Answer The Following Questions

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1. Answer the following questions:

a. In what capacity does the Master of a vessel act?

The master act as the legal head of the community on board his ship
chosen by the Shipowner
b. What is the Master obliged to do once he has accepted the
command of the vessel?
The master is under the obligation of completing the voyage or
voyages for which he was engaged having been accepted the
command of the vessel
c. When is the Master entitled to refuse command of the ship?
The master Is entitled to refuse the command if the vessel is
insufficiently or inadequately manned and if orders given him as
regards the ship’s management or navigation are illegal
d. What must the Master take into account in carrying out his duties?
The master must take in account carrying out his duties in
compliance with the laws of the flag, Rules for Service on Board,
shipowner’s directions, international conventions and sailing practice
e. What are the Master’s Nautical duties 1. at dangerous moments;
2. in case of collision?
1 At dangerous moments (foggy, stormy weather, poor visibility,
entering/leaving port, straits and canals, congested places, difficult
passages, below bridges and through locks), he must be personally in
2 In cases of collision it is his duty to give every possible assistance
to the other vessel and He must rigorously observe the Rules for
Preventing Collisions at Sea
f. What is meant by the obligation to keep the log book up to date?
During the voyage as well as during turn round operations, recording
with great accuracy all events on board, sailing incidents, weather
conditions, particulars about hold ventilation, sailing with open
hatches, discipline on board, loading and discharge, visits on board
g. What are the Master’s commercial duties?
Performance of the contract of carriage, reception of goods onboard,
stowage, preservation and delivery of goods at destination in the
condition and quantities recorded in the Bill of Lading.
h. What duties does the preservation of goods imply?
As regards the preservation of goods the Master is considered to be
the agent of the Shippers.
He is entitled and in duty bound to take any measures and go to any
(reasonable) expense for the Shipper’s account in order to avoid or
minimize loss and damage and he must also transport the passengers
under satisfactory conditions
i. What must the Master do 1. before reaching the port of
destination 2. when he has reached the port of destination?
1 Before reaching the port of destination the master give notice of
the ship’s arrival in the ports of destination and actually be there on
the date stated in the notice.
2 Having arrived in a port he must observe local regulations:
Custom’s formalities, and those demanded by the Harbour Master’s
Office, Immigration Authorities, Health Service.
j. When must the Master sign the Bill of Lading?
When loading is completed, he must sign the Bills of Lading. For part
shipments, the Bills of Lading should be issued after each parcel has
been loaded.
k. What are the Master’s obligations as regards the route selected
for the ship under his command?
The master’s obligations regards the route selected for the ship
under his command :
-he is not entitled to deviate from the route selected for the voyage
-The voyage is decided by the Owner and executed by the Master
-The Master has no right to sail along a route that is not habitually
used by ships.
-It is not legal for him to choose another route based on the
consideration that it might be shorter.
-he is not entitled to call at places that have not been approved of or
are not legally justifiable.
-The master must not effect transport free of charge or on his
account, nor effect illegal transport by forcing a blockage without the
sanction of the Owner
l. What are the Master’s duties as regards the goods his ship carries?
The Master’s duties as regards the goods his ship carries that he is
personally responsible for the preservation of the goods.
Being considered as agent of necessity under the law and responsible
for the cargo, under special circumstances, in cases of peril or
emergency, he must take the adequate steps in defence of the
interests of the Owners of the goods

2. Fill in prepositions or adverbs where required:

A. The Master acts the capacity …of…. legal head …in…. the
community …on…board his ship.
B. If the shipowner is unable to find a substitute …for….him, the
Master must transfer his duties …to….the Chief Officer.
C. The Master carries …out…..his duties …with…..compliance
…of…..the laws …of….the flag and the Rules …in….Service
D. The Master must be personally …in….command …in….dangerous
moments: …in ….foggy weather, …on….entering port, when sailing
…under….bridges or …through….locks, etc.
E. The Master must lodge a sea protest … before …..twenty-four
hours …from….moment ……of ..arrival in port.

