Basic 1 Workbook Units 9 and - 10
Basic 1 Workbook Units 9 and - 10
Basic 1 Workbook Units 9 and - 10
Unit 9
Health And Fitness
a. What are the people doing? Look at the pictures and complete the sentences.
b. Put the words in the correct order to make imperative sentences. Start each
sentence with a capital letter.
Jolt Gym
a. Write an ad for a gym. Include the following information.
b. What is so good about your gym? Try to convince your partner to join your gym.
Let’s Register!
a. Which of these activities can you usually do in a gym?
1. I don’t know how to use weight
a. It’s over there.
machines. ___
2. What do you think? ___ b. It’s great. Let’s register!
3. Do you have exercise classes? ___ c. Don’t worry. Our trainers can help you.
4. Where’s the swimming pool? ___ d. Yes. We have many different kinds.
c. What happened in the video? Number the sentences in the correct order.
Salesclerk: __________________________________________________?
Customer: __________________________________________________.
Salesclerk: __________________________________________________?
Customer: __________________________________________________.
Salesclerk: __________________________________________________.
c. What do you think about different sports and exercises? Complete the sentences.
c. Write five facts about trampolines and trampoline jumping that you learned from
this lesson. Then share your facts with a partner.
1. _______________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________________________
Fitness Now
a. Do you remember the podcast on staying fit in the office? Mark these statements
true or false.
True False
Do Don’t
c. With a partner, discuss other ways to stay healthy in an office. Then share them with
the class.
Unit 10
a. Who are they? Complete the sentences using the words below.
b. Complete the sentences with the correct Present Simple form of the verb in brackets.
A Job Fair
a. Complete the poster with the words below.
Ella’s Job
a. Do you remember Ella from the video? Another customer walks into Ella’s flower
shop. Read the dialogue and answer the questions.
1. How do we know that Ella and Mrs. Janz know each other?
b. You are a florist. Tell your partner why you like working in a flower shop.
I’m a salesclerk.
c. Interview a partner. Ask him or her four questions about what he or she does. Then
have your partner interview you.
2. ______________________________________________________________?
Summer Jobs
a. Do you remember the people interviewed in the article “Summer Jobs”? Read each
sentence. Who is the sentence talking about? Mark the correct name or names.
b. What does each person do? Write a sentence about each of these occupations.
c. What do you think is a good summer job? Share your answer with a partner.
Tell him or her why you think it’s a good job. Give at least three reasons. Then have
your partner do the same.
1. Zara loves working out. She is in great shape. She
likes to help others get in shape, too.
2. Rafael knows a lot about many subjects. He is very
good at explaining things. He enjoys working with
3. Omar is very friendly and enjoys meeting new people.
He is helpful and patient. He is also good at math.
4. Nadia enjoys being outdoors. She loves plants, trees,
and flowers. She enjoys working with her hands.
b. What do you like to do? Mark the sentences that are true for you.
c. Tell your a partner what type of person you are. Have your partner tell you what he or
she thinks is the best job for you. Make sure to include the following information: