -- 27,878,400 640 1 2,589,998 258.99 2.5899
1 M2 1550 10.764 -- -- 1 -- --
1 Hectare -- 107,639 2.471 0.003861 10,000 1 0.01
1 Km2 -- 10,763,867 247.1 0.3861 1,000,000 100 1
One unit in the left-hand column equals the value of units under the top heading.

Table 3. Mass Equivalents

Unit Ounces Pounds Kilograms Short Long Metric
1 Ounce 1 0.0625 0.02835 -- -- --
1 Pound 16 1 0.4536 -- -- --
1 Kilogram 35.27 2.205 1 -- -- --
1 Short Ton 32000 2000 907.2 1 0.8929 0.9072
1 Long Ton 35840 2240 1016 1.12 1 1.016
1 Metric Ton 35274 2205 1000 1.102 0.9842 1
One unit in the left-hand column equals the value of units under the top heading.

Table 4. Volume and Capacity Equivalents

US Liquid Imperial
Unit Inches3 Feet3 Yards3 Meters3 Litres
Gallons Gallons
1 Inch3 1 0.000579 0.0000214 0.0000164 0.004329 0.00359 0.0164
1 Ft.3 1728 1 0.03704 0.0283 7.481 6.23 28.32
1 Yd.3 46656 27 1 0.765 202 168.35 764.6
1 M3 61023 35.31 1.308 1 264.2 220.2 1000
1 US Liq Gal 231 0.1337 0.00495 0.003785 1 0.833 3.785
1 Imp. Gal. 277.42 0.16 0.00594 0.004546 1.2 1 4.546
1 Litre 61.02 0.03531 0.001308 0.001 0.2642 0.22 1
One unit in the left-hand column equals the value of units under the top heading.

92 356-7259 (Eng)
Table 5. Conversions for Units of Speed

Unit Feet/Second Feet/Min Miles/Hr Meters/Sec Meters/Min Km/Hr

1 Foot/Sec 1 60.0 0.6818 0.3048 18.288 --
1 Foot/Min 0.0167 1 0.1136 0.00508 -- --
1 Mile/Hr 1.467 88 1 26.822 1.6093
1 Meter/Sec 3.281 196.848 -- 1 -- --
1 Meter/Min 0.05468 -- 0.03728 -- 1 --
1 Km/Hr -- -- 0.6214 0.2778 -- 1
One unit in the left-hand column equals the value of units under the top heading.

Table 6. Conversions for Units of Power

Foot-lb/ Metric
Unit Horsepower Kilowatts Btu/Minute
Minute Horsepower
1 Horsepower 1 33,000 0.746 1.014 42.4
1 Foot-lb/Minute -- 1 -- -- 0.001285
1 Kilowatt 1.341 44,260 1 1.360 56.88
1 Metric
0.986 32,544 0.736 1 41.8
1 Btu. /Minute 0.0236 777.6 0.0176 0.0239 1
One unit in the left-hand column equals the value of units under the top heading. Mechanical power and ratings of motors
and engines are expressed in horsepower. Electrical power is expressed in watts or kilowatts.

Table 7. Conversions for Measurements of Water

Gal Gal Head lb/ Ton/ Head Ft³/ Gal.(US)/

Unit Feet3 Pounds Litres
(US) (IMP) (Ft) in² Ft² (Meters) Min Hr
1 62.42 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Pounds 0.01602 1 0.12 0.10 0.4536 -- -- -- -- -- --
Gal (US) -- 8.34 1 -- -- -- -- -- --
Gal (IMP) -- 10.0 -- 1 -- -- -- -- --
Litres -- 2.2046 -- -- 1 -- -- --
Head (Ft) -- -- -- -- -- 1 4.335 --
lb/in² -- -- -- -- -- 2.3070 1 0.02784 0.7039
Ton/Ft² -- -- -- -- -- 35.92 -- 1 --
-- -- -- -- -- -- 1.4221 -- 1
Ft³/Min -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 448.92
Gal. (US)/Hr -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0.002227 1
One unit in the left-hand column equals the value of units under the top heading.