3. Give nouns corresponding to the following verbs:

To possess possessing
To coast coasted
To choose choose
To substitute substituted
To refuse refused
To comply complying
To sail sailing
To collide colliding
To arrive arriving
To encounter encounter
To lose loss
To load load
4. Put the verbs in brackets :
A) in the Future;
B) in the Past Tense
Model: (must) – will have to FOR FUTUR , had to FOR PAST
(can) – will be able to FOR FUTUR , could FOR PAST
(may) – will be allowed to FOR FUTUR , was allowed to FOR PAST
He (must) accept the command of the ship.
A-will have to accept the command of the ship
B-had to accept the command of the ship
His duties (must) be in compliance with the laws of the flag.
A-His duties will have be in compliance with the laws of the flag
B-His duties had to be in compliance with the laws of the flag
He (can) sail below that bridge.
A-He will be able to sail below that bridge.
B-He could sail below that bridge.
He (can) use only a seaworthy ship.
A-He will be able to use only a seaworthy ship.
B-He could use only a seaworthy ship.
He (may) draw a draft on the shipowner.
A-He will be allowed to draw a draft on the shipowner.
B-He was allowed to draw a draft on the shipowner.
He (may) issue a Bill of Lading.
A-He will be allowed to issue a Bill of Lading.
B-He was allowed to issue a Bill of Lading.
5. Give the word or words answering the following definitions:
A. a body of people having common rights or interests COMMUNITY
B. a person or thing put in place of or serving for another substitute
C. circumstances beyond one’s control FORCE MAJEUR
D. an enclosure in a canal, between gates, for raising and lowering
vessels by the introduction or liberation of water LOCKES
E. in a fit state to go to sea SEAWORTHY
F. a book in which an official diary of events occurring in a ship’s
voyage is kept LOG BOOK
G. not in a fit state to go to sea UNSEAWORTHY
H. one who owns a ship or ships OWNER

6. Translate into English:

a. El este Comandant si va trebui sa paraseasca portul la sfarsitul lunii
He is master and he will have to leave the port at the end of this
b. Operatiunile navei in port vor trebui terminate pana la sfarsitul
The ship's operations in port will have to be completed by the end of
the week.
c. Ei nu au putut sa termine stivuirea in doua ore.
They could not finish the stacking in two hours
d. Comandantul nu a putut sa anunte sosirea navei in port.
The master could not announce the ship's arrival in port.
e. Echipajul nu va avea voie sa paraseasca nava.
The crew will not be allowed to leave the ship
f. El n-a avut voie sa ridice nici o suma de bani.
He was not allowed to raise any money

6. Translate into English:

i. Regulile pentru prevenirea abordajelor pe mare trebuie sa fie
riguros respectate
The rules for preventing collisions at sea must be strictly observed
ii. Marfurile trebuie predate la destinatie in starea si cantitatile
inscrise in conosament.
The goods must be delivered to the destination in the condition and
quantities registered in the bill of lading
iii. In calitatea sa de reprezentant al incarcatorilor, comandantul are
dreptul si indatorirea de a lua masuri pentru evitarea pierderilor.
In his capacity as representative of the shippers, the master has the
right and duty to take measures to avoid losses.
iv. In porturi, el este dator sa se supuna regulilor locale.
In ports, he is obliged to obey local rules
v. Ii este interzis comandantului sa faca transporturi fara plata sau pe
cont propriu.
The master is forbidden to make transports without payment or on
his own account.
vi. El nu are dreptul sa faca escale nejustificat legal.
He has no right to make unjustified legal stops
6. Translate into English:
Dupa ce a indeplinit formalitatile vamale = After fulfilling customs
formalities =
Having fulfilled customs formalities

I. Inainte de a elibera un conosament.

II. Inainte de a declara avarie comuna
III. Dupa ce a recurs la serviciile noastre.
IV. Dupa ce a parasit portul.

6. Translate into English:

Use the –ing form instead of the phrases or clauses in italics:

