State Wise Quarantine Regulations Updated As On: 01 June 2021

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State Wise Quarantine Regulations

Updated as on: 01st June 2021

Disclaimer – While every effort is made to update this information, it is the sole responsibility of the passenger to ensure his or
her eligibility to comply with the entry regulations of the respective State Government. Air India, Air India Express and their
subsidiaries accept no liability in this regard.

Name of the Health Check Quarantine Exemptions Additional Info.

State Requirements Requirements ( If any ) ( if any)
Andaman RT-PCR negative report Compulsory home None Any person violating the
issued from an ICMR quarantine for 7 days, quarantine guidelines shall
recognized lab where test is even with negative RT- be liable to be fined to the
taken 48 hours before PCR report. Passengers tune of Rs 5000/--each time
commencement of journey. visiting Swaraj Dweep,
Hand written reports are Shaeed Dweep and Little
not acceptable. In addition, Andaman need to have 10
all arriving passengers shall days of home quarantine
mandatorily undergo Rapid irrespective of being
Antigen Test. tested negative.
Name of the Health Check Quarantine Exemptions Additional Info.
State Requirements Requirements ( If any ) ( if any)

Andhra - All asymptomatic All passengers are required

Pradesh Thermal Screening passengers will have to None to register themselves on
undergo home quarantine Spandana
for 14 days. website
Assam Thermal screening will be Update as on 22 April Passengers transiting to Intra- The cost of the RT-PCR test
conducted on arrivals. 2021 - All arriving Assam and North East States maximum of INR 500 shall be
Rapid Antigen Test on passengers will have to exempted from arrival borne by the passengers.
arrival is mandatory. undergo compulsory testing.
Passenger with positive home quarantine for 7 Government Officials and
result go for home isolation days, even if the result of Passengers traveling on
or hospitalization. COVID-19 test undergone medical reasons or family
Passenger with negative on arrival is negative. bereavement are exempted
result will have to take RT- Rapid Antigen Test on from mandatory quarantine.
PCR test at airport and arrival is mandatory.
remain under home Passenger with positive
quarantine until the result result go for home
is declared. isolation or
hospitalization. Passenger
Update as on 13th April with negative result will
2020. Know More have to take RT-PCR test
at airport and remain
under home quarantine
until the result is
Name of the Health Check Quarantine Exemptions Additional Info.
State Requirements Requirements ( If any ) ( if any)
Bihar Thermal screening will be 10 days of home The following Passengers will None
conducted on arrivals. quarantine is mandatory for be exempted from the Covid-
Passengers coming from passengers coming from 19 testing – 1) Passengers
Maharashtra, Punjab, Maharashtra, Punjab, holding Negative Rapid
Kerala to Patna are Kerala, Delhi & NCR. Antigen Test (RAT) report
required to carry out RT All passengers arriving conducted within 72 hours
PCR Test 72 hours prior to from the states of Delhi, before departure.
departure. Gujarat & Madhya 2) Passengers holding
Passengers coming from Pradesh will be tested for Negative RT-PCR report
Maharashtra, Punjab, Covid -19 & those found conducted within 72 hours
Kerala and New Delhi to positive shall be directed before departure.3)
Gaya are required to carry to follow the SOP issued Passengers holding COVID -19
out RT-PCR Test 72 hours by the Health vaccination certificate or
prior to departure Department, having been administered
Government of Bihar with both the doses of
vaccination and have
completed 14 days after the
second dose.
Chhattisgarh Passengers are required to None None None
carry RT-PCR negative
report not earlier than 96
Hours or full vaccination
certificate for 2 doses.
Those without above
documents will be tested on
arrival and remain in home
isolation till report is
Name of the Health Check Quarantine Exemptions Additional Info.
State Requirements Requirements ( If any ) ( if any)
Delhi Thermal screening will be Passengers who are found All constitutional and None
done for all passengers without a negative report government functionaries
upon arrival. Passengers will have to remain in and their staff members are
originating their journey quarantine for 14 days. exempted from quarantine if
from any city/airport in they are asymptomatic
Maharashtra to travel to
Delhi will require RT-PCR
negative report from ICMR
accredited labs done within
last 72hrs.
Goa Mandatory for all passengers None None There is no Covid
arriving from outside Goa to test facility available
be in possession of RT-PCR at Goa Airport.
negative report from ICMR
accredited labs done within
last 72 hours

