Leaked The Secret Plans of Theilluminati

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The article describes leaked documents that supposedly reveal the secret plans of the Illuminati, an alleged secret society that aims to control world events covertly. However, it is revealed at the end that the story was fictional, written by author C. Michael Forsyth.

According to the documents, the Illuminati's ultimate goal is to usher in a 'New World Order' and establish global domination, though the exact meaning of the 'New World Order' is unclear.

The documents claim the Illuminati uses methods like controlling governments and corporations from the shadows, spreading propaganda through media like television and the internet, and sparking revolutions to influence history.



C. Michael Forsyth September 20, 2011

The identities of Illuminati members are top secret.

By. C. Michael Forsyth

NEW YORK CITY — Eat your heart out, Julian Assange! A new whistleblowing website is
publishing the top secret plans of the Illuminati!

The shadowy secret society is said to be the “unseen hand” that controls world affairs like
a puppeteer, pulling the strings of governments and corporations alike.

The agenda of the centuries-old organization has always been a closely guarded secret
known only to its members – until now. The new OmniLeaks.com, which goes online next
Monday, promises to unveil the order’s ultra-secret 15-Year Plan. And the information
dwarfs anything exposed by the infamous WikiLeaks.

“With all due respect to Mr. Assange and WikiLeaks, the data in those leaks was old hat,”
declares Roger Grenway, founder of OmniLeaks. “It was no surprise to learn that many of
America’s ‘allies’ secretly hate us or that Swiss banks hide the assets of crooks and

“By contrast, much of what we’ve gleaned from these Illuminati documents is
earthshaking and will affect the future of every man, woman and child on the planet.”

The Illuminati documents come from two main sources: The first is a computer file
retrieved from the organization’s computer system in its Geneva headquarters.

“Our team of hackers had to penetrate 12
layers of firewalls and defense
mechanisms,” Grenway explains. “Once the
documents were in our hands, leading
cryptologists hired at great expense had to
decipher the 78,000 words of text, written
in the legendary Illuminati Code.”

Many of the world’s most brilliant minds,

from Alan Turing, the famed World War II
code-breaker and father of the computer, to
Albert Einstein himself, have tried to unlock
the incredibly intricate code in the past, to
no avail.

“After eight months of tireless, around the

clock work, our team succeeded,” the
whistleblower claims.
The Illuminati's ulimate goal is to usher in a
“The other half of the 15-Year Plan comes
New World Order.
from handwritten notes on a yellow legal
pad, accidentally left behind after an
Illuminati meeting and found by a cleaning lady.”

Here are ten of the 57 Illuminati plans

Grenway has uncovered:


“Having made ‘social media’ universal and
gaining access to the purchasing habits,
interests and real-time thought processes of
American citizens, we can now move onto
Phase 2, a monitoring system not unlike the
one envisioned by Mr. Orwell.”


“With the aid of the populist movement WHOOPS! Papers inadvertantly left behind on
now successfully in place, pass the conference table yielded vital clues about
American Freedom and Responsibility Act. Illuminati plans.
Citizens who default on loans shall be
imprisoned, establishing a pool of inexpensive prison labor.”

3. ESTABLISH NEW RELIGION. “A powerful new ‘Third Estate’ shall allow us to exert
influence akin to our past control of the Catholic Church. Merging of Scientology and
Christian Science to form this new sect will be a simple matter, as many people already
confuse the two.”

“Retrofitting grazing land for use cultivating
crops as well as distribution of beef will
greatly reduce world hunger.”


CURRENCY. “Attempts to use paper bills
bearing the likeness of any U.S. President
must be severely punished. Suggested
sentence: seven years in a federal
DEBTORS PRISONS will provide a rich source
of cheap labor, as well as colonists.
“Subconcious-targeted messages via
television, radio, films and Internet are a
proven success. Expand program to include
computer games, thereby to maximize re-
education at most malleable age.”

LANGUAGE. “Sinoanglohindi, created by
our linguists, shall be the official language,
accelerating globalization. Note: we must
see that this is imposed more effectively in
the United States than the metric system, COWS are sacred according to Hindu religion --
our most dismal failure.” but slaughtering India's cattle could end world
hunger, the Illuminati believe.
colony on the Seventh Continent, including volunteers released conditionally from
debtors prisons (AKA Freedom Centers) shall be step one. Colonization will help ease
population concerns, so that Protocol 273 can be postponed.”

9. OUTLAW LABOR UNIONS. “Exploit the

resentment of firemen and teachers that
Member 72 has successfully fostered to pass
a federal law outlawing collective
bargaining. Reduced wages in U.S. will spur
the global economy.”


PHARAONIC RULE. “Having successfully
engineered the collapse of key Mideast
governments, put in place a regional ruler Antarctica, the coldest place on Earth.
to restore order. This shall lead to lasting
peace in the Holy Land.”

The time frame for these huge changes is not clear.

“We only know that this is all to take place within 15 years,” says Grenway.

The origins of the Illuminati are hazy. Many historians believe the outfit was founded in
May 1776, in Bavaria by one Dr. Adam Weishaupt, a professor of Canon Law at Ingolstadt
University, a former Jesuit, and devotee of Machiavelli. Nine years later, the Illuminati
were banned by the Bavarian government for plotting to overthrow all the kings in Europe
as well as the Pope. But the organization went underground and has continued to act
behind the scenes, cooking up various conspiracies up until the present day.

“The Illuminati have been credited with sparking both

the French and American revolutions,” says Grenway.
“It’s certainly no coincidence that the Declaration of
Independence was signed barely two months after its

“The organization has had a hand in every war since

then, up to and including Operation Iraqi Freedom, on
one side or another — or sometimes both.”

“Some of their efforts are well intentioned, but go sour

as in the case of the French Revolution — they didn’t
foresee the Reign of Terror,” Grenway maintains. MYSTERIOUS Dr. Adam
“Their ultimate goal is the establishment of a New Weishaupt played key role in
World Order. The problem is, no one outside the Illuminati.
organization knows exactly what that

Some historians believe that Weishaupt

didn’t invent the Illuminati, but only
revived it.
Experts have traced the mysterious order
back to the Italian Renaissance, to the
Knights Templar, to Greek and Gnostic
cults — and some even contend the secret
society dates as far back as ancient Egypt.

“Our researchers haven’t nailed down the Signing of the Declaration of Independence
marked one of Illuminati's greatest successes.
Illuminati’s true origin,” says Grenway.
“Nor do we know whether anyone can
thwart their plans now that we’re making them public. The power and influence of the
Illuminati are unthinkably vast.

“We can at least hope that members of the public can make sound decisions based on
what we now know is coming down the pike.’

Copyright C. Michael Forsyth

If you enjoyed this mind-blowing tale, check out C.
Michael Forsyth’s collection of bizarre news,
available on Kindle and in other eBook formats

REIGN OF TERROR: Some of the

Illuminati's plots got a bit out of
hand, as in the case of the French

The Illuminati have been hatching schemes

since at least the Renaissance, some experts say.


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