A. La intrarea in port comandantul personal trebuie sa comande

B. Atunci cand soseste intr-un port el trebuie sa respecte regulile
C. Dupa ce a incarcat marfurile, el trebuie sa semneze
D. Dupa ce a ajuns intr-un port de refugiu el trebuie sa depuna un
E. Dupa ce a controlat decontul de cheltuieli, el l-a semnat. AFTER

1. Who is entitled to sue the Master of a ship and for what reason?
Shipowner or third parties have the right to sue him by his errors or
negligence. Where he is personally responsible for his fault as failure
to discharge his obligations conscientiously imperils the maritime
adventure and consequently public interests, however slight, except
fortuitous or force majeure cases.
What is the Master not entitled to do?
The master is not entitled to change the terms and conditions of the
contract concluded by the Shipowner. Nor is he entitled to make
concessions where demurrage is concerned.
he is not entitled to carry goods or passengers free of charge or to
use the ship in his own interest
He is not entitled to make the Owner responsible for payment of any
sums of money that are not necessary for the marine adventure
When can the Master raise money for the owner’s account and how
does he raise that money
He can raise money in cases of great necessity outside the port of
residence of the Owner or of his representative in order to ensure
continuation of the marine adventure by drawing draft on the
When is the Master entitled to abandon his ship
The Master has no right to leave or abandon the ship during the
voyage except under special conditions provided by the law.
For illegal abandonment he is responsible under the law.
Abandonment of the ship in case of peril
Who is the last person to leave a sinking ship and what should that
person take with him?
The master is the last person to leave a sinking ship and he should
take any document of the ship and the crew and salvage as far as
possible of the valuable goods and money or valuable on bord

2. Form verbs from the following nouns and adjectives and translate
those verbs:
Title To entitle A da dreptul
Peril To imperil. pune în pericol.
Failure To fail A esua
Loss To lose A pierde
Performance To perform a efectua
Shipper To ship A expedia
Payment To pay A plăti
Sure To ensure A garanta
Sinking To sink Să se scufunde
Able To be able A fi capabil

4 Give the antonyms of:

Performance of a contract Non-performance of a contract
Purchase Sale
Loading Discharge
Responsible Irresponsible
Possible Impossible
Sure Unsure /Insecure
Valuable Worthless
To discharge To load
To purchase To sale
To raise To lower

Fill in the blanks:

A) to raise, -d, -d = a ridica;

To rise, rose, risen = a se ridica
1. The Master can RAISE….. Money outside the owner’s port.
2. They will no doubt …RISE.. objections.
3. They had to …RISE.. that question.
4. The level of the Danube …..ROSE in spring.
5. The barometer will surely …RISE..
6. At the meeting yesterday, a man in the front bench …RISED..his
head and … his feet to speak

B) the latter = cel de-al doilea, cel din urma

The last = ultimul
The latest = ultimul (cel mai recent)
1. The Master must be the … leave a sinking ship.
2. Here is the …LATEST..sailing list of the Near East area.
3. The “Dauntless” and the “Undaunted” are both seaworthy ships;
the former is a tanker, the … ore-carrier.
4. She was the …LAST..vessel to sail from our port.
5. This is the …, the …LAST..information we could get.

5) Translate into romanian

A) 1. Failure to carry out the instructions created many
Neindeplinirea instrucțiunilor a creat multe neînțelegeri
2. Failure to carry through the repairs left the ship unseaworthy.
Neexecutarea reparațiilor a făcut ca nava să nu fie navigabilă
3. He failed to carry out the plan.
Nu a reușit să realizeze planul.
4. They failed to carry out the conditions of the contract.
Nu au reușit să îndeplinească condițiile contractului
B) 1. He will not be able to raise any money until he proves that it is
needed to ensure the ship’s seaworthiness.
El nu va putea strânge bani până nu va demonstra că sunt necesari
pentru a asigura navigabilitatea navei.
2. He will only undertake to carry the goods after the shipowner has
given his consent.
El se va angaja să transporte marfa numai după ce armatorul și-a dat
3. He will draw a draft on the shipowner as soon as he has been
informed what the repairs amount to.
El va trage o schiță armatorului de îndată ce va fi informat la ce
înseamnă reparațiile

