EDFA Optical Amplifiers: Datasheet
EDFA Optical Amplifiers: Datasheet
EDFA Optical Amplifiers: Datasheet
A pre-amplifier operates at the receiving end of an EM316EA optical amplifiers use automatic gain
optical link. It features medium to low input power, control (AGC). The module maintains constant gain
medium output power, and medium gain. Pre- for each channel in the aggregated optical signal
amplifiers are designed for optical amplification to according to the gain parameter setting as long as the
compensate for losses in a demultiplexer located total output power does not exceed the maximum
near the optical receiver. rated value. (See Saturated Output values.) The
module is initialized with factory values.
When paired with the Fiber Driver EM316LNXNM-
OT Network Manager (NM), full monitoring and Some EDFA models include an additional mid-
configuration capabilities are supported locally stage port designed for insertion of a Dispersion
with serial RS-232 and remotely with RJ-45 and SFP Compensation Management (DCM) unit without its
Ethernet interfaces. Telnet and secure shell (ssh) inherent insertion loss. The design of these models
provide convenient access for remote command maximizes the DCM benefits to increase deployment
line management. MegaVision Pro®, a network flexibility, including support for high-speed 10 Gbps
management system from MRV, uses SNMP to protocols. New placement options require fewer
provides a graphical user interface (GUI) to control amplifiers in the link, and they can open the door
the modules in realistic windows that model the to applications that were not possible with older
devices. Either management method greatly reduces technology.
costly service calls. The NM requires another slot in
the chassis with the EDFA module. In addition, EM316EA amplifiers with high output
power above 21.3 dB include a sophisticated eye-
EM316EA advanced performance monitoring safety protection mechanism. Automatic power
functions include real-time reporting of input and reduction (APR) lowers the output power when the
output power levels, temperature, and signal gain. output fiber is disconnected or cut.
As state-of-the-art multi-channel DWDM optical The 1-slot amplifier models fit in any Fiber Driver
devices, EM316EA family amplifiers are equipped chassis. The 2-slot models fit only in the BU-2, BU-
with gain flattening filters (GFF) that assure a flat 3V, and BU-16 chassis. For managed applications,
gain response across the entire C-band and input an additional open slot must be available for the
power range. EM316EA optical amplifiers provide EM316LNXNM-OT manager.
automatic power shutdown when aggregate input
falls below the threshold. Power shutdown may also Contact your MRV Communications representative or
be forced through the module management. visit http://www.mrv.com for additional information
on Fiber Driver EDFA modules and applications.
Diagnostic LEDs Power On, Input Optical Power (in range), Output Optical Power (in range)
Electrical Requirement Power provided by chassis
Operating Temperature 0°C to 50°C (32°F to 122°F)
Storage Temperature -40°C to 70°C (-40°F to 158°F)
Relative Humidity 85% maximum, non-condensing
Physical Dimensions 1-slot: 25 mm x 75 mm x 175 mm (1” x 3” x 7” ); 2-slot: 50 mm x 75 mm x 175 mm (2” x 3” x 7” )
Approximate Weight 1-slot: 370 g (13 oz); 2 -slot: 470 g (17 oz)
Total Module Power Usage 3 Watts to 11 Watts
Regulatory Compliances Class 1M Laser Product, complies with EN 60825-1 and 21 CFR 1040.10 except for deviations pursuant to
Laser Notice No. 50. dated June 24, 2007;
FCC Part 15 (Class A); IC (Class A); EMC Directive: Emission (Class A) and Immunity;
Certified by one or more of the following agencies: TÜV, UL, CSA
RoHS2 Directive; China RoHS; WEEE Directive;
The Quality Management System is certified to ISO 9001 by QMI-SAI Global
The Environmental Management System is in compliance with ISO 14001
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