State Wise Quarantine Regulations Updated As On: 01 June 2021
State Wise Quarantine Regulations Updated As On: 01 June 2021
State Wise Quarantine Regulations Updated As On: 01 June 2021
Disclaimer – While every effort is made to update this information, it is the sole responsibility of the passenger to ensure his or
her eligibility to comply with the entry regulations of the respective State Government. Air India, Air India Express and their
subsidiaries accept no liability in this regard.
Himachal All asymptomatic Asymptomatic passengers Passengers arriving from It is mandatory for all
Pradesh passengers arriving from all arriving from cities with cities with high prevalence of passengers to install Aarogya
states will be exempted high prevalence of Covid- Covid-19 may only be Setu App and also register at
from quarantine, if they are 19 will have to undergo 7 exempted from institutional least 48 hours prior to their
carrying a COVID negative days of institutional quarantine if they are arrival on the Covid E- Pass
certificate through RT-PCR quarantine, followed by 7 travelling for exceptional and portal
test or TRUNAAT t/CB NAAT days of home quarantine. compelling reasons such as
test by an ICMR authorized Asymptomatic residents human distress, pregnancy, Army/CAPF personnel are
of Himachal Pradesh who
lab issued not earlier than death in family, serious illness not required to register on E
had travelled to other
96 hours from the time and parent(s) accompanied -Pass if they have arrived to
states for medical,
when the sample was Business or work purpose by children below 10 years. join back their official duty.
taken. maybe be exempted from However, these passengers
quarantine if they exit or will then have to undergo
re-enter state within 48 home quarantine for 14days.
Name of the Health Check Quarantine Exemptions Additional Info.
State Requirements Requirements ( If any ) ( if any)
Jammu and All passengers arriving at Until the test results are Asymptomatic Business Passenger is
Kashmir Jammu & Kashmir will have reported negative, travelers carrying a confirmed Required to fill
to undergo Covid19 antigen passengers will have to return ticket, confirmed hotel Up ICMR health
test through RT-PCR undergo home quarantine booking and their Business ID form on arrival.
for 14 days.
method or Rapid Antigen will be exempted from
Passengers without
test. contactable phone number quarantine and will be
with updated Aarogya permitted to proceed to their
Setu App will have to hotel from the airport after
undergo institutional undergoing the Covid-19 test.
quarantine for 14 days or Personnel of Defense and
till their test results are Central Armed Police Forces
reported negative, in returning on duty, including
which case they will be
transit labour hired by BRO to
released for home
quarantine. go to Ladakh, will be
exempted from Covid-19
antigen testing.
Passengers arriving from Mandatory 7 days home None For GAYA only-Passengers
Jharkhand quarantine for all
Maharashtra, Kerala and arriving from Madhya
Punjab will require RT- passengers arriving into Pradesh, Delhi & NCR,
PCR/RAT negative report the state of Jharkhand. Gujarat, Maharashtra, Kerala
from ICMR accredited labs &Punjab will require
done within last 72hrs. RT- Vaccination Certificate/RT-
PCR timeline starts from PCR/RAT negative report
the swab collection time. from ICMR accredited labs.
Passengers without RTPCR RT-PCR timeline starts from
Report will be tested at the swab collection time.
the airport. RTPCR/RAT test Following are the scenarios
Name of the Health Check Quarantine Exemptions Additional Info.
State Requirements Requirements ( If any ) ( if any)
will be free of cost at for valid RAT/RT-PCR report
arrivals. / Vaccination certificate
Random RAT test will be Rapid Antigen Report within
done for other sector 24 hours. RT-PCR report
passengers. within 72hours. 14 days past
certificate of both doses of
COVID vaccination.
Rapid Antigen Facility is
available at arrivals (free of
Negative RT-PCR
certificate, not older than 72
hours, shall be compulsory
for the flights arriving at
Bhopal from Maharashtra.
Passengers without RT-
PCR test report will be
compulsorily tested on
arrival at Bhopal Airport
with a charge which will be
borne by the passengers.
Maharashtra It is mandatory for All passengers who intend The armed forces personnel All passengers travelling
passengers to carry to stay in Maharashtra for and their families from the from airports located within
negative RT-PCR report not a period of 7 days or less Army, Navy, Air force and the Maharashtra are exempted
earlier than 48 hours before shall be exempted from Coast Guard are exempted from RT-PCR Test/Certificate
the time of entry into mandatory quarantine. from the above-mentioned RT- requirements.
Maharashtra. Such passengers will have PCR tests subject to following
to share the details of their the other necessary Covid
Passengers without RT-PCR return/onward journey. related protocols.
report will not be permitted Other passengers will
to board the flight. have to undergo home
quarantine for 14 days.
To seek exemption from
Name of the Health Check Quarantine Exemptions Additional Info.
State Requirements Requirements ( If any ) ( if any)
RT-PCR timeline starts from home quarantine, it is
the swab collection time. mandatory to upload the
Nagpur- All passengers online at
arriving from Delhi to
Nagpur must carry RT-PCR n , before your travel.
negative report not older Application sent for
than 72 hours prior to exemption via emails will
departure. not be accepted.
Uttar Pradesh RT-PCR negative report 14 days home quarantine Passengers exiting Mandatory requirement of
from ICMR accredited labs Uttar Pradesh within 7 days Aarogya Setu App and
done within last 72 hours of arrival shall be exempted registration on
for Passengers arriving from from mandatory quarantine
Kerala and Maharashtra. subject to validation of Any passengers found with
If the passengers are not return/onward travel. SYMPTOMS and not carrying
carrying the RT-PCR the RT-PCR negative report
negative report, then they will only undergo “RT-PCR
will undergo the “RAPID test” at Varanasi Airport.
Airport. PCR test will be free of cost
by the state authorities.
Name of the Health Check Quarantine Exemptions Additional Info.
State Requirements Requirements ( If any ) ( if any)
West Bengal All passengers coming from 14 days quarantine for Only emergency cases like It is mandatory for all
outside the state of West those without RT-PCR test death of kin will be exempted passengers arriving into
Bengal shall mandatorily report from prior testing. However, West Bengal to fill-up and
possess an RT-PCR negative they will have to get submit the declaration form
test report for a test themselves tested on arrival using the Sandhane App
conducted within 72 hours at the airport at their cost developed by H&FW
of flight departure. Children are not exempted Department of West Bengal.
from RTPCR Test. Infants (0- Please download the App
24 months) who don’t occupy here:
a seat are exempted. People
carrying Vaccination Sandhane/1.2/Sandhane_Ge
Certificate are also not been n.apk
exempted from Testing. If a
person is on an official duty
and is tested negative for
COVID-19, he/she will be
allowed to perform the duty
& return without any