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oe é eo ears % Prom NCES p, e, nna s Unit 4: Increased Safety Ex e & EExe Objectives: On completion of this unit, “Increased Safety Ex e & EEx e’ apparatus, you should know: a) the principle of operation; b) the principle design features; ©) the methods for estimating terminal content of enclosures; Mey 9.209 d) the install jon requirements according to BS EN 60079-14; ©) the inspection requirements according to BS EN 60079-17. (CPSDOI Uni 0 Rev Feb do eh 2008 Pape 1019 ‘Nets Traiog “SingaporeIncreased Safety Ex e or EEx e ‘The explosion protection concept Increased Safety was invented in Germany where it has been widely used for many years. It is has become popular in the UK mainly because it has a number of advantages for certain applications over the traditional flameproof method of explosion protection, America has traditionally relied on the use of explosion-proof enclosures in hazardous locations, and the prospect of using an Increased Safety enclosure, which is not designed to withstand an internal explosion, as an alternative, has probably been viewed with a little trepidation. This method of protection has a good safety record and comparable with the other methods of protection. ‘The letter “ec” which symbolises this method of protection is taken from the German phrase Ethohte Sicherheit, which roughly translated means Sinereased security’. ‘Typical applications are induction motors, lighting fittings and junction boxes. Standards BS ENG0079-7: 2003 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres. Increased Safety ‘e’ BS ENS50 019: 2000 Increased Safety enclosure ‘e” BS 5501: Part 6: 1977 Increased Safety enclosure ‘e” BS 4683. Past 4. 1973 ‘Type of prowetion TEC 60079-7: 2001-11 Construction and Test of Electrical Apparatus, Type of Protection “ BS EN60079-14: 2003 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres: Part 14 Electrical installations in hazardous areas (other than mines) BS ENG0079-17: 2003 Electrical apparatus Tor explosive gas atmospheres: Part 17 Inspection and maintenance of electrical installations in hazardous areas (other than mines) BS 5345: Part 6: 1978 Code of Practice for the Selection, Installation and (Withdrawn) Maintenance of Increased Safety apparatus, (CPS! Unit 04 - Rev | Feb Oe) Feb 2008 Page? of 19 ‘Asses Trang SingaporeDefinition “A type of protection applied to electrical apparatus in which additional measures are applied so as to give increased security against the possibility of excessive temperatures and of the occurrence of ares and sparks in normal service or under specified abnormal conditions.” Zones of use: 1&2 Ambient temperatures Increased Safety enclosures are normally designed for use in ambient temperatures in the range -20 °C to +40 °C unless otherwise marked. [CPSO0L Unit Rev Feb doe Fed 2009 Page 3.019 ‘Asses Teaming. SigaporePrinciple ‘The safe operation of Increased Safety apparatus is dependent on the prevention of any source of ignition, ie. excessive surface temperatures, arcs or sparks, which might otherwise be produced by internal or external parts of the apparatus. Special design features are, therefore, incorporated in the apparatus by the manufacturer and are as follows. 1) Mechanically strong enclosure resistant to impact - tested to 4 or 7 joules impact energy depending on application. 2) Ingress protection against solid objects and water - at least IP 54, 3) Terminals manufactured from high quality insulation material, 4) Specified creepage and clearances incorporated in the design of terminals, 5) Terminal locking devices to ensure conductors remain secure in service. 6) Certified de-rating of terminals. 7) Terminal population of enclosure limited by circuit design. 