93 356-7259 (Eng)
Table 8. Barometric Pressures and Boiling Points of Water at Various Altitudes

Barometric Pressure Water Boiling Point

(Ft) Inches of Mercury lb/in2 Feet Water ºF ºC
Sea Level 29.92 14.69 33.95 212.0 100
1000 28.86 14.16 32.60 210.1 99
2000 27.82 13.66 31.42 208.3 98
3000 26.81 13.16 30.28 206.5 97
4000 25.84 12.68 29.20 204.6 95.9
5000 24.89 12.22 28.10 202.8 94.9
6000 23.98 11.77 27.08 201.0 94.1
7000 23.09 11.33 26.08 199.3 93
8000 22.22 10.91 25.10 197.4 91.9
9000 21.38 10.50 24.15 195.7 91
10,000 20.58 10.10 23.25 194.0 90
11,000 19.75 9.71 22.30 192.0 88.9
12,000 19.03 9.34 21.48 190.5 88
13,000 18.29 8.97 20.65 188.8 87.1
14,000 17.57 8.62 19.84 187.1 86.2
15,000 16.88 8.28 18.07 185.4 85.2
One unit in the left-hand column equals the value of units under the top heading.

Table 9. Conversions of Units of Flow

US Gallons/ Million US
Unit Feet3/Second Meters3/Hour Litres/Second
Minute Gallons/Day
1 US Gallon/Minute 1 0.001440 0.00223 0.2271 0.0630

1 Million US Gallons/Day 694.4 1 1.547 157.73 43.8

1 Foot3/Second 448.86 0.646 1 101.9 28.32

1 Meter3/Hour 4.403 0.00634 0.00981 1 0.2778

1 Litre/Second 15.85 0.0228 0.0353 3.60 1

One unit in the left-hand column equals the value of units under the top heading.

Table 10. Conversions of Units of Pressure and Head

Unit mm Hg in. Hg in H2O ft H2O lb/in² kg/cm² Atmos kPa

1mm Hg 1 0.0394 0.5352 0.0447 0.01934 0.00136 0.0013 --
1 in. Hg 25.4 1 13.5951 1.1330 0.49115 0.03453 0.0334 3.386
1 in H2O 1.86827 0.0736 1 0.0833 0.03613 0.00254 0.0025 0.249
1 ft H2O 22.4192 0.8827 12 1 0.43352 0.030479 0.0295 2.989
1 lb/ in² 51.7149 2.0360 27.6807 2.3067 1 0.07031 0.0681 6.895
1 kg/cm² 735.559 28.959 393.7117 32.8093 14.2233 1 0.9678 98.07
Atmos. 760.456 29.92 406.5 33.898 14.70 1.033 1 101.3
kPa 7.50064 0.2953 4.0146 0.3346 0.14504 0.0102 0.0099 1
One unit in the left-hand column equals the value of units under the top heading.

94 356-7259 (Eng)
Table 11. Approximate Weights of Various Liquids

Pounds per US Gallon Specific Gravity

Diesel Fuel 6.88 - 7.46 0.825 - 0.895
Ethylene Glycol 9.3 - 9.6 1.12 - 1.15
Furnace Oil 6.7 - 7.9 0.80 - 0.95
Gasoline 5.6 - 6.3 0.67 - 0.75
Kerosene 6.25 - 7.1 0.75 - 85
Lube. Oil (Medium) 7.5 - 7.7 0.90 - 0.92
Water 8.34 1.00

Table 12. Electrical formulae

Desired Data Single Phase Three-Phase Direct Current

I x V x PF √3 x I x V x PF IxV
Kilowatts (kW)
1000 1000 1000

IxV √3 x V x E
Kilovolt-Amperes kVA
1000 1000

Electric Motor Horsepower I x V x Eff x PF √3 x I x V x Eff x PF I x V x Eff

Output (HP) 746 746 746

Amperes (I)
HP x 746 HP x 746 HP x 746
When Horsepower is
V x Eff x PF √3 x V x Eff x PF V x Eff

Amperes (I) kW x 1000 kW x 1000 kW x 1000

When Kilowatts are known V x PF √3 x V x PF V

Amperes (I) kVA x 1000

When kVA is known V

V = Volts
I = Amperes
Eff = Percentage Efficiency
PF = Power Factor

95 356-7259 (Eng)
Table 13. kVA/kW Amperage At Various Voltages (0.8 Power Factor)