6) Give the word (words) answering the following definitions:

1. The company of seamen manning a ship. CREW
2. An allowance by the charterer of a vessel to the owner for delay in
loading and unloading beyond the time named in the Charter Party.
3. Fitness (of a ship) to go to sea. SEAWOTHY
4. A written agreement to carry goods.CONTRACT OF CARRIGE
5. One who travels in a public conveyance by land, water or air.
6. The act of saving (a ship, goods, etc.). SALVAGE

7) Translate into english

A. Use “failure” or “to fail”
1. Neexecutarea contractului de transport; Execution failure of the
transport contract
neindeplinirea conditiilor contractuale; fulfillment failure of the
contractual conditions
neexecutarea planului. execution failure of the plan
2. Nu a indeplinit instructiunile; He failed to follow the instructions;
Nu a dus la bun sfarsit reparatiile; He failed to complete the repairs
Nu a furnizat bunker. He failed to provide a bunker
B. 1. Comandantul va avea dreptul sa faca concesii in ceea ce
priveste contrastaliile daca armatorul isi va da consimtamantul.
The master will have the right to make concessions regarding the
demurrages if the shipowner gives his consent.
2. Comandantul va parasi nava dupa ce va fi organizat salvarea
The master will leave the ship after the rescue of the passengers has
been arranged
3. Ei nu vor avea dreptul sa ridice bani inainte ca comandantul sa fi
vorbit cu armatorul.
They shall not have the right to withdraw money until the master has
spoken to the shipowner
C. 1. comandantul are dreptul sa modifice clauzele si conditiile unui
contract incheiat de armator? Nu, el nu are acest drept.
Does the master have the right to modify the terms and conditions of
a contract concluded by the shipowner? No, he does not have this
2. Are el voie sa faca concesii in legatura cu contrastaliile? Nu, nu are
Is he allowed to make concessions in connection with the demurrage
? No, he is not allowed!
3. Are el voie sa ridice sume de bani in contul armatorului spre a
asigura continuarea expeditiei? Da, are!
Is he allowed to withdraw money from the shipowner's account to
ensure the continuation of the expedition? Yes, he has!
4. Poate armatorul sa faca obiectii in acest caz? Nu, nu poate!
Can the shipowner object in this case? No, he can't!
5. Cand sunt asemenea cheltuieli justificate? Cand trebuie sa asigure
buna stare de navigabilitate a navei si executarea contractului de
When are such expenses justified? When it is necessary to ensure
the good navigability of the ship and the execution of the transport

Cap 5
1. What is the Master’s first duty before leaving port?
Before leaving the port the master should
A) to make sure the ship is seaworthy in every respect
B) exercise due diligence in order to have the all documents at hand
C) to know the conditions of transport
2. What is meant by a seaworthy ship?
the ship is seaworthy is that the ship , is manned according to the
rules, provided with all the navigation apparatus and documents,
bunker, materials and provisions
3. What documents must the Master have at hand?
The master should have at hand the following documents:
the ship’s articles , the ship’s certificate of registry , the radio
certificate , the ship’s classification and survey certificates , the
freeboard certificate , the deratization certificate , the crew’s
customs declaration, the bill of health , the log book and engineer’s
log, Copies of the bills of lading of the shipped cargo , the cargo

