Advancing Antibodies Through The Pipeline Delivering Effective Therapies
Advancing Antibodies Through The Pipeline Delivering Effective Therapies
Advancing Antibodies Through The Pipeline Delivering Effective Therapies
ACI’s 2nd Antibodies in Discovery & Development Conference will assess the challenges and opportunities in the
transformation of antibodies into successful therapeutic treatments. The programme focuses on the business strategies and
novel technologies currently in use to aid the advancement of antibodies through the drug development pipeline and ultimately
delivering greater and better drugs to the market.
Throughout the 2 days you will have the opportunity to hear from your industry peers and Our distinguished
discover the hottest advances in the development of therapeutic antibodies: speaking faculty will
• Discover how to optimise target identification and antibody selection
• Understand the key approaches in tackling immunogenicity Keith Watson,
• Examine the latest breakthroughs in engineering capabilities Pharmaceutical Assessor,
• Hear how to promote efficacy in your antibody development Biologics and
• Consider the increasing role of antibody alternatives Biotechnology Unit,
• Determine how biosimilars will impact your antibody IPR Medicines and Healthcare
Products Regulatory
Leon Hooftman,
ACI’s meetings offer the perfect opportunity to discover the latest updates and to discuss Chief Medical Officer,
your own research challenges and solutions with your peers through an interactive and Chroma Therapeutics
informative 2 day programme.
Marc Bisschops, Scientific
• Hear from an outstanding line-up of the industry’s leading researchers, executives and Director, Xendo
decision-makers Manufacturing
• Network informally with a relatively small, targeted group of senior-level audience and
from the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. Allan Jensen,
• Learn more about your peers’ research, network with key industry leaders and your Director, Antibody
industry colleagues. Discovery,
• Discuss the latest challenges and developments in this rapidly changing and growing
sector of the industry.
Mark Throsby,
• Participate in roundtable sessions – giving you the chance to discuss the latest issues
Director, Antibody
with your colleagues – and the speakers – in an open, informal and intimate setting.
Research & Development,
Who will attend?
Robert Lutz, Executive
All ACI’s events attract a targeted group of senior level researchers and decision-makers from Director – Preclinical
industry. Our meetings are strictly end-user focussed. Only a select group of companies are Development, ImmunoGen
invited to sponsor the event – to ensure the emphasis is on the industry participants, and making
sure our delegates have a valuable and positive experience. Tom Saylor, CEO, Arecor
Delegates will be drawn from pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies and include VPs, Tobias Raum, Director,
Directors and Managers of: Antibody Development, Antibody and Protein Engineering, Antibody Technology,
Immunology, Biotherapeutics, Product Development and Research and Development. Micromet
“I enjoyed the meeting very much myself and it will be a pleasure to join a suitable event you organise
in the future”.
Cancer Research UK
REGISTRATION: Tel: +44 (0) 207 981 2504 or send an email on [email protected]
DAY ONE: 8th October 2008
08.00 Registration and Coffee 12.10 Lunch
Andrew Goodearl, Director, Biologics Research, Abbott Although many molecules have been attached to
Bioresearch Centre antibodies, in an attempt to increase their in-vivo efficacy,
the yields have been low, and large scale clinical trials,
09.50 CONFERENCE PRESENTATION impossible. Recent advances in antibody technology have
Monoclonal Antibodies – The Golden Bullet in enabled effector molecules such as interleukins, to be
Therapeutic Treatment? genetically fused to antibodies and antibody fragments, to
enhance the efficacy when administered as anti-cancer
• Advancing monoclonal antibody development agents and produced in sufficient quantities to allow clinical
through genetic engineering - "humanized" and trials to be carried out.
fully human antibodies
• Providing more targeted therapeutics through the Benjamin Doran, Research Scientist, Antisoma Research
use of Conjugated Monoclonal Antibodies Laboratories
• Developing translational monoclonals - improving
their application in clinical trials
Expanding the Scope for Antibody Treatments: T Cell
Engaging BiTE Antibodies: Clinical PoC and Recent
Robert Lutz, Executive Director - Preclinical Development,
ImmunoGen Developments
10.30 CONFERENCE PRESENTATION BiTE antibody technology is based on single chain bispecific
Unwanted Immunogenicity of Therapeutic Antibodies antibody molecules, binding to CD3 on cytotoxic T cells and
a surface antigen on a target cell, such as a cancer cell. This
close cell contact leads to the efficient killing of the target
• Predicting and reducing the risk of clinical
cell. The first BiTE antibody directed against CD19 on NHL
cancer cells has proven efficacy in a clinical phase I trial.
• Technical guidance on methodologies Results will be discussed. An advanced new BiTE platform
• Strategies for immunogenicity assessment was recently developed and will be presented.
• Available guidance on immunogenicity
Tobias Raum, Director, Human Antibody Technology,
Dr Michael Clark, University of Cambridge Micromet
11.10 Morning Refreshments 16.00 Closing remarks & Afternoon Refreshments
11.40 “Interactive” ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSIONS 16.20 End of conference
Topics to be covered include:
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