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Acorn Word Problems With Ten Frames

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Acorn Math

Story Problems
Print page three (the ten frames page) and laminate it for durability.
Print and cut apart the task cards. Laminate for durability.
Give your student the problem page and the task cards. Demonstrate how to use the ten
frames page to help solve the problems. Ask your student to record equations and solutions
on the problems page in the spaces provided.
Answer Key:

1.) 2 2.) 6 3.) 5 4.) 7 5.) 9 6.) 6 7.) 7 8.) 8

9.) 7 10.) 2 11.) 2 12.) 6 13.) 8 14.) 10 15.) 5 16.) 7

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Acorn Math

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Problem #1 Problem #2
Mother Squirrel saved ten Rodney Rat gave Mary Mouse
acorns, but a mouse got two acorns. Mary found four
into her stash and ate eight. more in her pantry. How many
How many acorns does Mother acorns does Mary Mouse
Squirrel have now? have?

Problem #3 Problem #4
Silas Squirrel bought seven Stella Squirrel found four acorns
acorns at the store. He ate two hidden in the tree. She found
on the way home. How many three more under a stick. How
acorns does he have left? many total acorns did she find?

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Problem #5 Problem #6
Wood mouse collects acorns. Sofia Squirrel ate two acorns
His uncle gave him three at the party. When she got
acorns. His brother gave him home, she ate four more.
six acorns. How many acorns How many acorns did she
does he have altogether? eat?

Problem #7 Problem #8
Sawyer Squirrel doesn’t like Sadie found five acorns under
acorns. He threw five out the Sawyer’s window. She found
window. He threw two in the three more under a flower.
trash. How many acorns did he How many acorns did Sadie
discard? find?

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Problem #9 Problem #10
Ruth Rabbit gave Mouse one Skippy Squirrel had ten acorns.
acorn. Then she gave Rat two He put six acorns on his pizza.
acorns. She gave four more He used another two acorns in
acorns to Chipmunk. How many a stew. How many acorns did
acorns did Ruth give away? he have left?

Problem #11 Problem #12

Chad Chipmunk needs ten Jimmy Jay cleaned his nest and
acorns. He found five on the found three acorns. He found
forest floor and he found three two more on the ground and his
in a hollow tree. How many son gave him one more. How
more acorns does Chad need? many acorns does Jimmy have?

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Problem #13 Problem #14
Sammy Squirrel had five The animals are having a picnic.
acorns. He ate one. His mom Pigeon came with two acorns.

gave him four more. Duck came with five acorns. Mouse
came with three acorns. What is
How many acorns did he have
the total number of acorns at the
in all?

Problem #15 Problem #16

Sally Squirrel had ten acorns. She Aunt Sylvie is going to make a nut
gave two to her friend. She gave cake. She needs four acorns for
three more to her brother, the cake, two acorns for the
Sammy. What is the total frosting, and one acorn for the
number of Sally Squirrel’s top. How many total acorns does
acorns? she need?
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Acorn Answers Name
1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

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Acorn Answers Name
9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16

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