4. What is meant by the transport conditions?

Transport conditions is meant that the master must know :
What goods he is to load ,In what port he is to load them , Who are
the shippers , Weight and/or volume of the goods , Packing, nature
(dangerous, perishable) The stowage factor (measurement per ton),
Who is to procure dunnage , Rate of loading and/or discharge ,
Calculating the lay days , Date when he must send the notice of
arrival (rule: eight days, four days and twenty-four hours – final
notice , Who is to bear loading and/or discharge charges
5.What information must the Master transmit to the agent and
According to the Charter Party of instructions from the Shipowner or
Ship Agent, the Master must announce the Agent at the port of
destination and possibly the receivers, the date of the ship’s arrival
and the goods he has on board.
6. What must the Master do if the port is congested?
If the port of destination is congested and no berths are available,
the vessel remaining in the roads waiting for berth, the Master must
inform the agent, shippers and/or receivers of his arrival and his
readiness to load and/or discharge.
7. What is the importance of this last announcement?
Such an announcement is of great importance: it stands in lieu of
notice and marks the moment of the vessel’s arrival in the roads
It is from that moment that the time lost by the vessel in waiting for
berth is counted
8. What does the shipowner send the agent after the vessel has
When the vessel sails for the port of loading, the shipowner sends
the agent the Charter Party with a letter containing his instructions.
If the ship must discharge cargo, he also sends copies of the Bills of
Lading and Cargo Manifest, a statement of facts or the time-sheet of
9. Whom does the agent get in touch with after receiving the
Master’s notice?
On receiving the Master’s notice of arrival the agent advises the
shippers who will see that the goods are ready
10. What should the shippers do then?
the shippers will see that the goods are ready
11. And what should the receivers do
the receivers who are advised so that they may have the time to
procure transport facilities
12. Whom does the agent get in touch with on receiving the final
On receiving the final notice, the agent informs the port authorities
(pilot station, immigration authority, customs) and arranges for the
vessel to enter port without delay and shippers arrange for the
necessary port facilities.
ii. Fill in prepositions and conjunctions
1. The Master should make sure …THAT..the ship is seaworthy
…IN…every respect.
2. …UPON ..leaving port the Master should have the following
documents …AT..hand.
3. … Under the..contractual terms discharge/charges are borne
….by.the charterer.
4. The Masters is responsible ...for..taking the goods …on..board and
…on..cabling …to..the agent the date …of..the ship’s arrival …to..the
port …of..destination.
5. The vessel is …ON..the roads, waiting …FOR..berth.
6. The agent arranges …FOR..the vessel to enter THE…..port ….ON

iii. Change the verbs according to the model – pre-arranged action

Model: The goods (which) he loads/loaded.
The goods (which) he is/he was to load.
1. The person who is to procure dunnage.
2. The party who is to bear the charges.
3. The ship is to that take the goods on board.
4. The stevedores who were to stow the goods.
5. The date on which the ship was to arrive.
6. The day when the goods were to be discharged.
iv. Insert for-phrases:
1. It is impossible for her to reach the port of destination in time
2. It is necessary for the master to get in touch with the Agent (the
3. He called the Agent for him to know the ship’s date of arrival.
4. It is difficult for the stevedores to load the ship in such weather
5. The main thing for us is to terminate the ship’s discharge tonight
6. They cabled to the owner for him to know how things stand (he).
7. The work was too difficult for one gang of workers to do alone
(one gang of workers).

v. Replace the verbs in italics by gerund or participle constructions:

1. When he received the notice, he will advise the shippers.
Having received the notice, he will advise the shippers
2. When the ship enters port, she has transport facilities at her
On entering the port she has transport facilities at her disposal
3. When he learnt the conditions of transport, he called the owner.
Having learned the conditions of transport, he called the owner
4. When he reached the roads, he contacted the agent by radio.
Having reached the roads, he contacted the agent by radio
5. As soon as she sailed for Athens, she experienced heavy weather.
Having sailed for Athens, she experienced heavy weather.
6. As the ship had been damaged, she had to put in at a port of
Having been damaged she had to put in at a port of refuge

vi. Translate into English:

A) Use the Present Perfect for the main verb:
1. V-ati asigurat ca nava este in buna stare de navigabilitate?
have made sure that the shpi is seaworthy ?
2. Ati aflat (to learn) cine sunt incarcatorii?
have learnt who are the shipper ?
3. Nava a parasit deja portul?
has the ship already left the port?
4. Marfurile nu au fost inca descarcate?
Haven’t the good’s been disharged yet ?
5. Nava a ajuns deja in portul de destinatie?
Has the ship already get to the port of destination ?
6. Agentul a fost informat de sosirea navei?
Has the agent been informed about hr ships arrival ?
7. S-au procurat mijloacele de transport necesare?
Have the necessary means of transport been procured ?
8. Au fost trimise conosamentele?
Have the Bills of lading been sent ?
9. Marfurile au fost pregatite pentru incarcare?
Have the good been prepared for loading ?
B) see notes:
1. Marfurile urmeaza sa fie descarcate in cursul dupa amiezii.
The goods are to be disharged in the afternoon
2. Tractoarele urmeaza sa soseasca azi.
The tractor are to arrive today
3. Macaraua aceasta urmeaza sa incarce douazeci de tone pe zi.
This crane is to load 20 tone per day
4. Agentul urma sa anunte pe incarcatori de venirea navei.
The agent was to notify
5. Cand urma sa intre nava in port?
When was the ship to entering the port ?

C) Use the gerund or participle

1. Atunci cand primeste preavizarea finala, agentul informeaza
autoritatile portuare.
Upon receiving the final notice, the agent informs the port
2. Dupa ce a primit contractul de navlosire, comandantul a incarcat
Having received the charter contract, the master loaded the cargo.
3. Dupa ce s-a asigurat ca nava este in buna stare de navigabilitate
comandantul porneste (to sail) spre portul de destinatie.
Having made sure the ship is seaworthy , the master sailed to port of
4. Dupa ce a parasit portul nava s-a indreptat spre portul de
Having left the port the ship headed to the port of destination
5. Cand a sosit in port, comandantul a anuntat agentul
Having reached the port , the master notified the agent

Cap 6
1. What documents must the Master submit to the port authorities
on reaching the port of destination?
On reaching the port of destination the Master should have the
following documents at hand, to submit to the port authorities:The
bill of health , The ship’s articles , The crew’s customs declaration ,
The cargo manifest , Copies of the bills of lading
2. Under what circumstances must the Master lodge a sea protest?
The Master must lodge a sea protest If anything out of the ordinary
has happened during the voyage, or the ship and/or the cargo have
been damaged, or the weather has been particularly bad so that
there is fear of the good or the ship being damaged
3. What happens if the Customs Officer finds on board anything that
has not been declared in the Cargo Manifest?
In case of the Customs Officer finds anything on board that has not
been declared in the Cargo Manifest they will confiscate it and issue
a fine
4. Who informs the Master of the date and the exact time when the
vessel is to start loading?
the Ship Agent informs the Master of the date and the exact time
when the vessel is to start loading
5. What does the Mate’s Receipt set forth?
Mate’s Receipt is a document sets forth the number and type of
packages making up the parcel to be loaded, their marking, volume
and weight, and the name of the port of discharge
6. What is a qualification on the Mate’s Receipt or Bill of Lading and
when is it made?
Qualifications on the Mate’s Receipt to show the real condition of
the commodities, specifying, for example, that some containers are
broken or stained, torn or second hand, spilling, leaking or if there is
a shortage , it is made After each parcel of goods has been loaded
7. When is a letter of indemnity issued to the Master?
Letter of indemnity issued to the master in case of any change from
the parties of the contract that prevent a clean bill of ladings
8. When is the time sheet drawn up?
On the termination of loading or discharge, the Master in agreement
with his agent or with the shipper or receiver, draws up the time-
9. What should the Master do before breaking bulk?
Before breaking bulk, particularly if the goods are valuable or
perishable, the Master should ask for a survey on the hatchways and
on the condition of the goods.
10. What does the surveyor state in his certificate?
The surveyor draws up a certificate showing, as a rule, whether the
hatchways had been properly closed and whether the goods were
found in good condition or damaged.
Should the goods be damaged, the surveyor shows the cause, nature
and extent of the damage
11. When does the Master exercise his right of lien on the goods?
In the port of discharge the Master may exercise his right of lien on
the goods, when the owners of the goods have debts to pay to the
ship as a result of non-payment of freight, demurrage, damages for
detention, dead freight, salvage charges or other debts incurred in
sea transport
12. When is the lien for non-payment of demurrage enforced?
The lien for non-payment of demurrage enforced if the carriage of
the goods is effected under a Bill of Lading only, provided that
document incorporates a clause on the payment of demurrage