8) Close excess current circuit protection, Increased Safety Terminals ‘The terminals installed in an Increased Safety enclosure must be ‘component certified” terminals. They will be manufactured from good quality materials such as Melamine, Polyamide and, for special applications, Ceramic. ‘These materials, which have good thermal stability, have been subjected to a ‘Comparative Tracking Index (CTI test to determine their resistance to tracking, The following definitions are relevant: Clearance distance: ‘The shortest distance through air between two conductors. Creepage distance. The shoitest distance between two conductors along, the surface of an insulator. ‘Tracking: ‘The leakage current which passes across. the contaminated surface of an insulator between live terminals, or live terminals and earth. Comparative Tracking Index: The numerical value of maximum voltage, in volts at which an insulation material withstands e.g.. 100 drops of electrolyte (usually ammonium chloride solution in distilled water) without tracking, {CPS001 Unit O4- Rev Feb doe. Feb 2009 Page 4019, Assets Tring SirgaporeIncreased safety terminals Test criteria - Comparative Tracking Index (CT) ‘The Comparative Tracking Index (CTI) test criteria are given in the table below. Four grades of materials ‘a’, “b’, “c’ and ‘d’ are considered, the highest quality material being ‘a’ which is subjected to the greatest number of drops of electrolyte falling between the test electrodes, and the highest voltage applied across the electrodes from the variable voltage source. Each material must withstand the specified number of drops of the electrolyte at the specified voltage for it to be acceptable. Thus, the combination of high quality materials and good design, which incorporates, specified creepage and clearance distances, ensures that Increased Safety terminals have a greater resistance to tracking to prevent arcing or sparking. Grade of material “L._| Test voltage | Number of drops 600 > 100 500 380 175 TEC 60112 groups insulating materials according to their tracking resistance as illustrated in the following table. Material group | Comparative tracking index (CTI) T 600 = CTI < CT < 600 Creepage and Clearance Distances Clearance Distance —| Creepage Distance ite ae (CPS0OL Unt 6 - Ret Feb doe Feb 2009 Pape Sof 19 ‘Aste Tring SngspcreIncreased safety terminals Creepage and Clearance Distances th ing screw Clearance and creepage paths to ‘extend to adjacent clampit path 26.4mm Clearance and eepage i aIncreased safety terminals Creepage distances relative to voltage and grade of insulation The following table from BS EN60079-7 shows the creepage distanc grade of material and applied voltage. s relative to the ‘Voltage (see note |) ‘Minimum creepage distance (mm) Urms ac.or dc Material group (om) ia i Tie | 10 Gee note 37 [goatee is 25 16 | 16 16 16 16 16 16 20 6 16 aan 17 17 2 1s 18 marae 24 19 50 1 ons2 3 #0 Too 7 25 25 160 32 200 40 250 30 320 60 400 60 ~s00 a0 630 120] 10.0 500 160200 120 —“iooe 200 [250 | 1250 220 | 260 1600 [230 [270 2000 250} 28.0 3500 22enai|aes6 0s 200 00 —[ #50 - 4000 500[ 360 5000 630 | 710] 600 6300 300 | 90.0 | 1000 3000 Tong —[ 110.0 125.0, : 10000 1250 | 1400 [160.0 Note 1; Voltages shown are derived from IEC 60664-1, The working voltage may exceed the ‘ollages given in die table by 109%, This is based on the rationalistion of supply vellages given in table 3b of IEC 6066-1 The ereepage distance and clearance values shown are based on @ maximum supply volage tolerance of +10%, ‘AC 10 V and below, the value of CT] isnot relevant and materials not meeting the requirement for material group IIla may be acceptable. ‘CPSDOL Lint 04 Rey. Feb do. Fb 2002 age Tf 19 Assets Taming -SngepreIncreased Safety terminal types and ratings ‘The terminals are de-rated so that the maximum current for Increased Safety applications is nearly half that for standard industrial applications as illustrated in the following manufacturer's table for enclosures manufactured to BS ENS0019. This de-rating, along with other considerations, ensures that internal and external surface temperatures are kept within prescribed limits. The table below also shows the maximum conductor size for each terminal type. Teri Conductor | Increased Safety | Industrial maximum a maximum current } current ope (amps) (amps) 25 15 7 Increased safety terminals Terminal locking device It is essential that conductors are securely connected in the terminals to prevent sparks occurring as a result of loose connections. ‘The illustration below shows how this is achieved. (CPS001 Unit OF Rev. Feb dot Feb 2009 Page $019 ‘Assos Training SingaporeEstimation of terminal population ‘The number of terminals which can be installed in a given size of enclosure is limited. ‘Several methods have been developed by manufacturers