Gujarat Thermal screening shall be None None It is mandatory for passengers

conducted for all arriving arriving at Surat to install the
passengers. SMC Covid-19 Tracker App:
There is no RT-PCR test
required for Domestic e/apps/details?id=in.smc.cov
travel in healthy individuals idout and must also fill the
on arrival in any of the Novel Corona Self Reporting
station in Gujarat State. form-
Name of the Health Check Quarantine Exemptions Additional Info.
State Requirements Requirements ( If any ) ( if any)
Haryana Thermal screening will be All asymptomatic None None
done for all passengers passengers arriving at
upon arrival. Haryana will have to
undergo home quarantine
for 14 days

Himachal All asymptomatic Asymptomatic passengers Passengers arriving from It is mandatory for all
Pradesh passengers arriving from all arriving from cities with cities with high prevalence of passengers to install Aarogya
states will be exempted high prevalence of Covid- Covid-19 may only be Setu App and also register at
from quarantine, if they are 19 will have to undergo 7 exempted from institutional least 48 hours prior to their
carrying a COVID negative days of institutional quarantine if they are arrival on the Covid E- Pass
certificate through RT-PCR quarantine, followed by 7 travelling for exceptional and portal
test or TRUNAAT t/CB NAAT days of home quarantine. compelling reasons such as
test by an ICMR authorized Asymptomatic residents human distress, pregnancy, Army/CAPF personnel are
of Himachal Pradesh who
lab issued not earlier than death in family, serious illness not required to register on E
had travelled to other
96 hours from the time and parent(s) accompanied -Pass if they have arrived to
states for medical,
when the sample was Business or work purpose by children below 10 years. join back their official duty.
taken. maybe be exempted from However, these passengers
quarantine if they exit or will then have to undergo
re-enter state within 48 home quarantine for 14days.
Name of the Health Check Quarantine Exemptions Additional Info.
State Requirements Requirements ( If any ) ( if any)
Jammu and All passengers arriving at Until the test results are Asymptomatic Business Passenger is
Kashmir Jammu & Kashmir will have reported negative, travelers carrying a confirmed Required to fill
to undergo Covid19 antigen passengers will have to return ticket, confirmed hotel Up ICMR health
test through RT-PCR undergo home quarantine booking and their Business ID form on arrival.
for 14 days.
method or Rapid Antigen will be exempted from
Passengers without
test. contactable phone number quarantine and will be
with updated Aarogya permitted to proceed to their
Setu App will have to hotel from the airport after
undergo institutional undergoing the Covid-19 test.
quarantine for 14 days or Personnel of Defense and
till their test results are Central Armed Police Forces
reported negative, in returning on duty, including
which case they will be
transit labour hired by BRO to
released for home
quarantine. go to Ladakh, will be
exempted from Covid-19
antigen testing.
Passengers arriving from Mandatory 7 days home None For GAYA only-Passengers
Jharkhand quarantine for all
Maharashtra, Kerala and arriving from Madhya
Punjab will require RT- passengers arriving into Pradesh, Delhi & NCR,
PCR/RAT negative report the state of Jharkhand. Gujarat, Maharashtra, Kerala
from ICMR accredited labs &Punjab will require
done within last 72hrs. RT- Vaccination Certificate/RT-
PCR timeline starts from PCR/RAT negative report
the swab collection time. from ICMR accredited labs.
Passengers without RTPCR RT-PCR timeline starts from
Report will be tested at the swab collection time.
the airport. RTPCR/RAT test Following are the scenarios
Name of the Health Check Quarantine Exemptions Additional Info.
State Requirements Requirements ( If any ) ( if any)
will be free of cost at for valid RAT/RT-PCR report
arrivals. / Vaccination certificate
Random RAT test will be Rapid Antigen Report within
done for other sector 24 hours. RT-PCR report
passengers. within 72hours. 14 days past
certificate of both doses of
COVID vaccination.
Rapid Antigen Facility is
available at arrivals (free of