ii. Fill in the blanks:

A) with prepositions and conjunctions
1. The parcel is accompanied WITH..a Mate’s Receipt.
2. …UPON..the termination …OF..loading, the Master
…SIGN…agreement …WITH..his agent, draws up the time sheet.
3. The Master should ask …FOR..a survey … Before …breaking bulk.
4. The Master checks the Bill of Lading … in see … tallies … with …the Mate’s Receipt.
5. The lien …FOR..non-payment …OF…demurrage may also be
enforced …IF..the carriage of the goods is effected …UNDER..a Bill
…OF..Lading, the B/L incorporates a clause …ON..the payment of
B) with verbs
To …HAVE .a loss, to …PAY.a debt, to … expenditure, to
…LODGE..a protest, to … DRAW …up a report, to …HOIST..the
Romanian flag, to …break..bulk, to … appoint..a surveyor, to …
drawn.up a certificate, to …ENFORCE.a lien, to …’s

III. Give the antonyms of the following words:

Payment Unpayment ,
loading, Discharging
infringement Comply;
To find To loss,
to load To empty,
to be able, To be unable
to take, To give
to reject, To accept
to appoint To dismiss ,
to commence; To cease
Ordinary, Particular
swift SLOW,
faultless. imperfect

iv. Give the words answering the following definitions

1. The right to detain goods until some claim has been satisfied. The
right of lien
2. A deficiency – the amount of a deficiency. shortage
3. An opening in the deck to reach the holds. hatch way
4. The port where the goods are loaded/shipped loading port
5. The port where the goods are discharged Discharging port
6. An agreement in writing concerning the hire of a vessel charter
7. A sum paid for space reserved in a vessel but not made use of for
cargo. Dead freight
8. Limitation of meaning. Restriction

vi. Translate into English:

A) Use should both with if and in the inverted form:

1. Daca secundul navei face mentiuni pe ordinul de ambarco, acele
mentiuni trebuie sa fie trecute pe conosament.
Should the second officer make qualification , this qualification must
be written on the bill of lading
2. Daca butoaiele curg, aceasta trebuie specificat pe conosament.
Should barrel leak this must be mentioned in Bill of Lading
3. Daca incarcarea este defectuoasa, comandantul depune un
Should loading be faulty , the master lodge a Bill of Lading
B) Use the –ing form in the Perfect
1. Dupa ce a terminat incarcarea unei partide de marfa, comandantul
trebuie sa semneze conosamentul.
Having finished loading the master must sign the Bill of Lading
2. Dupa ce a primit notisul, agentul l-a trimis incarcatorului.
Having received the notice , the agent send it to the charter
3. Deoarece nimic neobisnuit nu s-a intamplat in timpul calatoriei,
comandantul nu a depus un protest de mare.
Having untested anything out the ordinary the master didn’t lodge a
sea protest