kVA kW 208V 220V 240V 380V 400V 440V 460V 480V 600V 2400V 33000V 4160V
6.3 5 17.5 16.5 15.2 9.6 9.1 8.3 8.1 7.6 6.1
9.4 7.5 26.1 24.7 22.6 14.3 13.6 12.3 12 11.3 9.1
12.5 10 34.7 33 30.1 19.2 18.2 16.6 16.2 15.1 12
18.7 15 52 49.5 45 28.8 27.3 24.9 24.4 22.5 18
25 20 69.5 66 60.2 38.4 36.4 33.2 32.4 30.1 24 6 4.4 3.5
31.3 25 87 82.5 75.5 48 45.5 41.5 40.5 37.8 30 7.5 5.5 4.4
37.5 30 104 99 90.3 57.6 54.6 49.8 48.7 45.2 36 9.1 6.6 5.2
50 40 139 132 120 77 73 66.5 65 60 48 12.1 8.8 7
62.5 50 173 165 152 96 91 83 81 76 61 15.1 10.9 8.7
75 60 208 198 181 115 109 99.6 97.5 91 72 18.1 13.1 10.5
93.8 75 261 247 226 143 136 123 120 113 90 22.6 16.4 13
100 80 278 264 240 154 146 133 130 120 96 24.1 17.6 13.9
125 100 347 330 301 192 182 166 162 150 120 30 21.8 17.5
156 125 433 413 375 240 228 208 204 188 150 38 27.3 22
187 150 520 495 450 288 273 249 244 225 180 45 33 26
219 175 608 577 527 335 318 289 283 264 211 53 38 31
250 200 694 660 601 384 364 332 324 301 241 60 44 35
312 250 866 825 751 480 455 415 405 376 300 75 55 43
375 300 1040 990 903 576 546 498 487 451 361 90 66 52
438 350 1220 1155 1053 672 637 581 568 527 422 105 77 61
500 400 1390 1320 1203 770 730 665 650 602 481 120 88 69
625 500 1735 1650 1504 960 910 830 810 752 602 150 109 87
750 600 2080 1980 1803 1150 1090 996 975 902 721 180 131 104
875 700 2430 2310 2104 1344 1274 1162 1136 1052 842 210 153 121
1000 800 2780 2640 2405 1540 1460 1330 1300 1203 962 241 176 139
1125 900 3120 2970 2709 1730 1640 1495 1460 1354 1082 271 197 156
1250 1000 3470 3300 3009 1920 1820 1660 1620 1504 1202 301 218 174
1563 1250 4350 4130 3765 2400 2280 2080 2040 1885 1503 376 273 218
1875 1500 5205 4950 4520 2880 2730 2490 2440 2260 1805 452 327 261
2188 1750 5280 3350 3180 2890 2830 2640 2106 528 380 304
2500 2000 6020 3840 3640 3320 3240 3015 2405 602 436 348
2812 2250 6780 4320 4095 3735 3645 3400 2710 678 491 392
3125 2500 7520 4800 4560 4160 4080 3765 3005 752 546 435
3750 3000 9040 5760 5460 4980 4880 4525 3610 904 654 522
4375 3500 10550 6700 6360 5780 5660 5285 4220 1055 760 610
5000 4000 12040 7680 7280 6640 6480 6035 4810 1204 872 695

96 356-7259 (Eng)
Appendix 3 - Conversions
Conversions of Centigrade and Fahrenheit
• Water freezes at 0ºC (32ºF)
• Water boils at 100ºC (212ºF)
• ºF= ( 1.8 x ºC ) + 32
• ºC = 0.5555 ( ºF - 32 )
Fuel Consumption Formulas
Fuel Consumption (lb / hr) = Specific FuelCons. (lb / BHP / hr) x BHP

Fuel Consumption (US gal / hr) = Spec. Fuel Cons. (lb / BHP / hr) x BHP
FuelSpecific Weight (lb / US gal)

FuelSpec.Weight (lb / US gal) = FuelSpecific Gravity x 8.34 lb

Specific Fuel Consumption (lb / BHP / hr) = FuelCons. (US gal / hr) x FuelSpec.Wt (lb / US gal)

Specific Fuel Consumption (kg / BHP / hr) = Spec.Fuel Cons. (lb / BHP / hr)

Electrical Motor Horsepower

Electrical Motor Horsepower = kW Input x Motor Efficiency
0.746 x Generator Efficiency

Engine Horsepower Required = kW Output Required

0.746 x Generator Efficiency

Piston Travel
Feet Per Minute (FPM) = 2xLxN
• L = Length of Stroke in Feet
• N = Rotational Speed of Crankshaft in RPM
Break Mean Effective Pressure (BMEP) (4 Cycle)