Karnataka It is COMPULSORY for Permitted exemptions for

passengers arriving from negative RT-PCR certificate:
Punjab, Chandigarh, Kerala (i) Constitutional
& Maharashtra to carry a functionaries and health care
COVID negative report from
(ii) Children below 2 years
an ICMR approved lab not (iii) In dire emergency
earlier than 72 hours of situation (death in the family,
arrival in to the state of medical treatment etc.,)
Also, it has been informed
by District Surveillance Unit,
Dakshina Kannada District,
Mangalore, that, in case
any of the passengers
arriving from Mumbai, do
not carry RTPCR certificate,
Name of the Health Check Quarantine Exemptions Additional Info.
State Requirements Requirements ( If any ) ( if any)
they have to be
compulsorily tested at the
checking point at
Mangalore airport at a cost
to be borne by the

Kerala Travelers from other All asymptomatic All passengers arriving at

States to Kerala shall carry a passengers to undergo Kerala must have a valid e-
RT- PCR negative certificate home quarantine for 14 pass after registering their
taken within 72 hours days. Passengers visiting details in state’s COVID
Kerala for less than7 days
before the start of journey. Jagratha portal, without which
are exempted from home
quarantine provided they the passenger will not be
obtain an entry pass for permitted to exit the airport -
short visit from the
Jagratha portal gencyPass.
Ladakh Thermal screening shall be All asymptomatic Personal of Defense & Central None
done for all passengers. passengers arriving at Armed Police are exempted
Ladakh will be from above provisions
exempted from
quarantine if they are
carrying a Covid-19
negative certificate by an
ICMR- authorized lab
issued within 48 hours
before arrival.
Name of the Health Check Quarantine Exemptions Additional Info.
State Requirements Requirements ( If any ) ( if any)
All other passengers will
have to undergo
mandatory home
quarantine for 7 days.
Workers are advised to
arrive at Ladakh through
contractor(s) or Labour
agencies and will be
exempted from
quarantine if they are
also carrying a Covid-19
negative certificate by an
ICMR-authorized lab
issued within 48 hours
before arrival. If they do
not carry this report,
they will have to
undergo7 days of
institutional quarantine
followed by a Covid-19
Madhya Thermal screening shall be All other asymptomatic Self-declaration is mandatory
Pradesh done for all passengers. passengers arriving into for all arriving passengers to
Madhya Pradesh are Indore. Link for self-
Negative RT-PCR exempted from quarantine declaration is given
certificate, not older than 48 and must self-monitor below.
hours, shall be compulsory their health for at least14
for the flights arriving in
Indore from Maharashtra.
Passengers without RT-
PCR test report will be
Name of the Health Check Quarantine Exemptions Additional Info.
State Requirements Requirements ( If any ) ( if any)
compulsorily tested on
arrival at Indore Airport
with a charge which will be
borne by the passengers.

Negative RT-PCR
certificate, not older than 72
hours, shall be compulsory
for the flights arriving at
Bhopal from Maharashtra.
Passengers without RT-
PCR test report will be
compulsorily tested on
arrival at Bhopal Airport
with a charge which will be
borne by the passengers.

Maharashtra It is mandatory for All passengers who intend The armed forces personnel All passengers travelling
passengers to carry to stay in Maharashtra for and their families from the from airports located within
negative RT-PCR report not a period of 7 days or less Army, Navy, Air force and the Maharashtra are exempted
earlier than 48 hours before shall be exempted from Coast Guard are exempted from RT-PCR Test/Certificate
the time of entry into mandatory quarantine. from the above-mentioned RT- requirements.
Maharashtra. Such passengers will have PCR tests subject to following
to share the details of their the other necessary Covid
Passengers without RT-PCR return/onward journey. related protocols.
report will not be permitted Other passengers will
to board the flight. have to undergo home
quarantine for 14 days.
To seek exemption from
Name of the Health Check Quarantine Exemptions Additional Info.
State Requirements Requirements ( If any ) ( if any)
RT-PCR timeline starts from home quarantine, it is
the swab collection time. mandatory to upload the
Nagpur- All passengers online at
arriving from Delhi to
Nagpur must carry RT-PCR n , before your travel.
negative report not older Application sent for
than 72 hours prior to exemption via emails will
departure. not be accepted.