Cap 7
1. What is a notice of readiness?
The notice of readiness written documents whereby the Master
brings to the notice of the Shippers or Receivers, that the ship under
his command is in every respect ready to load or discharge the goods
in accordance with the provisions of the contract of carriage
2. To whom is the notice of readiness delivered?
The notice of readiness is delivered to the Shippers or Receivers, as a
rule through the ship agent, in duplicate
3. When is a notice of readiness delivered?
The notice of readiness is delivered when the ship is ready to load or
discharge the goods
4. Why is the notice delivered in two copies?
One copy is returned to the Master after it has been accepted or, if it
has not been accepted
5. When do the lay day commence?
In accordance with usage and under a Gencon Charter-Party, the lay
days commence at fourteen hours on the day when the notice has
been delivered, provided this has been done during official hours,
before twelve o’clock
6. What conditions must be fulfilled for the lay days to commence?
the lay days commence, provided the ship fulfils the following
1) provided she is considered as an “arrived ship”, that is, she is
berthed or anchored at the place shown in the contract of carriage,
and has received free pratique;
2) provided she is in all respects fit to load or discharge;
3) provided the notice has been delivered to the shippers or
4) provided the notice has been accepted.
7. What to the shippers do before accepting the notice?
Having made certain that the ship has arrived at the time and place
laid down in the Charter Party, the Shippers inspect the ship’s hold in
order to ascertain whether they are fit to receive the particular cargo
the ship has engaged to transport and it is only then that they accept
the notice.
8. What ships are not bound to give notice of readiness?
As a rule the vessels trading on regular lines are not strictly bound to
give notice of readiness either for loading and discharge

Fill in the blanks:

A) with prepositions where required:
The lay days commence …AT..fourteen hours …ON .the day when the
notice has been delivered.
The notice is transmitted …BY .email if the ship cannot enter …THE
The reasons …FOR .non-acceptance …OF.the notice must be stated.
One copy …OF ..the notice is returned …TO..the Master.
The ship must be berthed …WHERE..the place shown …IN .the
B) with the conjunctions given below: that, provided, in order to, if,
The notice is not accepted …IF..the ship is not fit to load.
The lay days commence at fourteen hours …AFTER .the notice has
been delivered before twelve o’clock.
The shippers inspect the holds … in order ascertain whether
they are fit to receive the cargo.
A copy of the notice is returned to the Master … THAT .the notice has
been accepted.
This document brings to the notice of the shippers … provided .the
ship is ready to load.

III. What do you call the person:

Who ships goods Shipper
Who charters a ship Charter
Who receives goods Receiver
Who writes books Writer
Who reads Reader
Who speaks Speaker
Who works Stiviuder

IV. Give the nouns corresponding to the following verbs:

To arrive, Arrive
to accept acceptance
not to accept, non-acceptance
to receive, Receipt
to load, load
to discharge, discharge
to berth Berth,
to anchor Anchor ,
to deliver Delivery ,
to enter Entrance .

V. Give the nouns answering the following definitions:

The days allowed by the charter party for loading or unloading a
vessel. LAYDAY
A place, less enclosed than a harbour where ships may ride at
anchor. ROASTED
The commander of a merchant vessel MASTER
The freight of a ship CARGO
The place where a ship lies at a wharf BERTH
The interior of a vessel below decks where cargo is stowed HOLD
An instrument that being cast overboard, lays hold of the earth by a
hook and thus holds the vessel in a particular place. ANCHOR ,
VI. Translate into English:

De ce nu s-a acceptat notisul?

Why they didn’t accept the notice ?
De ce nu s-a adus aceasta la cunostinta comandantului?
Why they didn’t brought it to the attention of the commander ?
De ce nu s-a inapoiat o copie comandantului?
Why they not return a copy to the master ?
De ce nu s-au incarcat marfurile?
Why they didn’t loaded the goods ?
De ce nu s-au descarcat marfurile?
Why they didn’t discharge the goods ?
Dupa ce a scris scrisoarea, a pus-o la posta .
After writing the letter, he put it in the mail
Dupa ce a incarcat marfa, a ridicat ancora.
After loading the goods, he raised the anchor.
Dupa ce a ancorat, a anuntat agentul.
After anchoring, he announced the agent
Dupa ce a acostat, a descarcat marfa.
After docking , he discharge the goods.

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