Undergraduate Nursing Students' Computer Skills Assessment: A Study in Greece
Undergraduate Nursing Students' Computer Skills Assessment: A Study in Greece
Undergraduate Nursing Students' Computer Skills Assessment: A Study in Greece
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4 authors, including:
Maria Noula
Technological Educational Institute of Lamia
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All content following this page was uploaded by Anna Deltsidou on 05 June 2014.
Background: Information technology (IT) and flexible learning have been gradually implemented
in health science departments. Research data show that nursing students’ experience with IT is
yet to be improved.
The aim of this study was to investigate nursing students’ self reported attitudes on skills in IT
use for study purposes.
Methods: This was a cross-sectional study using a survey design. The study was carried out at a
school of nursing in Central Greece. Three hundred and twenty five students of first, fourth
and fifth semester were enrolled in the study.
Results: Three hundred and ten out of 325 students responded. 55% of the students were
familiar with word processing, while 30 % did not have a PC at home. Two thirds of the students
were not skilful in internet usage and 12 % used electronic databases. High cost was reported as
the main obstacle (34.2%) for low internet penetration in students. Senior students’
competencies were better.
Conclusions: The findings of this study indicate that there was a deficit in students’ IT
competencies. IT should be promptly integrated into the nursing curriculum.
Corresponding author:
Anna Deltsidou
Department of Nursing, Technological Educational
Institute, 3rd Km Old National Road of Lamia –
Athens, Lamia, Greece
E-mail: [email protected]
consequence, health care organizations are
e live in the era of information
becoming more information intensive. On the
technology (IT). Many health care
other hand, the introduction of technology
organizations have adopted policies
and the internet into classrooms has been
favoring the implementation of modern
the most important change in the field of
technology. Computers are used not only for
education in the past 100 years. Both
diagnosis and imaging techniques but also in
students and educators need time to reflect
home care and long –term facilities.1,2 As a
on this changing content and make the
Do you use Institution's library 137 44.2 Table 2. Students’ specific computer skills
services? Yes
N %
Do you use the available 58 18.7
through the Institution File management
Do you know how to go from 172 55.5
Do you use the library's 39 12.6 "C" to "A" or "D" in your pc
services via your home? system?
Do you know how to 235 75.8
Do you use the available 37 11.9 organise your files into
through the Institution folders?
electronic journals? Word processing
Do you know how to insert 217 70.0
Do you use the online 41 13.2 page numbers in your text
catalogue? file?
Do you know how to use 220 71.0
Do you have an internet 95 30.6 spelling and grammar tools?
access Do you know how to 173 55.8
organise your references?
Does your PC have a CD Do you know how to print 230 74.2
drive 168 54.2 one page from your file?
Do you know how to use 204 65.8
Does your PC have copy and paste options?
microphones/speakers 157 50.6 e-mail
Do you know how to send 165 53.2
Do you have a VCR for emails?
studying purposes 128 41.3 Do you know how to attach 100 32.3
files to emails?
Do you have a tape recorder 151 48.7
for studying purposes Do you know how to open 128 41.3
Over 55% were in general familiar an attached file?
Using the internet or
with word processing. However, about two world wide web (www)
thirds of them were not skillful in internet Do you know how to use the 179 57.7
usage. The majority of the students knew web to find references?
Do you know how to use 223 71.9
how to use search engines (Table 2). Owing a search engines?
Table 4. Frequency of the main obstacles to using the internet by the students
N %
No barriers 3 1.0
Table 5. Differences in Institutional account acquisition and in library use depending on students’ study
ȃR 58 42 100
Total 87 50 137
The role of exercise and nutrition in type II diabetes mellitus management 185
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study and reflects partly the obstacles in Curriculum working group members are
communication facilities that countries in supposed to think about creating a basic
southern Europe face. In Sweden, 66 % of level technology skills test to assess
nursing students had access to internet at students’ level of technology competency at
home,2 while in New Zealand this percentage their admission to the nursing school. In
reached to 93 %.4 addition, educators have to know if today’s
When structured learning activities nursing students are competent of
are integrated into nursing courses, students transferring their current technology skills to
report an enhanced level of comfort in nursing/hospital information systems in
computer technology by completion of the clinical settings or computer technologies
course as compared with the onset.17 Dørup used in institution. The introductory course
studied the availability, usage and attitudes to nursing/healthcare informatics which is
of first semester medical students in already included in curricula of the nursing
Denmark. In the final semester 90% of the studies in Greece does not considered to be
students used e-mail regularly and 60 % had adequate for the students regarding their
access to the internet from home. The study competence in technology skills. Thus,
took place between 1998 and 2002, when introducing a set of technology courses
there was a rapid increase in internet throughout the nursing program of study,
penetration in Denmark.18 with the goal of enhanced preparing students
This survey has highlighted that most for this era of rapidly altering technological
nursing students have not convenient access advancements, is vital. This educational
to computers and information technology for imperative will assist future nurses to exhibit
study purposes. The findings of this study informatics competencies at the point-of
combined with previous research indicate care and assist interested future nurse
the necessity for nursing students to have educators to use appropriate ubiquitous e-
basic skills in IT. This includes familiarity learning tools in classroom settings.
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