Manipur Thermal screening shall be None None None

done for all passengers. All
persons entering Manipur
irrespective of place of
origin shall be allowed
entry only on mandatory
production of a negative
NAATCOVID-19test report
taken within 72 hours from
arrival in Manipur.
Name of the Health Check Quarantine Exemptions Additional Info.
State Requirements Requirements ( If any ) ( if any)
Meghalaya RT-PCR test for all arriving None None All passengers must register
passengers on chargeable on the State portal to
basis incase passenger is not generate a unique e-invite
carrying a negative COVID-19
report on arrival (not earlier n/covid/testing.htm
than 72 hours prior to
Mizoram Covid Test should be within None None Passengers without negative
96 hours from arrival. COVID report from ICMR
recognized lab will be
subjected to screening at
medical counter at entry
Nagaland All passengers must have 07 days of Institutional Below categories of All travelers are required to
their RT-PCR (negative) Quarantine followed by passengers shall be exempted install and register on the
report with them from an 14 days of Home from Institutional Quarantine Covid Nagaland visitor’s
ICMR approved lab not Quarantine for all other subject to 28 days of Home app and fil the Self Declaration
earlier than 72 hours of passengers. Quarantine form. Below categories of
arrival into the state of In case the person 1.Person above the age of 60 passengers shall be exempted
Nagaland through RT-PCR / concerned does not have years, from Institutional Quarantine
TrueNat / CBNAAT the negative test report 2.Children & parents of subject to 28 days of Home
All travelers are required to or if he/she hasn't children 10 years & below Quarantine with active
install and register on the completed COVID-19 3.Pregnant women & surveillance 1. Person above
Covid Nagaland visitor’s app vaccination, then the accompanying spouse. the age of 60 years, 2.Children
and fill the Self Declaration person has to quarantine & parents of children 10 years
form. for 10 (ten) days in the & below 3. Pregnant women &
State. accompanying spouse.
Name of the Health Check Quarantine Exemptions Additional Info.
State Requirements Requirements ( If any ) ( if any)
Odisha New guidelines with effect People coming without None International arriving
from 01/06/2021 0500 Hrs: such report shall have to passengers having RT-PCR
Passengers coming to undergo 7 days negative report would be
odisha from other states mandatory exempted from institutional
have to produce Rapid home/institutional quarantine. Accordingly,
Antigen Test(-ve)/RT-PCR(- quarantine/paid MoCA vide OM dated 07-08-
ve) report or Final quarantine. If there is no 2020 has allowed for onward
Vaccination Certificate suitable facility for home air journey of International
obtained within 48 hours quarantine, he/she may arriving passengers, when
before entering Odisha. opt for institutional/paid exemption from institutional
quarantine in identified quarantine is granted by the
facilities for 7 days. state authorities (of the entry
However in case of non- airport) on the basis of
compliance of the Covid negative RT-PCR test report,
protocols and home for which test was conducted
quarantine guidelines within 72 hours prior to
issued by MoHFW/H&FW undertaking the journey.
dept of Govt of Odisha, • Movement of Persons on
such persons shall be Vande Bharat and air
quarantined in transport bubble flights will
institutional facilities for 7 continue to be regulated as
days. per SoP issued
Name of the Health Check Quarantine Exemptions Additional Info.
State Requirements Requirements ( If any ) ( if any)
Punjab All passengers arriving into All asymptomatic All passengers landing at
the state must carry passengers arriving at Punjab must download and
negative RT-PCR report of Punjab will have to register themselves on the
not more than 72 hours old undergo home quarantine Cova App
or Vaccination certificate for 14 days.
(at least one dose) over 2 e/apps/details?
weeks old. ab.cova&hl=en_IN before
Chandigarh - their travel.
Thermal screening will be None None RT-PCR testing facility will not
done for all passengers. be available on domestic
It is mandatory for arrivals at Amritsar airport.
passengers arriving in to
Chandigarh from other
states/UT to carry a
negative RT-PCR report not
earlier than 72 hours from All passenger must register
an ICMR approved on COVA Punjab App before
laboratory or be in commencing their journey
possession of vaccination
certificate (at least one
dose) over 2 weeks old. RT-
PCR timeline starts from the
swab collection time.
Name of the Health Check Quarantine Exemptions Additional Info.
State Requirements Requirements ( If any ) ( if any)
Rajasthan All passengers arriving In case any passenger None None
Jaipur by their flights must
lands at Jaipur airport
have their RT-PCR without RT-PCR report, he
(negative) report with themwill have to undergo RT-
from an ICMR approved lab PCR test at airport and
not earlier than 72 hours of
will be home quarantine
arrival into the state of till the time report comes
Rajasthan. and if report is positive
passenger will be home
quarantine for 14 days as
per State Govt. guidelines.
In case passenger does
not belong to Jaipur or
Rajasthan (Tourist,
Businessman), he will may
have to make his own
arrangements for getting
Tamil Nadu COVID Testing will be done 7 days of Home None It is mandatory for
to symptomatic persons Quarantine & 7 days of passengers to have TN e-
coming from Maharashtra & self-monitoring for all pass by registering on
Kerala. All passengers passengers arriving into
arriving in Coimbatore to Tamil Nadu from before their travel.
have Auto E-Pass & also Maharashtra & Kerala.
carry a negative RT-PCR Other asymptomatic
report not earlier than 72 passengers from all
hours from the time of states, apart from
departure. The same is not Maharashtra and Gujarat,
Name of the Health Check Quarantine Exemptions Additional Info.
State Requirements Requirements ( If any ) ( if any)
applicable for passengers must undergo home
arriving from Karnataka, quarantine for 14 days.
Andhra Pradesh &
Puducherry. In case the
passenger arrives without
RT-PCR report, COVID
testing shall be done free of
cost at Coimbatore airport.
Telangana It is mandatory for all Asymptomatic passengers None None
passengers to install the arriving at Telangana are
Aarogya Setu App exempted from