BMEP = 792 , 000 x BHP

Total Displacement x RPM

97 356-7259 (Eng)
ALTERNATING CURRENT (AC) – A current which periodically reverses in direction and changes its magnitude as it flows
through a conductor or electrical circuit. The magnitude of an alternating current rises from zero to maximum value in one
direction, returns to zero and then follows the same variation in the opposite direction. One complete alternation is one cycle
or 360 electrical degrees. In the case of 50 cycle alternating current the cycle is completed 50 times per second.
AMBIENT TEMPERATURE – The air temperature of the surroundings in which the generating set system operates. This may be
expressed in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit.
AMPERE (A) – The unit of measurement of electric flow. One ampere of current will flow when one volt is applied across a
resistance of one ohm.
APPARENT POWER (kVA, VA) – A term used when the current and voltage are not in phase i.e. voltage and current do not
reach corresponding values at the same instant. The resultant product of current and voltage is the apparent power and is
expressed in kVA.
AUTOMATIC SYNCHRONIZER – This device in its simplest form is a magnetic type control relay which will automatically close
the generator switch when the conditions for paralleling are satisfied.

BREAK MEAN EFFECTIVE PRESSURE (BMEP) – This is the theoretical average pressure on the piston of an engine during the
power stroke when the engine is producing a given number of horsepower. It is usually expressed in pounds/inch2. The
value is strictly a calculation as it cannot be measured, since the actual cylinder pressure is constantly changing. The mean or
average pressure is used to compare engines on assumption that the lower the BMEP, the greater the expected engine life
and reliability. In practice, it is not a reliable indicator of engine performance for the following reasons:
• The formula favours older design engines with relatively low power output per cubic inch of displacement in
comparison with more modern designs. Modern engines do operate with higher average cylinder pressures, but
bearings and other engine parts are designed to withstand these higher pressures and to still provide equal or greater
life and reliability than the older designs. The formula also implies greater reliability when the same engine produces
the same power at a higher speed. Other things being equal, it is unlikely that a 60 Hz generating set operating at
1800 RPM is more reliable than a comparable 50 Hz generating set operating at 1500 RPM. Also it is doubtful that a
generator operating at 3000 RPM will be more reliable than one operating at 1500 RPM even if the latter engine has a
significantly higher BMEP. The BMEP for any given generating set will vary with the rating which changes depending
on fuel, altitude and temperature. The BMEP is also affected by generating set efficiency which varies with voltage and

CAPACITANCE (C) – If a voltage is applied to two conductors separated by an insulator, the insulator will take an electrical
charge. Expressed in micro-farads (µf ).
CIRCUIT BREAKER – A protective switching device capable of interrupting current flow at a pre-determined value.
CONTINUOUS LOAD - Any load up to and including full rated load that the generating set is capable of delivering for an
indefinitely long period, except for shut down for normal preventive maintenance.
CONTINUOUS RATING – The load rating of an electric generating system which is capable of supplying without exceeding its
specified maximum temperature rise limits.
CURRENT (I) – The rate of flow of electricity. DC flows from negative to positive. AC alternates in direction. The current flow
theory is used conventionally in power and the current direction is positive to negative.
CYCLE – One complete reversal of an alternating current or voltage from zero to a positive maximum to zero to a negative
maximum back to zero. The number of cycles per second is the frequency, expressed in Hertz (Hz).

DECIBEL (dB) – Unit used to define noise level.

DELTA CONNECTION – A three phase connection in which the start of each phase is connected to the end of the next phase,
forming the Greek letter Delta (D). The load lines are connected to the corners of the delta. In some cases a centre tap is
provided on each phase, but more often only on one leg, thus supplying a four wire output.
DIRECT CURRENT – An electric current which flows in one direction only for a given voltage and electrical resistance. A direct
current is usually constant in magnitude for a given load.

EFFICIENCY – The efficiency of a generating set shall be defined as the ratio of its useful power output to its total power input
expressed as a percentage.

98 356-7259 (Eng)
FREQUENCY – The number of complete cycles of an alternating voltage or current per unit of time, usually per second. The
unit for measurement is the Hertz (Hz) equivalent to 1 cycle per second (CPS).
FREQUENCY BAND – The permissible variation from a mean value under steady state conditions.
FREQUENCY DRIFT – Frequency drift is a gradual deviation of the mean governed frequency above or below the desired
frequency under constant load.
FREQUENCY DROOP – The change in frequency between steady state no load and steady state full load which is a function of
the engine and governing systems.
FULL LOAD CURRENT – The full load current of a machine or apparatus is the value of current in RMS or DC amperes which it
carries when delivering its rate output under its rated conditions. Normally, the full load current is the “rated” current.