for this purpose, These are: Enclosure factor: ‘A method used in apparatus manufactured to BS 4683 Part 4 in which the terminal content is assessed by dividing the “enclosure factor’ by the certified current rating of a given terminal. Similar to “enclosure factor’ but used only on apparatus manufactured to BS 5501 Part 6. Kelvin rating: Normally used for high current applications and apparatus manufactured to BS 4683 Part 4 and BS 5501 Part 6. In this method, enclosures and terminals are assigned a temperature rating, Enclosures will normally be limited to a temperature rise of 40K for a T6 temperature rating, but the temperature for the terminals will be dependent on their type, rated current, size of associated conductor, and the size of enclosure in which they are installed. This involves the use of tables which are provided by the manufacturer. Once the terminal “K" rating has been established, itis divided into the ‘K” rating for the enclosure to give the number of terminals of one type which may be installed. Max dissipated power: This is a method which will replace the current ‘load limit’ method and applies to apparatus manufactured to BS 5501 Part 6 and BS ENSO 019. In this method, enclosures are assigned a ‘watts dissipation’ rating, but the rating of the terminals is determined by use of a unique table (provided by the manufacturer) for the enclosure, This table provides the ‘watts dissipation’ of the terminal through consideration of conductor size and load current. The terminal content is determined by dividing the ‘watts dissipation’ value for the terminal into that for the enclosure. Another method used by manufacturer's is to specify the maximum current per pole and also the maximum current per mm’, Examples of labels with the above information are shown overleaf {CPS001 Unit 4 - Rev Feb doe | Feb 2009, Page 919 Assets Training SingaporeExamples of labels (@) Enclosure factor () Load limit Klippon & & Klippon ENCLOSURE TYPE TB11 TYPE TB11EX ‘SINo. 9364 BS 4683 Pts Exell T6 EEx ell T6 BASEEFA No. Ex 7715218 BASEEFA CERT. No. EXS4B1333X MAX. CIRCUIT VOLTAGE 726 BS5501 PLé (EN5O 019) ENCLOSURE FACTOR 416 LOAD LIMIT 600A SERIAL NUMBER 1334 () Enclosure factor (Maximum dissipated power &) Klippon &) Klippon TYPE TB12 ‘SINo.867594 TYPE STB2 EEx IIT6 SINo. 7499 EExe I T6 BASEEFA CERT. No. 86B 2138X BASEEFA CERT. No. Ex84B3290X BSSEO1 PLG —_(ENSO 019) BS5501 PL6 (EN50 019) MAX. DISSIPATED POWER 7 WATTS LOAD LIMIT 40K (2) Maximum current per pole and per sq. mm HAWKE CABLE GLANDS Ltd. BS5501: Pt.6: 1977 | €&) (eNs0 019) ) EExell' te BASEEFA No. Ex 8142BX TYPE REF PL639_ SERIAL No. 9960/89 PHASE-TO-PHASE 726 MAX VOLTS PHASE-TO-EARTH MAX.CURRENT DENSITY AMPS PER SQ. MM 4 MAX AMPS PER POLE 10 (CPSGOL Un 04- Rev 1 Feb doe Fh 2009 Pape 100 18 Assets Training SingaporeSample calculation using ‘Load limit? The ‘Load Limit’ will be specified on the certification label of an Increased Safety enclosure, as illustrated below, and represents the sum of all the circuit currents the enclosure is able to carry without exceeding the temperature classification. Thus, the number of terminals of one type, which can be installed in a given enclosure, is simply the ‘Load Limit’ divided by the Increased Safety current rating of the terminal type to be used as demonstrated in the following calculation, TYPE TBIT SINo D779) Exe 176 BASEEFA CERT No Ex 84B3299X, BS 5501 Pt 6 (ENSO 019) LOAD LIMIT 600 Enclosure Load Limit 600 ISA SAK 2.5 Exe terminal rating Load Limit SAK2.5terminal rating Number of SAK 2.5 terminals = 00 15 = 40 SAK 2.5 terminals Where the circuit current is below the certified current rating of the terminals, it may be possible for the manufacturer to base the terminal population on the circuit current provided it will not exceed the assigned value. Assuming a circuit current of 10 A, the calculation is as follows. Enclosure Load Limit = 600 10A Circuit current Load Limit Circuit current ‘Number of SAK 2.5 terminals 600 10 = 60 SAK 2.5 terminals {CPSAO1 Unk 4 - Ret Fa et Feb 2009 Page 11 9f 9 Asses Tring. SingapereTerminal Assemblies Component approved terminal group Mounting rail: Terminals - certified components; End plate; End bracket; Distance sleeve: Partition; Copper eross-connection; Zine plated screw; Copper cross-connection; 10. Copper cross-connection. Pensa eeu {CPS Unit 04 -Rev | Feb Ode. Feb 2008 Page 20119 Assis Taning SingaporeTerminal Assemblies AP End Plate AD BSK EWK1 DIN Rail TW. Partition End Bracket = TOO Ceo Ete eee ed (CPSG01 Unt 8 -Res.1 Fel Bd 1 Feb 2009, Page 130f19 Assets Training SingaporeInstallation, inspection and maintenance It is essential that Increased Safety enclosures are installed and maintained in accordance with the relevant Standards and Codes of Practice in order to comply with the Certification. The following list specifies the main points Enclosure content should not be modified without consulting the manufacturer. 