Tripura Negative test report for All Symptomatic None None

COVID-19 done by RT- passengers shall undergo
PCR/True NAAT/CBNAAT of 14 days Quarantine.
72 hours prior to journey.
All the passengers coming
by air from Maharashtra
will be mandatorily tested
by Rapid Antigen Test (RAT)
for COVID-19.
Name of the Health Check Quarantine Exemptions Additional Info.
State Requirements Requirements ( If any ) ( if any)
Uttarakhand COVID Test will be done Home quarantine for Govt official from state & All passengers need to
(free of cost) for passengers visitors coming for more center, Judges of Supreme & register (Mandatory) on state
arriving from Maharashtra, than 7 days. High court and other judicial website:
Kerala & Gujarat. No quarantine for officers, MP’s & MLA of
All passengers will be travelers coming to Uttarakhand & support staff
exempted from home Uttarakhand with stay are exempted from
quarantine if they arrive less than 7 days. quarantine.
with RT- PCR/True 10 days of Institutional
NAT/CBNAAT/Antigen test quarantine for Army &
with negative report mot paramilitary personal.
more than 96hrs before
arrival. This is not

Uttar Pradesh RT-PCR negative report 14 days home quarantine Passengers exiting Mandatory requirement of
from ICMR accredited labs Uttar Pradesh within 7 days Aarogya Setu App and
done within last 72 hours of arrival shall be exempted registration on
for Passengers arriving from from mandatory quarantine
Kerala and Maharashtra. subject to validation of Any passengers found with
If the passengers are not return/onward travel. SYMPTOMS and not carrying
carrying the RT-PCR the RT-PCR negative report
negative report, then they will only undergo “RT-PCR
will undergo the “RAPID test” at Varanasi Airport.
Airport. PCR test will be free of cost
by the state authorities.
Name of the Health Check Quarantine Exemptions Additional Info.
State Requirements Requirements ( If any ) ( if any)
West Bengal All passengers coming from 14 days quarantine for Only emergency cases like It is mandatory for all
outside the state of West those without RT-PCR test death of kin will be exempted passengers arriving into
Bengal shall mandatorily report from prior testing. However, West Bengal to fill-up and
possess an RT-PCR negative they will have to get submit the declaration form
test report for a test themselves tested on arrival using the Sandhane App
conducted within 72 hours at the airport at their cost developed by H&FW
of flight departure. Children are not exempted Department of West Bengal.
from RTPCR Test. Infants (0- Please download the App
24 months) who don’t occupy here:
a seat are exempted. People
carrying Vaccination Sandhane/1.2/Sandhane_Ge
Certificate are also not been n.apk
exempted from Testing. If a
person is on an official duty
and is tested negative for
COVID-19, he/she will be
allowed to perform the duty
& return without any

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