GENERATOR – A general name for a device for converting mechanical energy into electrical energy. The electrical energy may
be direct current (DC) or alternating current (AC). An AC generator may be called an alternator.


INDUCTANCE (L) – Any device with iron in the magnetic structure has what amounts to magnetic inertia. This inertia opposes
any change in current. The characteristic of a circuit which causes this magnetic inertia is know as self inductance; it is
measured in Henries and the symbol is “L”.
INTERRUPTABLE SERVICE – A plan where by an electric utility, elects to interrupt service to a specific customer at any time.
Special rates are often available to customers under such agreements.

kVA – 1,000 Volt amperes (Apparent power). Equal to kW divided by the power factor.
kW – 1,000 Watts (Real power). Equal to KVA multiplied by the power factor.

POWER – Rate of performing work, or energy per unit of time. Mechanical power is often measured in horsepower, electrical
power in kilowatts.
POWER FACTOR – In AC circuits, the inductances and capacitances may cause the point at which the voltage wave passes
through zero to differ from the point at which the current wave passes through zero. When the current wave precedes the
voltage wave, a leading power factor results, as in the case of a capacitive load or over excited synchronous motors. When the
voltage wave precedes the current wave, a lagging power factor results. This is generally the case. The power factor expresses
the extent to which voltage zero differs from the current zero. Considering one full cycle to be 360 degrees, the difference
between the zero point can then be expressed as an angle q. Power factor is calculated as the cosine of the q between zero
points and is expressed as a decimal fraction (0.8) or as a percentage (80%). It can also be shown to be the ratio of kW, divided
by kVA. In other words, kW= kVA x P.F.
PRIME POWER – That source of supply of electrical energy utilised by the user which is normally available continuously day
and night, usually supplied by an electric utility company but sometimes by owner generation.

RATED CURRENT – The rated continuous current of a machine or apparatus is the value of current in RMS or DC amperes
which it can carry continuously in normal service without exceeding the allowable temperature rises.
RATED POWER – The stated or guaranteed net electric output which is obtainable continuously from a generating set
when it is functioning at rated conditions. If the set is equipped with additional power producing devices, then the stated
or guaranteed net electric power must take into consideration that the auxiliaries are delivering their respective stated or
guaranteed net output simultaneously, unless otherwise agreed to.
RATED SPEED – Revolutions per minute at which the set is designed to operate.
RATED VOLTAGE – The rated voltage of an engine generating set is the voltage at which it is designed to operate.
REACTANCE – The out of phase component of impedance that occurs in circuits containing inductance and/or capacitance.
REAL POWER – A term used to describe the product of current, voltage and power factor, expressed in kW.
RECTIFIER – A device that converts AC to DC.
ROOT MEAN SQUARE (RMS) – The conventional measurement of alternating current and voltage and represents a
proportional value of the true sine wave.

SINGLE PHASE – An AC load or source of power normally having only two input terminals if a load, or two output terminals if

99 356-7259 (Eng)
a source.
STANDBY POWER – An independent reserve source of electrical energy which upon failure or outage of the normal source,
provides electric power of acceptable quality and quantity so that the user’s facilities may continue in satisfactory operation.
STAR CONNECTION – A method of interconnecting the phases of a three phase system to form a configuration resembling a
star (or the letter Y). A fourth or neutral wire can be connected to the centre point.

TELEPHONE INFLUENCE FACTOR (TIF) – The telephone influence factor of a synchronous generator is a measure of the
possible effect of harmonics in the generator voltage wave on telephone circuits. TIF is measured at the generator terminals
on open circuit at rated voltage and frequency.
THREE PHASE – Three complete voltage/current sine waves, each of 360 electrical degrees in length, occurring 120 degrees
apart. A three phase system may be either 3 wire or 4 wire (3 wires and a neutral).

UNINTERRUPTABLE POWER SUPPLY (UPS) – A system designed to provide power.

without delay or transients, during any period when the normal power supply is incapable of performing acceptably.
UNITY POWER FACTOR – A load whose power factor is 1.0 has no reactance’s causing the voltage wave to lag or lead the
current wave.

WATT – Unit of electrical power. In DC, it equals the volts times amperes. In AC, it equals the effective volts times the effective
amps times power factor times a constant dependent on the number of phases.

100 356-7259 (Eng)

Hazard Label Legend
Some or all of these hazard warning labels will appear on your generating set:














101 356-7259 (Eng)

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