2. Only components specifically approved should be fitted in the enclosure. 3. All terminal screws, used and unused, should be tightened down. 4. Conductor insulation should extend to within 1 mm from the metal throat of the terminal 5. Partitions should be fitted at either side of terminal linking assemblies. 6. Only one conduetor should be fitted to each terminal side. 7. An additional single conductor, min 1.0 mm’, may be connected within the same terminal way when an insulated comb is used. 8. Only the conductors from each cable entry shall be loomed together. 9. The insulation of cables shall be suitable for use at least 80°C for a TS temperature class. 10. ‘The individual earth continuity plates within plastic enclosures must be bonded together and locknuts used to secure glands to the continuity plates. For clearance holes, serrated metal washers must be used between locknuts and the glandplate. 11. When Intrinsic and Increased Safety circuits occupy the same enclosure the ‘two types of circuit must have at least 50 mm clearance between them. 12, ‘There must be adequate clearance between adjacent enclosures to allow proper installation of cables and glands. 13, All unused cable entries should be closed using suitable plugs. 14, The schedule of the appropriate certificate should be consulted before cable entry holes are drilled. 15. Cable glands or conduit entries must maintain the minimum ingress protection of IP 54. 16, _Alllid and gland plate bolts must be fully tightened after installation. ‘CPS001 Unt 4 Re Feb Oo. Feb 2009 Page of 19 ‘Asses Training SingaporeIncreased safety EEx e motors ‘These motors are similar in appearance to standard industrial motors and inspection of the certification/rating plate is usually necessary to identify them. These motors are not designed to withstand an intemal explosion and hence have special design features to prevent arcs, sparks and excessive surface temperatures occurring both intemally and externally. The principal design features are: 1) Special attention to air gap concentricity and clearance of all rotating parts; 2) Impact testing of motor frame; 3) Temperature rise 10 °C lower than normal; 4) T2 or T3 surface temperature limitation; 5) Compliance with ts characteristic; 6) Special terminal block with specific ereepage/clearance distances and locking devices on terminals: 7) Minimum ingress protection to IPS4, Under stall (locked rotor) conditions, the rotor surface temperature will normally increase faster than that of the stator windings, and hence, the T rating applies to both internal and external surface temperatures. Under fault conditions, the motor must trip within the tt time specified on the motor data plate te time Defined as: “the time taken to reach the limiting temperature from the temperature reached in normal service when carrying the starting current I, at maximum ambient temperature In the graph shown on page 16, ‘OA’ represents the maximum ambient temperature and ‘OB’ the temperature reached at maximum rated current. If the rotor locks as a result of a fault, the temperature will rise rapidly towards “C° as shown in part 2 of the graph, which is less than the T rating of the motor. The time taken to reach °C’ from “B" is known as the tg time, and during fault conditions the thermal overload device in the motor starter must trip out the motor within this time. Increased safety motors are intended for continuous duty only, i. they are unsuitable for applications which require frequent stopping and starting and/or long run-up times, (P80 tnt 4-1 Fah 0 | Fh 008 age 1801 Asst Training - SingaporeDetermination of ty time Max limiting temperature o v s 2 £ 2 “ = Ciena 3 a E B A 0 Sees — Time ——> ac tt Rotor locked ing Temperature Temperature limited either by selected T-Rating or insulation class of windings A= ‘maximum ambient temperature; B= ‘maximum temperature at rated current; c= limiting temperature: @ = temperature; aM = temperature rise at rated current; @ = temperature rise during locked rotor test; t = time from maximum temperature (B) at rated current to limiting temperature (C). {P5001 Unit Of -Rev.1 Feb 0 de. Fe 2009, Page 69619 Assets Training SinasporeTripping characte: tic of thermal overload ‘The thermal overload will be selected for suitability according to its tripping characteristic. The te time and IA/IN current ratio are influential in the selection of the device and are marked on the motor nameplate. ty, <5 sees not permissible 3 4 5 67 8 910 I, /ly current ratio Iy = rated current of motor; locked rotor current of motor. Example 1: Ia/ly = 5 and tg time = 10 sees The above characteristic would trip the motor after 8 secs, which is within the ts time and therefore acceptable. Example2: IWhk= .5 and ty time = secs For these values the tripping time is 10 sees, which is outwith the tz time assigned to the motor, therefore an overload device with this characteristic would not be suitable for the values specified LCPSODL Unto Rew Feb 600 Feb 2009 age 170619 (Ase Tranag -SteaporeBS EN 60079-17: Table 1: Inspection Schedule for Ex‘d’, Ex‘e’, and Ex‘n’ Installations (D = Detailed, C = Close, V = Visual) Check thats Ex ‘@ [Exe] Ex” Grade of Inspection 7 pic] v/ Brel vp] ‘APPARATUS = t = “Apparatus is appropriate to wea csiicton ao Apparatus oup is correct aig “[ Apparatus temperature lass Gore "Apparatus circuit identification is correct ‘Apparatus circuit identification is available Enclosure, glass parts and glass-to-metal sealing gaskets andlor compounds are satisfactory There are no unauthorised riodifeations “There are no visible unauthorised modifications Bolts, cable entry devices (direct and indirect) and blanking elements are | of ofthe correct type and are complete and tight Physical check . = Visual check: | Flange gap dimensions are within maximal permitted val lange faces ar clean and undamaged and gaskets, any, ar saci Lamp rating, type and posi Electrical connections are tight ‘Condition of enclosure gaskets is satisfactory Enclosed-break and hermetically sealed devices are undamaged — ES r zc Breathing and draining devices are satisfactory _ Sel Te INSTALLATION : _ _ “Type of cable appropriate = es “Thee is no obvious damage to cables ofp pete ‘Sealing of trunking, duets, pipes and/or conduits & satisfactory +i Stopping boxes and eable boxes are correcty filled “TT te Integrity ofeonduit system and interface with mined system i maintained | = Earthing connections, including any supplementary earthing bonding iz connections ae satisfactory (eg. cannections are tight and conductors are of sufficient cross section 1 ~ Physical check . * _ = Visual check ole| ts Fault loop impedance (TN systems) or eating resistance (TT systems) =| 7 Insulation resitanes i satisfac = = ‘Automatic electrical protective devices operate within permitied lmils |" = ‘Automatic electrical protetivedevies are set coretiy (auto reset not | *| |] possible) ‘Special conditions of use (applicable) are complied with = = Cables not in use are correcty terminated = = ‘Obstructions adjacent 1o flaneproof flanged joins are aocordance with | *| *| > TEC 60079.14 ‘Variable voliagerequency instalation in accordance with documentation | *| *| | #]% ENVIRONMENT — coe “Apparatus adequately protected against corrosion, weather, vibration | *)*[ =} *] and other adverse factors 7 ‘No undue accumulation of dust and dirt appt e lecrieal insulation is clean and doy = (CPSGDL Unit 4 Rov Feb doe Fen 2000 ‘Aste Trang SingaporeNote 1: Apparatus using a combination of both ‘d’ and ‘e’ types of protection will require reference to both columns during inspection. Note 2: The use of electrical test equipment, in accordance with items B7 and B8, should only be undertaken after appropriate steps are taken to ensure the surrounding area is free of a flammable gas or vapour. {P5001 Unit 0 Rev. Feb Oe Feb 2009 Page 190619 ‘Ases Tealang Singapore
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